Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 03, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Vigorous- Steps Being Taken
, to Drive It Out
Constitutional Gaannteci Snipend-
ed Throughout the Kingdom
Battle "With Bovine Band.
MADRID. Nor. i In spite of the fact
that the Carllst uprising 1b officially de
clared to be ended, a decree has been
promulgated suspending the constitution
al guarantees throughout Spain and em
powering the authorities to eradicate the
The Queen Regent presided at today's
Cabinet Council. General Azcarraga, the
Premier, explained the steps that had
been raken against the Carllsts and an
nounced that their club in Madrid had
been closed.
Marquis VIHadarlas, the principal repre
sentative of Don Carlos in Spain, has
been arrested here.
The Official Gazette contains a circu
lar instructing Prefects to enforce rigor
ous measures for stamping out Carllsm.
They are directed to arrest all agitators,
to search the houses of suspects, to close
Carllst clubs, and to suspend papers pub
lishing false or alarming news.
Several Sharp Engagements.
NEW YORK, Nov. 2. The first band
of Carllsts which appeared 3-t Badalona,
40 strong, has been dispersed, says a dis
patch to the Herald from Barcelona.
That in the neighborhood of Iqualada,
which also consisted of men, had an
engagement with the civil guard, of whom
two were wounded, one mortally. In an
engagement between -100 "partldas," In
the environs of Berga, and the civil guard
of Mezos Escuadra, two Insurgents wero
killed. Troops, both cavalry and infan
try, are pursuing them. A new "partlda,"
of 14 men, has appeared at Kavents
Bridge, near Berga. Three depots of
arms and equipments have been discov
ered at Barcelona. The Carllst clubs
have been closed.
The Government follows the Carllst
movement with the greatest attention,
says o. dispatch from Madrid. Senor
Ugarte, Minister of the Interior, in an
interview. Insists that In the manifesta
tions which have taken place, there is
no chief directing the "partldas." Gen
eral Unares. the military officer, at
taches no Importance to the outbreak at
Barcelona. The movement, he asse ts, is
without Importance. Everything, how
ever, has been foreseen, even the improb
able case of an important "pronuncla
mento." General Azcarraga, President of
the Council, takes the same view of the
movement as the Ministers of the Interior
and of War. Senor Vasquez Hella, the
chief of the Carllst party, and ex-member
of the Cortes, who Is at present In
Madrid, disapproves of the movement,
whloh. he declares, Is of no importance.
In military circles, the only Importance
that Is attached to the rising Is that It
may be a test of the fidelity of certain
On the French Frontier.
PARIS, Nov. 2. Advices from the
French Pyrenees say agitation still ex
ists across the frontier. Two gendarmes
and two Carllsts were killed at Baga and
Berga. Owing to the appearance of sev
oral new bands of Carllsts, the gendarmes
of Baga and other districts have been
obliged to concentrate at Puycerda. A
number of Carllsts have sought refuge
la the -mountain and forests of Upper
Catalonia, where it is difficult to d s odgj
them. The French frontier populat on Is
asking for troops to prevent incursions.
respite Boer Activity, Roberts Will
Soon Lenrc for Knclnnd.
IiONDON. Nov. 3. The South African
situation Is Improving, and Lord Roberts
will shortly return to England with a
majority of his staff. Arrangements are
being made In Cape Town" to send the
batqh of refugees back to Johannesburg,
and accommodation is being provided at
Bloerafonteln for a garrison of 7000.
Nevertheless, the activity of the Boers
continues. October 26 a commando of 900
captured a garrison of 30 men at Redders
burg, but afterwards released them.
Trains from the south to Pretoria are at.
tacked by Boers almost dally. October 24
the burghers occupied Koffeyfontoln. On
the other hand, General Knox has In
flicted a reverse on General Dewet's force
near Parys. capturing two guns, one of
them a weapon lost by the British In the
Eannas Post affair.
The dally tale of British casualties Is
heavy. In October the British lost 167
killed In action. Including 15 officers, 71
who died of wounds, S67 who died of
disease. 286 who died of accidents, and 97
captured or missing, a total almost equal
to the monthly average for the duration
of the war.
The Dally Express publishes sensa
tional statements that the Boer revival
Is more serious than has hitherto been
believed, and that. In consequence. Lord
Roberts return Is likely to be still fur
ther postponed. It says also that no con
siderable part of the troops will return
before January or February, while the
regimental drafts from England will con
tinue, and that 5000 horses will be sent
out. The paper definitely declares that
the Boers are well armed and abundant
ly supplied with ammunition, and that
the campaign Is likely to last another six
month". In the best-informed quarters,
however, it Is asserted that there is no
ground for the pessimism of the Dally
Berliner Tngclilntt's Accusation
Acnlnt Conanl-General Mason.
BERLIN. Nov. 2. The Berliner Tagc
blatt charges that United States" Consul
Gcnoral Mason. In the course of a spe
cial report made to Washington, In which
he asserted that German manufacturer?
and Importers often fraudulently used
American trademarks, was guilty of mis
representing the facts.
"AH that American merchants have to
do who Import to Germany," It says, "is
to get their trademarks registered here,
at an expense of 39 marks In each case,
which Is precisely what German mer
chants do to protect themselves against
fraudulent practices."
The Tageblatt adds & hope that the
projected German-American commercial
treaty till! also provide better mutual
proteotlon for patents and trademarks.
It Is More
or Less
NEW YORK, Nov 2. A dispatch to the
Journal and Advertiser from London says:
The presidency of the Board of Trade,
left vacant by the retirement of Mr.
Ritchie to the Home Office, has not yet
been announced. The appointment of Mr.
Ritchie as Home Secretary affords new
hope to the friends of Mrs. Maybrlck,
who say Sir Matthew Whlte-Rldley, the
retiring Home Secretary, was prejudiced.
Ritchie is a practical business man. un
bound by red tape or old prejudices and
an appeal wilt be made to him soon.
The new Cabinet is largely a family af
fair. Balfour, who continues as First
Lord of the Treasury and leader In the
House of Commons, and Gerald Balfour,
who. while not In tho. Cabinet, is Chief
Seorstary for Ireland, are Salisbury's
nephews, while Lord Selborne, the new
First Lord of the Admiralty, is Salisbury's
son-in-law. Landsdowne, who was such
failure aa Secretary of State for War,
is made Foreign Minister, because he Is
the leader of aristocratic society and Sal
isbury's friend. Bo will simply 'relieve
the old Premier of the routine work, for
Salisbury will manage all important for
eign affairs" himself. Mr. Broderick is
Salisbury's favorite young "man, having
been Under Secretary ofStato for For
eign Affairs.
It Is probable that Sir "William Court
Gully, Speaker of the House of Commons,
will be deposed, oesplte the custom of al
lowing it to be a life job regardless of J
party. Gully Is a Liberal, chosen under
Gladstone, and the Conservatives are so
elated by their victory in the country that
they are determined to rule everything.
So Gully1 will be forced to retire and Sir
Matthew White-Ridley, late Homo Secre
tary, will take his place.
Ronuesa Offended the Vatican.
PARIS, Nov. 1 The Courier du Solr,
which is often inspired, announces that
M. Waldeck-Rousseau's speech at Tou
louse last Sunday, in the course ol which
ho alluded to measures contemplated by
the Government against religious congre
gations, has made a bad Impression at
the Vatican, and that the Pope his in
structed the papal nuncio at Paris to
modify his conciliatory attitude toward
the French Government.
Norwegian Cabinet Changres.
CHRISTIANA. Norway. Nov. 2. It
announced that the Councillors of Stale,
Lochon, Hoist and Thllosen, have hand
ed In their resignations to Prince Re
gent Gustavus. The Minister of Finance
has been offered to Burgomaster Arctan
der, who declined the honor. Councillor
Konow becomes Minister of Agriculture.
Russia In Persia.
ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 2. Pursuing
his policy of the development of North
Persia, the Russian Finance Minister has
ordered petroleum excise duties to be re
paid when naptba and kerosene cross the
border. Naphtha at Baku is now 11 ko
pecs per pood, compared with 13 ko
pecs per pood.
Christian Victor Memorial Service.
NEW YORK, Nov. 2. The memorial
service for Prince Christian Victor in the
Chapel Royal was attended by the entire
diplomatic corps, Lord Salisbury and all
the prominent officials, says a London
dispatch to the Tribune. The service was
brief, simple and stately.
"Narratives of Military- Exploration
In Alaska."
WASHINGTON, 'Oct. CO. In the course
of a few months the Government Print
ing Office will turn out one of the most
aluable reports that has gone through
its presses in years. It will be known
as Senate Report 1023, made by Senator
Carter, of Montana, and will comprise
almost entirely a compilation of "Narra
tives of Military Exploration in Alaska."
This report will be more than average
size, and aside from nearly 900 pages of
reading matter, will be profusely Illus
trated by photographs taken by the dif
ferent military exploring parties 'in recent
years. The scope of this work was :e
cently outlined la the Oregonlan.
The Introduction ta the report, aside
from summing up the results of these
exploring parties, goes into a short dis
cussion of the question of routes of
travel, both constructed and contem
plated, of which the following is said:
"The development or routes of travel
Into the Interior of Alaska has been, to
within the past few years, extremely slow.
The one route of travel, prior to the min
ing excitements that have brought this
country prominently before the public,
was that up the Yukon River. As the re
sult of over 30 years' exploration and re
search by the "War Department, the choice
of lines of travel over American territory
Into the Interior of Central Alaska points
to three different routes Tho most north
ern, and heretofore most extensively used,
Is that from the Pacific Coast States by
sea to the mouth of the great Yukon
River, that empties Into the southern
part of Norton Sound. This voyage
through the Pacific, Bchrlng Sea and the
southern part of Norton Sound Is avail
able as a means of transportation for traf
fic Into the interior of Alaska from May
to November. From St. Michael, near the
mouth of the Yukon, will be found river
steamers of about the same general char
acter as those used In the earlier history
of the navigation of the Mississippi and
Missouri by the overland emigrant to Ore
gon. This means of transportation Is
available from the middle of June, when
the lco passes out of the Yukon River,
until the middle of September, when Its
northern tributaries begin to congeal and
the flow of Ice precludes further naviga
tion. "The second route available today is
that through the Gulf of Alaska and Cook
Inlet to the mouth of the Mldnooskl River,
from which point an overlmd route Is
available to the lower Tanana Valley.
This route Is available from the latter part
of April to the Middle of November. The
headwiters of Cook Inlet are of a char
acter that renders navigation for ocean
going steamers extremely difficult.
The All-Anterlcan Route.
"The third and by far the most desir
able route Is that through the Gulf of
Alaska and Prince Wllllim Sound Into
the waters of Port Valdes, a landlocked
harbor with anchorage sufficient to ac
commodate the navies of the world. The
temperature and depth of Its waters are
said to be such as to render it available
as a harbor for ocean-going steamers dur
ing every day In the year. Through the
Keystone Pass, In the Coist Range of
mountains, and through the valley of the
Copper River, crossing the main range of
the Rocky Mountains at Mentasta Pass;
thence crossing the headwaters of the Tan
ana River to theForty-Mlle country, to the
headwaters of American Creek, and down
this stream to Eagle City, on the banks
of the Yukon. The entire breadth of Cen
tral Alaska Is traversed over this line
on an all-Americm route, which is the
shortest through American territory by
250 miles, and extends through a section
of country that may In a few years be
self-6ustalning. Over this route citizens
of the United States may travel at will
without taxation or the petty annoyances
necessarily inciaont to travel through a
foreign nation. This route appears to
have hydrographically and geographically
a preponderance or advantages thit en
title It to favorable consideration as the
all-American route from the seaboard to
the Upper Yukon River In Alaska.
"The work of the season of 1899, which
has been pushed to a practical Issue by
the War Department, has resulted In the
organization and prosecution of many In
dustrial pursuits. Mining companies have
sent their principals into the field to de
velop the resources of the Copper River
Valley, which had hitherto been locked up
In the mountain fastnesses, owing to the
Inaccessibility of that region. Railroad
companies have been organised, and their
field staff of engineers sent forward to
complete the preliminary work for the
laying of track and the building of
wharves and bridges. The small farmer
has built his log cabin along this all-Amer-Ican
route, where his wife and children
will till the soil and minister to the wants
of the travelers. Contracts have been en
tered Into for the delivery of domestic an
imals to the various camps In the Yukon
Valley over the all-American route, and
as a result that part of our domain, which
would undoubtedlv havi remained dor
mant for years to com has, hv the help
ing hand extended to the frontiersman bv
the military, developed those. Industries
that In the near future may become great
commercial Interests."
Snew Vnylnm Officer.
CHICAGO. Nov. 1 Andrew Forsyth e,
who was released from an insane asylum
yesterday by Judge Dunne, has brought
suit for $250,000 damages against the sup
erintendent and other officers'Of the asy
lum. He alleges he was illegally de
tained. For a Cold 1 n the Head,
Laxative Bromo-Qulnlno Tablets.'''
Defeated Joe Bernstein In the Sev
enth Round at Louisville
Other Sporting News.
(LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 2. Terry lie
Govern, the feather-weight champion, de
feated Joe Bernstein, of New York, In
the seventh round before the Nonpareil
Athletic Club and 5000 people tonight. The
feather-weight championship was In
volved and the battle was scheduled for
25 rounds. The purse was $00, of which
tho winner received $2500. JJjIcGovern took
his time, only occasionally sailing Into
Bernstein, but when he did there was a
slashing succession of blows, which ap
peared to be snatched from a mysterious
source. After two minutes and five sec
onds of the seventh round, McGovern
rammed, banged and beat his opponent,
Bernstein was badly dazed and could not
speak for several seconds.
McGovern had a cautious foe with a
punch in either hand, but he blocked,
rushed and bewildered his antagonist with
blows from all directions, and seemingly
at tine same Instant, Picking thit win
ner was never a consideration. The ques
tion was "how long will Bernstein last";
that was the betting proposition. In the
final round, McGovern showed his whirl
wind form and ripped killing stabs
took the steam out of Bernstein. Bern
stein went down repeatedly, Terry walk
ing around him like a tiger. Bernstein
was unable to continue after a right
hook to the jaw, and Referee George Slier
stopped the fight, Oscar Gardner and
Dave Sullivan challenged the winner.
Bernstein weighed 125 pounds; McGovern,
122. The fight by rounds:
Round 1 They squarred and clinched.
Bernstein blocked a left swing. Bern
stein landed a stiff punch on McGovern's
stomach. Terry led for the stomach and
missed. Bernstein fell to his knees from
a stiff punch on the Jaw. McGovern
missed a hard right uppercut. McGovern
seemed worried. They clinched. Bern
stein landed a left in McGovern's face
In the breakaway. Honors wero even at
the belt
Round 2 McGovern started after Bern
stein. Hard Infighting followed. Mc
Govern landed a hard left on the stom
ach. McGovern missed three swings. Mc
Govern landed two hard ones on the Btom
ach. Bernstein blocked two leads for
the head. McGovern missed two swings
and Bernstein clinched. McGovern land
ed hard on the Jaw. Bernstein was
knocked down with a hard right on the
Jaw. Bernstein went down again. Terry
was right after him with left and right.
Round 3 Terry went right after Joe
and they clinched. Terry landed left on
the face. They clinched again. Terry
landed a left on the stomach. They
clinched. Bernstein holding on. Mc
Govern knocked Bernstein to his knees.
Bernstein clinched and would not break.
Bernstein landed on Terry's stomach.
Terry landed a hard right under the heart
and again on the head. They clinched
In Bernstein's corner. Bernstein landed
a right lightly on the Jaw. Bernstein
looked tired, while Terry was smiling.
Round A Terry rushed Joe, who backed
away. Terry landed a right under tthe
heart and they clinched. It looked as
If Bernstein was only trying to stay tho
limit. They clinched. McGovern landed
a left on the stomach and Bernstein land
ed a left on Terry's stomach. They clinch
ed and Joe landed a left lightly On the
Jaw. Terry landed a hard right under
the heart. They exchanged lightly and
came to a clinch. Terry missed four
wild swings, and then landed a hard
right on the kidneys. Bernstein landed
lightly on the jaw and they clinched.
Terry was not using as good Judgment as
to distance as In his previous fights.
Round 5 'Bernstein was on the defen
sive and Terry hot after him. McG.o em
missed a right and left swing. Bern
stein led but was blocked. McGovern
led twice but missed. Terry landed a
right on Joe's ear and Joe ducked a
left swing. McGovern missed a hard
right uppercut and Joo landed a left on
the jaw. Terry uppercut Joe hard, and
landed over the heart. McGovern knock
ed Joe to the ropes with a right over the
heart, Terry landed hard on the kldnjys
and missed two punches.
Round 6 Terry rushed Joe and landed
a right and left on the face. Joe ran
Into clinch. Bernstein landed a nice left
on Terry's nose and another good right
on Terry's Jaw. Both ran Into a clinch
without damage. Terry landed a right
on the kidneys and then four rights
on the kidneys, followed by a lively ex
change of body blows. Joe Jarred Terry
with a hard left on tho mouth and landed
another one on Terry's Jaw and a right
on Terry's ear. Both were roughing It
on. the ropes. Terry knocked Joe to
the ropes with a hard right on the face,
and they clinched. Terry landed on Bern
stein's body with a right. McGovern's
right hand seemed to bo hurt,
Rund 7 They clinched and Terry rushed
Joe. Terry led, but missed. Terry landed
a right on Joe's body, a hard right on the
heart and another In the same place.
Joe landed a left on the Jaw. Both ex-r
changed lefts on the body. Terry fought
Joe down and he stayed down eight sec
onds. Joe went down again, but Ref
eree Slier stopped the fight as Bernstein
was all gone. McGovern, was given the
Won From Russell
on a
DENVER. Nov. 2. With blood stream
ing from deep cuts over both eyes and a
savage expression on his countenance, big
Fred Russell, the) California heavy-weight,
broke from a clinch as the gong sounded
the close of the fourth round of his fight
with the veteran Joe Choynskl, before
tho Colorado Athletic Association tonight,
and. with two terrific punches to the
body, sent him flying through the ropes
and on to the floor of the clubhouse,
where he remained nearly five minutes
stretched at full length. Two big police
men then lifted him to his feet and as
sisted him Into the ring. Joe Immediately
walked up to Russell, who stood with his
seconds to one side of the ring, apparent
ly wondering what had happened, and
squared off In front of Russell. Referee
Frank Cullen stepped between the men,
who were about to mix It up again, and.
holding Joe's arm In the air. declared him
the winner on account of Russell's trans
gression of the rules. Russell's fouling
of Choynskl caused Intense excitement
among the fighters, club officials and
spectators, and when Joo had been seated
In his corner and his seconds were fixing
him up, the timekeeper sounded the gong
for order, Joe, thinking It was call of
time, got up for business again, and was
only restrained by the repeated shouting
of the crowd that he had won.
The fight was the most vicious ever
witnessed In Denver. Russell's great
weight and strength was more than Joe
could stand, and 3ie was frequently rushed
off his feet and against the ropes. He
clinched frequently to save himself, and
In breaking received some very hard
punches on the body and head. Joe got
some very hard Jabs to Russell's head
and body, as the latter bored In on him,
and cut through the flesh over both of
Russell's eyes, causing the blood to riot
In streams. Just after the fight started,
Joe went to the floor with his hands on
his groin, and showed evidence, of pain.
Ho struggled to his feet and Russell
nearly threw the referee out of the ring
In hid efforts to get at Joe, which brought
a storm of hisses from the crowd. There
was a great deal of wrestling and clinch
ing all through the fight, and Joe was
thrown to the floor several times, and
in return threw Russell clear over his
(Choynskl's) head. Russell's, -superior
strength gave "him the advantage in.thls
style of fighting, and he undoubtedly
wouldj have worn Joe down, and knocked
him out had 'the fight .continued. Two
thousand persons witnessed the boutl
Solllvan Defeated Movratt.
CHICAGO, Nov. a Tommy Sullivan,, of
Brooklyn, was given the decision over
Young Mowatt, of Chicago, at the end
of the sixth round -tonight. The fighting
was very even all through, but Sullivan
had a clear advantage on points.
Races at Tonlcers.
NEW YORK, Nov. 2. Jockey McCue
carried the honors at the Empire City
racetrack today, winning three out of five
mounts. Results:
Selling, about six furlongs Flaunt won,
Shoreham second, Midnight Chimes third;
time, 1:11.
Miie and 70 yards, selling Carbuncle
won, Annoy second; time, 1:4S?4. Two
Hillside handicap, five rurlongs Msaba
won, Candle second. Glen Nellie third;
time, 1:02.
Mile and 70 yards Belle of Troy won,
First Whip second. Withers third; time,
Selling, VA furlongs Pigeon Post won.
The Regent second, Maiden third; time,
Mile and 70 yards St. Finnan won, St.
Slmonlan second, Hultzllopochttl third;
time, 1:484.
Races at Latonia.
CINCINNATI, Nov. 2. Results at La
tonia: Six furlongs, selling Dr. Ramsey won.
Deist second, Onoto third; time, 1:15.
Five and a half furlongs, selling Whit
field won, Mateo second, Bednor third;
time, 1:09&
One and a sixteenth miles, selling Beana
won, Louisville Belle second, Windward
third; time, 1:49.
One mile, selling Woodtrlce won, Sau
ber second. Left Bower third; time, 1:41.
Five furlongs Resignation won, Allen
second, Angea third; time, 1:03.
Six furlongs, selling Blenheim
Fair Deceiver second, Poorlands
time, 1:15.
Races at Lakeside.
CHICAGO. Nv. 2. Results- at Lakeside:
Five and a half furlongs Rival Daro
won, Olekma second, Made Maree third;
time. 1:10 1-5.
Six furlongs R!o de Altar won, Hylo
second, Hampshire third; time, 1:17 2-5.
Mile and a half Frangible won, Joe
Shelby second. False Lead third; time.
One mile Jake Weber won, Deponan
second, Ben Chance third; time, 1:44 2-5.
Mile and a sixteenth Oloha II won,
Strangest second, Norford third; time,
One mile Dandy H. won, Brown Veil
second, Dagmar third; time, 1:45 2-5.
Oakland Races Becln Today.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2. The Califor
nia Jockey Club will open tomorrow at
the Oakland track. It Is expected a field
of 12 will start In tho opening handicap.
Those likely to go are: Modrine, True
Blue, Formero, Rosormondj, The Fretter,
Mortgage, My Gypsy, Malay, Constellator,
Golden, El Mldo and Flush of Gold. Near
ly all the stables from the East have ar
One Was Issued in 1TT6 and the Oth
er in 1778.
ANTES FORT, Pa., Oct, 27. (To tho
Editor.) I see In your paper of August
26 a clipping from the Spokane Chronicle
about a Mr. Flechtl, who says he is the
owner of the only $00 bill in existence In
the United States, and was ottered $1000
therefor. Now. I would like to Inform
the owner of than$0 'bill,- through your
paper, that I have a $C0 bill, which tallies
with the description of his bill to the
very letter, and I am also In possession
of another bill of tho value of $6, dated
August 14, 1776, which is two years older
than my $60 bill, and also two years older
than the one of the Spokane man.
My $60 bill Is about 4xS inches In size.
On one side Is written the receipt, as fol
lows: "This bill entitles the bearer to
receive 00 Spanish milled dollars for value
received In gold or silver, according to a
resolution passed by Congress at Phila
delphia, September 26, 177S," On the face
also Is an engraving of a ring the size of
a silver dollar, with a small globe In the
center, and on the margin of the ring are
tho following words: "Dcus Regnat, Ex
ultet, Terra," Underneath the ring Is
"LX Dollars," and on both ends Is printed
the name, "United States." On the top
and bottom of the bill Is printed "Oonti
hental Currency, LX D's." On the back
Is drawn a bow, with a set arrow. Along
the margin is again printed the value of
the bill. On the lower edge are the
words, "Printed by Hall & Selers, 1773."
Here also are the names of some persons,
but they are too faded to be legible.
My $6 bill is of the same .size. On the
face Is the following: "Six Dollars, No.
(faded out). This bill of Six Dollars shall
entitle the bearer hereof to receive gold
or sliver, at the rate of four shillings and
six pence, sterling, per dollar for the said
bill, according to a resolve of the conven
tion of Maryland, held at the City of An
napolis, the fourteenth day of August,
MDOqiiXXVI." Below this are two sig
natures. The margin of the face of this
bill is surrounded with a dark border,
with the value "six" printed In several
places, and some other figures and marks
too much faded to be made out with the
naked eye.
On the back of this bill is also a narrow
border. Inside the border, at the top,
the value Is again printed, "Six Dollars."
On the edge Is "Equal to 27s sterling."
at one end Is, "Printed by F. Green." At
the other end Is the word "Annapolis." In
tho center Is a ring the size of a silver
half-dollar, with some letters encircling it.
Both bills have the appearance of being
of a greenish cast, but time has changed
the color.
The owner of these rare bills Is David
Stlne, of Antes Fort, Lycoming County,
Siberian Rivers Well Lighted.
New York Tribune Correspondence.
One of the most remarkable features
of the Russian navigation of Siberian
rivers consists In the thorough way In
which each verst of the navlgablo 3000
or more Is lighted. There Is always a
lamp post In sight, and these are painted
white or red, so as to be easily dis
cernible during the day. This must ne
cessitate the employment of at least 1000
llghtkeepers, who also patrol and sound
the river's depth within their respective
beats. Each Isolated woodpile must also
have its guardians, who live near by In
a log hut or two.
Baltimore and the French Admiral.
BALTIMORE, Nov. 2. Mayor Hayes to
day made his official call upon Admiral
Richard, of the French Navy, aboard the
fligshlp La Cecllle. This evening the Ad
miral" and a number of officers of his fleet
were tendered a public reception In the
City Hall, and were later entertained at
luncheon at the Merchants' Club.
Battle With Strikers.
WHEELING. W. Va., Nov. 2. A pitched
battle occurred today between the strik
ers at the Riverside works of the National
Tube Company and the men who have
taken their places. Shots were exchanged
and missiles thrown. Walter Davis was
probably fatally Injured. More trouble is
Winter Erenlngs
are comlnp, when home amusements call
for new, clean playing cards. Our new
series Is eupcrb and novel. Army and
Navy, heroes on court cards. We send
them prepaid for 23 cents a pack, money
or stamps. Malt-Nutrlne Dept.; Anheuaer-
l Busch Brewing AaVa, St. Louis, Mo,
Annual Report of the Second Assist
ant Postmaster-General What
Was Done in Alaska.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. The annual
report of W. S. Shallenberger, Second As
sistant Postmaster-General, was made
public today. It shows that June 30 last
the annual rate of expenditure for inland
mail service was $55,146,950; for foreign
service, $2,014,53S; total expenditure, $57,
160,598. There were 22,534 star routes, with
a total mileage of 269,858, involving an
annual rate of expenditure of $5,133,378,
1943 special office routes, 1S2 steamboat
routes, 2GS8 railroad routes (annual ex
pense $33,424,782), 223 railroad postoffico
car routes (annual expense $4,369,000), 8695
railway postofflce clerks (annual expense
$3,946,424), 7190 mall messenger routes, 220
wagon routes (In cltleB), 2S7 electric and
cable-car routes, 5 pneumatic routes (an
nual expenditure $222,266). Necessary and
special facilities on trunk lines of rail
roads Involved an annual rate of expend
iture of $195,143, and mail equipments cost
$315,744. The routes of all kinds In the
domestic mall service cover over 500,000
miles In length, and the miles traveled
over them per annum was 459,205,773. An
average of almost nine trips a week on
each route was maintained throughout
the country.
Mr. Shallenberger refers to the steps
taken looking to stopping speculative bid
ding for mall contracts, and announces
that the new policy of awarding all now
contracts only to persons living on or
contiguous to the route Involved, has
worked satisfactorily.
The experiment of box delivery on star
routes, whereby persons along the line
could have the mail brought from the
nearest office by the star route carrier
and left In a box erected by such per
sons, has worked satisfactorily In South
Carolina, and the next star route con
tracts will provide for such service, In
creasing the mall facilities in the rural
districts at a moderate Increase In cost.
Letter mall for the Interior of Alaska
was carried last Winter by a service that
was reasonably well performed. For the
coming Winter the arrangements double
the frequency of dispatches for points
supplied by various overland routes, sup
plying the offices along them with letter
mall four times a month. Malls will be
carried by reindeer this Winter from
Eaton to Kotzebue, a point north of the
Arctic circle. Plans for various overland
routes are announced, and the necessity
emphasized of co-operation with the War
Department in opening up an all-Amerl-can
military and post road from Valdes
to the Upper Yukon.
The service In Porto Rico, Hawaii and
tho temporary military postal service In
China are touched on briefly.
The special and general weighing of the
mall throughout the United States, the
results Of which were announced last
February, showed the railroads carried
an aggregate much greater than gener
ally supposed, and that 6 per cent of the
total matter was sent direct to the rail
roads. The result of the regular quadren
nial adjustment of tho pay for railroad
transportation in the second contract sec
tion, comprising North and South Caro
lina, Georgia, Florida. Alabama, Missis
sippi, Tennessee and Kentucky, based on
a reweighlng under orders Issued Septem
ber 30 las't, was an increase of over 10
per cent
The pneumatic service Investigation, It
Is stated, has developed valuable Infor
mation, and the report will be submit
ted to Cpngress soon after it convenes.
Pending that, estimates for continuance
of existing service are withheld. The
electric-cars have been found a most ad
vantageous means of providing expedi
tious mail transportation, especially for
suburban towns, and In many cities saves
the establishment of wagon service.
In the railway mall service, matter too
Illegibly or Improperly addressed to per
mit delivery amounted to 14,617,2S4 pieces,
an Increase of over 11,000.
Relief legislation for families of those
killed In the service Is asked, and the
creation of a fund to retire on pay a clerk
whose usefulness Is cut short by perma
nent disability Incurred In the line of
Reorganization and reclassification of
the railway mall service, legislation re
quiring separation of second-class mall
matter by publishers, and legislation for
the punishment of persons who by force
attempt to enter a postal car or assault
the postal clerk on duty, are recom
mended. No estimate Is submitted at
this time for pneumatic tube service or
for special facilities on trunk lines.
Tho total estimate for all mall trans
portation for the fiscal year ending June
30. 1902. Is $61,430,249. being $2,153,610, or
3.64 per cent, more than the current ap
propriation. The estimates submitted In
detail are as follows: ,
Star service, Including special of
fice $ 5,560,000
Steamboat service 586,000
Railroad transportation 34,700,000
Railway postofflce cars 4,861,000
Railway postofflce clerks 10,378,749
Mall messenger service 1,038,000
Electric and cable car service.... 500,000
Wagon service in cities 800,000
Mall equipments 326,500
Miscellaneous Items ' 1,000
Total inland service $58,726,249
Foreign mail transportation 2,549,000
Balances due foreign countries... 155,000
Shows a Decrease of Nearly Two
Millions In October.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. The monthly
statement of the public debt shows that
I Fainting ' r ' J
91 esfev VT. P H I s?t il
H M When lima 17 yean old I was aeanyelx feet 'MtcjL
Ml tail, and I FYldentlr outgrew my itrearth. Jly 5J
health besen to fall, and in iplte of the eet V
fJ ntdlcnl attendance I oontlnntdtacronwono. " V
JlnaUy I became o weak that I could Be) I
4J stand up alcne. Mr blood was thin, I had n I VV
B jolor and no appetite. I was subject to (alalia? f rfrvV
jjj spells which cam on nearly eTery day, and f mMl
js was aa, miserable aa it was pcsalble to be. I )ml
u When It was en that the physician's treat- " ll 1
3 ment was doing m no rood ray parents bought 1 M
JR raany kinds of medicines tor me, bat X con- '
M tinned to fsa.
la "Onedaya irentJeoaa told rarhther of Dr.
JWj 'Williams' Jftnlc PUU for Pale reople and Icon-
H sentedtotrythem. XwMtixrprlted and greatly
J pleased to find that rood reaurta followed ta
n cm of the lint box. sad X continued Uklnj the
Ul pills. Kyappeut Improved at one sad my
EJj stoenfta retarne. I took At boxea of the
Q plus and they cured me. My health is now ex-
m celleat, I have a good color, aad feel bcUt and
3 sfSiSqL, . " Both ray mother sad I bY recommended
3 SfinSe. the puis taothen.sjid some of my friends haTO
3 .JKsGJBiiswiSbBt, been treetly benefited by them. I weald xsc-
jf afeaKMflffiegar5T ommend Xir. Williams' Pink Pills t all who Q
1 ffiyJEwOpSifcrfl& are sick sad In need of a good medicine." M
Q jBwfp$i$f SUSTfCX BOOTH. 2& Caynra Street, H
I jJlfNP Dr . Williams 1
1 ' jlfJf . Puik Pills I
MmWtv t( KnM "S V. areeoIdbyalldniesMJorwnibeientpoft. set
BmlWrvVv Njvtf AffinW paid on receipt of price, M cents a box, or Wt
Hkvv5!Jra&r SiTT?H I i,x boxes for tt.60 (they are nerer sold ta wB
m W$WUF3L. V . rKy f I ml balk or the 100). Address Br. WUllama K
H Mns Sncrca Boon. Medlota Company, Schenectady, K.Y.
at the close of business October 31, 1900,
the debt, less cash In the Treasury, was
$1,101,402,320, a decrease as compared with
last month of $1,754,331. The debt is re
capitulated as follows:
Interest-bearing debt .$1,001,499,750
Debt on which Interest has.
ceased since maturity 3,430.030
Debt bearing no Interest 386,477,571
Total .n,391,407,352
This amount, however, does not Include
$740,965,679 in certificates and Treasury
notes outstanding which are offset by an
equal amount of cash In hand.
The cash In the Treasury Is classified
as follows:
Reserve fund $ ICO.000,000
Trust fund 740,965,679
General fund 123,628,003
In National bank depositories
. to the credit of tho Treasurer
of the United States 89.818,45
To credit of disbursing officers. 6,659,653
Total .$1,111,071,877
Demand liabilities outstanding.? 823,066,844
Cash balance $ 267,005,032
Suggested TJse of Mexican Silver.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2-Mr. Tracewell,
Controller of the Treasury, has received
from LJeutenant Fuller, United States
Army, disbursing officer in the Philip
pines, a letter asking for authority to
purchase In Hong Kong, or wherever it
may be obtained at the most advantage,
Mexican silver for the payment of native
employes of the ordnance department.
and others with whom official dealings
I are had. The transactions In the Islands,
, It Is said, are all in Mexican dollars. The
.Controller says he sees no objection to
the plan proposed, which appears to have
I for Its object a saving to the Govern-
ment, but In view of provisions of sec
tion 36ol of the revised statutes he has
grave doubta as to the legality of any
exchange of funds, and as the question Is
one of general law and public policy, he
suggests an opinion from the Attorney
General be obtained.
Wants an Honorable Discharge.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. The District
Supreme Court today dismissed the pe
tition for mandamus asked for by Lewis
Brown, ex-Lieutenant In the volunteer
Infantry, against the Secretary of War
to compel Issuance of an honorable dis
charge. Brown was tried by court-martial
at San Luis, Cuba, on the charge of
gambling, and was acquitted. General
Wood refused to accept the verdict and
referred the case back to the court,
which later found Brown guilty and sen
tenced him to dismissal. Brown, In his
petition, claimed that the first action of
the court-martial was final.
Capital of Federated Australia.
"VANCOUVER, B. C. Nov. 2, Austni
llan advices Indicate the probable selec
tion of Albury, New South Wales, as
the capital of Federated Australia. .Lord
Hopetown, the first Governor-'General,
will arrive in Sydney December 12. The
federated colonies are making strong ob
jection to the proposed Incorporation of
tho Fiji Islands by New Zealand.
The New Zealand Government has ask
ed the approval of the Parliament of
that colony for one year of the agreement
with J. D. Spreckels & Bro. for a con
tinuance of the San Francisco mall ser
vice once every three weeks, Instead
of every four weeks, the time
between San Francisco and Auckland to
be not more than 16 days. The payment
for the conveyance of malls between New
Zealand and San Francisco shall be at
I I house wife who tries
P nor
Do you realize all that
w Gold Dust Washing Pow-
,der will do in saying hard
v ,on your
v and see
for you it should.
Chicago, Now
the rate of 10 shillings 6 pence per pound
for letters, 1 shilling per pound for books
and 6d per pound for newspapers.
Maries Social Standing That
Sometimes Attain 18 Inches.
In China long finger nails are a mark
of gentility. They are an Indication that
their possessor Is a man of leisure. When
they arc excessively long, approaching
the dignity of talons, as they sometimes
do, they indicate that the gentleman or
lady attached to them nas passed the
mere gentility line, and has become a
full-fledged aristocrat. In Aunam, where
the finger-nill habit has persisted for
hundreds and perhaps thousands of
years, these signs-manual of extreme
gentility sometimes attain by careful cul
tivation the length of six or eight inches,
and Instances are on record where a
length of 16 and even 18 inches has been
This custom prevails generally through
out what is know as lndo-Chlna, which
Includes Slam. Burmah. Cambodia, Laos
and the Shan States, etc. It Is also com
mon throughout the Chinese Empire,
more especially In the southern provinces.
Well-to-do- merchants and storekeepers
content themselves with encouraging the
growth of one or two nails only, usually
those of the fore and middle Angers; of
ficials, according to their grade, may cul
tivate a larger number of claws, of a
proportionately exaggerated length. The
wives of merchants are also fond of this
sort of display. In cases where tho exi
gencies of the domestic situation call for
some degree of toll In tho household, pro
tectors, 'usually of sliver or some base
metal, are worn as sheaths over the pro
jecting talons. Nails measuring an inch
and a quarter or an Inch and a half In
length are quite common in China, and,
as has been remarked, claws extending
10 or 12 times that length are by no means
rare In the neighboring states.
It Is said that some of the Annamess
noblemen never have their nails cut from
the time of birth. In such cases, of
course, the poor creatures are practically
helpless, and have to rely on servants
entirely for assistance In tho discharge
of the most common offices, being unable
either to clothe or feed themselves.
Old and New Mottoes.
Baltimore Sun.
When the founder of a Baltimore street
restaurant began business a generation
or moro ago, bis customers were greeted
with the following mottoes, prettily
framed, hanging about on tho walla:
t Love as Brethren. Bo Pitiful, j
t t
: Bo Courteous. t
t t
, ,''"
: Let Thin Heart Keep My Com-.j
: i
r rnandments, for Length of Says i
t t
t and Long Life and Peace Shall t
t They Add to Thee. t
f t
These mottoes hang In tho rest&urant
still. Underneath each hangs another
placard with a latter-day sentiment. It
Watch Tour Hat and- Cfcatt
hard worked
to get along without
I is neither economical
just to herselt
Read the directions
package TO-DAY
if it is doing all
York. St. Louis. Boston.