Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 02, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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    mw WQB3OT& .QmQ,6i'immbkkc o&35ert a4 iqqo.
Tne opening ot a new -weelc and a new
anonth brought a weaker wheat market
abroad, while In this country there was
aiot very much strength apparent. oca4
exporters have been 'gradually dropping
their Hmlts, and most of them were not
Quoting more than 55c yesterday, al
though a few sales were reported at half
a cent better. The tonnage situation re
mains unchanged. Owners are, not mak
ing concessions and exporters will not
pay the rates demanded until they are
forced to." Unless there .should be an im
provement In the foreign market, It Is
believed that freights will not go higher.
A few steamers are offering, but this
year there Is less, demand for them than
there was In 1b93, when o many were
pressed into service to relieve the block
ade. The market for oats 1b weaker on
account of offerings irom the East being
made" at much lower rates " than have
prevailed in this market Barley Is quiet,
with a light demand.
The small offerings of Valley wheat has
enabled, holders to secure a much better
price proportionately for that varletj
than s paid for "yvalla Walla, and last
Saturday 'an advancfc was made In the
price of "Valley flour, best grades now
being quoted at ?? 90 per barrel. MM
feed is also higher. The egg Tnarket Is
slightly easier for Oregon, but very firm
for Eastern. Some of the Eastern eggs
now coming to hand, are of excellent
cmallty. and many of the buyers refuse
to grant the differential of 2 cents that
Is asked Xor Oregon eggs. Butter is
steady, with best grades cleaning up
readily at full price. There was consid
erable poultry carried over from last
week, and prloes are opening up rather
low. There is a good demand for game,
but receipts thus far have been very
llcrht The hop market continues firm,
but Inactive, with buyers and sellers
apart. v
Bnnlc Clcnrliiprn.
Exchanges. Balances.
Portland ?428.CG3 f M.10O
Seattle .T.71.443 110.847
Spokane , 2(10,080 08,000
Tacoma .- ...... 210,028 33,9is7
Grain, Flour, Etc.
"Wheat TValla Walla, B5C5c; Valley, CDo:
"blucEtem, E7&snSc ptr bushel.
Flour Best grades, $2 80S3 40 per barrel;
graham. $2 00.
Oats White, 40 41c; gray, 39 40c per
Barley Feed, $15; brewing, $10 per ton.
Mlllstuffs Bran, ?15 50 per ton; nilddllpgb,
$21; shorts, $17; chop, $10.
Hay Timothy. $128)13; clover, $737 50; Ore
can wild hay, ?0j37 per ton.
Batter, Ess, Poultry, Etc.
Button Fancy .creamery, iRgSSa; store, 259
20c per roll.
Eee Oregon Btorase, 2021c; Eastern stor
age. 2122c; fresh Eastern, 22Vc; Oregon
ranch, 25o per dozen.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2 503 50 per
dozen; hens. $3 504; Springs, -?23; ducks,
$35; geese, ?08 per dozen; turkeys, live, 13
14c per pound; dressed, 15c
Cheese Full cream, twins, llJ2tc; Young
America, 12fc13c per pound.
Vesretnbles, Fruit, Etc,
Vegetables Parsnips, 85c; turnips, 75c; car
rots. 75c per sack; onions, 85c $1; cab
bage, $1 25 3 1 50 per cental; potatoes, 50
00c per sack; beans, 4c per pound; tomatoes,
2540o per box; corn", 75c per sack; sweet po
tatoes, 15ic per pound In sacks; oelery, OOJ1
C5c .per dozen.
Frult-'-L.emons, $4(jJ4 50; pineapples,' ?4 500
per dozen; bannnas, $2 603 per bunch; Per
sian dates, 7c per pound; peaches. 5575c;
pears, 75c$l per box; apples, 50c 3 $1 per
box; watermelons, Rogue Kl er, ?1 5022; Ore
con nutmegs, ?1 1 50 per crate; caeabas,
$1 25 per dozen; grapes, Sweetwater, 50c; Mus
cat, 7585c;4 black, 7585q; Tokay, 1; Con
cords, 40c per basket.
Dried fruit Apples, evaporated, 7j?8c per
pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, 5Gc; pears,
aun and evaporated, 5 Cc; plums, pltless,
fiffipci prunes. .Italian, smgc; silver, extra
choice, 5Cc; figs, California black,, Cc; do
RhHe, 78c per pound. . .
Meat ana Provisions.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and
ewes, sheared, $3 50; dressed, 6Uc per lb.;
Spring lambs, 3ic per pound gross; dressed, 7
Hogs Gross, choice heavy. $5 005 75; light,
$5, dressed, CC'rC per pound. ,
Veal Large. Gl:7c per pound; small, 8
8c per pound.
Beef-Gross, top steers, $3 504; cows, $3(3
8 50; dressed beef, G7c per pound.
Provisions Portland pack (Shield brand):
Hams, smoked, are quoted at 12tc per pound;
picnic hams, OJiC per pound; breakfast bacon,
13Vii14V.ic; bacon, 10c; baclcs, S&JflOc; dry salt
sides, 9c; dried beef. 17&c; lard, 5 - pound
palls, 10&c; 10-pound palls, lQc; 50s, IQoj
tierces, lOJ&c per pound, Eastern pack Ham
mond's): Hams, large, llc; medium, llc;
email, 124c; picnic hams, 9c; shoulders, 0&o;
breakfast bacon 15c; dry salt sides. 1010sc;
baeqn sides, 10fclls; backs, 10c; butts,
10o; lard, pure leaf, kettle rendered, 5s, JOJic:
10s, 10&C
Groceries, Xuts, Etc
Coffee MOcha, 25?28c; Java, fancy, 8ig32c:
Java, good, 20Q24; Java, ordinary, iStfrSOc;
Costa B4ca, fancy, 1S2QJ do- good, lfiJylSc; do
ordinary, 1012c per pound; Columbia, roast,
?13 13; Arbuckle's. 514 18; Lion. $13 13 per
Sugar Cube, $7 25; crushed, ?7 25; powdered,
?Q 85; dry granulated, JO 05; extra C, $0 15;
trolden C, $5 C5 net; half barrels, cmoro
than barrels; maple sugar, lDlglOc per pound.
Salmon Columbia River, 1-pound tolls, 1 50
2; 2-pound tails, 2 252 50; fancy 1-pound
flats. 5202 25; -pound fancy flats, fj. 10
1 30; Alaska, 1 - pound tails, $1 401 60; 2
pound talis, $1 .902 25.
Nuts Peanuts, flfe&7c per pound for raw, 9c
for roasted; cocoanuts, 90c per dos-en; walnuts,
10 Q lie per pound; pine nuts, 15c: hickory
nuts, 7c; chestnutb, 15c; Brazil, lie; filberts,
15o; fancy pecans, 12(314c; almonds, 15(&-17Jio
per pound.
Beans Small white, 43iej large -do, 8a4ci
bayou, 35Jc; Lima, 0c per pound. t
Groin bags Calcutta, $fi0 12U, per 100 for
Coal oil Cases, 18c per gallon; parrels,
144c; tanks, 13c
Rloe Island, 0',4c; Japan, Stjc; New Orleans,'
5c; fancy head, $77 50 per sack.
V - " '
JIoP". Wool, Hides, Etc.
Hops New crop, 12414c per pound,
"Wool Fall clip. 14c; Spring, 15Q15&c; East
ern Oregon, 10Q13c; mohair. 25c per pound.
Sheepskins Shearlings, 15 2Qo; short-wool,
2535c; medium-wool, S050cj long-wool, 60cQ
$1 each.
Tallow 4c; JCo. 2 and grease. 2J8Sc per lb,
Ulfles Dry hides. No. 1, ltJ pounds and up-Tt-ard.
14?15c; dry kip. No. 1, 6 to 16 pounds,
15p per pound; drj" calf. 2Co. 1. under 5 pounds,
lSQIGc; drj' salted. one third less than dry
flint; salted hides, sound steers, 00 pounds and
aver, 7Sc; do 5Q to CO pounds, 7c; do un
der 50 pounds and cows, 7c; Tclp, 13 to 30
pounds, 75?8c; do veal, 10 to 14 pounds, 7"4c;
do calf, under 10 pounds, 7c; greep (unsalted).
leper pound less; culls (buHs, stags, moth
eaten, badly cut, scored hUr slipped, weather
beaten or grubby), one-third less.
Pelts Bearskins, each, as to size, $515;
cubs, each, $105: badger, each, 50c; wildcat,
575c; housecat, 5g'25c; fcx. common gray,
40c3l; do red, "fl 753 50; do cross, $2 506;
lynx, $24 OX; mink, 40ciJj$l 75; marten, ark
ICorthern, $510; do pale, pine, ?2?4; musk
rat, S 12c; skunk, SOffSOc; otten (land), ?4
CtS; panther, with head and clews perfect,
?13; raccoon, 25CfS0cj wolf, mountain, with
head perfect, $3 50 g 5; wolverine, $2 00;
beaver, per skin, large, ?0f7; do medium, per
skin, $45; do small, per skin, $12; do kits,
per skin, $13.
Keturnlng: Professional Operators
QlTe StrensTtU to the Market.
NEW YOHK, Oct. L The stock market
reflected the operations at professional
dealers on larger scale today than for
a long time past, las a Tesult of tho ar
rival In New York from Summer out
ings of the majority of the more- Infju- J
enuai element among the professionals.
The market advanced with a considerable
chow of strength. The movement was
clearly a part of the many forced de
mands frpm.tb,e short Interest such as
played a 4arge part In the spasmodic- up
ward movements "of last week. This wtfs
made clear by the comparative; -heaviness
all day of stocks whlciKhave shown the
most pronounced weakness , lately, and In
Which a, distressed, short, Interest would
naturally make Itself most evident, Not
Withstanding the strength shown by the
bull pontlngept they were unable to main
tain prices' to the close, and the tone
was therefore heavy at tho end and prices
were considerably 'off from the best.
. Because of the brokers who were em
ployed In, the buying, the 'rumor clrou,
lated on the exchange that It represented
J operations for the account of a well-
known bteel magnate who has already
electrified Wall street on one occasion
this year, -and who Is -lcnown, to -command
an Influential following. The plea
sure of the roomtraders In this hypothe
sis was pot altered by the quietness of
the American Stgel & W.Ireockt ,which
forced tie "traders yo the explanation,
adopted by the jpalpus husband in the
play that "This absence of all signals
must in itself be a signal."
The movement centered in Union Pa
cific, which was absorbed. V a very con
fident manner and in very heavy blocks
all day. An extreme rise of 214 resulted.
The Southwestern railroads moved in
sympathy, but not so widely. New York
'Central and C. C. C. & St. Louis stocks
were strong. Influenced apparently by the
rumors that tho latter Is to. be absorbed
by tlje .former, as other subsidiary roads
have already becen absorbed. The leading
industrials, the local tractions and some
of the steel stocks rdse from 1 to 2.
points, and Pressed Steel Car rote 3.
A raid in the late dealings on Tennessee
Coal, which carried that stock VA. under
Saturday, unsettled the mnrket. The
coa strike seemed to be ignored, and the
coalers, as a whole moved contrary to
the market. The professional bulls pro
fessed greatly inceased confidence over
the money outlook, notwithstanding an
advance in the call-loan rate "on the ex
Change to 2& per cent.
The continued market weakness of ster
ling exchange, which was .quoted a to
he'pound under Friday rate for demand
sterling, gave further ground for the ex
pectation that gold may come in from
EuroDe. Discount rates were slightly, eas
ier in London and there was a re'axation
also In Berlin, '-where the relief there Is
great at the successful termination of
the stock exchange settlement. The eas
ing of tho money rate at these centers,
in spite of the suggestive decline of ex
change rates at New York, leads, to some
claims that the difficulties before the for
eign money markets have been exagger
ated, and that gold can be spared for
New York without precipitating a cri
sis. Jt cannot be said that this view
meets with much favor outside the spec
ulative element; which was engaged in
I putting up prices today.
and the dealings on a small scale.
Total sales, S20,OO0.
U. S. refunding 2s, when issued, ad
vanced Vi per cent in the bid price and
new 4s declined .
U. S. 2s, ref. reg.104 Gen. Electric 5s. ..118
do coupon 104 IN. Y. pent. Ists,..lu8
do Ss, reg. 100 Northern Pac, 3s.. 'Qi
do coupon .,..,.10971 do 4s .,, 102
do nsw 4s, reg..l34t& Oregon Nav. lsU..100
do coupon 134& do 4s 101&
do old 4s, reg...H4 Oregon S. L. 6s. ..127
do coupon 1144 do. con. 5s 112U.
do 5srreg 113ARIo Or. "West, lsts 08
do coupon liauiSt, Paul consols. ..1G0
Dlst. Col. 3-C5S...123
St. P. C.. & P. Istsll7
do 5s 1101A
Atchison adj. 4s.. 65
C. & N.W. con. 7sl30
Union Pacific 4s. ..104
Wis. Cent. lsts.... 83l
do S. F. deb. 5s. 120
D. & R, G. lsts.,103 iSouthern Pac. 4s.. 77A
do 4s i,,.. 07fc:West Shore 4s 112&
Ex Interest.
The total sales of stocks today were 334,100
shares. The closing quotations were:
Atchison ........ 27 Union Pac- Pref,
do pref ,.. (MX Wabash ,.,,
Bait. iS. Ohio 07,1 do pref .....,.
Can. Pacific 80 Wheel. & L. vj.t
Can. Southern ... 4"j do -2d pref ,
Ches. & Ohio..... 27-!.. I Wis. Central ...
Chi. Gr. Western. 10,siP. C, C. & ot. L. 47,
v; u. ac y...,...iz4 xmra Aenuo .....H'S
Chi.. Ind. & L....'20l
do pref ......... 321
Chi. & East. 111... 11(1
Chicago & N. W..100
C. Rf I. & P 105
C, C, O. & St. L. 02
Colo. Southern ... 5Vi
do 1st pref .... 37
do 24 pref 14
Del. & Hudson... .llO'i
Adams , ,.,.,,123
American 150
United States .... 45
Wells-Fargo 123
Amer. Cotton Oil. 3.1V4
ds pref 88
Ame. Malting .... 4
do pref 21
Amer. Smelt. & It. :jo',a
Del., Lack. & AV..175"-
Denver & Rio Gr, 18f .do pref 87U
do pref
CQ&lAmer. Spirits 16
do 1st pref...
Gr. North, pref
Hocking Coal ..
. u ao prer it
. 32 Amer. Steel Hoop. 18V
.140 do pref MS
. 12'4Amer. Steel & . ;i
Hocking Valley
do pref
Illinois Central ;.113Amer. Tin Plate... 26V-
Iowa Central ..... 17
do pref 37-
Lake Erie & AV... 27
do pref M
Lake Shore ..;...J05
do pref SO
Amer. Tobacco ... 89
do pref ..-..,. -..128
Anaconda Mln. Co. 4131
Brooklyn R. T,... 51
Louis. & Nash 71Colo. Fuel & Iron.. 31Vi
jiannaiian mi ... iit,ont. Tobacco .... M
Met. St. Ry., i48 do pref 75
Mex. Central ... . liy, Federal Steel 81s
.tuinn. &. au ixiuis oii oo prei u.;
ao prer m
Gen. Electiic 130
jGlucose Sugar 4014
Missouri Pa-iMc .. 48!
Mobile & Ohio..
ao prei us
M.. K. & T 0
do pref ........ 27
New Jersey Cent.,133
New York isnt,..12S
Int. Paper
do nref
La CleUe Gap,,,.
National BUcult
do prof
. 01
.. 03
.. 32K
, 80
. 90
. 24
do pref
National Lead ,.
do pref ,
Northern racific.
do prof
National Steel ..
Ontario & W&st... OVv
do pref ....
O. R. fcN 2 IN, Y. Air BrakQ.120
do pref
0 iNorth American .. 14U.
Pennsylvania . .
do 1st prfcf.-.-.
do 2d pref .
Rio Gr. Wsats,-.
do pref
St. Louis & S. F.
do 1st pref.,..
127 Pacific Coast 53
15 do 1st pref 80
54 1 J do 2d pref 3
25 (Pacific Mall 30
IPeopJe's Gas ..... tJ
Fressea Steel Car. 30
do pref 72
Pullman Pal. Car.i82
Stand.- RoDe & T.. 4U
do 2d pref....;-; 8
St. Louis S. W... 11
Sugar 117-rt
do pre! .
St.' Paul ,
do pref 115
.113&1Tenn. Coal & Iron. 53
do pref .
Kd u. &. L.eatncr iuy
St. Paul & Q 110 do pref 63,
Southern Pacific. 32U. S. Rubber
Southern Ry ..,,, 11! do pref .,.,,
do pref 521 Western Union
Texas & Pacific... 14,IRepubllc Iron & S. llU
Union Pacific 5j do pref 52-
Forelffn Finn.nclnl Xewii,
NDW YORK, Oct, LThe Commercial,
Advertiser's London financial cablegram
The markets hero were featureless to
day, but firm on the easing of money
and a much more hopeful view of the'
Chinese situation. Chinese bonds ral led
2 points.
London neglected Americans till Ber-
Board of Trade and
Stock Exchange Brokers
Chamber of Commerce
Pprtlgnd, Qreflon "'
lln tipped Union Pacific, whlcji both Lon
don and Now "Yqrk steadily bought. Bei1
lineasd to.aeii Canadian. pacific, it 'has
selling orders in Northern Pacifies at lim
its, but did not press them. The clqs,e
was hopeful. -
Coppers were hard, the statistics show
ing stocks down S00 tons. Supplies, how
ever, decreased only two. tpp? owing tq
metal In transit. -
The bank recelyed -70,000 gold from
Australia and G00Q went to Egypt
i JJIouey Exehnng:, etc.
SAN FRANCISCO, -Oct. 1. Sterling ex
change on London, . 60 days, 14 87; ster
ling on London,4 sight. $4 83; drafts, sight,
7c; Mexican dollars,- G051;, Telegraph,
10. r
NEW YORK, Oct. 1. Money on call, 2
2, per cent; prime mercantile paper,
4&6& per cent; sterling exchange weak,
with actual business In bankers' bills. at
4 85&!S4 85, and at ?4 814. 81t for 6)
Posted ratefe. $1 823S3 and $4 8
4 87; commercial bills, f4 8144 SLJ silver
certificates, 6265.
Mexican dollars, 47.
Bonds Government steady,? state lnac
tlve, railroad irregular. - '
LONDON, QctrT.-Consols, 93 7-195
money, 3 per cent.
Stocks in. London.
LONDON, O'ct. 1. Atchison, 28c; Ca
nadian Pacific, 89J4c; ynlon Pacific,' pre
ferred, 75&c; Northern Pacific, preferred,
70c; Grand Trunk, 5c; Anaconda, 8c.
Prices for Cereals in European and
American Ports.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. L Wheat and
barley futures. steady; spot wheat, quiet;
spot barley, stronger; o'ats, steady.
Spot quotations were:
Wheat No. 1 shipping, ?i 02.; choice,
Jl 02; milling, ?1 051 07.
Barley Fee'd, 7075c; brewing, 7?
Oats Gray, $1 121 25; black for seed,
?1 221 30; red, $1 251 30.
Call board sales:
Wheat-Steady; December, Jl 05; May,
Jl 12; cash, ?1 02.
Barley Steady; 75c.
Corn Large yellow, $1 201 22.
Chicnso Grain and Produce.
CHICAGO, Oct, 1. Wheat opened weak
at 7676c. Deliveries on octoter con
tracts early were 2,500,000 bushels; world'3
shipments were 8,350,000 bushels,- arid ca
bles' were easier. The market soon stead
ied, however, because there was rain in
the Northwest, with snow and rain pre
dicted for tomorrow. Northwestern marr
kets turnfd strong as an additional help..
These two influences sent the prices on
the upwanl road, nd when, it -was an
nounced the visible Increase was only
410,000 bushels, a further advance re
sulted. November- rallied ' to 77n-4c,
and closed strong at that ngure, iQ&c
over the close Saturday. -
Corn was firm, on wet weather-in the
West November closed, c over Satur
day, at 37c.
Oats were very firm, but quiet. No
vember closed c higher, at 2222c.
Provisions were firm on the small
stocks and light deliveries on October
contracts. The opening was a trifle
easier on the heavy run of hogs, but the!
expression "was only momentary. Jan
uary pork closed 12c over Saturday, and
lard and ribs each 7c higher.
Tho leading futures ranged as follows:
Openinp. Highest, kovrest. Close.
October ?0 75 ?0 70 0 75U $0 70
November .... 70 77 70 77
December .,.. 77 78 7T 77
October ....
November , .
December . .
38 30
30 37
34 S5
38 39
30 37
34 85
October 2t 22 '21 22
November .,. 22 22 22 22
December .... 22 22 22 22
October .12 17 12 05 1217 12 57
November ....1145 1150 1145 1145
January 1100 1177 1100 11 72
October 7 07 7 17 7 07 .717
November ....7 05 717 7 05 7 17
January 0 77 0 S7 0 77 0 87
October 7 87 8 02 ,7 87 8 00 .
November .... 7 25 7 35 7 25 7 35
January 0 20 G ."0 0 20 0 27
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Steady.
Wheat No. 3 Spring, 717Sc; No. 2 red,
Corn No. 2, S940c; No 2 yellow, 39,
Oats No. 2, 2222c; No. 2 white,
252Gc; No. 3 white, 2326i4c
Rye No, 2, 51c.
Barley Good feeding, 47c; . fair to
choice malting, 50S53c.
Flax seed No. 3, $1 47; No. 1 North
western, $1 471 50.
Timothy- seed Prime, i 254 40.
Mess pork Per barrel, 512 60112 G5.
Lard Per 3.00, pounds, S7 107 20.
Short rlbSj-Sldes, loose, 1 98 20.
Shoulders Dry salted, boxed, 66?ic;
short clear sides, boxed, $S 30QS 40.
.Sugars Unchanged.
On the produce exchange today, the but
ter market was dull; creamery, lG2lc;
dairy. 1318c.
Cheese Steady; 10llc. t
Eggs Firm; fresh, 16c.
Receipts. Shlpm'tF.
Flour, barrels 23,000 10,000
Wheat, bushels 285,000 334,00(1
Corn, bushels US8.000 4S5.000
Oats, bushels ,...308,000 224,000
Rye. bushels , 18.000
Barley, bushels 75,000 30,000
New Yorlc Grnln nnd Produce.
NEW YORK, Oct 1. Flour Receipts.
52,777 barrels; exports, 19,634 barrels; mar
ket, active.
Wheat Receipts, 148,600 bushels; ex
ports, 226,-113 bushels; spot, firmer; No. 2
red, 82c f. o. b.; options opened 81c
elevator. Options at first were weak, be
cause of bearish weekly statistics and
lower cables, but acquired positive
strength. Closed firm, at So net ad
vance. May closed 85c; October, 80c;
December, 83Q.
Wool Dull,
Hops Quiet.
Visible Grain Supply.
NEW YORK", Oct. l.-J-The statement oi
the visible supply of grain in store, and
afloat on Saturday, September 29, as cant
piled by the New York Produco Ex
change, is as follows:
Bushels. Inc. Dec.
Wheat , 55.109.000 410,000
Corn ,... 7,442,000 170.000
Oats U. 426,000 223,000
Rjc : 928.000 00,000
Barley ..,.,...,,, 1,404,000 OSO.uOO
European Graia Mnrlccts.
LONDON," Oct, L Wheat Cargoes on
passage, rather easier.
LIVERPOOL, Oct. 1. "Wheat and flour
in Paris, steady; Frenph country mar
kets, weak.-
Wheat Mixed Western Winter, quiet,
Cs-3d; No. 1 Northern pprlng, quiet, Gs 6dl
Corn American mixed, spot nominal;
quiet, 4s 3d; do old, quiet, 4s 4d.
"WUeat at Tacoma.
TACOMA, Oct. 1. Wheat &c lower;
bluegtem, 58c; club, 550 both, fpr ex
SAN ' FRANCISCO, Oct. . l.-iWool ,
Spring, Nevada, ll13c; Eastern Oregon,
lOWc; Valjey, Oregon, 16,8c, Fall,
Mountain lambs,, ,10c .HumboldJ and
Mendocino, i012c.
Hay Wheat, $S 012 50r wheat, and pat,
$8U; best barley, ;. alfalfa, $6 07 50;
compressed wheat, . ?S 5012 50 per ton;
straw, 2537c per bale, .
. Mlllstuffs Middlings, $18$ j bran, 16
17 per ton, -
Potatoes River Burbahks, 80 65c;
sweet;, rlew. 75cl 25 pv cental; Salinas
Burbanks, 70cJI 05.
Vegetables Green peas, 12o per
pound; string heang, l?c; tomatoes, 20
I , . i'jV. V .
Chicago BU&rd of Trade - ' ODD 1 P t?Q '
New York Stock Exchan'fle EKUIvL.rVO
Room 4, Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce
Mining Stocksand Ipves
Members Oregon Mining
241 Stark Street,. Cor;
Phone. Grant 2pL f ,
50o a box; asparagus, 75cg$a p0; cucum
bers. 20035c. . . ,
Butter Fancy creamers', 2829c; do sec
onds, 27S8o; fanoy dairy, 2425c; sec
onds, 3523c.
Citrus fruit Mexican limes, $4 50(5 50:
common California lemons,- L252 25;
choice, ?2 B03; pineapples, ?23 per dozen.
Green rult Apples, choice, $1 25 per
box; common, 35e per box, ,. ,
' Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, ,1516o; do
heps, 15lf5q,jer ppund; old roosters, $3 50
4j per dozen; young roosters, ?3 501;
small broilers, $202 50; large do, $3!?3 50,"
fryers, $33 50; hens, $3 o05 per dozen;
Old ducks, ?3S4; geese, Jl 251 50 per pair.
Bananas ?13 50-.per bunch..
Cheese California flp.ts. 101?10ic per
pound; Young America, 10VSllc; Eastern,
Eggs Store, -2024c; fancy4 ranch, 35? ;
Eastern, 20$23c. . i
Receipts Flour, 21,400 quarter sacks;
wheat, 23C0 centals; barley, 11,000 centals;
oats, 5900 centals; beans, 78G0 sacks; pota
toes, 6500 sacks; bran. 2400 sacks; mid
dlings, 220 sacks hay, 500 sacks; wool
UT bales; hides, 400.
CHICAGO, Oct.' 1. Cattle Receipts',
25,000, inc-radlng-" COOO' Western's and 1000
Texans. Generally about steady, to 10c
lower. Butchers' 4 stock! slow. Natives,
best on sale today, two carloads at $5 85.
Good to prime steers, '$5 45(&5 85; poor to
medium, $4505 40; selected feeder's, weak;
?2 S04 50; mixed. stockers, slow to 5c low
er, $2 pOiSS 65; cows, $2 754 25'; heifers,
i2 855'00; canners, ?2 002 G5; bulls, ?2 75
4 50; calvesr $4'006 25; Texas fed steers,
?4 lO 90; ' grassers, $3 254 00; bulls, ?2 40
3 25. ' ' -
Hogs Receipts today, 40,000; tomorrow
(estimated), 20,000; left over, ?000. Fairly
active, mostly 5c lower; top ?5 50; mixed
butchers1, $5 005 50; good to, choicQ heavy,
$o 005 47; rough heavy, $4'854 05; light,
J5 105 50: bulk of sales,f - 155.35.
Sheep Receipts', 12,000;'steady to strong;
choice lambs steady, others weak to 10c
lower; good to choice wethers, $3 D0425; to choice .mixed, ,?3 503 90; Western''
sheep, .?4 m$i 50t; native Iambs, ,,25p 20;
Wostern lambs,' $4 505 20.
OMAHA,' Oct.' 1. Cattle R'cccipts, 7000
head; market, steady; native beef steers,
?i ,1(X&5 65; Western steers, $4 004 75; Tex
as steers, ?3 254 00; cows and heifers,
$3 104 00; canners, 11 &)ZJ)0; stockers
and feeders, ?3 25ii?4 70; calves. f2 5083,50;
bulls and stags, $2" 50ig5 50.
Hogs Receipts, 2300 head; -market,
shade, lower; mixed, JS 32o'l5; light, ?5 15
Q5 17; bulk of sales, ?5 10b5 Id.
Sheep Receipts, 1400O; market, active
and steady; fair to choice Westerns, ?3 50
l 00; common andstock heei), J3 25
3 75; lambs, 54 005 10. .
KANSAS CITY. Oct. l.Caftle Re
ceipts, 15,000; market, -we'ak. Texas steers,
?3 S05 35; Texas, cqtya, ?2 653 25;, native
steers, ?4 50S5.v60j" native c'awir,and. heifers,
$1 50o 00; stockfcrs aid feeders, $3 SOi 45;
bulls, $2 405 10. , Hogs . Receipts, 2000;
market, opened steady, closed weak; bulk
pf sales, $5 205.25,5 Heavy, ?5 20Q5 30;
packers, ?5 205 20; mixod. 55 155 22;
lights, $5 05(g5 30; Yorkers, ?5 2505 30; pigs,
H 80(55 15. Sheep-j-Recelpts, 5000; njarlcet,"
Bteaay, jamos, 4 w(fo 20; mut,tons, ?2 00
3 75. , - .. . .
Coffee nnd Sugar. '
NEW YORK; ; Oct." '1'. Coffeo 'options
closed .steady, net uhohanged. Sales,
8500 bags, including October," $tf 95; March,
$7 25; uly,t $7 40. Spot, R16, .diill; No. 7
Invoice, 8c; mild, quiet: Cordova", 9
Sugar Raw", firm; fair refining, 4V4c;
centrifugal, 95 test, 5c; refined,' steady.
The Metnl 31nrket.
NEW YORK, Oct. 1. The market for
metals exhibited very little strength or
activity todays Tin was a little firmer
In sympathy with favorable advices from
abfroad and closed firm at ?2S 9029 12V&.
The rest of the list showed no mateiial
change. Lake copper ruled ddll -at ?16 50
17 00, with the exports for September
10,362 pounds against .13,849 during August.
Pig iron warrants were very dull at 59 10
(QUO 00. i, .-"-
Lead and 'spelter were dull at ?4 37
and 54 10&4 15 respectively.
The' brokers price for lead was $4 00 and
for copper $10 S7&. i
Bar silver, 63c.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 1. Bar silver,
LONDON, Oct. 1. Bar silver, 20V4d.
" The Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Oct. 1. There' was great
excitement in the cotton .market today,
started by the improvement at Liverpool
Which was greater than the trade here
anticipated, and which became the di
rect cause of an advance of S7 points in
the local market. Following the opening
call, excitement increased on an influx
Of orders from all quarters and prices
further advanced 1021 points. The mar
ket clpsed firm- at a net advance of 20
p27 points. ,
Willamette Valley Farmer Says
Tliere's No Money In AVueat.
J. A. Ebbert, a pioneer farmer of Lane
County; who is registered at 'the Perkins,
says he (s going to quit wheat raising
and turn hfs farm Into a stock ranch.
He owns 2200 acres in the Willamette
Valley and in the Palouse, and is now
on his-way to Eastern Washington to reP
ceive his rental, which is one-third of
the wheat crop, saoked and delivered at
the railroad.
'Ho finds that sheep raising 'pays better
than wheat In Western Oregon, and he
now proposes to set his entire Lane Coun
ty farm out in 'clover, 'which can be cut
twice every year without Irrigation. He
will divide up his holdings into 5tf-acre
fields and after cutting the Fall crop
will turn his Cotswolds m on the'stubble.
In -thlg way he thinks he will, make more
money, besides, bringing the land back to
Its original fertility.
"We cannot reasonably expect the -same
soil to raise wheat for over 40 years qn
a stretch without fertilizing," he said,
"and yet Willamette farmers go on plant
ing Tyheat as though' they had never
Raised any in the Held before. The' wheat
crpp was light this year in the worn-'
(Ormon BIShODS' PIIaTebeeainu$e-OTersoyean by Urn leaden f ths Morrooa
Church ana tncif toligrrcrt. f otluKiV
of self'tbatc. dusipatian. excesses, er
potency 1 j.oat Power, NjEht-koraes, anarmatorrhspa
rrifcacfijEvll paalres, 8dmnT Cmiflblons. Larn O
blllty, HeadachOjUnf itnoBS tolar7, .osb of fS&S 8
rjans, Stlmal&tes the bnln nd ncrre centerj. 50c box, 6 ftr J3 50 by fnall. Wrwfr A written guarantee, to euro
riaon; refunded, with eboxtu qirculirs tfzs, Adfllras8 Blspop Bomocjy CO.Sqn FmnClpcOj Cal.
For pals by AJdrlgb Pharmacy, Slxtf) awl Wn hlnf ton' atree'U. Portland.' Or.
, Jf - --- i- v
ins & Go.
Stock Exchange.
Second, Portland, Or.
out fields, and hardly paid for the har
vesting, so farmers must change their
tactics or' go out of business.
' "1 believe tho Cotswold sheep is the
best adapted to the Willamette Vaucy,
as the wool brings more than that of
the Merino, while the carcass weighs
much heavier when the question of mut
ton is brought up. I sold my. 1900 clip at
16 cents a pound, and the yield averaged,
10 pounds to the sheep.
"Between 1870 and J8S0 we Willamette
farmers made money, because wo had
good crops of "wheat and sold" at 75 cents
tq $1 a bushel, but for the past 10 years
wheat has been low, while the yield hag
become less. Stock raising Is our only,
recourse, and that will bring ua out all
rights "
H E Hnrrls, Loula-
vlllo, Ky
Stanley AVhitlns. N Y
Mrs W F Boardman.
San FrancIscO
W N Hammond, Mon
F S Lewis. Phlla
E V Douglas, Phlla
R J Anderson. Boise
R J Prince. Ifoston
C H Rom.iv'r..St Paul
J H'Eames, Chicago
W T'Cary, San Fran
J w Bowman. St Paul
F E Lewis & w, Chgo
H C Greer. Pittsburg "
C P Peckham, Utica '
S B-iHlcks, Seattle
H M Bailey, Salt Laka
C Eeterbon
A H -VIUon. Phlla
S J Sternberg:, San Fr
H N ButtcrfleM, Chgo
R Jamlorf. Chicago
DrflT Freeman, Lon
don Mr Jfe Mrs C H Porter,
Ij F Edward3, Salt Lk
Mrs F I Dunbar, Salem
J S Nelman. N Y
I Col W V Richard''. NY
C E Ollson, Cincinnati
Tom-C Grant, San Fr
C W Betts. Murray. Id
V,'m JSJorb. Petersburg
Mrs W V Richards, do
Miss Richards. do
Mrs Capt W K Wright,
New York
j a uaintv, xvewarK
jVlctor Gannon, Troy
Fred- W Graves, city
L M Hooper
J M Brenn, Spokane
T E Byrnes & w, Minn
C W Fulton, Astoria
Columbia Iltrer Scenery.
Kegrnlator Line steamers, irom Oak
street dock daily, except Sunday, 7 o'clock
A. M. The Dalles. Hood River, Cas
cade Lock andreturn. Call on, or 'one
Agent for further information.
C E Bcrglund, Tacoma
E O McCoy. Dalles
G L Rees, Dalits
F Staveni, Spekan,c
Mrs Stee.ns, Spokane
G K 'Guthrie, Seattle
S J Starmor, Rosalia
O M Stine, Dayton
C R Murray, Dajton
F B Newell, Spokane
A Conn, Tekoa
Mrs Spelvay, Astoria
T Turner, Astoria
Mis Turner, Astoria
L W Ball, Qulnna
Mrs Ball, Quinns
A Hansen, Martln'sBHf
J W Boone. Prlnevlllo
Judd S Fish, Dalles
Henry Heppner, Hepp-
ner. Or
Mrs R AV Reppen,
C Jl Hamblln, McMlnn
Terre Haute
E A Martin, Chip Flls
C H Koontz, Hala.y
Mrs Koontz. Halsey
M E Hotchklss, HIlls-
J H Ulckley, Eucrene
V Bolllris, Pendleton
E H Hoover. Seattle
Mrs J, B Garland, Bu-i
. coda. Wash
Mrs Garland, do
Mrs aiarim, ao
,.Mrs F M. Remington;
.Liewision, laarto
Mrs J A GeUendorffer,
"Thfe Dalles "
Mrs" J A, La
F E Atkins. Palmer
M M Bildses,Hlltsboro
u 1 Kendall, san-lr
J A Ebbert, Eugene
jMrs Lane, Seattle .
v a iirown, canyon c
H Howard. Boston
F R Small, Olympla
G H Van Buren, Mc-
Mlnnv Hie
Edwin Sharp, Tacoma
F C Roe. Vancouver
H Roe, Vancouver
Mrs M P Bennett, Cor-
J E Haney. Elkton.Or
J Wiley. JM-JP, TlHamk
John Jones; d5
Mrs Joncn, do
E A Bennett, La Cen
ter, "Wash
15 C Hall, San Fran
L M Duncan. San Fr
Mrs Duncan, San Fr
&. French, Dalles 1
I vallls, Or
Master Bennett, do
0 H- Flthlan.' Chicago
Z Denncy, Walla W
D J Spelvay, Astoria (Frank Wood, Chicago
C. W. KnoTVlcs. Manager.
A''Gertzan. Rock Sprgs J 'Goetz. St Louis
C F St John, N Y R P Walnwrlght, U S
, J Q..ShuItz, Dallas Army 1
John R McBride. Spokfl L Patterson, Salem
R D Miller, Oregon F Jewell. Chicago
B. H Thompson, Ta- tChas A Gray. Salem '
1 coma Mrs Chas A Gray, do
E ,W Parka, -Tacoma D W Stuart, Salem
W Z Kinney, Tacoina JKIttle Harbard. Salem
lure jvumuy, xucopia uuiu Ln'iwnou, aaiem
E W Bartlstt, La Grd
C H Chapman, Dallas
Alfred vale, Ham
burg, Germany
J'W Cdok, Bohemla.Or
D D Watson, Salem
B C Shurtlou", Duluth
W H Cramer. Kan Cy
Mrs W J Guy, Seattle
Mi3' LIz7iu Luver. do
Miss Lizzie C Steward.
Mrs J W Cook, do
J W Virtue, Leland.Or" Seattle
L M Huper. New YarkJ T Carley, St Louis
W G Howell. Astoria J A Venness. Winlock
A W-Stowell, Vannr C D Gabrielson. Salem
Mrs A.W Stowell, do lA Black, Seattle
r F Porter, San Fran Mrs A Black, Seattle
C K Smcad, Snn FranJDavid Kurlns. Izae.
Frank Meredith, Salem Grant Co, Or
Mrs r Meredith, do
Senator E B Dufur, L J Walker. Sacmnto
The Dalles
Mrs Walker, do
Judo R A Miller, Or
egon City
,H Coatos, -Goblo
Chai Winton, Aber
deen Hiram' Warner, do
Chas Anderson, May-
J F Bontpn. do .
Chas Brown, do
Mrs Chas Brown, do
Mrs G Ralston, Cham-
Dr C J Ransey. do
John Hoefer, do
Y A Wingenoth. do
Emma AVlngenoth, do
C G Brunop. Astoria
Mrs A Smith, M010
E L Dodge, Moro
J R Wrenn, Arlington
Geo Bales. Arlington
A Rothe, Walla AV
E L Gandy, do
IvCulbertson, do
a. u ogaen, do
A C Grove, Maygers
Mrs Grove, Maygers.
C E Kuhir, Maygers
Mrs Hosklns, Carroll
ton Mrs D A Choato, do
F A Smith, Mist
D McDougall. McMInn
T- R AVKUs. McMlanvl
D E Vanaman. Astoria
C F Lansing, Salem
Miss Nellie Lansing, do
J A Ellis. Goblo
Preston Wood. Sprague
Mrs AVood, Sprague
A T Humphrey, Wood
burn R J De Armond, Grnt's
John Lysons, do
S W Johnson, city
A L Johnson, city
Miss Maudo AVarrcn,
D E Lamar, Vancouvr
Mrs Lamar, vanpouvr
T T Butler, AVallace,
J D Rose, Seattle
.James Smith. Cak Pt
Ed.v Kirk, Oak Point
H M Herndon. do
C F Nail. Glendale
J E Nassa & family,
Julius Hansen, do
MrR- M A Stcnnet. do
V J Miller, Stella
L L Poulspn. Stella
3 IS. Sears, Dallas
Miss Myrtle Bullle, Sil-
verton, Or
J J Cottens, Albany
Geo Bates, Albany
J Coakley, Mayzers
E J McLane, Maygers
E L Fain. Weatherford
H C Goro, Deer Island
v sicMlcken. Pilnovill
jHugh Glenn. Dallea
W G Rliude, GrAi's R
Mrs Rhude. do
G L Reese. do
John Hall, do
W T E ans, do
A D Burnett, Eagle Cr
Ira Hampton, do
F A'anderkurst, Cath-
Joo AVheelor, do
C L A ers, do
AV E Clark, Goble
C C Clark, Goble
Hotel nrunsTVialc. Seattle,
European; flrnt class. Rates, 75c and up. On
block irom depot. Restaurant next door.
' ' Tacoma. Hotel, Tacoma.
American plan. Rates, ?3 and up.
Donnelly Hotel Tacoma.
European plan. Bates. 50c and up.
Lively Intersection.
At present the intersection of Grand and
Hawthorne avenues is one of the liveliest
points on the East Side. All passengers
from" tho Oregon City, South Mount Ta
bor and Mount Scott cars are transferred
to those of the City & Suburban cars.
This will continue until the draw of the
Madison-street bridge Is finished and the
bridge thrown open to the public, which
will be -several- weeks. While this ar
rangement continues Hawthorne avenuo
Is very dull near the bridge approach.
The City & Suburban supplies extra cars
for this, traffic
A little medicine of the right kind, taken
at the right time, is invaluable. That
meaIns Carter's Little Liver Pills.- and
take them now.
cares tho worst cues In dd and youa? iilalnf frpra effects
dnretts - smoktaff,
uuros bgai mannoooi im"
insomnia, fains
BBKi uprioua
jjo jjuro xmb
Union Depot, Sixth and J Streets.
Leaves for the East, via Huntington, at 0.00
A. M.; arrives at 4:30 P. M.
For Spokane. Eastern AA'ashlngton. and Great
Northern points, leaves at OP. M.; arrives at
T A. M.
Leaves for the East, via Huntington, at 0;00
P. M.; arrives at 8:40 A. M.
Water lines schedule subject to change with
out notice.
OCEAN DIVISION Steamships sail from
Alnsworth Dock at S P- M. Leave Portland
Columbia, Tues., Oct. 0; Fr!., Oct. 10; Mon.,
Oct. 20: Thurs.. Nov. 8. St.te of California,
Thurs., Oct. 4; Sun.. Oct. 14 r -Wed., Oct. 24 r
Bat., .Nov. 3.
From San Francisco Leaving.. Spear-Street
Pier No. 21, San Francisco, at 11 A. JL. a3
follows: Columola. Frl.. Oct. 5: Mon., Oct- 13;
Thurs., Oct. 25; Sun.. Nov 4; YVt., Nov- 1L
State of California. Wed.. Oct. 10: Sat.. Oct.
20; Tues., Oct. aar Frl., Nov. 0.
' Steamer .Hassalo leaves Portland dally, ex
cept .bunuay, at a:uu i. ai.; on nmwur i
10.00 P. M. Returnlnr, leaves Astoria dally,,
except Sunday, at TjOOA. -M.
Owlnjr to the low -water In the Willamette
the boats arc unable to ascend further than
thf SrtnllfH rtf 'Vnryihm. For Schedule 3Q0
' -.yTw. -. . -t T-. t vmnv fX
Steamer Ruth, for Oregon City. Buttevllle,
Champocg. Dayton and way landings, leaves
Portland Tuesdays. Thursdaya and Saturdays
at "7.00 -A. M. Leaves Da J ton for Portland
and way polnt3 Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays at if.oo A, Jfr
Steamer Spokane or steamer Lewlston leaves
Rlparla dally at .1i4Q A. M anrlvlng at Lew
lston about a P. M. "Returning, the Spokane or
Lewlston leave Lewlston dally at T A. M.. ar
riving at Rlparla same evenlns.
General Passenzor Agent.
V, A SCHILLING. City Ticket Agent.
Telephone Main 712. 80 Third St., cor. Oak.
In connection with THE OREGON RAILROAD
& NAVIGATION CO. Schedule, 1000 (3UbJtct
to change) :
Steamer. Due to leave Portland.
For rates, accommodations, etc., apply to
Agents, Portland, Or.
To principal points In Japan and China.
Now offered by tha
If you cannot take tho morning train,
travel via the evening train. Both aro
finely equipped.
'Qur Specialties"
Fa5t Time Through Service
Honm In Time Saved to
Oiimha, Ghlcatro. Knn.ia.i City,
St. Lonlx, New York. Boston.
Anil Other En.xtcrn Polnta.
Tickets good via Salt Lake City and
It is to your interest to use THE OVER
LAND ROUTE. Tickets nnd aleeplng-car
berths can be secured from
' City Pass, nnd Ticket AsenL
J. II. LOTIIROP. General Agent.
135 Third St.. Portland. Or.
Ocean to Ocean
Grand Sccnsry.
Fast Time.
Model Accommodation.
Tourist and FIrst-CIa33 Sleeping Cars.
For full particulars apply to
H. H. ABBOTT. Asont.
14CI Third" strewt. Portland, Or.
E. J. COTLE. Asst. Gen. Pasc, Agent,
Vancouver. B. C
Ticket Office, 26S Morrisoa Street 'Pfisni 5
Th yiyr, ilily to n4
from fit. Paul. Minna-
No. 3.
7 Oil A M
- apoIU, Duluth. CnScajj
C-.0O I. M. J rU ll points Ut.
Through Palace and Tourbit Sleeken. Dlntnj
nd Buffet Smoklng-Llbrary Cr.
Tor Japan. China and all Asiatic polao wis
la.vo Seattle
About October 10th
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
For Margtrs. Kalnir,
ClaUkanU, Vftport.
Clifton. Astoria. Wr
renon, Flayel, Ham
mond. Tort SUvea.
Gearhnrt Park. Scld.
Aitorla and Atxthot
Aitorla Examt,
Dally. ,i
6:00 A.M.
0:35 Pr M.
11:10 A. M
0:0 P. M.
Xlcket ofllce. SS9 Morrison it. and Union dtpot,
J.'C MAYO. Ga. Pus. XgL. Aitorla. Or.
i i -
Leave jth.l I ArrlTO
fpr Salem. Rose
burs', Ashland. Sac
ramento. Ogden.
San Francisco, Mo
Jave, Los Antrales,
El Paso. New Or
leans and tho East.
At Woodburn
(dally except Sun
day), moraln? train
connects with train
for Mt. Aapet. Sll
verton, Browns
ville. Spripglleld.
and Natron; and
e enins train for
Mt. Angel an4 311
verton, Albany passenger
Corvallls passenser-
Sheridan paa'er
3:30 P. M.
S:30 A. M,
7:43 A. M.
!I7:30A. ar.
4:50P. M.
H3:50 P. M.
HS:25 A. M.
Dally. (Daily except Eunday.
Rebate ticket1? on stle betvreen Portland. Sac
ramento and San Francisco. Net rates $17 Hrst
class, and ?ll second class, tncludins sleeper.
Rates and tickets to- Eaatorn polnta and Eu
AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. B
KIRKLAND. Ticket Agent, 1-J0 Third street.
Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson street.
Leave for Oswego dally at 7.20, 9:40 A. M.i
12-30. I'M, 3:25. 4 10. fl:25. 8:30. 11:30 P. M.I
and 0.00 A. M. on Sundays only. Arrive at
Portland dally at !. 3 CO. 10:30 A. M ;
1:35. 3 10. 4:30. 0.15. 7;40. 10.00 P. M.; 12 40
A. jr. dally, except Monday, 3:30 and 10 05 A.
M. on Sundays only.
Leave for Dalla3 dalty. except Sunday, al
5:03. P. M. Arrive at Portland at 0H A. JT.
Passonjrer train leaves Dallas for Alrllo Mon
days, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2.45 p. M.
Returns Tuesdays, Thursdajs and Saturdays.
Except Sunday.
Manager. Gen Frt. & Pass. Agt.
Tlie Pioneer Dlninrr and Obaervatloa
Car Route.
Union Oepnt. Gffi and JSti
No. 2-
2 P.M.
North Limited.
For Tacoma. a tMtts.
NortU iAKl ua, oM-
Wo. 1
7 AM.
ane, Pullmi Mus
covy, Lew latoiij Rosj
land, B. -. Buts.
Helena. St. Paul. Min
netipolls. Chicago, Bos
ton. New York and all
potnU Bust and tiouth
east. Twin City Express, for
Tacoma. Seattle, Spo
No. -I'll
ao p. M.
No. 3
8 P.M.
kane, Helena, JJutte.
at. Paul. Chicago. Bea
iton. New York. Omaha,
Kan3as City. Council
T'.inffi.. St. Louis, and
all points east and
Through train ssrvlco v'a Northern Pftclflo
and Burlington lino rrom Portland to Omaha,
Kansas Cltj. St. Louis. Quick time and un
equaled accommodations.
Take North Coast Limited Train No. 2 for
South Bond, Olympla and Cruy's Haroor
Se tho North Coast Limited. Elegant Up
liuistered Tourist Sleeping Cars. Pullman
Standard Sleepers, Dining Car and Observa
tion Car. all electrla lighted. Solid vestlbulud
Tickets sold to all points tn tho United
Stales and Canada, and bagsogo checked ta
destination of ticket?.
For information, tickets, sleeping-car reser
vations, etc., call on or writo
Assistant General Pamtenger Airent,
255 Morrison St.. Cop. Thlril,
Portland. Oregou.
Sn September.
September is the pleasonteat
month In the Colorado year.
Tlw days aro brlsht. but not
enervating. Tho niyhts aro cool.
The mountains look their grandest.
Boat ot all. tho Summer's rush la
over and tho hotels at Glomvood,
Colorado Springs, Munitou and
Oenvar are not overcrowded.
Good Idea to vary things and go
Enat thro' Colorado. You'll en
joy It specially the 40-mile-an-hour
ride on the Burlington's Chicago
Special. Only one night on the
road. Denver to Chicago and SU
Cor. Third and Stork, Sta.
City Ticket Agent.
Pacific Coast Steamship Co.
stcamshlpK Cottaen City, City
of Topeka, and. Al-Kl leava
0 P. M.. Oct. il. T. 12, IT, 22.
27; Nov. 1, tf 11, 10, 21, 20;
Dec. 1. and .every flfth day
thereafter. Further Informa
tion obtain uompanj's folder.
The company reserves the right to change
Eteamers. saillnc dates and hours ot Balling,
without previous n itice.
AGENTS N. POST ON, 240 "Washington St..
Portland. Or . F W CARLETON. N. P. R. B,
Dock. Tacoma. TICKET OFFICE. C18 First
ave.. Seattle, E. V. MELhE, Tlckot Agt.r
II H LLOYD, Pusot .found Supt.. Ocean
Dock. Seattle; C. W. MILLER. Aest. Ptlget
Sound Supt., Ocean Dock, Seattle.
IjOODALl.. PEKK1N3 & CO . Ueq. Agts., S. B.
The fast mall stcamshlD "CITY OF SEAT
TLE," salllnc from Seattle every 10 days for
Skaeway, calling at Port Townsend. Ketchikan
and Juneau.
Steamen "ABERDEEN" and "RUTH," Se
attle to Skazway. and lnterzrcedlato points,
every seven clays.
Through tickets to Dawson. $75, flrat-class;
and 350 second'Claas.
DODWELL & CO., Ltd..
2T.2 Oak st. Toleuhono Mala 06.
BAILEY GATZEKT (Alder-treet Dock)
Leaves Portland jlally ever' morning at T
0 clock. except Sunday. Returntng. leaves As
toria every night at 7 o'clock except Sunday.
Crfpn phono Main SOL Columbia phona U.
VIA. Irf awaiT XA
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