- BfttWtBBl j Jf rK3"; VOL. XL. 2TO. 12,t3. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER - 30, 1900. PRICE FIVE CENTS. 4 " H Any Sire Any Quantity Any Style MACKINTOSHES, RUBBER AND OIL-CLOTHING Rubber Boots and Shoes, Belting, Packiag and Hese. Lsrgest end most complete assortment o all kinds of Rubber. Goods. Goodyear Rubber Company IN HEART OF CITY R. H. PEASE, President. F. J. SHEPABD. JR.. Treasurer. J. A. SHEPARD, Secretary. 73-75 FIRST ST. PORTLAND, OR. &LUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. Wff OLESALE nd IMPORTING DRUGGISTS, H4M FOURTH STREET SOLE AGENTS bEAU BRUIY1MELL LA LITA CIGARS AND Kodefcs, Cameras and Photo Supplies at whottctle and retail. Distributors for all the feeding proprietary preparation for Oregon, Washington and Idaho. SUMMERS & PRAEL CO. IMPORTERS. WHOLESALE XXU RETAILERS IS ia, Crockery. Glassware LAMP GOODS AND CUTLERY Hotel, Restaurant and Bar Supplies a specialty. XZl THIRD STREET 207 WASHIKGTOK STREET Serious Fire and Explosion in New York. LOSS OF LIFE IS UNKNOWN Tarrant's Establishment the Scene of the Disaster. DESTRUCTION WAS WIDESPREAD Shaw's Pure Malt VI he Condensed Strength asd PMrknent ? -Barley and Re BflfOiaUer & HQCfl, 108 and HI Fourth Street Sola Distributers far Oregoa r Established 1670 Q. P. Incorporated 189ftj Rummelin & Sons, Furriers 126 SECOND ST., near WASHINGTON Fur Nock Scarfs, from $1.00 and upwards. Pur Collarettes, with clutter of talis, $3.25 and upwards. Fur Collarettes, with yokes and cluster of tails, $350 and upwards. Call and see our endless' -variety of Neckwear, In Animal Scarfs, Cluster Boas, Long For iBofts, Storm Collars, etc Fur Jackets Etons Capes Robes and Rugs Oregon Phone Main 4SL ALASKA SEALSKINS OUR SPECIALTY 'Masy PeriM "Were InjHred'.and Largre Xamfecr xArc -fflMi> Other Buildings "Wrecked. fifth and Washington Streoti . ' . PfckTLAND OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN Booms Blnrl TCc to SLC0 per day Flret-ClaoB Checlc Restsuramt Room. -Double 41-00 to $2.00 per day Connected With Hotel. Hooma F-iXiIbr M U-50 to 53.00 per day J.F.DAVJES.Prcs. C. T. BELCHER. Sec and Treas. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATEm. FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND. OREGON American end European Plan. American European plan 51-25. S1.60. JL73 plan SOc. 75c, $1.00 Try heat, scientifically applied, at a temperature of from 200 to 500 degrees. ?F., has cured many sufferers from "Rheumatism. Obesity, Chronic Inflam mation, Lumbago. Sciatica and other diseases. Call and see our apparatuses. JTirst-class service for ladles and gen tlemen. Henry De Vries, professional masseur, 31S-320 Ablngton building. Third street, Portland, Or. Office hours, 9 to 12 A. M.; 1 to 4, 7 to 8 P. M. phone Clay C32. Pianola Music Circulating Library Our Music -ClrculatfiiiK- Xilbrary. now la operation at Portland, gives our custom ers In the Northwest, at a nominal cost, access to the Aeolian Company's full cata logue of Pianola music, Including many thousand pieces, embracing all branches of music from Beethoven symphonies to rag-time selection. It -would cost you at least $100,000 to get the same pieces played by hand, even partially as -well as you can play them yourself by means of a Pianola. Similar libraries have been estab'lshed by the Aeolian Company in New York, Chicago, Cincinnati, London, Paris and oth er large cities, and thousands of our customers have already Joined. These libra ries are the most powerful educational factor in the -whole world of musks today. Write us for explanatory book. M. B. WELLS, Northwest Agent far the Aeaiian Campany Aeolian Hall, 353-355 Washington Street, cor. Park, Portland, Or. 20RT0 RICAN TARIFF. Supreme Court Advanced Delima Case to January 7. WASHINGTON, Oct 29. The Supreme Court today, on motion of John G. Car lisle, advanced and assigned for argu ment January 7 next the case of Ellas S. A. Dellma t aL, plaintiffs In error, vs. George R. BldwelL Collector of Cus toms for the port of .New Tork. The question Involved in the case is that of the right of the United States to col lect duties on Imports from Porto Rico under regulations prepared by the Treas ury Department before the act of Con gress prescribing the rates to be im posed was passed. There are several cases now pending before the courts, at New Tork in which the legality of he act is brought up, and if these are de cided against the complainants, the In tention of the attorneys is to apppeal -them to the Supreme Court, in which event they probably win toe eet tor hearing January 7. Another case before the Supreme Court seeks to prevent by Injunction the col lection of duty on Porto RIcan imports. This Is set for hearing November 12. It is possible this may be delayed until January and all the cases involving the constitutionality of the Porto Rlcan tariff in its several phases heard Together. CARACAS SHAKEN. StecI-PIntes Advance. CLEVELAND. Oct. 29 The price of steel-plates today went from 1.1 cents p-r ;pound to 14 cents by agreement among the manufacturers, who .have recently bees, conferring upon the subject Fifteen Persona Killed, and Dbtay In jured y an BartbLHaXce CARACAS, Venezuela, Oct. 29. At 4:05 P. 3d, today, Caracas was visited by a severe earthquake. .Fifteen persons were killed and many others injured. Great damage was done to buildings, in cluding the Pantheon and the churches. The United States Legation was dam aged, but all the occupants escaped un hurt President Castro, who leaped from a baloony on the second floor of the Gov ernment building, had one of his. legs broken. William D. Haggard had a narrow es cape, the second floor of the British Le gation having fallen upon him and burled him In the debris. Reports from the interior show that the effects of the earthquake were wide spread. The disturbances were felt as far cls the T-cgiort of tho Andes. Colonel Glrard' Denial. ATLANTA, Ga., Oct 29. T. C. Cren- t shaw, chairman of the Georgia Railroad Commission, has received a letter from Lieutenant-Colonel A. C. Glrard, of the United States Army Hospital, at the Presidio, CaL, denying that he repeated the words attributed to him concerning tho death of Captain Frank F. Crenshaw, whom Colonel Glrard was quoted -as hav ing said was addicted to the use of drugs. This statement was attributed to Colonel Glrard in his denial of the charges 'that Captain Crenshaw had been maltreated at the hospital at ,the Presidio, where-he applied for treatment on his return from the Phfllpplnesf NEW YORK, Oct. 39. As the result of. a small fire, seyeral explosions of chem icals occurred in . Tarrant & Co.'s drug store, at Warren and Greenwich streets, today and blew down a dozen buildings and badly damaged a, score of others. The loss of life is not known, but from all sources of Information it is gathered that there are perhaps the bodies of 30 persona In the -ruins, though, because of the hot debris and the slowness of the moving of it, no body had been removed up to mlo nlght Chief Croker, of tho Fire Depart ment,, said tonight that the loss is fully $1,509,000. The buildings destroyed were: Seven-stpry brick and stone structure, occupied by Tarrant & do., wholesale druggists; the F. T. Wltte Hardware Company and Breltenbach & Co., manu facturers of patent medicines. Seven-story brick building, occupied by Eppens, Smith & Weinman Company, coffee-roasting house. Flve""itory brick building, occupied by Locke & Conklln, produce dealers; Doug las & Co., cheese; Kahn, bakers' supplies,- and Hopping & Campfield, broomsticks and broomstraw. Six-story brick, occupied by Aller, dried fruits; Haven' S Drug Store & Spice Com pany; Flake & Co., and Acentlns & Cu neo, frultdealers. Five-story brick, used as a hotel. Five-story brick, occupied by the Morris-Jackson Flag Company and Hart & Co., butter and cheese. Five-story brick, occupied by Shleveley, printers' .materials; O'Keefe & Shleveiy,, printers; Morris Jeokson Flag Company LandJBoorneyutter andLeg-g-s. . irour-story brick, unoccupied; Four-story brick, occupied by1 Bent-nan, produce, and Kornaheens, storage ana screens. Four-story brick, occupied by Ernest, saloon; Hesse & Ohlsbuhls, supplies; Granatto, bananas. Seven-story brjck, occupied by Epplns, Smith & Co., teas and coffees. Five-story brick occupied by Hartman, embossing and stamping, cardbord facto ry; Llfsltch, cigars; Rosenberg, saloon. The work of the flrem&n saved the build ings fronting on Chambers street from to tal destruction, and the fire was halted after It had eaten about 100 feet south ward Into the block below Warren. Thirty-five persons were reported missing, and 100 men, women and children are on the list of the injured. The search for bodies Is going on, and will be continued all night It was 16 minutes after noon that a citi zen rushed into flrehouse No. 16, on Cham bers street, near Greenwich, and shouted that Tarrant's drug-house was on fire. He had seen a volume of black smoke com ing from tho thlrd-Btory windows. An alarm was turned In. Soon afterward, a second and third alarms were turned In. One fire company had just arrived when a terrific explosion occurred, and threw the engine crew down the stairway. The firemen, realizing the danger of their po sition, rushed out of the building to the Btreet Tho explosion had filled the street In front with a shower of falling glass and small debris, which rent the crowd which had gathered on the opposite sidewalks. Engineer Rocksberry and Fireman Brown were injured by falling glass, as was an other fireman belonging to the company. Captain Devanney of the company or dered his crew back into the building again. They were dragging the line to the door way the second time when came an ex plosion more terrific than the first and the whole crew was hurled across Green wich street Devanney was so badly in jured that he was sent to a hospital. In the meantime, the other engines that had responded to the alarm had collected, and the firemen were busy rescuing people from surrounding bulldingB. Firemen haa already taken many girls down the only fire escape upon the building, and more persons had been carried down tho escape of the Home Made Restaurant next door, and the buildings adjoining upon Warren street The Worst Explosion. The second explosion occurred about five minutes after the first From the accounts of witnesses, the building seemed to leap Into the air, and in a moment masses of brick wall; timbers and stone were falling Into the street The force of the explosion tore away the walls of the big commis sion storehouses fronting on Washington street, and caused them to collapse, fall ing all at once In a mass of timber, boxes and barrels, while the flames burst out from the Tarrant building like the belch ing of a cannon. Across Warren street to the opposite buildings the flames leaped setting them afire at once, tho work or the explosion demolishing windows and all wooden structures about the houses. In a moment Warren street was choked with a mass of debris, and the whole place was aflame. The great explosion was followed by half a dozen more scarce ly less Intense, and by a countless number of smaller ones. By this time tho flre apparatus was ar riving from every direction. Deputy Chief Ahearn came about two minutes after the second series of explosions, and he at once ordered a fifth alarm sent out, fol lowed by a general call for ambulances. The explosion and fire together had now assumed the proportions of a great ca tastrophe, and it was though that hun dreds of lives had been lost Throngs of people were running about In. the nearby streets, many of tjiem panlcstrlcken, flee ing from the flre. They mingled in the crowd that was rushing down from Broadway to see what had happened. Half an hour after th,e explosion, the streets for blocks uroundthe flre were crowded with flre apparatus and with a score of ambulances, while hundreds C police were being rushed from all the lower precincts of the4 city to form lines, and many priests from near-by parishes were going hereahd there In the smoke obscured thoroughfares seeking for In jured who might need their .aid. From the burning buildings a column of smoke was rising high in the air, mingled with flames that could not be controlled by hundreds of streams thrown upon them. The second explosion carried destruction in every direction. That ty did not cause wholesale loss of life was due to the fact that almosMW minutes' warning came aft er the first cry of flre, andj fully five min utes occurred between the flrst and minor explosion, which warned every one wltnm hearing, and the second one, , Elevated Station Demolished. Just after the outbreak of flre from the windows of the building, a down-town bound train stopped at the Warren-Street Station of the Ninth Avenue Elevated Railroad. It passed on In time to escape the explosion and the few people who were left on the platform of the station are thought to have all escaped before the great explosl6n came. The station master fled across the structure, carry ing with him the receipts of the day and his unused tickets, while two women who had stopped on the platform to watch tho flre, frightened by the flrst explosion, fled down the downtown tricks in safety. The big explosion completely carried away the stations Immense masses of masonry, pieces of cornice, great beams, window casings, and an indescribable mass of wreckage of every description tumbled suddenly In to the street in front of the building, all at once. The force of the explosion below had thrown the firemen back across the street, so that they were not caught but their escape from the rain of debris across tho street was almost miraculous. " The wreckage was thrown through the windows of the building In which Is the Irving National,. Bank on the northeast corner of the street The offices in the Irving Banlc and of Mecklem Bros., bank ers and brokers, were nearly wrecked. At the flrst explosion an attempt was made to gather alt the money and paper that were lying on the 'counters together and to throw them into the safes and it was supposed that this had 'been done when the second explosion brought flying glass and plastering from the skylighted court down about tho heads of every body and caused them to escape In a hurry. Captain McCluskey of the detec tive bureau, who hurried every available man of his staff ,to the Sire, was appealed to to protect the funds of the bank, he being told that they were in the vault the door of which was supposed to be un locked. When the captain and his men wenjt In, however, he found about $10,000 scattered In confusion over counters and floors. This was hastily thrown into the vault and the doqr was locked. The bank will open for business tomorrow. In Mecklem Bros.' onlqo in the basement thero were H. H. Mecklem, hl3 brother William, and Frank Heckenberry. a boy, Thomas Hackett, a clerk, another man name Bruce, and some girls, among them Ellen Vandeen and Mary Dunklemann. When the fire broke out, 590,000 In money lay upon the counter. Heckenberry was stationed at the door while this was gathered ready for putting in the vault The flrst explosion filled the ,place with , sulphurous smoke that nearly asphyxi ated everybody. The second explosion blew in tiie windows and cut the two Mecklems seriously. The boy and Heck- enbjjrry fount! the ,tnn girls lying., in er neap ralnted away. They carried them to a place qf safety. The others, when they calnfc ,to their senses, gathered the money from the floor, put it in cigar boxes and carried it to safety. Tho other tenants of the building, a number of lawyers and brokers, all escaped Injury. LONDON'S WELCOME A Remarkable Demonstration on Volunteers' Return. A NIGHT OF UNBRIDLED DEBAUCH List of Casualties Among the Multi tude Greater Than That- of the Dorps DHringr the War. LONDON, Oct 29. The City Imperial "Volunteers, who arrived at Southampton from South Africa Saturday on the Brit ish transport Aurania, reached here by there was a short thanksgiving service at the Guild Hall for the civic reception. After an eight hours' march, broken by a sermon at St. Paul's Cathedral, by the Bishop of Stepney, and a speech by Lord Mayor Nersvton at the Guild Hall, the vol unteers sat down to a course dinner at the headquarters of the Ancient and Hon orable Artillery of London, where Lord Wolseley and many other notable persons received and addressed them. After the usual loyal toasts, Lord Wolseley, re sponding to "For the Imperial Forces," read the following telegram he had re ceived from Queen "Victoria: "Please assure the City of London Im perial Volunteers that I heartily share In those feelings of Joy and thankfulness which have been evidenced In the enthu siastic welcome accorded them today. Tell them with what pride and Joy I have received the reports of their soldier-like conduct during the dangers and hardships of a trying campaign. Whilo Joining In the happiness of the many relatives and friends who celebrate the home-coming of their dear ones, I deeply sympathize A BAD TRAIN WRECK - CHARLES M. HAYS. Seven People Killed and As Many Were Injured. . ACCIDENT ON NORTHERN PACIFIC JTBW JPRESXDEWT OF THE SOUTHER PACIFIC, Other Building's Wrecked. The explosion completely demolished windows on Greenwich street on both, sides for three blocks In both directions. Tho street was covered with fine bits of glass. The explosion did not spare the interiors of stores, everything being heaped up in confusion. The explosion tore down the buildings to the west, the walls of those on the Washington-street side being liurled outward to the streets as if a nexplosion had taken place locally instead of away at the Greenwich-street end of the block. It was thought. In deed, that explosions had followed In these buildings, but no cause for them could be found. The Immense buildings of J. H. Mohl mann & Co., fronting on Washington street, simply collapsed, boxes and bar rels rolling out and making a p5e that stretched half way across the street t At tho time of the explosion, blazing barrels were hurled clear across Washington street and set flre to the buildings to the wesf, threatening an extension of the fire in that direction, but the fire men deluged the buildings and saved them. The flrst news of the flre sent out wa3 that the Tarrant building, In Its fall, had crashed down upon two crowded restaur ants and burled 100 or more in each. Sub sequent examination showed that If any persons were caught In these places, it was the kitchen help and very few out siders, If any. patrons of the Home Made restaurant were in tho utmost dan ger, but witnesses say all escaped, and after the flames subsided, a clear view could be got into the dining-room and no bodies could be seen, the place being untouched by flre, though much damaged by the collapse of the restaurant build ing. A man who watched the flre from across the street said that the crowd in the restaurant was evidently warned and swarmed out after tho,flrst explosion, everybody being out when tho second ex plosion came. A restaurant on the south side of Warren street was in as much danger and the building "was totally destroyed by flre, but It was said that the crowd got out of this also. It was thought that the cooks in tho Home-Made Res taurant and some of the guests, who tried to escape by a rear alley, might have been caught Outside of a few who were injured in tho streets, the loss of life by the flre and explosion must have occurred in the Tarrant building mainly and possi bly in the other buildings destroyed by flre. The number of persons In the Tar rant building was estimated to be in the neighborhood of 50. Secretary Allen, of the company, said that there were 43 employes and he thought all got out rwlth the exception of one. People who saw the fire declare, however, that more must have been lost In the Tarrant Store. In the basement were the engineers' department and the shipping room, where five men were employed. All these prob ably escaped. On the first floor were the offices of the company and the re tail dispensing department There were about half a dozen persons on this floor at the time of tho flre. On the second floor was Breitenbach's Pepsin Chewing Gum Factory, where 10 girls and six boys were employed. The third and fourth floors were storage, floors for the Tar rant Company. There were several por ters on the two floors. VThe fifth was used as a Tjottling department for one of the, firm's specialties. Six girls were employed here. The sixth floor was the place of jnanuf acture of, one of' the spe cialties, where three men were usually employed. One of these, a porter named John Phillips. Is known tojhavo escaped. trains this morning, marched through with those who look in vain for those London, t along streets packed by thou- J who', alas, no longer stand, in. the ranks (Concluded on' Fifth Pase sands, and received a tumultuous greet lng. Such a demonstration was probably never before "evoked for such a small body of volunteers. The postponement of London's welcome today diminished the number of spectators, but the enthusiasm could be scarcely more general or genuine. Early in the day Queen Victoria sent a message to the returning troops welcom ing them and inquiring as to their health., The Prince of Wales came to town and viewed the procession from Marlborough House. All along- the line of march there were festoons of flags and other such devices, presenting a brilliant spectacle, though, as a matter of fact the decorations had been up since Saturday, and had been drenched by Sunday's" rains, which had not improved the colors. In addition to the City Imperial Volunteers themselves, there were in the procession the bands of 12 volunteer regiments and 24,000 regulars and volunteers lined the route. Among the most interesting features of the dis play was the presence in the procession of the invalided City Imperial Volun teers in carriages flying the Red Cross flag, and the assembling at a conspicuous point In Fleet street of the remaining survivors of the Balaklava charge. The exuberant throngs proved unman ageable, and the police and soldiers were quite unable to stem the ugly rushes. The crush of the populace became so terrible at the marble arch that the peo ple broke through the cordon, and when the fleld was again cleared 40 persons re quiring the aid of the ambulance surgeons were loft lying on the ground, several suffering from serious Injuries. In nar row Fleet street the crowds broke down all the barriers and sightseers, soldiers, police and City Imperial Volunteers were mixed up in a confused mass, from which the volunteers had to be extricated in single file. Along the whole length of Fleet street the scenes could bo only likened to a continual football scrim mage, but It was even more exciting. Shrieks and groans filled the air, people were hurled to the ground and trampled upon. Life Guards on horseback were swept off and lost In the struggling mass of humanity, after Impotent struggles to Btem the pressure of the semlpanlc-strlck-en mob. Some of the injuries sustained aro so very serious it is feared they will prove fatal. Field Marshal Lord Wolseley, Commander-in-Chief of the forces, Issued a special army order this afternoon, ex pressing the high appreciation which the patriotic services of tho City Imperial Volunteers and the gallantry and soldier ly qualities of all ranks had afforded him, and offering the volunteers In behalf of the British Army a cordial welcome home. A fractious cavalry horse stampeded tho crowd at Ludgate Circus, and 50 per sons who were injured had to be attended by tho ambulance corps. With the exception that the volunteers were rather browned, there was little In their appearance to Indicate that they were returning from a hard campaign. Their new khaki kits, served out at South ampton, gavo the men a disappointingly splcK-and-span look, though tho lack of alignment, Irregularity of marching and the frequent substitution of cones for lost rifles sufficed to distinguish them from the volunteers fresh from the training camps. A captured Boer flag carried In the center of the column elicited great enthsiasm, thunderous applause going up at this real trophy of victory borne tri umphantly through the crowds. A slight drizzling rain which fell as the procession started by no means detracted from the warmth of the welcome extended to the troops, Tho march was broken by stop ping at tho site of the Temple Bar, where the Lord Mayor, Sir Alfred Newton, wel comed the return of the regiment he orig of their comrades. I also myself have to grieve over the loss of a dear and most gallant grandson, who, like bo many of' your companions, has served and died for his Queen and his country." The members oft the corps then sepa rated. They had to mufftar themselves In their overcoats and use-other disguises in order to avoid recognition by tho crowds:- As It was, several were nearly "pulled to pieces by the rough embraclngs and handshaking of drunken men. Tho list of" casualties among the wel coming multitude was longer than that 'of the whole corps In Its 28 engagements in South Africa. -Partial returns from the hospitals and police stations indi cate that more than 200 were badly hurt three and possibly four being killed. There wore 4000 police and 22000 troops on duty along the line of march, but they were unable to manage the crowds. Women and girls fainted and were trampled un der foot. Stands overloaded with sight seers fell In. Twelve persons out of 30 who were riding on top of a mail wagon, whose wheels gave way, had their bones broken. A man who was leaning over the parapet roof of a four-story building lost his balance and fell upon a group of wom en, killing one and hurting two others, but w alked away himself apparently unin jured. Many of the soldiers on the line of march were hurt In combats with the crowd. Altogether, London had a wild day, with much fun and unfortunately a great deal of grief In many households because of the accidents. Indeed, the only surprising feature Is that the casualties were not twice as nu merous, for when night fell the streets of London would have done credit to the Commune. It was a scene of un checked saturnalia that met tho eye. Fighting and swearing throngs fought vainly among themselves for the right of way. Half an hour was needed to make 100 yards' progress along the Strand, and the feat could only be accomplished at the risk, of life and limb. The few iso lated policemen In evidence were borne helpless on the tide of patriotic enthusi asm, whose Invariable characteristic was drunkenness, partial or complete. The night was 'a repetition of Maf eking night," without the redeeming excuses of that celebrated orgy. London was turned over to the worst elements of Its popu lation. Women were Insulted, kissed or thrown down with Impunity In street fights. Pursued at the sweet will of In ebriate brawlers from the sidewalks, they streamed along historic thoroughfares, shouting, sobbing and brandishing pea cock feathers with Insane depravity. Many of them offered no exception to the rule of drunkenness. Countless different uniforms of soldiers of the empire, reg ulars, volunteers and colonials, added vivid color to an extraordinary specta cle, the like of which was never wit nessed in any American city. In Justice to the heroes of the demon stration, It must be said that few of them participated In the night's celebration. Indeed, they seemed to be almost forgot ten in the general desire to take advan tage of -the opportunity of unbridled de bauch and the defiance of all law, order and decency. More than 1000 persons were treated by the ambulance corps, although In mo3t cases the Injuries -were not serious There were, however, may cases where the in juries were serious and It Is not unlikely that there will be other deaths. Two men fell from a scaffold in a building In Finsbury Circus and both were killed. After midnight a heavy rain began to fall, which rapidly cleared the streets and prevented a continuation of the scenes of debauchery. Caused by Brolcen "Switch Rod Strilc ing: Split Switch at Siding Par tial 1,13 1 of Casualties. ANACONDA. Mont, Oct 23. A special to the Standard from Livingston, Mont, says: Seven dead, most of them mangled out of all resemblance to humanity; seven Injured, one perhaps fatally,. Is the record of a wreck on the Northern Pacific Rail way at about 11 o'qlock last night, at De hart Siding. 27 miles from Livingston. The deadt Ed Eastman, of Raymond.3. D. W. B. Relfenrath. Northern Pacific ex press agent Billings. L. H. Pendleton, of Fennimore. Wis. Dr. C. C. Hawthorne, of Livingston, Mont Mls3 M. F. Tracey, of Bozeman, and two unidentified women. Seriously injured: Sheriff George Hub bard, of B;illngs, arm and leg broken, slightly injured: Walter Nelson, Dickin son, N. D.; Lucia Carpenter, Goodell, la.r Mrs. Jacob Hughes. Mariette, Mich.: Miss Maria Tracey, of Bozeman; Harry Pen dleton. Fennimore, Wis.; W. A. Deltrlck, of Billings, and E. A. Gray, of Helena. Tho train was Northern Pacific passen ger No. 4 eastbound. It was nearly threo hours late, and was making up lost time when It passed the switch at Dehart Sid ing. The engine and two coaches passed over the switch in safety, but in somo unaccountable way tho rod connecting the rails at the switch snapped, and these three coaches jumped the rail"-, rode tho ties a short way ami then toppled over on the side and were dragged 200 feet before the train was stopped. The forco with which tho cara fell on their sides threw several of the passen gers through the windows, and crushed and ground them to jelly between the heavy coaches and the track. The two unknown women were lifted, quivering, shapeless masses of bleeding flesh and broken bone's. All but one of the dead were Instantly killed. Assistance was summoned as soon as possible from Livingston, but the physi cians had little to do upon their arrival. A Coroner's jury at Big Timber absolved the railroad from all blame. The train was In charge of Conductor Ott, Engineer Brouse and Fireman Mitch-clL Overcome ly Poivder Gns. BUTTE. Mont, Oct 29 William Whll; more. Robert Campbell and Charles Blackle, three miners employed In tho Smokehouse mine, were asphyxiated ths afternoon by powder gas. They had flre-l 12 shotv and went down too soon after ward. The three bodies were found hy the foreman of the mine In four feet of water at the bottom of the shat. All of the men lived many years In Montana, and were prominent in mining circles The shaft Is 3o0 feet deep, and the men had been at work sinking. Just befiro coming up for dinner they had fixed their shots. At 1 o'clock they aga'n went down. Nothing being heard of them for ieoral hours, the foreman went dewn and founl the bodies lying together In the shaft's bottom. They had been wo'kinsr on. the suction to get the water out when they were overcome. Whltmore was frcm Mas sachusetts. Camrbcll was a Nova Scotlnn, and Blackie hailed from Burlington, Vt PRINCE CHRISTIAN DEAD. Death Caused by Fiteric Fever at Pretoria. LONDON, Oct 23 A dispatch received here from Pretoria announces the death from enteric fever of Prince Christian Victor, of Schleswlg-TIolsteln. eldest son of tho Princess Helena of England, and a grandson of Queen Victoria. He wa3 born in 1867 and wa3 a Major In the King's Royal Rifles. LONDON. Oct. 29. The announcement of Prince Christian Victor's death was withheld from the public by desire of the Queen and the Prince of Wales, to avoid casting gloom on tho 'City Im perial Volunteer festivities. William O. Strylcer Dead. TRENTON. N. J.. Oct. 29. William O. Stryker, Adjutant-General of New Jer sey since 1S67, died at his home here to day, aged 62 years. Traffic Resumed at La Crosse. LA CROSSE, Wis., Oct 29. Traffic on the various roads entering La Crosse, which was suspended, all day yesterday, was resumed today. - Tho storm was the worst since the flood of two vearn nirn inated at St Paul's Cathedral, and where Tho damage will reach $100,(300. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT NEWS. Political. "Roosevelt was assaulted by Elmlra hoodtuma. Pace 2. Bryan broke his record, making- 30 speeches yesterday. Pago 2. Eastern Republicans are bavins: a bad scare. Pago 2. China. Count Casslnl explains Russia's attitude to ward China. Pago 8. Secretary Hay answers tho Anglo-German not. Pago 6. Domestic. Many persona were injured and .perhaps killed in a New Tork flre and explosion. Pago 1. Alvord, the absconder; was arrested In Bos ton. Paso 3. There was a general resumption of worSt In the Pennsylvania coal region. Pago 8 Forclsn. London welcomed the returned city volunteers with a night of orgy. Page 1. Prince Christian Victor, of Schleswlg-HolaUla, died at Pretoria. Pago 1. Venezuela was visited by a great eartfcauafce. Pagel. Pacific Coast. Seven people killed and as many injured in a Northern Pacific train wreck in Montana. Page 1. Estimates of appropriations for Oregon and "Washington rivers and harbors. Pago L McKlnley stock In Marlon County i3 rising" rapidly. Pago 4. Fall fishing on the Columbia ia about at an end. Page 4. Democratic leader predicts that Idaho will giv Bryan a majority of 5000. Page 4. J. s. Ban. Winkle, of Heppner. was severely cut in a steam wood-saw accident. Page 4, Commercial arid Marine. The New Tork stock market suffers a slump. Page 11. Portland has loaded 12 wheat ships this month. Page 8. Tacoma's grain-loading record. Page 8. French bark Bossuet at Honolulu -with master ill. Pago 8. Cyclones and waterspouts oft the Oregon Coast. Page 8. Local. Southern Pacific's new policy will bo tojteep out of politics. Page 12. Majority of Multnomah delegation to Legisla ture in favor of relieving financial embar rassment of Police Commission. Paga 8. E 106.2