Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 13, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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A better wheat market jat borne ana
abroad -was tne moat Interesting feature
of the trade situation esterday, although
the improvement was not sufficiently pro
nounced to start a very free selling move
ment. The holders who were willing to
sell when the price got. back above K
cents again have now decided to hold on
until the price goes a few cents per
iusbel higher. Most of the exporters
"were quoting around SB cents yesterday,
although some of them expressed indif
ference about doing business at that fig
ure. Others apparently more in need of
the cereal were quoting up to 55c.
There wasnothing doing In bluestem. and
"Valley, as usual, was out of the market
from an export point of view. Freights
hae a weaker tone, and unless the mar
ket should improve, so as to start wheat
to moving they will undoubtedly recede.
The California, steamer arriving Sunday
brought considerable fruit, including
grapes, pineapples and oranges, -fhere
-were also a few oranges received by rail.
Some of the stock is pretty green,- but
there is at the same time a fair .amount
of very good stock offering. The market
for fresh Oregon eggs has advanced again,
and 350 Is paid for best stock. liastern
continue plentiful at unchanged prices.
There was so much poultry caVrieu oer
that prices are liable to be slow for the
rest of the week. Butter is easier, un
der continued heavy receipts, and some
dealers are shading quotations a little.
, Bank Clearlnc. ,
Exchanges. Balance.
Portland S536.4US S 85.107
Tacom. 252878 62.999
Spokane 101.812 30.15S
Seattle 605.528 168,57
Grain, Flour. Etc.
Wheat Walla -Walla, HS5S. Valley,
nominal, bluestem. C667c per bushel.
Flow Beat trades, 2 906 40 per -barrel;
sraham. (2 00.
Oats White, 4142c per bushel; gray, 40
Barley Feed. $15915 50; brewing. $16318 50
per ton.
Mil Huffs Bran, $15 50 per ton; middlings,
$21. harts, $17. chop. $10.
Hny Timothy, 1212 58, elover. $70 50; Or
egon wild bay, $87 per ten.
Batter, Egg, Poultry. Etc
Butter Fancy creamery. 4550c. store. 253
30c per roll.'
Eggs Eastern, 20&23Hc; Oregon ranch, firm
it S04?S2Kc per dozen.
Poultry Chickens, mixed. $2 503 60 per
dozen, hens, $8 5094. Springs. $33 00. ducks.
$3 506 geese. ?67 per dozen; turkeys, lire,
lOCPllc dressed. 1213c per pound
Cheese Full cream, twins. Ili24c; Toung
AfUerica. 12s015c per pound.
Vegetables, Fruit, Etc.
Vegetables Parsnips, 85c, turnlp, 75c; ear
xots, 75c per sack, onions, 85s $1 25; cab
"bage, $1 25 1 00 per cental, potatoes, 50
00c per eaek, sweet potatoes, $1 401 50 per
Ctntal, celer, 6065c per dozen
Fruit Lemons, $2 75 0 4; oranges, $4 per
box, pineapples, $4 006 per dozen; bananas,
$2 D08 per bunch. Persian dates, 7c per lb ;
pears, 75c4f $1 per box, apples. 50c & $1 per
box, grapes. Muscat, 00e$I. Tokaj, $1; Con
cords, 254J0c per basket.
Dried -trait Apples, evaporated. QBe per
poind, sun-dried sacks or boxes, 56c; pears,
999c, prunes. Italian. 5 & 7c: s41 er, extra
choice. 57c, figs, California black. 5c; do
lun and evaporated, 5 0 0c, plums, pltless,
vhite, 7Sc per pound.
Meat anil Provisions.
Mutton i Gross, best sheep, wethers and
ewes, sheared, $3 50, dressed GQTc per lb ;
Spring lambs, "3to per pound gross, dressed, 7
Hogs Gross, choice heavy. $5 0095 75; light,
95, dressed. 6x;c per pound.
Veal Large, GHTo P pound; small, 8
&b" per pound.
Beef Gross, top steers, $3 5o4; cows. $39
3 50. dressed beef. 60?c per pound.
ttosycqgrjlsPdwWrlrfSMeld- brand);
Hams, smoked, are quoted at llc per pound;
picnic hams, S4c per pound; breakfast bacon,
1315c, bacon. 10llo. baoks, 10V4C; dry
oait sties, SVtGlOc, dried beef,. 15c. lard. 5
pound palls. IBJic, 10-pound, palbv 10c; 50s,
IWsC tierces. 10c per pound. .Eastern, pack
(Hammond s) Hams, large. aicp medium,
lli-,e. small. 12c. picnic hams. &Ue. shoulders.
pc. breakfast bacon, lSVir.t,c. dry salt sides.
PV 9 lOfcc. bacon sides. 101tHc: hacks,
10-)tC. butts. 12c. lard, pure leaf, kettle ren
dered, 5s. lOHc. 10s. JOftc. dried ieef, 15c
Grocerlea, uts Etc.
Coffee Mocha, 3GSc, Java, fancy. 26332c;
Java, good. SO24c. Java, ordinary. lS2uc;
Costa Ittca, faacj. U30c. do good, lClSo; do
ordinary. lOfflSc per pound. Columbia, roast,
SIS 13. Arbuckle's. $14 IS. Lln. $13 13 per
case iij y
Sugar Cub;. $0 00, crushed. $0 60; pow
dered. $6 20. dry granulated SO, extra C,
S5 50, golden C. $6 40 net. halt barrels, c
more than barrels, maple sugar, 15016c per
Salmon Columbia Rlrer. 1-pound tails, $1 SO
t2, 2 pound tails, $2 252 50. fancy 1-pound
flats, $22 25. -pound fancy flats. $1 10
1 30. Alaska. 1 - pound tails. $1 40fil 00. 2
pound tRlls. $1 B02 25
Nuts Peanuts. h"c per pound for raw, 0c
for roasted, cocoaauts, 90c per dozen, walnuts.
10 9 lie per pound, pine nuts, ,15c, hlekory
xtuts, 7c, chest nUis. 15e. Brazil. 'lie. filberts,
25c, fancy pecans, 13f 14c, almonds. 1517hv
per pound
Beans Small white. 4Jc: largo do, 3?4c:
fcaj du. 34c. Lima. c per pound.
Grain Bags Calcutta, $$ 12 per 100 for
Coal oil Cases. lSKc per gallon: barrels,
14 V. tanks, 13c
Klce-IrtaRd, 6c. Japan, 54c; Xew Orleans.
4&ff5Hc. fancy head. $77 50 per sack.
Hops. W66V HWci, Etc.
Hops New crop, lSffHc per pound, 1890
crcp. 04f7c.
"Wool Val' ""i' Eastern Oregon, 9Q
12c mohair, 23c per pound
Sheepskins Sbearitags 154f20c; short-wool,
5ffS5c, medium-wool, 9960c. long-wodl. COc
$1 each
Tallow ic; ito 2 and grease. 23c per lb
Hides rrj hides. Kc. 1. 16 pounds and up
ward, 14015c. dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 16 pounds,
15c per pound, dry calf, No 1, under 5 pounds,
l519c. do salted, one-third less than dry
flint, halted hides, seuad steers. 00 pounds and
over, 70Sc. do 50 to CO pounds. 7&c. do un
der 50 pounds and cow?. 7c. kip, 13 to 30
pounds. 7JSc: do veal. 10 to 14 pounds. 7c,
do calf, under 10 pounds, 7c; green (unsalted),
lc per pound less, culls (bulls, stags, moth
eaten, badly out, seared hair slipped, weather
beaten or rrubbj), one-third less.
Pelts Bearskins, each, as to size, $5015,
cubs. each. $195. badger, each. 50; wildcat.
25975c, housecat. 5825c; fox. common gray,
cOc0$l. do red. $1 754J3 56. do cross, $2 500.
lynx. $24 50, mink, 40o$l 75, marten, dark
Northern. $5910, 4o pale. pine. $2$4; musk
rat. S 9 12c. skunk. 5080c, otter (land), $4
9S panther, with .bead and daws perfect,
13 raccoon. 2560c, wolf, mountain, with
bead perfect. $3 50 0 5. wolverine. $2 500;
beaver, per akin, large. $0$?. do medium, per
skin. $4e. do small, per akin. $192; do UU,
per akin. $193.
Professional Benrs Succeeded la
Checking: Upvrard Movement.
NEW YORK, Nov. 12. The first decisive
sot-back to the upward course Of prices
which has been in full swing In the
btock market since Wednesday morning
last .occurred today, and conservative
circles In Wall street breathe easier as a
consequence. The headlong pace- at
which the speculation has proceeded, has
2een the cause of uneasiness lest some
untoward event should precipitate a vio
lent decline with disastrous results. To
day's late reaction was largely due to
manipulation by professional bears and
there were Indications that some of the
large Bull interests were acquiescent In
te movement.
A prolonged and extensive advance,
such as that of th last week, attracts
a. following of weak speculators, whose
liability to fright and a forced liquida
tion on a very slight reaction are a me
nace and an obstruction to the more
powerful bull speculators. This latter
cl4W sometimes wink at a .bear attack
la order t shake off, this undesirable
JoKewing. . . - . -r .
'There was an enormous amount of b.
fit-taking accomplished during the early
hours of the day by professional specu
lators,' who began to feel doubts over
the continuance of the heavy buying de
mand'for stocks. Interests which vhad
thus sold" 5ut were willing to see lower
prices In order to buy back stocks. It
looked at one time, however, as though
the- absorptive powor df be market was
sufficient to carry through this realizing
and Hit prices ta higher level, as was
the pase .many times during, last -weekls
rampant bull market.
High prices for the day, in fact, were
made by a large number of stocks after
the early reaction, and the speculation
had shifted into the standard railroad
stocks so as to give a healthier tone to
the market than during the morning,
when the widest movements were in the
mercurial specialties. The stiffening of the
call money rate was the most effective
factor in inducing ,the late reaction.
Skillful speculators haYe "kept a watch
ful eye on this index of money condi
tions, to detect the first signal of dan
get that the borrowings for speculative
purposes were over-running the available
resources of the money market.
Saturday's "bank statement whs so con
fusing and so far removed from prelim
inary estimates, that Its unfavorable fea
tures were ignored this morning, the more
so as money continued to be offered at 4
per cent. It is not ikelv that there was
any actual pressure upon speculative bor
rowers today, but the effect upon specula
tive Interest of the rise in the money rate
to 5 per" cent was conclusive. The sensi
tiveness of the opinion to this Indication,
and the success of the professional at
tack upon the market after the many
failures of last weel;, warrant the suppo
sition that the -eager rush to buy tocks
has at last begun to show signs of
satiety. The signs were not clear this
morning, when prders to buy came into
the market lri seemingly Undiminished
volume, but by jioonday the activity had
sensibly fallen oft and the later re
covery' In prices "had a somewhaf artificial
appearance, the rise shifting froirj pne
stock to another 'giving tne. market a
spotty appearance and leaving the points
of strength somewhat-isolated.
m Penn8 Ivapla was the leader of the re
cot ery at an extreme 'advance of" 24
points. I?ut It had a large follow IhS
among other substantial railroad stocks,
which rose from 1 to 1JJ. The earlier
advance In the steel stocks, had .run as
high as 5 points In Tennessee Coal and
from 2 to 3 In Jthe leading industrials
and specialties Including the lqca". .Trac
tion stocks. Rumors have been current
during the day qf hostile intentions be
tween the Steel & Wire and Federal Steel
Companies, and those stocks suffered
most severely in the late break. Federal
Steel reacting 3 and. Steel & Wire 2
The selling on reaction was precipitate
but not In as a large volume as the buy
ing on the advance.
Many of the industrial stocks suffered to
the extent pf between V arid 2 points.
In the railroads the losses from the best
ran between 1 and Zi in the principal
stocks and In Pennsylvania reached 1&.
Covering by shorts arrested the decline,
but the closing was unsettled and with
speculative opinion very uncertain. Pa
cific Mall was reactionary throughout
the day and American Unseed, preferred,
lost 5.
"Bonds were very active and advanced
strongly but reacted to some extent in
sympathy with stocks. Total sales par
value, $5,315,000.
United States' refunding 2s, when issued,
declined ', the 3s and old is, Y. and the
5s, H on the last call. The new 4s ad
vanced M.
U. S 2. ref. reg 105
do coupon . .... 103
do 3s. TBS... 4.. 109-1
N. T. Cent. lBts..l0&
Northern Pac 8s.. 70t
do 4a .....104
Oregon Na lsts. 10"J
do-4 ........ .103
Oreeon S U 6n.i 12T
do coupon 100);
do new 4, reg. 136W
do coupon .. ..13K'
uu 01a 13,, iSEa, iiifr
do copjis ,.....1HJ
Rltf Qr. West lsts 08'
-jdo. 5. its.'.'.l hllflt?'pkuKvbosM.!1il7t2,l
do -coupon .."ri2!fet. p c & P. ltuiiaji
uu I4uivji ......ii
Dlst. Col. VC5a 124:
do 5s . .. .i....-.il2Wi
Atchison adj 4s. 4
C A. N W con 7sl37V
Union Pacific 4s- .10014
Villi Cent, lstf.., 87
do S F deb M 1174'
southern l'ac 4s.. nju
t. & R. G 43 ...100 (West Shore 4s U3
Qen. Electric f.s.,123
STOCKS, t v f
Tho total sales of stocks today -were l,CiS,EO0
ibarea The clostnr quotations -were:
AtchUon ,...
do pref ....
Bait. & Ohio
Can l'acine
J5lUnlon Pac prf.. 091
vv&ooEn ovg
do cref 21
Wheel. & LI E.... 10V
f"fl Kiii,hVi Kf?3.
do 2d prof 2?2
Ches. Sc Ohio... 3Ss
Chi Gr, Aestern IH-jv
WU Central 14
P C . C. &. SL L . BS
C. B. & Q .153
Chi . Ind & L.... 24 I
Third Avenue 112U
Adams 146
do pref 5iV4
uni. &. t-asu 111 . ua
Chicago & N W. lwl
j American 4.165
united States 49
WelU-Fargo 1SJ
AmeY. Cotton Oil . 36
do pref 03
Amer Malting ... 6
do pref 234
Amer. Smelt. t R. 43
do pref i)(Si
Amer Spirits 2
do. pref ,.,..v... 17
Amer Steel Hoop. 22
C R. I. & .Pate...ll3,
C . C . C. & St. L. 05
Colo Southern ... GV4
do 1st pref -41
do 2d Dref 17
Del. &. Hudson. ..115H
Del . LacK. & W .170
Denver & Rio Gr. 21"4
do pref 734ii
Erie 13
do 1st pref 37!
Gr. -North. pref...!0SH
ao pcei ........ 7
HOCKing uoai ..
Hocking Valley
Illinois Central
Iowa Central ...
do pref
Lake Erie A TV,
do Dref.......
Amer Steel & W'.. 45u,
38 V,
do pref 53
A.mer. nn l'late... 41
ao prei 8f
Amen. Tobacco ...107?1
do prer 135
Anaconda M Co .. 47T4
Lake Shore 210
Brooklm R. T.. . (
Louis & Xash.. 70
Colo Fuel & Iron
Manhattan El ...107K
Met. St. Ry.t....lS
uont. Tobacco ...
do pref
Federal Steel ....
do nref
Mex. Crntral 134!
ai;nn & sc ixiuis VZ
doforet 10D
Gen. Electric 14S
Mlsouri Pacific .. 59v
Glucose Sugar ..., 58
'do pref ....104
Int Paper i3
do Dref 74
La Cleda Gas 73
National Biscuit .. S3
do pref 94
National Lead .... 22V,
Mobile & Ohio.... 40
M . K. & T 12
do rref 35
New Jersey Cent. 136
?, "Va1. n-m 1?2
Norfolk & West.". 4lU
HI '
ao prer ... ... is
Northern Pacific. 63:
do pref 76
Ontario & West.. 24
O R. & N 42
A ta
ao pref s
National Steel .... 31
do pref 93
N. T. Air BmVe..l3
iNorth American .. l&i
Pennsylvania ....140V
racinc Coast 60
Reading 19'-l do 1st pref
ao 1st pref 65
do 2d pref (is
qo xti prei ,"",
ao -a prei .su
Rio Gr Western. 50
do pref 90 .
St. Leuls & S F. 13
Pacific Mall 53
People's Gas lOOsi
Pressed Steel Car. 65
do pref 87
Pullman Pal Car .198
Stand Rope & T . (i
Sugar. ...,JL...131
do 1st pref 70
do 2d pref 891
St. Louis S. W..,.14JI
do oret 34tl
do pref 117
St. Paul 122lTenr. Coal & Iron. 70
do pref 174 1U S Leather...... 15tJ
SL Paul &. O. ...117 I do pref 77i
Southern Pacific.. 41TJ S Rubber as
Southern By 14&i do pref 97
do pref 61 iWeatern Union ... 87
Texaa & Pacific... 19 IRpublle Iron & S. 17U
Union Pacific CThl do pref C4
Foretsm Financial Kerra.
NEW TORK. Nov. 12. The Commercial
Board of Trade and
Stock Exchange Brokers
" 214-25 V:
Cham.lQf fco.mrneYce .1.
Portland, Oregon
Advertiser's Xondon financial cablegram
Americans -were again the .leading fea
ture of the markets here today. Thejr
opened -strong, thea hesitated, but the
upport from New York lent renewed
buoyancy and the close was active and
very strong. -The settlement Indicated
tbat-the bull-account was less- than might
have been expected. There were short
stocks in some oases, notably Northern
Pacific, St. Paul, Norfolk & Western, prer
ferred, and New York Central. t ,
The general carrying rate was 4 to
5. The professionals are still very bullish;
but the public Is shy.
Money rates were not altered.
, Moneyt Excbaage, Eto.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 12. Sterling on
"London. 60 days, $4 8$; sight, $4 SZj.draftSj
sight 7Hc; telegraph, 10c; Mexican dol
lars, 5051c
NEW YORK. Nov. 12, Money on pall
firm at 45 per cent; last loap, 4 per cent.
Prime mercantile paper, 4JS per cent
Sterling exchange easy with actual busi- f
ness In bankers puis at 4 bi& ior aemana,
and at $4 0 for GO days.
, Posted rates, $4 Sl4 85.
Commercial bills, $4 SQ4 S0
Silver certificates. -(g5Vie.
Mexican dollar", 50ic.
Government boqds Irregular; state bonds
Irregular, railroad bonds strong.
.LONDON, Nov. 12. Consols, 987s-;
moneyf 33 per cent.
Stocks In London.
LONDON, Nov. l Atchison, 37; Ca
nadian Pacific. 914; TJnion Pacific, pre
ferred, 81; Northern Pacific, preferred,
79; Grand Trunk, 64 ; Anaconda, 9.
Prices for Cereal In European anil
American Ports.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 12. Wheat
Futures steady; spot market strong. Bar
ley quiet on call and steady In the spot
market Oats steady.
Spot quotations were:
Wheat Shipping No. L $1; choice, $1:
milling, $1 02H1 05.
Barley Feed, 735it375c; brewing, SOU
Oats Gray, nominal; black for seed,
$1 22Hrl 30r-red, $1 251 37J5,.
Call board .sales:- .
Wheat Steady; December $1 01; May,
$1054; cash, $1.
Barley Quiet; jMay, 76M-C
Corn Large, yellow, $1 20cjjl 22.
Chicaco Grain and Produce.
CHICAGO, Nor. 12 During the fore
part of the session, wheat felt the effect
of tho world's shipments, which were
9.000,000 bushels compared with 8,400,000
bushels last week. December opened 4c
lower to unchanged, at 7474Vc, and for
half an hour, despite pressure from longs,
held steadily slightly under the first fig
ures. At the end of that time, however,
the price gave way. and dropped to i2tf$
kIc An advance at Antwerp equal ti
2e was reported. Wljlle longs were busy
unloading tnis morning, Dears were going
short, and a shift of sentiment took ulncg.
The advance was taken as confirmation
bf Argentine damage report. December
began to recover1 gradually, and liter,
when, It was learned ttiat local' houses
were doing a liberal direct" export busi
ness, prices' 'advanced snarply. Decem
ber climbed to 74g74c, and, closed firm
c ove'SatUrday, atTic.
Com was Drm and fairly 'active; De
cember closed flrmc higher. '
Oats steady and firm; December closed
c up. I
Provisions were fairly r active and
strong. "A, strong cash demand helped lh
advanolng futures. January pork clos'cd
TiOSQc over Saturday, lard 12ic higher
and-ribs 12i15c up.
The leading futures ranged as fellow's':
Opening JUfbeftc Lowest. Close.
November ..& 73
.. , ,- ?WF
November S04 30!
December ?.'.. 35-t 3d1
May ....' 3C- .37
November .... 21 . 21?J
December .... 22U ' 22'
MayN...t.... 24lt 21
November . . ..10 CO 10 50
January 11574 1180
May j 11 70 1185
10 50
11 70
10 50
December ....0 05
6 82V
7 02V4
Januan , &8SV, 69:
uay 001 0P!i
SHtJRT mes
November .... 6 72v& C 75
January -015 C27V&
ilay 030 035
0 70
0 27H
6 75
6 25
Cash quotations were as follows:
,Flour Quiet and unchanged.
Wheat No. 3 Spring, 6S73c; No. 2
reo!, 75c. N
Corn No. 2, 39V440c; No. 2 yellow. 39
1 .23?ic.
Oats-No. 2, 2223c: No. 2 white, 2$W
274c; No 3 white, 23&27c
Rye No. 2, 48c.
Barley Fair to choice malting, E55Sc.
Fla-xseed-No. 1, Jl SOgl SI; No. 1 North
westerh.' 11 87. '
" Timothy seed Prime, $4 104 20.
Mess pork Per barrel, $10'50gl0 60. "
t Lard-Per 100 pounds. $7157 17
Short rlb sides Loose, $6,90g7 10. '
Dry-salted shoulders Boxed, "oS&TsC
Short clear -sides Boxed,- ?6 7S S5. "
' ClOvef Contract grade, J10. ' '
, Receipts. Shlpmts
Flour, barrels ."14 000 30 000
Wheat, bushels 127.000 'BW 000
JCprn. b.ushels .,..,., 222,000 500000
Oats, bushels 127.000 207".b00
Rje. bushels : 4.000 3.000
Barley, bushels 67,000 . 7,000
On the Produce Exchange todays the
butter market was active; creamery, 15
23cr dairy, 1718c. Cheese, active, 10
llo. Eggs, quiet; fresh, 20c
Kevt York Grain and Produce.
NEW TORK, Nov. 12. Flour Receipts,
29,180 barrels: exports, 16,500 barrels; mar
ket quiet and firmer. " v
Wheat Receipts. 101,025 bushels; - ex
Torts, 163.SS4 bushels; spot firm; No. 2 ed,
Sic f. o. b. afloat.
Options opened firm and" higher 'on bull
ish cables- and "good foreign- buying.
Closed firm at Uc net advance; sales
Included March, 82JSS3c, closed S3c;
May, S2H83c, closed 82TJc; November
closed 79c; December, 79 5-l6S0 3-16, closed
Wool Quiet,
Hops Flnnk
Visible Grain Snpply.
-NEW YORK, Nov. 12. The statement
of the visible supply of grain in store and
afloat Saturday November 10, as com
piled by the New York Produce Ex
change, Is as follows: - t
Wheat, 60,703,000 bushels; Increase, 669,
000 bushelB.
Corn, 6,785,000 bushels; decrease, L19S,00u
Oats, 12,642,000 bushels; decrease, 44,00V
Rye, L1S6.000 bushels; Increase, 86,000
Barley, 3,509,000 bushels; decrease, 102,00a
European Grain Marlcet.
LONDON, Nov. 12. Wheat Cargoes on
passage, white, firm; red, dull; cargoes
No. 1 standard California, 31a; cargoes
Walla "Walla, 29s M; English country
market steady, imports of wheat into
United Kingdom, 416,000 quarters; imports
ffQUt Into United Kingdom, 298,000 barrels.
Wheat and flour on passage to TJnltea
Kingdom. 2,000,000 bushels; wheat and
1i 76$i
30Vi 39
B 35 S6S
3tt H
4 21 211
K 22H 22
24 24Ji
tormon Blthopaf PIIl8)uTebeealsiuaaTssyeby thieadtsofUie(!
a lactz 'iQiKiwcn. rMairciy
' erezj tgrmoa. Ixai gst rtrmondfet.
CfaoRb v
c tta-taas, onvranan, exemtt, or agueiBWCUg
r?s: i?if sirkttterixvis? x
butty. Hoadacho.unfltnss3to Mnrrr. i
vat t Twit oh Inn: at EeTll2. E
op (.cnKinnt mn. Hrrtni aui(?imfli
ctzliit, SUtudttes De bnU od ntrre centra, cue a box. ortsob7u. Tn"rwi Awrtgea fiirnfrt. toearo
t axccyrrfigidcft. ith Mwm. ChmUn fmr Addrsss, Bishop Remedy Co., Son Franclacoj CaL
' Tor sal by Aldrich Pharmacy. SUta and Waa Ulngton-ttretts, Portland. Or.
Downing, Hopkins & Co,
Chicago Board of Trade
New York .Stock Exchange
Room 4, Ground Floor
flour-on passage to --United -Kingdom,
1,060.000 bushels. Indian shipments wheat
to "United Kingdom and Continent, none.
LIVERPOOL, Nov. 12-Wheat-Firm;
No. 1 standard California. 6a, 4d; wheat
and flour in Paris, firm; French cpuntry
markets o.ulet, but steady; weather in.
L England, rain. Spot steady! No. 2 red
Western winter, 6s d: No. 1 Northern
Spring, 6s -id; No. 1 California, 6s 4dt fu
tures quiet; December, 63 Tid; March, C?
.Corn Spot, quiet; American mixed new,
4s 2d; futures quiet; November 4s d;
December 4s -&d; January, 3a, 10d.
"iVncat at Tacoma,
TACOMA, Nov. li. Wheat-Fltm,
higher; bluestem, 58c; club, 55c
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 12.- Wool
Nevada, lll3c; Eastdrn- Oregon, 1014c;
.Valley, Oregon, 1517c; Mountain lamber,
910c; San Joaquin lambs, 6-ffSc; Hum
boldt and Medocino, 1012c
Hops Crop 1900, 18016c t
Hay Wheat, 19213 0; wheat' and oats,
$S12 50; best barley, $9 50; alfalfa. X79
8 50; compressed wheat, $913 per ton;
straw, 3547c per bale
Millstuffs Middlings, $16 50QJ19 00; bran,
$1313 0 per ton.,
Potatoes River Burbanks, 2560o;
sweet, new, 50S5c per -cental; Salinas
Burbanks, 90c Jl 15; Oregon Burbanks, 70
Butter Fancy creamery, -2222cr sec
onds, 2021c; fanoy dairy, 20e; do seconds,
1719c ' '
Citrus fruit Mexican limes, $44 CO;
common California lemons, $1 O0l 75;
choice, $2 00225; navel oranges, $3 00
4 50 per box; pineapples,. $23 per dozen.
Cheese California flats, 10&Hc per
pound: Young America, Ul2c; Eastern
Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, 1415c; do
hens, 1415c per pound; old roosters, $3 5d
4 per dozen; young roosters, U SO-tU.
small broilers, $22 50; large do, $335Q;
fryers, $33 50; hens, $3 SOS'S per dozen;
old ducks, $34; geese, Si 231 50 per -pair.
Green fruit Apples, choice, $1 25 per
box, common. 35c per box. f ,
Bananas $12 60 per bunch.
Eggs Store. 2426c; fncy. ranch, 82o;
Eastern, 2225c. i
Receipts Flour, quarter "sacks'. 8305; do
Oregon, 3226; wheat, centals, 15,570; barley, j
beans, sacks. 7215; do Eastern. SCO; corn.
centals, 770; potatoes; "sacRS, 5423, xlfr-Ore-gon,
2S22; bran, sacks' i2K0; middlings
sacks, 935; hay, tons, 499;l wool, bales, ;
hides. 330j '! , .v '
r-rT-r- - -
CHICAGO, Nov. 12. Cattle Receipts,
24,030; generally 10c lower; good to brime
steers, $5 10S5 SO; poor to medium, $4 40
5 30. feeders, $3 754 40; mixed stockers,
$2 503 50, cows, $2 604 40; hedfers, $2 750
4 75; canners, $1 25JT2 So; bulls, $22" 50";
calves, US 4,75; Texas fed steers,. $44 90;
graBS steers, $3 3054 10; bulls, $2 wS3 25.
vHogs Receipts, 23,000;. tomorrow, 24;
left over, 23,000. .Market 15c hjsher; act
ive; mixed and butchers, $4 755 10; good
to choice, S4 S05 10 1 rough heayy.. $4 758
4 85; light, $4 7JV35 07; bulk of sales, 14 90
Sheep Receipts, 4,t00; firm; lambs, weak j.
to ivc lower, except cnoice; gca u cnpice
wethers, S44 40, "fair tp choice mixed,
$3 9J10 Wsefcrn," sh '$4" Ali. Texas
sheep, $2 603 65; 'native lambs, U 257 50;
Western lamlB, $4 8505 40.
OMAHA, Nov. 12.-Cattle Receipts, 4200;
jnarket, best, steady; others, lower; na
tive beef steers. $4 255 65; Western
steers, $2 004 70; Texas steers, $3 0o4 00;
.cows and heifcrsirC3 254 30; canners, S10
3 00; Btockers and feeders, $3 254 65;
calyes, $3,-0036 00,, bulls and stags. $3 25
-425. , -1
. Hogs Receipts, 2400; market, 10c higher;
.heavy, -J4 J60a4 90, mixedH $4 82V4S4- S5;
light, $4 724 90; Jaulk of sales, $1 S2
Sheep Receipts, 4500; market, steady;
fair to choice natives $3 904 10; fair to
choice Westerns, $3 C54 XX); common "and
choice sheep, $3 303 86; lambs, $4 25o 25.
. KANSAS CITY,' Nov. 12. Cattle-Re-celpts,
14,000; market, steady; Texas
steers, $2 75(g5 15; TexaB cows, $2 253 50;
native steers, $3 505 CO; native cows and
heritors, $1 Too 45; stockers and feeders,
;3 005 00, bulls, $2 254 00
Hogs--RecelptB, 9600; market, 5(gl0c hlgh
err bulk of -sales, $4 854 90;- heavy, $4 800
4 95; 'pickers, $485S;4 97; mixed, $4 80
4 90; lights, $4 75&4 97; yorkers, $4 90
4 97; pigs, $4 S05 42.
Sheep Receipts, tOOO; market steady;
lambs', $3 00 go 15; mutton?, $2 8004 35.
Cotton Market Excited.
NEW TORK, Nov. 12,-r-Cotton was ex
.cltedj, very active and decidedly higher
today. Opening iprices showed an ad
vance of 12 to 16 points and further ad
vanced 6012 points on generally bullish
quotations. In the afternoon buying was
checked by heavy estimated receipts for
New Orleans and Houston, especially at
the latter place, for tomorrow. The mar
ket closed steaJy at a net advance of 21
22 romta.""
The Metal Market.
NEW -YORK, Nov. 12, Business was
very slow in the market for metals to
day, with the tone generally quiet, with
the exception of spelter, which was a
shade higher today on good eocports, clos
ing firmer at $4 1504 20. 'Pig-iron war
rants were quiet at J910. Lake copper,
unchanged, at $16 75017; tin, dull at $27 65
027 75; lead, quiet at $4 37. The brokeri
price for lead was $4, and for copper,
$16 870il7. Bar silver, 64c
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 12. Bar silver,
LONDON. Nov. 12. Bar silver, 29 ll-16d.
Coffee and Sugar.
NDW YORK, NOV. 12. Coffee options
closed steady, 15020 points net lower;
sales, 35,750 bags, including November,
$6 83; December, $6 8008 90; January, 56 90;
March, $6 9007 06; May, $7 0507 15.
Sugar Raw, quiet; fair refining, 3c;
centrifugal, 96 test, ic '
Impossible In His Case. "Come, borne, my
boy; don't err." urged the kindly old gentle
man. "Doubtless your troubles are very real.
and serious to you, but you should be manly
In adversity." "t can't be." sobbed the hoy.
"Why notr" asked the kindly old gentleman.
?Ms won't let ma swear." Chicago Evening
Post- .
BLr 43 U a noa-volfefifthi
teaedy !or Qonorrbcat,
Whites unnatural dis
charger, or any lnnamata
uiuu. tfan of nnCD-di BlflBf
miEYmsCHaBCAltlO, braB. Kan-astriagtat.
Id fey BrssslsUr
er tent In "plain wrarptr,
far tzBiesa. vmaid. fot
41 00. or 3 boUlss,. (2.7V
yircaur Mat on riuj.
cuts do worn cues i eta ua joaar nog ma ttuca
ires wjwt.mannpoaiim
jrrnoea: Inomnlat alna
,amt wacRt Nervous
los or Wfm mcn, vancocaie.
of disf itii cuarra. -mtaBs Mr-
Stcu uz boaeduta. CAU lPuvngoT A potency ta
a 9C B at auto. Sri a:k1 Kxsam smzu. tmocrtiopea
y yc5stMV I
f Jslll7.
nuif at
- &Hrtiin.o.m
' --
Chamber of Commerce
F D Hennessy, Chso
O A Baker. Chlcaao
A Blsslnser. SanPr
Geo McLeod, San Ft
Frank D Shaw, N Y
Lew;s Hal, Welser
F C Darldson
D V Geldw, Baa Fr
J .O Rhoades & wife.
Salt Lake
G M Antrim,' Aber
deen Wash
R 8 Eaton
W B Shoenfeld & wf,
Blahop J B Funsten.
Boise, Idaho
A M Prosier. San Fr
A G Locke. Clnclnn
Guy 'Lombard. Tekoa
J w Stearns, Pullman.
Wash ,
A Cohn. Tekoa, Wash
Geo B Baker, Dayton.
A D McLean, London.
John Martin, San Fran
N P 'Nelson. Chicago
J B Neumann. N Y
H R Shirley. N X
R P Lewis. St Louis
J 8 Howell, San Fran
R P Allen, San Fran
W R Landram. Ban Fr
Frank Caielll N "T
J J Atkins, Plttsfleld,
Mass . .
Mrs J J Atkins & chd,
St Louis. Mo
G M Franks. San Fran
Mrs G M Frankc, do
Lou Pnipps, Los Anfcls
Eva S Pew, Plttibg.Pa
J W Murphy, Worces-,
ter. Mass
R 8 Johnson. Neb
T Martin, Baldwin, Ks
Phil S Krwe, ,N x
W GBurt. Chicago
I, P Behrens & wife,
neawooa tuy
John T Brooks, Kan C
Columbia River Scenery.
Regulator Line steamers, from Oak
street dock daily, except Sunday, 7 o'clock
A. M. The Btallea, Hood River, Cas
cade LocKb and return. Call on, or fon
agent for further Information. v
J C Tate, San Fran J L Anderson. Seattia
F W McNamara, S F (Mrs J R Clark, Dallei
Chaa Harding:, city (Mrs E 0 McCoy, do
Ira isro. aalem
airs jj Mcuaniei. ao
J P Duckett. do
Grant Llndley, Leb
anon, Or
Vfpi Todd, Lebanon
Mrs "Lane. Seattle
Chaa H Frye, Seattle
GeorW Brown, Agent
Haverly's Minstrels
A W Sherrafd, Arling
ton. Or
W H Colwafl. do
L L Harman. W W
Geo B Wilson, Seattle
W P Hussey. IndpU
B F Weltlncton. S F
F Bardon, McMlnnvllle j
Mrs Bardon, do
C G Rldeout. Seattle'
W V Bennett, George
town III
W E Southwick, Tilla
mook Mrs Southwick, do
Master Southwick, do
John C Uglone. Dallas
R Roberts, Dallas
W V Williams, North
Fred Carter, Dallas
Wm Walker, Dallas
Thos H Tongue, HUls-
C C Haynes, Forest Gr
W E Wakelce, San Fri
D A Branch, 6an Fr
Harry Haynes & tjL
Fdrest Grove 1
G S Wright. McMlnn
Mrs M B woodcock,
Con all Is
1 Geo W Bredwill.Amlty
Mrs L Stanners.Lewls-
K r ungerman, Mc-
CH Neal, do
Mrs E E Gaucher, do
Miss Gaucher, do
It M Agee. Chicago
ton. Idaho
J Harrison, do
W C Mount. Salem
O Mallett, Alamosa,
P E Bledsoe, Drain
Mrs Lane, HUlsboro
H J Howard, Seattle
J W Jungan, San Fran
-I Mrs Agee. Chicago
M U uortner, McMlnn
L Jacobson, Chicago
JEhMiller. Log AncU
C W Saxman, Portland
M A Asna. Spokane
C H Springer, Olympla
Whlt.A Hall, Unlon.Or
it N stanueia. Echo
R E, WUhama. Dallas,
R A McNair, oiympia
J R Glelsen, "Hot Old
Miss B E KeIlogg,, Or
egoil City
Miss JCellogg) dp
W B Bowen, Tacoma
B A Alloway. Pendln
Time" Co
Mrs Glelsen, do
Maude Wolcott. do
John Chinee Leach, do
D W Eaes, Lewlston
W C Yeoman, Pe Ell
E S Collins, Ostrander
J- B Cowing, Alexan
der. Minn
Geo F Johnson. San Fr
Mrs G F Llndgren,
.Mist. Or
Mies Edith Llndgren,
Mint. Or
JSci C.R DlUyf May-
eer. Or
ttr.B cprtis, vpatc3Ri
Wra Gray'Ole Olsoii"
"Mrs Gffcy, do
Ben-Hendrlckssi do
Mrs Rendricks,, do-
Wm BlaKSlty. ,Pen
dletcS Ct .
3)2l&ar J Dlven, New Y
C. W. Knowles, Manager.
Geo M Bacon, Bakers-IH G Smith, city
ncid ti -j pawner, & a
-Mrs Bacon. JBakersneld.
J J Johnson. San Fr
Henry Johnson, SanFi
L F Ward, San Fr
Miss Bacon, do
B C Bonean, Minn
Dr C L "H&mmond,
Mrs ward, san tr
F H Madison, Spokane
A -L Weaver, Tacoma
B B Jones, Tacoma
Gilbert Hunt. Walla W
H W llspn, Ft Wran-
Mrs Wilson, do
I G Woods, Vancquver
R O Richards, do
Mrs Hunt. Walla W
L Foley,- Lebanon .
H R Miller, Victoria 1
Airs jroiey, ieoanon
Ml- Foley, Lebanon
F ,H Ferguson Salem
Whitney Palache. 8 F
E N Carleii. Oregon Cy
Rnvd Miliar. Victoria
Ralph Savage. Hood TX
K D Boyd. i"endieton
H H Driver, Spokane
jMrs-Carlen, Oregon Cy
(Chas Kenworthy, Ta-
Mrs uruer, spokane
mT Ihhnfr KnAtraitk T PhnTa.
L D Jacks, Salem ' Mrs' kenworthjr, do
iuio Acimutuiji uu
OM Redfleld Sharlko
J J Mavs. Junction
J C Campbell, Granf-e
lc W Davis, Shaclko
u. j fliair, ine uaues
Mrs Matr, Tho Dalles
A r Campbell, Monmth
P L Campbell do
W Kujkendall, Eugene
G B Humphry LeUtnd
Mrs Humnhry. Leland
W S Conser, Roseburg
H A Webber, city
B M Snow, bpragua
Mrs Snow, Sprague
A "R Wllrln. San Fran
A W Ireeberg.tW W
Mrs Ireebergv W W
Edwin Stone, Albany
R E Tllxon San Trn tW F Brooke-, Sumpter
Geo Williams -aan t lairs urooae,, nuropier
W G Davla, Seattle
W M Davis, Yaqulna
T 8 Coffey, Sacramento
J M Harmon. DenVer
Mrs Harmon Denver
B S Miller. Seattle
C W Stults, New York
B E King Nome
H S Woolly. Paris, Id
J S Cunningham,
Mrs Cunningham, do
W P Ely. xoiso
E w .Harness aan Fr
J. K McGregor, Seattle Geo McCoy, Napavlne
Mrs McGregor do
Mrs McCoy, 'Napavlno
C M Banner, Wapa-
W J Hall, city
Mrs, NlEsnr city
Mre E L Drew & fy,
Castle Bock
J A Smith, city
Ben Yager, Kansas Cy
D A Ames, Oregon Cy
H Reslng do
E Erlckcon, dp
Y Hansard. do
John Walkowsky, Fort
Wm Gates, Ft. Stevens
M Campbell. Deep R
T J Har ey, ForestGr
E Erlclororr; Clatskanio
H R DeVeny, Kan Cy
uava yraney, is. an uy
lira Franey, do.
Cha? Satvlne, Aatorla
Geo Peer, Portland:
C J Llttlepage. city
C Xr Hollar cltv
G C Hamilton, do
A G Snow. Rainier
Frank McQorkJe. Catltn
J C Williams Rainier
ciay itohcrts, Ainany
J R Lange. Rainier
A W -Carter. Lents
Harry TinK AiDany
Ed Howell, Wasco
Mrs Howell. Wasco
Ge6 Hanson, Ft Logan
John Smith. Vancpuvr
Chas West. Oak Point
C H Ernst, city
H ReSlng. Vancouver
Frank Ooble. Dalles
J R Fagustrom, Minn
E F Fagustrom, Minn
T H Cox. Minn
D Payne, Minn
G Fouth, Catltn
H Brook. Ltanton
B T Flint Llnnton
T B Arnold, city
LMrs Ernst, city,
c Frame, oak .Point.
C Barr son. do
A S Knox. Rainier
Dan McKellar .
D R Henry. Salem
R H Sole, Astoria ,
Mrs Sole. Astoria
Mrs C Boyd, Ostrander
Mr fr Mrs Berg -do
H J Vanender, La-Cntr
S Hawffle, Astoria
P S Boeder. Sauvle's
Alex Harold. Sauvle's
J B WaUt. Stel'a.
M C KaVton. Btimpter
Claude Harvey. Kelxd
F D Edwards Vancvr
R C Frlta. Jefferson.
Mrs Russon, do
O S Burns '
A J Hicks
H Byvlsson Qulnoy
Mrs Syvlssor, Qulncy
Robt A Abbott, War
rpnton F G Coe. Hood River
W H TwIlight,Astorla
Mabel Row Knappa
J Oake. OBft
Jack Gllllm. do
Alex Harold, Brooks
Albert Fuller, do
M Campbell. Brooks
c j Terr. McMjnnvme
E R Mendehhal). do
B T Robinson, Golden
dala JA Stocks, Bohemia
Hotel Enmswlck, Seattle,
European; flrat-class. Rates. Toe and up.
One block from depot. Restaurant next
Tacoma Hotel, Tacoma.
American plan. Rates, $3 and up.
Donnelly Hotel, Tacocan.
European plan. Rates. EOc arid up.
earners for Ori
Rosg Kong, via Yokohama and Kobe,
at Portland as follows:
SS. M1LOS v ...Dec. 25
S3. SKARPSNO ....Jan. 23
For freight or passage apply to
T. M. Stevens & Co., Inc.
0-8-10 Columbian bldg , Third and Oak sts.
The fast ntalt steamship "CTTT OF SEAT
TLE." aalllng from Seattle every 10 days tot
Sagway. calling at Port Townsend. Ketchikan
and Juneau. .
Steamers "ABERDEEN' and "RUTH," Se
attia to- Ekagrray, and Intermediate- points.
every seven days.
Through tickets to Dawson, XJB, nrst-clasa;
g 156 second-class.
DODWELL 4 CO., Ltd.,
"SSZ oak St. Teleshnne Main 9fl.
BAXLET GATZEBT CAlder-straet Dock)
Leaves Portland dally every morning .at T
o dock, exicpt Sunday. Returning, leaves Aa
torla every night- at -7 Vclock except SunSay.
rTSffon pnons Mais SSL Columbia pfcom tiU
Union Depot, Slxtfc aad J Streta
Leaves tor the East, via Huntington, at 9.00
A. M.; arrives at 450 P. M.
Tor Spokane, Eastern Washington, and. Great
Northern points, leaves at 0 P. M.; arxlvea at
t A. M.
Leave for the East, via Huntington, at S:o4
P. M.; arrlvea at b 40 A. M..
Water lints schedula subject to thangt with
out hollca.
UCr.,UN DIVISION From Portland, leava
Ainsworth Doct at S P. M.. sail every 6 4ays:
Gea W. Elder. Saturday, .Nov. i; Tuesday,
Not. 18; Fri., Nor, XI; Mon., l)ec. . Corusa
bla, Mon., Oct. 1. Ihurs . .no a. Oubl tbr.
lt. Wee, Nov. a, bat., Dec a.
From San FrancUca Sail every aays.
Leave Sptar-street Pier 24 at 11 A. M.: Oeo.
VV. Elder. Tues., Oct. 30. FrL, Nov. W Moo,
Nov. 19.Thurs.,,Nor. 20: Sun.. Dec 0. Co
lumbia, Bun.. Nov. 4r Wed Nor. lj Bat,
Nov. 24; Tues . Dec 4. Fri., Dec 1.
Steamer Hassalo reaves Portland dally,- ax
cept Sunday, at 8.00 P. M.. on Saturday at
10 00 P. M, Returning, leaves Astoria ually.
-except Sunday, at tJfJ A. M.
Steamer Modoc, for Salem Independenc and
way nolnts, leaves from Ash-street Dock at 0
A. M. on Mondays, WedneadayB and Fridays.
Returning, leaves Independano at 5 A. M.,
and balem at tf F". M. on Tuesdays. Thuraaaya
and Saturdays.
Steamer Ruth, for Oregon City, Buttevllle,
Champoeg. Daytoa and way landings, leaves
Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and sJaturdayj
at 7.00 A. M. Leaves Dayton for Portland
and way points Mondays. Wednesday and
Fridays at 8.00 A. M.
Steamer Spokane or steamer Lewlbiofa leaves
Rlparla daily at S 40 A. M.. arriving at Lew
lston about 8' P. M. Returning, the Sndkane or
Lewlston leaves Lewlston di at S 0 A. M.,
arriving at Rlparla same evening
General Passenger Agent.
V. A. SCHILtlNG, City Ticket Agent.
Telephone Main 712. 80 Third St.. cor. Oak.
For rates, accofhmodatfbns, etc., apply to
Agents. Portland, Or.
LriO 1 via
Depot Finn nnd
I Street.
foe Salem. Roar
burg. Ashland. Sac
ramento, Ogden.
San Francisco, Mo
lave, Los Angeles.
El Paso. New Or
leans 'and the East.
At WoodbUra
(dally except Sua
Asm) morning trsta
connects with trali
ror Mt. Angel. Sll
verton, Browns
ville. Springfield,
and Natron, and
evening train for
Mt. Angel and Sil
ertcn. Albany pasaencer
Corvallfs passenger.
Sheridan psa'gf
S:30 P. 1L
3.30 A. M.
7:45 A. M.
4:00 P. M.
J7f26,A. M.
114:50 P. M.
lfclO'A. Mr
(IB'.5q P. k.
Dally. IlLaily -except Sunday.
Rebate tickets on sale between Forflchd, Sac
ramento and San .Francisco. Net rates 417 first
clasb and $11 second class. Including, sleeper.
Ratfes and tickets to Eastern points and Eu
AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained - from J. B.
KIBKLAND, Ticket Agent. 140 TUrd street..
Passenger Depot, foot ot Jeffersdn street.
Leaver for Oswego dally at 7.20, 0.40 A. M
12:30. 1 55. 3,25. 4 40, U.25, 8 30. 11M50 P. l
and d 00 A. M on Sundays only. ArriVk at
Portland dally at 0 35 tv.30, 10 50 A. ii.z
1,30. 3 10. 4-80, 6 15, 7 40, 10 00 P. M.; 12.40
A. M. dally, excep Monday, 8.30 and lo:D5 A,
M. on Sundayu only.
Leave for Dallas daliy. except Sunday, at
0 05 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 9, SO A. M.
passenger train leaves Dallas, for Alrllo Mon
dajs. Wednesdays and Fridays at 2-45 P. M.
Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Except Sunday.' ,
Gen. Frt & Pass. Aft.
Omnha, Kansas City and Chicago.
Only Four Days
To New York, Boston, Philadelphia
and Washington. "
Palace Sleepers, Tourist Sleepers, Dining Car,
Library Cars, Free Recllnlng-Chalr Cars.
Steam HeaL Plntsch LIghL Fast Time.
Union Depots. Baggage checked to destination.
135 Third Street Portia rid. Oreoutt
Gen'l AtenL
City Pass. & TkL JLgL
Steamers , ,
Aitona and Pomona
Dally (ex. Sunday) for Independence, Salem;
and all way landings.- Leave Portland 6 45?A.
M.: leave Salem 7 A. M . Inde&gdesett.0
A. M. Office and dock,-1 v Taylor at.
Uo rgrcs jnj
s w
The Yellowstone Park and j"
Pioneer Dlning-Car Route
Leave. (tab Dcpit, Gtttti J Sil I Arrive.
No. 12
Overland Exorass for
No. .11
South Bend Aberdeaa.
oquiaco, Cosraapout.
VmDla. Tioomt Sa.
aide, North Yakima.
Rltzvli;.. 6ppkan
Pullman. Moscow. Lew
rat on, OraHgetllle
Rsssland. B -C Butte.
BHUags, Forgo, St.
Paul, iltnneapQUs. Chii
cagoj Boston. "Vash
Ingten, D. C , New
York, -and all ""points
east and southeast. t
11:30 P. U
lCansasCity-"St. L6u)s
No. 3
730 P.M.
"f T
Special for Tacorfts, St
atue. Nona Takimai
Rltxrllle. . SpokatJ
iussiana, jawision.
Helena. Butte, BUItngi,
Deadwoocf, Denver,
Omaha. SL Josentb
Kansas City St. Lous,
unicago, asmnjwn,
Baltimore. Naw- iork.
Boston, and all points
east and southeast.
Baggage checked to. destination ot tickets.
Union-Depot connections in aU principal atiei
Through oar service via Northern Paclfl
Burllngton Route," ttain Uo C for Ornaha, St.
Joseph. Kansas City, St Lools. Quick tttna
and unequaled accommodations. The .only lino
running Pullman standard an Pullman tip
bolstered tourist sleepers, the Unest," lh"" t$?
World, Portland to Minneapolis and SL Paul
without change.
r ., ,, - t
For any additional Information, tickets;
sleeping-car reservations, maps of. routes, etc,
call, on or. srrlta.ta ,
Aaalatnnt pcuprn! aagcjse Ascent,
-2S5 Morrlnpn St., Cor. Third,
Portland, Oregron. -
An Estimate . , 1
On the Cost
Suppose you ar going o Kan
sas City and travel In a tourist
sleeping' cax on tho St. Louis Sps--clnl.
Here Is an- estimate o what
the trip trill cost: .
TIc'Ret;Tortlald, to "Kansas Cltt4J
Berth .-.r...-i rts?..vr 5-
"SIeaJB, 3'4 days .....'....w..k.. 6
Total- ,w.4.l...-w.....k....,...t3J
lib changes ot cars. All you have
to do Is get aboard. Train takes
you through to your destination
nulokly and very comfortably:
Glad to tell you mora-about the
GL, Liouls, SpeclaL.
C4rv "Third and Stark Sts.
b a3e' - t. J 3 tf" & t.
" "H.'"v7. "FOSTER.
Clty Ticket .AeenV
soa LINE
-TO , . . . .
For foil particulars apply to
"H. H. ABBOTT. AgenL
146 Third st, Portland, Or.
E. J. COTLE. A. G. P. A
Vancouver, B. C.
Tkirf Office. K HiyUoa. Strctf. Tla: ID
gOO P.M.
The Tlrsr, dally ta aac
from -lb Paal. Miaa
apolls, Daluth, Chicago
and all polata East.
7,WI A it
Through Palaa aad To-orlat Stayers, Dbtiat
and buffet Smoklng-Llbrary Cars.
rr Japan. China and all Asiatic point wli
laava Seattia
About December 10th
L ,
Astoria'-& Columbia -
River Railroad Co.
Claukanl. Tfttlttor.
atfton. Astoria. War-
tston.. FluvsL Jlantf
Sonii. ion pivtsov
earutrt Park. Mitda,
AstotfUasd Saaoi
Astoria Exprssa,
11:10 A Ji
ritktt offlrt. 3B4 JlQRlson st. aadjDal44etI
-Jf. C UATO. Gsj Pass. Act.. Astoria. O.
Pacific Coast Steamship Cos
THE 5COMRXNIfSl elsaat
Irteamsalpa OVjttaBe iCatrCltt
of Topeix. ajut. At Jit Uava
9 P' IE? 'Ud r. 0. 11. C
21. 20; Dec. H. Si 11, U. 21v
26, 31. Jan. 5. A team.T
every flfOi day taersaft.
conipany'a fold Tha eotHpaay reserves' tatr
right to change iteamaXi saXPng; data iaswk
hours of sailing, without previous notice.
AO.ETff.oaTOWj.zjB wasmngtoa xt.
Portlan. OV: F 'Rta.RLETOW VP. R. 1
avv, aUlr E. W. JUELSK, T4cktrAgt;
EatuA 8l'O0eaa'XrtaK-,:atU.-'---t .i H
A.QOoaALU-paniowB & coGa.Agt.r4
I s i i s sa sswsj w iwt
Hiki '