V I tllLlLLHJLl JiSIPHi tlnlLril'IIILLcLlL-- - - -- r " f K . ,1 o :. v VOL. XL. NO. 12,445. PORTLANB, PRICE Any Size Any Quantity MACKINTOSHES, RUBBER AND OIL-CLOTHING Rubber Boots and Shoes, Beltlna. Packing and Hose. Largest and most complete assortment o f all kinds of Rubber Goods. Goodyear Rubber Company R. H. PEASE, President. T. K. 8HZPAIID, JR.. Treasurer. J. A. BliEPAKD. Secretary THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF Photographic Goods In the City at Retail and Wholesale. fevrest, Best and Up-to-Dnte Goods Only. Agents for VolQtlaender Colllnear Lenses. BLUIVIAUER-FRAINK DRUG CO 144-148 Fourth St, Hear Morrison SUMMERS & PRAEL CO. IMPORTERS WHOLESALE AND RETAILERS IK Crockery, Glassware LAMP GOODS AND CUTLERY Hotel, Restaurant and Bar Supplies a specialty. Ill THIRD STREET 307 WASHINGTON STREET Shaw's Pure Malt The Condensed StrenQth and Nutriment of Barley and Rye BllimaUer & HuCfl, lOS and HO Fourth Street Sole Distributers for OrcQOB Established 1S70 Incorporated 18SS, Q. P. Rurnmeiin & Sons, Furriers 126 SECOND ST., near WASHINGTON Fur Neck Scarfs, from $1.00 and upwards. Pur Collarettes, with cluster or tails, $3.25 and upwards. Fur Collarettes, with yokes and cluster of tails, $350 and upwards. Call and see our endless -variety of Neckwear, In Animal Scarfs, Cluster Boas, Long- Fox Boas, Storm Collars, etc. Fur Jackets Etons Capes Robes and Rugs Oregon 'Phone Main 49L ALASKA SEALSKINS OUR SPECIALTY HOTEL PERKINS- fifth and Washington Streets . . PORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms Single TCe to 41.80 per day First-Class Check Restaurant Rooms Double $L00 to 12.00 per day Connected With Motel. Rooms Family $L50 to 33.00 per day J.F.DAVlES.Prci. St. Charles Hotel CO CTXCORPORATED). FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND. OREGON American and European Plan. Pianola Music Circulating Library Our Music Circulating Library, now In oporatlon at Portland, gives our custom ers la the Northwest, at a nominal cost, access to thoAeollan Company's full cata logue of Pianola music. Including many thousand pieces, embracing all branches of music frem Beethoven symphonies to rag-time selection. It would cost you at least $100,000 to get the same pieces played b hand, e en partially as well as you can play thera j ourself by means of a Pianola. Similar libraries have been estab ished by the Aeolian Companj in New York, Chicago, Cincinnati, London, Paris and oth er large oitles, and thousands of our customers have already joined. These libra ries are the most powerful educational factor in the -whole world of music today. Write us for explanatory book. M. B. WELLS, Northwest Agent for the Aeolian Company Aeolian Hall, 353-355 Washington Street, cor. Park. Portland. Or. EARTHQUAKE IK FLORIDA. Eight Distinct Shocks Felt In Jack sonville. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Oct. SL Eight distinct earthquake chocks were felt In Jacksonville today. The first shock was at 11 IS o'clock A. M., and shook some or the large buildings In the city. At 11.25 another shock, nearly as severe, was felt, and continued at 15-mlnuto Intervals un til 12 90 o'clock. At 4- this afternoon the seventh shock was felt, followed several seconds later by a report and shock, the severest of the day. The last disturbance made the window-panes rattle in several eectlons of the city. Thore was no dis turbance in the water, nor were the shocks severe enough to cause any dam age. Effects of Venezuela's Earthquake. CARACAS, Venezuela, Oct. SL Further details regarding' the earthquakes of Mon day last saow that San Casimlro Cua and CbarallaBo were entirely destroyed. An Ulet situated at the mouth of the Neveri River has disappeared. At Tacarfna Droohloo and Curiepe the damage done was considerable. There are many Bead and Injured. Railroad and telephonic service between Caramar and Rio Chlco U Interrupted. Railroad service between La Guayara and Caracas was resumed this meixlng. A TRUST GOES UNDER. Screen Door Combine Wu Forced to Dlssol-re. DBTROIT, Oct. SL The Continental Company, Litd . the National screen door and window ccreen trust, formed about a year -ago la Detroit closed its business here today. M. K. Kemp, for the board of directors, gave out the following state ment: "After a year's experience as a com bine, we decided to quit rather than to build up farther competition. On account of OHtstde arms who hae created a prsjtidlee against us, we thought it best to dissolve at once. The combine did a business during the first year of $1,000,000 Is the united states sod Canada. Any Style 73-75 FIRST ST. PORTLAND, OR. C T. BELCHER. Sc and Trees. American European plan J1.25. SLB0, 11.78 plan 60c. 75c, SLW TO BE THE FASTEST SHIP. ArroTr, Guaranteed to Make 42 Miles an Hour, Launched at Nyaclc NEW YORK, Oct SL Charles R. Flint's Arrow, under contract to be the fastest ship ever designed, was launched today at Myers shipyard at Nyack, N. Y. She has been built under a guarantee by her designer of 42 miles an hour, and it is expected that under pressure she -will be able to make SO. It has been generally given out that she was con structed as a yacht for Mr. Flint's per sonal use, but rumors have been per sistent that she was built under contract with one of the South American govern ments for use as a torpedo-boat. Her plans, so far as they have been made public, show her to be fully equipped for torpedo service. The Arrow will go In tow to Newark, N. J., where her shaft ing and engines -will be put In. Her des tination after she is fitted out at Newark has not been announced. Woolley Cantpaltm. PITTSBURG, Pa., Oct. SL The Prohi bition Presidential candidate, John G. Woolley, spent a short time in Pittsburg this morning and then went to Connells ville, where a large meeting was held. Mr. Woolley was so hoarse that he could scarcaly be heard. He said that the Pro hibitionists granted Pennsylvania to the Republicans, but he wanted the people to show their Interest m decent govern ment and reform by voting the Prohibi tion ticket. This afternoon a large meet ing was held at Unlontown. Yesterday 17 meetings ware held In New York and Eastern Pennsylvania. Following the meetings at Oonnellsville and Unlontown was one at Scottdale. As the train pulled Into that town, a rousing reception was tendered the party by the blowing of whistles. Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Oct SL Today's state ment of the Treasury balances In the general fund, excluslvovof the- $15$003, 000 gold reserve in the division of re demption showsi Available cashv balance $135,900,4 poU .........Yi.r ...,....... e6,OL Reasonably Sure to Give Mc , . Kinjey.a Majority. SILVER NO LONGER AN ISSUE A aUcfctr Difference ln'Four Years What Prosperity Has Doae for the City. SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. SL (Staff Cor respondence ) Four years ago Spokane went crazy on. the silver question, and gave, the enormous majority of SOOO for Bryan. Next Tuesday it is probable that the county will go for McKlnley by a safe vote. Spokane Is therefore crazy no longer. Its recovery from Its Intense aberration of 1S96 has been comparatively sudden, but it is complete. You do not hear anybody say anything about silver. Even Wheat Chart Jones has given up and gone to the more congenial latitudes of Butte, where there are a few of them left Down in the headquarters of tho McKlnley Club Is a 4arge picture of Mc Klnley inset Into a suggestive back ground comprised solely of a $20 gold piece, and the strange device. "Gold Standard" surmounts it all. True, Dem ocratic orators still declaim, awesomely about tho Money Power, but the average voter Is a triflo restive over it, and- per haps a little (sensitive about even this vague reminder that four years ago he really feared its dreadful might. NOW the usual feeling Is that Spokane would like some more tangible and satisfactory evidence that it really exists and is in business. There is a great deal of money in Spokane, and many estlmablo citizens who once thought civilization, was Im periled and existence likely to prove a useless monotony unless we had 18 to L have dono very well indeed financially under the "accursed gold standard." These gentlemen welcome with a great deal of heartiness and enthusiasm the in vasion of this territory by foreign capi tal. If it had been excluded, none of them would have fared ao welL At Republican headquarters they tell curious stories about the changes four years have wrought Tho City of Spo kane gave Bryan, something like 1500 In a total vote of about 6000. Now tho party managers have no doubt at all that the Republican ticket will get 1000 plurality, at a low estimate, and many Republicans expect 1500. The country will, they think, do oa well. At Spokane Bridge, fon ex ample, McKinley had 10 votes out of J20in 1SS6 This precinct had never gone. Republican In its entire ' history. Now" tha Iftfnoe ae dTrd t '- fav-alo to a Republican majority; and an even break la the least any Republican ex pects. Pleasant Prairie and Peone were two to one for Bryan. Now they are almost as strongly the other way. Rock ford was carried by Bryan with 20 ma jority. Now McKinley will get about BO. Douglas Precinct, in the Fourth Ward, City of Spokane, will, it Is believed, give 200 majority for the Republican ticket. where It was about CO for Bryan in 1S96 In the First Ward, Republican, estimates ere for a margin of 200 In 1400 votes, where it was two to one for Bryan. And eo tho story goes throughout the county and city. The Bryan flood was so overwhelming In 1S96 that Republicans carried just one precln,ct In the city (by one vote) and one in the county, and In the entire list of public officers they rescued just a lone Justice of the Peace. In the following Spring- the first signs of the fusion break-up appeared, and Olmstead (n.p.) was elected Mayor of Spokane by 750 majority, on a Citizens' ticket The movement was engineered by Republi cans, and their success was so surprising and unexpected that It fairly took 'the fuslonists off their feet Then in 1S98, Republicans carried the county, and elected practically all their nominees; tut they admit that their success was due to tho imperfections of the fusion ma chinery. The Democrats knifed the Populists, and the Populists the Demo crats, and by this simple but very ef fective method managed to put one an other out of business. Now there Is fUB lon under the Democratic name, and It was brought about in this easy and fe licitous fashion: The Populists had a convention, and nominated a ticket, leav ing certain blank spaces for the Demo crats to fill In. This they learned about with, some display of resentment The Democrats did not like the take-lt-or-leave-It way the Populists had of doing business. But after splitting the air with much impotent oratory, the Demo crats did not leave It but took it Peace was afterwards restored on the waters of the angry deep, but the recollection of the Populist ultimatum still abides In the Democratic bosom. At Democratic headquarters, they say they are going to carry the county by 500 to 1000. About 700, they think, will be the proper figure. The, election of 1S98, they declare, is no standard for judgment as to 1900, and Republicans admit that it Is not On their port they regard with much satis faction the results of a county poll, which shows a comfortable Republican plurality. The Democratic poll, as might be suspected, indicates quite a different state of affairs. It is not yet completed, but the party managers- intimate that it discloses a certainty of a Democratic ma jority there, numbering: something like 750. They expect or say they expect, the Republican margin In the city to be very small, and thus In the final analysis ot things they will pull out a victory. From this abundance of testimony ot all kinds and from all quarters I have been able to reach a conclusion as I have already Indicated. I "found nothing up to this point that 1 did not expect to find. But I discovered another thing, and that Is that there is a somewhat more active and healthy Frink sentiment than I have seen elsewhere. The Republican managers and other Republicans who are not managers, talk about Mr. Frink's chances with a considerable degree of en thusiasm. It may be that the Republican .organization beret irbicfc. Is la the hands of John I, Wilson's friends. Is responsi ble for thia apparent Frink sentiment; or it may bo -that the county Is so far -removed from the controversies -which preceded Mr. Frink's nomination that it was not in any way affected by them. It may be, too, that a contrary state of affairs exists In the country; but if it does, I did not run across anybody in position to know who said so. Republi cans here do not hesitate to say that Frink will bo freely scratched. Some work has been done among business men for Rogers, on the ground that ha is a "taxpayers' candidate'; and others work against Frink for the reason, or alleged reason, that he Is Wilson's candidate. Un doubtedly some votes have thus been gained, and no one appears to have any idea that Frlnlc will 'get as many votes as McKlnley. But Republicans stem to think that Rogers is going to lose some Democratic votes because he defeated Voorhees for renomlhatlon; other votes because he Is said to'be a Populist masquerading- as a DemaWat; and still other votes because Rogers has ice water and not blood la his vdlns. None- of thesfi things has made anyj deep impression, as being sound or weisrthy, but doubtless they will net some votes. Withal, it Is probable that In city and country Frink will bo more generally cut than Rogers. The grain-rate question Is undoubtedly the niost potential factor in Eastern Washington polities. Not touch is said or heard about it in the City of Spokane, but it Is of moment to every farmer and producer; and thia is the basis of the movement for Rogers, who is friendly to remedial freight-rate legislation 'and against Frink, who is said not to bev I would not undertake to eay that Spokane is sure to give 100 or 300 or 1000 Republican majority, or to name any figure at all, but simply to record my Impression that It appears reasonably certain to go Republican. The situation throughout all Washington Is so perplex ing In Its details that any man may be safely challenged to guess within 5000 or more votes how the majorities aro to be distributed. Many men can, of course, estimate MoKlnley's aggregate majority (or Bryan's, as the case may be), with much accuracy. But it will take rare wisdom to tell precisely where these ma jorities are to come from. The general belief that Washington Is going Republi can is based on the uniform stories or Republican gains 'in every part of the state. That there will be variations from this general trend no one ought to doubt Betting Is more general here than any where In the state. At one resort Is posted a great variety of Republican of fers. For example, $1000 that Frink Is elected; $1000 that McKlnley carries Seat tle, Tacoma and Spokane; $2000 to $1000 on McKlnley; $100 on every county in Washington going Republican; and so oiu It is reported that one bet of $350 to $50 was; made today that McKlnley would be e'eotoaMapr- wafers on ""rlnk and Rogers nAo I eon made. Two t. one is offered on Spokane County going Re publican. Democrats, It Is Said, demand that Republicans wager that they will carry at least 25 out of 27 nominees ton the ticket The liveliest possible interest la taken here in the 'Idaho election, and some money, it is sold, has been wagered that the state will go for McKlnley. E. B. P. THE DEATH ROLL. Member of Chicago Board of Trade, - CHICAGO, Octf, SL Frank J. Carpenter, treasurer and general manager of the Nye & Jenks Grain Company, and a member of the Board of Trade, died from Injuries received In alighting from an Illinois Central train last night Mrs. Sarah, Burtls. NEW YORK, Oct 31. Mrs. Sarah Bur tls Is dead at Rochester, In her 90th year, says a dispatch to the Times. Mrs. Burtls was born in Saratoga, in 1810. She was one of the first active workers in the cause of woman suffrage. A. 31. McGresor. NEW YORK, Oct SL The death of A. M. McGregpr, a director of the Standard Oil Company, was announced here today. ISarl ot Darnley. LONDON, Oct. SL Edward Henry Stu art BUgh. seventh Earl of Darnley, Is dead. He was bom In 185L SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT NEWS. Political. Large crowds continue to attend Rooeerlt meetings In New York. Pace 1. Eastern Bepubltc&ns are over their scare. Pasel. Jone approves of Croker's riot prorrammo. Pagl. Expert Berry puts Washington in tho Bryan column. Page 2. Bryan devoted yesterday to Ohio. Pass's. Senator H&nns is touring Indiana. Pag 2. China. Hay's reply to the Anglo-German agreement is made public Page 3. Jxpan approves of the alliance. Page-a, France objects to the third clause. Page 8. Forelsn. England li not pleased with the promotion of Lansdowne. Page 3. George Gonld was appotnted trustee for his sis ter. Countess of Castellans. Page 3, The Carllst uprising in Spain was planned for tonight. Page 8. Domestic. Twenty-six persons may have perished in the Tarrant fire. Page 3. The screen-door trust has collapsed. Page L Pacific Const. Spokane County, Washington, will go for Mc kinley by a safe Vote. Page 1. Coot and Malheur Counties, former Populist strongholds, ar conceded to McKlnley. Page 4. The Astoria division of the Oregon Naval Re serve has been mustered out Page 4. A Washington Judge decides that "Peoples Party" should not appear on Spokane Coun ty ballots. Page 4. Construction of the Washington ship canal may be said to be under way. Page 4. Commercial and Marine. Chartering ships for next century loading. PageS. Grain and flour shipments for October. Paga B. British ship D&lcarnle loaded la 19- hours. PageS. Gefmab'ehlp Gertrad damaged by a hurricane. Page 5. Close ot Xilpton's deal in pork. Page 11. Record-breaking sugar rece'pts at Philadel phia. Page It Local. Right cf way for the O. It &-N. spur to- St Johns has been secured. Page 8. Gamester who- lost saesa gambling" house for $2500. Pag8 - --., Boy wWleaplayinr Hanoweeapraaks shot by ''BWn. Pago"5! . WESTERN NEW YORK Respectful Crowds Heard Roosevelt Yesterday. THE STRAIN IS TELLING ON K1H Tie. Day Closed With a Rousing; Meet las at Buffalo Speeches at Other Points. ROCHESTER, N. Y.. Oct SL Governor Roosevelt is feeling the strain ot his con tinued talking more more today than at any time since he Btarted the state tour. His chest is sore and his voice does not carry as- well as it did. The sun came out just after the Roosevelt special left THE MARQUIS "WHO SUCCEEDS LORD SALISBURY AS Rochester, giving promise of a pleasant day. The first stop was made at Brock port Here the Governor said: "Mr. Bryan invokes the Declaration ot Independence as applying- to the Philip pines. Nebraska was acquired by Thom as Jeffe-son without tha consent of ih Indians In It and he ought to have known how to apply tho Declaration rt Independence because he wrote It He cannot afford to let 'Mr. Bryan's principles- and tho present Bryanlzed Democ racy continue a formidable danger to American political life. I appeal to you not merely to beat It, but to stamp It under foot so that no similar appeal will ever be made In our time. While we can afford to differ on questions of policy wo cannot afford as good Americans to differ on the underlying principles the lack of which makes any party whatever It is a standing- danger to the country." At Holly It was raining. Nevertheless the Governor spoke to a great crowd. He eald: "We do not want to cut Into the Na tional honor by cutting in two the Na tional debt If Mr. Bryan's policies ever should be enacted Into law they would 1 bear with an especial weight of woe up on the very people concerning whom he affects to be most interested. "Mr. Bryan speaks of polygamy In the Sulu Islands and says It ought to be stopped. Why, his proposal Is to estab lish a protectorate over those Islands, and therefore guarantee both slavery and polygamy in Sulu." At Medina. LOCKPORT. N. Y., Oct 3L At Medina, where his train stopped for 20 minutes, Governor Roosevelt stepped from his car to a temporary platform. The rain had ceased, and the Governor occupied the full time In addressing the crowd. Ho devoted moat ot his attention to impe-' riallsm and militarism. Whllo the Gov ernor was talking, a man in the audience said: , "Governor, I would like to have you explain the trust question?" "What about the coal employes In Penn sylvania?" asked another man. "One at a time," said the Governor. ''As tothe coal employes of Pennsylvania, they have won a strike for an Increase in wages. Do you think they would have won that strike four years ago?" "No, no," shouted the crowd. The Governor then discussed the trust question at length, referring to Mr. Bry an's remedy of taking the tariff off ar ticles used by the trusts, and the remedy of the Republican party to get at he evil by Constitutional amendment In speaking of militarism, the Governor re ferred to the posts located near Qswego and Buffalo, and said the sentiment there was rather for an Increase of tho soldiers stationed there. He cited the fact that regulars had been stationed at the forts around New York for 113 years, and said: "Some little time ago a number of our citizens got up a petition to the War De partment to increase the number of sol diers In these forts, because the existing number "was not enough to keep the big guns, clean. "I want to ask If any of ou have ever seen a single imperialist I have not found one from the Rockies to the Atlan tic I have met lots of expansionists. I am one myself." At Lockport. Reaching Lockport Governor Roosevelt was driven In a carriage to the Opera House, which was filled, while hundreds had been unable to gain admission. The Governor's address was devoted In large part to the question of prosperity. "Now, as to Air. Bryan s propnecies. sald the Governor, "here is exactly what Mr. Bryan said In his Minneapolis speech: The gold standard means dearer money, cheaper property, harder times, more peo ple out of work, more people destitute, more people desperate and more crime. Now look around In your city. In your own state, and compare with those proph ecies their fulfillment "Mr. Bryan says he Is the champion of the people. I think It is a mighty poor man of whom Mr. Bryan is champion. Mr. Bryan says the trusts flourish more than they did four years ago. He is quite right Everything- flourishes- more than four years ago A good year for crops la a good year for weeds. Hoe out the weeds, but don't piow-unaer ine crops. I "ere m tnis crry you nave oag lactones jtxe& your mechanicsr are all employed, . v C ' Don't try to help the workmen by shut ting up the factories." The Governor for the first time during his New York State trip was besieged with ciiculars asking why he had signed certain local legislation, particularly amendments to the Lockport charter, and If he bad not refused to grant a hearing to the labor unions. The questions were not asked in the assemblage place, but merely thrown into the streets In printed form. The Governor said he did not feel that he was compelled to answer these questions. At Nlncara Calls. BUFFALO, N. Y.. Oct SL At Niagara Falls the Roosevelt train was greeted with the Governor's saluate of 19 guns, and the Governor was taken to tho Opora-House, whore he adresscd a large audience. The chairman Introduced him as the friend of the worklngman and a workingman himself. The Goernor said: "I do not believe that In this campaign I have been Introduced In a manner that pleases me so much, because I do not be lieve any American is worth his salt un less he is a worklngman. Work comMi in many different ways, and I honor OF LANSDOWNE FOREIGN MINISTER. OF ENGLAND. every form of honest work In others, and I claim In return the right to be treated as being as much of a worklngman my self as any of my fellows. If a man does not work, he cannot do anything for his .fellows, and he cannot do anything for himself. If there exists a class in the community which, instead of regarding with envy, ve ought to regard with that pity which is akin not to love, but to contempt it Is the idle class, and I do ont care whether the idle class is- the gilded butterfly at the top or the tramp below; in either case, the man who will not work, but who sits down with the purpose of making his work the pursuit of pleasure or the absence of effort; in either not only is the man useless to his neighbors, but he Is not even able to gratify his own mean ambition; for, mind you, a man who deliberately devotes his life to the pursuit of pleasure gets Infi nitely less of it than tho man who tries to do his work and then finds that the greatest possible pleasure comes In the sense Of work well done." When the Governor finished hla remarks a gray-whiskered man in the audience arose and said that, In, all respect and all sincerity, and all honor to the Gov ernor of the Empire State, he would like to have the privilege of asking him a cduple of questions. The Governor Imme diately arose and nodded his assent. "Do you believe In taxation without representation.?" asked the man. "What do you mean?" asked the Gov ernor. "Do you bellevo In taxation without representation?" again repeated the I questioner. "You take the census statements which have been published in the papers, and I think you will find the Indians are the only ones not taxed," said the Governor, which reply was followed by a howl of applause. "We are not Indians. Two years ago" I But the interrupter got no further. O'ics of "Shut up!" "Put him out'" came from different parts of the halL from th-so who seemed Impatient at the Interrup tion of the meeting. At Tonawanda. the last stop of the Roosevelt train before reaching Buffa'o. a large crowd gathered. The Governor addressed them from a stand near the train, speaking In the same strain as he had at other places during the day. At Buffalo. BUFFALO, N. Y., Oct 3L The Roose velt ,-traln arrived in this city shortly after 4 o'clock, after making a stop at Black Rock, an Industrial suburb of Buf falo, and the northbound railway center of the city. Tho Governor was accorded a splendid reception at this place and ad dressed a few remarks to the laboring people. From the time of his arrival un til the time of retirement there was on continuous ovation. The streets through which he had to pass on his way from the station were crowded with people. It had been planned that the Governor should hold a reception this afternoon, because of the early hour of hla arrival, but he was so fatigued with the day's work that he compromised by address ing the assembled people as a whole, explaining that he was deeply touched by the magnificent reception which had been, accorded him, and that he desired to1 thank them for It Behiff booked to make three speeches this evening, he said he "would not make a speech at that time, but hoped to aee them at one of the mceetlngs. Governor Roosevelt spoke at three meetings tonight One on the Hast Side the industrial portion of the city, was an open-air affair, and so many people were gathered that Itss than one-half ot them could hear the speaker. Another followed In a small hair, w.here the ma jor part of the audience was compared of Italians, and the third and last In the Immense convention hall, which was filled to the doors. In addition to touch ing upon many subjects, tho Governor said; "Our opponents, having? no case on the facts, are constantly obliged to alter facte In order to make a case. I have noticed placards In your city, put up -y them, stating that the cost of coal was $7 25 per ton, and that this was du to the anthracite coal trust. As a matter of fact the retail price, delivered, Is XCcnclwSed on Saxmd ftgej OVER THEIR SCARE Republicans Felt Better With Bryan's Departure. BOTH SIDES ALLEGE COXRUPTION Crolcer Stands by What He Said Tendlngr to Incite Riots oa Klectlon Day. WASHINGTON. Oct SI. The Repub lican scare seems to have abated to a considerable extent with the depart ure of Bryan from Now rork. Tho ef fervescence which he caused has sub sided, and all signs Indicate that the McKlnley majority will be very large. Both parties are crying corruption In Indiana. The Republicans have raised' the cry of friud In Kentucky, and the Dem ocrats are charging corruption in Mary land. ' Croker reiterates his declaration and stands by what he said tending to incite riots. CROKER'S PROPOSED RIOTS. Chairman Jones Says the Sujrffestloa Is a Good One. CHICAGO. Oct 3L Senator Jones, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, speaking of Croker's sugges tion that Democratic voters congregate about the polling places on the evening of election day. count noses, and then. If the election returns for Bryan don't tally with their count, go Into the polling places and throw those fellows In charge of the returns Into tho street, said: "I don't see anything wrong with thnt suggestion. Senator Hill, I believe, sug gested a baseball bat as being peculiarly appropriate to render justice to a corrupt election judge. In my own opinion tho best way Is for Democrats to be at the polls when they aro opened and to re main there in good, strong relays until the count is completed. It should be the duty of these Democrats to watch the judges and the count, and to see to It that no fraud is committed, and If Any fraud Is attempted, to stop it then and there. "The Democratic party Is opposed to violence, but at the same time I feel war ranted in saj ing that the Democrats .fully Intend to reap the fruits of their victory. If Intimidation Is attempted at the polls, or fraudulent counting tried by election judges, there will be Democrats in the vicinity ready to take just such action as may be necessary to stop It There will be neither intimidation at the polls, ballot-box stuffing nor fraudulent counting this year. If either is attempted. It will bo stopped there and then. And If any one gets hurt in this process of preven tion, I hope It will not be the honest man who Is doing his duty fairly and well. The Democrats have made an hon est campaign. We have appealed, to the heads and haarts ot the American peo ple. We have won the light, and, by heaven, we will not be defrauded out of our victory by the chicanery of election judges. If our Republican friends will be honest, there will bo no trouble, but in timidation at the polls or attempted dis honesty In the count will bo met by such methods as may be necessary and en tirely effectl-ve." ETVASIVE ANSWERS. Bryan's Reply to Tvro Questions Asked Hlin by Republicans. PRINCETON, N. J., Oct SL Francis J. Hall, president of tho University Re publican Club, has received a letter from Mr. Bryan, dated New York, October 29, in which he answers the two. ques tions sent him by the Republican Club when he addressed the students at Princeton Junction last Thursday. After expressing his appreciation of the cour tesy shown him by the Republicans at that meeting, he answered the questions: "First Wll you, if elected, redeem tho coin obligations of the Government In gold or silver?" To this he replied that he would en force the law as he found it; thab-lhe Republican party haa the Executive, House and Senate, and, as there Is one more session of Congress before another President is Inaugurated, he had no way of knowing what law regarding- this mat. ter would be in effect by March 4. He also stated that his views on the money question could be found In his letters of acceptance. "Second Do you approve of the dis franchisement f the negroes In North Carolina by the Democrats of that State?" Mr. Bryan stated that this question was not an Issue in the campaign, and said: "You should hold the President respon sible for what he had done In Porto Rico, and not me responsible for what has-been dono In North Carolina." He adds that there la but little, If any, difference between the race question law in North Carolina and that in, Porto Rico. DEMOCRATS GIVE UP OHIO. Concede MoKlnley's Plurality Will Be 25,000. ST. PATH Minn., Oct SL Secretary Charles Williams, of the Democratic State Central Committee of Ohio, today tele graphed to the Minnesota Democratic. State Central Committee that Ohio is lost to Bryan. Mr. Williams Informed his Min nesota sympathizers that he hod secured reports from all portions of hl3 state, and from the most reliable information obtainable he estimates that McKinley a plurality In Ohio will be at least 25,000. Stevenson In Indiana. PLYMOUTH. Ind.. Oct SL Adlal E. Stevenson addressed a large meeting- here this afternoon. He spoke for two hours, dealing mainly with the trusts. Mr. Ste venson was followed by E. W. Barker, of Oregon, In a brief address. MICHIGAN CITY, Ind., Oct 3L Adlal E. Stevenson was given a rousing re ception upon hl3 arrival here this even ing. He was met at the station by a com mittee, accompanied by 100 horsemen, three bands and about BOO voters, who formed a torchlight procession. Delega tions from La Porte and other near-by cities, headed y bands, were in the city, and with the local clubs formed an escort for the distinguished visitor from the station to the Armory, where Mr. Ste venson spoke to a crowd which completely filled the auditorium. To Restore Freight Rates. CHICAGO, Oct SL The Tribune says: Traffic managers of the Eastern trunk lines have been asked by President In galls, of the Big Four road, to meet rep resentatives ot Western railroads In Cin cinnati, the latter part of this week, for the purpose of taxing steps to resxore tariff rates on westbound freight traffic i