-!THB . MORNING'- OBEGOtflAN, SATTJBDAY, SEPTEMBEB 22. 1900. '.STARMPELIB Penalty Agreed Upon-by Con ference Committee. COUNSEL GAVE NOTICE QhAPPEAL Acenacd Says Trial "Was TP air, fcst He Wn Unable to Secure Tutportant Witnesses, ABHEAND, pr.. Sept. ZLThts third day's session of the Oregon Meth odist EpicopaJ Church Conference opened at :W JL H.. with devotional ex ercises, led hy he superintendent of mls slons In Alaska, J. " J. Walter - At S o'clock, 'Bishop Andrews took the chair After the .reading and approval of the minutes of the previous session, a resolu tion was presented by Dr. D. T. Sum znerville, referring all cases of admission to the conference tD the" comiaitte on conference relations. The select commit tee of fifteen, which tried the case of Dr. S. A Starr, of Sunnyside Church, Portland, announced that they were ready tD report their findings, which were fcead by the secretary of the committee, Cabriel Sykes, as follows: "The select committee met under order of the Oreon Annual Conference and considered the charges and specifications, against S. A. Starr, D. D., which were presented -for its consideration, and hav ing carefully listened to the evidence ''In the case, and the arguments of the coun sel, finds as fpllows: ''Charge first, immorality. Specification first, sustained; ayes. 31; noes, i. "Specln cafion second, sustained; ayes, 11? noes, 4. Specification third, sustained; ayes, 10; 3ooes, 5. Specification fourth, sustained; ayes, 8; noes, 7. The question was then Tut: 'All the specifications of charge first celng sustained, do they sustain the charge of immorality?' Sustained; ayes, 32; noes, 3. In -view of the provisions of paragraph 224 of the discipline, and -of She fact that -no allegations dr proof of . 3abor preceding the alleged imprudence i Sias had place, we deem it Inexpedient tmi illegal to vote on the charge of im prudent conduct. The select number thereupon decided by vote that A. ,S. Starr, D. D., be ex fpelled from the ministry and membership of the Hethodlst Episcopal church. "Signed: Edward G. Andrews, prcsli- ment; Gabriel Sykes, secretary.1 The counsel for Starr then gave no- j 'tice that an appeal would be maHe to the -next Judicial conference from the I findings. The Question of undergraduates was then taken up and considered. The fol- 1 lowing were placed in their proper rank j an the ministry: Andrew Monroe, Burt -Bristol, Alvin Bagley, Benjamin Howell, JDavid Leach, E. H. Bryant. W. P. Drew, G. G. Haley, L. Pederson. James Moore, H. H. Buckner and John Naugle. Bishop Andrews then called the class to be ad mitted into full connection with the con ference and addressed them. The emi nent divine waxed Intensely eloquent In an urgent appeal to the young men, to maintain with dignity and Christian for titude the high calling to which they hart been elected in the ministry of the Meth odist Episcopal church. Under the next Question, Ezra Zimmer man, Robert C. lie, "W. S. Gordon and Charles McPherson were assigned to their places In the conference, as were also the class of the fourth year, consist ing of "W. C. Hawley, Robert E. Dunlapr F. J. Brown. H. St Clair and A- C. Al ford. The bishop announced the trans fer of Newton Harblt to this conference. The report of Dr. Summcrvllle, presiding elder of the Grant's Pass district, was Tead, and created a profound Impression when the extent of its territory, resources and opportunity for church work were made known. Adjournment then fol lowed. The church was unable to hold those who gathered In the evening to hear the missionary sermon, preached, by Dr. J. S. Parson. A report of the missionary col lections for the year showed excellent results and Increased prosperity. The con tributions were: Eugene district, $1191; Grant's Pass, $513; Portland, $2054; Salem, $978; total for 1900, $1767; total for 1S99, $37; gain. $130. There is a feeling of relief that the Starr case, which threatened to continue the full length of the conference, has been, brought to a close. There were three ballots taken at last ?ghts meet ing before the penalty to be meted out to the accused could be fixed. The first resulted in five for suspension, five for him to bo deprived of his ministerial office, and five for expulsion. The sec ond, seven for expulsion, seven, for depri vation and one for suspension. The third, 12 for expulsion, two for deprivation and on for suspension. Dr. Starr left for Portland tonight He says he had a fair trial, and the members of the conference were all friendly to him, but that he was unable to get Important witnesses in his behalf before the committee for various reasons, and that he looks to the Judicial conference, to which body h"WIll aoDeal his case, to clear him of the charges and restore him to his membership in the church and conference. CATCH OF FISH IS FAIR. Seiners and Trapmca Capture Ittjn Gillncttcrs Ilar&ly Pay Expenses. ASTORIA Sept 21. Several of the seining grounds are now in operation and are beginning to "make fair catches. The traps In Baker's Bay are Increasing their catch daily, and their owners have no complaint to make. The glllnet fisher men, on the contrary, are not doing well, and the few boats that go out hardly make expenses. The new sands which have recently formed on the "Washington side of the river, opposite Tongue Point, have been, taken up by Thomas Taylor as a seining ground. Circuit Court Business. In the Circuit Court today an informal tlon was filed against "Wong Loong, a Chinaman, charging him with thB mur der of "Wong Ark Toy. Herbert Davis and John Sullivan were arraigned for larceny from a store and each entered a plea of not guilts'. The cause of ihe-de-lay is that the prosecuting witness, Rich ard McCarron, Is out of the state. John D. Q'Conner was arraigned on a charge of assault with a dantrerous weaoon and allowed to plead guilty to simple assault J .tie was fined $50, which he paid. The Prosecuting Attorney -was granted an ex tension of time until next Tuesday to re port on the Information against Charles Herbert. No Cause to Aslc Protection. Paddy Iiynch, "the local sailor boardlng houso roaster, denies the report that the captains of the British ships Orealla and Genista had any cause to call in the po lice to protect them from assaults of sail or boarding-house runners. He says that no men followed them from Portland, and that he will guarantee protection to the captains and the safety of their crews If It Is desired: Also, for the convenience of these captains, ho will have hjs boat at the depot any evening to take them aboard their ships. Fort Stevens Contract Let. Captain Downs, constructing quarter master at Fort Stevens, received a 'tele gram from the "War Department at "Washington today, stating that the bid of J. "W. Suprenant of $25,SS4 for the con struction of a 24-bed hospital at the fort had been accepted. Mr. Surprenant will commence work on the contract during the coming week. Odd Fellovrs An'htral Uleetingr. The annual meeting of the Odd Fel lows' Building & Loan. Association was held last evening, resulting in the elec tion of the following officers: Granville Reed, president; Jv Q, A. Bowlby, vice president; -John Hahn, treasurer, and J. G. MesJer, secretary. CIRCUIT -COURT AT COKDOX. Oolc Starrer Trial Is la Progrret History of tke Case. CONDON, Or.. Sept. 2L Circuit Court for Gilliam County convened this week. The session .has largely been given to the trial of Lafayette I Cook for the murder of James Collins, at the Junction House, near Arlington, on June 8. The men were neighbors, and had a misunderstanding over a crop of grain. The grain was sowed on Government land In the Sprint: by Collins. Before harvest time. Cook filed a homestead claim upon the tract, at the same time giving no tice to Collins not to trespass upon the premises for the purpose of cutting the grain. The latter paid no attention to thB warning. "On the morning of the -8th, while seated on a mower, he was shot In the leg by the other man. The wound was In rib wise serious had It received proper attention, but the assallanf re mained by and permitted the wounded man to hleed to death. Cook, at fif&U denied all knowledge of the way In which Collins met - his death, but afterwards cpnf essed to a- Coroner's Jury. He has been confined In the County Jail here ever since the killing. The trial "will -continue until the middle of next week Thecase Is being vigor1 ously prosecuted "by District Attorney Menefee, while a very strong defense la -being presented for Cook by A. S. Ben nett, of The Dalles. WASHINGTON VALTATIOXS FIXED. State Board Adopts Last Tear's Fig . Hres fn Cattle. pIJTMPIA, Sept 2L The State Board of Equalization has allowed the classifica tion of 'that class 'of personal .property which comes unfcer the head of horses, mules, cattle and sheep, to rejnaln as 'classified "by fhe 'State Board in 1899. the value of horses and mules being' classified as follows: First class, $20; second class, ?1H); third class, $10 per head; horned cattle are valued at $12, sheep at Jl SO, apd hogs at 52 per head. The State Board of Land Commission ers has sold the right of wayf oyer school lands In Spokane County to the Spokane Falls & "Northern Railway Company; also several lots of Sopth'Bend tide flats, in Pacific County, to fJ"Bu Copensplre, of South Bend. The purchase price of tUe lots was 1217. XiRst of Euffene'n Street Railway. EUGENE, Or., Sept. 2L Eugene's 'street j railway is now a thing of thp past., Mr. Dennis' threatened suit against the city ior removing tne rans nas oeen aroppea, and the rails have all been taken up and stored. Iess Capital for Idaho BnnU. WASHINGTON, Sept 2L The Idaho National Bank, of Lewlston, organized with a capital of $25,000, Instead of $50,- j 000, as announced yesterday, Oregon Notes. . Bandon Democrats have organized a Bryan club. A pumpkin weighing 112 pounds was on exhibition at Marshfield last week. Albany has a standing reward of $50 for conviction of anyone tampering with fire apparatus. Circuit Court convenes at St. Helens October 9. Only the one criminal case Is on the calendar. Assessor Cavell has been given until November lto extend the 1900 tax roll of Washington County, The City of Eugene has a force of -men Greeting first-class hltching-racka around the south parks. A carload of fine Lincoln bucks "from -Hderton, Ont., arrived In Bhanlko 'Sun day. They have wool over 3 Inches In length. One of them weighed 242 pounds. A petition with 107 signatures asks- for establishment Df a free mall delivery from Shedd toward Lebanon, a distance of 30 miles., J. M. Keal shipped 1200 horses from the Jordan Valley recently and Will ship more soon. There are at present over 3500 horses In that section. F. C Brown, superintendent of Coos River hatchery, has been appointed dep uty fish commissioner. He Intends to patrol both forks of Coos River. Judge Rodney Scott, of Coburg, has been experimenting with Italian rye grass and finds It a success. Next year he will have 1000 bushels of seed. Joseph Campbell, who was last week arrested at HUlsboro for pointing a pis tol at one Peterson, has been bound over In $100 bonds to appear before the November term of the Circuit Court Captain Cook, of White Salmon, packed several boxes of apples last week, 45 to the box. He will haVo SOOO boxes of Winter apples, mostly of the Spltzenburg, Baldwin and York Imperial varieties. A lodge of the A O. U. W. was or ganised at Shanlko last week with 30 members. Eleven members of Antelope Lodge No. ii and about SO members of Wasco, Moro and Grass Valley lodges assisted. The Empire, drawing nearly 17 feet passed down Friday at half tide, and Went direct to sea, says the Marshfield News. Next trip she will take ahout 400 calves from the railroad depot for J. A. Yoakam. The Doernbecher mill at Rainier has 800,000 fee't of furniture lumber on hand, which is the season's cut In a short time the mill will begin work on a drive of logs which has been brought down from the Cowlitz River. The lumber Js for the Portland factory. The mudflats are destitute of seagrass this year, the seed of which is the fa vorite food of wild ducks during the Fall months, says the Marshfield News. What caused the failure of the "crop" Is not known. The outtook for duck shooting this season Is sot favorable. Boys have been rolling rocks down, the hills above Hood River lately. Last Sun day a bowlder weighing about 100 pounds crashed into the residence of Henry Mc Cumber, below the Serpentine road. It crushed Into two pieces of studding- and smashed and splintered the rustic. Two timber cruisers of a Portland firm have bean in the woods down the river, near Pittsburg, the past two weeks, says the Oregon Mist The Michigan Milling Company, which operates on the Lower Nebalem, Is contemplating construction of a short logging railroad from Mist to Rock Creek. Kopplckers in a yard near Gaston con cluded that they ought to have 90 cents for picking and about SO of them struck. The yard manager promptly made out their accounts and they were discharged. The price was then raised to 85 cents for the remaining pickers and a full force was soon, secured. Some of the Btrlkers were maklnff $2 per day. J. M. Martin, of the Eugene- brick yarS, has filled all his contracts and ha3 225,000 brick on hand. Mr. Martin reports a prosperous season's run. He has sold 300,000 brick, much of them going into tho country. Tho people out 6n the farms are building new foundations, put ting in new fireplaces and otherwise get ting things In comfortable condition for Winter. A logger from the Washington side or the Columbia was arrested last week at Hood River for being drunk. He re sisted and one of the truck wagons df the Mt Hood 8tage Company was called Into requisition to get him to the town jail. He was handcuffed and his legs were tied together, but It Is said It took six men to hold him down In the wagon. At Jflckelsen's blacksmith shop the 'drunk was rolled off the wagon and dragged by a rope down the hill, over the rocks, to the jaiL. In the Jail was incarcerated another drunk, who, upon arrival of the logger, began to pummel him with his fists. The door was closed and the two drunks allowed to fight it out. DAY FOR BOYS AND 0I?LS OVER 1300 ACCEPT 21? VITATIOK TO VISIT PENDLETON PAIR. Jloaslngr Reception Prepared for Portlandcrs TodayWill BeJ3u$ -One Serious Feature. PENDLETON, Or., Sept. 2LEvry boy and girl In Pendleton accepted the Invi tation to school children to attend the carnival this afternoon. Over 1200 were admitted, and George Jabour, owner ol the midway, gave them the run of that section without charge. Professor E. B. -Conklin. City Superintendent of Schools, marshaled the public school children. He was assisted by Roy Conklin, Mrs. Will lam Fitzgerald and Misses Neva Lane, Jennie Beatie, Carrie Epple, Mamie Bit ter, Addie Mcintosh, Roscina Epple, Sa die Baum, 'Maggie Leonard, Laura Beatie, Eva Wood, Kate Downey and Susie Deal, The public school children were given the order to break ranks sliortly after they entered the fair, -and they scampered down the street Into the midway. Rev. F. L. Forbes escorted the PendletoD Academy -pupils, and joined with them In giving the academy yell. The attendance today was the'largesL since the fair opened. The features were the public marriage of William M. Oliver, of Echo, apd Miss Manny Ellis, of TJklah, in the afternoon, Rev. F. L. Forbes offi ciating, and the recoronatlon of Queen Bertha at the opera-house In the evening. The Portland Chamber of Commerce ex curslonlsts will be given a reception that they will remember when their train puHs in at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. Thi O. R. & N. track for two miles out of town will be lined with torpedoes for eye openers. George Taylor, Jr., the Port land president will ride to the hotel In an automobile, propelled by J. L. Elam. ThlP will be the one serious feature of the re ception. All else will be fun and frolic. Arthur H. Devers will have to ride the midway camel or move on to the next town. For the accommodation- of al' others, a special tram of five wagons, with a cookhouse for a caboose, and a traction engine for motive power, has been provided. A wagon has been rigged up by the Pendleton scoujring mill to 1' lustrate.the woolen Industry of Umatlllo County. Its seats will be bags of wheat covered with Indian robs. It will be the observation car. In charge of J. E TCrause, as conductor, this train will steam, or snort, through a few of thf principal streets, whidmg up at the Hotel Pendleton. En routo all manner of pranks will be played on the unsuspect ing Portlanders. Newsnoys will try" to sell them last year's almanacs and dally newspapers two and three months old, and midway spielers will do their best with bunco games. George Fell, as col ored porter, will hold up the Portlanders for everything they have. Genuine cow boys, with sombreros, revolvers and the wildest cayuses obtainable, will ride be side the train and give exhibitions of daredevil riding. The Portland visitors will have a circus of their own before they are admitted to the fair, and a hearty welcome from the officers and members of the -carnival association. In addition to the features heretofore men tioned for 'tomorrow, there Will be a parade of carriage horses at 10 A. M. Diplomas will be awarded. FALL FARMING COMMENCED. Recent Rains Put Ground In Condi tion for Plowing;. MONROE, Or., Sept. 21. Fall farm work has commenced in this locality. The re cent rains put the ground In good condi tion for plowing, and farmers are tak ing -advantage of the- situation. So far, about 500 acres have already hecn seeded. A new feature attending the seeding this'' season, in a majority of cases, .Is the addition-of a number "of pounds pi gross seea to each acre. This moans, In every in stance of the kind, that next season will be the last In wh'lch a grain crop will be raised for some time to come. Hundreds of acres In the immediate vicinity will fall In this class. HopRrowers Jubilant. INDEPENDENCE, Or., Sept 21,-The weather Is fine once more, and hopgrcw ers are Jubilant. The few days' rain dur ing the week had a very depressing ef fect on the growers who have not yet got their crop harvested. There will be a little damage from mold. The highest price reported for this sea son's hops Is that of the sale by Charles Mattison this week of 42 bales for 14 cents per pound. First lOOO Hops Delivered at Gervals. GERVAIS, Sept. 2L-John B. Fersch weller delivered 33 bales of hops today at the warehouse here, and will bring In 60 bales more Monday. This Is the first Jot of 1900 crop to reach this point Grow ers are beginning to bale, ahd the work will be actively engaged fn next week. Offers of 12 to 13 cents are reported, and it is rumored that an extra choice article would command 15 cents. Dallas Hop. Crop. DALLAS, Or., Sept. 21. The hop crop hore Is 73 per cent dried, and the quality Is as good, as ever known, but mold has appeared, and the 25 per cent remaining will be rated as good primes. If the weather continues good, all will be saved by the" end of the week. The crop Is con sidered safe. Klamath County Stock Sale. LAKEVIEW, Sept 18. Horace Mitchell, a Klamath County cattle-buyer, this week purchased nearly 1000 head of stock cattle In this section, paying $25 and $26 per head. He expects to get several hundred more at the same figures. Hop Harvest Finished. FOREST GRO"v"E, Or., Sept 2L-Colonel Robert Pollock yesterdayi finished picking a 30-acre tract of hops near here. The yield and quality are better this year than last The crop Is about 33,000 pounds, ahd s In no way damaged. Thirteen centB has been offered for the entire lot Crops Around Monroe. MONROE, Or., Sept. 2L Very few hops or prunes are left out to the weather. The larger portion of all crops, except apples and Winter pears, Is, under cover. The apple crop is an immense one. Independence "Wheat Ail. Stored. INDEPENDENCE, Or., Sept. 2L The last of the wheat crop "In this section has been stored.. It Is estimated that tho three warehouses here have something like 25,000 bushels. NORTHWEST DEAD. P. Tommfngracn, Prominent Lnhre- viexv Business Man. LAKEVIEW, Sepfc IS. A telegram from San Francisco Tuesday announced the sudden death of N. P. Tommlngsen. Mr. Tommlngsen left here on the Sd Inst., on a business and pleasure trip, and was in robust health. He was a prominent busi ness man of this city, and is a brother of County Judge Charles Tommlngsen. Joseph Odell, Oregon Pioneer of '51. M'MINNVILLE, Sept. 31. Joseph Odell, aged about 70 years, died at hlj home hear Dayton, yesterday. Decdasedcrossed the plains to Oregou In 1851, with other members of a large family. B. C. Dunn, of Eosrene. EUGENE, Or., Sept. il. B. C. Dunn l!ed at his home In this city, last evening, He was born in Ohio, February 22, 1828. "Most of his early life was spent in Illinois. He went to California In 1849. with the rush to the gold fields, and a few yjeaxsj i laten. went -to Kansas. He removed, to Oregon in 1876' and settled on a farm near Eugene, but for a number of years had resided In this city. He left a widow and six children. They are: W. "H. Dupn, of Kansas City, Mo.; A. G, Dunn, of Wash ington, D, C; frs. E. K. Wheeler, of Pa louse City; Frank' D. Dunn, Harry C. Dunn nd Mrs. L. C. Skeels, of this city. "DOtJGliAS'GOTTNTY ASSESSMENT. Summary Filed WJtk Secretary of State Valuations Increased. SALEM, t)r., Sept 21.-The Secretary of State today received-tho summary of as sessment TolKbf Douglas County, State of Oregon, for the year 1900. The value of the taxable property istl65,525 60 great er than last year. Following is the sum mary: Acres of tillable lands, 99,968. .? 708.435 00 Acnes of non-tillable lands, 12.3S6.E82 1,201,779 0 Improvements on deeded or pat ented lands .. 399,363 00 Town and city lots '.... 212,205 00 Improvements on town and city lots 803,51500 Improvements on lands not . deeded or patented s 31,015 00 Males of railroad bed, 116.15 493,637 50 Miles of telegraph and tele- phono lines. 400.49 35,967 60 Rolling stock. Pullman Co 3,484 50 O. & C. R. R. Co 58,13170 Steamboats, sailboats, station ery engines and manufactur ing machinery 36,940 00 Merchandise and stock In trade 135,440 00 Farming Implements, wagons, carriages, etc 81.745 00 Money 52,255 00 Notes and-accounts 286,115 00 Shares of stock. ISO 22,600 00 Household furniture watches, Jewelry, etc ,...,.K7 151,810 CO Horses and mules,, 5747 ..." 110S 00 Cattle, 21-150 Th 249.0SO 00 Sheep, 2G.475...... Trr. ... 47,155 09 Goats, 3375 ; 7,305 03 Swine, 7357 14.275 00 Gross value of all property . .$4,747,550 CO Exemptions 524,335 00 Total value as equalized ......$4,233,215 60 STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Monday Is Opening: Day Nuhiher of Students Already on Hand. CORVALL1S. Sept. 21. Next'tMorfday Is opening day at" the Sltate Agricultural College. At that time registration will begin. This morning the preliminary ex airilnatlons began for the admission" of new students. A large number have al ready arrived from the Eastern- Oregon counties. . The"- college draws student) largely from. the agricultural communi ties, and It Is expected that the attend ance from the Willamette Valley coun ties will bo somewhat lessened as a "re sult of" the shortened wheat crpp. At this morning's" examinations for new stu dents the numbBr-'on hand was 45 per cent greater than at ""the same time last year, when the "enrollment reached the high-water record of 405. It Is not prob able that the percentage will hold gooa at examinations of the same kind to continue over tomorrow and the early days of next week. There has been" considerable local 'in terest as to what effect the abolishment of intercollegiate athletics would have on tho attendance. Appearances bo far do not seem to Indicate that a falling off In attendance will result from Inaugura tion of the rule. Football practice wall not begin next Monday. CALIFORNIA SHOOTING SCRAPE. Bartender Shot by a Doctor A Wom an in the Case. LAKEVIEW, Or., Sept. 18. William L5n vllle, a bartender In tho Wlckllff saloon, at Alturas, Cal., was probably fatally shot by Dr. Alex Gibson, Monday. Sunday some rocks were thrown into the saloon. Linville rushed out, with a revolver in hand, and, seeing-a retreating figure, fired and started In pursuit. He fired three shots, when Gibson stopped suddenly and begged for mercy. This was only a play, as he was not shot. Llni'Hle tienin fPiilIed the trigger, but the gun snapped auq taiDson went on nllTttay. Next morn lng he procured a shotgun and deliberately walked Into the saloon and shot Linville. the full charge striking him In the breast. Gibson -was arrested and placed under bonds. The trouble Is said to be due to a quarrel between Gibson and Wlckliff over the latter' wife. In Jail for Killing: Phenmnt. FOREST GROVE, Qr., Sept 21.-John Vanderzander, who was arrested last week by Deputy Game Warden W. Ze;g ler, for killing a, Mongolian pheasant out of season, near Greenville, and fined $15 and costs, is now serving out his sen tence in the county. Jail. BATTLE FOR BIG FRANCHISE. Telephone Company Demands Privi lege of Stringing Wire in Spokane. SPOKANE, Wash., Sept 21. A battle for a big franchise has begun In Spo kane. The Spokane & British Colum bia Telephone & Telegraph Company de mands the privilege of stringing wires and putting in a city system, and has appealed to the Federal Court to com pel the granting of these rights. The City Board of Public Works last Monday ordered the Spokane & British Columbia Telephone Company to remove the wlre already strung In this city. To day the company countered by securing an Injunction from Judge Hanford for bidding the city to Interfere with Jts wires. The company also began suit In the United States Circuit Court for an order compelling the City of Spokane to grant It a telephone franchise In drder that it may esiaDiisn an exchange In Spokane. IN THE SUPREME COURT. Examination Set for October 2 Reso lutions on Judge Shattnfelt's Death. SALEM, Or.. Sept 21. The Supreme Court has Bet October 2 as the date for the annual examination of applicants for admission to the bar. Yesterday the court adpoted formal resolutions on the death of Judge E. D. Shattuck, formerly of the Supreme Bench, and an adjournment was made In accordance with custom, out of respect to the memory of the deceased. xne louowmg cases will he tried during the first week in October: October 1, Boyd vs. Portland General Electric Company. October 3, Robertson vs. Robertson. October 4, Montour vs. Grand Lodge. A. O. U. W. William Jaeger was received today at the Penitentiary from Clatsop County to servo a term of three and one-half years f br forgery. x NARROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH. Horse Starts to Run While Rider Has Only One Foot In Stirrup. BAKER OITT, Or., Sept 21. Fred Yan tls, a young man of this city, had a nar row escape from a horrible death this evening. He was mounting a horse in a corral near the railroad depot and he lore he could get In the saddle the ani mal started off on a mad run. Tantls" foot became entangled In the stirrup, ana he cold not extricate himself. He was dragged around the corral several times, and his foot was finally Jerked loose by the ho'rse dragging him against a pole. He was picked up unconscious, and Dr. Phy summoned, who found hlra fearfully bruised and black from head to foot It Is not thought that he Is Injured Inter nally, and his chances lor recovery are good. GREAT, NORTHERN TUNNEL. Pierced Jtb.6 Cascades Yesterday MHcli'Work Yet to Be Dose. SEATTLE. Wash., Sept 2L The Great Northern tunnel through the Cascades Is expected to pierce the mountains today-. For several days the two gangs of men working on either end have been within hearing distance of each other, and to day's work Is expected to enable them to pass from one part of tho work, to tba COMMON SENSE ' PHraiiPl Cr 1 It seems so strange that some people will take medicines about which they really know nothing', some !; hica might be, and are, really harmful ; when on the other hand it is easily proved that over one million women, have beem r&Btored to health by Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "We have published in the newspapers of the tJnited States more, genuine testimonial letters than have ever beea published in the interest of any other medicine. v We have thousands like the following addressed to Mrs. Pinkham : ORonthiy Suffering Back" ache and Baaringdown Pains 'aiways 4$ured by lydia Pinkhamrs Vege taStto Qompoimd " I suffered untold agony every month, could get no relief until I tried your medicine ; your letter of advice and a few bottles of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound havemado me the happiest woman alive. I shall bless you as long as L live." Miss Jole Saul, Dover, Mich. " Four years ago I had almost-given up hope of ever being well again. I was afflicted with those dreadful head ache spells which would sometimes last three or four days. . Also had back ache, bearing-down pains, leucorr hoea, dizziness, and terrible pains at monthly-periods confining me to my bed. After reading so many testi monials for your medicine, I concluded to try it. I began to pick up after taking the first bottle, and have con tinued to gain rapidly, and now feel like a different woman. I can recom mend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in highest terms to all sick women." Miss Rosa fielden, 126 W. Cleveland Ave., Canton, O. other. Then Is still a great deal of work to be done before 'the tunnel can be used, but It will be pushed with all possible speed, and It is expected that trains will be running through by the middle of November. The cement lining of the tunnel, which is a pretentious,un dertaking of Itself. Is up within perhaps 500 feet of the middle of the mountain on either side, and the present double track for the small cars that have been used to haul out the rock and haul In " the cement, will have to be removed and the heavy track laid! RESERVATION LAND IN DEMAND. 80O0 to 10,000 Settlers Will Endeavor to Secure Possession. TACOMA, Sept 21. Hundreds of land-, seekers are arriving at Brewster, '.Okano gan Courity, to secure locations In" the Colvllle reservation, which will be opened for settlement October 10. They are chiefly from Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, the Dako tas and Indiana. Between Ropybllc and the western boundary of the reservation over 100 land agents are engaged In locat ing settlers for from ?10 to ?o0 each. Oc tober 10 between 5000 and 8000 settlors will swarm over the reserve to secure posses sion and set their stakes. Mining Stock Quotations. Following are jestcrday's transactions at the Portland Mlnlnp Stock Exchange: Bid. Aaked. Helena l.OtM shares at 2 8.000 at 32ft 1.000 at 32 COO at 3i 50 at 32Va Helena No. 2 17,000 at 74 Lost Horao 4,000 at 34 n C6Cat 37 May Queen O.0OJ at 2& Mustek 2,000 at 10ft 3.000 at 10& Portland G. M. & M. Co 10,000 at 3 13 0O0 at 3a Sweden Co 19,000 at 1 CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Bid. Asked. ?0 !& 10 3ft 3. 0 1 Helena $0 V2 Helena No. 2 7Vi Mustek Lost Horso ., May Queen Portland Oregon Ex. & Dev. Co Sweden Isabella 10',fc 3ft 1 .00.1 Following are tho quotations at tho Oregon Mining Stock Exchange yesterday: Bid. Adam Mountain $0 04ft Buffalo Copporopolls 4ft Gold Hill & Bohemia 4ft Goldstono Consolidated 1ft Helena 32 Helena No. 2 7ft Asked. $0 05?i 2V4 5ft Cft 2 32, lsaDPiia 0005 Lost Horse 3ft May Queen 2ft Oregon-Colorado 4ft Oregon Ex. & Dev. Co Riverside 3 Umpqua 4 SALES. Adams Mountain 2,500 shares at Golden Scepter 5.000 at Helena No. 2 l.OOOat 15.009 at 9 5 7 5 fi 1 7 Muslck 1.000 at 10ft .s aweaen 4.500 at 1ft SPOKANE, Sept. 21. Tha closing hlds mining stocks today were: Blacktall $0 12i Noble Five ....SO for 05ft J 24 69 3ft 74ft 18ft 1 m Butte & Boston 194 Princess Maud. Crystal Deer Trail Con. Evening Star... Gold LedBB .... Golden Harvest I. X. L Iron Mask Lone Pine Surp. Mount. Lion ... Morn. Glory ... 3 3l 6 1 lift 30 Ramblej Cariboo Republic Rcsland Giant.. Sullivan Tom Thumb ... Waterloo Conjecture Amer. Boy Dewey 8ft 4.7ft! UVS SAN-FRANCISCO. Sept. 21. Official closing quotations" for mining stocks today were: Alta Alpha Con .SO 02 Justice SO 06 Mexican 31 4 Andes S Occidental Con ... 7 Belcher 21 Ophlr en Best & Belchor. .. Bullion Caledonia Challenge Con ... Chollar .i Confidence ...... Con. Cal. ;Va... Crown Point .... Exchequer ....... Gould & Curry... Hale 5fc Norcro3s. 30Oerman n Potost 10 i43 Savage is 24 Seg. Belcher 2 211 Sierra Nevada ... 37 M Silver Hill .- 1 20IStandard 4 10, union 1 -on zj, Utah Con 3 Yellow Jacket ... 23 NEW YORK, Sept. 21. closed as follows: -Minium stocks today Chollar $0 17 Ontario S5 50 Crown Point 10 Ophlr 42 Con. Cal. & "Va.. Deadwood - Gould & Curry.. Hale & Norcross. Homestako . . . . . . 1 10 Plymouth 8 45 Quicksilver 1 50 30 do pref 7 00 17 Sierra. Nevada ... 25 .50 00 Standard 4 00 05 Union Con 14 Iron Silver Mexican 25 Yellow Jacket ... 20 BOSTON. Sept. 21. Closing quotations: Allouez M. Co..$ 1 25IOsceo!a $ 63 25 Amai. copper., o uu Atlantic. 22 50i Boston & Mont. 310 00 Parrott 30 CO Qulncy 140 00 Santa Fe Copper 4 25- Tamarack 229 00 Utah Mining; ... 28 75 "Winona 2 30 Wolverines .... 88 50 Butte & Boston 55 00 Cal. & Hecla.. 740 00 Centennial .... 14 50 pwinkUn 13 00 Humboldt 25 00j Clackamas Con nty Mineral Region. OREGON CITY, Sept -ZL There 4s an WITH WOMEN. if mp&FMoa Wjij isoedfs a mmdl&iam is U not wis tm gut aim thai has stood ihm issi of tknm ami has himdesus of thousands of osipss to hs credit ? A groat many,woatQis who aro HI try every ihfajf thmy hoar of in tho vsay of mmdicSna, and this axperfntmntlag with unknown drugs is a eonstaat inanaoa to tiwir airmady imnairmd hoaiihm This is very unwise, for there are remedies which, are no experi ents and have been known years ahd years to be doing only good. Take for instance, Lydia Em Pinkhamrs Vegetable Gosnpoiamdl For thirty years its record has been one unbroken, chain of suc cess. jSo medicine for female ills the world has ever knownhas auch, a record for cures. Another Gase of Kid" noy, Womfy and Bladder Trouble Cured by Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Qompounda " Dkab Fbeesd Two years ago I had child-bed fever and womb trouble in its worst form. For eight months after birth of babe I was not able to sit up. Doctors treated me, but with no, help. I had bearing-down pains, burn ing in stomach, kidney and bladder trouble, and my back was so stiff and sore. The right ovary was badlyaffected ahd everything I ate distressed me, and there was a bad discharge. " I was confined to my bed when I wrote to you for advice and followed your directions faithfully, taking Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, Liver Pills, and using the Wash, and am now able to do the most of my housework. I believe I should have died if. it had not been for your Com pound. I hope this letter may be the result of benefiting some' other suffer ing woman. I recommended your Com pound to every one." Mrs. Mary Vaughan, Trimble, Pulaski Co., Ky. apparent stir in the mineral region of Clackamas County, and parties of pros pectors are heard from in varipus sec tions of the Cascade Range. Several fair ly promising ledges have been discovered during the Summer. Emile and Henry Joost have located a quartz claim In the Tansy Mountain district, near the head waters of the Molalla, and only a short distance from the recent locations in the Pansy Basin mining district Two men were In from the Molalla mining district today, and will send In placer-claim lo cations as soon as they can secure defi nite descriptions. Washington Indnstrics. The Suc(quafmie. mining district will have a 25-ton mill In operation within J 60 days r " -, Ingalls 'Bros, and the Fofler-Boyer Lumber Company have stopped their saw mills at Centralla. The White Shipbuilding Company, of Everett, Is about to begin construction of a four-masted schooner. Articles "of incorporation of the Puget Sound Lighterage Company were filed at Port Townsend this week. The Goldendale Milling Company's mill Is now running day and night, with com bined steam, and water power. Improvements which will cost In the neighborhood of 535,000 are being planned for the Henco brewery, of Spokane Arrangements have been made for a shipment of 20 tons of ore from the Tom Thumb to be made to the Grand Forks smelter shortly, for testing purposes. The cranberry marshes of Pacific Coun ty will yield about a third of a crop this year, probably 1000 barrels, worth at least JSOOO. The pickers are now In the field. It is reported that within two weeks the work will be begun of building the Great Northern water front line at New Whatcom, now that the Hamilton-Sauk extension is about finished. Prescott Veness & Co., of Wlnlock, commenced work Monday on a new tram road up the gulch from the Johnson dam to the Seaman ranch, where they will resume logging as soon as the road Is completed. The Thompson Steamship Company, ol Seattle, has placed a contract with the Everett Shipbuilding Company for a pas senger steamer ito cost $50,000. The new boat will be a propeller, 175 feet over all. 30 feet beam, 14 feet 6 Inches moulded depth of hold. She will be fitted with triple expansion engines, and three Scotch marine boilers. The year 1900 has witnessed the largest production and heaviest sales of coal since the mines of Washington were opened. The Increased demand has been due to a variety of causes, and with all the extraordinary effort that has been put forth to Increase the output the pro duction of the mines has been Insuffi cient Latterly not more .than one-half of the coal asked for has been supplied. The Republic & Grand Forks Railroad Company has filed articles of Incorpora tion with the Secretary of State signify ing Us Intention to build a railroad from Nelson, B. C, through the County of Ferry to the City of Republic. The com pany will also construct telegraph and telephone lines along the same route. The capital stock Is $1,000,000, divided into 10, 000 shares. The principal place of busi ness Is Republic, and the control of the company for the ftr3t six months Is in charge of nine directors. Washington Notes. The Centralla News prints eight mar riage, notices under the heading, "Signs of a Hard Winter." A chorus of 1000 children's voices will sing National songs at the opening of the Spokane exposition. Frank Nalder. stewu-d at the Walla Walla penitentiary, has been appointed clerk In place of J. B. Gehr, resigned. Thp Hawaiian ship Hawaiian Isle, now- loading at Chemamus for-Australia, ha- made application at Port Townsend for American registry. The Great Northern has announced a reduced round-trip fare of one and one third fare from all stations In the State of Washington to Seattle during the State Epworth League rally, October to 7. The City Council of North Yakima has passed an drdlfiance requiring bUrlal per mits to be Issued by the city health offi cer before Interments are made In the city's cemetery. It was done over the Mayor's veto. About 100 members Of the Seattle Cham ber of Commerce will visit Sound cities October 5 and 6. The itinerary will prob ably Include Port Townsend, Port An geles, Blaine, Anacortes, Whatcom, Fair haven and Everett A teamster In the Healy & Sisco log ging camp at Marysvllle, named William Lea. was killed Tuesday afternoon. While helping to pull down a tree that had TALK A Loiter Which Proves Thai Lydia Ea Pinkhamrs Vegetabie Compound Will Remove Tumor and Cure Other Weakness ".Two years ago I was a great suf ferer from womb trouble and -profuse flowing each month, and tumors would form in the womb. I had four tumors in two years. I went through treat ment with doctors, but they did me no good, and I thought I would have to resort to morphine. " The doctor said that all that could help me was to have an operation and have the womb removed, but I had heard of Mrs. Pinkham's medicine and decided to try it, and wrote for her advice, and after taking her Vegetable Compound the tumors were expelled and I began to get stronger right along, and am well as ever before. Can truly say that I would never had got ten well had it not been for Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound." Mary A. Stahl, Watsontown, Pa. lodged, a branch struck Lea en the-forehead, crushing his skull. The total valuation of railroad proper ty in the State of Washington, as equal ized by the State Beard of Equalization, aggregates $21,031,656. The valuation on this class of property, as equalized by the county boards, amounted to $15,777, 303. B. A. Seaborg. president of tho Puget Sound Packing Company, was arrested at Falrhaven Wednesday by Sheriff Smith, of Clallam County, dn a warrant charging him with Illegal driving of fish traps within the three-mile Umlt of tho Hoko and Elwha River mouths. Prospectors returning from the Bump ing Lake country report an exodus of Indians from thai region. The "red men are said to Be In terror of a great mon ster which they believe Inhabits Bumping Lake'' for the sold purpose or destroying all Indians found about Us shores. The thieves who stole a lot 6f oat3 at Stanwood, a few days ago. were located on Camano Island Wednesday. Two offi cers went on a tugboat to arrest them, but were met by the robbers, who, with rifles, compelled them to return. The Sheriff took a posse of 10 men and went after the robbers, but could find no trace of them. Id the matter of the award of a 1000 ton coal contract to the Pacific Clipper Line. It turnn out that the Pacific Clipper Line ha3 a ship In port, and that the Pa cific & Alaska Steamship Company has not. As the Government Is in a great hurry to get the coal to Nome, the Quar termaster was obliged to pass the latter's bid and accept the nett higher, A British Columbia game warden named Faulkes was shot" "Wednesday while attempting to arrest a market hunter named Walter Baker ,U3t across the line, at Sumas prairie. Bakor resist ed arrest and Faulkes attempted to club him with the gun. Baker grabbed tho gun and discharged It. The shot toolc effect In Faulkes' arm and side. His In juries are not believed to be fatal. Ba ker is in jail. L. C. Cody and a party of Summer ex cursionists have returned to North Yaki ma from the vicinity of Mount Adams, on the Yakima Indian reservation. They report having examined the great spirit lake, sa dreaded by the Yakima Indians. The. natives believe that the lako pos sesses the powers of communication with mortal man and always delivers a mes sage of death. If an Indian, who 13 to die looks upon the lake he sees first a slight ripple of the waves, as If a wind storm were coming on. Presently the form of a little child appears In the mist that covers the water. This gradually grows larger until It becomes a horse, when It disappears. The Indian who wit nesses this transformation of the spirits returns to his tepee and prepares for death. They say no man lives oyer one week after seeing tho spirits on the lake. To Watch American Sportsmen. VANCOUVER. B. C, Sept 21. Instruc tions have been sent to the Provincial police officers near the American bounaa ry of British Columbia to be on the watch for American sportsmen who are coming over to kill game In this province. A number of excursions from Seattle havo been run In the past few weeks. The maximum fine for the offense is $300. but a license of $50 may be paid, allowing nonresidents-to shoot In British Colum bia domains. 30 DAYS'TRBMmNT' Where la Grippe appears this wonderful remedy sut3 It to Immediate flight. Even in the severest cases its action Is quick and effective. It slnays proves a bleaelng to the afflicted. Terror of La Grlpjja Suddenly Checked. Tho cood that has boon pocformedin tha country by Dr. Durkhart' a Vege table Com pound la boyond description. Poraonally. it cured rao oC a trearJioroas and painxul cms of La Grippe- In 30 days. Since then X havo not experienced a single cold. Tha .Compound proves a blessnur wherever, la itvnrinH JA)!n A Tnrrtan. Fnnrifl. XO. For sale hvniirtrnirtrin Thirty HnvV treatment forSJc; Sorentydajs treatment SOc; Six months treotmont 51.00. lMay' trial trtatmmtjrte. la Tablet Form Pleasant to Take. DB. W & BURKHABT, Cincinnati. Ohio THE MONTANA State School of Mines At Butte. Montana, will open Sept. 11, 1000. Full four years courie of Instruction 'offered; two terms of 20 weeks each per year. Tuition fros to Montana students; other, pay $25 per term For other Information, address if. IL Leonard. Butts. Mont.