Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 07, 1900, Image 1

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    VOL. XL. IsO'. 12,476.
Age . . Purity . .
Hunter Rye
The Whiskey of Whiskeys
Agents Otocob. Washington sad IAeito.
202 North First St., Portias!, On
. Flavor .
144-146 Fourth Street
European Plant
In our ware rooms are displayed the following articles, particu
larly desirable for ....
The qualities of which are -well known throughout the world as being unequaled.
IMPORTED AND "---- With Ivory. Bone
DOMESTIC vol VV19 anc Stag, Handles.
RoBCrSis47 Knives, Forks and Spoons '
I ' , thhas1?eEi-torged Pocket Knives
The World's Favorite Boker "Tree Brand" Razors
Novelties In Bathroom and Kitchen Nickel Ware
Manicure Sets, Scissors and Shears
Also.' The Bachelor's tDnlDanion.atSa'S!?
.. .
Horieyman, DfeHart&Go
and Practical Forms
Jjp Plain and Ornamental Sterling Sliver Mountings.
J No Charge for Engraving.
Popwisr-Price Druggists Fourth and Washington Sts.
Complete stock of reliable, up-to-date
footwear, Including the celebrated
KRftUSSE & PRINCE 87-89 first st.
Sample oalrs delivered free by mail or express.
Electric Night Lamps
J C. P. and IS C. P. In one lamp; Invaluable for sick room, hospitals,
halls, etc
Our 10 C. P. Shelby regular lamp gives more light than if C P
of any other make consumes less current. These lamps are Indorsed
all leading- authorities. AN e guarantee them. A full 16 C P. 32 C P
and 10 C. P.
25 varieties -electric reading : lights; special light, reading in bed.
Andirons in good designs for $LE0 pair and up.
TrL Main 122.
The Pianola Makes a Piano Valuable
Your Piano should furnish you at least $5000
worth of music per year. Do you get it? A
Pianola will bring that music out
M. B. WELLS, Northwest A.gcnt for the Aeolian Company
Aeolian Hall. 353-355 Washington Street, cor. Park. Portland. Or.
We are Sole Agent for the Pianola; alto for the Stelnway. Chase and Emeron Piano.
Nonsuit Granted la Wnnamaker Case
PITTSBURG. Pa,. Dec 6 -A nonsuit
was granted by Judge "VVilson. of Beaver
County, today, in the case of Thomas
Robinson. ex-State Printer, against Hon.
John Wanamaker. The suit -was for
5,000 damages for slander. During the
campaign of 1SSS. Mr. Wanamaker Is al
leged to have made charged that Robin
son conspired with others to defraud the
state. This afternoon, the plaintiff made
a motion that the nonsuit be taken off
the reccrd and the court entertained it
for argument It -will probably be ar
gued some time next month and the case
then taken to the Supreme Court.
Beau Brummell
J. G. Mack & Co.
88 Third St.,
Opposite Chamber of Commerce
C W. KNOWLE3. Mtr.
. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day
.. v-. rr. ----2' i.
fr EourUTMtfcM
Alder "StS..
-i ; i
a Thousand Exquisite'
John Barrett Co,
Gift Frea Banaa'i Brother.
CLEVELAND, O., Dec. 6. Hanville
Hanna, a brother of Senator Hanna, has
given to Lakeside Hospital, of this city,
1000 shares of Northern Pacific stock, the
aggregate par value of -which is $100 000.
The present market value of the stock
Is about $2 per cent.
Victim of Bh Wreelc lae-sttfteA.
BUTTE. Mont. Dee. 6. One of the two
men killed Jn the wreck of the Northern
j Pacific overland passenger train at Rock,
er, Mont, last night was identified today
MiL J. Council, of "Wallace, ltC&a
House Disposed of It by a
Party Vote,
The Liveliest TiKkt "Was Made "on
a Substitute Offered by Little
field, of Maine, lor the Can
teen Provision.
"WASHINGTON, Dec 6. The House to
day, at the end of a long session, passpd
the Army reorganization bill, by a vote of
166 to 132. Three Democrats. Hall (Pa.)
and Underhlll and Slayton (N. Y.). voted
with the Republicans for the bill, and
McCall CRep. Mass.) with the Democrats
against it Otherwise" it was a strict
party vote.
The proposition to which some of the
Democrats attempted to commit their side
in caucus, an extension of the present
temporary Army until July 1, 1901, which
was voted upqn Indirectly on a motion to
recommit, commanded the votes of only
about half the opposition and two Repub
licans. McCall and Mann (111.). Many of
the Democrats, however, voted against
the motion because they were opposed
not only to the reorganization bill, but
also continuing the temporary Army a
its present strength.
Quite a number of amendments were
placed upon the bill before It was passed.
The liveliest fight was made upon a sub
stitute offered by Llttlefield (Rep.), for
the canteen section. The substitute abso
lutely prohibited the sale of Intoxicants at
military posts. It was supported by
Messrs. Llttlefield, Grosvenor (Rep., O.),
Dick (Rep., O.). and Hay (Dem.. Va.),
and opposed by Slayden (Dem., Tex.),
Fitzgerald (Dem.. Mass.), Pearce (Rep.,
Mo.), Parser (Rep.. N. J.) and Bartholdt
(Rep., Mo ). Large delegations from the
W. C T, U.. which is in session in this
city, watched the fight from the nailery
When the vote was taken, the prohibition
amendmeut was carried by an overwhelm
ing majority 159 to 5L Bartholdt at
tempted -to secure a record vote in tha
House, but the peculiar parliamentary
statutes shut him out
The sections designed to retire General
Shatter to a Major-Generalship and Gen-.
eral Fltzhugh Lee and James H. Wilson
as Brlgadler-3enerals were stricket our.
Among -the amendments adopted were
those providing for 50 volunteer surgeons
and 150 assistant surgeonR for service in
the Philippines; for 30 dental surgeon?
and for a veterinary corps with actutl
rank. The officers of the pay corpj wre
increased 11. and of the signal corps XS.
The" age limit was renjoveVl from volun
teer officers eligible to appointment as
First and Second Lieutenants." and tho-
.provl-don" for -retiring officers who served
itoT he -Civil ''War on. ths next higher
graue was sincnen ouu
The oleomargarine bill, which was post
poned today, will come up for considera
tion tomorrow.
The Proceeding In Detail.
The Hepburn amendment to provide
that vacancies In the Quartermaster's
Department could be filled from civil life
or from volunteer officers commissioned
since April 19, 1S9S. which was pending
when the House adjourned yesterday,
was voted down without division.
Hay (Dem.. Va.) effe e3 .an am ndment
which was adopted, authorizing the Presi
dent to. appoint 50 volunteer surgeons
with the rank of Major and 15 assistant
surgeons,, with the rank of Captain, .for
terms of two years, unless previously
Otey (Demy Va.) offered an amendment
to empower the Surgeon-General of the
Army to employ not to exceed 30 dental
surgeons, three of .whom shall be chief
dental, surgeon?. Otey made a humorous
speech In support of the amendment, ap
pealing to every member to vote In the
Interest of 3.200,000 teeth.
"Irrespective of party or the result d
the late election." said he. "vote to rid
the old soldiers of toothaches." "
The amendment was adopted.
For a. Veterlnnry Corps.
Bingham (Rep.. Pa.) offered an amend
ment to provide for a corps of veterinary
surgeons one chief veterinarian, with the
rank of Colonel; one assistant chief, with
the rank of Major; four veterinarians;
with the rank of 'First Lieutenants; 10 as
sistants, with the rank of Second Lieu
tenants; 20 assistants with the rank at
Second Lieutenants of Cavalry. Blrg
ham explalrei that the rr posd nm-nd.
ment was identical with the provisions
in the Senate bll'. The rstabl'shm-nt rt
a veterinary corps, he said, had the ap
proval of Lieutenant-Genera! Miles. Gen
erals Brooke. Merrltt Wilson and othrr
high. Army officers. As the Army would
be reorganized under this bill, there would
be upward of 35.000 animals to be cared
for, and the economy of such a corps was
beyond cavIL
Hull (Rep.. la.) opposed the proposed
amendment on the ground of the accept
ance of a section of the Senate bill
would handicap the conference. Beside,
he favored assimilated rank for the vet
erinary surgeons.
Mondell (Rep.. Wyo.) opposed the propo
sition to commission "horse doctors" tss
officers of the army.
Butler (Rep.. Pa.) and Bingham both
resented the fling at "horse doctors," de
fending them as men of education and
ability, whose services were of great val
ue to jjy army. The amendment was
adopted. SO to 72.
On motion of Dick an amendment was
adopted to Increase the pay corps of the
Army from thre? to four Paymasters
with the rank of Co'onel four 1o five with
the rank of Lieutenant-Colcnel; from nine
to 25 with the rank of Major, and re
ducing those with the rank of Captain
from 27 to 25.
Increasing- the Sif-rnal Corps.
An amendment was adopted to Increase
the Signal Corps by one Lieutenant-Colonel,
two Majors 10 Captains and 10 First
Lieutenants and the provision authoriz
ing the President to appo'nt vo'unteer
signal officers with the rank of First
Lieutenant and 10 with the rank of Sec
ond Lieutenant during the c-nt nuatlon of
the Philippine War. was stricken out.
An amendment was agreed to making
volunteer officers eligible to the grades
of First and Second Lieutenants without
regard to age.
An amendment offered by William A
Smlth (Rep. Mich.) was adopted, provid
ing that if one of the parents of a soldier
should die after he had served more than
one yer. leaving the other solely de
pendent upon him for support he might
"receive Tin honorable discharge.
Moody CRep.. Mass.) effe:ei an amerd
ment providing that all officers who
served during the Civil War -mC who have
Tjeretoforc been retired below the rank
of Brigadier-General be entitled to the
iank and pay of the next higher grade.
This provision, he said, would jf.ace re
tired officers on the same Tooting with of-
l Seers of the Clvtf War who, under tie
terms of the bill are to be retired hereaf
ter as of the next higher grade. 'The
amendment was tost Thereppon Mahon
(Rep.. Pa.) moved tb strike o"ut the para
graph to retire officers 'below1 the Tank;
of Brigadier-General "who served during
the Civil War with the .rank and paj tif
the next higher grade, and" his motion
prevailed, notwithstanding! Hull made a
plea against fche amendment '-
McDermott (Rep., N. J.) offered an
amendment to make it rrfandatofy , upon
the President to reduce thjs enlisted force
of the Army to 25,000 December 1, 1902.
McDermott declared that fin his opinion
it was the absolute duty of every man.
Irrespective of party, to iuphold the hands
of tha President So long 'as we held the
Philippines it was our dtity'to suppress
tho insurrection. 'But If Jt wjis not the
Intention to create an "undemocratic and
un-American standing Armyof100;0C0 for
all time, the act should bef limited fto two
years. If the Insurrection could not be
suppressed In two years, we should sell
the Islands to some European country
which wanted to buy a gojd brick. (Dem.
ocratlc applause.) The amendment was
defeated. i
Canteen Amenunent.
Llttlefield (Rep., Me.) offered the follow
ing substitute for the canteen provision
of the bill:
'The sale of or dealing. In liquor, wine
or any Intoxicating liquors by any person
in any post exchange or canteen, or
army transport or upon any premises
used for military purposes by the United
States is hereby prohibited. The Secre
tary of War Is hereby directed to carry
the provisions of this section into full
force and effect" t
Llttlefield reviewed the long-standing
controversy over thls subject, and after
reading a letter from Adjutant-General
Corbln, stating that 95 .per cent of the
onicers or tne Army favored tne canteen
system, he also read a statement made by
Ge eral Corbln in 1SS2, condemning the
canteen system as not conducive to the
discipline or the best Interests of the sol
diers. Llttlefield also read a statement
by General Ludlow, who testified to the
good effect o' discouraging the sale of
liquor to soldiers In Cuba.
Fitzgerald opposed the amendment.
"Unless we desire to act as hypocrites."
said he, "we should -vote down this
amerdment It Is impossible to enforce
prohibition in any portion of this country
or of the world. We cannot enlist 65,000
men for service in. the Philippines or any
where else who can be made total ab
stainers. We 'should seek to promote
temperance In the wny which will bring
the best results." Fitzgerald "concluded
with an attack upon prohibition as it ob
tained in Maine.
Grosvenor declared that prohibition had
been a failure .wherever It had been tried.
Nevertheless, he said, he would vote Tor
the amendment. If good came of It ho
would thank God. If not. as he believed
it would not. no harm, would have been
done, and Congress could easily retrace
its steps.
Kladn (Dem., Tex.), who Is a membr
of the military committee, opposed the
amendment If reason and not hysteria,
was to control legislation, he said. It
wo..ld be voted down.' He said that offi
cers conversan with the orklngs of the
-eantees system were unanimous intn-
"dofslhg it. "it wason infiuenBe',,forfem
peranie. - i- -t..
Pearce (Dem.. Mo.) said' htflwas ire
.pared, to' assert that nothfng would vdo so
muchto break down true temoerance in
the Army as absolute prohlbltlqh.
Hay (Dem.. Va.) believed It was wrong
for the Government to engage In the
sale of liquor. He was opposedvtQ throw
ing temptation In the direct path of
young men who entered the Army. He
asserted that the evidence of the Army
offlcerr was not altogether on one side o
the question. (Anplause.)
Parker (Rep., N. J.), a member of
the military committee opposed thef
amendment The whisky-drinking Army
of the old days of the sutler and post
trader had become a temperate Army
under th canteen system. Desertions in
the seven years before the canteen svs-c
tem double those for the same period
afterward. The same figures hold good
for convictions for drunkenness.
After soma further debate by Dick in
favor of the amendment and Barth61dt
against It, Llttlefield closed the debate
on the amendment and defended prohibi
tion in Maine, which he Insisted made
for morality and temoerance. ,The
amerdment was adopted. 159 to 5L.
Many members of the W. C. T. U. In
the gallery loudly applauded the result,
Other Amendments.
Fitzgerald then proposed an amendment
to prohibit the sale of liquor in the Cap
itol building, but Hull made the point of
(Concluded on Second Page.)
Tne famous North German Lloyd school-ihlp Herzotln Sophie Charlotte was the center of attraction on the water front yesterday. She
arrived up to late Wednesday evening that darkness soon shut off the view, but all day yesterday there was a string of people solng down
to Greenwich Dock to admire the graceful lines of Use big- clipper, and watch her bis crew of natty youne lallors at their work. Captala
Warnecke met many old friends la tola port, aad. takes great pleasure is showing them oyer hh fine ship.
'Amended so as;to Take Im
mediate Effect. x
Chnnges Made nt n Meeting: of the
ways and Means Conimltti
Alterations -Proposed in the
Ship Snbsluy Bin.
"-WASHINGTON, Dec 6. The ways and
means committee voted to report the
revenue reduction bill as Introduced with
an amendment making the act take effect
on its passage instead of 33 days there- i
after. There were but two absentees
Babcock. Rep., and Robinson, Dem.
When the beer section was reached, fixing
the rebate at 20per cent Instead of 74
per cent, which makes the rate $1 60 per
barrel, .Richardson, ranking member of
'the minority. moed a further reduction
of all' the Increase made by the revenue
.act The effect of this motion, if carried,
would have been to make the rate $1 per
barrel. Th motion was defeated by a
party vote.
The consideration by sections proceeded.
the bill belnc preserved In the main as
framed by the Republicans. When the
meeting closed, at 12 o'clock, Pajne, with
tho concurrence of Richardson, authorized
rthe proceedings o be given out In detail.
Richardson's motion on the beer tax was
the fh-flt test of strength. This was lost,
6 to 9, on a strict party vote.
Swanson (Va.) then moved to recommit
the bill to a subcommittee with instruc
tions toT prepare a measure making a $60,
000,000 reduction. It was lost by the same
vote. Swanson next unsuceessfullv moved
to eliminate all special taxes on tobacco
dealers Imposed by the war revenue act
Underwood (Ala.) presented a substitute j
bill, repealing the entire war revenue act
providing for a 3 per cent tax on incomes
over $2000 and re-enacting the present In
heritance tax. On the vote, two Demo
crats McClellan (N. Y.) and Newland3
(Nev.) did not vote. Tho result was tho
defeat of the substitute, 4 to 9.
Underwood moved to restore the tax on
telephone messages.- and Newlands of- j
fered an amendment restoring it to tele
graph messages, but requiring the com
panies to pay the tax. Both propositions
were lost. 6 to 9.
Cooper (Tex.) offered an amendment
striking out the exemption of religious
and. charitable Institutions in the tax on
Inheritances. This was lost on a viva
voce 'vote.-
- Qnm6Uon dfHopklns (111.) tho final sec
'tlon was changed, making the act take
effect Immediately on its passage.
jOn Dalzell's" final motion to report the
bill to the Housa, the Democrats djd not
vote, and the report to the House was
not opposed. Payne stated that the ma
jority report would be presented by Sat
urday. The proceedings were marked by
good feeling, and Richardson stated that
the minority wopld not Interpose factious
opposition on the floor, of the House.
Some Amendments Adopted by the
Senate Commerce Committee.
WASHINGTON. Dec 6. The Senate
committee on commerce held a meeting
today, which was devoted mainly to the
consideration of the ship subsidy bill,
and to amendments suggested by Chair
man Frye. The most important amend
ment was one providing that all ships
shall take 50 per cent of their cargo ca
pacity when leaving a port of the United
States for a foreign port Frye said the
effect of Its Incorporation in the bill would
be to Increase the amount of cargo which
must be taken, but that It would so dis
tribute It among the various ships that
there would be neither Inequality nor In
J Justice. The amendment requiring vessels
1 rlwir'ntr for fnrpltm nnrtff to rairrv rvrr
clearing for foreign ports to carry car;
amounting to 50 per cent of their carry
ing capacity was adopted by the commit
tee. It now reads as follows:
"No vessel shall be entitled to full com
pensation unless she shall have cleared
from a port of the United States with
cargo to the amount of 50 per cent of Tier
carrying capacity of commercial cargo."
- Another amendment relates to the di
vision, of the annual award of $9,000,000
between ships on the Atlantic Ocean and
those'on the Tactile As originally pro--vlded,
-70 per .cent of the amount was to
be expended upon the Atlantic and 30- per
cent on "the Pacific with an additional
pro lslon that In .case, the entire 30 per
cent .should, not be utilized on the Pa
cific, itvmlght be diverted to the Atlantic
There was no (reciprocal provision in the
Interest of the Pacific ships. That Is pro
vlded by today's action, the language of
the provision being as follows:
"In case the ?ald Atlantic, Ocean trade
shall not require the whole, amount of
the said 70 per cent .and the said Pacific
Oceantrade shall require In respect of the
vessels engaged In .said Pacific ,Ocean
trade the expenditure of more than, the
said 3a per cent of said J9.000.000 In any
such year, there may be expended, pursu
ant to the provisions of ttils act any sum
within the said - J9,axl,000 remaining and
not earned as aforesaid, in respect of the
vessels In the Atlantic Ocean." , ,
The section relating to the granting
of American registry to forelgn
.bulL ships was amended so as to
.guard against fraud., by showing by
some records already on file in'
Treasury Department exactly
vessels of that description
are to be admitted to Americanregistn'
under the act and thus avoid all dispute
a& to the total volume of the tonnage. It
Is claimed that the result of the amend
ment is to require that every foreign-built
steamship described In clause Bot section
9 should have-been actually contracted for
and the contracts filed with the Secretary
of thet Treasury on or before February
1. 1S99. and that such contracts should
have resulted In the actual construction of
the vessel or In its having been under con
struction in accordance with the contract
on or before January 1. 1900. in order to
come within the act's provisions.
An amendment to section 10 requires
that "all fittings and machinery forming
a part of the construction of the vessels
built in the United States under the pro
visions of this act shall be of American
manufacture, provided they can be ob
tained in this country."
Shafrota't- Bill Favorably Reported
by the House Committee.
WASHINGTON. Dec. B The hill of
I Representative Shafroth,.of Colorado, for
the adoption of the metric system by the
United States was today favorably re
ported by unanimous vote of the house
committee on coinage, weights and meas
ures. The bill was- changed so as to
make the system go Into effect January
1, 1903. Officials of the Treasury Depart
ment were present today, and expressed
approval of the meisure. Shafroth stated
that all the clvHIze3 nations, except Great
Britain and the United States, had adopt
ed the metric system, Russia bein,g the
last to do so. a few weeks ago. The bill
as reported, provides:
"That on and after January 1. 1903. all
the departments of the Government of the
United States In the transaction of all
business requiring the use of weights and
measurement- excent In comoletlnc the
survey of- puTclandstJalliebJpJd'v; and
use. only the weIghfnoKmGasure,'of the
1, 1903. the weights and measures'" of
the metric system shall be the legal
standard weights and measures of and
in the United States."
Greenville Recti to Be Postmaster at
WASHINGTON, Dec 6. The President
today sent the following nominations to
the Senate:
Daniel H. McMillan, of New York, to
be Associate Justice of the Supreme
Court of New Mexico.
Postmasters Oregon. Greenville Reed.
Astoria; Idaho, A. J. Dunn, Wallace.
Also a number of Armv and Navy re
cess appointments.
The Senate confirmed the nomination of
Otto H. Tltman. of Missouri, as Super
intendent of the Coast and Goedetlc Sur
vey. Gnlieston Harbor Repairs.
WASHINGTON, Dec. C The Secretary
of War today sent to the Senate reports
from the board of engineers concerning
the effects of the Galveston storm o? last
Summer on the Jetties In the vicinity of
that port The board says $1,500,000 will
be necessary to repair the jetties at Gal
veston, and 517i,CCO for the repair of the
Brazos R'.ver jetties. The board places
the loss of life at 5000. The damage to
fortifications is placed at $992,000.
Froni New Orleans Through
Portland to Orient.
Will -Establish. Office and Seni
Agents Through, the South Mi
kado of Japan Interested
Shipments to Come Soon.
NEW YORK Dec 6. A special, NjQW
Orleans dispatch tonight says:
Tho O. R. & N. Co. 13 arranging to
handle cotton on through bills of lading
from New Orleans via Portland and Its
own line of steamships to the Orient
Traffic Manager Campbell, of the com
pany, arrived here today from Portland
for the purpose of looking- over the sit
uation and mapping out a plan. It is
proposed to establish an office in New Or
leans and from here send traveling agents,
through the cotton country to secure the
business, which Mr. Campbell thinks witl
be of large volume. It was only a short
while ago that the shipment of cotton to
Japan and China from New Orleans be
gan, but the growth In the traffic has
been phenomenal, and recently a large
number of Japanese cotton buyers cams
here and arranged for largely Increased
supplies. The Mikado is Interested Id this
trade and sent an agent to Investigate tho
Mr. Campbell is In close touch with tha
Oriental trade and says that a wonderful
activity will develop Just as soon as tha
present Chinese troubles are settled. Ho
expects to be ready to handle large cot
ton shipments from New Orleans through
the Portland terminal within 90 days.
What the Nevr Senator Expects to
Do In Washington.
ST. PAUL, Dec 6. Charles A. Towne
this afternoon received from Governor
Lind the official documents which entitle
.him to a seat in the United States Sen
ate until the State Legislature, which
meets January 8. can elect tx. successor
to fill out the remainder of the unexpiid
term of the late Cushman K- Davis.
Governor Llnd made the appointment of
Mr. Towne Tuesday night and the com
mission was dated December 5, 1900, but
the announcement wa3 withheld until
the Governor could see 3Ir. Towne per
sonal! and talk matters over with him.
Mr. Towne left tonight for Chicago,
where his mother will meet him and pro
ceed with him to the National Capital
to see her son sworn In as United States
Senator. Mr: Towne said that his time
of service would, of course, be short
but he might have to vote on some im
portant measures. He considers the ship
subsidy bill a bad one and Is against it.
His position on the standing Army is
that the people have voted to put down
the war In the Philippines, and he will
vote to give an Army large enough to do
that, but no for an Increase for any
other purpose. He does not expect to
participate In. debate at all during his
short term.
Chilean Cabinet Resigned.
VALPARAISO. Chile. Dec. C The Cabi
net has resigned. Marlanlo Sanchez, Sec
retary of the Interior, has retired because-
of bad health.
The House passed the Army reorganization
bill. age 1.
The Senate considered the Hay-Pauncefota
treaty In secret session. Page 2.
The wnr-tax bill was amended to take effect
on its passage. Page 1.
More amendments were added to the ship sub
sidy bllL Page 1.
Secretary of the Treasury recommends that ap
propriation for Seattle public buildlny be In
creased from $"00 000 to 1.000.000. Page 4.
Representative Moody made a plea for an ap
propriation for enlarging Portland Post
oDlce. Pa-;e 4.
Chamberlain wa3 the storm center In the Erg-
U;h Parliament Page 2.
Contradictory reports are given out as to tho
Pope's health. Page 3.
Kruger was offlclally welcomed at The Hague.
Fage 3.
The Afrikander Congress met at Worcester.
Cape Colony. Page 3
The Pe':ln agreement 's only preliminary to
the peace treaty. Page 3.
Germany ard the United States agree on the
conditions. Page 3.
Kalgan expedition had a bad effect Page 3.
Chinese slve P.ussla credit for the modified
terms. Page 3.
Federal Government.
Commissary-General Kagan was restored to
duty and then retired. Page 2.
An American engineer protests against ill
treatment la Guatemala. Page 2.
The annual convention of the Federation of
Labor opened in Louisville. Page 3.
railway tel-trrapbers on the Gulf, Colorado &
Santa Fe line struck. Page 3.
Evidence for the defense was taken In the
Morrison trial. Page 2.
Pacific Coant.
Oijlrtal vote of the State of Washington for
Presidential Electors and stats officers.
Pairs 4.
Toung man smashed In heads of four relatives
ilth an ax at Seattle. Page 4.
Statistics of Oregon Insane Asylum. Page 4.
Two rural mall routes are established out of
Salem. Page 4.
Commercial and Marine.
Decided reaction in wheat markets. Page It,
Rate war threatened on Portland-San Fran
cisco route. Page 5.
Transport Saint Bede will load at Portland.
Page 5.
Barge loaded with coal sunk in the harbor.
Page 5.
The Hannaford's first trip In O. R. 4 N. ter
ritory. Page 5.
November exports valued at nearly ?1,000,000.
Pafe 5.
Portland and Vicinity.
First preliminary work on Oriental fair
started. Page 7.
Roy Ladd. 14-year-old boy, accidentally shoot)
himself. Page 8.
President Tayor, of Caamber of Commerce,
urges work for Col.imbla. River appropria
tion. Page 11.
No clews to the men who looted Western Lum
ber Company's office. Page 10.
Clackamas nan convicted of opening his wU'(
letter. Page 10,
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