frr THE t afQft&Ufgf- fflJEftONI;;' JffiNEkmffi '"DGTOKEft - ,3I 1900. &kg rgg0mcm Entered at the Postofllce at Portland. -Oregon, as second-class scatter. I TELEPHONES. Editorial Rooms. ...IOC 1 Business Office.. .6GT REVISED ST7BSCKIPTION BATES. ByvMall (postage prepaid) In -Advance lly, -with Sunday, per month..'... $0 S3 Jjally. Sundaj excepted per year..... 7 50 pally, -vrjth Sunday, per year.... ... 8 00 Sunday,,per year 2 00 The Weekly, per year 1 50 Too Weekly, 3 months ....... ,.., SO To City Subscribers Dally, por-wek, delivered. Sundays exceptefl.lSc "Oally, per w eefc. delivered. Sunday; lncluded.'SOc ostace: bates. $ United Statei.'Spttnada and Mexico: 10 to 10-psjge paper. . v lc 16 to -32-pago-papert......... .,..,............ ,2c Foreign rates double. . News or discussion intended for publication In The Oregonlan shopld be addressed Invaria bly "Editor The Oiyeompn." not to the name of any Individual, Lettei,relatlng to advertis ing, subscriptions or to day' business matter should be addressed simply The preonlan." The Oregonlan dpes not buy1 poems or torle from Individuals, hi cannot undertake to re turn any manuscript aent to It without solici tation, No stamps should be inclosed, 2or this purpose. Puget Sound Bureau Captain A. Thompson, fllce at Ull Pacific avenue, Tacoma. Box! 055, Tacom. Postofllce. Eastern Business OJnce1 Tha Tribune build ing, New "York City; "The Rookery," Chicago; the 8. C Beck-wlth special agency, New Tork. For sal In San Francisco by X X. Cooper, 740 Market street, near the 'Palace Hotel; Gold Bmlta Bros. 230 Sutter street: F. W. Pitts, 100S Market street; Foster & Orear, Ferry "News stand. For sale in Xrs Angeles, by B. E. Gardner, 253 So. Spring: street, and Oliver A Hainos, 105 ,o. Spring street. For ale la Omaha 3y H. C Shears, 105 N. Sixteenth street, and 'Barkalow Bros., 1612 Farnam street. ' For Bale In Salt Lake by the Salt X.ake News Co., 77 W, Second South street. For sale in New Orleans by Ernest & Co., 115 Royal street. Oa flle in. Washington, D. C, -with A. W. Dunn, 500 14th N. W. For sale in. Denier, Colo., by Hamilton & Kendrlck, 000-012 Seventh street. . , TODAY'S WEATHER, Occasional rain; Tortfik to hlrh southwest winds. PRTJuAND, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 31 ii i ii THE ARMY AXD THE CAXTEEtf. ""The Canteen" is the theme of the Prohibition campaign. Some men can be content with trifles. The Army can teen, wherever -employed, is an hon est And practical effort to reduce the evils of drink among the soldiers. Offi cers of the Army, who know everything about the camp and about the life of the soldier, may well be supposed to have better knowledge on such a sub ject than the speculative theorist who, riding his hobby, becomes a rancor ously Insane politician, and forgets everything In the world but his own little and distorted idea. The first object of the solicitude of a commander, placed as our commanders are In the Philippines, Is the health and general efficiency of his soldiers. It is not a violent supposition, we think, that General MacArthur and the command ers under him have at least as much concern about the welfare of their troops as any of these loose-talking pol iticians in the United States, at this dis tance from the scene. General MacAr thur is doing the best he can, in diffi cult circumstances. It is common, in deed, to hear brawlers at home put up the claim that they know better how to command an army, how to provide for it, how to keep up Its efficiency and direct its operations, than the com manders in the field; so the present im pudence is not so surprising. But it is not the less entitled to censure and contempt General MacArthur doesn't want a drunken, but a sober. Army, and he does Ills best to minimize the liquor eviL He doesn't want a diseased, but &. sound, Army, and he does his best to -minimize the social evil. Ppr these purposes ie makes such regulations as his judgment dictates, under the gen eral laws enacted for control of the Army; His troops are in the midst of a dense population, largely of loose mor als and largely hostile. "We think there is no Prohibition politician whatever who has so much solicitude fpr the wel fare of these troops, so eager a desire to maintain their efficiency, so deep a .eense of responsibility far them or for the cause which they have been ent to uphold, as General MacArthur; and, jnoreover, no Prohibition politician whatever who knows or cares anything ebout the difficulties General MacAr thur has to meet, or would "be com petent In the least degree to tender him assistance or advice. The liquor traffic, the social evil and other vices cannot be stamped out in Manila, because our commander must keep on some kind of terms with the population; because he must avoid measures of extreme rigor that would xaise up the whole body of the people In enmity against him; because he can not .maintain places for incarceration of a great portion of the Inhabitants; "because, even under military Jaw, some respect "must be had for habits and customs of a. people. Root-and-branch extermination even of their vices can not be undertaken. Even under "mili tary law, among so numerous a popu lation, some regard must be had for "consent of the governed." General MacArthur therefore is doing, as Gen eraVGtls did- before him, as well as he'cSufin a trying and, difficult situa tion. It is old history that v certain evils are aggravated by the presence of an army; for the drink appetite and the sexual instinct in soldiers ,(we. speak plainly) are too imperious for total" control. What our commanders are doing is the best therefore they can do in the circumstances; and we take their judgment for it in preference to that Apolitical brawlers at home. With disappearance of armed resist ances 'and reduction of our military forces, with progressive establishment of civil- law and substitution of civil process for military force, change of other "conditions, social and economic, will gradually be effected. But the war first must be terminated; and The Ore,gonian conceives it to be a duty of our citizenship to support our milltary forces "in the Islands, rather than in crease their difficulties by giving aid and comfort to the enemy there, or by partisan censure and silly fault-finding at home. The only thing that could possibly elect Bryan is excess of confidence on the part of his opponents that he will be defeated. In every state there are thousands of men to whom a political campaign is a bore, and who so dislike politics that they will even neglect to go to the polls, unless they feel that the interests of business and govern ment positively require It But no man of this sort would ever vote for jjryan. Many thousands, however, who would vote against him wHl not take the trouble, unless they think it very neceasaryjrand If they suppose there Is no danger of Bryan's election they will let their repugnance to participation In politics control them, and will stay away from the election. Herein lies Bryan's only possible chance of success. Hence the use' at this time of a note of monition and even of alarm, loud endugh to wake these persons up and call them out The Oregonlan never has asserted that-the defeat of Bryan Is a sure thing. But lt Is certain he will Te beaten If all who desire it will employ the means necessary to accom plish it. No one has a right to expect a result, without the use of means nec essary to produce it. One thing is necessary to beat Bryan, only one thing will do It votes. TAXES AND LICENSES. Beginning about 1890, the town of Portland took on metropolitan airs and expenses, which were enthusiastically welcomed by the townspeople, but which involved us in a burden of ex pense disproportionate to the taxpay ing ability of property and business. As the bills come in, the result is dis tress and annoyance, and the frantic efforts of various Interests to escape their share of the levy. Proceedings have been instituted in the courts to compel the County Asses sor to raise the valuation of real estate. The move is in the Interests of mer chants whose business has been taxed by special acts of the Council. Weare now raising money from two sources taxation and licenses. Taxation falls upon property, the most obvious and unconcealable of which, is real estate, and licenses fall upon business, which sometimes is and sometimes is not al ready levied upon through taxation. Real estate has suffered from too heavy burdens, and its protest against undue taxation has been just Busi ness has suffered under too heavy bur dens, and its protest against undue as sessments, has been just But the rem edy sought by these warring elements Is illogical and unpromising. Each seeks to correct the abuses by unload ing its share of the burden on the other. This will not meet the case. No team of horses ever got out of a mudhole by each one's "hanging back in hope the other would pull the wagon out alone. The town Is in a hole ana must be got out Real estate can't pull It out alone, and business can't pull it out alone. We are loaded down with bills Incurred In the: Intoxication of the con solldation era. These must be paid somehow, and fair rates of taxation will not pay them. Fair valuations on real estate and living: licences on bnxiness vrlll not meet the present emergency- in JPortland, Valuations must be too hisrh and licenses mnst be unjust. Or else we can default on our bills. Such undertakings as were within our means and commensurate with supportable burdens on property and business did not content us. We wanted more, and we must pay more. Instead of trying to shift this accu mulated burden upon others, the thing for property-owners and business men alike to do now Is to plan some way In which the present city and county ex penses can be reduced, so that at some time In the future the burden of ex travagance may be lightened. Probably the police and fire departments are run about as cheaply as they can be with efficiency. But outside of these there is hardly an office or department of the city and county government whose ex pense should not be cut down rigor ously. The Improvement of property is carried on at public expense and tax payers are systematically mulcted for support of private litigation In the State Circuit Courts. To get out of the hole we are in and to put the commu nity on an economical and pay-as-you-go basis is the Imperative duty before us, which, however, there seems little disposition to meet The Multnomah delegation to the legislature numbers many men of decision and discernment If they will take the drastic measures needed for this reformation, they will earn the approval of citizens generally, regardless of party. SOME POUTICAIi ACCIDENTS. In 1796 Thomas Jefferson lost tne Presidency and John Adams gained It by three votes In the electoral college. A change of two votes In the electoral college would have made Jefferson President over Adams. If Presidential Electors had been chosen as they are now, with distinct obligations to sus tain the majority vote of the state, Ad ams would have been defeated and Jef ferson elected, for three of the vote.? cast for Adams were from states where the popular majority was for Jefferson. Adams obtained one vote from Penn sylvania, ne from "Virginia and oue from North Carolina. In all of thofeo states the Electors were elected by pop ular vote, and the majority was In favor of Jefferson, but the fact that three Electors voted against Jefferson JLn disregard of the popular vote of the state excited no popular condemnation, as the theory ip that day was that Presidential Electors should be entirely free to vote according to the dictates of their own conscience, In 1S01, DUt for the aggressive hos tility of Hamilton to Burr, the Feder alists of the House would have chosen Burr President instead of Jeff ersonrnat because they were friendly to Burr, but because they wanted to defeat Jefferson as the leader pf the opposition tthe Federalists. When Jefferson found that the tie vote in the electoral college had carried. the election intothe House, he wrote Madison that "the Federalists boasted that they would prevent" an election and. name a President -of thp Senate prb tem. by a stretch of the Constitution." The contest lasted seven- days, "and on the thirty-sixth " ballot Jefferson was elected. Burr's friends charged that Jefferson'secured his elec tion through fraud and corruption. Several members of Congress who had promised to vote for Burr voted for Jef ferson and were appointed by Jefferson to valuable public offices. Hamilton hated Jefferson, but'he hated Burr with a far greater degree of Intensity. He wrote Harrison Gray Otis, Theodore Sedgwick and other leading New Eng land Federalists not to trust Burr; that ho was a bold, bad man, who would disgrace the country. Hamilton made" it understood before Congress convened that as between Jefferson and Burr he preferred the former, and he brought every effort to bear to defeat BurrT The election of Jefferson, therefore, In 1801, to the Presidency by the House turned upon the personal hate of Hanu Uion for Burr; but for Hamilton's oppo sition, the Federalists would have pre ferred to defeat Jefferson and elect Burr. , In tho battle -of 183$ between Jok- son, Adams, Crawford and Clay,, In, which' there was no choice in the elec toral college, Mr. Clay was defrauded of four votes and excluded from com petition before Congress. The New York "Electors gave Adams 26, Craw ford 5, Clay A, andJaeksorf l.'They had been chosenbythe. New Sbrk "Leg islature, and had they voted in accord ance with trfe agreement under which they were chosen, Clay -would have re ceived fauEimore. -votes, 'which would have carried him to the House of Rep resentatives and gfven him an equal chance with Jackson and Adams; so that he probably would havo been elected by the House rather than Ad ams, who was only elected because Clay threw his Influence for him against Jackson, sot that th,e election of Adams was assured .by a violation of a contract made in the New York Legislature awarding a division of the electors between Crawford, Adams and Clay. , ' . In the Whig National Convention of 1840, Clay was unavailable because he was a high Mason; General Scott was dropped because of a letter he had written, in which he had expressed ap proval In some measure of the anti slavery views of that day. But for the Scott letter, communicated to the Virginia delegation, It is doubtful whether Harrison Would havo been successful over Scott. We see In these pages of our past history how the evolution of our poli tics has gradually eliminated the chances for miscarriage of the peqple's choice betwen the polls and the final election. The man who carries the electoral vote of the Nation Is certain to be chosen by the electoral college. This perfection of popular sovereignty regarding Presidents must be extended to Senators, until oustom requires the legislature to obey the people's man date as implicitly as is now done by the electoral 'college. c CENSUS AND CONGRESS. Washington's gain over Oregon In population, shown in the eleventh -census, continues to be apparent in "-the twelfth. In 1890 Oregon had 313,000, In 1900 -she has 413,000. In 1890 Washing ton had 350,000, in 1900' she bas 517,000, Washington had 37,000 more In 1890 sHe has 104,000 more in 1900. Oregon's gain for the decade is 100,000, or 32 per cent Washington's'- gain for the decade Is 167,000, or 40 per cent. The reasons foV this divergence are comparatively well known. The devel opment of Alaska, with Puget Souud as the natural point of home connec tion, has brought many thousands properly and Improperly within range of census enumerators'. The high price of land in Western Oregon, compared with. the low price of land in Eastern Washington, has operated to fill up the latter region, while the former has remained relatively stationary. Wash ington has three cities, while Oregon has but one. Another very effective reason is that systematic effort has been pursued by railroads and other organizations In bringing immigration into Washington, while little has been done for Oregon. Washington Is in the young and growing stage pf statehood, while Oregon has practically . reached the stage of the. older, settled commu nities of the Middle West. It Is a distinct possibility that one result of this pensuB will be the gain of a Congressman by Washington, and the failure of such gain by Oregon. Yet this Is far from certain. That is," Washington, and Oregon may each be given three -Representatives, or. they may be given the present representa tion of two each in. the new, apportion ment, These things are settled by act of Congress, and Congress Is unham pered as to Its decision. The present membership of the House is 357, and whether the number is increased or hot, a redistribution will undoubtedly be made, Inasmuch asthe states already strongly represented are growing more rapidly than those whose representa tion Is small. The great states of New York, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Mis souri, Texas and Massachusetts, have gained from 500,000 to 1,500,000 each within the decade, and they are not likely to" be deprived of their Increased representation by weak states whose delegations would be cut down or left stationary. .It Is entirely within the bounds of possibility, therefore, that both Oregon and Washington should receive an additional representative ..' ... "i EXTENSIVE IRRIGATldN SCHEME. An Irrigation project, the object of which 1 to reclaim, to agriculture hun dreds of-thousands' of acres In South ern Idaho, is, It Is said, about to be undertaken by a corporation formed for that purpose. This,' land ls now practically an arid waste, but experi ment "has proved that It only needs water 'to make it enormously pro-' ductlve. This ..desert waste begins m Idaho and widens aslt crosses Nevada and pushes on across the boundary "line of Mexico. Traces still remain in Ari zona and NewMexlcQ of a great canal system which eyide'ntly ,in thej earlier ages of the continent watered and made productive vast areas, thqt have, nW long been devoid of verdure and a'ban doned by agriculture. It Is not unrea sonable to supjiosethat a -thrifty a.nd frugal population was once' maintained upon these wastes an ideal popula tion, in that theyywere ab'je to supply from their -primitive pfforts &t ' tilling the' soil and thejr ajopsj suf ficient forthe needs of a pastoral, con tented people. Qf coupe, It Is neither possible nor desirable to go back to the conditions of this primitive civilization. ' -But based upon tfte well-sustained Belief of Its existence, and that-a. vast hiulti tude of the human race lived under,, it In abundance, It Is argued that Irriga tion may revive the productiveness of this' desert and and add to it in. the measure demanded by a later civiliza tion. Machinery will be applied tb, the solution of tlils Irrigation problem where once bare-handed human energy performed the task. Railway commu nication will widen the borders of he tract and place its people In touch with the outer world. The question Is not whether moisture applied to .this soil will make it productive rthe method' of, .applying the mqisRire to4 he best advantage, both in regard tV outlay afcd results, fs alone- under considera tlon. The "practicability of redeeming this large; area to agriculture antf all that follows In itg train is conceded. The success of the scheme depends solely uppn the amount of capital that can be enllsted-dnMfe favor, ' Jl ThrP are some miehtv Door cartoon . 2tLSlS:??LCZTZ: ii-tg working on political subjects these days, Perhaps the moat conspicuous are working, ptj Hearst's .Uiree journkate.-vdneric em-jOpperr-is-dealfc ttiui in grecti aiyie in i,ue juuiiiui ire makes sketches for the San Francisco Examiner by Ambrose Blerce. The sarcasm Is fine". Opper is "depleted as. one "conducting his' joyous, existence as a nomad "In. .t,ho' 'desert of our Na tional vulgarity." Further, says Blerce, "when I pointed, opt 'What I conceived to be our newspaper cartoonist's Intem perate exaggeationIn" caricature, he might have done better than to write a schoolboy essay op, the necessity of exaggeratlonjn carlca'tuce' Thetruth Is, this whole excess in caricature is disgusting and deplorable. ," i - ;. The Insanity' of orowds was appal lingly Illustrated in London Monday, when In the mad rush to welcome tlc City Imperial Volunteers on their re- turn from South Africa all semblance of order and decency was J.ost, and the casualties rph the streets exceeded1 those of the,-twenty ;six engagements with the Boers in- which the.,returnmg regi ment hadpartjefpated, . Such an "exhi bition oWnsanlty, In an English crowd, is not new,, though in thlB case it was extremely violent! t It W recalled In this connection that"1 In the' ovation tendered ta'-Loi-d, Wellington :upo his return" to London, after" his successful campaign against Napoleon, a-nuraber of persons were trampled to death and many were injured 'By ' the victory-maddened crowds that surged about the chariot of the great warrior. The person' "Who makes oue inr a demonstration of .this nature sjfands for the time being, upon the- perilous, ground where savagery and clylUzation meet and battle fiercely for supremacy. Civilization will, of course, trhnhph.'in the end, but, as in other battles, the dead", of the fray must be. burled a.nd ihe wounded borne 'to hospitals It. fs simply this that 11-cense-- finds Its opportunity and law lessness Its excuse at attme when rul ers are in" "a congratulatory mood, and gobcTmen give he sanction to the mov ing forces of popular, enthusiasm. The East Oregonlan is authority for the i statement that the stockmen of Umatilla County will haye a very large number of beef cattlp to market next Spring. ..Having learned frqpi-the. ex perience' of former -years 'that it Is not aaf e 'to jtrulsl tflone o'the i'angesln the whter,' cattlemen are. weft" provided witlvvhay and such protection from the possible blizzard as even well-fed cat tle require to make them fit for the early Spring market. The old method of letting, stock take Its chances, on the range was found to be exceedingly wasteful, to say nothing of Its Inhu manity. It took more than one hard Winter to demonstrate this fact, but it was finally accepted, and the loss of stock on the ranges' through cold and starvation has practically ceased. The. Sau Francisco Examiner says:. "The life of the 10,000,000 propertyless voters is hard enough at best Mr. Bryan proposes to make it a little easier. Should not the disinherited 10, 000,000 vote with enthusiasm for Bryan?" The whole statement of Bryanlsm is here. Are. there ten mil lions of propertyless voters? And if there are, and they 'are a majority, would It be. wis.? in them tacast their votes so as to, compel the minority who havejSQine property to divide with theni?" If this is to be the rule of American-life, the small property will be -no more -secure, than' the large. la there a"nyMdisinherited,f class in Amer ica? None, except such as may be un willing tQ. work and save teir money. Such ."disinherit" themselves. The law against storing or keeping, explosives In dny quantity within cer tain carefully prescribed l'mlts was clearly violated by Tarrant & Co.tirugr gists, of New York. Otherwise, the late terrlfie explosion that , lifted brick buildings of seven stories bodily from their foundations- and reduced them to huge piles of rubbish could not have happened. The catastrophe of fire, wreck and loss of life incident to this explosion is appalling, and suggests with ah awful emphasis the need of constant honest and intelligent vigi lance In handling, scoring and guard ing the chemical combinations that human Ingenuity has upon occasion harnessed to the car of progress, 1n the 'great sound-m,oney parade in Ne-fl' York, on November 3, it fs expect ed that 37,000 men from the wholesale dry goods trade" will march, '& striking evidence of the strength of that arm of New York buslnesB, Tho paper trade -vvlll b'e 'represented by 20,000 or 25,000 men, the clothiers by 2500, the drug, oil and varnish trade by 7000, tjhe millinery and flower trades by 4000. the Produce Exchange by 4.000, and tho real estate trade by 2500. General busi ness will be suspended on that day, thus, emphasizing the earnestness with whlclr the greit factors In the world of trade approach an election 'upon the Issues of which hang prosperity or de pression In business. Secretary Root In a brief speech re cently delivered In Ohio, made an ad mirable statement He said that tho government .of the Philippines will not affect the character of Our institutions, but that the character of our institu tions wlli determine and mold the gov ernment of the Philippines. 1 r ..No Good Reason tor a Change. , Chicago Tribune. There have been times in the history of this country when for its sake a qhange in Administration was most desi rable. There have been times when there was so much business distress that busi ness men felt justified in voting for a qhange, not always sure it would help them: much, but certain that matters could not bo made worse. Today, how ever no sensible man wishes a change, for 'it ,is imppsslble to see what can be gained by it. No sensible man wishes to discharge competent and generally satisfactory Government officers merely because they have been in ofllc for nearly four years. This year the sensible men aire In the majority, and there will bo no anange. The man on' the atract-car Who is for change without a why or a wherefore will vote for Bryan, along with themen whq are going to vote for him because they favor a change In order to break down the currency or f o "introduce mob rule or to pet tha ofnees for Demo crats. There are not enough of themt hoWeverf to make the change. --Down In "Nor 3allny.W Tbey ire fljnging lots of mud in the North Carolina campaign. Strange to say, this mud-slinging is by. Democrats at Democrats and by Bryanites against Bryanites, But the Presidential" canvass is, not jutting much figure there. The excitement is- all over - who shall be chosen United States Senator at the No- yPraber primaries.. Some Democrats feared that the flgkt .may affect the Presidential ticket. Efc-Governor and ex. Senator Jarvis has withdrawn, and this has irlyen great eatisf action to the other J candidates, -,who aro. Chajrman.F. II- summons, or. tne aiaie cnmmuwi . "ji Gpnera Julian's. Carr, the rich .tobacco manufacturer. Simmons and Carr are leading in the race, and their frlenaa are filling the Ipcal newspapers with viru lent remarks, about the "other fellow," The content has become so bitter that it has been suggested that all the candi dates be, dropped and the Democrats unite on the Governor-elect, Charles B. Aycock, In order to preserve public re spect. THE GRANDFATHER CLAUSE. North Carolina ?Difranchlement May Dc Unconstitutional. Justice John Woodward at the Phi Delta. Fhr Club In Nevr York. 'North Carolina, to the extent that sho has established an educational qualifica tion for her suffrage is clearly within the limits of her Constitutional and natural rights, as much as Maine or Colorado; she might have gone further and pre scribed a property qualification, or that the-voter should have paid taxes, or that as In, Virginia, he should have been free from dueling In any capacity, either as a principal or acceFsory, and there would have been no Constitutional ground en which this action could have been ques tioned.. When, however, she went be yond this, and excepted from the opera tion of. this qualification men who, with batter opporfunitles than have fallen to the lot of the average man of color In the South, have giown up In Ignorance, she Impugned her own good faith, and conceded that the object was not the im provement of the Intellectual standard of hor voters, but the exclusion of a class on account of '4race, color or previous condition of servitude." It Is an effort to accomplish indirectly what Is forbidden to bo done directly, and is as Clearly a violation of the, Constitutional provision as though it had mentioned the- race, color or previous condition of servitude of the class atralnst whom the exception Is so obviously directed. No negro was permitted "to vote prior to 1S67 in the State of North -Carolbia, with the possible exception of a few free men of color, whoso right depended upon emancipation from a previous condition of servitude. He was denied this privi lege .on "account of race, color or pre vious condition of servitude." The white" man, on the contrary, was permitted to vote at all times, and to permit the de scendants of these voters to continue to cast a ballot, regardless of , their educa tional qualification, while the restriction applies to the progeny of the unfortunate race, Is so palpably an effort at evasion that it Cannot deceive any one familiar with the facts. If this amendment, as said by the United States Supreme Court in the case of United States v?. Reese (93 U. S. 214), "prevents the states or the United States from giving prefer--once in this particular to one citi zen of the United States over an other on account of race, cplor or previous condition of servitude," It has clearly failed in Its purpose If the excep tion clause is permitted to stand. But it cannot be permitted to stand. The court in the .case just cited declares: "If citi zens of one race having certain qualifica tions are permitted By law to voto, those of another having the same qualifications must be. Previous to this- amendment there was no Constitutional guaranty against this discrimination; now there is. It follows that the amendment had In vested the citizens of the United States with a new Constitutional right which is within the protecting power of Congress, That right is exemption from discrimina tion in the exercise of the elective fran chise on account of race, color or previ ous condition of servitude. This, under the express provisions of the second sec tion of the amendment. Congress may enforce by "appropriate legislation. Whether this power is exclusive in the Congress, or whether the courts may Intervene- and declare so much of the amendment as excepts from Its operation persons whose ancestors were permitted to vote prior to 1867 to be void, it is not necessary now to consider. That there is a way of reaching this matter, and of se curing to the negro the Tights of which the State of North Carolina has attempt ed to deprive him, is not open -to doubt; at least the state cannot be permitted to have two different quallflcairns for elect ors who are citizens of the United States, and if the educational qualification is majntalned It must ba enforced equally against the "vyhlte man and the- negro. When this is done no one outside of the State of North Carolina will have a right to complain, and comity and public policy alike demand that beyond a vindication of the Constitution we should refrain from interfering under any pretext what ever. MONEY SCARCE IN RUSSIA. At Preent BuHiiifetin Can Be Done Only on the Baals of Loner Credit". A correspondent of the New York Evening Post 'writes very Intelligently froni Warsaw concerning the general business situation in Russia. What he says of the financial conditions now pre vailing Is particularly Interesting and pertinent; "Money is very tight in Russia at pres ent and rates are enormously high, 10, 12 and evn 15 per- cent being paid in this city. Five causes are given by local financiers for this 'tightness': (1) The rapid (almost too rapid) developments of industry: (2) the Introduction of the gold ataridard; (3) the building of the trans Siberian railroad; (4) the war with China; (0) land speculation. The) purchase of factory, sites, building materials and ma chinery on such a scale as has existed Jn Russia during the past few years of necessity locks up a vast amount of the floating capital, and It will be some time yot before thl3 returns to circulation in wages to the worklngmen and in prod ubts. While recognizing the advantages of the gold standard,- it is impossible to deny the fact that the peasants in Rus sia still regard gold as a treasure, and. whether in coin or jewelry, Treat It as a treasure lock it up. A few years ago gold became the standard Russian cur rency. At present there Is a great scarci ty of this metal in th empire, due, ac cording to com authorities, to this hoarding by the peasants, to the Spmish Amerlcan War, to the Transvaal War, to tjhe pending Introduction of the gold. sifinaaro. in -vusxria, ana to tne wun drawal to Germany of large sums of money from the local banks In the king dom. There is really not enough money in the country to transact Its business. 1 "This is the cause of the immense amount of traffic that is carried on hero on a note basis. It is impossible to transact any business of any considerable size on a cash bisis. Russian dealers ask six, months' credit for all good? bought. And Just here comes In what I am per suaded, after talking with American Con suls and many business men. besides a number qf commercial travelers from England, France and Germany in various parts of Russia, Is the point which de serves the most careful consideration by American, merchants and manufacturers who arc aiming at trade with Russia. I can say, on absolute authority, that tho groatest obstacles in the way of the ex tension of American trade here is the un willingness of American merchants to accommodate themselves to the ways of Russian trade, particularly to the credit system," i English Postal Saving Increasing. London Express, As long 'as England herself remains sol vent it Is intpossible for the Postofllce Savings Bank to be Insolvent. As the In terest paid to depositors Is 8 per cent the "profit" on the Poatofflce Savings Rank should again figure in the accounts of the Chancelldr of the Exchequer as It did to the tune of I,500,-O00 during the years 1S75-95. But whether the "bank makes si "profit" or not people with small savings will ba wise if they put every penny they cart get into It It la the greatest and most trustworthy bank ip tne world. It has 13,000 branches and its clients' are increasing' at the rate of 400,000 very year, "A. FOE- OF SOCIAL' ORDER " New York Independent. The descent of Mr. Bryan since his visit to his birthplace in Salem ha3 be n continuous and unrestrained. It may te that in Salem he began to foresee his Im pending defeat and to taste the bitter ness of it In that place he uttered th3 reckless indictment of the leaders of the Republican party: . They -will buy every vote that can be bought They will coerce every vote- than can be co erced. They -will Intimidate every laboring: man who can be Intimidated. They will bribo every election Judge who can be bribed. They wIU corrupt eve.ry count that can be cor rupted. Raving thus laid aside the dignity and decency with which a candidate for t.e highest office In the Republic should te clothed, he descended through all the de clining stages of evasion, sinister agita tion and demagogic appeal to the pas sions of the ignorant, until at the end of two weeks he had become the guest and admiring companion of Richard Croker. Still denouncing "predatory wealth," he joyfully accepted tho hospitality of the organized political banditti of New Tork. crying out: "Great Is Tammany, and Croker Is its prophet!" Four years ago Mr. Bryan came to what he called "the enemy's country," and read before a great audience a labored esay upon tne freo coinage of silver. Tbla timer he care fully avoided the sfiver issue, althour h at his own demand and with tho assistance of Croker Jt had been retained In the plxt form. "He knew that thero was nothing to be gained by chanting the praises of re pudiation and a 50-cent dollar in this "center of population and Industry." He had learned that lesson. But he cou'd at least excite the Interest of his audi ence by denouncing that imperialism which, by his own admission, he had pre served for usa as apoIItical Issue by rre-1 venting the rejection of the Paris Treaty; by attacking the trusts that were so fb noxlous to Croker and the Van Wyck sitting beside him on tho platform and by repeating those adroit appeal to tve passions of the ignorant which had hen the most etrlking features of bis public addresses- since his visit to Silem. It Is by these appeals to envy, these attempts td excite unreasonable d scon tent, this repeated exhibition of the arts of the demagogic agitator, rather tmn by his avoidance of the currency ques tion, that the real character of Mr. Bryan and his unfitness for offics have been clearly disclosed during the lat two weeks. Those who read his brief ad dresses to the people during his jouncy from the West and in the course of hi3 more recent tour through the Stite cf New York will see how he sought to ar ray the poor against the well-to-do. strlv lng to excite the resentmerit of farmers where farmers seemed to be a majority, seeking to Inflame the wor kinsmen where these were assembled before him, and everywhere laboring to convince the men to whom he was speaking that thoe who had more of this world's goods were robbing and enslaving them. "You aro not getting your share," said he to tie farmers. "Your employers aro rich be cause their profits are great' r th3n yours," was hla saying to the wrklrg men. "You calinot go to the Summer resorts: the poor are taxed for the bene fit of the rich," Always thero wai tht assertion or the Insinuation that those to whom he spoke were suffering from tle injustice and greed of their employer?, or the Government; always the Implied promise that workingmen should beemo rich, that the poor should go to the wat r-lng-placea, and that all these wrongs should be righted. If the people wou'd only make Bryan President "All mo nopolies shall cease to exist within a year," said he at Spencerport "it I'm elected." Why did not some one remind him of that memorable promise of Jrck Cade:: "There shall be in England seven half-penny loaves sold for a penny; th' three-hooped pot shall have 10 hoops,, a-d I will mako It ' a felony, to drink small beer." Fortunately, such attempts to stir up class hatred and provoke social tu mult must foil In a time of prcaperity. where the people ore- endowed -with com mon sense, although In a period of severe depression some disturbance mlbt oe caused by them; but the Preside" t'al nominee engaged in this despicable work must be judged by his own folly end wlckednesT rather than by the good sense of those who decline to be moved by him. Not less severely to be condemned aro Mr. Bryan,'s assertions that the party now In power desires a large Army in order that It mav ba used to coerco working men when they ask for shorter hdura and arbitration. This he has rrpeatrd with wicked emphasis in many places. If Ire be judged by this nlone, are not hli oll purpose and his unworthlness for any of fice clearly shown? If Mr. Bryan had been content to dis cuss the questions of the campilgn with a soberness and dignity befitting a can didate for the great office for which h has been named, he would not now stand before the American people as a foe of social order, a promoter bf dangerous dis sension, and an adroit and slippery dema gogue. He has chosen now to appear in these roles. Therefore It becomes tho duty of all'good men to work for his de feat, and to make that defeat so over whelming that it shall be his political burial. GREAT BRITAIN LOSING TRADE. In the Indnstrlnl Competition She la Being- Left Behind. London Express. The time Is come when it may be asked whether we, as a manufacturing nation, have lost all sense of the initiative that formerly distinguished us beyond the other nations of the world. .A broad survey of the existing industrial field rovaals a prospect not very flatter ing to the pride. of an Englishman. We, tho sea power,, now look to Germany for records of sea speed's. From the birth place of mechanical locomotion we must go to France and the United States for examples of railway speeds and efficiency. In electricity we are mere humble Imita tors, since scarcely any Important modern development In this all-pervadinff Indus try bears an English name. We are, It Is true, making some feeble efforts to keep up with our neighbors in the great coming manufacturing Industry' electro chemlcs but he who seeks for guidance' in this practically unexplored field must go ro Nuremberg or to Pittsburg to find It We are still predominant In the cotton industry, but It is simply a question of time when this Industry will forsake us for its natural seat the Southern States of America, and the Indian cotton fields. Are we, then, in danger of degenerating into a" nation of brokers, depending for our -commercial existence on the capital left us by the exertions of our forefath--crs? POPUIATION RECORD OF TWO STATES. Oregon Washington. I860 13.294 IS60 I860 52,455)1800 1870 90.023 lfiSO , 174.76S IS70 23,955 1830 , 75416 IS .,.... 315,1671890 349.390 1900 4l3,&33j 517,673. i!!"!!i!!!I!l 11.594 im ..w ,a n'0FE AA'D .COMMENT.. Nail down your gate this We wish the. 1L policemen on the night watch Joy this evening. The Kentucky motto Ms: "If abfir3ty;u don't convict, try, try again." Six days in November Bryan will laboc and do all his work, and on the seventh he will rest. r . 'Truth Is stranger than fiction, and doesn't stand half as good a chance of being- believed. The atmospheric conditions indicate that the deficiency In precipitation is per ceptibly diminishing. In one respect Oom Paul is truly great He has not consented to write for ansj of the yellow papers. A Chicago highwayman stole a prayer book the other day. He probably found that It filled a lonff-felt want Even If that chunk of ics had h't Hanna. It could never have made him look like the newspaper caricatures of him. When Hon. Richard Croker gives a pot latch in honor of a visiting candidato tho sincerity of hi3 friendship will not be questioned. Roosevelt may not be any the better for his tour of Colorado, but if there are. sermons in stones he certainly had a fliw opportunity to become so. The people of New York may not be able to change the Tammany tigera stripes, but theyvwtll knock the spots off of Bryan without difficulty. One of the witnesses In the Powers trial says he lied to convict Powers but If he lied then he may have difficuJty to prove that he isn't lyinr now. He certainly never 'will be able to- make his new story go in a Kentucky court The weather of late has not beqn tho most favorable Imaginable for ripening strawberries, but still remarkably fine looking berries as to size and color con tinue to be supplied the markets. The only objection that can possibly bo urged against them Is the price 30 cents a box. Under existing conditions It is not easy to get up an appetite for strawberries at that price. People who are fond of these berries v. Ill do well to feast on them while they may for if the rainy weather con tinues for a few tv celts, and should tiiea be succeeded by frost the strawberry harvest will probably come to an end for this season. Some total abstainers in England, rec ognizing that there are cases in whicta the prompt use cf some sort of a stimu lant Is not only Justifisd, but peremptor ily demanded, have devised and are strongly urging the general use of & "temperance substitute for brandy." The prescription calls for equal parts of tinc ture of ginger, sal volatile and chloric ether. Noting this, the Lancet points out that tincture of ginger is almost pure alcohol, that sal volatile Is mora than three-fifths alcohol and that chlorlo ether is 93 per cent ncohoI, so that, while brandy contains 50 per cent of alcohol, the "temperance substitute for brandy has 83 per cent of alcohol, and is. doubtless, almost twice as efficient aa brandy, either as stimulant or intoxi cant. An organization of 20,000 veteran vot ers, whOse average are exceeds "three scoie and ten," is asl3tlng the Repub lican State Committee In Indiana with work In behalf of McKlnley and Roose velt Over half of the members of this unique organization are veterans of tho Fremont campa'gn ho have joinad the Fremont-McKlnley chib". The rest of tha enrollment is made up of the Lincoln McKlnloy clubs. One rf the members ofl this Indiana or-sanhntten has voted for President already 10 time and expects to cast his 17th Presh'cn'l-l El-ctors bal lot for "McKlnley and Rooxovolt." O. A. Demmg. a Valparaiso member, was ono of the men who helped to capture Jeffer son Davis. Another bclorgtd to the mil itary guard of honor over IVnceln's grave at Springfield. 111. PLEASANTRIES OI? PARAGRAPHERS Mm. Partlelrh I ousht to ask Tlttleton. I lenowt but I'm atraM II he cornea hero pnea ha'U bo coming all tho tlreo. Partlolgh Wa coulrl aak him somo ovcnlnr whfn Bertha la ilolns hqr piano practice. Boston Transcript. A "tt'arm Reception. "So Bronner 1b the only one In your nMs;hbf nt who has hla coal In, eh?" "Tva. and w.e tell him he'll have to glvot a bouac-w armlnsr b and uy and lhvlto ua alt In." Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. An UnCortnnate Occurrence. tuclnda What stahted dj row at do station' Mollnda Dt vulffah Jim Johnslnc went little too fan. Luclnda Hot;j dat' JtoIInda Why. ho trowed a hull rice puddlns at de groom! Puck. An old ladr Tho Is ery much of a bor paid a visit to a family of her acqualntance. Sho prolonged her stay, and finally raid to one of the Qhlldren; "I'm golnj away directly. Tommy, ard t want you to ro part of the way with me." "Can't do It. We arp going to. have dinner as soon oa you leave," replied Tommy Tit-Btts. Mr. G. Ormandlzer (itrussl'ns to carve tha first turkey his wife has ever cooked) Say Mary, the bons In this bird are thicker than a. shad's just har the knife rrlt. Mrs. G. Or mandlzer (almost crylnp with anxiety) You must bo against the shell. John. "Shells?"" "Yes, John: don't you remember that ydu. anked me to stun the turkey with oy3torar Brookl j n Life. Feminine Dlnlomaey "How do you got on with your new neighbors?" "Very nicely," answered Mrs. Blyklna "We pursued our usual programme, and aa soon as they moved In sent over and asked to borrow their wash tubs, flatlrons, gas stove, and baby grand piano." "But. you havo all such things your self." "Of course. What I wanted to do if" to head them off." Washlnston Star. m A "Wnllc In October. Martha K. Williams In Hartford Time We walk along the -village street And cross the deep racoway, fi To cek the woodland's still retreat This brlzht October day. Wo pass tho orchard trees aglow. All scarlet, green and" gold. . Their gnarled branches bending low With weight of fruit untold. Oh. fair the mountains' purple haza And bills of amethyst. The shocks and shocks of yellow malxaw By golden sunbeams kissed. And stubble where tha buckwheat grer- Is pink aa evening: skies. Whllo from the meadow asters blu Look up with starry eyes. Far on tho uplarfd where the brook Flows gently as wo go. In many a wild sequestered nook The btuc-frlnged gentians grow. There sunflowers gay (we know, tha frost Will dim their brightness soon). Yet still by Autumn breezes tossed They bloom this afternoon. Tho chestnut leaves are falling downj Upon tho path In drifts. And ripening nuts lie still and brown Where sunshine- softly sifts. Some bright-eyed squirrels anxious peer From branches up above To watch us shyly aa we near The treasures which they love. No song of Summer birds we- haar, But bluejayn screaming shrill. And blackbirds chatt'rlng sharp and clear The woodland niches All. Now crickets chirp as night apace, "Oets down her dusky shades. And Cylng shadows swiftly chas The Btmllsht aa it fade.