10 ..xvji KifiUUJNiA, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 28, 1900. BILLS PRESS Senator McBride's Views of Work for the Session. LEFT FOR WASHINGTON YESTERDAY Measure In Which Oregon Is Espec ially Interested Their Condition and Prospects for Passage. Senator George W. OIcBrlde left yester day afternoon over the Northern Pacific lor "Washington, to be ready for the con vening of Congress next Monday. His last hours In Portland were very busy ones, 60 busy that he got but little time for sleep Monday night. Yesterday noon, Just before the train left, a reporter saw the Senator and asked him his views re garding the legislation likely to come up for the attention of the coming session. "I am unable now to mention more than a. few of the measures that seem of special importance, local and National," Bald be. "I consider It Important, not only to Portland but the producers and the business men of the entire state, that the Jetty at the mouth of the Columbia Biver be extended in accordance with the plana of the engineer corps so as to give a 40-foot channel on the bar. Directly re lated to that project Is the plan more recently adopted by the engineers to In crease the depth of the river channel be low Portland to 25 feet at low water, equivalent to 30 feet at ordinary low water. The increasing draft of merchant vessels, enabling them to carry larger cargoes, renders the carrying out of both these projects essential to the commerce of the Columbia River "Valley. Inasmuch as the surveys for both projects were ordered in accordance with amendments proposed by me as a member of the com mittee on commerce It is hardly neces sary to say that I shall cordially co operate with my colleagues in the Oregon delegation In obtaining appropriations for these improvements as recommended by the chief of engineers. I am confident that the delegation will be able to ob tain, such appropriation, although It will require earnest and united effort and all the support we can get from our repre sentative business men. "The necessity for the Jetty was pretty fully explained to the committee last Spring in connection with our success ful effort to obtain J25O.OO0 for repair of the Jetty an.d preparation for further improvement. Of course, other rivers and harbors will receive due attention In ac cordance with recommendations of the engineers. "I think the House of Representatives will concur in my colleague's bill, al ready passed by the Senate, for repairs and addltone to the Portland Postofnce. It Is a work which the increased needs of the office renders absolutely necessary and one in which the whole state has an interest, since the Portland ofllce Is the distributing office for the state, and In creased facilities will enable the Portland Postofnce to handle to better advantage the business of the state. "I have strong hopes that we shall be able to pass the bill for the Nicaragua Canal that is now on the Senate calen dar, and to pass it substantially In its present form. Some slight amendments to the measure may be necessary. I should feel absolutely certain of the pas sage of the canal bill If I knew that tht Hay-Pauncefote treaty would meet with no partisan opposition In the Senate After a thorough examination of the matter the President, Secretary of State and Senate committee on foreign affairs all came to the conclusion that the Clay-ton-Bwlwer treaty was still In force, and thereupon the President. In order to re move that obstruction to American con struction and continuance of the canal, negotiated what Is known as the Hay Pauncefote treaty, the terms of which are fully understood by the public. This. If ratified, would remove the only serious obstruction to the passage of the Nlca ragja Canal bill and to construction of the canal by the United States. Good faith to our international obligations re quires that the treaty be ratified. Every great Interest of the Pacific Coast States requires that the canal bill should pass at this session. I believe that both the treaty and the canal bill will go through successfully. "A bill for Army reorganization ought to pass and I think will pass at this ses sion. The conduct of affairs In the Phil ippines, the necessity of maintaining gar risons in the islands In order to protect both native and foreign residents from pillage and murder, requires the main tenance of our present force there", and In ray opinion the volunteers should be re placed by regulars for that service and provision therefor should be made with out delay. I believe our permanent, reg ular force should be Increased to 60,000 or 75,000 men and I favor the policy of giv ing the President power to Increase this force to 160.000 In case of necessity. "Owing to the necessity for maintaining military control of the Philippine Islands for many months, at least, I doubt that It will be practicable during the short session of Congress to provide for a complete civil government In those Islands. Sosie short measure like the Spooner bill may be put through, but the installation f a full form of civil Bovernment must wait for the complete peclfleetlon of the Islands 'I hope we shall be able to pass bills for the prevention of fraud In the sale of Imitation butter and other articles of fodd. The measure known as the Grout pure -food bill may go through after amendment so as to remove the objec tions agtlnst It that are now urged from' some quarters. "The WU for reduction of war taxes will undoubtedly be passed. There k? no question In my mind but a substantial reduction cas be made without Impairing the ability of the Government to meet all Us obligations and provide Jor public improvements ant of the current reve nue. "My bill providing for refunding $1 25 an acre to settlers on railroad lands that have been forfeited since settlement, in cases where the Settlers paid double minimum price. Is on y the House calen dar and Its passage will be earnestly pressed by the Oregon Representatives as well as by the Representatives from "Washington. This Is a just measure and ought to pass without delay. I regret, however, that there Is some strong op position to it In the House, though I be lieve our Representatives will be able to overcome that. "I have not seen copies of the report and estimates for the proposed canal and locks at the dalles of the Columbia, but I am satisfied that the Oregon delegation will work earnestly for whatever plan of improvement to overcome the obstruc tions there may be recommended by the engineers. I consider the opening of the Columbia River to free navigation a mat ter of great importance to the producers of the great Columbia Valley and to Portland." NATIONAL MILITARY PARK. Coramtsnlon Reports "Work Done at Chickaniaufra and Chattanooga. "WASHINGTON. Nov. 2T. The annual report of General H. V. Boynton, chair man of the Chlckamauga and Chatta nooga National Military Park Commis sion, to the Secretary of "War, says: "There arc now erected on the Chlcka mauga field 107 field guns, mounted on Iron carriages, to imitate the pattern in use during the Civil "War. marking 43 union battery positions, and 91 similarly mounted, marking 33 Confederate battery positions. On the Chattanooga field S guns, mounted above, mark 10 Union and 19 Confederate battery positions there. "Historical tablets erected during the year, 169; foundations for state monu ments constructed, one; excavated, one; guns mounted. 12." In view of the sensational reports cur rent during- the occupation of the park by the troops during the Spanish-American "War, that the park was in an un healthy region, the Commission called special attention to the report of the en gineers, showing In connection with the last 'annual report, that the entire ab sence of fever or any general sickness in the park force has continued from the time it began to clear up the park after the troops left to the present time. i ' JEALOUSY OF PORTO RICANS Afraid a Naval Station Will lie Built at St. Thomas. SAN JUAN. Nov. 2L The American newspapers of recent date seetn to indi cate that the United States still enter tains the lde of purchasing the Danish "West Indies Governor Allen, accompa nied by his family, visited the Islands Saturday last on the Mayflower. This fact may or may not be of 'any special significance, but the general opinion here is that it is. The visit was Informal, but was attended by mor.o or less secrecy, as the ship had departed before it became generally known that the Governor was a passenger Private correspondence and talks with natives of St. Thomas resid ing here tend to show that the belief is Justified that the bulk of the Inhabitants of the Island are In favor of annexation to the United StateB. The annual deficit in the administration of the islands is about $250,000. It affords luxurious berths for a few favored officials. The only other excuse Denmark has In holding them is to gratify national pride. The merchants and property-holders In this city seem to think that the purchase of the Islands would tend to retard the advancement of Porto Rico. A great naval station must be located In this- sec tion by the United States In the near fu ture. San Juan harbor has every advan tage to offer, but to dredge the harbor properly would necessitate the expendi ture of several millions. The harbor is mud filled, and vessels drawing over 25 feet have difficulty In entering at all. There are two sunken wrecks, mementoes of the Spanish-American "War, "located In the channel at the harbor entrance. A naval station could be built at St. Thomas much more cheaply. Porto Rico would not like to lose the opportunities which a naval station would bring. Considerable Interest Is centered on the new Legislature, or, more properly, on the newly-elected House of Delegates, which will hold Its first session Decem ber 3. The first session will be held In temporary quarters, as the Island, unfor tunately, has no public building which will accommodate legislative bodies. At this session a bill appropriating funds for an Insular building probably will be passed. The entire Legislative Assembly, Including both houses, Is composed of Re publicans A split In the lower house ".s predicted after the first few sessions. The body has a great work laid out. The first and most important matter to be dis posed of will be the remodeling of the laws of the Island, without which It Is considered certain. Porto Rico can have no future. The members are taking a mutual Interest In their new duties, and most of them have already prepared flowery speeches, some of them being gems of oratory. The whole world, and particularly the people of the United States, will watch the proceedings with interest. RUSSIAN IMPORT TAX. "Will Xot Affect All Goods Sent Into Siberia. NEW YORK, Nov. 27. A special to the Journal of Commerce from Washington savs: The levy of duties on certain im ports Into Siberia will not affect some of the Important articles necessary to the development of the country. The report that flour would be taxed SO per cent Is emphatically denied by the official repre sentatives here of the Russian Govern ment. It Is declared that the duties will be the same -s In European Russia on flour, amounting to about 15 cents per 36 pounds, or SO cents per barrel. TKe entire European tariff will not be placed, however, upon Imports Into Siberia, Many articles like railway equipment, lo comotives, structural Iron and agricul tural machinery will- be continued to be admitted free of duty Into all parts of Asi atic Russia. The duties announced, more over, which take effect on January 1, will apply only to articles Imported at Vladl vostock and other neighboring ports, and will not extend to the entire country north of the trans-Siberian railway. These du ties will not be levied in any manner in Manchuria, the Chinese province which is practically under Russian control, since the lease was made for the construction of the eastern branch of the trans-Siberian railway. The Russian Government, so far as the State Department Is advised, proposes to adhere firmly to the agreement for the open door In all parts of the territory of China, Including those under temporary Russian control. The Russian Govern ment is desirous of raising the revenue and protecting domestic Industry In Si beria to a certain extent, but proposes to leave free of duty such articles as are not produced In the country, and will con tribute to Its rapid development. It is de clared by representatives of the Russian Government that it Is not proposed at present to seek any large loan, and that the expenses of recent military operations In China will be defrayed from the free cash balance In the Treasure. THE ISLE OF PINES United States "Will Retain Possession of It. NEW VORK. Nov. 27. The United States will retain possession of the Isle of Pines, whatever the final disposition of Cuba, says a Washington dispatch to the Journal and Advertiser. It wl.l be forti fied and a strong garrison will bo kept there. Ljlng south of the western end of Cuba, the Isle ef Pines commands the western or Yucatan entrance to the Gulf and forms an important outpost for the defense of the Nicaragua Canal. "When Secretary Root visited Cuba he went to the island and recognized Its strategic Importance. The State Depart ment now holds that under the treaty or peace tne title or the isle of Pines passed to the United States. Secretary Root holds a similar view. The northern elde of the Island that next to the Cuban shore Is admirably adapted for the. pur pose of the Government. It is Ugh. thick ly studded with valuable woods. and the climate Is so healthy that prior to the war a health resort for pulmonary patients was established there. Naval officers say that Slguenea Bay, on the northwest coast, will with but lit tle dredging afford an excellent and safe harbor. Newport Bank Has Fnntls. WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. O. P. Tucker, receivor of the German National Bank, of Newport, Ky.. has sent his report of the condition of the bank to the Controller of the Currency. It appears that there lh sufficient cash on hand to realize to th. depositors something over 90 per cent ot their claims. The amount of the defaJca. tlon. as given by the examiner, agrees wltn his first estimate of the same $191. 000. Efforts are being made on the part of stockholders and directors of the bank to restore the bank to solvency. Campaign Against Sunday Theaters. NEW YORK. Nov. 27. The Actors' Church Alliance of America has begun an active campaign against Sunday theatrical performances, and its members promise to keep it up until actors have one day of rest In seven. It claims to have caused the arrests which have been made at New York theaters the past three Sundays, and It is now keeping an. eye on the prosecu tion of these cases. CHARTER NEEDSCHANGING BDT THE MULTNOMAH DELEGATION CAN'T TELL "WHERE. Representatives-Elect Think Some Changes Should Be Made, bnt They Are Looking? for Light. That the city charter should either be amended or an entirely new charter passed appears to be the opinion of mem bers of the Legislature seen yesterday, ahd asked to express their views upon the matter, but so far nothing definite has been agreed upon, and the members were fiot prepared to state what changes they will advise. The understanding seems to be that there will be a meet ing or meetings of the Multrtomah dele gation later oh. when the question will be taken tip. There has as yet beefi nb general meeting, but small parties of the members have talked over some things Informally. State Senator F. P. Mays, who is looked upon as a leader of the Cltlsens ticket, when interrogated as to what his ideas were upon the subject, begged to be ex cused, stating that he did not care to say anything. Representative C. "W. Nottingham was somewhat more communicative, but still had "not much to offer at this time. He Bald: "I think the matter of a charter ought to be left to men of large experi ence, men who have had a good deal to do with city affairs. I would seek the Judgment of .hose men if I were fram ing a city charter. "We are studying this matter a great deal, and I am getting the advice of every man who has had experi ence in this l'ne to point out what is .best. I confess if I used my own judgment it would not be very satisfactory, as I never have had anything to do with city affair. "I believe when , the property-owners have once fully improved a street the city should keep It In repair after that, as we never will have any streets with out such a law. I have talked with a large number of property-owners on the subject, and they avor the plan, and say we must have streets, and that our streets are a disgrace to us." Reform in Expenditure Needed. F. A. Heltkemper, Representative-elect, said: "I hear a great deal about changes, and I know tt Is a pretty big project to change a city charter. There are some things which I know ought to be reme died. This tying up of funds so that we have no money to pay the police force and fire department is wrong. It Is all right to limit expenditures, but It should be arranged so that these departments will not get Into such a predicament as they are now. I have not thought much about the charter, and have not made up my mind fully what ought to be done. I desire to do the greatest good for the greatest number. I am not prepared to outline my plans just now. I suppose any charter after It has been In force a couple of years may be advantageously amended and Its faults corrected. For example, under the present charter much of the governing power Is placed In the hands of commissions, and If their work is not sat isfactory. It takes two elections to make a change. It might be advisable to put more power in the Mayor's hands, and authorize him to remove his associates if they did not perform their duties prop erly. Now ho has no more authority than any other person, and if people are dissat isfied their only relief Is at the polls. I desire to be as fair as possible, and will be glad to consider suggestions from any citizens." Representative Otto Schumann said he had nothing to suggest at present, not having considered .the matter very much. After familiarizing himself thoroughly with the existing charter, which he In tended to do, he would be better prepared. Wants to Go Slovr. George M. Orton, Representative, began by saying: "I will do my talking after awhile. I got a copy of the city charter only last night, and took it home to read It. There are probably things that re quire changing, but I don't desire to dis cuss the proposition until I know what I am talking about." After getting start ed, Mr. Orton loosened' up a little, and on the question of the city taking care of streets after they have been Improved, he said: "I had a conversation with an ex-clty official, and he said It would take at least a 3-mlll tax to keep the streets In repair when once improved. The pub lic may wonder what we have been doing all of this time, and think we ought to have everything prepared, 'but It was de cided not to do anything until after elec tion. There has been no general meeting of the delegation. I don't want to jump at conclusions. I realize that there has been considerable waste, and an effort should be made to reduce thp expenses of the city, but the question Is where to be gin and where to stop. X am confident we will all work conscientiously and don't want to vent any spleen, but do the great est good for the greatest number. The charter Is a heavy question, and I am willing to leave it to tnose best fitted for It. "We will probably get "together In a week or so." Mr. Orton then changed' the subject and referred to labor laws, etc., in which he was interested. Power to Divert Money. Joint Senator Alex Sweek said: "I have not given the matter enough study to know what Is best, but there are some things which need changing. One thing Is wrong, the Council not having power to divert money from the general fund to the police fund. There Is money In the generil fund and the policemen can not be paid. This should be amended. It is also wrong that the Chief of Police Is a member of the Police Commission, and another matter Is the way the Mu nicipal Court Is fixed, the Mayor and Po lice Commissioners can remove him from office. A judicial officer ought to be there unhampered. These pre only minor changes, and I have not considered the charter much otherwie yet." ClinnRCs Take Time. Representative Reorgc L. Story has had previous experience with city char ters, and says It tikes time. He said: I have not given the matter any thought whatever; 1 haven't taken It up yet. I suppose when I get up there It wstt be ampl time. A charter Is a very Import ant thing. I don't believe a man ought to act on It at all unless he knows about It. It Is too Important a matter to act on hastily. I was there when a charter was amended before, and I know It takes time to Investigate It In all Its beirlngs." Should Carry Ont Pledges. Representative John Driscoll was not prepared to say much. He said: "We haven't got together. According to our platform adopted last Spring, we pledged ourselves for a direct primary law, and reforms In local government, and I believe In carrying out the pledge as near as pos sible." Wants No Rndicnl Changes. M. E. Thompson, Representative, said: "I believe I'll be silent on that until I see what they propose to do. I don't know what their plan Is. I am not In favor of a very radical change. We feel, all of us. that we want to work for the best Interest of the city all around. I know there are defects in the present charter, but I don't, think we require to make a new charter. There are good things In the present charter from which to make a foundation." State Senator J. E. Hunt, who previous ly expressed himself upon the subject of charter changes in a two-column article, said: "I have been exploited on that, I think. My views have been pretty well expressed, and people know pretty well what they are." Mr. Hunt said some of his recommenda tions previously made might be repub lished if desired. Mr. Hunt at that time criticised the present charter at consid erable length, and in conclusion offered the following suggestions: We can have a charter which will abol ish useless offices and reduce exorbitant salaries; remove political barnacles and tax-eaters and make taxes payable in in stallments by those desiring it. Now that we will soon have the direct primary law, all elections ought to come at one time and place and save expense and an noyance. Each voter should be made to pay a poll-tax at the time he registers, and those not entitled to vote should pay double the amount. Nontaxpayers should be obliged to pay all court costs In ad vance when they apply to It for aid. Adopt the cumulative sentence plan and make prisoners work on the rock pile. The police department should be com pletely reconstructed, the civil service feature abolished, special police system wiped out, and the city jail and police department moved to the top story of .the City Hall, where it ought to be. Sell the old Jail property for more than enough to make the change. The beats of the police patrolmen should be changed at least once a month, so that no one officer could patrol the same beat more than dnce a year. The Municipal Judge and Justices' offices In the city should be con solidated and clerk employed only whefi the Judge has too much business to per form the clerical work himself; the poUndmaster's office should be abolished ahdhis duties transferred to the superin tendent of streets, the patrolmen being obliged to kill all Unlicensed dogs oiv their be abolished and patrolmen made to see that all license ordinances are enforced. They can find all Chinese and white gamblers under the new "triple alliance" arrangement; they surely should be able to find all decent people needing licenses. (Some people wonder why onlv Dart of the specials can find the scarlet women and other shady people and assess them, and the proceeds not get into the city treasury.) Tho City Physician and health offices should be combined into one, with an as sistant for plumbing Inspector, and the officer should be made ex-ofllclo County. Coroner and Physician. All city and county offices should be combined In an exofilcio manner so far as practicable. The harbor-master should be a detail from the police force. All officers receiv ing $1000 or more per annum should be elected by the people, and any officer or employe of the city should be removed from office if guilty of drunkenness, gambling or associating with vile women. Any person not a citizen holding office should be punished by Imprisonment in Jail for a term. All repairs for Improved streets should be paid for out of the gen eral fund. Books of all officers handling public funds should be examined once during each term of office by expert. The Common Council should be prohibited from licensing any business not requiring police supervision. The Legislature should be prohibited from Interfering In our lo cal matters, and private and corporate Interests, should be made to apply to our city authorities for privileges or ex emptions. Petitioners asking for street Im provements should choose their own In spectors. Remission of fines by Munici pal Judge should be prohibited. Appoint ments of relatives of elective officers to public positions should 'be prohibited. Contractors not living up to their agree ments should be prevented doing further business with the city. Above all things else, a plan should be found by which all officers of both high and low degree can be forced to per form their duties. Perhaps another board elected by the people whose sole and only function should be to hear and determine all complaints In this line, with power to discipline or discharge the offender, might be advisable. Perhaps some better plan may be suggested. POLITICS IN HAWAII. Outbreak of Another Fight Between the Republican Factions. HONOLULU, Nov. 20, via San Fran cisco, Nov. 27. The result of the elec tion counting in Hawaii has by no means brought an entente of politics, but has rather given opportunity for the outbreak of a more bitter fight than ever between the so-called missionary and antl-mls-slonary wings, i or Dole and anti-Dole factions of the Republican party. Each Is busily accusing the other of having knifed the ticket and helped to cause the Republican defeat and independent success. A. B. Lobensteln.. of Hllo, has made two unsuccessful efforts to have local courts listen to arguments that the election of Wilcox as Delegate to Washington was Illegal. Lobensteln claims that there Is no law under which the election of a Del egate could be 'accomplished, territorial election laws to cover the point not hav ing been enacted yet. Attorney-General Dole refused to take any steps, on the ground that Congress Is the only Judge of the qualifications of Its members, and today First Circuit Judge Humphreys also refused to summon Wilcox to make answer to the Issues raised. There is general satlsf acton through out Hawaii at the re-election of McKln ley. Robert W. Wilcox, the independent, who goes to Washington as Delegate, Is quoted as saying that the result of the election Is better. In his opinion, for Ha waii than the contrary result would have been. Official notification of the finding of some more cases of plague In San Fran cisco, have been received by the United States quarantine officers here, both from Washington and from San Francisco. Precautions will be taken against steam ers coming from San Francisco hereafter. Secretary Gage, of the Treasury De partment, has suggested to Governor Dole a way that customs duties may be paid so that the coin used may not leave the country. He says that duties on Imports could be paid In San Francisco, and the receipts accepted here by the local Col lector of Customs. Nearly or quite all of the importers of European goods which are dutiable, have agents In San Fran cisco and always have money from thai side to pay duty. The adoption of Sec retary Gage's plan will put an end to a serious steady drain of coin from Ha waii. Washouts and floods continue to be re ported from all the different islands as a result of the recent storm, which was general throughout the group. With the heavy rains came the strongest "Kona." or high south wind, known here for many years. The only lives lost as a result of the, storm, so far as Is known, were those of two Japanese fishermen, who were blown to sea In a small boat, and have not been heard of since. The stockholders of Klhel sugar planta tion passed a resolution accepting an of fer of H. P. Baldwin and L. A. Thurs ton .to turn Into the treasury of the cor poration the sum of $339 000 In paid up stock and to reduce the stock of the com pany from $3,000,000 to $2,500,000. Baldwin states there Is no reason for his action, except the conclusion that the purchasers of stock paid too much for the land when the corporation was formed. Baldwin sold the plantation to the company. Florida Murderer Shot by a Mob. LAKE CITY, Fla., Nov. 27. Spencer Williams, a negro, wa3 shot to death near this city today by a mob from Pensa cola. Last night WllHams shot and dan gerously wounded City Marshal Strange and William Strlctland, a business man of this city, while resisting arrest. As soon as the news of the shooting became known, citizens armed themselves, and, forming a posse, followed the desperado on horseback and afoot and overtook him today in a swamp. The negro was lit erally shot to pieces, fully 200 bullet holes being found In his body. The body was brought into town and placed In front of the Courthouse gate, where It waa viewed by hundreds. The Tampa Strike. TAMPA, Fla.. Nov. 27. Several hundred men were added to the striking forces here today. These came from the ranks of unorganized labor, and building oper ations have been effectually suspended. RIVER VERSUS RAILROAD VIEWS OF A, PROMINENT ASTORIA. REAL ESTATE OWNER. Offers the Usual Advice to the Citi- seno ot Portland Well-Deserved Tribute to Mr. Hammond. WARRENTON, Nov. 13. (To the Edi tor.) Having been an Interested reader of The Oregonlan for more than 40 years, and recognizing the great power and In fluence of the press In leading, if not moulding public opinion, in correcting mistakes and righting wrongs, I was sor ry to Bee the editorial comments of your paper of the Eth Inst., In regard to the transportation or comxnonpolnt question I for the mouth of the Columbia River. While it may be true that the railroads and transportation lines must in the end settle this question, yet the people of the Pacific States have a right to be heard upon a question of such vast im portance. This la not a Portland vs. Astoria ques tion In any true sense; indeed, it is not alone an Oregon question, It is a question of vital importance to the entire Columbia basin an empire six times as large as New England. Much has been said and written In regard to the natural advan tages of the down-grade route from this vast empire to the Pacific Ocean, but let me ask, What advantage are the people of Oregon deriving from this gravity route to the seaboard? Two lines of railway, with heavy grades and costly tunnels, have been constructed over tho Cascade Mountains to Puget Sound, to compete for the trade which is naturally tributary to this practically water-level route. These mountain roads fix the rate on tonnage satisfactory to them for service rendered, and our Ore gon down-grade line charges the same rate to a point 110 miles distant from the ocean, and 100 miles shorter haul. From a table of distances before me, I note the following: From Pendleton to Seattle, 339 miles; Pendleton to Astoria, 331 miles; Walla Walla to Seattle, 351 miles; Walla Walla to Astoria, 345 miles. And yet in the face of these facts, William Reid tells as he thinks a credulous constituency (see Oregonlan November 7) that In case the Oregon road should deliver the ton nage at tho mouth of the Columbia River, practically the same distance that the mountain roads must haul to Puget Sound, the farmers would have to pay an extra charge of 50 cents per ton. It seems u waste of time to answer an argument so devoid of the plainest ele ments of common sense. Does he think that the producers of Oregon will forever sit like blind owls upon the dry limb of a dead tree and hoot only when they are told to hoot? Just a few words In reply to the article of Major Sears, In The Oregonlan of tho 4th Inst. He says the commercial port of a region will be as close to the pro ducer as it is possible to reach with the class of transportation demanded by the requirements of tho country. In order to give all the strength possible to his ar gument, let us concede this to be true and see how It will apply to the seaport of Portland. Does Major Sears remember that the United States and the Port of Portland have expended more than $1,800,000 on river Improvements between Portland and Astoria, or. In round numbers, 30 cents per ton lor all foreign export tonnage from the Columbia for 10 years, and that the Engineers report that $3,000,000 will yet be required to obtain a channel of 25 feet in depth? Does he bear in mind the fact that the expenditure in dredging the channel for 1809 was more than $1500 per ship for the grain fleet of that fiscal year, and that no permanent Improvements were mad, but simply the same conditions main tainedthat Is, a minimum depth of 19 feet of water? (See General Wilson's re port, Oiegonlan, October 30, 1899.) Does he take into account the rapid increase In the size and depth ot the vessels built and building to carry the tonnage of the world? And in the face of these facts can he assert that Portland can afford to rest on her oars, as It were, and go to sleep? Surely he must think that no other port or place has any other mis sion than to feed the cow from which Portland draws the milk. If this be so. I would call his attention to the state ment of the New York delegation be fore the House committee on rivers and harbors In 1898, and from which report please note the following: "The maxi mum draft of ships has Increased from 21 feet In 1871 to 32 feet In 1898. and the maximum freight-carrying capacity from 2000 tons to 12,000 tons, and in exactly the same period the reduction In freight (to European ports) was from $8 40 to $2 40 per ton on flour, from $6 32 to $1 92 on wheat, arid from Jf9 to $3 on provisions." And, as Mr. Schwab said, the rates come down with ships of deeper draft. Just as on railroads they come down with, more capacious trains and more powerful en gines. Mr. Boas informed the river and har bor committee that his steamship line alone "had seven vessels sailing out of New York that draw over 30 feet, and within two years would have seven more, of which two would draw 34 feet." Now, when we have In mind the fact that from the Pacific Coast ports we have the long voyages ofQthe world's commerce, and only three possible ports for deep ships on a coast line of some 1200 miles, and that, as above stated, freights come down as the size of the sh'p Is Increased, it Is readily understood why James J. Hill Is building ships of 34.000 tons capacity. We cannot bellevo that Portland, tho queen city of the Northwest, the place in wnicn every loyal Oregonlan feels a just pride, will continue to pursue a policy so narrow as to drive the commerce of a new era dawning upon us from this ngblc river to our sister states, north and south, when, by a liberal policy on her part and on the part of the O. R. & N. Co., she can hold the supremacy as a commercial center and control a good share of the commerce of tho Northwest. It Is evident from the foregoing that I do not pin my faith entirely to the theory of natural advantages and geographic conditions, nor concede that commercial centers are always built In close prox imity to the producers' back door. This may look plausible In theory, but when theory runs up against a fact (as It some times does) the theory must give way. For instance, any ship that can enter New York harbor can ascend the Hudson Rlvea 100 miles, but neither the" demands of commerce nor the Major's "immutable law" causes them to ascend; on the con trary, practically all ships stop at New York. Why? Simply because all Inland transportation lines can reach New York easily, and without delay or extra ex pense, while for the ships to ascend the Hudson means delay and extra expense. I have read with a great deal of ln tesest the very able letter of" Mr. C. H. Sholes, of Butte, Mont.. In The Oregonlan of the 10th Inst., and as he says. It Is greatly to be deplored that the first ef fort of Mr. Hammond to develop, the re sources of our state should be treated In so unfriendly a manner that he is com pelled to put his railroad on the defen sive. This is a work that has been in dorsed by many of the great transporta tion men of' America, and Includes such master minds as ex-President Clarke, of the Union Pacific; Hammond and Dickin son, of New York: Huntington, of the Southern; Mellen and Winters, of the Northern, and. finally, by this master in finance in railroad construction, A. B. Hammond. If the question is asked why this work has been so long delayed after such able indorsement, the answer is ready and conclusive, but we are now dealing with the living present and the hopeful future, and are willing to let the dead past bury its dead. We are now -pleading for harmony and justice, and merely ask the same rates and the same facilities for the farmer and lumberman of Oregon, to place their products in the markets of the world that are accorded the same industries in Washington and California. Let us hope that tho writers upqn this subject will cease to forever beg the question. It is not satisfactory when asking a question in regard- to com mon point rates to be confronted with the answer: "Was your grandfather a monkey?" "Wo are glad to bear testimony -to the fact that Tho Oregonlan has always oeen a powerful factor in not only champion ing the cause ot ths common people, but pleading for a higher standard, a better civilization, and for brains and capital to develop our matchless resources. Then why should we not welcome men of the stamp, the energy and the capital of A. B. Hammond, who has become so identi fied with the development of our state? He has Invested several millions of dol lars in Oregon during the past three years; built and thoroughly equipped one of the finest railroads In the West, and without placing a bond on the market, and has taken up the matter of extend ing a line down the coast to Tillamook. He is also, reaching out to give South eastern Oregon railroad communication, and whether these enterprises shall suc ceed or fail may depend very largely upon the moral support of the people of Oregon to enable him to enlist the capi tal to carry forward this great work. All these lines must depend largely upon lumber and wheat for their support for many years. Now. what encouragement are we offeiv ing this man of brains and tireless en ergy today, when he asks the people of Oregon to stand with him In demanding of all transportation lines that no part or section of our state shall be discrimi nated against in marketing the products of labor? Is it any wonder that he is reaching out for business In California, where common-point rates are not de nied to seaport towns? As above stated, this is not and must not be a question of Portland vs. As toria, but rather a question of Portland and Astoria against all competitors. With this policv and a hearty co-operation, the Columbia River, can easily hold a leading share of the trans-Pacific com merce. D. K. WARREN. North,vrest Postmasters. WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. The follow ing Postmasters were appointed today: Oregon Sanford Skinner, Mohawk, vice M. M. Hammett, resigned. Washington F. J. PIngry, SIglake. In Time of Need Pain-Killer Is a Welcome friend for all our little "Ills." Its least virtue is that it lasts so. Soap is for comfort; the clean are comfortable. Pears' soap cleanliness is perfect cleanliness. All sorts of people use It, ail ons of stores sell it, specially druggists. No More Dread of the Dental Chair TEETH EXTRACTED AND FILLED ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN by our late scientific method applied to the gums. No sleep-producing agents or co caine. These are the only dental parlors in Portland having PATENTED APPLI ANCES and Ingredients to extract, fill and apply gold crowns and porcelain crowns undetectable from natural teeth, and warranted for 10 years, WITHOUT THE LEAST PAIN. All work done by GRADUATED DENTISTS of from 12 to 20 years' experience, and each depart ment In charge of a specialist. Give us a call, and you will find us to do exactly as we advertise. We will tell you in advance exactly what your work will cost by a FREE EXAMINATION. SET TEETH 85.00 GOLD CROWNS 85.C0 GOLD FILLINGS 81.00 SILVER FILLINGS 50c tiO PLATES New York Dental Parlors MAIN OFFICE: Fourth and Morrison Sts., Portland, Or. HOURS 8 to 8; SUNDAYS, 10 to 4. BRANCH OFFICE: 614 First Ave., Seattle, Wash. Dr. Sanden's Belt Has no equal for the cure of Nervous and Physical De bility, Exhausted Vitality, Varicocele, Premature De cline, Loss of Memory, Wast ing, etc., which has been brought about by early in discretions or later excesses. Six thousand gave willing testimony during 1899. Established 30 years. Call or write for "Three Classes of Men." DR.A.T.SANDEN Cor. Fourth and Mtrriion Sts. PORTLAND, -' OREGON SPLIT, BRITTLE, DULL HAIR. All Comes From Dandruff, Which la Canned by a Germ. Split hair, harsh hair, lusterless hair, brittle hair falling hair, all owe their origin to dandruff, which la caused by a measly little microbe that burrows Into the scalp, throwing up the cuticle into dandruff scales and sapping the vitality of the hair at the root, causing the sev eral diseased conditions of the hair till it finally falls out. Modern science has discovered a remedy to destroy the dan druff microbe, which Is combined In Newbro's Herplclde, -which may be had of any druggist. Allays Itching Instantly and mabes'halr soft as silk. Take no substitute; nothing "Just as good." Pears' THE PALATIAL warn HIM Not a darlc office in the bnlldinsxi absolutely fireproof; electxlo lights and artesian vraterj perfect sanltn. tlon, and thoroush ventilation. Kle--vatotrs run day and Bight Room. AD7SLIE, Br. GEORGE, Physician.... COS-6O0 AN1XERSON. GUSTAV. Attoroey-at-Law...612 ASSOCIATED PRESS; E. L. Powell. Mgr.. 604 AUSI33N, F. C, Manager for Oregon and Washington Bankers' Llf Association, ot Des Moines, la.. . 302-GOS BANKISRS UFlJ ASSOCIATION. OF DES MOINES. IA.: F. C. Austen. Manager.302-503 BAYNTXJN. OEO. R.. Mgr. for Chaa. Scrlb- nera Sons 513 BEALS. EDWARD A., Forecast Official U. S. Weather Bureau 310 BENJAMIN". B, W.. Dentlat '.zu BINSWANGER.DR. O. S.. Pays. & Bur. 410-4 IX BROOKE. DR. J. M., Pays. & Surg.... 703-709 BROWN. iCTRA. M. D 313-314 BRUERE, DR. O. E., Physician.. ..412-413-414 CANNtNG. M. 3 002-601 CAUKIN; G. E., District Agent Travelers' Insurance Co 713 CARD WELL. DR. J. R 50a CHURCHILL MRS. E. J 716-717 COFFBT. DR R. C, Phys. & Burgeon.... 700 COLUMBIA TELEPHONE COMPANY.... 604-606-600-007-613-614-613 CORNELIUS, C. W.. Phys. and Surgeon.... 200 COVER. I. C., Cashier Ecuttablo Life 300 COLLIER, P. K., Publisher; 8. P. McQulre. Manager -.... 410-4 13 DAY. J. O. 4 L N 3ia DAVIS. NAPOLEON. President Columbia Telephone Co ,507 DICKSON, DR. J. F., Physician 714-714 DRAKE. DR. H. B., Physician... .812-313-314 DWTER, JOE F.," Tobaccoa 402 EDITORIAL ROOM3 Eighth floor EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETY; L. Samuel, Manager; F. C. Cover, Cxshler.SOft EVENING TELEGRAM S23 Alfler street FENTON, J. D., Physician and Surgon.000-310 FENTON. DR. HICKS C; Eye anV Ear.. .311 FENTON. MATTHEW F., Dentliyt 003 GALVANI, W. H.. Engineer and Draughts man ,. 600 GAVIN, A., President Oregon O-jnera Club, 214-213-210-217 GEARY, DR. EDWARD P., Physician and Surgeon ., 212-213 GEBBIE PUB. CO.. Ltd., Fine. Art Publish ers; M. C. McGreevy, Mgr;. 313 GIEST, A. J., Physician and Surgeon... 700-7 10 GODDARD, E. C & CO.. Vootwear....... Ground floor, 129 Sixth, .street GOLDMAN. WILLIAM, Manager Manhattan Life Insurance Co., at New York..., 200-210 GRANT. FRANK S.. Attorney-at-Law....017 HAMMAM BATHS; Wm. Cockburn, Prop.. 300-1-2 HAMMOND. A. B 3lj HOLLX3TER. DR. O. C, Fhys. Sur.. 004-603 IDLEMAN, C. M.. Attomey-at -Law.. 410-17-13 JOHNSON. W. C 310-310-317 KADY, MARK T Supervisor ot Agents Mutual Reserve Fund Lite Ass'n 004-003 LAMONT, JOHN. Vice-President and Gen eral Manager Columbia. Telephone Co 801 L1TTLEFIELD, H. R., Phys. and,Surgeou.2ou MACKAY, DR. A. E., Phys. and Surg..711-7U MARTIN, J. L. A CO.,,Tlmbr Lands 00: MAXWELL, DR. W. E., Phys. & Surg. 701-2-3 McCOY, NEWTON. Axtomey-at-Law...,.'..713 McFADEN, MISS IDA E., "Stenographer... .201 McOINN. HENRY E., Attorney-at-Law..311-12 METT. HENRY 213 MILLER, DR. HEUBERT C, Dentist and Oral Surgeon 608-009 MOBSMAN, DR. E. P., Dentist 312-313-314 MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. ot New York; W. Goldman. Manager 200-210 MUTUAL RESERVE FUND LD?E ASS'N; Mark T. Kady, Supervisor ot Agents.,604-003 Mcelroy, dr. j. a.. Phys. & sur.701-702-703 McFARLAXD, E. B., Secretary Columbia Telephone Co..... ... 600 McGUlRE. S. P., Manager P. F. Collier, Publisher 410-414 McKIM, MAURICE, Attorney-at-Law COO MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. ot Neir York; Wm. S. Pond. State Mgr. ...404-403-404 NICHOLAS, HORACE B.. Atfy-at-Law....713 NILES, M. L., Cashier Manhattan Lite In surance Co., of New York..... 203 OREGON INFIRMARY OF OSTEOPATHY; Dr. L. B. Smith. Osteopath 408-409 OREGON CAMERA CLUB 214-213-216-217 PACIFIC CHRISTIAN PUB. CO.; J. F. ahormloy, Mgr. 303 POND. WM. 8.. State Manager Mutual Life Ins. Co., ot New York 404-406-404 PORTLAND EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY, Ground floor, 133 Sixth street PORTLAND MINING & TRUST CO.; J. H. Marshall, Manager .....,....,..., 513 QUIMBY, L. P. W., Gunand Forestry Warden 710-717 ROSENDALE. O. M., Metallurgist and Min ing Engineer 315-318 REED & MALCOLM, Opticians... 133 Sixth at. REED. F. C, Fish Commissioner 407 RYAN. J. B.. Attorney-at-Law 417 SAMUEL. L, Manager Equltablti Life 300 SECURITY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Co.; H F. Bushong. Gen. Agent for Ore. and Washington .301 SHERWOOD, J. W., Deputy Supreme Com mander K. O. T. M 317 SMITH. Dr. L. B., Osteopath 408-409 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 300 STUART. DELL.' Attorney-at-Law 617-013 STOLTE. DR. 'CHA3. E., Dentist 704-703 SURGEON OF THE S. P. RY AND N. P. TERMINAL CO... 709 STROWBRIDGE, THOS. H., Executive Special AgJ. Mutual Life of New York... .400 SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE .201 TUCKER. DR. OEO. F.. Dentist 610-011 U. S. WEATHER BUREAU.... 007-008-900-010 U, a LIGHTHOUSE ENGINEERS, 13TH DIST.; Captain W. C Langfltt. Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.... .809 U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS; Captain W. C Langfltt. Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.. 810 WATERMAN. C. H., Cashier Mutual Life of New York 403 WILSON. DR. EDWARD N., Physician and Surgeon .304-3OT WILSON. DR. GEO. F., Phys. & Surg..70G-707 WILSON. DR HOLT C, Phys. & Sur..507-B0S WOOD, DR. W. L., Physician 412-413-414 WILLAMETTE VALLEY TELEPH. CO... 613 A fevr more elegant offices amy ho had by applying; to Portland Traat Company of Oregon, IOO Third sit., or to the rent cleric in the building. Nasal Iaai smm fee ttottld ba deasKjesi. Hy! Crewa Bala 4nmsW,sootheaaal teal thr diseased XM&brane. It tore catarra smd drives away a cold is fa toad Mjckr. Creaam Stdaa. U phoad iato aottrfl, (freada ever fee&flsjferaae) sad is absorbed. 3eHflsba jBdlatoaBdacarfawa, It is e ary&f ton aotprodrasneasteg. large Sao, Mtwats at Sn s4its?D7itta; Trial 81s, 10 cftl by msB. XLT BSOTHSB3,M Warrea Street. Saw Twrfc. ABsMMsI