B THE MORNING OREGONIAtf, WEDNESDAY, NOYBMBES 28, 1900. he rsgouxott X&tered at the PastefSee at Portland. Oregon, as seend-eiass matter. TELKPHONES. Editorial IUn,m....lW Oaitnra Office.. 6C7 KEVISBD SUBSOK1PTIOX RATES. By Kail ipnatage prepaid), ta Advance Dally, -with SetMiay. per nrntih 50 S3 Dally, Sunday excepted. year.. - T oO Dally, with Sasaar. per year 0 00 Sunday, per year 2W TUB Weakly, per year 1 J Tno "Weekly. X months W To CUy Euincribers Dally. r-r woek. 4lier'd.Sid'r3 excepted-lSe Dally, per week, delivered. Sttttars lnaJuded.20e POSTAGE KATKK. TJnittd States. Canada and Mexico: 10 to lR-pag paper ...........lc 16 to 32-pare paper -o Foreign rates double. Neva or dlecmttloa Intended far publication te. The Oregonlan houM be addrrsied lnvarla fely "Editor The Oregonlan." net to the name Of any Jndl lul Letter relating to advertis ing, sobscrli-tloas or to any Sniilne matter should be sUir9eed simply "The Oregonlan." The Oregonlan does not by potn or stories from Individual, aad canaat undertake to re turn any raamiwr'p's sent to It without solici tation. No stamp bbeuld be inclosed for this ynrpose. Pugot Sa-ird Bureau -Captain A-'Thompson. office at 1111 Pacific avenue. Taooxna. Box 1133. Tacoroa Pot office. Eastern JJukIsw: OflVce The Tribune bnlld Inc. New York CSty; "The Rookery." Chicago: the S C Beekwlth opeelal agency. New Tork. For tal In Fan rranclsco by J. K. Cooper. 70 J'arket street, near the Palace Hatel; GoM arfllth Brot.. 2M Sutter Mreet; F. IV. Pitta. 1008 Market street; Fatter Jt Orrar. Ferry News stand. For sat Im La Anc"ie by U. F. Gardner. 559 So Sprr street, aad OMmr & Haines. 100 So. Fpring ctreei. For aale Jr On-nha by TI a Shears. 103 N. Blxtccnth street., aad Darkalew Bros.. 1012 Farnam tret. For Fale la Salt LS:- by the Salt Lake News Co. 77 TV Second Fvith trMt. For sale In w Orleans by Ernest & Co.. US Rx al sr-i. On fiie In AVahltictcn. D. C. with A. W. Durji, tWJ Hi X. W. For sele U Dcwr. CtAe . by Hamilton &. Kendr k &C '.ill Seerth rtreer. TUDA " 'i:ATIIER Increasing cloudl net, fo l-wd rain, probably warmer; fresh southerly winds POnTLAXD. 1VI5MM5SDAY. NOV. 28 Tardiness In pupils of the public schools hits for years been the unpar donable sin, and has been visited by the unscheduled and unmitigated wrath of teachprs and the indignation and scorn of fellow-pupils, While punctu ality Is a virtue which cannot be too strongly commended, it has been evi dent to parents many times that the censure visited upon pupils otherwise well-behaved and conscientious stu dents has oassed all bounds of justice and propriety, and might well be placed upon a more dignified, reason able and orderly basis. Be this as It may, it Is clear that what Is Inexcusa ble in pupilf. should be equally so In teachers, and perhaps It Is not too much to hope that the next time a panting, cowering lit Je girl creeps like a culprit Into her seat two or five minutes late she will be allowed to plead a car off the track or a clock several minutes slow in extenuation of her grave In fringement of the rules. Since teachers ask to be excused and are excused for tardiness upon such a plea, they should certainly listen kindly when trembling childhood voices it, and considerately allow that circumstances may at times be beyond the child's control. The thorough, deliberate and compre hensive method with which the Taft Commission is going into the subject of Philippine tariffs Is pretty good evi dence that no general act for the gov ernment of the islands will be passed at the short session of Congress. One jrood reason for this is the necessity of military rather than civil rule there until order is fully restored, and an other good reason IS the desirability of some practical experience in adminis tration before Congress formally and finally acts. Permanent trade regula tions for the Philippines, therefore, will bo enacted by the Congress that Is elected in January. This makes of great Interest and concern to Oregon the correspondence printed in another column today between Senator Fora ker and ex-Senator Corbett. Mr. Cor bett proposes, if he is elected this "Win ter, to stand In the Senate for the larg est possible freedom of trade between the Philippine Islands and the United States. It is objected to this that If we do this, other powers will claim, under the "most-f avored-nation" clause' of our commercial treaties with them, the same equal rights with us accorded to Spain by the treaty of Paris. Mr. Cor bett holds this objection invalid, and toe Is prepared to maintain in the Sen ate that this concession to Spain was part of the purchase price of the Islands, not subject to the "most-favored-nation" clause of the ordinary commercial treaty. It is interesting to 6ee that Senator Foraker agrees with Mr. Corbett on this point. It Is cer tain that this question will be acutely at Issue in the Fifty-seventh Congress, and the cause of free trade with the Philippines will need all the votes It can iret. The ddath of Senator Davis re duces the ranks of the champions of the Islands by one. The gap would be filled bv Mr Corbett's election. Circumstances are conspiring to draw attention to cur commercial relations with Russia. The Norwegian steamer Universe cleared from Portland for Vladlvostock yesterday with a miscel laneous cargo worth about $148,000, con sisting of flour, fruit, meats, butter, oats, hardware, etc. Confirmation is at hand of the Russian intention to put a tax on our imports into Siberia, and reports are leaking out of tentative overtures between Russia and the United States looking toward recipro city. Our situation regarding Russia Is a good deal like that regarding Canada. Products are so similar as to render reciprocity exceedingly difficult of ne gotiation. "We have been sending agri cultural and other machinery to Euro pean. Russia, for years, but she is de veloping her own industries, and this trade may diminish. On the other hand, we have the largest share of trade with Siberia, both Irr food prod ucts and manufactures, and this Is sure to lnorease with the development of the country. Even after completion of the Siberian Railroad we can supply this market by water carriage more cheap ly than it can be supplied from Europe, unless shut out by heavy tariffs. Rus sia's open-door pledge does not apply to Siberia, and 't is perfectly certain that If we are to continue our present lucra tive volume of exports to Siberia some material concessions will have to be made for entry of Russian goods into American ports. One of the things Russia most desires to sell us is beet sugar, and there is the basis of a bitter fight In Congress. Tear by year high tariff sentiment is broken down, not so snuoh by intellectual progress as by de YClopmtnt of our manufacturing sur plus and the need of markets. On the Pacific Coast the belief in protection will hardly avail longer against the imperative demand for freer trade with all Asia and Oceanica. DIItBCT PRIMARY IX DISFAVOR. North Carolina, it appears, has tried the South Carolina primary plan, and Democratic leaders announce them selves, after the experiment, as opposed to its adoption. There Is, In fact, in tense opposition to the primary system all over the state. It is said that not one Democratic Legislator-elect in ten will favor "legalized primaries," as de manded by his party's platform. A large majority of the ninety-seven county chairmen express their disgust at the experience just acquired, and declared that they had "enough of the South Carolina importation to last a lifetime." Judge W. R. Allen, of Goldsboro, who will probably be the Democratic leader on the flooi of the House when the Legislature meets, says: Three of the reason why I oppose the pri mary method are: (1.) Too contests between aspirants of the name party degenerate Into personalities and abuse. (2.) No ono who Is not wealthy or very close to the party organ ization can win In a. primary against compeU tors enjoying cither of the advantages. (3.) The tendency Is to decrease the power of the country vote, and to gle undue advantage to the town rot, as It Is hard to get out the former and easy to secure the attendance of the latter. Chairman W. L. London, of Chatham, said: The effect Is to distract the efforts of party workers at the polls from the candidates being voted for. and thus increase the chances of the opposition candidates. Ir held on a day other thn a regular election day, the country people wouW not participate largely in a pri mary. A dozen prominent party leaders and a number of well-known party workers said: Tha primary system is positively ruinous in a state like this, where there is such a strong opposition pcrty. In South Carolina, where there Is practically no -Republican party, and virtually m opposition whateer to the Demo crats they win afford It with all its biaker Ings, dissensions and bitterness. Not so here. A close examination of these utter ances makes It apparent that the pri mary system Is not indicted so much as the way it is used and the people who use it. If candidates resort to dis creditable personalities and abuse, or buy up the voters like sheep, it is too much to expect of a primary system that It will transform such men's mor als or manners. If the voter does not turn out to vote, he, and not the sys tem. Is culpable. It is very possible that the people of North Carolina are not yet ready for this Important step In self-government. The devices of government must be adapted to the community where they are to be ap plied. A large proportion of North Carolina's voters are not fit to elect candidates. Perhaps they are not fit to nominate thm. But the vital objection to the primary system is contained in the references to the opposition party. The Demo crats don't like it because it gives the other side a show. Give them the old system so they can run things all their way. "We take It this objection will not carry great weight in Oregon. Unless we mistake the temper of the people and the Legislature, their desire Is for a primary system that will give the voters the fullest possible latitude in selection of candidates and reduce the power of the machines of all parties to the minimum. ICRUGEK, AND FRANKLIN. A correspondent inquires whether The Oregonlan remembers that "Frank lin went on the very same mission to France as Kruger does now." No; The Oregonian does not remember any iden tity between Kruger's mission jlnd that of Franklin. Kruger went to France when his oligarchy had been reduced to a mere band of a few thousand guer rilla horsemen, while Franklin, when he secured a treaty of alliance with France, a grant of monev and the as sistance of French ships and soldiers, was not the envoy of a wretched little oligarchy with Its headquarters in the saddle, but the representative of the American Colonial Congress, whose army under Gates had just compelled Burgoyne to surrender over 7000 men prisoners of war. France did not help us because her people loved liberty or cared a button about our cause. She helped us because France had been robbed of Canada by England fifteen years before, and Spain helped us be cause England had robbed her of Gib raltar. Had not Franklin been able to point to Bur.-oyne's defeat and surren der. France would not have given us a dollar, a ship or a soldier. She gave Franklin lust what she has given Kru ger. nothing but the cheers of the popu lace, until Franklin was the envoy of a people who had defeated, destroyed or caDtured a first-class British army of 12.000 men. Franklin stood for victory; Kruger, who stood by the cradle of the Trans vaal, now follows its hearse. Europe mav take off its hat in compassion to Kruger and his funeral cortege, but comnassion does not count as a prac tical force in modern politics. The American colonies never had any help until their ultimate triumph was as sured by the defeat of Burgoyne. Po land, since its original partition by Russia. Prussia and Austria, has risen three times in revolt without getting any help from France or England. Kosciusko was crushed, although he chose the hour of the French Revolu tion for his uprising. Napoleon, when he could have reconstructed Poland, re fused to do so. and Poland has risen twice in vain within this century. The powers of Europe granted the Greek revolution of 1824 no military assist ance, and the naval battle of Navarlno in 1S27. which cave liberty to Greece, Is described as an accident. Kruger's Visit will have no international results, whether he stays in Europe or sojourns in America. He will get cheers from the populace In America, just as did Michael Davltt. the evangelist of radi cal home rule for Ireland. But fine words butter no parsnips, and cheers and compassion do not mean interven tion or even mediation. Such investigation as has been possi ble in the disturbed conditions prevail ing in the Philippines has shown that the forest wealth of these islands is Im mense. "Wide areas of forest, aggre gating millions of acres, have never resounded to the woodsman's ax. In order that this magnificent growth of timber may become available to com merce, roads must be opened, railroads built, and the tropical undergrowth cut but All this will take time and labor and intelligent direction. A surprising peculiarity of these Insular forests, which contain nearly 500 species of trees, is that the varieties are not grouped together in bodies sufficient to insure a cargo at any one point of a single variety. Even nature seems to be erratic in her movements and meth ods in these far islands of the Pacific, and to require direction in order that her bounty may be made available to Western civilization. THE BIBLE IX THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS The opinion rendered by Attorney General Blackburn, in which he up holds the reading of the Bible as part of the religious exercises of public schools. In which all the pupils are obliged to participate, Includes a good deal that is not to the point. Nobody supposes that the reading of the Bible as part of the religious exercises of our public schools is objected to by Roman Catholics, by Jews or by agnostics, on the ground that the passages read in culcate immorality, or on the ground that the passages read may not be part of a fine body of literature. The plea of the Roman Catholic dissenters Is that the Bible, known as the Protestant Bible. "King James' version," is held and believed by the Catholic Church to be incorrect and incomplete, and it Is further taught by the Catholic Church and believed by its members that the Scriptures ought not to be read indis criminately, since the church has di vine authority as the only infallible teacher and Interpreter of the same; that the reading of the same without being expounded by the only author ized teachers and Interpreters Is likely to lead to the adoption of dangerous errors, irreligious faith, practice and worship. This is the position of the Catholic Church, and in the light of this exposition the Protestant Bible Is clearly a sectarian book to a Roman Catholic pupil. So to the orthodox Jew the Protestant Bible is clearly a sectarian book, be cause while he recognizes the Old Tes tament, he rejects the New Testament, denies that Jesus was the Messiah, and holds that he was nothing more than a gifted social agitator put to death by Pilate as a disturber of the public peace. To an agnostic the Bible would be attractive as fine literature, but of fensive as a part of religious exercises in which he has no faith, and which he ought not to bej obliged to endure in a public school which is legally no place for sectarian religious exercises. The question cf Bible reading as a religious exercise in the public schools was exhaustively argued before the Su preme Court of Wisconsin in 1890 on appeal from the Circuit Court of Rock County. Mr. Justice Lyon held that the reading of any version of the Bible in the pub lic schools as a religious text-book Is sectarian Instruction. He quoted from the reports of the American Bible Soci ety the statement that through the reading of the Scriptures alone several persons were converted from Roman ism. In this case, Bible reading was sectarian Instruction, and Bible read ing in the public schools Is sectarian in struction. The learned Judge said that these views do not banish from the public schools such text-books as are founded upon the fundamental teach ings of the Bible, or which contain ex tracts therefrom. Such extracts per vade secular literature, are rightly in cluded In text-books for secular In struction as standing for noble litera ture, and the code of good morals, con cerning whose fundamental principles the religious sects do not disagree. Mr. Justice Lyon held that the truths of the Bible are best taught to our youth In the church, in the Sunday schools, the social religious meetings, and, above all, by parents in the home circle, where the truths may be explained and enforced, and the spiritual nature di rected and cultivated In accordance with the dictates of the parental con science. The constitution of Wisconsin does not interfere with such teaching and culture. It only banishes theolog ical polemics from the district schools. The court held that reading of the Bible in the public schools is religious wor ship; that it constitutes the schoolhouse for the time being a place of worship, and that such reading in schoolhouses as a school exercise against the con sent of the taxpayer compels him to support a place of worship. The court also said that no child should be compelled to retire from school because of the reading of a ver sion of the Bible in schools offensive to the parents. The fact that the reading of the Bible In schools was a source of religious and sectarian strife was held sufficient reason for its banishment. The court was unanimous in holding the Bible to be a sectarian book. Prot estants are a sect to the Catholic Church, and so is their version of the Bible sectarian as against the Catholic version of it, which includes as part of the inspired canon books omitted from the Protestant version. The constitu tion of Wisconsin provides that "no sectarian instruction shall be allowed in the public schools," and the court was unanimous in the opinion that the reading of the Bible therein is contrary to the rights of conscience, and that the taxpayers of any district had a right to object to the reading of the Bible therein, since the constitution de clares that "no man shall be compelled to support any place of worship." The contention of Attorney-General Blackburn that the reading of the Bible as a school exercise is nor. sectarian is clearly not well taken. To a Jew or a Catholic our Protestant Bible is clearly a sectarian book. The same Question came before Attorney-General Jones, of Washington State, about eight years ago. and his opinion was In accordance with that of the highest court of Wisconsin that the Bible is a sectarian book, and Its reading Jn schools Is sectarian religious instruc tion. Those timorous souls who were pre dicting not long ago the ruin of Ameri can manufacturers by Japanese com petition and have lately transferred their anxiety to the "Yellow Peril," will be interested to learn that the New .York Commercial Indulges a similar feaY from European imitation of Amer ican models. The Europeans, it says, while less inventive than Americans, are constantly stealing our ideas. They are buvinc American tools not only for use. but also for models. t Hence the Commercial declares American export of tools and machinery must soon reach its highest tide, and Americans will be fortunate If the tide does not return upon their own shores in the shape of cargoes of European-made "American machinery, the cheapness of which would be a serious embarrassment to American makers and a dangerous menace to American pay-rolls." The Commercial's fears are greater than are warranted. Few Americans will be willing to admit that their incenuitv has reached the highest point Indeed, as the Chicago Tribune points out, constant advances are be- ing made in machine tools, hundreds of new patents are granted each year, and old methods are being constantly supplanted by new ones. As yet the Improvements in machine tools have been few abroad, and In all probabil ity these essentially Yankee notions will remain the peculiar forte of the Americans. However this may be, there is no way to stop the pirating of which the Commercial complains, and unless confidence is placed in the con tinuance of American skill, the outlook is gloomy. One cause for assurance Is the increase of technical schools in the United States, which are training1 skilled inventors and mechanics whose brains will do much to retain American pre-eminence in these fields. These periodical fits of gloom over fancled.de cllne of American industries seem to be the inevitable fruits of ineradicable su perstition. There is little danger of an imitator ever surpassing the originator. Another good use the Treasury's am ple fundi can be put to is the exten sion of rural mall delivery. The rapid strides the system is making are seen in the statement that on June 30 next there will be in the United States Just 4300 routes and 3000 rural postofflces. The largest appropriation ever made for this service was that of the last Congress, ?450,00O. The amount asked for the maintenance of the routes and offices mentioned above Is 52,600,000, with 51.000,000 more for the further ex tension of the service. This, it is be lieved, Congress will readily grant, for members are discovering that nothing is so popular now except with the fourth-class postmasters as rural free delivery. If Postmaster-General Smith's recommendations for a reform in the much-abused second-class mall privi lege are "adopted, the department. In stead of 53,500,000, could be allowed 510,000,000 for free delivery routes; and the rest of the 520,000,000 now thrown away could be applied to giving the Nation a 1-cent letter postage rate. Rural delivery has had two good trials In Oregon, and experience approves Its extension to other districts. There seems to be a conspiracy among the creditors of Count Bonl de Castellane to restrict the living ex penses of himself and his wife to 5250, 000 a year, in order that the residue of the Income of the Countess from her share of her father's estate may be se questered In the Interest of her hus band's creditors. Truly, Count Bonl's father had reason to protest, as he did a few weeks ago, most pathetically, against the appointment of George Gould as trustee of his sister's Inter est In the estate of the late Jay Gould, on the ground that it would be admin istered with "narrow parsimony." It remains to be seen whether the rest of the old man's prophecy will be ful filled. If so. poor Bonl will be utterly unable to live on the pitiful dole to which it Is proposed to limit him. The result in thit case is too shocking to contemplate. Indications are that the movement of immigrants to the South will assume large proportions in the near future. Farmers are interested lrt the fact that Southern farmers are now In a prosper ous condition, while the whole world is well aware that the industrial move ment in 'he South is increasing every year. Says the Savannah News: "The building of cotton mills Is only fairly begun, and yet the number of such mills is large enough to have an ap preciable effect on the price of cotton, while there Is hardly a day in which a new enterpme of some kind is not in augurated In the Iron-producing sec tion." This shows that the Southern people are waking up to their opportu nities, and that they appreciate, even though they still stubbornly refuse tc assist by their votes, a National policy that leads to industrial and commercial prosperity. The death of United States Senator Davis deprives the Nation of the most important man in the Senate. Davis was the only man thoroughly familiar with the Hav-Pauncefote treaty and the French reciprocity treaty. The Wash ington correspondent of the Chicago Record writes that Senator Davis "Is the onlv member of the committee on foreign relations who had mastered the complicated details and could explain the effect upon our commerce and in ternational relations of the ratification of these various conventions. Nor Is it possible during a single session for any member of the committee to familiar ize himself with the intricate ramifica tions of the various provisions of the reciprocity treaties." Papa Zimmerman, according to his own emphatic statement, likes his new son-in-law, the Duke of Manchester, and was never at any time opposed to his daughter's marriage. Moreover, though properly reticent upon the sub ject, he Intimates that there will be no trouble about his daughter's dot. Since he seems to realize that Dukes come high, and Is willing to pay the price of one in order to get a title in his family, the curious, babbling public may as well console itself and drop the subject Senator Davis, of Minnesota, made a heroic struggle for his life. Such con stitutional resistance to the inevitable as he has shown arouses the sympathy of true humanity, that protests invol untarily against the devices of so-called medical science whereby a human be ing is kept alive for days or weeks after all possibility of the recovery of health or even of consciousness has vanished. Nature mercifully takes the sharp edge off cruelty of this type by depriving the victim of sensation. America in Foreign Eyea. Denver Times. In the days of the great Civil War events in this country were followed with considerable interest in the European newspapers. Considering the general con ditions of journalism In that period, per haps the degree of interest shown was remarkable. But as soon as the Civil War was over, American news dropped out of foreign journals, and It became as difficult as be fore for the American abroad to know anything about what was going on at home. There was some change in thi3 respect during subsquent years, but not more than would be accounted for by the gen eral development of journalism. But within a yean or two the change has been very marked. The approach of the Span, lsh War marked the open manifestation of the change as a fact, but the tone and color of the change did not show then. v Until the war was actually begun un til Dewey's guns in Manila bay were "heard round the world'' there was a snarling tone in nearly every mention of America. It was plain that we stood In the attitude of the strange dog without friends. Manila took: the snarl out of the note, and after Santiago there was, to con tinue the canine parallel, an unmlstaable wag in the tail when American affairs were approached. It is more significant that It has been universally respectful attention, too. Too unfriendly undertone may sometimes hav been audible, but there was no longer even a suspicion of jeer in it The significance of all this Is not at all that we have changed by drift to ward imperialistic methods, though some of our own people have affected to think so. It Is, rather, that government by the people has forced the barrier of recognition as government, and is hence forth to be no bar to full voice In the councils of the nations. SUBSIDIES UNNECESSARY. A Flourishing Industry Thnt Can Stand Well Enonga Alone. New York Evening Post The most prosperous year ever enjoyed by American shipping interests is reported by the Commissioner of Navigation. For the first time since the outbreak of the Civil War, the documented tonnage of the United States exceeds 5,000,000 gross tons. It Increased more than 300,000 tons last year. Moreover, the new vessels are made to an increasing extent in our own yards. In 1S90, only 20 per cent of the world's shipping was of steel; now the percentage is three times as great. As to the manufacture of steel, the position of this country is now well known. Steel can be produced and wrought here more cheaply than anywhere else In the world. As the Commissioner observes, "Steel has radically changed the industrial organiza tion of the world's shipbuilding and ship owning. It requires expensive machinery, great capital, and the employment of large numbers of specially trained me chanics." These requirements are met In this country. No one, least of all an offi cer of the Administration, will question the ability of our mechanics to do suc cessfully any work that Is assigned to them. No one can dispute the existence of an Immense capital In this country, ready for any use. It is borrowed by the nations and even the municipalities of Europe, and no enterprise here that can be carried on with profit need be ham pered for lack of funds. There seems, then, no reason why ships should not be built and owned here at a profit. We have the steel; we have the skilled la bor; we can make, If we have not now, the best of machinery; we have the money to own and operate these vessels when completed; we have the coal to move them; we have the goods to freight them wlthaL From this Impressive array of facts and arguments, the proper inference would seem to be that the shipping industry needs no aid from the taxpayers. The citizens engaged In It are likely to make as large profits as those engaged In any other business. In fact, on August 15 of this year, 68 merchant steel vessels, ag gregating 27S.000 tons and 47 naval ves sels of 113,000 tons, were building or con tracted for. Contracts since that date bring the merchant tonnage up to 350,000 tons, so that the current year will see much the largest amount of steel ship building ever known In our history. The Commissioner of Navigation declares that In the United States "the conditions have now been established, abundance of cap ital, cheap materials, practical experience, constructive talent and skilled labor" all that Is lacking Is a system of bounties to be paid by the people to those who take" advantage of these conditions. No more unreasonable conclusion than this was ever drawn. If the shipbuilding in dustry were an "Infant" something might be said In favor of administering Govern mental pap. If we had to Import our steel and send abroad for our machinery; If we borrowed money in Europe Instead of lending It there, and our mechanics were dull and untrained; then, Indeed, some plausible claim for a bounty might be made. With conditions as they are. It ap pears to be altogether unjustifiable, and it will be generally regarded as a delib erate present to a few rich men of a num ber of millions of dollars taken by the tax-gatherers from the1 pockets of the peo ple. The Commissioner of Navigation oc cupies a humiliating position when he tries to show that shipbuilding cannot be profitably carried on in this country, and he carries his argument to an absurd ex tent by winding up with a proposal to in crease the tonnage taxes. Carious Result in Nebraska. One of the most curious results of the election was In Nebraska, the full figures of whose balloting have just been pub lished. Mr. McKinley received a plu rality of 7822, but the Republican candi date for Governor got a plurality of only 861. Local pride In the Presidential candidate might have been expected to put Mr. Bryan well ahead of his ticket and It would have created little surprise If the state had given Its electoral vote to Mr. Bryan but elected a Republican Governor. If we examine the returns more closely we find that Jin. Bryan actually did get 995 more votes than the Fusion candidate for Governor did, but S951 persons voted for Presidential Electors who did not vote for either can didate for Governor, and practically all of these voted for Mr. McKinley. While Mr. Bryan led Mr. Poynter only 995 votes, Mr. McKinley led Mr. Dietrlck by 7966 votes. There may be something in local politics to explain why several thousand persons voted for President and no't for Governor, and the fact that about all of these voters opposed the Nebraskan can didate for President is curious enough. Germ of a Royalist Party. Louisville Courier-Journal. There Is no room to doubt that royalty and nobility are looking up. We are to have a royalist deputy in Congress from Hawaii. He can hardly form a party by himself, or even a group, but he will be able to do service as a nest egg. His heart will go out to the Sultan of Sulu, with his harem and his slaves, and he may stretch his arms toward Sulu, .either east or west, In affectionate yearning. We have got at least the germ of a royalist party. Causes Concern in Europe. Indianapolis Press. It is a singular demonstration of the precarious state of European peace that there should be such intense concern for the health of the Czar. More than that, it is a high tribute to the esteem in which that young monarch is held and the faith of the nations that his efforts to prevent war are made in earnest and if he shall be spared to continue his reign, will be carried to fuller development More Effective Than Fines. Now York World. In these days of 55 and 510 fines for all sorts of serious offenses, it is refreshing to read that a Judge In this city has imposed a sentence of 14 years imprisonment on a man convicted of keeping a low dive. A few more such convictions and sen tences would mako much easier the task of those who are trying to close up the wide-open dens of vice now flourishing in this city. The Canal Bill and Its Rider. Buffalo Courier. It is becoming quite evident that the Administration will not permit a Nicara gua CanaL bill to pass the Senate until the treaty Is ratified. That will require a two-thirds vote. The friends of the canal in the Senate may have the alter native of accepting the teraty in its present unpopular form or Indefinitely postponing construction of the canal. Files in tbe Ointment St Paul Pioneer Press. There Is always som plaguey worm hole or rotten spot In the apples which Uncle Sam puts into his annexation bas ket With New Mexico we annexed the Gila monster; with Hawaii, the leprosy; with the Philippines, Agulnaldo, and now comes the story that if we acquire the !AtUUOU MWfc .&UU40D WO OUUIA CUiUCA uiuu With a new kind of grasshopper. NEIGHBOR'S ERRORS ON SUBSIDIES The Seattle Post-Intelligencer dislikes The Oregonlan's attitude on the shipping subsidy graft In a column editorial It displays great ignorance of the subject under discussion. The first paragraph of the objection filed by the Post-Intelll-i;encer reads as follows: The Portland conception of commerce Is the shtpplne of train, raised la this state, par chased by the agoats of foreign 'buyers, and sent abroad in foreign ships. The sole revenue to a port where commerce of this character is transacted is that which flows to the long shoremen who stow cargoes, the tugboats which, tow the ships, and the boarding-house-keepers 'ho rob the seamen aad blackmail the ships. It is probably for this reason that The Orogo nian is singular atnonr all of the newspapers on the Pacific Coast in its opposition to the shipping subsidy bill, and In its advocacy of the proposed Democratic substitute, which, suggests the admission of foreign-built ships to American register. The Oregonlan used the grain fleets of Oregon and Washington for an illus tration for the simple reason that four fifths of the population of these two states are directly or indirectly depend ent on the wheat business for a liveli hood. An Industry which produces by far the largest proportion of the wealth created in Oregon and Washington Is naturally entitled to precedence over less Important industries. This is the "Port land conception of commerce," The ex tent of The Oregonian's advocacy of a free-ship bill was a suggestion that if the subsidy grafters were sincere In their efforts to got America's merchant marine back on a plane with that of Great Brit ain and Germany, their chances of suc cess would be enhanced It they followed the same methods as are followed by those countries. In the article to which the Post-Intelligencer takes such exception The Ore gonlan cited the fact that Arthur Sew all and a few other patriotic Americans had made fortunes in the shipping busi ness through sailing their vessels with out subsidies, in competition with the fleets of the world. Through ignorance of the facts In the case, the Post-Intel-llgencer says: The mammoth fortunes to whioh it refers have been made in the building and operation of ships in the coastwise, not in the deep-water trade. The late Arthur Sewall wa3 pre-eminently tho king of American shipbuild ers and owners. The Sewall house flag floats today from the masthead or a dozen of the finest ships afloat, and here Is their position at the present time: Dirlgo, 2S45 tons, en route from San Fran cisco to Liverpool; Arthur Sewall, 2919 tons, from New York for Yokohama; Edward Sewall, 2916 tons, from San Francisco for Liverpool; Kenllworth, 2147 tons, from San Francisco for Queens town; B. F. Packard, 2014 tons, New York for Hong Kong; Roanoke, 3347 tons, from San .Francisco for Liverpool; Shen andoah, 3154 tons, from Sydney for San Francisco; Susquehanna, 2591 tons, from Norfolk for Manila; W. F. Babcock, 1993 tons, from New York for Japan; Ersklne M. PhoIp3, 2715 tons, from San Francisco for New York; Iroquois, 1997 tons, from Seattle for Honolulu; Henry Vlllard, 1463 tons, from Savannah for Honolulu. This is the kind of "coasting trade" that the Sewall ships have always engaged In, and it Is the kind that made Sewall rich in spite of the fact that nearly the en tire fleet of ships were in competition with those of every other nation nearly all the time. Continuing, the Post-Intelligencer says: The Oregonlan simply Ignores facts within the knowledge of every resident of a seaport town when it asserts that we can operate ships as cheaply as can the foreigners. In the mere matter of wages alone the cost to the Ameri can shipowner is at least SO per cent greater than is paid on ships under any other flag, and it ranges from that upwards until it reaches In some Instances an amount three times as great as is paid by some foreign ship owners. Every resident of a seaport town who takes the trouble to Inquire Into the mat-' ter knows that crews are shipped on merchant vessels In every part of the world at exactly the same rate, Irre spective of the flag. The wages out of Seattle at the present time for round-the-Horn voyages are about 525 per month, and not a particle of distinction Is made by masters, owners, or any one else, between flags. The same condition exists all over the world. An American ship In London can ship a crew at the same price as a British ship is compelled to pay, and the Britisher In New York gets no cheaper sailors than the American. The Post-Intelligencer adroitly at tempts to confuse the postal subsidies of Germany and England with merchant-marine subsidies, which are not paid by either of these countries. As to the postal subsidies, Germany pays her steamers 44 cents per pound for letters, the British Government pays 75 cents per pound, while our poor, "unsubsldlzed" fast passenger steamers are paid but 51 60 per pound. The subsidy bill which the shipbuilding trust so fondly hopes to get through Con gress is practically the same as that now In effect In France. Here Is the manner In which the French Republic Is benefited by it: The French bark Alice, now In Portland, came out from Glasgow in ballast and drew enough money from the French Government to pay all of her expenses on the voyage to this port. She Is now loading a cargo of grain for an English settlement in South Africa, and it will probably be two years before she gets anywhere near a French port. No less than a dozen French bounty-earners have made the same voyage this year, and It would be interesting to learn where the French taxpayer Is deriving any benefits from the subsidy. Forty ships have sailed from Portland with wheat this season. They were owned by 25 individuals or firms. Their cargoes were produced by 5000 farmers. If this had been an Ameri can subsidized fleet the 5000 fanners would have paid the same rates, and in addition would have been compelled to pay a subsidy tax for the benefit of the 25 shipowners. Senator Veit on the Outlook. Kansas City Times. Senator Vest sees nothing to cause despair in the recent defeat of the Demo cratic party. He places as the prime cause of defeat the disposition of the American people, manifested In quite a number of Instances in the past history of the country, to sustain an Administra tion that is engaged in a war, regardless of the ethical merits of the controversy. Thousands of patriotic citizens, who were really opposed to McKlnley's foreign pol icy. Senator Vest thinks, voted for him at the last election because they thought that we should first end the war In the Philippines and then settle other ques tions. Not So Terrible, After All. Cincinnati Enquirer. We believe In the dignity of tho Senate and we rejoice that there are men there who can maintain that dignity against the upstarts that in the course of events get there occasionally. There is every reason to hope that it will be preserved, even when Roosevelt holds the gavel. He Is not such a terrible person as he has been represented to be. His thundering I has all been in the index. NQEEIAKD COHHSIfT.' The world is not holding its breath pending the reappearance of E. Atkinson. Oom Paul Is enjoying high life'ln Paris. He has been to the top of the Eiffel tower. Why talk of reorganizing the Demo cratic party? Wasn't it pretty thoroughly reorganized November 6? If Jehn Bull wants this hurrah over Kruger in France to stop, he need only send A. Austin over lb write p'oems.about it If Chicago can be set to work to reform New York, and New York given the task or purifying Chicago, perhaps something can be accomplished. Oora Paul want3 to stay pretty well to ward the interior of France. The Eng lish have got some long-range guns on their side of tho Channel. The dlvekeepers of London are qualdns with the fear that Croker may take it into his head to Institute reform In that city. Croker can only exist In an atmos phere of purity. How would any great reforms ever be accomplished wltheut men like Creker and M. S. Quty? Such men as these are indispensable to the reformers, because without them there 'would be nothing to reform. Long lines of Bernhardt-Coquelln New York admirers or their messenger boys stood patiently in a drizzling rain for the chance to get an early chelce of single seats for that engagement. The sub scription sale was a success, two five seat boxes netting 51000 each, and many blocks of the outside seats sold fer the entire 40 performances. Fancy prices were paid without a murmur. Professor N. S. Shaler, of Harvard University, a Southern man. who has made a special scientific study of the con dition of the negroes of the South, gives no favor to the pessimistic ppin'ons that come from that section. He thinks that the moral and intellectual condition of the negroes Is Improving, and. so far as social morals are concerned, he regards the negro as, on the whole, less danger ous than whites of a like social grade. Frank Sanobrn takes to task Rebecca Harding Davis because of her article In the November Scrlbner's, In which she gives some recollections of a visit to Concord 40 years ago and tells about the Summer house built by Alcott for Emerson, and which contained no door. This statement is denounced as pure nonsense by Mr. Sanborn, who says the house has a door, and a big one, which he has often entered, and which has been sketched by artists. The Secretary of the Navy dismissed from the Naval Academy recently, on recommendation of the superintendent a cadet found guilty of "gouging," which is the slang for dishonesty in work. In this case the copying as his own of a theme written by another cadet, and of falsehood. Fifty-six members of his class petitioned the Secretary to exercise clemency, and are all placed in the third conduct grade for insubordination, which permits them to have liberty but once in four weeks. t 4 Among the tales of a traveler brodght home by certain Buffalo tourists to the Commercial of that city Is one which they declare true In every particular., of a conversation between two girls from Rochester, N. Y., overheard from neigh boring deck-chairs on the steamer. "Let's see," said No. 1, "who Is the poet laureate now?" "Why, Tennyson," said No. 2, the well-informed, who knew everything. "And the one before him was let's see; what was his name?" No. 2 could not recall the name instantly, but she got it at last "Oh, yes, now I re member! It was Wblttler John Green leaf Whlttier. He was the poet laureate before Tennyson." "The smallest meerschaum pipe In the world" Is the legend attached to a tiny bit of carving, partially colored, which Is exhibited In the window of a little Phil adelphia shop. "I made this little pipe several years ago," the proprietor said recently, and I started to color it myself, but it was mislaid one day and I didn't find It again for a long time. It is only 1 Inches long, the amber mouthpiece Is less than nine-sixteenths of an inch in length, and is less than one-eighth of. an inch thick. It was a decidedly deli cate Job. I would rather carve 100 big pipes than that little one." A tiny pinch of tobacco may be placed In the towL One puff and it la gone. Itvis perhaps needless to say that the smallest pipe in the world is not for sale. PLEASANTRIES OF PARAGRAPHBRS The Bigamist Magistrate Are you a mar ried man? Prisoner I should say I was I'm the husband of two women; that's why I'm here. Ohio State Journal. Phoebe So Miriam wants to be a Red Cross nurse? Penelope Yes; she hears they Intend to organize a special ambulance corps to at tend football games. Puck. A Fond Critic Wife of His Bosom Lovely, dear. lovely 1 But I think those sheep look too much like clouds er that la of course darling unless they are clouds. Life. FieJ Botany Teacher What is the stlgma7 Keturah, you may answer. Frightened Little Girl The stigma Is the name of the college society my brother belongs to. Chicago Trib une. "One of de gret hindrances in de way of da cullud race," said Unele Kben. "ie dat dar aln' no way of habbln chleken steal!' politely spoken of in de papers as a defalcation." Washington Star. Nell (exsltedly) Here's a telegram from Jack Punter of the 'varsity team. Belle What's it say? Nell It says: "Nose broken. How do you prefer'lt set Greek or Roman?" Philadelphia Record. Ecce Homo. 8. E. KIser in Chicago Times-Herald. When the last cannon shot haa been fled And the war oharger ceasss to neigh. When the last roll of drums has Inspired The last man to hurry away To the last bloody fray When the last mercenary la hired To march and to slay. When the last shell has burst Who shall head the long list of the heroes, Whose name shall be first? Shall the world have some new Alexander, Some Captain who, dauntless, may rise Unsmircbed by the tarnish of slander, To claim and be granted the prize? Some soldier more wise Than imperial Caesar and grander. From the flash of whose eyes And tho gleam, of whose blade The shot-riven toe may have hurried, , Despoiled and dismayed? Nay. the Captains whose helmets are gleandssv Who fearlessly lead in the fray, ' Who, deaf to the cursing and screaming. Can calmly cut legions away. Who are heroes today. And for whom, the proud banners are BtreaaB lug. Will die and decay With, their kind of the past And the Meek. Maa of Pr&ce win rlee m All heroes, at last!