Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 01, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Mr. Berry Puts Washington
In BryarrColumn.
He Gives McKlnley a Total of 271
,1a Electoral College, Wftjx
Tvro State DoubtfuL
, NEW YORK Oct. -ohn .V.. "Berry,.
who for years was. the. election expert
of the Associated. Press In New York,
la probably the best-known election sta
tistician In-the XjnltedvSiafes-'-. "
In 1AS3 Mr. Berrv vni the statistician
tor the Natlonafc'Democratlc Committee.
The writer has in bis possession the
acted statistician's estimate tff 'te Re
publican phiralltes in both'A&Iathfe ta!d
Vermont, made m the'lst'of September
of this year, and In Voth instances they
-were so hearty correct, Ifwottld almost
eeem that he bad seen the figures "prior
to voting day In those states.
In 1896 two days bef ore-election, he cal
culated McKInley's plurality In the old
City of New York -within 200.
"When it Is considered that New York's
normal Democratic plurality varies from
60,000 to 76,000, an estimate of an edTsfe
plurality of 21,000 must be considered to
be a statistical feat.
"Whether these estimates are based on
mathematical demonstrations or are mere
Uoss werk, let the reader determine by 4
the following: Interview in which the ex
pert explains how he anticipates polltl-.
cal results.
I found the statistician at his desk In
the great Syndicate Building on Park
Row and Interrogated him:
"Mr. Berry, will you tell the public
eomethlng about the coming election and
who. In your opu.!on, is going to win?"
was the opener.
"There are 447 votes in the Electoral
College, of which President. McKlnley is
ure of 271; Bryan. 162, and 14 doubtful,
with a strong probability that West
Virginia will add her vote to the Demo
cratic column, and Nebraska to the Re
publican; if this should be the case, It
would give McKlnley 279 votes and Bryan
"Will you tell by what method you
nave come to that conclusion?"
"I have no objection," was the answer,
I have never objected to any newspa
per man, or, in fact any one else sitting
down at my desk on election night, and
watch me work, and I was always will
ing to tell them zny method, but figures
In the hands of amateur statisticians are
like sharp tools In the hands of men
who do not know how to use them lia
ble to do mischief.
"In the first place I have an advan
tage oer most men for the reason that
I have been paid for jcnr to keep track
of the elections and estimate their prob
able results.
"When an administration Is unpopular
with the people, two ears after a gen
eral election the percentage of the oppo
sition rises, and the others lowers; when
they are satisfied it remains stationary; ,
when It remains stationary or omy sugnt
ly decreases on the one hand, and in
creases In the same ratio on the ther,
or in faet does not fall down-to 5Q. per
cent or less, the party In power will re
main. "Kentuoky is the first instance of this
Rep. Dem.
Per Cent
18 .
MM .
1SW .
Per cent. Per Cent.
... 39.73 51.43
... 45 53 473)
48 86
MD8 ...
"The total-perient of .each year If. add-
ed together equals 10Q.
"In 15 the Republicans got 48.92, or sii
one-hundredths more than the Democrat
who had 48.S6; so close was it that the
electoral vote was dltldcd.
"South Dakota split its vote in 1S96;
Bryan got three votci; McKlnley, one.
Rep. Bjem.
Year. PerCent Percent
fSBZ 40.40 .. 12.S4
1S94 5162 1056
1J 49.99 49.70
1898 1TT.03 42.92
Per Cent
46 76
"Why the Republicans will carry this
state by a dcolded plurality, ! do not
think it necessary to point ouweii to
an amatftur.
"The third party disappeared in 1898.
"Wyoming was carried by Bryan In 1S96.
"The following table needs no explana
tion why I think it will go Republican In
Rep. Dem. Jnd.
Year. Per-X&mt Per Cent Per Cent
1832 .. .5063 " .00 49.41
1S94 :. ... 53,64, 22 16 . 1518
1806 45.36 4i,67- 2.67
1893 64 81 43.03 2.16
The state wilt be carried by a large
plurality, considering the small vote of
that state.
"Delaware was carried by the Republi
cans in 1896; no It will-go -again, as wit
ness the following table:
Rep. Dem. Ind.
Sear. Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent
98 4S.G8 49.99 1.39
1S94 ...., 50 61 47.87 1.53
IffS 53.03 . - 43.23. . . 3.74
lSBfi 6K10- 44.9T -- L9ii
'feleKinley carried thB- .State of.Now"
York 1H ISSffnjy.over ZOlTloVTana theTold I
Clfy of New York by oyir 2LO0& but one!
muse coivaaer, m oompanguK? ap-9u
ixstween ISPS and 188S.tkatik.X696 -the Re
publicans were .In control of rtheryNeW' 1
York Glty go-emment ''
Rep. Dem. Ind.
YeaK" - Per Cent Per "Cent Per Cent
lfiSfii ' 44J3-T- ttB " 7.49
lKvt.... 54.44 .- - '42.04- - - 3.6 i
1685 ........... "67 43 " .8.6J " 3.54 1
UQ8. .......... 48.72 46.93 ' , Z33
"New York State's vote in 1900 will bo
very nearly 1,500,000 votes, 1 per cent
therefore, is equal to 15,000 votes.
'The registration In the E5 counties
north of the Bronx In NeV York State,
this year has heavily Increased over that
of J3$06. In that year tho Republicans had
a plurality of 201,633 In those counties.
There is nothing to indicate thai their
percentage this year will fall off; If It
oes not their plurality will Increase in
exact ratio to tho Increase of their vote.
Nassau County was a part of Queens In
1S96, and cannot be considered. Suffolk
Opunty gave a plurality of 6516 for the Re
publicans In 1896.
The great City of New York, which
the census of 1900 shows contains about
one-half tho population of the state, gave
a Republican plurality In 1S96 of 61,330.
"The Democrats control the government
of the great city, with all It implies. They
must first wipe out an adverse plurality
which In normal years is greater than Is
obtained by either party In the state. Af
ter they bring it to aero, how much they
will -&dd to "n tne other side is prob
lematical, but it can safely be asserted
that it will not be large. I would place
It as a maximum at 20.000, which would
be a- change of -over 81,000 votes.
r "I would not give a table of Connect!-1
ut hut when New York and New Jersey
go Democratic, Connecticut Is very apt to
- be very close, or east Its electoral vote
" for the Democratic candidate; there Is
about as ranch chance of that state go
ing Democratic as Maine.
Rep. Dem. Ind.
3ar. PerCent PerCent PerCent
saser ....... u& 5002 302
dVBi . 64. 39.36 5.83
.1896 K. 59.30 36.81 4.89
v5 49.72 46.90 ,2.23
'Sf, t &!.. 1 ...
rr"EfcB Democratic percentage'In 1595'wlll
decrease In 1300; the Republican percent
age will Increase.
"Bryan carried the State of "Washington
In JBB5- by about l-Cpax '
"The Republicans hope to carry "Wash
ington because of -that State's Interest In
the Eastern trade,
. "If they have an Interest large, enough
to reverse the vote ot .the state "In 1896,
they did not show It two years ago.
"I do not deal In sentiment, but in fig
Rep. Dem. Ind.
Tear. Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent.
1892 41.44 S85 34.71
1894 46.83 19.36 33.71
ISM 4L&4 SB 27 2LS9
ISaS . 45.81 44,79 a0
'It will be noticed that the Republican
vote 14 l&S, was about the samo as It
was lit 1&2; iSJS it did not equal that of
"The State of Kansas was' carried by
Bryan In JS96.'
"Instead of the Democrats Increasing
I their voce In- 1S9S. as- they would have
't'done Tf they Intended to turn the oppo
sition out, a portion of them went bver
to "trie ftmubllcaiiB. who remained steady
theTr,rtj ranks.
chnSice sXlt. Bryan has of carrying the
., 'RP- Dem.,
Tear. Per Cenfc Per Cent.
mi 4C71
ISM C041
1S35 47.48
1S98 .-. 52.83
"Ahd now comes Indiana.
"The Democrats carried it in 1892; it
will not give a big Republican plurality,
but the flrures Indicate it will go Repub
lican INDIANA.
Per Cent.
.... 46 24
.... 5095
.... 5077
.... 5034
Per Cent.
Fer Cent.
1892 .
47.41 ' 6.35
42 59 6.40
4302 121
4S.09 1.67
1604 .
1896 .
1893 .
Rep. Dem. Ind.
Per Cent, Per Cent. Per Cent
... 43 2T7 12.42 44 31
... 49.23 16 33 34 29
... 45 96 61.31 2.23
... 49.34 5000 - .57
1682 ..
ISM ..
visa ..
1S33 ..
"There Is but little over one-half of 1
per cent between the Republican and
Democratic percentage of the vote cast In
1S93, which" showed how , close the state
really was. A glance at the table also
shows that the third party has almost
disappeared, and that while the Demo
crats have lost but slightly, the Republi
cans have gained.
Per Cent.
... 46.94
... 52.S7
... 52 23
... 50.50
Per Cent.
49 32
45 03
46 S3
49 00
1S92 .
1894 .
1958 .,
1896 .
"A glance at this table shows that since
lS&.the Republicans have continuously
lost and the Democrats steadily gained,
and if one takes into account the small
decimal which divided the party vote In
1898, It will readily be Been that if the
decrease continues on the Republican side
and Increases on the other it cannot help
but result In the Democrats carrying the
"The electoral table, which follows,
shows the political divisions of the 45
states as a result of my analysis.
"I will only add In conclusion a state
ment which 1 made In ameeting of tho
National Democratic Committee, in whose
"employ I was at the time.
"Gentlemen, my figures seem to please
you because they "Indicate the election of
Sir. Cleveland, but at some future time
jou may employ me when my figures do
not please you." ,
Maine 61
Alabama 11
Massachusetts ... 15
Arkansas 8
New Hampshire . 4'
Vermont 4
Rhode Island .... 4
Florida 4
Louisiana 8
Texas 15
Connecticut ., '... 6
Mississippi 9
Missouri 17
New Jersey 10i
New xork 36
Tennessee .12
Pennsylvania .... 32!
Ohio 23
Georgia 13
Virginia 12
Iowa 13)
isorth Carolina.... 11
Michigan .-. 14
Minnesota 9
South Carolina.... 9
Idahft 3
North Dakota .... 3!
Montana ........... 3
South Dakota .... 4
Nevada 3
Utah 3
Oregon 4
Illinois 24
Colorado 4
Wisconsin 12
Kentucky 13
Washington .,.... 4
Total 162
West Virginia...... 6
Nebraska 8
California 9
Kansas 10
Maryland 8
Delaware 3
Indiana 15
Total 271
Total 14
Total votes, 447. Necessary to elect 231.
More Haxleton Operators Agree to
Miners' Terms.
HAZLETON, Pa., Oct 3L-rhe Mllnes
vllle colliery,, operated by the A. S.
"Van Wlckle estate, will resume work
Friday. The company this afternoon
agreed to grant the men all the conces
sions made by the other companies and
operators. Calvin Pardee & Co. and a
committee representing tho strikers, for
whom there was no work at Lattlmer
when operations were resumed Monday,
arrived at an amicable agreement today
and all the discharged men will be back
at their old places tomorrow.
About 100 of the 150 girls employed at
the Jfreeland silk mill, 12 miles north
of here, wont on strike this afternoon
"becadsft of the refusal of the company
To discharge a forewoman whose father,
a miner employed at Jeddo, Is said to
nave .worked during the coal strike. The
girls also demand a uniform wage rate
of H a day.
" Granted the Demands.
SHENANDOAH. Pa.1, Oct 31. The Sus-
quehajma Coal Company, at William
Penn, near here, today granted the de
mands, of the mlneworkers In that col
lferyp&nd, will resume operations tomor
row. ' This is one of the largest collle
aes. In the country, 700 men being em
. oyed.
New Strike at "Wllkesbarre.
WILKESBARRH, ' Pa., Oct 31. Three
hundred miners employed at the Hudson
colliery of the Delaware & Hudson Com
pany struck today because the foreman
insisted on more "topping" in cars than
the men were wllUng to give.
Ttvo Collerles Reopen.
SHAMOKIN, Pa., Oct SL-The Corbln
colliery, oporated by Andrew Robertson
&. Co., resumed work today, 500 men and
boys being granted the 10 per cent In
crease last night The Excelsior colliery,
owned by the same firm, will resume to
morrow,. Objectionable Boss Discharged.
SORANTON, Pa., Oct 3L The Clark
Tunnell miners returned to work today
when the company acceded to their de
mand for the discharge of an objectiona
ble boss named Speeder.
Claimed to Be m. Pullman.
NETW YORK, Oct 31. The young man
who for several years annoyed the Pull
mans In Chicago by demanding money
of them and cilllng himself Gustavo Pull
man, was arrested here today. This af
ternoon he called at the hotel where
young George and Sanger Pullman aro
living and sent his cardl up to the former.
Pullman had him ejected, and he returned
and demanded $80,000. He was again
put out and on his third visit was ar
rested. Stops the Couch and Worlcs OS the
I Laxauvo romo-juinino Tauiets euro a coia
lia one day. "No cr,a pay. Price,-23 cents.
Laxative Brotno-Qulatno Tablets euro a cold
Introduced by Judge HarmoaTaa
Candidate's Tear Thronsh- Ohio
Will Visit Indiana Today.
CINCINNATI, Oct 31.-Mr. Bryan to
night made the first speech that he has
made n this ,cty during the present cam
paign. He arrived on a special train at
8 o'clock tonight Mr. Bryan received a
very cordial "reception In Cincinnati. He
was met at the station by an immense
crbwd and, being driven to 2fusf& Ball
under he escort of the Duckworth Club,
be was there welcomed by thousands on
the, outside of the building and by as
many people oiTtEeTnsIae o'f the great
budding as could be packed' Into it The
crowd in the interior && been awaiting
Mr. Bryan for three hours,, and on ac
count of the heat and the,, packed con
dition of the hall, there was great Im
patience until foe eritcred-the halt It had
not been Intended'that the crow Should
be admitted until 7 o'clock, but they
broke the 'doors down an hour earlier
and helped themselves- to all the avail
able space.
Mr.. Bryan made hls-nrat-speeeh-of the
evening to -the crowd on the outside of
Music Hall. He talk3u only a few min
utes, but was received with loud ap
plause. It took 15 minutes to get the au
dience quiet after Mr. Bryan made his
appearance at 9 o'clock. The, applause
was general and prolonged, but It after
wards degenerated into wild demands for
Bryan, which did not cease while Judge
(Harmon and Maytfr' Jones spoke. They
preceded Mr. Bryan, but they spoke with
but little comfort, on account of the
clamor. Ref erring to the Philippines,
Judge JIarmon said:
"When our Commissioners went to die.
tate terms of peace to Spain ,they boro
instructions. These have been 'carefully
withheld, although the people had a right
to know them -when the treaty took effect.
When they come to light, as they must,
we shall find that they wfre changed
after tho negotiations began, I do tbe
President the Justice to believe he did not
at first Intend to step into the shoes
of the King of Spain, but only meant to
pull or buy him off the backs of the
Tluplnos. This was 'a plain duty,' He
did hot then mean to buy him out and
continue the same business at the old
stand. But the President is better at
seeing his 'plain duty than at dolag it
He takes the wrong kind' of people into
his confidence, and puts himself Trfnden
their control. They turned mm aooui
face. We can guess who they were, be
cause they did the same thing with him
Inter about Porto Rico, and as ha had
committed himself to his duty in a mes
sage to Congress, they had to turn him
into the open.
"It was well. enough to make Spain re
linquish to us all her claims to the Phil
ippines, whjch were largely pretended. All
we had to do was to declare then or
later that we took or held them In trust
for the people thereof, who. by our re
quest had fought side by side with us to
overthrow Spain. What should we have
thought If the French, during our Reo-
lutlon, had bought out England's pre
tentions and then turned their arms to
subdue us? We had no formal treaty
with the Filipinos, as the French had
with us, but honest people do not raise,
technicalities about the obligations of
honor and fair dealing. Many thought,
and he- whom Iam- soon to Introduce
was one of them, that It would be best
to end the war and get rid of Spain by
ratifying the treaty, since it was made,
and then declare and carry out this
trust I believe they were right but they
were deceived as to the real intentions
of tho President, and by the Ttsolutlon
the Senate adopted carefully worded so
as to appear a "promise, and prove an
-evasion. So we went f rem an honorable
war to one of conquest against those v,ho
helped us, because they thought and we
made them think we were, helping them.
Wo have shed more blood and spent more
money In this war than in the war with
Spain, and still our boys are sent to dis
ease and stUl the tax-gatherer calls for
more." ,
Judge Harmon introduced Mr. Bryan
as the next President of the United
States. There was a flutter of handker
chiefs and a general shout, but Mr.
3ryan did not have great difficulty In
securing comparatlve,,qulet after he be
gan. The speech was largely a repeti
tion of former arguments.
Mr. Bryan will start early tomorrow
mornlpg for Indiana, en route to Chicago.
At Toldo-
TOLEDO, O., Oct 3L Mr. and Mrs.
Bryan arrived here this morning from
Dunkirk, N. Y. They were" met at the sta
tion by Mayor and Mrs. Jones. Mrs.
Bryan was accorded a brief reception at
tho Mayor's residence. Mr. Bryan spoke
for an hour in Armor Park. He was In
troduced by Mayor Jones, and he said
that he was proud to bo presented by a
man to whom duty was a higher consider
ation than was any party. Taking up the
question of nonparUsanshlp, Mr. Bryan
said that not only were former Republi
cans coming over, but the Gold Demo
crats were coming back. This, he said,
was the natural result of political con
ditions, and of the Republican party s
persistent disregard of the rights of the
people at large Mr. Bryan then took up
the question of trusts, declaring that the
utterances of both President McKlnley
and Governor Roosevelt showed them to
be more interested in protecting what
they call the good trusts than in suppress
ing the bad trusts. He would make It
impossible, for a. private monopoly to
under-the American flag, and if- elected all
the power would be used to that end.
This 'sentiment was vigorously cheered,
and 'there were cries of "brave."
Just as Mr. Bryan began to speak, and
while Mayor Jones was slill-on'hls feet 1
low 12 young-men who had caused a-dls-1
turbance "were taken in charge by the
police, and barriett out of the grounds. 1
They had brought to the meeting"-place a J
nuge Doaru representation oi an ciepnam
labeled "Q. O. P., which they paraded
about the outskirts of the TemocfaUc
meeting with, muph glee and many hur
rahs. The Mayor himself deprecated po
lice .Interference.
In his speech at Wau-jeon, Mr. Bryan
again charged the Republican party .with
making specious pleas to different, classes
of people, and in support of his assertion
produced circulars addressed to both the
Catholic- church and the A. P. A Refer
ring to these circulars, he said:
"I have received today two circulars,
one being sent -out to members of the A.
P. A. Society asking them to vote the Re
publican ticket as a protest against Cath
olics, and the other asking the Catholics
to vote the Republican ticket as a- pro
test against the A. P. A. Here you find
the Republicans, having failed in their
appeal to the people to support Republi
can principles on any broad grounds, now
sending out circulars appealing to re
ligious prejudices. I thank God that the
Democratic party Is a party to which
people can belong, no matter of what
church they are members, no -matter what
their occupation. We believe in religious,
in civil liberty and men come Into the
DemocraUo party, hot In order to advance
their claims against other people, but In
order to protect the rights of all people
under the American -flag. Our fight has
been a fight for American principles, ap
plied to all these questions."
At Other Points.
CINCINNATI, Oct 3L Ffre -tninule
stops w,ere jnade at the towns of Sidney,
Plqua and Troy. At Sfdney "Mr. Bryan
charged that in order to be a Republican
. .. " i "V- i i -f-va
e'd'ays a,man had''change his poll
at a moment's notice, ami" very -often.
I "
I tics
This was ceceqsinr. ie said, because T
the frequent turns ot the Republican
party on publio.q.uestlons. Plqua fur
nished the best owd ofthe day up to
the time of the arrival at that place, and
after leaving. Toledo, 3fcqBryan dwelt
there upon the question of; trusts.
The schedule did cot include a speech
at Dayton, but a very plJjaeaEtcIdent
occurred there. "When M5.JBryaB spe
cial train? reached the etatlcm; about sun
set there was a crowd ot several thou
sand, people assembled eX that point. Mr.
Bryan "had been notified, that there 'was a
desire to present him with a silver horse
shoe from the Harugaxi Lieaerkranz So
ciety. -'When the train came' to a! full
fcto and Mx. Bryan appeared on the rear
platform, he, wa gjreeted. by prolonged
and tumultuous applause. A committee
of three ladles representing the society
then pressed their way to the front of
the crowd, handed to him a box contain
ing no't Wily1 the horseshore, bnt a col
ored portrait of Mr. Bryan a gold-mounted
badge, and a letter explaining that in a
on$est In the society for the horseshoe,
Mr. Bryan had received 12S0 votes against
270- cast for President McKlnley. Mr.
Bryan responded briefly, saying:
"I desire the ladies who presented this i
horseshoejo bear! my greetings to the i
members of the Mirugari Society, and to
say to them'that while I cannot make a
1 speech inr GerntsnAI Cacc say Ich danke
ihnen.' Tell them I am glad to see that
the Republican appeal to the Germans
has been in vain, as the Republican ap
peal has been 'In vain to pthnr portions of
our population, for while the Germans
want good money, they want good govern
ment also: but Republicans have mis
taken the Germans, when they think that
tjiey are more anxious about the Jtfnd
of raoneyr they .have -than they are about
the kind of government under whlplutbey
Jlo. 1 believe that If we succeeded In
driving evcrj' trust out of the United
States, reducing the standing army to
its former size, and1 in saving this coun
try from the menace of imperialism, the
blessings of Democratic policies will be
so -universally recognized that the people
will never take the horseshoe from the
White House door." .
Ohio and Indiana' both contributed to
the dense audience which greeted Mr.
Bryan, at College. Corners, which Is on
the interstate 'line. ,He was enthusias
tically received there, and In a speech of
20 minutes' duration discussed the various
issues of the campaign, saying among
other things:
"I have been a candidate before, and
during the last foqr.years-yqu have been
Able to read all that the Republican pa
pers have had to say about, me. I read
the other day a new objection to me, .and
that wa that I was, dangerous because
I was honest You have had some of the
dangers that come from dishonesty, and
don't, you think, for a change, you had
better try dangers that come from hon
esty? There is, one consolation about this
charge. I believe I have convinced tho
Republicans when I say a thing I mean
It, arid I want you to- believe" me that If
elected, eVery power will be used to make
it Impossible for a private monopoly to
exist unden the Administration."
Mr. Bryan spoke for five minutes at
Hamilton, briefly upon the questions be
fore tho public He 'was liberally ap
plauded. . ,
(Continued from First Pape )
?5 75, just about what fc always Jias been
at this' time of tha,year. ,
"Bourke, Cockran spoke here the Qjher
night lie presented Mr Bryan's, issues
rather "better than Mr.. Bryan could pre
sent them, yet I confess it is incompre
hensible to mo how Mr.,Cockran can now
chmpon Mr Bryan, in ylaw not -only
fit what he said .four years agpaput, of
what he said aajato as last -February,
when he stated, tjiat, no matter whiher
mere was imperialism or not in the, cam
paign, Tie would have to pur&tte the
course he did In 189$, because, He 'said, 'I
regard the Chicago platform as des.ruc
tlve to all government, and 1 should pra
ter sbme government to no government t
"Vveu, wnat are tne reasons he gives
as his excuse? fn the first place, im
perlalisntf in the second, militarism. By
Imperialism he means our expansion in o
the Philippines, an expansion Conducted
on exactly the same basis as Jefferson's
expansion -into the country west of the
Mississippi. Mr. Cockran and Mr. Bryan
have both affected to feel great horror
at the fact that polygamy, and, as al
leged. slavery exists In Sulu, In the
Philippine Archipelago, which is now un
der bur flag. X should like to ask them
if they think that it will help their pol
icy, in the event of our withdrawing the
flag. Our course, as a matter of fact
the only chance of getting rid of either,
consists in keeping tho flag up. We can
not do everything In, a day. Messrs
Bryan and Cockran would be 'the first
to rave against President McKlnley If
he now added to the war with Agulnaldo
another war with the Sultan of Sulu.
"Half a century ago. there were many
abolitionists; sincere, but absolutely fool
ish and wrong-headed people, who, want
ed the free states to secede from the
Union 'because there was slavery hr ths
Union. Had their advice been followed
slavery would exist to the present day
in tho Southern States. The only thing J
to do was what we -actually-did, that 13,
to keep the flag flying, and rwhen the
fullness of time arrived, abolish slavery. J
"So It Is in, Sulu, We shall keep the
flag flyjng, and. therefore, in the end
polygamy and slavery will both disap
pear. I might mention -incidentally that 4
President' McKlnJey has already declined
to irecognlse slavery .In the Islands, and
i therefore, has ' taken 0tep3 toward. Its
abolition. , ., ,.
"And what -are the plans of Messrs
Bryan and Cockran? Why, of all th'ngs
in the world, Mr. Bryan proposes to es
tablish a protectorate over tho Islands,
including Sulu, and, therefore, to per
ptuaie slavery ana polygamy uy fcuui tne lsianaers xnese, amng
helr other Institutions, ' and protectjng
thorn against all "outride interference: In
other words, Mr. Bryan's platform dellb
eirately provides for the perpetuation of
the very evils which he an.d Mr. Ceck
Tan affect to denounce. As a matter of
fact thav can only be done away with
'by following our system."
Aliens at Honolulu.
WASHINGTON, Oct 8L In answer to
an Inquiry, the Treasury Department has
heltj'that aliens who have been duly ex
amined at ports of the United States and
there admitted as not being of the classes
excluded by law, need not be re-examined,
except physically, at Honolulu even
though 'they reached that port through
Canada, provided passage through Can
ada was continuous, without stop-over.
Aliens, seeking admission at Honolulu un
der any other conditions must be exam
ined as original applicants for admission
to this country.
Indian Bureau Saves Money.
WASHi n 'IT v ot 31 -Hh& Indian
Bureau finds that the new system of
transporting Indian supplies by dealing
directly with the railroads, instead of
through contractors, has effected a sav
ing of 20 per cent, or S4O.O0O, in transpor
tation expenses for the last fiscal year.
Heretofore the railroads "have retrained
from bidding for the transportation con
tracts, and private contractors have 're
ceived largo profits.
m '
Kentucky Democrats Sncceasfal.
FRANKFORT, Oct 3L In the Cqurt
of Appeals today, -the Judgment of the
Lower Court on the contests over the
minor state offices was affirmed, thus es
tablishing the title of the Democratic
Incumbents of those offices. The three
Republican Judges dissented. This case
applied, to all of the state offices' except
Governor and Lieutenant-Governor, the
contests over, which 'Wire settled" by'the
Legislature. ' i- "- '
"" ' "".. ,. ":
A. Few "Petxtlne Snots t Bryan Be
fore the Latter Retireo- to -Private
BOUTH BEND, Ind., Oct SL Senator
Hanna, chairman ot the Republican Na
tional Committee, arrived from Chicago
on a special train and addressed a large
crowd. The Senator was escorted from
the station to the speakers" stand by a
regiment ot Rough Riders. He spoke
about 50 mlnute8.' Moat Vf 'the Jf aotorles
of the city were closed for an hour to
enable the employes to near Senator
Hanna. -x
Senator Hanna spoke at an enthusfastio
all-day Republtcan-Tallyi held at Warsaw,
epoke'of the business cotfdltfons'-un-der-
Mr. Cleveland's last Administration
In' comparison with those existing today.
Tho crowd, mostly farmers, from.. sur
rounding counties, was estimated at 15,
000 peoples . , .
At Goshen.
GOSHEN, Ind . Oct. 31. Senator Hanna
was greeted by a great outpouring of peo
ple liere today, the crowd "Doing estimated
at 12,000. In the course of a 30-minute
speech Senator Hanna said:
"I hear on eevry side, "What's the mat
ter with Hanna?' (Cries of "He's all
right!") I want to know what's the mat
ter with Indiana. (Cheers and cries of
"Indiana is all right") X almost think
this election will be unanimous. This
great outpourlhg means much. Bryan
has been preaching free silver, imperial
ism and anti-trust; he has dragged these
issues into the campaign for the purpose
Of deceiving the people. There is nothing
in this contest but let well enough atone.
We have suffered enough, seen enough
souphouses, and we have earned the right
to be prosperous. Do you propose to be
led away by false issues in order to sat
isfy the ambition of ono man? That ex
presses It fully: It Is too long a story to
be covered with arguments at this time.
The,, other side has always been before
the people with every subterfuge imag
inable. In ofdor that the peoople may be
'deceived. Bryan has lowered himself to
the worst kind of demagogy, and has cried
to the people to follow the seer whose
.name is Brj-an.
' "No, my friends, this election is a test
of the loyalty, the patriotism and the ln
telllgerice of the American people. You
do not want to vote for a man whose
government would bring distress and sor
row to the people. Everything on our
s'de appeals to all the sentiments of
patriotism in America. It calls for a vote
of confidence in the Administration; a
vote of confidence In your President who
has preserved the dignity of the NaUon.
Now that we have taken our place among
the fighting naUons, shall we turn our'
hacks to the glory oi our soldiers ana
sailors? 'Shall we shut our eyes and
blindly follow that steer? Good forbid.
Let me warn you that should you be
.misled by false theories' your fate la
sealed. Industrie will shut down; trade
decrease and the laboring class would
be the first to feel it. ' Money can 'be hid
away and when a laboring man loses his
day's work he. loses his 'capital also."
FORT WAYNE, Xnd., Oct 31? SehatOt
Hanna-spoke to two large audiences to
day. He addressed 3000 people at Princess,
Rink and a crowd of lOuO at the Y. M. C.
A. H.all. He was greeted 9" .his arrival
by a parade of Rough Risers and factory
men His audience was largely composed
of worklngmen and his argument was ad
dressed toathem being confined, chiefly to
the prosperity issue. The men whose ex-'
ample they should follow, he said, are
the. men who haye successfully -.managed
the countryjs great. Industrial establish
ments. He accused Mr, Bryan, of utter
hypocrisy and charged that In the last
days of the campaign. In desperation, the
Democratic candidate was attempting to
raise class animosity and array working
men, against their employers. His ar
raignment of Mr. Bryan was severe, and
followed his declaration that he had been
the butt of Mr. Bryan's ridicule and sar
casm for years, and now, before Mr.
Bryan's retirement to private life, he pro
posed to give him a few parting shots.
After his speech. Senator Hanna was
asked to express ah opinion on Chairman
Jones' interview, dealing with Mr. Cro
ker's advice tb Democrats regarding their
conduct on election day, but he refused
to talk about the matter.
Statements Made by Monnett In an
Ohio Speech.
NAPOLEON, O., Oct 31. A letter from
Attorney-General Griggs to J. R. Linthl-
cum, chairman of the. Republican Com
mittee of Henry County, relative to csr-
tain statements made by ex-Attorney-
General Monnett In a speech delivered
J here Octobor 2L was made public today.
Attorneywqeneral Griggs says:
"I .ana, In receipt of your letter of the
23d lnst,In which you state that ex-Attorney-General
Frank S. Monnett, of
Ohio,. In a Democratic speech at Napo
Jeon on the 22d Inst, stated that I. in a
letter to him, and also in a personal In
terview with him, stated that the reason
whvthe trusts have not been prosecuted
was that the President had been inactive
ahd-lndlfferent In the enforcement of the
antitrust laws.
"Unless Mr. Monnett -has taken leave
of his senses, I -cannot believe he ever
made such a statement "So far as I can
recall, or the records of this department
show, I have never written him a letter
upon any: subject L am sure that I never
syrote him ay letter-upon the subject of
trusts, nor in any rise alluded to the Ac
tion of thjs Administration, with refer
ence thereto. With his allegation that I
made such. 6, statement in a personal in
terview to htm, that is also entirely un
true. J never met Mr. Monnett .but onoe,
and that was ony for, a few minutes,
whpn he caljed tq pay a visit of cour
tesy, being Introduced to me by" his prede
cessor, the present Solicitor-General, John
Richards, of Ohio. I do not believe that
the subject of trusts, or any other sub
ject except such as would arise in gen
eral conversation upon a visit of this na
ture, was touchea upon. I am sure that
I made no such statement as you say Mr.
Monnett attributes to roe, Nor could I
have made such a statement, because it
.,t.i v.n.. hiuin untrue. The attitude
and record of this Administration on the
subject of prosecution under the anti
trust laws are contained in the last an
nual report of the Attorney-General to
Congress, a copy of which, is forwarded
to you by this mall."
He Acknowledges the Indorsement
of tne Liberty CongrcM.
BOSTON, Oct 3L-The reply from Mr.
Bryan in acknowledgment of the address
adopted by the National Liberty Congress
of Antl-ImDeralllsts. at Indianapolis,
which jsras enerosBod and sent to him, 4
has Just been received at the office of the
New England Anti-ImperiaJlat .League
here. The reply is dated Brooklyn, N. Y.,
October .29. It follows: i
The -receipt of your letter notifying me
of the Indorsement by tho Anti-Imperial-
1st Leagut and Inclosing the resolutions
adopted was delayed because of my con
tinuous absence from "home. Allow me
tor assure you of tny appreciation of the
confidence expressed by the league. My
speech delivered at Indianapolis, August
8, In response to the Democratic commit
tee, sets forth my views on, imperialism
more, fully than I could,, do by letter. I
need not reiterate them here. It has been
extremely, gratifying to flndour, people so
1 ft"awaWt(f the-aanEeT3 of a colonial
- i
of the wcelcs of terror and danger In the British
. Legation while bombarded by Boxers and
CKinese soldiers. Mrs. Lowry, an American
" m??sionarv wrote- down from dav to dav what
If' tok placc an vividly
aunuruib ui wjcil wave tuuc unuu winv.u mm-
stood the TartarhoYdes with bravery, courage
and devotion never surpassed. As a simple
.i thissdkry fe-a. humaalocument of $hefhQs. . v
. intense interest. Every page is a record that
will deeply impress every, human heart, It .
""irtnrc. It is'ternble.
$i,oo a' Year
"air ship: Making a German soldier: srt sttHrt iy charles warren
policy. ,Every indication at present poli)t3
to such an emphatic protest against the
Republican party as to not orly Insure a
return to the fundamental principles of
government, but such a protest as will
warn all parties in the future not to dis
regard the blood-bought principles which
have given to this Nation Its glory, and
which must in the future, make it an
examplo.for the uplifting of mankind."
Hanna at Anajlo-Amerlcan Banquet,
CHICAGO, Oct St. Senator Hanna was
the guest of honor last night of theflr3t
annual banquet of the British-American
League, given at the Victoria Hotel. He
received, the plaudits of 1C0 Americans of
British birth. When the toastmaster
mentioned Senator Hamta'e name the
guests seated at the tables arose en
masse and sang, "He's a Jolly Good Fel
low." This wa3 followed with three
cheers and a tiger.
Senator Hanna made a brief address,
during which- he- said that he was con
fident that the work of the association
would extend beyond ..the. association.
Liberals Have Started a Second Rev
NEW YORK. Oct 31. C. B. Hart,
United States Minister, to Colombia, South
America, who has arrived here, and Is
on hie way to his home In Wheeling, W.
Va., said" In an interview that
in Colombia are sadly mixed. Tne Lib
erals started a second revolution a few
days ago, and it has developed great
strength. Tho fighting has been flerce
and up to 'date tho billed and wounded
have numbered 30,009.
"While ther Jllberals- -ave mot Tritb
much success; if is my -belief that -the
government will be eventually successful.
But the revolution is seriously, disturbing
business. General Prosper- Pinron is In
command of the government forces, and
the revolutionists-are commanded by Gen
eral Rafael Uribe. The scene of the, trou.
ble is the Department of Cauca.
"In tho recent election, San Clcmentl
and Senor Marroquln were elected Presi
dent end Vice-President respecU ely. San
Clementl, on. account of the state of Ms
health, could not live in Bogota, and
went to Vllleta. In his absence, Marro
quln started a rebellion and assumed the
Presidency, securing the recognition of
all the foreign powers except the papal
see. Both San Clementl and Marroquln,
however, are drawing their salaries cf
S6.0CO pesos per annum- This is payable
in silver, but the currency of Colombia
is so upset that it Is difficult to place
a value upon. It
"It Is too bad that there are Internal
dissensions in. Colombia, because, under
a peaceful regime, the country has re
markable opportunities for development
"There is a demand there for Benito
Seamala, who is here in New York. He
was formerly United States Vice-Consul
at Bogota. The Marroquln Government
charges him with conspiracy, and he Is
practically an exile."
, .1 r
Announcement Has Started
NEW YORK, Oct 31. Tho announce
ment of the population of tShe .United
States made by the Census Bureau, says
a Washington special to the Times, has
started speculation about the effect on
the apportionment for members of Con
gress. The increases or decreases in state rep
resentatlbn depend on, the feeling of a
Congress which Is yet tp be elected. It
quite certain, however, that severs.!
states will, lose. One of them is Ne
braska, which gained only 1Q.0OQ "pdpu
latlon. Another Is Maine, which has
gained only 30,000. Nevada shows a fall
ing off In population, but Nevada is safe,
for she has only one Congressman now
and" cannot Tiave less.
The greatest gainer Under "the conserva
tive estimate of the Increase df 200,000
to each Representative will be Pennsyl
vania, which will gain three Congress
men, bringing her number up to 31. New
York would gain two, reaching a total
of 38. Kentucky, Maryland. South Caro-
Ibis root of many evils
Tumors, abscesses, cutaneous eruptions,
dyspepsia, readiness to catch cold and in
ability to .get rid of it easily, catarrh, and
other ailments, including the consumptive
Is removed by Hood's Sarsaparllla so
completely that a radical and permanent
cure la effected.
This statement is proved by thousands
nf voluntary testimonials. Sn,A8 VesAoot,
Wawmrslng, N. Y., writes: "When onr
daughter was two years old, she broke out
ill over her face, and head with scrofula
sores. Nothing" we did for her 'seemed to
do her any good, and we bad become al
most disconraged when we thought we
would try Hood's Earsaporilla. The first
bottlo helped her and when she' had taken
I ajitne sores were all healed and her face
war smooth. She has never shown any
sign of the scrofula returning."
cleanses the Bystem.of all humors inherited
or acquired and makes" Tich, healthy blood.
Hood't fllU caro IItctjUi i the,non-lrriuUag saa
0aly,cUtiUc. to .uka ulth. llood't tfajtprUU.
described the fears and
t .,
It ts instructive.
io Cents a Copy
?4 CV
JIna and Virginia would each losVaf Con
gressman, which would 'be offset h"y the
gain of two In Texas. Maine and 'Vermont
would each lose a Congressman, though
Massachusetts would gain one. Illinois
would gain one. maklrg hert representa
tion 24. Of the other great Middle States,
Indiana, Ohio and Minnesota would each
losa one, while Michigan, Iowa ahd Wis
consin would neither gain nor lose. Ne
braska would lose one and New Jer
sey would gain, one. These would be The
only changes.
There is hardly any doubt that the
new apportionment will not be made on
any basis less than 200.6C0.
' "
. if
"Wagon Makers' Association.
CHICAGO. Oct. 31. At the annual
meeting of tho National Wagon Manufac
turers' Association, held here, representa
tives of -29 of the largest wagon concerns
of the country were present It was
agreed- that there should be no change
In the price of wagons during the com
ing year. The following officers- were
elected: -President-P.- B. Suydam, -Toledo;
lce-presldent Geo. R. James, Memphis,
Tenn., and F, L Mitchell, of Racine.
Wis,; secretary and treasurer, 11. M.
Kinney, Minneapolis. , J
i ,
' United Siats Grand Jury.
United States District Attorney John H.
Hall will today ask Judge Bellinger to
order a grand Jury drawn for jne'UnJted
States Circuit Court, to appear here No
vember 12. There are a number of cases
on the docket which Mr. Hall desires to
have looked into by the grand Jury and
disposed ot. The new CTapd JurywlU
be the first to be seel6ted "from the new
Jury lls.t prepared, for the TJnltfd. Slates
Circuit Court
'Alcoaol Vat Exploded,'
PITTSBURG, Pa., Oct! 31! Bynhe ex
plosion" of an alcohol vat at the; Homestead-1
Steel Works this- morning three
workmen, Andrew Dollkiv Michael Dea
der and John Harnett!, were ' terribly
burned. Dollkiv and Donder, 'it is
thought, will die. The explosion was
caused by alcohol coming In contact with
natural gas. y
'. i iii
Venezuela Will Pay interest.
CARACAS, Venezuela, Oct 3t (Via
Haytlen Cable.) The Venezuelan Gov
ernment has decreed the- resumption of
Lpayment of Interest pn all debts andloana
from 2c;wember.
Popnlnt1011 of Mexico City.
MEXICO CITY, Oct 31. The census
shows this city has over 00,000 population-
vescent , Tbs Sad Exirarfd trota fte Jacti tf fftsh Fnitt, &
A teaspoonfol in. a tumb
ler of water will, in
most cases, relieve j
the pain in a few
j t minutes. j
IW O. Goodln. if. D , Marshall, Ind.v T1
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SMS, uoh a lost manhood, exhaustive, dralaq,
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