1F THE MOBNIHG OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1900. NEW RECORD MADE Bergenhus Clears With Over 54,000-Barfels of Flour. RICKMER RICKtaE(& "FLYING TRIP First of the Xew Season Fleet Ar rives Out in 110 Days Cromarty shire In Port Marine Sotes. Hie Norwegian steamship Bergenhus cleared yesterday for Hong Kong and way ports, with the largest cargo or flour that ever left the Columbia River, and, with two exceptions, the largest car go of flour that has ever been floated. Beneath the big steamer's hatches were 6tored 217,700 quarter-barrel sacks of flour. Of this amount 30,750 barrels were loaded by the Portland Flouring Mills Company, of this city, and the remainder was brought here on the steamer from San Francisco. The nearest approach to this cargo In sire was made by the Ger man steamship Eva, which was dispatched by the Portland Flouring Hills last month with 52.000 barrels of flour. There was no attempt made at'breaklng records In loading the Bergenhus, but, she did not begin taking cargo until Saturday morn ing, 'and everything was aboard shortly after noon yesterday. Her actual work ing time In loading the 123,000 sacks was 20 hours. The delay of the steamship Kvarven on Puget Sound has caused two of the Cali fornia and Oriental liners to reach Port land very close together. The Kvarveji. will reach here the latter part of the Week, and while she Is a smaller steamer than the Bergenhus, she will take an entire cargo 'from Portland, which will bo larger than the Portland portion of the big cargo of the Bergenhus. The lat ter steamer leaves down the river this morning. She ha3 about 500 tons of mis cellaneous freight on board. In addition to the shipment of flour from Portland, she carries 3C4 sacks of bran and 300 sacks -f relied barley. Her flour shipment from Portland Is valued at $86,500, and that irom San Francisco at $169,442. The to ! 1 value of the cargo is about $200,000. FIKST OF THE FLEET. Tie Rlckmer Riclcnters Makes a Fly Ins linn to Falmouth. The first ships of the 1900-01 grain fleet from this port arrived at Falmouth yes terday, and If there is anything In a good beginning the present season's fleet Is destined to make some smashing records. One of the vessels which arrived out yes terday" was the German ship Rlckmer Rickmers, and she not only beat the British clipper Wendur, which Is one or the fastest ships afloat, but she sailed right down into the ultra-select circle of fast ships which have covered the 17,000 mile voyage In HO days. There was noth ing very slow about the Wendur's pass age, for she went home In 12S days. The Rlckmer Rickmers is not a "naturalized" German vessel, but was built at the Rick mers' yards In Bremerhaven in 1896. She is a three-master, of 1S29 tons net register, and carried a cargo of 334S tons of wheat. The "Wendur, which was built In the days when speed commanded a premium, is of 1890 tons net register, but carried a cargo of but 3218 tons. Tho "Wendur was the first ship of the July fleet to sail, and the Rlckmer Rick mers was the last vessel of the fleet. Sailing between these two flyers were the British barks Lizzie Bell and Fifeshlre, and the French bark Marechal de Vll llers. None of the present season's fleet from Puget Sound has yet reported out on the other slde, and but one vessel of the California grain fleet has been heard from the French bark Marie Mollnos going out In the fast time of HO days. GLASGOW IS GROWING. Scotch Ports Aspire to an Eqnallrx . "With LlverpooL J NEW YdRK, Nov. 12. Among the pasi tensers who arrived on the steamer Lu canla was Captain R. "White, R. N., who tor 23 years has been port warden of Glas gow. He Is on his way to Buffalo to study the American system of handling ores and grain, with a view of Introduc ing the same system in Glasgow. He said: "Glasgow hopes to become equal to Liv erpool, as regards shipping; "Within two or three years the revenues of Glasgow for wharfage have Increase from 200,000 a year to 475,000. The shipyards of the Clyde have not been affected by the building of large yards in Ireland, France and Germany. The demand for tonnage of enormous sizes and the greater number of ships required for the present active market havo given Glasgow much pres tige. She is today putting out more than flve-elghths of tho total ships built In the United Kingdom." Joseph Loiter, of Chicago, was also a passenger on the Lucanla. He went abroad a short time ago. "We never produced In this country so much raw material as now," he said, "or turned out the finished product as cheap ly. In no great time America will be supplying the markets of the whole world." BRTTTSn SHIPOWNER HERE. Robert Dnnlop, One of the Owners) of the Clan Line, In Portland. Mr. Robert Dunlop, of the big ship owning Arm of Thomas Dunlop & Sons, and the Dunlop Steamship Company, lim ited, is spending a few days In the city. The- Dunlops are the owners of the Clan Line of .sailing vessels, and the Dunlop Steamship Company, limited. The latter company operate a number of steamers, one of whloh, the Queen Adelaide, has loaded at this port. Of the "Clans," the Clan McKenzIe, Clan Buchanan, Clan Gal braith. Clan MacPherson and Clan Rob ertson have all loaded at Portland, some of them making Beveral trips here. In the old days of the port the Dunlops used to send small vessels like the Clan Ferguson to Portland, but they gradually disposed of the small craft and replaced them with larger vessels the smallest of their sailers at the present time being the Clan MacFarlane, 1446 tons, while their smallest steamer Is the Queen Victoria, 1494 tons. Mr. Dunlop will go down to Astoria before leaving here and will also make a tour of the Sound cities while on the Coast. CROMARTYSHIRE IN PORT. Ship Which Was the Central Figrare In a Terrible Ocean Tragedy. The British ship Cromartyshire arrived In at Astoria yesterday, after a ver good passage of lb days from Port .Los An geles. The Cromartyshire is a ship whose name will live la marine history for all time, as the Innocent cause of one of the greatest ocean horrors that ever hap pened. While crossing the Atlantic in ballast about two years ago, she was run down by the French liner La Bourgogne. and in the collision the Uner sustained Injuries which sent her to the bottom of the ocean, ever 600 lives being lost, in cluding a number of people prominent both In Europe and America. The few passengers who were saved from the liner were picked up - by the Cromartyshire's boats and landed at Hall fax, where the ship was' towed ' for re pairs. That the ship was blameless for the disaster was proven by the decision of the courts awarding damages agalns't the owners of the Bourgogne for the dam ages done to the) ship. " Another "Overdne" Safe. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 12. The over due .British ship Anglesy. on which 20 per tent reinsurance had been paid,, has. ar rived here, 163 days from Swansea. Soon after -leaving port she was In collision with the ship Rahana, but neither vessel was seriously damaged. Very, heavy weather was experienced, and Kdward Mooney. an able seaman, was lost over board during the voyage. Wilson Liner Ashore. LONDON, Nov. 12. The Wilson Line steamer Angelo, bound from Chrlstianla, Norway, for Hull, Is ashore near Witn ernsea, on the coast of Yorkshire. The Angelo carried 100 Norwegian emi grants for the United States. She went aground Sunday night. There was con siderable excitement on board, but the sea was calm and the shore sandy. The captain declined assistance by rocket, and when the tide receded all waded ashore, the men carrying the women and children. The Angelo, which is in a pre carious condition, Is jettisoning her cargo. She was out of her course, owing to the fog. Abbey Palmer Repairing. The schooner Abbey Palmer, which col lided with the Canadian Pacific steam ship Empress of Japan Tuesday, about 40 miles off Cape Beale, is at the Moran shipyards for extensive repairs. Her owners estimate that the cost of repair ing her will be about one-half the original cost of the vessel. The Empress of Japan was also serious ly Injured. The condition of the Empress indicates that the bark struck her head on. Temporary repairs will be made so that she may proceed to Hong Kong. May Be Another Wreck. YARMOUTH, N. S., Nov. 12. The ma hogany stern name-board of a long boat has been picked up on the coast a. Com eaushlll, near here, bearing the name "Picqua," and it is feared that another craft besides the City of Monticello may have met with disaster. . The only vessel named Picqua known here is a steamer owned by the Mediter ranean & New York Steamship Company. According to shipping records, this steamer sailed from Sicily October 9, for New York. Altona Made' Special .Trip. INDEPENDENCE, Or., . Nov. 12. The steamer Altona made a special trip to Salem yesterday, taking a lot of accumu lated freight, so as not to delay the regu lar trip on Monday. On the return trip a stop was made at Dove's Landing and over 600 sacks of potatoes loaded for this point. Tug- Reported Foundered. CLEVELAND, O., Nov. 12. A report reached the Government life-saving sta tion here this afternoon that a vessel, supposed to be a fishing tug, had foun dered off Rocky River, a few miles west of this city. The life-saving crew imme diately started for the scene of the wreck. Marine Notes. Captain A. Reed expects to have his new steamer, the Mandalay, ready for the Coos Bay trade about the middle of the month. The British bark Morven arrived up from Astoria Sunday afternoon ana went to the elevator dock to discharge. The Deccan left down Sunday. The Norwegian bark Stjorn arrived In from Honolulu yesterday afternoon. She Is under charter to load wheat, at Port land, and will leave up today or tomor row. The schooner Sacramento, whlca put into Astoria In distress last week, will not load lumber on the Columbia, as pre viously reported. She lias on board a lot of merchandise for the Sluslaw, and will go to that port to discharge. The steamship Braemar. dispatched from Portland by Dodwell & Co. with Govern ment stores for Manila, arrived at the Philippine port November 8. The Buck ingham, which left here Saturday after noon, made a fine run down the river and crossed out Sunday afternoon. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA, Nov. 12. Arrived at 12:20 P. M., Norwegian bark Stjorn, from Hono lulu; arrived at 2:40, British ship Cro martyshire, from Port Los Angeles; arrived- down at 4 P. M., British ship Dec can. Condition of the bar at 5 P. AL, moderate; weather, hazy; no wind. San Francisco. Nov. 12. Arrived, schoon er Western Home; schooner Daisy Rowe; barkentlne Repeat, from Coos Bay; schooner Lizzie Vance, from Gray's Har bor. Hoqulam. Wash. Arrived, Nov. 9, schooner Glendale, from San Francisco, for Aberdeen. Tacoma, Nov. " 12. Arrived, Nov. . H, schooner Meteor, from, San Pedro. Coos Bay Arrived, Nov. H, schooner Emma Utter, from San Diego.1 San Francisco, Nov. 12. Arrived, bark Prussia, from Port Blakeley; steamer "Willamette, from Seattle; whaling steam er Belvedere, from Fox Island; schooner Annie Larsen, from Tacoma; schooner Charles Hanson, from Port Gamble. Salled-Steamer City of Puebla, for Victo ria. Manila Arrived, Nov. 11, Port Albert, from Seattle. Havre, Nov. 12. Sailed, L'Aqultane, for New York. Gibraltar, Nov. 12.-6alled, Aller, from Naples, for New York. Yokohama Arrived November 10, steamer Olympio, from Tacoma, for Hong Kong. PLEA FOR FARMER'S WIFE. Much Drudgery Is Her Lot How to , Improve It. DAYTON, Or., Nov. 10. (To the Edi tor.) In the article written by Mrs. Dunl way she refers to the dreary existence of the farmer's wife in pioneer days. What better Is It today on Isolated farms, except that it is not so dangerous? True, some might extract sunshine from cu cumbers, but I imagine even the cucum bers would wilt after a while. They say, "Where Ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." Yet I do not regard this as a good state of affairs. If there Is one class of women who need wisdom, legislative ability and time to apply It. It is the farmer's wife. Under constitu tional governments, where all classes, more or less, participate In the exercise of political power, the national welfare necessarily depends more upon the quali ties of the many than the few. In this woman has a great deal to learn. She may be misrepresented by some, and mis understood by others. But with patience and endurance she will eventually In spire the respect and confidence she truly deserves. It Is the spirit which actuates the Individual and determines the result. The farmer of today has, through the advancement of the times, the latest and most Improved machinery, and from our schools of agriculture, the best Informa tion for treating the soil. What has the farmer's wife? True, she has the carpet-sweeper, washing-machine and a pat ent churn; the former she has little use for, and the latter are delusions. In my five years' experience of farm life and work I have tried to bring about a change, and live as near as possible a life that has not drudgery for Its begin ning and end. That I have fairly suc ceeded has been very much owing to the better half. So the question is. Are the farmers to blame, or the customs of olden times? Nearly all conditions In life have been bettered within the last 50 years. Yet It has been my observation the farmer's wife has been the last consideration, and the best advancement so far is that she is awakening- to the fact that she needs more time for self-Improvement; that she may not be a woman who Is simply men tally outgrown by her husband. All cannot live in town. I, for my part, prefer my country home, with Its abund ance of everything. But If we cannot live In the city, let us bring a few of Its ad vantages Into our homes. Let us have more cheer, which is life's greatest bless ing. It relieves its trials 'and Illumines Its mysteries. MRS. MARTIN MILLER. BACK TO THE QUESTION MR. HAMMOND DOESN'T LIKE EVA SIONS AND DEVIATIONS. If the Common Point Won't Harm Anybody, Why Are Some So Afraid of Itf PORTLAND, Nov. 12. (To the Editor.) My letter contained In your issue of No vember 4 Is confined to the consideration of a transportation problem. It shows that the presidents of two transcontinen tal railroads have conceded the merit of our contention and were willipg to extend common rates to Astoria and the mouth of the Columbia River. la the last para graph of that letter are to be found ques tions regarding our claim, that are di rected to tie management of our only remaining transcontinental railroad. These questions are as follows: Would It not bo to the Interest of Oregon generally, and to the western portion particu larly, if common rates be extended to the mouth of the Columbia River? Are not tho rates now charged by railroad companies suN ficlently liberal to Justify the delivery of Our products at the cheapen ocean port without any additional compensation? Are not the GALLERY OF NEW MEMBERS A. R. MATTOON, REPRESENTATIVE FROM DOUGLAS COUNTY. LOOKING GLASS, Or., Nov. 10. AR. Mat toon, Republican Representative from Douglas County, was born In Clackamas County. Oregon, In July, 1S53, of Welsh and English parents. His early education was received In public schools. Later he attended Monmouth College, but was compelled to give up school on account of falling health and eyesight. After leaving school he was traveling salesman foe a large machinery and Implement company, which posi tion he filled for 15 years. In 1885 he was made general manager w,lth full control, of a larse and prosperous business for Staver & Walker, at La Grande. This position he held until 18S8. In that year he was nominated tor State Senator and made on active canvass .against J. H Haley, a popular roan, In strong Democratic counties, and was beaten by only four votes. In the Fall of 1833 he moved with his family to Look'nj Glass. In 1898 he was nominated for Representative, but was defeated. In the county convention of 1000 he was again made the unanimous choice of the Republicans for Representative, and was elected by & large majority. Mr. Mattoon Is 4T years old. views of The Oregonlan, Mr. Huntington. Mr. Mellen and Mr. Hill more progressive and more to the- Interests of the people of Oregon, by affording cheaper export facilities, than are the views of those respected qltlzens of Fort land, who, through apprehension that their In dividual Interests may be Jeopardized, becm lngly oppose all extension and enlargement of our commerce. If conducted upon new lines not heretofore followed? These are primarily transportation ques tions, and must not b'e dodged, evaded, suppressed or obscured by the Injection of other extraneous matter. Though hardly Incumbent, I reply In a general way, only, to correspondents. They must not entertain an opinion that the builders of the Astoria road are com plaining or offering apologies 'for its ex istence. We have no complaint to make nor apology to offer. My allusion to edi torials contained In The Oregonlan, to the resolution passed by the Portland Chamber of Commerce, and to opinions of Mr. Huntington, Mr. Mellen and Mr. Hill was merely for the purpose of giving answer to co-ordinate subject matter, which has been Improperly Injected. Ac cording to Mr. Hughes, the aforesaid editorials, resolution and opinions do not count for mlich. The chamber may ex-1 punge the said resolution, which was passed at a special meeting 'composed of 214 members, but It cannot wipe out the Astoria road it is here to stay. Its builders did not depend upon town lots at Astoria, Portland or elsewhere to fur nish the needed capital for Its construc tion. We do know that Mr. Hunt ington extended the Central Pacific Rail road from Us original terminus at Sac ramento to the ocean at San Francisco, and the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad from Its original terminus at Richmond to the ocean at Newport News. Does anyone question his wisdom in so doing? We do know that Mr. Mellen's views accord with a policy that has extended a com mon point to the entire west coast of Washington Increasing the commerce of Puget Sound 1200 per cent, while that of Portland has remained almost stationary. We do know that Mr. Hill Is building two 54,000-ton ships not 27,000, as stated in my letter and that his company In every way favors the deepwater ports of Puget Sound In competition with the Co lumbia River. How clear and convincing is the argu ment of a prominent member of the Chamber of Commerce and the Port of Portland, which shows that Portland, among her past sins of commission, had forced a ruinous policy upon the O. K. & N. Co. by breaking the joint lease, "which would have given Portland undis puted control of thej Northwest, as well as the Oriental trade, and left the Sound without a Tacoma, and probably without a Seattle." Will not the refusal of the O. R. & N. Co. to extend common rates to Astoria still further contribute to the growth of Puget Sound ports to the det riment of Portland and the whole Colum bia River Valley? The following quotations are familiar at least to all members of tlte 1894 Cham ber of Commerce; they are as true and sufficient today as they were when ut tered. They are suggested as appropriate answers to friendly correspondents: "We shall have the Columbia River Railway to Astoria, which will place our railway common point' at the seaboard." "The advan tage of the gateway" of the Columbia River over every other route Irom the interior to the coast never will be fully asserted and estab lished till a railroad be built along the river from Portland to Astoria, so that the doctrine of 'common point' may be made to tell In our favor with all its proper force." "Though ves sels may come, and do come, to Portland, yet Portland 1s not on the .seaboard. Till the com point" for our great route of com merce, the point In common recognized by the railways, shall be actually at the sea, we shall not eet the full advantages of our position." This la not a Portland scheme, nor an As toria scheme, but an Oregon scheme," Let Portland deepen her channel to any depth she may desire. , but let not her citizens needlessly antagonize the pro ducer and unwisely retard the state's: growth by supporting and, advocating the policy pursued by the only transporta tion company now opposing the extension of common rates to the mouth of the river. A B. HAMMOND. PEANUTS AND GOOBERS. How the Crops Are Raised, Gathered and Prepared for the "Markets. 8t. Louis Globe-Democrat. This Is peanut time In the South. Go ing through Eastern Virginia and North Carolina the traveler can see through the car window row after row of what ap pear to be round bushes. They are the stacks or shocks of peanut vines hung around sticks waiting to be placed upon wagons and carried away for stripping. Some of the larger fields will contain 1000 of these stacks, yielding from 50 to 75 bushels of nuts to the acre. Most of the nuts grown in Virginia and North Caro lina are the goobers. The goober Is to the actual peanut what the quahaug Is to the genuine clam. The shell usually contains but two kernels. This Is the nut with which the Italians load their wagons and sell In paper bags on the street corners. The real peanut which answers to the Rhode Island clam Is smaller than the goober. The kernel is about the size of a large pea, and Its flavor Is sweeter than the other variety. It Is grown principal ly In North Carolina and Tennessee. Oc casionally a few get Into a bag of goob ers, but very seldom, as they are shelled and sold for from 10 to 15 cents a peck OF THE OREGON LEGISLATURE more than the others. They go into candy paste and to the oil factories of Europe. " The peanut farmer begins planting as soon as the frost is out of the ground In the Spring. The shelled nuts form the seed, and about two bushels are required for an acre. In a few weeks the plant gets above the earth and begins to leaf out A field of peanuts looks much like a field of clover, and during the war many of the Northern soldiers mistook clover fields for peanut patches while hunting for Something to vary their ra tions. The plants grow in rows very much like potato vines, and are culti vated in the same way. Weeds will soon choke their growth, and the pickaninnies on the farm are kept busy during the Summer In weeding out the patches with their fingers. Nowadays the harvesting Is done by what is called a plough, made especially for' the purpose. It Is drawn by one mule, and cuts the plants off close to the roots. As soon as enough as accumulated on the plow to fbrm a stack, It Is thrown off and massed around a short pole stuck In 'the ground. The stack is formed with the leaves outside, and the vines are wound around It as tightly as possible, to protect the nuts from the weather. The plan Is somewhat similar to that of binding wheat. About three weeks' exposure "seasons" the nuts and dries the vine so that the pods are ready to be picked. The picking is the most expensive oper ation of all, and takes the most time. Whether in the born- or in the field, all the work has to be done by hand. The nuts are thrown Into large baskets, and the vines made into large stacks or stored away in the loft, for they make a hay which is really more nourishing for the average mule thanN timothy. The vine Is a little too rough for a horse's throat, but It Is a luxury to the average Southern mule, who will grow fat on peanut" hay and nothing else. In all fields some of the vines will be blackened and the nuta of poor Quality. These are left on the ground, and later the pigs are turned into the field. They eat everything that Is left except the roots. The nuts are not very fattening, but they give the porker a very sweet flavor. The famous hams cured in some parts of Virginia owe most of their quality to the fact that the pigs have lived partly upon nuts before being turned Into smoked meat, and have not been fed the sour milk and garbage from the farmer's kitchen. In half a dozen towns most of the pea nut "factories" .are located. The factory Is merely a place where the nut is shelled or the shell polished for the market. It is a curious fact that peanuts with clean, glistening pods will sell for 15 to 20 per cent more at retail than those with large, dlrty-looklng-pods, although the kernels may be just as good, so the nuts Intended for the bag trade at the circus and on street corners are scoured In large iron cylinders. Then they are carried to fans, which blow the heavier nuts into one part of the factory and the. little ones into another part and at the same time remove the dirt which was not taken off the shells In the cylinders. The ' dark, partly filled nuts are shelled by machinery and sold to confectioners, while the other ones are carried by a sort of endless chain apparatus into bags, each of which will bold about 400 pounds. As fast as a bag is filled it is sewed with Englhh twine, marked with the weight and proper address and sent to the wholesale pea nut dealer, who makes anywhere from 23 to 50 per cent profit In dealing with the Italians, who are his principal cus tomers. Of late years a quantity of the bag peanuts lias gone to manufacturers of cheap cpffce. to be roasted and mixed in with the coffee berry and then ground to be sold in packages as choice Mocha and Maracalbo. While most of the American nuts are grown In . Eastern Virginia and North Carolina and Tennessee the peanut fields are beginning to be cultivated In parts of Louisiana and Nebraska. Many of the fields In NortH Carolina contain ap parently nothing but wet sand, and tha dark green of the leaves in contrast to the whiteness of the sand on a sunny day Is very .striking. Digging down, six or eight feet, however, the farmer generally comes to a loam which retains the rain and. other surface water. This nourishes the plant, which requires a -very light and porus soil. It also needs as hot weather as corn to properly mature. After raising several crops the average peanut field needs to be heavily fertilised with lime or marl, as the plant exhausts the soil. During a fair year the American pea nut crop will average nearly 5,000,000 bushels, estimating 22 pounds to the bushel. This Is but a small proportion of the world's crop, however, which aggre gates fully 560,000,000 pounds. It is calcu lated that we eat about $10,000,000 worth of peanuts yearly, or 4,000,000 bushels of the nuts, either In candy or the original ker nels. The shucks or shell form also good food for pigs, while, as already stated, peanut vines are a first-class fodder for mules. Very few peanuts are eaten out of the pod in Europe, although fully 400,000,000 pounds are sent to Great Britain and the Continent every year from Africa nnd Asia. They are converted into oil and a sort of flour at factories at Marseilles and several English cities. A bushel of the genuine peanuts shelled can be pressed Into about a gallon of oil, which Is substituted for olive and other table oils very frequently. It sells at from 60 cents to $1 a gallon, and the meal or flour left after pressure Is used for feed ing horses, and baked Into a kind of bread, which has a large sale in Germany and Fran.ce. GAIN IH BAKE CIRCULATION The Upward Movement Appears to Show Increased Vitality. WASHINGTON, Nov. 7. (Special to the New York Journal of Commerce.) Tho upward movement of the bank-note circu lation, which seemed to be pretty nearly checked during August and September, has shown Increased activity during the post few weeks. The bonds pledged to' secure circulation increased only about $1,700,000 during the two months of Au gust and September. The Increase dur ing October has been about J4.000.000, or more than four times the earlier rate. Tho pressure for currency may have something to do with the demand for new notes, but it is thought at the Treasury that the ability of the Bureau of Engrav ing and Printing to supply notes which are ordered has stimulated orders. Banks which were prompt to rush In their orders for notes when the sold-standard law took effect on March 14 last wcro some what appriled when the developments of early Summer Indicated that they would not receive notes until the crop-moving season was nearly over or at least well advanced. The more prduent especially among the older banks Intending to In crease circulation, who watch the. bond market thereupon wltheld some of the orders which they intended to give. More recently the Bureau or Engraving and Printing, by great activity, has caught up with the orders for new plates. Circula tion can now be issued as soon as usual after the receipt of an order. The' fol lowing table shows the progress in the deposit of bonds to secure circulation, and in the actual issue of the notes: Lawful money Bonds to Clrcula- on deposit secure tlon based to redeem 1900. Circulation, on bonds, circ'at'n. Jan. 1 $234,484,570 J209.75D.&S5 $36,435,638 Feb. 1 206.830,170 210.166.7S3 SC.S20.404 March 1.... 240,172,270 213,610,023 35,824,549 April 1 256.001,480 233.284,230 37,668,838 May 1 26S.40S.240 246,067,162 39,211,164 June 1 27b',S29.990 263.089.U7 37,099,772 July 1 284,387,040 274,U5,552 35,444,167 Aug. 1, 294,948,930 2S6, 447,434 33,567,922 Septal...... 2&5.790.380 290,641,356 33,682,454 Oct. 1....... 296,672,630 294,222,979 34,112,991 Oct, 31 301,123,580 289,829,064 32,864,348 The Increase In the bonds deposited since the beginning of the year appears In these figures to be about 567,000,000, but the in crease In circulation is larger, because of the authority to increase the issues upon a given bond deposit from SO per cent to tho par value of the bonds. This privil ege, with the reduction of the tax on cir culation when secured by the new 2 per cent bonds, has obviously been a powerful stimulus to the lncreaso of circulation. The total circulation at the beginning of thq year was about 1246.000,000, and now stands at nearly $332,000,000, or an increase in 10 months of about JS6.000.000. Study of the table already given will show that this Increase was most rapid, so far as the deposit of bonds was concerned, during the first four months under the newlaw. The Increase in circulation was retarded to some extent by the delay in the prepa ration of plates for the new notes. Tho Bureau of Engraving and Printing had to deal not only with the creation of sev eral hundred new banks, under the au thority to establish banks -with a capital of $25,000, but was flooded with orders for plates from the old banks, owing to the provision regarding notes for JS. The act of March 14, 1900, required banks to reduce their notes for 5 to' one-third of their circulation. As many of them had plates for notes of no other denomina tion, orders for plates for $10, $20 and J50 .began to pour In upon Controller Dawes. Assistant Secretary Vanderllp found It necessary to throw out a drag-net for competent engravers throughout the Unit ed States. He had a rather surprising degree of success In this regard, and has finally brought the execution of orders up to date. The orders received have been 1000 in number from existing banks in order to meet the requirement regard ing notes for Jo, while on their heels have traveled orders from 447 banks Just enter ing upon their note-Issuing function. It usually requires 45 days oetween the re ception of an order for plates and the de livery of the notes. Time is required not merely for engraving the plates, but for printing the notes and allowing them to season thoroughly before they are issued. The degree to which tne new 2 per cent bonds are being preferred as the basts for bank-note circulation is a stronr Justifi cation of the .strategic wisdom of the Senate In lowerlnir the tax upon notes which are thus secured. It is doubtful if the exchange of the old bonds for the new 2 per cents would have been any thing like as rapid as It has been if the tax had remained unchanged or the re duction bad applied to circulation based upon the old classes of bonds. The sub stitution of the new bonds for the old has extended not merely to the bonds which were convertible, but a large prpr portion of the other classes have been withdrawn by the banks, and the new bonds have been substituted. The pro portion which the new 2 per cents now bear to the total bonds pledged to secure bank-note circulation Is very close to 90 per cent. The following table shows how this proportion has grown from month to month since the new 2 per cents were Is sued. Bonds on Deposit to Secnre Bank Xote Circulation. Total on New two Date. deposit, per cents. March 31, 1900 $256,001,480 S 97,797,690 April 30, 1900 268,405,240 202,783,650' May 3L 1900 276,829,9a) 219.133,350 June 30, 1900 2S4.3S7.040 237,843,950 July 31, 1900 29.948.930 251.922,800 August. 31, 1900 235,702,630 259,194,400 September 29, 1900... 296,072.630 262.967.500 October, 31, 1900..... 301,123,580 269796,600 m "Wanted to Be Chrlsttzs. Milan Bell In Woman's Home Companion. It has been quite a trial for me to live In the house with Judas of the Passion Flay. He plays with such tremendous power he makes it seem so real, so close. so near. Once I asked him .If he liked the part, and he broke down and wept. He said he hated it, that he loathed him. - self for playing It, and that his one- am bition was to be allowed to be the Chrlst- That Jgjjk Women w$&M& Work. Ji "4B WtMWf It's enough to wear any one out. First it's washing, in damp and draft. Then it's ironing with the hot stove and the hard work to endure. And in be tween whiles, meals to get, house to clean, and children to tend. It's bad enough for a well woman but for a weak woman it's slow torture. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures the diseases of the delicate, organs which weaken women. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. Sick women are invited to consult Dr Pierce by letter, free of charge All correspondence stnetly private. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. "My health Is the best now that it has been for four years," writes Mrs. Phebe Morris, of Ira, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Box . "I have taken but two bottles of your medicine, 'Favorite Pre scription and 'Golden Medical Discovery.' These medicines hare done me more rood than all that I haTe ever taken before. Before I took your medicines I was sick in bed nearly half the time. I couldn't da my work only about half the time, and now I can work all the time for a family of four My advice to all who are troub led with female weakness Is to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and Golden Medical Dis covery 'the most wonderful medicines in the world." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets sweeten the breath. us for Just one time before he died. In order to wipe out the disgrace of his part as Judas and to cleanse his soul. I cried .too, for I knew that his ambi tion could never be realized. I told him that perhaps they wou'.d allow him to act the part at a rehearsal If he told them of his ambition .and the thought seemed to cheer him. He said he had studied the part and knew it porfectly, and had often rehearsed It In private to comfort his own soul. Such was his sincerity and grief, such his contrition and remorse after a per- formance, that it would not surprise me some day to know that the part had over powered him and that he had actually hanged himself. The Boy, Webster. Professor McMasters In the Century. As the boy grew in years and stature his life was powerfully affected by the fact that he was the youngest son and ninth child In a family of ten; that his health wa3 far from good; that he showed tastes and mental traits that stood out In marked contrast with those of hi 3 brothers and sisters, and that he was, from infancy, the pet of the family. Such dally work as a farmers lad was then mid-e to do was not foi him. Yet he was expected to do Something, and might have been seen, barefooted. In frock and trousers, astride of the horse that dragged the plow between the rows of corn, or raking hay, or binding the wheat the reapers cut, or following the cows to pasture In the morning and home again at night,. -or tending logs In his- father's sawmill. When such work was to be done, It was his custom to take a book aloni ret the log, hoist the gates, and while the saw passed slowly through the tree trunk, an operation which, in those days, con sumed some 20 minutes, he would settle himself comfortably and read. UNKNOWN eft4 RDEN EAGLE CONDENSED ffl!$ SEND"Q AQ1FCnABOOFO rot D4DIU3 mothers. Borden's Condensed Milk Co,HY SEE THAT THIS All Styles All Leathers One Price, $32 E.C. & OZUSGOHIAK BUTLDIXG. KITESTATIONERY i2i2J 'S B0 r-7 THADERtARK fit IS BRANDED j& i ON EVERY j J SHOE. j j ) Lofi.s iron "woiuiarccx 34J& uMvg.trv-Mi'NgceM-i3, THE PALATIAL OREGON BUUI Not a dark office Jn the building) absolutely fireproof) electric Ujshts) and- artesian water) perfect aanltn tlon and thorough ventilation. Ele vators) ran day and nlffht. . , Room, AINSLIE. Dr. OEOnaE.Physlclan.... 603-609 ANDEPJSON. GUSTAV. Attqrney-afrLaw ..613 ASSOCIATED PRESS; E. iZ Pewrll. Mr .bOU AUSTEN, P. C. Manager for Oregon and Washington Bankers Life Association, of Des Moines, la 5O:-G0S BANKERS' LIFE ASSOCIATION. OP DES MOINES, IA.; F. C. Austen. ManaEer.oU2-50a BAXNTUN. GEO. R., Mgr. for Chos. Scrlb- ner"s Sons 513 SEALS. EDWARD A., Forecast Official U. S. Weather bureau 010 BENJAMIN. R. W.. Dentist 314 B.NSVANGER,DR. O. S-. l'hys. Sur. -410-411 BROOKE. DR. J. M.. Phys. & Surs....70S-709 BROWN. MiRA. M. D 313-3H BRUERE, DR. a. E.t Physlelan ...412-413-114 CANNLVO. M. J 602-601 CAUKIN. G. E.. District Agent Travelers Insurance Co.... 713 CAUDWELL. DIC J. R ..609 CHURCHILL, MRS. E. J 71B-71T COFFEY. DR. R. c, Phys. & Surgeon.... 700 COLOMBIA TELEPHONE COMPANY.... UJ l-LOS-jm-(07-813-m4-613 CORNELIUS. C. W.. Phys. and Surgeon. .. .200 COVER F. C.. Cashier BqultaWe Life 300 COLLIER. P. F.. PuMUlur; S. P. McGuIre. Manager 41B.110 DAY. J. a. & I. N , 313 . W h. NAPOLEON. Presldant Columbia Telephone Co , 007 DICKbON. DR. J. F., Physician 713-714 DRAKE. DR. H. B.. Phyl.lan....C12-51J-514 DWYHR. JOE F.. Tobaccos 02 ?D,I,tRIAI I:0"S Eighth floor EQUITABLK L.FE I.NSURANCE SOCIETY; L. Samuel, Manager; F. C. Cover, Cashier 303 EVENING TKLBullAM J25 Alder street FENTON. J. D., Physician and Surgeon.609-310 FENTON. DR. HICKS C-. Ee and Ear... 311 FENTON. MATTHEW F.. Dentist 603. GALVANI. W. H.. Eng'.n.er and Draughts man ,.,,. .tSOQ UAVIN, A.. President Oregon Camera Club, 214-215-2I0-21T GEARY. DR. EDWARD P.. Phslclan and Surgeon . 212-213 GEBUIE P'iB. CO.. Ltd.. Fine Art Publish ers; M. C. MeGreevy, Mgr., BIS GIESY, A. J.. Phyjslcian and Surgeon.. .700-710 GODDARD. E. C. i CO.. Fcotwtar Ground floor. i2i) blxth street GOLDMAN, WILLIAM, Manager Manaaitan Life Insurance Co.. of New York. ...200-210 GRANT, FRANK S., Attorney-at-Law . UT HAMMAM LA1..S. liuj s. Clapton. Props 300 HAMMOND A. 11 .4:0 HOLLISTBR, DR. O. C, Pars, .t Sur. .504-503 JOHNSON. W. C 1 315-Jlu-JlT KADY, MARK T.. Supervisor of Agents Mutual Reserve Fund Life Ass'n IKV1-C03 LAMONT. JOHN. Vlce-Preildent and Gen eral Manager Co!umbUTelephoni Ct.... 001 LITTLBF1ELD, H. K.. I'liys. nnd SurgcoaSUfl MACRUM.W. S., Sec. Oregon Camera Club 214 MACKAY, DR. A. E., Phy. and Surg .711-713 MARTIN, J. L. & CO., Timber Land.. UOl MAXWELL, DR. W. E.. Phys. Surg.701-2-3 McCOY, NEWTON. Attorney-at-Law 7l3 McFADEN. MISS IDA E., Stenographer... .201 McGINN, HENRY E., Attorney-at-I-nw 211-13 McICELL, T. J., Manufacturers' Represen tative 303 METT, HENRY -ju MILLER, DR. HERBERT C., Dentist and Oral Surgeon 00o-C00 MOSSMAN, DR. E. P., Dentist 312-J1J-014 MANHATTAN. LHj'E INSURANCE CO. of New York; W. G6droan. Manager... .203-210 MUTUAL RESERVE FUND LIFE ASS N, Mark T. Kadi, Supervisor of Agents..604-603 Mcelroy, dr. j. o.. phys. & sur.701 702-703 McFARLAND, E. B.. Secretary Columbia' Telephone Co coo McGUIRE. S. P.. Manager P. F. Collier, Publisher .....413-410 MeKIM. MAURICE. Attorney-at-Law 500 MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. of New York; Wm. S. Pond. State Mgr.... 404-405-400 NICHOLAS. HORACE B.. Att'-at-Law.. .713 NILES, M. L.. Cashier Manhattan Life In surance Co., of New York ..203 OREGON INFIRMARY OF ObTEOPATHY; Dr. L. B. Smith. Osteopath 403-409 OREGON CAMERA CLUB 214-215-210-21T POND, WM. S.. State Manager Mutual Life Ins. Co., of New York .... 404-403-408 PORTLAND EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY, Ground floor. 133 Sixth street PORTLAND MINING & TRUST CO.; J. H. Marshall. Manager ..313 QUIMBY. L. P. W.Oame and Forestry Warden vvr'T.WT ,-..710-717 ROSENDALE. O. M., Metallurgist and Min ing Engineer 515-510 REED &. MALCOLM, Opticians... 133 Sixth st. REED, F. C, Fish Commissioner 407 RYAN. J. B., Attorney-at-Law 41T SAMUEL. L., Manager Equitable Life 300 SECURITY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Co.; H F. Bushong, Gen. Agent for Ore. and Washington 501 SHERWOOD, J. W., Deputy 8upreme Com mander K O. T. M...f 31T SMITH. Dr. L. B., Osteopath 408-400 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 500 STUART. DELL. Attorney-at-Law 017-C19 STOLTE, DR. CHAS. E., Dentist 704-703 SURGEON OF THE S. P. RY AND N. P. TERMINAL CO 709 STROWBRIDGE. THOS. H., Executive Special Agt. Mutual Life of New York. ..400 SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 201 TUCKER. DR. GEO. F.. Dentist 610-011 U. S. WEATHER BUREAU.. . .907-008-000-010 U. S. LIGHTHOUSE ENGINEERS, 13TH DIET.; Captain W. C. Langfltt. Corps of Engineers, U. S. A 809 U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS; Captain W. C. Langfltt. Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. .810 WATERMAN. C H.. Cashier Mutual -Life of New York 408 WHITE. MISS L. E., Assistant Secretary Oregon Camera Club 214 WILSON. DR. EDWARD N., Physician and Surgeon .....304-303 WILSON. DR. GEO. F., Phys. & Surg..706-70T WILSON. DR HOLT C. Phys. & Sur .507-608 WOOD. DR. W. L., Physician 412-413-414 WILLAMETTE VALLEY TELEPH. CO... 013. A few more elegant offices may be had by applying to Portland Trat Company of Oregon, 100 Third at., ot to the rent clerk in the bulldlngr. irtntitrttUllDlflffm"11111 'nil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ilk' W Jl I llwllojTJnllvijmitu SlraLglf id Ii I ISiShliliaisfifflllSlli1 I m tqHlrwjjMi!!? Psffl myWFW 111 '