Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 08, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Steamship Adato Carries
Over 50,000 Barrels.
Has Cleared Twenty-tour Cargoct
A-rcrnsrlnj? Xearly 45,000 Barrel
Each-Vessel "Which Xavlsate
Columbia Ground In Elbe.
The Oregon & Oriental liner Adato fin
ished loading at the Portland Flouring
21111a last evening, and -will clear today
for Hong Kong and way ports. She
failed to come up to the record of the
Thyra, Eva and Bergenhus as a carrier,
but she Is one of the few vessels that
have ever carried a flour cargo In ex
cess of 50,00) barrels. She has aboard
203,200 quarter sacks or 50,050 barrels, and
Is the seventeenth vessel to leave Port
land with a cargo in excess of 40,000 bar
rels. No other port In the world has
shipped so many large cargoes of flour,
as have cleared from Portland. While,
but 17 of them have been in excess of
40,000 barrels, the average of 20 of them
has been almost 45.000 barrels, the 20 ves
sels carrying the enormous total of 99,
712 barrels of flour. The list of big car
goes which have cleared from Portland
Is as follows:
Name. Barrels.
Name. Barrels.
Mogul 44,999
St. Irene 44.735
Braemar 43.065
Mogul 43,012
Lennox 42,793
Braemar 40.077
Argyll 3..12
Strathgyle 35,180
Ness 34,900
Bergenhus .... 54.423
Eva 52,000
Thyra 51.931
Adato 50.050
Arab 47.801
Lennox 47.35S
Abcrsreldie .... 4S.9SS
Lennox 46,450
Mogul 46,345
Abergeldie .... 4o,593
Braemar 45,433:
Total 899,712
Average per cargo 44,955
Ships "Which IVnvlgate the Columbia
Safely Ground In the Elbe.
The German bark Ecuador, which loaded
In Portland about two years ago, and
carried 4104 tons of wheat through to
Astoria without touching was recently
aground f several days in the Elbe
River, 13 miles below Hamburg. She
was en route from Hamburg for the Ori
ent, and was obliged to lighter a por
tion of her cargo, before she was An
ally floated. Following out the Astoria
theory, accidents of this kind, would
mean the commercial doom of Ham
burg, but this is not the worst, for on
the flame day that the bark Ecuador
grounded in the Elbe, two big trans-Atlantic
liners met the same fate in the
same stream. Here is what the New York
papers printed about them under a Ham
burg date line:
"The Hamburg-American steamship
Fuerst Bismarck, Captain Barends,
rubbed bottom in the River Elbe at Schu
lau, today, 13 miles from here, on her
way to the sea. She was bound for New
York and the mishap may slightly delay
the voyage.
"The Pretoria, of the same lines, under
Captain Karlowa, also bound for New
York, also struck on her way down the
river today, not far from the Bismarck.
Neither vessel is considered in the least
"It is expected they will be floated soon
and resume their interrupted trips. Tugs
were sent from here to help them free.
"The River Elbe narrows at Schulau.
It is a bend on the river. The bottom
of the channel, of shifting sands, fre
quently changes 'with the tides. It was
misty when the two vessels stuck, but
they were In what had been the center
of the channel.
"The Elbe, from Hamburg to Schulau,
runs a little north, of west. Then It
makes a turn to the northwest. The
channel, obeying one of its idiosyncrasies,
had shifted closer to the northern shore
than it had been when the Bismarck and
Pretoria entered Hamburg. They had at
that time passed over the very course
which caused them to stick today. .
"Emll L. Boas, manager In this coun
try of the Hamburg-American line, said
last night that there was not the least
danger to either vessel.
" 'It is a mere incident of the passage
into and out of the Elbe. said Mr. Boas,
'Vessels rub bottoms frequently In that
part of the river, and It is not worth
noticing. It happens so frequently that
we know it means nothing more than a
mere temporary delay, and no damage
to the ships.' "
Asplce Sells for Nearly ?30,000 More
Than She Did Three Years Ago.
Marine property continues to rule at
high rates 'all over the world, and ships
are selling at higher prices than at any
time during the present decade. As an
example of the increase in value, the
case of the British ship Aspice, which
loaded wheat at Portland a few months
ago. Is Interesting. Tills ship was built
at Glasgow in 1H4. at a cost of $75,000.
She came from the stocks just In time to
strike a very low freight market, and
just as freights began to go up in 1897,
she was sold for $00,030. Her new owners
made plenty of money with her for the
past three years, and have recently sold
her to the Italians for 5S7.500. her value
gaining at the rate of nearly $10,000 per
year while she was In the hands of her
second owners, while It has Increased over
J2000 per year for every year since she
was built. A small Interest In the Brit
ish ship Scottish Isles now due at this
port, was sold recently on the basis of
$45,000 for the entire ship. The vessel Is
17 years old.
Columbia Finds an Opening:, Hott
ever, nnd Makes Good Run.
The thick fog is still hanging like a pall
over the mouth of the river and nothing
has been heard from the overdue liner
Monmouthshire. The steamer Columbia
found an opening In the gloom for a few
minutes yesterday morning, and reached
Astoria shortly after 10 o'clock. She left
up about 1 o'clock on the top of high
water, with one of the biggest tides of
the year to help her along. She came
up the river so fast that she left a
smoking wake behind her. making the
run. in about six hours. The Maipo is on
the way down the river, but is making
slow progress on account of the fog
hanging on for the greater part of the
German Liner Lands Nearly lt)00
Pn:enjrer at New York.
NEW YORK. Dec. 7. The North Ger
man Lloyd steamer Frlederlch der Grosse,
which arrived today from Bremen and
Cherbourg, had a very stormy voyage
Throughout the passage heavy westerly
gales and b'gh seas were encountered and
between longitude 65 and 67 the wlna
blew with hurricane force, with a tre
mendous high sea, and the steamer made
little headway. Three children died In the
steerage during the voyage.
The Frlederlch der Grosse brought 176
cabin and 1721 steerage passengers.
Port Captain of Columbia Pilots.
ASTORIA, Dec 7. At a mee'Ing of the
Columbia River bar pllols Captain James
Tatton was selected as port captain, :o
serve for a term of three months on
shore and look after the business Inter
ests of the other pilots. The selection Is
considered an Admirable one. as no bar
pilot Is better Informed about the busi
ness than Captain Tatton.
Bad Lealc on Japan-Bound Steamer.
VICTORIA, B C. Dec 7. The steamei
Alpha, which left Wednesday for Japan,
with a load of malted salmon, put back to
day, badly leaking. She was one day
from port when it was found that he
hold was filling with water. It was a
race to get back in time to save the ship.
It became necessary to work hand pumps.
Cleone on the Rocks.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. ".The steam
er Cleone. which piles between this city
and Northern California ports. Is reported
on the rocks off Punta Gorda. She struck
yesterday rooming and was abandoned
last night by her crew.
German Liner at San DIesro.
SAN DIEGO. Cal., Dec 7. The Kosmos
steamer Hathor arrived this afternoon
from Hamburg.
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA. Or., Dec 7. Arrived at 10:40
A- 1L, and left up at 1 P. M., steamer
Columbia, from San Francisco. Condition
of the bar at 5 P. M., obscured; wind,
west: weather, foggy.
San Pedro, Cal. Arrived, December 6,
schooner Glendale, from Gray's Harbor.
Hoqulam, Wash. Sailed, December 5,
schooner A. J. West, from Aberdeen, for
Manila, P. I.; schooner Reporter, from
Hoqulam, for Honolulu; schooner Jennie
Stella, from Hoqulam, for San Francis
co; schooner Eva, from Aberdeen, for
Fiji Island; schooner C. T. Hill, from
Aberdeen, for Guaymas; steamer New
burg, from Aberdeen, for San Francisco.
New York, Dec 7. Arrived Cevlc
from Liverpool: Germanic from Liver
pool. Sailed Welmer, for Bremen.
Boston, Dec 7. Arrived Common
wealth, from Liverpool.
San Francisco, Dec 7: Sailed Steamer
Irmgardl, for Honolulu.
Tacoma, Wash. Arrived, December 5,
Norwegian steamer Eidsvold, from Ma
nila. San Francisco, Dec 7. Arrived Steam
er South Coast, from Coos Bay; steamer
Rival, from Wlllapa Harbor; steamer
Empire, from Coos Bay. Sailed Steamer
Victoria, for Chemalnus; steamer Uma
tilla, for Victoria; schooner Coqullle, for
Coqullle River; steamer Levi G. Burhess,
for Tacoma.
Seattle, Wash. Sailed December 6.
steamer Czarina, for Tacoma.
Port Townsend, Wash. Arrived Decem
ber 6, United States steamer Wheeling,
from Alaska, not Manning, as reported
San Diego, Cal. Sailed, December 6,
British ship Falkland, for Tacoma.
Port Ludlow. Dec 7. Salled-Shlp Hec
la, for Port Blakeley.
Callao Arrived, November 30. British
bark Ivanhoe, from Whatcom.
Cape Town Arrived, December 6, ship
Ellwell, from Chemalnus.
Gibraltar, Dec 7. Arrived Aller, from
New York for Naples and Genoa, and
Queenstown. Dec 7. Arrived Campa
nia, from New York for Liverpool, and j
Rotterdam. Dec 7. Arrived Amster
dam, from New York via Boulogne.
Liverpool, Dec 7. Sailed Bovlc, for
New York.
Portland, Mc, Dec. 7. Arrived Paris
Ian, from Liverpool via Halifax, N. S.
Two Spirited Contests at Exposition
Two lively lights took place at the
Exposition building last night. In each
case the cdntests going the limit, the
decisions being given on points. Denny
won from Riley, and Haughton won from
Payne. Thirty rounds of good, clean
fighting was the bill given to the large
crowd of sports assembled. In either case
a draw would have suited the sports, but
as a decision was advertised, the man
agement carried out the programme to
the letter.
Tho Jimmy Rlley-Maran Denny match
was the main event, Denny getting the
decision. It looked very much as If Riley
was entitled to at least a draw, but Ref
eree Jack Grant summed up the matter
by stating that Denny was stronger near
ing the end, that neitner man exerted
himself in the final rounds, and that un
der the circumstances all that was left
for him to do was to give the stronger
man the decision and declare all bets off.
In the opening rounds, up to about the
seventh, the flght was fast and clever.
Riley rushed matters, but his onslaughts
on Denny's rugged constitution made no
impression. As to condition, Denny had
much the belter, for at no time did he
show the effects of the fact pace, while
Riley weakened from the seventh to the
12th round. RJley's point of attack was
the wind, while Denny paid particular
attention to his opponent's upper works.
It was evidently Jimmy's intention to
wear the Australian down by pummellng
the body, but Denny's condition was too
good, and then the question only was
who would land the blow soporific. At all
stsges of the game Denny's blows lacked
the steam that was looked for, and Ri
ley's cleverness offset tne rest. The last
Tew rounds were somewhat of a hugging
match, with not much doing in the ag
gressive fighting line. It was a good, fast
tight while It lasted, and every one
seemed satisfied at seeing a good, scrap
py 12 rounds.
"Chick" Haughton, of Portland, and
"Tom" Payne, of. Chicago, fought 10
rounds as a preliminary, Haughton get
ting the decision. Payne, a colored boy,
was somewhat lighter than Haughton,
fought a good, pluck flght. In the main,
and would have been entitled to a draw
had be not sought the mat on several
occasions to avoid punishment. The ninth
round was a corker. Haughton caught
Payne a swift one ,on the jaw, and It
looked all off with tho latter, as he was
very groggy and took the full count.
Haughton left an opening, and out shot
Payne's right, and down went Haughton.
A badly sprained ankle prevented Chick
from doing further injury during the,
round, and the colored boy had time to
recuperate before the bell rang for tho
Thurston County's Official Bonds.
It Is probable that the Thurston County
board at Its present session will reduce
the bonds of the county officials, over
which the board has control as to securi
ties. It is understood that the guarantee
companies which have usually furnished
bonds have combined and put up the rate
to a very great extent, and for this rea
son the county officials-elect will petition
the board for a reduction. Several of the
officials handle but little money, while the
bond demanded In the past has been
large. The Sheriff, for Instance, at pres
ent, must provide a bond of $5000, which
will cost under the guaranty companies"
raise. $100, while at no time does he han
dle more than $50 monthly of county
Junior Order Entertainment.
The Junior Order, Council No. L of
American Mechanics gave a pleasant en
tertainment at the Allsky Hall last even
ing. Rev. Alexander Blackburn delivered
an appropriate address, and Professor
Chamberlain gave a unique exhibition of
fancv roping. The hall was well filled
with friends of the order.
O. Erickson, a miner from the Summit
district, on the Cascades, reports a mirac
ulous escape from a snowsllde a few day
ago. He was working on the Blue Bit
mine, when an avalanche came down tn?
mountain and completely burled him.
Miners who saw the snow sliding down
rushed to his assistance and dug him om
before life was extinct
.Comprehensive Statement of Many
Dlfflcaltles "Which Must Be
Contended "With.
WASHINGTON, Dec 3. Transporta
tion Is one of the leidlng factors In the
present and future development of Alas
ka, a fact which Is fully realized by Gov
ernor Brady, who In his annual report
devotes a special section to the treat
ment of that subject. His remarks In this
connection are In part as follows:
"Transportation has been and will con
tinue to be a grave problem In Alaska;
not so much so In Southeastern Alaska
as In the great body of the main pirt.
In the southeastertn part nature has pro
vided waterways with a lavish hand.
The Alexander Archipelago Is i wonder
ful system of Islands and channels, nav
igable for the largest ocean-going crafts.
Some of these canals extend Into the
mainland for hundreds of miles. The In
crease in freight and passenger traffic
In the southeastern part has multiplied
many fold during the last four years.
The trouble here has been to ascend the
different passes. ThlF has been success
fully accomplished by the White Pass &
Yukon Railroad, which compiny has now
In operation 112 miles of railway, extend
ing from salt water at Skagway to White
Horse Rapids. All the waterways and
harbors in the southeastern part are ac
cessible throughout the year. Along the
main coast of Alaska, on Its southern
side, nature has been liberal In providing
anchorages and harbors from Cape Spen
cer to Unalaska. Yakutat, Prince Will
iam Sound and the Inlets of the southern
side of Kenol Peninsula, all harbors on
Kodlak Island, as well as those on the
southern part of the Alaska Peninsula,
are likewise open and accessible through
out the year. The headwaters on Cook
Inlet freeze, and are not open until late
In the Spring. Tremendous' tides rush
into the inlet and make navigation very
dangerous. Still, our knowledge of all
the facts is not complete, and we may
be Able yet, on further investigation, to
utilize this magnificent arm of the sea
for gaining access into the heart of
"The difficulties and solution of the
problem of transportation begin after we
leave Unalaska and begin to approach
any part of the coast bordering on Bear
ing Sea. The mighty Yukon pours its
waters and Its silt into this sea and forms
a delta which extends for hundreds of
miles. Far out Into the sea and beyond
the sight of land vessels are liable to be
caught upon a shallow bottom. The large
mercantile and transportation companies
hava been struggling with the trans
portation problem, and they have spent
vast sums of money In endeavoring to
get the best possible crafts to navigate
the Yukon. St. Michael Island is about
60 miles north of one of the outlets of
the river known as the Aphoon mouth.
They have erected Immense stores, ware
houses, hotels and other buildings on the
east side of the island. The water is
shallow near the land, and navigable only
for light vessels. It Is only an open road
stead for seagoing crafts, the largest of
which will not enter In much closer than
Egg Island, seven or eight miles distant.
All freight is discharged -upon lighters,
which are towed to the warehouses.
When the wind starts to blow, there may
be a period of several days when no work
can be done. Now, after the freight Is
landed from the ocean-going vessels in
the warehouses, It is to be loaded on river
steamers, to be transported to different
places, as far as Dawson. It Is a very
risky business for these vessels to get
from St. Michael Into the mouth of the
"When we come to the beach at Cape
Nome, the difficulties become much great
er. This season there was a spell of calm
weather, which was very favorable to
the shippers, for they were able, by the
aid of barges, to lighter the freight and
passengers with comparative ease But
It is an awful beach. A slight wind from
the south starts the surf to rolling, which
Is always dangerous. It us nardly pos
sible for a community In our day and
generation to do business upon such a
shore The steamships He off In the dis
tance, some of them two and three miles,
under a head of steam, ready to go to
sea In case the storm becomes too vio
lent. The prices demanded for lighter
age were exorbitant enough to make a
good freight rate from the lower ports to
"There are no great obstacles In the
navigation of the Yukon River from Nu
lato to Fort Yukon, but over the Yukon
flats It Is .difficult to find the proper depth
of water.' From Circle City the river be
come easily navigable for large steamers
as far as Fort Selkirk, where the Pelly
and Lewes Rivers unite. If such an ave
nue of transportation were opened up. It
would do away with tho horrors of Nome
beach and the uncertainties and delays
of the open roadstead to St. Michael.
Will It pay any company or corporation
to undertake such an enterprise? That
the Seward Peninsula will be a gold-producing
district for years to come can
hardly be doubted; that the Yukon Val
ley will have a teeming and prosperous
population Ls not doubted by any man
who has gone up and down the river
and who has'carefully considered the pos
sibilities of the country for a careful and
Industrious population to earn a living.
"Large ocean-going craft can land all
construction material at Port Clarence at
a comparative small cost. The country
along the Koyukuk will furnish timber
for crosstles, bridges and telegraph poles.
The transportation companies which are
already located at St. Michael, and who
have spent such large sums of money In
their various plants, can hardly be ex
paced to look with favor upon a new
route of travel and transportation, which
will make these properties comparative
ly worthless. When the prospector Is
supplied with transportation and outfits
at a less cost than Is now generally pre
vailing, the country will be more quick
ly opened up and a larger number of la
borers can follow and And profitable em
ployment. The rate of freight and pas
sage to points in Southeast Alaska Is
controlled by the Joint Tariff Steamship
Association. General merchandise to
Ketchikan from Sound ports is $8 per
ton; passenger fares, $10 and $17. Mer
chandise to Juneau. $9; fares, $12 and $20.
Merchandise to Skagway, $10; fares, $16
and $25. Merchandise to Sitka, $9; fares,
$1S and $30.
"Either 2000 pounds or40cublc feet make
one ton. Feathers, hay and household
goods will be taken by measurement The
freight tariff is classified. For Instance,
hardware ls, first class, $9 to Sitka. Ice,
prepaid and at owner's risk ls
li. or $13 50 to Sitka. Game,
fresh, prepaid and at owner" risk,
double first class, or IIS to Sitka. Mu
sical Instruments, by weight or measure
ment, at carrier's option, three times
first class, or $27 per ton to Sitka. Fresh
meat, at owner's risk, prepaid, by weight,
but not less than 50 cents per carcass,
four times first class, or $36 per ton to
Sitka. Flour, by weight, second class,
$7 50 to Sitka. Empty trunk, owner's
risk, third class. $6 50 to Sitka. Horns
and hoofs, in sacks, fourth class, $6 50
per ton to Sitka. Excelsior, fifth class,
$5 50. Empty oil cans, cased and meas
ured, sixth class, $4 50 per ton, etc
Corpse, flrst-claFs fare Shippers who
contract with a company to do -all their
shipping through It get a rebate of 20
per cent or more.
"These are the rates for places along
the usual route taken by the steamsh'ps.
and for outlying points a certain amount
of business must be assured before they
wilt make a call.
"River steamers ascend the Koyukuk
450 miles to Bergman. The fare from St.
Michael ls $105: freight, $125 per ton- At
the present time Circle City Is the out
fitting point for those who wish to Teach
the new diggings in the Tanana country,
about 125 miles distance. Packers were
getting $1 25 per pound to transport sup
plies on horses from Circle to the camp.
Allowing $20 as the transportation charga
from a Sound port to St. Michael for
a ton of goods. It will cost a miner $2610
to have that ton of supplies placed at
his camp. The Invoice price must be
added to make up the total cost. Is It a
wonder that a prospector seeks for coarse
gold that will go several dollars to the
'"The schedules for the White Pass &
Yukon Railway are not at hand. Their
rates until lately were 3 cents per pound
for carload lots from Skagway to Lake
Bennett, a distance of 42 miles, and $10
for a passenger for the same distance.
"The Interior of Alaska can be reached
by way of Valdcs. Captain Abercrombie
has opened up more than 125 miles of
trail, and some partJes have taken in
a very considerable amount of supplies
on pack horses. In the near future there
will, no doubt, be a railroad up the Cop
per River Valley to the divide, with
branches extending to Eagle, Circle and
to places lower down on the Yukon. This
will solve the question of an all-American
route. Citizens of the United States who
are bound for Eagle and Circle and other
places on the Yukon within Alaska dis
like to come In contact with the Canadian
customs officials. There are so many de
lays and hindrances which make it an
noying and costly. In connection with
this subject of transportation, the mer
chants of Skagway complain that they
are not treated fairly and Justly. The
discriminations against tnem by the Ca
nadian authorities are severe and prohib
itive For Instance, when merchants in
Vancouver or Victoria, B. C, purchase
American goods In Seattle or San Fran
cisco, they can be shipped through with
out hindrance, and only a duty on the
Seattle or San Francisco Invoices will be
exacted, but when the merchant at Skag
way attempts to ship similar goods of
Identical brands the customs officers de
mand that the shipper must present an
Invoice of the cost of the goods laid
down in the warehouse at Skagway; that
he mus add the freight and wharfage
and storage to the original Invoice and
pay duty on that amount-'
Washington Notes.
The Spokane Athletic Club will erect a
$40,000 clubhouse
The -annual contracts for lighting Seat
tle will soon be made.
A local Y. M. C. A. will be started at
Aberdeen as soon as possible.
The dredge Seattle Is at work at the
mouth of the Snohomish River. .
J. E. Lawrence was found dead In bed
at Sedro-Woolley Tuesday morning.
There is no change In the aspect of tht
strike of telephone linemen at Seattle.
The normal school at Cheney has re
ceived a number of new students recently.
Two large colonies of French and Dutch
Immigrants arrived at North Yakima thU
Smallpox has broken out In the neigh
borhood of the Lincoln Echoolhouse, at
Several grocery stores at Everett were,
broken Into and. robbed of articles Tug.
day night.
Large numbers of Chinese are leaving
for home on each outgoing steamer from
Puget Sound.
The Municipal Improvement Society, of
Ellensburg, will endeavor to secure land
for a city park.
The Pierce County Bar Association will
meet next Thursday to discuss proposed
changes In laws.
The State Agricultural College football
team has chosen Arthur L. Hooper, cap
tain of next year's eleven.
The Collector at Port Townsend has re
ceived advice that bills of health are sub
ject to tax under the war revenue act.
The Seattle Humane Society has askea
the Government to kill several crippled
animals In the corral at North Seattle.
The disabled steamship "Santa Ana re
cently returned from Nome In tow of th
Centennial, has been libeled for salvage.
The North Yakima Council has decided
to put signs on streets, in order to facili
tate the publishing of a directory and
delivering of mall.
Monday night the editors of papers
printed in Snohomish County will meet
at Everett for the purpose of organizing
a county editorial association.
J. L. Glbbs, switchman In the yards or
the Northern Pacific Railway Company at
Pasco, fell under a car Wednesday night
and his right foot was crushed.
The widow and son of Jay Adams, who
was run over and killed by a Northern
Pacific train, have been awerded $1400
against the company by the Federal
Court at Spokane.
Waltsburg" Is building a wooden bulk
head above the Coppei bridge, on the
Touchet, to prevent an overflow of that
stream from damaging adjacent property.
The expense will be about $500.
Treasurer Guernsey, of Columbia Coun
ty, reports that $S0.320 52 of the 1S99 taxes
has been paid In, leaving a balance of
$6041 49 still outstanding. He also states
that 97 per cent of the taxes of 1S9S has
been paid.
The records at the Port Townsend Cus-tom-House
show that the Imports of
canned salmon Into the Puget Sound cus
toms district amount to 57.649 cases, val
ued at $129,710 75. The duty on the salmon
amounts to $38,913 23.
Alfonso Salvador, who Inflicted serious
knife wounds upon Pasquale Ferraro in a
flght at Sauk last Sunday, Is reported to
have himself sustained several ugly cuts
In the row. He Is being care for by
friends at Sauk. It Is not likely that
either party to the affray will prosecute.
While out hunting one day last week.
Andrew Swedberg. of Medical Lake, met
with quite a serious accident. He was
carrying his gun with the middle finger
of the left hand thrust into the end of
the barrel, and he trigger caught in his
clothing, with the result that the finger
was Bhot away.
The library movement among the
schools of Walla Walla County ls belnfr
zealously pushed forward. There are C6
schools in the county, 40 of which are al
ready well supplied and have made an ex
cellent start. Nearly $900 was raised last
year by the several schools by entertain
ments, and It Is expected that the amount
will go beyond $1000 this year.,
Frank J. Parker, a former proprietor
of the Walla Walla Statesman, has fllea
a complaint In the Superior Court against
the Statesman Publishing Company, a cor
poration, and David Miller, J. B. Catron,
E. E Fal. Fred Marvin and C H. God
dard, praying for a receiver for the prop
erty. Parker, it is said, objected to thr
company's leasing the paper to Fred Mar
vin It Is alleged that Catron and .Miller
did not follow the stipulations of the
lease In disposing of the stock, and In
various, others way violated their agree
ment Ernest Lister, secretary of the State
Board of Audit and Control, has given out
advance sheets of his biennial report. He
reviews the work of the board for the
past two years, giving considerable space
to the different ways in which economies
are effected at the various state Institu
tions One of the most important recom
mendations made is the establishment of
a manual training school at the state re
form school at Chehalls. Considerable
space Is also given to the manufacturing
carried on at the state penitentiary and
the other institutions where the inmates
are expected to be employed. He recom
mends that this Intel-manufacturing be
fostered and built up. as it has proven
beneficial to the Inmates employed and
has also besn a financial aid to the state
In its support of the institutions. He asks
for $1500 to cover the expenses of the
Board of .Control for the next two years.
The recommendations for " the mainte
nance of the state institutions for the two
years beginning April 1, 1901. are as fol
lows: State penitentiary, $140,000: Western
Washington hospital for the Insane. $223.
950: Medical Lake Insane asylum. $125,000:
state reform school. -$45,000: soldiers' home,
536.000: revolving fund department. $130,
000. The report-recommends that an as
sembly hall be erected at the soldiers'
borne, at a. cost of $5000. and that $1500 be
aet aside for furnjshlng It,
Mr. C. M. Scott, 1840 Dor
chester Avenue, Boston, Mass..
how he became a strong, hearty
"AbonttTrn tmh Km T mifr,M(i
eral debility and I doubt If there wa
yu ,,Crabl lhan was-.1 hRd no 1,fe or arZT. and was m depressed
menta 17 a, I was worn out phylclly. It was not at all unusual fo? mo to
nHhT7 mZZ?T' MT bl00d inu thln nd wator3- ba rst of
It all was the dreadful, wearying nervousness at night. When I retired at
ten o clock, instead of going to sleep I would toss and turn till well on into
the morning, and when I awoke It wci without any feeling of being refreshed
or rested. I lost sd much flesh that I got down to 122 pounds In weight, and
I bad no desire for food. -"
"Last January a friend urged me to try Dr. Williams' rink Pills for Pale
People. I hnd previously tried many dlfleront kinds of remedies and had
consulted three pbyslclnns, but the little relief they gave was very brief, so
I was completely discouraged. My friends, however. Insisted and 1 tried the
" By the time tho second box was begun there was such evident Improve
ment that 1 continued taking them till the ninth box, when I felt that I was
entirely cured. I now weigh 153 pounds. There is no sign of nervousness, I
rest well and feci strong, and am able to enjoy life once more. Mrs. Scot
was feeling a little run down a few weeks ato,but she Immediately ber-.i
taklnjr Dr. Williams' rink Pills for Palo People and sua ls experiencing-J10
same beneficial results that I did."
(Signed) (X M. 8",OTT.
Or. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People
S M SEMrS 5! 2?Sv ih-Vv7.'!f(;. $d may be
SebTsnectV: &T. r "
Said She Wai Attacked by Mr. Cas
tle and Killed Her Antagonist
to Save Her Otto Life.
ELDORADO, Ka., Dec. 7. Jessie M6r
rison today took the, stand in her own de
fense, and in a quiet, determined manner,
told minutely of her relations with OUn
Castle before his marriage, and as calmly
pictured the scene at the Castle house
during the bloody rough-and-tumble flght
with Mrs. Castle She proved an unex
pectedly strong witness. Miss Morrison
approached the witness chair pale and
trembling and began her testimony with
an effort. As she proceeded., she gained
confidence and related her story without
hesitation. She denied most of the dam
aging testimony adduced by the prosecu
tion. She flatly denied many of the state
ments made on the stand by OHn Castle,
and declared that he had tried to make
Mrs. Castle jealous and that Mrs. Castle
had flaunted her husband's act In her
face On the day of the tragedy, she de
clared, Mrs. Castle had called her Into
the house as she was passing, had ac
cused Miss Morrison of trying to sepa
rate her and Castle, and when she denied
It, called her a liar. Mrs. Castle- had.
the witness declared emphatically, begun
the flght, slashing her with the razor
again and again, and compelling the de
fendant to attack her antagonist In self
defense. During her thrilling recital of the two
women rolling over one another on the
floor In their combat, the spectators riv
eted their eyes upon Miss Morrison. In
all her testimony Miss Morrison was direct
and positive; not once did she flinch, and
at only one time during the cross-examination
did she shed a tear. It had been
feared, even by the defense, that she
would bre.ak down during the cross-examination.
The state did not succeed in
making her contradict any of the telling
points in her testimony.
Kentucky Murderer Breaking: Down.
MAYSVDLLE, Ky., Dec. 7. William Gib
son, who is charged with the murder of
his stepdaughter, at Cattlettsburg. Ky.,
two weeks ago, is breaking down, and a
confession from him Is expected at any
moment There Is no Indication tonight
of a mob coming from Cattlettsburg, as
was reported early In the day.
Defacing; Onr Scanty Spots.
Leslie's Weekly.
It is suggested that the goods of firms
who greedily spoil our greatest beauty
spots to advertise their wares be general
ly boycotted. Only step a foot on the
grass In Central Park and a. policeman
will pounce upon you. Yet gaze across
the Hudson and you will see that the
sign-painter has been permitted to deface
the noble Palisades with praise of pills,
soaps, and sarsaparllla. Go on a railway
Journey through our beauty spots, and
you find our valleys hideous with adver
tisements of every kind of commodity
painted on unsightly board fences. Barns
that would otherwise be picturesque are
red, black and yellow with jarring ad
vertising catch-words. Noble trees are
tricked out with gaudy tin signs that
make a true lover of the beautiful do
more swearing than buying. Hillsides
that once reflected back the beauty, love
and peace of Nature are made abhorrent
by this advertising vandalism. It ls as
tounding that the advertisement fiend
should have a vaster liberty allowed him
than any other member of the commu
nity. It ls disheartening that, while this
evil Is on an amazing Increase, nothing
effective Is being done against It. Per
haps the suggested general boycott would
The Judges at the Paris Exposition
have awarded a
Walter Baker & Co, "
the- largest manufacturers of cocoa and
chocolate in the world. This is the third
award from a Paris Exposition.
arc always uniform in qual
ity, absolutely pure, deli
cious, and nutritious. The
genuine goods bear our
trade-mark on every pack
age, and are made only by
Walter Baker & Co. "
JTkijnysiH's Eyi Wafif
I cSKlk 1
m vs Jim mm
k 1M U ' W m
man :
-.... ..
anvbodv mora
""" " ".xams jujuhcixx WJlFr,
be the best weapon, but law-makers
should also be urged to give their atten
tion to the evil. In all our large cities
passengers in street-cirs are confronted
with flaring advertising cards that can
not but have an inharmonious effect on
the beholder. Tet these railroads are or
ganized for the passenger-carrying trade;
nothing in their charters allows them
to earn one dollar by becoming advertis
ing mediums. It is strange that the
newspapers, In their own Interest, do not
seize upon this point and agitate cease
lessly for reform. That would be an ef
fective start of a crusade that would re
move these advertising offenses against
the taste and mental comfort of a long
suffering public.
For a Cold In the Head.
Laxative Bromo-Quinlne Tablets.
The Esterbrook Falcon is the Best
Known Pen in the World.
IV) I'arittiet Fr i.ite by all ttationert
Works. Camden. N.J. 26 John St.. N. V.
as illustrated in the Scalp. Fig. i
shows a section of a healthy hair
magnified. Fig. 2 shows the deadly
effect of the DANDRUFF GERMS
that are destroying the hair root.
Destroy the cause you remove
the effect
No Dandruff, no Falling Heir, no
Baldness, if you kill the germ with
Fer Sale by ail Druggists.
Price $1.00.
la allte fiagMitwa
herald be lmilliMii.
XIt'i CrtcaBalm
lrMOT1aoafeesa& lesls
tar diseased xftezabrane.
It carta eatwfa aftd drlr
awar b eIi la ika hA
Crew MVw la ytoesd farto tt aortrfli, ayeadi
ar tto yiantiTine aaA la b tbed. XcUaflalia
mo&fttaasdaeBrefoaew. It la et ajlsf-oe
B6tyrB4uaMatac. LarElM,MeBteSrt3nc.
gbtoaekrsMa; Trial tee, 1 ms4s rsB.
9CT SaOraOM, M IfaaNft SttwVJrr Ta.
-Tj.JI hs r . 1
B It stands alone, i
Kabove, apart. I
1 ILER'5 gsnss
pure III!
MALT ilii
11 unqxidilioiuHy VfiSKivsi'lSr I
5vpenortathe LvSBaSSl
Wfrtartcfe.Yctj He5 j
jaYelheanporfduly iiri ijwai.i,Li.r I !
M Th Btama.ur-Xrnlc Drue Cx, is I
U Portland. Or., Distributers. jj
Health and Disease 1
lire h a "1 Pw j Rj&JEi
I hi 1 II
wSb hS Jem gJOTBjjfiy ai
jnnB ilipll
I Tiot a dnrk office In the building)
absolutely fireproof; electric llghta
and artesian renter; perfect sanita
tion and thoronch ventilation. Kle-
Tators run day nnd nlnht.
. . Rooms.
ArNSLIE, Dr. GnOROE.Phys!ctan....003-CO9
ANDERSON. GUSTAV. Attorney-at-Law...13
AUSTEN. P. C. Manager for Oregon and
Washington Bankers' Life Association, of
Des Moines. la 202-503
MOINES. IA.: F. C. Austen. ManaKer.502-503
BATNTUN, GEO. R.. Ugr. for Chas. Scrlb-
ner"s Sons 313
SEALS. EDWARD A.. Forecast Official U.
S. Weather Rurvau jjo
BENJAMIN. R . Dentist 314
HINSWANOEB.D.U O. S.. Phy. & Sur.4IO4U
BROOKE. DR. J. M.. Phys. & Surg; 70S-709
BROWN. MYRA. M. D 313-314
BRUERE. DB. G. E.. Physician ...412-413-414
CANNING. M. J 002-60J
CAUKIN. G. E.. District Agent Traveler'
Insurance Co 713
CHL'RCHII.L. MRS E. J 710-717
COFFEY. DR. R. C. Phys. & Surgeon.... 700
CORNELIUS, a W.. Phys. and Surgeon 200
'OVEK. F". C. Cashier Equitable Life 300
COLLIER, P. F.. Publisher; S. P. McGuIro.
Manager 415-413
DAY. J. O. & I. N.. 310
..'. .NAjLEON. President Columbia.
Telephone Co Q07
DlCKbuN. UiU J. F.. Physician 713714
DRAKE. DR. II. B.. Physician 512-513-314
DWYER. JOE F.. Tobaccos 403
L. Samuel. Manager; F. C Coer, Cashler.SCS
EVENING TELEGKAM 325 Alder street
F ENTON. J. D . Phynlclan and Surgcon,50U-310
FENTON. DR. HiCKS C. Eje and Ear... 311
FENTON. MATTHEW P.. Dentist 503
GALV.NI. W. H.. Engineer and Draughts
man .....................................BOO
AWN. A.. Preaident Oregon Camera Club.
GEARY, DR. EDWARD P.. Phslcian and
Surgeon ....212-213
GEBHIE P'TB. CO.. Ltd.. Fine Art Publish
ers; M. C McGreevy. Mgr 518
GlEdY. A. J., Physician and Surgeon.. .7UU-710
GODDARD. E. C. & CO.. Footwear
Ground lluor, 12a Sixth street
GOLDMAN. WILLIAM. Manager Manhattan
Life Insurance Co.. of New York.... 200-210
GRANT. FRANK S.. Attorney-at-Law U17
HAMMAM BATHS; Wnu Cockburn. Prop..
HOLLISTER. DR. O. C. Phys. & Sur. .604-503
IDLEMAN. C. M.. Attorney-at-Law..4IG-17-18
JOHNSON. W. C 313-31C-J17
KADY. MARK T., Supervisor of Agents
Mutual Reserve Fund Life Ass'n UO4-C03
LAMONT. JOHN, Vice-President and Gen
eral Manager Columbia Telcphooe Co.....S04
L1TTLEFIELD, H. R.. Phys. and Surgeon.200
MACKAY. DR. A. E.. Phys. and Surg-..711-713
MARTIN, J. L. & CO., Timber Lands 001
MAXWELL. DR. W. E.. Phys. & Surg.701-2-3
McCOY. NEWTON. Atorney-at-Law 713
McFADEN, MISS IDA E.. Stenographer....201
McGINN. j-lEXHY E.. Atlorney-ai-Law..311-12
MILLER. DR. HERBERT C.. Dentist and
Oral Surgeon U03-609
MOSSMAN. DR. E. P.. Dentist 312-313-314
New York; W. Goldman. Manager 20U-210
Mark T. Kadyv Supervisor of Agents-tXH-eOS
McELROY. DR. J. C. Phy. &' Sur.701 -702-703
McFARLAND, E. B.. Secretary' Columbia
Telephone Co cog
McGUIRE. S. P.. Manager P. F. Collier.
Publisher . ...'. 415-410
McKIM. MAURICE. Attorney-at-Law 500
York; Wm. S. Pond. State Mgr....4U4-4U5-400
NICHOLAS. HORACE IS.. Att'y-at-Law....713
NILES. M L.. Cashier Manhattan Ufa In
surance Co.. of New York 203
Dr. L. B. Smith. Osteopath 403-403
OREGON CAMERA CLUB 214-215-210-217
Ghormley. Mgr 203
POND. WM. S.. State Manager Mutual Llfo
Ins; Co., of New York 404-405-403
Ground floor. 133 Sixth street
Marshall. Manager 31S
QUIMBY. L. P. Vi.. Game and Forestry
Warden ..710717
ROSENDALE. O M.. Metallurgist and Min
ing Engineer 515-519
REED &. MALCOLM. Opticians... 133 Sixth Pt.
REED. P. C Fish Commissioner 407
RYAN, J. B.. Attorney-at-Law 417
SAMUEL. L.. Manager Equitable Life 300
Co.: H F. Bushong. Gen. Agent for Ore.
and Washington 301
SHERWOOD. J. W.. Deputy Supreme Com
mander K O. T. M 317
SMITH. Dr L. B.. Osteopath 408-403
STUART. DELL. Attorney-at-Law G17-C15
STOLTE. DR CHAS. E., DenUst 704-703
Special Art. Mutual Life or New York. ...400
TUCKER, DR. GEO. F.. Dentist 610-611
U. S. WEATHER BUREAU 007-008-300-010
DIST.; Captain W. C Langfltt. Corps of
Engineers, U. S. A SOt
C. Langfltt. Corps of Engineers. U. S. A.. 810
WATERMAN. C. H.. Cashier Mutual Llfs
of New York 40S
WILSON. DR. EDWARD N.. Physician
and Surgeon ....304-303
WILSON. DR. GEO. F.. Phys. & Surg'..706-7o7
WILSON. DR HOLT C. Phys. & Sur.. 507-508
WOOD, DR W. L.. Physician 412-413-414
A. feir more elesraat office rany- fce
had by applying to Portland Trust
Company of Oregoa, IOQ Third st.. or
to the rent cleric In the balltllnff.
Cured Wkilt
You Sleep
In Fifteen Days
Srmn-SelTenf dissolves Stricture like snow be
neaih the. tun. reduces Knlanted Prostata and
strengthens tna Seminal Dacu.siopplngDralai and
Kmltilont In Fifteen Jars.
So drags to ruin tbestosineb. bat a direct local
and positive application totnaentlrouretbraltract.
Uns-bolvant Is not a llculd. It I prepared In
tlie for of Uryoas or PanclU. sfflootb and flexible,
and to Barrow as to pais the closest Stricture.
Every Man Should Know Hirruelf.
Tie St. Janet Assn.. Box KM. C!nctnn.iU..O fces
ircvparcn at great expense aa exnaust- 1
n iMusiraieo Treatise upon tne male
jkco. waica sey win sena to say
St. Jaxuar Ass'n, 344 Elm St., Claclncatl, OkSa.