Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 31, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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    TiH3 WLTOTCNa- QmQi"E!feSDi.OgTOBEB ' ay, ljoo:
- -
lie weather yesterday' trjas not vory
satisfactory for trade, Anil most of the
retailers are taldhff things easy until al
ter the first of the ponth. At the same
time there trets a fair amount of busi
ness with the country and receipts of
produce were tfulte HbecaVbui there tvrs
710 change of Importance Jn. prices, ex
cept In -egrs. The 'differential between
Eastern and Oregon has widened until
the imported stock yesterday- advanced a
cent, to 23 cents, and Is rather firm at
that figure. Theunmerclful slaughter of
ducks on -Sunday iias flooded the mar
ket with birds, .which of course shuts out
the demand "for .poultry. '
In the grain markets tliefe was a flriner
ieellng ntid -sjigh tly hlher prlcei "TThls
"was reflected somewhat in the local mar
Tcet by dealers hoxfing. more-of 9. depo
sition tt iay C3 cenfp for Walla "Walla,
although spmeof them still had JheJr
limits iiroana-J2i cents- - - '
TJie irelght situation, continues tpilte
flrjm, ajL the "only ;&ew business Import
ed, for, over a week came to light yes
terday a 17K-ton ship being -chartered
ior' April 'loading a ?ls 2S. This IS about
3n line with the offer of 46s 3d made
for therftfilewoofl, '"arid Indicates a fa'.riy
JWJ market, TuestJem . Is nominal at 53
ana 56 cents, and. "Valley iimot quoted in
this market, the Interior mills continuing
to absorb ail of. the offerings.
' Stxnl? eier!nic.
32j:cbanrcs. Balances.
Portland ... f3S35 ? 4LO08
Toeoma 200.273 17.071
8ettle ..S.....i.......4w 402.639 llJ5;fl3
Spokane ....... 174,730 23,53
'Grain, Flonr, Etc
"Wheat Walla Walla. 5253cj Valley, nom
tatd; bluestem, S5S0e pec bushoL
FJour Best grades, ?2 003 -40 per barrel;
STaham, $ 2 CO.
Oats "White; 2s3JSc -per bushel; srar, 40
Barley Feed, $15(215 CQ; brewing, $101G 50
pcrton. "
SJlllstuffs Bran. $15 60 per ton; middlings,
?2J; shortB, JOT; chop, $10"" "
.Hay Timothy. $UM2: clover, ?77 30 Ore
Con. Svllfi bay, $CIfc7 per ton.
Batter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc."
Butter Fancy creamery. 55Qc; store, 23
206 per- rolL
Eggs Eastern, l23c; Oregon ranch, 274
30c per dozen.
Pouttry Chickens, mixed, $2 .K3 50 per
dozen, hens, ?3 Wi, 50; tspriECT. p2g4; ducks.
$3 B03; ceese, $67 per dozen; turkeys, live,
JHjTl2r, dressed. 1415c per pound.
Chf e8Cr-Full -cream,, twins. Ili2fcc; . Toung
America, 1213e per pound.
Vegetable, Fruit, Etc.
VecetablcsParsnlps, fcfic; turnips, 75c; car
Tots, 7Bc per tack; onions, 75c IS ?1; cab
bie, $ 1 25 ig 1 50 per pental; iptatocs, J0
30c per Back; tomatoes, 20c per bos corn, 75c
jwr facAc; swwt potatooB. -$1 40S,1 50 per oon
fd; cclerj", OOJJCoC rer dozen.
Fruit Lemons, fffi.Cft. omocs. 5C per
box; pineapples, ?4 SQtfffl per dozen; bananas,
2 f5$? per bunch; Persian dates, 7c per lb.;
pe'ors, TBc:ff "per box; "apples, 0Os$l per
bqx; crape, Muscat, 00c4??l; Tokay, fl; Con
cords, 2550c jr 'basket.
Dried fruit Apples, waporaied. 7i?c per
pound. '"sun-drted, sneks or bsxe. 53c; pears,
SSWiC. prunes, Italian. 5 7c; silver, txtra
choice, 5Jc; Abs, CallXorr.ia bjucjc, 5c; flj
sun and cvapdrated, 5 Q Cc; plume, plUess,
vrtilte. 75'8c per pound.
Mnt and Provialons.
Jilutton Gross, best sheep, -wethers and
ewes, sheared. ?1 50; dressed. GfcgTc per lb;
Spring 'lumbs, 3c per pound grohs, dressed, 7
Jlogs Gros, choice hea-j $5 G0g5 75; light.
?C, dreuecd, X0V4 por pound.- - . - , . -
Veol Jarge, tHjJHc P poynd; smaJJ, S0o
jxr pound.
Pjof-wGroas, top sleerc. yj C0; c"otrs, f3
8 )W, -dregged bet-f, '07B7e iJerTpoundt
Pro lFlons Portland pack (Shield brand);
3jajnsf TOoked, are quoted tip Uc per poynd;
picnic flams, Si,c per pound; breatfastbacon.
2SKi15c; bacon. 10'4'allJc; barks. lOVJc; dry
edit side. 4)'ifirl0c, dried .beef. 15c; lard, 5
paund rails, 10c; 10-pound palli. lOVJc; 50s,
lOVfc. tierces, 10c per pound. Eastern pack
OEIammond's); Hams, large, HJc; medium,
31c; small. 12c; hams. &54c; shoulders,
IKij breakfast bacon, 13?iri4r: dry tialt eldes,
fli 30V6o; bacon Ides, 104llHc; backs,
301ie; butte lc; lard, pure ItaT. kettle ren
der J, 6s, 10c; 10s. 10c; dried beef, 15c.
GrocerlCBf 2Vnt, Etc.
OoffeeMocha, 2JS2Sc: Jaya. fancy. 63So';
Java, good, "20024c; Jaia, ordlnarj', 1820o;
vCota Blca, fancy. lbq)20c; 4o sood. lC18c; do
ordinary, 10315c per pound; Columbia, roast.
?13 13; Arbuckle's. $14 13; Lion, $13 13 per
Bugar CnM. ?0 85; crushed; $0 fi5; pow
dered. $G 43; drj' granulated. $3 .23; xtra C,
76; rolden C, ?5 05 net; half barrels, c
ifcore than barrels; maple o-jgar, 15lCc per
Salmon Columbia "River, 1-pound tails, $1 50
2. 2-pound tails. $2 252 50; fancy 1-pound
flats, $22 25; -pound fancy flats, SI. 10
1 0; Alaska. 1 - pound " tails, $1 401 00;v 2
pound tails, $1 002 25.
Nuts Peanuts, CV7d per pound for raw. 9c
tor roasted; cocoanuts. 00c per dozen; walnuts.
10 lie per pound; pine nutf. 33c; hickory
nuts, 7e; chestnuts, 15c; Brabll. lie; Alberts.
lCc; tancy pecans, 1214c; almonds, lt17Jt
per pound.
Be, is Small -n-hlte. 4c; large do, SQsic;
bkyOu, '39ic; Lima, Gc per pound.
Grain -bags Calcutta, $0ff 12& p-r 100 for
apbt. "
Coal oil Cases, 3Sc pt gallon; barrels,
c, tanks, 13c, " "
Rite Island, JUc; Japan. Zytfi: New Orleans,
hrf?5c; fancj head, ?77 50 per Back.
Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc.
Hops New .crop, lSSlStfcc per pound; 1809
crop, 78c.
Wool .VaP -3"'14: -astern Oregon," 02)
32c; mohair, 25c per pound.
Sheepskins Shearlings. 1520e; short-wool.
2535c; medlum-vrool, 5050e; long-yrool, 00c
$1 each. ,
- Tallow 4c; No. 2 and grease, 23c per lb.
Hides Dry hides. No. 1, 10 pounds and up
ward. 1415c; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 10 pounds,
iPc per pound; dry calf, No. 1, under 5 pounds,
JC16c; drj' salted, one-third less than dry
flint; salted hides, sound steers, CO pounds and
wer, 7p8c; do 50 to 00 pounds, 7ij;-d wn-d5-
5p pounds And cows, 7c; kip, 13 to 30
pounds, 78c: do veal, lo to 14 pounds, 7o;
do calf, under 10 pounds, 7c; green unsaltcd),
leper pound loss; culls (bulls, stags, moth
eaten, badly ?ut "Scored nalr"llppcd, weather
beaten or grubby), one-third less.
Pelts Bearskins, each, as to size, $513:
cobs, each, $15; badger, each. 50c; wildcat,
2575c; honeecat, 525o; for. common gray.
40c$l; do red, -fl "7533 30; do cross. $2 50Q0;
lynx, $24 so; mink, 40cSl 75; marten, tlark
Northern, $510; do pale, pine, 124; musk
rat. 8 12c; skunk. 5080c; otter Oand), J4
as; pantner. witn bead and claws perfect
$?3; raccoon, 2580c; wolf, mountain., with
bead perfect S3 50 5; -n olverlne, f2 000;
beavar, per skin, large, SOST; do medium, per
akin, 445; do small, per skin, $12; do kite,
parskln, S1S.
losrw tork stock market.
SEosKlvh. and Irregnlar Movement
in Httnds ot Professionals.
2CTTW tork, Oct, go. Thpre were cnly
one or two moveoients of any Interest
on the Stock Exchange 'today. The mar
Icet fell into a state of .serol-stagnatlcji at
times, and moved sluggishly and Irregu
, lariy with no -other mot!'e power than
the operations of the professionals, who make a. day's trade. Thoro o
a verj' marked Jack of the orders through
commission-houses which -were a feature
last week. The apathetic aspecC of the
market was "unexplained by, any news of
the day. Itwes the outcome largely of
thd conservative spirit of caution which
is frot umasual in, tho closing days of a
Rational campaign. Tiere Is some un
easiness lest the speculation ,on the- part
of the outside public las overdlscounted
tie conditions expected to develop after
tne election is out of; the way. There
hai been wme disposition on the part
cf the cdtrimission brokers to call for an
ettenslon of margins. The risk incident
U the period is alleged as the ground,
but It is thought not Improbable that the
enforcement of conservative views" on
speculation" may he" an ulterior "motive of
the commission houses.
Thls morning's, market showed sone re
gaining e'ffect xf jthe raliy fendency of
yesterday. But the buying exhausted It
self soon after the opening, 'vaud prices
drifted, to a. lower level. Thevpoor show
ing of net earnings for September by the
Northern, cdfJc1 enuged"the reaction in
that stock from yesterday's strength, and
threw on the market some -very large
blocks. X,ate In the day Southern Pacific,
after holding firmly all through the carjty
deallntas shot up 2. on jiaacentraiea' and
1 very heavy buying. The stcck was bought
eariy iot me. ixnaon account, seemingiy
j on satisfaction over tlie choice of ' thd
new president An almost ertdless stream
of stock was poured out "when the price
reached 58 but all pfferlpgs were confi
dently absorbedy and 'the.p'lee -finally-rose
through that figure, but the buying was
l then rejased.
This late mcvement had a sjTnpathetlc
effect on the whole market and pulled
some of the railroad stocks aoovo last
night's level. There was some strength
among the leading Industrln3s" and spe
claltles, led by Sugar. The Iron and steel
stocks Srere Inclined t( advance after
some yearly heaviness In sympathy wlth.a
Joss-oflH In tin plate. Pittsburg, Qlncln-nali,-
-JMcago & St. Louis fell nearly 8
points -on light selling, and National -Lead,
preferred Jost Z.
Tire rooney 'market was easier on a re;
laxatlon In the demand, rather than In
any additional supply. The heavy colfec
tiohs by th0 fiubtrcasury on account xst
Internal revenue are pffset by payments
on ..account of Alaskan gold, and- by the
expectation -of further gold lmprts fr:m,
Burppe. There have been no transfers of
qurrency to the interior through the Bub
treasury since last Friday. The foreign
money markets began to reflect tb,e de
termined efforts of the Bank of Englan-1
to influence the unfavorable exchange
against "London, and sterling exchange
here "hardened a shade from the cause.
The tendency of bonds was rather easy,
but points of strength developed In the
market as the day progressed. The' "to
tal sales were ?1,210,000.
United States bonds were uqehanged on
the last call.
TJ. B. "2s, ret reg.lOJVIGen. Electric 5s... 118
do .coupon 104) N. Y. Cent. lsts.,.HWJ4
do 3s, reg.,..;.".10i)'AKorthern Pac 3s.. GK
do coupon llotoi do "4s ..., 103',w
do nes. r eg.. 134 H Oregon Nav. asts.:l()
do coupon ......135VM Io it lOJU
do-oId b, reg.ll5ui Oregon S. L. 08...127J4
do coupon H5Vi Bo con, 5s.,,..,114
do 5b, reg... 11274nio Gr. IVutL lsts irhJi
do coupon. 1H St. Paul consols.. .171
Dist. Col. :i-(K'is...J2JjSt P. C. & 1. lstsll
Atchison adj, a.. g7H do 0s ..-... .Ws.
C. & lOA. con. 7slitJl,i Union PaclHc 4s. ..105
Jo S. F. deb. os.120 (Southern Pae. 4s,. SI
D. & R. G. lsU-105 JAVcst 8hor 4e 113
do 4s 90 k
The, total sales of stocks today wer 77,500
fbarc Th?cloMlne quotatlotia ware:
Atchlon i 32i Onion Pac pref..,
lo pref ..Wabash .,
B-Ut. fc Ohio -74 "1 do pref
Can. Paclilc feiV4 Wheel. & U E
Can Southern ... 53 j do 2d pref
Che. A; Ohio..-.".. tfjU.Wis. Central
Chi. Gr. Western. lllviP. C. Cr it 'St. L... 52
C, B. & Q 127vhlThlrd Avenue ,.,.H0
Cht. Jnd.v& L,.... 21 j UXPatESS CO.'S.
do pref ........ 54 (Adams .,, 110U
Chi. & Ecfct. Ill,, Udlal American ,., 157Vi
Chicago &"N. W..100 jUnlted' States .... 40
C. It L & Pac...l0f'iiWeHs-Fargo 12f ,
C C, C. & 8U L. iYM MlfiCKtLANlaOUti.
Colo. Southern ... SiilAmer, Cotton Oil.. 35
do 1st pref..,.. 3SM)j- -da pref ,lM.,... 01.
do 2d prci....... 15 Ainer. Malting .... 5U
Del. & Hudf on... .112V4, do pref 2o3
Del., Lack. & W..175 Amer. SmclU & R. -41V4
Dener & Rio Or, 20 Hr do, pref .-...,.. 01
do'pref 70H!Amer. Spirits 1
Erie , 11- do pref ,.,...,.. 17
do 1st pref,-.... ."ri-v Ataen -SteeL HootK "22
Gr. North, prat. .183 -, do pref 4'.
Hojklng Coal ..
Hocking Valley
Illinois Central .
10 Amcr. Steel 4 W. 34
, 534 do prof ,,,, 75
llu. Amer. Tin Plate... 324
IOwajCentral ...... ID
do pref,...., 41
Lake prtf & W..t 35B
jflo pref ... ,.:..,. h2
'..'. SSC dfl-nref-.7.' ruin
& wet r.lQl&Apacond'ifln- Co, 45
Lake Shore 210 Brooklyn .R. rT.,U. Cl
Louie, h Nah,,.. 75 Cplo, Fuel & Iron. 38l-j
Ifanhattan El ,.. 1V410or.C Tobacco- 28
Met. St. Ry ,.1S0U -do pref .1 80
Mex. Central lliEWeral Sttel ...,rt:iHi
Mian. & $u Louis 58', do prof .,',.,,... OS
do pref ,. OSHGen. Electric ,...,i4S!4
Missouri. Pacino .. 53i (Glucose Sugar .... Odw
Mobile & Ohio.... 30 I 0 pref ,. DtlVj
M., Iv '& T....., in'flirnt Paper;., .:. .r20V
do pref ". .12' 1 do praf . 004i
New Jersey Cent.13.mLa cieda Ga,.,... COV
New York Cent.,.132 National Biscuit .. SJa
Nprfolk & We?t. S'HbI do pref 00
00 prer .. ..'... -10 jational Lead .... lai
Northern Pacific. 56:
do prer 94
do pref T21
National" Steal ,...28
Ontario & Wept 21'
do prer ,,,, 87
N Y. Air Brake.. 122
O. R. & N
do pref ...,
Pleading ....
do 1st nref
I North American .- 15U
.3 ITlil -do 1st pref..,.,. 84
t. 58.2l dD 2d pref.,.,... Ufl
do-2d pref,...?. 23
Rio Gr, Western. 50
People's Gas' ."'.". 0.1
do oref 00 Pressed Steel Car. 42
St. Louis & S. P. 11 "do pref 70$
do 1st pref...... 6GU Pullman Pal, Car. 188
do 2d pref 371 Stand. Hopo &'T.. 5U
St. Loul S. W.... 14Mfi?ugar 122K
do pref 32VTi do pre? lie
.St. Paul .-llS-JilTenn, Coal & Iron. 50
do pref ...172 iU. S. Latber nat
Rt. Paql & O.V....H2 L do pref 70
Southern PacWc. SSVuir;. -g Rubber..,.. 32
Southern Ry 12 do pref ......... 05
do pref ,. B0KI Western Union ... 80V1
Texas & Pacific... 10JRenubllc Iron & S. 13Uj
Union Pacific ..;. 01, do pref 50
arongy, -ExchnnKC, Etc.
PAN ITJtANCI&CO. Oct. 20. Sterling on
London, 0 days, H S5; sl-ht, $4 82 Drafts
Sight, 3c; telegraph, 7c Slexlcan dol
lars, 50(olc.
NEW TORTC. Oct SO. Money on
2V:f?4 per cent;last loans, 3; prime
cantlle paper. -56. Sterling exchnnge,
Arm. with actual business ln bankers'
bills at U 83(?4 demand, and at ?4 f0
gi S4 for 60 days; posted rates, $4 Sit?
4 81 and $4 S44 85; commercial bills,
54 794 80; silver certificates, 6454Sc
Mexican dollars, 50c
Bonds-Government, steady; state, In
active; railroad. Irregular.
LONDON, Oct 20. Consols', 9S; money
2 per cent. - '
- Stocks la London.
LONDON, Oct 30. AichlFon. 33; Cana
dian P.acjfic pfd, 78;Nocthem Pacific pfd,
75; Grand Trunk, G5i; Anaconda, 9.
Foreipi Financial ?jeivji
' NEW YORK, Oct 30. The Commercial.
Advertiser's London -financial cablegram
The markets here- were -exceedingly
quiet and dull today. Influenced by the
tightening money market The American
department was uninteresting. New
York's lack of support discouraged all
speculation. Money woa very firm.
, .
Pxicea for Cereals in European and
AmcMosn Ports.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 30. Wheat fu
tures Arm, spot wheat strong; barley
quiet; oats strong, fipot quotations were;
Wheat Shipping, No. 1, 95c; choice, 95c:
milling. 97&c?101H.
Barley Feed, 7072&c; brewing, 79&S)
Sliic : ?
Oats Black, for seed U 22&1 30; red,
51 27iil 55. . - .'
Call-board sales: ,
Wheat Firm: December. SSMci Mav
fl 05H; cash, 85c.
Rariey No sales.
Corn Large yellow. U 22.
Clt I en rto Grain and. Prodace.
CHICAGO, Oct 30. Wheat started easy,
December c to c lower at 73V4o to
73c, because Liverpool showed only a "dis
appointing" response lo the lc advance
hero yesterday. This attitude-on the part
of the Britons aroused apprehension, to
gether with the receipt of" information
authentically contradicting the Argentine
news, which influenced the local marker
yesterday. On the other hand, there was
wet' weather, and an official crop estimate
making the Russian prospects for a wheat
crop 48.000,009 Bushels less than last year.
This nws was. Of sufficient wreigut to
causw a good- demand for the offerings-at
the opening, and December rallied sharply
to 73y;735ac. Oa proflt-tafiln, a decline
to 73ctf allowed tws.'buf later chnlrnS
tory reports, one of them credited, id
Bropmhall, were received and another
Tally took pace, December climbing to
T3o, at which the market closed, c
over yesterday.
Corn was dull. but .firm.- December
closed unchanged at 34c.
Local celling was againaj; the price3 in
OBts, although ther news was, buH"sh.
Trade was dull and llgfit. December
closed a- shade lower Jit 21c.
Provision 'were- helped- by a good cash
'demand, and although the market opened
easier on liberal hog receipts, AH advance
followed. January ,pork closed 19c ovnr
yesterday, an.d lard and rlba each 3c
higher. " l
The heading' futures range'.as fo'lbws:
'wHEJAT. " r
? Opening Hlpheit. Lowest. Close.
October .... ?0 72 ?0 12 ?0 72V&- ?0 724
NOrembeK... 722 72w 724 - 72
December ..: -73 i73 72Tfr 7S
,October .,
.... ' 3055? 37" '-80
...' 35' -50 35
34 i
?Ji . ??t
October .,.-....
Novomber ', .
Uecember . . .
May '.....-...
iJotpber .,'.,.
November . ,
January ..;.'.
17 00
10 75
.10 80. 30 80i 10 75
ill 15 11 30 11 00,
October '.'.:?.. '7 10' "7l0 "
Noember ...T05 7 10 ,
December ,.,.5 0 87
January ....... 6 07S J 77J.
October ...... . .,
Noember ....0 17 v 6 17HT
January 5 021i 0 00
7 03
7 07
. 705
1 0 85
0 70
.... 0 70
615 &-,;,ei5
daah auotatlons'"wore h.s follow:
JTlou-UnchangeU ' " r . 4
Wheat No, 3 Spring, 6673c; No. 2 rel,
75510." ' '' ' ' -
Corn No. 2, 37W37c; No." 2 yellow,
37y4c. . "'-' -; '
Oat-Np. X 22c: 'No. 2 white, I5Vg6;
No. 3 white. 23H25&c. . ,
Barley Good feeafiig,37c; fair to chel e
malting, 47co5Cc. , '
FJarcseed No. 1, a$l i$tf81 73; Nort -"
western, 51 74gl'74. ' '
..TJmpthy .sced-r-Prljne, i 254 ?0fr . 4 '
JJess pork Per barrel, $11 0.
Lard Per lOO'jjounds, WLbl 11 aU
Short ribs Sides. looSe, G 706'"9).
Shoulders Dry-salted, boxed, $ 0 6 5
VSldea Short, rclear, boxed, H 7506 .a
Cloyer Contract grade, ?10 WCglOZJ.
On the "Produce ibxohange today 'the
butter market was quiet; creamsry, 151
1 22c; dairy.. 1318q.
Cheese Dull; lOUOUiic. .
Eggs Slteady;. fresh, 17C, ,( t
Flour, barrels ,.. , 37.0uO 25,000
Wheat, bushels 27,000 '3$0,000
Corn. busHfila ,....-,..,, ,..4ii3opo
Oats, bushols r... SD1.000
Rye, bushels 7,000
Barley, buah.els .....203,000
"VrvTYorlc Grnin and Produce..
NEW TORK, OcL 30.-Flour Rccelp's
32,914 barrels; export?, S3,j4 bar, els.
Market slow.'
Wheat 'Receipts, 30.J55 bushojs; exooyts,
44,149 bushels. Spot Ann; No,4? red, 78c
f. o. b.; 76c elevator," 1
Options opened easier through, diap
polnting cables. Selling" for hgthQccnts
cbntlhfiexj through th af terWori., u'nt I
near, the m close, whpn ehortsb'c m"!
alarmed and caused decided upturn in
prloes. Closed Arm at Tcnet advance.
Marfch closed 82Vsc; Zfny,"g2c; OobbeT.
77c; December, TTc. ' K,
Wool Dull'. - '
Hops Quiet. ' ' :
" i
, Enroppnp Grnin IHnrlsotj '
LONDON, Oct. CO. Weat Cargp.esj; ,bn
passage rathep. firmer i cargoes, Kg." 1
standard California", T 20s. fd;. cargoo ,
.WallWalUiv0a.2d, r , r Jr," .
LnbSRPjQOLT (Btv."'3Q Wheat-3t m;
No. 1 standard- California, Cs- 53 1 heat
ln Paris, dull; flour In . Paris, iveakir;
.weathpr jixnglapd qa.m.p. . , -
Wheat Spot steady Np.. 2 red ,W3teEn
WJnten steady, 6s 4d; No 1 1 Nortli jnc
Spring steady 0s 3dX Jo.,1 Californa
steady, 3s 4d. Futures .quiets December,
5s Ud; February, 6 pd- -. . ,.
Oorn Spot d,uU; American mixed, new,
4s 2kd. Futures quletj Novemher,; 3?
Ud,; December, 3s UHdi 'JoJlUOry, 3i
Ayn liable Grnn Spppjy,
NDW YORfc, Dct. SO. Special-cabla'ard
telegraphic communicatjems to Er:d
street's show the fpllowirig changes 1
the aYPMbjG supplies fron last Recount;.
Wheat, United Stafe find CJinada, eusf
of the' Rockies, increased 2.197.COD hushed;
afloa Tor' ahd in Euro'pe,' decreased 40),0 Q
bushels. Total supply increased 1.79TQO
bushels. t "
'-Corn, United States and Canada: east
of the Rockies, decreased 202.C00 but hels.
Oats,' United States and Canada, i aat
of the Rockies, increased 5?6 000 bushels.
"The combined 73tock of wheat at Prrt
lahd. Or,; Tacoma, Wash'., and Seattle,
Wash., decreased 109,000 bushels lat
week. .
BAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 30. Wool
Spring, Nevada. Ilpl3c; Eastern Oregon,
1014o; Valley, Oregqn, 15(gl7c. ,Fall.
mountain lambs, 9S10c; San Joaquin
plains. 68c; Humboldt and Mendocino,
"Hops 1900 crop, 1316c,
Hay Wheat, $913 50; wheat and oats.
$912 50; best barley, .$9 50; alfalfa." fl
8 50; compressed wheat, $9(513 per ton;
straw, 30JJ42lvc per bale.
MlllRtuffsr-CddHneR. SIR WVSIIQ on- hmn
Hi 5005 00 per ton. " ' , . '
potatoes itiver' uuruanics, 2550c;
swoet, new. 50c($si per . cental ; Salinas
Burbanks, 90c51 15; , Oregon .Burbanks,
70S5c. . . ,
Vegetables Green p"eas, lV55f2c per
pound; tomatoes, 25C0c a box; asparagus.
ac!Q-s du; cucumuers, vaovc.
Butter Fancj' creamery, 2424o; ao
seconds, 2223c; fancy dairy, 2222ot
ao seconds, lS21o.
Citrus fruit Mexican limes, $44 CO;
common California cmons, $1 252 25;
choice, $2 2502 50; navel oranges, $3 00
4 50. per box,, pineapples. $23 fper dpaen.
Cheese California.! flats, 10J0c per
ppundj Young America, ,10&llc; East
ern, 1415o. ,
Green fruit Apples, choice, $1,25 per
box; common, 35a per. box. .
Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, ,14lCq;' do
hens, K(J16c per pound; old roosters, '3 Bo
l ner dozen: youne: roosters S3 sottd'
small" broilers, $22 50; .large do, ?33 50;
fryers, $33 50; ' hens, S3 505 per dozep;
old 'ducks, J34; 'geese, ?1 '251 50 per pair.
Bananas $12 50 "per bunch.
Eggs Store. 2530c; fancy ranch, 42&c;
Eastern, 2325ic.
Receipts Flour, "500 quarter ' socks;
Washington, S222; wheat, CT57 centals; bar
ley, 3S55 centals;' oats,, 590 centals; beans,
12,3(33 sacks;' pbtfitoS, 4522 'Sacks; bran,
Washington, 3i00 sacks: hay, 200 bales;
wool, 12 bales; hides, 1245.
CHiOAGO, Oct 30. Cattle Receipts,
4000, including 1000 Westerns and 800 Tex.-
ans; generally steady; good -to prime
steers, ?5 506 00; poor to medium, $4 40
5 40; selected feeders, ?3 54 50; mixed
stockcrs, ?2 75S 25; - cows, $2 G54 10;
heifers, ?2 604 65; canners.: -$1 502 60;
bulls, J2 504 50; Texas-fed steers, i 00
4 85; grass steers, $3 2&g,4 10; btills, $2 50
3 25.
Hogs Receipts today, 29,000; tomorrow,
83,000; left over, 3500; 2&c to Ec lower;
good to choice heavy, $4 G54 SO: Tough
heavy; ?4 404-50: light, 4 354 E5; rbulk
of sales, $4 604 JO.
"Sheep Receipts, 16.000; sheep and lambs,
steady, to a .shade "lower, and active;
good to choice wethers, $3 85g 10; fair to
choice mixed, ?3 358 90; Western sheep,
?3 754 10v Texas- sheep; 52 203 50; native
lambs, $4 25(.55;. Western lambs, -$4-75
B20. -: . -
"-05TABA, Oct. -CaUlc-Recelpts, (SO)
downing, tlobK
Chf caqo Board "pf Tfade
NewtVork StockvExchanae
Roqm4,' Ground "Roor - -rramberof Commerce
- t r f - . BOTH'OPEIjEPJIO'NES '-'
head. Market 'strphg; -native "beef -steers
54 25o 65; Texas steers, 54 00; cows ,and.
heifer '$3: 203 40J qanncrs, f3 754 JLO;
sto0ke.ra and feeders, 13 2004 C0v calves,
?3 006 OOi bulls and stags, 53 25$4.
Hogs Receipts. ToW, head." Market;
shade; heavy. 54 404 55; mixed
?4 S034 52; light, ?4 474 55; bulk of sales.
U 504 52
Bjieep Receipts, 84C0." Market, steady
'tp .strong; Xair to cholcS"Westerns, 53 40
3'70; common and choice 'sheep, 53 50g
3,70; lhrab'sr 54)4"-. ' ' ,'','' ' """
KANSAS CITY,Och. 30.-Cattle-Jle-"e'eints,
12,000 Market, ,steady; Texas
steers, 53 S54 S5; Texas cows, 51 BOSS '40;
native steers, 54 455 EQ;.natlve cows and
"heifers, 51 S54 35: stockers and feeders,
53 00V4 25; bulls, 52 453 50, ,tJ
.Hogsrlecelpts.Cu.boO., Market. theRTfyl
weak; bulk; of sales, ?4 554C2; heavy,"
54 504 62; packers, 54 5004 62; mfxqd,
'54 654 60: lights, 54 401 65; yorkers, '54 60
jj4.65; pgs, 54 00g!4 62. ; ' l .
Sheop-rrRfecelpts, 3000. "'"Market, steady;
lambs, ?3g)5 00; muttons, -52 504 00.
Boston Wool Market.
BOSTON, Oct- 30, The wooT market
took oit new" life during I5ie past week
and the sales show a llbefil Increase
over the ruling business of tho"past few
months. There haa been a. .numbers p
large sales at rullngv pftceg,- and sellers
are looking for an advance- a sOon ai the
elecMon is over. The market for foreign
wools 1 quiet." Quotations '. V - ."
Territory wools, scoured basis, Montana
and AVyominp fine medium and fine, 17
18c: scoured. 47?Sc: ilanle. 50cr fine, me
dium and fine. 16ltc; scoured, 47gp4ScH
staple, ouc. tuano iinenjcuiura ana iipe,
151()c; scoured, 474'Fc: staple, Oc.
Australian wool?, 'scoured baslSf pot
prices, combing superfine, nominal, 73
75c; good, 6570c; ave'rag, 6267cf
Cotton Crop in, Rnssia.
ST. PETERSBURG, Oct 30.-Offlclal re
ports show that tpe area of cotton, culti
vation in .Russlani'Central Asla has im
oreasea au per cent ipis year ,xne crop is
estimated at 7jEOO.0Oir poou",v or" half the
Russian requirements. This result Is. at
tributed to' the. Increafco fnitiiq raw cotton-
import auty introduced last Winter. Tne--situation
In cotton imtuetrlcs is imprpv
ing, The wholesjilfe-TpricIe ol pottoleup) .nd
petroleum scares have falen sharply re
cently, ' The ?fbvbe Vreraya, tributes
thib to' a, campaign 'of the ' syndlqates,
Whp -nlsh to discourage any compqittxirs
bidding for the petroleum fields recently
dlscoyered in Trans-Caspla.
.. . "
The Metal Mnrkets.- '
NEW YORK, Oct, 30. Under liberal of
ferings and rather unfavorable , Jcea
from abroftd ho local tin jnarv.c de
veloped considerable weakness, plos'lng
weak In tone, at ?27 2527 70 ' Pig lron
warrants were also weak, but" not quotn
bly. lower, at 58 748 75, The rest of the
list was dull and nominally unchanged'.
Lake copper, 516 75tfH7 CO; lead, '54" 37, and
spelter. i Vmi lo. The'tardkors' price for
lead was ?4 0D and for. cdpper 51Q &M, "
Bar silver, 64. " '
' SAN 'FR&NGia2KVOet 8Q.-Bar- ailveri
64. "
LONDON; Oct'. 3oT-S,r silver, 2911-18.
.,." I iT f.n-; .' I ( v
If. t Tli e Cotton Jttari. - j
NETPf YQRK; Oct.--30. Coltton' futures,
wltK n 'ro'lp'-th'eTJDttgnhelt, the local
contingent sola'free'ly o"n'ttie opening1 call,
pausing a- deollno" qTV points Prices
'moved unl215r pqirjtB troin tle, lowest
figure, but "'for the hnoat -part the ' local
tfade"was 'light TheT mnrKet was gen
erally steady a?" a" net riSe-of 17 'points.
Cpffcp and Susrar.
'N32W Yf),Rc'b?,' S0.-OpffeeA5oons
plp'sed Stoady, iq tp is pplns net; higher;
pales," 13.750 bags,. 'including .Decamher,
J7 257?0; March,J 5T6a; JkTaV,' 7,65; Spqt
Rlo, tegfly; July, $7 .Q5; No. 7 inVoJc,'8cj
mild, quiet; Cardoya; ?fil4c, -
Sugar "Raw, easyj fair reflplpffi 4W
centrifugal, j6 tegt, 40 ; refined,, qujet".
' - ,-, ;-. -. r '
' T pmit city; statistics;
Real Estate Transfers.
Louisa Ha-wthorne Boise and husband
and Catherine Hawthorne Beck to
Walter F. Burrell. ?-7i7 acresv faegin
nlmr at- East Thirtieth street and
Hawthorne ayenue, October 21.,..,,.. r
Hawthorne estate to Walter F. Bur-
rell, 'same, October; J3T... ,..,. SSDO
Annie MoQullRih to Joseph Simon, '
lots a and 2, "blocls'2W, Holladay's
Addition. 'March 10.......'.. .r25O0
Charles F. Engtelroan -et al. to Eliza
beth E. Small, lot 24, block 14, Mount
JTabor .Villa, September D5 125
Sheriff, for, D. Hammond, to M. W. ,
Henderson, left !?, block 12, Mount, .
Tabor Villa, August 23 ......".. . 5
Cornelius O'Brien to Thomas Dobson,
lot 24. "block 18. Alblna. October '30..' 725
City of Portland to A. Tlchner. lota 7
and 5, block 211, Holladay's Addition, .
October 27 ..w.....r......f v.. 23
The Washington Rational building Sp .
Strahge, lot 1, block 2, North Fair-' ,
lawa. October ., .'.. 450
Rachel Lontsky and husband to James
'Buclf, lot 11 block 56, Sunnyslde,
October 26 w.. ...... 850
Isabella M. A Barnes and hushand to
the Title .Guarantee &,. Trust Co.,
lots 4. 6 and 6, .block 1, Johnson's
Addition? October 23.., , .' 30C0
BamUdl Swanpon to Elisabeth E. pow-
ell. lot 7, block7 24, Woodlawn. Oc- '
tober 6 :.....-.....f.....i ,....s.. 500
Anna B. Thompson to John M..Hod--,
son. lot 5. , block 142, Portland, sub-
Jeot to 42OOQ mortgage. October 29.. 3100
John Compton to William Cockburh,
lot?3. block 118, East Portland, Oc
tober 29 K.( , 1
!" Mttrrlnfipe Llccnscjir ,
1 Allan Welch Smith, aged"29, .Baltimore,
Md. and.Alblra, A. Bennett aged 26. - .
Jaoob Staldor, aged 29, and Louise Mes
sersmith, laged 23. -.:
R. E. .Bradbury,, aged- 21, of Clatsap
County, and Zara L .Young, aged 22.
' v ' -. Birthn. ' . ' "' - ,s
Ootober 20, 'a Bby, to the wife of "Robert
A. Adams, 70 Eighth street, northeast
October 2&, a boy, to the -wife 'Of Owen
Jones, corner Sixteenth arid Mill streets.
Contnrlons Dl'seaacs. ,
Frank Bennett's boy, aged 10, diphthe
ria 291 .East, Morrisoji street, ,
' ' 1. ,
Stopn Street-Work.
' The' storm' puts a. stop to all 1 street as
"jvell asmoBt all other outside work. On
East Twenty-eighth street, the improve
ment is nearly completed, there remaining
pome sidowtrtk.8 and leveling north of East
Ankeny, -ere the 'Job can be fin
ished. Already Contractor Wolff hau
moved part of 'his grading outfit lo Sun
hysldo to begjn work on East Taylor
street. He has rented a room on the low
er floor ot the Hunter building, on East
Yamhill 'and East Thirty-fourth streets
t't an office, and also has p'ut up'a large
bio Vltallser, the prescription ot a. famous French physician, will -quickly
oure you of all nervous 'or. diseases of the generative, organs, such as Lout
JIanUood, Insomnia, Palna in the Back, Seminal Esilixlona,
Norvona Debtlitr, PJmle, Unflteiss to Mrrr, Exhanitinx
"Draina; Vnrlcocole and Constipation. It stops all looses by day or
night. Prevents aulckness of discharco. which If not cheoked leads to .Sper
matorrhoea and nil tho hprrors Of tmpotency. CUPIDENE clransos th
liver, tho kidneys and the urinary organs of all Impurities. CUPIDESE strengthens and ro
utores small weak oryaas.
The reason sufferers aro not cured hr Doctors' is. becauie 00 per cent an troubled with
proataii. CUPIDENE Jhe' only known remedy to cur without an operation. 6000 testi
monials, -Jl written euarantee, clven and tnonejr returned it 0 bests does not effect & Pf
taanent. euro. ?1 06 a bad, 6'for $5.00. by- mall'. 8end for FREE circular and testimonial
. A4lirVBA.VpL-MKpiCIK CO..A Bo 808. -SanFraaciic. XSiL
Ter Mio by. AKlriflU PbftreMWiv ilxtn tm wwhtoffton etettu, PertlRixd, oi
ins & Co.
shed on East Taylor street for the horses,
the Intention being to 'commence on East
T"aylor assoon as possible. QnSchuyJcr
street, which Is. being Improved between
East First to East .Twenty-first,, .except
three b)oaks which have been improved,
wqrk has-been In progress. This improve
ment Is the -most extensive under way on
the. East Side. -In Uppor Alblna; Hancock,
Tillamook. San Rafael, Eugene and Sacra
mento streets' and Rodney; avenue are be
ing improved, and most of the work finished.-
The big roller was in U30 when
the- rain caused everything "to .stop. A
week, of gop'd, -weather and"- all thebe
streets. will4 be finished. With the several
contracts let and other to be- let street
Improvements on,tho East Side ,wlll likely
continue through the Winter" whenever
the weather will permit,
Job Pollack. St-Louts'
P Clarlc & w, Spokani
Geo C Donlfaco, Jr
Helen Balrd I
land: N T. City
Dr J J tHlcsrlna. do
Miss Hon. Brooklyn
Miss Well?, N X
Miss Croasby. K X
Dorothy Armstrong
iGeo "W Dyohe. Boston
Jy P Stlrk, San 'Fran IP 17 Dooley, Boston
W R Moore. NY A L Oppenhelmor.Mlnn
P Baleer. San Tran I Elmer Ellsworth. St Jo
"Vm Jacobs, Sflp FianOscr J Katz, Rocheslr
A, 3X Somcrfleld. Bostn
K Oskazakl. Toklo,
juuus sieei. tian i?r
Tieo W Gravson.Seattlel
Charlea D.Shenard. ilo
F Q H Bowker. Van
F r" Boyd, San Fran
H Harris. San Fran
A L MoEwon. San Fr
Leslie S Cocrclns. do
couver, B Q
AJrs -Bow ker. do
i C F BenR&mnn. PIttBbs
MtLptUiHlll,vRed- (Frank D Botcr. San Fr
aing. v-m - jueo u amitn, son ax
'Mrs J J C Hosklns, IE 13 Bnrthrop. Seattlp
.'USA ' INT Caylfj- & wife.
MUa Jean Hosklna, do I Rlveraldc. Cal
Adeline M Pearso
T., Flent. AVabaih
Geo'Plxley. ?J -T
Cftpt Rohcrtson, Seattla
Misses Cenlth & Bell
Robertson, Seattle
Miss Llszle Campbell.
Dr Jas J Mqrphy, US
?S atnnndar
F O Downing, city
Wm C Schickel, N Y
S D Barkalow. Omaha
N D Piatt & wf, S F
fi-.Ji- jTc "TT W -Utv.. I
( Colunibin "River Scenery,
IRcspSlator Line steamers, from Oak
strctiUdock. 'dally, except Sunday 7 o'clock
,A. Mr The Dnllen, Hood River, Cn
,cudjLLockK andireturnr Cqll on, or 'fon
agent tor 'further Information.
1t M Humphrey, dllp-
XWaterhouas. Gearhn
LE Mayhall, Taoqmr
Mrs M M Humphrey,"
Slippery Rock, Pa
Aus A Hailing, Ante
lope, Wash
W-Varlda. Astoria
Mrs WVarlda, Astoria
Miss VarJda, Astoria
A S Bomey, Hood Rlv
Mi. U LUUU), X3U15G
Jjew McNalr, Boise
Chas lrlce, San Frar
Mrs Clias Price, do
M J Parons, Denver
John Rasem. Seattle
Mrs A E Guthrie, do
G .Tones. Hoppner
(Master H Quthrlo. dc
Frart Williams, Oregonl J Barlow, Oakland. Cal
G WUl'Rms, do VJ J McNalr, Seattle
ennie itaymonq, .ao iw H Boas, forest Grv
P D Gilbert, city
H C Walker, N Y City
Geo J Main. Hornbrk
C W Irvine. Jndp, Or
M O Collins, do
R Johnson. do
Frank Gibson, Rlck
. reall, Or
Mrs A Humlson, Am
I lty. Or
TI103 B Kay, Salem
iRobf B Porter, Forest
. Claudo Laurey, Ante- f Grove
IC G Branch, St Joseph
4ii m', nqn i- rancisco v j itougers, stem-
H S TV'llson, Oakland,
phis. Tenn
F A Morath. St Fatil
A B Conley. Covs. Or
V? H Kearney, Spokan
Chas Butler, Pt Towndl
P R GallaRher. S F
Franlt Rogers. Henpar
iv i-s iiobp, uoyo, ur
I'oas Evans. Hlllsborol Fred Tlsher. Dalles
Eda Flshor. Dalles- ' Mrs Fred Fisher, do
J Kloln, Pendleton (Mis M-irshall, IvtGrrid
Gus PIcrsop do D A.HamlltQniHoppner
Henry Bowman, Bakerf John, A Epner, Seattfo
vClty ' "O W Neuman! Monte-
Joel White, da
- Sano. Wsh
F M Lucas, Salt Lake
J C Lucas, Pendleton i
J E 'Crocker, city
M McDonald, Silem
ES Soaldini?. Paris
Miss Rpaillns. Paris
R P Spaldlnp. Paris
H T Bruce, Salem
Mrs John H Wrlpht, St
W J Thompson, Grange-
vllle, Idaho
J P Tairloslf. Hlllsboro
IA J AndaFSon. Dalles
John V Morelock, EI-
5U1. w
F C Grlflln, Seattle- .
Airs . r uruce, ao
Mrs Chas Rors, As- lMra F C Orlffln, do
4nrfa - - 1 - - . - '
'C. W. 'ivnowles, "ManageF. "
Frank B Mas, Clncln
B FClark, Mlnnpls
Mrs ClKrk, Mlnnpls
M Keith MlnnoDqlls
A. M Pierce, do
Gus Riley, dp
M L Hedkert, " uo
.Tohn S Mitchell. S F
IMrs Hugh Logan, The
Miss M LLay, Dalles
H W Barr. Falem
IMrs Barr Salem
John B Ahton. Chgo
S A Clark-, Salem
IG Sieb61d. St Louis
C G Hlckok. San Fran
V S Simpson, CanyonC
B-S Barher, St Paul
Mrs Barber. St Paul
Mrs stmp?pn, T do
Muss Smpson, ' do
Homer Smith. do
IMrs B Brlco. Salt Fr
ueo xiavis, ufiicago
W H Conser. cltv
Warner Cable. BakerC
W B Lawlar, city
C S Cole, St Paul
L K Adams, Salem
T K Adams, Forest Gr
C Schmidt, Astoria
Grant Voster, Catlln,
h it vpn. Cincinnati
n D Lackev. Astoria
j S Lackey, Astoria
Mrs iackej', Astoria
B.Touisr, Astoria.
Clara, W Youn&Astorla
Mrs Foster, do
miss a wntson, (10
C H Moore. StevensonJoseph Ottenhauben-'
Mrs C H Moore, do i ffrnbenstelncrsbauh
J M Stevenson, CascdS tnblcker, Hot Sprngs
Hotel BrunTricJ. Seattle, " -
European; nrst-elnss. Ratoi, 75c and dp.
Dno bloak from depot. Restaurant next
door. t
Tncomn Hotel. Tncomn.
American plan. Rates, $3 and up.
Dbnnelly Hotel, Taeoma
European plop. "'Rates. 50c and up.
Orfclonl and Unlr Genuine.
SAFE. llirTirllhU J.ft(Ho;lcI'ra:fln
In REP anl Gold mtUIUs boifr Ml4
wtlk blua rlUwu. Tiikc mo other. JIcFhuo
Pan(jt.ron SnVllltion ahd Imlta
tiiinn. BJ of Tr Dratgl't. or xnA 4r. la
unpi tar Pnrtlrtilitrm Teilmnlnl
aid nnf far TlsUBa.nn ro-
tnm.Moll. 1 0,000 TKllmoaUH. BMlbr
I Procit. Ohlrhcitcr CheralenllJo.,
AttotlJn this papr Madison hqnurr. I'JilLA., tA.
No Cure
No Pay '
way to perfect manhood. The VACUUM
JJiEATMNT CURES you Aylthout mJlclnt Ut
all nervous or diseases zi the generative or
cans, such as lost manhood, exhaustive drains,
varicocele, lmpotoncy. tc. Men are quickly re
stored ito perfect health and strrngth. , AN ?lt
for circulars. Correspondence lonndentUt.
Frvfi Drpoult bulldlnffj flrattle, Wnnh.
.Hon Kone, vto. Yokohama and Kobe. Duo
at Portland as follows:
S& SKARPSNQ .' t..Oct. 23
SB. MONMOUTHSHIRE .'. . . Nov. 3
8B. MILOS ' Dec. 28
For freight or passaga apply to
I j. Stevens & Co Jog.
C-810 Columblah bldjr . Third and Oak. sts.
BAILEY GAT35ERT (AWor-streot Dock)
Leaves Portland dally rvery mgrnlns ot 1
o oock. except Sunday. Re'turnlns. leaves As
torla every night at 7 'o'clock except Sunday.
"v-nn pTiom- Main Sfit. CoturJhln phnnr UU
l ? E
X" ' U
I ii
VoMif9. iVi?
Union Depot, Sixth aud J Street.
Leaves for the East, via Huatlnston, at,0:00
A. M.r arrives at 4:30 P. M.
For Spokane.- Eastern Washington, and Great
Northern points, leaves at OP. M.; arrives a;
7 A. M. . .
Leaves ior the East, via Huntlncion at.T0;00
P. M.; arrives at S:40 A. M. ,.
Water lines -schedule subject to change .with,
out notice. ' ' .
uCEAN DIVISION From Portland Jea'e
Alnsworth Dock at 8 P. ML ; sail overy & days:
Oeq W, Eldt;r. Saturday. Nov. 3; Tuesday,,
Nov. 13 $t1.. Nov Zi; Mon., Dec. 3. Colum
bia, Mon., Oct. M; Thurs;, No-. 4; Sun.. Nov.
IB; Wed., Nov. X&-, Sat., Dec 8.
From San Francisco 8a,ll every 5 days.
Leave Spjar-3treet Pier 24 at 11 A. M.: Uo.
V. Elder, Tuea., Oct. 30; Frl., Nov. ,0; Mon.,
Nov. 10; Thurs.. N6v. 20: Sun.. T3ec. 0. Co
lumbia, Sun.. Nov. 4; Wed.. Nov. 14; Sat.,
Nov. 24; Tues.. Dec. 4; Frl. .. Dec. 14.. , ,, j
Steamer Hassnlo leavna Portland, dally, ex
cept Sunday, at S.OO P. M.; on Saturday j,t
10:00 P. M. Roturnlmr. leaves Aatorla dally,
except Sunday, at 7:00 A. iL
Steamer Mfcaoc. for Salem-and way points,
leaves frpm Ash-street Dock at G A. M. on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Return
ing, leaves Salem at 0 A. M. on Tuesdays,
Thursday a and Saturdays. lV
Steamer Ruth, for Oregon City, ButtevlU.
Champoesr, Dayton and way landings, leaves
Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
at 7:00 A. M. Loaves Dayton for Portland
und way points Mondays. Wednesdays! rand
Fridays at 0.00 A. M.
Steamer Spokane or Btcamer Lewtaton leaves
Rlparla dally at 3:40 A. M., arrlvlnc aX Low
lston about 3 P.. M. Returnins, the Spokane or
Lowlston leaves Lewlston dally at 7 , M.. ar
rtvlne at Rlparia same evenlna.
General Fassenser Aceftt.
V. A. SCHILLINGClty Ticket Agent.
Telephone Main 712. 80 Third St.; cor. Oak.
For rates, accommodations, etc., apply to
I . ,Aents. Portland, Or.
"nepot Fifth and I APlv,
. JHKVIil,
for Salem. Roae
bnrff, Asblaijd. Snc
ramenlo, . Ogden.
San Francisco, Mc-.
Jave, Los Angele.
EI Psko. Nw Or
leans and the Ease.
At Woedburn
(dally except Suri
ds), morplng train
'connects with train
for Mr. Anjrel. SI1
vtrton. Erowm-
vller Sprhffifjq;
nd Natron. an4
erenlng train for
ML Angtl and 311
vertop. Albany pasaenger
Corvsllls passeneer
S:30 P. M.
tS;30 A. M.
7:4S A. M.
?G:3Q P. M.
I;M P. M.
(17:30 A. M.
I!4;50 P. M.
10:10 A. M.
(5:50 Pi 21.
H8 :25 A.M.
'Pall. Laily except Sunday.
Rebato tickets on rale between Portland. Sac
ramento and San Francisco, Net rates $17 flnt
clash ana) $11 second class, n?tudlnj; slerper.
Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu
AUSTRALIA.. Can be obtained fronf J. B.
KIRKLAND, Ticket Agsn. 140 Third street.
Paesonper Depot, foot of Jefferson street.
Leave for Oswego dally at 7:20, 9:40 A. M.:
12:30. l:C5, 3.23. 440. 0:25. 8.30. 11.-J0 P. M.;
and 0;00 A. M. on Sundays only. Arrive, at
Portland dally at G.S5, 8:30 10 00 A. M.:
1:33. 8:10, 4:30. 0:15. 7:40. 10-00 P. M.rl2:4o
A. M. dally, except Monday. 8:2a and 10:03 A.
M. on Sundays only.
Leave for -Dallas datty, except Sunday, at
5'05 P. M. Arrive at Portland at. 0.30 A. M.
Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlle Men
days. Wednesdays ond Frldas at 2-45. P. M.
Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Snturdajs.
Except Supday.
Gen. Frt. & Pass. Ast.
Omaha, Kansas City and Chicago.
Only Four Days;
To New York, Boston, Philadelphia
and Washington.
Palace Sleepers, Tourist Sleepers, Dlnlnjr Cars,
Library Cars Free Rccllnlng-Chalr Cars.
Steam Heat, Pthtsch LIcht, Fast Time. v
Union Depots. Baggage checked to "destination.
15 Third Street Portland, Oregon
Gen'l Azent.
City Pass. & Tkt. Agt.
Altona and Pomooa
Dally (ex. SUnday for Independence-," Salera
and all -way landings. Leavo Portland- 8:43-vA.
M.; leave Salem 7 ,AwJI.; Jtpdepen.dj5acfc ft
A. M. Office and dock, foot Taylor st
lf SUM3ET -Tl
The Yellowstone Park and
Pioneer Dinlng-Car Route
L'n.'o.T Df ?3t, Gtij3 J J Sis
L0-Sr' Ovcrisud Express for
l:4P.M..Sth Bcndbdeen,
. fc .Hiulaiu, Csmopolls;
Olympla. Taeoma Se
attle. North. Yiklma,
S119, Spokanop
. . PullmaAloscqw. Law.
Is to-n. Grangovllte,
RossTand, B."C. BUtfe.
nilllngs, inxrgoy - 3ti
r Paul, Minneapolis. Chi-
cao, Boston, Wash-
In.fnn TV ( ATa
9 Ak
h Tork, ' and' all point
7 east and southeast!
No. 4 KannsClty-St. Louji
Hl30 P. M.; Special for Taeoma. Se-
i attle, North- Xaklroa.
. Rjtzvllle, SpoKare.
a Rossland. Lewlsloii,
No. S
8t00 P.v3JL
HQletia Butte, BlHhiss;
Dcadwoou, TJDenver,.
Omaha, St. Joseph.
Kansas City. St. Louis,
Chicago, Wttahinstbn,
Baltimore. New lork.
. Boatpn. -and all point
, east ai,n s,9UjJ5eaaj
jBaggag oKecked to pectination of tickets.
Union Depot connections in all principal cities.
Through car service vht" Northern Paclflc
Burllnston Route, train No. 4. for Omaha, St.
Josoph, Kansas City, St, Lquls. Quick tlma
and unequal-d accommodations. The only lln
running Pullman standard and Pullman up
holiterett tourist sleepers, tho finest la tljo
wqrldv .Portland to Minneapolis, and St. Paul
without change.
For any additional information, tickets,
sleepmfM'ar reservations, mapo of routes, otc.,
call on or write to
Anaisrtant General Paxscnger A zeal,
SS5-Morrison St., Cor.-Third,
Portland, Oregon.
Our agent
w!3! caO
If It isn't convenient for you to
call at this office, telephone or
write and our agent wilt so to
your house anl give you full In
formation about the Burlington's
pervlce and rates to thd Ease
Only line operating thro' trains
dally, Portland to Kansas City
and St, LquIs. ,pnly one change
to Denver and Omaha.
Cor. Third and Stark Sbu
City Ticket Agont.
For full particulars apply to
H. H. ABBOTT. !Xffent.
' 14rt Third sL. Portlands Of.1,
B. J. COTLEVAa O.-P. A., -
VancouVfr, B. C . .
" 'if
llcitlOUct, 263 Mcrljaa Str'J 'Phaas'S-
r lrjv i'K I Thnjr daily ut a4
, from at. Wl. Mlnxi
? spoils. Dulma. Chleajn
d:no p; it. n.t ii pomr str.
T0 A. M.
Through. Pulsoe and TaurUt.aioev-ers, Duiiaf
nd Uuitft amqklne;-Hhrry Crfc.( T
Tor Japan, Chtn-t and U Aslatio ?olai w!3
, Bexttt
About November 7th
Pacific Coast Stearnsbjp. Co.
THK CdMPANTfS' elegant
Steaitublps Cottage- CItivClty
of Topeka and A1T-.K1 leave
I) P. IX.. Nov. 1. C W.W.
2i, "20; Dec. 1. tt; IX, M, 2J.
2ft, 31 1 Jan. 5. A steamer
every fifth day thereafter.
jrurxner information obtala
company's folder, Tho company reserves the.
tight to change steamers, sailing; dates and
hours of salluigv without previous notice.
.AGENTS If. POSTON, 24t Waffhlnffton ar..
Portland. Or.: V. UVcAttLli'tON. N. P. b. b!
Dock. Taooma. TICKET OFFICE. 018 First
&ve., Seattle. E. W. 3IELSE, Ticket. Aat.:
H. H. LLYD. Funet Sqund Supt... Ocoaa
Dock. Seattle j C. W MILLER. Asst. Puc
Sound. Supt.. Ocean DqcK SeatUst '
tlOODARl. PT3".KJN JL CO . i,'n. Acts.. S.J".
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
XOf iixTTtn. iUIalcr.
ClaUltani. TVtport
Cllftoa; AitorUu. Wan
nrnton. FUTel. Ham.
mond. Tort 3tven,
GJirhirt Park. 5ild
Astoria ami Suhor
Allorl Ksprsu. '
. Dally.
9:00 A. If.
tt;55 P. M.
naa-A. it
,tiektofilc. 395. Morrison st. mhH VxtimiitteHt
1. C MAIO. Gts. Vim. Axt.. Astorta, Ca