Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 09, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XL. NO. 12,452.
f5ST FiXtUreS ..Newst Designs..
Billiard Tables ..po.T.we...
Billiard Supplies ..and Repairs-
20-26 N. First St, Portland. ..Supplies and Repairs-
Does Your Furnace Smoke?
We do not refer to pipe, cigars, or cigarettes, but-wlrcn yon opea the
t eed-door to put In fuel, does your furnace SMOKE? If so, may be the people
who Installed It will say to you: "Thoy always smoke when you open the
door." OURS DO NOT. Ours are always put In on scientific principle to
HEAT, not to SMOKE. If you do not believe It, ask your neighbors who
have had their furnace Installed by
Prerno and Poco Cameras
Announce greatly reduced prices on their
makes of Cameras. Prices on application.
European Plan:
"SRw2u.siWoodard, Clarke & Co.
Y, nyjTjHilrS'rTTitZlJSLnC
Bpecinl retea mad to families an d alocla a-entlemea. Tba scanner''
Saaat will be pleased at all tlmec to ihorr rooms sad aire prices. A mod
trs Torkiib bath establishment la th hotel. H. C BOWERS, Uaaarr
There are probably one million useless pianos In this country pianos which are
a success as articles of furniture, but a failure as musical instruments simply be
e.use no member of the family can play-them, or, at most, play more than a few
limited pieces upon them. Thero are thousands of dollars' worth o music locked
up in every one of thoe pianos. By purchasing a Pianola, you can get that music
out at any ante. In any quantity, and of any quality.
M. B. WELLS, Northwest Acnt for the Aeolian Company
Aeolian Hall, 353-355 Washington Street cor. Park. Portland, Or.
We are cole agents for tho Pianola. It Is exhibited only at our warerooms.
Xctt Syndicate Proposes to Consoli
date Two BIk Properties.
DENVER, Nov. 8. Although the re
ported sale of the Portland mine is de
nied at the offices of the company In,
Colorado Springs, It Is generally believed
In mining circles that this big Cripple
Creek property will pass into the hands
of an English, syndicate, consisting of the
Venture Corporation, the Exploration
Company, and Werner, Belt & Co., the
South African diamond miners and in-
vesiors In Mexico mines and railways.
It la nM that the price to be paidTs
about ns 000,009 It Is known that ex
perts for the concerns In tho deal have
made a thorough examination of the
pruprn, . m ua "- "" """
5.22 SPTLJSL ; i
e&. The plan reported from London Is
to consolidate the Portland with Strat
t n"s Independence and to form a new
company to control both of the great
gold properties. Such a consolidation
would create not only the greatest gold
snlnlng property In Colorado, but proba
bly the greatest in the world.
Mrtnl Trades Association.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 8. An Important
corference Is being held In this city at
the headquarters of the American Feder
ation of Labor, with a view to the forma
t.on of an international metal trades as
soc'aUon. The plans outlined at the con
ference will be presented to the meeting
of representatives of the organizations
during the meeting of the American Fed
ration of Labor at Louisville, Ky.. when
the organization will be completed. An
other meeting of the conference will be
held at the Federation headquarters to
morrow. Reward for Captain Clark.
MONTFLIBR. Vt.. Nev. S. A joint
resolution was Introduced in. the Legists,
ture today asktag Congress ts take seme
recognition of the distinguished services
of Captain Charles Clark, of the United
States battleship Oregon, during the
fiyanlBh-Axaerican War.
Heatlna antf VentllatinQ
J. G. Mack & Co.
88 Third St
Opposite Cfcaafctf l Cmaaa
$1-00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day
c. w.
Greatly Reduced Prices
on All Cameras
The Photographic Annuab
for 1901 just received.
$3.00 PER DAY
ls Uprarrt.
lion Useless Pianos
Antl -
Changes Its
NEW YORK, Nov. 8. The executive
1 committee of the National Association of
Anti-Imperialist Clubs, of which C. C.
Hughes is chairman, held a meeting today
and appointed a committee to work out
plan of reorganization. The commit
tee Is C. C Hughes, J. P. Hardes and
J. M. Jansen. On the subject of reor
ganization Mr. Hughes said:
v i? "f T1 Z "w11
"SS? f. "
I scope to antl-colonlallsm. There has al
ways been a majority of the leading men
I in the National Association of Antl-Im-I
perialist Clubs who believed that the as-
sociatlon should be devoted to opposing
tto system of establishing eMIe?ThS
object of the reorganized anti-colonial
league will be to limit Its work to nomi
nating and electing candidates who are in
favor of opposing the policy of the Repub
Macn party In the Philippines, as at pres
ent outlined by that part-."
Dewey's Collection of Gifts.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 8. Admiral Dewey
has removed his collection of gifts, which
have occupied the most prominent place
in the Hall of American History in the
National Museum, to his home In Rhode
Island avenue. The collection has as
sumed very large proportions, represent
ing thousands of dollars in money value,
and Is almost dally added to by some
admirer of the great sailor. It was put
in the Museum for the double purpose
of sharing its beauty with the public,
and as a compliment to the donors, many
of whom were children or represented
the hospitality of our great cities, as
well as from tho Admiral's prlv&ta
To Improve Peosants Condition.
ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 8. Tho Rus
sian Government intends to send an agent
to the United. States to study the home
stead law, with tho view of Its partial
I application to tho .peasant communltlea.
Both Sides Are Claiming
Nebraska Is Safely Republi
can on National Ticket.
Republicans May Get Control of the
LegislatureResults in Other
Only one doubtful state remains Ken
tucky. The Democrats claim the state
for Bryan by 7800; the Republicans also
claim the state, but give no figures. It
will require the official count to deter
mine the result.
McKlnley carried Nebraska by at least
2000. The Legislature .Is In doubt, and
will not be determined until the official
count of Douglas County is in. The Re
publicans are figuring on a safe majority
on Joint ballot. -
Other states are practically as first re
ported. The electoral vote follows:
1900. 1S96.
McKlnley 292 271
Bryan 165 176
Democrat! Claim It by TSOOj Repub
licans Do "Not Give Up.
IiOUISVDLIiE, Ky., Nov. 8. At' 12:30 A.
M. the Courier-Journal, with returns
from all but 11 of the 1S84 precincts in
Kentucky, puts Bryan's majority at TBOu
and Beckham's at 4150. These 11 precincts
are sparsely settled and gave In the last
state election combined Republican ma
jorities of less than EO0. In arriving at
the figures, 7800 and 4150 as the majori
ties, respectively, of Bryan and Beck
ham, the usual Republican majorities in
the missing 11 precincts were allowed for.
John W. Yerkes, rep, candidate for Gov
ernor, left tonight for his home at Dan
ville. The Republicans now claim that majorities-will
beshown for McKlnley and
Yerkes when the returning board can
vasses the vote at Frankfort, which It
will do three weeks from election day.
The returning board is Democratic and
the Legislature also Democratic Ex
Governor McCreery, who managed the
Democratic campaign, tonight closed the
headquarters and will return to his home
-In Richmond. He said tonight that he
had heard from campaign chairmen in
every county in the state, and that al
lowing all the Republican claims In th
Eleventh District, the Republican Gibral
tar, he placed the majorities of Bryan
and Beckham, respectively, at SOOO ana
The Louisville Commercial (Republi
can) will tomorrow say the election is
"very close." It will not concede the
defeat of Yerkes and the McKlnley Elec
tors, and will say that the official count
only can determine the result.
Chairman Combs, of the Republican
State Campaign Committee, was quoted
today as follows:
"Willie we have not the figures thor
oughly compiled, yet we are certain that
Yerkes carried Kentucky by a small,
though safe, majority. The result Is
very close. I think that it will probably
require the official count to determine
how the state goes. When I left head
quarters Yerkes had a small plurality,
with 17 counties still to be heard from. I
am Informed that over 3000 ballots were
not counted by Goebel election officers
throughout the state on account of trivial
"We have discovered that not only
have systematic frauds been practiced all
over the state, but In some counties
there was wholesale exclusion of voters
from the poll". In Fayette County, for
Instance, in two precincts, 500 voters were
kept from voting. In Breathitt, 600 per
sons were kept from voting, and chal
lengers and inspectors were also excluded
from the booths. In numbers of counties
the returns were padded by the Demo
crats, notably. In Franklin and Owen
Republicans Stand a Good Chance of
Controlling: the Legislature.
OMAHA, Nov. 8. Complete returns
from two-thirds of the counties and scat
tering returns from the remainder show
that McKlnley has carried Nebraska by
a plurality of at least 2000.
An equal number of Teturns on the
state ticket Indicate that Nebraska has
re-elected Governor Foynter and the en
tire state ticket by pluralities ranging
from 500 to 1S0O over the Republicans, the
Governor being high man. If the rest of
the state shows the same percentage of
gsln and loss, Poynters election is cer
tain, and. the counties to be heard from
being mostly in the western part of the
state. It is fair to presume that this Is
the case.
The Legislature will likely bo decided
by Douglas County, in which it will take
the official count to determine the vote.
The World-Herald, dem, claims the Lieutenant-Governor
will cast the deciding
vote In the upper house, and that tho
lower house Is evenly divided, with two
places in doubt.
The stato Republican; committee, which
last night gave out the claim that Dled
rlch and the Republican state ticket were
elected with from 5000 to 7000 majority,
this afternoon scaled down "close to the
danger llnev" and claimed the election of
the state ticket by'lOOO to 2000.
The Republican committee concedes one
State Senator In Douglas to the Demo
crats and on Representative, statins' also
that the official count may be required
regarding two other Representatives.
This would give the Republicans a safe
majority on joint ballot.
The Congressmen In this stato are: Two
Republicans, Burkett and Mercer; three
fuslonlsts, Stark, Shelienberger and Rob
inson, with the Sixth district represented
by Neville, pop, who Is a candidate for
re-election, still In doubt. The Sixth dls-
JUricC so-tar'ss Jieora'from, gives 'Neville
100 lead, but the- counties of this district
which have not been (heard) from are
likely to defeat him.
The State Journal's Returns
LINCOLN, Neb.. Nov. 8.The State
Journal has complete returns on Presi
dent from 73 of the SO counties in the
state. Careful estimates on the remain
ing 14 show that McKlnley has carried
the state by TSS5. The Journal has re
turns on the state ticket from 59 coun
ties. These make Deltrich, rep, 692 votes
ahead of Foynter, fus. The remaining
counties should slightly Increase his lead,
but as Deltrich has run behind McKlnley,
the result Is doubtful. The Populist State
Committee claims Poynter election by
Bo Gives Kentucky Webraslca and
Idaho to McKlnley.
tNIEJW YORK, Nov. 8. As a result of
messages received at National headquar
ters today by National Committeeman J.
H. Manley and N. B. Scott from doubt
ful points, Mr. Manley this afternoon
gave out the following statement:
"Full returns today leave the situation
as It was yesterday. Wje have won by
SOS electoral votes. "We have carried
every Northern state but Colorado, Ne
vada and Montana. "We have carried
Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware and West
Virginia. As we predicted during the en.
tire campaign, they are attempting to rol
us of the electoral votes m Kentucky un
der the power ot the Goebel law. If they
succeed, we shall have 295 electoral votes.
Our candidate for Governor wires that we
have carried Kentucky for the electoral
ticket and elected him by over 7000 ma
jority. The time has come when the
American people ought to insist, at what
ever cost, that the votes shall be counted
as they were honestly cast."
Senator Scott, in answer to telegrams
Inquiring as to the result in Nebraska,
received the following dispatch from Ed
ward Rosewater, member of the National
advisory committee, who is a candidate
for the United States Senate from Ne
braska: "Returns from rural districts are incom
plete, but there Is no doubt whatever
that McKlnley carries Nebraska by not
less than 3000. The Governorship is close,
but the prospects favor the Republicans.
Both houses of the Legislature will be
Republican by a small majority."
McKlnley Plurality -Will Be Cloao
to 40,000.
AN FRANCISCO, Nov. 8. Nearly
complete returns from the state show
that California has given McKlnley and
Roosevelt close to 40,000 plurality. The
figures so far as compiled are: McKln
ley! 160,352, Bryan 112,283; plurality for
McKlnley 88,069. Tho precincts yet to be
heard from gave tho following vote in 1S98:
McKlnley 12.746, Bryan 15,914. If the av
erage of Republican gains Is maintained
In these precincts, they will swell the
plurality for McKlnley about 2000, making
it reach the 40,000 mark.
There is no longer any doubt that Cali
fornia has returned a solid Republican
delegation to Congreps. In the Second
District, the .only one in which the con
test was close, Samuel D. Woods will
have 1500 plurality over J, D. Sproul.
Julius Kahn has 5300 plurality in the
Fourth District and MdJujchUal224ipeiielan-and -Okanogan. With, these, scat-
the Sixth District
Both branches of the Legislature wiU
be Republican by phenomenal majorities.
The Senate will stand 34 Republicans to
six Democrats, this being the result of
the election of but one Democrat. The
hold-overs are: Republicans 15, Demo
crats 5. This gives the Republicans a
clear majority of IS hold-overs for the
Legislature, which will' choose a Senator.
The Assembly, according to the best
figures now obtainable, will be com
posed of 62 Republicans and 18 Democrats.
The former Assembly was made up of 63
Republicans and 21 Democrats. As tho
Senate then was 26 Republicans and 14
Democrats this Legislature on Joint bal
lot will show 11 more Republicans than
the last.
Democrats Gitc Bryan -45,000 Plu
rality. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 8. Based upon re
turns from 85 counties, the Democratic
State Central Committee now claims Mis
souri for Bryan and Dockery, for Gov
ernor, by pluralities of about 43,000 and
33,000 respectively. The 29 counties still
to be heard from may develop some sur
prises but It Is not thought that these
estimates will be materially changed.
Chairman Alkensr of tho Republican
State Central Committee, conceded these
figures today but later, on the receipt
of new3 from additional counties, changed
his estimate placing Dockery's plurality
at 25,000 and' Bryan's at 40,000.
While the Democrats confidently claim
a majority of 50 or 60 on joint ballot In
the Legislature, Mr. Alkens says that
their majority will not be over 15 or 20
and possibly lower than that. He. con
cedes, however, on the face of the re
turns now at hand, that tho Democrats
will have a majority.
Of the 15 Congressmen voted for, the
Democrats elected 13.
The Republicans are considering a prop
osition to contest the election in the City
of St Louis. The matter has already been
discussed by tho Republican cfty com
mittee and by individual candidates and
will be taken up for formal and official
consideration as soon as the official count
has been made. They allege that a prop
er examination of the ballots would result
in the rejection of from 3500 to 5000 fraud
ulent votes that have been placed to the
credit of the Democratic candidates.
This would be sufficient to reverse tho Te
sult on nearly all the candidates.
Republicans Will Have a Majority'
of Eighteen.
CHICAGO. Nov. 8. It Is still impossible
to give the make-up of the next Illinois
Legislature with accuracy. Returns come
in slowly, and when they come, they
differ according to the party receiving
them. The returns seem to pull down
the Republican claims, although there is
no reason to doubt that the Legislature
will be Republican. " Tne figures, accord
ing to returns received tonight, indicate
the formation will be as follows:
Republicans 78
Democrats ......75
Republicans 33
Democrats 18
Republican majority on joint ballot, 18.
Republican Gains In Indiana.
INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 8- Complete re
turns from 47 out of the 92 counties In
Indiana, unofficial, or estimated, show a
net gain per county for McKlnley of 159,
If this ratio is carlred out, the Republi
cans will have carlred the state by 32,803.
There are several heavy Democratic coun
ties to be heard from, however.
The Indiana Delegation.
Republicans have elected nine Congress
men In Indiana and the Democrats -four.
my, fUmocrIL la elected.rThe Ind
flth. Democrat, elected., The Indiana
tCoacluoed'ca 22urd Paga. .
Defeats Frlnk for Governor
of Washington.
Stato Republican Ticket Generally
Successful Jones and CusSt-
man Too
The majority of McKlnley In the Stats
of Washington will be between 1L000 and
12,000, and John R. Rogers. Democrat, for
Governor, will have something like 1300
over Frlnk, his Republican opponent. The
average majority of the two Republican
candidates for Congress, Jones and Cush-
Partial Est. Partial Est. Partial Est.
vote, plu, vote, plu. vote. plu.
- If 1 1 1 ill H ilM
3T: : : : : : B : x : : :
?:?:::;:::!:: :
Adams Z "62W ...1 ...I 214 ...1 ...I ...I ... TT "w
Asotin 66 13
Chehalls 1543 799 760 ... 1320 SS6 453 ...14401440 662 662 778 ...
Chelan -. ,. 60 1100 23
Clallam 250 ... 009 468 150 ... 626 624 364 371 257 ...
Clark 1602 934 638 ... 1487 1199 250 ... 1568 157& 928 924 610 ...
Columbia 896 712 184 ... 837 75S 79 ... 8S4 ESC 701 097 185 ...
Cowllta 545 500 .Hi...!... 00 ...
Douglas 616 616 ... 101 399 626 ... 227 438 449 569 566 ... 130
Ferry 372 487 377
Franklin 60 100 60
Garfield 427 343 100 ... S6t 409 ... SO 352 32 309 309 (0 ...
Island 150i 100 125 ...
Jefferson 300 125 2S5 ...
King 9916 7901 2,200 ... SG50 8907 ... 600 8536 8S32 1.000 ...
Kitsap 200 130 185 ...
Kittitas 1008 814 184 160 175 ...
Klickitat 350 330 350 .
Lewis 610 280 350 ...
Lincoln 250 700 200
Mason GO 60 ...
Okanogan 200 276 160
Pacific C9S 293 600 ... 558 313 325 450 ...
Pierce 59703549 2,421 ... 4721 5118 ... 397 6016 56313204 3062 2,715 ...
San Juan 433 263 170i 145 163 ...
Skagit 681 303 612 ...
Skamania 114 143 ... 50 113 143 ... 50 116 116 139 139 ... 60
Snohomish 224018S5 355 ... 2003 2147 ... 150 2331233119131913 418 ...
Spokane 305 1328 230 ...
Stevens 600 700 600
Thurston 300 420 300 ...
Wahkiakum 319 180 190 ... 265 209 96 ... 2S8 297 187 185 160 ...
Walla Walla 21231541 82 ...19071577 330 ...2065 207414551457 610 ...
Whatcom 2C921444 1,250 ...26701954 700 900 ...
Whitman 700 1000 700
Yakima 453 I1"5
1 Totals 13,777131251377. 14SS( 64811 ! ...77. U.75S123ia
Net plurality ........ 11.352, .......(........1594 ...( ...f ...( ... 9.446 ...
man, will be 9000 or more, and the Legis
lature will be heaily Republican. All the
state Republican ticket, except Frink, is
elected by large pluralities. All these
things were made clear by yesterday's
returns. Every county In Western Wash
ington has been heard from, and th&only
two counties in Eastern Washington
ahout tchleh thrn i n.nv uncertalntv ar
tering returns show that tho only ques
tion Is ,as to the size of the Democratic
pluralities. Later returns are more likely
to Increase than decrease Rogers' plural
ity. McKlnley has carried 26 counties and
Bryan 10; Frlnk 18 counties and Rogers
17, with one (Mason) a tie. The accom
panying table shows the vote of the
Bryan and Itosers Carry a Number
of Counties.
SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 8. Following
Is a table showing vote for Electors,
Governor and Congressmen on this side
of Cascades. Only Chelan, Garfield and
Okanogan are estimated. The others are
close to official figures:
Spokane McKlnley 353, Rogers 132S,
Congress (rep.) 230.
Stevens Bryan 600, Rogers 700, Congress
(dem.) 550.
Ferry Bryan 372, Rogers 487, Congress
(dem.) 377.
Chelan Bryan 50, Rogers 100, Congress
(dem.) 25.
Garfield McKlnley 80, Rogers 60, Con
gress (rep.) 70.
Lincoln Bryan 250, Rogers 700, Congress
(dem.) 200.
Douglas Bryan 101, Rogers 227, Con
gress (dem.) 125. v
Adams Bryan 100, Rogers 200, Congress
(dem.) 95.
Whitman Bryan 700, Rogers 1000, Con
gress (dem.) 700.
Okanogan Bryan 200, Rogers 275, Con
gress (dem.) 150.
Democratic, and Shows the Usual
Gain for Roffen.
RITZVILLE, Wash., Nov. 8. Complete
returns for Adams County give Bryan 62
majority. One thousand and ono votes
"were cast, against 550 two years ago.
The Republican ticket gained. Demo
cratic success is due to newcomers from
Missouri. Van Patten, Superintendent, is
the only Republican elected on tho coun
ty ticket, by 8 votes. Following are ma
jorities on the state ticket: Rogers 214,
Robertson 89, Ronald 74, Million 29, Wind
sor 62, McCrosky 127, Brady 97, Runner 84,
Silverton 86, Vance 83, Brown 120. Hol
comb 206, Gerry, Senator Ninth District;
104; Milam. Representative Fourteenth
District, 109; Neal, Judge Superior Court,
181. For constitutional amendment, 171,
against 153. Kennedy, rep. Is defeated
for County Auditor by 2 votes.
McKlnley and Frlnlc Win by a Bis
ABERDEEN, Wash., Nov. 8. Twelve
precincts complete give McKlnley 1543,
Bryan 799, Cushman 1440, Robertson 662.
Jones and Ronald the- same, Frink li30,
Rogers 833. The remaining precincts have
a very small vote and the final figures
for the county will -not be below these.
Mason Irwin, for Superior Judge, -has
upwards of 600 majority. The entire Re
publican county ticket Is elected. This
dry gives McKlnley 616, Bryan 217, Jones
499. Cushman 605, Ronald 212, Robertson
219, Frink 455, Rogers 275.
A Female Prohibition Candidate
Gets a Bis Vote.
VANCOUVER,Wash., Nor. i The pop
ular vote in this county last Tuesday
shows an Increase over 1SSS of nearly
600. The total vote for the three pre
cincts in this city was 664, which was
66 short of the registration. In this city
there was a spirited contest on precinct
officers, but the returns show the election
of every Republican officer, though with
considerably reduced majorities in most
.cases, lno precinct omcers eiectea are
Justices of the Peace, Arthur Halno and
p McMaster: constables. North Van-
M couver, u. . lonnson; x-ast Vancouver, j
O, H. Smith; West "Vancouver, I. C
The county officers elected are: Audi
tor, W. H. Browster: Treasurer, A. H.
Parcel; Clerk, & P. Galther; Sheriff, John
L. Marsh; Attorney, W. W. Sparks;
School Superintendent. Milton Evans; As
sessor, B. A. Curtice; Surveyor, Robert
Webster; Coroner. J. M. Burt; Commis
sioner, Second district, D. H. Gary; Com
missioner Third district, C. G. Shaw.
The only new officers In the list are
Brewster, Burt and Shaw, all the others
being present incumbents re-elected.
One of the biggest surprises In this
county was the vote received by Clara
Ryan, candidate for School Superintend
ent, on the Prohibition, ticket, who re
ceived in the 21 precincts reported a total
of 695, 96 more than Wood, the Demo
cratic candidate. The Prohibition vote In
the county on other offices Is less than
McKlnley Has a Plurality of 300,
Frlnlc 150.
PORT ANGELES, Nov. 8. McKlnley has
carried Clallam County by nearly 800
plurality. The total on Governor," with
about 40 votes to hear from, Is: Frlnk,
600; Rogers, 468. Congressman Cushman,
626; Jones, 624; Robertson, 364; Ronald, 371.
Rogers Has a Majority of 277 Over
WATERVILLE. Wash.. Nov. 8. Com
plete returns from Douglas County give
McKlnley 515, Bryan 616. Frink 399, Rog
ers 626, Cushman 433, Jones 449, Robert
son 669, Ronald 566. Stratton 433, Vance
577, Sharp, Joint Senator Douglas and
Kittitas, 449; Packwood 573. Stratton and
Vance votes Bhow the average on state
Carried by McKlnley and Roarers
Congressional Vote.
POMEROY, Wash.. Nov. 8. It is impos
sible to get returns from country pre
cincts until the official count. Six pre
cincts in Garfield County, including two
Pomeroy wards, give McKlnley 427, Bryan
342, Cushman and Jones, reps, 353; Ronald
and Robertson 309. Frlnk 364, Rogers 409,
Stato Senator, Baumeister, rep, 370;
Beach, dem, 393; State Representative,
Kuykendall 383, Howell, dem, 441.
Over 2400 for McKlnley and SOT for
TACOMA, Wash., Nov. 8. Pierce County
complete is as follows: McKlnley 6970,
Bryan 3549. For Congress Cushman, rep,
6015; Jones, rep, 6681; Robertson, dem.
3204; Ronald, dem, 3062. For Governor
Frlnk, rep, 4721; Rogers, dem, 6118.
Republicans Successful- by a Large
ANACORTES, Wash., Nov. 8. Returns
from 32 put of the 39 precincts In this
county show the following majorities:
McKlnley 581, Frlnk 303, Cushman 511,
Jones 514. These figures will not be ma
terially changed by the remaining pre
cincts. Snohomish County.
EVERETT, Wash., Nov. 8. With the
exception of a few small precincts yet un
heard from the "following Is the vote of
this county In yesterday's election, so far
as counted this afternoon: McKlnley 2240,
Bryan 1SS5, Frlnk 2003, Rogers 2147, Cush
man and Jones 233L Ronald and Robert
son, 1913.
McKlnley Wins by a Handsome
SKAMOKAWA, Wash, Nor. 7. Six
precincts in Wahkiakum County thtis far
reported give McKlnley electors 319, Bry
an 180, Woolley 6, Debbs-13, Social-Labor
4; Governor, Frlnk 263, Rogers 209; Su
perior Judge, Rice, rep, 277; Elliott, dem,
203; Congressmen, Cushman 298, Jones 237,
Robertson 187, Ronald 185. Three precincts
to hear from which will undoubtedly in
crease the Republican majority by 50.
Cathlamet went Republican the first time
in her history, giving McKlnley 106, Bry
an 98. Skamokawa gave McKlnley 78,
Bryan 45. The county ticket Is mixed, but
will be mostly Republican.
A Clean Sweep for All Republicans
but State Senator.
WALLA WALLA, Nov. 8. The entire
Republican, ticket was elected in Walla
Walla County, with the exception of
Senator in the 10th district. In this dis
trict, which includes most of the City of
I Walla Walla, Mayor Jacob Betz ran 'on
the Republican ticket .against William
Reser, on the Democratic ticket. Mr.
Betz has a large., brewery here, and is
also Interested in a number of saloons.
His defeat was brought about by the
church vote, which was combined against
htm. Mr. Reser, tho successful candidate.
Is a farmer.
The vote on other officers was as fol
lows: Electors, rep, 2123; dem, 154L Con
gress Cushman, rep, 2053; Jones, rep, 2074;
Ronald, dem, 1453; Robertson, dem, 14S7.
(ConcJuda en Stoorta Pare.
Hovv He Accounts For His.
Overwhelming Defeat l :
He Says the Flsht W1U Go-On Sot
Candidate, for t&o-Ttaated, State
Senate. "
INCOLN, Netx. New. 8-aCn. 3ryan to
night gave out the following statement
concerning the election:
1 "The result was a surprise to ma. and
the magnitude of tho Republican victory
was a surpriso to our opponents, as well
as to those who voted our ticket. It is
impossible to analyze the- returns until
they are more complete, but. speaking
generally, we seem to have gained In- the
large cities and to have lost in the
smaller cities and In the country.
"The Republicans were able to secure
tickets or passes for all their voters who
were away from, home, and this gave
them considerable advantage. We have
no way of knowing at this time how
much money was. spent to. the purchase
of votes and In colonization. But whlla
these would account for some of the Re
publican gains, they could not account
for the widespread Increase In the Re
publican vote.
"The prosperity argument was probably
the most potent one used by the Re
publicans. They compared present condi
tions with the panic times of 93 to 96
and this argument had weight with thoso
who did not stop to consider the reason-i
for tho change.
The appeal, 'Stand by the President
while the war is on,' had a great deal
of Influence among those who did not
realize that a war against a doctrine of
oelf-govemment In the Philippines must
react upon us in this country. We made
an honest fight upon an honest platform,
and, having done our duty as we saw it.
we have nothing to regret.
"We were defeated but are not discour
aged. The fight must go on. I am sure
that the Republican policies will be re
pudiated by the people when the ten
dency of those policies is fully under
stood. The contest between plutocracy
and democracy cannot end until one or
the other is completely triumphant."
Concerning himself. Mr. Bryan said:
"I have come out of the campaign with
perfect health and a clear conscience. I
did my utmost to bring success to the
principles for which I stood. Mr. Steven
son did all that he could; Senator Jones
and the members of the Democratic, Pop
ulist; Silver Republican and the Anti-Imperialist
Committees did all they could.
Mr. Hearst and his associates In the club
organization put forth their best efforts.
Our newspapers, our campaign speakers
and our local organizations all did their
best. I have no fault to find pd so re
proaches, "I shall continue to take an active in
terest in politics as long as I live. I be
lieve it to be the duty of the citizen to
do so, and, In addition- to my Interest as
a citizen, I feel that it will require a
lifetime of work to repay the political
friends who have done so much for me.
"I shall not be a Senatorial candidate
before the Legislature which has been
elected. Senator Allen deserves the Sen
atorship, which soea to the Populists.
Mr. Hitchcock and Mr. W. H. Thompsin
axe avowed candidates for the Senator
ship. They deserve well from the party,
and I am too grateful to thorn for past
support to stand in their way, even If I
desired a seat In the Senate."
Mr. Bryan says he has no other plans
at present than to remain at home, where
he returned from the fatiguing campaign.
He denied the report that he would ie
move from Nebraska and make Texas
his home.
Rolling; Mills Resume.
PIQUIA, O., Nov. 8. The Plqua rolling
mills, owned by the American Sheet Steel
Company, will resume operations hers
next Monday. Two hundred men will.'bo
given employment after an Idleness of
three months.
Population of Maine.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 8. The population
of Maine, as announced by the Census
Bureau, Is 694.4G6, as against 661,086 in
1890, an increase of 33.3S0, or 5 per cent.
Tho Democrats claim Kentucky by 7SCO. TZt
Republicans say it Is "close." Pago 1.
Nebraska will slvo McKlnley 2000 plurality.
Tho Republicans may control tho Legisla
ture. Pago 1.
U&nley claims SOS votos for McKlnley. Pago 1.
Bryan Issues a statement concerning tho elec
tion. PageL "
Thero Is talk of reorganization of the Derno
crauo party. Pago 2. ;; ,
M. B. Quay says bo will be elected United
States Senator. Pago 2.
The yntptaoa -are disappointed with the Tart
Commission. Pago 3. "".
England will bo asked to suppress tho Hone
Kong Justs. Page 8.
Russia hi said to hare annexed a part of Tim
Tain. Pago 3.
Tho peace negotiations are progressing satis
factorily. P&go 3.
Foreign papers comment variously ea tss
American elections. Pago 3. ""
Canadian election returns show a good Lib
eral soajerny, Pago 2. .
" Domestic. - -
A publle dinner was giyen General O. O. 'Hew
ard on h& 70th birthday. Pago 3.
President McKlnley was warmly greeted oa hi
return to Washington. Pago 2.
Pacific Coast.
McKlnley a plurality In Oregon is still ptlms
up. Page 4. '- -
Trains crashed together near Rosetrarg. Tore
men were killed, and two may die. Pago 4,
Gold output for Nome district this season Is
placed at $5,000,000. Pago 4.
Benton County prisoner made unsuccessful
dash for liberty at Corvallls. Pago 4.
Commercial and Marine.
Russian wheat crop is tho best since 1800,
Pago 11.
Great activity in tho iron and steel trade
Pago 11.
Austrian steamer Olga ashore at Ban Bran-t
clsoo. Pago S.
Empress of Japan collides with the bars Aba
bey Palmer. Pago 10.
New schooner launched at Aberdeen. Pag 10.
Steamship Cleveland wrecked at Cape Noma
Pago 10.
Tho Port of Portland Commission will asH
plans for a new dredge. Pago 7.
New Park Commission divide duties andr
celvo the city fund, Pago 6V -- )
Iigyiews of business men on modification os ees
aasnarszulatlons cf thaPhlllDoiBaa. PmJL