Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 21, 1900, Image 1

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VOI. XK NO. 12,410.
iH V H . . - LH . Gh. sssNV Jv TK
- - ' " .... . ,& . ..
i Thohhsandafdefquaychfeverf
m m tfeirm
accounts for
j these brands
Warm Air' Furnaces.
They will now be needed -after Carnival times are 'ended to keep
up the warm glow imparted "by Carnival "confetti"7ahd "sich."
We have all kinds of hcnthig apparatus. Hot airtand"thot water.
Steam boilers, registers, veptilators, hotef ranges and steam tables.
w. g. Mcpherson
Agents Collins Card Mounts, Velgtlaender's CUf gf J.nscs
Fourth, Near Morrison Portland, Orefn
Offered to Our Students
are .numerous. Capable teachers, complete courses of study, large school-'
rooms, perfect equipment these enable us to qualify any twilling student for
success in life. The recent change in location added greatly to our facilities, so
that we are prepared to do better work than ever before. Let us tell you about
our school. Call, or write.
Perk and Washington Streets
European Plan:
In Portland is Invited to join The
Brownie Club. 500.00 in camera
prizes -will be distributed to compet
ing members December 1. Come to
our store (Photo. Dept) for full par
ticulars. No fees; no dues.
Fourth and Washington Sts. WOOdatd, ClaC & CO.
Pounded 1S70.
J. W. Kill, M. D., Prlnclpnl.
Chrlntmn Term Opcnn Scit. 18, 1J00.
A Boardln; snd Daj School Under present
management since 1STS
Prlmarj, Preparatprj s-nd Academic Depart
ments. College Preparation. Mllltarj Discip
line. Manual Tralnlnc. Bojs of all agea re
ceived For catalogues or Information address th.
Principal. J "W. HILL, M. D.. P, O dratrer
37 Portland. Or.
Garolval Visitors w,"h?
Stisdebaker Repository
One of the points of interest 1a our city. Our
friends and customers are Invited to make our
house headquarters while attending the Carnlvsl.
Catrriarren, WaBon,
iSaraen, Robes ntf "Wbips.
Bo You Enjoy Your Home?
Pianolas oxo delighting- many Tiouseh olds of refinement and culture In Port
, land. The Instrument gives you access to the best piano music. Any one can play
it. Call and see. There is no doubt that It will interest sou. If you desire a piano
we sell the best the Steinway and A. B. Chase.
M. B. WELLS, Northwest Agent for the Aeo'ian Company
353, 355 W.ishinston Strrst. corner Park, Portland. Or.
Tf-e are sole agents. for the Pianola.
It la exhibited onlj at our ivarerooms
Deatli in & Cexspool.
TUCSON. Ariz., Sept. 20 J. D. Giegtjr
tnd two Mexicans were this afternoon en
gasei In eAptjing a cesspool, when
one of the Mexicans was over
come by gas and fell into the pool. The
othetfMexlcan went to his assistance and
also ''fell In. Gleger then made an at
tempt to save the men. but all three
lost 'their lives "by asphyxiation.
or . . -. .
"' I tMk. .- Iv
the hih favor iRiWh
arc he'd.
Agents, 20-K N: first St:
Eastman Kodaks
and films
J. 0, Mack & Co.
8& Third St.
a TIT. kl&WXjR&. J$&.
$1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day
320-338E. Morrison St.
Leather Trust Redaees Expenses.
N3W YORU:, Sept. 20. At a recent
meeting of th directors of the American
Hide & Leather Company, it was decided
to reduce operating expenses by about
$150,000 a wear. Today It was announced
that 23 accountants employed in the local
auditing department had "been discharged
and that the department -bad been moved
to Chicago.
A 9 il
PtJng araiXuai'Forts Ga p
turdfcWith GrwrfLosses;
Americans Set Oat te Cap tare rb Ar-aeaal-Itassisa
Massacre at
BUBIAN, Sept. . The liolial Anzel
ger's Shanghai correspondent cablesthat
the a allies today captured, the Pel Tang
ah"dXiU Tat forts, with great loascfe
It is rumored on trustworthy authority
In Shanghai, says a dispatch, to the, Bo
kal Anzelger. that Germany will insist
upon the destruction of the Chinese coast
xlefenses and the Yangtse, forts as a con
dition of her entrance upon "Peace nego
tiations. Surrender of Forts Demanded.
IONTXXN", Sept 21.-JThe Tfen Tsin cor
respondent of the Daily Mall, referring
to the attack on the Pel Tang and Lu
Tal forts, already captured by the allies
after heavy losses, according to advices
received at Berlip, says:
"The surrender of the forts was de
manded at 2 o'clock on Tuesday, with the
threat of Immediate attack by the Ger
mans and Russians in the event of re
fusal." Preparations for the Attack.
TIEN TSIN, Sept. 19, via Shanghai,
Sept. 20. Two thousand six. hundred Ger
mans left Tien Tsin today to Join a'force
forming in the neighborhood of Taku, al
ready, composed of 4000 Russians, 1500
Germans and other foreign troops, the
Intention being to attack the Pel Tang
forts tomorrow at daybreak.
The American postal arrangements are
completed for Tien Tsin. Branch offices
have been opened at the different points
where the United States troops are sta
tioned, and the service will be carried as
soon as possible to Pekln.
General Wilson Tnlces a "Force to
San. Hal Tien to Seise an Arsenal.
PBK3N. Bept 15, via Taku, Sept. 19.
Active military operations are about to
be resumed with a view of ensuring coal
and food supplies, opening the northern
passes and restoring trade.
General Chaffee and General Barrow,
second lncommand.,of the British troops,
held a conference today and decided to
dispatch an Anglo-American column, 1300
strong, to San Hal Tien, under General
James H. Wilson, capture the arsenal
there and disperse tlie Boxers, The col
'umn, which will leave Taku.'" will Include
two battalions of 'the Ninth United States I
-Infantry, a detachment' of , .Uhe - Four
teenth United States Infantry, 600 British,
an,d four puns.
At the conference it was decided to
normal t -conditions. .The Jaoartft
Freafch are iecatingr tc- ,the northeast of
Pekln.- j 5 ,, st " . x v-
ffihcsale'-of the Ameri
cans has .begun.- General Chaffee a't first
proposed to burn it, but Anally decided
that it would be better to'feed the hun
gry Chinese. - V i
.General James H. .Wilson, with 800
Americans and 600 British troops and, -six
gUns,'. marched' -westward today, and the
Germans will move tomorrow to co-ope-rato
in 'taklnsr Pel Ta Chu, where the
enemy. Is supposed to bein large force.
The American commander will . attnek
from the west and therGermans from the
cast , General :WiIson will then take the
San Hal Tien arsenal. Possibly this will
be the last big expedition, as It Is under
stood the British and Amerlcansx will
abandon the former plan of police cam-,
palgn and will prepare for the evacua
tion of Pekln.
The British have countermanded the or
ders for Winter clothing, and. it is ru
mored will fall back to Wei Hal Wei.1
The German Legation is expected to
Governor Wells, of Utah, regards the appoint
ment of Powers as Senator as a joke.
Pare 1.
Roosevelt made flve speeches in Utah yester
day. Pasre 2.
McKlnley may make several campaign ad
dresses. Pasre 1. " -
Hanna coke to German-Americans in Chi
cago. Pace 8.
The news of the capture of the Pel Tang and
Lu Tai forts 'Is confirmed. Paso 1
American troops left Pekln to ' selro . an ar
senal. Pace 1.
Russians massacred 5000 Chinese at Blagovest
. cbensk, Pago 1.
England distrusts Russia's motives. Page 8. '
Several diplomatic notes will be answered by
Washington today or tomorrow. Page 8.
Admiral Dewey and Lieutenant Calkins reply
to Hobson. PageS.
MacArthur reports the Slmlloon engagement.
The French Army maneuvers were concluded
Page 2.
Roberts reports the dispersal of the main Boer
forces. Page 2. "
Domestic. -
Anthracite mlnowners are opposed to arbitra
tion. Pago 2.
Martini law at Galveston will cease today.
Prospect for the Salt Lake-Los Angeles road
are good. Page S.
Pacific Coast.
Roports from the principal hop centers of Ore
gon relative to this year's crop. Pago 4.
Oregon M. E. Conference commltteo deolares
for conviction of Rev. S. A. Starr, of Port
land. Page 8.
Governor Gear will call a Bpeclal election In
Multnomah County on November 0 to elect
a successor to Representative Knott. Page 4.
Census officials will not make public the re
port of the special agent on Seattle and Ta
coma census figures. Page 4.
Albert TVestfall, a native of Oregon, was In
stantly killed In a mine at Rossland. B. C
Page 4. v J
Commercial and Marine. t
Extra steamer provided for the Portland-On-ntal
trade. Page 1.
Portland again shipping wheat to South Af
rica Page 1.
Only disengaged grain ship In the Northwest
arrives at Astoria. Pago 5
Ship Australia clears with fourth September
wheat cargo Page B,
Minneapolis mills advance flour SO cents per
barrel. Pago 11. i
Wheat suffers a decline In the East.Page 11.
Local. t
Robert Bugdahl, an old-time resident, drowned
" In the Columbia. Pare 8.
Business "men are taking up the A O. U. W.
celebration nexfmonth. Pago 12.
withdraw Friday Seiember- 21, and it is
generally reported thaXlhe Americans
will . withdraw, but, 3cral Chaffee re
fuses to confirm t&erfjbnor,
Boxer Henaartcrs Occnpted.
IiONDON, -Sept. 38fcThe Secretary
State for Jndla has received a dispatch
f rem -General Dorwari-, In command of
the British, troop ,atgTIen Tsin, dated
Wednesday, 5eptembt532:y
"Occupied thB-heaaqartprS'Of.,the Box
ers at Tei Liu, 2&flsfrom Tien Tsin,
September 10. The nemy fled to Sheng
Fang; Tel wasdestroyed, but the
large neighboring- city, vChIng Hal, was
spared on condition: 4hat Mr. Green, a
"missionary, and twojadles and two chil
dren, who were known to be hiding at
Hsi Nan Hslen, wouldvbe brought In safe
ty to Tien Tsln. TJhe landorln accepted
the conditions. Chep Fang, 30 miles dis
tant, Is the. last of the Boxer strongholds,
near Tien Tsln."
Five Thensaad Chinese Drowned in
the Amarjfilver.
LONDON, Sept. 20. "Authentic ac
counts have been received here," says
the Moscow correspondent of the Stand
ard, "of a horrible massacre at Blago
vestchensk, which was undoubtedly car
ried oUt under direct orders from the
Russian authorities, and TVhich then let
lobse the tide of slaughter through Amur.
"The entire Chinese pppulatlon of 5000
souls' was escorted out of town to a spot
five miles up the Amur, 'and then, belng.
'led In batches of a few hundred to the
river bank, was ordered to cross over to
the Chinese side. No boats wexe provided,
and tho river is a mile wide. The
were flung alive into the stream and were
stabbed or shot at the; least resistance,
while Russian volunteers who lined the
bank clubbed or shot any who attempted
to land. Not one escaped alive. The riv
er bank for miles was strewn with
Enrl XI Will Be Protected.
YOKOHAMA, Sept 20f-,The Japanese
War Office has received the following
from General TamaguchI, dated Pekln,
September 1G: ",-
"Prince Chlng sent - to LI Hung Chang
this telegram to await him at Tien Tsin:
'Received your telegram. You will be
protocted by the foreign powers. There
fore, proceed to Pekln Immediately.' "
Will Not Accept the. Post 'Of Ambas
sador to Italy.
BOSTON, Sept 20. Tho Journal today
announces that ex-Governor Roser ql- will not nncent tho nnat of Amhan-
sador to .Italy, tendered by President Mc
Klnley. He has notified the State De
partment by qable from Europe and also
by letter.
WASHINGTON, Sept 20. President Mc
Klnley has been, advised by ex-Governor
Wolcott of his declination of the offer of
tho pbs of Ambaador tp. taly The
position was tendered Mr. wolcott upon,
thejrecelpt of the Resignation, ofmbaa-,
"sador Draper.
Flnacla CrJftla In Draall. s
NEW YORK. Sept 20 A dispatch, to'
rtkcyiHBMfefreK&'RJo JaneJro.ABrftilii.ia
Laretfo'aCex., says: ' , ' "
Theicorhmercla! .union- baa sent i mes
sage 1. the' government requesting the
adoption" of measures to. save "Brazilian
commerce from ruin. Busineas Is being
paralyzed. Banks ..arq? receiving' orders
from the Interior withdrawing deposits.
The Commercial Bank fcas suspended pay
ment for 60 days.
f iS ITl- Ii l i x x xMf Ayi-r J t ' A iVvrY vvx rV x 1 i v v
V o'.-P 9WWLs V w" 4'EM ) mm
MSiir "4iiaK
l'-'--?' i '
Governor Wells' Opinion of
the Appointment of Powers
The Jndsje, However, Regards It Se
riously and Says He Will Ga
to Washington.
SALT LAKE, Sept. 20. A special to the
Tribune from Ogden, Utah, says:
Governor Heber M. Wells, when asked
for an expression as to the actions of
Acting Governor Nebeker, this afternoon,
said: wr .
"Quil is a great joker, and so is Judge
Powers. I suppose tho only thing I can
do is to wait my opportunity to got a
good joke on them. If any one takes the
action seriously or pretends that It will
avail Judge Powers anything In the way
of furnishing him a credential for the
United States Senate, he can see farther
than I can. If I had made the appoint
ment myself, the Senate would not-seat
tho appointee. That was settled In the
uaycase. You ask 'me what I will J
do In-tho matter. CI suppose when I see'
the President of the Senate I' will laugh,
t think .Qull expects. that."
Judgo Powers, when interviewed and
asked whether his' appointment as United
States Senator was Intended as a huge
practical joke, or was to be taken In
seriousness, replied emphatically that it
was serious In every sense of the word
and caloulated to teach tho .Governor and
Secretary of State that they could not
both'leave Utah at the same time with
out taking the consequences.
"There can bo no question,", said he,
"asto Senator Nebekers power to per
form the duties pertaining to the Gov
ernor's office during the absence of those
two officials.
'As to whether or not a Governor or
acting Governor has the-right to appoint
a United States Senator, that is a case
that has been decided botSi ways by the
united States Senate In the Quay case
adversely by one voto only.
"Whether I will be recognized by the
United States Senate as the junior mem
ber from Utah, I cannot say. However,
T propose to make a fight for the place
and stand by my rights. I Intend to take
no chances at all, and will Immediately
file my resignation as Presidential elec
tor, oh, the .Democratic tioket with the
state Democratic committee. This will
lenVfe. me free and unhampered to mako
the contest, which I presume I will be
obliged to make."
Hanna 'Will Try to Indace Him
Make Several Addresses.
CHICAGO, Sept 20. It Is possible that
ipresldent McKlnley may mako several
speeches In the West; before the close of
the campaign. To induce him to do so
'Is one of the objects1' of a visit which
-Senator 'Hanna wlllmake to Oan'ton, Sun
day. 'President McKlnTey, who is now at
"The subject has not been disdus9ed ex
tensively," sold "Vice-Ohairmah 'PayneH at
the Republican Natipnal "neadquirters to
day, ''but that it-would'be a wise thing for
Mr. McKlnley to do Is beyond ques
tion." Senator Hanna was occupied today re
ceiving callers who are pressing him in
anticipation of his departure for the East
I Sunday Numerous efforts were mid& to
nave mm promise to maK campaign
speeches, but he declined to consider fur
ther Invitations until his return from New
General O. O. Howard called at Na
tional headquarters today. He has just
returned from West Virginia, where ho
has been making campaign speeches.
"I am satisfied," said he "that West
Virginia will go Rtpubllcan by a grati
fying majority."
The General left for Nebraska tonight
to begin a two weeks speaking tour.
Willis George Emerson, First Assist
ant Chairman of the Speikers Bureau,
said today that it Is possible ex-Presldtnt
Harrison will consent to take the stump
for McKlnley and Roosevelt
"There Is nothing definite as yet," said
Mr. Emerson, "but we are in correspond
ence with General Harrlsonvand are hope
ful of succeeding."
Chairman Johnson, of the "Democratic
National Committee, smiled today while
discussing the story that Richard Croker
had pledged $100,0000 to the National cam
paign fund. "So far as I know, there Is
nothing In all this talk,' he said.
Parties Maneuvering for a
Division of the Ticket.
HELENA, Mont, Sept. 20. The three
state conventions In session here spent
the day maneuvering for a division of the
ticket. Up to, midnight they had not hit
upon a division that would be recom
mended by the Democratic conferees. The
Populist and Labor Parties offered the
Democrats the entire ticket, except the
Oovernorshlp, the electoral ticket to be
divided one each but all the electors to
yote for Bryan The Populist and Labor
parties adopted platforms today reaffirm
ing previous declarations by the National
Populist afldlidhor conventions. They in
dorse Bryan, the free coinage of silver
and In particular demand an eight-hour
Tvork day.
"The Democrats from Deer Lodge Coun
ty, who bolted the Democratic convention
last night met with others today and de
vised plans for the formation of a state
party, to be called the Independent Demo
cratic party, which will hold a conven
tion in Butte, October 2, to nominate a
state ticket The faction will also, the
leaders declare, put a ticket In every
It Is believed that fusion will be ef
fected tomorrow, probably on the lines of
the offer made today, the Democrats hav
ing the entire ticket except the Governor.
Bryan's Plans.
LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. 20. Mr. Bryan
spent the' greater part of the day In
going through correspondence which has
accumulated, during his absence. He also
received a large number of callers. The
only formal event of the day was a visit
from a committee of 25 members of the
Bryan Veterans' Bimetallic Club, of this
(Lancaster) county, who called to assure
him of their support. Mr. Bryan has
fixed the date for departure on his next
tour for Wednesday. He will speak
Wednesday night at Nebraska City, Neb ,
and then proceed northward to South Da
kota, making several speeches en route.
Nonilnnted for Congress.
SAGINAW. Mich.,xSept. 20 The Demo
cratic Congressional, convention of the
fgh(f3flchlgafilstricthls" Afternoon
nominate vv tuts n,i .curs iur congress
by acclamation.
Declined the Nomination.
DALLAS, Tex.. Sept 20. Judge N. K.
Homon, of Dallas, has declined the Pro
hibition nomination for Governor. Person
al Interests are given as the reason.
Photo by Wheeler, Pendleton.
ft K S- 4 1 i 1
Portland Gaining Prestige in
the Export Trade.
CoralnE? Baclc t
Portland Steamship Eva Arrives
for a Biff Carffo'of Flour..
Pending the establishment of tho new
Oriental line by the O. R. & N. Co., tho
Port of Portland will be afforded better
transportation facilities than, she has en
Joyed for many months. These facilities
will be sufficient to bring- the flour ship
ments for this month, up to the largest
on record. The announcement, made,
about 10 days ago. that steamers had,
already been secured to follow those of
the Dodwell line, and that one of them,
the Skarpsno, was already loading- at
Hong Kong, relieved any anxiety that
might hae been felt by the discontinu
ance of the old line, and yesterday tho
name of the second steamer was given,
out. This vessel Is the old reliable Mon
mouthshire, the fastest and best equipped
steamship that we have yet had on tho
The Monmouthshire has been in tho
Portland-Oriental service for the paat
four year3, and has never tnado a slow
passage and never turned out a cargo In
bad shape. The steamer sailed from this
f port about 10 days ago, and as soon as
she reaches Hong Kong will load bacic
for this port, with a full cargo of Orien
tal merchandise. T. M. Stevens & Co.,
who are supplying the cargo for tho
Scarpsno, will load the Monmouthshire,
on her outward trip from Portland. Oth
er steamers have been secured to follow
these vessels, and their names will ba
announced later.
The Portland Flouring Mills Company,
which has sent out a great many record
breaking cargoes for the far East, will
continue In the same line of business,
with Independent steamers looking after
their business unUl the new line Is es
tablished. The German ship Eva arrived
In port last evening, and will commence
loading' at the Alblna Hour mills thl3
morning. Her cargo, while not, a record
breaker, will be very close to 50,000 bar
rels, an amount that has not often been
exceeded at a Pacific Coast port. Tho"
Eva's cargo will go to Hong Kong and
Vladlvostock. while that of the Skarpsno,
which will follow her. will go to Japan,
and Chinese ports. The Norwegian
steamship Tyr crossed out from Astoria
yesterday morning for Vladlvostock. di
rect, with nearly 30,000 barrels of flour,
and will bo followed in. about 30 days by
another steamer for the same port
The flour business with the Orient was
built up by a Portland firm, and this port
has never been permitted to lose, her
f grip, ou that field, and now, with addi
tional transportation facilities oirerea, a
heavy Increase in the business Is bound
to-follow. The- "overflow.'" which In thb
past has supplied considerable business
for the Puget Sound 'and San Francisco
lines, will no longer seek space on steam
ers running from these ports, but enough
vessels will bo provided to take care oC
all of the business that Is offering.
Increased Oriental and Siberian busi
ness is not the only pleasing feature of
the export business at present, for the
South African grain trade with Paclflo
Coast ports, which vanished with tho
commencement of hostilities In the Dark
Continent Is again showing signs of re
turning life, and the first cargo of wheat
for the Cape of Good Hope for the pres
ent season Is now loading In this city.
The vessel which will pioneer the African
fleet this year Is the Italian ship EHsa,
which is now loading at G. W. McNear's
Irving dock. The ElK-v will go to Algoa
Bay for orders, and will carry about 2000
tons of choice bluestem wheat put up in
large bags.
Over six months has elapsed since tho
last vessel sailed from Portland for Afri
ca, the County of Merioneth sailing:
March 1 for Cape Town. She was pre
ceded last season by six other vessels
the Vera lean, for Cape Town: Macduff
nnd Blythswood. for Algoa. Bav; Powys
Castle, for Port Natal, and Lorton, for
Durban, Now. that the war Is nearlng
an end. and business is again possible,
Portland will profit by the start already
made by our exporters jn that field.
The Important Part It Plays in tho
Frankfort Trial.
FRANKFORT, Kv.. Sept! 20. "Did Jim
Howard have a moustache January 30?"
On that question In a great measure def
pends his liberty, perhaps his life. The
witnesses for the defense, including the
defendant himself, all state that January
29 his faco was clean-shaven. Bowman
Gaines, Ben Rake and James F. Dally,
who have identified Howard as the mah,
they saw January 30, swear that ho had
a moustache
"There goes Jim Howard, clean-shaven
and better dressed than any man In
town: If he keeps on that way we will
never be able to provp that he Is a fool."
According to this testimony today. ex
State Senator Ed Parker made that re
mark In London January 20. where he
saw Howard on the streets, Parker ex
plained that tho reason he had said thla
was that Howard was then at London to
appear for trial for the murder of George
Bauer, and his plea was to be Insanity.
The defence Is resting Its case on tho
alibi claimed for Howard, and Is not
paying any attention to the claim of tha
prosecution that the shot came from tho
Secretary of State's office and other col
lateral matters which figured largely In,
the trial of Caleb Powers.
First Announcement Will Be Made
hy the Censns Bnrean Next Weelc.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 20. Director of
the Census Merlam said today that tho
announcement of the population of large
cities is practically completed, as no bul
letin will be Issued for a town under 25.
005. The bureau, ho said, probably will
begin next week announcing the popula
tion of the states. The first will be
Arkansas and thereafter they will be Is
sued In alphabetical order, beginning
with Alabama. It Is thought that all oC
the states will be given out before Con
gress assembles. The returns from the
several states will also show the popula
tion of cities under 25,000.
Jndgre J. M. Bonner Dead.
LOS ANGELES, Cal... Sept 20.-Judge
J. M. Bonner, a capitalist and banker of
New Orleans, succumbed to heart dis
ease at the California Club today whllo
conversing- with some friends.