THE MOENING OBEGONIAU, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1900. j JiAirrr meteorological report. PORTLAND.-' Oct 19. 8 F M. Maximum temperature. 56; minimum temperature. 49; rt ver trending .aj.13 A it.', 2.3 2eet; -cha-coilnf- y.( t jivura, -v- low,; iuu iiicuiutmm, 53K."Ki to S 3?-,M., 0.71 Inch; total preciplta- tlon sine Sir IV 1900. 2.S3 Inched "normal precipitation since Best. L 1000. 3.07 Inches; .deficiency. 1.14 Inches; total sunshine Oct. 18, Jl00; possible eunsblno'Oct. JL, 10:05. Pacific Cexmt Weather. 21 S -Wind. ffi! ! 82 8TATIONS. Astoria ... ..5G(0 2 rw Cloudy xsaker uy .......... Bismarck ........... Boise ................ Helena. .........k Kamloops, B. C... Focatelro ............ Portland Red Bluff ... ...... Roseburg ........... Sacramento ......... Salt Lake ......... San Francisco ...... Spokane ........... Seattle Walla Walla 58 0.18 OVO0 llOSE Cloudy 74 6S (Clear 5S 0.70 i SW uiouay Cloudy Cloudy Raining Cloudy Pt cloudy Ham 461 0.02 0.14 4! :N 52 00 SO 0 24 12 SW 501 0 23 io; 12 eofo, 10 SW SW 00 64 00 02 0 42114; 0 06 s I Cloudy 0.021 WJiV uiouay Cloudy 0.181 0 20 Mi 50 06 NW.Raln 0CS aioi 12.S 'Bain iCloudy IOiS WEATHER CONDITIONS. The storm yesterday over Vancouver Island is diminishing In Intensity and losing energy through spreading over a wide extent, of ter ritory. A maximum -wind velocity of 53"mllcs, from the south, occurred at Portland, while elsewhere ihrourhout the North "Pacific'- States no dangerousl high, winds occurred at the, "Weather Bureau stations. General rains have fallen In Oregon. Washington, Idaho and over portions jo the Interior of Northern" -California. The temperatures In the Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast States are about normal, and the chances since- -yesterday have gener-' ally Jxen slight and unimportant. Storm -warnings wore sent to all seaports in 'Washington and Oregon early Friday morning, and. al though the storm Is losing energy, tho gale along thoo oast will probably continue from 12 to 24 hours Icrorer. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Po-tland for tho 28 hours ending at midnight Saturday, October 20: Portland and a lclnlty Occasional ralaj brisk to high -westerly 'winds. Western Oregon and Western "Washington Occasional rain; brisk to high westerly -winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern "Washington, and Northern Idaho Occasional rain; coooler; brisk south to w est wind's. Southern Idaho Occasional rain; brisk to high southerly winds. "EDWARD A. REALS, Forecast Official. All For the Best. ' They say that women have a very deficient sen, of humor," re marked "Willie Wishlngton 'Tea," answered. Miss Cayenne. "And perhaps It Is Just a well. If we had too much discrimination. In such .matters we couldn't smile at so -man? .-well-meant masculine efforts to be. funny. "Washington Star. DIED- DUFFY In this city. Oct. 18, Thomas Duffy aged JT0 years. Funeral wilt taie place from the cathedral. 10th and Davts streets, this morning at 8 o'clock. STEPHENS In this cltv, Oct. 18, Lucy A., wife of Thomas' -Stephens, aged J4 jears. -Funeral from residence on Sunday. "WHITE In this city, Oct. IS, 15)00: "W. C. 'White, aged 40 ears. Funeral notice Sun dayanornlng. .EDWARD HOLMATt. Undertaker, 4th and Yamhill -st. Sena -gtinsnn. lady Both pbosc A o. ISO. Inley, Kimball Jk. Co., Undertakers. Lady aicRlctant. 27C Third t. Icl. (. F. S. Dnnnlnsr, Undertaker, 414 East. Alder. Lady Assistant. Both phones. Floral pieces; cot flo-rrerJr. Clarke Bros.. 2S Morrison. Both "phesei. XBW TODAY. AtRTf GHJS. . StU88l-Aron,-T8teol Mired, 18 in,, .fj; -20 In., ?4; 2AS in., $4.50. k GEVURTZ ' The HbmefurniEher. 173-175Flrst at. TOUNS MAN. SMALL CAPITAL. "WANTS' Interest in commission business. Address J JJU, 'can? Oregcnlan, Bonds, Mortgages, Warrants "Will purchase approved bonds, warrants, and make loans at lowest rates. "XV. HI Fear, Chamber of Commerce. MO&TjGAGE loans Ohmprorcd city and farm property, at lowest current rates. Building "loans. Installratntr loans, Macmaster & Blrrell, 211 "Worcester blk. 5 WORTGAGE LOANS-5 On approved Portland lty real estate. TiHe. Guarantee & Trust Ho. 7 Charaoer of Commerce. IDAHO MEAT MARKET Smokd 'bacon I0e Sirloin Jfteak ...................v... 12e Prime, rib .roast ...,,,.,. .......,,-.,......l5c Spring and ld chiskens ......... ...15c and up JOE H. NASH. Prop., cor. First and Main. Special -prices to restaurants. BUTTER LOWER. A DROP OF 5 CENTS PER ROLL. Best creamerj' butter.... ..,.,.. ...50c and 35c Crtamor 'butter.. ..............45c and -50$ Daliy huttcr .. .....40c and 45c i'dozen "ggs -for.................. ......455 Sugar-cured hams..............' Bfol side bacon, smoked. ..............'.....los Chickens yellcro -legged ones 23c All gpods retailed at wholesale -prices. LA GRANDE CREAMERY. 204 Yamhill. GH1CKEINS Chickens, yellow-legged ones . ...,..-.... ..25c Best creamer" 'butter 50c and 55a Creamep- butter 45c and 50i Dalrv butter 40c and 45c" 2 oozen egc or ... ........... .. 4Gc Sugar-cured Aams .............. .Uiio BfM sldf hacon, -smoked . .........Itte. Celebrated Ja and Mocha coffee; lb.......30e AH goods Totalled at wholesale prices. LA GRANDE CREAMERY. 2?4 Yamhill Broileri -, , 20c Largo Springs ...25c Large, fat ones, for roasting ....".... ....-J"c Largo hens --.... ...40c and 45c Turkeys...,.. ,-........... ..Dressed to order "With our crocrj orders of ? -and up -ae give: a large Jrrjng thicken free today. Ask your neighbor aljout us. , PORTLAND MARKET "CO.. 370 Third st.. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. "Wedpllver .everj-where. , CHICKENS. Wo have at least a ton to -sell today, all nlcS; ajresed, from 20c -up. We also have a fine lot of turkeys, geese and ducks which we will retail at "wholesale -prices. BUTTER Jut -received a large -conslsnraent tf fresh, swet dairy butter 35c per roll. ' RGGS Fresh Oregon, guaranteed. 2 dozen. 55c. TACJFIC MARKET & .GROCERY CO.. lyhdlesale. Commission. 340 Washington st. Oregon ykone Grant 1411; Columbia 12S. Kttionaie$ QfcO. Datura Lo; PRELIMINARY NOTICE On TUESDAY tf cxt, October 23, at 54 Twentieth Street North, "We jsre Instructed to ell the -very liantUome arninbls: of private .residence, lyfeleU Include Largre Turlclh rnetsj imported china and cut .arlaasj- default Xarltarer In gen uine mahogany inarterasa,vred oak tuid. other choice (weods. Poll particulars Jn Sanday'a -Orego. niaTii'- GEO. BAIOER & CO., Auctioneers. "ExfSseaus&rKr -CORDRJ&STHEATEH, t ' A- Fouinlght3, comraJcg;ednesda?evcnr.; uwi ucu a iuumee saxuroay;, a siwiuwwu 'that may "appropriately be termed ''The Light b Russia." RUSCO & HOLLAND'S Phewm; anally popular,.aad successful 'melodrama- FOR HER SAKE.! M , BeandAfiTwlth, barbaric "romance and rallpp Massive and masterly reproductions. Supreme ly novel scenlcrand spectacular effects. Tho inlEdeeds of the mighty now -unmasked.-&-flawless play, founded on truth. Tha towei. Ing triumph of two continents. Price 25c and SOc; box and logo seats, 75c and'ffl. MARQUAM GRAND , CALVJNJHEIDIG. Manager: One -Reek, beginning Monday. Oct. 22, Alatinte. t Saturday,- : LEE : : LEE, : . ; THE GREAT HTFNOT1ST. : ! : THE GREAT HXPNOTIST. : ..........M..,...v..-, ..j Evening prlccs-rLower floor. 50p; balconyi ilrst 0 rows. 3Gci last 0 rows, 25c; gallery, p- Matinee- prices Lower 'floor, 50cr entire hal cony, 25c. CORDRaVs THEATER Week bcginnlnff Sunday, Oct; -21, and Saturday Matinee, S ........: ' : "A WISE, GUY." : : '1ATVISE gut." : : "A "WISE GUT." 1 : "ACSYISE GUT." : : . "A "WISE GUT." : : "A "WISE tGUT." r J 1 New Jokes, -songs and dances, i Prices 25e and 50cr METROPOLITAN THEXTER Phontf Grant 741. ' Third and Yxunhlll- Bts: CLARENCE H, JONES, Manager. Tonight and all "week. (Not all Kids ..with "Kelly's Kids"), first tlmo hen, "the New York World's latest laughing sueceES, "KELLY'S XIDS." Direct from Manhattan. Theater, New Torts. 1000 laughs tonight. A scenic revelation. Introducing- these -farceurs: The Otts, BOuldcn and Grlffln. 4 Carnations. Griffin and Griffif Newsboys' Quartet, Female Quartet, the Hag time Trlo and J5 others. THE- FREDERICKSBURG SEVENTH AND,ALDER ANOTHER BIG- BILL. I THE GREAT OI3HXMA, Japan's Greatest Equilibrist andJuggler. ivm; j: mills. i . Novel Changing1 Speclalty, HARRY LEWIS AND MARJORIE LAKE, The Great Black-Face Team, i THE30NLYMORaiSON. I AGNES FREED. -' MAE-KEONDER,- 5EV TODAY. ' MOTTO: Five -cents cheaper. Five cents better Than anji other market. -SALE TODAY AT, LOSVUR PRICES THAN EVER. Biggest display of flh, poultry and fruit in the city. ' Belgian bares .....50c Ducks 25e Geese 75o Chickens 25c Turkeys, per lb .....15c BUTTER. . Fartnlngton 50 j Vancouver 50c Albany ...... ....-;..... 60c Four Oaks ,55s Dairy . . . . , .' 35c VIKCE'S MARKET."" CdR. 4TH AND ALDER. CALIFORNIA MARKET CO, 185 THIRD st , wllf today give special bargains: Lata Crawford pcacheR, COc per box; best cream ory butter, 50c and COc per roll; choice figs. 10c lb ; Solder's catsuD. 20c; 12 lbs. coda cracker. 55c; Oregon eggs, 25c; Eastern egSB, 20c; best ham, 12c; Mocha and Java coffee, 25c; chickens, 20c and up. All kinds jof fresh and cured -beef cheap. FOR SALE A GOOD LATH MILL. BOLTER, bundler and Trimmer. Alfco 400,000 feot o fir lumber, situated at Rainier. Or., and on Cowlitz River, .near CatUn, Wash. Inquire pf Qnester, V. Dqlph, Trustee, room 502 Com mercial building, city. 17 POUNDS GRANULATED SUGAR (BEST) for SI. with .all ?2 order of general grocer-ie- Java and Mocha coffeo, vry best, 25c per lb , sold elsewhere at 35c lb City Gro cer' Co., 412 "Washln-rton st. Col. 3; Clay 007. FOR SALE ALL OR TVtflT OF HALF block. South Portland, wjth modern 8-room house and 5-room cottacei one" block car line; casj payments. Call Oregon phone. Front -072 .FOR SALE REAL ESTATIC. WEtHAVfiT PROPERT1 OF ALL KINDS and lriv aH-'parts of Uhe city and suburbs, for salo at lowest prices, and can mako better terms than others, as we handle property owned principally hy,. mortgage companies. Call and ees-our Hit. as we have some special "bargains on hand, and will drive ou out to see tho property. "It" 1111 cost you nothing to look Jt over.- Grinds t aft & Blaln. 240 Stark street. VERY CHOICE KEW SUBURBAN &-ROOM house, barn, -5 lots, orchard, etc, command ing view, for sale. $500 less than cost f Improvements; short distance out near car line; easy terms. Riggen Real .Estate Co , 30-31 McKay bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR INSIDE RESI dertce propert A highly Improved 10-acift tract, 2 miles east of "Mount Tabor; low prices And easy terms made for a quick 50.. Address A- TTWebb. Terry, Or. FOR SALE LOTS 0 AND 7. BLOCK ISO, Couch; price .$3500; one-half cash. By Par rlsh & Watklns. 25tt Aldr st. 52250 FOR CHOICE 3-ACRE HOME SITE ON Mount Tabor. Hart Land Co., 107 Sherlock building. - SEE REIDTS block. SNAPS, WASHINGTON TO EtCHAKGE TO EXCHANGE TWO IMPROVED FARMS and unimproved landln Minnesota for Port land property. Isaac 3. Staples, Little Falls. Minn. FOR SALE IfARMS. STOCK AND FRUIT RAN.CH OF 79 ACRES for sale; Well watered, good soil; 30 acrM, bcxcrlng onhard; only two miles from Oak land, Douglas Count-, Or.; ion, price and easy terms. Apply directly to -the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company, San Tranclsco, CaL IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts f .Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For full particulars as to various properties, apply to Mocmaster &. Blrrell, 3ll Worcester Bl0Ck. 2Q-ACRE FRUIT AND VEGETABLE FARM for -sale, near city; will pay for Itself in four years; owner must .sell at any sacri fice -John Day. Vancouver, Wash. LARGE LIST FARMS. SALE AND TRADE. J. A Henkle. rooim 225 and 220 Ablngton building. FOR KEXT-.ITAR:.tS. TO RENT FARM -OE 265 ACRES, HIGHLY cultivated; 35 acres In hops, good buildings; 52 mlleir from Seattle, in White 'River -Valley. Address Mr McDousall, Orlllla, Krng County, Waslj. . FOR RENT ABOUT 6 ACRES, WITH HOUSE and good orchard, on "Portland Heights. B Goldsmith, Ablngton building. FARM, -41 ACRES'. CITY "LIMITS: BARNS, living houses, 1000 fruit trees, spring water. SSI YamhilL FOR RENT GOOD GRAIN AND STOCK farms. W. A Shaw, 110 1st. TTMBEB LANDS FOR SALE. TIMBER, 200,000 acres; mill sites, claims, log ging chances, school lands, and scrip. J. L.' Martin Si C6.. etfl Oregonian building. PATTER BROS, FACDTC J3LOCK, SEAT tle. "huy nnd sell timber lands and land scrip'.- BELGIAN HARES FOR SALE. BUY YOUR 3ELGIAN HARES AT BONAN za Babbitry. Finest stock, lowest prices. Captain Chandos at stud. 1579 Macadam St., Fulton Take S. car.., . FOR 5ALE MISCELLANEOUS. BIRDS AT WOODARD, CLARKE & CO.'S. Last chance to get one of the celebrated Im ported warbllnz canaries. Sale will jcIoso Saturday night. Best bird seed and tonic in city. F. A. Stuhr. TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES. RENTED and sold 'Expert repairing. Office supplies, etc. Coast Agency Co., 2C0V$ Stark st. LARGE"STOCK OF VEHICLES, HARNESS, saddles, new and second-hand; must go in SO days. S. Tomllnson, 211 Washington st BARBER SHOP FOR SALE; TWO CHAIRS and hath; paylngSO per week. SOJtussel etreet. $10 FOR -A NEW GAS COOKERf $2 CASH, .balance $2 per month. Gas Co.. 174 Fifth st. FORT'S AUESUISOEXEATTEOUS'. poolJaad onebllHard,-table. two mlcklfirln-sloV Adolph A. Dekum. Ill Flrsg,st., or 171 13th. LADT T'S?. "WHEELS CRESCENT, IN GOOD idltton; also tallsr-raade blcycle-isklrt; S14.- I0h st. r jt " . f ' coni 16SI04h st. FOR BEST Fni, -OAK AND ASH "WOOE GO to Pioneer Wood Tard, foot of -Morrison St. Phone 180. SOLIDa GOLD RINGS.. ONLY 11; GUARAN tfeedr'i Upcle . Myers. 143 Third, near Aider. Mag&Jnterns. jiew. second-hand, moving pic tures. Bullatd. & Breck, 131 Post, San Fran. For Sale SeveraC?xcelIent old violins. Emll Thielhorn, to.' 1. McKay bldg, 3d and Stark. Upright piano, S75. standard make; one, $50; Kimball organ,. Mrs. Martin, 104 1st. FOR SALE A T7QQO SAW. INQUmE AT 334 L "Waiter "t- . , . PlBHOSV "NEW PIANO -SKIR RENT-JYBRT CHEAP. Graves, &,Co r 124.Sbethst HELP PANTED-aiALB. 100 SHOVELERS" $1.75. .BOARD $3 50, FARE and fee advanced; 10. R. .R.-laborers $2, board $3 50; loggers $40 to $50 and board; yard and mill .hands $2.- woodchoppers 80c and 85c;. carpenters $2.80 to $3; rock men $2, farm bands $25 to $30; cooks, waiters, dishwashers, Canadian Agency, 226 Morri son, Loggers; Headquarters. "WANTED-ABLE IA&: OF GOOD REPUTA tlon In each county to represent large bouse. Position constant. Salary $78 per month and alb expenses State reference -and Inclose self -addressed stamped envelope. 'President, 370 Caxton building-. Chicago. "Wanted MShlpg prospectors, for tho . Philippine- Islands, Schooner Mildred B. will sail from1 Seattle about Dec 1. For particu lars, address D. S. Andrews, Mgr- Philippine Exploration Co:, 118 Cherry St., Seattle, Wh. ENERGETIC "WORKERS TO DISTRIBUTE circulars and samples; permanent occupation; good pay; particulars for stamp. Dlst. League, 49 W. 28th st. 'New York. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS MILLWRIGHT to work In a saw mill; steady work -wages, about $S -tfer day. Apply 'to Bucodn. Lumbor Co, Bucoda, Wash. "WANTED YOUNG MAN "WHO UNDER stands typewriting to make- himself gener ally useful; references O 30, care Orego nlaris' i 100 'PICK AND SHOVEL MEN, $175. BD.. f5.C0, faro adv., can collect fea; -boat cook, tor other kitchen nelp , Drake, 152 First. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO GO TO ST. Helens; also hustler for city. Apply between 8and 3 Sunday, 171-west Park. TWO BOYS. 10 YEARS OR OVER, WANT ed, evenings, ffto 10. Apply at Y. M. C. A., 0:30 A. M. GOOD DAIRYMAN WANTED; KESJRABLE place for xlsht man' Inquire 323 Ablngton building. k BOY WANTED. 427 WASHINGTON STT Cill xifter 9 o'clock A M nELP 1VAXTED FBMAI.E. COOKS; WAITRESSES; SECOND WORK; chambermaids, nurse- girlsv housekeepers; housework of all kinds, $12 to $25: can vassers Canadian Parlors, 228 Morrison. WANTED SEVERAL BRIGHT YOUNG LA dies to read one hour dally for part tuition. Behnke's Pernin Shorthand & Commercial College, G14 Commercial block WANTED ONE TIPST-CLASS CHOCOLATE dipper; also one first - class cream dipper; faro refunded. Apply D D. & V. Candy Company, Tacoma. Wash. WANTED THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED cloak and suit saleswoman. Address, with references and salary expected, J. S. Gra ham, Seattle, Wash. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED SALESLADY for general merchandise; German-speaking preferred. Apply by letter to J D, care Ore gonian GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE worL in family of two. Call today, after 9 A M., 481 Alder St., between 11th and 12th. GIRL OF .GOOD CHARACTER;1 HOUSE work assistant; desirable place; umall fam ily. 23i College st. . - ' COMPETENT GJRL WANTEDFOR. GENER, al housework. Call C27 Marshall, between 19th and 20th. , GOOD GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL houseworks Apply 770 Overton, between 2Jd and 24th. WANTED A WOMAN OR GIRL TO COOK or to help cooklns. 232 Front st , Hotel Rhein. WANTED-COMPETENT COOK: WAGES !f2; no washing and Ironing. Call at 054 Everett street WAITRESS FOR ASTORIA. $15. ETC.; cooks, domestics, etc , for city. Drake, 102 First, COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wage. Apply 144 North 22d. GIRL WANTED TO DO UPSTAIRS WORK and sowing. C53 Washington st. COMPETENT NURSE GIRL WANTED. 818 Lovejoy. betveen 24th and .JSth SITUATION "WANTED-OIALE. YOUNG MAN WITH FAMILY WISHES po sition as cashier or bookkeeper; 10 years' ex perience; good references. Address V 3U, Oregonian EXPERT STENOGRAPHER HAS ONE HOUR . each day unemployed. Owns machine Ad dress Box S97, Portland. BY- BRIGHT' YOUNG MAN, WORK; AM very- handy at anything; .no canvassing. U 23 care Creronian. DRUGGIST; ?1EDY, COMPETENT DRUG glst wanta rc-gujar1 or r.l!ef work. J. M. Stanton. 394 Alder. JAPANESE GOOD BOY, WANTS POSITION In any -place, to help cook, housework. 10 North Third st. JAPANESE. GOOD BOY, WANTS COOKEMG ' or hpusework In city or country. P 30, cara Oregonian. YOUNG TIA'N WOULD LUCE TO WORK for board and go to school. Address X, earn Oregonlin. WANTED INSIDE WORK BY YOUNG MAR rird man. Call or addro-s 372 First, room C SITUATIONS WAJTTED-FEMAIiB. RELIABLE GIRL FOR GBNpRAL HOUSE work state wagos Address G 80, Orego nian i WATTTED aBsEXTS. WE WANT A CAPABLE" MAN ORi WOMAN in each county .to handle local business. If you can give acceptable references, wo can put you In the way of making more than a good living In a legitimate and 'pleasant way.- Our.buslneas-Is the salo of the Ozona tor, a scientific methodsor th.e comraon-senso cure of diseases. The Oronator, Co , 10 Wash ington building, Portland, Or. AGENTS ON SALARY OR COMMISSION. The greatest-, agents' seller ever produced; every user of pen and Ink buys It on sight; 200 to COO per cent profit; one agent's salr amounted to?C23 In six daysr another $32 In two hours. Monroo Mfg. Co , X.-44, La Crosse, Wis. MAN OR WOMAN TO HMPLOY AND SU perlntend agents; ?00per month 'and ex. penses; experlenco not required; permanent Ztegler 90., 552 Monon building. Chicago AGENTS-HISTORY OF GALVESTON "HOR ror." Price. $1 50 Great opportunity to mak money. Outfit free.- S. C. .Miller & Co , 733 Marquam. Portland. ""Or. AGENTS FOR "CHINA'S -WAR WITH THE Nation"; big book; best terms; outfit free.? S C. Miller Co 733, Marquam. Portland. WAKTBJD-jTO RENT'. WANTED. &OARD AND ROOM IT A strictly, private, Jewish family, by a- young married couple, to arrivo In Portland Oct. 20 from, Boston; "Mass. Address, with full par tlcujarsr Mr. AHoItz, careMeler &Frank Co. WANTED BY GENTLEMAN AND WIFE (no children), a furnished house orflat.of 4 or "5 roomff n Tresjjectable'melghborhood, hy October 20. Address V 20, Oregonian jofflcc ' BOARD AND TWO ROdMS; FOR SEVERAL ononths, by lady and three small girls, -in refined family, -with no other boardors;rrfer? ences exchanged. S 36, care Oregonian, HOUSE OF' 5 OR'fl ROOMS, NEAR DOERN becher factory. East 28th and O. R. & N. track. Telephone East 41. WANTED-AHSCEIjIATSIIOUS. - WANTED1- -150 HORSE - POWER HR3H speed olecrrfcjllght engine, -newf-or sccand-. condition ,and i prlcei JJdress.tGray's,. Harbor. ' WHiWCffl'H V.U . oMwywMa, iiiu. WANTED FOUR PUPILS TO JOIN! EVENJ ing class of 10, r-f our.mighti. each week, by experienced, teaeherj common . , branches taught? termsr reasonable? Address-., D 37, l caro Oregonian. GIRL OR WOMAN TO BOARD; $6 .PER month, to stay with lady 'at .night, for , caroyanyj can go. nut two" evenlngs-tar weeki Address, E 87, -caro-Oregonian, 10 MBN--TO FILEU3N HOMESTEADS; WrILL. ' locato-flO in ono sparty for$100?- on. veryj de-; slrablo land. J, Worlo 300, WaahlnBtqp, street. W"ANTEB SECOND-HAND AIR HKUSH? JN i good:cono1tlon'. fGeo. M. Strongr.toomil Good-; nough building. WANTED GOOD DOCTOR: "MALE. OR FE- r male, or both In good, (thriving, town. Ad. t dresarO 33, care. Oregonian? WANTED SECOND - HAND'XATHD FOR" wood turning; must bo cheap. 185 Madison; streot " tTanted Rooming-house, central State low est cash- price, and location. "E 25, Oregonian.. CAST-OFF CLOTHING AT. MAINE "LOAN. Office. 70-ar 3d, St.- Oregott-phonq-Clay.C82. n FOR RENT. Rooxrta, THEi. SPALDING. S. E. 'COR PARK AND . Alder sts.r under the management of the owner;' Helen FA Spalding Tho most complete apartment-house In the .Northwest; choice rooms, for gentlemenor. gentleman and wife; furnished housekeeping sulfca a specialty. THEIPLEASANTON, 2S89i THHtD ST. FJNB, iurnisneo? rooms, en suite,, -single; ornouo-, keeping; sunlight lri all ooms; bath inclndedjj most reasonable- terms ; transient solicited. FOR RENT PRETTILY FURNISHED SUITE of two medium-sized j-ooms, with gaa, heat, bath'and-phono service; central. 375 Tay lor st. . THE NEWCASTLE. &. E. COR.. THIRD AND -Harrison sts. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; alii modern conveniences ;xeferonceei' ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, BOOMS; LQCA tlon unsurpassed for gentlemen transients; $1 per day. The Cosmo3, Fourth and Morrison. OCqiDENTAL, FJRST AND MORRISON sts Rooms, suites: and single, housekeep ing; every convenience; reasonable. ELEGANT FURNISHEL ROOMS AT ."50 Madison; gas, bath, heat, everything con venient. Phone West 1230 NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM, IN PRrVATC family. Call mornings, 102 12th, between Stark and Washington. . T-i f f-T."'N JW AL.Dr.R ST. FINE FUR nlshed rooms; haths; phone; all modern con 'Veniencea; no children. 414 YAMHILL. ST -PEASANT ROOMS. FOR gentlemen: steam heat, bath, telephone, all modern conveniences. ' FURNISHED ROOMS. .SINGLE, 75c- PER' week; double beds, $1 and upwards., 320& Front, cor. Clay. l ' 474ALDBR ST. NEWLY FURNISHED, ELE gant room, suitable, for gentlemen; all mod ern conveniences. 11TH ST., 25S FURNISHED FRONT AL covo room: also single; all conveniences; pri vate family. THE- RUSSEL. CORNER MORRISON AND Fourth sts . over Steliiboch's store Rooms for rent. , FOR RENT 8 OR 0 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, Inquire 30S Alder st. 352 SECOND ST. UNFURNISHED ROOMS, for .first-class people. Rooms "With Board. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 11TH YDARi rooms wlthv board; enameled baths-tubs, use of library; Woman's Exchange. Jndustrihl school. Address Mrs E C George, superin tendent, 510 TlandTs street PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH BOARD; GOOD location; terms reasonable; gas, bath, tele phone 533 East Ankeny. 175 12TH ST. NICE ROOMS. DOUBLE AND clhtrle. with bnnj-d; irns. hnt. rhnn; rr!Unn- able rates. - ' i"1! NICELY FURNISHED , ROOMS, . WITH first-class table board 305 Morrison", ear 10tH.- " - ' i ' - ' ' 42C BURNSIDE ST. NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, all conveniences, room and board FOR RENTROOMS AND BOARD i HOMKi cooking. 215 12th st. English family. , NICELY FURNISHED JOOMS SINGLE OR en suite, w lth board. 347 Markrt st. Honsclcceplnc Rnonia. THREE ROOMS, FURNISHED FOR HOUSE keeplng, first floor, wlthpantry and other conveniences. 1ST hapman; near .Yamhill..' FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED HOUSEi keeplpg rooms; alcove, closets, pantry and bath; no children. 09 North 13th. 247 FIFTH TWO VERY PLEASANT front rooms, furnished, for light housekeep ing. Ring the left bell. TWO LIGHT, AIRY ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, completely furnished 549 SKth, near Lincoln. 1 FOR RENT-455 BURNSIDE, COR. 12TH, two furnished housekeeping rooms; private family, central r 38S. JEFFERSON ST 3-ROOM -FLAT, FUR niched; also suite of 2 rooms; central loca tion: referonce rOR RENT THREE FURNISHED HOUSE Keeping rooms 104 Seventh st., cor. Taylor. 135 '10TH. COR ALDBR NICELY FUR-, nished liar, 3 rooms; telephone, gas range NfCELY rURNISHCD BOOMS BY THE week, and transient. 22H Morrison st. A 3-ROOM SUITE FURNISHED, HOUSE keeping. 2S8i Third, The Pleasanton. 123 11TH. COR. WASHINGTON TWO FUR nished housekeeping rooms; reasonable. House. FOR RENT DESIRABLE 7ROOM HOUSE; , all c modern Improvements, hot-water heater, olectrlo fixtures, fine lawn, flowers and fruit .trees.- 101 Shaver st., cor. Commercial, Cen tral Alblna. Inquire Adolph A Dekum, 111 First st. FOR RENT 9-RQOM HOUSE. MODERN, AT Sunnysldo, 1000 E" "Wash 'Inquire 293 Mor rison. 8-ROOM HOUSE IN IRVINGTON; MODERN. E P. Northnip, 255 Taylor, cor. Second. OR RENT HOUSE, 0 JIOOMS. MODERN: j.u-1 -urii;r su TmIslicV -Tonnes. ELEGANT 0-ROOM RESIDENCE. COM pletely .furnished; fine lawn of two lot?; terms v ry reasonable. Apply at room 3, Hamilton BId AN ELEGANT HOME... CONVENIENTLY LO ca,ted, near business icenter, .furnished com plete, 11 rooms. Apply 180 Front. $10 PER MONTH;i'5-ROOA COTTAGF. Ftltt nished complete for housekeeping. 110 Pen noyer st , near Hood. A MODERN, WELL - FURNISHED HOUSE. Apply from 9 to 3. 555 Yamhill st. Houses for Rent Furnitnre for Sale; FOR SALE FURNITURE OF A B-'Rnmr cottage, at barrain- Inquire D30 Thurman, street" Stores. wr PTPWT T-ATtrs-! FBAMB WiPBtimieo S. E. cor. Fifth and Montgomery sts. Atkin-i BUU( ,V JV.IU, It v f , UkULA. Ob. FOR RENT STORE.' 41 FH?STSTv, COR. Ash, R. L GUsan. 420 Chamber Commerce. Offices'. Entire space on sixth floor, Goodnough bldg.; formerly occupied b Portland Busjness Col lege; space ,10.0xlW large halls, and flno suites of officespfor rent IntWholo or Fn part; well lighted, heated, elevator service, etc Apply J- M. Peebles. 204 Goodnough bldg. PERSONAL. SEE GREAT INDIAN MEDIUM. BORN with double veils; tells past, present and futufa; warns against mlBfortUno; sure guide to social and business life; confidential, heals all diseases by the use of Indian herbs. Mrs Prof. Wheatley Howe. 132 Third si, corv Alder, upstairs: offices 5 C, 7. Special at tention given chronic diseases of both sexes. THE PORTLAND CLUB, INC., A PLACE OF amusement and recreation, for gentlemen, Hi Fifth st. and 291Hi Alder. "The cafe In con nection carries thu bst line of liquors and clars the world produces. PERSONAL3. 17 - women wanted -suffering. :from. Irregular. nalnfui" nBriodsH- lnporrhoa .fxchltesf and alli- complicated diseases pertaining to changes of . life, cured by old Dr. Kessler. cor. Second and Yamhill sts.-329' wotrten called last month. Consultation free, and Drlvnto rooms fdrs'ladies; Ificanjt catta -Wrt tr;inclosln JQd acsuunps. iiunareas treatea at noma Dy on new systems. - SEE GREAT INDIAN- -MEDIUM. BORN - with double veils; tells past, present and futre;-.warna,8sa(n3,jGal8j"ortune;jsuro guide. to social arid business life; confidential; heals all dleeaacsbytheju&a.ofrlndlaii.herbsMrs. Prof. WhetUley 'Howe, 132 Third st.,. cor. Alder, 'Upstairs; otllces 5, 0V t. Specials atten tion given chronic diseases. of both sexes. LADIES. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A sample jackfltr-far;-$3 ta S5.3:'worth.-tp- tf f 157 Havo yourur garments- remodeled for..lesa than half price, nrst-class work; excellent fltxsuaranteed; 50 years' c experlenco prefer ences G. Konigsnorg, ?10 J-llsky" building, 3d , and Morrlsonr Ola, and paw furs, bought. t Phones Columbia 28, Oregon Oak- 18Q1. RKEUMATISM IN EVERY FORM- FOSI- tlVly, cured or money refunded;, also all throat and dung troubles, kidney and liver troubles. -Insomnia and all nervous and, de bilitated affections' quickly cured. Consulta tion jfrec; booklet free, by tnalU Addrfess Dr, C. W. Eman &. Co.. 18- RusseL building port land,, Or. RIMLESS TTTE-GLASSES. $1.25r NICKEL OR gold-Hedjxframes wlth-best-ilenacjir?!; com--mon. glasses, from 25 to 60c Eyes tested ireo. bycompetent optlqldnj-flt .guaranteed. 'Port-land--Jewelor-and Optician, .132 First at, be tween Washington and Alder; DRESS. SUITS RENTED, ALL SIZES, , WE call for, spongo. press and deliver one suit of your clothing each week( sew -on buttons. rsew up-rlps, forl$l per montlu Dyeing, isteaml cleaning and repairing. Unique, Tailoring Co., 347 Washington, both phones. BLAZIERTS CONCERT -HALL BLAZD3R'S CONCERT HALL 248 BURNSIDE 8TREET 248 BURNSIDE STREET Solo Agent O. P. S. Bourbon. Also handling Three Crown Cyrus .Noble. WHY SUFFER WITH PAINFUL. Sup pressed or. 1 irregular1 menstruation when- per manent TCllef can-bo obtained In the privacy of,your own home.' For particulars, ad dress Box 317, City. IF "PARTY WHO STOLE RINGS FROM, lady on evenlngj-of Sept. 30 will return tha same, , a liberal .reward will be given, and, no questions asked. Address O 22, cpre Ore gonian. WATCHES CLEANED.. 75c; MAINSPRING. 75c; clocks called for and delivered. All watch and clock repairing warranted ono year- Th Portland Jeweler. 132 First Jrt. Phone Black 937. . MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR BOB erts' Nerve Globules. One month' treatment, $2; 3 months, $5. Sent securely sealed by. mall. Agents, Woodard & Clarke, Portland, Or. "SEX-INE RESTORES. SEX.INE REPLACES what Is worn or lest in your nerves; $1 per box, or 0 for $5, 1 at Clemenson's drug store, 227 Yamhill St , Portland, Or. ILLOND'S PREVENTIVE CONES. AN UN equaled antiseptic;' no failure; per box, $1.00; sample. 10c. Illond-Chem. Co , Portland. S. O. box 974. t . ,1 Uncle Henry, J50 6th. pawnbroker; unredeemed pledges; bargains always on hand; warrant ed Jewelry -and watch repairing at lowest prices. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably .filled at JSyasell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison st , bet. 1st and 2d. We print 30" visiting cards, proper size and style, 25c r 250 business cards, $1; sent post paid. Brown & Schmale, 220 First St.. city. FRITZ' CONCERT HALL; largest cafo on Pa cific Coast-,.240 to 248 Burnside. 'Welnhard's beer on draught. Clubrooms upstairs. LAXINE, A WINNER FOR STOMACH AND bowels. Sold hy Modol Drug Store, 05 Grand aic.-; Knight, 120 Sixth st. GET MARRIED ON NEW PLAN. SEND 2 cent stamp for circular. Address Box 853, Milwaukee, Wis. Respectable single men and women, wishing to become acquainted, address P. O. box 359. PILES cured without operation No bain. Ho - detention from business.- Box 517, city. WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITED 7 SEND stamp to lock box COO, Portland Or. MRS DR. MrCOY. electric treatments; 133 1 Firstjst,. cor. Aiders rooms 38 and. 30. SPECIAL, -NOTICES. Propositi Invited. PROPOSALS 'FOR 'STREET LIGHTING Settled proposals, marked "Proposals for street HgnUng.L' will bo received at the of fice of the Auditor, of the City of Portland, Or,, up to Nov ember 20, o,t 4 o'clock P. M . tor llhtln,: the streets of said city from February 2cS, 1901, to December 31. lBo2, both datcs incluslvo. .Proposals should bo ad drtssed to Thomas. C. Devlin, Clerk of tho Board of Public Works, City Auditor's 'of fice, Portland, Or." Proposals will be received for lighting the' streets by districts or for lighting the cits as a whole. In accordance Wjth specifications, therefor on file in the of . flee' of the City Auditor, copies of which will be turnihed on application Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check on some responsible bank of Portland, Or., In the sum of. ten (10) per cent of the total amount of the bid, pajable to tho order of H. S. Rowe, Mayor, as fixed and liquidated damages, that the successful bidder will not withdraw his bid for a period of 50 dajs after it is opened and wrlll enter into a contract in accordance with tho specifications andb'd within 10 davs after the contract is awarded, The success ful bidder upon entering into a contract will also be required to furnish a good and suf ficient hond in tho sum of 25 per cent of the total contract price, to ibe-.approved by tho Mayor of tho City, qf Portland, conditioned that tho contractor w ill fulfill, the terms -of the contract. The right I reserved to reject an and all bids. By crder of the Board of Public Works. THOMAS C. DEVLIN, Clerk. Portland! Or,. October 18, 1900. OrFICE' OR C. Q, M., VANCOUVER BAR racks, Wash.. October-13, 1000 Wonted by the United States, 500 cavalry horses more or lssi Dealers will be advised bf U-' ' scrlptlonsj etc , by conspicuously posted hand bills in their respective localities and dates when an Inspector will be present to Inspect such animals as may be presented. J. W. Jacobs, C. Q. M. ' Masters Notice. BRITISH SHD? CONWAY. CAPT. WARD, master, from Shanghai Neither the captain nor. the undersigned consignees of the abov e named vessel will be- responsible for any debt that may be contracted by the crew. Kerr, Gilford Si Co. BRITISH SHIP DALCAIRNIE. CAPT. JONES, master, from Shanghai Neither the captain nor the undersigned consignees of the above -vpssel will be responsible for any debt that Biay. be contracted bj the crew. Kerr. Gil ford & Co. BUSINESS CHANCES. THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE SHOE STORE, fine location, doing a flrst-clacs business, in one of the- best towns in Eastern Washing ton, for salo at a bargain. "Reason for sell ing, owner goes East. Books show last year's trade over $11,000. For particulars address Geo. H." Lennox. Real Estate and Landlords Agent, Colfax. Wash.- A PARTY WELL ACQUAINTED WITH THE - general trade of the Northwest, and with a capital of about S1000, desires to associate himself with an established jobbing or man ufacturing conqern; none but strictly lcglti ?maie prpposltlons will be considered; no mining "chemes Answer under C 37, caro Oregonian. . HARDWARE STOCK FOR SALE. LOCATED Mn county seat of best farming county 4n Westprn Washington ;.clfan. up-to-date stock, doing paying business; will bo sold at a bar gain Address B 37. care Oregonian. -FOR 1 SALECONFECTIONERY, GROCERY, .bakery and creamery combined; doln? nice business; furnished housekeeping 'room jn the rear; a snap. 5325; party leaving-city. Call ' at 270 Taylor. $C0O EW JOB PRINTING OUTFIT FOR sale, reasonable terms; good location. Jas. M. Thompson, Forest Grove, Or. WILL EXCHANGE S700 EQUITY IN S120O residence for merchandise. Lock-box 41, Forest Grove, Or. GOOD, PAYING BUSINESS FOR JPARTIES with small capital; rent reasonable, Call4S0 Washington st. . BUSINESS DIRECTOR-'. Attorneys, EDWARD T TAGGXRT, ATTORNEY - AT law, general practice, 51S Chamber of Com merce Jj W. RANSOM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND counselor, Bates Bank bldg.. Portland. Or. Ansayers andi Analysts. J, H. nSK MINERAL ASSAYER AND chemist;- gold dust bought, 204 Washington. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST; gold dust bought. 228 Stark st business directory:. Atrric-tltaral Implements, Machinery. JOHN PO0LB; Newton wagons. bugle3wlno j mills- pumps, machinery -Foot Morjlaoa st. Bdolc Stores. J. K. 'GILL; 3r CO-. WHOLESALE AND. RE tail hookaelhsrs ond sUUfliwn, 133-85 3d st. Bo3cJofcer-. FRENCH SELLS. MAKES AND BUYS boxes. 213 "Washlnxioo, FljDne Clay 442. Coal Dealers. VuL and blacksmith coals. -Also' foundry coke. Front at.,, near GUsan. .Ore. te).. Red. 1ICG. Carpenters and Bnllder. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter, hutlder; ofilco - and stora. fixtures. Qre teL 747: 305 Stark. Chiropodist- and Jtlanlcprinar. L. MITCHELL. FIRST LICENSED EXPERT chiropodist;, patronized by Portland' 400; no extra charge for .calling at resldtnco. Office 100 Fifth, ppppalto P. O. Tel. Hood 014, wm: devent" & iixaiy deveny. the only sdentlflc chiropodists, parlors- BQ1 Allsky bldgid and Morrison, ore. phone. Grant 1C- Clairvoyant-. PROF: BUCKMASTER, THE" MAKVEL Your future, foretold, Thla. remarkable man. whose corear has been one, of success. Is gifted by nature .with a power that ap proaches the- miraculous. He la recommend ed by every, one of hi patrons. HW adVlc Is infallible, convincing and beyond dlsputo. He la enabled to penetrate the net of human life. It -matters not what your experience with mediums and palmists-might havrf been. Buckmaster- wiU convinc you that tho past, present and f uturo can ha told. His' power3 exolte the wonder and admiration, bt even the most- skeptical. The troubled and unfor tunate, should seek his aid and 'start aright. His readings arc-strictly private. Shall only remain in Portland two w-eks. Don't fair to consult him. Hours, from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. and 7 P. .M. to 9 P. M. Tak elevator, rooms. 509 and 510 Goodnough building. Mroe. Dr. Herzag, froni Berlin, scientific xe vcaler; tells entire life, past present and fu ture; consultation on -11 affairs; nothing ex copied;, names, given J .good-advice;. Bure'help; mistake impossible; imports genuine gypsy love powder. Fee. $1;; letter, $2- 363 Alder- Corn mis Ion SlercKants. HEBMANi METZGBR. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair,, tallow, old.. ruQoer ana 01a metai, ana general commis sion merchant! Front st, near Main, Port land, Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR, YOUNG. & CO.. SHIP BROKERS 'and commission merchants, Sherlock: bldg.. IPortland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO- - duca merchants- Front & D ats.. Portland, Or. EVERDING & FARRELL. commission, butter, eggs, chickens aridnfarra produce, Portland.. Corniced SkrllBhts... METAL SKYLIGHTS". GALVANIZED IRON cornices. J- C. Bayer. 2G5 Second st Dnnelnpr. DANCING AND DRAMATIC ELOCUTION "Mrs. Larowo, 23d and Kearney. Tel. 11 to 3. Dentists. DR. B. H. FISHER. PHONE HOOD 809-717- The Dekum. Dyeing; and Cleaning;. H. W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER and cleantr. 301 17th. TeL Red 131. Fence and Wire Works. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works. l A. Carlson. 280 East Morrison at. Hair Dresslnfi; and Manicuring. ROSENTHAL SISTERS, ICO FIFTH. OFF. P. O. Switches a specialty. Phone Hood 914. Harness and Saddles. BREYMAN LEATHER CO., WHOLESALE saddle and harness manufacturers, saddlery hardware, findings and shoo stora supplies; leather of all kinds. IS Front st. THE GEORGE" LAWRENCE CO. WHOLE sale gaddlers -and harness manufacturers, leather and, saddlery hardware-. 72 Front st. Iron -Founders. Mach-'nta, Ship It'ld'rs. Wolff, & Zwlcker Iron Works: designers and mfrs. of ships, steamboats., marine, mining ' and milling machinery; riveted ateel pipe. Smith & Watson Iron Works; engines and boil ers; logginff engines a. specialty; quartz and saw mlll4; misc. machinery. Front andHall. Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of N. W.; protects the-living; fixed pay msnts eliminate doubtful "dividends." J. L. Mitchell. Sup. Sec'y, C12-S15 Marquam bldg. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE. INS. CO.. 102 First st. Boyd &. Arnold, General Agents. Magrnetle and Mental Heallngr. Mrs, C. J. Maple, magnetic healer (Wbltmer method), office treatment and collego courses given. 22f Goodnough bldg., 5th & Yamhill. MENTAL SCIENCE HEALING; CHILDREN'S diseases a. specialty. Blanche Martin, 42 Fifth st. Mass-are. MRS DR. THOMAS BEIGUEL. ELEC trlclan. Turkish vapor baths, massage and chiropodist. 122& Fifth, cor. Washington "THE SNOWDEN" TUB AND VAPOR baths, massago, electricity. 131 Fourth, near Alder. Phoa Red 421. SELECT MASSAGE and magnetic treatments; lady from S. F. -Parlor 20, 283 Stark at. Manufacturer of Ladles' Coeds. LADIES' SILK''WAISTS AND WRAPPERS. fancy white goods, silk underwear made to order. Sing Chong Co.. 333 Morrison. Marble and Granite Worlcs. LARGEST. BEST STOCK OF MONUMENTS In city, at cost, to reduce stock before mov ing Sown town. Woeks. 720 Front st. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS; marble, gran ite and stono work. Schanen. &, Neu. 2CS 1st. Medical. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED SPE clallst, has opened up his office at 347 Front. . and wllli sell. his medicine as usual. Medi cines for all kinds of chronic diseases. Mining: Mnchlnery. Ottumwa mining hoHts. dj names, motors, saw mills, etc. Tatum & Bowcn. 29-35 First st. Maslcnl. Lessons 50c; piano, guitar, banM mandolin, vlo- lin Instruments for sale. Mrs. Martin. 10i,lst SIGNOR G. FERRARI, "MASTER Or VOICE culture, Mulkey big.. Second and Morrison. Nurseries. J. R- PtLKINOTON, grower and importer c$ fine nursery stock: trees, shrub's, vines, eta Shade trees, planted. Depot. 20th and Belmont (formerly Hanson's). Ore. phono Blue 833. Osteopathy. Dr. W. A. Rosers and JJr. Rhoda C. Hicks, graduates under Dr. A. T. Still, the. founder of Osteopathy; consultation and diagnosis free. 532-1-4 Marquam bldg. Phoe Main 27. DR'R- B..NORTHRU?, Osteopathy nulte 110. Dekum Diag. myesiigaiian respectruuy so licited; examination free. Phone Main SiO. DR. L- B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH, suite 400. Oregonian building. Phone. Oak 421. Pal mil try MRS. L. BURHANS SCIENTIFIC PALM lst. Macleay building. roonOQtf. second fioor; 10 A. M. to 5 P. 3d. and from 7 to 0 P. M. Readings, 50c atjd 31. ' Laraen the palmist, reads when all, leading events take place, post and future; scientific readings, 50c. Allsky bulldln.. room 216; Miss A M. Stevenson, scientific palmist and psychic; reads post, present, future. 309 1st. 1RS H. C. WILBUR, PHRENOLOGIST AND palmist, J63 First, cot. Morrison. Patents. T. J. GEISLER. 610-011- CHAMBER Or COM. Registered attorney U. S. Patent Office. Portland. Rldlnsr Clnb. LIVERY AND BOARDING; LADIES' AND1 gentlemen.; eaddl3 horses. 354 Jefferon. Physicians and Saraeons. Dr. Flora A. Brown: diseases of women and children "a specialty. Consultation and diag nosis frce.r517-518 The Dekum. Uortland. Or. DR.JAME DICKSON. SPECIALIST IN KID ney and skin diseases." Odd Fellows' Temple. BCSIXESS UXRECTOUX. Rooflns and Slcylights. Removed W. A. Wynftoop. 248 Ash. near 3d. Phone Hood 784. Country work specialty. Safes safes. Safes, bank work, lock dept . openlnctlocko-ts. repairs. J. E. Davis, Gfl 3d. Saw 31111 Machinery. fc Christepaois-McMaster Machinery Co.; new and 2d-hand machinery. E. W ater ana is. aayior Shovvca-e and Store Flxtares. DIXON. BOR'GESON & CO. FRONT AND J- Washington, sts. Specialists. Bertha A. TrulIInger. specialist, complexions scalp treatments, manicuring. Parlors 25-20. Russel bldg.. 4th & Morr. Phona Front 375. Splrltnallsts. MRS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAIRVOY ant.and psychic life reader; consult her on business affairs, love troubles, absent friends: go4d advice on mintm; reading dally. 50c and up, 167 First st. offices. 7 and S Dj! COLLINS.. SPIRITUAL ADVISER; Tendings daily; circle tonight. 210H Third st. cor. Salmon. MRS. STEVENS. SPIRITUAL LIFE READ err sittings dally. 221 Morrison st, rm 22. .MRS. C. CQBNBUCS; MEDIUM. 205 GOOD- nouga piag.y sth lamhiiii teL Brown . , Stornse. I OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty Insurance; rates low; storage rates reasonable. Careful attention given to country consign ments. Tel. Or. Main 777; Columbia GTG. SAFES. PIANOS. FURNITURE MOVED A"D packed for shipping. C. M. Olson. 123 First. TeL office Main 1087; Black 801. Storage, and Transfer. STORAGE AT LOW RATE3 CAN BE HAD at Fred Bicker storehouse 31 North Fro it. Stoves, Ronges, Household H'dvvarc. Hardware; sole agt. Universal stoves & ranges; housefurntshing goods. J. J. Kadderly. 141 lt Tents and Awnings. PORTLAND TENT & AWNINO CO.; TENTiT sails, awnings. 229 Ankeny. Tel. Grant loiil. United States Pension-. E. ty. ALLEN. 513 CHABER OF COM merc pension- attorney. 20 years experience. C. F. PFLUGER, NOTARY. 143 SECOND ST. Rebellion and later war applications mad? Veterinary Hospital. DR. R. H. POWER TREATS ALL DOME3 tlc .animals. 303 Jefferson; phone Oak 1021. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWJS. WHOLESALE GROCERS. cojvN. Front and, Davis, sis., Portland. Or FINANCIAL. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FURN1 ture, pianos, salaries, etc. Can be paid In Installments, reducing Interest. Rate lower than the lowest. F. W. Graves, Mgr 121 Cth, near Wash, (ground floor). Tel. Oak 1331. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C. W. Pallett. 213 Com mercial block. Tel. Grant 830. I2OO.Q0Q TO LOAN AT 5. C. 7 PER CENT City and suburban property for sale and rent. Agent for Westchester Flro Insurance Co. Wm. O. Beck. 321 Morrison st MONEY LOANED ON BICYCLES. PIANOS, furniture and other securities. W. A Hath away, room 10 Wah. bldg. Phone South 781. LOANS ON MINING STOCK. FURNITURE, real estate or other securities. 128 Third St.. C H. Thompson's Cut-Rata Tlckot Office. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM 55 TO $500. on all classes of security. R. I. Ecker son & Co . room 5 Washington building. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities: lowest rates; private. S. W. King, room 45 Washington building. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curity. Wm. Roll, room 9 Washington bldg. MONEY TO LOAN, 0 per cent, farm or city property. O, M. Smith. 3 Ch. of Commerce. LOANS on chattels, salaries, etc., low rates. . See us first. Mann & Co , 604 Dekum bldg MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTEL SECURI ty. Phone- Red 2853. Frame, 519 Marquam LOST AND FOUND- LOST WHITE BULL TERRIER BITCH dog: llcenso number 33. Return to W. B. Fechholmer, 07 North 14th st. Reward. LOST ENVELOPE CONTAINING DEED and receipts. Return to room 18 Lambert block. East Side. Reward. FOUND A PAIR OF EYE-GLASSES. OWN er can have same by paying for this "ad.' Call Oregonian office. MIXING. OREGON MINING STOCK EXCHANGE. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 'BUILDING. OPEN CALL 10:30 O'CLOCK A. M. DAILY. Reliable Brokers. J. F. BOOTHE, 417 Commercial block F. J. Hard & Co., Chamber of Commerce bldg. Oregon Phono 810; Columbia Phone 230 BANKS. SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY.. OF OREGON, 100 THIRD STREET. Money to ioan on mortgage. A general trust and agency business transacted. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK. A S. NICHOLS.. Vice-Prea. E- J. ALSTOCK. J. O. Goltra..... Secretaries FUtST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLANDjaQ- f, . Designated Depository and Financial, Agent ot las uuucu cnutea. President H. W. CORBETT Vice-President A. L. MILLS Cashier O- E. WITHINGTON Assl-tant Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Second Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD Letters of credit Issued, available la Euros and the Eastern-states. Slcht exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chicago, St. Louis. St. Paul. Omaha, San Fraucisco and the principal points In the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn in sums to suit on London, Paris, Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln, Hong Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Chrlstiania, Stocknolm. St. Petersburg, Mos cow, Zurich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD & TILTON. BANKER& u ESTABLISHED IN 1S50. Transact General Banking" Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorabla term Letters of credit issued available la Europe and tho Eastern states. Sight Exchanger and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Washington, Chicago. St. Louis Denver, Omaha. Sun Francisco and vari ous oolnts in Oregon, Washington. Idaho. Mon tana and British Columbia. Exchnnge SOm oil -Jliuuu, .-ann, .ctu Frankfort and Hopg Kong. 1 WELLS. FARGO & CO. BANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS... 50.250, 000 JOHN J. VALENTINE PRESIDENT KOMEK S- KING -i-... .-...-... -MANAGER (San Francisco.) . R M. DOOLY vCASHIER JOHN E. MILES ASSISTANT CASHIER JU (Portland ) General Banking Business transacted. Ex. chance, sold, and Letters of Credit Issued, available In all parts of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL. BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON PresldenJ B. L. DURHAM Vice-President K. W. HOYT : Cashier GEO W- HOYT .......Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on tlmei 'deposits. Drnfts and letters- of credit issued. avallabU in- all parts of the wofld. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought LONDON AND SAN. FRANCISCO BANK LIMITED. CAPITAL PAID UP $2450.000 Head Office. 71pLombard stieet, London. This bank transacts a general banking and exchange business, makes loans, discounts bill and Issues commercial and travelers' credits, available In any city In the world. Chamber of Commerce Building. Third and Stark streets. W. A MACRAE. Manager. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts. A General Banking Business. Drafts issued available in all cities of tho United States and Europ. President i TYLER WOODWARD Vice-President JACOB KAMM Cashier ,.-. r. C MILLER Rank of British Columbia pahuf capital ....$3,000,004 RESERVE: 500.000 Head. Office CO Lombard street. London. Com-'l Block. 244 Wal.lngton st. Portlnnd. B, LEA BARNES. Managor.