$ -JtittCCTI03r"SALES TODAY. - - At. .residence, -4S7 East Bornslde St., be-twwin-Dtb, and lDth, at 10 oclo.k A. M. S. i. K. ,Gllm&n, auctioneer. , ' At -Central Auction Booms, cor. Alder -and Park. Sal at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker & Co., auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. OREGON COMMANDERY. NO. 1, KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Stati conclave this evening at 8 o'clock. CHATU.ES HUSSEY. Recorder. NOTICE TO KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Orpheus Lodge. No. 53. will meet this (Thurs day evening at 7:30 sharp. V1U -rcorK In Page. Esquire and Knight, rank. Visiting Knights invited. WM. CHARTERS. C. C C. W. KERN. K.IL.S. DIED. NELSON Near Portland. Sept. '25, 1900. Nel Nelsor ared C3 yeers, 5 months. 22 days; leaving a -wlfo and seven children. The funeral will be held af his late residence, on Barn-jg road, Thursday. 1 p, M. Interment at Sylvan. Or. Friends Invited. I : : FUNERAI, .NOTICE. WILLjIAilS The funeral of the late T. K. HHttms will take plnce at 11 A. M. Thurs dar.rscpt. 2T. at residence. 200 Sellwood st "'"''rment at Orcsham, 2 P. U. EISWARD HOLMAN. Undertaker.4th id Vamalil stx. Hraa Stfnsnn. lady Jafttant. Both, phonf .6. OD7. ,J Fiuley. Kimball Sz Co.. Undertakers. Lady nwlntnnt. 275 Third t. Tel. n. I 1 T P. S. Dnnniaj;. Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady Assistant. Roth jVhunes. Floral pieces; Cut -flojrers. Clarke Bros., 2SJ Morrison. Both plionci. NEW TODAY. SOAP. SOAP. 30 BARS GOLDEN STAR FQR $1, for two days. Two 3-podnd packages washing powder. 55c; bis sacks Burbank potatoes, 70c. Commencing Friday, we -will carry a lull line of fresh nsh. We have ust received a nice lot of Oregon quinces and crabapples, 2V"c per pobna. Oood. swet dairy abutter, 0c rojlr fresh eggs. 2 doien. 6c, guaranteed. City Grccery Co., 412 "Wash ington st. Oregon phone. Clay 907; Colum bia, a. Only one store. EGGS NO DOUBT HOUSEWIVES HAVE had considerable trouble In setting a strictly fresh erg to boll. Hewitt has solved the problem at last. Only 25c dozen; eery egg yaranteed. City Grocery Co.. 412 Washing ton St., opposite Gllmnn's auction house. Col. phone a; Oregon, Clay .907. SEMEMBER. SATURDAY IS CHICKEN day. Chickens. -are larger, fatter, better and cheaper than even Fine, yellow-legged chick ens, 25c each. Think of It! Cheancst meat you can buy. We can all eat chicken. See the La Grande Creamery Co. 294-TamhlU. fEW MILD CHEEHE, 2 LES . 25c; NEW York cheesy CalifornK ch'ere Oregon cheese, limbufrer, Swiss and Sdam. 2G1 Yamhill. Both phones. La Grande Creamer' Co. JEW CROP OF TEA JUST IN. WE IMPORT all our tea. We can save you 30c on each yound. CSa tva. Tor S5c jV.11 sroocls retail-d at wholorale prices. La Grande Creamery Co. HAM AND EGGS; FRESH RANCH KGGS; Eastern sugar - cured hams, 12: picnic hams. 10c; snouldcrs. 9c La Grande dream ery Co. FOR SALT3 LOTS 0 AND 7. BLOCK ISO. Couch; pricn SVOO. halt cash. By Farri-h & Watklns, 250 Ald-r st ?12O0 WANTED AT 0 TER CFNT ON BEST real estate security. Add ess Elegant, cue Orogonlan. TO LEASE FUP.N3SHED; A MODERN 1--room dwelling. East Side. By Parrlsh & AVatltln TOR FTT1!!! RiVNrti ECGS SEE THE L.V c randc Cramrry Co. MORTGAGE LOANS C! tmjirnved v ana fnrm property. R T'viVRTOr -ft ss'i-i- lOR. SAl.K HEAL ESTATE. SPECIAL BAliCAlNS $3000- Three jj.aittr blocks in Holladay's Audition; stneott cud sowers all maae. This nl; oen for a few days. It is the bet bu vft-red In that ..art of the city In 10 iarc. $125 to $150 Colee build nz lts. 53x100. ffcong orand at., iiu... tixth, Seventh, Shaver. Mason and Skidmore sts.; good nslghbarhood, schools antt car Eanlse. Time payments. v f5i. .Corner 100x100, Central Alblna. ?000 Fine lot near Russell St.. Aibjna. 2a00 Corner. lvWxlOO. McMIHen's Add. ?.500 Large, modern residence. Eat bide. S1000 Five-room cf t age. East Side. $2000 House and lot. Fourth it., near College. A. B. MANLEY. 412 Sheilsck bldg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS JF"or ealeA number of choice lots In thU beautiful addition. Every lot commands a superb view, and 'while occupjlng an ele vated position, the trade Is so gradual that the property la very accessible. It has all the ivdiant&gcs of down-town residence prop erty; Including Bull Run water, sewer, gas and electric light, and flrst-cjass car service. We offer these lots at a low price, and to encourage home-bulldinsr. we advance xn-iney to build houses thereon, repayable on the Inc'allmont rlan. Every purchaser has full control of ht own building-, and can select hlb own -architect or contractor. Apply RUSSELL & BLYTH, 8& Third Street. TTE HAVE PROPERTY OF ALL KINDS and In all parts of the city and suburbs, for tale at lowest rrlccs, and can make better term-s than others, as re handle proprrty owned principally by mjrtgag-e companies. Call and see our list, asue have soraa special bargains on hand, and v. ill drive you out to see tho property. It -nil! cost jou nothing to look It over. Grlndstaff & Blaln, 240 Stark street. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE ON the Installment plan, 50x100 feet on Kear ney ctreet, near 22d street, with a handsome ceven-room house now building, all modem improvements, concrete walks, etc. as per plans at our office; price, $4750. RUSSELL & BLYTH. SZM Third Street. VERY CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME OF 15 J0Ur with excellent new S-roem house aiid stable, family orchard, etc.; not far out; commands charming view; price ".cry low; terms easy. Rlcgen Real Estate- Co . 30-31 McKay building. NICE SUBURBAN HOME. QUARTER BLOCK In frnlt and flowers: modem' five - room cot tage, furnished; beds, bedding, carpets, stoves, and good bam. chickens and 1C Bel gian hares; must sell. 220 Ablngton Bidg. FOR SALE ALL OR PART OF HALF block. South Portland, with modern 8-room house ard 5-room cottar": one block car line; easy payments. Call Oregon phon. Front S72. FOR BALE NICE NEAT. MODERN VIVE room cottage; new plumbing. Improved street, nice lawn. TO-e; half block from 10 relnute car line. Address owner, 990 East Yamhill. $3000 WrEST SLOPE MOUNT TABOR: OVER 2 acres nd 7-room house; very desirable home: best buy 1 Portland's best suburb. Hart Land Co.. 107 Sherlock building 80 acres. 12 miles from Vancouver; C cultl vaVd, 25 pasture; house, barn, well, orchard, springs, stock, tools; $500. C 102. Oregonian. Small fruit Tarn.. ull bearing, all improved; 50 miles north of San Francisco; small cash pa -xnent, low interest. E 105. care Oregonian. THREE FULL LOTS, HIGHLAND PARK, two blocks from car; great bargain; ?1C0. 812 Commercial block. WE "SELL THE EARTH" AND BUFLD houses. See us about It 718 Chamber of O'wnmerce. FOB. SALE FARMS. STOCK AND FRUIT RANCH OF S79 ACRES for sale; well watered, good soil: 30 acres bearine onhard: only two miles from Oak land. Douglas County, Or.; low price and easy term. Apply directly to the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company. San Francisco, CaL IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE TN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington: paymmts made to suit purchasers. For full particulars as to various properties, apply to Macmaster & Blrrell. 311 Worcester Block. 20-ACRE FRUIT AND VEGETABLE FARM for eale, near city; will pay for Itself in four years; owner must sell at any sacri fice. Jdhn Day. Vancouver, Wash. FARM&-SALE OR TRADE; LARGE LIST else and Tirice to suit J. A, Honkle, rooms 225 and 220 Ablngton Bide. WOB. HE.NT FARTilS. A GOOD -FARM FOR RENT. TQ A RESPON elbfc and .competent tanner, v B 10, cere Ore-oaUuw -WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED-'-ltESIDENCE LOT, TAPPER ALBt na, near car; cash. Address or call 100 Park. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SI3WING-MACHTNES A PEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines, Singer, White, Nev Home, and Wheeler & Wilson, at aatontah lng low prices. 355 Morrison street. Mir quaxn building. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS REM., $30; Denamore, (30: Yost $25: Smith, $40; -Bar Lock, $25; Rem, Sbb., nearly new. $40; Bile. $25. Coast Agency Co., 286 Stark. FOR SALE ANGORA GOATS (WETHERS, nannies and billies): also Cotswdld sheep ewes and rams). Eda$d L. Naylor, FOrert Grove, Or. LARGE STOCK OF VEHICLES, HARNESS, saddles, new And second-hand; muij zo In Zi days. S. Tomllnsdn. 211 Washington st. 15 HEAD DELtYERY AND DRIVING horses, broke sitfgle and double; islro heavy Clydes. Second and Main. BROWN MARE. SOUND AND TRUST V. Good family or delivery horse. Weight. 1200. T 10. care -Oregonian. Tim BEST FIR. OAK AND ASH WOOD GO to Pioneer Wood Tard. foot of Morrison t Phone 18S FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS TICKET FOR lady to Minneapolis, 85D5 Morrison street, 1-003172. SPAN OF HORSES, WEIGHT 3000. ALSO several small horses, ror sale cheap. CSS Burnsld. Magic lanterns, new. speobil-nano. movlnfc pic tures. Eullard & Brfck. 131 Post. San Fran. flO FOR A NEW GAS CQO'keR: $2 CASH . balahco $2 per month. Ga Co.. 174 Fifth st One jump-scat surrej, several new st-cond-nnd wagons and burgles. 151 4th. Jjpar Pine. Chlckering plnno, $125, cost $000; one $40 Kim ball organ ?35. Mrs. .Martin.. 104 First st. SOLID GOLD RINGS. ONLY $1: GUARAN ted. Uncle Myers. 14.1 Third. Tiear Alder. PLVNO USED ONLY A SHORT TIME. FOR sale. 124 First st. HELP WA.TEI MALE. C LABORERS. CITY. $2: BUCKERS. ?2.25; one. ?50 board; rigging rustlers, $2 25; one 545 board: skid greaser, $40 board; road man, ?40 board; mill hand". $1.15 and $2; yard men, ?1.75 and'?2; Moidcboppere, 80c to $1; 2 carpenters., $2 25 and board; well digger. $2 board; rock men, $2; laborers, $2; 4 men and teams, city. $4: metal polisher. $2 50; farm hands. $25 to $30; cooks, waiters, dish washers. Canadian Agency, 226 Morrison, Loggers' Headquarters. WANTED FOR UNITED STATES ARMY Able-bodied, Unmarried nlen, 1-etween a-fes of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Recruits are specially B'irfd for Service In Philip pines. For information, apply to recruiting ofneer; Third and Stark streets, Portland. WANTED MAN. UPRIGHT CHARACTER, to manag-e business of old-established house; salary ?I8 per -Reek and expenses pajaoie each week direct from head luartera. Ex pense money adianced. Position permanent. Reference. Standard House, 301 Caxtoil buildirg, Chicago. SOLICITORS FOR "GAfLVESTON; THE Horrors of a Stricken City." by Murat Hnl stead. 000 pages. Biggest book, best terms. Demand enormous. Solicitors cleannc $5 to $30 dally. Outfits free. Standard Pub. House, S32 Dearborn ft. Chlcaro. WANTED CLERK FOR GENERAL MER chandlse store jo go to Orcjon Olty; one who understands dry goods aid clothing thor oughly. Call Friday lorenoon at 1C7 Sd St., between hours 10:30 and ll:t53. SHIPPING CLERK FOR MANUFACTUR ing plant; mujt be quick, acurate and reli able; also rpcak German and have experi ence. Address, stating experience had, B 0, car Oreeonlan. f- YOUNG MAN WHO HAS SOME KNOWL odge of typewriting and stenography; state age, experience, references and salary ex pected R 8, cars Oregonian. WANTEI CARPENTERS- AT ODD FEL-lo-i' Temple. Salem, Or. None but good mechanics need apply. Erixson & Van Pat ten. Salem. Or. , ADVERTiSING -SOLICITOR.' FOR SSTAB lished labor paper, with large circulation; liberal cash commissions. Commoner, 149 First COLl'MBUS CVLIFORNIA WJNE DEPOT: P. Loratl. 14S Fourth. Headquarters for cooks, waiters, bartenders. Tel. Main 751. WANTED STOUT BOT FOR DELIVERY and general store work. BernKteln's Art Store. 307 Washington st WANTED PRACTICAL CREAMERY ?tAN to take charga of skimming station. Call at 3K2 Washington st WANTED BOY TO LEARN BAKERY trade; Gorman preferred. Columbia Bakery. 499 Market WANTED AN ACTrVE SALES AGENT TO cell Dustlne Floor Dressing. Address M, Ore ronian. WANTED ANOTHER GOOD BOY. WILLING to work. Portland Oyster Co., 549 Morrison. BARBERS, rend to C N. TIT. Wilson Co. Barber SuDplIes. for thlr new price list. WANTED FIRhT-CLASS COAT AND PANTS makers. Nlcoll the- Tailor. 108 3d st WANTED AN F-XIERIENCED SHOE salesman. Meter & Frank Co. BARBER WANTED; STEADY JOB. 205 Morrison st BOYS WANTED. 1!2 FIRST ST.; GOOD wages. HELP WASTED-FEMALE. WAITRESSES. CHA3IBERMAIDS. COOKS, laundry help, hotels, B.-H.. and restauranU, city and country; nurse girls, "second work; day -work, and yqur choice of housevtork. city and out $12 to $25 See us before you de cide. Canadian Parlors. 226y-i Morrison. WANTED By reliable firm, brlsht energetic business woman, one who Is capable of man aging a branch house. H. 11, care Oregonian. EXPERIENCED COOK WANTED AT MRS. W. S., La'dd's, between JeftTson and Colum bia, and Sixth and Seventh"ss. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK -IN small family. Inquire 372 East 15lh st north, Irvlrerton car line. ' i WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WPTH GEN eral housework, small family. Apply 421 Seventh "st WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL '..'t candy store, wtlh rsfuences, at 327 Morri son ft. WANTED IRONHRB FOR LADIES' clothes, at Union Laundry Co.. 53 Randolph street WANTED A WOMAN OR A GKRL TO COOK; good wares. 232 Front st. Hotel Rheln. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN Small family. 471 Chapman st., Helshts. . GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 187 ICth st, belween Yamhill and Taylor. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN ' light housework. Apply 2S9 Seventh. WANTED FIRST - CLASS 8HIRTWAIST maker. Room -72 359 MoTlson. WANTED YOUNG NURSE GIRL: GO HOME , evenings. Apply 5S1 Third st. GIRL. FOR HOUSEWORK. M. T. KADY. corner E. 8th nnd Hancock. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAIST HAND and apprentice. 125 12th st GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. CALL at 1S1 12th st. cor. Yamhill. SHIRT POLISHER. APPLY AT ELECTRIC laundry, 308 Madison. WANTED FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER AT IBS 10th st GIRL. GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 0C7 IRV- Ing st SITUATION W ANTED 11 ALB. Bookkeeper and Clerks. WANTED POSrnON- IN WHOLESALE house; younsr man, with good habits, good reference; can call at office If desired. D 10. tare Oregonian. --,. EXPERIENCED .BOOKKEEPER -DESIRES poslttoni ti ell Acquainted In city; ias. best references; speaks German. Address P 8, care Oregonian. WANTED BOOKKEEPING OR OFFICE work; young man, with good habits., best of reference; willing to work up, Q 8, care Oregonian. SITUATIONS WASTED-MALE. MiiscellaiiebtiK. GRADUATE B. A.. A. M FIRST - CLASS" honors In political science. Queens Univer sity, Canada, wishes to secure actuation. Address room 3, 390 Morrlsdn st, Port land. A COMPETENT ENGINEER OF, FOUR years' experience wishes permanent posltlonr referencea as to ability and character fur nlshed. J 7, care Oregonian. WANTED itf PORTLAND GARDENING, janitor or chore work after school hours by . University student 710 South J st , Tacoma. JAPANESE. GOOD BOY, WANTS POSITION In any plnce. do housework, help cocttT C 7. care Oregonian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION IN family, to do cooking, housework. S S, earn Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FE31ALE. STENOGRAPHER. LADY WITH 5 YEARS' experience In New York office, wishes posi tion; best reforences. M 11, Oregonian. EXPERT STENOGRAPHER. FOUR YEAlt' experience, wants situation; best cltyrefer ences. Address O 11, care Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY LADY, 1 0 work by day and sleep home .nights. 325 East Third north. SITUATION WANTED BY WOMAN. ,TO take charge of rooming - house. P. Oi box C87. A -CHRISTIAN WOMAN WOULD LIKE Po sition as housekeeper. R 12, caro Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY WOMAN. AS housekeeper.. Address E 11, care Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED TO DO COOKING OR homework. 313 Couch. WAN TED AGENTS. $25 to $50 dally easily made by our Uve-.agents, cion or women, felling our latest Novelty, Campaign Waterproof Neckties. .Goods entire ly new and patented. Agents delighted, Sales unlimited. What others do, you can do. Tma is short. Write today and sdcure ,excluslva territory- Ouaranteed bestseller. Addrebs.-Alth Stamp. M. & M. Mftr. Co.. Dept. C, Spring field, Mass. PORTRAITS OF McKlNLEY AND- BRYAN, also Roosevelt as Rough Rider, handsomely mounted in Colored Card Board Frames, size , 15x20. Send 25 cents for sample outfit and terms to agents. Eugenj Carra ne. Dept 1, 1020 and 1C22 -Mifflin st. Philadelphia. Pa. GALVESTON HORROR; OFFICIAL HIS t6ry, nearly 500 pngss, illustrated. -Agents clearing $10 per day. Best terms, freight paid, credit given. Books reidy. Outfits free. Good salary and' expenses to spcplal agents. H. J. Smith Pub. Co , Chicago. "GALVESTON HORROR" M6ST COM plete account by eye-witnesses Authentic illustrations; money-maker for lle work ers; best commissions. Freight paid, credit given. Write for free outfit E. C. Morse & Co , Chicago. AGENTS GALVESTON HORROTt FULLY illustrated. Retail price $1150. Official. Great seller. Best book. Best terms. Frelsht paid. Outfit free. Now ready. The N. G. Hamilton Pub. Co., 505 The Arcade, Cleve land, Ohio. MAN OR- WOMAN TO EMPLOY AND Su perintend agents: ftt) per month and ex penses; experience not rcqulrel; permanent Zlegler Co.. 562 Monon building Chicago. Wanted Bright man or woman to take agency In Portland for "Perfected Oxygenor King." Good proposition, right person Particulars, Washington Oxygenor Co., Seattle, Wash. AGENTS HISTORY, OF GALVESTON "HOR Jror." Price, $1.50, Great opportunity to make money. Outfit free. S. C. Miller &. Co . Portland. Or. WANTED TO KENT. THREE PARTLY .FURNISHED HOUSD kecplng rooms, Couch School district, -if pos sible. U 12. care Oregonl.Tfc. . WANTED AT ONCE; HOUSE, SUITABLE for boarders, near rSostflffice. Address S 7, care Oregonian. . . WANTED 3U5CELLAXEOU8., WANT A THOROUGHLY RELIABLE CAR penter to do a Job of darpenter and mill work, toward payment of a brand -nevfi Schmeer .upright piano. In fancy rr.ahoganys cas,e. Address F 10, care Oregonian. ABbRBSS-WANTED $25 REWARD THE above reward ft ill btr said for thu addreMs of Mrs. Ollle Aldrlch, who 13 heeded In tha bettjement ot an estato. Address Jay A. Hlndman, F" -tford City, Indr $5000 WANTED AT G PER CENT ON WELL-lmp'ro-ed realty, paying- C per cent $15,000; no brokerage. Address Capital, care Orego nian. WANTED DBSKROOM. CENTRALLY Lo cated, by real estate and insurance agent1. Address. Ki 11, caro Oregonian. 30 HOUSES TO RENT. EAST OR WEST Sldcr some furnished; .customers waiting. W. G. Beck, 321 Morrison. WANTED STRICTLY FRESH RANCH eggs, at Kruse's Grill-Room, Stark st., oppo site Chamber of Commerce. ' WANT TO BORROW ?1809. REAL ESTATE security. Address, for three days, Security, care Oregonian. $200 ON GILT-EDGE CHATTEL SECURITY; will pay 10 per cent lnt; no bonus., O 12, care Oregpnlan. ' WANT TO BORROW $!1D0 ON REAL-..ES-tate. West Side. Address Borrower care Oregonian. CAST-OFF CLOTHING AT MAINE LOAN Office, 70 N. 3d at. .Oregon phone Clay 082. WANTED TO LOAN $500 TO $1000 ON GOOD security. Address T 11, daro Oregonian. SfOIt REST. Room. THE SPALDING. S. E. COR PARK AND Alder stR . under the management of th owner. Helen F. Spalding The most complete apartment-house In thu Northwest; cho'ce rooms, for gentlemen or gentleman and wife, furnished housekeeping suites a Hpeclaltj THE PLEASANTON. 2SS?4 THIRD bT. KINB furnished room, en suite, sinele, or house keeping; sunlight In all rooms; brfth included; most reasonable, terms; transient solicited. COMFORTABLE ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN, with fire, bath and uso of telephone; private family; four blocks from postofilce; rent, $0. Apply F 7. care Oregonian. TWO FURNISHED PARLORS. FIRST floor; open grates or furnace heat; bath, phone. Teachers, preferred Addreas A 11, care Oregonian. The La Porte. 170 3d, cor. "Yamhill. First class, clean, neat rooms, $1.25 "par week up; transient, 25c day up; transient solicited. THE NEWCASTLE, P. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts Rooms. furnished or unf nr nUhed; all modern conveniences: reforneea 129 10TH. BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND Alder Nicely furnished room for gentleman, $7 per month; private family; modern. OCCIDENTAL, FIRST AND MORRISON sts. Rooms, suites and slnclo, housekeep ing; every convenience; reasonable. MAIN ST 389-PLEASANT ROOM, WITH all modern Improvements; telephone; central location; rent reasonable. THE STEVENS, 420 ALDER ST. FINE FUR nUhed rooms; baths; phone; all modern con veniences; no children. FOR RENT FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS; also front room, with alcove; with rrlvato family. 30 Stark st ' 414 YAMHILL ST. PEASANl' ROOMS, FOR gentlemen; sttam heat, bath, telephone, ail modern conveniences. - ' NICELY FURNISHED 'FRONT PARLOR, suitable for one or two gentlemen. L 11, care Oregonian. THIRD STREET, 180',4-WELL-FURNISHED .front, side and back rooms, $3 up month; vers central. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR without board. 204 Jefferson st. opposite City Hall. . OILMAN HOTEI Brick bidg.. central; fur- nlshed rooms, $t week and up. 1st and Alder. 02 17TII CORNER FLANDERS TO ONE OR two persons; furnished room; private family. THE BURLINGTON. 43 3d. cor. Ash Ele gantly furnished rooms; reasonable: centra). Room "With Board. STllGLE PERSON CAN GET BOARD. WITH out room, at first-class, central boarding house. $15 per month. Address J C, care Ore gonian. SELECT ACCOMMODATION FOR TWO'QR more counles; home privileges; bath, gas; first-class table board. 394 Alder, cor. 10th. THE STERLING. 535 COUCH. COR. 10TH Stngla joqav for twoAgentlemen. or gentleman and "wife, with first-class board. ? v ' JFOTk REN1.j "iRooma With Hoard. i-rr ONE LARGE. FRONT TOOM. WITH LARGE alcove, southeast windows; good board and modern conveniences; room, suitable for man and wife or two gentlemen, ,also single room for rent, with beard. Address X 111. caro Oiegonlan. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 11TH YEAR; rootm with board? enamtlcd bath tubs;. u, of Ubrarj: Woman's Exchange: Industrial schoo). Address Mrs. E. C. George, supeiln tendent. 010,, Flanders street. THE COLONIAL, 103 FTH ST. ROOMS, SIN gle or en suite. The" dlnln2-roam having been enlarged can now accommodate , table boarders. Tabic -and service first clnB3. ' NEWLY FURNISrfED ROOMS. WTT11 board, with modern convenience. 5(14 Gllsan st, bet 17th and ISthr NEWLY rURNISHED, PLEASANT ROOMS, with good homo cooking; reasonable. 321 Sixth st. 253 13TB? ST. ROOMS WTTH BOARD, MOD ern comrnlences; bath and telephone. 225 llTJl ST. ROOMS, EN SUITE OR SIN gle; tabTe and service first-class. Honselieppiua: Tto'otiur.. FOUR BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED Con necting rooms with private family; gas", bath, rlano, phone; splendid location: no young children. 305 Pacific ave., threo blocks fast, one block south staei bridge. TWO OR THREE LAhGEtj VERY 'PLEAS' ftnt unfurnished housekeeping roomsr oath and telephone j references, 260 Hall.. .172 FIRST FOUR NEWLY CALCIMINED bay window furnlhhed housekeeping 'room's; aiso uite and unfurnished rodms. 124 19TH ST. ' NORTH SPLENDIDLY FUR rilshed parlors, dining - room and .kitchen; bathroom and piano; no children. S PLEASANT? UNFURNISHED BOOS. with water And woodshed; very reasonable; centrally located. 300 Flrr.t st. 321 SALMON, NEAR SIXTH.-FURNISHED rooms, with mbderh convenlortcsa ; privilege of kitchen If dcSlred. &U,s MARKET LOVELY BAY WINDOW sulto; light, clean, alr; furnished complete for housekeeping. c UNFURNISHED ROOMS; STEAM HEAT, bath, gas range and telephone; private fam ily. 209 14lh s J THE COSMOS, 20Sifc MORRISON ST. ONE suite of two" uhfufnlshed room-i; also fui nlshcd rooms. FOR RENT NICELY TURNISHED HOUPE keeplpg rooms; all conveniences; no children. 214 13th st. ' 253- TH ST.., COR. MADISON FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; all conveniences; be3t location. 3 UNFURNISHED PLEASANT ROOMS. TO parties without children. F 11, care Orego nian. 413 MAIN. COR. UTH NjfcBLY FURNISC ed sultb gas, range and telephone; no chil dren. -. OAK ST., 327. NE VR 6TH. TWO FUR nlalied r6oms for housekeeping. llortMe. FOB. RENT-Dn5IRABLE 8-ROOM &OUSE. dn Nob Hill; can be rented by partj' who will buy furnlturs, cash or installments; rent ?35; furniture modern and new. Ad dress D 11, caro Oregonian. - 1 FOR RENT COTTAGE. WITH 7 ROOMS. ON Johnson st., ncai 21st. Inquire A. H. Tan tier, 738 Johnson, or at office In Commercial block. Phone 542. SUBURBAN HOME. OJ ELECTRIC LINE: 3 acres, In orchard, beirles and vineyard;. $5 month. U 8, care, Oregonian. FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE, CENTRALLY located; all m6dqrn Improvements. Inqulro 394 Sainton st. FOR RENT"-ROOM HOUSE; GOOD LOCA tlon. West Side: $12. J. Kraemor. Commer cial building. jFtirji lnhert Hotine. ;8 PER MONTH FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE, furnished complete for housekeeping; cellar, woodshed, large yard, fruit trees, free -water and telerhone. Take Sunnyslde and Mount Tahor car, :et off at Glencoe. Inquire at grocery store. AN ELEGANT, UP-TO-DATE FJJRNISHED reidence, nltjerrooms; fine-lawn of two lotsr for. rent reasonable. Apply room 3, Ha,mlton Bidg. .. , .. ' TO RENT A" 'PLEASANT FURNISHED house, centtal location and all modern Im provements. Address P. 110, caro Oregonian. WEL - FURNISHED HOUSE; NICE groifhdf, flowers, good location, ono block from car; references. 401 12th. Honsen for Rent-Furniture for Sale. FURNITURE OF NEW AND HANDSOMELY furnished house, close In.1" 6f 11 rodms, With porcelain bath," toilet, gas. furnace and base ment House full Of Al roomers, and .board ers. Owner going East. Must sell this week. Address E 7, Oregonian.- Stores. FOR RENT STORE. 41 FIRST ST., COR. Ash; also store. 223 Ash st. R. L. Gllsan, 426 Chamber Commerce. "" STORE TO RENT -ON C-TH ST.. FOUR Liv ing rooms. Inquire at Ryan House, 203iA 5th. OfUocH. OFFICE ROOMS; A SUITE AT 2J0& THIRD, cor. Madison; excellent location for flrst class dentist or physician. , . PERSONALS. 17 women wanted suffering from Irregular, painful rertods; lejcorrhoea (whites), and ,nll compllcattd' diseases pertaining to changes of life, cured by old Dr. Kessler. cor. Second and Yamhill sts. 320 women calied , last month. Consultation free, and prhat rooms for"Madlcs. If can't call, write, Incloflhg 10 2c-6tamps Hundreds treated at liom6 liy bis new system. . t SEE GREAT INDIAN MEDIUM, BORN With double veils; t&lls pas.t. present and future; warns against misfortune; sure guide to social and business life; confidential; neals all diseases by the uso of Indian herbs, Mrs Prof. Wheatley Howe, 132 Tnlni st. coi. Alder, upstairs, offices 5, C, 7. Special at tention given chronic diseases of both sexes. CR. DARRIN, 270V4 Washington, st, Portland, Or., specialist In all chronic and prlaj.e dis eases of men and women. Cures deafness and catarrh. Quickly relieves- female weak ness, painful. Irregular or suppressed m,en utruatlon Varleocele, stricture or hydrocele cured In one week Consultation free. RHEUMATIC AFFECTIONS OF ALL KINDS with the advent of the rainy season will make lite mlsorable for many a Sufferer. "Oxygenator." a mtdlclnal water, will 'po3i tlvely laiv them and act as a prevendvoi guaranteed. xiaa.n lb, Russel building,. Fourth and MorrliiTu. LADIES. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY" A genuine sealskin jacket worth $250 for $100; Have your fur garments remodeled for ,lcss than half price. First-class work; an 'excel lent, fit guaranteed; 30 yo'ars' experience; lef erences G Konlgsberg, 210 Alisky building. Third and Morrison. DRESS SUITS RENTED. ALL SI7.ES. WE call for, sponge, press and deliver one suit of our clothing eai.h week, sew on buttons, sw up rips, fcr $1 p month. Djolng, steam cleaning and repairing Unique Tailoring Co.,L 'S4T Washington, both phones. . RIMLESS EYE-GLASSES. $1.25; NICKEL OR gold-filled frames with best lenses, $1; com mon glasses,, from 25 to 50c. Ej es msted'-free, by competent optician; fit guaiantsed. Port land Jeweler and Optician, 132 First st., be tween Washington and Alder. BLAZIEH'S CON' CERT HALL BLAZIER'S CONCERT HALL 248 BURNSIDE STREET 248 BURNSIDE STREET Sole Agent O. P. S. Bourbon. Also handling Three Crown Cyrus Noble. THE PORTLAND CLUB. INC.. A PLACE OF amusement and recreation for, gentlemen. 130 Fifth st. ana 2014i' Alder. The cafe In -connection carries the best line of liquors and cigars the EWorld produces. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts Nerve Globules. One month's treatment ?2: 3 months. $5 Sent securely sealed , by. mall. Agents, Woodard & Clarke, Portland, Or. ' A. LIPPMAN, HIGH -.GRADE LADIES' tailor, Brooko bidg.. Seventh and Washing ton. Suits made, $25 up; ladles' own goods, $12.50. 30 days onljv Fall goods arrived. - LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. IF YOU, If AV (5 eczema. Cylead, at 25c a box, will cure al most always. Sold only at J. A. Olemenson's drug store, 227 Yamhill st , Portland, Or. LADIES WHO ARE TtRED BEING INVAL Ids and a burden to their families should learn -how to overcome their difficulties by addressing box 317 cltyi . WANTED THE ADDRESS OF PHOEBE Dldlo; wportant to her. 'L. E. Krtapp, at torney; 10 Haller building, Seattle, 'Wash. Respectable single men and women, wishing, to' become acquainted, address P. O. box '350. PERSONAL. WATCHES' CLEANED, 75ct MAINSPRING, 75c; clocks calif d for and dolhercd. All watch and clock repairing warranted One year. The Portland Jeweler. 132 First st Phone Black 07., ILLUND'S PREVENTIVE. CONES, AN UN equaled antiseptic: no failure: per box. $l.So; cample, 10c. tllond Chem. Co.. Portland. P. O. box 974. Wn PRINT .10 FINT. VISITING CARDS. 2."V 60. 35c; 250 bturtnena cards, $1; 500, $1.50. Brown A ehmile '-Sii First t.. Portland. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS AllF. MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled- nt Eyssell's Pl-armacv. 227 MorrUoh St.. bt.p 1st and 2d. FKIT7.' CONCERT HALL: largest cafe on Pa clflc Coast: 240 o 2i Biirnstde. Welnhard's beer "on draught Clubrnoms upstairs. LAXINE. .A WINNER FOR STOMACH AND bowels. Sold by Model Drug Store, 95 Grand ave.; Knight. 121 Sixth st A GOOD-PAYING MII,LtNERY BUSINESS In this city, good location, for sale. Apply Mrs. B., P. O. box 009. OCCULT RCIENTE. CLASS COMMENCES next Friday evening. 8 o'clock. 193 Sixth st? Tickets for course, $2. B1LLV UBA'S BICYCLE HOSPITAL. 105 4TH. Phfine Clay 041. Wheel called for. delivered. LESSONS IN LACE WORK. Room 3.1 Rus3el. cor. 4th and Morrison. Mr". A. ft. Gravo. MPS. DR. MrCOY electric treatments, 1334 lrt t . cor. Alder, rooms T8 and 3"). SPECIAL NOTICES. BlriKterH' Notice. FRENCH BARK LA FONTAINE CAPTAIN Haumon. CMrom Santander Neither tha cartaln nor Jle undersigned consignees of tne aoove-namca vessel win .09 resppnsiDie for any debts that may be contracted by the crew. Taylor. Young & Co , Agents. Portland, Or., Seat: 24. 15)00. Proposal Tnvltfeil. PROPOSALS FOR BUILDINGS AND WATER dnd sewer systems. Department f the In terior, office Of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C. Sept. 20, 1900. Stfal-d pioposals. In dorsed "Proposals for school buildings or water and sewer system," Umatilla agency. Oregon, and addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington. D. C, will be received at this office until 2 o'clock P. M. of Monday, Oct. 22, 1000. for furnish ing and delivering the materials and labor required in the construction and comple tion at the Agency school, of a framo or brick dormitory and a water and sewer sys tem; also to remodel and Improve the pres ent boys' dormitory. In strict accordance w 1th the plans, specifications and Instructions to bidders. Which may be exnmlned dt this office, the United States Indian Warehouse. 255 Johnson street, Chicago, 111., the Build ers & Traders' Exchange, Omaha, Neb.; the Builders' & Traders' Exchange, Milwau kee, Wis.; the Northwestern Manufacturers' Association, St. PauL Minn.; the offices ot the Tribune, of Pendleton, Or.; The Oregon ian ot Portland. Or., and the Spokesman Review, ot Spokane, Wash., and at the Uma tilla agency. For further information, apply to this oRlce. or to Charles Wllklns. United States Indian Agent, Pendleton, Of. W. A. JONES, -Commissioner. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.. SEPTEMBER 22. 1000 Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M. Tues day, October 2, 1900, for furnishing forage and straw for Alcatras Island, Fort Mc Dowell, Kort. Baker, Benicla Barracks, Fort Mason, Presidio of Sah Francisco, and San Francisco. Cal.. during the period commend ing November 1, 1900. ahd ending February 2S. 1001. Government reserves right to reject or accept any and all bids, or any part thereof. Preference given to arttcles of American" production, conditions of price and quality (including In tha price of for eign productions the duty thereon) being equal, and sdeh preference given to articles ot American production produced on the Pa cific Coast to extent ot consumption required by the public service there. All Informa tion furnished on application to underslered. Envelopes containing bids to bo Indorsed: "Proposals for Forage and Straw," and ad dressed, to J. M. MARSHALL, C. Q. M. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE Su pervising Architect. Washington. D. C. Sep tember 10. 1900 Sealed proposals will be re ceived at this office until 2 o'clock P. M. on the 17th day of October. IPO, and then opened, for the low-pres3Ure, stenm-heatlns and mechanical ventilating apparatus, etc., for the U. S. Custom Housi bul'dlng at Port land, Or.. In accordance with the drawings and "specification, which will be furnished at the discretion of the supirvtsing architect on application at his office, or at the office of the superintendent of the b'llldlng at Port land. Or. JAMES KNOX TAYLOR, Super vising. Architect TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE Su pervising Architect. Washington. D. C. S:p tember 10, 1000. Sealed proposals will be re ceived at this office until 2 o'clock P. M. on the 17th day Of October. 1900, and then opened, for the Interior finish, etc., of the U. S.' Custom House, Portland.. Or.. In ac cordance with the drawings and speclflca . tlors, copies of which may be had at this , o'llco or at the office of the Superlntenent, at Portland. Or., at the- discretion Mf the su pervising architect. JAMES KNOX TAY LOR, Supervising Architect MHrellaneoxm. OFFICE OF THE COLLECTOR OF Cus toms, Portland, Or., Sept. 19, 1900. Notice of Silo ot Seised Goods Notice Is hereby given that on the 5th day of October, 1000, r-t 2 o'clock P. M.. therevsMll be sold at pub lic auction at the U. S. Appraiser's store. No. 32 North Front St.. Portland. Or., to the highest bidder, for gold coin of the U. S . tho follow'nsr described articles, which have been seized for violation of the U. S. cus toms and revenue laws, the some being tho following seizures: Nos. 1392. 1394 and 1.19fl. consisting of two silk dressing gowns, one lot wood frames, embroidered covers and ar tificial flowers, 100 cans prepared opium and two crips. I. L. TATTERSON, Collector of Customs. NOTTCE MY WIFE. ELIZABETH MARY MeKew. havlnz left my bod and board without cause, all person are warned .not to trust her on my account. John McKew. FINANCIAL. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FURNI turc, pianos, salaries, etc. Can bo paid In 'Installments., reducing Interest Rates lower than tno lowest, r. W. Graves. Mgr.. 12J (1th, near AVns,h (ground 'floor). Tel. Oak 1.131. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY OH REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low raits C. W. Pallett. 21J Com mercial block. Tel. Grant S5U. $200,000 TO LOAN AT 51. 0. 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for s,ale and rent. Agent for Westchester Fire Insurance Co. m. G. Beck, 321 Morrison st LOANS ON MINING STOCK. FURNITURE, real estate or other securities. 12S Third St.. ,C. H. Thompson's Cul-Rate Ticket Ottic-e. MONEY LOANED ON BICYCLESr PIANOS, furniture ahd other securities. W. A. Hath aw ay room 10 Wash bidg. Phone South 781. MONEY TO LOAN" IN SUMS FROM $5 TO 1 $500, on all classes ot security. R. I. Ecker son & Co.. room 5 Washington building. MONEY TO LOAN, G per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith, 814 Ch. of Commerce. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other securities ; .lowest rates; private. S. W. King, room 45 Washington Building. State funds loaned 0 per cent. W. E. Thomas, stato agt. for Mult. Co., 400 Cham of Com. MONSY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. Holl. room 9, Washington bidg. LOANS on chattels, salaries, etc.. low rates; see us" first. Mahn & Co.. 004 Dekum bidg. 7 1 1 m 11 III. LOST AND FOUND. LOST ROAN DURHAM BULL, "BRANDED "J. B." on right hip: about 5 years old. Return to or address Z. Fitzgerald, Woid lawn. Or. $5 reward. LOST-BLACK COCKER SPANIEL DOG. Return, C07 North Union avenuo, or Bruns wick Restaurant. Reward. " FOUND 4-MONTHS-OLD KNGLTSH SET ter pup. Inquire 340 East Sixth north. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING HOUSES. ANY SIZE OR PRICE; grocery stores; restaurants; country stora and hotels; cigar. candy and fruit stores; saloons 1 bakeries. Money loaned. AH deals handled by lis warranted to be straight. JENNINGS & CO.. SOOft Morrison St. $1310 WILL BUY-GOOD SALOON IN LIVE ly Vallev town, clearing $100 per month; license paid for next quarter; $500 cash, balance terms to suit; Investigate. Address R 7, care Oreronian. BEST-PAYING WEEKLY IN BEST CITY IN Eastern Oieon; county official paper; good power plant and job orr.ee. building- and lot; will bear thorough Investigation- Address H 10, care Oregonian. A ?10,000 PRINTING PLANT TO LEASE for a term ot years, or will sell -on easy terms; first-class location, cheap rent; doing fair business; owner going away. Address G 11. Oregonian. FQR SALE GROCERY; FIRST-CLASS LO cntlon; No. 1 family trade; will invoice . about $1500; owner going to leave city. Ad dress H 7, care Oregonian. BUSINESS CHANCES. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR HAinDRESEIt and manicurist: small capital required. Ad dress, at once. W. E. Kimball, 13035 Pa cific ave., room 1.. Tacoma. rOR SALE WELL - ESTABLISHED GRO cery and saloon business toother or sep arately. Address Proprietor, care Orego nian. A fiOD. WELL-LOCATED O'tOCERY Busi ness for sale. Ames Mercantile Agency, 21C-.1-5 Ablngton building. WANTED TOUNG MAN WANTS TO BUY working Interest In paylns business. E 10, care Oregonian. $10,000 TO $15,000 WANTED TO ENLARGE an. established foreign business. Address bor 710, Portland. DO YOU WANT A PAYING BUSINESS AT your own rrlce? Call today, 383 Morrison, $75; OFFICE FURNITURE AND BUSINESS. L. B. Cnlpman, 114 First st. SALOON FOR SALE; FINE LOCATION. IN qulro 210 Third ?t BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Afternoon Klnclerjrhrten. MISS ANNIE MATTINGLY'S FROEBKL KIN dergarten. Or. phone. Brown SIS. 209 14lh. Attorneys. EDWARD T. TAQOART. ATTORNKY-AT-. law. general pructl'-e. BIS Chamber of Com merce. I. W, RANSOM. ATTORNEY-AV-LAW AND er.unnelor. Bates Bank Md.. Portland. Or. C. H. PIGGOTT. lawyer and noaryt coltee , tlons. Room 4 Mulkey bidg.. Portland. Or. Asiayers and Analyst. J. H. FISK'S SCHOOL OF MINES WILL open Oct 1 nt 204 Washington st.. where asrhylng and tha chemistry of assaying and mining will b taught In all branches. J. . H. .FISK. MINERAL ASSAYER AND cnemist, gold dtwt bought. 204 Washington. PAUL BAUSIEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYIST: gold dust bought. 22R4 Stark St. Airrlunltrirnl Implement. Machinery JOHN POOLE: Newton wagons, buggies-, wind mill pump1, machinery. Toot Morrison ot Dook Store's. J. K. GILL ft. CO.. WHOLESALE AND RE tall booksellers and tatloners. 133-33 31 nt. Coal Dciilera. VULCAN COAL CO., dealers In house, steam and blacksmith coals. Also foundry coke. Front st, near Gllsan. Ore. tel.. Red 1760. Carpenters and nulldcrn. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter, builder:, offlca and Store fixtures. Ore. tel. T47. 305 Stark. Chiropodists and Itlanlcnringr. L. MITCHELL. FIB ST LICENSED EXPERT chlrorodifit; patronized by Portland's 400; no extra charge for jailing, at residence. Office ICO Fifth, opposite P. O. Tel. Hood 914. WM DEVENY & MAUD DEVUNY. THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors 301 Alisky bidg . 3d and Morrison. Ore-, phone Grant 10. Miss Dart, chiropody, manicuring. 50 Union blk. lstStark. 9 A M. to 5 P. M. TeL Front 44. Clalrvoynnts. Mme Dr. Hennjr. from Berlin, scientific re vealer: tells entire life, past present and fu ture: eonsultntlnrt on all affairs: nothing ex ecuted: names given: good ndvlce; sure hIp: mistake Imposrlhle: imports genuine gypsy lovo powder. Fee. $1; letter. $2. 317 Taylor. ARRIVED. CLAIRVOYANT. PALMtST AND card-reader: tells past, rrcsent, future cor rectly. 2G0t First st. CommtMrflon Merchant. HERMAN METZGER. PURrHASKR Or hides, pelfs, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and genenl commission rnerehant Front st.. nea- Main. Portland, Or. Cash advances en consignment. TAYLOR. YOUNG CO. SHI BP.OKr.R9 and commission merchants. Sherlock bidg;. Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front & D sts.. Portland. Or. EVF.RDING & FARRELL. commission, butter eggK chicken and farm produce. Portland. Corn I ces Sky 1 Isrhts. METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED IRON cornlMA J. C Bayer. 2G5 2d t. Danelngr- MISSES MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANC Ing. 2G0 14th. Private lessons by appointment Electro Bin. A beautiful complexion may ba had by treat ment at the hands of the renowned Mrs. F. Constance Wallace, the expert on facial massage, whtch treatment will positively ro 'move wrinkles. Dimples, freckles, moth patches, blackheads, .tan and sunburn; hollow cheeks filled out: scalp scientifically treated. Room 70 Lewis bidg.. Morrison nnd Park st. Fence and "Wire Works. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRK Works. A. Carlson. 280 E. Morrison st Hair Dress.Insr and Mnnlcnrlnpr. ROSENTHAL SISTERS. 1C0 FIFTH. OPP. P. O. , Switches a specialty. Phond Hooo 914 Ilnrnca anil Saddles. BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLESALE saddle and harness manufacturers, saddlery hardware, findings and shoe store supplies; leather of at! kinds. 73 Front st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CC.. WHOLE eale saddlers and harness manufacturer!. leather and 3addlery hardware. 72 Front st. Dyetnc and Clcanlnjr. H. W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER and cleaner. 201 17th. Tel. Red. 131. Iron Fonnderu, 3Incli't. Ship ll'Id'ra. Wolff & Zwlcker Iron Works; designers and mtrs. of ships, steamboats, marine, mining and milling machinery: ilVeted steel pipe. Smith & Watson Iron Works; englncsand boil ers; Jogging englnea a specialty; quarts and saw mills; misc. machinery. Front and Hall. Insurance. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRr. INS. CO.. 103 lnt t. Rord A- Arnold, general agent Mftgnetic and 3'ental llealitx?. Mrs. C J. Maple, magnetic healer (Wcltmer method), office treatment and college courses given. 221 Goodrtough bidg.. 5th & Yamhill. SEE THE GERMAN HEALER. 307 EAST Sixth, near Hawthorne. Phone Seott 093. ainnsnjre. SELECT MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC LADY from San Francisco. Parlor 28. 2ilSb Stark. MIuIuk Investments. RICHARDSON GOLD MINING CO. OFFERS shares at 15c share. W. H. Sherrod Si Co. Marble and Granite Works. LARGEST. BEST STOCK OF MONUMENTS In city, at cost, to reduce stock before mov ing down town. Weeks. "20 Front st 1. . r jj- MARBLE WORKS; marble, gran ite and stone worlc Schanen & Neu. 2W 1st 3IedtcaI. L1DIES! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNY royal Pills aro the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c. stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles." In tetter by return mail. Ask y'our druggist Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED SPE clallst. has opened up his office at .147 Front, and will sell his medicine as usual. Modi cines for all kinds of chronI diseases. Sinalcal. EMIL THIELHORN. REMOVED TO ROOM 1 McKay Bidg. Lessons on violin, vioio, cornet Mlnlntr Mnchlnery. Wlltlej soncontrauir. Drake umal.. West itaipp mill, mlntnc cars. Tatum Sc Bowen. 29-23 1st. Oregon Vlavl Company. Lewis bidg.. Park and Morrison. Free Ileatla lectures to women Thursday, at 2:30 P. M. Osteopath-. Dr. W. A. Rogers and Dr. Rhoda C. Hicks. graduates under Dr. A. t. still, the founder of Osteopathy; consultation and dlagnoala free. 532-3-4 Marquam bidg. Phone Main 27. DR. H." B NORTHRUP. Osteopath, suite 41U Dekum bidg. Investigation respectfully so licited; examination tree. Phone Mala 349. DR. L. D. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPAT.H. suite 409 Oregonian building. Fhone Oak 421. BUSINESS DIRECTORS. Pnlmlry Larsen, the ralmlst, will read when all leud ing events In life take place; past and fu tur; scientific readings; 50c. Alisky bidg.. room 250. MRS. L. BURHANS. scientific palmist. 01 Grand ave.. room 50. Read.ngs. 50c ard $1. Miss A. M- Stevenson, scientific palmist and psychic always correct S09' First st. MRS. H. C.WILBUR. PHRENOLOGIST AND palmist. 163"$ First, cor. Morrison. Mnnnfactnrer of Ladles GoaAs LADIES SILK W.AISTS AND WRAPPERS, fancy white goods, silk underwear made 10 order. Sing Chong Co.. 33S Morrison. Patents. T. J. GEISLEIX 010-011 CHAMBER OF COM. Registered attorney U. S. Patent Office. Real Estate Loans nnd Rentals. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD it CO.: ESTAB lbhed ISfifi. 227 Stark street. Physician' and Surgeons. Dr. Flora A. Brown; diseases of women ahd children a specials. Consultation and diag nosis free. 517-51R Tb Dekum. Portland. Or. DR. JAMES DICKSON. SPECIALIST IN KID ney and skin diseases. Odd Follows- Temple. Portland Rldlnjr Clnhs. LIVERY AND BOARDING; LADIES' AND gentlemen's saddle horses. 334 Jefferson. Rooflrtj?- NOW IS THE TIME TO FIX YOUR ROOFS' don't delay. All kinds uf roofing done and old roofs made good as new. Roof repairing and painting ot cery description. Country work a specialty. Columbia- Roofing & Refin ing Co.. 10th and Sherlock ave., Portland. Or. Phone Slain 137. Safes. SAFES. SArES. BANK WORK. LOCK DEPT. opening lockouts, repairs. J. E. Davis. 06 So. 5a-v Mill Machinery. Chrlstenson-McMaster Machlnory Co.: new and 2d-hand machinery. E. Water and E. Talor. ghoweaew and Store Fixtures. DIXON. BORGESON & CO. FRONT AND Washington streets. Specialists. Bertha A. Trulllnger. specialist: complexion, scalp treatments, manicuring. Parlors 23-2U. Russel bidg . 4th & Morr. Phono Front 373. Splr'tnnlHti. MRS. BAXTER REYNOLDS, THE MOST successful test and business medium on the Parlflc Coast: life and bustnes readings, and diseases diagnosed dally, without asking questions. Room 41. 2274 Washington st, cor. Secord. MPS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAIRVOY ftnt and psychic life render; consult her on business affairs, love troubles, absent friends: good advice on mines; reading- dally, 50c and up. 107V. First nt.. offices 7 and 8. DR. COLLINS. SPIRITUAL MEDIUM: readings dally: circle tonight 8 o'clock. 23ZK Third street MRS STFVENS. ndvl-e on nil affairs of life; stttlngs dally 221'' Morrison st. room 22. Sjnf C --ttt-c MtrDTUM 211 ALISKY building. Third and Morrison sts. Storage. OVHRLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth and Davis Merchandise a specialty Ir.sumn,e rates low; stirsg. rates reasonnH. Careful nttntlon riven to countrv eon(gn mnts ToT Or Main 777; Columbia, T7fl SAFES. PTAXDS FITRN1T1RE MOVFD AND racked for 'hlppln-. C M Olsen. 12ii First. Tel. office Main 10?7; Plaek 801. Storage nnd Transfer. QTO'Mrr t row RATES CAN HE HAD at Fred Blckel's storehouse. .11 North Front. Stovei, nnnjrej. TTornehoId IPilvrnre Hardwire: ole act. Universal stoves ,t ranges. housenirnlh!nrirood J T Kadderlv, 141 lt Tents and AvrTinc:. POPTLAND TENT & AWNINO CO TBNTt sails, awnings 229 Ankenv. Tel Grant 1."T1 United Stajt Pensions. E W. ALLEN. 511 CHAMBER OF CO'.t merce, pension attorney. 20 years' excerten-e. C. F TTLUOKR VOTARY. 141 SECOND ST Rebellion nnd later wars applications made Wholesale Confectioners. B. E MOTT. WHOLESALU CONFECTION er. C9 First st: dtstrlbuto- Honey-Moon Gum. Wholesnlc Groeers. ALLEN A- LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERR mr v F-ortt nnd Divls ts-. Portland. Or DANKS. SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. OF OREGON, 109 THIRD STREET. Money to loan on mortgage. A general trust andagency business transacted. BENJ. I. COHEN .... President H L PITTOCK. A. S. NICHOLS. .Vlce-Pres. E J. ALSTOCK, J. O. Gol tra Secretaries FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depository and Financial Agent of the United States. President H. W. CORBETT Vice-President. ............ ......A. 1. AllL.L,iJ Cashier -- E. WITHINOTON Asslstnnt Cashier ..J. W NI3WKIRK faecond Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD Letters of credit Issued, available In Eurouo and the Eastern states. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Boston. Chicago. St Louis, St Paul. Omaha. Sun Francisco and the principal jiolnts In the Northwest Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London. Paris, Berlin. Frankfort-on-thH Main. Hong Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen, Criilstianln StocKnoIm. St. Petersburg, Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD A TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Transact a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time ueposlts. Coll-ctions mado at alt points on favorable terms" Letters of credit issued available la Europe and the Eastern states. Slsnt Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New ork, Washington, Chicago, st Louis Denver, Omahu. San Francisco and vari ous points In Oregon. Washington. Idaho. Mon tana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London. Paris, Berlin. Frankfort and Hong Kong. WELLS. TARGO & CO. BANK CASH CAPl'lAL AND SURPLUS... $(1,250,000 JOHN J. VALENTINE PRESIDENT HOMER S. KING . . ......... .MANAGER- (San Francisco.) R M DOOLY - - CASHIER JOHN E MILES ....ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.) General Banking Business transacted. Ex change sold, and Letters of Crdlt Issued, available In all parts ot the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON President R L. DURHAM.......... Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEO W. HOYT ......Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, available In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK LIMITED. CAPITAL PAID UP $2,450,000 Head Office. 71 Lombard stieet, London. This bank transacts a general banking and exchange business; makes loans, discounts bilU and Issues commercial and travelers, credltsv available In any city In the world. Chamber of Commerce Building. Third and Stark streets. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. AINSWORTH NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, tor. Third and Oak Sts. J. C. AINSWORTH. Pres.; W. W. PHILLIPS. Cahlr. Transacts a General Banking Business. Exchange bought and sold on all the princi pal cities In Europe. Also facilities tor tele graphic transfers. Collections made on fav orable terms on all accessible points. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT. Connected With the bank. Safes rented on easy terms. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banking Business Drafts Issued available in all cities of the United States and Europe. President ...... TYLER, WOODWARD Vice-President JACOB KAMM Cashier F. C. MILLER BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA-PAID-UP CAPITAL S3.0OO.0OO RESERVE 500.000 Head Office. 60 Lombard street London. Com'I Block. 244 Washington st. Portland. R. LEA BARNES. Manage