THE MOBNING QBEGONIAff, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER g3, 190G. DAILY CITY STATISTICS. Real Estate Transfers. Xamar B. Beeley and wife to A. Carroll lot 1. block 21, Caruthere'i Addition to Caruth'ers' Addition, Oc tober 26 $1000 21. C. Dammeler and husband to Julia W. Bliss, 17x55. beginning at the southwest corner lot 1. block 4, Buckxnan's Addition, November 5... 75 Maggie and James Tinker to Fred D. and Nettie 2. Miller, lots 3, 10, U and 12, block 10, South Park Addition No. 2, November 5, 1SS& - 1100 B. C. Lyle and wife to M- BJllinga, lot 1, block 17, Ainsworth Tract, Mo vembcr 16 .... 10 Bulldlns Permits P. Barr, two-story dwelling; San. Ha fael street, between. Union) avenue and Rodney street, ?3500t Births. November 21, to the wife -of Alexander B. Mackie. a. .boy. November 21, to the wife of Joseph Ad ler, a boy. Deaths. November-19, John M. HelnricJe, SO years,,, heart failure ' November 20, Harry Robinson, 8 yearg, 2S Bast Third street, diphtheria. November 26 Jean, Ab&ii, 62 years( EL Vincent's hospital, disease of the brain, Contusions Diseases Esther Butterworth. 728 Kelly ,street, typhoid fever Emma Hail, St. Vincent's hospital, ty phoid fever. Margaret Weigand, E27 "Williams avenue, scarlet fever. Lavlgne Madden. Sellwood, scarlet fever. Marriagre License William R. Apperson, aged'25 C; M. Clark, need 23. 'o Decision In KelDT Case. LONDON, Nov. 22. Contrary to ex pectation, the Racing Calendar did not give the decision of the stewards of the Jockey Club In the case of the charges brought by Lord Durham against Lester Rein, the American jockey, and it was learned that the investigation is still in progress. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES "Booms," "Rooms and Board," "Housekeep 1ns; Booms," "Situations "Wanted," 15 words or less, 16. cents, 18 to 20 words, 20 cents, 21 to 25 words, 23 cents, etc No discount tor additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New Today," SO cents for IS words or less, 1G to 20 words, 40 cents, 21 to 25 words, 60 cents, etc. first insertion. Each additional insertion, ono halff no further discount under one month. JJEW TODAY" (sauce measure agate.. 15 cents per line, first Insertion, 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan and left at this of fice, should always be inclosed In sealed envel opes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for er rors in advertisements taken through the tele phone AMUSEMENTS. CGRDRAYS THEATER Week beginning SUNDAY. NOV. 18, and Sat urday Matinee, T DANIEL FKAWLEY AND COMPANY. T. DANIEL FRAWLKY AND COMPANY. T DANIEL. FRAWLEY AND COMPANY. T DANIEL. FRAWLEr AND COMPANY. Sunday. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday nights and Saturday Matlne. SECRET SERVICE." Thursday '"THE SENATOR." Friday, "MME. BANS GENE." Saturday night, "A DIVORCE COLONY." I METROPOLITAN Portland's down-town theater. Clarence H. Jones, Manager. Phone- Orant 711. Third and TaxnhllL Week starting tonight, with Saturday matinee, A DAY AND A NIGHT A DAY AND A NIGHT A DAY AND A NIGHT Iloyi's latest. First Portland presentation. The best ever Whatever you do, don't miss it. Next attraction, "Uncle Josh Spruceby." PRICES ALWAYS THE SAME. CORDRATS THEATER Week commencing Sunday, Nov. 25. Special Matinee Thanksgiving Day and Saturday. ARTHUR C AI8TON'S Powerful Company in the Big Success, "TENNESSEE'8 PARDNER," "TENNESSEE'S PARDNER." "TENNESSEE'S PARDNER." TENNESSEE'S PARDNER." With the original great cast and the Golden Nugget Quartet. Regular prices. FREDERICKSBURG SEVENTH AND ALDER STS. ALL NEW PEOPLE. ALL NEW PEOPLE. ALL NEW PEOPLE. THE BOUSELLES. Aerial Act. ROJETTO & LA JESS. Acrobats, Gymnasts, Contortionists. FOUR PRINCES, Comedians. MARIE D. WOOD California Nightingale. ADMISSION FREE. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At salesroom. 411 Washington St.. at 10 o'clock AM. S. "L. N Gilman, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 18, R. A M. Special convocation this OTrlday) evening, Nov. 23, 7.30 o'cjock, Masonic iiau. Burkhard build ing Royal Arch degree, and a, "royal I.UW .oy oruer c. tu r. E. E. SHARON, Sec. GOLDEN RULE ENCAMPMENT, NO. 28. I O O F Regular meeting this (Friday) evening. Odd Fellows' Hall, Grand ave. and East Pine st Work In Royal Purple degree. Visiting Patriarchs welcome ol n Ot Wk MINER, C. P. MYRTLE CHAPTER. .NO 15. O. E S. Regular communication this (Friday) evening In Masonic Temple ai o o ctocic xty oraer v ai JENNIE H. PETERSON. Sec Caledonia, and Foresters' Halls, S. E, cor. Yamhill and Second sts . suitable tor lodges and unions. Several vacant nights. Inquire Janitor, or room 4. 2454 Morrison si HABSALO LODGE. NO 15, I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work in the first degree Visitors welcome. henry BROWN, Sec FUNERAL NOTICE. THIBAT7 The funeral serv iocs of the late Mrs. Pauline Thlbau will be held at St. Laurence's Church Saturday, Nov. 24, 0 A. M. Inter nment private. EDWARD HOLMAX, Undertaker,4ih fluid Yamhill -sts. Ren a Stlnson, lady assistant. Both phones xo. 507. Rinlcy, Kimball A Co., Undertakers. Lady assistant. 275 Third at. Tel. 9. NEW TODAY. TO LEASE FOR A TERM OF YEARS, A rd business location. By Parrlsh, Watkina Co. 260 Aider st. Wellington and Comox Coal Cargo. Just reeelved Pacific Coast Co., 24$ Washington st. Tel. 229. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city ana txm property, at lowest current rates. Bulldlnz loans. Installment loans Macmaster & Blrrell. 211 Worcesterblk. Bonds, Mortgages, Warrants Will rarohaae innrnrM hont and make loans at lowest rates, w. ear. Cbamoer ex uorornercc 5 MORTGAGE LOANS 5 Os. approved Portland city real estate. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. i 7 Chazaner of Commerce. BUTTERi Best creamery featter 60c and SSc Creamery butt- ........... ...,t...45c aad'Wc Butter . ..... ....40c and 45c Eggs, per dewa 5c Sagar-eu red hams :... ....lHic Bet tdde fcaeas. smoked., ........ .-.. ..ic Cbtokeas, yettow-legged ones 23c All g&oos retailed at wholesale prices, LA GRANDE CREAMERY. JS4YamhUl. "DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Nov. 22.-ft P. Mi Maximum (temperature. 39; minimum temperature 20; total, precipitation, 5 ?. M. to 5 P. M-. 0-00; total precipitation slnca Sept. 1. 1009, 7.6 inches; normal Drednitatlon slnce8eot, 1. 1900. 9.87 laches deficiency, 1,80 inches; total sun- A shine Nov.. 21. 6:12; possible sunshine Nov. 21. 0:12. Pacific- Coast Weather iWind. STATIONS. S 3" 3" Astoria 0.14 5 Cloudy Baker City 0.001 N uiear Bismarck Boise, ... Eureka ........,,,,. 0 00 NElClear OjOO Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy 0.00 Helena Kafnloops, B. C Neah Bay-.. Pocatello , O.OQ OOO OOjClm. Cloudy 010 SWtRalnlng, 0.00 mv Cloudy Portland Red 'Bluff O.D01 is Pt. cloudy 6010.00; 4810 00 BE, Cloudy Roseburg ........... Sacramento ........ SE ICloudy 500,-OOf 52(0.O0i SE idouoy San EranClscot ..... rW Cloudy Spokane ............ Seattle ., ,.,. Walla Walla ...,.., 2910 00 NW, ,Pt,ciouay Rajnlng 42 s I440 00 SWICtear Trace. "Lights WEATHER CONDITIONS. A disturbance is. central tonight, near Van couver Isjand, Te barometer is highest over Southern Idaho. The cold spell is now pretty thoroughly broken in all the "North Pacific States except in Southern Idaho, where it con tinues unabated. Cloudiness. IS increasing over Western Oregon and Western Washington, and rain is falling along the Straits of Juan de Fuca and a Seattle. The Indications are for rain in the western portion of this district Friday, with high- southwesterly winds. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hours ending at midnight Friday, November 23: Portland and v iclnlty Occasional rain; warm er; brisk to high southwesterly winds. Western Oregon Occasional rain; warmer in north portion; brisk southwesterly winds. Western Washington Occasional rain, wann er in douth portion; brisk to high southwest erly winds. Eastern Oregon -Fair and wanner, with brisk southed) winds. Eastern Washlpgton and Northern Idaho Fair and warmer, Increasing southerly winds. Southern Idaho Fair, warmer in west por tion, variable winds. EDWARD A BEALS, Forecast Official. NEW TODAY. RELIABLE MEN TO SELL 0UB LINE OF high-grade lubricating tolls, greases, paints and, varnishes. Salary or commission. Ad dress The Adams Franklin Oil Co., Cleve land, Ohio. FOR. SALE REAL ESTATE. THE GREATEST . BARGAIN OF THEM ALL That very desirable quarter block, N. E. corner of Chapman and Taylor sts., with neat cottage and barn, can be bought "way down " ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD &. CO , 227 Stark st- WE HAVE PROPERTY OF ALL KINDS and In all parts of the city and suburbs, for sale at lowest prices, and can make better terms than others, as we handle property owned principally by mortgage companies Call and see our list, us -we have some special bargains on hand, and will drive you out to see the property It will cost you nothing to look It over. Grinds taff & Blaln. 24Q Stark street. J.W OGILBEE. ROOM It, 145 FIRST ST $600 Cholee quarter block (Improved street) in Tlbbetts' Addition, very cheap. $350 5-room house, with lot 45x110 feet. In Mansfield Addition, near Mount Tabor. FOR 8ALE. OR TRADE FOR INSIDE. RESI destce property A highly Improved IQ-acre tract, two miles east of Moun,t Tabor; low prices and easy terms made for a quick sale. Address A. T. Webb. Terry, "Or. t WILL BUY YOU A LOT IN ANY PART OT the ctty and build you a house on it to suit, and sen you the same for a small cash payment, .balance monthly or to suit. Dam meter, 511 MarqUam building.. INVESTIGATE Beautiful lot, 11th near Tilla mook -st., $450, choice corner 100x100, at 0th and Tillamook. $1100; all city improvements; snap. Call 620 Marquam blk. Phone Grant U21. A LARGE LIST OF FARM AND CITY PROP erty, business chances, etc See us before buying. Canadian Employment and Real Es tate Office, 220H Morrison, room 10. $1300 FOR 11 ACRES ON BARNES ROAD, 4 miles west from city; house, 'stable, chicken house, etc, a cheap place. Hart Land Co., 107 Sherlock building. $350 FINE LOT ON EAST BURNSIDE ST.; easy terms S. B. Rlggen, SO-Sl McKay building. TIMBER. LANDS FOR SALE 60.000,000 FEET FINE YELLOW FIR. SOLID tract. N P. R. R. running directly through It. Can be operated immediately. Sidetrack al ready built to good mill site Address Th Syndicate Company, 209 California building, Tacoma, Wash. FOR SALE FARMS. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oreson and Washington; raiments, made to suit purchasers. For full particulars as to various properties, apply to MacMaster & Blrrell, 311 Worcester block. 140-ACRE FARM. 35 CULTIVATED. BUILD- Ings, orchard, living water, an fenced; jswo. a, living water, mi lencea: ew. Address T. W. Stouffer, Needy, a. Dargain, Or 123 ACRES. HOUSE, BARN. ORCHARD, large out-range. $500; good place; cheap. McCoy. 18Ti4 First, room 12. TO EXCHANGE. LAND OR LOTS TO EXCHANGE FOR FUR nlture or rooming-house. McCoy. 16T First, room 12. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR A good horse and nuggy? Q 20, care Orego ntan. To Trade (0-acre Improved ranch near Kelso, Wash Make offer. McPherson, Oilman HotsL FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE A CLAIM OP ?750 AGAINST the estate of H L. Darr, for $90. or will trade for equltj In suburban lot Inquire of Frank L. Wilson, 25 East 14th st. A FINE LOT OF SBCOSD-.HAND HIGH arzn sewing machines, cheap; Singer. New Home, White and Domestic 350 Morrison street. TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES, RENTED and sold. Expert repairing Office- supplies, etc Coast Agency Co., tti Stark st. LARGE STOCK OF VEHICLES. HARNESS, paddles, new and second-hand, must go In 30 days. S Tamllnson, '211 Washington st. FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT, CENTRAL, well established, good trade, owder leaving city Address It 13, Oregonlan. SO WILL BUY A GOOD 8-YEAR-OLD DRIV Ing or work horse. Call Palo Alto Stables, Taylor st., near Second. FOR SALE TYPEWRITER, THE HART tord. new Call at 1000 East Washington st., cor 33d or 34 th. FOB BEST FIR, OAK AND ASH WOOD GO to .Pioneer Wood Yard, foot of Morrison w. Phone 168. SOLID GOLD RINGS. ONLY 41. GUARAN teed. Uncle Myers, 143 Third, near Alder. arable lanterns, new, second-hand, moving pic tures. Sullaxd & Breck. 131 Po6t, -San Jran. $10 FOR A JEW OAS COOKERr f2 CASH, balance S per month. Gas Co.. 174 Fifth at. PILES csred without operation. No pain. No detention Irora business. Bex 517, city. Stetaway upright Tano 5130, Chlckerlng $S5, one .$34 organ $23. 104 1st. upetalre. FOR SALE A SET OF TINNER'S TOOLS. Address T IS. care Oregonlan. FIRE AT THE END OF A TOM BENTON cigar Insures perfect comfort. HELP "WANTED MALE. Werklngman'a Barber Ssophalrcut 10c shave , 10c. 7 ehalrs. Ed Dennleen. 205 Morrlssa ft. H& vjLNTED-TO SMOKB UP ALL THE J 1 era TJenton cigars in Portland, A BARBE& WA3STED. jSATjJJROAY. EYVEEL.J 4&ITU 9m Aiwmwju. HELP WANTED MALE. SAWMILL FOREMAN. $3; HEAD SAWYBRrJ $35; tmu machinist, and Bi&cxsnuuy..;''--Vj era. $zz, loggers. 22 up. jana craa; wood cboncers. 80c; stair builders. $3; farm hands and milkers; '$20 to 25; toka; wait ers, and dishwashers, other work. Canadian Agency, 32J4 Morrison. Loggers' headquar ter. .WANTED-SPECIAL AGENT FOR ONE OF me large new xon& uue .insurance v"i nles. Call or address M. T. Kady. Super visee of AgentsWS Oregonlan building. WANTED SEVERAL BRIGHT YOUNG men to read one hour dally for part tuition. Behnke's Pernin Shorthand & Commercial vauege, uif UJinmeruuu uiuu. rF TOU HAVE EVER SOLD LDTE INSUR ance or building and loan, we have a first class proposition, for you. Address. M 20, care, Oregqnlan. THE SYNDICATE COMPANY DESLRES.-THE, services of several salesmen; for , their Home Stuay Circle Ubrary, Call at 410. Marquam building. ENERGETIC SALESMAN SCHOOL SUP piles,, country work:, $100 salary and commis sions. R. O. Evans &. Cp.r Chicago, 111. COMMERCIAL TRAVELER WANTED; must have .$50. McCoy; 1Q7H. First, room. 12. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A WOMAN WHO IS AN BXPERI enced cook; state, experience, general health, and. references, $30 per month. Address Supt. School for Deaf, Salem, Or. STILL IN THE LEAD: PLENTY OF WORK. Come and see our bhr list: alwaya good, places -on hand Canadian, Parlors, 22G& Mor rlson st., upstairs. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSrf woxk in small family: must be good cook; wages, good, Apply 472 Yamhill. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. two In family. Call between 10 and 12, 5C3 Irving. WANTED SEAMSTRESS. IN STORE. 0 o'clock to 5 103 Second, between Washing ton and. Stark. WANTED GIRL FOR COOKING AND housework; small family; no children. 452 Market st, - WOMEN WANTED to ask their husbands and beaux to smoke Tom Benton cigars. WANTED EXPERIENCED CASHIER, ply at -office of Lipman, Wolfe & Co AP- GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Small family. 495 E. Davis, st. WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL- HOUSE work. Call 653 East Sixth HELP "WANTED MAllE OR FEMALE. EXPERIENCED NEWSPAPER SOLICITOR, lady or gentleman. S 17, care Oregonlan. SITUATION WATiTED MALE. Bookkeepers and. Clerks. GRADUATE. A. M.: POSITION AS BOOK keeper. bill clerk or cashier. Room 3, 3004 Morrison st. WANTED POSITION Art BOOKKEEPER; 10 years' experience; city references. Q 17, care Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. A JAP .BOY WANTS A SITUATION AS SEC ond cook or general housework. "Klchl," care Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY JAPANESE BOY, to do housework; wages no object. G 20, care Oregonlan. A FIRST-CLASS JAPANESE COOK WANTS situation In a private family. "Hose," care Oregonlan. JAPANESE WANTS. A SITUATION AS As sistant cook and housework. N 20, care Ore gonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION TO DO plain cooking, housework. G 18, care Ore gonlan. STUDENT WISHES TO "VORK FOR BOARD and, room. T 20, care Oregonlan. JAPANESE. GOOD COOK, WANTS S1TUA tlon S20. care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Domestic. SITUATION WANTED BY COMPETENT second girl. In private family. 305 Third st Phone Red 15S1. GIRL WANTS POSLTION TO DO GENERAL housework. Address 707 Davis st near 22d. BY RELIABLE GIRL. TO DO GENERAL housework, references. Apply 533 East Mar ket. WANTED--SITUATION BY GIRL, TO DO general housework. Calrat 408 Fifth st. v Mlscelleneons. A COLORED WOMAN WOULD LIKE WASH' lng at home 323 Oak St.. city. SITUATION WANTED BY WOMAN, TO DO nork by day. 342 Grant st. WAITED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED FOR CANON FARRAR'S great book, about Mother. Home and Jesus, illustrated with 300 photographs of great paintings, the greatest holiday book ever published ETclus'Ve territory given. Circu lars and terms free S. C Miller & Co., 733 Marquam building, Portland. Or. AGENTS ARTICLE OF ABSOLUTE NECES sl(y in every building, no competition, big profits, exclusive, rights, failure impossible. Agency Dept . 312. 27 William St.. N. Y. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT BY DEC 1; TWO OR three unfurnished rooms (first floor preferred) .or small house, in northwestern part of city. U 17, Oregonlan, WANTED UNFURNISHED ROOMS OR COT tagc; must be cheap, state price, location, etc, answer immediately, A 18, care Ore gonlan WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE OF 5 OR 6 rooms, by responsible party; no children; Btate lowest price. Address E 2.0, care Ore gon Ian FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED SMALL furnished house wanted immediately, state price and location. P. O. box 433 ROOM OR BOARD WANTED IN EXCHANGE foi shorthand or bookkeeping course. H 20, care Oregonlan. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 3 or 4, roan and wile; no children. Address J 18, Oregonlan. WANTED A FURNISHED HOUSE OF 6 OR 7 rooms, centrally located Phone Hqoa 8tL WAITED MISCELLANEOUS. K- WANTED TO RENT BY RESPONSIBLE party. lor term ot years, small farm, 'with good buildings, near city and car line. Ad dress C 10, care Oregonian HIGHEST PRICES PAH FOR MEN'S CAST off clothing and shoes. 62 North 3d. Phone Hood 51T. Orders promptly attended to WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR second-hand furniture and stoves, at 285 First street. Oregon phono South 1141. WANTED TO BUY MALE TOX TERRJERT thoroughbred, not aver D months old. Call 347 Jefferson St.. city. TO BUT. FROM-OWNER. LODGING-HOUSE; state location, particulars and cash price. O 20, care Oregonlan. HIGHEST .PRICES for aecoad-hand furniture, stoves, etc. Kutner. 32 North Third. Phone. CAST-OFF CLOTHING AT MAINE LOAN Office. TO N. 3d -t. Oregon phone Clay 652. SOME ONE TO OCCUPY PART OF A FUB nlshed office. Address J 13 care Oregonian. DEBTS AND ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ANY wherje. Addresa 518 Chamber of Commerce. TOM BENTON IS THE UEST SEED HA Tana cigar to be had at any price. FOB RENT. Rooms. THE SPALDING. S. E. COR. PARK AND Alder tats., under the management -at tha owner, lelen F-SpaldlngVrhe most complete apartment-house in the Northwest; choice rcoms. tor gentlemen or gentleman and wife; tumlshed housekeeping suites a specialty. THE PLEASANTON. 2SS IHIRD ST FINE furnished rooms, en uir.e. tingle, or house keeping; sunlight In all rooms; -bath included; meet reasonable terms; transient .solicited. THBstNEWCASXLES. E..COR. JTinRD AND Harrison sta. Rdoms, furnished ..or .uafur nUifrt; all modern conveniences; References. THE, OREGQNIAN'S THANKSOLVIM3 OFFERING. 2Ue Orefconian knows th& gxeat value of its classlfledcolumns lor quick and positive returns on a. minimum expenditure. Patrons of 3Che Oregoniark's, "want" columns frequently flnd? caili purchasers for farm, .suburban and city .property of a value running Into the thousands of dollars, . and calls for meetings, demands fenrservants and office help, announcements of article lost and found, chances forTprofltablfi Investment, cajls for loans at low interest rates, etc., all meet. with .ready responses if advertised in The Oregohlan's clas sified columns. The "want cojumns of The. Oregonlan "constitute a complete, directory fop giving publicity,., to the business demands of Oregon's people. As a token, of appreciation of, thegenerous use of lts.claBslfled, columns, The, Oregonian will makea Thanksgiving offering of New ton A, WdIsMaiest-prodjioion, A YARD- OF ROSES To all patrons who may insert a paid advertisement in, the classi fied, columns, issue of Sunday next (the 25th inst.). This famous work of art. la printed in seven, colors, and, In technlque-and finish it is a masterpiece. It is displayed this -week in" the windows of The Oregonlan's "business ofllce. The Oregonian, enjoys the sole rights of distribution on the Pacific Coast, and the offer made in the pres ent instance will affor4.odJand- people lh&. only opPituRlyJtpobj-, tain a copy of this fine, lithographic production, When mailed to -out-pt-townpatrons of the classified columns next Sunday, a2-cent stamp .wUpe required for postage. e seeo t t KOXt UEJ$T. Itooms. THE NEW HOTEL VENDOME. U'TH- AND Alder sts, now under jiew management; Ie- imnt nnB.rtTTitTttii. BttlB-ln or eH suite. With or without Board J steam heati "hath on eachl noor; exceiienc service; references exvku required Mra. L. X Houston. THE STEVENS 424 ALDER CICELY FUR nlshed rocms: bath, heat, ras; -all modern convenlepcifcsj centrally Joca ted. 350 MADISON FURNISHED AND liNFUR nisbed rooms; terms reasonable; gas, furnace and bath) phone West 1230. PLEASANT ROOMS: TWO BLOCKS fORT land Hotrl, heat, bath, phone; reasonable; no children, 304 Taylor st, ' UTH ST., SOU-TH-rFBONT" ALCOVE WUl, 9 A4VA- 1UVIIUI. three, laaies. -preferred. room, ? per. montn: suitable for. wo or YAMHILL. 8T-PEABANT- HOOMS. FOR gentlemen, slesra. heat, bath, telephone, ail modern conveniences. THE 8HERMAN, COR. J2TH- AND WASH lngton Newly furnished rooms, with phone, bath. Rooms With. Bonrd, "PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 13TH YEAR; rooms witn Doara; enameieq natn iqds; use of library Woman's Exchange. .Industrial school. Address Mrs. E. C George, super Intendeifl, 510 Flanders St. . WrELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH BOARD; near Morrison THE DBIARD, 305 MORRISON. COR. 10TH Fine rooms; also first-class table" board PLEASANT FURNISHED OR UNFURN1SH ed rooms, with good board. 32L Sixth st. Rooms, with hoard, alt mederri conveniences,. The Hesperian. 533 Morrison, cor. -17th. " LARGE. FRONT, ROOMS, unfurnished, with board FURNISHED 1C3 13th at. OR Honsclcccplrie' Rooms THREE OR FOUR PARTLY, FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; gas, range, modern con veniences 405 First St., .flat J. THIRD STt. 180H TWO .CONNECTING, roorhs, furnished for housekeeping, $0. month. Also rooms.. "Very centra t 413 MAIN BT., "COR. ItTH WEpL-lTJR-- nisneu aicove room ana large aitcnen, gas range; no children SSyERAL. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING front suites! also single and large bedrooms. S20M, Front st. Hopaes. FOR RENT HOUSE ON 20TH ST., NEAR Everett, possession given Dec. 1. Inquire Dr. Hill, Bishop Scott Academy.. MODERN 8-BOOM HOUSE; CHOICE PART of Irvlngton. See E. P. Northrup, 235 Tay lor, cor. , Second. , OR RENT VERY CHOICE EIGHT-ROOM house. East Ankehy and 19th. See Parrlih & Watklas. FtfrnialxeUl Honaqs. 8 PER MONTH: 3 -ROOM FLAT. FUR nlshcd complete for housekeeping, bathropjn, pantry, woodshed, free water and telephone. 034 Seventh, south of Grant. ?10 PER MONTH: 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FUR nlshed complete'for housekeeping free water and telephone. Phone Union 545. Stores.' STORE FOR RENT, OCKLEY BUILDING, 392 Morrison, near 10th, steam heat. Dr. Brown. 028 Marquam. FOR BENT STORE. 41 FLRST ST . COR. Ash R. L. Ollsan 420 Chamber Commerce. BUSINESS' CHANCES. BUSINESS CHANCES SOLD; PARTNER shlps negotiated. List your business with us if you" want to sell. McCoy, 167 First, room. 12. FOR SALE-CANDY AND -CIGAR STAND; good chance for rustler with small capital. Apply 214 Fourth st. FOR SALE FURNITURE. WITH LEASE, of 48-room lodging-housp; low rent. . R 17, care Oregonlan BUSEJESS CHANCES. ALL KINDS; LIST too .long to publish. Call. McCoy. 167 first room 12. CONFECTIONERY STORE "OR SALE AT lour own figures. For particulars Inquire at 232 Oak st. PERSONAL. FINE FEATHERS MAKE FINE BIBDS. 18 a good old adage tqfolJow. A well-dressed lady or gentleman commands respect and at tention. Ho easy It Is to be well dressed It you follow oar peerless credit system. Call and see our fine line of suits. Jackets, capes, furs, tdresa goods, silks, umbrellas, waists; also 'gentlemen's -cults, overcoats, hats, trunks, etc. Eastern Outfitting Co., SS8-3U0 Washington. 129 women wanted suffering from Irregular, painful periods; leucorrhoea (whites), and all complicated diseases pertalnng to changes of Jlfe. cured by old Dr Kessler. cor. Second and Yamhill sts.. Portland, Or. 41T women called last month. Consultation free, and private rooms for ladles. If can't call", write1. Inclosing 10 2c stamps. Hundreds treated at home 'by his sew system. KNOW THY FATE AND FORTUNE I BOO Indian .medium and scientific palmist, jeveals everything: guides successesT never falls; cures chronic diseases? uses df Indian herbs. Trial free. Boom 5. 132 Third, near Alder. .Superfluous hair, moles and other facial blem ishes removed with electric heedle; perma nent cure, electric massage for wrinkles. Portland Electrolysis Parlors. 15-16 Lewis bldg., cor. Park and Mar Phone Brown CJJ7. PRIVATE SANITARIUM EOR WOMEN'S diseases and confinement; heat care; reason able charges, .comforts of home: country cases solicited. Address Dr. Tarllng. -Manager, Cambridge -building. Portland, "Or. THE PORTLAND CLUB. INC.. A PLACE OF amusement and recreation for gentlemen, 130 Fifth st. and SSV& Alder. The cafe in con necticn carries tha belt line' of liquors and cigars the world produces; MANLY 'VIGOR RESTORED BY YR. BOB erts' .Nerve Olpbuiea. One month's treatment. S2, 8 months, 5. -Sent securely .sealed by mail. Agents. Woodara & Clarke. Portland, Or. "" " "LADrES PRB3ND:" ONLY INFALLIBLE monthly -regulator. "Safe and prompt. Price L50. Convincing samples, 50 cents. Paris importing Co . 406" Clay at.. San Fj&anclsco. A. LD?PMAN. high-grade ladies tailor. Brooke " hutldtog, 1th and Wash. Phani Hood 1 SulU made.,t2 up, (ladles jawn goods, X124&0 SO days only. Fall godda arrived. A YQTJNGLADY. RECENTLY JtROiLCHl cago, the only scientific, experienced mass euse, nsanlcurlst ami tfhlrapodlit to 'North west. -SOjRatelgh hlock. ) ? 9 ,? PERGONALS. .dress surrs. RENTED, ALL SIZES. we cat) tor. sponge, press and deliver onevsult ot your clothing' each wetfc, sew on buttons', sew up rips, tor ?I Per month Djems. steam Cleaning ana repairing, unique maioring km., 817 Washington. Both phones. 1 D?rYOU ARE SICK. USE THE OXYGENOB King. It cures without medicine. Apply to Oregon Oxyxenor Co., 200Mt Morrison, 'room 18 Agents wanted. . UULONDTS- PREVENTIVE CONES. AN UN .. equaled antiseptic, rto failure; per box.l.SO; sample, 10c, Blond, CUem. Co , Portland. P. O. box 9T4. THE ART OF INDIAN BASKETWYEAVINO taught; material furnished lor one casket; from now until Xmas, J1.C0, Address B 19, Oregonlan. We print SO" visiting cards, proper size and style, 25c; 230 business cards, SI; sent' post paid. Brown; : Schmale. 239 First at., city. TOUR PpESCRlPTIQNS ARE MORE AC ura.tej and ' reasonably Clled at Eyssell's Pharmacy, 227 Mirrjsoh su, bet. 1st and 2d. UMBRELLAS MADE TH OREGON: BEST and cheapest: repairing and recovering. Mer edith's, Washington, "bet. -Fifth, and Smth. Uncle Henry, 150 Cth; pawnbroker; unredeemed pledges; bargains always on hand, warrant ed.rJewelry, watch repairing lowest prices SPECIAL SALE OF RUpBER GOODS, syringes, etc; Knight's Drug Stere. 128 Sixth. RADICAL AND NEW THOUGHT BOOKS. Jpnes" Book fjtorc. 290 AldeayJPoriland. Or. Respectable single men and women wishing to become acquainted, address P. O. box 359. PERSONAL JACK. WHEN YOU COME TO nlght smoke a-Tom TJenton cigar. Ethel. Sewing machines repaired at your h6me. HIs lop, 420H Washington Phone Hood 906 'WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITED? SENd stamp tjvlock box COO. Portland. Or. SPECIAIs NOTICES. Proposals Invited". PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE STtJPPLTES Office of Purchasing Cdmmlssary, Saniran clsco, Cal , -November 22, PXRJ-Sealed pro posals for furnishing, and delivering of such quantities of subsistence supplies delivered at such wharf or wharves or such warehouses !n,SanFranclsco. Cal-; as per circular to be Seen at this office, will ha received here until 11 o'clock A. M... December 4. 1900,. and opened immediately thereafter 1n preenoe of bidders. Specifications, general instructions to bidders and blank form of proposal Will be furnished to established, dealers on appllca tlqnto W. E. BALDWIN. Major and C. S . U. S Army, Purchasing, Commissary. Hnsters' Notice. FRENCH BABK GENERAL MELLINIET. Captain Glguel. from Glasgow Neither tha captain nor the undersigned consignees ot the abovo-named Tessel will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the crew. Taylor, loung &. Co.. Agents, Port land. Or, Nov. 20, 1000, NORWEGIAN SS. UNrVERSE, CAPTAIN H. H.. Erepes, frdm San Francisco Neither the roaster, charterers nor the undersigned will be reapnsible tor any debts contracted by the crew. James Latdlaw & Co , Agent Mlscellencous. COUNTX WARRANTS NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Multnomah County warrants', class "36," the aame having: been drawn upon the general fund, that were presented and. Indorsed "Not paid for want, of Tundi, from January 5. 1900. to Febrnarv 2. 1iHX 'hnth dates'inpluihe, will. If -properly indorsed, be j pain on presentation at tno otltce or the County Treasurer Interest ceases on and after the date of this notice THOS. SCOTT BROOKE, . County Treasurer. Portland, Or., Nov. 23, 1900. f COUNTY WARRANTS NOTICE IS HEREBY gl en that Multnomah County warrants, class "C," the same having been drawn upon I the road fund, that Were presented and In dorsed "Not paid for want of funds," from January A, 1UO0, to February 8, 1900, both dates inclusive, will. If properly Indorsed, be paid on presentation at the. office of the County Treasurer. Interest thereon ceases on and after the dater ot this notice THOS. SCOTT BROOKE. Oounty Treasurer. Portland, Or , Nov. 23, 1900. CITr BOARD OF CHARITHSS THE AN nual meetlnr ot members for the election of directors and transaction of such other busi ness as may properly come before It. will ha held at 213 Fpurth St., near Salmon, Mon day. November 26. 1900, at 8 o'clock P. M. Wi R Walpole Secretary. FINANCIAL. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FURNI ture, pianos, salaries, etc Can be paid in "IHStallmfehts. reducing Interest: Rates Tower than the lowest. F. W Graves, Mgr., 124 Cth. near Wash, (ground floor). Tel. Oak 1331. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary -security, at low rates. C. W. Pallett, 213 Com mercial block. Tel. Grant 856. LOANS ON UNIMPROVED SUBURBAN property and all other .good securities. W.H. Nunu, 311 Macleay hlock. Phone Main 622. 4200.000 TO LOAN AT 6, 0. 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rent. Wm. G. Beck, 321 Morrison st. MONEY LOANED ON BICYCLES, PIANOS, furniture and other securities W. A. Hath away, room 10 Wash. bldg. Phone Hood 413. LOANS ON MDMING STOCK. FURNITURE, real estate or other securities. 128 Third st. C H. Thompson's Cut-Rate Ticket Office. ,LOANS ON FURN.ITURE PIANOS AND ither securities; lowest rates; "nrlvat. 8. W. King, room 45 Washington building. LOANSTN SUMS FROM 45 TO X500. ON ALL Classes of security. R. L Eckerson & Co, room 5 Washington bldg. Phone Clay 3- MONET TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE cttrlty. Wm. Holl. room 9 Washington bldg. LOANS dtt chattels, salaries, etc., low rates. See us first. Mann & Co.. 604 Dekum bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 per cent, farm or city property. O M. Smith, 3 Ch. ot Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTEL BECURI ty, Phone Bed 2853. Frame, 519 Marquam. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE-SE-curlty C F Plympton. 29144 .Morrison t. LOST AND FOUND. LOST-BRINDLE BULLDOG; EABtf AND talV cut, white chest, collar and license tag. Reward. Coffman, Sixth and Morrison. STRAYED NOV. 21; LIGHT JERSEY milch cowj has halter 6n. Return to 142 SellwDOd st. Lower Albtna. Reward. LOST Bllf, WITH "F. O. E" ON tT. FCD r will liberal reward If returned ttf A. ErickSJn, Second and'Burnalde r.ftST t.A .EimSE. ON PLANDEBS. T?K- tween.l0th and"20tl "Reward by returning 'to "Areeordaa office. r EUSINE3S DIREOTORYs- AjeeerdJoa and Inlte Pialtlg" Also blading furnfohed and skirts rebound. ?1. Ml" Gould. S01 Marquam building. AgrlcHltaral iEaplesieats, Macblnery JOHN POOLE; Newton wagons, buggtea, wind mills, pumps, machinery. Foot Morrison at. Asaayera sad Analysis. X. t H. FI8K. MINERAL ASSAYER AND cfeemlst: gold- dust bought. 204& Washington. PAUL BAHMEL- ASSAYER AND ANALYST; gold dust bought 223U( Stark at. Attorneys. ED(WARD T TAOGART. ATTORNEY -AT-law, general practice, 518 Chamber of Com merce. Jj W. RANSOM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND counselor. Bates Bank bldg 1 Portland. )r. Barber Supplies, Manufacturers and Importers- of harbers sup plies, to- N. -W. JXVllson. l 6th at r Portland. Boole Stores. J. K. GHi. & CO., WHOLESALE AND RB tall booksellers and stationers, 133-35 3d st. New and secopd-hand school and misc. books bought, sold and exchanged. 225 Morrison. BOOKS, -OLD AND NEW, BOUGHT 4 AND sold. The Old Book Store, 220 Yamhill. -Carpenters and Bnildexa. JACOB KRIMBEL. MOVED Td 353 STARK. store, office fitting, lobbing. Phone Clay 013, JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter, builder, ofljee and store fixtures. Ore. tel 747. 305 Stark. Chiropodists and Manicuring:. WMV DEVENY & MAUD DEVENY. THE onrr scientific chiropodists, parlors 301 Allsky bldg . Jd, & Morrison. Ore. phone Grant 10. Clairvoyants. Mijne. Dr. Herzog, from Berlin, sclcntifle re vealer; tells entire life, past, present and fu ture; consultation on all attain, nothing ex cepted; names given, good advice, sure help; mistake Impossible, imports genuine gypsy ibve. powder. Fee, 1. letter, $2. 303 Alder. Coal Dealers. VULCAN -COAL CO ,- -dealers in bouse, steam and blacksmith coals. Also foundry, coke, Front W near Ollsan. Ore, tel. Red 1700. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commis sion merchant. Front at, near Main, Port land, Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock bldg, Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front & D sts.. PortlandOr. EVERDINO & FARRELU commission, butter, eggs, chickens and farm produce, Portland. Cornices Slryllghts. METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED IRON crrnlces. J. C. Bayer. 265 Second st. Dyeing: and Clean Irigr. H. W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER and cleaner. 301 17th. Teh Red 131. . Educational. DRAMATIC ELOCUTION A MUSIC. DAILY and evening classes. Mrs. Geo Smythe, from London. Eng. Studio 17 A. O. U. Ws. hWg. Elcctric Supplies. Western Electric Works; house wiring bell work, repairs, motors, dynamos. 305 Wash. Fence and Wire Worlcs. OLD EAST-PORTLAND FENCE AN0 WIRE Works. A. Carlson, 239 East Morrison at. Hair Dressing and Manicuring. ROSENTHAL SISTERS, 160 FIFTH. OPP. P O, Switches a .specialty. PhonsEood 914. JHarnesa and Saddles. BREYMAN LEATHER CO, WHOLESALE saddle and harness manufacturers,-naddlery hardware, findings and shoe store .autjpllea, leather 6t air kinds- 73 Front at. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE aale saddlers and liarnoss manufacturers. leather and saddlery hardware 72 Front st. Iron Founder, Mach'sts. Ship B'ld'rs. Wolff & Zwicker Iron Works; designers and -mfrs of ships, steamboats, marine, mining and milling machinery; riveted steel plpev Smith & Watson Iron Works; engines and boil ers; logging engines a specialty, quart and saw mills, mlso. machinery. Front .and Hall. Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of N. W . protects the living, fixed nay ments eliminate doubtful "dividends' J L. Mitchell. Sup Sec'y, 012-015' Marquant bldg. HAMBURG-BREMEN FntB HS'S. CO.. 102 First, st. Boyd &, Arnold. General Agents. -Magnetic 'and Mental Healing. Mrs. C J Mania, magnetic healer (Weltmer method), office treatment and college courses given. 221 Gooan"ough W&g.. Cth & Yamhill. Massage. 'THE BNOWDEN" TUB baths, massage, electricity, near Alder Phone Red 421. AND VAPOR- 1314 Fourth. I Select massage and magnetic treatments; lady from S. F. Parlor 28. 288A5 Stark st. Dekum Treatment Rooms, Dekum bldg. Wieland, Edgar Belknapy attendants. Ida Marble and GraniteWorks. LARGEST, BEST STQCK OF MONUMENTS in city, at coot, to reSnce stock before mov ing down town Weeks. 720 Front-st. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, marble, gran ite and sjone work. Bchanen & Nu. 268 1st, Musical. Sfenor G. Ferrari, the noted basso, formerly of the Milan Opera Co.; master, of voice produc tion, latest Italian method, testimonials open tdinspect!6n at studio; vMulkey brdg, Morri son and Second. v Lesions 60c; piano. gutar.banjoiraandoltn vio lin instruments tor sale. Airs. Martin, 104H It Medical. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED SEE tlfclUt, hasppened up his office at 347 Front, and Will sell his: medicine as usual Medl-clhes-f or all kinds at chronic diseases. 1 . Palmistry PALMISTRY Professor Johns, the world! greatest palmist ant clalrVpyant, may -he consulted dally on all affairs pf life. His information and -advice on marriages, -divorces, separations, la-fte and family affairs, huslnens transactions, lawsuits, etc. are ac curate; and truthful. He reunites the sep arated, settles lovers quarrels, causes speedy marriage, locates hidden treasures, removes evil tattuenct. cures fits and drunkenness, advises you as to whether or not you will to. successful in mining or In business. He looks lata your-hand and tells you what' alls you, and oftentimes, gives you hade your lost nerve and energy. No matter .what troublejrou may have, call and fie will help you. Palmistry taught Medtnmlstiq per sons developed: Prices within reach of all. Parlors located at 189 West Park jtreet. near YamhllL Phone, West tWO LARBETf, THB PALMIST, WILL READ-THE year when all leading events in life take place for Tain or lops, past- and future; jjcI entlfio readings. 50c, Allsky bldg.. room. 219. MRS. X. BURHANS, SCIENTIFIC PALM lst Macleay building, room' 200, second floor, 10 A-"M to C P M ; evenings, fllfc Grand ave., room 50. Headings. 50c and SL Mlsa A. M. 8tevensort. sclentfflo palmist and psychlc'ifads past, present' future. SOOlst Manufacturer of Ladles' -Goods. LADIES' SILK WAISTS AND WRAPPERS, fancy white goods, silk underwear made to order. Sir Chung Co., 233 Morrbioa. Ulnlnj? Machlaery. Ottumwa mining hoists, dynamos, -motors, saw mills, etc. Taturn &. Boweni 3-38 First ,st 'Oreajroa Vlarl Co. Lewis bldg. Park and Morrison Free Health lectures to women Thursday, at 2130 P.-M. Osteopathy. Br. W. A. RosBrs and Dr Rhcda C. Hldks, graduates under Dr A T. SHI, the fauader of Osteopathy, qomultatlon and dlagBesls free. C32-3-4 3tarquam bldg. Phone Main 27. Dr. R. B Northrup, specialist in nervque and chronic diseases, suite 41ft -Dekum.-b)dg, d and IV ash Examination free. Tel. Main 34.9. DR. It H. SIHTH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH. suit e400 Oregonlan bftlldlng. FhOae Oak 421. BUSINESS .DIRECTOR.T. Patents. T. J GBISLSfe. 610-eil CHAMBER OF COM, Registered attorney U 8. Patent Office. Physicians aad Sarsreoaa. Dr Flora A. Brown, diseases of women and children a specialty Consultation and diag nosis free. 517-513 The Dekum. Portland. Or. DR. JAMES DICKSON. SPBCIALIST IN E1D ney and skin diseases. Odd Fellows' Temple. DR. CORA C TALBOTT. 181 FHtST 15 years' experience in diseases of women. Portland Riding Clnha. LIVERT AND BOARDING, LADIES AND gaUesMaJs saddle horses, 354 JeSfenoa. Parchaslns Ageacy. THE LA BELLE PURCHASING AGENCY can do your shopping at less expense than you -can de It yourselves. We are associated with the largest suit and cloak houses In -the-werli. press goods and silks direct from the Importers: Silk and flannel walits made to order Also hlghgrade pianos direct from 'the manufacturer, at wholesale prices. In close stamp tor reply Rooms. 72 to T7. 350 Morrison st.. Portland. Or. Restaurants. First-class meals, check system, whltalabor, Perkins. 103 Fifth. D H. Brown, prop. Safes. SAFES. BANK WORK. LOCK DEPT.r OBEN lng lockouts, repairs. Two 4-ton. safes, with chests, halt price. J. E Davis, OS Third. Saw Mill Machinery. Chrlstenson-MoMaster Machinery Co. . new and 2dhand machinery. E. Water and E. Taylor. Showcases and. Store Fixtures. DIXON, BORGESON & CO., FRONT AND Was: on sts. Spetallsts. Bertha A. Trulllnger, specialist; complexien. scalp treatments, manicuring Parlori 25-20 Russel bldg . 4th & Morr. Rhone Front; 370. Spiritualists. MBS WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAHtVOY ant and psychic life reader, consult her! en business affairs, lova troubles, absent, friends: good advice on mines, reading dally, BOoand up. ltrtjf First St., offices 7 and 8. DR. COLLINS. SPrWTUAL- ADVISER; readings dally, circle tonight. The Raleigh, room 93, Sixth and Washington. MRS. STEVENS. SPIRITUAL LIFE READ er; fittings dally. 221& Morrison St.. rm. 22. Airs. C Cornelius, medium. 205 Goodnough bldg;. Fifth and Yamhill Tel. Brown 4411 MRS WESTLAKE, PARLORS- 34 AND S3 Lewis building. 350 Morrison. Storaffe. OVERLAID STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth and Davis Merchandise a specialty Insurance rates low. storage rates reasonable Careful a.ttenUon given to, country consign ments. Tel. Or. Main 777, Columbia 67&t, SAFES, PLVNO. FURNITURE MOVED AND packed.-fer shipping. C M. Olsen. 128 First, Tel. office Main. 1037, Black 801 1 Stornge and Transfer. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAB at Ftfed Blckel'a storehouse. 31 North Front. StoVes, "Ranges, ifousehold H'dvare. Hardware, sole agt. Universal stoves & ranges; housef umlshlng goods. J. Jj Kadderly. 141clst 1 . .... Terita an(LA.TvniaK- P0BTLAND TENT i AWNINO! CO . TENTS, sails, awnings. 229 Ankeny. Tel Grant. 1501. Turkish Baths. New Turkish hath parlor, modern appliances; rents only 625 Chamber Com . J" F. "King. United. States' Pensions. E- W. ALLEN, MS CHAMBER, QF COM merce, pension attorney, 20 yeara experience. C F PFBUQER, NOTARY, 148 SECOND ST. Rebellion and later war applications made. Watchmakers and JeTrelers. Seek, -the Jeweler, headquarters for bargains. 207 Morrison st, between Front and -FtrstV Wholesale. Grocer, ALLEN 4 LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCEBS, cor N Front and Davis sts" Portland, Or. MINING. OffEGON MINING STOCK EXCHANGE, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING. OPEN CALL 10 JO O'CLOCK A. M. ,DAXLY. Reliable Brokers. r J. Hard & Co .Chamber of Commerce brag. Oregon phone 810, Columbia phone 239. " r Bountree & Diamond. Portland, ,Or..,211 Stark st Phone, Grant 201. . Banks. SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, 109 THIKD STREET. Money to loan on mortgage A general trust iuld agency business transacted BLNJ. I. COHEN.... k. .President H. L. PITTOCK. A. 9. NICHOLS... VicojPres. B- J. ALSTOCK. J O GOLTRA.,.. Secretaries FIRST NATIONAL BaNK OF PORTLAND, OR. Designated Depository and Financial Agent at the United States. President ,,,..., ...,H- W. CORBETT Vice-President. ........ i ..... .. .iA. Lt MILLS Cashier ..w...... ....O. E, WTTHINGTON Assistant Cashier .- W. NEWKHUC SndAss&t Tcashler W. C. ,ALVORD Letters of credit Issued, available la Europo and the Bastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers jold en New York. Boston. Chicago, St, Louis, St. Paul. Omaha, San Francisco and the princijial points in the Northwest n3ight and lime bllla drawn in turns to suit onTLondon, Paris. Berlin, Frftnkfort-onrlhe-MainT HonrKong. Xpkohama, Copenbascn, Jstlanir Stockholm, St PetersburgT Moa cow, Zurich, Honolulu. Collections made, on favorable terms. LADD-& TILTON. BANKERS 4UA"" " ESTABLISHED IN 1859. Transact a peneral Banking Btisinesa, , Interest allowed 6n time deposits. Collections made at all points gnfavorable terms. Tttew 6f Credit Issued avallahfeT la Europe -and .the. Eaatern,States. " 1,f-t Sight Exchange and Telrsraphlc Transtera sold on New York. Washington, Chleagp. Jit. LouisrEenver. OnmhaFnSlsco vart- ouspointa in Oregon, Washington. -JahoT'Moa- tana and British Columbia. ' Exchange sold on Condon, Paris, Berlin. Frankfort and Hofag Kong. InepkeI'uIen johnmhesT.'7assistant CASHIEE. (Portland) General Banking Business 3-i2' chang xold. and Letters .of Credit issued avaUable-in.all parta of the world. , t MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK- PORTLAND. OREGON. J.FRANK WATSON -... i.V ' 5ECS-S$n: R.IDURHAM vlc?Wffi aw HOYT Cashier nrn WllOYT Assistant Cacnfir TRANSACTS A GENERAL. BANKINGS BUSEiE8S Interest paid pn time deposits. Drafts and letters Of credit issued, avanabl m all parts of the world. ' Collections a specialty Gold dust hought? ' LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANKV LIMITED, Ghamber ot Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. - , Head Office. 71 -Lombard street. Ifiion. CAPITAL AUTHORIZED ."i... ..2,5OU00O CAPITAL PAID UP ... ... ..3.40000( This hank transacts a general banking busi ness, makes loans, discounts bills and Issues letters of credit available for travelers andHha purchase of merchandise in any city ofjtha werW. Deals in foreign and domestltfMx change. Accounts of country banks received. Interest paid on term deposits W A. MaeHAE. Manager. AINSWORTH NATIONAL BANK ' OF PORTLAND cor. Third and Oak.sfcJi I J. C AINSWORTH . .,. , Preefflfnt fW W PHILLIPS uasmer Transacts a -uenerai uanxing uusiness. Exchange bought and ould ea all the princi par cities in Europe. Also facilities far tele graphic transfers Collections made on favor able terras on aH accessible points. " SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT Connected with tha bank. Safes zested, on.easy ternw THrt UNITED STOtTES-NATIONATj-BANK Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts issued available in alLeltlea of tb United States and Europe. ' President '. .TYLBR WOODWKim Vice-President JACOB. KAMM Cashier . - .-.i J-G. MIL&SR BAkK OF BRITISH COLOMBIA PAID-UP CAPITAL", , ,00W0 RESERVE ,..-T-i ...'..fBOdieOO Head Office, 60 Lombard street. laadeB worn J xiiecE. srn vyasiungxra jix., f-axuaaa. t IiM.-gAimE3, v ED 102.0