12 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, ?t?I)AY OCTOBER v 27, 1900. GLDSSKING Letya Forget," titer tfsys, store cfescs $atttrdays,s . at 6'( 'clock. FECIAL BARGAINS' FOR TODAY ONLY Umbrellas Stand Lamps Sizes formon or women. Today only, "SILKNIP' UMBRELLAS At 85c Each Mado with Paragon frames and steel rods; all have solid wood handles. Ladles' Waists 'FINE FRENCH FLANNEL 'At $2.89 Each Box-pleat back," stock collar, soft cuffs a $4 line. Colors castor, rose and lavender. Today only. In latest designs, with Improved burners that give soft, clear light for these long-reading evenings. With decorated vase shade, today only "With brace foot, decorated vase and shade, today only. J 79c $1.15 Same aa above, but larger, today only...... "With brass foot, decorated vase and shade, today only. Borne style, more elaborate, today only. "With large, round burner and zu-lnch vase, today only $1.60 $1.75 $1.97 !?$2.25 " l"l ' 1' I II I Ill w - -. V ' 9a0aeacceeoeo09eeft90f - ,yV m v i "- ; i ir ir - ' .'&K ' i w - - - -f . .. ,-,-- -, - - - - 1 ,. i W .1 , 9 : amr SATURDAY SPEQAtS Golf Capes EACH Sliver-Gray Sheet Blankets 58c a pair Today Only Soft and warm; red or blue borders. lt costs little to be comfortable if you buy here today. Come before 6 o'clock. NOSFORANARCHY Why. , Hon., Benton Klllin Cannot Accept Bryan. CIVILIZATION WILL NOT RETREAT 3e& Wlto Cannot SXalataia. Xiair, sad " Order Will Xot Be Permitted to Ruio the Earth. Hon. Benton Klllin, of Portland, Is a Democrat, but Jiot a Bryan Itemocrat. Four years ago the Chicago platform drove him out of his party, and he be ctma one -of the organizers of the Gold IsmocratIc party of Oregon. This year lap Trill vote for McKlnley. Asked yes terday to give his reasons for support ing the.Jfcepuhllcaa ticket, he said: Th$ more I think the whole matter oat the more thoroughly am I convinced that the turning point of the campaign Is exactly the same as four years ago. Pour years, age the Bryan people, in their plat iprm, declared that President Cleveland was censurable in using troops for quell ing the riots at Chicago, where the mob was burning, murdering, looting and in terfering with the passage of the malls and interstate commerce. That resolu tion still stands, and it is a part of JBryan's teaching, which he is "bound to act upon if elected. He will not dare, la case of riot, arson, murder or anarchy, to enforce order by use of troops. "He is bound to the coining and stamp 5ng of "cheap-and depredated, money. He will be bound to pull down the American flag and allow the flag of savages and anarchy to go up. His teachings are directly creating the impression among the Idle, criminal and degenerate that they are to be placed In control and that Industry, thrift, intelligence and economy are to be humbled and brought under control and required to support the idle and vicious. '"All these teachings point to but one thing: Bryan and the forces behind him 4eslre to return to barbarism. From a cheap and discounted dollar it is but a etep to teeth and claws, the wampum of the sava.ge. From destruction of indus try and intelligence and the talcing by taxation or otherwise of the fruits of labor for the support of crime and Igno- j ranee, it is but a step to where the old savage chief, armed with his war-club and backed by his braves, appropriated by force the fruits of industry. The con test is sharply drawn between business and civilization on one side, and idle ness ahd barbarism on the other. The words of Ben Harrison, in 1896. are as true now as then: Tariffs and comage avail nothing if our free institutions are overturned. t'Bryanlsm proposes to tear down our form of government and proposes nothing in its stead: it leaves but one alterna tive anarchy. "Barbarism, dark and cruel, at one time had possession of the whole of the soli covered by the United States. Civilized man has by force wrested this vast dominion from Its barbarous occu pants, tne coyote ana xnaian, ana they McKlnley and RooBevelt, can obtain them free'of charge by calling at the hall. All those living In that end of the city who wish to take part in the big parade to"take placer November 3, will leave their names with Mr. Llllls or Mr. "Weber, at the hall. The clubrooms are open dally from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M., and Sundays from 2 to 6 P. M. FOR THE GRAKD PARADE. Kew dabs and Oraraalxatlons Will .March, for McKlnley. Accessions are being received dally by the committee in charge of the grand Re publican parade that will wind up the city campaign on November 3. The procession promises to be the greatest ever held in Portland on any political occasion. The committee in charge is furnishing all torches and "paraphernalia necessary, and all the Republican organizations, mem bers of civic societies, leading business men, manufacturers, merchants and their employes who stand for McKlnley and prosperity will be in line. Cavalry will augment the ranks of the Rough Riders, and bands, flambeaux, red fire and trans parencies will make the parade a notable success. Clubs composed of members of various labor organizations ., are being .formed especially for this occasion. T The new Golf Capes received by ex press from New York are on sale today. Ladles' Golf Capes Children's Golf Capes SALE OF Kid Gloves Our 2-dasp President Glace Pique j vjioves, rans point em- r i broidery, all shades, to- I IM .day only, at 4I-VJ " Pair A DELUdE OF i- French Flartpels BBST QUALITY OHlV French Flannels wjthstripes, dots.-fleur-de-lis, -bow knots, etc., in a variety of 'new -color combinations. Also plain Ererich Flannels, &est . quajity Cly, in red, .green, olcJ rosegray, etc. Selling rapidlya jbeitet -selection how than later ph. ,l V V BARGAIN HINTS WHICH PRUDENT FUffCHASEBS W1LL.D0 WEIiL TO HEED Dressing Sacques Ladles- eiderdown dressing sacaues.wlth braid-trimmed sailor, collars and crocheted tf fj " edges,. -In-red, blue, pink, JM.O j grey, and lavender, each.... t Wrappers Rotes of tae Campaign. Robert F. Bell will stump'Llncom Coun ty from October 30 to November 2, in clusive, speaking at many places. ' J. C. Leasure will speak at Troutd&Ie Tuesday, October 30, and will address the big rally to be held by the Seventh Ward Republican Club "Wednesday, October 31. C. W. Fulton will visit Coos, Douglas, Jackson and Josephine Counties next -week, speaking at Marshfleld Tuesday, October 30; Myrtle Point, Wednesday, October 31; Roseburg, Friday, November 2; Grant's Pass, Saturday, November 3, and will close the campaign at Ashland November 6. POLITICS AND KITES. McKlnley Banner to Be Suspended Dp Toward the Sky. , Several red kites which hovered over Third street, near Stark, yesterday after noon, attracted considerable attention, as they were of the scientific order, and needed no tall to keep them still while suspended in the air at a distance of probably 900 feet above the street. "Very few spectators could locate the. lower end of the kite strings, and so ltwas a mat ter of considerable speculation as to where they were being sent up from. Chairman Steel, of the Republican state central committee, was the prime mover in the kite display, and, with a few as sistants on the roof of the Chamber of Commerce building, Mr. Steel was mak ing some experiments with the "Blue H.U Box" and the "Eddy" Kite, with a view to suspending a large campaign banner high up over the street. This banner, made of stout muslin, is 20 feet long and 10 feet wide, and when suspended in m'd air by the aid of kites and wires, will have a unique effect The banner, is a simple allusion to "McKlnley and Roose velt" There are five of these kites, and they are much larger than they appear to the spectators on the street, who generally consider them about the size of an ordl- Tinrv rfmr hnr TVia Til no TT41I Un-r- Vlt "will never be reinstated in this vast stands three feet high, and Is simply a ZZTi -V Tr "" "" ""V- ""i wooden rram with a band of red China will not go out. Men who cannot main- sik fastened around each end. A cord Is iVT . ' m rrnot Proiecc attached to the upper end and the frame life and property, will not be permitted to rule in any part of the earth. Civiliza tion will not turn back." j is thus enabled to soar quietly in the air at any height the operator deBlres within the length of the string, which Is of stout linen, nearly an eighth of an inch thick. In a brisk brpeze, the kite-flyer must not get too near the edge of the roof, as he is liable to be pulled over the Are wall and drop Into the street below. The Eddy, kite, of which Mr. Steel has .three, resembles the old "bow; kite" made by schoolboys, but It has no talL It stands about six feet high, and the bow IttJaOPDTG TJNREGISTEREn VOTERS. Motorics Are Still Proving: of Much Assistance. The number cf voters T7ho failed to reg ister this Spring, is surprisingly large. Both at the West Side and Hast Side wuiuiuuuiuuu uui;es 111U.L nave "oeen t opened for the benefit of unregistered is five feet across its face. This kite In voters, large numbers are assisted to se- yesterday's westerly wind, gave Mr. cure the affidavits of freeholders every i Steel all he could do when he desired to dixy, and the number seems to be grow-! haul it in, and Colonel Hawkins, who ihg. On this side of the river, John. F. Ix gan Is located at 103 Third street, between Stark a"nd Washington, and has all the necessary blinks, beside his notarial seal, so that if the voter can find the freehold ers who are aware of his qualifications he can prepare himself to prove to the judges -of election that he Is entitled to vote. On -the Bast Side, Wilbur Kerns will be found at his office in the Burk Siard building, on Union avenue and Eist Buriside street, qualified to perform a similar service for the unregistered elect ors on his side of the river. Neither no tary charges anything for his servioes. Mr. Mitchell's Dates. As finally arranged by the Republican State Central Committee, the speaking engagements of ex-Senator John H. Mitchell are as follows: Salem, Tuesday. October 30. Jacksonville. Wednesday, October SL Oakland, Thursday, November "1, 1:S0 P. M. Cottage Grove, Friday. "November 2. Eugene, Saturday, November UP. M. Heppner, Monday, November 5. Republican IIteratsre. The Republican state central committee has placed William P. Lillls and Henry Weber, Jr., In charge of the literature that is bolng given away In the hall-of the Young Men's Republican Club, of South Portland, on First and Sheridan streets. All of the residents of the Sixth .and -Sev- 1 cnth Wards, who bavo not yet received 4M3S5 -Slteeatore, or pictures,, or .button-of .j was on the roof -with him, tugged on the line, "while the chairman of the Repub lican state central committee wound the cord on a stick. Will Steel, of the Maza mas, was also on hand to further the ex periments, and in a few days "McKlnley and Roosevelt" will cause people to won der how such a large banner can be kept in midair without any visible means of support. The kites are patented and cost $5 each. 6 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LADIES , Knit Underwear Our $1.25 Oneita Union Suits, Win ter weight, rjbbed, fleeced cotton, best quality, ecru and ClSf natural, special vFOL 1000 Vests , At' special 12c, 18c, 23c, 33c each. Value 25c to $1.00. LADIES' Lawn Aprons Large size, some tucked, some embroidery trimmed, special 28c SILK FLOSS CUSHIONS The kind that everybody wants. A big lot on sale-.now. ; The Owl Egg Shampoo, thoroughly cleanses the scalp and keeps the -head fre'eMrom dandruff, special iqc bottle: Japanese, Cleaning Compound, in stantly removes grease,, paint, etc., without injury to the most delicate fabrics, special 19c bottle. - 500 Wood-Back Hand Scrubs, special 2c each. Pumice Stone with handle, special 8c each. Toilet Paper, good quality, 10 rolls for 25c. Seeley's Antiseptic Tooth Powder or Tooth Wash, 'with a good-quality Tooth Brush, special 19c. 1 lb Bars White Castile Soap, '9c bah Tautum's Two-OunceBottfes Sachet Powdej, all odors, special 19c bottle. v THE ENTERPRISE Silk Flannels ,A charming, asojjtment of colors in this -superb' sjlk. In the many years, wrhye been inVthe silk busines ye' hftve never, seen its equal, , t Enter prise Silk Flannel is the most correct and stylish fabric for waists, etc. .Over J?o Vieces & suiu mis 1 season aireaay. - in San Francisco the 'demand". has bejbn enormous. . Enterise Silk Flannel is the silk success of this season. '" i '' . STORE 4 v A'sate' of more than ordinary importance Pattern BnSample Dress Hats ladles' wrappers, mado of flannelette, fancy figures and polka dots, braid trim ming, ruffles over shoulders, each ....;.....? $1.38 ihort Underskirts Ladies' outing flannel short skirts, with, silk-edged ruf fle; each.... Ladies' Hose Ribbed-top black cashmere hose, seamless, merino heel3 and toes, a pair Ladies' Gloves Heavy kid walking gloves, 'one and two clasp, P. -K. sewn, v spear-point backs, per pair...?.. 47c 39c w Velvet Baby Rbbon 33c No. 1 black satin back baby ribbon, per bolt Bold by the "bolt only. Coin Purses ; Gentlemen's coin purses, seal, . morocco; alligator or ooae, with nickel or gilt- frames, each ., i.. ......... Photo Racks Folding wire -photo and card racKS, jarge size, -eacn Initial Seals An letters In type, each.... old . Bngllsh $1:08 Children's Headwear 19c Fancy colored silk caps and bonnets, sizes 1 to i years, each i Not one worth less than ten dol lars, but most worth ijfom &u to $15 each. -These hats 'are of- g fered today at f . - SEVEN DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS Being the best vajue'jy have ever "Offered" in our Mijlinery Store. '' For Men , . -471 1 Shaving each. StickV special 15c 500 Shaving Brushes, special 13c each. 50 China Shaving Mugs, assorted designs, 28c each. Half Pint Bottles Superior Bay Rum, special 19c. - Winslow's Talcum Powder, for use after shaving, special 8c box. 75 Wood-.Back ' Shaving Mirrors, single and triplicate, special 39c. NOTION STORE PLAYING CARDS We are now show ing the new Indian and Queen -n of the Morn Cards, per pack. . OUC An attractive and Interesting ' sate of Infants' ' - . White Bedford Cdrd "" Lo.ng and h6rt'To.at&u 'every garment in 'stock' at re . duced prices. , ' E --;; , Squeegee Photograph 'A jbum, 24'leaves, two openings In eachlleaf, reg- ular priced 1.25,. special ..... OC Squeegee Photo Album, containing 12 pages, two, openings -in each n leaf, regular price 85c, special -tr "C Squeegee Photo Album, containing 12 pages, regular price 50c, spec- or. lab -.f... :.i. ...... J"C Squeegee Photo Albu.m, containing '24 pages, regular price 65c, spec- Af. lal , Tri..-i. 4vC Squeegee Photo Alburn eontamirig 24 , pages, two openlngsrfh Pj-cn regular price i, special. O,?.v60c Squeegee Photo Album,JcontaIning 12 pages, two openings onpage, . 0 regular price 75c, special ' J . . . t-C LEATHER CiOOXS f Alligator, seal, monkey, and walrus leather combination PocfcetBooks, with sterling silver mounting special 95c. Large1 assortment' oft '- CoJIar and Cuff Boxes, Hn pew 'sh?pe. New effects in leather and 'olive wood, hne'd with 'leather and' satin, 51.25, $1.50, S2.od, $2.90, $3.90 $4.00..' Special lot of Real ..gor Coin Purses, inside, pockets, ''well made, special at 29c each. . - t $1,37 Misses' Shoes Dongola lace or button shoes, 'patent tips, round or me dium square toes, sizes 11 to 2, a pair, .'..... Boys! Shoes Kangaroo and box calf lace . shoes, with extra heavy nailed soles, every pair guaranteed. Sizes 2VS to 6, per pair a.... Sizes 1 to 2, per pair 1.78 Sizes 11 to 13, per pair L54 .$!.& Drug Sundries -Eastman's Cucumber and Al mond Cream, fot" the com plexion, chapped hands, face or lips, none better, per bottle......... Satlnette, a good Imported French powder, perfectly harmless, white, flesh or pink, per box 32c !Sc 7c'' V (6c 8c x:V mm'.s Fancy Vests Single or double breasted, new pattemo and styles. each ivr.rrr. Suits $1.89 Fine all-wool saga-green, fancy cheviot a suit Fife all-wool fancr worsted. In light, medium and dark r s p Overcoats Fine all-wool tan covert, ex tra well made. V5S30, special...... regular $13.55 Basement Bargains Eight-quaxt granite lronpre- "QQ serving' kettles, lipped, each JJl teapots, V& pint, iAr Japanese eacn .. Blue English ware, old wil low design. Single plate. ....... JSc Cup and saucer. .'.r..7..V.........v.8c Groceries Choice Eastern pound .'.... "hams, per I2c Ko-Nut, S-pound pall J5C A Present . Witfreach Boy's Suit sold. LAST DAY OF RUG AND CARPET SALE Pure California strained VC honey, -gallon can uju Hats Black derby and brown and blade fedora hats, regular &2, special................... $185 Neckwear Silk Tecks and Four-ln-fiand39 15ceacfi Young Men's Suits $7.60 Fine quality, all-wool, black clay worsted, suits, sizes 15 10 m years, a suit Boys' Suits Cheviot, iweed. and cassimera veatee suits, withdouble- breasted vests, sizes 3 to 3 years, & suit ......,.,. $3.52 MEIER St FRMNK CO SET THEIR HOUSE ON FIRE BRIGHT IDEA ,OF TWO SEMjWOOD . YOUNGSTERS. 0aceaeas8se oe a eeso 0 eeeee ease 0000090 &$ so see ode eo STEAMER FOR SALEM. Commencing "Wednesday, October 24, the O. R. & K. steamer Modoc will resume her regular trips between Salem and Port land, carrying both freight and passen gers. The schedule will be the same as heretofore, the boat leaving Ash-streeb dock, Portland, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 A. M. for Salem and way points. Returning, the boat will leave Salem Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days at 6 A. M. Shipping: Big Timbers. Soma monster bridge timbers are being sawed out In Inman, Poulsen & Co.'s mill for transportation to California. The "sticks" are 7S feet long and 21x?.l inches, and without a flaw. They are sawed out of selected timber and then planed, and are magnificent specimens of the timber of this country. A -short time ago an order for timbers SO feet long were filled. rOver In the- Orient there Is demand for Oregon timber and this mill Is Ailing an order from China. CHANGE SINCE I896. Hovr Prosperity Affects the Stoclc Raisers of Oregon. C. M. Grimes, who for the past eight years has been buying cattle and hogs In large numbers all over Oregomand Wash ington and a large part of Idaho, says that four, years ago he. was paying In sections where they were bought by the head, $20 to ?25i-per head for 3-year-old steers and $15. to $18 for dry cows. He Is now paying $35 to $40 for 3-year-old steers, and $30 to $32 per head for dry cows. In sections where cattle are bought by weight, the advan.ee' in the price has beenln the same proportion. In Tegard to hogs, Mr. Grimes says that four years ago he purchased hogs on foot at The Dalles and other points In that re gion for $3 per hundredweight, sometimes less, and that today he has to pay $4 75 per hundredweight for the same class of hogs. Mr. Grimes and his reputation a.re well known throughout the extxensive re gion over which he operates, and he has his accounts of purchases to substantiate the statements, which cannot be disputed. He does -not buy sheep, but referred his questioner to a man who has bought and paid, for thousands every year for the past half dozen ye"ars, who says that four years ago sheep were selling at an aver age of $1 50 per head, while now he pays $3 per head for the same class of sheep. Benefit to thesfockralsers of Oregon and adjacent states by reason of Im proved conditions . Is obvious. Grand" Concert. A concert was given-last '-night at thev United Brethren Church," East Fifteenth and East .Morrison streets, by the "La dles' Aid Society. There -were many ad-, mlrable musical nun$bers and recitations. .Those taking partwcre: W. H. Hatfield, J. A. Henkle, MlssZirena Campbell, JUss June Lamb, Hazel' Hoopengarner, Wil liam Miller, Hzel YalentIner B. E. Crawford, Mrs. &. Bartow, William -Bal-,103 Mrs. E. V. B.. Miller, H. J. Hefty, Mrs. Charles M. Klnnlns, Mrs. Lillian. 'Belt. Mrs. slia Jones was accompanist. The object 6f the entertainment, is, to provide for fitting yp'the bosementlof the church as s "clubroom --for young men and to start charitable work. . GOOD. SPORT JPRqMISED. Eugene and Salem JBJevens Will Play Football. .Today. BtfGENE, Or., Oct. . 26.TThe football game between the Capital' Athletic As sociation, of. Salem and the University of Oregonj which Is scheduled for tomor row; promises tohethjS jbesfexhlbitlon of sport ever given in thfs clty. The Salem eleven contains some' of the best all around players in the Northwest, and the Tnen. average seven pounds heavier than the local players. 'Coach-'Kaarshergas 'beeii drilling his men bard, this week, and they are now (ln fine condition. He. Jfyds. selected his players for several of'thp pdsltions, but Is still In I6ubt as to three or four. There Is an unusual amount of interest In the coming 'game, and the university stu dents are enthusiastic' over the home team's prospects. , tu Tonight there was a big ' rally, and everything points favorafily' toward a good game and a large crowd. Clarence M Bishop, of Saletn, ,wllj officiate as referee. ' Got Up an Original Entertainment Which. Proved Highly Successful . as a Drawing Card. - .Two Sellwood youngsters, Kenneth and Chester McNeill, aged 9 and 6 years; re spectively, conceived the highly humorous idea yesterday of setting flre to their father's house in order to perpetrate a practical Joke on him. Having carefully matured the plans for this huge Jest, ,they had little difficulty in putting them into execution In the absence, of their mother there was no one to Interrupt them In the work of piling paper and kindling wood back of the kitchen stove, till they had formed a heap that no flre could resist. Then they procured matches from the shelf and applied them. They had bullded full as well aa they hoped to. The flames 'leaped up through the dry kindlings, licked the paint from the wainscoting, and was bounding mer rily along toward the ceiling when one of 1 the youngsters had a new Inspiration. Why not get the flre department out and have a real, old-fashioned, exciting time? The Idea met the approval of 4iis fellow conspirator. It was but a few steps to the hosehouse, and the rope to the flre bell overhead hung within reach of even a small boy. Kenneth was sodn speed ing on his way to the hosehouse, and a second later the lusty clanging of the bell aroused the neighborhood and called forth the members of the Selwood volun teer flre company In large numbers. tThe house of James -A. McNeill, one of the -handsomest In Sellwood, was on flre! Surely something was doing In that quiet suburb,, and the populace, thereof came thronging forth to have a hand In It. From the kitchen window a slender thread .of smoke could be seen climbing upward toward the sky. Mrs. McNeill, came home visibly agitated. The Sell wood volunteer hose company reeled out" their hose and flocked In at the back door.. Outside on the street itbe crowd stood and yelled, among" them being the delighted Kenneth and Chester, to Trhose happy Idea the village owed this great arid glorious day. Fortunately, the flre had not pene trated the celling when the volunteers arrived, and only a few" buckets of watei we're required ,to destroy the carefully laid plans of the two disappointed young sters. The crowd dispersed, and Kenneth and Chester were led away by their mother, presumably to be rewarded for their high-minded desire to furnish enter tainment to the residents of a peaceful and quiet 'Bast Side town. A LADY'S -. WEDDING OrVbiUng Card should bo the latest color. We have both thexorrectcoior and size ; wJg; Smith & co. 22 and 23 Washington Building Fourth and Washington Sta. jptEWfcCtWOCTfcPtQCWSJQbMlwCcQ!U3iJ 1 : . (qQtei PROSPECTED NORTH OF NOME . For -any case of nervousness, sleepless ness, weak stomach," indigestion, dyspep-; sla, relief Is sure In Carter's Little Liver Pills. TJie-''Estey,'iorganAWllejr B. Allen-Co. J , Ijine-Up of the Salem Team. SALEM, Oct. 26. The line-up of the Capital Amateur, Athletic, piub football team at the match game with Eugene tomorrow was determined, today, but Is .subject, to changes. "The players will be as follows: ' Center, JarvJs; guards, Williams and Judd; ttackles, Young, Reed 'and Graham; ends, 'Oliriger and Bonham.; halfbacks, Bishop and Evans; fullback, Gault; sub stitutes,' Lucas, Farrar andLoomls. . It Is expected that about. '50 residents of this city will go to "Eugene to -witness 'the game. Accident to Football Flayer. ALB ANT, Oct. 26. hUe;payIng foot ball this afternoon, Bert ifoe, of tne pub lic school?, had his collar-b)nB bTQken. They Muat Again Faraioa Proof. GASTON, Or., Oct 26. To the Editor.) Quite a number of young, .men in this preempt came of age last ifune too late to register du in umo to ypte by furnish ing, -proof. Will .these youn men have to furnish, proof ..again this FJl, or' will any tuLDi.- nwj iu uo lumisn prooi' in 'June have Jto swear his -Vote 'In', again- tWs Fall? I It'seems thatthose -Who furnished -proof in June should hayo ,-had their names paacea on tne register, so as not torbe placed to W-jqaucli -trouble this FalL fi,' W. HUDSON. Gilliam County Man Has Strucls Pay " Gravel. Chris. Slnnott, a Gilliam County stock man, who has spent the last three years fortune-hunting In the frozen' North, re turned from Norton, Sound yesterday and tis registered at the Perkins. He left here In the Summpr of 1S97, and went to Daw son, where ho engaged in auctioneering and in buying and selling miners' outfits, as the diggings seemed to be overdone. Last Summer he built a schooner at Daw son, and with three otherB sailed down the Yukon and the Alaskan coast to Nome. There he found the diggings over done again, so he rigged up an outfit and with-flVe others, struck out fromsNome into a northeasterly direction for about 200 miles. He prospected-on the various cre'eks tributary to Koo-Wak River, and found coarse gold enough to Justlfjt him in, staking some claims. His partners are left np there, and will hold the mines down until Mr. Slnnott returns next Sum mer with a pack train and two years' provisions. He confidently expects to get' rich -up there before he Teturns to civilization again. The worst part of Wintering In that far off region, he considers lies between De cember 15 and January 25(Of each year, 'as'it is alitnlghtrthere during that period. 'The rest of the time can be put In with comparative ease, and if a man Is well fixed he wllbnotbe troubled much about the cold weather. The creeks lying at right angles with the main ridge, of -the Alaskan Rockies he thinks, all abound in coarse gold, and "If a man happens to strike' it in that country, it doesn't, take him long to get rlchJ' He says he has done very well Frea Every Weak to iaeiafy l9 HMH. - We shall fc glacto sead to any ongj requesting It otsf Illustrated Announcement of fjbe new voltsme for i90if and also a sample copy of a recent issue cpntatofog Andrew Cameglete article-oo Thti&J Special' StAscpHon Offef fot A90U jjHOSE who subicribejpriojvio November hi. sending $L75 with this slip or the nunc of thiJ publication, will recdve the nine November and December lssutr of The Companion FREE, and then the- issues for fifty.tvro weka, a fsil year, until January 1, 1902. This offer includes the gift of the new Companion Calendar, Ih 12-coIor printings from exquisite designs palniad expressly for The Youth's Companion. rssn THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, BOSTON, MASS. II Ingly remarked last evening- that he had made enough to bring him back home again. Beyond this he would not commit himself In regard to his financial affairs. The portion, of country he has selected for the next-few years operations id un inhabited, except by-Eskimos, who Jive in small villages near the river banks. Few white men. If any, had penetrated that far, and. he does not expect any rush up there next year. Grass grows waist high In the valleys, and he expects to put up hay enough to carry a number of horses through the 'Winter. Game is abundant, caribou and moose being most common, and. small grouse Is very numer ous and edible. He enjoyed the best of health while up there, and has no fears of scurvy or ay othor disease so long as a man can, take care of himself and keep clean. "A man should bathe at least four times a year, whether he needs a bath or not, .in that region," he said, "but most men are shockingly negligent, and avoid the water when, once left to their own In clinations In the North. This Is oneJ'rea son why many men contract disease and die there." He left Nome on the 12th of this month on board the San 3?edro. All who can do so are trying to get away from there, and the steamer was crowded. Those who are broke will avail them3elves'0f three small Government transports, -which will bring them back to Seattle toward the end of this month. There will probably be about 4000 persons left., to .Winter In Nome. He considers that point a great fake, and thinks the transportation companies will try to boom some other point on the Alaskan coast, In order to create a rush next year. Once More aa to Cfeemavra. THE DAT.LES, Oct. 26. T6 the Editor.) I am glad that others as well as my self ' have- had curiosity enough to in quire concerning the origin and mean ing of the name Chemawa, Referrlifg to what F. R. Strong said In The Orego nian of October 24, I desjre to say that I. Is a misspelling-of the two Chinook words. ,Che Wawa. But he.ianot'auite correct during'hls-three years -absenco, -and smiUjj btst interprti&iorjH3fiih'WrBc3. Che.J, ohe la "new," not "true." "True" m Chinook is "delate," So "delate wawa" la true talk, or new language, J. M. HUNTINGTON. Aa to Femnle Snlfrnse. BAKER CITY, Or Oct. 25. (To the Editbr.) Please inform me which states have woman suffrage. The States of Colorado, Utah, Wyom ing and 'Idaho have woman suffrage. JTor a. Cold in the Head, Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tablets. HISLOP'S TRiUlVSP .ROASTED COFFEES THE MOST SPARKLING ' DELICIOUS AND AROMATIC COFFEES EVER PLACED ON THIS MARKET NOW ON SALE Four Blends Ask your grocer for them. A