Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 10, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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BfcfulU of Experiment at the State
Agricultural College DLscus-
Ion. of tlie Subject.
CORVALLIS, Or., Nov. 9.-The Tesults
f late tests at the State Agricultural
College for prevention of smut In grain
axe likely to attract wide attention from
farmers. The popular method, among
agriculturists, for a long time. In treat
ing grain for prevention of smut, has been
dipping In a solution of blue vltrloL It Is
proposed by college specialists to treat
the seed grain with hot air Instead.
Tests have given most satisfactory re
Bruits. The work has been in progress for
several months under the direction of the
bacteriological department.
Seed wheat and oats were put in a hot
eir sterllzer and the temperature raised to
00 degrees. The grains were kept there
30 minutes, and afterwards planted. At the
same time another plat was sown with
grain treated in pure water at a tempera
ture of 122 degrees. The purpose of the
experiments was to demonstrate the effi
cacy of heat as destructive of smut spores.
Both were successful, but heat was prov
en more efficacious than vitriol solution.
Along with these two plats eight others
were planted, mostly .with grain treated
in the old way with vitriol solution, ap
plied in the ways familiar to all farmers.
These and the plats sown with grain
Chat had been treated -with heat were
elde by side, and the soil and climatic,
es well as other conditions, were Identi
cal, save In. the matter of treatment.
In the hot-air plats, but a single smut
bead was noticed. In those sown with
seed treated by the old methods from 14
to 274 affected heads appeared. In the
"first, 90 per cent of the seed germinated.
It Is thus proven that the hot-air proc
ess will admit of a wide range of tem
perature without injuring the germinating
quality of the seed. Though the experi
ments so far are very satisfactory, they
ere to be continued. A bulletin describ
ing the results already obtained Is shortly
to be Issued by the bacteriological de
partment. The new plan Is desirable, not only be
cause more effective for prevention of
emut, but because It is more easily ap
plied. Any treatment of seed wheat by
qu!d process has numerous drawbacks.
First The oat kernel Is enclosed lna
busk, and beneath this It Is covered with
email hairs. Either or both of these
prevents the liquid from coming In con
tact with the minute spores of the fun
gus, which may be lodged among the
hairs or beneath the husks, so that there
ore more or loss sports which escape be
ing destroyed.
Second Oats which aro dipped Into a
solution are difficult to dry, especially
In rainy or damp weather, and they are
liable to germinate or become moldy he
Core being sown.
Third It requires a large floor space to
dry them, and considerable time and ap
paratus to perform the operation of dip
ping successfully, especially In the hot
water troatment, where barrels, kettles,
thermometers, furnaces, and other ap
pliances are needed.
The hot-water method. If properly per
formed, is very effective, but if Improp
erly or carelessly done there Is danger
of simply attenuating the spores Instead
of destroying them. The water In this
method Is simply a vehicle to convey
beat; It has no other virtue.
In -order to obviate the necessity of so
much apparatus In drying the seed the
hot-air process Is better. The heat can bo
applied in a hopdrler, frultdrier, or by any
other means. The seed could be treated
at any time and stored until seeding sea
con, but it must be remembered that
seed which Is treated for smut should
Hot be returned to the. sacks again without
their having "been treated in like manner,
because tho meshes of the fabric offer an
excellent .place for the spores to lodge,
bo that if the sacks were not treated,
"reinfection of Jthe grain would occur.
Dae "Within Ten Days Should Bring:
About 1500 Paxaen&er.
SEATTLE Nov. 9. The next 10 days will
doubtless witness the return of the entire
Nome fleet, sail and steam. Probably be
fore this time the last vessel has left
the camp for Seattle. The steamers due
to arrhe aro the Oregon, Centennial,
Casta Ana, Portland, Nome City, Aloha,
Bear. MoCullooh and Seward. There are
about six sailing vessels en route. As
three of the 15 are Government vessels,
JfiOQ Is probably a conservative estimate
tof the number of the people returning on
the IS passenger carriers.
The Portland will bo the last vessel
calling -on the return trip. She had left
Nome for (Dutch Harbor for a cargo of
1000 tons of coal, which sho hoped to be
able to deliver at Nome, despite the
threatened Ice blockade, a day prior to
the sailing of the Kimball, which reached
port Thursday.
The Oregon left Nome October 28 for
Port Clarence, expecting to return and
sail for Seattle a week later. The Nome
City Is expected Sunday, and the Santa
Ah a and Centennial about November 19.
The Santa Ana, -which lost two of her
propeller blades. Is being convoyed by one
of the United States revenue cutters,
probably the Bear. The Aloha and Mc
Culloch were at Dutch Harbor when the
"Roanoke left that port.
Oregon Being: Blade to Supply the
Snn Francisco Market.
SALEM, Nov. 9. According to a letter
by E. V. Carter, of Ashland, to Game
"Warden Qulraby, San Francisco markets
are causing large numbers of birds to be
killed In the vicinity of Klamath Lake.
Mr. Carter's letter says:
"The railroad men running south from
bore Inform me that large shipments of
duoks are being made from Ager. Cal.,
to the San Francisco markot, and that
these ducks are killed in Oregon, deliv
ered at Merrill, Or., and sent down to
Ager from there. I am told that one day
last week a single shipment of WOO
pounds was made."
A copy of the letter has been sent to
Superintendent S. B. Ormsby of the For
est Reserve, probably for the reason that
much of the duck-shooting In question Is
done on the Cascade forest reserve. In
the vicinity of Pelican Bay. Captain
Ormsby say that the only way to put a
gtop to Illegal shooting on the reserve at
tfeat place would be to station a game
warden at Pelican Bay. which he Is not
prepared to do.
Vatn Attempt to Compromise With
Sewer Contractors.
OREGON Cirr, Or., Nov. 9. At the
adjourned meeting of the City Council to
night, almost the entire session was
taken up trying to effect a compromise
with the sewer contractors- on account
of the new engineer lowering the depths
of the cuts as specified in the contract.
Messrs. Mitchell and Har, tho contract
ors, were represented by City Attorney
Long, of Portland. ,
After considerable heated discussion, a
resolution was passed by the Council of
fering to pay the contractors $772 20 for
extra excavation on Center street; and
$S e per cubic yard for extra excavation
on Center street, conditioned that the of
fer be withdrawn if not accepted by the
contractors in 10 days. The offer Is about
100 per cent less than the amount claimed
by the contractors.
The contractors then presented hills
amoantlng to about ?S9C0, but Engineer
Cunalngham did not appear to know
znueh about It. The contractors claimed
thattthe engineer and inspector had been
swtlfled to keep account on-this extra
work, but It appeared they had not done
so. After ordering $2373 paid the con
tractors on the regular jork, the Council
adjourned until Monday night.
Deed of Darlnff.
"Walla "Walla Argus.
A young man of Pasco performed a deed
of daring a few days ago. Tho west
bound passenger train had Just arrived
at the station. As soon as the train came
to a stop two wolpen started to cross the
track. As they did so, the roadmaster's
engine was approaching from, the north at
a good rate of speed. The women were
unconscious of their danger, and "when
their attention "was called to the engine,
which was almost upon them, one be
came dazed. The young man, seeing hex
peril, 'dashed onto the track, grabbed the
woman la his arms and just stepped from
the track as the engine went by. A de
lay of a few seconds would have been
fatal to thewonian. and not more than
a foot of space separated the young hero
and his burden from the locomotive.
Some Mining- Litigation.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 9. The hearing
today before United States Commissioner
Heacock for the contempt proceedings
growing out of the Nome mining litiga
tion was devoted chiefly to tho examina
tion of "William Metson, attorney for the
defendants, in certain of the suits. He
related In detail the proceedings previous
ly taken. Kenneth Jackson presented
testimony -regarding conditions In Nome,
!uOMi iOWnBIiPC&- t --TM i- 'MllimTrTWr"r-lWTMlTBMBiMMnm-MMrir
Judge S. A. CoHvert. of Whatcom. Just elected State Land Commissioner of Washing
ton, is a native of Illinois, born In that state in 1843. In 1851 his parents remored to Iowa,
in which state young Callvert receled his education. At the outbreak of the Civil War ha
enlisted In tho Second Iowa Infantry, and served with distinction. After an honorable dis
charge from the volunteer service, he resumed the study of law, begun before the "war, and
graduated from the law school of the University of Michigan. Ho was admitted to tho bar
at Iowa City In 1865, and followed the practice of his profession In Iowa until elevated to
the bench of the Circuit Court. This place. In the Des Moines district, he held for nine
jears, leaxlng In 1890 lo come to the State of Washington. Re settled In Whatcom Coun
ty, where he has since made his home. Judge CaJHert was chosen to represent his county
in the State Legislature of 1808. Ho was chairman of the House committee on fisheries and
a member of the judiciary, education and public lands committees.
tending to show the participation of ex
Judge Johnson In the cases'. Jackson de
nied that he had paid Johnson a retainer
of $25,000 previous to his refusal to ap
point a receiver. "While Metson was testi
fying regarding the recovery of the gold
dust, which he riald Receiver McKenzle
refused to deliver, Attorney Plllsbury de
clared that he wanted to show a con
spiracy between McKenzle, United States
Attorney "Woods and Judge Noyes. The
case went over until tomorrow.
Best Bid for Custom-House Launch.
ASTORIA, Nov. 9. Collector of Cus
toms Fox has recommended to the de
partment the acceptance of the bid of O.
P. Graham of $5000 for the construction of
the launch for the custom-house service.
The specifications submitted by Mr.
Graham Included an electric light plant,
capable of operating five 16-candle power
Incandescent lights and a liOO-candle
power searchlight Neither of the other
bids Included the electric plant. The
boat Is to be completed within 90 days
after the approval of tho contract.
Notes of Vancouver Barracks.
Lieutenant-Colonel Marlon P. Maus, In-Bpector-General
of this department, has
been ordered, on the completion of his
inspection of Boise Barracks, to return
to Vancouver Barracks to complete his
inspection at department headquarters,
and 'then to proceed to San Francisco.
Clarence Betts and Frank Lane, enlist
ed at Seattle, have been assigned to
troop E, Sixth Cavalry, Fort "Walla "Wal
la; Phil Martell has been assigned to Bat
tery B, Third Artillery, at Fort Flagler.
Funeral of Trainman.
ROSBBURG, Or., Nov. 9. The funeral
obsequies over the remains of Engineer
Samuel Hendricks, who was killed In the
head-end train collision near this city
Thursday, were held this afternoon, the
Rev. Father Buetgen officiating. An Im
mense concourse of people was present,
and the floral offerings were profuse and
beautiful. Six Southern Pacific engineers
and firemen acted as pallbearers, while
the local railway orders attended the ser
vices In a body. Interment was In the
Catholic cemetery.
Bigamy Case Dlnmlsscd.
CORVALLIS, Or., Nov. 9. In the Cir
cuit Court today, the case of the State
vs. R. B. Edwards, charged "with bigamy,
was dismissed. The case was brought In
Alsea where the Justice bound Edwards
over to await the action of the Circuit
Court. Two witnesses were examined by
the District Attorney In behalf of the
state, and the testimony was not deemed
sufficient to bring an indictment.
William Vincent, of Aatorln.
ASTORIA, Nov. 9. 'William Vincent, an
old resident of Astoria, died last evenlns
at St. Mary's Hospital of pneumonia,
after an Illness of five days. The de
ceased was over 60 years of age and haa
been connected with the fishing industry
on the Columbia for many years, and
was one of the pioneers In smoking sal
mon for the market. He leaves a widow.
Xo Reduction In "Wheat Acreage.
ALBANY, Or.. Nov. 9. The TOD or 800
Linn County farmers who did not vote
must have remained at home to get In
their Fall wheat The acreage will be
as large as In past years, and everywhero
throughout the county advantage Is be
ing taken of the good weather.
Farmers in almost every section are
stocking their places with sheep, cattlw
and hogs.' The demand for stock has
been great this Fall, and very fancy
prices have prevailed.
Serious Result of an Election. Fight.
SALEM, "Or., Nov. 9 As a result of a
saloon fight between "Wlllard Martin and
George Murphy on the Saturday before
election, the latter will tomorrow have
his left eye .removed by a physician. Both
the parties to the affair are well known
Howell Prairie farmers. Thelrtenoounter
grew out of -a political discussion.
Altered ClearinK-House ""Figures
During? the Investigation by
the Banlc Examiner.
NEW YORK, Nov. S.-JTho further ex
amination In the case of C. L. Alvord,
Jr., the ex-note teller of the First Na
tional Bank, who Is accused of 'embez
zling $690,000 of the 'bank's funds. 'was
continued today before United States
Commissioner Shields. '
M. G. Hanna, of Brooklyn, an Assistant
Bank Examiner, was put through a long
examination and cross-examination. He
examined various clearing-house proofs
and testified to having put various figures
on them. Mr. Hanna was asked several
questions concerning his methods of ex
amining a bank. It was brought out in his
answers that he does 'not examine the
visible cash or assets of the bank to see
if It compares with the total amount.
Mr. Hanna said that In his examination
he found the clearing-house sheets, Al
vord' s books and everything else exam
ined by him, correct. He did not examine
everything connected with the bank, as
it Was not his dntv to An tin that Turine-
the duty of examiners.
J. G. Garrison, a clerk In the .note teller's
department, furnished the only sensa
tional testlmnnv nt th An-r "W Hlnm1..
accused Alvord of changing tho clearlng-
nouse sneet ana swore that ho saw him
dp so. He said that he worked In the
sama cacre with Alvnrrl nnrt wno nfmnf
25 feet away from him. Describing the
examination oi tne cicaring-houso sheets
by Barik Examiner Hanna. October 15. hn
"I was about 25 feet away and vrhen the
sheet was given to Alvord, I saw him
turn his back to the next man to him
and make some marks on the sheet. He
then went Into his cage and made some
more marks and then handed the sheets
to Mr. Hanna."
The hearing was adjourned until Tues
day next.
Unknown Man In Montana Resisted
.BUTTE, Mont, Nov. 9. A special to
the Miner from Sprlngdale, Mont, says:
Sheriff Toung, of Park County, was
shot and instantly killed, and his deputy,
Frank Beller, fatally wounded tonight by
an unknown man, whom they wero at
tempting to arrest The shooting oc
curred In the Northern Pacific depot The
man was traced to the depot by the
Sheriff and his deputy, who wanted him
for an assault upon a man at Logan
last night As soon as the officers en
tered the station the man opened fire
upon them without warning. Sheriff
Toung dropped dead at the first shot and
Beller was fatally wounded by the sec
ond bullet The murderer Jumped through
a window and escaped. Hundreds of
armed men are in pursuit of the assassin,
and his capture Is almost certain.
Rosslyn Ferrell'a Motion for a New
Trial Overruled.
MARYSVILLE, O., Nov. 9. Judge Mel
horn this afternoon overruled the motion
for a new trial in the case of Rosslyn
Ferrell, convicted of murder In the first
degree for killing Express Messenger
Charles Lane and sentenced the prisoner
to be electrocuted March 1, 1901. Ferrell
stood with his hands In his trousers pock
et, calmly facing the Judge when the
sentence was pronounced. "When asked
by the Judge If he had anything to say,
he simply shook his head. After being
taken back to Jail, Ferrell said he was
glad It was all over, and that he would
rather die than be a prisoner for life. He
will be taken tomorrow to the annex of
the Ohio Penitentiary, where he will
await the execution of the death sen
tence. Crime of a Colorado Brute.
LIMON, Colo., Nov. 9. Louise Frost, 11
years old, daughter of a ranchman, was
found last night unconscious and bleed
ing from many wounds in a patch of
weeds about half a mile from her home.
She had been stabbed, apparently with a
dirk, no less than, 14 times. She died at
midnight without having Tegalned con
sciousness. The physician who attended
her expressed the opinion that the girl
had been grossly maltreated before re
ceiving the stab wounds. She was way
laid when driving home from school, for
her horse reached the stable about dark
with the buggy empty.- Posses are .scour
Ing the country In every direction.-and
tho murderer will probably be lynched If
A Hanging: at the Capital.
-WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.Frank W.
Funk was hanged at the District jail to
day for the murder of William Brooks
June 23, 1888. He robbed his victim of
all his savings, about $2000, and also mur
derously assaulted the tatter's wife. His
victims were aged people.
Planning: a Jail Delivery.
NAVASOTA, Tex., Nov. 9. Aa a result
of the tragedy of Wednesday, in which
three men were killed at Anderson,- ex
vCitement runs-high in'-that town. The.
Sheriff and a few friends are holding the
Jail against &. crowd of. armed citizens,
numbering about 100. All business Is re
ported suspended at Anderson, and armed
men aro hurrying there from the country.
It Is believed that there will be an at
tempt to take Scott and hia followers out
of Jat tonight or tomorrow, and serious
trouble Is feared.
Cold-Blooded Murder In Washington
SPOKANE, Wash.. Nov. 9. William
Phoenix on Wednesday shot and killed
David Speegle near Wilbur, Wash- Spee
glo was drivlmr a team, when Phoenix
rode alongside and fired two shots. Two
years ago Speegle killed a brother of
Phoenix, but was acquitted of the murder
charge on the third trial. Phoenix has
not been captured.
Revrard for Capture of Murderer.
LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Nov. 0. Gov
ernor Stanley has added $600 to the $200
offered by Mayor Neely for the appre
hension of the murderer of Pearl Forbes.
The citizens will also add goodly sumst,
Several suspects aro under surveillance,
but no arrests have been made.
Charges Against Divine Healers.
ROYALTON, Minn., Nov. 9. A child of
Mrs. Alice Thramer, a divine healer of
Anoka, Minn., visiting here, having died,
the Coroner's Jury found her and Mrs.
J. P. Thramer and B. W. Branner guilty
of criminal negligence.
Char ere d With Postofflce Robbery
OGDEN, Utah, Nov. 9.-J. W. Campbell,
D. F. Murray and F. B. Harper are un
der arrest here for the Lima, Mont, 'post-,
office robbery. The Federal officers from
Montana will arrive tomorrow for the
Fatal Dispute Over a Claim.
VIRGINIA, Nev., Nov. 9. In a dispute
over a mining claim near Silver pity
this morning, H. (M. Clemens, foreman
of the Virginia Water Company,'" shot
rand killed Jim Keiger. Kelger com
menced the shooting.
Professor Hllprecht Sheds Lisht on
the Times of Abraham.
New York Tribune.
Professor H. V. Hllprecht of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania, who has been ex
ploring the mounds of ancient Nippur, in
Asia Minor, for 11 years, arrived here on
the North German Lloyd Line steamer
Friederich der Grosse. He was met down
the bay by a party from the University of
Pennsylvania, headed by his assistant
Dr. A T. Clay.
The last year's labors by Professor Hll
sprecht at Nippur have been more fruit
ful than those of the previous 105 years.
While his explorations In previous years
were successful, the discovery of the libra
ry of the ancient Temple of Nippur Is
considered of a character to eclipse all
previous discoveries. The library tablets
throw a light on the life of the people liv
ing at this center of population at the
time, It Is calculated, that Adam and- Eve
were living In the Garden of Eden. It Is
believed that this library will reorganize
the chronology of biblical tlme3, extend
ing It back many eons prior to the reck
oning of the- Deluge period. The valuo of
this discovery has been recognized by Eu
ropean scholars, and Professor HU
precht's Journey across the Continent was
interrupted at many points for the be
stowal of honors. He was honored by the
Sultan of Turkey, entertained hy Prlnco
Ruprecht of Bavaria, and by the Duchess
of Anhalt, sister of the King of Denmark,
made a member of several geographical
societies and had offers of professorships
In more than one German university.
"The importance of this find to our civ
ilization and tho hearing It has on the
history of the world and Its religion aro
great," said Professor Hllprecht jester
day. "The chief point to be remarked Is
the faqt that we have found tho, first
Babylonian temple library that has' ever
been discovered. Hitherto tve 'have'' pos
sessed nothing more than the knowledge
"b the probable coptentsf such, a library
from copies found In the royal library of
Ashurbanapal, In 'Nineveh, which was
discovered GQ years ago. This royal libra
ry, however, .was a compilation of docu
ments from ivll over Babylonia, so far as
was at" that, time known.
"In the library which we unearthed this
year at Nippur we get for the first time
an Insight Into the arrangement of the
libraries of that early dayr arid "the ar
rangement of the rooms, etc, and, what
Is of major importance, a knowledge of
the literature of the period. Of special im
portance 'Is the fact that we have not
only discovered a Babylonian temple libra
ry, but that it proves to be the most in
fluential and Important as well as the
oldest in the whole country. No docu
ment discovered is younger than 2200 B.
C that Is, about the period when the
first blossom of the NIppurian civilization
was cut off by an Invasion of the Elam
ites, who descended on Nippur, sacked
the city and carried away many of Its
treasures. After that event Babylon su
perseded Nippur as the chief city or me
tropolis of Northern Babylonia.
"So far, only one wing of the library
has been excavated. Nearly 1S.CO0 docu
ments have been rescued from the ruins
this year. The size of these Inscribed
clay tablets varies from 1x2 Inches to
1x1 feet Unfortunately for the deci
pherer, they were made of unbaked clay,
and therefore suffered considerably by
the collapse of the building and by the
humidity of the ground. But we have
all the fragments."
"In what manner," Professor Hllprecht
was asked, "will these discoveries affect
the Interpretation of. biblical records?"
"They will materially affect our knowl
edge of the life, the religion and the arts
of the Hebrews, whose earliest roots are
bound up with the history of Babylonia.
The library of the temple at Nippur was
lost to human knowledge about the time
that Abraham went out of Ur Into Pales,
tine, and It gives us a clear historical
setting for that Important eVent Many
other customs and religious notions which
existed among the Hebrews will And here
their Just Interpretation. We have
known all along too7 little of this period.
Now we will be able to tell what is pure
ly Babylonian and what is purely He
brew. "The records from the library at Nip
pur are now on the way from Bassora
to Constantinople, where they will ar
rive in the course of six months. The
conditions at Constantinople make it im
possible for me to speak as to the time
when they may be looked for In this
There's funny things In politics.
And some that's nearly tragic;
Surprise Is due to little tricks
And cities won by magic.
But nothing sounds so funny, quite.
From all this "anti-frost" on
That came all antls' hopes to blight.
As "Bryan carried Boston."
J. R, KenoalL
Washington Majorities.
SEATTLE Nov. 9. Twenty-six counties
give McKlnley Electors majorities
amounting to 13,762, and 10 give Bryan
Electors a total of 2000. Eighteen coun
ties give Frlnk, for Governor, total ma
jorities of 4944, and 18 give Rogers 6612.
Both Senate and House are heavily Re
publican. $500 Fire at Hlllsboro.
HILLSBORO, Or., Nov. 9. Mrs, Will
lam, Reeves' residence caught fire this
afternoon and was only saved from total
destruction by a great effort on the part
of the fire department The upper part
of the building was completely destroyed.
The loss Is about $500; some insurance.
Plague in. Paraguay.
BUENOS ATRES, Nov. 9, via Galves
ton, Texr-The Government has published
a decree declaring that Villa Concepclon
Is Infected with the plague, and that
other Paraguayan ports are. suspicious.
Uric add center.
Kidney origin.
Thorny GrrreL
Do Not Wait
Just as soon as you notice a sediment
In your water on standing, take the ( RjjjY SOLVENT
Send jiostal for freo sample to
Rochester, N. T.
Mention this paper when
Possible to 'Fire Thirty Rounds a
Minute With Utmost Ease Sur-
passes the Maxim Gun.
The special correspondent of the Lon
don Times, who has attended the French
military maneuvers, had an opportunity
of "-seeing the much-vaunted new 75 mm.
quick-firing gun at work. He says:
"Each gun, beside? its limber, has an
ammunition wagon. When in column of
route the ammunition wagon and the gun
move abreast if possible; If that Is not
practicable, the wagon precedes the gun.
The draught for a wagon is a team of
four, for a gun a team of six. Each bat
tery Is accompanied by a reserve ammu
nition column of three wagonsi When
the battery comes Into action, the gun
and wagon unllmber abreast of each
other and the limbers of both gallop clear
to cover. If the gun unllmber s "action
front" the wagon unllmbers as If for "ac
tion rear," and vice versa. Nos. 5, 6,
and 7 Immediately tilt tho wagon up,
disjoint the pole so that It doubles down
to the ground and open the top shutters,
which fall hack from a center fastening
and make a shield, behind which the three
gunners kneel. The fixed ammunition
Is In a rack before them, each wagon
holding SO pounds. As the gun and
wagon are now wheel and wheel abreast
No. 5 has simply to hand each round to
No. 2, who Is kneeling by the trail pre
pared to load.
"And now as to the gun Itself. As far
as I could judge, while standing In the
battery, the pneumatic buffer which takes
-the recoil-Is part of the gun. Certainly
when fired with blank" tne only movement
apparent is" the running back of tho gun
itself on a sliding seat underneath the
trunnions. The whole of the breech end
of the gun seems seated In this heavy
socket A brake, which Is lowered on
coming Into action, takes part of the re
coll, as well as a spade affixed to the
end of the trail. Before the gun is laid
the trail Is raised to an angle of 45 de
grees and brought sharply to "the ground.
This might be to -Insure the setting of
the spade, but from the sound It makes
and the fact that after the gun team has
been standing fast for some time the
operation Is repeated before again coming
Into action I am inclined to "believe that
It Is a mechanical means by which some
pneumatic buffer Is loaded. This much is
certain, that once the trail has been
raised, the brake adjusted and the spade
Imbedded the gun carriage never moves
again, though 20 rounds are fired in rapid
succession. The gun only runs back. In
this the mechanism is far in advance of
the spade action of the Vlckers-Maxim
carriage, In which both gun and car
riage run back on tho spade for several
"The breech action of the French gun Is
a marvel of simplicity. The breech opens
with a single action, the whole of the
block revolving from left to right The
reverse action loads the piece, the motion
of opening extracts the case and throws
It clear. No. S opens and closes the breech
In two motions, while No. 2 loads. No. 1
attends to the laying of the gun once
laid any alteration In range is made by
turning a hand screw, to which Is fitted
an indicator and dial. It would be possible
to fire 30 rounds a minute with the
utmost care. But hitherto during the
maneuvers no rapid fire has been attempt
ed. The gun is provided with a light bullet-proof
shield, so that when in action
the four men working the guns are un
der cover, while, as was stated before,
the No. 5, 6 and 7 kneel behind their am
munition wagons, and are also complete
ly screened,"
Noteworthy Advance in Onr Relative
World Position.
New York Journal of Commerce.
No better illustration could be given of
the elasticity of the export trade of the
United States In the products of manu
facture than the statement that for Sep
tember last there was an increase of
$3,700,000 over tile value declared In Sep
tember. 1E99.. The Chinese market has
been practically closed, with tho result of
showing a decrease in the export of cot
ton cloth equal to $400,000, and In kerosene
oil a decrease of $600,000. The mainten
ance for a time of a uniform level of
high prices may also be assumed to have
had Its effect in curtailing the purchases
of American manufactures abroad. But,
as a matter of fact, every month of the
calendar year has, so far, shown a marked
advance over Its predecessor In the value
of the exports of manufactures, and the
total for the first nine months of the
year is $61,000,000 over that of the corre
sponding term of 1699. It Is Instructive
to note that of the increase in exports
during the first three quarters of the
present year manufactures furnished a
larger share than the products of agri
culture, and that the percentage of the
former to the total exports, which was
3L34 last year, has risen to 33.44 In tha
present year. As recently as 18S0, the
proportion of the exports of manufactured
gpods to the total was only 12 per cent;
by 1896 It had advanced to 23 per cent,
and now It Is good for a third of the
whole amount, with a rate of increase
more rapid than that of any other depart
ment of our foreign trade. It is highly
probable that for the present year the
value of these exports will reach $150,
000,000. Remembering that up to 1S76 the
annual total of our exports of manufac
tures failed to reach the sum of $100,000.
000, and that up to 1896 the amount of
$200,000,000 had not been attained, the ex
traordinary rapidity of the recent devel
opment of. this trade will be readily ap-
Kidney origin.
Oxylateol lhae.
Kidney (
until Granular Deposits Develop Into
03HKOSH, Wls Sept, 2340900.
Warner's Safe Cure Co., Rochester, "N. Y.: t
Gentlemen Eight year? ago 1 suffered greatly wlja kidney
trouble. I consulted several physicians but their mejUclnes did
me no good. A friend of mine In the drug business; suggested
that I try Warner's Safe Cure. I followed the suggestion and
after using a couple of bottles I noticed a slight improvement
I continued its use fpr about 13 months, and am appy to say
that It completely quredmo. I have waited several years be
fore giving this testimonial in order to see if toy cure wa
permanent I now believe It Is. Yours truly, t
Secretary Oshkosh Times. W C fESKLXBr
predated. The process Is one which has
no counterpart In the foreign trade ot
any other nation, the much vaunted In
crease of German exports being less than
10 per .cent In the last four years, and the
sum of British exports of manufactures
having suffered a positive decrease since
There are, it is true, two important ele
ments of this trade which are more near
ly related to the cruder products of the
mine than to the developed products of
manufacture. These are mineral oils and
copper nlgots, which represent, as they
did four years ago, 29 per cent of the
total exports of manufactures. The prod
uct classed under the general heading of
"Iron and steel and manufactures of,"
accounted for $97,000,000 of the exports of
the first nine months of the year an in
crease of nearly ?21,000.000 over the total
of the same period of 1839. If wo add to
.hese, agricultural Implements, railway
cars, carriages and street-cars and cy
cles, or parts thereof, we shall find an
addition of $22,600,000, against $20,000,000
for last year, to be added to the exports
of the products of American' machlno
shops for tho nine months. Tlie exports
of cotton cloth show a decrease of some
$2,800,000 up to the end of September,
mainly due to the Interruption of the
Chinese market: though there has been
a notable Increase In the sales to the
British East Indies and a gain In British
Australasia. In all tho other leading
Items of the export trade in manufac
tures, there has been an almost uniform
rate of gain of about 20 per cent, suggest
ing, under all the circumstances the 'ex
istence of healthy conditions In this
branch of our foreign trade. In the de
partment of the products of mining there
has been a still greater ratio ot Increase,
chiefly due to an advance In the value
of our exports of coal, from $10,736,000 to
$16,216,000 for the first three-quarters or
the year. Half of this Increase Is" to be
credited to the demand rrom .Brmsn
North America, but the exports to1 France
have risen In one year from 53400 to W6&,
000, and the rest of Edrope accounts for
$S22,O0O, against $51,000 a year ago. Ot the
coal exported, $10,500,000 was bituminous
and $5,700,000 anthracite. It is noticeable
that while outside of British America -we
havo exported $4,700,000 worth of coal In
the nine months, the same period of tho
last two years accounted, in each case,
for only a little over $2,000,000.
The place whiclr the United States Is
destined to take In the markets of the
world Is pretty clearly indicated In these
returns, and particularly In tho fact that
our exports of Iron and steel and their
manufactures havo nearly trebled In four
years. In an article on the international
commerce of the century in the current
number of the North American Review,
Mr. Austin, Chief of the Treasury Bureau
of Statistics, points out that while the
total commerce of the world has grown
from $1,479,000,000 to $19,915,000,000, that of
the United States has Increased from
$162,000,000 to over $2,000,000,000, while the
ratio of Increase In exports of domestic
merchandise has been much greater. He
goes on to explain that the figures of our
commerce tor the first 10 years of tha
century are quite misleading, as they In
clude large quantities of foreign goods
40 YEARS 0, jgl -' SEND FOR
Bordzn's Condensed Milk Go , NewYoRk.
Uric acid crystal
brought 0 our ports by American vessels
and merely declared as entries, while in
fact thy never left shipboard. The re
sult of tfila was that during the period
In question our reported exports of for
eign gods amounted to aa much as thoso
of domestic products, and in some years
actuary exceeded them, while now they
only Amount to about 2 per cent of our
total exports. Comparing the commerce
In domestic goods during 1900 with that
of lSW, It Is found that the percentage of
lncrtose. Is very much greater than, that
sho-vn by the world's total commerce. In
general, it may bo said of the oomraerctj
of 1900. that the Imports aro about 10
times as much as In 1800, and the exports
20 times as much as the nominal Jiguro
of 1S00. That .the export trade qf the
United States In manufactured products
Is still In Its Infancy,' Is only another way
ot saying that tho next generation w.1
see a still more marvelous development
of It than has taken place under the eyes
pf tho present The leading place In tne
mechanical equipment of those parts of
the world where machinery Is compara
tively unknown seems to be marked out
for this country, and there Is every tpi
son to believe that It Is a position wMTi
our manufacturers aro equally able anl
willing to." occupy.
Verbs From Proper, Names.
Notes and Queries.
We say "to mesmerize-," "to galvanize "
"to guillotine," "to macadamize," "t
gerrymander," "to mercerize," a verb f
recent invention. If the heroes of th
Homeric epos were real persons, we m iy
add "to hector" and "to pander." Pan
phylla, a Greek lady who compiled a h -tory
of tho world in 25 little books, !
given her name to "pamphlet," and
pamphleteer." "To pasquinade" Is du t
Pasqulno, a cobbler at Rome, In w'
ugly. face the Romans detected a re " -blance
to the statue of an ancient gUi T
lator which was,, erected near the Plazel
Navona. on whose pedestal It was t)
practice to post lampoons. "To sandwich
Is derived indirectly from the Ei'l
Sandwich, who Invented, a repast whl i
enabled him to dispense with regular
meals when at cards.
A New Tax on Titles.
Apropos of the 10th anniversary of tho
appointment of Dr. von Mlquel as M!r
fster of Finance, It may be noted that v "
has added a new source of income to t'tc
Prussian state, says the Lokal Anzelg r.
This is a duty levied on all persons w. i
aro ennobled or who, if they have a title,
are given one of higher rank. Th ,
Prinpe Hermann von Hatzfeld zu Tra i
enberg, on receiving his Dukedom, t
January 1 last, had to pay a duty of 5(0
marks. When Count Phillip Bulehburg
received the title of Prince he had to pav
3000 marks. A similar sum was paid by
Count zu Dohna-Schlobltten. Admiral v-n
Tlrpltz will have to pay 900 marks on re
ceiving the predlcato "von." Any bitter
ness felt by the recipients of these honors
will be lessened when they remember that
Herr von Mlquel had recently to tax him
self on being raised to npble rank.
iMiiiiiiiUMiwiiiiii Illinium ii ii m