'.-! - i''A 1 ,y j; i - 3 VOL. XL. O. 12,447. PORTLAJTD, OREGON, , SATTODA. . NOVEMBER 3f 1900. PRICE FIVE CENTS ? Any Size Any Quantity MACKINTOSHES, RUBBER AND OIL-CLOTHING Rubber Boots and Shoes, BelUnfjt Packing and Hose. Largfrrt and most complete assortment o f all kinds of Rubber Goods. Goodyear Rubber Company R. H. PEASE, President. F. M. BHEPARD, JR., Treasurer. J. A. SHEPARD. Secretary. BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. WHOLESALE and IMPORTING DRUGGISTS. 144-W FOURTH STREET SOLE AGENTS Kodak, Cameras and Photo Supplies at wholesale and rta!L Distributors for a!! the leading proprietary preparations for Oregon, Washington and Idaho. SUMMERS & PRAEL CO. IMPORTERS wholesale Aim retailers is China, Crockery, Glassware LAMP GOODS AND CUTLERY Hotel, Restaurant and Bar Supplies a specialty. Ill THIRD STREET Shaw's Pure Malt The Condensed Strength and Nutriment of Barley and Rye Blumaiier & Hocfl, lOS and HO Fourth Street Sole Distributers for Oregon established 1S70 Q. P. Rummelin & Sons, Furriers 126 SECOND ST., near WASHINGTON Fur Neck Scarfs, from $1.00 and upwards. Pur Collareltcs. with clujler of tails, $3.25 and upwards. Fur Collarettes, with yokes and cluster of tails, $350 and upwards. Call and see our endlesB variety of Neckwear, in Animal Scarfs, Cluster Boas, Lone Fox Boas, Storm Collars, etc Fur Jackets Etons Capes Robes and Rugs Oregon 'Phone Main 491. ALASKA SEALSKINS OUR SPECIALTY TTOTEL PERKINS fifth and Washington Streets . PORTLAND. OREGON EUROPEAN PLAIH Rooms Single TSc to 11.60 per day First-Class Checlc Restaurant Rooms Double ......41.00 to $2.00 perday Connected With Hotel. Rooms Family 8-50 to $3.00 per, day J.F.DAVIES.Prej. St. Charles Hotel CO. ONCORPORATCD). FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON American and European Plan. Pleasure on The ewner of a Pianola can keep In touch with all the popular oira of the day. The works of the great masters, ancient and modern, are equally at command. Im meM&te access to this Inexhaustible fund of pleasure does not depend upon musical knowledge, but may be obtained simply by the purchase of a Pianola. M. B. WELLS, Northwest Agent for the Aeolian Company Aeolian Hall, 353-355 Washington Street cor. Park. Portland, Or. We are Bole agents for the Pianola. It la exhibited only at our warerooms. - ' SOCIALISTS ARRESTED. I RED FLAG IK CHICAGO. Sympathisers Hooted Police, Who Ued Clnb With Good Effect. NSW YORK, Nov. 1. Six speakers of the Socialist Labor party, -who Insisted cm talking to an enormous crowd at Seventh Street and Avenue C tonight, were ar rested by the police, who claimed they bad no permit to speak. A good deal of clubbing was done by the policemen, who numbered over SO. The Socialists went back to their headquarters, overlooking the earner, after being balled and talkea again. The men arrested are Arthur Keep, William Ivllsella, David Barr, Louis Wlederer. Irving R. Weisberger and Max Stork. The crowd hooted the police, ana the officers, enraged, charged the crowd. They used their clubs on a good many Deads and arms and drove them bach, from the street, clearing It. Then they took the men to the station-house. They i Were m cells only a short umo when they i were balled out. I RAILROAD PENSIONS. Pennsylvania. Company extends the System Over Its Line. PITTSBURG, Nov. t Offldal notices were posted today of the establishment of a penetoa system for tho employes of the Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg; The n?w system will go Into effect January 1, 1SOL Employee aged 78 years or more will be given the option of retiring from serv ice on naif pay. Another provision also stipulates that If an employe has been crippled In the service -of the road he can retire at the age of 96 years. The system has been In vogue on the Pennsylvania Railroad for some time, and as it his met with the approval of the employes. It has been decided to extend It over the entire , Pennsylvania lines. , Will VIeir Milwaukee Parade. CHICAGO. Nov. X.-J Tho Republican Br- ' eeutlve Oeaun'ttee. composed of Senator Hansa, Secretary Heath, Committeeman Kereas. of MJsaeurl; G. A. Stewart, of Il linois ,aa Assortant Treasurer Foster, will aoeeatpany Vlee-Chalrraan Payne to Xllwaukee tomorrow to view the Repub- llcant parage In that otty Saturday night. Chare wiH be no ispeeohmaklng. Any Style 73-75 FIRST ST. PORTLAND, OR. AND 267 WASHIHGTOII STREET Incorporated 1833 "t KlAr y- . C T. BELCHER. See. and Trees. American plan..., European plan..., . .41.25. n.sj, iltb ... 60s. 75c. H.00 tap Debs Orator Went Too Far and the People Would ICot Stand It. CH CAGO, Nor. 2.-Soclallst orotors raise the red flag In State street tonight and .re driven off the thoroughfare by the polioe, who were compelled to Inter fere to stop a .lot. The rebs speakers ocupied a half dozen wagons to speak from along the street. There were fre quent dashes between the speakers and the big crowds who gathered amound the stands. Shortly after midnight, the Socialists became bolder and a red flag was raised on every wagon. The red flag was very large and in contrast was hung a flag of the United States of very small dimen sions. The crowd took all this good naturedly until some of the Debs speak ers began kicking at the American flag. In a moment, there was confusion all aiong me sireex. ana several speaicers were dragged from their wagons and roughly bandied. The central detail police wason was called. Sergeant Mahoney ordered the Debs wagons to leave the street and thoy were escorted away, followed by the police patrol. A mob of 1000 people followed them until they disappeared In the shadows of Lake street. Cuban Commerce. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. The War De partment's bulletin of the commerce or Cuba for the 10 months ended April 30. shows that the value of aU merchandise Imported during this period was $59,925,333. and of gold and silver I5.N&2S7, giving a total importation of J65.030.623. Of this amount $S.9SG.5S3 worth was rent from the United States, and fl.7.4G6 worth total came from Porto Rico. The exportation of merchandise amounted to BMCU.421, of which agrl cultural products formed the greater port. The export of gold and sliver was $3,239,653, making the total value of all. exports from'Cuba $33,703,374. The United Staes '"JiSSrr82 wrth r V1"6 ports and $S0.15T 'worth went to Porto rRiCO. Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. Today's state ment of the Treasury balances shows: Available cash balances $1S7,205,S16 4 Gold ................ &3&VR Whitman Will Probably Go for the Nebraskan. A RED-HOT JUDGESHIP CONTEST No Fusion Between Democrats and Populists on County Ticket Frinlc Will Be Scratched. COFXiAX, Wash., Nov. 2. (Staff corre spondence.) Whitman County was long the bub of Populism In Washington. It is the greatest wheat-producing country in the state, and has many small towns and a large rural population. It was here that the agricultural depression of 1893-4-&t was felt with Its greatest sever ity. Farms were plastered -with mort gages, interest payments were in default, taxes were overdue, and bankruptcy. Im minent or actual, was tho common condi tion. Land could hardly be given away, and warehousea wore fairly bursting with unsalable grain. The times were out of joint, and the views of the farmer as to the causes that produced them became sadly warped. Populism and Its fantastic theories seemed a remedy; at least It gave promise of a change. Apparently It could not be worse; It must be better. Thus we And that in ISM the Populist party waxed powerful and carried the county against both the Democrats and Republicans. Then the Democrats prac tically disappeared, and fusion was ef fected in 1896 on state and National tick ets. The Populists of Whitman kept stubbornly In the middle of the road on their local nominees, and literally swept the county over the Republicans and a feeble combination between a few Demo crats and Silver Republicans. Bryan got 1922 majority out of a total of MM votes (more than two to one), and the Populist county ticket was successful by plurali ties ranging from 1000 to 100. The aver age Populist vote was about 530Q0. Them came the astounding change of 1S93. On state Issues there was fusion; on county officers none. The total vote fell from C494 to 4574, and the Republi cans carried the county by pluralities running from 100 to 720. The Populist vote dropped off one-half or more, and the Democrats managed to advertise the fact that they were still alive and kicking (of course, kicking) by running their inde pendent vote up to something like 1600. For Congress tho county split, giving Jones (Rep.) and Lewis (Dem.) small ma jorities. More than 900 citizens stayed at home. That the surprising and iinexpect- J&lUfRepablicanJlvJctory- -was. 4due ito the growing discord among the fusionista (never any too friendly) and to the light poll is perfectly obvious. Tho aggregate Republican gains were about 500 votes, and yet they were sufficient In two years to overcome an adverse majority of 1900. Examination of figures is often tiresome, but nothing else so completely and clearly tells the story of politics in this county and Its strange mutations. Many Republicans In Colfax think they are going to carry the county for Mc Klnley this yoarj and they have even higher hopes for their county ticket. Chairman Davenport, of the county Re publican committee, is most sanguine over the outlook. He has polled about 40 out of the 58 precincts, and the results show that there are as many Republicans as all the opposition combined, conceding the doubtful to the Democrats. Mr. Da venport thinks the total vote will be in the neighborhood of 5400, and that Repub licans will have at least 2700. If they do, they will win by a comfortable margin, inasmuch as there Is old-time war be tween the Democrats and Populists. There will be some Debs and Woolley votes, a few hundred altogether. Chalman Doneen, of the Democratic committee, does not at all agree with Mr. Davenport.m his or:m lses or conclusions. He 'declares that Bryan .will carry the county by 1200 to 1500 votes, and that Rogers will do even bet ter. He claims to have a poll -which war rants this statement; and he asserts, moreover, that nothing in the present situation or In past history Justifies any opinion that the Bryan voters hero are not largely In the majority. From my In vestigation of conditions at Colfax and at other places In the county, I am forces, to agree with Mr. Doneen, though the Bryan majority will doubtless be less than he names. Five hundred for Bryan would be a moderate estimate, with somewhat more for Rogers. The Instructive fact In the Whitman situation is that the Republican vote dur ing the past six years has been practical ly at a standstill, not counting the slump of 1S35. In 18S9. Whitman gave 2149 for Ferry for Governor; in 1892, 21C8 for Harri son for President; In 1594. 2123 for Doo llttle for Congress: in 1S96, 1610 for Mc Klnley; and In 1S9S 2072 for Jones for Con gress. The aggregate vote has been steadily decreasing since 1S92; but, except In 1893, there have been Just about the same number of Republicans. This Is in effect a slow gain. Doubtless, some Re publicans, say 250, were among the 00 who stayed at home In 1S9S; but, on the other hand. It Is generally agreed that not a few Democrats and Populists then voted the straight Republican ticket on account of the odious single tax, which was in tho BUensburg Fusion platform. The Wash ington platform this year wisely avoids single tax, and. In the Issue between Mc Klnley and Bryan, some Democrats end Populists who gave aid and comfort to their common enemy in 1898 will return to their idols. It Is, of course, lmpnsj'ble to say what proportion of them will relapse and what will make their temporary abode permanent; but not all will tay and not all will go back. It will be not a little surprising, therefore. If the Re publican vote for McKlnley this year is greater than 2300. If It is not, the Dem ocratic will be about 2S00 and the remal i der scattering. Whitman County Is stagnant, industrial ly and politically, and the expectel con traction of the Bryan plurality would not take place In the same great measure if there were harmony among the Fu.s:on Ists. In 1S9C, -conditions for union of the silver and paper-money boomers wcra Ideal. - This year there la a abtarbing- Middle-of-the-Road movement, headed by the' redoubtable Judge McDonald and 'the equally Irrepressible "Shorty" Brown. Tho supreme object of this" Independent organ ization la to re-elect McDonald Supcrlox Judge. It embraces within Its rank cer tain persons who still retain their virgin notions of the high mission of tho Popn list party, and are on principle opposed to fusion. There are Bome othefi, "too, who have more or less Identity wl.h these Mlddle-of-the-Roaders, and who ar fight ing Governor Rogers''because of his apor-, tasy from tho Populists to the Democrats; but they seem to ba a select few. Now McDonald, Mlddlo-of-the-Roader, is in tho anomalous position of being f or Roge-s, who Is essentially a Fuslonlst and who believes that the Populist party ,s dend. Here Is a contradiction that might TTtve embarrassing for any other than McDon ald, who Is himself the Great Contradic tion. The Democrats are both uneiBy and annoyed by the irreconcilable atti tude of the Mlddle-of-the-R04dors. Though they have no state ticket, and no Presidential electors, they havs a full county ticket, and they will attract 'many votes for the latter, seriously threatening the success of the local DemocMrin tick et, and to a certain extent, doubtless, do ing some damage Jxrth to Bryan and Rog ers. This Superior Judgeship fight is the one picturesque and exciting thing In the Whitman County campaign. McDonald went in on the Populist tidal wave of 1S93; and has had four stormy years on the bench. He has contrived In that tlmo to secure the vigorous hostility of pretty much the whole tear, and the outspoken disrespect of the public. His feuds with in dividual attorneys and offlcers of his court have become notorious. Just now "he is having a very troublesome time with J. H. Nessly, a newspaper man, and he has himself been held to answer for suborna tion of perjury. The circumstances of this and other affairs In which McDonald baa been tho leading actor do not need to be recited. His arrest and prosecution at this time, whether Inspired by politics or not, have undoubtedly helped his can didacy, inasmuch as he is doing some et fectlve posing as a martyr, the intended victim and sacrificial offering of the In iquitous Colfax lawyers' cabal and the Courthouse ring. McDonald's opponents are S. J. Chadwlck (Dem.) and Mr. Bry ant (Rep.). While there Is some fear in Colfax that McDonald may succeed. It is not well-grounded enough to create gen eral alarm. The common belief is that either Chadwlck or Bryant will win. There Is some Republican defection from Mr. Frink, and he will run behind Mo Klnley. There is an ancient grudge against John L, Wilson in Whitman Coun ty, growing out of old matters, and the course of that gentleman in recent years has done little to soften the grievance. There Is a scarcely less well-defined preju dice against John H. McGraw. The.aver age syotor? tooj tjbtnkst i$tMrL"Friak. bas net been favorable to lower-grain ra'es, and lower grain rates Whitman County has long wanted and demanded. Repub lican hostility to Frink Is to some ex'ent offset by Populist hostility to Roger; tut the anti-Rogers feeling 1b not so obvious and not likely to prove so effective. One Republican I saw said that Frink would lose at least 300 Republican votes; nod he said that, if the election had been held two months ago, lie would have lost more. The causes that have wrought great changes elsewhere In Washington have not been so potent in Whitman County. The prosperity argument, and the general acknowledgment that 16 to 1 w.is a delu sion, have availed somewhat, but have hot turned the county face about. Wheat Is today 39 cents per bushel. In 1897, wltn a great crop and a high price, and In 1893, hundreds of mortgages were can;eied and hundreds of farmers settled all their ar rears. For two years wheat has been low, but the wheatgrower has not gone lntc debt. He Is now just about holding bis own. While the county has not gone ahead In the sense that it has gained population or wealth, its hea.rhy condi tion may be Illustrated by a bank btate ment: On October 7, 1896, the deoostts of the Second National Bank of Colfax were $,207,000; loans', ?22S,0O0. Now the deposits are 1559,000; loans, $530,000. If what gors up again, and crops are good, it ought not to be long before Bryanism. and Popu lism cease to dominate Whitman County. F. B. P. THE TARRANT FIRE. Many Persons, Reported as Missing Have Been Located. NEW YORK, Nov. 2. The police de partment has been investigating the list of persons reported missing In connection with the Tarrant Are, for the purpose of getting at a correct list of persons sup posed to have lost theic lives In the fire. The persons reported wero Investigated through the station nearest the addresses given for them, and in many cases they were reported as safe. In some cases the police could not find the supposed missing person at the address given. The list as revised today shows 18 persons reported missing and not accounted for. Of these, six are not known at the addresses given by the persons who reported them miss ing. In the list is the name of Benjamin Moorehouse, a clerk for Tarrant & Co. The authorities persist in declaring their belief that he is alive, and purposely keeping his whereabouts secret. "We "have detectives out after Mr. Moorehouse, and expect to land him soon," said Assistant District Attorney Walsh, who is assisting In the Fire Mar shal's investigation. Moorehouse's fam ily and neighbors at Montclalr, N. J., are convinced that he perished in the dis aster. A resident of Montclalr, who was in New Tork at the time of the fire, says he saw Moorehouse standing in front of the building directly after the flro started; but since that time no one has seen him, or heard from. him. The fire department's investigation of tho explosion closed today after the tes timony of Louis Patterson and George C. Thompson, employes of Tarrant A Co,, had been taken. Thompson is bookkeeper for the firm, but he showed an ignorance of what was in storage in the upper floors, and no important evidence was drawn from him. He said Moorehouse, the missing clerk, was the only man that knew Just what material was in the build ing. Dr. Lederle, health department an alyst, who examined the seven drums found In the ruins, said today thatthey contained analylnne oil, -which is only a little less explosive than kerosene. American Soldiers of Fortune." JBRIE5T3. Nov. 2. Ninety Americans who fought for the Boers in South Afri ca have arrived here, and have left for Hamburg,, where they will sallfor Araeiv ica. Governor Roosevelt Has Made 673 Speeches. HE TALKED TO 3.000,000 PEOPLE Concluded His Eight Wetoi Cam paign Trip in0-iveeo,"N. 1"., Last Nltsbt His Health. Is Good. OWEGO, N. T., Nov. 2. Governor Roosevelt oompleted tonight at this point one of the most remarkable campaigns ever made by a candidate of any party in the United States. Jn eight weeks he has visited 24 states of the Union, made 673 speeches, traveled 21,209 miles, vlsltea DEATH OF EX-MAYOR WTLLIAlu: L. STRONG. - . - NEW TORK, Nov. 2. William L. Strong, last Mayor of the old City of New Tork. died suddenly at 3 A. M at his residence in this city. Mr. Strons had not been at his place of business for several dors, but no one. suspected that his condition was alarming. Mr. Btronr took an active part in the. present campaign, and It is said that bis political la? bors, combined with his attempts to retain supervision over his business affairs hx the face ot impaired health, brought about the Illness that nisulted in his death. , WUllam, li. StronavwM born ItQWo, in 182T. aiAicamo to New York when'airounE man. H loond employment with different "firms -until JiJiuary 1 1870. when he ora-ntied the firm of William I. Strong & Co. Th firm soon era- to be one of th& prominent business houses In the city. He also interested himself in b.uiklns' matters, and was president of the Central National Bank. At a mass meeting In Madlson-Squaro Garden, In 1804, a non partisan committee of TO was appointed to organize- the opposition to Tammany Hall, to frame a platform and select candidates for office, and It was this committee that selected Mr, Strong to run for Mayor on tho reform platform. His opponent was Hugh J. Grant, and the contest was a bitter ono. The outcome was tho election of Mr. Strong by a plural ity to 47,187. Tho administration of Mr. Strong was an eventful one Mr. Strong was avow edly Independent In his views on city politics. In the xnunllcpal campaign of 1S97, which resulted In the return of Tammany Hall to power, he took tho stump for Seth Low as against General Benjamin F. Tracy, the regular Republican candidate. After this election ho virtually retired from active polltlos, duo o falling health. At the tlmo of his death Mr. Strong was a member of a number of societies. Including tho Ohio Society, American Flno Arts Society, American Museum of Natural History, Met ropolitan Museum Association and American Geographical Socloty. Mr. Strong had been la poor health for about six weeks. fc CANTON, O., Nov. 2. News of tho death of ex-Mayor Strong, of New Tork, was received with feelings of great sorrow at tho McKlnley horn. The deceased was esteemed as a per sonal friend of long standing. Immediately upon receipt of the news tho President sent a telegram of condolence to tho bereaved family. 667 towns and cities, and talked to what Is estimated to bo 3,000,000 people. This record Includes more speeches, more miles traveled and more territory covered than that of all the other candidate for Presi dent or Vice-President of the United States of all other parties for the last 100 years, with the exception of Bryan In 1S96. This wonderful campaign was finished by a two weeks' tour of the State of New Tork, during which the candidate traveled 2230 miles through 37 counties, and made 120 speeches, tho majority of them from the rear platform of the train. Mr. Roose velt finished his tour in excellent health and in good spirits, and, as he said to night, "with a slightly weakened, voice, but able to go on with the campaign a couple of weeks or more." The last day of this campaign included eight Btops between Jamestown. In Chau tauqua County, and Included Owego, In Tioga County. The stops today varied from two hours In duration, at Olean, tt 10 minutes at other points. He finished tonight at Owego, the home of Senator Piatt. AmtSng the things which Governor Roosevelt said in Owego, HornellsviUe, Wellsvllle and Addison, the last four places on the day's tour, wero these: "Mr. Bryan Is now inclined to laugh at the argument of the full dinner pall. No body laughed about It four years ago. It is a mighty sight easier to laugh about it when it is full than when it is empty. When It is empty, it is serious business. If this Nation chooses to turn bedlamite and put in Mr. Bryan and try his policies, we have nobody but ourselves to thank for the disaster that will surely follow. It won't do any good to say that we meant well; that we did not mean to hurt ourselves. What I am saying applies Just as much to Democrats as to Republicans. It Is to the interest of all of us to have prosperity and good times. Tho only chance Mr. Bryan has Is in that queer forgetfulness which people have -when they are well off. When a man is well off, he "is very apt to be willing to take chances. When he is badly off, then ha is more careful. It is now four years since we were badly off, and some people forget. Four years ago, neither Mr. Br an nor any one else would have dared to feneer at the full dinner pall and say It did not mean much, because then the dinner pall was not full, and It means a great deal to every one of us when the dinner pail Is empty. "Mr. Bryan" says we ha,ve no Tight In the Philippines -without the consent of the governed. Jefferson Davis said it was a violation of the Declaration or independ ence to come down and oppose them with out the consent of the governed froa: try ing to get out of the Union and own slaves. He said yod could not oppose" them, but some of you here did it. Now Mr. Bryan upholds the Declaration of Independence as applying to the Malay banditti, who are shooting at our men on the other side of the earth, but denies It" to his fellow Americans of duskier skin in North Carolina. There are two im portant Issues in this campaign. Our op ponents want to Bryanize the Nation and Crokerize the state. "They can't do lt,,r came an interrup tion. "No," continued the Governor, "they can't do It. Because our people are not prepared to see the-level of the state gov- 1 ernment brought down- to tho level of ,th Tammany government of New Tork City. I appeal to every Democrat who believes in honesty and decency In politics to stand with us and avert such a calamity. I ask you to compare the state administration, department by department, from- the top to tho bottom, put each in comparison I with their government of the City of New f York, with its blackmail, vice and crime; its corruption, Its indifference to the de mands of the people: make that compar ison, and you cannot help resolving that no change to Tammany Hall shall be made In this state. I ask your support for the re-election of McKlnley and the election of Mr. Odell, not on party grounds, for I feel this Is far more than a mere party contest, but because I feel I have a right to appeal to goodjjltlxen ship, to the principles of decent govern ment and challenge the aid of men who have the honor and welfare of the Nation at heart. All promises have neen made gtod. The prophesies that Mr. Bryan made have been signally falsified. Hem in this town compare the wage list and the number of men employed by the rail road with four years ago. The reason the railway business has Increased is be cause the country has prospered; more STRONG, OF NEW YORK. freight Is carried because there Is more business, and more men are employed. Mr. Bryan says find out how your employer votes and then vote the other way. No American citizen has a right to cast his vote save on the ground of principle, and not to vote one way because some other man votes another. Mr. Bryan asks you to stultify yourself and be false to your duties as citizens." As If in appreciation of the closing of the campaign, the Governor said: "There is really not much to say In the closing days of the campaign. People have pretty much made up their minds, and I think that wo are goings to give In this (State the second largest majority it has ever given." "That's right, that's rightl" shouted a number in tho audience. . "But," continued the Governor, T don't want any man to make the mistake of r taking anything for granted. We want rnot merely to whip rryanism, but to crush it under our heels. I ask you to stand by the party that succeeds, and not the party that fails; for a party that makes financial policies that work, and not the party that advocates financial policies that won't work; for the party that fought to a finish the Spanish War and hoisted the flag In tne mnipplnes-, and wot the party that grumbled about how the war was fought, and now wants to haul down the flag In the Philippines." Just as the train was pulling out of Waverly occurred th6 only hostility of the day. A stone was thrown, breaking the gUss In the observation window in the Governor's car. Governor Roosevelt was shown a news paper today in which was published a rumor that he was on tho verge of col lapse from excessive work In the political campaign. The Governor good-humoredly said his weighu and general appearance were sufficient denial of the report, add ing that he was actually In the best of health. It is believed that the rumor arose from the fact that the Governor wrote to New Tork City asking that he bo excused from speaking Saturday, and that the trip through Long Island scheduled for Mon day be canceled, as he wished to finish his speechmaklng in his home village. Oys ter Bay, Monday night. At oienn. OLEAN, li. T., Nov. 2. Tho Roosevelt train made its first stop at Randolph, where the Governor spoke briefly. At Olean the Governor, in part, said: "I am passing through a part of the state which can always be depended on to roll majorities for the cause of decent citizenship. In this campaign that is the fundamental Jssue. More and more during the past few weeks tho effects of our op ponents' appeal to disorder have become manifest. Mr. Crokers open incitenfent to riot at the polls is but a fitting climax to tho Bryanlte campaign In which mob violence- at political meetings has become a recognozed feature. "A .singular thing. In connection with this campaign is the attitude of the very people, who, having opposed Bryan four years ago, are now supporting him, al though he represents every principle which they then condemned. Mr. Bourke Cock ran, for instance, used four years ago stronger language than X would now. Concluded est Bocona PueoO DECISION BY ESIEE tj 0 .. ... ,, n nB oaYS the UOnStitUtlOD MpS3 Not Follow the Flag.1 f OPINION IN A HAWAIIAN XAJ8. He Holds That the Laira and Cos toma, as "Well as tho Lands, Wero Annexed. HONOLULU. Oct. 25, via San" Fran dseo,. Nov. 2. United States Dlstriet Judge Bstee has rendered a decision to the effect that the "Constitution does not follow the flag" in. an important libel case that has been before the courts her for some time. William H. Marshall was sentenced to six months imprisonment for criminal .li bel on aepqunt of publications he made about the late Chief Justice Judge. Ha made an appeal to the Supreme Court of Hawaii on technical grounds, alltgias that the methods pursued during his trial weqs.not in accordance with American, procedure. The lower court was sus tained and Marshall turned to Judge So tee with a writ of habeas corpus. t Judge Estee held that the laws of Ha waii, allowing conviction, of defendants upon a verdict by nine jurors, were still In force at the time of Marshall's trial, which was long after the passage of tho resolution annexing Hawaii to the Unlen, The Judge said that Hawaii before belna annexed "was a free, enlightened state, possessing all the attributes of sovereign ty, and when, with its consent, the Islands were annexed by the United States, not only the lands, but the people with theis laws and customs, were annexed; and by the well established laws qf nations, these lawa and customs remained in force until new laws were enacted for the govern ment of tfte territory." The question whether the Constitution followed the flag to Hawaii la one which many people- would like to have decided by the Supreme Court of the United States. Ono of the Circuit Judges here, taking a view opposed to that of Judge fistee, " has already released a prisoner who was convicted of an Infamous crlmo without a grand jury Indictment, but tho Clroult Judge, to whom Marshall's ap peal Wont, held the other way. The re sult Is the release of one man and' the confirmation of the sentence of another, though both appealed on exactly tho sama points. The Attorney-General has rendered an opinion that the old Hawaiian taw requir ing vessels arriving here to pay- half pilot fees, even if they do not use a pilot, is not In force now, as far as American vessels engaged in domestic trade are concerned. Foreigners and Ameriaan bot toms in foreign trade are still liable to the charge. . . Signer Marconi has sent to pa.-KaU.a, now expect from, London. o lnvegwrnte) tho "cause of the) fhMure of his sBlenx here. Cleveland Will Go Duck Shootlnff. NEW TORK. Nov. 2. Bx-Presldent Cleveland arrived here today from Prince ton and called to see his friend, B. C Benedict, at the tatter's office. Mr. Cleve land denied himself to all interviewers. A representative of the firm of Benedict & Company said that the ex-President and Mr. Benedict were going out of town for a few days. He understood they were going or a duck-shooting expedition down in Maryland, and they would not return before the latter part of next week. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT NEWS. Political. Roosevelt has complgtod Jls tour, having mad S73 speeches. Va.se 1. Socialist orator raised the red flag In Chi cago. Pago 1. ' f Debs' friend ask him to. withdraw in favor oft Bryan. Page 2. Hanna had more orderly meetings In Chicago last night. Page 2. r Bryaa Issues a statement on the campaign Page 2. Federal Government. Judge Esteo decides that the Constitution, does not follow the flag. Page 1. Cost of postal "service, last year was V7160,- WS. Pago 3. Tho jMJbllc debt decreased nearly $2,000,000 la October. Pago 3. China. . -, The powers are considering the removal of'tha Dowager Empress. Pago 10. Two more Chinese commissioners have boea appointed. Sage 10. " Chinese murderers at Pao Ting Fu wefe sen tenced to death. Page 10. Foreign. , Spain is taking- -rigorous step to stamp out CarMsra. Bars 3. Several ensageaients occurred between - Span ish gendarmes and Carllsts. Page 3. -s Tho aetlvlty of the Bora continues. Page tL Lord Roberts will return to Bngland soon with most of Ms staff. Page 3. Domestic. Ex-Mayor Strong, of New York, la dead. Pagol. Four Indictments wero returned In tho ISoss chloter case. Pago 2. New Tork police are Investigating tho drugs. glvea Millionaire Rico. Pago 2. Z. Alvord was held In ball of S1CO.O0O. Pago SL Sport. McGovern defeated Bernstein at Louisville for tho featherweight ehamjlcnshlp. Pago 8. Joo Choynsld won from Fred Russell on a f ouL .Page 3. Pacific Coast. Complex political situation la Whitman- Coun ty, Washington. Pago 1. Hon. S. B. Huston, former Democrat, made rousing speech for McKlnley at Forest Grovet Pago 4. ' Experiment to determine whether Summer fal low pays In Oregon. Pago 4. - Force of men la removing Sllya do Orosse reef In Columbia River channel opposlto Astoria. . Pago 4. Mrs. Minnie Crockett sentenced to life term in penitentiary for killing her husband "at Mil ton. Pago 4. ' Data Is borax collected for publio school li brary law to be Introduced abnext Oregon Legislature. Page 4. Commercial and Maximo, Weekly trad review and bank cleartnrv Page 5. , New Tork stock market In a waiting attltnda. Pago 11. i Fourteen steamships listed and; en. route for Portland. Pago 10. Steamship Scarpsso arrive with a roll' cargo, Pago M. Grain fleet makes fast time on tho riven Page 10. Philadelphia clears with mixed 'cargo for South Africa. PagelO. ' f , Local. Newly arrived thief loots two East JSldo chureboa in broad daylight: &age 12. - McNaaaer Bros, will mine in.artEeitnortEera grounds Pago 10. ' "' -.tV Hypnotist Loo sued by tho man wfcedi& the Asleep act.',' Page 8.