Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 14, 1900, Image 1

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    VOL. XL. NO. 12,456.
Hunter Rye
The Whiskey of Whiskeys
Areata Oregon, 'Washington and Idaho.
20-26 North Rrst
.. Flavor . ..
$25 Steel Laundry Stoves for $17.85
Only a few of them loft ''First come, first served."
They are of our well-known quality, and have hot-water coll, and racks for
heating 12 Irons, at the same time heating a 4arge wash boiler.
W. G. Mcpherson tt$"M
Premo and Poco Cameras
Announce greatly reduced prices on. their
makes of Cameras. Prices- on application.
European Plan:
rSSSmr r l rimfmmm3!P
""""" '"KMRu Woodqrd, Clarke & Co.
tsssM 1 ifil TUT! ' tf " f " T flii im. stfr -Li
Honeyman, Del
HEADQUARTERS for tourists and commercial travelers
BpeeUl rat., mad. to families as a stasia irentlcmsn. Tho aaaa
Meat will b. pleased at all time, to sho-rr rooms and dr price.. A nod.
rm Turkish bath tabllsament la th. total. H. C. SOWERS. Huiann
Library Association of Portland
24,000 volumes and
ao.uu a year or $1.50 a
Two books allowed on
Hours From 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. doily,
You don't have to wait
It takes years of work to play a reasonably com
plicated piece by hand on the piano. But if you use
a Pianola you can play the piece without any prac
tice. M. B. WELLS, Northwest A$cnt for the Aeolian Company
Aeolian Hall, 353-355 Washington Street, cor. Park. Portland, Or.
Woaresrte agents for the Pianola. It Is exhibited only at our warerooms.
Fifty Million Cattle Trust.
CLEVELAND. Nov. li-George B. Lov
ing, of Fart Worth, Tex., passed through
Cleveland today on his way to New York,
where according to aa afternoon paper,
he will conclude negotiations for a 560,
000 000 cattle trust, which will absorb 60
Texas ranches. Officers f the leather
trust. It Is said, will furnish the capital..
.. Purity..
St., Portland, Or.
J. G. Mack & Co.
88 Third St
Ogportt-ttaBkr if fiamrm
$1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day
Between 9:00 and 12:00 we will sell Genuine Cos
mo Buttermilk Soap, per cake, at 5 cents; 15c per
We are having & special sale of Cameras In the
Photographic Department. Itwill pay you to call
and see them.
"We are sole agents for Hurler's -Candles. Fresh
every week. Best and purest confection
OrfiiTTilL'l.i.a!PWfllWtl'"il'tl. l . " '" fu
Are the .
In the market today
They have a national
reputation of being Juvt
what their name lmplle3
"SUPERIOR to all others."
We are sole agents.
Fourth and
Aldr Sts.
$3.00 PER DAV
Bet. 7th and Park
over 200 periodicals
all subscriptions
except Sundays nnd holidays.
Queen Dragn. Not Bead.
PARIS, Nov. 13. Inquiries made by a
representative of the Associated Press
at the Servian legation here show that
there Is no truth in the report published
by the Echo de Paris today that Queen
Drar. of Servla, Is dead. The legation
officials have not even heard that the
Queea is ill. .
Ambassador's Lecture
in Edinburgh.
Romance of the Backvroodsmnn'a
Life The Emancipator aa sfe Law
yer Rosebery's Tribute.
EDINBURGH, Nov. 18. Joseph H.
Choate, United States Ambassador to
Great Britain, this evening delivered the
Inaugural lecture at the Philosophical In
stitution of Edinburgh, taking aa his
theme "The Career and Character of
Abraham Lincoln." Lord Roseberry, who
presided, introduced Mr. Choate as fol
lows: "Mr. Choate Is one of that choice suc
cession of men whom the United States
has sent to this country. He has en
deared himself to ua In a remarkable de
gree by his brilliant and genial qualities.
For his discourse he has selected one of
the most Interesting subjects in the range
of possibility, the great man whom he
personally knew In the flesh, Abraham
Mr. Choate said In part:
"When you asked me to deliver the in
augural address on this occasion, I rec
ognized that I owed this compliment to
the fact that I was the official repre
sentative of America and in selecting a
subject I ventured to think that I might
Interest you for an hour in a brief study
in popular government, as Illustrated by
the life of the most American of Ameri
cans. I therefore offer no apology for
asking your attention to Abraham Lin
colnto his unique character and the
parts he bore in two Important achieve
ments of modern history the preserva
tion of the Integrity of the American
Union and the emancipation of the col
ored race.
"During his brief term of power ho was
probably the object of more abuse, vili
fication and ridicule than any other man
in the world: but when he fell by the
hand of an assassin, at the very mo
ment of his stupendous" victory, all the
nations of the jearth vied with one an
other in paying homage to his character,
and the S5 years that have elapsed have
established his place In history as one of
the great benefactors, not of his own
country alone, but of the human race.
"Fiction can furnish no match for the
romance of his life, and biography will
be searched In vain for such startling
vicissitudes of fortune, bo great power
and glory won out of such humble begin
nings and adverse circumstances."
Mr. Choate then entered upon a rather
detailed story of the early trials and
privations of Abraham Lincoln, his strug
gles In the study and practice of the law.
Staid he:
"My professional brethren will natur
ally ask me how could this rough back
woodsman, whose youth had been spent
In the forest or on the farm and flatboat,
without culture and training, education
or study, by the random reading, on the
1fnreaBfcpllSnaSwives lnlnSflrst Congress. The15trrt!ten
have earned his salt as a wlrter for the
Signet, nor have won a place as advo
cate In the Court of Sessions, where the
technique of the profession has reached
Its highest perfection, and centuries of
learning and precedent are Involved in
the equipment of a lawyer. Dr. Holmes,
when asked by an anxious young mother,
When should the education of a child
begin?' replied: 'Madam, at least two
centuries before It Is born.' And so I
am sure It is with the Scots lawyer.
"But not so In Illinois in 1840. Be
tween 1830 and 1880 Its population In
creased 20-fold, and when Lincoln began
practicing law in Springfield in 1837, life
in Illinois was very crude and simple,
and so were the courts and the adminis
tration of Justice. Books and libraries
were scarce. But the people loved Jus
tice, upheld the law and followed the
courts, and soon found their favorites
among the advocates. The fundamental
principles of common law as set forth
by Blackstone and Chatty, were not so
difficult to acquire: and brains, common
sense, force of character, tenacity of
purpose, ready wit and power of speech
did the rest and supplied all the deficien
cies of learning."
Mr., Choate spoke at length of Lin
coln's political ambitions, showing how
he mastered every obstacle as It arose
before him, and by the extraordinary
training of his youth found himself par
ticularly fitted for the work he was called
upon to perform. Many notable persons
were In the audience, and Mr. Choate was
frequently applauded. Lord Roseberry,
replying to a vote of thanks for presid
ing, said:
"Lincoln was one of the great figures
of the 19th century. To me It has also
seemed that he was the second founder of
the great Republic. His strength rested
on two rocks unflinching principle and
Illimitable common sense. One distin
guishing feature that disassociated him
from all the other great men of history
was his Immense fund of humor."
Thanking Mr. Choate in behalf of the
audience, Lord Roseberry referred to him
as "that consummate master of elo
quence," and he concluded with an inter
esting personal reference to "the vivid
Impression and intense interest which the
American Civil War produced in my case
at the most impressionable moment of
my life. So anxiously did I and my fel
low students at Eton study the details
of the war." said Lord Roseberry, "that
we seemed to hear the very clash of
conflict across the Atlantic, and as soon
as I had sufficient liberty and funds, I
crossed the Atlantic to try to become ac
quainted with some of the places and
men Illustrious in that war. I saw
Grant, Sherman, Jefferson Davis and
many others and even after this lapse of
years, everything seems as familiar to
me as then."
Another Body Found In the Ruins of
the Burned Hotel.
POPLAR BLUFF. Mo., Nov. 13. A par
tial search ot the ruins of the burned
Glfford House was made today, but only
one unidentified bodj was recovered. The
debris Is still burning, and the intense
heat has retarded the work of the search
ers. It is now considered certain that
five more bodies He buried beneath the
ruins, for the nauseating odor of charred
flesh comes from five different spots. It
Is given out authentically by Night Clerk
Swalm that every one of the 45 rooms in
the house were occupied Sunday night,
while the register contains only 14 names.
It is said that the management was not
particular In having the guests register
when they came in during the night.
Winslow Stowe and Etta Hargrove, whose
injuries were pronounced fatal, are still
alive. The rest of the Injured are recov
ering slowly. Eugene Dalton, who It was
thought had lost his life In the fire, has
been located at Hot Springs, Ark. It Is
believed that one of the bodies that He
burled beneath the ruins Is that of Rob
ert L. Sawyer, of St. Louis). He came
here a few days ago, and his relatives
have been unable to locate him.
Minnesota. Senator's Condition
Fast Recovery.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 13. The grave
complications disclosed by tie bulletin
issued last evening by the physician in
attendance upon Senator C K. Davis
have greatly depressed his family and
friends, who hitherto have been hope
ful of a favorable outcome of his pro
longed illness. His wife, his aged par
ents and two sisters who are In con
stant attendance upon him, now fully
realize the probability of a fatal result
and that at no distant time. It is said
that the Senator himself Is not cognizant
of the extremely serious character of his
illness, though he is, of course, aware
that he is being treated for another and
possibly more serious ailment than that
with which he at first contehded. The
presence of acute Inflammation of the
kidneys appears to have no relation what
ever to the poison taken Into his system
through the Injured foot.
Senator Davis family fears that his
weakened system will hardly Enable him
to flght the disease, as he might have
done had he not been subjected to a
wearisome siege of nine weeks. It is said
the Senator suffers but little pain and
the wounded foot is beginning to heal
nicely, and but few "symptoms are noted,
so far as It is concerned. A statement
was made today by a close friend of
the falmly, who said:
"Drs. Stone and Lankester yesterday
discovered evidences of Bright's disease.
Upon this discovery it was thought best
to acquaint Dr. Murphy, of Chicago, of
the changed conditions. Dr. Murphy ar
rived today and corroborated the diag
nosis. He regards the case as now grave,
for kidney trouble at this stage Is a se
rious Bymptom."
When Dr. Murphy was last hero it was
believed there was a fair chance for re
covery. He is not so sanguine now. At
midnight Dr. Stone Issued the following
"Senator Davis passed a comfortable
day. He is more restless tonight. Tem
perature 99; pulse 120."
Census Figures "Will Be Ready When
Congress Meets.
"WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. Director of
the Census Merriam was at the White
House today. He called the attention
of the President to the fact that the fig
ures on the population of the United
States, the total of which had already
been announced, are in such shape that
they will be at the disposition of Con
gress when it meets, for any action it
may desire to take in the direction of a
reapportionment bill. The reapportion
ment following the count of the 12th cen
sus will become operative by law In 1903.
xnere prooaoiy will De a considerable in
crease both in the ratio andi the total
number of Representatives under the new
Starting with a ratio of 1 to every 30.006
sub, In 1890, gave a population of 63,622,250,
or an increase ot Tne ratio was
173,901 people to each Representative, and
the House numbered 356 members. The
ratio under the new census probably will
reach 200,000. With an Increase of 13,225,
464 shown by the present census, and let
ting majority fractions of the apportion
ment count for an additional member,
as has been the custom, this would make
an Increase of IS members In the next
House. . Reapportionment on this basis
would cause only four states to lose Rep
resentatives. They are Maine and Vir
ginia in the East and Kansas and Ne
braska In the West. Those states would
lose a member each. Any ratio smaller
than 200,000, which would save them their
full representation, would cause a consid
erable addition to the membership of the
Marcus Daly's Remains "Will
Buried in Montana.
NEW YORK, Nov. 13. The body of Mar
cus Daly remained today In the reception
room of the house ho Intended to make
his home, 725 Fifth avenue. Many visi
tors left their cards there with expres
sions of their grief, and the family re
ceived many telegrams of condolence from
Mr. Daly's friends In the West. A re
quiem mass will be celebrated at St.
Patrick's Cathedral tomorrow at noon,
and the burial will be In Montana. The
pallbearers will be: J. B. Haggln, John
W. Mackay, Henry H. Rogers, WilUam
L. Bull. Hugh J. Grant, John A. Sullivan,
H. V. Parsons and William Scanlon.
Henry VHIard's Funeral.
NEW YORK, Nov. 13. Arrangements
were made today at Dobbs 'Ferry, N. Y
for the funeral of the late Henry VII
lard, which will take place from the fam
ily residence "Thornwood," at 3:15 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon. There will be no
pallbearers, the casket being carried by
porters, who will attend until the lntei
ment in the family plot In Sleepy Hol
low. BERLIN, Nov. IS. The papers today
unanimously deplore the death of Henry
Vlllard and publish eulogies of his career
and character, praising especially his
kindness and philanthropy toward the
people of his native city, flpeyer.
Speech. From the Throne "Will
Conciliatory Toward Chlnn.
BERLIN, Nov. 13. The speech from
the throne tomorrow at the opening of
the Reichstag will be conciliatory In
wording, especially where It refers to the
China expedition, but the use of the term
"Indemnity" will be studiously avoided
throughout. The session will begin at 2
P. M.
This evening Emperor William was the
guest of the Imperial Chancellor, Count
von Bulowv General Count von Hulsen
Haeseler, General von Kessel, Professor
Slavy and Baron Berger, the new man
ager of the Hamburg Theater, were pres
ent. The colonial budget will show a total of
25,947,807 marks, of which German East
Africa calls for 12.314,000 marks. Of this
amount, 9,117,000 marks will be given by
the empire. The budget will also show
that an experiment Is to be made In the
Importation of East Indians fop rice and
cotton culture.
Dally Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. Today's state
ment of the Treasury balances In the
general fund, exclusive of the UO,O00,(XXf
gold reserve in the division of redepm
tlon. shows:
Available cash balances $137,233,923
Gold ... . .'..:. Hr27567
McKinley Asks the Members
to Remain With Him.
Several of the Ministers Hold Their
Present Positions at a Great Fi
nancial Sacrifice.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. President Mc
Kinley today announced clearly and
forcefully to the members of his Cabinet
his desire that they should all remain
with him during the four years of his
coming Administration. His wishes were
made made known in an extended speech
at the Cabinet meeting In the White
House today. Responses were made by
all of the members present. While there
were no definite pledges from any of
them that they would accept the port
folios thus tendered afresh, there waa on
the other hand no definite declination.
Today's proceedings set forth the wishes
of.jtha PJ&jsldenttsin the matter, "and. re
customary obligation of tendering their
resignations at the end of the term un
less they have made an Irrevocable de
cision that it will be Impossible for them
to continue in office. It also sets at rest
speculation and slate-making of the coun
try's political prophets, for it Is under
stood that there Is but one doubtful fac
tor in the homogeneity of the present
Cabinet That factor Is Attorney-General
Griggs, as he holds his present position
at a great financial sacrifice. Still, Mr.
Griggs replied in terms of warm appre
ciation, to the complimentary remarks of
the President and voiced no Intention of
retiring from his present position.
This is not the first time that the Pres
ident has expressed to the members of the
Cabinet his pleasure at the support they
have given him. He said as jnuch In a
general way at the last Cabinet meet
ing, when the members, several of whom
had been, scattered by political campaigns,
got together for the first time and con
gratulated him upon the outcome of the
election. Today, the President evidently
had prepared for the occasion and In his
address, reviewed the work of the Ad
ministration in the past four years. He
said that if the result of the recent elec
tion was Indorsement of his Administra
tion, it was no less an Indorsement of
the men who had stood by him in the
time of stress and adversity. The credit
for succes, he said, lay with the heads
of his various departments and he should
shrink from entering upon another four
years of office unless he could be assured
that he would have with him a ma
jority, at least, of the men who form his
present official household. He said he
knew that in asking them to remain
with him there was scarcely one who
could do so without some sacrifice, either
of money, leisure or personal inclination.
At the same time, he said, he should feel
happier If all of them could gratify hl3
Secretary Hay was the first to respond.
He said that for his part he deeply ap.
predated the complimentary references
made by his chief, and that he thought
there was not a member of the Cabinet
who would sever such pleasant official
relations without regret, and even then
only in case of the most urgent reasons
for retirement.
Secretaries Gage, Long, Hitchcock and
Wilson. Attorney-General Griggs and
Postmaster-General Smith, each spoke In
turn and in much the same vein. Sec
retary Root was the only absent member
from the meeting, having left for Cuba to
look over military affairs there, and, at
the same time, to try to recuperate from
his long and serious illness. The list of
responses, therefore, was aU but com
plete. It Is known that Secretary Root
is in much the same position as Attorney
General Griggs, holding his position at a
sacrifice, but willing, at the same time,
to sacrifice a good deal to comply with
the expressed wishes of the President
The meeting, which had developed Into
a real love feast then returned to the
more commonplace affairs of routine busi
ness, aid the discussion of salient fea
tures of the President's coming message
to Congress, after which the members
left with renewed expressions of regard.
The meeting stands asone of the most
remarkable Cabinet sessions on record.
Each of the Cabinet members furnished
a forecast of his annual report, but none
of the reports was in shape for formal
presentation. It was practically decided
that the recommendation in the message
on the subject of war revenue taxes would
advocate a small reduction, scaling down
tho total revenue about 115,000,000. Just
where this decrease will be made has not
been determined. Considerable attention
will bo devoted to the Nicaragua Canal
In the message, but the President's recom
mendations are not yet clearly formu
lated. The Chinese question was dlsenssed in
a general way. It was stated by one
member that there were no advices in
the hands of this Government tending to
r confirm the story, cabled by Dr. Morris-
son to the London Times, to the effect
that the Ministers had formulated de
mands on the Chinese Government, which
Included the -execution of U of the high
officials, the razing of the Taku forts and
the prohibition of future importation of
war materials Into the empire. Another
member, discussing this dispatch, said
that previous advices to this Government
Indicated that Dr. Morrison's dispatch
was a very fair exposition of the demands
that had been formulated by the Minis
ters. He said, however, there was considerable-
doubt as to the ability of the
Chinese Government, as now constituted,
to-ehforce the execution of the U powerful
officials Indicated In the dispatch.
American Linseed Oil Company Will
Pass n Dividend.
CHICAGO, Nov. 13. Announcement by
the officials of the American Linseed Com
pany of the possibility that it will pass
the dividend on the preferred stock at
the quarterly meeting of directors In New
York Thursday sent Linseed prices down
ward hero today. Within 15 minutes after
the market opened over 7000 shares of the
preferred stock was sold, causing a slump
to 40. The first quotation was 45, 1 polntv
Deiow yesterday's close. During the same
me, tne common sold off to 9. After ts
rapid decline to 40, the preferred stock
- rosemorejgradualfaiandMffflQcnedk 4&.ra-i
this is a Ios3 from the first pride entile
morning after election of 10. The b&t
tom price today is the lowest the pre
ferred has reached since the company
was organized. The closing price of the
common was iH below the opening quo
tation when the election boom for stocks
started last week. The sales of the pre
ferred stock today aggregated 21.333
shares, and of the common 2611 share.
The Tribune tomorrow will say:
"All talk regarding the company' cen
tered about the dividend, and, according
to the best-posted men, it was too early
to say whether it would be passed. The
Chicago and Western directors are be
lieved to be in favor of passing It and
using the money to add to the working
capital, while the New York Interests In
the company ai a understood to favor the
paying of the regular quarterly rate of
2& per cent. That the company needs the
use of money to aid it in handling tho
flaxseed crop this year is not questioned.
Since Its formation the company has been
a heavy borrower of money on flaxseed,
but apparently lacks enough ready cap
ital now. What the company's position
on the flaxseed market Is none but the
officials know positively. It was report
ed that, Instead of being long on the
crop and having made a good deal of
money out of the rise In flax, as has been
intimated frequently, the company has
been short of the market, or was until re
cently. The rumor that the British oil
and coke mills had bought flax here at
$i 40 from the American company, and
that the latter concern, beinsr unable to
deliver It later, was forced to buy on a
rising scale at $1 80 a bushel, is not cred
ited, however, by leading financial inter
ests. "The reports of dissensions in the board
of directors of the company, current last
week, were swept aside by the more se
rious one regarding the dividend on the
preferred stock and the resulting fall tn
the stock. It is understood that there
has been a difference of opinion among
several of the directors for some time re
garding the advisability of paying divi
dends on the preferred stock at this time.
The company claimed Its ability last ye'ar
to control the price of flaxseed, yet at
the last meeting the lack of working cap
ital was the subject of discussion by the
directors. This Is due to the high price
at which flaxseed has been selling during
the present season. Chicago stockholders
of the company, who are many, fail to
understand the undeviating course of the
stock downward, as officials claim that
more money is being made than ever
before. The company is said to have on
hand a large amount of flaxseed and also
oil which is not old enough yet to be mar
keted. Yet in the face of these state
ments the stock has gone on down, and
insiders in tho company have done part
of the seUIng."
Cripple Creek Company Sued.
DENVER, Colo., Nov. 13. A suit for
$2,000,000 against the Portland Gold Min
ing Company has been brought In the
United States District Court by the heirs
of Eugene Doherty, one of the original
patentees of the Black Diamond mine,
which was acquired by purchase in 1895
by the Portland company. In, 1S96 Doherty
was killed in a shaft of the Black Dia
mond and the suit Is brought by his
heirs to recover the amount alleged to
be due to his estate. There are eight
heirs, all of whom live in Ireland. The
complaint alleges that no accounting was
ever made by the Portland Company to
Doherty for his Interest In the Black
Diamond. James Burns, W. S. Stratton
and John Harnan are the principal own
ers of the Portland mine.
Admiral Entertained Gibbons.
BALTIMORE, Noy. 03. Admiral Richard
entertained Cardinal Gibbons at luncheon,
on the flagship Cecllle, of the French
squadron, today. The cardinal was ac
companied by several priests. M. Cam
bon, the French Ambassador, was also
among those who greeted the cardinal and
participated in tho luncheon.
Must Raise Money for War
Transvaal Mineowners to Bear FaJsjf
of the Cost Objection to Plae
iaer Loan la America. ( 4
LONDON, Nov. 14.-The early cattm
Parliament with the object of securtns
for the government further borrowing
powers to meet the expenses of the South
African and Chinese situations has caused
much comment in the money market It
la understood that the government has al
ready borrowed 8,000,000 from the Bank
of England, and further operations of this
kind would be Imprudent and would U
organlze the money market It Is quite
impossible to foretell what amount the
Chancellor of the Exchequer will And it
necessary to borrow. The general expec
tation is that the figures will be some
where between 25,000,000 and 50,000,000.
A strong feeling Is expressed against plac
ing a portion of the loan in the United
States. .
It Is argued that when tho Amertcaii
want gold they have only to send boQds
back to England, thus depleting the gold
reserves, and it is contended that tneje, la
ample British capital seeking investment
to meet all the requirements of the; gov
ernment One suggestion in the market
yesterday was that an issue might bo
made of a Transvaal loan for 20,000,000
or 30,000,000. with the Interest guaran
teed by the British Government It Is
evident that Sir Michael Hicks-Beach has
no easy task before him. In his speech
at Bristol he said that he had desired to
resign, but had been persuaded to remain
In office. South African capitalists are
protesting against the Transvaal being
saddled with the cost gt the war, while
British taxpayers are equally anxious to
have the mines bear the "burden.
Bad Ncvrs for English Taxpayers.
LONDON, Nov. 13,-Sir Michael Hicks
Beach, Chancellor of the Exchequer,
speaking this evening In Bristol, said it
would not be his privilege In the next
budget to relieve taxpayers. He wished
he could say thatj'he was not about to
increase the budget but the government's
expenditure had Seen enormous, .especial
ly in China and South Africa. He de
clared emphatically, however, that tho
wealth of the.TTransvaal would have to
bear part of the South African expenses.
"Of course said Sir Michael, "we must
not spoil thfr future of the Transvaal by
attempting to impose upon it a greater
burden than it could reasonably bear.
That would be cutting our own throats.
Therefore, the British taxpayers must
necessarily bear a large part of the cost
of the war."
He also emnhasized the fact that the
maintenance of a strong army and navy
would involve a further considerable ex
penditure. STRUCBTKrHisflEKr
Another Great Strike In the Crlpplo'
Creek District.
CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo., Nov. 13. One
of the greatest strikes ever made in tho
famous Cripple Creek gold mining dis
trict has Just been uncovered in the prop
erty of the Gold Bond Consolidated Mines
Company on Gold Hill, of which Charles
N. Miller, of this city. Is the principal
owner. The assays on a narrow streak
of the ore body runs as high as J102.000
per ton, while the vein from which this
assay was taken, exclusive of tho rich
streak, has widened to a width of four
feet and has given an average assay of
$200 to WOO per ton. The great strike ha
created the most Intense excitement in
mining circles.
Bubonic Plague tn EcTPt.
CAIRO, Nov. 13. Two fresh cases of
bubonic plague are reported In Alexan
Federal Government.
Preldnt McKinley asks the members of tnt
Cabinet to remain with him. Page 1.
Industrial Commission hears testimony on labor
strikes and sweatshops. Page 2.
Review of work of life-saving service for pait
fiscal year. Page 2.
Indemnity claims by Philippine, corporations
will be submitted to Congress. Page 2.
Director ot Posts Vaille reports on the Philip
pine, postal service. Page 2.
The stability of the concert ot the powers agi
tates the London press. Page "2.
Japanese troops in China disappear. Page 2.
Indiscriminate execution of Chlncso officials
may have a bad effect Page 2.
Ambassador Choate lectured on XmcOln at
Edinburgh. Page 1.
Brazil and Argentina may force Chile to grant
Bolivia's demands. Page 3.
Baroness von Ketteler is invited to Germany.
Page 3. i
British taxes will be increased.
The treaty of Paris was denounced at the
Spanish-American Congress. Page 8.
Rival conventions of the K. of I, met In Birm
ingham. Ala.
Santa Fe telegraphers were on strike for half
on hour.
Terry fccGovem defeated Kid Broad at Tatter
solls, Chicago. Page 5.
A defalcation causes the failure of a New York
brokerage firm
A bill to disfranchise negroes wes istrodaced
in the Georgia Legislature: Page 3.
The Kentucky election returns will be can
vassed December 8. Page 8.
Pacific Coast.
John R. Rogers tells of the elements that
worked for his success in "Washington
Page 4. ,
The Pall fishing on the Columbia River ta
practically closed. Page 4.
All Oregon has good reason to support great
exposition In Portland in 1002. Page 4.
Union labor makes a demand for state posi
tions In "Washington under new regime.
Page 4.
An Idaho dance-hall tragedy resulted ia the
death of two men. Page 4.
Commercial nnd aiarlne.
New Tork stock market sUU la panicky con
dltlon. Page 11.
Southern Pacific will retain control of Pacini
Mali. Page 10.
Steamship Empress ot Japan libeled. Pag M.
Prospects for Christmas trade and gtnetal
business never were better. Page 12.
Under O. R. & N. auspices various farmers
institutes will be held this month. Page 8.
Bast Side man narrowly escapes death from aa
Infuriated butt Page 8.
Oregon's exports this year are tat tasesVsn
record. Pace 8.