Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 02, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XL. NO. 12,446.
Ba r ' FiXt U reS -Newest Desions..
Billiard Tables
Biiiiard Supplies
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Fine Parses, Pocket Books
And Leather Goods -
At greatly reduced prices this week. Our linos
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terest and save you money.
Everyone knows that Huyler's is the correct thing in confectionery.
See our window display.
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
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Founded 1870.
J. "W. Hill, M. D., Principal.
Christmas Term Opens Sept. 18, lOOO.
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fcenta. Collet Preparation. Military Discip
line, Masual Training Boys ot all aces re
ceived For catalogues or information address the
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17. Portland. Or
Spectat rates as ad ta faaalUaa aa stasia grsntl'raaca. Tkt maaajr
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sea Tarklsa bath cstatilfshaacat La tat
Your Own Interpretation Is Rendered
The Pianola is not a self-playing piano. It Is an Instrument by means of which
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M. B. WELLS, Northwest Agent for the AeVIan Company
Aeolian Hail, 353-355 Washington Street cor. Park. Portland, Or.
sots for the Pianola. -It Ja exhibltcdAralyTat our waroroomaA
W sxo eo!e agents
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88 Third St
OfpesRe task ti tmmtm
J. A. "Wcaco, Penman and Secretary.
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w. jir.trvriiBO. xxrr t
. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day
VawmiBBg wu y
HAS placed the agency for his celebrated Candies
and Chocolates with us. Fresh shipments will be
received each week, and at New York prices.
Portland, Oregon
$3.00 PER DAY
sbor - traa and s-ir nHm. a -
fcatel. H. C. SOWERS, Maaasov
Umatilla County Counted for
Mc Kin ley Electors.
Prosperity of Section. "Well Told by
Prices of Wool and Sheep, Which
EhT Donbled in Four Tears.
.POEJNIXLETON, Or., .Nov. L (Staff corre
spondence.) If the vote In Umatilla
County at the elections last June be
taken as an Index, & rousing majority for
McKlnley Is certain. Congressman Moody
carried the county by 663 plurality over
Senator Smith. Judge Wolverton was
given a plurality of 404 over Green, and
a majority over all of 106. Food and
Dairy Commissioner Bailey "was credited
frith 443 more than Schulmerich, and a
majority of 171. But there is much evi
dence in Umatilla County that all three
of' the Republicans mentioned ran ahead
oft their ticket. If Umatilla County gives
the Republican electors as good majorities
It wW Indicate a healthful growth cf Re
publicanism from June to November,
which many believe Is the cose.
As usual, the county is claimed, by both
parties. Democrats figure on the vote
of four years ago, and the showing mode
In. cdunty elections. "X estimate that we
win-carry too county by from 100 to 200
maJ6rlty" said J. H. Raley, chairman of
the Democratic County Central Commit
tee. Mr. 'Raley has been closely Identi
fied witn the politics of Umatilla County
longer than any other man. in the county.
District Attorney T. O. Hatley, who was
elected by the fusionlsts, says that the
county is fairly ejose, with 4 leaning
toward Bryan. "Four years ago," said
Mc Hailey "the present Democratic Sher
iff was defeated by the Republicans by E00
votes; last June he defeated the Repub
lican candidate by 9f,4, votes, aad ftad a
majority over all of nearly SCO. I regard
this an evidence of Democratic strength
that will tell in the Presidential contest."
Mr. HaHey also comments on the fact
that four years ago the Democrats electa
ed only .two county officers, one being
CoronetVv and this year the party secured
all the more Important cpunty offices by
good pluralities. The minor offices held
by Republicans were .won by narrqw mar
gins, the Treasurer by & plurality of 7
only, for instance.
Neither of ,the facts cited ,ln support of
cans. To assume that men will vote
this year ns they did four' lyears ago ig
nores the issues, and attaches faith to
worn-out principles. It Js ,-weIl known
that there have- been radical changes in
party affiliations- throughout Umatilla
County, in common with other districts.
Local conditions, of a most potent char
acter, influenced it in elections of county
officers. It is notorious in Umatilla
County that a faction of the 'Republican
party Opposed the county ticket. No
secret was made of such oppdsltlon. Some
prominent men, who are unquestionably
Republicans In National affairs, found
it to their liking to unite in defeating
most of the Republican nominees for
county offices. This fully accounts for
the marked failure of Republicans in
county affairs, and sets at fault the ar
gument advanced by Mr. Halley as re
gards the Sheriff's race. No dose ob
server thinks that this factional fight will
cut any figure in the vote for the Repub
lican candidates for Electors.
Umatilla County has a candidate for
Elector on both the Republican and Dem
ocratic ticKets, W. J. Furnish on the for
mer, ana w. M. Pierce the latter. Fa
voritism for or against an individual
Elector may be regarded as well balanced
here. Strength of a favored son. or per
sonal animosities, would naturally be ac
cepted as common to both. Mr. Furnish
has been prominent in Umatilla politics
for years As a Democrat he served in
several offices. He was the most promi
nent figure In county Democracy four
years ago, and would have been one of
the Democratic delegates to the National
convention had he pledged himself for
free silver. This he refused to do, and
aided in organising the National Demo
cratic party In the state, and was a dele
gate to the National convention. Be
lievlnr a doctrine too odious for support
merited active opposition, and taking a
practical rather than theoretical view of
National Issues, Mr. Furnish found himself
supporting McKlnley, and four years
later, when Bryanlsm in more, aggravated
form was again the issue, he came out as
an active Republican. If there are Re
publicans who In the bltternees of fac
tionalism do not support him, the loss
will be more than offset by attacks made
on his opponent, Mr. Pierce. Some Re
publicans will not support Mr. Furnish,,
and many Democrats will not support Mr.
Palmer and Buckner received less than
60 votes here four years ago. This was
by no means the total number of Gold
Democrats in the county. It Is well
known that many quietly supported Mc
Klnley. Careful Inquiry shows that near
ly all of this faction are now for Mc
Klnley. many aggressively so. Many
Bryan Democrats of four years ago have
told friends that they will vote this
year for a continuance of the Adminis
tration under which so great prosperity
has been enjoyed. Mlddle-of-the-Road
Populists are few in number. Fusion was
never popular in Umatilla County, and
what few Populists did not Join hands
with the Democrats can safely be placed
in the Republican column.
Good and sufficient reasons are back at
Republican confidence. Umatilla has much
in common with other Eastern Oregon
counties. Prosperity needs no champion.
People are disposed to let well enough
alone rather than experiment-with theo
ries. Umatilla markets approximately
2,000.000 pounds of wool annually. Four
years ago this netted the county about
$120,030. This year It. will return about
1 $240,000, or double the 19ft tacome. Ajj
proximately 300.000 sheep are In the coun
ty. Four years ago they were valued
at about $250,000, or even less. Today they
are worth 5500,000, or more a net increase
of wealth to the county of $230,000. Cattle
are worth twice as much as four Years
ago. This increase; which is a great ad
dition to the county's wealth, while not
attributed directly to Republican policies,
la ajjart of Republican .prosperity. Values
Of horses and hogsTegeat the story, on
a minor scale. .
"Wheat is one of the greatest sources
of wealth Jn the county. Excepting the
"flying leap" prices a month preceding
the elections four years ago, in anticl-,
patlon of Republican success, wheat is
higher today than then. Many new farm
ers have come to UmatiHa County within
the past four years'. Those who are not
of the dyed-In-the-wooi class are said to
be willing to credit Republican policies
with enough good to demand a continu
ance of the Administration. Fruit is be
coming a valuab'e product. Those en
gaged in this Industry are prosperous and
contented. This class of voters ean be
counted safe for McKlnley. Among la
borers, such as sheepherders and shearers,
-there is plainly a more favorable senti
ment toward Republicans than four years
Conservative Republicans estimate a
majority of CO to 300, for McKlnley. Mr.,
Furnish says he expects the tloket to win
by about 200, but would not bo surprised
at E00. Dr. F. W. Vincent, chairman of
the Republican County Central Commit
tee, estimates that the tiqket will have
a majority of 200 to 300. L. B. Reeder,
one of the Republican Representatives
elect from the county, and also in close
touch with the situation, predicts Repub
lican success by- 50 to 200 votes. Indepen
dent thought largely confirms these esti
mates. Bryan carrfed Umatilla four years ago
by 237 votes. This is a small majority,
compared to those given in more than one
Eastern Oregon county, where Republi
can success is sanguinely expected this
year. If the June Yoie of 1$00 be taken
as a basis of calculating, Republicans
have a flattering .prospect. Moody polled
lSeStSmith 1202, Simmons (Independent
Democrat), 299, and Butler (Prbhlbltion
ist), 79. Moody is IS short of a majority
over all, but has 663 more than the Fusion
candidate. The Prohibition vote in the
National election Js. expected to ba as
heavy as in June. Simmons' vote will
probably go to Debs, or possibly to
Whart6n and Donnelly. That will leave
the Republicans along lead as a margin to
make up for wnatever may be lost by the
purely personal strength of Mr. Moods',
Which, it must be admitted, was mode
greater in Umatilla through local combi
nations. "
The county has-a registered vote of 4596.
Over SCO did not vote for Congressman
at all, most of the number being stay-at-
.homes. If these voters come out. sit
thoughpresent"4w-'$f hnCexTMAkeei
extremely couduui, tijey wur irooa,DIy In
cline toward Republicanism". "Jhere Is no
activity in politics here. It is next to Im
possible to secure audiences for speakers
on either side. There is no club organiza
tion lfa the county. Dr. Vincent, chair
man of the Republican committee, estab
lished an excellent system, of polling, but
it has not been carried out. Some good,
quiet work is being done by Republican
leaders, by which means they come in
contact with most of the people, and are
enabled to form estimates. The people as
a rulv have made up their minds on the
issues, and will vote without further edu
cation, w. B. D. D.
Postponed tJntll After Election.
KANSAS CTTT, Nov. 1. The hearing
in the application for a receiver for the
Guardian Trust Company, made October
23 by John "W. Gates, of Chicago, and
the other security holders, was today
again postponed for One week by Judge
John F. Phillips, In the United States
District Court. The delay was granted
by the court on the request of attorneys
for botlh sides, who asked that the case
be put off until after the election, so
that those Interested outside the state
might remain at home to vote.
Roosevelt's tour of New York State will
end tonight. Page 1.
An attempt was made to howl down Han
na in Chicago Pago 1.
The Republican National Committee Is
sues a statement to voters. Page 1.
Bryan crossed Indiana and spoke in Chi
cago last night. Page 2.
German troopo give no quarter In China.
Page 3.
RockhiU will act as counselor to Minister
Conger. Page 3.
The powers have all agreed to parts of
the Anglo-German agreement. Page 3.
Colonel Daggett taught a party of French
officers a lesson, page 3.
Spain claims to have suppressed he Car
list uprising. Page 2.
More changes In the British Cabinet are
announced. Page 2.
Roberta postpones his departure for Eng
land. ' Page 2.
Trouble is brewing in France. Page 2.
Japanese press demands a stronger for
eign policy. Page 2.
Jones, Millionaire Rice's valet, made a
confession. Page 3.
Minister Wu spoke at the Carnegie Insti
tute. Page 2.
Government receipts were over J3,000,000
In excess of the expenses in October.
Page 3. .
Pacific CoaaC
Collections by the State Land Board well
reflect the general prosperity of Oregon.
Page 4.
Hon. Thomas H. Tongue closed the Re
publican campaign at Salem last night.
Page 4.
Prospects of a serious outbreak of small
pox at Dawson this Winter. Page 4.
Umatilla County's vote will be for the Re
publican Presidential Electors. Page 1.
Falrhavcn salmon canners closed down
yesterday, after packing 225,000 cases of
fish. Page 4.
Commercial and Marine.
Germany and Africa buying structural
iron in America. Page 11.
Good profits in exporting cotton to the
Orf.ent. Page 11.
Ship chartered for September. 1901, load
ing. Page 10.
Steamship Buckinham arrives to load
Government freight.' Page 10.
Oregon and Oriental liner Eva wrecked-
I?aela tocal. f
Emergency Corps After givipg $721 for the
monument fund, d ebands. Page 12.
Native Sons arranging" iorZabig celebraC
eon id roKJana next year..rage iu.
O. R- & N. and Short Line disenss closing Governor Kooseveit, wnen ne haa nn-
t jhf .fTflifopL jafcfiyfry'PEgiCsv Qi3lJ!-s&xk-jJJBPusfo the
Roosevelt Closes His New
York Campaign at Oswego.
Vigorous Attack on Croker and
Jones for Their Attitude on the
Counting; of Ballots.
JAMESTOWN, N. T Nov. 2. Governor
Roosevelt finished the next, to the last
day of his New Tork State tour in this
city, after having traveled through five
counties, making IS speeches during the
day. The two stops where the most time
was spent were Dunkirk and Jamestown.
His speeches during the day at both ot
these cities were flavored with vigorous
attacks on Hichard Croker and the Na-
tional Democratic Chairman Jones for
their alleged attitude on the counting
of the ballots, which r Governor Rooce
veit aiagnoaea as an incitement vio
lence. At both Dunkirk and Jamestown,
and especially In the latter place to
night, there were immense audiences.
At Dunkirk, where three meetings were
held, the Governor in; addressing the
first open-air meeting in front of the
Brooks Locomotive Works, which sus
pended work in order -to give their em
ployes an opportunity to hear hjm, re
plied to Mr. Bryan and said among other
"I want to take up one or two state
ments mado last Saturday by Mr. Bryan
when he was hero. In the first place,
Mr. Bryan said that the argument of the
dinner pall was bad because It was not
full. Now I don't know exactly how full
it is, but I do know It is four times as
full as it was four years ago. Here are
the figures for the present j ear 'or
these works, as compared with 1SW The
average monthly wages paid out are a lit
tle over $100,000 against ?2S,0CO Thaa Is
an Increase of 257 per cent; the 'average
number of engines turned out is 23 P"r
month as agaln,st eight, and the number
of men at work is 2100,, as again t fO).
Mr. Bryan said If we were prosperojs
it was not due to us Well, I tell you
one thing Mr. Bryan is not responsible
for it"
"You bet your life he is not," shouted
one of the grimy workingraen. The Gov
ernor smiled and continued:
"He said it was due to Providence.
Well, Providence helped us because It
helped us to keep Mr. Bryan out.
"Mr. Bryan denounced imperialism.
One of the engines, that you have hore
for exportation Is tO gO to Japan. If
we give up any effort to hold our own In
the East, then say good-bye to any
chance of extending our commerce and
obtaining a market in the Asiatic hemi
sphere. We are ablo to export our lo
comotives and our goods because we
are taking our position in the forefrot
of the nations of the world.
Let me
give you an example:
"Eight years ngo expansion was not those men forgotten that scores of elec
In our line and the French took the . tlon officers In 18S4 paid In Drtson the ocn-
Island ot Madagascar. Tou say that wa
no concern of ours. Well, it was, for the
first thing that happened- was that tue
market we had there for 11,000,003 yards
of American cloth was closed immedi
ately. If Mr. Bryan had his way and
Philippines, you would find that the mar
kets for engines and everything' In Aria
would be closed to us. If you vote fcr
Mr. Bryan'e policy, we will have su-h
conditions as we had four years ago.
These works will feel them. You wll
hurt every man who Is concerned In any
way as a proprietor of these works. You
will get at them, but will get at every
body else, too. The whole truth Is that
we. all of us, go up or down together,
"hen hard times come they come to each
of. us and when prosperity comes, f ome
thlng of the prosperity comes to enoh
of us.
"I agree with Mr. Bryan that ther
are other things besides the full dinner
pall inyolved. He Is quite right and
they can be comprehended iy the word
'patriotism,' the honor of the flag and the
f honor of the Nation."
Af the. Jamestown meetings, the Gov
ernor confined himself principally to
answering Mr. Bryan's argument on Im
perialism. Governor Roosevelt, when he had fln-
best condition. HIi voice la still good,
the temporary sorene3 fh his chest fcas
left him and his physical condition I
perfect. "With the exception of a speech
at Oyster Bay, Monday night, he will
finish his speech making' tour at Oswego
tomorrow night.
At Batnvla, u
BUFFALO, N. T Nov. 1 Tha Roose
velt special pulled out of Buffalo at ?:
thla morning bound for Jamestown and
scheduled to stop at many places along
the route. For the first time since the
campaign began he last night attended
a dinner after he was through with tta
meetings Ex-Senator John Laughltn nf
this city, gave a dinner to the orators
and newspaper men of the train and the
Governor asked to be included in the
party. He made a few remarks about the
pleasant features of the trip and the
great assistance rendered by those, who
have accompanied him.
The first stop of the train was mado at
Batavia, where the Governor saidt
"Beyond all other issues are the issues
of orderly liberty under the law, and of
dlc honesty. Mr. Bryan's chief lleuten-
ant, Mt. Croker, represents the forces
which stand for elvlc dishonesty, and now
they openly champion the cause of riot,
of mob ,vlolence, of upsetting by force or
fraud the verdict rendered by the people
at the noils. 'Wlthaiit nnv ri.'hiikn or re
pudiation of Mr. Bryan, 'and with the
openly expressed encouragement and ap-
proyal of Senator Jones, who is' running
Mr, Bryan's National canvass, Mr. Croker
has now twice, in open statement, incited
thof violent and the lawless to open riot
oh election day, next Tuesday. He has
idone this in so many words, with the ap
proval, tacitly expressed, ot tne National
leaders of his party. Such advice is" a
fitting sequence to the way in which the
members of his party for the last six
weeks have been conducting their cam
paign. It n fitting and natural when
mobsare encouraged to break up peace
able political meetings to interfere with
the right of free speech and of free dis
cussion en the platform of the issues be
fore the people, that there should follow
advice from the organized leaders of the
party guilty of such conduct calculated
" i . .i ,. ..-.. . . .
" ove"irw ,,'"e T"" t peop7,
VV-UCl. 4. 4lll tst? b1! 4-n;b UtO 1G1J4A
to .you that our present election law,
which provides for equal representation
of the two parties through their repre
sentatives at tho count ot the ballots,
was passed by a Republican Legislature
and signed by a Democratic Governor,
j the late Roswell P. Flower, a Democrat
oi me oia scnooi, Dy me way. wno lour
years ago repudiated Mr. Bryan and his
"Mr. Jones and Mr. Croker know well
that under the present election law Id
1 this state absolute justice will be dons
unless they or their friends are able to
prevent it being done. Have these men
forgotten the events of 93 and '94 In this
state? Have they forgotten that such
Inflammatory statements, such incite-
,- tn riot And Mci. of xrhlcTi Him-
, ar6 now gnty, then led In Troy to the
murder of one man at the polls and to
the execution of his murderer? Those
men incite ignorant men to such deeds
as haveJn the past culminated in murder.
They themselves, no matter who may be
trulltv. would ko free, though mora 11 v
j guilty, while their lawless dupes would
I pay the "lull penalty or the law. Have
alty of doing just the kind of thing which
they now try to incite other to attempt?
"Let there be no misunderstanding.
Eery power of the state will be exerted
to see on next Tuesday that each man
in this state shall cast his vote as he
pleose3. and shall have It counted as
cast. I should regret the election of Mr.
Bryan as the greatest possible calamity
that could befall the Nation; but if Mr.
Brytn has a plurality of but one vote in
this state, 4ts count will be protected by
every force at the command of the
Executive, and tho same measure of jus
tice that we give to ethers we shall ex
pect to have given U3 in return."
The second stop of the Roosevelt special
was made at Attica, where the Governor
addressed a large crowd. He appealed to
his hearers to support tho Republican
candidates, irrespective of party affilia
tions. He said there was a great differ
ence between the, Democracy of Jeffer
on and Jackson and that of Richard Cro
ker.' The Prohibition Train.
COLUMBUS, O.. Nov.'LThe Prohb-
f tlon special train entered Ohio today at
Bellaire, after a meeting In Wheeling,
W-, Va. Stop3 were made at Quaker
City, Cambridge, New Concord. Zanes-
ville, Delawareand then at'Fostorla for
the night meeting,
Attempt to Prevent HIm( rjrpm
Speaking in Cnicago
An Organized "Effort on the Part'og
Democrats ta Break Dp tIo
CHICAGO, -Nov.. 1. Senator Hanna
bowed to a storm of hisses, catcalls ana
cheers for Bryan in the big circus tent at
Halstead and Thirtieth streets, tonight,
giving up his attempt to get.a vheariBg
until the police had restored order. Foe
45 mlnUtes the mob had its inning, ana
then 70 policemen took a hand and cleared
the aisles.
Before Senator Hanna arrived, speeches
by Judge Tatea and others had been ac
corded a mixed reception by the large
crowd congregated beneath the teat.
When Senator Hanna stepped upon the
platform and was Introduced, a demon
stration ensued, which, instead of sub-'
siding after a few moments, continued.
with full vigor. The Senator waited pa
tiently for quiet to bo restored, but. ap
preciating that apparently a plan to pre
vent him from speaking was being car
ried out by groups of men and boys sta
tioned in the audience, mado the attempt
"The followers of Mr. Bryan are so
earnest for his success that they aro
afraid to hear a man speak," said Sen
ator Hanna, but his words carried but a,
short distance beyond the platform. "They
do not dare to listen to the arguments
that are aimed at their candidate." con
tinued the Senator. "It Is certainly grat
ifying, my friends, that I am of eo much
Importance- that he friends of Mr. Bryan
ore afraid of me.
Finding it impossible to proceed because
of the Increasing noise, the speaker sat
down upon the table, and as he gazed at
the audience said: "I'm in no hurry,
and then above all the confusion he was
heard to snout "Why don't you go over
on the North Side? Bryan is over there,
and they need you to swell their crowd."
"We are called upon in thla campaign
to answer certain questions, and our judg
ment must bo exercised," continued the
speaker, under extreme difficulties: "Tho
people of the country are Interested only
In those matters which affect them indi
vidually. Many issues have been brought
into this campaign for the purpose o
leading the people from the vital issues.
Wliat I have to say to you is to let well
enough alone.
"There ore men in this audience who
shout for Bryan who would not do so if
they knew he could be elected. I am well
aware that the opposition to law and or
der do not want me to speak in this ward,
becauee they know that the principles for
which I stand are in the interest of law
and order. Tou are onily making votes for
THere is not a man under this canvas
whp would like to bo called a traitorjor
a violator of the principles upon whfoh
our Government was founded. One of
these principles is that which favors free
speech. All we ask is to be given tho
consideration which you would ask for
Here Senator Haraia had to give up the
attempt to speak, and tho Sheriff demand
ed from the police officers that order bo
restored. When every one had been com
pelled to sit down and some of the ring
leaders dispelled from the meeting, John
M. Harlan, of Chicago, quieted the crowd
with a story, and talked briefly of the Is
sues of the campaign. When he had con
cluded Senator Hanna resumed his speech,
and finished without interruption.
Republican National Committee Is
sues n Statement.
NEW TORK, Nov. 1. The Republican
National Committee today Issued a formal
statement to oters as follows:
"Mr. Croker, the head of the Demo
cratic organization in New York, has or
dered his subordinates to gather in force
at tho polls next Tuesday and in case
they see the result of the count going
against them, to eject the election officers
and tako possession of the ballot-boxes
by force. This astounding anarchistic or
der has been approved and indorsed by
Senator Jones, the chairman of the Dem
ocratic National Committee.
"The Republican party has always stood
squarely for a fair vote and an honest
count. A dishonest election is possible
Only through violence such as Is now
threatened by the Democratic lendors, be
cause an equal number of Inspectors from
both political parties is present at every
polling place, and so long as these in
spectors are not interfered with the vot
ing must be conducted fairly. The Demo
cratic plan officially declared now Is to
overpower the Inspectors whenever their
party exigencies appear to require violent
"Notwithstanding the announcement of
this Democratic policy of terrorizing vot
ers" and Tnirgiarlzlner ballot-boxes, the Re
publican National Committee desires to
state Id tho public that the "Republican
managers. National, state and local, Hive
taken measures to Insure the protection
of the rights of every voter In this erec
tion, and that every Vote shall" be properly
counted and recorded as cast. The com
mittee, therefore, admonishes all voters
that they must not be deterred by these
threats of the Democratic leaders from
exercising the right ot suffrage on Tues
day next, for every citizen is1 entitled by
law to protection in this his highest priv
ilege, and we shall see to it that his vote
shall also be protected at all hazards."
"Where McKlnley Will Hear the Wevrs
CANTON, O. Nor. L President Mc
Klnley has decided to remain in Canton
to receive the news of the election next
Tuesday night and return to Washington
Wednesday. Telegraph wires are beikg
run into the houws for furnishing the
President with election returns. There
will also be an Increased long-distance
telephone service provided, furnishing di
rect communication between the Pjesl
dnt's Canton house, the home of Gover
nor Roosevelt at Oyster Bay, N. Y., the
White House at Washington, and Re
publican headquarters at Chicago and at
New York.
Indiana Safely Republican.
CHICAGO, Nov L Harry C New, Na
tional committeeman from Indiana, who
accexrmanfed Senator Hanna to Fort
J Wayne and other points in that' state
vesterdav. today said
"Indiana Is safely Rep-ibUcan this year
beyond a doubt that Mr-KInley's majority
will be greater than In 1885. All claims to
the contrary are misleading and false.
Though a elose state, it is as safely Re
publican as Michigan or Illinois."
Transport Sherman Sails.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. L The United
States transport Sherman sailed today for
Manila, via Honolulu, with about 250 sol
diers and a large number of .cabin pas
sengers, mostly the wives and children of
1 officers stationed in the Philippines.