Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 27, 1900, Image 1

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VOL- XL. NO. 12,467.
- ' m -
Any Size'
Any Quantity
Rubber BopU and Shoes, Beltlno Packing and Hose.
Largest and most complete assortment o f all kinds of Rubber Goods.
Goodyear "Rubber Company
K. H. PEASE. President.
F. M. SHEPARD, JR.. Treasurer.
3. A. SHEPARD. Secretary.
The Condensed Strength and Nutriment of
Barley and Rye
BlUmaiier & HOCII, IOS and HO Fourth Street
Sole Distributers for Oregon
Fifth end Washington Streets . . PORTLAND, OREGON
rlrat-Class Cheelc Restaurant
Connected With Hotel:
St Charles Hote
American and European Plan.
Worth $5000 to Him
"I en!6y my Pianola so much, that I would not take
$5000 for it if I could not replace it. I never had anything"
M. B. WELLS, Northwest Agent for the Aeolian Company
Aeolian Hall, 353-355 Washington Street cor. Park. Portland, Or.
We are' sole agents lor the Pianola. It Is exhibited only at our warerooms.
Trustees Enjoined From Faying: the
Countess Any Part of the Estate.
NEW TORK, Nov. 26. Samuel Unter
meyer applied to and obtained today from
Judge Fitzgerald, sitting In, the, Supreme
Court, an Injunction order, returnable
Monday next, against the Count and
Countess de Castellane, Edwin and
George Gould, Howard Gould and Helen
SL Gould, an trutees under tho will of
Jay Gould restraining them from pay
Inig to Anna Gould, Countess of Cas
tellane, any part of the estate In the
bands of the trustees, or from applying
any part of the trust fund to the debts
of Anna Gould, or to her support or that
of her children, until the further direc
tion of tho court.
The plaintiff In the suit is Anthony J.
Dlttman. who sues as assignee of Asher
Werthemer, a London bric-a-brac dealer.
The complaint, which is a long printed
document, contains copies of drafts
drawn by Werthemer and accepted In
writing by the Count and- Countess de
Castellane, amounting to upwards of
JSS6.000. of which $285,000 and upwards
Is past due. It is alleged that Anna
Gould has J18.000.000 held In trust for her
by her brothers and sister, and that her
Income Is about 5900.000. "It is claimed
that $260,000 a year is all that the Count
and Countess require for their support,
and the plaintiff asks that the remain
der of the income should be applied to
the payment of the couple's debts. It is
eald that over 1X0,000 of surplus Income
has already accumulated, which ought to
be used for this purpose. The present
suit Is said to be a test case. and. it is
reported, is backed by other creditors.
than werthemer.
A few weeks ago George J. Gould was
appointed guardian for the .Countess de
Castellane in a proceeding In the French
courts. The creditors claim that the pur
pose of this proceeding was to get the
property of the Countess away from at
tack by her creditors, so as to enable the
Goulds to force settlement of tho debts at
their own time and on their own terms.
Judge Dillon, counsel for the Gould fam
ily, made the following statement con
cerning the suit:
"The Countess de Castellane is not en.
tlUed to any 'part of the capital or prin
cipal sum of the estate of her father, as
the statement of the plaintiff seems to
imply. The will ot Mr. Gould provides, in
substance, that the income Is to be a
trust fund in the hands of the trustees,
to be appropriated for the support and
maintenance of his daughter, and that
she cannot anticipate or dispose of any
part of that income until it is actually
received by her, and that until so re
ceived it shall not bo liable for her debts
or those of her husband: and undoubtedly
the trustees will fed It to be the heirs'
duty to see that this provision In the will
Is carried out in its full extent, or so far
as possible. Rio has no control, nor
has the court any control, over the prin
clpal sum. which goesMo her children af
ter her death.
"In the foregoing statement It is said
that creditors claimed at the proceedings
In Paris, whereby George Gould was ap
pointed guardian for his sister, that the
tdea of the Gould family was to get pos
session of the' Income of the Countess de
Castellane and force her creditors -to set
tle on their own terms. This is obvi
ously a mistake, as the only effect ot
that proceeding is to prevent her from In
currlng fresh obligations without the con
eoat of her brother."
The B afford at Malta.
"WASHINGTON. Nov. 26. The United
States transport Bufford arrived at Malta
(today, en route for the Philippines.
Any Style
73-75 FIRST ST.
Beau Brurnmell
Pure Malt
Rooms Single ,. 75c to 51.50 per flay
Rooms Double tt-CO to $2.00 per day
Rooms Family $L50 to $3.01 per day
C. T. BELCHER. Sec. and Treas,
American plan...
European plan...
,. ..J1.25. $1.50. $1.75
.... 50c 75c. n.oo
purcnaser oi a rianoia."
The Colorndo Senator Says It Is Not
DENVER, Nov. 26. Senator Henry M.
Teller, of Colorado, who left for "Wash
ington tonight, speaking of the effect
upon the silver question the defeat of
Bryan will have, said that he did not in
tend to abandon the silver question be
cause of the result of the recent election.
"The silver question is not dead," he
continued, "and will be a live question
in 'American politics for years to come,
2nd I am firmly of the opinion that we
will ultimately return to the bimetallic
system, in my judgment the only system
that can secure stability of prices and
equity between the creditor and aeDtor."
Bpeaklng of Important legislation to be
enacted by Congress during the coming
session, he said:
"I anticipate that there will be an at
tempt made to Increase the regular Army,
Independent of any force that may be
necessary for the Philippine Islands, to
the extent of .100,000, as a permanent
Army. I doubt very much whether such
a measure can be passed during the short
session. So far as I am concerned I am
very much opposed to it, and will do
all I can to prevent it. I am quite will
ing that the Government should have all
the forces In the Philippine Islands that
may be necessary to conquer if it is
the policy of the Administration to dis
pose of that question in that way.
"There will also be an effort to pass
what Is known as the subsidy shipping
bill, which will Impose a burden uoon the
f people ot anywhere from 310,000,000 to $20,-
000,000 a year for -a number of years to
come. I do not believe It Is a wise
measure, but rather expect to see it
passed during this session. For a while
there will be, I think, a great waste of
money. It la not as objectionable as the
Army bill.
"I think there will he, as there ought
to be, an attempt to reduce the present
war-revenue tax, and to get rid of some
of the very objectionable features. I no
tice that the action of the Cabinet ap
pears to have been In that direction. I
hope It may be, done.
"Aside from these matters I doubt
whether there will be very much other
legislation attempted during the short ses
sion." Senator Teller does not expect to par
ticipate in' the Senatorial contest in Col
orado, but considers that the fuslon'forces
should hold the ground in making a se
lection of a Senator.
The Good Roads Movement.
"WASHINGTON, Nov. 26. W. H. Moore
and 15 other members of the committee
appointed at the recent Good Roads Con
gress called today on Secretary "Wilson,
of the Agricultural Department, and
urged that -he recommend an appropria
tion of $150,000 f br the Roads Inquiry Bu
Teau of his department. The purpose of
the appropriation Is the construction of
sample roads, experiments and the diffu
sion ot information on the subject of
road-making and kindred matters. The
Secretary promised to second their ef
forts and to recommend the appropria
tion asked. Tomorrow the committee will
call on President McKlnley.
Official Vote of Virginia.
RICHMOND. Va., Nov. 26. The official
vote of Virginia Is as follows: For Presi
dentBryan. 16,179; McKlnley, 117,151;
"Woolley, 2167.
Cement PlantBarned.
EASTON, Pa.'Novl"26. Fire tonight der
stroyedUho'ementr plant of "W, A. Kruze
& Son.'St Martin's Creek. The .loss is
Great Damage Caused by
Floods and Gales.
Fright Caused by a Story, Afterward
Denied, of an Accident in
"West Virginia.
HINTON, "W. Va., Nov. 26. There have
been various reports tonight about
bridges on the Chesapeake & Ohio being
washed out and trains running into the
river with all on board lost There Is
nothing In any of these reports. All of
the trains are accounted for, either at
Alderson or "White Sulphur Springs, and
the passengers on the delayed trains are
being entertained at the hotels In the best
possible manner. "While none of the
bridges Is washed out, yet the road has
suffered much damage for a distance of
about 30 miles in embankments being
washed out and In landslides, the most
serious being the landslide near one of
the Green Brier bridges, not far from
"White Sulphur Springs. The company
will have construction crews here both
from the east and west tomorrow, and it
Is expected trains will run through to
morrow night, as usual, although there
will be transferring during another day.
The railroad Is not the only sufferer in
this district. The floods have done great
damage In this city and surrounding
towns, and to the lumber trade every
where, as well as to the crops.
Railroad and Bridges Destroyed in
Gnynndotte Valley.
GUYANDOTTE. "W. Va., Nov. 26. Con
tinuous rain for the past 48 hours has
produced unprecedented floods in the
Guyandotte Valley. Some 9000 logs have
gone out, taking with them the false
works of the two new Guyandotte Valley
Railroad bridges south of Barb ourv tile.
The loss Is $25,000. The track of the Guy
andotte Valley Railroad, Just completed
to Salt Rock, a distance ot 18 miles, has
been almost ruined.
Rise in the Kanawha.
CHARLESTON, "W. Va., Nov. 26-. The
continuous rainfall of the past 48 hours
has caused a rapid rise in all streams
in this section of the state. The Ka
nawha has almost readied the danger line
here, and people in the lowlands are al
ready moving out. The Kanawha at 5:30
o'clock tonight was 27.4 feet, and rising
one-half foot per hour. At Kanawha
Falls the river Is 23.6 feet and stationary.
At least four more feet are expected.
The Elk is out of its banks, with 5 feet
stationary at Clay, five miles above. The
rainfall here for 24 hours ending nt 8 A.
M. today was 2.7 inches.
DUBOIS, Pa., Nov. 25. This section ot
the country experienced a severe flood
today. All of the mining plants situated
on low ground were compelled to close
down this morning, and many residences
In the lower parts of the town have four
to six feet of water on the ground floors.
The Beaver Meadows are covered to a
depth of three and four feet for miles
around. At Narrows Creek, three miles
east of here, on the low-grade division
of the Pennsylvania, a bridge was washed
away about noon, stopping freight traffic
and necessitating transfer of all passen
gers. At Sabula, there Is danger, should
the river rise but little more, of an im
mense dam breaking, with vast damage
to property and possible loss of life. At
Wlnterburn, it was necessary to release
some of the water In a large dam by
breaking a hole in it with dynamite. Ben
nett's branch of the Slnnemahonlng Riv
er Is overflowing its banks from it3 source
to Driftwood. Tonight, the weather is
cooler, and reports say the water Is re
ceding slow,1!'.
Conl Started Front Plttsbnrg.
PITTSBURG, Nov. 26. About 3.000,000-
bushels of coal were started to Southern
points today. More would have been
shipped had the river not been on such
a rampage, making it unsafe. The river
at 10 P. M. registered at the dam 21 eet,
and was rising at the rate of six Inches
an hour. Both the Allegheny and Mo
nongahela are still rising, the result of
heavy rains along their entire length for
the past 24 hours. River men expect 2S
feet in the Ohio before a fall begins. The
flood mark Is U feet, and every precau
Uon Is being taken to prevent loss.
PITTSBURG, Nov. 27. At 2 o'clock this
morning the mark at the dam was 23.7
feet and rising four inches an hour. From
all up-river points come reports of un
usually high water doing considerable
damage, but as the rain has ceased, no
further trouble is apprehended.
Fire and Flood.
"WHjLIAMBPORT, Pa., Nov. 27. Fire
at Cross FSrks last night destroyed a
Jewelry store and dwelling, Bodlers store,
postofflce and dwelling, Pelse's market,
Ice house and dwelling and Holmes' gro
cery store; loss, $75,000. Scarcely had
the excitement over the Are subsided than
the highest flood ever known in Kettle
Creek struck the town. It covered all
the lowlands, and carried away two
bridges on the Buffalo & Susquehanna
Railroad. The tramway of the Lacka
wanna Border Company was so badly
damaged that it will require a week to put
It in repair.
Perilous Plight of the Men on a
Sunken" Schooner.
KINGSVILLB, Ont, Nov. 26. An un
known schooner is sunk on the middle
ground off Point Pelee, and the sailors
are lashed In the rigging, the masts being
above the water. Since Sunday morn
ing the tug Amherstburc has been try
ing to rescue the men. but there is such
a high sea running that her efforts have
been fruitless. It is feared that the 'men
will die from exposure oefore aid can
reach them. The schooner Reuben Doud
is also on the middle ground, but nothing
Is known of her condition.
About 50 boats were anchored west of
Point Pelee today. Since the wind has
gone to the northwest, a number of them
have gone out. ,
SANDUSKY, O., Nov. 26. The steamer
Slcklen came Into port tonight uninjured.
The schooners Spademan and Melvlna
were total wrecks, however.
Colnmbns Nearly Cnf OS From the
Rest of the, World.
CODUMBU6, O., Nov. 26. Rain, which
continued all' day Sunday, turned .Into
sleet and hall about midnight, and toward
morning into a heavy, wet snow. There
were high winds during a part of the
time, and as a result, wires of all sorts
were generally demolished this morning".
Columbus was nearly cut off from the
"world, the "Western Union, having 100
wires down, and the Postal being propor
tionately crippled. The telegraph com
panies had trouble both east and west,
though the greater amount was with the
Eastern wires. The long-distance telq
phone wires were working east,, but were
in trouble west. Locally there were
probably 200 telephone wlre3 down. Street
cars were Interfered with and through
trains were from one to two or more
hours late. Newspaper and mall trains
were in every case delayed.
At Cambridge several buildings were
blown down. At Batavla, Miss Anna
Hird 'was drowned while driving into a
stream where a bridge had 'washed out.
The Ohio River and the Southern Ohfo
streams are rising rapidly.
Flood In Tennessee. j
MEMPHIS, Tenn., Nov. 26. Meager ac
counts of casualties by flood are coming
in from "West Tennessee. A few miles
north of Dyersburg a .woman and tvo
children in a buggy were thrown into
deep, black water by the sloughing of Ja
levee over which they .were passing, and
all were drowned. At the south fork of
the Forked Deer Rlyer a negro trak
hand of the Illinois Central was drowned.
A mallcarrler was drowned in Cany
Creelc, near Glymph, Lauderdale County,
by the upsetting of his buggy as he ws
attempting to ford the stream. No names
are known here so far. .
Buffalo and Vicinity Submerged.
BUFFALO, Nov. 26. Buffalo and vicin
ity is submerged tonight by a fall 'of
about one "foot of snow, which partially
melting as it touched the earth, has
turned into a coating- of slush, which has
fiade travel of all kinds very difficult,
treet-cars were running In the city 'near
ly on time and the trains were only slight
ly belated. From surrounding towns
come reports of serious damage to tele
graph and telephone wires, caused by
the thlckcoatlng of snow which clung to
them and weighed them' down.
t Gnlc on Lake Erie.
CLEVELAND, Nov. 26. Another violent
storm prevailed on Lake Erie and
throughout Northern Ohio today, the
wind coming from the north and blowing
at the rate ot 60 miles an hour. The
gale was accompanied by heavy rain and
sleet. The telegraph and telephone, com
panies, who suffered great damage from
the heavy storm 'of last week, were again
badly handicapped by the prostration of
lines on practically all routes as the re
sult of today's storm.
Zimmerman's Opinion of His Son-in-Lavr.
NEW YORK, Nov. 26. Eugene Zimmer
man, whose daughter was married to the
Duke of Manchester a week or so ago In
England, was interviewed here today. He
said to a reporter:
"I have come here to meet my daughter
and her husband. After they have rest
ed here a few days we will go to Ciricln-
AltbA4llU CX 4CUitUU VC 04C1I QkUU4
ieme3&TheDuk 'Is- sbrlgtitxhapP?as
looks a line manly leiiow; 1 like a man
wno went to wont as ne ma as a newspaper-man
when he was here.- Some bt
his articles were first-rate, too. At qa
time was I opposed to his marriage to my
daughter. Those stories are all moon
shine." "Is It true that the Duke Is In a bad"
way financially?" asked the reporter.
"I guess there will be no difficulty about
his assets. That does not make any dif
ference. I don't care to speak, about tho
marriage portion. That is a private mat
ter. But there won't be any trouble about?
any debts." -
"Is It likely that the Duke may settle'
down In America and enter the railroad
"No; no; the Duke Is going Into British
politics. He is entitled to a seat in the
House of Lords, and he is going to turri
his attention to politics."
Her First Night In "L'Alglon" Was
Highly Successful.
NEW. YORK, Nov. 26. Mme. Sarah
Bernhardt, after working until 2:45 this
morning In perfecting the details of her
farewell American tour and then remain
ing In bed- all day with a high fever,
mad' her first appearance tonight in
"L'Alglon," at the Garden Theater, before
one of the most representative audiences
ever seen In America. Aside from the
fact that she has returned to this coun
try after an absence of five years, the
occasion was made notable by her ap
pearance with Constant Coquelln. This is
the first time that these two great artists
have appeared together since 1881, when
they left the Comedle Francaise and made
their first appearance in the United
States. In addition to this, "L'Alglon"
was played In this country In Its entirety
for the first time. So large was the at
tendance that it was absolutely necessary
to stop selling even admission tickets at
the highest prices. Bernhardt's engage
ment In this city, under the direction of
Maurice Grau, will last five weeks. After
that she will make a tour of the country.
Julia Marlowe's New Flay.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 26. Julia Marlowe's
production- of "When Knighthood Was In
Flower" was given its -first -performance
on any stage at the Olympic Theater to
night. The play was greeted by an au
dience that filled the house to the doors.
Fraud la Alleged.
NEW YORK, Nov. 26. A petition to
have the firm of M. C. Boynton is. Co.,
dealers in dry goods and woman's cloth
ing, declared an involuntary bankrupt,
was filed with Judge Brown in the United
States District Court today. It is alleged
that while Insolvent, Boynton & Co.
"transferred, concealed or removed" a
part of their property with "intent to
delay and defraud creditors." The goods
alleged to have been removed are large
stocks of ladles' cloaks, suits, capes, etc
Judge Brown appointed Benjamin Parker
u temporary receiver. The firm Is said to
do a large business.
NeTV Diocese In Io-ira.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26.-OfflclaI advices
have been received by Archbishop Keane.
of Dubuque, Iowa, who was formerly
rector of the Catholic University here,
that the Rome authorities will divide his
jurisdiction by creating a suffragean dio
cese at Sioux City early next month. It
is officially stated that Sioux City has
been chosen by-the papal authorities for
the head of the see, and that either the
Bishop of Cheyenne or Rev. Father Heef,
of Dyersville, Iowa, will be elected its in
cumbent next month.
The Vote of Oklahoma.
GUTHRIE,' O. T., -Noy.'26, The total
vote of Oklahoma was 73,367 of which
Flynn. rep, forCongress, received 38,253;
Neff, fusion. 33.529?Tuckerr-Sociallst, .798;
Allen, antffusiorvTSa.- fy . '
Oom Paul Climbed the Eiffel
After a Drive Through the City, He
Received, Various Delegations
at Hio Hotel.
PARIS,, Nov. 26. Dr. Leyds, the diplo
matic agent of the Transvaal, visited the
French Minister of Foreign Affairs, M.
Delcasse, today. Mr. Kruger took a long
drive during the afternoon In a landau.
He was accompanied by his grandson and
escorted", by police cyclists and mounted
Mr. Hornadr Is vlsttiner Ore con for the nuroosa ot securlnr -wild animals
kErfiSoToglcal Park, of which ho Is director
.gUarfiajwHe, traversed,. the -Boulevard, des,
(apublrYes and 'the Champs. Elysee, and
entered -the Exposition grounds. . There
he ascended the Eiffel tower to the sec
ondstory, whero M. Picard, the director
general, showed- Mr. Kruger the princl-j
pal buildings of the exposition and the
monuments pf, Paris.
Mr. Kruger stopped and gazed at. his
own bust, which was profusely decorated1
with flowers and other tributes of admira
tion. Behind the bust was a Bible, lying
open, and Mr. Kruger read a vese from
It. He afterwards examined - the Boer
farm, and stopped for a few moments be
foro a portrait of Colonel de Vlllebois
ilareuil, the French officer who was
killed in South Africa while fighting with
the' Boers. , .
Then he continued his drive to the Bols
de Boulogne, and back to .his hotel. He
was warmly greeted along rthe route.
Later Mr. Kruger received- various dele
gations at his hotel.- .
Kruger Alleges Barbarism.
NEW YORK, Nov. 26. According -to a
dispatch from 'Paris to the Journal and
Advertiser, from Michael Davitt, Presi
dent Kruger, the British press learns, is
likely to follow up the line taken in his
pf ortunclamento at Marseilles by formu
lating specific charges of the breach ot
the code of civilized warfare on the part
of Lord Roberts In instructing his officers
to resort to reconcentrado methods In the
effort to crtlsh Boor resistance entirely.
Timber Resources
of the Isl-
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26. The division
of customs and lnsuiar affairs of the War
Department has made public a summary
of thft first report of the Philippine bureau
of forestry organized In its present form
under an. orderof the Military Governor,
dated April 14. 1900. Its first work was
confined to ascertaining the conditions ot
the records received from the Spanish
Government, under which that bureau.had
not only had the care of the forests, but
also the aurvey of the public lands.
The law In force at the time of Ameri
can occupation are said to be in line with
the most advanced foreign legislation of
Europe,!. but were not fully enforced and
licensed the cutting of any and every
thing. The result was thafvaluable rub
ber, gutta-percha and ylang-ylang trees
were taken, and even the most valuable
used as firewood.
The old regulations were translated dnd
revised, taking effect in their new form
on July 1 last. They provide for a system
of licensing by which permits to cut tim
ber can be secured, the fees being based
upon the different varieties, of which 396
are named in the order. After the regu
lations were promulgated, more than 50
additional species of trees became known,
and others are being brought to the
knowledge of the bureau almost every
week. The director. Captain Ahern, esti
mates the total number of tree species in
the archipelago at nearly 500.
-There are no pure forests of any one
species, rarelymore than three or four
trees of any one variety being found
grouped together, so that a lumberman
looking for a shipload of one kind of tim
ber would find it practically Impossible to
cut that and no other, and cargoes must
be assembled from different points.
Captain Ahern states that from different
sources of information he Is led to be
lieve the public forest lands comprise
from one-fourth' to posrlbly one-half the
area of the Philippines, or from 2O.CO0.C00
to 40,000,000 acres. There are fully 5.000,00d
acres of virgin forest owned by the state
In the Islands of Mindoro and Paradua.
The Island of Mindanao, with an. area
of -"some 20.000.000 acres Is almost entirely
'ioovcred -with,-; timber, - and vea lcthe
Province of Cayagan. In Luzon, there arS
more than 2,000,000 acres of forest.
In other provinces of Luzon, especially
in the country close to Manila, much ot
the timber has been cut, and to fill large
contracts the lumbermen are obliged to
go quite a distance from the city in order
to find a eultable tract. v
Captain Ahern mentions tracts of virgin
forests to be seen on the southern Islands
where from 10,000,000 to 20,000,000 cubic feet
magnificent timber per acre was standing,
with trees more than 150 feet In height,
the trunks clear of branches for 60 feet
and more than four feet In diameter. He
states that In these forests there are mil
lions ot cubic feet ot timber,, which should
be cut out In order to thin this dense
growth, so that the maximum annual
growth could bo obtained.
There Is a large variety ot valuable
gum, rubber and gutta-percha trees, 17
dye woods and the ylang-ylang, the oil
from the blossoms of which latter tree
is the base of so many perfumes.
There are no forest roads or river drive
ways In the Islands considered worthy ot
mentioning. At present the trees are
felled far from any road, and hauled out
and general curator.
.very, .slowly .by, one oc,more cariboos, with
the. result that many tracts are left un
MacArthur Reports Accidental Death
of Lieutenant Kennedy.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26. General Mac
Arthur, at-Manila, reports that Second
Lieutenant John Kennedyr Signal Corps,
was accidentally killed Saturday evening,
the 24th Inst Kennedy enlisted as a pri
vate, and became Corporal of Troop H,
Seventh Cavalry, and In May, 1900, was
appointed Second Lieutenant, Volunteer
Signal Corps, and served In the Philip
pines up to the time of his death. The
War Department has also received the
following list of casualties in the Philip
pines from General MacArthur, In Ma
nila: Killed November 11, Bulacan, Panay,
Forty-seventh Infantry, W. Holllngs
worth; November 14, Amulug, Luzon,
Signal Corps, Sergeant Robin C. Todd;
November 22, Montalban, Luzon, Twenty
seventh Infantry, William H. Hart, Jr.;
Forty-second Infantry, Lawrence P.
Wounded Fred B. Riley, hand, slight;
Twenty-seventh Infantry, Sergeant Dan
iel Guap, loins, slight; Harry S. Gotto,
hand, slight; Twenty-seventh Infantry,
Battalion Sergeant Daniel W. Cardenas,
face, slight; Pantljan, Luzon, Forty-sixth
Infantry, Charles T. Smith, arm, slight;
William E. Turner, thigh, moderate; No
vember 11, Bulucan, Panay, Forty-seventh
Infantry, August Nelson, arm, seri
ous; October 21, Guadulupe, Cebu, Nine
teenth Infantry, John D. Hoffman, hip,
severe; Cook Joseph M. Porter, thigh,
slight; November 16; Abucay, Luzon,
Thirty-second Infantry, John L. Lees,
thigh, moderate; October 16, Payo, Cata
duanes. Forty-seventh Infantry, Corporal
John W. Jackson, "Bead, serious; Novem
ber 10, Sublg, Luzon, Twenty-fifth Infan
try, Corporal Arthur R, D. Smith, thigh,
serious; November 18, Santa Cruz, Luzon,
Fourth Cavalry, Musician Thomas Mutch
jewlca, neck, serious; November 16, Norz
agay, Luzon, Philippine Cavalry, Clarence
M. Condon, Second Lieutenant, chest,
Discovered In a Union Paciflo Postal
CHICAGO, Nov. 26. According to Infor
mation received here today, a dangerous
looking package resembling an infernal
machine was discovered in a mall sack
in one of the Union Pacific postal cars.
The package had been forwarded from
Versailles, France, and was addressed to
a merchant In Salt Lake City. The dis
covery of the object followed the appear
ance of a sickening odor in one of the
postal cars, which had Just left Chicago
for the West. Search was made and a
thick smoke was discovered curling from'
a Utah mall sack. -
The contents were emptied and a
smoldering package" was found. The par
cel was about 10 Inches long,' 4 Inches
wide and 4 inches thick. Ten short cart-
rldge-shaped objects were found In the
covering of excelsior and cotton, and
from these a stifling odor emanated. It
is thought the substance was ignited
spontaneously. The package was re
turned to the Chicago office under, close
cover and has been forwarded to' Wash
ington. 1
General White' Trial Postponed.
LANSING, Mich.. NOV. 26. The trial
of General W. L. White. ex-Quartermaster-General
of the Michigan National
Guard, who is charged with complicity
in the state militia frauds, was f today
postponed until, next Monday at he re
quest of General White's attorney, who
was not prepared "to proceed with, the
Poltalioch Grounded on tho
Washington Coast
Half the Crew Got Off In a- Boat Two
More Tags to Go to Her -
SOUTH BEND. Wash., Nov. 2a.-The
British four-masted bark Poltalloch, Cap
tain Young, in ballast from Santa Rosalia
to Portland, went ashore at 2 o'clock this
morning about two miles north of the en
trance to Wlllapa Harbor. She has lost
all anchors, and lies stern-on In a peril
ous position. The tug Astoria stayed near
her all day, but on account of the heavy
seas was unable to pass a line. The tug
arrived here at 8 this evening, to tele
graph for another tug, and brought13 of
the crew of the Poltalloch, who came off
In a boat.
Tags Going to Assistance. "
ASTORIA, Or.,' Nov. 26. A- telephone
message from South Bend says the tug
Astoria reports thal.the British bark Pol
talloch, 35 days from. Santa Rosalia tor
the Columbia River, went ashore during a
dense fog this afternoon on the north -spit
at the entrance of Wlllapa Harbor. Sev
enteen men had landed and 13 were still
on board. Tho sea was running, very high,
but there had been no loss of life.
Two tugs are expected to leave here
early tomorrow morning and' go to the
vessel's assistance.
Bequests Made to Personal Friendfi,
Employes and Charities. -
NEW YORK. Nov? 26. The will- of
Charles H. Hoyt, the playwright, was
filed today In the Surnwrate's officer. It
was executed October lS.fH&TC. After mak
ing beauests to personal jfrlends and em
ployes, the testator says:
"It Is my wish that the theatrical busi
ness of Hoyt & McKee be continued and
conducted solely by Frank McKee. as It
Is now managed, the said Frank McKee
to receive all of my share of the profits
thereof as a recompense for his services,
excepting such portion as Is hereinbefore
bequeathed to Elwood M. Dasher. On 1
the death of said Frank McKee, the said ,
business shall cease."
Residuary legatees are the Lambs' Club,
of this city, and the Actors' Fund.
"In making my will at the nresent
time," the will concludes, "I have no rel
atives nearer than cousins to be consldr
ered by me, and my cousins and distant
relatives have never shown bv anv art
fia-UiwLartTfleglre-for mv. riondehitf o&grioafwliTt
'hence I have deomed ft more onsUent
nm wu ueauug anu JU3XICS lO OlSpOSe Of
my property to those who during my life
have been my constant companions and
well-wishers, and to such charities as, in
my judgment, are as fitting."
Commissioners Entertained.
NEW YORK, Nov. 26. The National
Commissioners to the Paris Exposition
will be entertained at a banquet given
by Louis Stern at his residence In this
city Sunday evening. The following day
the commissioners will proceed to Phila
delphia, where they will be the guests of
William Elklns at the Hotel Bellevue. In
tho afternoon a meeting will be held and
a banquet will be given by their host in
the evening. A lunch is also planned for
Tuesday at the home of Mr. Elklns. The
commissioners will Tuesday or Wednes
day morning go to Washington. The com
missioners are Mrs. Potter Palmer, Mrs.
Daniel Manning, M. H. De Young, Louis
Stern, Brutus J. Clay, Ogden H. Fethers,
Thomas F. Walsh, Calvin Hanning, Alvia
Sanders, W. L. Elklns, James Allison.
Arthur F. Valolse, H. M. Putney, Peter
Jansen, W. H. Thornton, Franklin Mur
phy, Henry A. Parker and W. G. Thomp
son. Official Vote of Indiana.
INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 26. The official
vote cast at the recent election was:
Bryan, 309,584; McKlnley, 336,063; Woolley,
13,708; Debs, 2374; Barker, 1348; Maloney,
663; Union Reform, 254. Durbln, Repub
lican, for Governor, falls behind the Re
publlcan electors 1316 votes.
tha sights of
Kruger saw
Page 1.
Paris yesterday.
Tho Czar is reported to be better. King Oscar
Improves. Pago 3. ...
Kitchener Is slated to succeed Roberts Pago'IC
The Sozsalls have- revolted. Page- 8.
The Pekln agreement Is not favorably received
at Washington. Page 2.
Tho German press objects to a mora moderate
policy. Pago 2.
Officers at Tien Tsln aro In favor of destroy
ing the Chlneso fortifications. Pago 2."
Domestic. - -
Floods and storms aro causing great-damage- la
the Cast. Page 1.
Senator Davis is dying. Page 3.
Colorado Indians are oft their reservation and
slaughtering game. Page 6.
Federal Government.
The outlook Is not bright for passage ot the
canal bill. Page 2.
Secretary Long's report is made public. Page 2.
Pacific Coast.
Attorney-General Blackburn gives his - official
opinion that reading the Bible -and repeating
the Lord's Prayer are permissible In Oregon
public schools. Page 4.
A young man was perhaps fatally shot by rob
bers near The Dalles. Page 4. ,
United States Geological surveyors are map
ping Eastern Oregon mining districts.
Page 4. ' -.
Bagle and Pine Valleys, In. Eastern Oregon,
produce superior fruit. Page 4.
Commercial and Marine.
New York stock market again active. Pag 11.
Chicago corn corner nearlng a climax. Pagell.
Wheat to go to Europe via Orient. Pago-lt .
Universe clears for Siberia. Page 0.
Channel to Astoria In fine condition. PageS.
Work on the Fort Stevens Jetty. Page 8.
The Board of Trade took up the Portlsad
Oriental Exposition for 1902. Page" l """ "
Dr. T. L. Ettot addresses Methodist ministers
on "Inspiration." Page S.
Multnomah Bar pays a tribute to the-memory
of J. W. "Whalley. Page 10.
Views of county officiate on need of changes In.
methods of assessment. Page 10
New York Zoo director wants wild animals ef
Oregon. Page 8. . - .
Report of City Board of; Charities sttewS'to
'creasing destitution. Pajpj 7,