Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 08, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Civil Government for South
African Colonies.
Sir Alfred Mllner "Will Be Appointed
Governor-Farm-Burning and
Other Severe Military Meas
ure "Will Be Limited.
LONDON, Dec. 7. Mr. Chamberlain still
fills the political stage. His unexpected
Taut adroit announcement in the House of
Commons that civil government 'would be
given to the two Boer Republics, coupled
with his promise to limit farm-burning
and other severe military measures, so
far as possible, has taken the bottom out
of the chief amendment of the opposition
to be adopted. This new phase, combined
with the failure of Kruger's mission and
the fact that the Worcester Dutch Con
gress passed off without trouble, will per
suade the public that the South African
situation is less menacing than has been
recently supposed, and will help to ac
complish the main object of the Govern
mentthe securing of the consent of Par
liament to the necessary financial meas
ures. Thus, although the session is likely
to be prolonged beyond a fortnight, which
the Government had hoped would not be
the case. It will be less stormy than was
Mr. Chamberlain said that the Govern
ment hoped It was hope and not profes
sionthat very shortly, indeed, before the
House met again, something in the nature
of a civil administration might be estab
lished both in the Orange River and the
Transvaal Colony. Sir Alfred Mllner, he
added, would be appointed Governor of
Here V. Duncan Pierce, Liberal member
for North Aberdeen, an ex-Captain of the
Aberdeenshire Militia, who recently re
turned from South Africa, where he went
to look after the remounts department
when the war broke out. Interrupted Mr.
Chamberlain, saying: "You will lose South
Continuing, Mr. Chamberlain said a
Lieutenant-Governor would be appointed
for the Orange River Colony and that both
Governments would have Executive Coun
cils, but not' necessarily the same consti
tution. Mr. Chamberlain also said he had
suggested to Sir Alfred Mllner that he
Issue proclamations in English and Dutch,
setting forth the Government's Intentions,
which were animated by no vlndlctlveness
against the men in arms. The Govern
ment thought it Impossible that reasona
ble men coula ask it to fix a day when full
self-government could be granted. The
Government had laid down three objects.
The first of these was to end the guerrilla
war. It would not surprise him if the Boers
bad destroyed more farms than the Eng
lish. Never in history had a war been
waged with so much humanity. The
women had only been deported for their
protection. The native population was
answerable for the acts of outrages of
women and children, and It had been
shown that in no case had a British sol
dier been Justly accused. The farm-burning
was greatly exaggerated. Lord Rob
erts had only sanctioned the burning of
farms as punishment In cases of com
plicity in the rebellion or damage done to
the railways. The Government sustained
Lord Roberts absolutely. The Government
was bound to leave discretion to the mili
tary. The second object was that when
pacification was accomplished, a crown
government would be Instituted, The
third object was ultimate self-government.
Mr. Chamberlain went on to say that
he hoped the civil government would be
Inaugurated In February. Municipalities
would be created as soon as possible, no
tably at Pretoria, Bloemfonteln and Jo
hannesburg, with all municipal privileges.
Afrikanders would be employed as officials
as far as possible, and every man. Boer
or Briton, would have equal laws and
equal liberties. He made some Interesting
observations as to the economic situation
and frankly admitted that there even was
a prospect of a famine, a question, he
said, which the new Administration would
have to take in hand, tho cost Involved be
ing met "out of the taxes of the country."
At this point. Sir William Vernon Har
court cheered significantly, and Mr.
Chamberlain added: "The Transvaal is a
country of great wealth, and there is the
great source of taxation." This statement
caused an unusual scene, the Colonial Sec
cretary being loudly cheered from the Lib
eral benches.
The House, he declared, might rely upon
his assertion that house-burning, as a
form of punishment, would be used spar
ingly. "I regret that there has been occasion
t employ it all," said he, "but to what
ever extent It has been employed in the
past, there will be much less of it In the
Mr. Asqulth contended that amnesty
should be granted to the Boer leaders.
Timothy Healy warned the Boers
against accepting "British shams." He
wild it was a question whether it was not
better to be a dead Boer than a British
subject, but he declared that he did not
believe the conduct of the British soldiers
in South Africa had been as black as that
of the Americans In the Philippines.
Sir Henry Campbell-Banncrman said
that Mr. Chamberlain's speech was more
favorable than the opposition had ex
pected and that the Government had prac
tically accepted the amendment. In his
opinion, there ought not to be a division.
Mr. Emmett withdrew the amendment,
which demanded that the Government an
nounce measures for pacifying the an
nexed territory.
Joseph Walton. Radical, moved an
amendment to the effect that more ade
quate measures should be taken to safe
guard the Interests of China and that no
demand should be made on the Chinese
Government for the punishment of Chi
nese officials which could not be equally
Imposed by a European power. This
amendment also declared that reparation
should be sought in trade facilities, rather
than money Indemnity.
Viscount Cranborne. replying, contended
that it would not be opportune to make
a general statement while negotiations
were proceeding. The Government, he
said, adhered to the policy announced last
August. He asked the honorable members
not to embitter matters by bringing
charges that could not be proved. He went
on to say that he had a sanguine view
regarding the railway in China, but he
was not able to say what the powers
were arranging as to the waterways and
the adjustment of the revenue. He de
clined also to say anything regarding Rus
sia's action at New Chwang.
The Government is attending to Brit
ish commercial interests." he said, "but
patience Is needed, as the progress Is nec
essarily slow. I hope to lay the papers
on the table Monday next, but there has
not been time to publish the whole pa
pers." Pursuit of Dcvret.
LONDON. Dec. 7. A dispatch from
General Kitchener, dated Bloemfonteln,
December 7. confirming the news from
Allwal North. Cape Colony, of yesterday's
date (saying General Dewefs main force
Is bard pressed) adds that General Knox
captured the Krupp gun which Dewet
abandoned near the Caledon River, and
continued In pursuit of Dewet. The dis
patch also adds that while the British
were handing over women at the request
of the Boers, under a flag of truce, at Bel
fast, Wednesday. December 5, a force of
100 soldiers unsuccessfully attacked a
neighboring Infantry post.
T.TWAti NORTH, Cape Colony, Dec. 7.
After the fight at Sterksprult. General
Dewet doubled south during the night,
crossing the Caledon River marched to
Odendal drift, where he found the stream
Impassable; turned east and marched
along the north bank of the Orange River
until within 15 miles of Allwal North, and
then turned northeast in the direction
of Rouxvllle. General Knox dogged his
steps the whole d-y. De wet's forces were
thoioughly exhausted. Three hundred of
their dead and dying horses were counted
between the Smlthfield road and the
Orange River.
England's Promise to the Boers.
NEW YORK. Dec. 7. A dispatch to the
Herald from Berlin says:
The London correspondent of the Lelp
slger Tageblatt has received from a high
ly placed personage in England the fol
lowing communication:
Tf the Boers should now surrender
England will permit them to create a
new Boer Republic in the northern half
of the TransvaaL It Is In order to keep
the possibility of this open that England
has not yet officially announced to the
powers the annexation of the TransvaaL
"One of the first conditions, however. Is
that the announcement of surrender must
come from Kruger. There Is every pros
pect that he will soon, be Inclined to this
Preparing- to Concentrate the Boer.
JOHANNESBURG, Dec 7. In pursu
ance of the reconcentrado policy, the au
thorities here are preparing accommoda
tions on the race course for 4000 people
from farms In the vicinity of the Rand.
The burghers will be herded In a laager
and will be strictly watched.
A notification appears in the Garotte to
the effect that all able-bodied British
subjects are liable to be conscripted for
service In the Rand Rifles.
Roberts' Jonrner South.
PORT ELIZABETH. Cape Colony, Dec.
7. Lord Roberts arrived here this morn
ing on board the Canada and was ac
corded a splendid reception. Most of the
town folk stayed up all night In order to
secure points of vantage. The Field Mar
shal drove around the town, receiving a
number of addresses, and then re-embarked
on the Canada.
Readr for Disturbance.
CAPE TOWN. Dec 7. Owing to the at
tempts of sympathizers to communicate
with the Boer prisoners at Greenpolnt
Camp, Maxim guns have been placed in
position on the surrounding heights. In
readiness for a disturbance.
Cruelty of the Boers.
HEIDELBERG, Transvaal Colony,
Tuesday, Dec 4. The Boers are driving
the Boer women and children from their
homes because their kinsmen refuse to
fight any longer. Forty women and chil
dren, ill-clad and hungry, were brought
in by the British today.
Cool: and Sarage Islands Taken In
and FIJI May Be Annexed.
WASHINGTON, Dec 7. Conuil-General
Bray, at Melbourne, has forwarded to the
State Department Information concerning
the extension of the boundaries of New
Zealand, the annexation of the Cook and
Savage groups in the Pacific and indicat
ing the contemplated action of the New
Zealand Government In establishing self
government in the FIJI Islands. When
the latter plan has been effected, the Con
sul states, an effort will be made by New
Zealand to annex the Fljls also. This
move, however, he says, is being opposed
by the other colonies, and especially by
the citizens of Sydney, N. S. W., who
fear that if the Islands are annexed, the
tariff would greatly retard the commerce
now existing between the colonies and
Fiji. New Zealand's plan. It is said. Is
to establish a federation which shall em
brace herself, Fiji, Tonga and the Cook
and Savage groups.
The French Pnrllnment.
PARIS, Dec 7. The Chamber of Depu
ties today rejected a motion providing
for a Parliamentary Inquiry Into slavery
and cruelty In the French colonies, 409
to 116. The Senate adopted the naval
bill, after a short discussion. Senator
Cambos. Conservative Republican, report
ing the Charante-Infeure, urged the build
ing of 20 additional cruisers to prey upon
Great Britain's commerce In case of war.
The Minister of Marine, M. de Lassan, re
piled that the number of cruisers project
ed in the present bill would suffice for
France's need.
Military Dictator for Bulgaria.
NEW YORK. Dec 7. A dispatch to
the Herald from Vienna says:
The resignation of the Bulgarian Cabi
net, presided over by M. Ivanschoft and
M. Radoslavoff, is regarded In political
circles here as very serious, and a very
important event. The Cabinet and So
branje are in such perfect harmony that
it seems as If there Is nothing left for
the Prince but to establish a military dic
tatorship under his favorite. General Pat
rlkoff. as the Sobranje Is very unlikely
to vote the budget for any new Ministry.
Beheaded In Berlin.
BERLIN, Dec ".August Goenczl, the
Hungarian who murdered a wealthy wid
ow named Schulz. and .her daughter here
In 1697, was beheaded this morning In the
prison of Ploetzenze. The murder was an
atrocious one and was committed In the
center of Berlin. The murderer was ul
timately traced to Brazil, through a pet
dog, and was arrested at Rio de Janeiro
a year ago. Capital punishment Is so
unusual here that the execution attracted
considerable attention.
Condition of the Cxnr.
LIVADIA. European Russia, Dec 7.
The following bulletin was Issued by the
Czar's physicians this morning: "The
Czar passed the last 2$ hours very well.
His temperature and pulse are fcomlnal
and his condition Is very satisfactory."
LONDON, Dec S. Emperor Nicholas,
according to the St. Petersburg corre
spondent of the Times, Is again attending
to state business.
British Members of The Hnprne Board
LONDON, Dec ".The Queen's appoint
ments to the International Arbitration
Board are: Lord Pauncefote. Sir Edward
Malet, the late British Ambassador to
Germany: the Right Hon. Sir Edward
Fry. ex-Lord Justice of Appeal, and Pro
fessor John Wcstlake, professor of Inter
national law at .Cambridge University
since IKS.
No Confidence In Directors.
LONDON. Dec 7. The Stratton Inde
pendence mine shareholders today passed
a vote -Of no confidence in the board of
directors, after one of the stormiest mcet-
' ings on record. The directors were hissed
and hooted and the words "scandalous"
and "disgraceful" and accusations of
fraud were hurled broadcast.
Elections In Canada.
MONTREAL. Dec 7. The provincial
elections took place today, and as a re
sult the Conservatives will have Just sev
en members In a House of 71. as they
were successful In but seven of the 33
counties where there were contests.
Managrua Bank Must Liquidate.
MANAGUA. Nicaragua, Dec 7. The
civil court of the District of Managua de
clares the London Bank of Central Amer
' lea, Ltd., to be without Judicial standing
Population of Berlin.
BERLIN, Dec ".The census returns
show Berlin has a population of LSS4.343,
compared with 1,677,304 In 1S33.
All Kinds of Headache Cared
With Wright's Paragon Headache and
Neuralgia Cure. All druggist?, 25c Try it.
They "Will Have a Gold Value of
Fifty Cents Each The Scheme
Laid Before the Cabinet.
WASHINGTON, Dec 7. The Cabinet
meeting today was largely devoted to a
discussion of the question of coinage for
the Philippine Islands, and as a result It
Is probable that the Secretary of War
will request a hearing on the subject be
fore one of the committees of Congress.
Nearly all of the business of the islands
Is transacted In Mexican dollars, and Ar
my Commissaries and others supplied
-with United States money are at times
greatly embarrassed in malting purchases
from the Filipinos by the fact that, know
ing nothing of our money or Its value,
the latter often refuse to accept it. The
proposition which seems to have met with
favor by the Administration Is to purchase
silver bullion at the present market price
and coin It into distinctive dollars having
a gold value of about 50 cents each. These
dollars will probably contain a little less
silver than the present standard dollars.
The scheme has not yet been worked out
In all of Its details, but as there is at
present a Government coinage mint at Ma
nila, it is hoped that by the early action
of Congress the new coins may be put in
circulation before a great while, possibly
before the Winter is over.
The Cabinet also discussed the House
bill revising the war revenue act which
proposes a cut of about J40.000.000 In the
revenues. There Is no difference of opin
ion among the members of the Adminis
tration on this subject, all thinking that
the cut Is too deep, and agreeing that It
would be unwise in the extreme to make
the cut greater than 530,000.000.
Active Operations In the North aad
the Soath.
MANILA, Dec 7. More activity la
shown in the operations in Northern and
Southern Luzon. The reports from the
former district come In, more quickly,
and telegraphic interruptions are fewer.
General Funston. with Troop A. of the
Fourth Cavalry, and a score of scouts
last Thursday encountered 100 insur
gents rested on the opposite bank of
the Ne'Uco River. The Americans charged ,
across the stream, and the enemy re
treated, firing from cover. They left
four dead on the field. A native who
was captured reported that Fagin, a de
serter from the Twenty-fourth Infantry,
who has been active with the Filipinos,
with a party of two cavalrymen, has
been wounded.
Lieutenant Morrow, with B0 men. from
the Forty-seventh Regiment, attacked and
occupied Bulacan. While returning these
troops encountered Colonel VIctorls oc
cupying an entrenched position with 30
rifles and 300 bolomen. Lieutenant Mor
row's force charged and drove the enemy
from their position, It Is believed with
heavy loss. Preceding the fight the
expedition had captured Major Flores and
several of his followers.
An engagement Is reported to have oc
curred near San Roque, In which, ac
cording to natives, 50 rebels were killed.
Several minor encounters and captures
are also reported. The American casual
ties have been very slight.
The Island of Bohul haa recently been
the scene of more activity on the part of
Insurgents than formerly, and a company
has been sent to reinforce the battalion
stationed there.
The members of the Philippine Commis
sion and several military officials will go
to Dagupan tomorrow as guests of the
railway management. Their families have
also been Invited. They will return. Sun
day. Government Tns' Lonzr. Trip.
NEW YORK. Dec 7. Naval officers are
looking forward to the voyage to Manila
that has been ordered by the Navy De
partment for the little tug Wompatuck,
which has been doing service at the
Brooklyn navy-yard for some time. The
order came aa a surprise to the officers
In the yard. If she completes the long
trip, it will be the first on record that
so small a tug has been able to do. As
to the general purpose or specific reasons
for sending the Wompatuck to Manila,
naval officers In the yard confess com
plete Ignorance.
Transports Must Not Sail Sundays.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 7. Orders have
come from Washington forbidding the
sailing of transports from San Francisco
on Sunday hereafter. In accordance with
this rule the Logan, which will carry
troops, will sail on December 15, instead
of the 16th. The Thomas, with stores
and pasengers, will be dispatched on
the 17th. The Hancock, due to arrive
soon, will sail on January 1.
No Junta in Hone Kong.
LONDON, Dec. 7. In response to Sec
retary Hay's representations, through
United States . Ambassador Choate. the
Foreign Office has replied that the au
thorities at Hong Kong have been unable
to discover a Filipino Junta there.
The United States Should PrM:eed In
Dlffnlflcd and Honorable Fashion.
New York Journal of Commerce.
The author of the Nicaragua Canal bill
claims that there is no conflict between
the Hay-Puncefote treaty and the bill,
as has been claimed, on the question of
fortifications. Senator Morgan insists
that the Hepburn bill authorizing "such
provisions for defense as may be neces
sary for the safety and protection of said
canal and harbors" Is not mandatory on
the President, but simply empowers him
to make these provisions in his discre
tion. But it Is rather difflcunlt to see how
an implied permission to fortify the canal
could be reconciled with the express stip
ulation of the treaty that no fortifications
shall be erected commanding the canal
or the waters adjacent. The provision of
the Hepburn bill as to erecting any de
fensive works that may be found neces
sary would hardly be covered by the stipu
lation of the treaty that the United States
shall be at liberty to maintain such mili
tary police along the canal as may be nec
essary to protect It against lawlessness
and disorder. It Is the declared purpose
of the Hay-Paunccfote treaty "to remove
any objection which may arise out of the
convention of April 13. 1S50 (the Clayton
Bulwcr tteaty, namely), to the construc
tion of such a canal under the auspices of
the Government of the United States
without Impairing the general principle
of neutralization established In article S
of that convention." Now article 8 ex
pressly stipulates that "the governments
of the United States and Great Britain
' having not only desired, In entering into
! this convention, to accomplish a partlcu
, lar object, but also to establish a general
principle, they hereby agree to extend
their protection, Dy treaty stipulations,
J to any practicable route." In fact, the
I chief object of the policy which resulted
In the Clayton-Bulwer treaty was. as ex
pressed by the Senate In Its instructions
to President Jackson In 1S35, that of "se
curing forever, by such stipulations, the
free and equal rights of navigating such
canal to all nations." Or, as President
Taylor put the case more specifically in
his message, to Congress of December 4,
1S49: "Should such a work be constructed
under the common protection of all na
tions, for equal benefits to all. It would
be neither just nor expedient that any
great maritime state should command the
communications. ... No such power
should occupy a position that would en
able It hereafter to exercise so controll
ing an Influence over the commerce of
the world, or to obstruct a highway
which ought to be dedicated to the com
mon use of mankind."
No sooner had the Clayton-Bulwer
treaty been concluded than our Govern
ment began to apply Its stipulations to
the curtailment of the .pretensions of
Great Britain In Central Amerla. Great
Britain had assumed a protectorate over
a tribe of Indians occupying the Mos
quito Coast, and had claimed for these
Indians possession of all the coast from
the mouth of the San Juan River north
ward for 500 miles. Including the harbor
now known as Greytown. A British force
took possession of this harbor in 1S4S and
sent an expedition up the San Juan River
which effected the capture of Castello.
Thus Great Britain secured the virtual
control of the route of the proposed ship
canal via the San Juan River -and Lake
Nicaragua. At the instance of our Gov
ernment negotiations were begun with
Nicaragua which finally resulted In the
relinquishment of the Mosquito protec
torate by Great Britain. Two years after
the conclusion of the treaty the British
Government announced certain islands ly
ing off the Coast of Honduras to be a
colony, to be known and designated as
the Colony of Bay Islands. This ellcted
a resolution In the United States Senate,
introduced by General Cass, asking:
"What measures, if any. have been taken
by the Executive to prevent the viola
tion of article 1 of the treaty of July 4.
lS50r The President's answer was a
"declaration" made by Mr. Clayton and
Mr. Bulwer to the effect that It was not
understood by either of them that the
treaty included the British settlement of
Honduras or the Bay Islands. This claim
was only partially admitted by Mr. Marcy,
then Secretary of State, who said that
this country regarded the Clayton-Bulwer
treaty as a subsisting contract, and
felt bound to observe its stipulations so
far as. by fair construction, they Imposed
obligations upon It. He admitted that
Great Britain had a qualified right over a
tract of country called the Belize, now
British Honduras, from which she was
not ousted by the treaty. But this did
not Involve a recognition of the right to
colonize the Bay Islands! It was, there
fore, with considerable satisfaction that
our Government received the announce
ment that the British treaty with Hon
duras provided for the recognition of the
Bay Islands as part of the latter state.
Reviewing this ireaty and the subsequent
one with Nicaragua, President Buchanan
congratulated Congress In 1S60 on the final
settlement which had been made of the
discordant construction of the Clayton
Bulwer treaty oetween the two govern
ments. Here, at least, are two important cases
In which the Clayton-Bulwer treaty has
been used to bring about the surrender by
Great Britain of claims to sovereignty !n
portions of Central America. Having
profited by the treaty, it is not easy to
understand how this Government can
honorably repudiate it without the con
sent of the other party. The United
States Is certainly not willing to return
to the status quo ante and allow Great
Britain to resume the protectorate of the
Mosquito Coast or sovereignty over the
Bay Islands. Yet Senator Morgan, while
announcing himself In favor of the rati
fication of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty and
declaring that if this treaty Is not ratified
the Clayton-Bulwer treaty remains, calm
ly announces that, anticipating rejection,
he has prepared a resolution which has
for Its purpose the annulment of the Clayton-Bulwer
treaty. With a like easy dis
regard of international obligations he re
marks that the same result would be ac
complished by the passage of the canal
bill, "because that would be formal no
tice to Great Britain that we propose to
abrogate the treaty." We should cer
tainly cut a sorry figure before the civ
ilized world in assuming the right, with
out any reference to the other party, to
denounce a treaty whose binding nature
and obligations have 'been recognized by
all our Secretaries of State from Webster
to Hay. We have persistently held Great
Britain to a rigid adherence to all the
provisions of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty,
and It would be an extraordinary exhibi
tion of National bad faith not only to
reject the amended and much more fa
vorable bargain which Great Britain
stands ready to make, but to avow our
determination to be bound In this canal
matter by no compact whatever. It has
been aptly remarked that should this
county reverse Its traditional policy of
neutralization and proceed to own and
fortify the Nicaragua Canal, the great
naval and commercial powers would be
driven to complete the Panama Canal,
and then in case of a war we should
have our own canal closed to our ships
and the Panama Canal open to the ships
of the enemy.
The Walhalla Seized for a Debt of
750,000 Francs.
PARIS. Dec S. The civil tribunal at
Havre has decided the question of the
legality of the seizure of the Walhalla.
the yacht of the Countess Bonl de Cas
tellane, by M. Davllller, the Paris bank
er, who holds a bill of 750.000 francs In
favor of the creditor who has asked that
the vessel, now moored at the Com
mercial dock, be sold within as short a
time as possible. The Walhalla cost the
Countess 750,000 francs and a further sum
of 300,000 francs has since been expended
on the fittings. Maltre Bonnet, counsel
for the Countess. Informed the court
that he was In accord with the applica
tion. He declared on the other hand that
the Countess proposed to give up an
nually to her creditors 2,000,000 francs out
of the Income In order to wipe out the
debts. Incidentally, Maltre Bonnet fur
nished the court with some details as to
the morality of a person In London who
had sold his clients 4.000.000 francs worth
of curios, a third of which, according to
Paris experts, were spurious. He gave
as an example the case of a wardrobe
sold to his clients for 100,000 francs, which
was worth only 1500 francs. The court,
having decided that the seizure was legal,
the Walhalla will be sold February 28 at
the upset price of 750.000 francs, unless
the debt is paid before that date.
Mr. Sage and His Plumber.
New York Journal.
Few men would care In single fight to
meet a German plumber tight, yet this
bold thing did Russell Sage, he sought to
dock the plumber's wage
Now bulls and bears are easy meat,
while plumbers are the deuce to beat. Full
many a man has sought to do the crafty
plumber, tried and true, and only met his
In Lawrencetown, Long Island way, the
aged Sage said he would pay the plumber
dollars 22, a little job of work to ao.
The plumber's name Is Holler. He per
formed the work and asked his fee. "Oh.
no." said Sage: "you climb too high. I'll
give you l bones or die."
And did this plumber holler? No; he
said, "My liege you ought to know." He
took the IS bones and laughed. He was
a- man of wondrous craft.
"No, all things come," the plumber
said, "to blm who waits and keeps his
head. Just watch me give the Sage the
collar: the best man Is the last to holler,"
"Revenge Is sweet," the poet cries, and
who will say the poet lies? The plumber
found It very sweet, asyou shall see. and
quite a treat.
So when Sage approached once more
It cost him dollars 54 to have the plumb
er's skill heal up a rent within his water
Too much, too much," the rich man
said "Take 50 bones or not a red." " 'Tls
well, sire." quoth the plumber bold,
"hand over then the filthy gold."
Then, when he clenched the 50 bones,
this plumber said in awful tones: "You're
done at last, oh, Russell Sage; hear now
the wonder of the age!
"Had I but wished I could have done
that Job for only half the mon, but as
you docked my wage before, I had to
charge you for the score."
The man of Wall street tore his hair.
Such insolence -was hard to bear. He will
not own the plumber now, so when they
meet there is no bow.
PosslBlllty That His Death Was Dae
to an Accident He Had Been.
in Bad Health.
NEW YORK, Dec 7. Henry J. Hayden,
vice-president of the New York Central
& Hudson River Railroad, jumped or fell
from the fourth-story window of his resi
dence tonight and was killed. A window
In the fourth story was open, and it Is
not known whether Mr. Hayden jumped
or fell out of the window. It Is learned
that the deceased was a sufferer from
nervousness and heart trouble Mr. Hay
den was a director in many railroad com
panies. Mr. Hayden was subject to at
tacks of shortness of breath, and It Is
supposed that he had been seized with
one of these attacks and had opened tho
window to get fresh air. When picked up
he was fully dressed and the body was
yet warm. His head had been crushed In,
he having fallen on a flagstone.
Othervrlse Democratic Defeat in 1004
Is Certain.
WASHINGTON, Dec 3. Some Demo
crats resent any talk of reorganization of
the party, and several like Jones insist
that Bryan will continue to be a factor.
They acknowledge this to mean that If
Bryan Is a factor, Bryanlsm must be.
Bryan more than any other man stands
for the free coinage of -silver at the ratio
of 16 to 1, and the monstrosities of tho
Chicago platform, which have been voted
down on two successive occasions. If
Arkansas Jones and others of the party
still Insist upon making- Bryan a leader,
making it necessary to consult him be
fore others on any probable or possible
change in the platform or the present
organization of the party. It evidently
means that the party Intends to march
down to defeat four years henqe, tho
same as It did this year.
Talking with one of the most intelli
gent Democrats there Is In the country,
whose views on the question of party
policies might well be taken, he said to
your correspondent:
"The fact Is the Democrats cannot pos
sibly win on the lines laid down, either
at Chicago or Kansas City. It ought to
have been plainly apparent to any man
of ordinary political sagacity that If
Bryan and what he stood for could not win
In 1S06. he could not win any time. In
1S96 the country was In sore distress.
There had been hard times, people were
suffering, the Democratic, party declared
It was the money question, and also sev
eral other questions such as were Incor
porated In the Chicago platform, but
above all, the leading feature was the
fact that silver had been demonetized.
If, under the conditions existing In 1S36.
and the appeals made to the people at
that time, and the promises held out by
the new monetary system could not In
duce them to support a party and a man,
how much less chance there was In 1300,
after four years of prosperity, when the
predictions made by the Democrats In
1855 had been disproven? It Is a wonder
that the men insisted upon renominating
Bryan and relndorslng the platform
which he stood for. Whether they will
see In four years from now that they
cannot go before the people with any
hope of success on the same lines, re
mains to be seen."
The fact was that every attempt that
was made by conservative Democrats
during the early months of-1300, when
the campaign was on for the election of
delegates to the National convention to
secure conservative, unlnstructed men,
that attempt was frustrated by all Dem
ocratic leaders who managed the cam
paign In 1S96 and again In 1300. Jones
sent out telegrams to leading Democrats
In nearly every state in the Union, tell
ing them to be careful and see that
none but delegates Instructed for Bryan
should be elected, so as to head off any
movement to prevent Bryan and silver
being the great Issues of the campaign.
It would not have harmed Jones nor any
other man to have allowed a conserva
tive platform and a conservative man to
have been nominated. It would have
tended to their party success. But Jones
would not allow it then, and If he Is to
be In control during the next 'four years,
as there Is now every Indication, he will
again try to force Bryanlsm, If not
Bryan, to the front.
He Says Evolntlon Is a Fad, Not
Snstnlned by Truth.
PORTLAND, Dec 7. To the Editor.)
In The Oregonlan of this date I find a
communication from F. L. Washburn, of
Eugene, asking for the names of the 600
scientists of Great Britain who reject
natural evolution, "as a scheme for dis
pensing with Goi and Christianity." The
request Is a most reasonable one, even
though It should come from orye who
would seriously object, were I to ask
him to produce all the missing links ne
cessary to establish the hypothesis of
evolution In its claim to a place among
scientific truths. As a matter of fact,
however, I did not make the statement
on my own authority, but gave credit
to E. Fitch Burr, D. D.. LL. D., of
Lynn, Conn., author of "Ecce Coelum."
"Pater Mundl," "The Stars of God," etc
If Professor Washburn will write Dr.
Burr I have no doubt but that he will
satisfy h'm comp'etely. Dr. Burt's stand
ing and reputation are a sufficient guar
antee of his trustworthiness.
I am not a scientist, nor do I propose
to enter upon a newspaper or any other
kind of a controversy; yet I claim to be
able to weigh the arguments presented
either by physical or theological science,
if they are presented In Dlaln, every
day language In seeking to weigh the
evidence I have been Impressed with the
spirit of intolerance pervading the ranks
of the lesser lights of science. It would
seem as If the mantle of the Middle
Age Inquisitors had fallen up:n them In
stead of fall'ng upon the clergy. If any
man presumes to question the "string of
guesses" that Is passed off for exact
science, they jump on him with both
feet. True science does not Jump at con
clusions, nor does it accept as substan
tiated any theory until the chain of evi
dence Is complete. The so-called "Chris
tian evolution" which superficial think
ers like Dr. Newell Dwlght Hlllis and
others are parading as the great dis
covery of the age is something so ab
solutely unthinkable. In view of the
claims and mlrson ot Ch'ist, a3 to set-m
pitiable to any man who has not been
caught by the fad. Fortunately, the at
tempted union of that klpd of science
with Christianity has produced a hybrid
which, like the mule, will be Incapable
of propagating Its kind. It will proba
bly perish with one generation. A care
ful perusal of Dr. Hlllis" two most pre
tentious books. "The Investment of In
fluence" and "Man's Value to Society."
will make clear my meaning.
The claim so boldly made that "all
scientists accept the evolution theory."
Is Intended for the ensump 1-n o th3
Ignorant. Yet It ought not t- aass un
questioned; therefore. I hope Professor
Washburn will take Dr. Burr to ta?k
for making such a statement as he did in
an article entitled "The Credulity cf
Sceptics," and published In the Homilltlc
Review of February, 1S38.
In the meantime. It might be well to
show that not a small number of think
ers are at outs with the theory, thus
putting us small thinkers Into very good
Professor G. Frederick Wright. D. D..
LL. D.. of Oberlln, writing on "The
Progress of Scientific Thought During
the 19th Century," says:
"Tho fad In the philosophical and re-
i '' '
Has Done Wonders for My Baby
Boy and Myself. It is a Great
icine for the Home
MRS. J. C DUNN, TARENTUM, PA., writes:
"I owe you a great debt for the good
Paine's Celery Compound has done my
baby boy and myself. About a year ago
his faee broke out in sores. We had two
of the best doetors attend him, but the
sores kept on spreading. Finally we
tried Paine s Celery Compound, and one
bottle eured him of a bad ease of eezema.
1 am using the Compound now for ner
vousness, and it is doing wonders for me."
Paine's Celery Compound is the
national home medicine, and has
made thousands of permanent cures.
It strengthens and builds your
nerves, keeps the blood pure and
nutritious, makes your whofe body
healthful and vigorous, .it will cure
your indigestion, backache, rheuma
tism, and nefve prostration.
Hglous world of thought at the close of
the 19th century Is evolution, and It Is
Important to emphasize the statement
that it is a fad. Darwin's theory of the
'origin of species by natural selection'
was'not a theory of general evolution,
but related chiefly to the course of na
ture In a very limited area, where a
great amount of evidence was obtaina
ble. This appears In tha care'ull? word
ed statement of his theory which he
put as the title of his book. But, even
so, the theory Is far from being proved
Inall Its details, and seems much weaker
at the close of the century, at least so
far as its Influence on philosophic
thought is concerned, than It did when
first propounded. The origin of varia
tions fittest to survive, which Is the
very groundwork of his theory. Is no
where accounted for."
Sir William Dawson. In ' Th3 Mee leg
Place of Geclogy and H st-ry," us:
"We have found no Jink of de iv t'on
connecting man with the lower anlma'
which preceded him. He appears before
us as a new departure In creation, with
out any direct relation to the Instinctive
life of the lower animals. The earliest
men were no less men than their de
scendants, and up to the extent of their
means Inventors, Innovators and intro
ducers of new modes of life, just as
much as they." With this might well
go a recent quotation from the late Max
Muller, the eminent Orientalist. Speak
ing of Darwin's theory and conceding
much, he says: "It was left to his fol
lowers to carry out his principles, as
they thought, by eliminating the Creator
and reducing the four beginnings to one.
If you think this all rests on well as
certained facts. I have nothing to say
except to express my surprise that some
men of great learning and undoubted
honesty are not so positive as to the
facts as you are.
"But with the exception of a Creator
that Is the subjective author of the uni
verse, all this Is really outside of my
spec'al pr vince, and I c uld sfford to b?
silent. Only when Darwin main'a'ns tho
transition from some highly developed
animal Into a human being. I say. stop.
Here the student of language has a word
to say, and I say that language Is some
thing that, even In Its most rudimentary
form, puts an Impassable barrier between
man and beasL"
Carlyle was something of a thinker,
and not much of a sentimentalist, yet
this Is what he had to say about the
( theory: "And this Is what we have got
to All things frcm frog's spawn, the
gospel of dirt the order of the day. The
older I grow and I now stand on the
brink of eternity the more comes back
to me the- sentence In - the catechism
avhlch I learned when a child, and the
fuller aud deeper Its meaning becomes,
What is the chief end of man? To
glorify God and enjoy him forever- No
gospel of dirt, teaching that men de
Celery Compound
scended from frogs through monkeys can
ever set that aside."
As I said In the beginning, I am no
scientist; only a plain preacher of tha
gospel. I am not going to enter Into a
controversy on any subject, much le33
will I debate over a theory which, as
yet, Is propped up on In'e rogation points.
As a taxpayer, as a public teacher and
as a father, I am opposed to teaching
as exact science anything half of the
proofs of which must be guessed at or
assumed. But I suppose that young
teachers and young nations must pass
through the trying disease known as
"philosophic mumps."
Los Anpreles Firm Falls.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec 7. Max Mey
berg & Co., one of the oldest firms in this
city, made an assignment for the benefit
of their creditors today. The liabilities
are 578.0CO; assets, nominally 5100.000. The
assignment was made to a committee,
composed of H. W. Hellman and S. Nord
llnger, of this city; W. P. Morgan, of San
Francisco, and Oscar Strauss and A. W.
Patterson, of New York, who represent
Eastern creditors.
Daily Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, Dec 7. Today's state
ment of the Treasury balances in the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the 5150,000,000 gold
reserve In the division of redemption,
Available cash balance 5137,926.433
Gold 76,802,2S5
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