. - SS'BLSB M ?4;?;t-: .'' i:'!' mtttm YOL. XL. NO. 12.414. PORTLAND, 0BEG02-T, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1900. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ii SISbISh I IhI ? i n . Age ... v. Purity . . Hunter Rye The Whiskey of Whiskeys, - . ROTHCHILD BROS. . Agents Oregon. Washington and Idaho. 2026 North First St., Portland, Or. , Flavor . . IF YOUR KITCHEN BE EQUIPPED WITH A HN VAN RANGE TOD IfBBD HAVB KO FEAR OP TOUR COOK LEAVING. Host durable, finest finish. Easiest kept clean. They broil to perfection. W. Q. McPHERSON, Heating and Ventilating Engineer, 47 First St. THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF PHO TOGRAPHIC BEST CAMERAS, BEST PLATES, BEMABMJ PAPEBB, LATEST NOVELTIES. Agents Collins Card M stents, Vetf tlaendcr's CeNInear Lenses BLUMAUER-FRAINK DRUG CO. Fourth, Near Merr'sen Pertfsiid, Oregon HPH - m y m M M w m TW ' In Business Offices ore open tovtwo classes of persons. (1) Those who write well, are accurate In figures, understand bookkeeping, etc. (2) Those" who are skilled In shorthand and typewriting. Persons who are proficient i;i both lines are bet ter off still. They are always given the preference. We teach all theso branches, and many more. Investigate our work. It will pay. Call, or write. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE . Park .and Washington Streets -tgr .-- .- A. P. Armstrong, LI B., Principal. r .T.A., Wesco, Penma,n and- '3ecretary. VltlL. METSCEAN. Pres. SEVENTH AND MSHIHGrOK CHARGE OF European Plan: . . . " GLASS EYES We carry a stock of over 1500 and Wb. v o - md S 1 and .ifliEZIii d j Sfet -JJL- -.laja Winter Carriages A FULL LINE OF Broughams, Rockaways and Station Wagons Ideal rainy-weather vehicles. . " . Exceptionally low prices. A new line of plush and waterproof robes. Carriages Wagons Harness Robes, Whips BISHOPSCOTTAGAQEMY Founded 1870. J. W. Hill, 31. D., Principal. Christina Term. Open Sept. 18, lOOO. A Boarding and Day School. Under preieni. man&gemcnt since 1878. Primary, Preparatory and Academic Depart ments: College Preparation, Military Dleclp Hne. Manual Training. Boy of all ages re ceived. For cataloEUea or Information addresi th Principal. J. "W. HILL. M. D.. P. O. drawer 17, Portland, Or GETTING JOY QUESTION Buying1 a Pianola is only a question of whother music ogives you pleasure. If you enjoy good piano music, you should buy a Pianola, for, by means of it, you can plav immediately anything and everj'tmnff. Call and seo the instrument. We think it will interest you. M B. WELLS, Northwest Acnt for the Aeo'ian Cwnpany 353-355 Washington Street corner Park, Portland, Or. We fire sole agents for the Pianola., It is exhlbjted only at our warerooms. . t - Mellowness SUPPLIES..... Eastman Kodaks and Fiims EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE. J, G JackS Co. 88 Third St. C. "W. SNOWLES, Msr. STREETS. PORTLAND, ORE00.1 MANAGEMENT . $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day guarantee satisfaction. FOR this best quality Single Elastic tpamcl Pad Truss. Wijh Water pd, $1.50; double, with water pad, $2.50; with enamel pad, $225. vJ' osLbsssV ' 8w Woodard, Clarke & Co. Popular-Price Druggists Fourth and Washington Sts. Studebaker 320-338 E. Morrison St SHE WANTS WAR Germany Will Meet China Single-Handed, TO AVENGE VON KETTELER Von Waldersee Is Armed With an Ultimatum. SHANGHAI FORTS TO BE SEIZED Capture of tke Chinese Navy a Part of Her Programme-Prance Will Support Germany. LONDON, Sept 26, 30 A. M.Only through the Associated Press advices from New "Fork, published In this morn ing's papers, does the British public learn that the United States and Great Britain are once again ranged together in. opposition to the Continental powers. Ap parently such a grouping was entirely un expected In both Berlin and London, and until an official statement is made com ment will be withheld. The Dally Chronicle, however, devotes a brief editorial paragraph to the an nouncement, expressing a hope that it is erroneous, and declaring "that the only way in which England can reap the frult-l of her exertions in China is oy stanaing shoulder to shoulder with Germany and Japan as the only effective counterpoise to Russo-French machinations and the weak-kneed policy of America." Meanwhile, the news from China indi cates that events are rapidly drifting In the direction of war between China and Germany. "There is the best reason for believing," says the Shanghai correspondent of tho Morning Post, "that Count Von "Walder see, on arriving af Taku, will present an ultimatum demanding the surrender of Ave leaders of the anti-foreign uprising. After a few.iipurs', grace he will formally declare srar, and, taking advantage ' of Gjermany's position 'as a belligerent .he will proceed to seise everything avall- abieyltjTsttfe ,Gfetasan forces' S&4 r'3?&: it is expectea;,tnatvuermany wii taxe the,"wii euiig forts and the Klangan ar senal, thus dominating oaanghal. It Is also believed that she willjattack the Kl arig Win forts, on the Tangtse, from the land side, and endeavor to seize the Chi nese fleet, including the valuable new cruisers. Palling this, she will at least occupy all the provinces of Klang Su north of the TangtSe. "The French will support Germany. This is not rumor, but reliable informa tion, and will probably be confirmed at the Foreign Office. Prompt action is nec essary to prevent a coup which will con stitute a serious menace to British inter ests. . "Russia has handed over the Taku-Pe-kln Railway to Germany." The Shanghai correspondent of the Standard, telegraphing Monday, says: "Chinese officials report that Prince Tuan lias issued a secret edict in the name of' the Empress Dowager, to the effect that the Imperial cpurt has decided to continue the war against the powers at whatever cost. The edict threatens that any official falling to support the Man chus will be beheaded' as a traitor, his whole family executed, and the tombs of his ancestors demolished." GERMANY IS AROUSED. Her Representatives in China Send Alarming: News. BERLIN, Sept 25. Alarming news from China has reached the German Govern ment, but It will not be published now, as Germany intends to use it during the conferences in Pekin. Von "Walderspe has cabled Emperor William direct that he has found the general situation more dangerous than he had expected, as it has grown worse during the last fort night, and the Consuls in Central and Southern China are expecting a general uprising. Advices from Dr. Mumm von Schwarzensteln, the German Mlnlstor in China, are of a simllai tenor. Rear-Aa-mlral von Bendemann has repeatedly ca bled that the situation along the Tangste Klang Is very critical, also expressing fear concerning the safety of Kalo Chou. The- German Foreign Office has received official .information of the appointment of Prince Tuan as Grand Secretary. In reply to an Inquiry as to whether this Indicated a serious turn of affairs,' a high official of the Foreign Office said: "Undoubtedly it does for those powers that want to begin peace negotiations. The appointment means that Tuan is now at the helm and shows to what lengths the Chinese Government will go In defying the powers." . v The official added what Germany feel3 absolutely no bitterness over the answer 'of the United States, although she re gards It as embodying a mistaken 'policy toward China. There has been no further exchange of views on the subject between Berlin and Washington since the recep tion of the American rply. Mumm von Schwarzenstein will go to Tien Tsln tomorrow. The report is confirmed here that Ger many has asured. Lord Salisbury that she Is not opposed to the Empress retain ing power, provided she retains it under the control of tho powers, ' thereby pre serving the harmony of the powers. Private Russian advices say that official news has been received at St. Petersburg confirming the report that neither, the Emperor nor Empress will return to Pe kin .until the foreign troops have, left Chinese territory.' A special to the.Lokal Anzelger from,Pekln jSays that the Em peror and Empress .have separated, and tha the former Is now located in Ta Tung. Other dispatches vsay the Germans took" the Lu Tal 'forts without serious resistance. The German press continues to comment upon America's answer to the German note, taking the ground that the situation has been made mors dangerous, and sad-I dling4 the blame for this upon President McKInley. Several semiofficial papers .condem'n the attitude of the VUnlted States. Others "explain it" by a reference jto'the difficulties in the Philippines. BLAMES THE UNITED STATES. Germany Says America Is Responsi ble for Prince Tuan's Elevation, BERLIN, Sept 25, The Cologne Ga zette publishes -a statement, evidently in spired, to the effect that, with the excep, tlon of Great Britain, all Jthe powers have replied to the German note, and that all. with the exception of the United States, agree, to Germany's proposal tln essen tials. v t. ,; j "The appointment of Prince Tuan as the head of the Chinese Government may bo regarded," says the Cologne Gqzettc, '.'as the first fruits of America's policy. The American "note has. evidently revived the courage of the Chinese and their cher ished speculations regarding discord amous the powers. The act of the Em press Dowager In appointing. Prince $uan is a slap in the.facp for the whole world; but China will deceive herself In this mat ter, as she has done In others. EYen as suming that active work against Chipa should be left to only a part of the pow ers, that part will be strong enough to Impose- Its' wllifon China; and any state 'standing aslde-would never think, of oo posing tho work of justice undertaken by the others. "There 13 no denying that Prince Tuan's appointment has brought about a change In the situation.! Many powers will ask themselves whether it is possible toi enter upon diplomatic negotiations with a state headed -by a man strongly' suspected of being guilty of the gravest breaches of International law." , Proceeding to refer to the proposed in structions from the United States to Mr. Conger to arrange with the Chinese, -plenipotentiaries for a preliminary confer ence, the Inspired statement runs, nsv fol lows: i "One may well be curious as to how negotiations potween Mr. Conger and Prince Tuan'3 plenipotentiaries will re sult. Mr. Conger had an opportunity while the Legations were under siege to become acquainted with Prince Tuan's methods against the representatives of the pbwers. The Indulgence of the United Stat6s of late toward China cannot have softened the Chinese Prince, who intends, If possible, to impose, as a condition, that American missionaries shall hereafter be excluded from China. When It is said In Washington in a telegram that Mr. Con ger, Prince Chlng and Li Hung' Chang will arrange a rendezvous for the repre sentatives of the powers for preliminary negotiations, it must be remarked that nothing Is known In Berlin of any man date for such negotiations as are sug gested by the United States.' More Missionaries Threatened. PARIS Sept. 25. The Temps this evening- publishes a dispatch from Shanghai which says the missionaries in CHi Li are threatened, European troops having been serit against the Boxers. Prince Chlng, it is asserted, has protested that the yamun alone iB qualified to carry out their ex termination, ordered by it. LI Hung Chang, the cablegram con cludes, has arrived at Pekin, and Is" nego tiating for the return there of the Em pe'rofc, ' ' -- - . , .. Con(Itnea-ln AH-rtrla.' fA1 .Y.BMv-aj sepi. xpp-xne Austrian, press bitterly .condemns' the attitude of ithe United States 'towards China, attributing to the course of the Washington Govern ment "the arrogant defiance with which China is treating the allies." ' German Troops Go to Tnhra. BERLIN, Sept. 25. The German naval division left Shanghai today for-Taku. WITHDRAWAL OF CAFFERY. Official Declination of the Presiden tial Nomination. .NEW YORK, Sept 25. Robert N. Wide man, chairman of the campaign commit tee, and Everett V. Abbott, secretary of the National (third ticket) party, gave out today the official declination by Sena tor Cattery of the Presidential nomina tion by the National party. In substance, the reasons Senator Caffery gives for declining are that ho Is unalterably op posed to the policy which would make the country the champion of fiat money, and he Is opposed to the policy wnich would destroy the Ideal of government founded on the "consent of the governed, and which would bulld.up favored classes by legislation. T"nrtr ihar "Would Not Have It. YORK, Pa., Sept. 25. A. B. Faquhar, a manufacturer'1 of this city, has been tendered the nomination for President- on the National ticket. Mr. Farquahur to day declined the nomination, on account of pressure of business. ,- v FARMERS FOR M'KINIiEV. What Secretary Wilson Found on. His Stamp Tour. CHICAGO, Sept. 25. Secretary of Agri culture Wilson arrived, in Chicago today en route to Topeka, Kan., where he will address the Good Roads convention next Thursday. "I have Just concluded a week's speak ing1 tour in Ohio," said the Secretary, "and I found, the agricultural district fa vorable to McKInley. The-farmers want no chango In National policies. The onjy source of doubt is tho cities. I may tour Kansas and Nebraska before my return to Washington." Bryan at His Home Again. LINCOLN, Neb., Sept 25. Mr. Bryan returned today to Lincoln after his trip to Ghicago to consult with the Demo cratic National Committee. He was ac companied by Eugene Smith, of the Pop ulist National Committee, and J. C. Dahlman, National committeeman for this state, who will have charge of the spe cial car to be .occupied by Mr. Bryan on his forthcoming tour. Mr. Bryan said he had no announcement to make as to the result, of his visit to Chlcajro further than has been made. A SUSPICIOUS "CASE. New Yorlc Authorities , Investigate a Millionaire's Death. ' NEW YORK, Sept 25At the sugges tion of the District Attorney and Chief of Detectives. Coroner Hart' is Investi gating thedeath of .William Marsh'Rlce, who died, Sunday night at the Berkshire apartment-house, on Madison avenue. Mr. Rite was a millionaire, 84 years of age who retired from active mercantile life 12 years ago, and is said,' o have haa? large Interests in Houston, Tex., and Milwaukee. ' .' The"-Inquiry of the authorities Into the dearth of Mr. Rice was "begun because early Monday four 'checks' bearing the dead man's name and calling for'thfe pay ment of-nearly 5250,000 were'qjresentcd fbr certification at the offices? of the Fifth Avenue Trust Company and the banking- house of S. M. Swenson'.fcSon, 15 Wall street. They were all ri&de payable to Albert T. Patrick, a lawyer, who for the past 10 years has beenjIMr. Rice's legal adviser in New York, c J. M. PALMER DEAD Illinois' Ex -Senator Passed Away Suddenly. HEART DISEASE CAUSEDHIS DEATH He Was Up and Apparently In Good Health the Day Before His Political and War Record. SPRINGFIELD, 111., Sept. 25. General John m! Palmer. ex-United States Sena tor from Illinois, died at his residence in this city at 8 A. M., from heart failure. General Palmer, was an honorary pall bearer at General v McClernand's funeral r 'a c i u &S ' 't - THE LATE JOHN M. PALMER. last Saturday. Last night he was on the street-viewing the" state fair illuminations until a late hour, apparently" lri eooi health. He had complained yesterday, however, of a pain In his chest He slept uneasily last night About 3 o'clock this morning, Mrs. Palmer called a physician, who did not think the General's condition alarming. The General awoke about T, still complaining. He talked to his wtfe for a short time, then fell asleep and expired soon after. f GENERAL PALMER'S CAREER. Long Political Career and Brilliant War Record of the IlHnoisan. John M. Palmer, who was the Gold Democrats' nominee for President in 1896,, was born in Eagle Creek, Scott County, Ky., September" 13, 1817, buthis parents settled In Illinois when ' he' was still ryoung. He obtained his eaucauon at Al ton College, where he 'attended one year. Palmer made the acquaintance of Ste phen A. Douglas at a country Inn, In 1838. The "Little" Giant" and 'John', T. 'Stuart were forced to share a room with- Palmer and a friend, and on learning of the" pol itics of the two, Douglas said to his com panion: "You take the -Whig and I'll -take the Democrat." " " Admitted to 'the bar in 1839, Palmer en tered politics, and ' wast elected ";a State Senator in 1854, whenhe opposed the 'Ne braska bill and brought about the 'elec tion of Lyman Trumbull 'to the United States Senate. He supported Fremont for the Presidency In 185G, and Lincoln in 1860. He cast his first vote ih Illlrtojs for Stephen A. Douglas for Congress, but he was always an anti-slnvery man in feel ing, and left the1 Democratic party when the Missouri Compromise was repealed. Then he became a Republican. ' lri 1856 he was chairman of the Repub lican state convention at Bloomlngton. He ran for Congress In 1859. but wa.s de feated. In 1860 he was a Republican Pres idential Elector for the state at large.. In 186L he was appointed one of the five delegates (all Republicans) sent by Illi nois to the peace congress at Washing ton. When the civil conflict broke out. he offered his services to his country, and was elected Colonel of the Four teenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and -participated in the engagements at Isl and No. 10; at Farmlngton, where ho ' skillfully extricated his command from a dangerous position; at Stone River, where' his division for several hours, on D.ec'ember 31. 1862. held an advanced posi tion and stood like a rock, and for his gallantry there he was made Major-Gen-eral; -at Chickamauga, where his and Van CIeves divisions for tw ohours main tained their position, when they were cut oft by overpowering numbers. Under General Sherman he was assigned to the Fourteenth Army Corps, and participated In the Atlanta campaign up to a date in August, when he asked to be relieved be cause General. Sherman had ordered him to report to General Schofleld. In Feb ruary, 1865, General Palmer was assigned to the military administration of Ken tucky, which was a delicate post. General Palmer was nominated for Governor of Illinois by the Republican state' convention, which met at Peoria. May 6. 1S68, and his nomination would probably have been made by acclamation had he not persistently declared thait he could not accept a candidature for the office. The result of tho ensuing election gave Mr. Palmer a majority of 44,707 over John R. Eden, the Democratic nominee. After the expiration of Governor Palm er's termT while he was somewhat prom inent In Illinois politics, he devoted most of. his time to the practice of his profes sion. - He was a delegatc-at-large to the Na tional Democratic convention which met at Chicago In 1834. In 18S7,and.l8S8, he was the candidate ot his party for the ,Up!te& Spates Senntorshlp,',bnt was de feated, the first time by Charles B. Far w"ell. and the seccnd' time by Shelby M.. Cullom. The Democratic "state conven tion, held" In lS-'S. nominated him atraln for1 the bffice of Governor. Ho carefully canvassed the whole state and was de feated 'by Joseph W. Flfer, He received the Indorsement of the Democratic stato convention held In June, 1S90. for the office of United States Senator. He carried the state in the elec tion which followed by 30,000 plurality, 101 Democratic members of the State Legis lature being elected. The Instructions which every Democratic Senator and Representative elected in November, 1890, received were considered a3 obligat ing him to vote for no one but John M. Palmer. All followed their Instructions literally, and stood by their candidate for 153 ballots. On the 154th ballot the inde pendents united with the Democrats, and he -was elected United States Senator, March 11. 1S91. General Palmer was a candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination in 1892, or, to say more correctly, he wa3 urged by many Democrats for the nomi nation. At that time he expressed him self as unwilling to run, referring laugh ingly to his age. On the money question he was sound. On the tariff question he said that he was as near being a free trader as It is possible for any man to be. The Senator waved aside as intol erable all opinions that leaned toward protection. He was twice married. In 1812 he was united in marriage to Mellnda Neely, who died In 18S3. He was married In the Spring of 1888 to Mrs. Hannah L. Kim ball. JOHN P. JACKSON DEAD. Collector o the Port of San Pran , cisco. aN FRANCISCO, Sept. 25. Colonel John P. Jackson. Collector of the Port of San Francisco, died tonight. He suf fered from a painful kidney affliction, and failed to rally after a surgical op eration, which was performed this after noon. Mrs. Elizabeth. Van Le-nr. RICHMOND. Va., Sept. 25. Mrs. Eliza beth Van Lew, who during .the, war be tween the States furnished the Union forces valuable Information of the Con federate.Army, and aided prisoners in es caping from Li )bjt prison, and who, after tfiVwar, was rewarded by General Grant with the postraactershlp at Richmond, died here today,, at an advanced ago. . Seven Death From Plagrnc. GLASGOW, Sept. 25. Another death from bubonic plague was reported here today, majdng the seventh since the out break.. Only 40 persons are now- under ob- "servatlon. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT NEWS China. Germany 13 about to declare war on China. Pase 1. Vpn 'VaIdereo will demand the surrender' of leaders of the outrages, Paso 1. It Is proposed to seize the Chinese fleet and forts. Pago 1. American troops, except a location guard, aro ordered from China. Page 2. 'England rejects the German proposal. Page 2. . , " Political. Senator Beverldgo opened the Republican cam paign in Illinois with a speech In Chicago. Fage 3. Roosevelt made two upeeches in Denver last - night. Pago 2. Miners' Strike. The Luzerne County Sheriff asks for troops. Pago 5. , The Markles at Hazleton reply to the minors' '- .demands. Page 5. President Mitchell reports the strike growlnr. Pago 5 . . Foreign. ' . Michael Davltt Is no longer a champion of the Boers. Page 3. Progress of Lord Roberts' campaign. Pago 3. 1 Domestic. General John M. Palmer Is dead. Page 1. Texas floods caused great prepcrty loss. Paga 2. Galveston appeals for help to rebuild the city. Page 2. Four persons were killed by a tornado In an fowa town. Page 2. Naval maneuvers were continued off Newport. Page 5. Pacific Cont. Harr Wagner's comedy of geographical errors. Page 1. 'Epidemic of smallpox at. Nome has been stamped, out. Page 4. Henry Schroeder accused of passing worthless checks at Baker City. Pasre 4. Report of early construction of the Oregon Midland Railroad confirmed by president of company. Page 4. Officers and desperadoes battle In "Washington. Page 4. Commercial and Marine. Two grain-laden ships and a United States transport cleared yesterday. Page 5. The' Hale wood asks C2s Cd for charter to United Kingdom. Page 5. Local. Centenary Church protests against appointment" of Rev. G. W. Quo to Its pulpit Page 12. Lawrence Sullivan Indicted by grand Jury on a charge of trying to persuade a sailor to de sert. Pare 12. City Council will rrobably pass amended blank et, ordinance today. Pago T. Transport Lennox sall3 for Manila. Page 8. Suit broupbt to contest tho vehicle ordinance, Paye8. BOOK OF BLUNDERS Grotesque Geography for Peo ple of Washington. FRUITS OF THE SCHOOL-BOOK JOB Hnrr "Wasrner's Stnpld "Worlc Impewd Upon Children Superintend ent Browne to Blame. Harr Wagner, an "educator" oJ Baa Francisco, Is author of "Tho Now Pa cific School Geography" now In use la the State of Washington. This work Is the crowning achievement of Superintend ent Browne's Justly celebrated project for expelling the book trust from tho atato and forming a more tractable home-made octopus of his own. It Is also a shining monument to the colossal Ignorance and stupidity of "Geographer" Wagner, The work, abounds In errors of the most glar ing kind. Its maps are on too small a scale and. many of them are so misera bly printed that the unhappy child who has to decipher them must needs bo pro vided with a powerful magnifying glass. The letter.-press Is only fair, and the pic tures are often a desecration of purs white paper. The text Is frequently in ane, and grammatical errqrs and 2alse syntax are of common occurrence. It la said that many counties have already re fused to permit Its introduction In their schools, and. In defiance of law, aro us ing one of the standard works. The policy of the work has been ta "place special empnasls upon the geog raphy of Washington and tho Pacific" To that end the author seems to havo accepted as authentic and authoritative all the old railway guides, Immigration pamphlets and second-hand county and state histories he could lay his hands on. And when he could not And authority for some statement that looked Hke a fact, he supplied It from the boundless depths of his matchless Ignorance, and expressed it in a highly ornite style of pigeon English. A few examples will suf fice. He saysr "Tacoma Is a thriving city on Puget Sound, and is noted fortts machine-shops, lt3 manufacture and large exports trado to China and Japan, and other cities of the New Pacific." The clumsy use of the singular and plural in "manufacture" and "exports" la followed by classification of China and Japan with "other cities" of the "New Pacific." China and Japan have too long been identified with the old Pacific to have their Importance and national char acter thus circumscribed. A Cenini Boomer. Seattle Is described as "the largest city In the Northwest. . . . The important naval station at Port Orchard, the public library, the museum of the University of Washington, the assay office, and. the factories Cwhat factories?) are among the many interesting places in the city that furnish Instruction, and which school children could visit with profit." Tha quick transition from the uae of the rela tive pronoun "that" to "which," Is strict ly Wagnerian. Seattle Is not the Jargest ity In the Northwest. Fort Orchard is not "In the city," but 12 miles dtstant. Continues the Inveralous historian: "It, has a number of fine public school build ings, including the buildings of the Stn,to University, located in the suburbs." What are In the suburbs? The university or pub lic school buildings, or all? Twin Hlprh fountain. The writer seems to have heard some where that in Alaska Is the highest mountain in North America, and he gives an abundance of misinformation on that subject. On page JA: 'The highest moun tain peak in North America Is raid to bo arount St. Ellas." On page E0 is mentioned "Mt. McKInley. which Is the highest mountain In North America." You pays your money for Wagner'3 wonderful book and you takes your choice. The schol arly author raises anew the Alaska boun dary question, nd Informs the diligent student thnt Dawson is in Alaska, and by Implication also places the Klondike region in the same favored territory. "The Aleuts." he-says, "somewhat resemble tho Eskimo." What particular Eskimo? Sal mon "factories" are located In Alaska. A Jfciv Natural lllatory. On page 37, Wagner tires of his arduous geographical labors, and wanders oft Into a most surprising dissertation on natural history. "The black bear," he says, "Is frequently seen In the woods. Its aver age weight is about HOO pounds. It climbs small trees neany as quickly as It doe3 large oncj.." No bear can climb a small tree as quickly as a large one. It can not climb a small tree at all, without a ladder, which the professor has thought lessly failed to provide. "The cougar . . . sometimes creates havoc among sheep. Like the coyote, it Is a great howler." But he will never learn ,to, hmvl half as loudly as the parents of tho little ones who have to study Wagner's worthless work. "The Douglas squirrel is very plentiful. It has long, black whiskers, strong; sharp claws, roguish eyes, and may be seen any day in a ramble through the woods." Careless .habit of the roguish squirrel to ramble alone through the woods! f "Tho ruffled (ruffed!) grouse inhabits the entire wooded districts of Oregon and. Washington. It Hke3 to perch on mossy logs 'and. flap its wings. In the Summer they (It?) dust themselves In the road ways." Qneer "Ways of Railroads. On page SO Is a most wonderful railroad map of the United States. It is probably the most conspicuous tribute to tne Pu ce t Sound boom idea ever seen anywhere. The O. B. & N. begins at the eastern boundary of Oregon, cuts across tho northeastern part of the state, then makes a Jump across the Columbia River, boldly follows the summit of the Cas cade Mountains in Washington, and fin ally falls off at Tacoma. Neither tho Northern Pacific nor the Great Northern appear at all. One railway line Is shown to start out from Chicago, make a beo line across Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska, and thn, having apparently forgotten something, describes a sharp turn and wanders down to Lincoln. Neb. where It stops. It seems to have occurred to tha chartist that he was slighting Mr. Bryan's hdme, and he remedied the error as speed ily as possible. Expense In railroad build ing was no object. No railroad at all runs from Chicago to New York. The announcement Is made that tho rulings of the United States Board of Geographic Names have been followed "with one or two exceptions." But there are many more than one or two. "Shoal water Bay" Is used for "Wlllapa Harbor.' "Laldlow" for ""Laidlaw"; "Sulton City'' for "Sultan City"; "Glazier" Peak; Lakes "Superlo" and "MIchagam " "Mas3achu sets," "St. Hellens' "Greeland," "Cacut ta." "Hawahan" Islands, where a "stat ute" to Captain Cook Is erected. On page 41, It 13 stated that North America has an area of 9.000,000 square miles; but the eminent scholar seems to have had some doubt aliout It, and be fore the end Is reached he becomes aa (Concluded on Tenth PaxeO x-