Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 19, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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Exporters are not so-hot on the trail of
"Wheatsellcrs as they were a short timer
ago, and while the market locally Is not
juotably lower, some" of the buyers have
-ceased paying more than a cent or two
above the prices they are -quoting. Walla
"Walla Is generally, given out as worth 57
cents per bushel,' end "Voffey 59G0c, with
"buying of the latter grade confined to the
"mills, which In some cases pay even
higher rates. Bluestem Is nominally SS
and 60 cents. Freights are-Arm, but in
active, exporters refusing-to -pay the ex
"treme prices demandea 3yaBhlpownera.
The onlynew transaction reported is a
2300-ton register ship tkken for Sound
loading at 40s 3d,, .Ndvember-Iecember.
Prunes and 'hops continue very - firm at
iuil prices. The rain interfered same
what with hoppicklng, and cracked a few
prunes, but the Joss in the. aggregate as
yetia .riot large. In tne -fruit, markets
thiols a firmer feeling, in peaches, ana
bet" 'grades of apples. "Poultry Is doing
a, little better; and -eggs- continue firm.
A carload of Eastern eggs is due this
morning. They are fresh stock, and are
expected' to sell as high as 5 .cenls, as
this, is thei figure "at which 'best Oregon
ranch .stock isheld. Cold-storage Oregon
eggs are plentiful at 22 cents.'ifnd East
'ern storage eggs 'are offering at about the
same figure, and even less.
. , r Bonis CJearinsa.
Exchanges. Balances
Portland .- ...
Tacoma ............
S 70.47
. 197.806
aeartie ................... vuv.tut
Spokane - 186,582
Grain, Floor, Etc.
"Wheat Walla "Walla, 0057c; Valley, B0
GQe"T)luestem. 59QH50C per bushel.
'Flour Best grades, $2-7503 10 per barrel;
Ttjrahom, $2'B0. ;
Oats White. l348c; gray, 3840e"per busheL
B&rtey Feed, $1B15 50; brewing, $17 per
Millstuffs Bran, $13 per ton; mlddlhigs, 20;
'shorts, ?1C; chop, $15. " ' .
Say-Timothy. $1213; clover. $7&t B0; Ore
Con "wildliay, $C7 per ton.
Butter, Esrsra, Poultry, Ktc, .
Butter Taney creamery, 45ff55cJ store, 25
80c per roll.
""EPgE 22"25oper dosen.
Poultry Chickens, mixed," $3 00 per dozen;
nens, 3 504; Springs, S23 50; docks, $31;
sreeso, 67 per fiozca; turkeya, live IBlOc
per pound; dressed; 15S17c
Cheese Full cream, twins, U312Jc; Young
America, .12J413c per poUnd. , t
Vesretableo, Fruit, Etc '
Vegetables-Rarsnlps, -$X; tt-rntpa, Jfl; car
rots, $1 per aack; onions, $fl 25 for Oregon;
cabbage, ?L 752 per cental; potatoes, 5000c
per aack; peas, 84c; beans, 4o- per pound;
tomatoes, 202?25o per box; corn, 10312"4o per
dozen; sweet potatoes, lc per pound in .Backs;
celery, 6065o per dozen. ?
Erult Iemons, $4 5025; oranges, $3 5D4(
per box for late Valencias; pineapples, -$4 0pQ
per dozen; bananas,. $2 503 per bunch; Per
sian dates. 7c per pound; peaches; CO 70c;
-pears, BOT5c per box; apples. DOcigXl per
box; watermelons, Rogue River, $1 504J2; Ore
gon nutmegs, '.$1 1 50 per crate; casabas,
$1 25 pr dozen; grapes, Sweetwater, 50c; Mus
cat, 7585c; black, 7B85c; Tokay. ?1; Oregon
Black .Hamburg, SOc per crate.
Dried fruit Apples, evaporated, 07o per
pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, 45c; pears,
surf and evaporated, S 6c; plums, pltless,
43c; prunes, Italian, S5c; silver, extra
choice, B Q 6c; figs; Smyrna, 12cf Callfofnia
black, 536c; do white, 10c per pound.
Meat and Provisions.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and
ewes, sheared, $3 60; dressed, 6S!7c per lb.;
Spring lambs, 4c per pound gross; dfessed, Sc
Hogs Gross.cbolce heavy, ?G 00S5 75; light,
?5; dressed, 66c per pound.
Veal Largo, 0$5"Jc Per pound; small, SQ
f&o per pound.
Beef Gross, top steers, $3.B04; cows' $3
"8 80; "dressed beef, 67c per pound.
Provisions Portland pack (Shield brand):
ams, smoked, are Quoted at 12"4c per pound;
picnic bams, 9c -per. pound; breakfast bacon,
ISJfcc; bacon, 10c; backs. 8W, 10c dry salt
sides, 95fcc; dried beek 17c; lard, 5- pound -I
pajls,. 10c; 10-pound palls, 9c; 50s, 0c;
tierces, Oc per pound. Eastern pack (Ham
mond'a)t Hams, large, 12c; medium, 12c;
email, 12c; pionlc hams, 0c; shoulders, 0c;
breakfast bacon. 15c; dry salt side's. T$510c;
bacon sides, 10llc; backs, 10ic; butts,
Pc; lardf pure leaf, kettle rendered, Ss, 10c;
aos, lO&c
. '
Groceries, Xxttm, Etc.
Coffee Mocha. 232Sc; Java, fancy,, 2032c;
JaVa,good, 2024c; Java, ordinary, lS20c;
Costa Blcai fancy, 1820c; do good, 10 18c; do
'ordinary, 1012c per pound; Columbia, roast,
113 13; Arbuckle's, $H 13; Lion, ' ?13 13 per
Bugar Cube, $7 10; crushed, ?7 10; powdered,
$6' 70; dry granulated, $050; extra C, $6; gol
den C, (5 90 not; half barrels, c more than
barrels; maple sugar, 1510c per pound. ' '
Salmon Columbia Blver, 1-pound tails, $1 50
Q2; 2-pound tails, 52 252 CO; fancy 1-pound
flats, $2412 25; x-pound fancy flats, $1 100
1 30; Alaska, 1 - pound tails, $1 401 60; 2-
"'pound tails. $1 902 25.
Nuts Peanuts, 07c per pound for raw, 9c
for roasted; cocoanuts, 90c pet dozen: .walnuts,
10 ?lc per pouqd; jlne nuts, 15c; hickory
nuts, 7c; chestnuts, 15c; Brazil, lie; filberts,
;L5c; fancy pecans, 1214c; almonds, 1517Hc
pef pound.,
, Beans Small white, 44c; large do, 3
C?4e; bayou, 3c; Lima, 0c per pound.
Grain bags Calcutta, $60 12i per 100 for
spot! . r
" Coal oil Cases, 20c per gallon; barrels, 16o;
tanks, 14c.
" JWce-islanoV OVic; Japan. 5c; New Orleans,
W55iCr fancy bqad, .$77 -50 per sack.
- I 1 .
Hops, Wool, Hides, Eto.
HopsJ-57c per pound for 1890 crop, Jl15c
tdr- new crop.
"Wool-Valley. 1213c for coarse, IBQilOc for
best; Eastern Oregon, 1013c; mohair, 25c jpor
"pond. -
Sheepskins Shearlings, 15020c; abort-wool,
S535c; medlum--nool, 30ij0c; long-wool COc
$1 each.
TailoWj 4c; No. 2 and grease, 23c per lb.
Pelts Bearskins, each, as to size, -$515;
tubs, each, $13; badger, each, 50c; wildcat.
2575c; bousecat. C25c; fox, common, gray,
0c$l; do red, $1 75Q3 50; do crosa, ?2 506;
lynx, $24 50; mink, 40c$l 75; marten, dark
Northern, $5l0; do palo, pfne, ?24; musk
rat, 8 12cjskunk. BOffSOc; otter tfand. $4
QSl panther, with head and 'claws perfect,
fl3; raccoon, 2580c; woir, uiountaln, with
ead perfct, $S CO 3; wolverine, $2 T06;
beavcrj per skin, large. $07; do medium, per
ikln, ?4Q)5; do small, per skin, $1?; do' kits,
per Bkln, $13.
Hideo Drj' hides. No. 1, 16 pounds and up
ward, 14015c; dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 10 pounds,
15c per pound; dry calf, No. 1, under 5 pounds,
1516ct dry salted, one-third less than dry
flint; salted hides, sound stears, 00 pounds and
over, 78c; do 50 to CO pounds, 7V4c; do un
der 50 pounds and cows, 7c; kip, 13 to SO
pounds, 7&8c; do veal, 10 to 14 pounds, 7&c;
dO"calf,underl0 pounds, 7"4c; green uniialted).
Icer pound less; culls bulls, stags, jmoth
iaten, badly cut, scored hair slipped, .weather
beaten or grubby), one-third less.
EarJLy Gains of Sznall Importance,
. - and Soon Wiped Ont.
IEW YORK, Sept J8. The stock mar
'et demonstrated its Inertness again to
day, and the effort to continue yester
day's course of recovery fell flat. Prices
were at one time advanced considerably
above last nlghf s level, but they did not
hold, and the closing showed some of
the. gains complete' wiped out, and some
of them -reduced to small proportions.
The reported failure of a stock exchange
hotfseliad a depressing effect, although
the suspension seems to be due entirely
to private causes. About 2000 shares of
stocks were sold under the rule for the
account-of the- suspended- Arm-on -thcex-change,
and the quotations for some of
the stocks sold were considerably de
pressed. They recovered .somewhat after
the selling under1 therule was completed,
but In the late dealings Consolidated Gas
was forced down again and sold. 2 under
-the.highjjj.rJco, .clede Gesfeiras much.
Minuuu vas mcunea to nuy stocks in tne i
inarket, notwithstanding t'e general de- j,
prcsslon in that market, and the demand
.from that source was a factor in the
early rise in that market. t, -"
; The .expectation that a 'pbrtionof the
American subscriptions to the' German
loan will be paid by the transfer of
sterling exchange bills helped to weaken
the London market. The strength of
Americans in that market, in 'spite of
general -weakness,- and. of the furthefrise
in discount rates, was a"d!stlncti&riVtor
that group of securities. The New York
money market showed a hardening ten
dency, and call loans comroanded.1 per
cent. Time loan's "were also" more firmly
held. . , -
The bond market was dull and irregular,
in sympathy with stdeks. "Total sales,
par value, $845,000. 'United States 5s ad
vanced M In the bhrprice.
- . BONDS.
TJ. S. ref. 2s... 104 Gen. Electric 5s.l30
do coup. 104 K. Y.'Cent:ists.l03
U. S. 3s res.. ..HO jNor. Eac. 3s.... C54
Ido coup 110 do 4s lGi
U.S. new 4s reg.l34i O. R. & N. lsts.109
uu coup lMil no 4s 10ZJA
U.S. old 4s reg.115
lO. S. Ii. 6s....
'Qo coup 116
do con. os..
U. a 5s. reg...H4-,lJt. G. Wv-lsts... mi
db COUD 11
St. Paul con.... 103
IMs; of Cojf 3-G5S122
Atchison adj 4s. 85
CL ;& N. w. conk
St; Paul. C. &S
t lsts 118
.do 5s ..: Jia
(TTnlnn Tat 4n..1(Ti
odoa.P. deh .feisnui'wnc nnt "t KKtt
X. . & : H. G. lsts.lOJtSo. Pac 4s..... 78
dp-ls ..?..,.... 93 jWest ShoreHs.:.112?4
. . STOCKS. ..v.. .. ,
Tho total sales of stocks 'today were
174,300 shares. The closings-quotations
Atchison 27 JTJnlon fPac.'pfd' 72
do pfd 694i Wabash ......... 6
gan Pac 87&i do ,pfd 17je
BSi O .-70y4 Wheel. &-L. &.. 8
Can. Southern.. 47 do ,2ds,pfd..... 23V4
Ches. & Ohio.. ,'27i Wis.1 Cent:. .V.'..'12b
Chi., Ind. & I. 23 . EXPRESS CO.S.
dp-pfdt..". 56 lAdams .'.....124
Chi. &East 111. 96Americn ...,.:.150
Chi. & N". W-...161 J United States ...-45
C., R. L & Pacl05WjolIs-Fargo ....122
-C. C. C. & St X. 58 inS'LANiEXUc3.
Colo. Southern.. 23,4Am. Cotton Oil.. 32
do lsts pfd... 394 do pfd ?. 88
do 2ds pfd ... 154Am. fMaltlng... 4U
Iel. & H.udson.lOSiii
Del. L. & W....173
do Dfd
Am. S. & R...
X). & R; tx.:.... 18j
aa nfa
uo pia c&i
Erie ...v.4 103;
do lsts pfdw- 396
Gt North. pfd..l61H
Am. Spirits....
do pfd
-Steel -Hoop. IS
sra f,
3teel & W.
xivutiing joeu .. i&
Hocking "Valley. 32
ao pra
ill. Central .....115
Am. Tln-Plate.-ai
do pfd...r...'.:80'
Am. Tobacco ... 90
do pfd 127
do pfd '. 43
Lake E. & "W.. 27
do pfd S2V,
Anaconda M. Co 44
Lake Shore 209.. Brattle- .ft ?r ra
L- & N. 71Colo. Fuel & I. 34
Manhattan L .. SSiCont Tobacco... 25-4
Met. St Ry ....161 1 do pfd 73H;
Mex. Central... ll Federal Steel .. 33
Minn." & St L.. 51 o pfd -. 66
do pfd 92 (Gen. Elec 138
Mo. Pacific .... 604 Glucose Sugar .. 49
Mobile & Ohio. 35 j do pfd 9SV5
Mp..-IC & Tex. 9iInrnl Paper ....isk
ao pra ....... 23 do pfd
N. J. Cent 130 JLaClede Gas
. 643i
. 70
. 86
: 90
. 25&
iN. X. Cent 129& Nat Biscuit
Norfolk & W... S3UI do nfd
do pfd.., 744 Naf Lead
North. Pacific.. SO&i do pfd .,
do' pfd ........ 70iNat Steel
Ont & West...l9kl do nfd ..
O. R; T&'N :42 IN. T. Air Bra.kf.1a-;
do pfd ..t 76 INorth. American 14
Pennsylvania r.l27tJI Pacific Coast ... 54
Reading 15i do lts pfd 'Bi
do lsts pfd.,.MaJ dqi2dspfd .... 644
do 2dsDfd' .... 2S iPaclflo. AO.ll A., nii
R.O. W ..... 54 iPeonle's Gas ... 9iu
do tjM
Pressed S. ' Car. 36
St U &S
do pfd ...a.... 71
Pull: Pal. Car..lS5
Stand. R. & T.. .5V,
Sugar ,.,;V.116'
do Dfd ....:.- .114
do lstsi. Dfdn
do 2ds Dfd .... 33
St L. & S. W. U
do pfd 27
St Paul .!.... '..112
Tenn. Coal & I.. ,67
do pfd .-. 173! tj. S. -TJoather. 10Vi
-. - -r ... ..w .. .v .. . wT2
Boutn. Pacific,. 32!U. S. .Rubber ... 29,
ouuiueni xvy ..r AiSI uo piQ a2 '
do pfd 5S& Western Union.. 79
Tex. & Pac.... 15 iRep. I. v& S 12
Union PaclfkJ ;. 55lf do pfd ;. 53
3?lor.9lgTi jrinanclal KeVrT.-'v I
t.NEW YORK, Sept 18. The Commercial .'
Advertiser's London financial pablegram
says: "
The tone of the markets here was
heavy today, mainly because of the scar
city of business and because of the ex
pectation that the Tarllamenfary elec
tions .will divert attention until they are
over. The , 'American department was an
exception,' prof esslonab .traders buying In
the belief that yesterday's slump was
largely caused "by manipulation. "New
York offered support and 'the close" was
.at the best price. Tintos were, lower,
Paris showing a- weak tendency. Call
money was easy.and discounts were firm.
The1 bank lost 103,000 gold In export;
4000 to Africa and 5000 to India. Silver
was lower In India; but the close here
was steady.-
Stocks in Loadon,
LONDON. Sept IS. Atchlson,.27; Cana
dian Pacific, 90; Union Pacific preferred,
70; Northern Pacific preferred, 73;
-Grand Trunk, G; Anaconda, 9.
aroney. Exchange, Etc.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept 38. Sterling on
London, 60 days, $4 87; sight, $4 84.
Mexican dollars, 5951c.
Drafts Sight, 5; telegraph, 7.
.NEW YORK, Sept 18. Money on pall.
1 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 45
per cent Sterling exchange, strong, with
actual business in bankers' bills at $4 87
4 87 demand and at $4 83 CO days;
posted rates, 54 84(4 and $4 S3; com
mercial bills. $4 82g,483: silver certifi
cates. 6263; Mexican dollars, 49c.'
Bonds Government, strong; state, in
active; railroad, 'Inactive.
LONDON. -Sept 18. Money, 2 per cent;
consols, 93 7-16d."
Prices for Cereals In European and
J American. Ports.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept 18.-Wheat
Steady, both on and oft call.
Barley Market quiet
Oats Quiet
Spot quotations, were:
Wheat No. 1 shipping, $103;. choice,
$1-05;-milling, $lv10112.
Barley Feed, -6S$i72c; brewing, S0J)
Siy4c . -
Oats Gray, $1 121 25; black for seed,
$1 221 30; red, $1 25l. 30. , , -
Call board sales: ... ,
Board of Trade and
Stock Exchange Brokers
214-215 T
.Chamber of Commerce
," ,7 ' Portland) Jjrcjjon
""Wbeae-S'teqdy; Decelnb'er, nr00; May,
Jl 16; cash, $1 05. ?
Barley No sales. 'n
Corn Large yellow, $1 201 22.
Chicago Grain and roduce.v
CHICAGO, Sept 18. Wheat opened ner
vous and "easier," Octobervat 760760,
because of Liverpool's failure to respond
to' the 'advance here yesterday, and 'bo
cause the predicted rains for the North
west failed to materialise. There wa3 a
considerable amount fit, profit-taking at
tho start, but the offerings were well
, taken,, and the market 'gradually worked
up to 77c. Bradstreet's report ot an in
crease in the world's visible of 5,118,000
bushels caused more selling later, but
meantime. "the Northwest markets had
turned strong, and the stuff was readily
absorbed. When shorts tried to get back
some of their" sale's they found a very
stiff 'array ,of holders,'-ahd;thBprlce was
bid un sharnly to 77?lc. The close was
firm, October ftc higher, at 770'77c.
Corn was dull and devoid' of specula
tive interest October' closed c higher,
at'3Sc ---' - ' '
Oats were dull," ranging narrow, and
the trader mostly local. October closed
a shade down, at 2L21c , - -
The demand for lard was the feature
in the provision market The small stocks
of this commodity caused covering" by
shorts, and as packers were also"buyers,
the market advanced. October pork closed
10SJ2$c. over yesterday, lard 17&c higher,
and ribs closed unchanged.
,. The leading futures ranged as follows:
.WHEAT..., r '- -
Opening. Hlghest.LowPst Close.
September ...$0 76 $0 77!$ $0 70VV $0 77
October ,.... 70H - 1.J "NN$ 71
78 7774 '
40 '40
38 33
86 30
21 21
21 21
22 " 22
October .n
' 39
October 21
o ember .
12.S 12 25
11 37 11 42
October ..
January .
"October ..
No ember
January ,
12 02 12 15
1132 'U'42'j
0 90 7 07
0 00 7 02
6 63 6 70 .
7 S2VJ7 &5
7 40 7 45
6 00
0 001
6 65'
7 05
"7 00
7 7T
0 07
October ..
January .
7 77
7 37
0 07 010 ..jio003
Cash quotations were as follows: -
"Wheat No. 3..7Kg76c,; No. 2 red, 78c
- Corrt-No.r 2, 4040c; NO. 2 yellow, '4.0
iOHcr '.j . o . . y
Oats No. 2,- 21?422c; No. 2 white; 25c;
No. 3 "white, 2325c. -.
Rye No. J2,-52S52cr . ? -
Barley Good feeding, 39i39ct' fair to
choice malting, 4955c. ; " ' -
Flax seed No. .L $1 581 5S; . No. 1
Northwestern, '$1 59. "
Timothy seed Prime,- $41 25.
Mess pork Per barrel, $12 1512 20.
Lard Per MO pounds, $7"7 07.
Short rlbs-ldes, loose, $7 707 90; dry
salted shoulders, boxeoV 665ic; liort
clear sides, -boxed, $S 108 20.
Sugars Cut loaf, $6 60; granulated; $5 10;
confectioners'-"! 'A," $6; off A',' $5 85.
Clover Contract grade, $10. - ...
', : Receipts.'. Snipm'ts.
Flour barrelH .'.- .'. 14.000.. .iltOOO
Wheat bushels. ,374.000, 406.000
Corn, bushels ? .500.0CK)
Oats, bushels ...400f000 316,000
Rye. bushels 5,000 ""
Barley, bushels ...,. vioi.oop, 1Q.000
w iv.uw
Oh.he produce, exchange today Ahe-but-
ter market was steadv-creamerv.,jl6,ra
21c; dairy, 1418ci ' '-r
Cheese Firm; 10llc: ,
Eggs Firm; fresh, 15c.
- "J fe J v v
European .Grain Ularketn.
LONDON, Sept 18. Wheat Cargqg3on
passage, white, flrm;. red, dull; cargoes
No. 1 standard California, 32s; cargoes
Walla Walla, 30s 7&d; English country
markets," "firm. - "- - ' - " ". i
LIVERPOOL.-" Sept . 18. Wheat Firm;'
No.Tl standard California. 6s 6d; 'wheat
'and "flour in Parlsy'quiet Trench coun-,
Iry markets,1 firm;-' weather In -England,'
Wheat Spot, Arm; Nqv2 We"9ternr Wln-
r"of Ra MU-'Kn 1 rnUfnT-TTlo Res SlirlCTRc RA-
, f, ,,ryy,. w..fW.. -w -v.w-v
lutures quiei, oppiemoer, os jiu;
"cember, "6s 4d. , ' '" ' '"
" Coriv-Spot, steady;,. American mjxed,
4s 4d;vfutures, quiet; October. 4s, M; No
vember,, 4s 2jftd. f ',.",' ,. .,'.-
Receipts of .wheat durlrig.Jhe pastree
days, JL72.000 centals, Including 151.O0Q .cen
tals American. ,. . . , '
Xey: Yorlc Grp,In and Prodnce..
NEW YORK, Sept 18. Flour Receipts,
h36.269 barrels; exports, 17,645 barrels; mar-
Ke& Jes active. - -
Wheat Receipts, 134,100 bushels; ex
por,tsr 93623 bushels; spot, firmer; No. 2
red, 83, f. o. -b. Options opened steady
on-light offerings, only it sag off. under
-disappointing -Liverpool cables, Southwest
selling and local realizing. From this de
pression prices more'-than recovered -on
reports of rain In the Northwest;4 strong
-outside markets and local' covering, clos
ing strong, at (c net advance. March
closed at 87c; May, 86Hc; .September; S2i4c;
December, 84M.C. ' . - -
Wool Dull. , - ,
- Hops Dull.
' Available Grain Supply. '
t NEW YOBllc; Sept .18. Special tele
graphic and cable advices to, Bradstreet's
show the following changes In" available
'supplies, as compared with last account:
Yheat, United - Statesand Canada, '
eoat-of the Rockies, lncreaso -.3,318,000
Afloat,, for and In Europe, Increase.... 1,800. 000
Total supply Increase ?;... ',5,1187000
Corn, United States and Canada, east -
of the Rqcklea. -.Increase ;..., 646,000
Oats do,. increase ., , ...2,740,000
Stocks, of wheat at Portland, Tacoma
and Seattle increased 320,000 bushels last
-week. .-.. i v
SAN FRANCISCoT Sept. 18. Wool
Spring, Neva,da, lKS13o; Eastern Oregon,
1014c; Valley, Oregon. 1618c; Fall.
'Mountain lambs, $10c; Humboldt and
Mendocino, lQ12cr
Hops Crop 1900,, 1214c.
" MUIstuffs Middlings. 517020; bran, H3 50
14 per jton. ,
Hay Wheat, J812; wheat and oat'jS1
10 50; best barley, $8-50; alfalfa, ?67 50;
compressed wheat, $S12 per ton; straw,
2537Vc per bale. ' ,
Potatoes River Burbanks, SO OOo;
sweet, new, 75cl 40 per cental; Salinas
Burbanks, 70cJl 05.
Vegetables Green peas, -22Vc per
pound; string beans, l2$ic; tomatoes,
1530c a box: asparagus. 75c$2-50; cu
cumbers, 20 40c, -
Green fruit Apples, choice, ?110 per
box; common,-35e. . ., . -
-Butter Fancy creamery, 25V426c; do
seconds, 23H25o; fancy dairy, 2223c; seo
onds, 1721or
Cltrus fruit Mexican - limes, f5 COfG;
common California lemons, 1 252 25;
cholco, ?2 502 75; pineapples, ?23 per
dozen. , . '
' Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, 1516c; do
hens, 15lCc per pound: old roosters, $3 60
4 per dozen; young roostem, $3 50i;
small broilers, $22 50; large do, 52 503;
frj'ers, $33 30; hens, $3 505 per dozen;
old duoks, .$34 50; geese, 51 251 50 per
pair. . , . .
Bananas ?12 50 per bunch.
rCheese -r- California- "-flats, 9g)10c per
pound; Young America, 1010&c; Eastern.
J3l4Hc .-, '
. Eggs Store. 1721c; fancy ranch, -30c;
Eastern, 17ig21c, v - -' -
Receipts Floury 2860 quarter sacks; do
Oregon, 1020 quarter sacks; do Washing
ton, 8140 quarter sacks; wheat, 1730 cent
als; barley, 3930 centals; oats, 1375 centals;
Washington? 2255 centals; beans, 600 sacks;
potatoes, 190 sacks; bran,"550 sacks; mid
dlings, 100 sacks;. hay; 351 sacks r wool, 112
bales; do Washington, Sbales; hides, 215.
,f - . ' !zc . '.
CHICAGO, ' Sept. lS.-Cattle-Recelpts,
COOO head, including 2500 Westerns and J2G0
J Texans;, generally steady; natives, good
to prlmej Steers,' 55 J5$0; oor'tofee--dlunf,
$4 405 40; "selected feeders about
steady, $3 904 60; mixed stockers, weak,v
$2 753 75; cows, $2 S04 40; heifers, $35;
canners, steady, $2 252 80; bulls, firm.
$2SO4eO; .calves, 25ct lower tham ,last,
UTieSUay, Vieus-iBU jjicb, ivny
5 15; grass steers, $3.5040 "bulls, $2 75
3 50.
Hoes RecelDts today. 18,000 head; to-
"morrow, f18,00O; left' ovetv40C0f steady;, top.
$5 62; mlxea ana Dutcners,, o xvo 00;
good to choice hVavy, $5 065 47; rough
heavy, $4-855; light, $4 B05 C2,'bull? of
sales, $G 055 40.
Sheep Receipts, 13,000; sheep and lambs,
choice steady; others, lQ15c, lqer;,good
to choice .wethers, $3 854 25; fair to, choice
mixed, $3 253 90; Western sheep, .$3 85;
Texas sheep, $25.40; patlve lambs,
$4 256; Western lambs'laOB 90.- "v v
KANSAS . CITY,. Bept, 18.5-Cattls-3'Re-celpts,
15,000; markot, steady;, . Texas
steers,' $2 955 45"; Texas .cows.JlJSigiS 05;
native steers, $4 855'65; native, cows and
heifers, $1 754 35; stockers and feeders,
$34 25'; bulls, $2 753 50. .v "" ' '-"
Hoga Receipts, 41,000; market steady;
btilk of sales, $5 205,25; heavy, $5 05525;
packers, , $5 20g6 25'; mlxea," $5.155,;22;
lights, $5 175 27; Yorkers, '$3 855 85; pigs,
$4 75fi5 25." ' ' c ' '
Sheep Receipts, 3000; market,
Iambs, v,$45 20; muttons;- $33 Go.
OMAHA.-SepJ., 18Cattle Recelpjta, 6000
head; market, " steady ;, , stronger;
native beef steers, $4 405J75; Western
steers, $4004 80; Texas steers, $3 254 25;
-804 oOJ.helfers $3 (XX55 25; canners $2 15
2 85; stoofeers and feeders '$3 254-75;
calves, $2,503 55r bulls and stags, $2-50(3
4 25. - 'i ' '
Hogs-; Receipts, 7000 head; market,. sUjw
byVsteady;fheavy, $5 055 I2;mlxed,- $5-10
515; light,1; $5 155 25; bulk of-Sale&-$5 10
5,15. .t, C . - i-j. ,.
- Sheep-Reoelptsr 000; market, 'steady;
muttons',,. 054 00; commoii" and stock
sheep, $3 254 65;, lambs, $4 S5 50.'", .
" r "tus, .;
. boston -wtiot. aiAniaUTr
BOSTON,'" Sept 18. Although there has
j been considerable Inquiry: and a good sam
ple bijgjness done In. the wool market here
this woek,'tha smallest that
have been recorded during ihc past three
months. The dullnesjs-. tends to weaken
the market, but dealers arefJoth' to cut
prices. Manufacturers cofatlnue.' tp buy
orflyawhat wool thtty, require to keep, their
mills In pperatlon.,-Terrltorj- wool heads
the Jlst Inthc nall "business .transacted.
Australian wools held here are moderate,
with slow sales and steady values. ' r
TerritoryTSfcoured basis, ;Montana 'and
Wyoming, flne medium and fine, lTSlSc;
scoured, -.-EOcr staple, 52S53c; TJtali, ;fine
Jnedium.'and fine, 1617c; scoureiji, 4850c;
staple, 5253c"; Idaho, fine medium ' and
fine," lCJc; scoured, 4S59c; ptaple5253c.
, Australian, ' Ecoured basis Spbt 'prices:
Combing, 'suberflnek nominally". rs2StiJS7e:
'gpod, S82c. - ,. r''-'j!
,'. ' The MettUvInrlce.t. . .
NEW YORK, Sept. 18. The1' principal
feature ofv,-the day's market for metals,
as for weeks past, was the drop of 6 for
pig tjn In London, saldto bedue to the
collapse of a bullicllqUe1"rri London, and
the heavy shipments of 'late. It caused a
loss of about 100 joints' here,1' aoslng'nn-
j settled, and nominally! oh the basis of $29,
Lake .popper rqfedduuandunchftnged,
UC fAV IIAJ.1. X i& HJi.f. Tii-4H.O yirtjc VVi.
1 , . .. M KueniABii To,i n- o1c
frTw ZwFZtiZ ZZ'nSlr
? r. " A ., 'i.y tr.-Y-5jiir?, - ,:
at 5,4J.015, The brokers, cp.rce.for1(lead
was..4,and for coppcjrj.'516 7516.87. : -.'Bar
silver, 6.' ,Ti ,"., .-,' ..
. RXTC' TCT? ATJTRnn Sont IRiTlnT-l Oliver
It fef' v ' v ,r ' S1"' i'""' '"'"
;f JLONOt; Sygar ''lyr2 jl.
, . $'-. f ins 5Tvw " V J("'
. Nevr YobIc flCottO;n. v'.'J.--.
".-JfEiy YORKi epl. 18. Gottorrfutures
A?tera steadjvstartf'thfe market worked
-23 RPlnts lowr,-under foreign-seHlngmnd
room liquidation. ThroughQufciithc fore-
J riQon fluctuatioqrjln .the iQTjal-.picdld'-not
, exceea xu nq uma am euaer
'ernmenttepOrt-roVeS to ;ofi;,!a'eeldedly
Hefifs bullish thaA "the lrade"firf'renared
l)e-lloT,' frnd'as arreshltselllhgs'be&une "gjen
eral. Prices" witheredgraduallyunder the
pressureibrought;,'to"b"ear, declining 10
poIntS'byTP: Ml 'Dtfrlng1 the"last h'6ur,
the market was feverish, with a weaX
undertone, closing, steadyj'lOvPolnts net
Coffee and Snpjar.
NEW YORK, Sept ''18. Coffee Onions
closed steady and unchanged "to TJpolnts
lowers sales, 13,256 b'ags, lhcludmgSeptem-hen.-'ij?
10; Octobet','57 C3; December ?7 25
7:30; Januarj', 57 35. Spot RIo' steady; No.
7-'tavofcer8,io.. Mild quiet; "Cordova1, D
14c.''a.- -'N .i,
K-SugaT Raw, firnv;- 'fair reflnlrig; 44o;
centrifugal 95 tesr'Bc; To'flned'flrm. -
' Cottons Are HIcher.
GLASGpW Sept.,l8The Central Agen
cy, comprising theuflrms of?the Coates,
the Clark Company an,d thejgrooks Com
pany today adyanc'ecrrjrlces d per pound
on knlt'tlng, "morfdingand' tambpuHngl cot
tons, a The .Increa'se "equals' 1217''per
cent'' "J ""l ."." "" '"
Sawxnill Bcinpr JklfoTedi-IVeTTi JQnlld
iugs Otlicr Items.
'tROUTDALE Or.," Sept 'l8. Cone Bros.'
sawmill at this place Is belng dismantled
and will be moved awaymV fe.d'ay3.
A site has been secured" for It 'at Ports
mouth, five mll&ablow Portland, -where
new";bullding8 will be erected', and the
machinery put1 In plaqe. D6"cks will be
built dlonfftHfe watfr 'front for' shipment
of lumber," whch will valso be used "for
lumber yards.' The 'flrmv has'"secureU' a
largetract of "excellent .timber, aboflt 12
miles below Va'ricolver,' arodnd theTiead
streams of Lake River, wh"ch fhey estl--mate
"will last the mill 10 "years! A" steam
logging, road' wllPbo 'built lTito'the forest
from Tiake River and connecting with the
railroftd" runnlrtg'Ihto' Vanbouver will
greatly facilitate the delivery "of logs Into
deep water. Cone Bros. "also own tho
sawmill at Vancouver, and will be able
to run the two in connection. The people
of Troutdale are sorry to see the mill
go. as it will -take away-about 30' mun,
who spentrroo8t of- their money here.
There is hope, however, that another mill
'will be located In this viclnityVas spmo
Eastern men have been. here the aast
week investigating the lumbering -business,,
with a view to golnglnto it ln.thls
' i -nj .
is Building: Cheese Factory. 5
- R. R. Carlson has purchased attract
of land on the Sandy Toad about4 half- a
mile below Fairvlew and Is having" it
cleared "preparatory to tho construction
of new buildings. -to-be used as a "cheese
factory and creamery. W.-M. Murphy,
a graduate fof three agricultural' colleges,
has been engaged as superintendent, and
Is now at work in the old factory. "Which
vyill be kept in operation until the new
one Is completed. The new site is on the
bank of a good stream of spring water,
and the buildings tvIII be put -up after
designs -by a competent architect, who
understands just what is needed, and the
business conducted 'on purely sci
entific, principles. r .
NcwStore and Hall,.
A: T. Tilled will begin the construction
next Week" of a two-story building here
to cost- about 53000. M It wIH' be '45x60 feet,
a'pd consist of' a storeroom below, with
ahall above, to be used for social pur
poses. ''A dwelllng-now occupied by hlm
Belf'Wlll haver-to be moved, for which
preparations' are enow beihg'-'made." The
newbuildlng Kas'bee'n -le&se"aibr'a"period
I of wflVe"years;- " ' r ..
BrIce"Nbtes.' ' ' v
'Hunter's Hotel, at 'Fairvlew, . is being
remo'deredthroughout', at an 'expense of
about $500. When finished,' It'-will -contain
16 sleBplng-YO"DnisM.atfa have"hll the
modern conveniences attainable'-here- ""
Rftportp from the eastern parf ot'Clacis-
Bowinfl, Hopkins & Co.
' "." r r ,
'' "'.; Chicago Board' of Xrace
li f Ncm YqrR 'Stock Exchange
Rfoorn'4r Ground Floor
a. '
Pacific Coast Steamship Co.
....For INome Direct
. LA5T TRIP OPTHE SEASON The New and Elegant Steamship
:.:'.T '" ' SENATOR' : ' ."'
' "Will leave Seajttlp pn or about October 2, 1900
' 1" N. POSTON, Agent249Washfn3ton St., Portland, Or.
'amas County glvev the. Information that
'the 'late potato crop will be a failure.
All potatoes planted after June 1 have
been struck by a, blight A large section
of Is affected.'
'The O, R. & N. Is making arrange
ments to build ' a plank- roadway from
Main street, to. the depot at this place.
Jt will be"a mucn-needed convenience.
The O. R &'N. Co. Is loading-300 cords
of fir wood at Falrvlew. which will be
distributed at Its stations in Eastern Orev
gph.'jWhero rib wood is 'to be had. The
.wooddohie'3-. hy team from- Powell'e
Jarnes"Wficox, who was badly lnjured
byAa"'fall at the abattoirs on" Saturday
fast,,vls' improving slowly, and 'will be
able to be aboutln a.few days.
'Another -Jarge raft Of ties-, came down
thei.SandjvJast week,' and the chain el e-vj-ft'oijt
will be set to .work Ttoday -taking
them, out of the wa-teV for shipihe'nt. , t
OVeT aQ0bd5 railroad ties -are "how.ln
the yard hetfe'and "being. loaded on 'the
cars. ThlSv is the -l&rkest number ''ever
seen l here iat tone time. - -J r , j
f'J.n "J JWrt . I.
r4 Real Estate Transfers.
Samantha Winters ef-'al." to Augusta
Koschnltzky. 05x200. block .9, Wllls.
burg, September 13 V. 5150
Annie, George, Annie A. and Elha M.
Breck to Kate B. Montgomery, lots
1 to 16, inclusive, Rohr'ss Subdlvis-loh"-of
block F, Cnruthers- Addition
to Caruthers Addition, August 14.. 2
Elizabeth Ryan to Arthur William
Carr. lot- 12, block 19, Irvlngs Har
bor'View, September 17 ". 1000
Louis Pacruet to Eliza E. Paquet. -lot
5 and S. 5 feet Iot'6. block 46, Stcph-
-onsV -Addition, September 14 1
A. BZ Breyroan'et al. to Charles. W.
Rhoades, lot 17, block 4, Eastland,
-September"-7 :'. ,
Charles A. Lewis and wife to Herbert
-, RC-kDivIs. lots 39; 40 and 41", block
.G; Portsmouth -Villa,. September 18.1800
Frank T. Woodward' to- Frank P.
: Wood, .lots 13 and'14.. block" 23. Sun-.'ny.slde,,i"652-3xl00;
September'17...'... 725
'Ella Talbof'to Jl C.-Alnsworth, trus
tee, 14 acres, John B. -and "Ann Tal
bot D. L. C, September. 8 1
Leona M. Gage et al. to Kate N.
- Sloan, lot 3. "block 23. -Waodlawn-.
..September 17 r.1-.. ....... ... -v
- t ''MorriflBe Mqemtea. - '
:' Ch'rV "MalaiT, aged"26,'"Mary SehUttell,
aged 23; CH'-W.' Eas'thttm, S, Clackamas
Coiinty,' Daisy B. 'Andrus, '25: "'Albert
"iSpalin'ger, 23? ' Ivatle -Roth. 21;" Charles B.
"Turltry,''27, Ida M. Lance. 23."'
.... September 9 Boy, ta-wlfeof Charles C.
1 Cob'ine: "566 East. Ninth "street
.." September 13 Boy, to wife' of Thomas
- Parkinson ;,.200V4 Fourth street.
September 16 Boy, to wife of R- Klip-
pel; 097 Garfield avenue. '
iirSeptemher '11 GirL. to wife of J. J. To
. bie; St. Vincent's Hospital,
'.. ."September .16r-Boyt6 iwlfe "of S. E
l.-Mowney; .Sit Vincent's Hospital. r
' DcntfiH. -'''
Kriif-c '.-, r-V '-r- .. ' " . o
. eptemuer ji't-a. ..iviiotf, no .ynnr, cv
iast "iijjgnin sireex; ODSiruciion oi uow-
September 16 Sam Oline, "of" Astoria;
heart disease. ""
September 15 Clara "S. "Collis, 61 -years;
942 East Morrison ;--heart disease.
..September 15 J-. Unomata, 23 years; St
Vincent's Hospital typhoid fever.
' t . Contnp-lou.i Dlsenne.
Xatham Chamberlain, 507 East Grant;
typhoid feven,
Doj? Catcher Connndrnm.
PORTLAND, Sept. IS. (To the Editor.)
Can the Poundman take tip an unli
censed dOg off the street when the owner
.has the dog attached, to a- chain or up in
bis -arms? STRANGER.
The- answer to this conundrum depends
'somewhat upon the 'relative size ot. the
Poundmaster and the' owner of. the dog.
The. wisest, thing for the owner to do. Is
to pay-vthe license on his dog- or giver It
up to the Poundmaster. The 'ordlnanco
drovldlhg'' foi the talcing and killing of
dogs contains the following, provision:
"Dogs over fovr months okl found with
out a license tag thereon are declared a
public nuisance, and any Inhabitant of -the
city who shall keep a dog or dogs" within
the "limits of the city, without having first
paid, tho license thereon, and having the
license tag properly placed on. the collar
of the dog, or who shall cause or permit
a. collar .and number to be put on a dog
to 'avoid payment of a license, shall be
subject to a4fine of not less than 510 nor
more than '50, or imprisonment not lejs
than' 5 nor more than 25 days."
From this "t will be seen that It Is much
cheaper to pay the license than to be
fined. People who cannot afford to pay a
dog license, or do not want to do so, can
save their money by sondlng their dog to
the country or to tho pound. There are
many too many dogs In the city, which
Is really no place for dogs. ,
t i . f
The action of Carter's Little Liver Flits
is pleasant, mild and'iiatural. They, gen
tly stimulate the liver, "and r regulate tho
bowels, but do not purge.
-rlrferl(tnl andUnlTfGcnutne.
IFE. JUwarfttfUbla Ldle, k Drdcrfrt
In ltKD -nI Oo"iUmJn!6.boie leaUd
with bias ribbeni Take ho other. .Rcfaw
Brinfftrons 8ntUiiU-ns sad Iialta
tlans. JJv of joor Dr((tJt. T Mild 4c. la
ULSU far ParllriiluM. Trtlisniiliilx
'nd " Cellef ritr Lnrtlf," in I'Utr, bT re
turn HaU. 1 0.000 Tetlaoal'. Sold by
"'H all Druztitti. Cbleheitcr Vaemlcal Uo
JJentloa tbU paper. aistlliaa Sqnaro, 'PlIIIA 1'A.
For tltr Cnre of Gonorrhoea, Glri-ts,
),Strlctiirp, and nnitlusnUM cnmplulntM
oC the jUreaait of, Geueratlon.
irice 51 a Dot tie. - .tor sale Dy aru,
Vc p
ble Vltaltser. the prescription of a famous French physician, will qulakly
curs you ot all nervous or diseases of the generative organs, such as Lost
Manhood, Insomnia, Fnlns in the Baclc, Seminal Emissions,
Nervous Debility, Flraplca, UnlltneHS to Marry, Exhausting
..Drains, Varlcoeele and Constipation. It stops all Iojscs by day or
niirht Preventa auickness of dlschars-e. -which If not checked leads to Sper-
j-v ' rftfttorrhoaa. and "all the horrors ot lmpotency. CUPIDEffE cleanses th
itver,.th kidneys .and the urinary organs of all impurities. CUPIDENES strengthens aha ro
. stores small ..weak organs. t
Th reason sufferers Hre not cured toy Doctors is because 00 per cent are troubled with
Fi-OBtntis. CUPIDENE tho only known remedy to cure without an operation. 0000 teatl-
vmonlals. A" written enarantes-glven-'and 'money returned If Or bexer does, not effect a per-
.'mane,nt euro. $1.00 a. box, 0 for M.QQ.-OK malt Send for. FREE circular and testimonial j
Address. DAYPfc .MJmCIKli CO..JP..O. Bq 2076, San Francisco. Cal. , '
sTftf-faJo by Aldrtoli Pharmacy, B'xth'and Washington rtretsj Portland, (to,
Chamber of Cdmnierce
'- AND
Now offredb.y ftia
If you canriot take the morning train,
travel via the evening train. Both are
finely equipped.
"Our Speclaltles"
Fast Time Through Service
Hours in Time Saved to
Onmlin, Chlcaso, Knnntix City.
St. Louts. Xevr Yorlc, Boston.
And. Otliex Eastern Points.
Tickets good via Salt Lake City and
It Is to your interest to use THE OVER
LAND ROUTE. Tickets and sleeping-car
berths can be secured from
City Paa3. and Ticket Agent
J. H. LOTHROP. General Agent
135 Third St.. Portland. Or.
1 ' i
Ticket Office, Z6S MorfiSoi Stretl, fhon: S)
0.00 P. M.
The rijir, dUy ta an4
from St. Paul, Minne
apolis Duluth. Chleasi
aml all pnints Kxjt.
7.00 A. M.
Through Palace and Tourlat flleeyers. Dlnlnj
end BufTct Smoklns-Llhrary Cars-
For Japan. China and ell Asiatic points wlB
le&To Seattlo
About October 10th
i - .. . Ocean to Ocean
Grand Scenery.
Model Accommodation.
Tourist and First-Class Slecplnff Cars.
For full particulars apply to (
'll. H. ABBOTT. Asent,
14C Third street. Portland. Or.
E. J. COTLE. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent.
Vancouver. B. C
Pacific Coast Steamship Co.
steamers Queen, Cottage City,
City of Topeka and Al - Kl
lea's e TACOMA 11 A. M.. SE
ATTLE 0 P. M.r Sept. 2. 7.
12. 17. 22, 27; Oct. 2, 7. 12.
17. 22. 27: Nov. 1, and every
fifth day thereafter. Further
lnformotlon obtain company's
folder. The company reserves tho right to
chango steamers, salllnr dates and hours of
sailing:, without previous notioe.
AGENTS N. POSTON, 240 Washlneton St.
Portland. Or. ; T. W. CARLETON. N. P. R. R.
Dock-. Tacoma. TICKET OFFICE. 013 Tlrst Seattle, E. W. MF.LSE. Ticket Agt.;
H. H. LLOYD. Puget Sound Supt.. Ocean
Dock, Seattle: C. W. MILLER. Asst. Supt..
Ocean Dock. Seattle.
GOODALL. PERKINS & CO . Gen. Ast9.. S. F.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Tor Maygsrs. Rainier,
Clatikanle. Weitport.
Clifton, Aitorl. Wsr-
repton. Flavel, Ham
mond. Fort Stevens.
Garhnrt Park. Senilde.
Astoria and SeSuhort
, . Exprsss.
AstorU Express,
3:00 A. XL
UtlOA. !
0 C5 P. M.
0:40 P. IL
Ticket of0ce..235 Morrison st and Union dtp.
. C. MATO. Gen. Pass. Art.. Astoria. Or.
Limited Express Service
Alaska S. S. Co. 5fr. Dolphin"
Leaves Seattle Sept. 20, 12 P. 31., and
Every 10 Days Thereafter.
Steamers Dlrigo ancTFararon sail week
ly. For information, etc., apply to J. L.
HARTMAN St. CO.. Agents, Chamber ot
Union Depot, SIxtb matA J Srta.
Leaves for the East via Huntlnuton, at 0:00
A. M.; arrives at 4 30 P. t ' ' '
For Spokane, Eastern Washington ad'Ori:
Northern points, leaves at tt P. it; arrrv
Leaves for tho East. vl. Huartastoav !
P." M.: arrlYs at S:-0 A. if
Water llata schoJule, subjwt to cnaa witv
uf noUcas
OCEAN DIVISION' Steamahlfcs sail from
Alnsworth Dock at 8 P. M. Leavo PorUana--State
of California, Tuesday. -Sept 4?. Wafr
Sept. 14; Monday, Sopt. i-t, Thursday Oct. 4.
Sunday, Oct- 14. Columbia.. Sunday. Sept. JJ.
WednesdajVSept 1U; Saturday. Sopt. 2U: TUcs
4a. Oct. 0. ' ' .-- .
Frotn San Francisco LeavJPK Sp;?
"Plec Xo. 24. San Francisco. OX H A 34-..
follows: Columbia, Wednesday-"Sept. 5?at"
urday. Spt. 13; Tuesday. Sept. ": iEcWi'
Qct-5;-Jktondrr. Ocr. 15.- State f CalUM"??.'
Honday, Bept. 10; Thursday. Sept 20; Sunday.
Sept. 10; Wednesday. Qct .10.
Stesmer Hasalo eave Portland. da(lyl 2.-
Bunday, at 8.00 P. II.: on baturdaj t i0:co P.
M. Rturnlnar. leaves Astoria, daily. xcpc a1
day. at 7.0O A. M.
Owing to thu law -rtmter in the Willamette
tho boats are unable to ascend further tnau
the mouth of tho Yamhill. For acneauio ee
Steamer Ruth, for Oregon City. Buttevltle,
Champoee. Dayton and way landings, waves
Portland Tuesdays. Thurdays and sJaturflays
at 7 A JI. Leaves Dayton for Portland and
way points Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
at C A. M.
snake nrvEn Horn:.
Steamer Lewlston leaves Itlpurla Sept. 1 and
even other day at a 10 A. M. for LewHton.
Returning. Ieacs Lewlston Sept "i and. every
other day at 7 A. M., arrlvlnjf at Rlparla aaw
General Pseaenrer AJnt.
V. A. SCTIILLINO. Cttv Ticket Agont.
Telephone Main 712. SO Third stroet cor. Oafc.
NewSteamsMpLineto the Orieat
In connection with. THE OREGON RAltRQAD
& NAVIGATION CO. Schadule. 1'JOO taubjeot t
Steamer. Du to Leave Portland.
"BRAKMAR" Scpu 30
For rates, accommodations, etc. apply iv
General Agents. Portland. Or.
To principal points In Japan and China.
leave Dtpit Filth asil StTtetJ J ArrtV
i 1 ,
for Salem, Ros-
. .r. .. burg. Ashland. Sac- ....
8:30 P. M. ram"eato, O g d a. T:S A'-M.
fian Francisco, ilo
jave, Los Angelea.
3:30 A.M. El Paso. Nw. Or- 3-30 P.JkL
leans and tho Easr
At Woodbura
(dally except Sun
day), morning trata
connects with trln
for Mt. Angel. 311
verton. lirowns
Tllle. Springfield
and Natron, ana
veiling train for
ML Angel and 3U
verton. 4tf0 Pi M. t Albany passenger 10:10A.M.
tTO A. A?. Corvallla passenger tS B0 P. M.
:l:0OP. M. Sheridan. 'paeaengar tS:H jL M.
" ' .... i
Dally. Dally except Sunday,
Rebate tickets on sale between- Portland, Sao
ramedto and. San Fronclsoo. .fet rate SI7 first
class and $11 second claxr, lnchldlng- sleeper.
Rates and tlckaU to Katem points' and En
AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained' from X. IS.
lOBKLAND. Ticket Agent. 140 Third ST.
Passenger Depot, foot of JeQerson Stmt.
Leave for Oswegn daily at 7.20. : A. M.J
12:30, 1:S5. 8:23, 4:40, tt.25. 8:J0, II:S0 P. M.;
and 0.00 A.-il. on bundayn oniy. Axriva at
Portland Uailr at 6 65, H.3U. '10:60 J A, M.:
1:33, 3:10. 4.30, 0:15. 7.4C. 10.00 P. M, 1214U
A. M- dally, oxcept Monday, a.Su -and -40:05 A.
M. on Sundays only.
Leave for Dallas dally, except Sunday, s4
o:05 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 9:00 A M.
Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlle Mon
days, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:43 P. M.
Returns Tuesdays. Taarsdays and Satuxdayav
Except SunJar.
Manager. Gen, Frt. A Pass. AjV
The Pioneer Dlnins and Obaejrratloa
Car Honte.
Union Depot, $tfj a3j J St J
No. 2
2 P.M.
North Coast Limited,
For Tacoma. Seattle.
North Yakima, oyo
kano, Pullman. Mos
cow, Lev. lston. Kosj.
land. B. C. Butte.
Holeno. St Paul, Min
neapolis, Chicago. Bos
ton. New York and all
points East and South
east. No. 1
Twin City Express, for
Tacoma Seattle, Spo-
N 4
110 P. M.
xane. riciena, iiniio,
Bt. Paul. Chicago. Eos
ton, New York; Omaha.
Kansas City. Council
Bluffs. St. Louis, and
all points east and
Through train service t. Northern Faclfla
and Burlington lino rrom Portland to Omaha.
Kansas City. St. Louis. Quick time and un
equaled accommodations.
Take North Coast Limited Train No. 2 for
South Bend. Olympla and amy's Huroo
See the North Coast Limited. Elegant Up
huislered Tourist Sleeping Car?, P.ullmnn
Standard Sleepers, Dining Car and Observa
tion Car. all electris lighted. Solid vestlbulcd
Tickets sold to all points In the United
States and Car-ida. and baggoss checked to
destination of tickets.
For Information, tickets, sleeping-car rwei
vatlons. etc.. call oh or write
Assistant Cienernl Pnasensrer Asrent,
2S5 Morrison St., Cor. Third.
Portland, Oregon,
BAILEY GATZERT fAIder-streot Dock)
Leaves Portland dally every morning at 7
o'clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves'As
toria every night at 7 o'clock except Sunday.
Oregon phone Main 381. Columbia shona Jit,