w jaGSKM" - Portland, ' . Oregon- V . V1SA- J ' f wttam VOL. XL. -NO. 12,412. - (PORTLiASfD, OREGON," MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24; .'1900:- PRICE FIVE CENTS. . mMV-'k . ' j i 3. -,11 sk. -:4FB m a:v-a v ::::::ir::i::::;:;;:;:;:::;;::r::::;::::::i;:::; The Greatest American Whiskey YELLOWSTON IF YOUR KITCHEN BE EQUirPED WITH A JOHN VAN RANGE TOU ITEED HAVE KO PEAR. OP TOUR COOK LBAVHYS. Moat durable. Finest finish. Easiest kept clean. They bToll to perfection- ' W. G. McPHERSON, Heating and Ventilating fttaeeri:4fcBr&$t THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF H0T0QRAPH1C BEST CAMERAS. BEST PLATES, RELIABLE PAPERS, LATEST NOVXLTH3. Agents Collins Card Mounts, Velgtlaender's CeHInear Leases BLUMAUER-FRAINK DRUG GO. Fourth, Near Morrison Partl-, Oregon , t In Business Offices are open to two classes of persons, (t) Those who write well, are accurate in figures, understand bookkeeping, etc. (2) Those who are proficient in shorthand and typewriting. Persons who are proficient in both lines are bet teroff still Xhey are always given the preference. We teach aH these branches, and many more. Investigate our work. It will pay, Call, or write. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. Park and Washington Streets A, P, Armstrong, LL. R., Principal. jPJttL. METSCHAN. .Pee. sever and wASHmorow CHARGE OP European Pian: GLASS EYES We carry a stock of over 1500 and BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY Founded 1870. J. W. Hm M. D.f Principal. Christmas Term Opens Sept. IS, 1OO0. A Boarding: and Bay School. .JJnder present management Flnce 1678 Primary, Preparatory and Academic Depart ments; College Preparation. Military Discip line. Manual Training. Boy? of all asca re ceived For catalogues or Information address th Principal. J. W. HILL, M. D . P. O. drawer XT. Portland. Or and inter Carriages A FULL Broughams, Rockaways and Station Wagons Ideal rainy-weather vehicles. Exceptionally low prices. t A new line of plush and waterproof robes. Studebaker Carriages Wagons Harness Robes, Whips ENGINE THROUGH A WHARF One BXon Pinned to Bottom of San Francisco Bay. SAN FRANCISCo7Sept 23 A Santa Fe passenger engine crashed through a wharf at Point Richmond today and sank In 50 feet of -water, carrying -with If. "En gineer Henry Allen. Telegrapher Mul cahoy and Fireman Press S. Adams. The hody of Adams Is pinned beneath 100 tons of steel at the bottom of the bav. The two other men were Injured but not fatally. The wharf which sank beneath the ndno h nni , i ,. o - ,.., .. ... iiic u. jtm. . ZreKident McKinIeyx Sunday. CANTON Sept. 23. In the morning President McKlnley attended services at the First Presbyterian Church. A few t rlendscalled at the house during the day jind evenlnjr. Rothchlld Bros. i Agents -Oregon, Washington and Idaho, - 20-26 North First Street, Portland, Or. SUPPLIES, Eastman Kodaks and Films exclusive, carpzt rKHJM. AtkatgJk iTaHflawaf af J. A ,Wesoo, Penman and. Secretary. XNOffLSS, mK streets, pqwund, oremi MATfAGKMEXT $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day guarantee satisfaction. FOR. this best quality Single Elastic Enamel Pad Truss. With water p"d, $1.50; double, with water pad, $2.50; with enamel pad, $2.25. ' c. w Woodard, Clarke & Co. ' Popular-Price Druggists Fourth and Washington Sts. LINE OF 320-338 E. Morrison St. TH?' DEATH ROLL. Marshal Campos, Ex-Goveraor-Gen-eral of Cuba. , MAD&ED Sept. 23 -Marshal Martines de Campos died this morning shortly af ter 10 o'clock at Zaraur near San Sebas tian. Last of Kane Relief Party. t. thTTasi JZ35Z,Vt' tr"0?"?6 rZlJlnJT, Sf the Government relief expedition which res- WORCESTER, Mass., Sept. 23. George -j Tir KnA. thn Am,rloin iTiu - plorer, In 1855, died here today, aged 6S years. Upon the death of United States Paymaster Charles Lever, at Alameda, CaL, recently, the announcement came that "he was the solo survivor but Mr. D'VI was a gunner's mate on -the expo dltlon and outlived Mr. Lever. EFFORT TO RESUME Will Be; Made in . Schuylkill Collieries Todayvr UNDER PROTECTION OE2O0O TROOPS BXlHeawaem Say 'Many Men -Desire 1 to Itetiara to 'Worlc Sunday" Wna Generally, Qnlet. IHJLADELPHIA, Sept. 23. Tomorrow morning will open the second week of the great anthracite coal miners' strike and developments having ,an important bear ing oh. the outcome of 'the stnlggle iro Tooked forward io. An effort will be made 'In the morning to start work In collieries, located in Schuylkill County wfth the protection of three regiments olt.-tae -State National Guard, In all num bering about 2000 men. Some of these mines -were voluntarily closed Saturday 'by the' operators at the request ot the County .Sheriff with the object of checking the dfsorder In and about Shenandoah, where the, riots 'occurred Friday, which re sulted Hinne-kllllng of one of the rioters by 'the Sheriffs posse. 'The operators , 'and rolne-owners claim that, a sufficient number of .hands to run many of the collieries 'are- desirous of re tarnlng.1 to work If they can be "pro tected from assault from tho disorderly element. The Sh'eriff found i himself un able to , control' this element and hence his request for -troops was complied with by the Governor. , i No estimates of the number of'mlne-i workers likely to return to work In the morning has been made by either side, but General Gobln- tonight issued de tailed orders which -will distribute the troops along the roads .leading to, the collieries and about the mines, in' a man ner which, without doubt, ,wHJ fully In sure the safety of all who may desire to work. ' The strikers have given no Intimation as to their view of, this new move on the part of the operators beyond, the general claim of the 'leaders that not many will return to the mines. Whether they will attempt a clash,with the troops cannot tonight be conjectured. Quietness prevails today throughout the entire region. ' Some mass meetings were held which were addressed "by the strike leaders but all the meetings were con ducted In an orderly manner. The churches throughdut -the region were well attended. The pastors all coun selled good behavior on the part of the strikers and especially advised against the use of Intoxicating .liquors. Some of the preachers sided with the strikers In their contest while a. few of them ex pressed the -belief that the men and their k families would be betterr off if they would return to work at once. RAHjROADBItS MAT STRIKE. Ca-eratlTe Stores May e Esta- lihed In Poa Dlstrlet. SCJRAIfTONV Pa., Sep. 23. It now be gins to look as if the strike would exterid. n hv rrdimaders. at feast in this region- The switchmen, had, another conference 'itfaay with their i&tioHal' officers Grjirtci: (Master Frank. Tv'l&wl'ey' an6Grand sec- cuss tni request of the. striking, miner s that they .refuse "ito liannle-', non-union coal. Nothing" could be learned of what was done further than that the national officers" and11 a conimlttee;r-of the, local switchmen would, go,, to. New York' to morrow and that on their return some thing deflnltewould be done.- Thepur pofie of their visit could not "be learned, but it lssuppose'd it Is to petition, Presi dent Truesdale.l of the Delarawaret Lack awanna"'' & '.Western,, to, spare ,themvthe task of handling the non-union washery coal and save them from, the alternative of striking br refusing the 'miners' re quest. , . , The scare resulting from the announce ment that the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western would niake aneffort to operate the Bellevue colliery tomorrow' is now learned to. be 'without foundation. Su perintendent , Loomis says .the story Is untrue, and the lack of preparation at tho colliery bears him out Organizer" Dilcher said today 4that the miners had been assured of outside help that would permit thih to continue the strike for six monthB at least after their ""own resources had. been exhausted. Sig nificant remarks ajong the same line were made at a mass-meeting In Laurel Hill Park last night, .and again at Tropp '.this afternoon, by National Secretary Thomas Iidd, pf the Woodworkers' Union, Just here from Chicago, and 'A. C. Catter mlll, of the executive commitee of the United Brotherhood . of Carpenters and Joiners. If tho occasion demands it,' Mr. Dilcher says, co-operative stores, and bakeries will be established all through the region and rations issued after the fashion of the Army, f The tie-up remains practically as when the strike went Into effect a week "ago. All the mines are idle and the 10 wash cries continue to operate. The mine workers now claim to have 70,000 of the, 75,000 men of' district. No.-1 enrolled in their organisation. - . i SO CHANGE AT HAZLETON. ' Three Prominent Deputy Sheriffs Chaxg-ed With Highway Robbery. xHWZEJLTON, Pa,, Sept 23. There is ab-' solutely no change in the coal strike in the Lehigh region today, and the cus tomary Sunday quietude prevailed. . This afternoon the employes" of the Calvin Pardee mine met at "Lattimer and the United MlnewQrkerB held mass meetings at both Epley arid Beaver Meadows. To night the presidents of the three anthra cite districts comprising the entire hard coal fields of Pennsylvania had a con ference with President 'Mitchell for tlie purpose of discussing 'the situation as It now prevails in the anthracite region. Three of the deputies who were sworn in by Sheriff Harvey, of Luzerne County. .and who are sons of prominent 'Wilkes- barre families, were arrested last night at Freeland on the charge of highway robbery. They are -Hamilton Farnham, Van Buren'B.. Howard and A. R.' Shoe maker, Jr,' The men are accused of rob bing a Polish liquor dealer of $167 in cash. There are two "sides to the story. The Polander says he was delivering beer at Highland." arid that the deputies asked him and he consented to let them ride in his wagon to Fre'eland. At the outskirts of that place he claims the men assaulted him and took the money from his pocket The other story Is to the effect that the Polander demanded a fee for" bringing the deputies to Freeland, and, not 'getting It, he set up a cry that he "had been'robbed. A crowd soon gathered arid' the deputies were taken into custody and given a hear ing before a Justice of the 'Peace, which lasted until 2 o'clock this morning. The Squire committed the three' men,' but' in stead of locking them up at 'Freeiariar tho accused werc driven 30 miles over tho mountains to Wilkesbarre, where 'they arrived at daylight this morning. This was done in order toprevent the possi bility of tho '-men 'being taken from the local lock-up by a crpyd, Tfhibh was still waiting to sf e what "disposition was to be made of the deputies: Ttiere .is an exceedingly strong feeling againsf'aepu tles in- this region, be they charged wilh crime or not. Thfe men were .released 'on bail after their arrival at Wilkesbarre. McAdoo, from which town jiiore march ing of strikers has taken place thanfrom all other towns in the; Region combined, was full of strangers today,. rawn thero by the rumor that troops would arrive at that place. It was learned today frtmuan authoritative source h&t a request' has been made to Governor Stone to send a battalion .to MoAdoo,. which istho nearest point in Schuylkill Couqty .to Hazleton, which 'is in Luzerne County. The re quest was granted, bi)t some sort of ms; understanding arose, and the- order was. countermanded. , , This afternoon a delegation of .South Side operators went to Shenandoah, where they met Sheriff Toole, of ,. Schuylkill, County, and General Gobln, "and after ,a short conference General Gobln. decided, to send a battalion of infantry to McAdoo early tomorrow morning. l ' SITUATION SATISFACTORY. , t Saficlent Troops ' la the Field for Present Demands.' , HABRISBURG, Pa,fyBept. 23!fThe situ ation in the Schuylkijl strike' region is very satisfactory to the, officers on duty at the National Guard headquarters in Harrlsburg. ; Their advlces'from there today was that everything was quiet, and that no serious trouble w.fls anticipated. 9 - Apjutant-uenerai otewarx. was at nis or- m. 4-av .SVf I" .V. Wr. , MA1 WTftfi iaTtTHRAClTE FJEED8 THE MINERS . " I v flee all day in. close communication with.' Uroops lh the .field. Governor Stone! Is taking an Interest in the operation ofc-the soldiers, and Is 'being kept fully advised of their movements. MaJor-GerteraliMil- ler Is on duty at headquarters witjfi Colo nel Elliott of Philadelphia, AssistanfAtf-r jutant-General and -Major Beitlan,san-aid on the division staff. - Colonel Richard son, keeper 6f the state arsenal, nafc been? 'at'hls post almost constantly -since 'Fri day night, ready for any emergency; or to meet any demand rthatmay be made ,for the troops at Shenandoah-The NJrfth' and Thirteenth Regiments are'still'being' .held under waiting orders, arid'-it ad- dltlonal troops are needed they 'can, be' on duty within two hours. , " ' . The aggregate strength of the,three"reg- lments of Infantry, one troop of cavalry and "one battery of 'artillery in the field Is nearly 2000, and unless there" Is another uprising no more troops will be called for. ' TROUBLE IS LOOKED FOR. Uncertainty as to Whether Collcrles Wih Resnme Today. t , , WILKESBARRE, Pa., Sept 23. To morrow's developments at the mines In this region wHl be awaited with agreat deal of interest and not a 'llttjo appre hension. Tho operators will neither deny ,nor affirm the report that they intend to start some of their colleries tomor row. It Is the general opinion1 that if they make tbeattempt there Is likely to be trouble. At tho Unjted Mlneworkers' headquar ters they do. not believe that 4he-cmpa-nles will attempt to resume work. In-the first place, the mjBmbers of the union say, there will be no men to operate "tho mines unless they are brought from ot" side places, something that is -not likely to happen, and, In the second place, the employes now out on strike are so Arm that.lt will be Impossible for the. opera tors to break their ranks at this early stage. ' The Lehigh & Wilkesbarre Coal Com pany Is operating a washery at .Ashley, employing 20 men. Saturday night, when the men employed at the place returned home they were stoned by some boys and women. If the men report for work "to morrow there may 'be trouble. The strikers employed at the mines In Ashley held a big meeting, tonight and' resolved to remain out and noji return to work until their demands are 'granted. It was stated in the meeting tjiat the men could' hold out for four months at least without .any serious inconvenience to 'themselves "or" families. Appeal for Arbitration. COLUMBUS, O., Sept. 23. The' First Baptist Church, tho leading church of that "denomination In this city, today adopted a resolution appealing to the j, Governor of Pennsylvania to use every -I effort that can be consistently made to secure the submission to arbitration of matters In dispute between the miners and operators of the anthracite regions. Concurrent action was expected 'by 500 of the, leading churches in the country, h VotfnliiMon havlner been sent to as many ministers with an appeal for ,1m- ' ' Tti?f-lftt: action ' ' ' ' i' Consideration for Ooal-Dlg-jger. CLEVELAND, O., Sept 23. Dr. Louis (Banks, pastor of the First M. E. Church, preached about the miners' strike 'in Pennsylvania. In the course of his ser mon be said: ' "There seems to be but few employ ments thatfhavp so little possibilities of enjoyment, so little chance for the com mon blesslrigs of -life as that of "the dig ger of- coal. , He ought to be paid well. The work he does is "a corhirion necessity. We aeall benefited andblessed by' his. tdoneludea on Second Page.)' MYORK IN DOUBT? Republicans Have Been Un easyrAbout the State. STRONG CLAIMS-OP THE BRYAN HEN Beat Opinion Is, However, That Mc Klnley Will Carry, It by ". . Good-Sized Majority. v WASHINGTON, Sept. 18.-(Staff Cor- respondence.) Is New York ..properly .In the dpubtful column? . That .is a" question that is agitating politicians 'of both po litical parties. When the Kansas City convention adjourned there was no belief among Democrats that -New York co'uld OF - PJnfSYtVATrtA THE SCENE OP GREAT STKikfe. ' "' ' ' '" -v be carried? bjBryah. The insertion of the 16-to-l plank was believed to have placed Nefr-arorkMn'the Republican Column' bV iondinyquestlon. Republicans have nev fer efttertained any doubt atfout carrying New. York, and from. the best lnforma- tlon at hand The Ore'gonlan correspondent 'boHeVes .that It is not properly In the I doubtful column, but that. It will give McKipley morethan 100,000 majority. . It Is Interesting, to note what; has hap pened (Since' the -convention' to caUBe.the juneaslness InNewaYork and, to make man Awonder-whether. anything Is .going to t happen 'In that s&ate, trtilcjv -would elect -.Bryan, in tne ,-nrst piace iJrxan ,was quick to r seize 'the. opportunity to' smoth er silver as far" as nosslble. When, he saw. with what avidity .the, men' of his own party seized tne "paramount issue In order to subordinate silver -he took advantage of' the "Imperialism" slogan to lead people away from silver and to reach .for Eastern Democratic votes. Democrats dissatisfied with the McKlnley Administration, Democrats who made wry .faces at the DIngley bill when they had v voted for and made McKInley's efectlon possible, .Democrats who are op posed to retention of the Philippines, and more than all else Democrats seeking an opportunity to get back Into their old and regular organization, so as to be in good standing in case the party is suc cessful In 1904, If Bryanlsm and sliver are forever squelched In this campaign, saw an .opportunity to return to their party. They, willingly took up the cry of Im perialism and became as good Democrats as will be necessary for" future relations with the party. . This attitude of the Gold Democrats, Inconsistent as it may be-with the 'ideas of those who believe In sound money, has carried back to the Democratic party a large number of men who voted the Republican ticket in 1S91 But that Is not all that gives the Republican man agers concern. There is the ever uncertain labor vote. Probably there would have been no dan ger from their vote had It not been for the strike In the anthracite coal region of Pennsylvania. As the Homestead strike in 1892 was the principal factor In the defeat of Mr. Harrison, It is possible that the 'effect of the present strike will be the defeat of the Republican , candidate this year. ' .It certainly will harm , him and help Bryan. Anything that savors of idlencsst hardship or calamity Is water on 'the wheel of Bryan. This is . shown by the gleeful manner in which the Dem ocratic papers and orators are handling the strike and the 'gloomy manner In which the Republicans regard It. This strlko will be talked over where ever laboring men congregate. The coal trust will be primarily blamed for the strike, and the trust Is likely to be cred ited to 'the Republican party. Notwith standing this is unjust, for the coal trust Is not protected, there being no duty on anthracite coal, yet we may as well face the fact that In the general consideration of the case by the average 'working man, the party 'In power will be held respon sible, and there will be a feeling of re venge against some- one and that onrf Is most always the man who s seeking re 1 election. The ramifications of the strike i are apt to go farther than among tho laboring men. .-The advancerIn the price ot coal h,ts many People apd hits them hard. ' Not many men wlll undertake to J I- reason out all the subtleties of a ques tion when he is obliged to pay much higher prices for coal. "He may rail at J the strikers, but! he Is more likely To rail at the trust, and to vent his spite 'on the party ln'power, which is unjustly ' held responsible for the' trust. While the Republican nominee for, Gov- ! ernor of New York Is no doubt a first class man, he has for years -been Identl- "fied and In fact the main piece In tho Piatt machine. That ,he was Piatt's cholceevfirybody knows: that the prin cipal reason why Piatt Insisted, that 'Roosevelt should be the Vlce-Preslden- tiar'nominee was to get him out of the uoyernor b cnair in oraer nat no imsfn. j . .V!VffUfHmUULUiiiWfJWt. ' T . 7 -Jf -fc X p'lace a' more :tractlble man in his place is" well known. The large Independent vote that stood by Roosevelt in 1898 is disgusted with the Republican machine, but 'they have either got to vote for Piatt's machine or Croker's. They may I stay away from the polls and McKlnley would lose their votes. While McKlnley carried New York by 268,000 over Bryan in 1896, Roosevelt had but 20.000 over"Van Wyck in 1858. Of course in thatyear only state Issues were Involved, 'the Democratic platform was silent as to silver, andmany Gold Demo crats desired- to emphasize the fact that without silver i New York was Demo cratic. "Yet the difference Is great enough to give the r Republican managers con cern. While silver has been subordi nated ltls still In the platform and there Is a menace to business and tho con servative element is likely to vote for tho continuance of that stability and ".prosperity they have enjoyed under the ' strengthened financial conditions of the country. ' These' are somevof the reasons which give the 'Republicans concern. Others are the general apathy that men feel who i WereA so terribly 1n earnest ' four years rfat'Asn ago; the fact- that means and money are not contributed as freely as then. ana that many mealthy men prefer to ae,e Bryan elected who were .very ap prehensive in 189$ of the dangers which he might bring wjth him. But, wlth.all . the doubts and fears of the Republican managers and -the claims L of the'Demderats, there are offsets which lead your correspondent to believe that the state will give McKlnley 100,000 ma jority. In the first place there Is still a. large member of Gold Democrats who may say nothing of their purposes, but who will support the Republican ticket. They are not as pronounced as four years ago, they want the Republican managers to know that they do not feel the Interest they did. then, but they will vote when the time comes. This Is known to the Republicans to a certain degree. Then there is tho vast cqnservatlve business Interests of the state, opposing the Bryan policies, and who prefer to go along In the prosperous way they have been going. They are not concerned about r "Imperialism" or anything else charged Lto the McKlnley Administration. They rear Bryan would mean disturbance and they will have none of him. There Is enough of these indenendent voters to ln- sure a large majority for McKlnley. Out side of New York City the Republicans will hold their own. Croker has New York City In his graspr but he will overreach himself. In defeating Coler for Governor he made a great mistake. Coler was a Brooklyn man and Brooklyn Is a clannish city. Coler would have received 15 000 more votes in Brooklyn than Stanchfleld can poll. Van Wyck was a Brooklyn man, which accounted for his phenomenally large vote In that city two years ago. Croker will also press the collection of his campaign fund to such an extent that he ' will be Injured by his own people. Croker Is a big boss in New York City. With the aid of Murphy up the state and McLaughlin in Brooklyn, he Is able to control the Democratic party of the state, but the mere fact that he is reach ing for that 'control alarms the voters outside of the city, as the grasp of Tam many upon the state always has alarmed them, and the country districts will roll up a tremendous vote against the city machine. And -Bryan will go down with it. In facf he will materially assist in the gen eral destruction.-1 Nothing but -a land slide, a general uplieaval which would carry, the .country f overwhelmingly for the Democratic party could give New York to 'Bryan. ' That landslide Is not in sight.' On the contrary It has been shown tby the vote In "Vermont and Malno that the Eastern States are safe for tho Republican ticket. A. W. D. May Prolong- the Bloodshed. BERLIN, Sept 23. Discussing the an swer of the United States Government to Germany's proposal regarding" the Chinese settlement 'the Vosslsche Zeit ung says today: "America's abandonment of the concert of the powers will not have serious con sequences for their diplomatic negotia tions but It will render their task more difficult, inasmuch as nothing so Increases t Chinese presumption and indolence as the knowledge that harmony In the ranks of their opponents has been disturbed. The action of the United States is equivalent to an abandonment of the common in terests of Occidental civilization and probably will lead to a prolongation of bloodshed'" -v- mmw.'?.?' '' M . ',V 'PWILAOELPillAj ALL LEAVING PEKIN Even German Legation Will Move Elsewhere. TROOPS TO QUIT BEFORE WINTER Chinese Capital an Empty Prise Probably Last Asprreanlve Act ot the American Force CHICAGO. Sept. 23 -The Record has the following from Pekln nnriw ., September 16 (via Taku. September 22. and Shanghai. September 23): Changes In the plans of the allied com manders Indicate the evacuation of Pekln before the Winter sets In. The British leaders have countermanded the order for extensive Winter supplies and the Ameri cans are also making evident prepara tions for departure. At the same time all foreign residents have been warned to prepare to leave Pekln. The German Legation will soon move elsewhere and the Russians axe al ready withdrawing to Tien Tsln and dif ferent stations In Manchuria. It is also extremely likely that the Japanese will make the town of Nagasaki their Winter base Instead of some Chinese town as was originally their attention. The missionaries are protesting against this "desertion." From. North China come reports of. a long series of disturbances. The attempt ed control of the local authorities there Is synonymous with anarchy and the country Is only safe where floats tho allied flags. Native Christians are still toeing attacked and besieged In many dif ferent places In the Province of Chi LI. The allies are beginning to realize that the City of Pekln Is. after alU an empty prize. Communication between the for eign forces, the envoys and the Empress- Government is next to impossible. The new capital In the Province of Shen Si Is 400 miles from Pekln and the journey has. to be made by cart, which requires at least 60 days. There has been a change ln the Ameri can front In the direction of an aggres siveness which will probably be the last Important demonstration before the evac uation. General Wilson, with 800 United States Infantry, BOO British, and six guns slightly aided by a German column, marched against the Boxer City of Pel pa Chu. 16 miles northwest of Pekhv and surrounded It with the Intention of capturing an arsenal located there. A courier reports today that General Wil son's attack was successful from the first.- There were no losses on the for eign side. For the present all campaign plans mean guerrilla warfare. Both the military and the topographical situation In China forbid anything else. Efforts at pacification have resulted in the return of a small number of people to business. The jealous guarding of the foThldden city by the allies makes tho Chinese helleve that the foreign leaders are afraid to desecrate It." The American authorities here interd ty. ' m-gctlfe severe punishment of the per sons guilty of the Pao Ting Fu mur ders. Summary vengeance will. If they can effect it. be exacted for the slaughter ot the Slmcoxes and the Hodges and Pit kin party. UNITED STATES TOO EASY. Snch Is Opinion of Enp-llsh and Ger-, mans Boxers Favored. LONDON. Sept. 24, 4:30 A. M. Thef. morning papers are too fully occupied with the general electloa campaign to. be stow much attention upon the Chinese problem. .The Standard, which discusses, editorially, the replies of the United States. Government, says: "The policy thus laid down implies tho existence at Washington of a very exag gerated estimate of the good will of tho. Chlneserulers. It Is to be feared that the action of the United States will tend to weaken the moral Influence1 of the; allies, and for this reason It Is to be greatly regretted." According to the Pekln correspondent; of the Dally News, wiring September 16, the Chinese declare most emphatically that the Empress Dowager and the Em peror will In no case return to the Im perial palace In Pekln, as they hold that It has been desecrated by tho Intrusion of barbarians. This Irreconcilable condi tion receives confirmation In many re ports emanating from Shanghai. One of these. Is that as a reply to the denuncia tion of Prince-Tuan and others by the VIcexovs, an Imperial edict dated Septem ber 17 deals more leniently with tho Boxer movement, and reminds the people that both the Boxers and Chinese Chris tians are Chinamen, who shall receive Im perial protection If they quietly disperse to their homes. The edict points out that it is impossible for the Imperial Govern- (Concluded on Second Pago ) SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT NEWS. China. The powers are planning to evacuate Pe klpw Page 1. English and Germans express dissatisfac tion at American- attitude. Page 1. Boxers and other antl-forelgn Chinese arer ln Imperial favor. Page 1. Americans execute a successful movement against a Boxer city. Page 1. Foreign. . Hardshios of Guiana gold fields worse .than Alaska. Page 2. British leaders Issue manifestos to the electors. Page 2. The 'British troops occupy Koomatlpoort without opposition. Page 2. The German bourse is slow, but money la easy. Page 2. Domestic. Hobson says he was Incorrectly reported. Page 2. American losses In the Philippines in past 10 days are about 100. Page 2. There Is much uncertainty and apprehen sion as to today's developments In the coal miners' strike. Page 1.. Rallroaders may Join the striking cool miners. Page 1. By .settlement of the wage scale, 60.000 Iron and steel workers will resume la Ohio. Page 2. Political. Prospects of the two parties In New York State. Page 1. Bryan's programme Is likely to be, changed so as to give him more time In New York. Page 2. Pacific Coast. A deserting sailor from the Orealla was arrested at Astoria. Page 3. The. man who killed the negro at Arling ton, Or., was arrested. Page 3 One of the worst gales ever experienced, on Gulf of Georgia occurred, Saturday night Page 3. The" awards of livestock premiums at the Oregon State Fair. Page 3. Local. Stevedore drowned from a falling scaf fold. Ten others narrowly escape. Page 10. Jewish New Year celebrated at Temple Beth Israel. Page 6. Taxpayers' League agitates question oj street Improvement. Page 8. 1 .1