10 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, .SEPTEMBER 19, 1900. FAMOUSAMERICANARTGALLERIES (CopjTicbt, 1900. by Seymour Eaton.) THtOREGONfAN'S HOME STUDY CIRCLE: DIRECTED B PROF. SEYMOUR EATON FAMOUS ART GAL LERIES OF THE WORLD VII. (Continued.) Off an earlier date is the famed "Howe Fair," hi' Rosa Bonbeur; familiar through engravings and prints from one end of the country to the other, and It is a -work that -will never srow stale, for it has bis qualities, both in paintingr and drawing, as "well as In conception. Here, too, are all of the Barbteon school of painters, i with many examples of each, and the popular men, .such as Bouguereau, Caba nel, Serome, Corot, Henner, Ihermltte, J Febvre, Lerolle and Vlbert, to name only a few. Munkacsy, Muller, Knaus, Sans Mokart and others Germans, Aus trians and Italians may also be studied through a Jons and comprehensive list. Earlier back, we bave the great Con stable, who may be said to be the father or the French school of the "men of JS30," as they are called, who were so at tracted by the -work of this distinguished English painter and the remarkable color 1st Turner, beloved of Ruskiri, wh03e writings helped to draw attention to the j man. By him there are two important examples, and then we go further back to the distinguished group of Georgian painters, often referred to as the "Early Englishmen,' sturdy portraitists and painters of our ancestry across the sea. Virile old Sir Joshua Reynolds, sturdy Raeburn, brilliant "Gainsborough and suave Lawrence, Soppner, Romney and s.11 the-rest of them may be seen and analysed. "Mr, Idarquand has given a whole room ful of old masters. Including a sumptuous Hembrandt, the "Portrait of a Man," and other work; the remarkable full length by Van Dyke of James Stuart, Duke of Richmond; a Velasquez, a Ru bens, Holbein, Leonardo da Vlncl and many more, making a really , wonderful collection. Then there are the lesser Dutchmen, other Flemish, Italian and English, painters, many of them of the best. The American painters, both of the earlier set and the more modern men, are moderately well represented, though other galleries contain more oomplete collec tions. Still there is a good showing, par ticularly of the men "who flourished from the early '80s to the late 60s. A fine por trait of Mr. Marquand by John S. Sar gent must be noted, and there are two jsnasterpieces by the late George "Innes. The sculpture Is of a historical interest, rather than artistic, although there are not wanting many good pieces. Among the donors has been the late Miss Cath rine "Wolfe, who bequeathed to the mu seum all the pictures in her galleries, together with the sum of $200,000 with which to maintain and Increase the col lection. The museum Js accessible to 'the public, and there are no restrictions whatever, while every facility is- offered 'to the .student to familiarize himself -with Its treasures. The year 1S70 seems to have been a propitious time for the founding of mu seums or their enlargement. The Met ropolitan and the Boston Museums -were organised In that year, and Congress during the same year chartered the Cor coran Gallery of" Art, -which was made possible through, the liberality of the great philanthropist, William W. Cor coran. In this year the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, finding it had out grown the proportions of its old build ing, arranged, for a new site. This insti tution had its first building in Chestnut street, Philadelphia, destroyed by Are in 3841. Its present abode In Broad street dates from the centennial year. A large proportion of the $500,000 -which it cost was subscribed by about 150 business houses and private citizens in sums rang ing from $1006 o 110,000, mainly through the untiring exertions of James L. Clag horn. then president of the institution. In'lSSp a 5100.000 endowment fund was subscribed, and this has since been ln- rt '"-1 v , , THEHORSH FAIR BT ROSA BOXH EUR. Cfo. the Metropolitan Museum.) -creased by $95000, of which $71,000 was .left by George S. Pepper, ninth president -of the academy. Edward L. Cary, fourth president; Henry C Gibson, a vice-president, and Joseph E. Temple, a director Sof the academy, have left collections and .'funds, while the Field collection, from a 'daughter of Richard Peters, Jr., one of the "founders of the academy, has also '2eea added. The lata John S. Phillips bequeathed, some 40,000 engravings and etchings together -with an endowment of $12,000 for the care and the Increase of the collection. The academy has a very comprehensive collection of American "Work, beginning with that of Benlamln West, whose "Death on a Pale Horse" tis here: continuing with Gilbert Stuart, who is represented with mors than 20 .portraits, including what is claimed to be the- -original of the famous Lansdowne ortrait of Washington. Among tho jnodem( Americans there are excellent examples by William M. Hunt, John S. Sargent, Alexander Harrison, Thomas Eakins, Wlnslow Homer. John W. Alex ander, William M. Chase, Thomas Shields Clarke, George de Forrest Brush and Cecilia Beaux. A large exhibition of current work is held annually in the galleries, and its collections and schools are among the most important in the country. It was not until 1879 that the Boston Museum of Fine Arts came to occupy its present quarters in Copley Square, and In the 21 years that have elapsed since then its collections have so rapidly In creased that the land has been acquired In Huntington avenue, near the Fens, where it is proposed to erect a largo and imposing structure. Among Its other funds is the sum of $750,000 left by Henry L. Pierce, which is quite unrestricted. In deed, most good Bostonians who die in possession of wealth, if they do not pro vide bequests for Harvard College, leave 'something, as a rule, to the Museum of Fine Arts. It -was eminently fitting that so -thoroughly American a city as Boston should have in its museum a fine collection of native work, and special attention has been given to tho eary painters, the col lection being particularly rich in exam ples by Gilbert Stuart, Washington All Eton, and, of course, the sturdy Ameri can in whom Boston takes such pride, John Singleton Copley. Allston Is repre sented by some 25 -works. Including por traits, compositions, landscapes, copies of old masters and heads, together with sketches, unfinished oils, studies in sepia. 1 chalk ana many drawings. Most inter- ' esting and valuable are the canvanses by Gilbert Stuart, than which no gallery j has so complete a collection. Unquestlon ably the most notable of these ls the famous "Atheneum" head of Washing ton, -which was painted -from life In 179S, and which ls familiar through reproduc- tlons of all sorts. There ls also a por- trait of Martha Washington, which was painted at tho same time, as well as the portrait of Washington at porchester jKeights, which Stuart Is said to have -painted in nine days. The late Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes onco said that "to have a portrait in the family painted by Copley Is to most Bos tonlans a trademark of respectability." .Hero may be seen likenesses of many prominent people. Including "General War ren, John Hancock, Samuel and John Quincy Adams and many others. Nat urally, of- course, the late William tM. Hunt is well represented. There arc "ttfo portraits of himself, one of a lady, some studies of figures and animals, with a landscape or two, all of which .are most Interesting and show the man's strong personality. With them are many of his drawings. The ancient pictures are fair ly representative, and there are a num ber of works by the early Englishmen, but the late Frenchmen are better in evidence. Corot has a portrait, five -excellent landscapes and a figure composi tion; Jean Francois Millet has a por trait, two pictures and 30 drawings and water colors, and Thomas Couture, he of the "Decadence of the "Romans," has five works. There are several native achieve ments, pictures executed -within recent years, that have been noteworthy ef forts and called forth popular approval. Among these may be mentioned "El Jaleo," by John S. Sargent; John W. Alexander's "Pot of Basil": George, de" Forrest Brush's "Mother and Child": the "LOST," BY A. F. A. SCHENCK, IN "Caritas" of Abbott H. Thayer; EHhn Vedder's "The Roc's Egg," and George Fuller's "Arethusa." Note. This study, by Arthur Hoeber, of New York, will be concluded on Wed nesday next. WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN. Recent .Rains Have Been of Great Benefit to Grn and Pastures. Following Is the weekly crop bulletin Issued by the Oregon Section of the Cli mate and Crop Service: General Summary. The fore part of the "week -was warm and dry, while the closing days were cool and showery. In Western Oregpn the maximum or day temperatures ranged between 57 deg. and 87 deg-v and the .minimum, or night, temperatures between 46 and 60 deg. In Eastern Oregon these variations were for day temperatures between 48 and SS deg., and for night temperatures, between 42 and 56 deg. Taken as a whole, the days have been cooler than usual, owing to an excessive amount of cloudiness, -while the nights have averaged above the normal. The mean temperature of the week was slight ly higher than ttiat of the preceding one and 3.1 deg. below, the mean of the corre sponding week last year. The rains have been of great benefit to pastures and grass, and while delaying threshing and hopplcklng to a slight ex tent, It is not thought that any particu lar damage has resulted. ItotoWMrt nf thP wiv r. neLSDmSatS l? -iS - ? , ?? daorbt &! da.ma?,ha! " commonly called, but the damage is not sufficient very materially to affect tho .. - inwivt, o.o , jj i total yield. JtTune - drying continues. The SL, fVe CaUsed f ome, of the ItaI,an prunes to crack, and unless -warm. sun. shiny -weather prevails soon, considerable damage will result. The harvesting of small grain Is prac tically finished, except in portions ot Eastern Oregon, where a few fields are yet to be cut. The following threshing yields are re ported this week: Clackamas County. Wirm iiiiMriBIn ffli mttiiiIiK vhjjzz' ' -hsw(m U4BflCBlK9KflBl!i1lircKft5M'' P - Till fwrT m -r "r--Wr"" WrWii flMP-WFiylitfi ' ? 1GJg THE BOSTON ART MUSEUM. (From Edwin Llebfried.) wheat, 5 to 12 bushels; oats, 10 to 25; bar ley, 15; Union County, wheat, 15 to 35. Threshing will continue for some time. A good crop of corn Is being cut and shocked. Potato digging is progressing; the crop, asa Vf' ls faIr" Work has commenced on Summer fal low, but more rain ls needed for Fall plowing. Grapes are ripening rapidly, the "warm weather during the fore part of the week being very favorable for maturing this crop. Apples continue promising. . Willamette "Valley. Alsea. Benton County. C. P. Fullerton. More or less rain during the week; suf- flclent has fallen to start grass. Stock Is In good condition for Winter. Forest Grove, Washington County,' S. T. Walker. Bo far as I know, all grain has been secured. A few stacks of hay are yet to be baled. Prunes are about half harvested;-some Italians not ripe enough and driers shut down for a few days. Many would like to see rain enough to start plowing; enough has already fallen to begin sowing" on Summer fallow. Grapes are ripening, and a good crop is expected. But few, potatoes ready to dig yet. Woodbttrn. Marlon County, T. F. Hayes,. The last week was rainy and cool; veg etation made good growth; pastures are looking green :4 gardens and late" potatoes were greatly benefited by the rains'. Hop picking Is well advanced; yield and qum lty very good; but little complaint or mold. If the rains continue some dam age may be done to the late hops tfiat are not sicked. Graeme, Clackamas County, Clyde Ba ker. The rain today (Friday) will delay hopplcklng; hops are of extra good qual ity and an average crop will be harvest ed. Threshing Is completed, wheat yield ing 5 to 12 bushels; oats, 10 to 25. Gar dens are in good condition. Albany. Iilnn County, H. C. Jordan. Heavy showers on evening and night of the 14th, Italian prunes are being gath ered; they are large and-of good quality-, the rain has caused some to crack. Farmers are preparing Summer fallow for another crop. Cotuit Dlntrlct. Illahe, Curry County, E. H. Price. The last ,week has been cool and foggy, with light showers; wind southwest; changing "to -west. Small grain and hay are gathered. Corn and late potatoes THE METItOPpLITAN MVSIZintjT. are ripening fast, and will be ready to harvest In about two weeks If It does not begin to rain steadily. Grass Is begin ning to appear since the rain. Stock looks very -well, and If the weather should continue -warm, with occasional rains during October, grass will be far enough advanced to Insure against loss. Norway. Coos County, Sol J. McClos kcy. First part of the Week dry and hot, -with a numbeiof forest fires raging, making the atmosphere very smoky. Last part of the week cool, with a few showers, -which sfarted clover and grass. Threshing about completed. Some patches of late potatoes yielding1 very well; peas and corn also good. -, Southern Oregron. ( Table Rook Jackson County,' S. M. Nealon. Cool and cloudy; thunder storms Wednesday night. Threshing not yet finished. No frost yet Not enough rain to be of any -benefit to pastures. Wlldervllle, Josephine County, J. M. Hoxie. Showery jnost of the week. Hops are not as heavp as usual, but are bet ter In quality. Corn Is being cut and shocked. Melrose, Douglas .County, Henry Scott. Cool, cloudy and threatening weathet prevailed during Ihe last week. More rain needed to begin plowing and start? grass. Columbia River Valley. Hood River, Wasco County, Harbison Bros. The recent rains have caused farm ers to commence sowing wheat. Prune drylng and apple-picking are absorbing the attention of fruitgrowers. Some late cutting of clover is being done under dlf t Acuities. The apple crop Is unusually heavy, and all other crops are fully up to the average this season. Plateau Reaion. j Union, Union County. E. W. Davls.- ! The weather has been fine for harvesting, and with some good weather next, wees I threshing will be practically finished. The yield on the valley farms 1b from IB to 35 bushels per acre. The majority ot them In this Immediate vicinity run from IS to 22 bushels. A. B. WOLLABER, Acting Section Director, Portland, Or. i James E. Orton Home. James E. Orton, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Orton, who live at 153 Stanton street, Alblna, surprised his relatives yesterday morning by arriving home, aft er a four years' absence spent in the Navy, the most of the time being spent on board the Oregon. They were natur ally pleased to see him. He enlisted at Mare Island as an apprentice in 1S96, and put in about six months respectively on the Independence and the Adams, and was then transferred to the Oregon In " at Seattle, just "before Captain Clark received orders to start on his memora- uers. Young Orton had the great prlv- ieErn 0f hplntr om thfl Onerrrm xc-ViH Tvinnr. lng her way through the waters of both oceans and witnessed the stirring scenes at Santiago, -when the Spanish ships came out of the bay and attempted to b"k through the American fleet. He was stationed, with some others, in re serve ready to take the place of whoever might fall, and where, he had a good opportunity to see a considerable portion of the famous naval battle, and the long chase after the Cristobal Colon. He re mained on the Oregon until she was or dered to Manila, and was discharged from the servfee last. April at Yokohama, his term of enlistment having expired. With about 50 others, whose terms of enlist ment had expired, .he came on to San Francisco on the Solace, and arrived home on the overland. During his four years' term he was home two days only. Ho has traveled many thousands of miles and enjoyed a vast and rich .ex perience, and is content to live, on land. Oregon Indian Scliopl Plans. WASHINGTON, 'Sept. 18. The finished plans for the new dormitory at the Uma tilla Indian School, Oregon, have been submitted to the Secretary of the Interior for his approval, and If he- acts favorably, the same will be submitted to bidders' and proposals Invited at an early date. AUGUST WHEAf EXPORTS POnTLAlSTJ STANDS NEAR THE HEAD OF THE LIST. J , Excelled by But Four Other Ports Steamship Tyr Clenrs for Vladi- voatock With. Big: Cargo. The August returns "of the Bureau of Statistics present some Interesting figures on Portland's growing prominence as a wheat shipping port The shipments from this port, as given by the Government statistics for the month of August, as well as for the first eight months of the current calendar year, are exceeded by those of but four other ports in the United States. For the month of August the Oregon metropolis has advanced from seventh place a year ago to fifth place this year, ranking ahead of San Fran cisco, Philadelphia, Baltimore and a number of other quite pretentious dis tricts. Puget Sound was In olevehth place last August, and is still thereVThe ship ments for August this yea"r and one year ago wore as; follows: u -. . Aug? , Aug. rt. , . 1900. 1699. Galveston 1,424,783 2,078.595 Now Orleans 1.230.537 A 676,800 New York :..1.2I6jO?l 2,034,621 Boaton and Charlestown.. 73445 584 837 Portland. Or..... k.... 730.90L" 560.020 Philadelphia 67S;28Sl ' 540,363 San Francisco 375,010 420.643 Baltimore 321,031 1,755,906 Superior 248,005 856,519 Duluth ........ a, ... 212,887 167,280 Puget Sound . 61,008 131,360 Newport News' ..., ,000 J... Mobile ..j,.... .,..- 1,976 Norfolk and Portsmouth. ' 72 24,000. Other customs districts. .1;066,415 296,197 Totals ......... .8,3Q3,748 10,121,041 In the shipments fpr the eight months of the currant year, Portland makes an equally good. If .not better showing. Pu get Sound shoWs a heavy decline, as com pared wlth'a-e'hr ago, but manages to. hold the same relative position as at' that time, becoming ninth on the list, com pared with Portland's fifth place. In detail the shipments for the eight months ending September 1 were as follows: Port. 190D. 1899. New York , 11,269.142 16,840,165 San Francisco 8.812,725 3,101,27 Boston and Charles town, 6,689.947 . 7,228,439 Galveston ...,..,. 6,670.688 9,130,306 Portland, Or ,. 6.0CS.542 4,621,366 New Orleans ....";.. 4.756.962 7,985,880 Philadelphia , 2,932,858 2,841429 Baltimore 2.6S8.221 7,164,850 Puget Sound 2,166,367 2,021,554 Sunerlor -.: j. 2.704.716 3.234.46S Duluth 1,421,367 1,621,78 Newport News .... 761,455 407,523 Mobile 27,423 359.66S Norfolk and Portsmouth 124 140,578 Other districts :.... 2.686,704 3,066,859 Totals U.'..v58,739,239 70,666,144 i TYR FOR VLAPIVOSTOCK. Worvrean Steamer Clears' With a Big- CaV(ro, The Norwegian "steamship Tyr cleared yesterday for Vladjvostock with a cargo of flour, . provisions apd ammunition, which are consigned sto1Kunt2 & Albers, a big mercantile firm at the-'Blberian city, but Which undoubtedly wdll eventually find their way Into the hands of the Russian Government. The Tyr Is one of the largest carriers, for her tonnage that ever visited -this -port, and according to her manifest, she has aboard 28,350 bar rels of flouft 'valued at $78,000. and 125,743 feet of. dressed, an 23,684 feet of rough lumberf valued at "26!6. There ls also 500 cases of rifles and, ammunition and near ly -a thousand cases of canned- meats and provisions. The steamer will leave aown tne river this morning Portland && been enjoying a good trade with Siberia for the past fwof years, and the prospects, for a heavy Increase In the business In the near future are good. The Tyr wiU be followed in this trade by the Eva, whfch goes by way of Hong Kong, ,and a larger steamer ls reported to be listed to sail direct from Portland next month or early 'In November. DIVERTING THE TRAFFIC. Montreal's Shipping: Business Quiet ly Slipping: Away. MONTREAL, Sept. 18. A large propor tion of the shipping business which has heretofore gone by way of Montreal will In future be transferred to Boston'. The general manager of the Elder-Dempster Line, David Campbell, In a speech to members- of the Montreal Corn Exchahge, said Montreal had been asleep. 'No com pany would come to this port when more favorable terms could 'be had elsewhere. He added that at -the next meeting of his company at Liverpool he would advocato the advantage of trading from Boston. J. C. Smith, general traffic manager of the Canada-Atlantic Hallway, announced that owing to the lack p"f facilities at the port of 'Montreal his road, which this year will handle 11.00O..OOO bushels of grain, would ,ln future ship grain from Quebec. THE THOROUGHFARE SUNK. Southern Pacific's Bigr Freight Ferry , at Bottom of Bay. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 18. The Thor oughfare, the big frMhter of the South ern Pacific, which ferries cars across the bay, sank late last night in her slip at West Oakland, and this morning the water ls level wlth the upper deck. The men in the hold had' a narrow escape, and supceeded In getting away from the sink ing steamer only Jn time to save their lives, There were 24 cars on the vessel when she sank. The accident was caused by the men who Joaded'-the vessel putting so many heavy coat cars on one side that the water poured in through the open port holes on that side, flooding the engine room and bold. TWO STEAMERS SUNK. Fatal Collision Between British and German Vessels. LIVERPOOL, Sept 18. The British steamer Gordon Castle and the German steamer Stormarn collided in Cardigan Bay Sunday night and both vessels sank. Twenty of the persons on board the Gor don Castle were lost. The Gordon Castle was of 1295 tons net, and was built at Glasgow In 1871." She Tvas 307 feet long. 34.4 feet wide and 25 feet deep. She was owned by the Steamship Gordon Castle Company, Ltd. (McClay & Mclntyre, of Glasgow). The Stormarn was of 355 tons net, and was built at Kiel In 18S0. She was 176 feet long, 25 feet wide, and 15 feet deep. She was owned by the Nord Ostee Rhederel, of Hamburg. WILLIAM LAW DAMAGED. Another of the Portland Grain Fleet Reaches Queensiown in Trouble. ' Advices to the Merchants' Exchange yesterday report the arrival of the Brit ish ship William Law at Queenstown In a damaged condition. The vessel sailed from the Columbia April 27 with a cargo of wheat shipped by the Portland Flour ing Mills Company, and, according to tho report received yesterday, she en countered a storm on July 6, in -which she lost one of the boats, had the cabin flooded and the rail started. The last season's grain fleet from this port was an expensive one for the underwriters, and they will probably feel easier when the last of the vessels arrive out. - Lily of the North Wrecked. HALIFAX. N. S., Sept 18. The Lily of the North, which left Halifax last Sum mor with supplies for the Peary Arctic ex pedition, ls lost The loss ls reported from Cape Breton, but nothing additional, save that the crew was saved, J-tas reached here. Two Lives Lost, NEW YORK, Sept. 18. The tug Ameri ca, of the New York Tug Company, was sunk and two ?lve3 lost, off Canal street. North River, this morning. She was run Into by the Atlantic transport liner Min nehaha. Marine Notes. The new Tillamook steamer Sue Elmore will leave on her first trip on the coast route tomorrow. The American bark Harry Morse, -which sailed from Astoria for Alaska with can nery supplies last Spring, returned yes terday. The British ship Portia arrived in last evening altera good trip of 49 days from Acapulco. She ls under charter, and will leave up tomorrow. Tho British ship Marathon arrived up' yesterday afternoon and anchored In the stream. The Rlversdale and the Jupiter will finish loading today. The barkentlne Tarn 'O'Shanter, which has so many fast 'passages between San Francisco and the Columbia River to her credit, arrived In yesterday afternooii after a slow trip of 18 days from San Francisco. Domestic and Forelfrn Ports. ASTORIA, Sept. IS. Arrived American bark Harry Morse, from Alaska; barken tlne Tarn O'Shanter, from San Francisco; British ship Portia, from Acapulco. Con dition of the bar at 5 P. M., smooth; wind, northwest; weather, clear. San Pedro, Sept. 18. Arrived Steamer Grace Dollar, from Gray's Harbor. San Franckej, Sept. 18. Ar lved Steam ers Golden Gate, from Seattle; Lueila.. from Tillamook; Arcota, from Coos Bay; Victoria, from Oyster Harbor. Sailed Sfceamer, Mlneola, for Nanalmo; schooner S. Danlelson, for Sluslaw River; schooner Mizpa, for Coqullle River. Port Townseud Arrived September 17 British ship Fortevolt, from Antwerp. Cape Nome In port September 5 Steamer. John S. Kimball; steamer Charles Nelson, steamer Alliance, steam er Oregon, steamer Charles D. Lane, U. S. S. McCullough, tug Discovery, whaling steamer Thrasher, steamer Albion, steam er Dora, schooner Sequoia, barge Skook um, Seattle Sailed September 17 City of To peka, for Skagway; steamer Humboldt, for Skagway. Arrived British bark Ven tura, from Port Townsend. Victoria Arrived September 17 British steamer Amur, from Skagway. Hong Kong Sailed September 15 Brit ish ship Westgate, for Vancouver. Sydney Arrived September 17 Steamer Aorahgi, from Vancouver. Luhdy Island, Sept. 18. Passed British ship Stronsa, from Tacoma for Queens town. Callao In port September 17-BritIsh ship British Isles, for Port Townsend. London, Sept 18 Arrived Minneapolis, from New York. Plymouth, Sept. 18. Sailed Pennsylva nia, for New York. New York, Sept. 18. Sailed Tauric, for Liverpool; Kalserln Maria Theresa, for Bremen; Servia, for Liverpool. Arrived Laurentian, from Glasgow. Queenstown, Sept. 18. Arrived Waes land, from Philadelphia for Liverpool. Boulogne, 'Sept 18. Arrived Maasdam, from New Yotk, for Rotterdam, and pro ceeded. EAST SIDE AFFAIRS. Enrollment In Suburban: Schools, Other Matters. it " . Thetenrollment In the Woodstock, South Mourit Tabor, Russellvllle, Montavllla and Mount Tabor No. 5 yesterday of pupils entering for the year was 800. This number was divided up as follows: Woodstock, .65; South Mount Tabor, 100; Russellvllle, 95; Montavllla. 200; Mount Tabor No. 5, 350. In the main building of the latter district the enrollment was 261 and In the Glencoe building 89. The enrollment at all these schools Is from b to 10 per cent ahead of -what It was last year at the opening. These suburban districts are greatly affected at the open ing by the absence of families in tho hopfields, who usually return before the close of September. In the Woodstock School there are over 100 pupils In the district, and Professor Miller, the prin cipal, figures up that 96, and possibly 100, will be in the school before the close of the month, when all the families havo returned home. South Mount Tabor ls not generally affected by this cause, and the Increase In that district during the month may not be more than 10. In tho Russellvllle district there are quite a nuirber out. In the Montavllla district the opening attendance Is about 10 per cent ahead of what It was last year, but there are fully 100 pupils out who will enter before the month closes. This district ls affected by the hopfield ex odus more than any of the other sub urban districts. The school children of the district number 420, and the enroll ment at the close of last year was 300. Professor Leatherman expects a large In crease before the month is out The sohoolhouse in this district ls the most attractive of any In the county outside of Portland. No. 5, Mount Tabor, opened with an Increased attendance, but many are absent, and the attendance there will soon run above 400. Professor Durrette, the principal, says that many families In that district have not yet returned from the hopfield. The census shows that the school population of No. 5 Is over 600. These five suburban districts open the year under prosperous conditions in all lines. Generally houses are all occu pied, and the schools will fill up during the month. It Is estimated that the en rollment in theso-dlstrtcts will reach 1050 by the close of the month. . A. J. Knott's Funeral. The funeral of A. J. Knott, announced to take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock, has been postponed until tomorrow aft ernoon at the same time. This postpon ment was necessitated for the reason that Mrs. Phalon, a daughter living In San Francisco, will not arrive In tlmo to at tend the funeral this afternoon. East Side Notes. At the corner of Belmont and East Thirtieth streets yesterday morning a carof the City and Suburban Railway ran" into the vegetable wagon of George Lang. The wagon was badly wrecked and vegetables were scattered along tho street for about a block. No one was Injured In the collision. Thomas H. Ryan, employed in the Southern Pacific carshops. Is a fourth cousin of Abraham Lincoln. He has been employed there for the past three years. There Is considerable resemblance be tween 'Mr. Ryan and the great commoner. It may be stated, however, that he will not vote for Bryan, In spite of the fact that Bryan clinches his arguments with alleged quotations from Lincoln's speeches. The friends of Rev. F. -E. Dell, formerly pastor of the First United Brethren Church, who was transferred to Philo math at the last conference, will regret to learn that his health has again given way. He hai been compelled to resign from that chirge, and is, now living on the East SIda Since last May his health has continued to fall. It was hoped that he might be restored by rest, but this has not been, the result Dr. Wise, room 614, The Dekum. Scissors Again. Tacoma News. One Seattle man has sued another for having given him a loaded cigar. In Seat tle, practical Jokes are not relished when they are played on the natives. Any kind of a Joke ls good over there, if the In jured party ls a 'Klondlker or a Cape Nome pilgrim. The robbing of a passing stranger Is cause for exuberant merrl- The Plnkfomm Foi dlscrtfers of ihe feminine organs haivo gained their great rmnovn and enormous saie Ibe &awsQ of ihe permanent good they have done and are doing for the women of this country if. alf aiiing or suffer ing women couid be made to understand how ah soiuteiy true are tho statements about Lydia E Pinkham's . Vegetabie Compound, their suffer ings wouidenda Mrs Pinkham counseis women free of. charge Her address is Lynn, Mass The advice she gives ts practicai and honestm You can write freely to her; she is a wo man ment, while a neatly executed hold-up hasjbeen known to throw leading citizens into hysterical fits of laughter. INTEREST IN BUFFALO .FAIR Chamber of Commerce Aprrees to Recommend a State Appropriation. At yesterday's meeting of the trustees of the Chamber of Commerce a letter was prosented from Samuel T. Wolffsohn, spe cial commissioner of the Pan-American Exposition, to be held m Buffalo next year, asking for the influence of the Chamber of Commerce in getting an. ap propriation from the Legislature for an exhibit. 'In the letter, Mr. Wolffsohn said: Pprtland, Sept. 15. George Taylor, Pres ident Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. Dear Sir: I desire to call the at tention of the Chamber of Commerce to an exposition to be held In Buffalo, N. Y.. May 1, to November 1. 1001. known as the Pan-American Exposition. In the official invitations extended to all the governments, and the people of North, South and Central America, these govern ments and peoples have been Invited, "to Join In commemorating the achievements of the 19th century by holding the Pan. American Exposition In the City ot Buf falo. State of New York, from. May 1 to November 1, 1901." Its object ls to Illus trate' the progress and civilization of na tions In the Western Hemisphere, to strengthen their friendship, to Inaugurate a new era of social and commercial in tercourse with the beginning of a new century. Recognizing the importance of such an exposition, a largo number of representative and commercial organiza tions of the United States have volun. tarily -passed resolutions strongly sup porting the idea and purpose of the ex position. The attitude of these organiza tions was well expressed by the resolu tions adopted by the Chamber of Com merce of New York, and by the Board of Trade of Chicago, pledging "their co operation In the effort to make the expo sition a pronounced success." The object of this letter ls to request your honorable body to petition the Leg islature of this state to appropriate suf ficient funds so that the State of Oregon may be creditably represented in its tim ber, mining, horticultural, agricultural and manufacturing interests, which are just beginning to attnet the attention of this country. I also desire to ask youi co-operation and individual efforts to ob tain such an appropriation so that the State of Oregon may show to the nations of the Western Hemisphere Its vast and bountiful resources. The secretary was directed to acknowl edge receipt of the letter and to say that at the proper time the Chamber of Com merce would take up the matter again and recommend to the members of the Multnomah County delegation In the Leg islature that favorable action be taken. Tho Copper Cliff Mining Company, with offices in Michigan and mines in South Dakota, wrote to Inquire about Portland as a location for a graphite plant; Walter S. Lyle, of Pittsburg, wrote to inquire about establishing a pickling and preserv ing plant here. Both letters were referred to the Manufacturers' Association. The communication from the Board of Trade suggesting the propriety of Joint arrangeiftonts for a mass meeting of citi zens to consider Portland's business situa tion was taken up. and the committee mentioned In the communication L. B. Cox, P. L. Willis and Tyler Woodward was invited to meet with, the trustees of the Chamber of Commerce at its regular meeting next Tuesday to consider the matter. Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved a sure cure for rheumatism. Be sure to get Hood's. . FIT THE GROCER. Wife Made the Sngrgestlon. A grocer has excellent opportunity to know the effects of special foods on his customers. Mr. R. A. Lytle, of 557 St Clair street, Cleveland, O., has a long list of customers that" have been helped In health by leaving off coffee and using Postum Food Coffee. He says, regarding his own experience! "Two years ago I had been drinking coffee and must say that I was almost wrecked in my nerves. "Particularly In the morning I was so Irritable and upset that I could hardly wait until the coffee was served, and then I had no appetite for breakfast and did not feel like attending to my store duties. "One day my wife suggested that inas much as I was selling so much Postum Food Coffee there must be some merit In It, and suggested that we try It I took home a package, and she prepared It according to directions. The result was a very happy one. My nervousness grad ually disappeared, and today my nerves are all right. I would advise everyone affected In any way with nervousness or stomach troubles to leave off coffee and use Postum Food Coffee." juiiiiiiiiiiiiiumiiuiiiuimiuiiiiiiiiniiititiiiutiiiiii iBEEGHAM'Sl PILLS s Cure s I CONSTIPATION I 1 STOMACH PAINS 1 I BILIOUSNESS I ISICK HEADACHE, Etc. 10 cents and 25 cents Dnifglsts. SiiiuiiiitiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuifiiiiitiiinniitiiiuiiiiiunr THE PALATIAL BE1 Not a daric office In the bnilutnsr! absolutely fireproof; electric lltchta and artesian water; perfect annitm tlon and thoroajrh ventilation. Ele vators run day and nicht. Room. A.1XKT.TW T1TJ m7TiTnT! ttt. .,...... ivjvi ALDRICII. S. W. General Contractor.... .10 A.-MJEH30N C5USTAV. Attorn-y-!it-lvr...ftl3 ASSOCIATED PRKSS: E. L. Powrtl. Mr..30 AtlSTKJJ. P. C.. Manairr for Oregon and IVaihlnnton Bankers' Llf AanrsUtlon. of Des Molne. la 302-3OS BANKERS' LIFE ASSOCIATION. OF DE3 MOINES. IA.:F. C. Austen. Manajrr..02-003 UAYNTTIN'. GEO. P... Mgr- for Chas. Scrib- ners Sonn ...BU BHATJ! TOWARD A.. Forecast OOJctal U. S TWathpr Bureau ......... ..............9t0 RHNTAMTX. R TV. Dentin 314 niXeWACOER. DR. O. S.. Phy. A Sur.410m BROOKE. T5R. J. jr.. Thys & Surx 7f-700 BTTftWN. MYRA.. M. D 31.VS14 BRUERH. DR. H. K.. rhytr!an 4J2-413-414 BrPTT.ED. RICHARD. Acent WItoon Mr- Callav Tobacco Co ...C02-COT CAT'KIN. O K.. District Ajcent TraYelerrf Irsurnncp Co. . . ........................719 CVRrnvri.T, rn. T n 00 COLUMBIA TELEPHOVF rnMPNT vM-fi05-ravi-m)7-ci3-U4-na rnRVELns. c VT.. Phv. nn1 .Surccon....2W COVRR. p c.. Cnh1r niultah! Life 90 COLLIER. P. F . Publisher: S. P. McGutr. Manager ., 4I3-4IS ""AT J C. T T. ....'. .318 XJKW. NAPOLEON. Pn-nMent ColnmWi T!phnr,. Co . . flol DICKSON. PR. T F Phrjletan Tl.VTH DRAKF TO TT n . Phrrtrtan.... .812-313-314 nWTRR TOF -P Tnbiccos 493 EDITORIAL RPOMF Eljnth floor EQUITABLE T.rFE ccttraVCF HOCTETTr L .Snn-'irl Vnnnrnr- F C Corr. Cnih!er XT rVENINH TTLFORAM 325 AM-r rtr-t TENTON. j. d. Fhv-tdnn itml Sunron.300.3t0 TENTOV. dr Tnrrc d r.v and Ear .lit FFNTON. MATTTIETT F.. nmt!t ... .809 C5ALVANI. W H.. Fmtlneer nnrt Draughts man ...OP GAVIN. A.. President Orecon Corner Club. 214-213-21-2n OEART DR. EDWARD P.. Physician niA ?urjrnn . .. 212-2JJ .-t.tt-t rr-n rn t.0 . Tine Art Fublfch- r: AT C Mcr:rew. JTp 313 nirsv. A J. PhTKlclnn ami Kurjreon.. .700-710 GODDRD. K. r ft ro F-ntTrr ,. flrorn'' floor, Ijo Sixth itre! GOLDMAN WTLLIAM. Mnna-er Manhattan Ltft Tniinnr Po of New York . .200-219 GRlVT F-RAW ., Attom-r-at-Law. . 17 TTAMMAM BATHS. Kins & Compton, Prop.'01 HAMMOND. A B 319 KOOAN. ROWENA M.. rhotceraphtc Re toucher ..'... 7 too HOM.iTER. Dft O r. Phyjt A Sur .3(M.3i IDT.rMAV w v.. Attorney-nt-Law 41R-T7.M johnson. vr c cstr-nia-st: KADT MARK T.. Punervlw of Acnts Mutual Ttocrve Fund Life An... . WU-ftOJ LAIWONT JOHN VW-Preldnt and Oen- r" Mnnnarer Columbia Telephone Ct GOf LITTLEFIELD. II R.. Phy. and !unrem jnf MACRIJ.M. U. 5. Sep Orecn rmrfn Club 31 1 MACKAT. DR. A E.. Phvn and Sure. .711-711 MARTIN. J. L. & CO . TImb-r Lmdi Ot MAXWELL. DR W E.. Phys Sur. .701-2-1 M-"OY NEWTON. Attmv-nr-I.Tr 7n McPADEN MISS IDA E.. St-nnRripher. ..2ft MrrtlNN. HENRY E . Attomev-Bt-Law.ttl-3?3 McKHLL. T. J.. Manufacturers" Representa ' r. -. mi METT. HENRY ij MILLFR. DR. HERBKRT C. Den Vl"st VnT Oral Sunreon RnS-rra MOSSMAN. DR. R. P.. Tnt!t 312.313-114 MANHATTAN LIFT INSURANCE CO.. of Nw York: W GnJdmin. Mannr....20T-219 MI'TTTAL RESERVE FUND LIFE ASS'N; Mark T. Kadv. Supervisor of Arentn..(XH-ro MpELROY. DR. J O.. Phys St Sur.701-702-703 MeFARLAND. E. B. Secretary Columbia Telephone Co. ---..................(JM McGFIRE. S. P.. Manager P. F. Collier. Publisher 413-411 MpK-TM. MAURirr Attomev-nt-La- 300 MUTUAL LIFE INCURANCE CO.. of New York: Wm. 5. Tond. State Mgr. .404-405-403 NICHOLAS. HORACE B Attomer-at-LaTr.T13 NILES. M. L.. Cannier Manhattan Ltf In surance Co.. of New York. ...............203 ORKGON INFIRMARY OF OSTEOPATHY: tr. L. B Smith. Onfeipath..... . 40-109 ORFOON CAMERA CLUR 214-213-2J0-2I7 POND. WM S.. State Manase- Mutual Llfs Ina. Co. of Not York 404-403-400 PORTLAND EYE AN DEAR INFIRMARY. Oroiwrt -floor. 133 Sixth trt PORTLAND MINING & TRUST CO.: J. H. Marshall. Manager ......................an QUIMBY L. P. W.. Gam and Forestry Warden 71(1-717 ROSENDA7E. O. M.. Metallurgist and Mln- lnr Emrlne-r 313-31(1 REED MALCOLM. Optlclins.133 Slxat street REED F C Flh r-nmmtslonar .....407 RYAN. J. R-. Attorney-nt-Law .............. 4tT SAMUEL. L.. Manager Equitable Life... SOS SECURITY MUTUAL LtFE INSURANCE CO.: H. F. Bushonir. Gen. Agent for Ore. and Wnsh...... ........................ (Jot SHERWOOD. J. W.. Peputr fluprt ins Com mander. K. O. T. M 317 SMITH. Dr. L. B , Osteopath..... 40-409 ONS OF THEAMERICAN REVOLUTTON.nOO STUART. DELL. Attornr-at-Law 017 flla STOLTE. DR. CHAS E.. Dentist 704-703 SURGEON OF THE S. P. RY. AND N. P. TERMEAL CO. TOf STROWBRIDGE. THOS. H.. EiecuttTe Spe cial Agrnt Mutual Life, of New York....40fl SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE 201 TUCKER. PR. GEO. F.. Dentist ..ftlO-Blt U. -S. WEATHER BUREAU . . 0O7-005-SW0-019 U. S. LICrHTHOUSE ENGINEERS. 13TH DIST.. Captain W. C. Lanrfltt. Corp of Engineers, U. S. A SC8 U. S FNGINr-R rrmrr RIVER AND HARBOP. IMPROVEMENTS. Cnptnln W. C. Langfltt. Corps of Engineers. U. 8. A. .Sis WVTritMN. C. H.. Cashier Mutual Llfa of New York - - -. 40a retary Native Daughters .............713-717 WHITE. MISS L. E.. Assistant Secretary Oregon Camera Hub 21 WILSON. DR. EDWARD X.. Phys. A Sur.301-3 WILSON. DR. GEO. F.. Phys. & Sunt.. 706-707 WILSON. rR- HOLT C. Pbyn. Surs,3O7-30 WILSON A McCALLAY TOBACCO CO.: Richard Busteed. Agent 12-003 WOOD. DR- W. L.. Physician... ...412-413-414 WILLAMETTE VALLEY TELEPH. CO.. .813 A fevr more eleprant offices ma7 ! had by applying to Portland Trait Company of Oregon. lOO Third at., o to the- rent cleric In the bnlldlnff. MEN No Cure No Pay THE MODERN APPLIANCE A poaltira wy to perfect manhood. The, VACUUM TREATMENT CURES you without medicine of all nervoua or diseases si tho generativa or gan, such as lost manhood, exhaustive drains, varicocele, lmpotoncy. etc Men are quickly re stored to- perfect health and strength. Writ for circulars. Correspondonco confidential. THE HEALTH APPLIANCE CO.. rooms 47-41 Safe. Deposit building-. Seattle. Wash. BUI I. nfltfl' I SI I Is II 1 fnlli feii f iBH