Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 15, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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TODAY'S "WEATHER Showers; warmer:
"variable -winds.
Receipt Ib hereby acknowledged of the
following' courteous inquiry from Mr. J.
C. Kellyof 111 Broadway, New Tork:
A free trader has shown me, what he
claims is a quotation from an editorial
published In The Oregonlan In March,
Because the paper trust has put up the price
of jrlntlng paper to an unconscionable figure.
Representative DeVrles. of California, has ln
trc ' u a bill to repeal the duty on printing
paper and the material of which It is made,
it la very well; but there are about 40 more
TiC trusts that have iielp through protective
ntarift, and should be dealt with In the eame
This Is a strange doctrine to see In a
JJlepublican paper, and I can hardly be
illeve that it is a correct quotation. I ex
pect to see assaults upon the tariff, which
Ss the bulwark of our prosperity, in pa
pers that are controlled by the Cobden
Club or Infatuated by the British policy,
jand, of course, pay no attention to any
thing from 5uoh a source.
If you really printed the above quota
tion, will you kindly explain it?
On reference to the files of The Orego
lilan, "we find that on March 7 the para
graph appeared in these columns which
3ilr. Kelly has reproduced with an accu
racy at once painful and, considering
its progress through at least one un
speakable free-trader and one hide
abound protectionist, truly remarkable.
'"When we consider the entirely variant
appearances Tvhich industrial annals
present to the free trader and to the
protectionist, It is certainly worthy of
note that a paragraph can pass through
so many interested hands and come out
tmscathed. "We must, therefore, plead
guilty to the Tvhole damning indictment
and throw ourselves humbly on the
mercy of the court.
If it is permissible at ihis late date
to offer an amendment to the utterance,
it must be confessed that in one respect
the assertion made is liable to grave
censure. This Is in reference to the
number of trusts that have had help
from the tariff and should have help no
longer. Forty is doubtless an underes
timate. If we consider the wide field
the trust movement has occupied, and"
the diligence with which our protected
Interests have plied Congressional com
mittees and conferees, it is hardly sus
ceptible of doubt that the number of
trusts whose tariff benefactions should
at once be withdrawn is somewhere
between 41 and 44L "With this amend
ment, judgment must be confessed.
The Oregonian can see no choice be
tween "blinking facts out of devotion to
free trade and blinking facts out of de
votion to protection. Free trade is' an
Impossibility. e must have a tariff,
If for no other reason than the necessity
of revenue. But the highest Republican
tradition has always stood for "a pro
jective tariff that leads to free trade.'
That is, -we propose to protect our little
factories till they are able to stand
titlone. Then, when they are once firmly
established, the props can be wlth
"drawn, and the tax the public has so
)lar uncomplainingly borne, that Is, the
a&ded price paid In order that home
manufactures may be founded and
"brought to a place where they can hold
their own with foreign competition, will
&e no longer required. That is the the
ory, but how does it work out in prac
tice? "We want "protection that leads to free
trade." But when is it to lead to free
trade? liow long must we wait?
Shall it be until our Iron and steel con
cerns organize themselves into mam
moth combinations and market their
.product in every iron center of the uni
verse? Is it until we have sold wool
lens in. Bradford, cutlery in Sheffield,
"watches in Geneva, bicycles in France,
bridges in Germany, locomotives in
Russia and Japan, rails and locomo
tives and cars in every country in Eu
rope? Is it when our so-called infant
industries have become giants, and in
the camp of industry -where they craved
permission to lie down crouching in a
corner they have grown strong and
spread out over the whole and demand
not only the markets of the world, but
a monopoly of the home market through
tariff protection .secured through pow
erful lcbbles at "Washington and heavy
campaign contributions?
Apparently, none of these circum
stances announce the day when protec
tion has at last led to free trade or to
a. tariff for revenue. Apparently, the
cry for tariff aid is as loud as ever,
though changed from a pitiful wail to
a masterful shout. The suppliant has
"become the dictator. The theory that
the home manufacturer could not, with
out protection, compete with the giant
corporations of Europe, has passed into
disuse with the rise of our manufac
tures to such a point that the foreigner
is crying for mercy, and now the plea
is shifted to the ground that the tariff
is "the bulwark of our prosperity."
Maybe it is, but if so, President Mo
Kinley should issue a supplement in
corporating the fact in his recent letter
of acceptance.
It is to be feared that Mr. Kelly is
not a judicious 'reader of Republican
papers, or he would have found in
many of them sentiments akin to those
lie is so alarmed at. And if it were not
so, so much the worse for the papers,
not for the facts.
Now that the explanation asked for
has been given at some length, we have
a favor to ask of the correspondent.
"Will Mr. Kelly kindly furnish us, as
soon as possible consistent with his own
convenience, a list of the American
newspapers controlled by the Cobden
Club, together with particulars of the
transactions by which that control was
obtained, and the approximate cost to
the British society of its American
newspaper possessions? The item is one
of considerable news value, and will be
paid for at our usual space rates for
first-class news matter.
Six years is a long time for some
people to remember anything, especially
anything In politics. It is possible,
therefore, that when our Bryanite
friends denounce "government by in
junction," their hearers may not always
have distinctly in mind the circum
stances to which reference is made.
The establishment of "government by
injunction" in this country took place
in 1894, when President Cleveland sup
pressed the Chicago riots. Some 70,000
miles of railway were tied up and 300,
000 men were thrown out of work. Chi
cago was at the mercy of an armed
mob that tore up rails, burned thou
sands of loaded freight-cars, wrecked
passenger trains, assaulted Innocent
persons. The city police were powerless
and Governor Altgeld refused to call
out the militia.
Appeals were made to the Federal
Government, and the Administration
felt it a duty to interpose in the inter
ests of law and order. Attorney-General
Olney, who now stands with the
opponents of "government by injunc
tion," secured, through his special so
licitor at Chicago, an Injunction against
the rioters, which declared:
Eugene V. Debs and (hero followed a long
list of names) and all other persona combining
and conspiring with them, and all other per
sons whomsoever, are enjoined absolutely to
refrain from interfering or stopping any of
the business of any of the railroads in Chi
cago engaged as common carriers of passen
gers and freight between states, and from In
terference with mall, express or other trains,
whether freight or passenger, engaged in Inter
state commerce, or destroying the property of
any of the railroads, from entering their
grounds for the purpose of stopping trains, 6r
interfering with property ... from com
pelling or inducing by threats, persuasion or
violence, any of the employes of said roads.
The injunction was defied, and there
seemed no recourse but to order out
Federal troops. As Mr. Olney said:
"We have been brought to the ragged
edge of anarchy, and it is time to see
-whether the law is sufficiently strong
to prevent this condition of affairs. If
not, the sooner we know it the better,
that it may be changed." The troops
were called out, a proclamation was is
sued ordering all crowds to disperse,
order was restored, Debs and other
leaders were arrested, and he was tried,
convicted and sentenced. John "W. Dan
iel, now standing with those who oppose
"government by injunction," rose in the
United States Senate and paid a glow
ing tribute to the firmness and courage
shown by President Cleveland in sup
pressing the riots.
This is the history of "government by
injunction." It was a drastic remedy
for a crying outrage, it was applied
strictly within the law, and it Was com
mended by the law and order sentiment
of the country at the time, regardless
of party. Now, what is the Bryanite
present-day picture of that episode?
Here it Is, in Bryan's own words at
Chicago Labor day:
The attempt to use the injunction of a court
to deprive the laboring man of trial by jury
should alarm all our people, for, while the
wage-earnef is the first to feel its effects, the
principle which underlies government by in
junction Is so far reaching that no one can
hope to escape ultimately. The meanest thief
and the most brutal murderer are entitled to
trial by jury: why should this right be denied
the laboring man?
Is it necessary to point out the glar
ing misrepresentation of this utterance?
Is it necessary to show In detail what
encouragement is here held out to the
spirit of anarch v? Is it necessary even
to suggest to the man who believes in
liberty and order, peace and prosper
ity, where his sympathies and support
are due in this struggle?
A good many New England Yankees
are pleased with the idea of holding
Cuba and Porto Rico, but can't stand
the retention of the Philippines. They
are doing business with Cuba and Porto
Rico, and they like it But that the
Pacific Coast should have another addi
tion to its growth In acquisition of
Asiatic territory they don't relish. Os
tensibly their position is dictated by
high moral considerations. It is at least
very suggestive that their conscience
prompts them directly in line with their
self-Interests. This is a familiar phe
nomenon. God has usually been en
rolled with the forces on each side of
great struggles.
New England is very jealous of its
commercial and manufacturing and po
litical status. It makes a great "howl
about Southern cotton development It
deplores with uplifted hands the un
holy effort of the West to divest the
Canadian Pacific of legal privileges by
wKch Bcston and Providence profit at
the expense of New York and Philadel
phia. It ponders gloomily at the ad
mission of far Western territories to
statehood, reflecting that while New
England had 12 Senators out of 32 In
1E00, it has only 12 out of 90. in 1900. So
while Its commerce with the West In
dies is growing apace and grows faster
wherever the American flag is planted,
When it thinks of the Pacific States add
ing to their comparative wealth and po
litical power, It invokes the consent of
the governed and the lust of conquest
for the Philippines, maintaining a dis
creet silence regarding Cuba and Porto
It ought not to take the voters of
the Pacific Coast long to see the point.
The comfort drawn by the National
Democratic Committee's statistician at
Chicago from the returns of the Maine
and Vermont elections seems without
adequate warrant in fact In figuring
the percentages of gain and loss in the
New England States, and estimating
proportionate majorities elsewhere, the
committee not only overlooks over-confidence
among Republicans in Vermont
and Maine, but the Well-known fact
that the bogy of imperialism has more
potency In New England than in any
6ther portion of the country. The ma
jorities for the Republicans in the two
states, though less than those of 1896,
are full of promise for the rest of the
country, if certain well-known facts are
kept in mind.
In both Vermont and.Malne there is a
very considerable sentiment in opposi
tion to the annexation of the Philippine
Islands. In each state a United States
Senator was earnestly opposed to this
portion of the Administration's policy.
Senator Hale, of Maine, is a man of
marked ability and wide experience,
and naturally has a- great follow
ing. Ex-Speaker Reed, who "llke-
wise is a strong man In New
England, has been vigorously against
the annexation of territory in the
West, including Hawaii, Guam and tlie
Philippines, and has undoubtedly cost
the Republicans heavily, especially In
the stay-at-home vote. In addition to
the power wielded by these and several
other prominent Republicans against
the annexation of the Philippines,, is the
widespread sentiment against acquisi
tion of Western territory that has long
characterized New England.
In these circumstances it is not
strange that the Republican majorities
in Vermont and Maine are less than in
the crucial elections of 1896. The sur
prising fact Is that the Republicans se
cured majorities that are remarkable in
comparison with the results of all pre
vious state elections in the same states,
save in 1896. Doubtless the cry -of im
perialism, used to supplement the nat
ural aversion of New England to West
ern growth, cost the Republicans more
votes in Maine and Vermont than it
will In any other portion of the Union.
Certainly no state outside of New Eng
land will be affected to an edUal degree;
and in the West the sentiment for ex
pansion is sure to offset any loss that
may be caused by the anti-Imperialist
ruse. Bearing In mind the disadvan
tages uhderwhlch the Republicans con
ducted their canvass in Vermont and
Maine, the majorities which they se
cured are big with promise for the coun
try's rejection of Bryanlsm in Novem
ber by as pronounced a vote as that
cast in 1896against the same follies and
The English press correspondents are
beginning to discuss the future of South
Africa, fairly assuming from the recent
proclamation of the annexation of the
Transvaal that the war is over and the
conquest practically complete. The war
ends In good time. The total number
of men landed in South Africa from the
outset has been 204,000, of whom 71,000
belong to the army reserve, or militia
reserve; 21,000 to the militia, and 20,000
to the yeomanry, or volunteers. This
leaves 92,000 regulars still liable to serv
ice, from which must be deducted at
least 10,000 time-expired men and some
15,000 to replace the men drawn from
India, Egypt and Malta, and at least
7000 for losses from death, wounds and
disease. The residue of 60,000 regulars
will probably be needed In South Africa
for at least another six months, while
50,000 or more will be required for a
year. These English estimates Imply
that both the Transvaal and the Orange
Free State will have to be strongly gar
risoned for a considerable time to come.
The conquest has not been difficult, but
the pacification is not an easy task, be
cause the first terms of settlement will
be made on military grounds of safe
occupation for the future. So long as
It is necessary to pin the Orange Free
State and the Transvaal to Cape Colony
by a good many bayonets, the process
of pacification will be as slow as It was
at the South during the ten years of
bayonet rule that did not altogether end
until President Hayes, on the advice of
the retiring President, Grant, withdrew
the bayonets in 1877.
This period of bayonet rule, long or
short In duration, always follows an
nexation of territory by military conr
quest Lord Roberts has treated the
Boers With exceeding lenity in the Or
ange Free State, but his humanity has
been abused and he has reluctantly
been obliged to enforce the same stern
severity of military reprisal that Gen
eral Sheridan resorted to In the Shen
andoah Valley. The situation of the
people In both the conquered South Af
rican Republics is, on a very much
smaller scale, not unlike that presented
by the South after the great surrender
of April, 1865. The people of these con
quered republics have been divided,
even as Southern families and neigh
bors were divided by the Civil War in
the border States of Maryland, Ken
tucky, Virginia and Missouri, and in
East Tennessee. In our Civil War
many a family was represented in the
armies of both sides, and this social
complexity has been even more promi
nent in this South African War. There
are men of property and position living
in Cape Town today whose cons, resi
dents of Pretoria, have fought on the
Boer side, despite thefact that their
father is loyal to the English flag and
believes that England will give the
Transvaal a better government than it
has had. There are English settlers in
Natal who are married to Boer wives,
and while these Englishmen are loyal,
their sympathies are with the Boers be
cause their ranks include many per
sonal friends and the kinsfolk of their
wives. There are prominent Free Stat
ers of English stock who are married
to women of Dutch stock, and both have
kindred on both sides in the fighting.
It will take a considerable time to
restore into full harmony these dis
rupted lines of social and personal rela
tionship. Some of these Boers will
cherish as enduring a hatted of Eng
land and her government as did General
Jubal A. Early and "Bob" Toombs
toward the Federal Government from
Appomattox to the grave. Some will
doubtless instil that .hatred into the
minds of their children, as did some
of the mothers of the Southern Confed
eracy after its fall, but the number of
these indomitable men and women
among' the conquered Boers who will
remain a serious menace to law and or
der will be comparatively small. If a
wise policy on the pact of the English
crown could padify the Scottish High
lands quickly after the Jacobite defeat
of Culloden, it ought not to be a long or
difficult task to pacify the Orange Free
State and the Transvaal. Great Britain
has learned froni the success of her
policy of conciliation In Canada since
the rebellion of 1837 the folly of trying
to govern harshly by coercion a brave
and high-spirited people, and the home
government will be glad to govern both
republics .In a generous and liberal
spirit upon the slightest encouragement
For the present South Africa will not
tempt emlgratipn from England. There
is ho timber ill the major portion, and
water is onlyi obtainable by some vast
system of artificial storage for irriga
tion. South Africa today Is not a land
of refuge for a poor settler. It is a
country ot undeveloped mineral wealth
waiting for exploitation by-the capital
ist There is no market for food prod
ucts beyond the local supply required
by the limited population that will con
centrate at mining centers. There is no
demand for cheap mining labor that the
native Kaffirs cannot supply for a few
dollars a month. Under these circum
stances, for many years mlnirig and
mining alone will remain the chief busi
ness of South Africa, and particularly
of the Transvaal, California proved
capable of agricultural and horticul
tural development California had tim
ber wealth, wheat lands .and fruit lands,
and Australia was .capable of sheeprals
lng, but the local conditions are wholly
different In South Africa, and today
'there is really nothing to the Transvaal
of any present consequence beyond Jo
hannesburg. Some day it will pay to
irrigate South Africa for the agricul
tural return, but that day is far distant
For the present, South Africa is a coun
try for the Investment of capital for the
development of its mining wealth.
. One has become so used to seeing vio
lent measures in connection wlth'strlkes
that the offer ot "National Committee
man James" at Hazleton, "to furnish
any number of men up to 3o6o to guard
public property and maintain order,"
seems too good to be true. Labor has
no interests In lawlessness. The only
effect of violence in strikes is to forfeit
public sympathy, and it seems as if so
plain a fact should soon come to be un
derstood by the persons most con
cerned. Preponderant public opinion,
we have no hesitation in saying, is
with the miners in the anthracite
strike1. They will continue to have sym
pathy, and the public will bear the re
sultant inconveniences with little com
plaint, so long as lawful measures are
employed in its behalf. Can't we have
just one strike without assaults on In
nocent peopte and without lawless de
struction of 'property 7 Will labor .never
cease allowing ItB hotheads to give the
lie to all its professions of reason and
A grewsome feature of the aftermath
of the Galveston horror Is the hurried
disposal wholesale and without possi
bility of Identification of the dead.
While this Is in accordance with the de
cree of stern necessity, which insists
that the dead make way fof the living,
It is, nevertheless, revolting to that finer
sense of humanity that regards the ten
antless human body with tenderness,
and would fain touch ft gently ahd lay
it away decently and reverently. The
greater distress In a case .of this kind
swallows up the less; hence, perhaps
those called upon to work out the de
tails of the' tremendous problem of re
storing Galveston to a place fit for hu
man habitation do not shrink from this
task as would men under ordinary cir
cumstances. Sanitary science and sen
timent are not in sympathy. When the
former takes the helm, the latter per
force retires, usually without protest.
The poultry exhibited at the State
Fair promises to be a very Interesting
feature of "the annual display. The
growth of the poultry Industry In the
Willamette Valley within the last ten
years, while it has not kept pace With
the demand for poultry products, has
yet' assumed very promising propor
tions. The day of the old barnyard
fowl, like that" of country store butter,
has passed away in Oregon, except as
it may linger In. some remote and iso
lated place where people are content to
eke out a living from year to year. To
take up the poultry business and study
it intelligently Is to become an enthusi
ast in it. It may be hoped that enthu
siasts of this type will grow In numbers
until Iowa and Nebraska eggs will be
driven from our markets.
China does not expect the powers to
demand territory in indemnification of
recent outrages. She must decline to
see punishment inflicted upon those re
sponsible for them. She could not ap
prove of any government at Pekln ex
cept the same old crowd that can pll-,
lage and murder whenever it gets good
and ready. She " cannot contemplate
without a 'feeling of injustice any de
sign of the powers to maintain a police
force in Pekin as a guarantee against
future outbreaks. In all other re
spects, China is willing to atone hand
somely for the crimes committed and
offer guarantees of future good behav
ior. That is, she will p'romise anything
and everything desired. She desires to
"save her face." It's a face that should
be broken.
It is certainly gratifying to see that
Mr. Bryan has profited by criticism
showered on his partisan Labor day ad
dress at Chicago, and In all his speeches
at Fort Wayne had the good taste to
leave politics alone. His good deed
shines the more brightly by reason of
contrast with. Governor Mount's denun
ciation of Mr. Bryan's particular f rlerids
the antls. It would be hard, perhaps,
to disprove the truth of Governor
Mount's observations, but It would not
be hard to select a more appropriate
time for making them than at exercises
bordering so closely upon obsequies.
The death throes of the Transvaal
Republic are being prolonged by stub
born Boer leaders beyond all reason,
either df patriotism or humanity. The
liberties of the people were a myth be
fore the war began. As English sub
jects, governed according to the English
colonial system, they will enjoy the pro
tection of wise laws and be secure in
the administration of justice. Not a
hard fate for a brave people, and to
contend against it further, either by
force of arms or stubbornness of will,
Is madneBs of the suicidal type.
The forces of the storm king that
have rendezvous in and about the West
Indies ' executed a flank ' movement
Thursday, taking in New England and
playing sad havoc with property afloat
and ashore. They seem at last, how
ever, to have spent their fury and re
tired, it may be hopedi to Winter quar
ters. One reason why the appearance of the
bubonio plague at Glasgow did not oc
casion alarm Is owing to the fact that
Glasgow is one of the best-governed cit
ies in the world, particularly in its san
itary administration. A filth disease
soon runs Its course where filth is not
Boutwell Self-Answered.
Erf-United States Senator Boutwell, in
a speech delivered at Cooper Institute,
New York, on May 27 last, said that in
his opinion while the United States has
the right to acquire and govern terrl
tory, the territory immediately upon its
acquisition comes under the provisions Ot
'the Constitution a3 its fundamental law,
,and that Congress must govern such ter
ritory under the restrictions and limita
tions of the Constitution, and, further,
'that any departure from this view on the
part of the President and the Congress
is a criminal usurpation Congressman
Moody, ot Massachusetts, in .a . recent
speech, compares this utterahce .of Mr.
BdiitweU with his opinions as expressed
hi his speeches and paper, published In
'1867. In this volume is printed a com
.munlcation Written by Mr. Boutwell and
published in the Springfield Republican in
185S. In this communication Mr. Bout
well says that "the Constitution of the
United States as a Constitution can never
apply to the People of a territory until
they have formed a cdnstltutldn for their
own government' as a state, been admit
ted into the Union and accepted the
terms of admission."
Mr. Moody arraigns Mr. Boutwell for
the absolute contradiction in the Senti
ments he expressed In 1S58 and 19C0, thus'.
In 1858 he held that the Constitution by the
force of its own provisions is limited to the
pedplft arid States of the American Union, but
in 1000 he thinks that "whenever territory Is
acquired, whether by conquest or purohase,
such territory becomes subject to the Constitu
tion." In 18C0 it is his opinion that the ''Constitu
tion of the United States may bo extended over
a territory by a treaty of annexation or by u
law of Cbnsress, In which case it is only tha
authority of law." In 1000 it is his opinion
that "the claim that Conrreas may extend the
Constitution over Porto Rico and the Philip
pines is an assumption of arbitrary power that
must prove fatal to ohr republican system."
In 1850 he pronounces the opinion which he
attributes to Mr. Douglas, and which he1 him
self holds in 1900, to be an "absurd vagary,"
yet when the Hepubilcan party in this year of
our Lord 1900 acts upon the opinions which ho
himself held in 1859 and enforced with so
much wealth of argument, he condemns them
as guilty of criminal usurpation.
Dcnocrata Furnish. It, But They Are
Not AWate of the Fact
The Independent
For a long time there has not been so
much to laugh about in a campaign. Take,
for example, Tillman, of South Carolina,
reading so impressively in the Kansas
City convention those declarations of the
Democratic platform about "the consent
ot the governed" and that menacing mili
tarism which means "intimidation at
home" and the destruction of '.'free Insti
tutions." Or Mr. Bryan In an address of
10,000 words eloquently saying to the
members of the notification committee
from Louisiana, Mississippi, South Caro
llna and North Carolina, that it is our
duty to give the brown mftn in the Phil
ippines the rights which have been taken
from the black man in those states. Ought
there not to he an Irresistible appeal to
the Yankee Nation's sense pf humor in
the profound utterances of Croker, who
advises that the coinage ratio be changed
every four years, and now urges young
men to support the imperialism of Tam
many In order that they may overthrow
that Imperialism in the Philippines which
he commended el months ago because
it "gave them a chance"? Is there not
food for laughter in this autocratic boss's
Bage "remark:
'I don't know where we will end if we
keep on going this way. One-man power
Is getting to be a serious thing in busi
ness and government"
And his interesting discovery that Spain
recently and the Roman Empire long ago
wore ruined by trusts Is not that a jolly
bit of history? How can we help thinking
about the Ice trust shares in his pocket
that pocket for which, as he said, he Is
"working all the time," and the $500,000
In shares that got Into his Mayor's pock
et, and those other shares owned by
Deputy Boss Carroll and the Van Wyck
who was once Croker's candidate for the
Presidency on the trust Issue? There is
an Inexhaustible mine of funny politics In
Croker and Tammany. And the most
amusing thing df all Is that Croker, who
ought to have an Irishman's sense of hu
mor, doesn't know it!
Then, again, there is the dreadful pic
ture of the Canton despot, drawn in start
ling colors by our friends, the anti-lm-porialists.
At Indianapolis they had him
"offering an Imperial Crown to the Amer
ican people," and industriously engaged in
"changing the republic to an empire."
In sonorous resolutions they denounced
his "attempt to grasp Imperial power."
Oh! this menacing despot who prays half
the night and has his ear to the ground
all day, trying to find out what the people
want the peoplo to whom he humbly prof
fered an imperial crown! There is nothing
more amusing In the history of American
politics than this attempt to make a
despot out of William McKInley. If -we
except the published photographs of Mr.
Bryan in patched overalls and broken
suspenders, husking corn and feeding his
cattlo pn his farm of seven suburban
house lots.
Keller, one of Croker's Commissioners In
the mlsgovernmcnt of New York, presi
dent of his club, and his candidate for the
Vice-Presidency at the Kansas City con
vention, mournfully predicting before an
audience on the East Side In Croker's
little empire the Impending ''destruction
of the grandest republk the world has
ever seen"; and ex-Senator Henderson, of
Missouri, saying that the Republic Is al
ready gone, denouncing the Government
for sending marines to the rescue of Con
ger, and seeing with his mind's eye a debt
of $1,000,000,000 soon to be Incurred by an
"Inevitable" War against "Russia and
Germany"; the venerable Boutwell sol
emnly asserting that oUr acquisition of the
Philippines "was the chief cause of the
revolution In China"; George Fred Wil
liams warning the fanners of Vermont
that our "kings of Industry" will Import
30,000,000 Chinese to displace as many
American worklngmen these outgivings
of Midsummer madness may well provoke
laughter almost Inextinguishable.
The humorous mind may linger pleas
antly for a moment upon Mr. Bryan's
explanation that he procured votes for
the ratification of the Paris treaty to
prevent a continuation of the war with
Spain, that treaty having been ratified
seven months after the destruction of
Cervera's fieat and six months after Spain
had accepted the President's general
terms of peace. We would npt treat with
disrespect any reasonable and earnest ar
gument against the policy of the present
Government concerning the islands ac
quired from Spain, or against trust com
binations, but we cannot help thinking
that the spectres of Imperialism and
militarism that have been conjured up in
this campaign are laughable rather than
alarming to those who have confidence In
the good sense and patriotism of the
American people.
Foreigners In China.
London Mall.
At the present time, when the fate of the
legations and of their Inmates and the
safety of other Europeans In all parts of
the Celestial Empire are attracting the at
tention and anxiety of the whole civilized
world. It Is an Interesting query how
many Europeans or, rather, "white" folk
there are altogether In the various parts
of China.
The Information Is not at all easy to
get, for when a country stretches thou
sands of miles, and It takes a traveler
four months to proceed from the coast to
the far interior, even by constant travel
ing, It Is plain that such statistics are ex
tremely difficult to dbtaln. But nn fa
mous foreign newspaper, the Deutscher
Relchs-Anzelger, has been at some pains
to get particulars of what figures are
available relating to the known "foreign
ers" in the towns known as the "treaty
ports," and from its researches weare
enabled to give some Idea of how far
our own relations and countrymen surpass
those of other nations in their colonizing
and trade in the Chinese Empire.
The figures apply to some Beven or eight
towns oh the seasoast of China, open for
trade and business to all nationalities. In
these we find that there are,- in round
numbers: English, E562; Japanese, 2440;
Americans, 2335; Russians, 1621; Portu
guese, 1423; French, 1183; Germans.. 1134;
Spanish, 448; Scandinavians, 244; Belgians,
234; Danes, 178; Italians. 124; Dutch, 106;
miscellaneous, 161; total, 17,193.
It thus appears that Englishmen form
more than a third portion of all the for
eigners in China, ahd this fact alone will
show us what a stake we have in the
most costly stakes of all human lives in
the events now occurring in the Celestial
Empire. A general massacre of all for
eigners In that land (and this Is by no
means Improbable, hay, it is even very
likely to happen, If the Pekin "foreign
devils" are all murdered) would mean
that we in this country should have to
mourn the loss by a terrible dedth of tor
ture and trial of no fewer than 5562 brave
English men and women!
Our tradlnir firms In these towns num-
ber 461, while Japan's aro 193, and sfhd Is
second far, far behind us. Germany has
115 and is third. Then there are 76 French
trading firms in China and 11 Russian.
Isn't the comparison ridiculous, after all?
What stake have France and Russia put
together compared with England, or Japan
Deceptive Figurea.
Figures, stated without qualification
sometimes He. According to the figures
given in the census of 1853 and 18D5, taken
by the State of Massachusetts. It would
seem that the proportion of criminals has
grown larger, for on June 30, "1SS5, there
were 4346 prisoners, but at the end of
September there were nearly 1000 more
than In the September preceding. But
the figures are deceptive, because the In
crease was caused by the operation of a
law which doubled the punishment for
drunkenness. The number of crimes had
not Increased, nor the number of crim
inals; the increase in the number of In
mates in the prisons are caused by their
longer detention. So In the case of the
number of homicides In the United States.
Professor Dombroso states that in 18S0
there were 4600 arrests for this crime,
while in 1890 there were 7500. Professor
Falkner shows that the figures are not for
arrests, but for detentions. There were, in
1850, it is true, 73S6 prisoners charged with
homicide, either sentenced or awaiting
trial; but in a great majority of cases
their crimes were committed long before
the census year.
Professor Falkner thinks the homicide
Is not much more frequent In the United
States than in "Western Europe. In the
year ending September 30, 1S90, the rec
ords 'show that the number of persons
committed in Massachusetts for homicide
was 12. But the census showed that there
were 8G persons In jail on that charge.
The crimes punished in the year were
thus about one-seventh the number of
the prisoners confined for the crime. Did
this ratio hold throughout the United
States, the 7386 homicides confined In 1890
would represent about 1053 crimes pun
ished in the census year.
How Title Are Acquired.
Llpplncott's Magazine.
"It was just after the close of the
Florida "War, and General Jackson was In
Washington On official business of some
kind. It was a beautiful morning In early
May, and I was standing with the General
and an officer who had acted as his chief
of staff before Tennlson's Tavern, a fa
mous old "Washington hostelry. "We were
deeply engaged in the discussion of a bill
then before Congress which was directly
concerned with the growth and forma
tion of the United States Army, when
there came trotting toward us a stout,
moon-faced little man, whom I at once
recognized as the leading tailor of the
capital. "When opposite to Jackson the lit
tle man stopped, and held out his hand,
which was at once grasped In the Gen
eral's strong, sun-burned fingers, though
his eyes wandered over the portly person
of the Washington Poole with a puzzled
expression. The little tailor (whose role
in life It was to be" on terms of seeming
Intimacy with the political, military and
naval celebrities of the day) saw that he
was not recognized' by the great man,
and, standing on tiptoe to reach the tall
soldier's ear, he whispered:
" 'I made your breeches.'
"Imperfectly catching the sound of the
words, and supposing the fat little man
to bo some outlandish officer of militia,
who had, perhaps served under him
against the Semlnoles, General Jackson
turned to his friends and said:
" 'Gentlemen, permit me to Introduce
my friend. Major Breeches.'
"It Is scarcely necessary to add that to
the end of his days the Poole of Wash
ington was known to all Army, men as
'Major Breeches.' "
Where Child Nature Espnnds.
New Llppincott
The finer and higher side of a child's
nature grows best in a household where
life moves naturally and unaffectedly
on the higher levels. That Is the child' a
home, and h'e grows up In his true place,
veritably at home among the things that
are most excellent.
The love of pictures and of music; the
delight in beauty of color and of form;
the Joy In Nature (In a healthy bodily
comradeship or In the more Intimate com
panionship ot the spirit); the sympathy
with the lives and ways of animals; yes.
and, above all these, the enthusiasm for
high ideals; the admiration for heroic acts
of courage or self-sacrifice such interests
and sympathies are the true preparation
for a lover of literature, even as they are
the preparation for life Itself.
Upon such firm foundations the teacher
of literature, with his broader, more thor
ough and more systematic Instruction,
may build in hopo and confidence, but
without these things the greatest teacher
of literature builds but on the shifting
sands. Even the great poet can hardly
reach the dull soul of one to whom all
this is foreign and unknown.
In tha wMof James F. Malcolm a bequest of
$10,000 to Rutgers College Is revoked by a codi
cil in Which he says that hi" daughter will
carry out his intentions as expressed by him
to her prior to his death.
Mrs. Phoebe Crabb, of Norfolk. Conn., is 103
years old, and Is suffering from" rheumatism
brought on by dancing. Uncle Billy Kipperly,
of Fort Scott. Kan., who is 0!, broke his leg
recently while doing a hornpipe.
I. F. Dickson, a Chicago candy manufac
turer, is said to bd the youngest warrior en
listed in the Union Army for the Civil "War.
Re shouldered a musket and flew to the de
fense ot the Union when but 13 years and 10
months of age. During a year he waa in the
midst of flying bullets, but ho came from the
Army without a scratch.
Rev. Artemua Haynes, pastor of Plymouth
Congregational Church, of Chicago, will take
a two years' rest from church work, and has
resigned. He has been hotel bell boy and
cleric, a "lumberjack" in the Maine woods, a
fisherman in Newfoundland, a reporter, adver
tising agent, clerk and minister. He studied
at Harvard University.
When Senator Fryo waa at Rangeley Lake a
native approached him and said: "Mr. Frye,
I am puailed to know whether I should call
you Mr. Frye or Senator Frye." "Weil." re
plied Mr. Frye, "if I was in Washington to
day, my friends probably would say, 'Qood
morning, 8enator,' but anything goes up here.
Bill's as good as anything."
Horace White, of Syracuse, who li one of
the most prominent as well as able of the
younger class of Republican politicians Of New
Tork. was born in Buffalo in lSCS, and is a
son of Horace K. White, and a nephew of
Ambassador Andrew D. White. Ho went to
Syracuse with his parents in 1800, and has re
sided there ever since. He entered Cornell
University, and graduated with honors In 1837.
Rnbniyat Of Rulialynt Collectors.
New Tork Times.
And as the Cock crew. One who stood before
H16 Threshold of mine House beat hard the
Cried. "Open! tiover of Old Books, 1 bring
Tour aching Shelves one raro Edition morer
Whether at Mosher's or at Roycrofton.
Whether the Type In Black or Ruby run.
Squeezed from the ooalng Presses Drop by
The printed Leaves keep falling, one by one.
Some Book of Verse that no Collectors know
Save only Me! With it afar I'd go
And hide it. singing, in the Wilderness,
Return, and mount tho Tavern-Roof, and crow!
Some for the Glories of this World must sigh,
And some for Riches tell the strenuous Lie;
Oh, let the Cook, the Cash, the Credit go,
A Miser of raro Volumes let me diet
Myself when yolmg dia eagerly frequent
Tho Stalls antique, and many Shekels spent;
Now Tier on Tier de Luxe Editions rlBo,
And I upon the Quest am still intent.
Once I remember stopping to address
A Printer sweating o'er his noisy Press,
What print you" With his half-illiterate
He leaned Unto my ear and murmured.
' 'Guess'."
And when the Author ot the Final Book
Shall write the Ltnes whereon no Man may
That single copy of the Wiser Word
I'll steal from HeaVen by any Hoox or Crcokl
Now Oregon 13 herself again.
It Is oupposed Waldersee will know
when ha reaches China. .
It Is reported that Kruger 'has re-,
signed. Tjet us hopo that he is, also.
It is an ill rain that brings nobodjr
good, as the umbrella man will testify-.
The recent news from China is about
as interesting as an 1S26 campaign speech-
The coal mlrers may some day reallaei
that they prosper best when they are Ira.
the hole.
Senator Wellington assumes responsi
bility for ratification of .the Spanish
treaty. Next.
Bryan is now nerving himself to bear
up under the news of the spread of tbo
coal miners' strike.
The end of the Boer War, we are told.'
is at hand. Thir. means that it may be ex
pected inside of 23 or 30 years.
The curtain has fallen on the lae trust
turn, and the next stunt on the theater
of nations wIlR be done by the coal com
bine. Octopus Is a favorite foad In the Island
of Jersey. The state bearing the same
name has also swallowed ii good many
of them.
Days Is getting chilly.
Skies Is dull an grayr
Looks as If the Winter
Sure was come to stay.
Geese Is flyln" southward, J
Honkin as they ily;
Leaves go sailln'. sallln'.
When the wind 2oes by.
Grass has stopped a-growln,
Ground is soakln' wet;
But you. needn't worry.
Winter ain't hre yet;
Brighter days Is comln.
Soon the skies will clear.
An we'll all be glad when
Indian Summer's hers.
A citizen who called at the City Treas
urer's office yestercjay to pay grudgingly
$3 as license for a dog owned by his:
children came away quite resigned and!
satisfied. He says while waiting he saw
a young man who looked like a waiter
pay $13 for taxes on three black and tan.
flees, and another man, who looked like
a saloon keeper in the "never never''
district, pay $16 on two pairs ot canines
He concluded that the city was prospeit
ous, money plenty and dogs valuable
and paid $3 on a little tousy tyke, andl
offered no remonstrance. Dogs come high,,
but some people have to have 'em. Up.
to yesterday, S00 male and 86 female doga
had been granted licenses.
Forty MllliortK of Children.
Among the seventy-odd millions lit thl
country of ours, there are possibly 30,000,
000 or 40,0CO,0CO children, says Henry S.
Pancoast, In tho New Llppincott Thesa
are. by promise a nation within a nation,
a power within a power; the grea'i Repub
lic of tomorrow, put to school to lcorn thc
high art of living from the Republic of to
day. How and what shall we teach thenrS Ot
all our great National questions not one.
Is more momentous; of all the trusts com
mitted to a people, not one is more sacfed
or more vital, ft?r In molding, so "far .ia
we may, the generations that shall takih
our place, the future Is plastic to our
It Is not the Government or the school',
teachers who are to do this, it Is primarily
we. the people. It Is not empty rhetorio:
to speak of this duty as an obligation laid,
directly upon us, but plain fact. Many
matters of public policy we determine only
lndirectly, or, in many cases, not at all
Many of our responsibilities we hand over
to a Government which sometimes crarrles
out and sometimes Ignores our will; but
this power to create a new America out ot
our children we have not delegated; It la
exercised by us directly In thousands on
homes; we hold It to use or abuse as w0
will. The sheer wonder of this thing too
often escapes us because of Its obvious
ness, because, like otrer elementary and!
vital truths. It Is so ordinary and so fa
miliar that we have come to accept It
Evidenco ot Poverty Abner Deacon Dollars
was a poor man when you knew him first,
wasn't he? Amos Poor aa a church mouse. la
them days he believed In the text about tb
camel an" the needle's eye Puck.
"Of course. Susan, it you intend to got mar
ried, this Is your otvn business." said tho mis
tress to the cook, "but jou mustn't forget that
marrlaso is a very serious matter." "Tefl
ma'am. I know it is sometimes," remarked!
tho domestic, "but maybe I'll have better luclc
than you did." Tlt-Blts.
Guest What's that? Some stranded actor
trying to bat you out of his beard? Hotel
Proprietor No; thoe fellows don't give us
any trouble. That's one of those rascally
millionaires paid his bill, but he's trying to
skip without feeing the help; they're on to hla
little game, though. Harlem Life.
Retort Courtpous. Mrs. Nexdore I notice
you've got new paper in your hall. Mrs. Pep
prey Tes. How do you like the design? Mrs.
Nexdore It seems to me It's rather loud. Mrs.
Pepprey Yes. that's Why we selected It. We
thought It m!el)t drown the sound of your
daughter's piano playing. Philadelphia Press.
Enthusiastic Lady Blue Itlbbontto (collectlnar
material for her nxt lecture, to brewer'a
drayman) Er I understand there are soma
men In your calling whoso Kolo liquid nourish
ment consists of a ijuart of beer a day. la
that correct? Drayman I suddent be at alt
surprised, lady; them teetotallers Is acreepln
into every Job nowadays! Punch.
Not Criminal Libel. "The Shirt-Waist Mas
culine Implies at least one remove 'from tha
man." sho said, thoughtfully, her eyes dwell
ing on the young man's fine torso, which waa
emphasised by the freshest of pink shirts.
"Why, really! 1 don't see that at all." "Tho
one remove from the man 1 aluxle to." sho re
turned, sweetly, "Is his coo." Harper's Ba
zar. Subsequent Reflection. "Oh. what a beauti
ful water lllyl" No sooner had the maiden ut
tered these words than Archie Sltcap resolute
ly waded out after it. He sank in mud up to
his waist at once. But he didn't get the Illy.
It was still yards away from him. and la
deeper mud. "Fools rush in." he muttered
savftcely to himself, as ha turned and began
slopping' bis -way- back to the- hor. "wlwra
angels have too darned much sense to tread 1"
Chicago Tribune.
The Baby 'Croa the "Way.
Chicago News.
There's a little bunch of dhnples at the win
dow 'cross tho street.
Just tho cutest little stranser that you ever
chanced to meet.
And It's cood to sit and watch him at hla
cunning baby play.
That little imp of sweetness, the baby 'cross
tho way.
How we love to sit and watch him as ha
laughs In baby glee.
Or" see him playing horsey on his papa's
sturdy knee,
And his papa is the proudest when he hears
his youngest say:
"Oo! 00! goo! goo!" the baby 'cross the way.
When ho bites tha ring of rubber or pounds hla
tiny boot.
There never was a baby half so .cunning or so
And he is a gloom dlspeller. like tho sunshina
ot the day.
That little king of honoy tho baby 'cross tha
But when we clins to downy pillows and tha
icy streets are still.
And a wall of piercing anguish floats across
tho other sill.
And to bawls away Incessant till the mornlnar
eant Is gray.
Then we feet that we could smother tho baby
'cross tho way.