Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 13, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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The Famous Anaconda Cop
per King.
His Mining Career In Monlaaa aad
His Controversy with W. A.
NEW YORK, Nov. 12. Marcus Daly,
one of the leading mlneowners of the
"world, died In his apartments la the Ho
tel Netherlands, at 8 o'clock this morn
ing:, aged GO years. Dilation of the heart
and Bright's disease of the kidneys, with
resultant complications, were the Imme
diate cause of death, though Mr. Daly's
illness dated back several years. tHe naa
suffered severely during the last two
months, but the end was painless. While
he 'was surrounded by members of his
family, his life went out so peacefully
that only the physicians In attendance
knew that he had round rest.
Breathing fumes of arsenic In smelters
where copper ore from his mines were
treated and living in the high altitudes
of Montana weakened his heart. He real
ized that his constitution had broken, but
did not soon enough give himself oppoi
tunlty to recuperate. He at last came
to New York and consulted three eminent
specialists In diseases of the heart. They
all made the same diagnosis and advisea
him to forsake active business life. Fret
ting under these orders, Mr. Daly, con
trary to their advice, went to take the
baths at Nauhelm. These are said to be
too stimulating In cases of dilation of
the heart. Upon being told that death
could not long be delayed, he hurried
back to this city, hoping against hope
that those who had previously helped
him might again prolong his life.
Mr. Daly returned from Europe about
the middle of September. He was then
told that his physicians had confirmed
the opinion of those at Nauhelm that his
dayB could not be many. He wished to
be taken to his new home, at 725 Fifth
avenue, but It was thought best that he
should remain in the apartments of the
Hotel Netherland, whither he had been
taken from the steamship. His physicians
told Mr. Daly that they could guarantee
life only from day to day and that he
might pass away at any time. He ac
cepted the decision with full resignation,
asking only that he might live until his
family could be with him. Two of hli
daughters were then In Europe, and Mr.
Daly's pleasure was great when they ar
rived. It was the Irony of fate that upon
the date when Mr. Daly was told that
death could not be avoided, his political
and personal enemy, "William A. Clark,
took apartments in the Netherland Hotel.
Mr. Daly during his last two months,
was subject to sinking spells, each of
which threatened death, but "between
them he was bright and strong, mentally
and physically. He busied himself pre
paring a new will, consulting the mem
bers of his family as to details. At the
Daly home, he was said to have finished
the will and signed It less than 24 hours
before his death. No other Information
was given out except that the Daly hold
ings in the Anaconda Mining Company
had not been disposed of, as reported
several years ago, but w ould change own
ership under the will.
Mr, Daly failed rapidly Sunday after
noon, and he and the members of his
family were told that his strength had
been so depleted that he could not rally.
Most of Sunday night he was uncon-scloua.-hut
awoke &eA o'clogk yesterday
"Only a little while more, only a little
more, and then peace," were his words
to Mrs. Daly when she went to lilm.
With Mr. Daly at the moment of his
death were his wife, his three daughters,
Mary, Margaret and Harriet; his son,
Marcus Daly, Jr.: "his brother, Patrick:
his attorney, William. Scallon; Dr. W. H.
Thompson, Dr. Dillon Brown and Rev.
Father M. J. Lavelle.
Plans for the funeral are not yet com
plete. The body has been removed to the
family residence, 725 Fifth avenue. The
funeral services will Include a solemn
high mass of requiem in St. Patrick's
Cathedral at 11 o'clock Thursday morn
ing. Rev. Father Lavelle officiating. The
body will be placed temporarily In the
receiving vault of Calvary Cemetery. In
terment will take place there after u
family vault has been erected.
Uovr He Made His Money In Montana
Ills Fight "With Clarlc.
Marcus Daly was born In Ireland In
1842. He came to the United States early
In life, and since 1876 had been a citizen
of Montana. He became general manager
qrf the Alice silver mine, and later came
into control of the Anaconda copper mine.
At the time of his death he was president
of the Amalgamated Copper Company.
He was a member of the Montana con
stitutional convention In 1SS4. In politics
he was a Democrat.
The differences between Mr. Daly and
W A. Clark have attracted much atten
tion The trouble-started years ago over
some land har Butte which Daly and
Clark purchased together. In 1S8S Mon
tana was a territory. It had a Demo
cratic majority. Mr. Clark was a candi
date on the Democratic ticket for Con
gressional Delogate. Ordinarily he would
hae Ron. but Daly threw his enormous
influence to the Republicans, and his
dally newspaer bitterly fought the one
owned by Clark. Tho election resulted In
the cho'ce of Thomas H. Carter, Clark's
Republican opponent. Montana became a
state In lfS9. Daly defeated Clark In 1S93.
In the Legislature, the Democrats had 35
Totes, the Populists 3 and the Republi
cans 33. The Daly Democrats, numbering
9 notes, went solidly for ex-Congressman
W. W. Dixon, and there was a deadlock
for the entire session of CO days.
Tne next fight between Daly snd
Clark was on the location of the State
Capital. Helena, Missoula. Bozeman and
Anaconda were In the fight. Daly advo
cated the last-named place. Clark at
first favored Butte, but finally changed
to Helena, and that city was chosen.
The Senatorshlp again became the b ne
of contention between the two mill oi
aires last January, and Clark was. el ct
ed, Daly had the validity of the elsct on
contested, on the ground of briber, when
Clark presented his credentials to the
Tnlted States Senate. The use of money
In the election was freely charged en
both sides, though It was claimed that
the expenditures were legitimate ex
penses only. The contest resulted In the
Senate voting that there had be:n n:
election by the Montana Legislature. This
year Clark made a fight for the election
of members of the Legislature in his
interest, and won. His return to the
Senate next January Is assured.
No mining property has achieved great
er fame as a producer of dividends than
the famous Anaconda. Originally bcurt
as a silver mine. It became famous for
Its copper, and to It both Daly and Clark
largely owe their vast fortunes. Back
In the 7&s two miners named Hicky.
from SL Lawrence County. New York,
went te Montana, They selected a hill
overlooking the little m'nlng camn of
Butte, and began to sink their shaft.
They struok a fair vein of silver, but
lack of funds made them stop work rnd
offer to mil. Marcus Daly bought the
property for $36,000. He acted. It Is ald,
as agent for J. B. Haggin, of California,
who had sent aim to Butte to buy him
come gsod mining property
As the new owners ran their shaft
down they opened one of the worH's
greatest copper mines, wjth sllv-r
enough tt pa' all expense and leaving ,
fib copper as clear profit. Daly was su
perintendent and part owner of the great
mine. He bought the adjacent properties.
He founded the town of Anaconda in a
valley 25 miles distant, and located where
there Is an exhaustless supply of water
and a great deal of wood two indls
pensables for the smelting and reduction
of ores. At that place he erected the
greatest copper plant in the world.
Daly had a passion for horses of blood
and speed. He owned the J4OO0O celt
Hamburg, Tammany, Montana, Senator
Grady, Gwendoline, Ogden and other
famous wlnnera He tried to buy the
winner of the Derby and Ascot races cf
1S97, Galtee More, but his offer of 5125,0 o
was not accepted.
International Exhibition "Will Be
Held in Culcnaro.
CHICAGO, Nov. It The managers of
the International Fat Stock Show have
their plans practically complete. When
the doors of the cattle show open on De
cember 1 accommodations will be ready
for 3500 head of prize cattle. The car
The political division of both houses of the New Congress la shown
in the following tables. For greater clearness in making comparisons
.several Populists, Fuslonlsts and Sllveiites are grouped with the Demo
crats, because they are likely to be in opposftlon to the Republicans on
political measures. The forecast of Senators to be elected is based on
the political complexion of the several Legislatures:
Rep. pern.
.. .. 9
California 7
Colorado 2
Connecticut 4
Delaware 1
Florida 2
Georgia 11
Idaho 1
Illinois 12 10
Indiana 9 4
Iowa 11
Kansas 7, 1
Kentucky 11..
Louisiana 6
Maine 4
Maryland , 6 .,
Massachusetts 11 3
Michigan 2
Minnesota 2
Mississippi 6
Missouri 2 13
Montana .. 1
Nebraska 2 4
Nevada l
New Hampshire 2
New Jersey 7 1
New York 31 13
North Carolina 2 7
North Dakota . l
Ohio 17 4
Oregon 2
Pennsylvania 26 4
Rhode Island 2
South Carolina 7
South Dakota 2
Teniessee 2 8
Texas 13
Utah 1
Vermont 2
Virginia l 9
Washington 2
West Virginia 4
"Wisconsin 10
Wyoming l
Total ...202 IK
Grand total 337
Republican majority 47
The nine Independent Senators represented In the foregoing table are:
Colorado Teller, extreme sllverlte, moderate expansionist, high tariff;
his colleague to be chosen to succeed Wolcott, Rep.
Idaho Heltfeld, elected as a Populist; extreme sllverlte, moderate
protectionist moderate expansionist.
Kansas Harris, elected as aPopullst; extreme sllverlte, moderate ex
pansionist. Maryland Wellington, elected as a Republican; sound money, high
tariff, antIexpans!on, bitterly antl-McKlnley.
Nevada Jones, silverite, high protectionist, strong expansionist, for
oner. Republican, and still Republican on everything but sitoer; Stewart,
" same jvoteSwTth Republicans on" everything butTmohey question!""
South Dakota Kyle, elected as a Republican, turned Independent; is
now regarded as being again a Republican on all questions.
Washington Turner, elected as a Populist; pro-silver, anti expansion,
moderate protectionist.
exposition. The premiums donated by
the American Breeding Association and
the allied stock and railroad interests of
Chicago amount to $76,000.
The following associations will have
charge of the pure-bred classes of their
jCattlei American Hereford Breeders'
Association, American Short Horn Breed
ers,' Association, American Aberdeen.An
gUs Breeders' Association, American Gal
loway Breeders' Association, Red Pollea
Cattle Club of America, American Polled
Durham Breeders' Association, Devon ana
Sussex Breeders' Association.
Sheep American Shropshire Registry
Association, American Southdown Rec
ord Association, American Oxford Down
Sheep Association, American Hampshire
down Breeders' Association, American
Cotswold Record Association, American
Leicester Breeders' Association, National
Lincoln Sheep Breeders Association, Na
tional Cheviot Sheep Breeders Associa
tion, Dorset Horn Sheep Breeders' As
soclatlon, American Rambouillet Sheep
Breeders' Association.
Swine American Berkshire Record As
sociation. American Poland-China Record
Association, National Chester White
Record Association, American Small
Yorkshire Club, American Duroc-Jersey
Record Association, American Essex Rec
ord Association, Cheshire Swine Breeders'
Association, Victoria Swine Breeders'
Association, National Pig Breeders' Asso
ciation. Draft horses Percheron. Clydesdale,
Shire, Suffolk, Belgian and French draft
Italy the Home of Assassins.
Leslie's Weekly.
It is a faot that does not speak well for
Itxly that the chief anarchist assassins
of recent years have claimed that country
as their birthplace. President Carnot,
of France: Premier Canovas, of Spain;
the Empress of Austria and King Hum
bert have all fallen victims to anarchists
of Italian birth and breeding. Santa
Caserio, who stabbed Carnot at Lyons
In 1S94, was a native df Lombardy; Angino
Gollo, who shot Omovas In 1S97, was born
at Boggia, near Naples, Luchessl, who
killed, the Empress of Austria at Geneva
In 1SSS, although born In Paris, was of
Italian parentage; Angelo Brescl, who
shot Humbert, Is reputed to be a native
of Prato, In Tuscany. In this connection
it may also be stated that the latest pub
lished statistics show that In Italy, with
a population estimated at 30,000,000, over
4000 people were murdered in 1S97, while
more than 50,000 were violently assaulted
and wounded. In Sicily mone 96S persons
were murdered In one year, or an average
of between two and three each day. These
facts and figures are full of unpleasant
suggestion. Nor does the supplementary
record of punishments meted out by the
Italian courts relieve the situation very
greatly. Of the 4000 murderers made
known to the authorities only 124 received
the full penalty prescribed by Italian law
Imprisonment for life. It would appear
that human life Is nowhere held more
cheaply than In the Italian peninsula.
Eastern Railway Deal.
NEW YORK, Nov. 12. The Tribune
"The rumor that the Central Rail
way of New Jersey will pass Into the
control of the Baltimore & Ohio Kail
way Company on November 18 has been
revived. It Is understood that negotia
tions for the acquirement of the control
of the Central Railroad of New Jersey by
the Baltimore & Ohio have been in prog
ress for some time."
Dally Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. Today's treas
ury statement shows:
Available cash balance S137.346.3S6
Gold 94,316,357
Day Marked by Selrures of Goods of
Concession Holders Wl Failed
to Meet Obligations,
PARIS, Nov. 12. The exposition closed
today with tho evening Illumination.
"Very few visitors were on the grounds
today. The closing days of the exposition
have been marked by wholesale bailiff
seizures of the properties of a number of
concession-holders who have failed to
meet their obligations.
Defeat as Many Liberals in the Nevr
fonndland Election.
ST. JOHNS, N. F., Nov 12. Complete
Rep. Dem. Ind.
Alabama 2
Arkansas 2 ..
California : 2
Colorado 2
Connecticut 2 .. ..
Delaware 2 .. ..
Florida 2
Georgia 2
Idaho 11..
Illinois 2
Indiana 2
Iowa 2
Kansas 1 .. 1
Kentucky 11..
Louisiana 2 ..
Maine 2
Maryland 1 .. 1
Massachusetts 2 .. ..
Michigan 2 .. ..
Minnesota 2
Mississippi 2
Missouri 2 ..
Montana . 2
Nebraska 2 .. .,
Nevada 2
New Hampshire 2
New Jersey 2 .. ..
New York 2
North Carolina 11..
North Dakota 2
Ohio 2
Oregon 2 .. ..
Pennsylvania 2 .. ..
Rhode Island 2
South Carolina 2 . ..
South Dakota 1 .. I
Tennessee 2
Texas , .. 2 ..
Utah 2
Vermont 2 .. ..
Virginia 2
Washington 1 .. 1
West Virginia 2 .. ..
Wisconsin 2
Wyoming 2
Total 61 80 9
Grand total 90
Republican majority 16
returns from Bonavlsta District, in the
colonial election, show that Merlne,
Blandford and Chaplain, Reldltes, have
defeated Cowan, Hutchins and Martin,
Liberals, by an average majority of- 680,
as against 1680 at the previous election.
The Liberals are jubilant over this reduc
tion, because Mr. Reid had exerted every
influence to secure the election of Mr.
Merlne. Mr. Reld's son canvassed the
district with Mr. Merlne, and the con
tractors, steamers and trains were utilized
to help him. The Liberals criticise the
fact that Merlne is Reld's general coun
sel, Blandford his shipmaster, and Chap
lin his outfitter. They contend that this
is not a seemly situation for members of
the Legislature.
In St. George's District, Howley, Lib
eral, won the seat by a majority of 333.
It went at the last election to the Tory
candidate by a majority of 320.
Complete returns from the Burin dis
trict show that Gear and Davey, Liber
als, have secured a majority of 600 over
Lake and Lilly, Tories. This district was
won by the Tories at the previous elec
tion by a majority of 630.
In the Fortune District, Way, Liberal,
has defeated McCulsh, Tory, securing a
majority of 778. He carried the seat in
the by-election last November by 113
Partial returns from the Placentia Dis
trict -promise the election of three Lib
erals there. With these, Premier Bond
will have 24 supporters In the new Legis
lature, and Merlne four.
Roberts Reports Unimportant Cap
tures in the Transvaal.
LONDON, Nov. 12. The War Office
has received the following dispatch from
Lord Roberts:
"Johannesburg, Nov. 10. Methuen sur
prised Commandants Snyman and Ver
mass near LIchtenburg yesterday. Three
dead Boers were found and 30 prisoners
and several wagons were captured. There
were no casualties among the British.
"Kelly-Kenny reports "that Major Mac
intosh, of the Seaforth Highlanders, 00
cupled Phlllppolls November 8. Tht
Boers fled in all directions. Three wound
ed were brought to our hospital. Sur
geon Hartley and seven men were wound
ed. "Lyttleton reports that Kitchener suc
cessfully surprised the Boers during the
night of November 7. A mounted party
of the Nineteenth Hussars and the Man-
I Chester Mounted Infaritry, under Captain
Chetwolde, managed to pass the Boer out
posts, and while the latter engaged the
enemy's picket, the Hussars surprised the
Boers, sabering many. Chetwolde and
several noncommissioned officers behaved
with gallantry, but the Hussars would
probably have suffered severely as they
got Into Boer ground, had they not been
supported by the mounted infantry. Dur
ing the morning artillery and Infantry
joined Chetwolde's force,, and completed
the Boer rout. They are said to have
lost heavily.
"Smlth-Dorrien's wounded, who re
turned from the Boer camp, report that
Commandant Prinsloo and General Fourie
were killed and General Grobllar was
wounded in the recent flgh&ng."
Ministerial Programme "Will Be
Formulated Before Christmas.
NEW YORK, Nov. 12. A dispatch to
the Tribune from London says:
The Ministerial programme for the ses
sion of Parliament will be worked out In
a series of Cabinet meetings before
Christmas. The Ministry is committed
to a single policy the reorganization of
the military system. And this may moan
much or little. Probably there wjll be a
long period of expert investigation after
Lord Roberts' return and nq Immediate
legislation. A large number of technical
questions referring to guns, cavalry
equipment, transport and other details
wll be raised and the system' of training
soldiers will be altered. These matters
do not require legislation, but are purely
One change has already been made al
most without observation. The British
soldiers In South Africa know nothing
about intrenching. At Colenso and Ma
gersfonteln they did not use the spade,
and when they tried to dig on the sum
mit of Splon Kop they made very bad
trenches. An army officer says that
in recent maneuvers In various parts or
the United Kingdom the soldiers have
been drilled In the use of the spade, and
taught the art of lntrenchment This
art teaches' the method by which the
campaign will be taken to heart In the
future training of the British Army.
Legislation will probably be restricted
to money grants for the improvement of
the artillery, equipment of the army,
fortifications, tooling stations and sea
ports and for the strengthening of the
fleet .
One other point will not be lost sight
of: This is the co-ordination of the re
sources of the colonies and the mother
state In a comprehensive scheme of im
perial defense. Arrangements will prob
ably be made with the aid of1 Mr. Cham
berlain for an Imperial council of some
kind In which Canada, Australia, and
other self-governing colonies will be rep
resented for the purpose of common con
sultation respecting a complete and ef
fective system of defense.
Committees Discuss Several Ques
tions Before the Meeting-
MADRID, Nov. 12. There were a num
ber of fresh arrivals today of delegates
attending the Spanish-American Congress.
The committees today began discussing
the question of transportation, commerce,
arbitration, literature and education.
The committee on arbitration. In its re
port, protests against any policy having
In view the solution of international con
flicts by other than pacific and judicial
means. It sympathizes with the efforts
of Europe and America to obtain the es
tablishment of a court of arbitration, and
proclaims the necessity of a special Spanish-American
court to deal with all ques
tions between Spanish nations in Central
and South America. This tribunal, it af
firms, ought to be permanent and obliga
tory. The report also protests against
any tendency to give an arbitration court
any political supremacy. It recommends
the creation of peace societies like those
existing in North America, and demands
that fresh Spanish-American assemblies
meet three years hence In order to
strengthen the bonds between Spain and
Body "Will Likely Be Largest in the
History of the Country.
LONDON, Nov. 13. The Times this
morning announces the following ap
pointments: .
"Lord Raglan, Under Secretary of
State for War; Earl Onslaw, Under Sec
retary of State for the Colonies; Earl of
Hardwick, Under Secretary of State for
"It seems certain," says the Times ed
itorially, "that the Cabinet will consist
of 20 members, the largest recorded -In
our political history. This is unfortu
nate, but It seems to be regarded by
Lord Salisbury as unavoidable."
Increased "Worth of Vineyards.
BERLIN, Nov. 12. Private advlcta
from Treves say that the Moselle vine
yards have Increased enormously In
value, owing to the growing popularity
of Moselle wines. At Bern Castle, the
the celebrated Dqcktor vineyard has just
been sold for at 100 marks a square en es
ter. It was purchased in 1898 at 60 marks
a square meter. The price was 1.0D0.COD
marks, which is said to be the highest
price ever paid for an equal area In
Germany. A few years ago the usual
price in the Moselle district was two or
three marks a .square meter. A strip of
unplanted vineyard land about 24 acres
in area recently brought 320,960.
The Pope and the Election.
NEW YORK, Nov. 12. A dispatch to
the World from Rome says:
The pope. In receiving Bishop James
Trobec, of St Cloud, Minn., took occa
sion to express the most cordial senti
ments regarding Archbishop Ireland. Re
ferring to the recent elections In the
United States, the pontiff said: "I pray
God to so illumine President McKlnley's
mind that he may avoid the dangers of
To Represent Canada.
HALIFAX, Nov. 12. A dispatch from
Ottawa says a detachment of Canadian
troops will soon leave Halifax for Aus
tralia to represent the Dominion at the
inauguration of the Australian common
wealth, and the name of Lord Strathcona
has been mentioned as the bearer of an
invitation to the Duke and Duchess of
York to return to England from the An
tipodes by way of Canada.
England's Sieel Industry Threatened
LONDON, Nov. 12. At a meeting of
the Swansea Harbor Trust today, Sir
John Jones Jenkins, chairman of the
Swansea Metal Trade, said that the Im
portation of American steel bars threat
ened the extinction of the local steel In
dustry, and that tho trust would lose the
large revenue now derived from the Im
portation of iron ore.
Fifty Cases of Bnbonlo Platrne.
PORT LOUIS, Island of Mauritius, Nov.
12. Fifty fresh cases of bubonic plague
have occurred on the Island within the
last week, and 34 deaths have resulted
from the disease.
Train Wreck In Germany.
BERLIN, Nov. 12. A train carrying a
number of workmen as passengers was
derailed today near Broeggan. Six men
were killed and several were Injured.
Venezuelan Minister Fired Upon.
CARACAS, Nov. 12.-rCabararo Malo,
Minister of the Interior, was fired upon
by a man today, receiving a slight wound.
Champion Jeffries Offers to Meet Him
NEW YORK, Nov. 12. The following
telegram was sent to Robert Fltzslmmons
today In reply to a statement that ho was
not out of the fighting business, and
wanted to meet Jeffries for the cham
pionship, and. If given an opportunity,
he would readily grasp It:
"Robert Fltzslmmons Norfolk, Va.: The
papers here tonight state that you are
willing to meet me again. I gladly give
you a chance to win back your lost title.
I hope you will have your representa
tive meet me on Wednesday at the Grand
Opera-House, and we can easily arrange
a ' match for the championship, to take
place at once or at the end of the theat
rical season. A speedy answer will oblige.
Yesterday's "Winners at Oakland and
on Eastern Tracks.
BAN FRANCISCO, Nov 12. The weath
er was fine at Oakland and the track
fast The results:
Seven furlongs, selling Coming Event
won, Donator second, Dr. Bernays third;
time, 1-.27&.
One mile, selling Horton won. Ping sec
ond. Sir Kingston third; time. 1:42.
Six furlongs Pomplno won, Asian sec
ond, Mocorito third; time, Ida.
One and one-eighth miles Gonfalon
won, Locochee second. The Boby thlrdj
time. 1:62-
Six furlongs, San Francisco handicap,
Chronic Sufferers Properly Cared For at Actually Less Than One-Fifth
the Usual Outlay Superior Efficiency of the System Now
Quite Generally Conceded.
The Copeland physicians, in
their conscientious effort to
provide for the proper care and
treatment of chronic diseases,
'generally, at fees which are less
than one-fifth of those usually
exacted and less than one
tenth of those too frequently
exacted, have not been unmind
ful of the following points 1
First, that the people of tha
great main body of society
stood in deep and urgent need
of some such reformatory
measure; that the awful fre
quency with which chronic In
valids sink hopelessly and help
lessly down to death from
sheer inability to secure the
attentive and continuous help
of those physicians who make
a study and a specialty of
chronic Infirmities was In it
self an appeal to the humanity
of the medical profession which
could not be overlooked with
out the Incurrence of a fright
ful responsibility for wholly un
necessary loss of human life.
Second, the Copeland physi
cians bore in mind that the true
public spirit not to say tne
true and pure humanity, of pro
fessional services offered to all
sufferers at strictly nominal ex
pense, must of necessity depend
on the worth or the worthless-
Mr. W. L. Farrell, Farrell's Addition,
Woodlawn, in speaking of his trouble,
said: 1
"I have always enjoyed fairly good
health up to within five or six months
ago, when I was attacked by that
terrible disease, Rheumatism,
which almost finished me. The tor.
tures and suffering that I endured for a
short time I cannot find words to ex
press. I was confined to my bed for al
most a week and to the house muoh
longer. I could not move -without
excruciating pain, and so great was
my suffering that I could get but little
rest and had no appetite to eat In this
condition, I rapidly lost strength and my
general condition was very feeble.
"My wife had been treated by the Cope
land physicians. In fact, many of our
relatives had been under their care, an,d
It was In this Way I decided to entrust
my case to them. The results have been
most gratifying. They soon had the
disease under control, and I am
now entirely tree from it. I am al
ways glad to Tecomniend the Copeland
physicians. I like their wayof conduct
ing their business and their arrange
ment of charging a monthly fee, wh ch
Includes all medicines, and as many visits
to their office as are necessary, it Is
certainly a blessing to those who work
on a salary and have a family to take
care of."
2-year-olds. Rolling Boer won. Articulate
second, Grafter third; time, 1:14.
Mile and a sixteenth Wooster Boy
won, Dunblane second, Sunello third;
time, 1:45.
Races at Lakeside.
CHICAGO, Nov. 12. The results at
Six furlongs Royal Victor won, Lord
Roberts second, Presgrave third; time,
1:14 4-5.
Five furlongs Money Musk won, Alga
retta second. Alpaca third; time, 1:004-5.
Five and a half furlongs Hylo won,
Kohnwreath second, Birdie D. third;
time, 1:05 2-5.
Mile and 70 yards Ohnet won, Louis
ville Second, Florlzar third; time, 1:45 2-5.
Mile and a sixteenth Major Manslr
won, Vlncennes second, Maryland Re
serve third; time, 1:45.
Mile and a sixteenth Hub Prather won.
Strangest second, Oxnard third; time,
Races at Aqueduct.
NEW YORK, Nov. 12. The results at
About seven furlongs Prinoe Richard
won, Godfrey second, Watercure third;
time, 1:26.
Five and a half furlongs Military won,
Gladerun second, .Roe Hampton third;
time. 1:091-5.
Mile and 70 yards Miss Mitchell won,
Leon Ferguson second, Fatalist third;
time, 1:48.
Mile and a sixteenth Sir Florlan won.
Borough second, Sir Fitzhugh third;
time, 1:49 4-6.
Five and a half furlongs Barbetto won,
Alsora second, All Swell third; time,
1:09 4-5.
Mile and 70 yards Klnniklnrilck won,
Belle of Troy second, King Bramble
third; time, 1:47.
Races at Latonia.
CINCINNATI, O., Nov. 12. This was
the -last day of the regular meeting at
Latonla. Tomorrow will be Weldon day,
when the entire gate receipts will bs
turned over to the fund being raised for
Harry Weldon, tha turf critic, who Is
now paralyzed. The results:
One mile Uhlers won, Juanetta seeona,
Poorlands third; time. 1:44.
Six furlongs Arachue won, Angea sec
ond. Slips third; time, 1:16.
Mile and 70 yards Nettle Regent won,
Left Bower second. Sir Gatlan third;
time, 1:46.
One mile Terminus won, Guesswork
second, Grandon third; time, 1:43.
One mile Trouballne won. Hazel sec
ond. Eta third; time, 1:43.
One mile Ollle J. won, Eleanor Holmes
second, Fair Deceiver third; time, 1:43.
Plans of the New Cup Defender.
BRISTOL R. I., Nov. 12. Designer Nat
Herreshoff is still at work on plans and
specifications for the 1901 cup defender.
The model for the syndicate has been
completed, the general design having been
worked out some time before in a minia
ture plan and orders have been given
within the past 10 days for sufficient,
bronze for the under body and top sides,
and enough lead added to the stock in
hand for the bulbed fin keeL
Whether a. contract has yet been made
for tho steel frames cannot be learned,
nor Is it likely to be known before some
of the material arrives. While it is gen
W. L. Farrcll, Farrell's Addition, Portland.
Doctor Copeland requests all who
are allins, all who feel a gradual
weakening or all who realise that
their health Is being: undermined by
some unknown complaint, to cat out
this slip, mark the question that ap
plies to your ease, and he will diag
nose, your case tor yon.
"Is your nose stopped up?"
"Bo you sleep with mouth wide
"Is there pain In front of head?"
"Is your throat dry or sore?"
"Have you a bad taste in the
"Bo you cough 7"
"Do you cough worse at nightf
"Is your tongue coated?"
'tis' your appetite failing V
"Is there pals after eating?"
"Are you light-headed?"
"When you get up suddenly ore
you dizzy?"
"Do you have hot flashes 7"
"Do you have liver marks?"
"Do your kidneys trouble you?"
"Do you have pain In back or
under shoulder-blades?"
"Do you wake up tired and out
of sorts?"
"Are you losing flesh?"
"Is your strength failing?"
OFFICE HOURS From 9 A. M. to 12 M.J
EVENINGS Tuesdays and Fridays.
erally believed that the new yacht will
show marked Improvement in speed over
Columbia, nothing definite has been
learned concerning the designer's general
.Palmer Bested Ware.
LONDON, Nov. 12. At the National
Sporting Club, London, last evening, a 20
round contest for the bantam champion
ship between Pedlar Palmer and Harry
Ware resulted In a victory for the latter,
although Palmer showed himself far
more clever than his opponent, and had
the fight on points until near the end.
Why Disfranchisement In the South
Doesn't Affect Representation.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7. There will be
a great deal of talk when the time comes
to pass a bill for the reapportion
ment of Congressional representation,
of reducing representation in the
South, on account of the disfranchise
ment of colored voters. But it will end
In talk. Every time there has been an
effort of this kind made, either in Con
gress or In political conventions, It was
defeated by the white Republicans of the
states affected. Republicans representing
districts where there are a large number
of cblored voters will not dare to favor a
proposition looking to the reduction of the
representation in the South, although that
representation Is of no value whatever to
the colored man, but Inures always to
the benefit of the Democratlo party, both
in the Electoral College and in the Con
gressional representation.
In the first place, It will reduce the rep
resentation from the Southern States, and
this the colored man does not want and
neither does the white Republican of the
South. The votes of the Southern Repub
licans, either white or black, have be
come such a valuable commodity In Na
tional conventions that they want as
many as they can get, and will oppose
anything which will reduce their num
ber. The colored men In states like
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and In districts
of large cities where a considerable
colored population has emigrated In
the last 20 years, will support
their colored brothers of the South and
the white Republicans of the South in
their efforts to prevent anything looking
to a reduction of representation besause
the colored men cannot cast their votes.
They will oppose It because it will look
Hke a distinct recognition of the disfran
chisement of the colored people In the
South by National legislation. This alone
will probably prevent any reduction In
the representation. Added to the Re
publicans who will be compelled to op
pose a reduction are the Southern men
themselves. They will not wish to re
duce their representation, especially as it
is all for the benefit of themselves in get
ting representation upon population, but
where votes are never cast
This proposition Is going to be seriously
urged when the reapportionment bill Is
presented, and it will cause a division in I
tne .Republican party of very serious mo-,
ment Men from districts where there
are no colored votes to speak of, and who
recofmdze that color! mi nm nnt al
lowed to vote in the South, may ebam- '.
pion the cause, while there are other Re- ;
publicans who will insist that the true
remedy will be a National election law :
which will guarantee the right of every
ness of the servloes thus of
fered. This Is a point so clear
as to hardly need Illustration.
Should any libertine or hypo
crite volunteer to preach the
gospel, or any simpleton or
criminal volunteer to assume
the education of little boys and
girls, or any drunken pilot vol
unteer to hold imperiled ships
against the wrath and fury of
the sea, without the usual
"pay," such offer would not
Imply any spirit of Christian
kindness, nor any pure and
true humanity,, nor the tender
of any honest or acceptable
help on the part of such liber
tine or hypocrite or simpleton
or criminal or drunkard. So,
too, the services of a specialist
If it be mere butchery or mal
practice, are not to be com
mended, even if made gratui
tous and free.
The Copeland physicians,
therefore, simply leave the
merit and worthiness of their
labors to be determined hy the
great public before whom they
have stood so long, and to that
great community of sufferers to
whom, In a professional ca
pacity, they are and have been
so closely related. The Cope
land physicians announce tne
expense of the treatment they
provide. Let their patients pro
nounce what the merits of that
treatment really are I
MIST, Or., Nov. 6, 19C0
Gentlemen It is a great satisfaction
and pleasure to us to state that yoar
treatment for our son Irving has been a
perfect success. The discharge has all
disappeared and his breathing Is free and
We can conscientiously recomm nd
your treatment to all who are so unfor.
tunate as to have catarrh, and can
earnestly advise them from our own ex
perience to use your treatment As pa
rents, we are under great obligations to
you. The reason we give you this stat -ment
we think wo will do more good ti
others who are similarly affected,, than
these few words can pqssibly benefit
you. "Vtry truly yours,
MR. and MRS. C. F. KNOWLE3
P. S. We had consulted several doc
tors regarding living's condition, who
pronounced his case incurable and' raid
they could do-nothing for him, but when
we found the right doctors he got well.
The Copeland medical practice Is
acknowledged to be the largest In
the Northwest. It is founded on hon
esty and built np by ability, skill
and experience. Ofllces in the De
kum building, corner. Third and
from 1 to 5 P. M.
SUNDAYS From. 10 A. M. to 12 M.
man. white or black, either in the North
or the South, to cast his vote and have it
counted. But the ultimate result will be
a reapportionment upon the basis of pop
ulation, and there will be do reduction
of the representation of the Southern
States because the Southern colored men
are not allowed to vote In National elec
tions. Pacific Mall Presidency.
NEW YORK, Nov. 12 A meeting of the
directors of Jhe Pacific Mall Company Is
to be held tomorrow, at which It Is likely
a president will be elected to succeed the
late C. P. Huntington. It was stated on
good authority that the man. If agreed
upon tomorrow, will be named by Souths
ern Pacific interests. It was further as
certained that the recent extraordinary
buying on the stock exchange of Pacific
Mall shares was made for the Southern
Pacific, and that this company now con
trols an absolute majority of the out
standing stock of 30,000,000.
John Gates' Rice Trust.
CHICAGO, Nov. 12. The Tribune tomor
row will say:
"The Incorporation of tho American
Rlcegrowers' Distributing Company Was
announced today. The capital stock Is
J15.000.000, of which 17,500,000 Is reported paid
In. Local grocery circles credit John W.
Gates with being the prime mover In the
r.ew corporation, principally to control
the shipment o the Southern rlco crop
over lines, of railroad in which he is Inter
ested." t
Nervous or Sick Headache
Cured instantly with Wright's Paragon
Headache and Neuralgia Cure. Druggists.
I It stands alone, I
PURE "gggj
YoctiiMrbdt.Yca P'pBsiri9
sjvttixtntpcttduly fc, . '
or'USa&fldnwfwi EsQMaEEHRM
you fey it. hjnty M'WQSH
abeye juspt'oo.z HNH
fintfi&.DcakftxNtl; p
II Tb Blsaaauer-Trsalc Drag Os
1 1 ForUftsa, Or., Dlstribtttsr.