Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 10, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XL. 0. 12,478.
fm V NH m sCfiMS. yfrfl vk
jjuromrar jiii w
03f FixtlirCS ..Newest Designs..
Billiard Tables ..pool -rabies..
Billiard Supplies. Repairs..
rothchild bros., Bowling Alley
20-26 N. First St.," Portland. ..Supplies and Repairs..
Mount Hood Pepsin
and Celery Bitters
Universally Recommended.
Special Discounts to the Trade.
144-146 Fourth St.
rutl. METSCSAN. Pre.
European Plan: .... $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day
n a Thousand Exquisite
and Practical Forms
Plain and Ornamental Sterling Silver Mountings.
No Charge for Engraving.
PopHiar-Price Druggists Fourth and Washington Sts.
Complete stock of reliable, up-to-date
footwear, Including the celebrated
KRAUSSE & PRINCE 87-89 first st.
Sample pairs delivered free by mall or express.
Electric Night Lamps
2 C. P. and 16 C P. In one lamp; Invaluable for sick room, hospitals,
halls, etc.
Our 10 C. P. Shelby regular lamp gives more light than 16 C P.
of any other make: consumes less current. These lamps are Indorsed
all leading authorities. We guarantee them. A full 16 C P.. 32 C. P.
and 10 C. P.
25 varieties electric reading lights: special light, reading in bed.
Andirons in good designs for JL50 pair and up.
Tel. Main 122.
Special rates made to families and single gentlemen. The manage
ment will be pleased at all times to show rooms and Rive prices. A mod
ern Turkish bath establishment in the hotel. H. C. DOWERS, Manager.
Library Association of Portland
24,000 volumes and over 200 periodicals
$5.00 a year or $1.50 a quarter
Two books allowed on all subscriptions
Hours From 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. daily, except Sundays ond holidays.
Yu Hsien a Scapegoat.
LONDON. Dec 10.-Dr. Morrison In a
dispatch to the Times, dated Pekin. Sep
tember 6, says:
"A prominent Chinese official tells me
he believes the edict regarding Gen
eral Tung Fuh Slang is the outcome of
the Empress Dowager's alarm at the re
port received by her from the southern
Viceroys of the intention of the Ger
mans to send an expedition to cut off
the court's supplies. He further declares
that the court is prepared to make a
scapegoat of Yu Hsien."
Iloxers Disturbing Corea.
LONDON". Dec. 10. 'The Boxers are dis
turbing North and "Western Corea," says
the St. Petersburg correspondent of the
Dally Mall, "and the Russian troops are
preparing- to scatter them."
- Frank Drug Co.
Portland, Oregon
J. G. Mack & Co.
88 Third St.,
Opposite Chamber of Commerce
C W. ENOWLE3. Mgr.
i t
John Barrett Co.
53.00 PER DAY
and upward.
Bet. 7th xnd Park
Holland Is Alarmed.
IX)NDON, Dec. 10. Special dispatches
from The Hague report the feling there
as one of alarm at the prospect of an
Anglo-German-Portuguese combination
which might snatch the Dutch seaboard
or seize Java. It is reported at the
Dutch capital that the possibility of
war with England has even been dis
cussed by the Cabinet Council. Queen
Wilhelmlna will give a dinner in honor of
Mr. Kruger, but he has abandoned all
hope of any effective result of his visit to
Europe, although he does not despair of
meeting Emperor Nicholas, possibly on
the Rivleria.
To Cut Off Doers' Food Supply.
LONDON, Dec. 10. A dispatch from Jo
hannesburg sa"s the town has been
.fenced round -with barbed wire to prevent
the Inhabitants getting' food to the Boers.
Aggregate Over $40,000
Every Year Under
Suggestion That It Be Invested in
Cnrrent Loans Needed hy
Cltles and Coun
ties. SALEM, Or., Dec. 9. The Board of
School Land Commissioners of the State
of Oregon has In Its care and control the
common school funds of the state aggre
gating in value abut J3.500.000. The exact
amount of this fund is calculated every
two years, and will not be determined for
the present biennial term until near the
close of the year. This fund, at the
close of the last biennial term, December
3L 1S98, -was made up as follows:
Notes representing loans from ,
the fund ?i;S37,152 97
Land notes (deferred payments) 515,576 29
Land notes in course of col
lection 23S.435 00
Lands, securing loan notes,
deeded to state 3S.7E0 00
Loans foreclosed and Judg
ments recovered 24.9G0 00
Loans foreclosed and lands bid
in by the state 69.530 00
Cash on hand 444.S3S 17
Total $3,199,302
This Is the fund which produces the
money annually apportioned among the
common schools of the state. As will be
readily seen, the moneys outstanding are
of two classes money due upon school
land which has been bought and only a
partial payment made thereon, and money
which has been borrowed from the school
fund upon mortgage security.
The board has two classes of duties to
perform: To sell the state lands and to
lend the trust funds given to its care.
"When it sells state land, the principal sum
of the purchase price goes into the irre
ducible common school fund, while any In
terest that may be received upon deferred
payments for such land is placed In tho
interest fund and forms a part of the sum
annually apportioned among the counties
of the state in proportion to the popula
tion between 4 and 20 years of age. The
principal sum is lent on approved real
estate securities, and the Interest received
on these loans is also placed in the inter
est fund. All the expenses of "managing
the funds are paid out of the interest, so
that it appears that the amount of money
annually disbursed to the public schools
of the state is the net Interest. upon tho
irreducible school fund.
The -question has been raised whether
the state would not do better to go out
of. the money-lending business and invest
its school money in securities, such as
National, state, county and city bonds and
warrants. This question Is raised, pre
sumably, with the thought that although
the state received formerly 8 per cent
interest, and now 6 per cent Interest, the
expenses of managing the funds, and the
losses sustained by reason of bad loans
are so great as to cut the net revenue be
low what would be realized upon the
same amount of money invested in securi
tls which are perfectly safe, and which
require no attention In the way of collec
tion. The first matter for investigation in
studying this question is the actual per
cent of profit that has been realized upon
the irreducible school fund in the past.
The first step In such an investigation
discloses a wretched condition of the of
ficial reports, which might be expected
to throw light upon the subject. Here
tofore the amount of the Irreducible
school fund has been computed but once
In two years, and in some cases even that
computation Is very Incomplete and un
satlsfactory. In the biennial report of
the State Treasurer Is set forth page
after page of a list of names of persons
who have paid small amounts of Interest;
but there is no statement showing the
total receipts for any one year. The bi
ennial reports of the Land Department
set forth. In some cases, a detailed list of
men who have given purchase notes, but
falls to give the total amount of such
notes. And so it is throughout, in other
particulars. So far as can be ascertained,
however, the irreducible common school
fund for the last 10 years has been as fol
lows at the close of each biennial term:
1S90 J2.2D0.622 26
1SS2 2,404.60613
1S94 2,531.616 95
1S96 2.663.79154
1893 3,199,302 43
Total J13.0S9.939 31
This makes the average amount In the
fund within the last 10 years $2,617 1S7 S6.
The annual apportionments for the same
period of 10 years were as follows:
1S90 .
$ 144,372 15IISS3 13S.472 05
1S91 153,15190
li37 130,154 24
1S9S 156.903 60
IS99 199.205 SS
1S32 162,056 50
1593 16S.S03 00
1594 107.693 82
1595 133.2S175
Total ....Jl.496,204 9
The average of these apportionments Is
$149,620 49. As the apportionments are
made in August, it will be seen that the
interest is computed to an annual period
ending six months later than the ascer
tainment of the amount of the fund.
Taking this average annual apportion
ment as the product, and the average
amount In the fund as the principal, a
computation shows that the product is
5.7 per cent of the principal.
But all the notes bearing interest are
not loan notes. A considerable portion
are land notes, representing the unpaid
portion of the purchase price of school
land. Had the board been investing
funds In securities during those 10 years.
It could not have invested the money rep
resented by these land notes in that man
ner. The common school funds, which
might be made available for such invest
ment, are the moneys reported as repre
sented by loan notes and the cash in the
treasury. The following table shows the
face value of loan notes and the amount
of cash on hand at the close of each bi
ennial period:
1S90 Notes J1.719.3S9 36
Cash 87.121 22
1892 Notes 1.93S.507 22
Cash 97,018 87
1S94 Notes 2.0S9.7S9 76
Cash 59.5S7 23
1S96 Notes 2,073.833 46
Cash -. 150.459 67
1S9S Notes 12,308,827 97
Cash 444.S9S17
Total .$10,869,432 96
This includes land bid in by the state
at foreclosure sale, and costing $13,780 00.
tThis includes lands, securing loan notes
to the amount of $3S,750, deeded to the
state because the state could not collect
the debt; judgments obtained against bor-
rowers to the amount of $24,950, and lands
bid In by the state at foreclosure sale, to
tho amount of 369.520.
Tho average of these amounts In what
may bo called the loan fund Is $2,173,856 59,
or $444,101 27 less than the average amount
of tho Irreducible common school fund.
But while not all the irreducible com
mon school fund could be made available
for investment, neither is the total prod
uct of the irreducible school fund the
interest received from money loaned. This
product alio Includes the interest upon
deferred payments on land purchased. The
amount of this interest by1 biennial terms
is shown by the following table:
1S90 $52,120 11
1S92 i 49,073 77
1891 1 25.S63 71
1896 ; 0.83149
1893 '. 46,999 54
Total Interest on land notes.. ..$194,SSS 62
The period for which this Interest Is
computed begins and ends six months
earlier than the period for which tho net
product of the common school fund was
computed, but the difference occasioned
thereby Is slight.
The total Interest on the common school
fund for 10 years was Jl.496.204 89. De
ducting from this the $191,SSS 62. received
as interest on land notes, we have $1,301,
326 27 as the Interest on the loanable
funds. The average per year would
therefore be $130,132 63. Taking this as
a product and the loanable funds as a
principal, it Is seen that the product is
5.93 per cent of the principal, or almost
6 per cent.
During the 10 years under consideration
the board lent money at S per cent. Tho
difference between this and the 6 per cent
turned over to the public schools of the
state represents the cost of managing
the fund, and the losses suffered through
bad loans. The expenses of managing tho
fund are composed of a portion of tho
salaries and office expenses of the cler
ical force In. the office of the clerk of the
State Eand Board, the fees paid to attor
neys for the board, the costs of foreclos
ures, etc A small portion of the 2 per
cent difference is also due to the un
loaned fund lying idle in the treasury.
It would be impossiblo to determine what
portion of the expenses of the land office
is incurred on account or sales of land
and what portion on account of loans, but
since a part of the expenses are borne by
tho interest derived from deferred pay
ments on sales, the burden may be pre
sumed to be about equally divided.
The biennial report of the -land office
for the term ending in 1S9S shows that of
the irreducible school fund, $133,240 is
made up of lands secured by reason of
bad loans and judgments on foreclosures.
That the state will ever recover tho full
amount it has lent on these lands is seri
ously doubted. If it does not, the loss
will fall upon the Interest fund, and this
loss will reduce the net profits shown by
the foregoing computations.
The question now before the board
before the Legislature, rather is whether
the present system of lending the com
mon school funds should be changed. In
other words, whether the state can reason
ably expect to make a greater per cent
of profit by some other method of invest
ing the funds. During the 10-year period
under consideration, the board made its
loans at 8 per cent, and at the same time
private individuals! made loans on similar
securities at 10 per cent. Tho amount of -I
tne loaname iuna averaged $z,i73.j56 &9. j
The cost of managing the fund. Including
losses already determined, was 2 per cent
of tho principal, or $43,477 73 per year. No
one will question the assertion that 6 per
cent net is a better profit than can be
made by safe investments in bonds at
the present time. The board has already
reduced Its rate of Interest to 6 per cent.
The question really presented is, whether
the state could have made, in the 10 years
considered, a better profit than it did, if
different methods had been pursued. If
it could have done better in the past by a
different plan of Investment, there Is some
reason to believe that It can do better in
the future by a change of that nature.
The biennial appropriation for the man
agement of the trust funds of the stale
is $12,000 or JGOOO per year. Probably half
of this, or $3000, is chargeable to the man
agement of the common school fund.
The remaining $40,477 which it has cost
the state to lend the fund, is due to at
torneys' fees, losses, etc The primary
question would seem to be, then, whether
the state could have invested its funds so
as to have avoided this loss of $40,477.
Those who advance the opinion that tho
money could better have been invested-in
other securities Instead of being lent on
real estate mortgages, suggest National,
state, county and municipal bonds as safe
and more profitable investments. That
the interest on such securities during' the
10 years ending with 189S would not, alone,
yield 6 per cent net, Is" quite apparent.
As the premium on such securities varies
with the money market. It is asserted that
a judicious investment of money in bonds
in the early '90s might have realized much
more than 6 per cent. But such Invest
ment with a rise in values In view Is
more or less of a "gamble" and a loss
might be sustained Instead of a gain. It
would be difficult to invest any large sum
In gild-edge bonds today and realize 3
per. cent Interest upon them, calculating
Interest alone "Whether the market val
ue of bonds will advance, time only wil
There was not a time in the 10 years
beginning with 1SS9 when there were not
thousands of dollars worth of state, coun
ty and city warrants outstanding In Ore
gon, drawing S per cent Interest. No bet
ter security could be asked for. There
probably was not a day of that time when
the state Itself did not nave a consider
able quantity of outstanding warrants
drawing 8 per cent Interest. Since the
state, counties and cities saw fit to con
duct their business in such a manner as
to make it necessary for them to pay
S per cent Interest on an indebtedness, it
is urged that the common school fund
should have profited by this condition of
While It Is not the policy of the state
to encourage counties in paying Interest,
It Is argued that If the counties must
pay interest, they may be required to pay
It to a certain fund. That Is, a county
which has no funds with which to pay its
running expenses should be required to
borrow from the common school fund
and pay Its expenses in cash, Instead of
Issuing warrants and paying to warrant
speculators the legal rate of interest. The
Interest expense to the counties would be
the same; the profits to the common school
fund would be greater.
It is reasonable to presume that in the
next 10 years the counties of this state
will pay 6 per cent Interest on hundreds of
thousands of dollars of floating indebted
ness. At the same time, if the present
system shall continue, the common school
fund will be lent at 6 per cent gross, yield
ing probably 4 per cent net- Whether
the net Income can be advanced to 5 per
cent, 55 or even 5& per cent, by authoriz
ing the board to lend the money to coun
ties or to invest it In other safe securities,
Is a matter in -which the -whole state Is
The policy and practice of the present
Board of School Land Commissioners,
consisting of Governor Geer, Secretary of
State Dunbar and State Treasurer Moore,
is above reproach. The board is gov
erned by the laws passed by the Legisla-
Concluded on Second Page.)
Santa Fe Telegraphers Firm
in Their Demands.
Officials of Railway State Backbone
of Movement Is Broken Train
men Threaten to Leave
TOPEKA, Kan., Dec 9. At 8 o'clock
tonight practically all tho telegraphers
on the Atchison, Topeka &. Santa Fe
proper are still out. A few men returned
to work, this morning, under the im
pression that the strike had been called
mm NYM '""
off, and were later on induced to Join
the strikers. Later In the day they were
all out to a man west of Emporia. Not a
man will return to work, unless their
grievances are settled In the fullest pos
sible manner.
At 3:30 this morning an official at the
Santa Fe depot sent a caller after .a
depot operator to go to work. When the
operator arrived the official represented
that the strike had been ended, and that
he had better return to work, as every
body else had done so. The operator did
so, and soon the news of his action went
to the other strikers. They thus gained
the Impression that the grievance was
settled, and many of them returned to
work, but stopped as soon as the real
facts were ascertained.
Men from different places all along the
line wired into the train dispatcher's of
fice here, asking the conditions, and
whether the strike would continue. They
were Informed that the strike was prac
tically settled, and the only thing for
them to do was to return to work. This
many of them did, and It began to looR.
something like the strike was ended.
Soon the condition of affairs became.
known to the operators of this city, and
they Immediately started to make a
change In the condition of affairs. They
busled themselves In getting the real
news of the situation along the line, with
the result that the operators went out
The railway company then met this last
move by positively ordering all the strik
ers to stay out of the offices and away,
from the keys. No communications -can
thus be sent to some of the few who are
yet working. Operators in places where
there are up-town telegraph offices have
been reached in that manner, while those
in smaller places will be reached in an
other manner before noon tomorrow. The
strikers are confident that by the time
mentioned they will have the strike at its
full height, and that traffic of all kinds
on the Santa Fe -will bo tied up.
The fact developed today that numer
ous operators along the line had not yet
convinced themselves that the order for
the strike was genuine. "When telegraph
ic inquiries of Topeka failed to bring sat
isfactory answers, operators by twos and
threes from various parts of the state
began to arrive in Topeka to get at the
real truth of the situation. Once here,
they appeared to be convinced, and im
mediately returned to their homes, deter
mined to remain on strike until the com
pany would make peace.
View Santa Fe Railway Officials
Take of Strike.
TOPEKA, Kan., Dec 9. The officials
of the Santa Fe road take a decidedly
roseate view of the telegraphers' strike
situation. They all say the backbone of
the strike Is practically broken already,
and that the affairs of the road will be
In their normal condition Inside of two
weeks. The officials felt justified In view
of the alleged Improvement In conditions
to rescind the order closing the shops.
H. U. Mudge, general manager of the
road, sent out a general order this after
noon to all operators who had not yet
gone out offering to promote them if
they -would continue In their resistance
to the strike. He told them that they
had been faithful to the Interests of the
company thus far and that they could
fill out their application blanks for better
positions at once. The general manager
added that all the men not taking part in
the strike should have better positions If
they were capable of filling them, and
that their old places would be filled from
outside sources. Mr. Mudge expressed
great satisfaction this evening at the or
der he had sent out, and said It was only
fair thai; the company should thus recog
nize those men who had been faithful to
their Interests.
"I feel much more sanguine about the
result of, the strike than I did last night,"
said Mr. Mudge. "I thought then that we
would have a serious time. In this belief
the order was issued for the closing down
of the shops. Today the conditions seem
to have so much Improved that the order
closing the shops will pe rescinded. I
think we can use all our men In. the old
way. This much Is certain, however not
one of the men who have gone out on
tho strike will be taken back Into the
employ of the company. Those who were
formerly below them will be promoted
over their heads and they will see that
the road can get along without them.
Some of the strikers have already made
application to be reinstated In the employ
of the company, but It will be no use.
This will be permanent. ,Tney left our
employ without a cause, and now they
wlll have to suffer for their neglect"
C. T. McCIellan, superintendent of the
east division, returned this afternoon,
from a trip of inspection over the entire
division in his private car. Mr. McCIellan
visited all the operators along the route,
and asked them point blank If they In
tended to strike. In case a man would
answer In the affirmative he would be
quickly Informed that his services would
no longer be needed and a time check
was given him. This had effect In some
places and the operators agreed to remain
at work. Today, however, many who
made such an agreement struck as soon
as they ascertained the facts In the case.
"Probably 20 operators are out on my
division 'tonight," said Mr. McCIellan,
"but I have men In sight for all these
places. Men are coming tonight from
Chicago, Kansas City and St. Louis, and
soon all the stations on the division will
be supplied with operators. This will be
the case if the men do as they agreed
and remain In the services of the com
pany." All Trains Running Satisfactorily.
W. M. Coombs, chief dispatcher for the
eastern -division, reported that all the
trains were running satisfactorily. Some
were late, but that was a natural conse
quence. He said that the plan had been
adopted of sending all the westbound
freights over the cut-off from Argentine
to Emporia, -where they could take the
double track west. The eastbound
freights will be dispatched on the main
line. Mr. Coombs said that most of the
trouble came from the men on the Ar
gentine cut-off. "When any of the so
called "faithful" men would attempt to
send a dispatch reporting the condition
of the trains, some of the strikers would
immediately cut in and the effect of the
message would be lost. However, he said
the cut-off was of little Importance, and
the attitude of the strikers there would
cause very little Inconvenience.
Trainmen Threaten to Go Ont.
TOPEKA, Kan., Dec. 9. The Indica
tions are that the Santa Fe will have
more strike troubles before long If the
present trouble with the telegraphers
continues. Dispatches received here to
night Indicate dissatisfaction among the
trainmen at some division points. At 5
P. M. General Chairman Newman sent
the following message to R. M. Long, of
"Everything solid. I understand the
west end trainmen are out. Trainmen on
the Gulf division have given the officials
until 9A.1L Monday to settle."
A dispatch from Galveston says:
"Gulf men are standing firm and every
thing Is very encouraging."
Chairman Newman wires from "Wichita
that Santa Fe trainmen west of Wichita
are threatening to go out unless the
strike is settled.
Passed Away at 'Her "Washington
Home Early Yesterday.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. Mrs. Mary L.
McLean, the mother of John R. McLean,
of the Cincinnati Enquirer, died here at
her residence at 1:30 o'clock this morn
ing of acute heart affection. She had
been, ill since Friday. At the bedside of
Mrs. McLean, when the end came, were
her daughters, rMs. Dewey and Mrs. Lud
low, wife of Rear-Admiral NIcoll Lud
low: her son, John R. McLean, and Ad
miral Dewey.
Mrs. McLean was a native of Kentucky,
but previous to coming to Washington,
several years ago, she spent most of her
life In Cincinnati. She was the widow of
the late Washington McLean, proprietor
of the Cincinnati Enquirer. Mrs. McLean
was in her 72d year.
Death of an Old-Time Vinson.
DENVER, Dec 9. Adnah Adams Treat
died here today at the age of 103 years
and eight months. He had long been the
oldest living Mason In point of age, and
the second oldest Mason in point of time,
connected with the order. He died of
old age.
Consul at Shanghai to Come Home.
SHANGHAI, Dec. 9. Pao Ho NIen, Tao
tal of Chu Chau Fu. In the Province of
Che Kian, who was responsible for the
July massacre, and who absconded, has
been captured near Su Chau and sent
to Hang Chau Fu.
John Goodnow, United States Consul
General In Shanghai, is about smarting for
the United States on leavo of absence.
Requisition For Indiana Man
Turned Down.
Alleges Technical Grounds, hut Pri
mary Cause Is Refusal of Indi
ana's Executive to Deliver Up
W. S. Taylor, of Kentucky.
INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 9. Governor
Mount today received word that Gov
ernor Thomas, of Colorado, has refused
to honor a requisition from Indiana for
the return of Clifton Oxman, of Prince
ton, Ind., accused of defrauding, in a real
estate deal, J. Mayer Greene, of Chicago.
A special from Denver says the Indiana
Sheriff had Attorney-General Campbell,
of Colorado, Inspect the papers, and they
were declared legal. Afterward, It is
stated. Governor Thomas had a consulta
tion -with Mr. Campbell, and then an
nounced that the papers were not made
out in technical form, and this, taken
in connection with the attitude of Gov
ernor Mount, of Indiana, in refusing to
honor Governor Beckham's requisition for
the return to Kentucky of W. S. Taylor,
who Is now living in Indiana, and who
was -wanted in Kentucky, he said would
cause him to refuse the requisition. Gov
ernor Thomas, it is stated, at the same
time said that several other Governors
had, he believed, decided to take simi
lar steps regarding Governor Mount. The
matter has created considerable comment.
Governor Mount, when told tonight of
Governor Thomas' action, said he was
surprised at it. "There may be some
thing political In this matter," he said,
"but I am surprised that Governor Thom
as resorts to any so-called precedent in
his action on tho requisition. He cites my
action In tho Kentucky cases as a prece
dent, -which he says he Is Inclined to
follow. I considered no precedent when I
refused the Kentucky requisition. I did
so because I did not believe the men
could get a fair trial in their own state.
Governors do not as a rule resort to
precedents in acting on such questions.
Each stands on Its own merits."
Congress Will Again. Be Urged to
Move In. the Matter.
WASHINGTON, Dec 9. A mass meet
ing was held here today under the aus
pices of the Women's Interdenomination
al Union, in the interests of the pro
posed Constitutional amendment prohib
iting polygamy In the United States, and
in all territories under its jurisdiction. Dr.
Joslah Strong, of New York. City, prey
elded. In an address he recalled the mass
meeting held a year ago in. the samp-
church to oppose the seating of Mr. RobV
erts, of Utah, in the House of Repre-'110'
sentatives, and the sending of a petition
to Congress protesting against seating
him and also asking for legislation pro
hibiting polygamy in all states. No ac
tion had been taken on the request for an
anti-polygamy law, said Dr. Strong, and
the meeting was Intended to press the Is
sue. A letter was read from ex-Senator
Edmunds. Dr. Sarah J. Elliot, of Moab,
Utah, expressed herself strongly in re
spect to polygamy in Utah.
Resolutions were adopted urging
prompt action of Congress in submitting
to the several states the proposed amendments.
Illinois Took High Honors.
CHICAGO, Dec. 9. Students from the
University of Illinois won a majority of
the high honors in the judging competi
tion held Friday at the livestock exposi
tion. Results were made known and
prizes awarded today.
There were 45 students competing, repre
senting seven schools In the United
States and one in Ontario. The Boor
trophy cup awarded to the agricultural
school with the highest aggregate stand
ing of best three men, was captured by
Illinois. The teams of Wisconsin, Indi
ana, Michigan and Iowa ranked after
the winners In that order. t
Senate will devote present week, to Hay
Pauncefote treaty and ship "subsidy bill.
Page 2.
Establishment of ship subsidy bill as regular
order will displace Nicaragua Canal meas
ure. Pace 2.
Bills for reduction of war revenue tax and
legislative appropriations will likely pass
House this week. Pase 2
Japan is much disturbed by Eoklo municipal
scandals. Pago 2.
Delegate "Wilcox, of Hawaii, strongly opposes
Importation of negro labor Into Islands.
Page 2.
Netherlands disavows responsibility for sym
pathetic letter of Minister to Kruger.
Page 2.
Johannesburg will be fenced around with barb
wire to cut oft Boers food supply. Fagel.
Russia says all credit for securing existing
entente belongs to United States. Page 2.
United States Consul Goodnow, at Shanghai,
will return home on leave of absence.
Page 1.
The execution of Yu Hsien Is certain whenever
envoys demand It. Page 2.
Envoys take removal of General Tung Fu
Hslang to mean that government desires
peace. Page 2.
Governor Thomas, of Colorado, refused to honor
requisition of Governor Mount, of Indiana,
and cited Taylor case as precedent Page 1.
Annual report of Postmaster-General Smith.
Page 2.
Practically all the Santa Fe Railway teleg
raphers are still out Trainmen threaten, to
join them. Page 1.
Santa Fe Railway officials state the backbone
of the telegraphers' strike Is practically
broken. Page 1,
The sixth annual International six-day bicycle
race opened at Chicago today. Page 2.
Eight persons were drowned by sinking of Iron
ore barge on Lake Erie. Page 3.
Pacific Coast.
Losses on Oregon school fund average $40,000
a year. Page 1.
Salem Is of opinion that Its census returns
were wrongly counted at "Washington.
Page 3.
Tacoma has visions of an immense Indian
school. Page 3.
The Portland-bound German bark Edmund Is
ashore at Santa Rosalia. Page 3.
Portland and Vicinity.
Lawyers agree that Supreme Court should have
assistance. Page 8. ,
Monmouthshire arrives after a very rough pas
sage. Page 12. ,
Multnomah arranges for Christmas -fcettall
match with University, of Oregon. Paw ?-
rcii 102.0