Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 31, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Estimates for Wprk Cpsting
).000 and CFvert
Sereral Points CtijrHOgt-. to Pjcycir
Lanji Are in Lljst Hcgpzpan Ssier
WASHINGTON", Oct. SO. The success of
coast defense is the one subject 'ooosld
erea In the annual rcRftrt, of J. $L Wilsbn,
Chief of v Engineers. Generally -Kpealclne
he reported taost gratifying progress In.
the execution .of the A-arious projects tiur
inc 4he last fiscal year. Some of the
points of Interest treated Tor -General TS-J
son are as follows: 4 ,i
xrne xcrpeao Eys,esn. nas -oeejr wow
careful tudy hy expert ofrfcerj In ie
light of the experience gained durinff the
Spanish-American War. but so far only J
rainor changes have been proposed. Upl
to the present, 3 localities toave Men se
lected for defense on the coast. No for
mal projects rere added to "the list 4urr
ing the'pas't year, but preliminary pro
jects have been framed lor the defence pi
the entrance to Chesapeake Bay And the
defense of several -cither iocallties is un
der consideration
Attention lias been given to the subject
on coast aexense rorforto icp -ana, me
Hawaiian Islands, find in view of the. im
portance of "these Island possessions, 'Gen
eral Wilson sal's improvements for their
defense should'Tje deferred no longer, San
Juan de Poro J&ico harbor impjQvc-nents
Involve 'Tin estimated expenditure of SLBOi).-
000 for 'defense. Preliminary projects for"
PerJ H&bor ana" Honolulu are also al
ready avaHabJe and ready lor, execution
as soon as Congrjesg shall appropriate the
funds. '
'e" great 'changes In the phafecter ofj
uun ajjoh armj)r ana snips since top i-.n-McoTO6a
framed the cpast-defenae
Tgajis npVundfer execution have involved" j
qam&pomteg ippndinqnB in those plans.
4fncyowaEd reduction In the ca-
ibljti(ue!luns. together with the adop-.
;cessfui type of disappearing
for 12-lnch syne, has rendered:
the armor for forts originally
now to use in Europe. There
& reduction also in the number
of morjtars ad actual strengthening of
batteries- of secondary mins. owing to
the 4evelopments of tho ra.pld-fle type
almost juiknown. at the time tei Enfucoitl
board made its plnn- These cgajiges
have resulted in marked economies with
out sacrifice of the strength of "the de
fenses, and ihey wjli be .continued.
"IX'orlc on vpotuft Definite.
The "vrar with Spain liad the fCect of
hastening the as ork on the coast defenses,
and now, 10 years after the work began in
earnest, the Chief Engineer Is able lo re-J
port that SO per -cent of the defense xrorjlz
Is complete. Twenty-five of the princi
pal harbors of the United States now Mv.e
& -sufficient number of. heavy guns and
mortars In place to offer an eflecthe de
fense against jnavai attack. Existing
3)roject3 contemplate the mounting -ox
abouf 450 guns for sea coast defense, of
ESO rapid-fire .guns and about 903 mortjsrfc,
&t an approximate total cost of '$50,000,000.
Tip to the present ilme provision has been
made for Hie .emplacement of 209 .heavy
guns, 368 rapid-lire guns, and 272 mor
tars. The armament placed during the
war -In temporary -emplacements will be
transferred ji time to permanent workij,
but J-he temporary wprk will be held in
reserve for an emergency.
Attention is invited to the urgent need!
for an Increase in the srtiUery arm of
the service, which is now too small to
take care of sthe oostly and complex de
fense works. During the past year nego
tiations have been in progress for the ac
quisition of fortification sites in Boston
Harbor Xtwo sites), "Nawaganselt Bay
(two), jvjw Tork ERrbor (extension oil
Fort "Wadsworth). Port Royal. S. C. San
Francisco, and Rich. Passage, Pugctl
Sound, but the proceedings are slow, ow
ing to legal difficulties. The most lmpor-J
tant siies -are those at Boston and one in
ICew Tork Harbor, necessary
by the construction of the proposed deep
water entrance.
The report grlves .a concise statement oj
the $ror accomplished -at each defensive
point during the past year. The tgtal of J
the stunatos sjibrnittea on account of tot
tiflcations for the next year is 15,715,000,
and of -this amount $4,719,000 is on account
of the construction of gun and mortar
batteries iihd position-finders. General
Wilson -mckes an earnest plea for the rein
forcement of tho Engineer Corps, rhlchl
nas Dcen oiertaxea Dy tne aaaiaonai worn
required on account of the addition of.
For Itver and Harbor Work.
The second section of the report treaty
of the riyer and harbor improvements oj ;
the Country, for which estimates jjor tn 1
fiscal year jepding JM3 aggcegating 5$,K$-3
000 ere submitted, to jrhleh are addled ?200,-
ocp xor surj'cys and jcontingencJLes. f 5,530.009
for the Jilssisslppl River Comnjissionj
51,010,090 under the issojiri Riyr -Co.m-misson:
515.-OQ0 under the California Pe
ons comnussion, and SZz.SQD to pr.eventj
ditues for the year ending 1&Q0 were 518r
485,288. which does not include $l?o,QO0 paid
the j:ads estate for maintaining the Jgt
tles at the mouth of the ilisssissippl, and'
?C1,OQO for surs-ess andeamlnatloniS for
a canal from the Great Lakes to the At-'
The report is a review of all the wprk
doneuuring the fiscal year, and refers -especially
to a number -of Important sub
jects, including the Chicago Drainage Ca
nal nd Pearl Harbor, JJawalt
Of the Chicago-drainage project, the.jpo
port says that ail the interests aff ecied
eennot "be satisfied, and the subject musq
b referred jto -Congress for ultimate .set
tlement. As to the "lowering of the water
level of the Lakes, General Wilson soys,
that Investigations ;made under" the dfc-ec-tion
tof Jaieaeep2water commission md
by othe5may f oriish data upon Tvhich
further consideration of the Question may
bs based.
Among the estimates above 525.000 for
the liver and harbor worts -next year are-
Clio iuuunui.
Missouri ..BJvj, etwen .tpbbs
Perry, Mont, and Sioux City, la.. $200,000
San Diego, Cal., harbor ,.. ,23S000
San Pdro, CaU harbor 350,000
San X.uUr -Obispo, Cal., harbor 76.0M
Coauille River, Or, G5.000
SlUEl&w -River, Or. , SS.OOO
Canal aticascades, Columbia River. 90,K
Wjnanvitte River, above Portland.. 30,090
Columbia River and Xower Willam
ette, below Portland , 325,000
Mouth of $he Columbia River, Ore
gon and Washington 600000
Gray's Harbor, Wash , , 2S5 000
Puget Sound and tributary waters.. 250W
Olympla harbor , 2kO
Waterway connecting Puget Sound
with Lakes Union and Washing
ton 125000
SnohomlBn Slough, Wash 30,000
Ev.erett "harbor, S0.O00
Under the head of miscellaneous, ,oise
of the items Is for the -sum of $2,661,090, aoi
the ISnglish system, and $8SL$37 for the
AmprlretS s'stera! of filtration of th w.-
r.Kinhli?' of bft Tffa&nnal CanltAl. An.
xither Item is 0,000 for lrqprovtmen8 In
the Yellowstone National Park.
Band of Bee,f Cattle Bleared
Hepner TIany Lambs Lost
HEPPNER, Or., 'Oct ,20 John Black
Trell is headedjthls way with 60p head of
cattle, -which he purchased In Harney J
Tailey. Three hundred will be driven to
Butter Creole, northeast of Heppner,
where they wilr- be fattened fox S.prjns
markets, Te j-cmalnder of the band wiU
be at once shipped to the Portland mar
ket '
James Johnson sold ji big bench t beef
plaruioi and
has firor
cattle here yesterday to the Union Meat
' Largo numbers o lambs haye been lost
from 'the 'bands being brought from the
"mountains tots Pall, and $he coyotes have
.beenfeaailne on the strays. The band
belonging to .Bartholomew Bros, and J.
Q. Wilson lost 224 out of g20S. When the
count was'made at Hfeppner.'Waltcr Bar
tholomew returned- to hunt the strays,
jand aftei some little trouble located 200
of the. numberjpjd- f ounji the carcasses of
the remainder of the band.
Henry Schlrzingcn, stock inspector for
.Morrow County, is starting out again to
.make a complete Inspection of sheep in
'tho cpunty. -
Portland 3lnn Knocked Ott Railroad
TrafiJcJjtpr BaIy Grualied.
HILLSBORO, Or,, Oct. SQThls after
noon a'dftn aged about SO years, and sup
posed "to -"be Isaac. Crowther, of Portland,
was-overtafcen .on the trestle . .spanning
Dairy Creek, vrest of towiC by the South
ern Pacific Company's, freight train as It
came around a sharp curve, and icnocked
off the bridge. Bis left leg below the
Itnee was badly crushed, theopes being
broken In many A places, The man can
not or wIlMibt talk coherently.
rpvro Horsemen "lajnsed.
HEPPSESB,Or.,' OcUJO. At the Eyerts
ranch, -south cf Seppner, Dexter Roberts
was yesterday bucked off a cayuse and
iabded'ppoh a pile of rocks. Three of his
ribs were proken, and his spln injured
stjVtfcat he Is unable to lie upon his back.
-When H. H. Davis attempted to catch
itls, saddle iiOTee yesterdfiy, the animal
:iCKea mm in toe race wnn oqin zeei,
breaking his nose and cutting his lip and
?keek. " "
BaIly Cnt by' Fallens on Saw.
BUGEN Get 30. Sam O'BrJen. an
employe of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Com
pany, -met with a serious acqident at the
Wendtyjig mill this mprning. He was
wprklng it the cutroff saw, and In some
manner,, his, fqot slipped and e, fell
"gainst., the saw, cutting his, left arui
above the elbow, seyerjejy. He was
brought here for treatment.
j - 1 ,
UtII.J3xBp!Dyj Fatnljy Injured.
N2SV WHATCOM, Wash., Oct. SO.
Pour hours after entering tho employ
of the Bellingham Bay Improvement Com-'
pany mill .here today, George Pumell
WE struck on, the head by a slab falling
from the slab-carrier, and fatally in
jured. May Starlve tbe ..Accident.
HPPKER, iOr., OctT 30.-rJ, B. Ven
Winkle, who Aras severely cut op hs
woodsaw yesterday, ip still alive, and the J
doctors now have hopes of pulling him
through and of saving his sawed arm.
UnsBccesf b1 Attempt of Bargjacs .to
Scxirc Railroad Jloacyv
ALBANY, "Or.; Oct 30. At Brownsi
vllle, last night, an attempt was' made to
blow open thff'safe df the Southern1 Pa
cific Company. "Nltro-glycerino 'Vas-'Used'.
The outside of the door was "blown oft,
whep tho burglars became frightened and
fled. Two young men "who parsed through
the city last evening are suspected.
Held for T&ezt of a. Gold Fen.
OREGON eiTT, Oct SO. Robert Patrick
was arrested "'at Albany today on the
charge of .stealing a highly prized gold
pen belonging to -T.' F. Cowing, a lawyer
of this place. On August 17, in company
with some other men, heTwos in Cowing!
office on land "business. Sometlj6e .in the
Afternoon the pen .was nilssipg. Later tit
-pros ascertained! that Patrick had posses
sion of the pen fn .question, and a warrant
was issued for his. arrest
Escaped FrJouej; pajptmred,
ROSDBURG, Or., Oct. SO-Sohn Kelly,
confined In the city jail, escaped last
niffbt by breaking the lock of the door.
He -was implicated In tho robbery of .Engi
neer Stroud's residence two weeks ago,
His accomplice is in the' county jail, it
seeming necessary Jp keep the two from
communicating. Kelly was .captured at
Grant's Pass this morning.
CoitcsT GroaEUXrn.tln: System De
strojed Lobs, fOOO.
COTTAGE GR.OVE, Or., Oct 30. The
electric plant owned- by- A. Nelson was
destroyed by fire this morning. , The
alarm" was giren at 6:151" Botn liose'com-'"
panies promptly responded, but the lire
had gained such headway that; they were,
unable to extinguish tibe fiames, and the
building and contents were a total loss,
except tjhe boilers and engine.
Tho plant was s&iut down at 1A.-M,' and
the origion of" the fire is unknown, but
is supposed to have"&tarted from the fur
nace. The los3 is about S000; insurance,'
$2000. Ttie town will bp without llgnts
until the plant can be rebuilt
Reldence at Jewell IJnrnecl.
ASTOPylA, Oct-Sp.r-The residfsnee of J.,
W. "Walker, zt Jewell. 'was totally de
stroyed by fire a few .days ago. Mr.
Walker ws alone at the time, .and dls.
oovxrd the fire about 10 o'clock at night,
In a few, .minutes the budding, and 'its
contents were totally consumed. The
cause of the fire wo a defective flue and
the damage was about 52OQ0, which was
only partially ovgrcd by insurance.
TRACK BLOCKSD WITH ROCK. jof HiU Slipped Actosp Korth.
pn Pacific Nqax Aberdeen,.
AsBiztujuwizx, wasn.. Oct -so A sec-H
tlon of sandstone 90 feet high'-ond 10 feet
deep slipped from a hillside two miles
east of7 Sbexe in -the night and covered
the irack of the Northern Pacific for 60
feet. '-Chev slide "was 'found' by a section'-
boss tats morning ana a iwreck of the
early passenger rain presented. Pas
sengers wece transferred, by steamer
from here to ,Cosm"opolIs, and ,to-
nlghi the track was cleared of the ob--5
stroctlon. i$ is thought the landslide cc
currAd -shortly aftftr Jast night's passen
ger train had passed by.
, , , .
Capital City Brevities.
SALEM.Oct . The local Y. M. a. A.
orga,nlzed a glee club this evening. -The
1 nomino-tion of ofBcens was left to a com
mittee to report at a subsequent meet
ing. Manager Prank Durbin. of the Capitol
Amateur Atheltic Club football team,
5ias prepared a challenge to the Eugene
team to play a return game on any field
In Oregon, and at any time the Eugene
team may name, "
First .Snow of Season at Heppnr.
HEPPNER, Or., Oct. SO The first snow
of "the season Jn the Heppner hills fell
yesterday, fit whitened the 'ridges along
the timbered dges of the western spur
of the Blue Mountains, and extended to
within eyn miles of Heppner. In a few
4 hours the .snow had disappeared frpm the
open hills, but remains .a few incaes depp
in. -the -timber. -'
Iolltlcal Meotlna- at Dayton
. DAYTON, Or., Oct SO Lpn."Jqdgp Dell
Stewirif and C. E. Sanders. Democratic
campaign orators, spoke to a crowded
houjw Sere last' evening. Mr. SandMS
4 fltrrntitA Hn rpm.iTfcs -to exnanxion. while
Judge Stewart gave attention to trusts
and the money question. Both enors.
wre .well received. ' - v
Leader Expelled ErOm Xabor Union.
MiSSOULA, 3iont, .Oct 80.-Jud?on AJ
PJerguson, who resigned as the Labor can
didate for Governor of Montana, was to
night expelled from Western Labor Union
rjot 43, of which he vas president by a
vote oC 55 to "A T S
still 'A mmim ISSUE
Blnger Hermann Asks for Informa
tion on the Subject Measure
IMscussed by Wafter Lyon.
SALEM, Oct SO That Oregon's negro
law 1$ still a burning issufr'fif the East,'
.and; like- Banqou's gnost, will not down
is indicated by a telegram -received at
the Executive .office today from CommJs-1
asks for the dales of, the Issues of The
Morning Oregonlani which contained the'
statements Tegardipg the legal status 'Of
the negro clause in the cnnEtltution, and
also propounds tMs question: '-
"Was the recent -proposed amendment
before the people such as distinctly pre-1
senpec toe repeal ot tin, constitutional
clause prohibiting negro- residence?"
The desired Information was given, and
Commissioner Hermann was informed
that the proposed amendment was voted
HILLSBORO, Qct- 30 Thomas Stewart who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. L.
A. Rood, in this city, October 23. was a resident of Washington County for oyer C0 yert.
'Re was Jjprn In Boone County, Missouri. June 18, '1810. Jn lEfit ho was married tp Miaa
Sjlahala Mullis. Together, they crossed the p;o.lns"in that -roar, and in 1847 tdok up ft dona
tion flaim In-Washington County, the now famous Witch Basel farm. Mr. Stewart built
and worked, in the first blacksmith shop in Hfisboro HI? wife ditd In 4800 They had 11"
chUdrcn, seyen of whom are livlnsr. They are: Mrs. U" M Kobertc, of liarrfsburitf Mn."L
A. Hood, of Hlllsboro; Edward Lucas Stewart, of Portland. W. W. Stewirt, of San "FraC-
Cisco; Mrs..Andrew Rood, of -Heppner; Mrs W. A. XTlse. of Portland. T
dpwn because it was -present along with
several other, and the people are op
posed to amending the constitution.,
Mij. Lyon's VieTvs On Subject.
The following discussion of" the place
of the Oregon negro loty in the pfleSent
campaign, has been written by Private
Secretary Walter tyon of the1, 'Gover
nor's office, for the DalJ..Lead"er,a' pa-,
per published" at LexingtonHy.:
"Mr. Bryan's reputation for condor arid
fairness, if not for honesty,-5 has suffered
in Orec6n through his Insinuation "that
negroes in this state 'nave no more politi
cal rights than' in South Carolina.
, "Mr. "Bryan" has enjoyed wthe hospitality
of many Oregon'hom'es He' has been in
the state four different times on his
speechmaklng toufs; Conditions are well
known to him. Negroes with swallow
tailed coats have served him at hotels.
The courteous colored brother has made
his bertb, shtned hi? shoes and taken his
ftps' on Pullman palace .cars on the way
to and from "Oregon. He has seen ne
groes come and go In this state, and cerr
talnly with full knowledge that they have
the same rights, .privileges and protec
tion a other citizens.
"True, there is an obsolete section in
Oregon's constitution, adopted in 1S58. pro
hibiting the coming of negroes into this
qtate. This, I am. informed, was .never
enforced, nor was there an attempt to
enforce it even before the adoption of.
tjte 15th amendment to the Federal Con
stitution. v
""I have talked with a venerable smCm-
'ber of the constltutlonarconventlon. From
him I learn that the worst known about
the members of that convention
was that the 'negro' question was agl-
' tatlng the Eastern States. They thought
to secure immunity for Oregon from tne.
troublesome question by inserting, in
the constitution a clause against negroes
coming into the stafe Tills clause,"
thougn never repealed,"" has always oeeri
practically a dead letter. A proposal to
repeal i was "'submitted to the voters
last June. Pour" other proposed amend
ments were voted on at the same timet
'Objections to some of the other amend-
tlment, together with the' knowledge that')
TnPTiTs; HTin imt? ijij-w Kii-eiruuii-aivuc: ov-
tine rights or negroes were in no ise
abridged thereby, prevailed, and, like
every proposal to 'meddle' with the con
stitutionall were oted do'wn', repeal of
the 'negro' clause going down with .the
bunch. " "
,, MIn hi? effort to make a living issue
of -a 'dead letter' in Oregon's constitu
tion. Mr. Bryan is guilty of mlsreprBsen-
'tatidnln rioF stating-all the-facts at ids
command. He cannot "honestly claim .to
believe negroes have no more .political
rights in Oregon that negroes in1 South
Carolina. If they "havS not, his party
should certainly assumepthe responsibil
ity. The Legislating to which was s?ub
mitted the 15th amendment to the Fed
eral Constitution, being Democratic, re
jected the amendment by an mer,wei-Jmlng'-maSority.
But notwithstanding what
yn remocratic Legislature did or what
Brj'nn says, negroes" have all the rights,
privileges and protection in Oregon that
other citizens have."
3hot HlmxeM Thrangh Head With, n
Rifle Had Been Homesick.
ASTORIA, Or.,. Oct. 30 Harry Gentry,
H'ye.ara'of age, committed suicide y'es-terdaj-
afternoon at Deep River by shoot
ing himself through the head with ' a
rifle. He had been working in a logging
camp with his father, but for the past
few -days bad- remained at the family
residence, as he complained of being sick
His body was found seated in a chair and
a Tvound in his" head and a discharged
rifle on the floor by his side.
It would have beep believed that his j
doatlT'had been accidental had not a note '
been found on a table. In the room in his
handwriting saying "Good-bye, mother."
I The' family had recently' come from
P.ennsylvahla. and he Was Oorita'rttly
Homesick to return therei -His
Ueves that ms Drooaing over- wis -usu-derod
'him temporarily deranged. "t
i salzer' valley XroCSTRiEsl, ;
OparatiOnp of Large,. SaAvmill De-
velopnxent of Good Coal 3Uncr
jCENTRjALLA., "Wash., 'Dct.""S0r-T;he 'mill
of the' Salzer Valley Lumber Company,
one mlle' from this city, the largest 'plant
in this section, Is now In full operation.
It has a "capacity of 75,000 feet per day,
and emploj s 70 men. There will be' for
the present aVtankroad to the 'railroad,
aad"In time ja spur wlH" he: Ibulit to Iha
(mi frojn the, railroad: Theenglne Jstl-;
ihorsanower. and the boilers "SSrhorsenower
each. "A eOjhorsepower.dppkeygTneluJ
ao rn.e logging. Jtacrcet ffrog. ua,vpt,j.apt
contract to do the logging fpr? hejprejjen
The Salzer "Valley cpafmlne, under the
management add ownership of BaschHn
&: Howell, has Seen onened1 jJd. and'ls'now
in full operatTon. JV fine Quality of coali
is now being mined, and the supply prom-'
William Coaper, Orespn Ploneey -ol
SALEM, Oct 30. William, iCospr. an
Oregon pioneer ol&i7,-,and a veteran ot
the Cayuse.wjjr, died at his hOjneln this
city last njgj n his eightieth, year. De
ceased w&s. a jiailyepf PennGyJyanla. and
spent several., years of his early life Jn
Mexico. in4A7 ne cane to iJJXSn and
seltlednear. Grand. Ronde. Pplk County,
jwher he "wai marrie,d to Elmlra Bran
Btpn. Thfe f andly moved to a farin nes
Jefferson Jn 1SS7,1 and there resided ' until
1ES7, when they removed to Salem. Dft;
peased left two daughters Mrs1. P. M.'
Johnson, of Moscow, Idaho, and Mrs. Fin-
ley C. PeTrlne, of Salem.,
about 20 years ago.
His wife died
Dentb."bf a Sailor at Astoria. ','
ASTORIA," Oct. 30v-ConsXaj3tln,e Peter
kin a sailor connected With the barlcen-
tjne Arago, now loading lumber,Jxt.Cnapp-
j.yii, nai uiuu(,ui iu mc uuoulo.i tu una
city Sunday, suffering with pneumonia.
He was in 'a critical condition at tha
tlme and djed'last nlgbt He was a oia.-
tjve ot Finland, 02 years ,ovt ape. xif&Jitui
be bQred here. . "" '" ' ' - "
Has Sdt, Been Seep. Since Friday
Had Talked of-Saicide,"
ASTORIA, Oct -30-Clyde Phillips, a
young man who' recently opened a cigar
and fruit store store in this city, has been
missing since last Friday noonr and, ills
friends fear that some mishap- has he
fallen him. Shortlv after the noon -hour
L on ferldiy he gave the key- of his, store
to i irjena ana remarked tnat ne would
return udouc b o ciock,, out notnmg nas
been see,n or heard Of him slnco that
time. As he took jio clptnjnfe, excepting
what he wpije, it Is uuilkely that he left
tow. r ", .
Phhllps was a-brajcemaj. on heSouth-.
em Pacific, .but secured a -day layoff,,
came here and starred Jn, business?- He Is
a married man, his wife JIvln'g in Port-J
land, but it ,1s' claimed they b,avje sep
arated, and he Is salu tq.bave worried a oyer his family roubles. Only
av short time ago he remarked to a friend
that he might jump into. thp. bay and end
it all. His .associates helleve .that he'has
committed suicide. ,- , v
-v tp. s: aieBIaii'ji wjtihJ
Thd will of the 'la'te1 T. S. IWCcbKean has
been filed for probaie. ''The InstrUment" la
do tea May -17A 1899, and ,leaves all the
peisonal prop.ejrty to the, wldo-F ?nd the
real estate t'o the children, to be divided
equally, except, as a special bequest, a
Jot in'jgan Diego. Sal., is left ioQatherine
M. Tee, a daughter of ,the deceased.
-The manifest of the.fch.OQner Bejilah,
whichlfirossel out for San -Francesco" aat
evening, Was filed at the customhouse to
day. 'Her cargo consists of 08,800 feet of
lumberand 16200 feetof laths. She was
Joadecfat "Knappton. . r " t
Laborers at Sumner Ordered to Bloye
. 'On toy- White Pjonnlatlon
TACOilA. Wash.i Oct SO.-Jn reftpone
to a telephone message received ajt.tne
Sheriff's office, Deputy Sheriff Bejnson
Davis left for Sumner this morning to
se that the laborers who .were .
sacking potatoes for Crawford Anderson
are protected,; The.anti-pAslatlc sentiment
at Sumner took a somewhat -violent phape
a few nights ago, aodva delegation- of
citizens ylslted the Japanese, sho Wicre
quartered in one. or two Jiouaes ashort
distance from town, and-.or$ered tnem
away. The,e tasjno tbaae in jiacfc
Ing up their traps and 'leaving'. Mr. An
derson bas ,appealed to the Sheriff, for
protection for his laborers.
Snntlny Closing: at Centrnlin.
OENTRALXA. Wdah Oct CO The Citl-'
sens' Good Government League Is mak
ing rapid steps toward enforcing ' tHe
Sunday closing lajv In this cljty. The
lengue proposes torsee that every place of
business. Is closed Sunday, except drus
stores and hotels. Drug -stqrps shall
keep ppen only a pari of ,the" day, ahd
shall seil Qnly -medicine. All tobacco
stores must be closed So4 far two drug
stores -and tw,,Q tobacco" .stores are (Ob
serving the law. The saloons remain ojien
as usual.
Vojp,c,ouA ex ' J7errybo,at.
VANCOUyER'. 'wash1.," Oct. a0c-Tle
Vancouver f-errj'toat ras )been laid up for
repairs since.last Sunday. Since that mie
passengers ha.v .been eomesd-tq and
from the strect-cacs on the vOregon 3ide
of the Colun;b'a. by means of a small
Wteamer, The boat is too small-, to carrj
freight or yehlcles, and considerable ln
conyjpIencc is the result The repaira tp
the regular boat are Expected to be com
pleted in time for her to resume trips
(tomorrow. " .
Will Debate Politics:
PENDLETON, Or., Oct. 30 C. E. S.
Wood of Portland, and Tllmon Ford, of
Salem, Republican candidate ' for Prebi
dnntlal Blecor, will debate 'the political
issues of the dayvhere November 2.
Are Agnlnst Dlvlson of'thfe Conntry
. snlilP$&?Z xkeJyeiaiJBjBr .of .Sea-
9,QTp&tp WtexvP,9Bmccc
I ,i .
SALEM, Or., Oct- 30. Governor Geer
todayrecehd, circular Jotter, p,urppx,t
Jngntp come from'Hhe reform party In
China. H.isip the naiiire of a petition
urging JthealUed. powers not to divide J
from"oppreslon'"by restoring Kwja.ns' Hsu
to thet throng. The letter' is in the Chi
peso language, and 3 accompanied by an
luigusn tranwaiion, aatea at iiong wng,
Thojcwtltlqn reyiewg the "history of Jntel
Jectualt darkness lii 'China, and fthe open
ing. pf seapdrjEs to Western commerce,
and saya: " -
"Thus, althougjh during the past few
decades ports- Havebeeji opened to trade
and religion, the permission to carry iiut
all these things ,-wos totpo. fr;om the- gpv:
eipment, "and,-" therefore, 'the 'naval and
mujtary .colleges and arsenals; Avbichthe
g9Vornment has established' during the
last half-ccntry, are especially designed
to pressrve the dynasty and were not
planned for the people's good. Now tho
West in the intercommunication of trade
ip.nd th preaclmg of Christianity hau
polely the iicpple's "welfare in view, be
cause lit aims at bepefltihg rbp country
generally, "in this the East andWcst arp
dlametraljy; pjiposed. . .
Because reformers bave used, wrong
methods, .they, with the conservatives,
have .mutually provoked a transforma
'tion, and the government's hatred of. re
formers" Increases- tremenduously every
day, 'and,, therefore, now within and with
out the capitoLthey have established the
Boxer Society, to '.oppose and kill mlssion
aries.'iChristian converts and the Cantofi
ose, and, moreover,' to - oppose and kill
every native person possesng foreign
implements and goods. . . . Thus, some
Uttlo time since,-there was one among
tjiose whdyeaxned for a reformed govern
men'i; who, though so exalted v as- to be
Enperor, was) -nbvertholess, straJghtway
deposed,' 'How much leas, 'then,- shall
gentry and the populace" through their
yearning Rafter the same -object, -ecap
punlsllm,ent and, death-?
, "The present VIceroj's, notwithstanding
they hayo all along known theibaneflts of'
h new learning and government, have
hot yet d"M"ed to Jioldly set forth methods
of Tefori Jecfiiwse they know only too
wel,l th will of the; royernraent and
they dare not disobey. Moreover, the
yicerpys know the. faults of th reform
pary, and consequently will not strive
for them. , ."". .
1 "Today rewards are offered from high
plaoes. intorjl,er that al members of the
reform party may be caught Aftor this
the people of Ghina-will -suffer still more
and intercourse, with China wHl cerjtalnly
be more difficult Now: -we" bee-seech each
friendly oountry hot by any means on this
account, ;to divide our ierrjtory, J3.S this
would make te .middle kingdom rebel-'
llpus, ohd" o .sow the. seeds of
calamity. We entrea the allies to- be
qf one mind, in supporting Sfjwang
Hffu, Jn .retorl-pg, him to: th jthrone, ln
forcibly setting-up a new government and
in eavinff our people- fronvjoppresslon. If
the ruler wlli not agree, then consult as
tp raising one of the present Viceroys
from amomj those holding the highest
rank; JtO manage Uhe affair3of -the' coun
try, and if the person elected refuses,
then "choose them' as they stand" in order
of position. We-beseecir"each country to
send "deputies 'to assist7 fndfscussing plans'
to chancre the regulations affecrinsr'tlfe-
x boards" and torklter the' pe"nal code."
thejeaceful state of affalra that would
exist asTi bespit bf the ajjlejl powers forc
ing a change Vf government, the netitlon
continues: v "" " '
"After tjilsv the upper ,and. lower 9lasses
of Chljna. -Jli ailtnank, the friendly states
for navlhg c,9tploted this gyeaf good,
work, and. tljus "naturally the revengeful
feelings enterfeinjed toward foreigners will
be c'rushod out. and" it thousand years
.hence the ..Chinese wiljl .still show that
gratitude. , JjJhpuld ',thej friendly atg.tes not.
use force fto help iChlna on this occasion,
Jjy'not dejrncdly altering the anti
quated leglls and .sweeping away the .de
crepit gqyrnmont, buton'the other hand,
continue to -filter and Jealously watch
ach other, wishing in a rough-and-ready
way Nto end to this great upheaval,
being .simply desirous to plan o seize a
person' svvealth 'without -showing mercy
op that person' sufferings; then the in
habitants of China "will suffer'moro than
eyer before., and r are afraid that th6
friendly states 'will' not bef without ca
lamity later on . - . We hope the al
lied powers will .revive the benevolence
which freed the slaves, and continue the
beautiful work of giving nlaves their lib
erty, by freeing our several hundred mil
lions, that they may be loosed from the
tyrannical, barbarous, unjust'punlshmcntK
and cruel methods tused in 'the courts of
'The -petition closes wtth many pleading
phrases, and Is signed ''Tru,eRefonners.''
Articles f Incorporation Filed
Capital Stocic I iJStkOQl;.
BAgER CITrQct. 30. Articles of ln
cofporatibn for' the new Grant County
Bank have hoen.flled in the office of Coun
ty Clerjt Geddes here. The place of busi
ness and prlndpal office will be Canyon
City, .Grant Cpurity, ,hut as A. P. Goss.
one of tthe incorporators, resides in Sump-
ter, iwhlchlsun Baker County, the articles
tvere Jiled vh,ere. '
The qapltl s.tocJc o-the bank Is ?23,C03t
divided Into 250 scares of 5100 each. The
other two incorporators are L. V. Swisrett
5 and. C. H McCulloch. f. Citizens of Gram
County greet th new bank with much
pleasure, as it Is an institution that grow
ing business Interests have . made a ne
cessity. ..,-
i Better? Ifire Protection.
' A new hose company named Brooklj n
No. C, has "been Installed by Chief For,
oi the Fire 'Department, on-"the 'cast side
of the' Powder R!erThis Isrthe first fire
protection glyeit that side A large num
ber of houses have been deatrojed In thst
part of the town, -and 'the presence of
firo apparatus had 'become essential to
safety. ' C
Oregon Mifnar Notei.
Henry Hajmler, mlne'r, has fljed spit
against the Consolidated Bonanza Com
pany torecover S10.302 damages, which he
alleges, be sus;ta.lnel In the employ of the
pompjinav . " -
Gus .Woodward reports the shafthousc
op the Portland claim In Sumpter dis
trict is completed gpt work is contlnti-
is chiefly due tp its irreproachable, character."
' . The Times.
DRINK OTHING but Natural Mineral Water, such as
pollinari, free from ll yegetable poisons."
Boston Journal.
5E?W-KmnKA. v f r
Wc p.ut certain cqmicals
together, chemicals which haye
a known result. W make no
immoderate .Jtlaims for them,
and we confidently expect them
.to do what we say they will do.
Ayer's Hair Vigor will make
hair grow.
Miss Moore, who is f he'post
master at Weichburg, Ky., put
this tetter in her maU the otrier
'day "
"Jjist summex my iair .was thin and
short and was falling out profusely. I then
began using Ayer's -Hair Vigor, and two
bottles 61 it govs roe beautiful and glossy
hair. My" hair is now over a yard' Jong,
and my friends all wonder what has made
it so thick and -heavy."
Now that the secrets out
we suppose her friends will
stop wondering.
J. C. Ayer Company,
Practical Chemists, 'Lowell, Ma.
Ayer' 1 Srjapnilla
Ayer', PjU
Aycrls Ajjue Cure
Ayer',1 Hair Vljor
Aycr'i Cherry Pectoral
Ayex Cotnaton
ing on the sha'ft", which is now 40 fet
deep. The latest assays are said to be
$S 20 from .a, 30-foot lede.
Dr. A, C. Greenlee has taken a bond on
the Independence vclalm in Wind Creek
district, from W R. King, consideration,
$l6,000. and a b"ond on the Otter Tall
from Dr. H, M. Anderson1 for one year,
Consideration, 5S0CO. These claims adjoin
the "Trailer and Aberdeen properties,
owned by Dr. Greenlee, ondj on the for
mer," it is said, there fs a 40-foot ledge
that- will average JS.
I. F. Rice has received from the Yan
kee Boy mine at Mount Dodson some fine
specimens of quartz, says the Roseburg
Review. ,Th!s jock will yield not less
than 40 to ihe ton In vcopper and gold.
Some time sgo Messrs. Jtlce, Pilnt & Kim
ball let a contract for a 100-foot tunnel
on this property to Oalman & Robinson,
having formerly done all their develop
ment work on the Black P.epubllcan.
Whe,p In 40 feet the contractors -struck
the foot wall, well defined, and have
now tunneled nine feet Into the ledge,
from which Mr. .Rice's specimens were
taicen, apdthft rock Is growing better as
they proceed. The indications are that
Che led?e is SO feet wide, and if so the
value o the mine wtll be large.., Mr.
.Laugh, who owns a copper mine on the
opposite side of Mount Dodson. has
shipped a carload of His rock to 'the Kes
wick, Cal., smelter and will soon have a
practical test of Its value.
. - - - . j -Mini
as: Stock TranaaotlonM. ,
FoUowiny are theauotatlona"at the .Oregon
Mining Stock Bxclmnse jeaterdayt, '
Adams Mountain 5
Buffalo 2
- 5
Copperopolla ...t. ...'... -5
QoM RUl & Bohemia 5A
Golostonfr Consolidated 2H
Golden .Scepter; 1
Isabella ...
IjOt Horse ..
OreEon-Coiof.M 34, & D. Co v.... 5
Oregon Bx. &. Dev, Co ,
Rlierslde ............ 4 ..
SPOKANE. Oct. CO The closing quotations
for mining: stocks today were:
Bid. Ask I Bid. Ask.
Blacktail ....10 11 iNoble Five 3
Butte &. Bos.
3 IPrln. Maud.... 1 2ft
4P. M. Tunnel. ... 20
9QuIlp 22$
GKiriamb Cor...3e& 203&
24i Republic CO. 74
Crystal 2U
D CP. Con.... 2
Even. Star .. fi
Gold rdge..'. 1
Gold Harv...
I. X. L 19
Iron Mask .,. ...
Jim Blaine .. 4
L. P. Surp... 7J5
Mtn. Lion... 32
Morn. Glpry.. 6
Morrison .... 2&
9slReservatlon -.5 7
Ross Giant. . 1 2
Sullivan UVx 15.
Tom Thumb.i.15 20
Waterloo .... 3 SVi
Conjecture ... 24 3
.Gold standard T& 10
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 30. The official clos
ing quotations for mining stocks today vers:
Alta ?0 02fJulla "..0 02
'Alpha Con ,. ai Justice
Andes 7f Mexican
Belcher ... 12Occldental Con
Bet &iBelcher... 23OrhIr
"Bullion 2Overman
.Caledpnla 14 M
Challenffe Con ... 12 Savago
Chollar lTfSefr Belcher ..
Confldenco GUSIerra Neada ... 2-1
Con. Cal & Va...-1 OOlSUver H1U 30
Crofvn Point lORtandanl 3 2."
.Exchequer IIQnlon Con 18
Gould & Curry... 7JtOtah Con 8
Hale &. Norcross.. 28Vellow Jacket .... 10
- NEW yoP.K. Oct. 30 Mlnlns stocks today
cosed as follows:
NChollar ?0 lBIOntarlo
Prnnn Point S'Onhlr
?G 00
Crown Point
Con C-xI" &Va...
Dead wood
Gould & Curry...
Hale &. Norcross .
03Plj-mouth ........ 11
30(Qulcksllve.r 1 25
uo, no rrei ......... o w
2?. Sierra Nevada ... 23
Hometake 53 OOiStandard
3 50
iron suver ...... u, union -on
Mexican 23iyllo-w Jacket ..
BOSTON, Oct. 30 Closing quotations:
iVdventure S 4 75! Humboldt $ 25 00
Allouez M Co.. 2 "SJParrott 44 50
Amal Copper... 71 OOiQulpcy .154 00
Atlantic 23 OOiSanta Fe Cop... C 02
Boston & Mint. 322 00,romarack ....... 235 00
BUtte & Bpston Gt OOJUtah Mining: ... 2-1 50
Cal. & Hocla... 705 00.Wlt.ora 3 00
Centennial 17 00, Wolverines 41 30
Franklin 14 23
AH of Fleet of Vessels Have Depart
ed. From Alaska.
SBATTTiE, 'Oct. 30 By this time. It is
thought the last Of the vessels of the
Nome fleet hae left tho gold fields for
Seattle. It Is the opinion of Behrlng Sea
navigators that none of the vessels, san
or steam, will remain in the harbor of
Nome later than November 1.
Those now at Some, or ep route, are the
Steamers St. Paul, Senator, Roanoke,
Charles Nelson, Cleveland, Centennial,
Santa Ana. John S. Kimball, Portland.
Alor'a, Dora and Discovery. All to!dr there
are probably 10 sailing vessels returning
from Bebring Sea.
Or. Snnford' Liver Inlgrorntor.
The best Ltver Medicine. A Vegetable Cure ior
LUcr Illo. IMUnuanecJ. tndlgestjon. Constipation
w Tf $ &
Minley and Roomalt
The Republican State Centrar Committee ot
Oregon announce the (pljonlns assignment
of speakers for the Presidential cambalsn-ot'
judge george" n. tvilltams.
Occson City Saturday. Nov. 3
Sellwood Friday, Nov. 2
JackxonvllU . .Wcdnday. Oct 31
Oakland ".........I 30 P. M Thursday, Nov. 1
Cottage-Grove ....Friday. Nor. 2
Eugene.... ......,2P. 34. Saturday, NovsnS
Keppner ,. ...... Monday. Nov. a
HON. "Wru. 3f. COLVip.
Wllllama "Wednesday. Oct. 31
Kcrby 2 30 P. 3u. Thursday. Nov. 1
Mount Tabor .."Wednesday. Oct. 31
"Arlington IMd,ar. Nov. 2
SHvertoa ... Mondav, Nov. 5
Seventh Ward Club.. "Wdnosdav Oct. 31
Alblna ....Thur?dtvy. Nov? 1
Baker City , Saturdaj, Noy. J
Dufur .ThuMay. Nov. 1
"Wnmlc Friday. Nov. 2
Antelope ......Saturday. Novi 3
Marlon Friday, Nov. 2
Hubbard ,. ....Saturday. Nov. 3
Bro-Rrnvllle .......Thursday. Nov. 1
Myrtle Creek ..1 P. M.. Friday, Nov. 2
I'ladle- 7.30 p. M . Friday. Nov. 2"
Medtonl Saturday, Nov.S
Forest 'Grove ..........Monday, Nov. 5
Salem t. ....... ....... Thursday Nov. 1
Newber Friday. Nay. 2
KUlsboro ...........2 P. M. Saturday. Nov. a
Astoria Monday. Nov; B
PMIqmath "Wrdnsday, Oct. 31
Oswego Thursday, Nov. 1
Houlton , Frldcy. Nov. 2
Astoria .. Saturdny, Nov. 3
Independence Friday. Nov. 2
Woodburn Saturday. Nov. 3
Elgin ......"Wednesday. Oct. 31
La Grande ..Thursday,, Nov. t
Milton 2 P. M. Friday. Nov. 2
Pendleton .7"f P. M . Trlday. Nov. 2
Hood PUvr . .2 P. M., Saturday. Nov. 3'
Mount Ansel .....Monday, Nov. 5
Myr'le Point .WedneIayK Oct. 31
Roseburg Friday, Nov. 2
irant' Pass ..Saturday, Nov., S
Aslijand Monday. Nov. 3
Fugene w .Saturday. Nov. 3
Oregon City ., ...lorday. Nov. 5
Comntock ...... ......... ...'Wednesday. Oct. 31
"VVllhur Thursday, Nov. 1
Forest Groe ..., ...... ....... Frjdny, Nov. 2
GrMnvtlte Saturday. Nov. 3
Gumpter "Wednfadiy. Oct. 31
I3ak-rClt ..Saturday, Nov. &
Phlllfp' Friday, Nov. 2
Lands (Helvetia School) Saturday, Nov. J
Glencoe Thursday, Nov. 1
Wallowa County Oct. 20. 30, 31
Sprlngwater .... 2 PM. "Wednesday. Oct 31
Tlgnrdvlllfr Friday, Nov. 2
Condon Wednesday. Oct. 31
Meacham Wednesday. Oct 31
Pilot Rook ....Thursday, Nov. 1
Uklah Friday. Nov. 3
Fifth Ward Club... .Wednesday. Oot 31
Sheridan ,.. , Friday. Nov. 2
Alblna Thursday, Nov.Ji
'Sheridan FridaJr, Novj 2
C. A. SELL, ESft.
Selrwood Friday, Nov 2
Sunnyalde (Clackamas Co )... Thursday. Nov. 1
"Maple Lane ,. Friday. Nov. 2
Lincoln County Oct 30 to Nov. 2
Reedvllle Friday, Nov. 2
Beedvlllo Fridays Nov. 2
Further assignments of speakers will be
made irotn day to day.
GEO. A. STEEL, Chairman.
No More Dread
of the Deota! Chair
scientific method applied to the gums. No
sleep-producing agents or cocaine.
These are tho only dontal parlor In Port
Ingredients to extract, fill and apply gold
crowns and porcelain crowns undetectable
from natural teeth, and -warranted for 10
set of teeth. 55, a perfect fit guaranteed or no
pay. Gold crowns. $5 Gold fillings, 1. Sil
ver illUngs. 6Qc. All work done by GRADU
ATE DENTISTS of from 12 to 20 years' ex
perience, and each department In cnarge of a
specialist. Give us n call, and you -will ,flnd us
to do exactly as wo advertise. Wo will tell
jou In advance exactly what your work will
r PS-M,. i.U9HS
"J-.UI S.v '
New York Dental Parlors-
Fourth and Morr'son sts . Portland. Or.
HOURS-.8 to 8. SUNDAYS. 10 TO 4.
723 Market st . San Franclico, CaL
C14 First ave . Seattle. Warn.
White Ribbon Remedy
Can. Be Given. In Glaaa of Water Tea
or Coffee Wlthont Patient's
White Ribbon Remedy will cure or destroy
the diseased app.ei.te for alcoholic stimulants,
whether the patient Is a conflrniad Inabrlate.
"a tlrplr." social drinker or drunkard
Impossible for any one to have an appetite
for iuohaUe liquors after using White Klbbon
Portland. Oregon Woodard. Clarke & Co .
Fourth, and Washington sts. By mall. $1.
Trial package free by writing MRS. T. C.
MOORE. Pres W C. T U . Ventura. Cal.
jFop ttn Curr of Gonorrhoea. Gl'-'-ta,
StrlLturrp. nnil .uiiloxu complitluta
OT the Orennt f Otinci rli".
Ixicc gla bottle . For sole b f druggLjifc
K35ot lt"n ""
,. I JW