Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 15, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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There -was a. continuation of Thursday's
strength in the Eastern wheat market
yesterday, and the foreign markets were
steady. Offerings In this port continue
"very heavy, and In spite of the fact thai
snuch of It is held at prices in excess of
the actual export value, the selling- move
ment is in the afeseea-te Quite large.
Slost of the, exporters have shortened
their limits to 5Gc and E6c for "Walla
Walla, but In the Interior at competitive
points there is still bidding- in excess of
these figures. Freights continue very
Urm, and the only tonnage offering is
held at figures -wlilcti -would have a se
rious effect on the price of -wheat if there
-were no buyers in the market who still
nave cheap ships to fill. The mills Con
tinue to absorb all of the Valley that is
offering, and they .are paying as high as
X)c, a figure -which could not possibly be
realized if. -the cereal had to be exported.
Bluestem is steady at 59c and COc
Hops continue -firm, but sales are cf
small proportions.
In tpe Xrult market yesterday thsre
were qufte heavy receipts of Oregon
grayfes, with a few Concords coming from
Yrjclma, "Wash. Good-peaches are scarce,
a, few '.late clings being about the only
variety now obtainable. Good apples are
also less plentiful, Gravenstelns selling
readily at $1 per box.
The attempt to force the price of Ore
gon eggs up to 25c was a failure. It
succeeded sufficiently to admit of the
"working off X a few cases of cold storage
eggs at 22c, but offerings of fresh Ore
gon stock wrere so heavy that the price
Wis back to 22c yesterday. A carload
of Eastern eggs is due hero early next
'week, and the present strength of the
market will subside on their arrival.
Poultry moved a little more freely yes
terday, and it is thought that the market
"will be in better shape next week.
Btuolc Clearing.
. Exchanges. Balances.
Portland $405,8S3 ? 84.097
Tacoma ...;........, 242,109 5,030
Seattle ... 456,612 190.7M
Spokane 170.140 30,552
.Grain, Flour, Etc
TVhoat V?)illa. TValla, 6G57c; Valley, C9
C!)e: bluestem. C9G0c per bushel.
Flour Best trades, ?2 75g3 10 per barrel;
'scahara, $2 60.
Oatr-'Whlte.414Sc: gray, S830c per busheL
Barley Feed. $15$15 50; brewing, $17 per
aUHotuECs Bran, $13 per ton; middlings, $20;
shorts, (IB; chop, $15.
-Hay Timothy, $11($12; clover, 7Q!7 60; Ore
ja wild hay, $67 jer ton.
Batter, Egg, Poultry, Etc
f Batter Fancv ere&merv.. 45$t5c: store. 25(3
50c! per toIL
Esgs 22&c per dosen.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3 00 per dozen;
liens, $3ff3 SO; Springs, $23 ISO; ducks, $3(34;
ffeeso, $67 per doren; turkeys, live, l&flHOo
per pound; dressed, 1017c
Cheese Full cream, twins, ll12jc: Younff
.America, 12&3?18o per pound.
Vearetables, Fruit, Etc '
Vegetables Parsnips, $1; turnips, fi; car
rots, $1 per sack; onions, $1 251 60 -for. Cal
ifornia Tellotv DanVers. $11 25 for Oregon
,Tollow Dan vers; cabbage, $1 75&2 per cental;
potatoes, 5055GOC per sack; peas, 84c; beans,
4c per pound; tomatoes, 2025c per box; corn,
1012o per dozen; sweet potatoes, lc per
pound In sacks; celery, C03X$5c per dozen.
Fruit XiemonB, $4 5035; oranges, ?3 00S4
per box for late Valenclas; pineapples, $4 COiffl
per dozen; bananas, $2 503 per bunch; Per
sian dates, 7c per pound; peaches, 4060c;
pears, 50375c per box; apples, B0cJ$l per
box; watermelons, Rogue River, $1 502; Ore
son nutmegs, $1 1 00 per crate; casabas,
125 per dozen; plums and prunes, 4OSJ50o per
crate; crapes, Sweetwater. 50c; .Muscat, 75
85c; black, 75(3!S5e; Tokay, 91; Oregon Black
Hamburg, 50c per crate.
Dried Xrult Apples, evaporated, C7c per
pound; eua-drted, sacks or boxes, 45c; pears,
sun xnd evaporated, S $ Cc: plums, -pttjess;
45c; prunes, Italian, 3Vi5&c; sliver, extra
choice, 5 Co; ,Hcr, Smyrna, 12&c; California
bhtck, &Q0c; do white, 10c per pound.
Meat and Provisions.
Stutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and
wes, sheared. $3 CO; dreesed, 67o per lb.;
Spring lambs, 4c per pound gross; dressed, 8c,
HOgs Gross, choice heavy, $5 005 70; light,
$5; dressed, C6tfc per pound.
Veal Large, G$7c per pound; small, 3
84c per pound.
Beet GroflsJ top steers, $3 B04; cows, $3
3 50; dressed beet, 07c per pound.
Provisions Portland pack (Shield brand):
Sams, smoked, are quoted at 12&c per pound;
picnic hams, 8c per pound; breakfast bacon,
13&c; bacon, 10c; backs, 0ft 10c; dry salt
sides, 9c; dried beef, 37&c: lard, S - pound
palls, 10c; 10 - pound pails, Sc; 50s, O&c;
tierces, OUjC per pound. Eastern pack Ham
znond's): Hams, large, le; medium, 12 Vie;
small, 123Jc; picnic hams, Oc; shoulders, 0&c;
breakfast bacon, 10c; dry rait sides. 0H10c;
bacon sides, 10K&lllc: backs, 10ic; butts,
c; lard, pure leaf, kettle rendered, 8s, 10c;
10s, lOVio.
Groceries, Ants, Etc.
Coffee Mocha, 2328e; Java, fancy, 2G332c;
Java, good, 20p24c; Java, ordinary, 18'20o;
Costa Rica, fancy. lS20c; do good, 1018c; do
ordinary, 10 12c -per pound; Columbia, roast,
?,12 13; Arbuoklo's, $14 13; Lion, $13 13 per
Sugar Cube, $7 10; crushed, $7 10; powdered,
$6 70; dry granulated, $0 50; extra C, $$; gol
den C, $5 90 net; half barrels, c more than
bcrrels; maple sugar, IZQIOo per pound.
Salmons-Columbia Elver, 1-pound tails, $1 50
2; 5-pound tails, $2 252 CO; fancy 1-pound
flats, $22 25; -pound fancy flats. $1 10
1-30; Alaska, 1 pound talis, $1 40(jl GO; 2
pound tails, $1 002 25.
Xuts Peanuts, Cy7c per pound for raw. 0c
for roasted: cccoanuts. 90c Per dozen: -walnuts.
x 10 lie per pound; pine nuts, 15c; hickory
nuts, 7c; chestnuts, 15o; Brazil, lie; filberts.
10c; fancy pecans, 1214e; almonds, 1517Jc
'Beans-Small white, 44c; large do, 3
Qi4c; baitnf, S,c; Lima, Oc per pound.
Grain bags Calcutta, SOQ'G i2H pef 100 for
Coal oil Cases, 206 per gallon; barrels, 10c;
tanks, 14c
Uleo Island. 0c; Japan, 54e; Xew Orleans,
45$3je; fancy head, $77 00 per Eack.
Hops, HVooI. Hides, Etc
Hops G&7c per pound for 1S99 crop, ll15c
for new crop.
Wool Vail ejv 12gl3c for coarse. 151Cc for
best; Eastern Oregon, 1013c; mohair, 25c per
SheepskinsShearlings. I520c; short-wool,
2535e; medium-wool, 30(500; long-wool, COc
$1 each.
Tallow 4c; No. 2 and grease, 23c per lb.
Pelts Bearskins, each, as to size, $5(&15;
cubs, each, $13; badger, each, 50c; wildcat,
2575c; housecat. XC5c; fox, common gray,
40c$l: do red, $1 753 50; do cross, $2 OOffO;
lynx, $2ig4 50; mink. 40c$l 75; marten, dark
Northern, $510; do pale, pine, $24; musk
rat, 8312C; gkunk. 503S0c; otter (land), $4
S; panther, with head and daws perfect,
$I3; raccoon, 2080c; wolf, mountain, -with
head perfect, S3 50 3 5; wolverine, $2 500;
bc&Ver, per skin, large, $C7; do medium, per
skin. $4(33; do small, per skin, 41Q"2; do kits,
per skin, $13.
Hides Dry hides, Ko. 1, 10 pounds and up
ward, 1415c; dry kip, No. 1. 0 to 10 pounds.
15tf per pound; dry calf, No. 1, under 5 pounds,
15!10e; dry salted, one-third less than dry
flint; baited hides, sound steers, CO pounds and
over, 78c; do CO to 00 pounds, 7c; do un
der" 50 pounds and cows, 7c; kip, 13 to 30
pounds, 7&8e: do veal, 10 to 14 pounds. 74o;
do calf, under 10 pounds, 74c; green uaialtei).
leper pound less; culls (bulls, stags, moth
eaten, badly cut, scored hair slipped, weather
beaten or grubby), one-third less.
Liquidation Canned Several Kotable
NEW YORK, Sept 14. The stock mar
ket took on a much more decided-tone
today. Indications of liquidation gathered
force, and in the late dealings the profes
sional traders fell upon the market and
offered prices down all-around the room.
They met with considerable success in
bringing out offerings at the decline, and
when they covered on a moderate scale,
the rallies were so feeble that they re
newed attack, making the close of the
market oulte aetlvo nnrl ajiw. Thi fnii.
era -wero tho most notable sufferers, j
though not on the largest -volume of sell
ing in the list. New Jersey Central fell
2 points and Lackawanna & Reading
flrst preferred lost over a point each.But
the weakness was" quite general an,d well
distributed throus"h the list, railroads and
Industrials suffering allkel Sugar enjoyed
a period of- strength, but closed a point
below last night. The steel stocks wera
generally heavy, and a number of them
were off a point or over. The local trac
tion group, Atchison preferred, Missouri
Pacific, Southern Pacific, Burlington,
Louisville, B. & O., Kansas & Texas pre
ferred and Northern. Pacific preferred
were down from 1 to V. Growing Un
easiness over the effects of the coal min
ers' strike and fears of higher money
rates combined to cause the reaction.
"Wall street has Indulged .a comfortable
assumption that the dispute with the an
thracite coal miners was to be Bettled be
fore the curtailment of production pro
ceeds far, but today's news that miners
whose supply of powder was exhausted
were laying down their tools without buy
ing fresh supplies dispelled most 'of the
optimistic feeling. The financial world
seemed to awake generally today to the
real situation that the cautious conserva
tism displayed by the world's great banks
was warranted by foreknowledge. Lon
don discounts has hardened sharply, and
stocks were sold in New York on London,
account, the sterling exchange rate recov
ering a fraction. The official announce
ment of the subscription by New York
bankers to the German treasury bond Is
sue of 80,000,000 marks ($20,030,000) empha
sized the un.eosiness of. tho-eftect of this
new demand for money.
The bond market did not, share in the
late activity of stocks, and continued
practically dormant. Total sales, par
value $S45,0p0.
United States 3s advanced and the 5s
per cent in the bid price. .
TJ. S. 2s. ref. reg.lOi
Gen. Electric 5s. ..119
N. T. Cent lsts...l0S
Northern Pac 3s.. 05
do 4s 104
Oregon Nav. Ists..l09
do 4s 102&
Oregon S. L. j0s...127$4
do con. 5s ,114
Rio Gr. West, lsts OS
St. Paul consolB...107
St. P. C. &P. Istsll7
do 5s 1UH4
Union Pacific' 4s. .105Vi
Wis. Cent- lsts.... .87
Southern Pae. 48.. 7S&
West Shore 4s 112
do coupon 104U
oo as, reg w
do coupon 103
do new 4s, reg.. 134
do coupon 134
- do old 4s, reg 114
do coupon 115?i
do 5s, reg 113&
do coupon 113k
Aicnison aaj. 4s.. 85
Dist. Col. 3-059. ..122
C. & N.W. con. 7sl40
do S. F. deb. 5s.l2H'
u. oc jv. v. asts..iuu
do 4s 0SH
The total sales of stocks today were 175,500
shares. The closing quotations were:
Atchison 27
do pref C9f&
Bait. & Ohio 70&
Can. Pacific 8S
Can. Southern ... 49
Union Pac. pref.
do pref
Wheel. & L. E..
do 2d pref
Wis. Central ...
Ches. & Ohio .27
vni. ur. western. 10
C. B. & Q 124
CM.. Ind. &Z,.... 22
do pref 57
Chi. Sa East. 111.. 90
ChlcaEo &. N. W..iflnu
P. C. C. & fit. L. fin
Third Avenue 110
Adams 124
American 152
United States 45
Wells-Fargo 122
C, R. I. & P I0fi
.. U., J. m Kt. U. OS
Colo. Southern ... 6
Atner. Cotton "Oil.-. 32
do 1st pref 41 do pref
no ji prei...... i&i
Amer. Malting... 4
do pref .,. 23
Amer. Smelt & R. 30
do pref .... 80$
Amer. Spirits 1
do pref 17
Amer. Steel Hoop. 10
do pref C5
Amer. Steel- & W. 36
do pref. ............74
Amer. Tin Plate... 27
do Dref sou
uei. tc
Del., Lack. & W.,172'
Denver & Rio Or. 184
do pref 67
Erie U
do 1st pref 32
Gr. North. prer...l52W
Hocking Coal .... 1S
Hocking Valley .. 33 .
Illinois Central ..lln4
Iqwa Central 18Vi
. do nref' 43
Amer. Tobacco ... 92
Lake Erie & W
do pref ......
Lake Shore ...
Louis. & Nash.
2GI do Dref
Co. 44
93 Anaconda Min.
200 Brooklyn R. T
i Colo. Fuel & Iron
ICont. Tobacco ...
Manhattan El
Met St Ry 151
Mex. Central 11
do pref
Federal Steel ....
do pref ,
Gen. Electric ....
Glucose Sugar ...
Minn. & St. Louts 54
do pref ......... 02
.Missouri jpaeinc .. 50;
Aiooiie & unio....,.ao
M.. IC & T 9
do prof 20 Ji
Now Jersey Cent-.120
New Tork Cent...l23
Norfolk & West.. 34 j
do pref 75
- oo- prer
Int. Pn,er lu
do prof ......... 04
La Clede Gas 72
National BJscuit .. 32
do pr.ct ., S4
National Lead .... 17
do pref no
Northern Pacific 51
do nref 71
INational Steel ... 25
Ontario & West.. 204j
do pref 8.W
N. T. Air Brake.. 127
North American .. 14U
j. it, dt f 42
do pref 70
c rnnsyivonia ....Iti'M
Reading 151
I Pacific Coast 54
do 1st pref S3
flo 1st pref 541
ao 2a. prer....... 04
Pacific Mall 30
People's Gas 00,4
Pressed Steel Car. 38
do nrcf ..-..' tV.
ao 2d prer K
Rio Gr. Western. 54
St. Louis & S. Fr. 9
do let pref C7
d& 2d pref 33,J!
St Louis S. W... llj
I Pullman Pal. Car.ISC
stand. Bope & T.. 5
Sucrar ..11S
do pref 11C
nn. Coal & Iron. 08
Oo pref 2S
St. Paul -....118'
do pref 173
St. raui & o 110
u. a. ieatner..... 10
Souther Paclflc. 32j do pref
Southern Ry
U. S. Rubber..... 20
do pref .......
Texas & Paclflc.
do prf .......
Union Pacific ..
do pref 02
Western Union ... 70
Republic Iron -& S. 12
do pref 53
Forelprn Financial Xetvs.
NEW YORK. Sept. 14. The Commercial
Advert'ser's London financial cablegram
The markets here opened rather flat to
day, under the Influence of a disquiet'ng.
leader In the Times concerning the situa
tion in China. They recovered partially
on the news from Africa, and closed fair
ly cheerful. Americans were under pari
ty most of the day, though New York
offered'somo support Business in this de
partment was on an extremely small
scale. Money was firm, owing, to heavy
calls. ..Silver, was firmer, the' Calcutta
price being 74o.
JIoney Exchnnfre. Etc.
"NEW YORK, Sept 14. (Money on call,
1U1 per cent; prime mercantile paper,
4Sf5; per cent; sterling exchange, stead
ier, with actual business in bankers' bills
at $4 86 for demand, and at $4 834 for
60 days; posted rates. $4 S4& and 4 87
4 SS; commercial bills, $4 8254 S5; silver
certificates, 62i635i; bar. silver, 6204.
Mexican dollars, 46.
Bonds Government strong; state,; in
active; railroad, irregular.
LONDON, Sept ' 14. Consols, 93 11-16;
silver, 2S 15-16d.
Stock In London.
LONDON. Sept 14. Atchlsdn, 2S; Can
adian Paclflc, 91; Union Paclflc pre
ferred, 76; Northern Pacific preferred,
73; Grand Trunk, 7; Anaconda, 9. Bar
silver, quiet, 2S15-16d per ounce. Money,
22. per cent
Prices for 'Cereals in European nnd
American Ports.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept 14, Wheat
Board of Trade and
Stock Exchange Brokers
Chamber of Commerce
Portland, Oregon
.Steady jpr -futures and quiet -for, spot
Barley" futures easy; spot barley Bteady.
Oats steadier. '"
Spot quotations were:
.Wheat Shipping, 5fp. 1, $105; choice,
$1 05; milHng. $1 07;35l 10. - :
Barley Peed, 6S5472; brewing, 80
Oats Gray, $1 121 25; black for seed,
$1 21 30; nd,k $1"26L30" r-
Recelpts Flour, 8400 quarter sacks;
wheat, 1B,900 centals; barley, 80,000 cen
tals; oats, 3100 centals; beans, S22 sacks,
potatoes, 6300 sacks; bran, SO0 sacks;
middlings, 890" sacks; hay, 1300 bales;
wool, 170 bales; hides, 700.
Chlcnpro Grain and Produce.
CHICAGO, Sept 14. Wheat was fairly
active. The market opened strong, Oc
tober, at 76 to 7G, because Liverpool
showed responsive advance -to the bulge
here yesterday and because rain In the
Northwest was again interfering with
threshing.' Long wheat came out at tho
start arid a dip to 35 took place, but'as
the offerings were well taken, the mar
ket reacted to 76Vi"6. The export de
mand, .however, did not maka'its appear
ance here, .as had been hoped. This, With
the liquidation of over a million "bushels
of long , stuff by a prominent trader,
caused the market to break, and the
close was' weak at the .bottom, . October
Va under vesterdav. at 75.
' Corn was dull and featureless, but
Rteadv. October closed .c lower, at 39.
', Oats was held at yesterday's figures.
October plased a shade dom, at 6iA.
Provisions were easier on hog recelptB
over th estimate and under heavy pres
sure from sellers of short Demand was
good. October pork closed 7c lower;
lard, "710c down, and ribs 15c ''de
pressed. '
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Opening: Hinhest. lowest Cloe.
September ...$0 75 $0 70 $0 75 . ?0 75
October 70 76 75 76
November .... 70 77 70. 70
September . . . 40?i
October 30
November .... 30
41 40 40
30 - 80 391fc
37 30 305i
October ...
21 21
I .88
22 21
22 22
October . . 11- 42 -11 45 11 ) 1140
January 1182 1132 1125 1125
October 0 77 0 77 0J2W 0 72
November .... 0 75 0 75 0 72 0 72
January 0 55 0 57 0 55 0 55
September ... 7 45 7t4Gi n 7 40 7 40
October 7 27 730?' f 722'' 7 22
January 0 02 ft.02 5 07 ,0 00
Cash quotations ,, were as follows:
Flom;, steady. No?" 3 Spring' 'wheat,
7576; No. 2 red, Tjii; o'. 2 corn, 41Vi
41rNo. 2 yellow, Mg4l; No. 2, oats,
219i22; No. 2 ' white? '244; No. 3 white,
22; No. 2 rye, 52; good feeding barley,
S0; fair to choice malting, 44)49; No. 1
flaxseed, $1 50; No. 1 Northwestern, $1 51;
prime timothy seed, $4 104 30; mess pork,
per barrel, $11401145;. lard, per 100
pounds, $6 726 75; short rlb sides
(loohc), $7 40JS7 70; dry salted shoulders
boxed), $G.376 63; short clear sides
(boxed), $7 95S 05; whisky, basis of high
wines, $1 26; cloyer, contract grade, $9 75.
On th'e Produce Exchange . today the
butter market was firm; creamery, ,16!&
20; dairy, 1415318. Cheese, firm, 10Ji
11. Eggs, steady; fresh, 15.
Recolpts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 15.000 -28,000
Wheat bushels 380,000 250,000
Corn, buhels 450.000 175.000
Oats, bushels 450,000 2S5.000
Ry bushels 14.000 1.000
Barley, bushels .'.... 50,000 2,000
lOuroiicaii Grain Mnrlceta.
LONDON, Sept. 14. Cargoes on pass
age, not active; cargoes Walla Walla,
30s 6d. "English country markets quiet
LIVERPOOL. Sept 14. Wheat Spot,
firm; No. 2 red Western Winter, 6s ldt
No. 1 Northern Spring. 6s 4d; No. 1
California, Gs 5d(6s 5d.
, Futures, quiet; " September, 6s 2d;, De
cember, 6s 4d. .
Corn Spot, Arm; American mixed, new,
4s d; do old, nominal.
Futures, quiet; October, 4s 3d; Novem
ber, 4s 3d; December,. 4s 2d.
Kerr Yorlc Grnln and Produce.
NEW YORK, Sept. 14. Flour Receipts,
15,912 barrels; exports, 10,916 barrels;
market firmer. Minnesota patent, $4 45
4 50: Winter straights, $3 503 60.
Wheat Receipts. 100,825 bushels; ex
ports, 80,400 bushels; spot, steady; No. 2
red, SI & f. 0. b.; options opened- 79
Wool Dull.
Hops Dull.
Tncomn Wheat.
TACOMA, Wash., Sept. 14. Wheat
Steady; bluestem, 59; club, 56; both for
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 14. Wool
Spring, Nevada, U13c; Eastern Oregon,
1014c; Valley Oregon, 18S18c; mountain
lambs, 910c; Humboldt and Mendocino,
Hops-Crop of 1900, 12J&g15c.
Mlllstuffs Middlings, ?1720; bran, ?13 50
(14 per ton.
Hay Wheat, $8!ffl2: wheat and oat, $S5
10 50; best barley, $3 SO; nlfalfa, ?67 50;
compressed wheat, $S12 per ton; straw,
2537ytc per bale.
Potatoes River Burbanks, SO 00c;
sweet, new, 75c(JF$l 50 per cental; Salinas
Burbanks, 70c$l.
"Vegetables Green peas, 22c per
pound; string beans, l2V&c: tomatoes,
1530c a box; asparagus, 75c&'$2 50,
Green fruit Apples, choice, $110 per
box; common, 35c.
Butter Fancy creamery, 24c; do sec
onds. 22823c; fangy dairy, 21(c?22c; seconds,
Citrus fruit Mexican limes, $5 50ff:
common California lemons, $1252 23;
choice, $2 5002 75; pineapples, $23 per
(Bnanas $12 50 per bunch.
Cheese California flats. 910c per
pound; Young America, 1010&c; Eastern,
Eggs-Store, 1721c; fancy ranch, 30c;
Eastern, 1721c. K
Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, 15lcc; do
hens, 1516c per pound; old roosters,. $30
(OH per dozen; young -roosters, $3 504;
small broilers, $22 50; large dp, $2 503i
fryers, $3S,3 50; hens, $3 505 per dozen;
old duclcs, $34 50; geese, $1 251 50 per
pair. . - ' , ,
CHICAGO, Sept. 14. Cattle Receipts,
2000, Choice, light and medium steers,
steady; heavies, 10c lower; Texans firm;
natives, good to prime steers,, $5505 00;
poor to medium, $4 405 35; selected feed
ers, $3 904 65; mixed stockerS, $2,803 75;
cows, $2 ayjM 35; heifers, $3 005 25; Cah
ners. $2 252 SO; bulls, $2 504 50; calves,
$6 E5. ... - k
Texans Receipts 300. Best on sale to
day 10 carloads at $3 90; Texas fed steers,
$4 355 10; Texas grass steers, $3 "40g4 35;
Texas bulls, $2 753 40.
Hogs "Receipts today 24,000; tomorrow.
17,000, estimated; left over, 6500. Heavy 5c
lower; light steady to shade lower; top
$0 63; mixed and butchers', $5 0S6 55; good
to cnolco heavy, $5 055 42; rough heavy,
$4 905 light jsiscs; bulk Of sales,
$5 105 35.
Sheep- Receipts, 5000. Sheep and lambs
active and strong. Good to choice weth
ers, $3 75$4 15; fair to choice .mixed, $3 60
(g"3 75; Western sheep, $3 804 15; Texans,
$2503 30; native lamba, $3 50$4 30; West
ern lambs, $5 15 5 90.
New York Cotton.
NEW YORK, Sept 14. Cotton futures
opened feverishly irregular, and later
prices showed a decline of 515 points on
the near positions, while the later months
were 2 points, lower to 1 point higher.
A great deal of long cotton was far sale,
and within the next few minutes prices
showed a further loss of 7 points. There
was a partial 'reaction on covering, but
again tho market t became very weak.
From the 'opening figures of yesterday,.
Downing, Hbpkihs & Co.
Chicago Board. of Trade DDAIITDC'
New York Stock Exchange DKUIS.Clf
Room 4, Ground Floor Chamber, of Commerce
fieptember broke 25 points; October, 22,
and January, March and May SI points.
At one time October had special support
on account of. heavy -3 buying by Liver
pool, but this was finally' -withdrawn.
Themarket closed' steady In tone, but
tki about the lowest level oMhotday a, net
loss of 24(g30 points. ' -
.Cofle and Sngra'r.
NEW YORK, Sept 14. Coffee options
close'd firm at 1015c net higher. Sales,
18,500 bags, including September, -$7 20.
7 25 and $7 307 40; January, $7 40. Sugar,
raw, firm; fair refining, , 414c; refined,
American Blcyclisla Again 'Victori
ous in Paris. "
PARISH Sept 14.. The grand race'bf the
nations, one of trie leading events of the
cycling carnival at Vlncennes, was, today
won by America. . Great Britain,' . Ger
many, Italy, Austria, Belgium, France
and Holland competed,, each country, be
ing represented by three men. Cooper, Mc,
Farlahd and Banker constituted the" Amer
ican team. The distance, was 1500 metres.
In the preliminary heat America defeated
Belgium by 8 points to 13, and -'in the'
semi-final,' Amorlca won from Italy by
the same score. The. French team, com
posed of Jacquelln, Bqurrillon andt Lou
bet, disputed the final with the Ameri
cans, the.Jatte.r winning, ..although Jac
quelln finished flfst In 2:17 15. Cooper
was second, McFarlarid third, Bourrlllon
fourth, Banker fifth and Loubet sixth.
The-.purse w$s 6500 francs, divided into
individual prizes .and three prizes for the
winning team. The marking was by team
and by points. - '
New Yorlc . Won . From Chicago
Through Snpcrior Batting.
NEW YORK, Sept 14. The NewYorks
won the final game with Chicago today
through superior batting. Arv feature of
tho game .was a steal home by Doyle In
the fourth inning. New York's cluo has
made a big offer for Murphy, the .Nor
wich, Conn., -second baseman. Attendance
700. The score:
Chicago 1 6 OjNew.York 5 11 2
Batteries Garvin and Kllng; -Hawley
and Grady. 1 '
Umpire Emslle.
Cincinnati' Sfent'-Ont Brooklyn. '
BROOKLYN, Sept. 14.-Clnclnnqti shut
out Brooklyn today by superb 'fielding
and bunching- a brace of hits off Ken
nedy In the second and fourth. Phillips
held the( locals down to six1 scattered
hits, and' two fast, double plays cut off
runs when the Brooklyns were dangerous.
Quinn's batting was the' feature. "At
tendance 800. The score: ', .
RHE - ."" R.HE
Cincinnati ..,.2 9 1 Brooklyn 0,6 1
Batteries Phillips and Peltz; Kennedy
and- McGulre.
Umpire k3affney.
' The American Lcngtic. '
At Milwaukee Milwaukee 8? Indla'napo
11s 1. . , ' ' t '' ,
At Chlbagcj-ChlcngoButfalOjO..
At MlnneapollST-F.irstigame, pdlnneapplis
2, "Cleveland 5". 'Second game, Minneapolis
10, Cleveland 6. . "., -!",..
National League Standing.
.Won. Lost.-' Per
Brooklyn 69 45
Pittsburg ...,,. ........... 67 -.50 ,..
Philadelphia ,...57 54, .
Chicago .'57 19
Boston 51 f9
St. Iouis 51 GO ' .
Cincinnati . 63 63 ' .
New York.. 49 67 1.
Bar Star Won -ilie 2:14 Trot at Em
pire City Trade." ' ''
.NEW YORK, Sept. 14. The 2:14,trot was
the most exciting' race of 'the fifth day
of the grand circuit meet at the Empire
City track. Summary:
2:14 class, 'trotting, $1200 Bay Star won
the flrst, third and fourth heats in 2:09;
2:11, 2:11. Joe Watts won the second
hent In 2:10.
2:20 plass, trotting, $1200-iBrandywlne
won three straight heats in 2:14, 2:14V4.
2:19 class, pacing, $1200 The Private won
the sjcond, third and fourth heat. In
2:07, 2:11, 2:12. George W. won the flr3t
heat in 2:10. . .
Races at Harlem.
CHICAGO, Sept. 14. William "Ulrich's
good steeplechase horse Rend, 'after fin
ishing fourth in the steeplechase 'at. Har
lem today, 'dropped dead. Results: "
Six furlongs KIngralne w'on, Tola sec
ond. El Oriente third; time,' 1:14 2-5
Mile and a sixteenth;-Crosby won,
Thrive second, Bill -Garrett third; time,
1:46 S-5. . .
Stecplechaso handicap, short course
Negligence won, Becky Rolfe second, Uni
versity third; time, 3:38.
Mllo and' 50 yards Silver." Coin won,
Defender II second, Pralriq Dog thjrd.;
time, 1:44 1-5.
Four and. a half furlongs Money Muss
Won, Corn Goetz ,second, Hy Lee third;
time, ..0:54 .2-5. ,
Mile and 50 yards Pat Garrett woy.
Trobor second, Chauncey Flshor. third;
timo, 1:44 4-5.
Races at St. Louis. .
ST. LOUIS, Sept 14. Results: -Four
and a half furlongs, purse, 2-.year-olds
Juanetta won, Minyon second,
'Thvnmhfi.irtpd third: time. 0:56. " - -
Six and a half furlongs, selling John
Morton won, Four Leaf Clover second,
Captain Gaines third; time, 1:22'.' "'
Mile, selling Celeste d'Or won, Revenue
second, Delsarte -third r trnerl'AW.-
Seven and a half furlongs, selling
Necklace won, Zanetto second, "Two An
nies third; time, 1:36. -
Seven furlongs, selling, " -2-y earmold s
Marcv won, Satin Coat -second, Glen Bow
third; time, 1:13. '
Races at Sacranjento.
,. SACRAMENTO, Cat, Sept. 14. Today's
races resulted as follows: , .
Trotting, 2:25 class Walkover for The
Romas; time, 2:22. Last half-mile made
In 1:03.
Pacing, 2:21 class, purse $600 Zalock
won, Fredericksburg second, Hernua
third: best time, 2:12.
Running, 2-year-olds and upwards, sell
ing, six furlongs Amasa won,. Lode Star
second, Almoner third; time, 1:15. ' r
Running, 3-year-olds and upwards,, seven
furlongs Merry Boy. won, Bathos second,
Loconomo third: timet 1:23.
Running, 2-year-olds, six .furlongs Con
more wop, George Dewey second, Screen
well Lake, third; time, ,1:15. -t
fj I Y .if nT"Pi
MOfmon Blfihdns' Pills
Cburcb ud 'ftieir. followett. TPtaiUTtTy
V wfh In cr'
trtcrr function. Dont pet desDondent. a
V. r ... ... .. ... I.0W '
emm, $tfmnlates the brain nd nerre centers, joe bor,
of fitccsyreftinded, with febott. arcui&n the. Address,
For sale by Aldrlch Pharmacy, Sixth
cf setf-.cuuon, exee,cr ctjwmoxmff. euros LOST JWOnnpOHi im-
cGtanoy, (Lost Powert Wlchr-Losaes, apprmatorrnoea Insomnia, TPalns
rn.-facki Kvll DoaireSi Oomlnai Erhlaglorto,. tamo. aaoKi Norvoua oe-
2I Adelsdofer, San Fr
S.Wnrt i. TOf. r!tv
uavaoieer, N x
F C'Brown. N Y
AL'Colllns,-san Fr '
H Cronlnger & w? Chg
CKlnff, New York
Q Llndsrecn, St Paul
J SI' Gamble, New Trk
Robt Graham, San Fr
G-K-Burton. -San Fr
J E Cross, San Fran
Mrs Geo N Young, S F
Mrs T Bleknell, Chgo
A A Brown '& w, 'B 'F
Frank Hlratace & wf,
TTnrtrtliiln .
r "Ciiifrt A. .fn
J J McConnell & wife.
R W T.ltrhton.. Mlftnnl i
G F Arnawert, do
J,A Nadlar & wf, do
D Brnwn. Jr. St Paul
O E Bock, Minn
l, Henale, New.xotic
K Crossley, England
W H Wiley, w & ch.
Frank D Morrison, S F
S N Bernard '
H Brander & wf, S F
H G Bond. Sant Clara
Geo M Lefllngwell &
wife, CMcago
Nprma N Lefllngwell,
Miss Lena'
JS H wodollsus & wf,
N B Hastings & wife,
St Michael
P "Wilson, San Fran
F B ShedJ & w", Low
ell, Mass ' ,
Miss. McCall, da
C FFurhess, N Y
Mr & Mrs R Ramsey,
Lincoln, Neb
J H Biggs, Denver
J 3 Riley. Chicago
R B Powell, Victoria
E P Ferguson, Clnclnn
vr a Doue. ban i-ran
H E Rooklldge, Chgo
c K Teaie, r x
E E Nordyke, Chicago
h. so. trfje. citi-
Mrs P D Carpo, Chgo
Georirn W fiponm
Columbia River Scenery.
Regnlntor Line steamers. from Onk-t
street doclraally, except' Sunday; 7 o'clock
A. Id. " The- Dalles. Hood River, Cas
cade Locks and Return. Call "on, or 'fone
Agentfor further Information.. ,
LJ3-.LJ X'.Vl.3.
C R Cooperj. Qraah
IMrs. DajGraff. Ellen-
us n lucnmond.
Salt' Lake
W W Deal, Oregon
ASB. TTfuhor itn
Mrs J T.nrsnn Khlffmn.
5MJes Larson. Kaldma
Bpce Brier, Seattle
ChaavFrank, Dalles
JohnA Leggej-Mllton
L 1 J.Cline.-San Fran
Mrs. L J Clino, do
WE Wakolee, San Fr
J N 'Cardwoll. Pom- .
eroy. Wash
C, I?r9P--MJH. City
C Clark. Camas. Wash
Mrs C Clark. . do
C E: Stephens; Los
Angeles '
Mrs phas W Holmes,.
Miss 5TIverson. do
Mlstt N Iverson." do
E E Jetter. Chicago
Mrs E E Jetter. do
H J Wiggins, Homer,
J O WIIlIams.Heppner
G L Taylor. Portland
Mrs G L Taylor, do
Wm Eccles, VIento
G A Olmsted. Dallas
Mrs G A Olmsted, do
""1 jociarBon, ao
uiaric wood, Weston
Miss N" Jeffry, AstorJa
Mrs Hubbard, Salem
Miss Edna Hubbard, do
JV B Graham. Astoria.
Geo W OrnTinln X5nl.m
L E Sellg, Astoria , ,
j on, suvcrton,
F Brown, Astoria
Mrs F Brown, Astoria
Mrs A T Sweet3, do
Frank- Afnlo Cs.,11.
Frank Wood,' Chicago .
uue. j.- Dawson, san 'Fr
GeO R Ocir Rnr" TTriir.
Jos Rio -dan. Spokane
jw w irv-ine. n x
R RamnVpr SontMn
Thos Copeland, W V
D B Stewart, Spokane
R S Henry. Rossland
C Hayter, Rossland
Miss F Slapley, Spokn
H P Brandes, Spokane
j n waiKer, Memphis
A P Tugwell, Tacoma
Frank Fulton. Los Ang
T L Williams. La Grd
John Endlcott. PeAdltn
miss aiabel Williams,
La, Grande, Or
Ben F RhprM TTnlnn
airs Balrd, N" Yamhill
W E Reynolds, Oak-
Innrl r?nl
J W Mftrlatt. He.ppner
C J Smith. Seattle
G F Conlcy, Joseph, Or
x . aioiu, wauey
Mrs T M Stout, do
Jirs u a- uoniey, do
AV J Frank. 'Entprnrlsn
Bella B.lrd. N Yamhl
tr J Melvln. Palmer
E W Masker, -Peoria
B F Mulkey. Monmth
Mrs B F Mulkey, do
Miss Trcssle McPhil-
llps, McMInnvllIe
Miss Lojttle McPhll-
llpn, McMlnnvllle
O G Graham. Oregon
A, B Hulet. La Grand
J Larson. Knlamn
Mrs W J Frank, do
aiiss i-'rank, do
E G Miller. Astoria
C Wcl'gerbpr, -Lcwlstn
Mrs O Nichols, Seattle
Mrs G C Lemon, St L
Miss Cora Howe, Ever
ett, Wash
Mrs .T Tinnier TWnnfrpI
Mrs S R Robinson. Sa
lem, Or
W. Knowles, Manager,
W B Messier. Tacoma
Misi Mildred TIbbals,
Salt Lake
C M Cartwright, Hay
iF F Plowden, San Fr
Jos G Kldwell, W-W
R R Garretson, St PI
L Tl TCnnfmnti Titm'.ii,
S J Aschhelm,' San Fr
airs Aschhelm, San Fr
Mrs Lambert, Cascds
Chas Nlckell, Jackson
ville, Or
H T Hendryx. Bak Cy
Dr J M Pruett, Pon-
dleton. Or
Miss Afina Raley. do
Carl Adler. Baker Cy
H SnVlllo Shnrur.I rtn
M McAIpIn, Albany
Mrs M McAlpIn, do
S B McKIein, Wash-
W D Hare. Hillsboro
T Ballermann. Pendltn
Ben Rosenfeld, San Fr
E E Thornburg, Gran
iteOr F W Jewatt. xrinnnic.
Guy Ostrander, Union
M J McCabe, San Fr
J C Matheny, Burns
M J Train. Albany
Arlene Train. Albany
Florence Knecht. do
J R "Whltnoy. Albany
M P Callender.Knaptn
Chester C .RobJhjs,
Lawton. Or
M Nicholson, Ham
mond, Or
Mrs M Nicholson, do
Mrs T Nicholson, do
Miss Wlnnifred Marsh,
Fnrnst. Rrnvn
Mrs F W Jewett. do
! v, setter, unomawa
Mrs Thos Olesen, As
toria J W pavden, Cumber
land. TPln
Alf R Kelly, San Fran
it v iiter, San Fran
Bertha W Palmer, -Los
John Halo. Portland
W I Maglll, Kalama
G Llndberg, Tacoma
Rnhpri1 T,pp Tnonmn
Mrs Lee, Tacoma
F E Simpson. Crlmjlo
N J Sorensen, Sumpter
Ben Stewart, Cooper's
IRouben Sanders.Chem-I
A J Carty, Lebanon
Miss Julia Thompson,
H P Ingerson. do
A J Pierce, Eugene
Robt Boals, Mayger,
Htn Rnni1nlli TC V.ra
H M Taylor & wife.
C H Stout. Seaside
J L Chalkers, Gresham
Elma Blackburn, do
S R Mayger, Maygcrs
G T Drydam. Pocatello
H O Cameron. do
Chrl3 Wilkinson, do
N M Jones, Glencoe
A Anrlrrsnn niptiA
Robt Bullard. Rockfrd
J W Barr, Clatskanle
J G Cummlngs, do
Mrs B Anderson, As
toria W G Glover, Ilwaco
J Llmberger, St Hlns
Frank Brown, do
C F Brown, do
O C RMnsoth, do
J A Stlnson, do
L Ogllvle. Dawson
C C Marsh, Astoria
C H Stout, Seaside
John Fisher, Seaside
J J Ross, Seaside
E J Barnes, Seaside
Geo Vaughn, Buttevill
Chas Hill, Buttevillo
Wm Miller, do
R R Coleman. N Y
Sam Lockwood, N Y
J E Hall. Clatskanlo
Mrs Hall, Clatskanle
H Trnov. nintVnnlr.
Wm Jonsen, Wis
W A Tnsnr 1flc
P J Kelly, Wis
cr jk. anipman, wis
M R Grenler. Colfnx
A L Miller, Vancvr
Mrs S M Turner, city
G Y Carlton, city
C Shaw, city
Leslie Merrill, city
A C Kent, Mills City
E Romnnp AlVinn-L.
F M?Ivntirht Alhnnv
John Black. Albany
kiiio jonnnson. do
R E Bradbury. Saasldo
A B Milled, Tacoma
Mrs Mlllml fnonmn
J J Tjler. Cottago Grv
uirs lyier, uo
Ilev Winn. Wrntnn O
Mrs I Winn Wmtnn
T H Miller. Hood Rlvr
JMra J A McCallum,
J W Forsyth, Ncwberg
m. u Pugn, Albany
W Gray, Albany
Mrs Gray, Albany
P. WIlKnn Alhnni-
MI-s A J Wesferland.
W P Matthews, Oreg C
D A Harsen, Astoria
R L Eberman. Astoria
T J Fllppln. Clatskanle
Mrs Fllppln, do
C H Abernathy, Cham-
Mrs J Zimmerman, The
J H McEwon. Perry
Wm Kelly, Perry .
E R T.nffprtv WIltnr,l
C'M Granam.Marshlnd
jHrs Uraham, do
Mrs J J Goary, do
H L Goary, do
J'F Graham, do
Senator 'E B Dufur,
Geo Ma idox, Gray's
C A Sonev, Woodland
T Plhirnoll "YVrv.rHn?wl
F.M Fafes. Fales' Ldg
C Anderson, WroodIand
wm Randall. Carrolltn
H M Miller, Carrollton
E B Alden. Eufaula
A Studell. rJufnuln.'
Mrs Courtney, ureg J
F Anderson. do
R H Diaz, Buttevillo
C C French, Welser
M N Lenox, Roxwell
Miss Lenox, . ,do
f f STaftl f(.nri(iTn
O Satterrell. Eufaula
J McLeod, Chemawa
H Glenn, The Dalles
E W Hahn. Dayton
J'H Thomas. Hldgefld
E McElsander, Da
A D Burnett, Eagle Cr
L L Paulson, Etna
iU uartner. . do
B Kevins. do
W R T.-snn TToln
L C Rldgway, city
T E Miles 8cott's Mis
F A Vantress, do
S Carver, do .
John Davis. Knappa
W J Roberts. Pullman
A Bensell, Chemawa
G W Marsh, Centervl
T -f Mnrsb. do
M M Flak, do
J Johnson, Chinook
H B Chapman. Troutdal
J T, Vnrnpr TrnuMila
H J Prince, Troutdale
W II Mills, Troutdalo
Nora Coal. Kalama
H T McClune. Dalles
W Morrison. do
Bert Wise. Seattle
J P McCrcft, Astoria I Joqn Miller, Vancvr
E H Warren, Astoria Geo Norton, Vancouv
Mrs M Morgan, do I J A Clark. "Kalama
Mrs Geo Jones, do (Mrs Clark, Kalama
H Miller. do -
. TTotl Tlrnnawlclc. Senttlf.
European; first .class. Rates, 7Dc and pp.
blQck from depot. .Restaurant next door. ,
Tacoma Hotel, Tncomn,
American plan. 'Rates, $3 and. up.
Donnelly Hotel, Tacoma.
European plan. Rates. 50c and up.
for the Cure of Gonorrhoea, Glcctm,
Stricture, nnil nnnlogons couiplnlnts
of the Uream of Oeuerntlon.
Irico 81 ft bottle. For sale by druggists.
hve been la tUe orer 50 vein by tho leaders of the Monnca
cures tho wont cues In old ind joanr tlsnr ftom effects
". . , .' HH ". . . ' .
cure U at nana. Vrtdnui itesiorcs small, unasreiopea
6 at $s SfybT mail. " " A written, guarantee, to cure
Bishop Remedy Co., San Francisco, Oal
and Washington streets Portland, Or.
m pTd)rT1
III Inf C Px r.
DbIob. Depot Sixtb w&d J Strcola.
Leaves, for the- East, via Huntington, at 9:00
A. M.; arrives at 4:30 P. M.
For Spokane. Eastern "Washington, and Oreat
Northern, points, leaves at C P..M.: arrive" J
S A. M.
Le&Ves tor tho East, via HuntinKton. i 3
P. M.; arrivea at 3:40 A. M.
Water llces jeiwduJ, subject to chns -without
OCEAN DIVISION Steamsnlps sail from
Kundiiv Citt 1A rvliimVil fundav SeDC. U
Wednesday. Sept. 10; Saturday. Sepu 2i; Tues
day, Oct. 0.
From San Francisco Leaving spear-airov
Oct. 5; Monday, Oct. 15. State of California.
Monday. Sept. 10; Thursday. Sept. 20; bundaj.
Sept. j0; Wednesday. Oct. .10.
8temer Haaaalo jeavew Portland dally. -Sunday,
at 8.00 P. M.; on &aturdy t J0:00 P.
M. Raturnlnr. Aatorta. dally. xcept aua.
day. at 7:u0 A. M.
Owine to the low water la the.Wniamette
the boats are unable to ascend further tnan
the mouth of the Yamhill. -For schedulo bee
'Ruth. for'"Oregon City. Buttevill.
Champoec. .JJayton and way landings, iea.vei
Portland Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays
at 7 A. M. Leaves Dajton tor Portland and
way points Mondays, Wednesdays and iriaaya
at-C A. M. -- .
Steamer Lewlston leaves Rlparia Sept. 1 and
eyery other day at 3:40 A". M". Tor Lowlston.
Returnlnff. leaves Lewlrton Sept. U and every
other day at 7 A. M.. arriving at Rlparia same
evening. "
General Fawener Agent.
V. A. SCmLLTNO. Cltv Tlclm Aftnt
Telephone Main 712. 0 Third street, cor. Oalt.
NewSteamsMp Line to the Orient
In connection with THE OREGON RAILROAD
& NAVIGATION CO. Schedule. 1UUO uubjct to
Steamer. Due to Leava Portland.
"BRAEMAR" Sept, 30
car rates, accommodatlora. etc., apply tu
Oeneral Acents. Portland. Jr.
To principal points In Japan, and China.
Leave j Dtptt Filth mil Streets Arrive
for balem. Roue
burs. Ashland. Sac
ramento, O'j J t n.
Sun Kranclnco. Mo
jave. I.oj Anseleu,
1 Paw, New Or
leans and tho Koat
At Woodbura
dally except Sun
day), morning train
connects with train
for Mt. Angel, all
v e r t on. Browrni
Vllle, tjprlncllrltt
and Natron, and
evenlnr train fc;
Mt. An gel and SL
verton. Albany passencer
Corvallls pasxenjrc;
Sheridan rpassenrer
?S:30 P. M.
'8:CO Ai'M.
7:43 A.M.
3:30 P. XL
4:00 P. M.
J7:30 A. M.
J4:50 P. M.
10:10 A.M.
:3:00 P. M.
t8:25 A. M.
Dally, t Dally except Sunday.
Rebate ticket? on sale between Portland, Sac
ramento and San Franclaco. Net rate $17 first
class and $11 second cloas. including sleeper.
Rates and tici-eu to Eastern points and Eu
AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. ii.
KIRKLAND. Ticket Agent. 140 Third at.
Passenger Depot, foot of JeBerson Street.
Leave for Oswego dully at 7:20. 0:40 A. M.:
12:30, l;uo. 3:1'5. 4:40. 0:25, &.SV. 11:30 P. M.;
and U:0U A. M. on Sundays only, rrlve at
Portland dally at C:33, a:30. 10:60 A. M.;
1:35, 3:10, 4:J0, 0:15. 7:40, 10:00 P. M.. 12.41)
A. M. dully, except Monday, 3:2(s and 10:03 A.
M. on Sundays only.
Leave for Dallas dally, except Sunday, ax
0:05 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 9:30 A. M:
Fnsaengf r train leaves Dallas for Atrlle Mon
days. Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:45 P. M.
Returns Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturday.
Exceiit Sunday.
Manager. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt.
The Pioneer DIninc and Obnervntlon
Car Ronte.
Union Depot, 6lh an J JSti
No. 2
2 P. M.
North Coast Limited,
For Tacoma. Seattle,
North Y&klma. opo
kanc. Pullman. Mos
cow, Lewlston. Kosj
Iand. B. C, Rutte.
Helena. St. Puul. Min
neapolis. Chicago. Bos
ton. New York And all
points East and South
east. No. 1
7A. M.
Twin City Express, for
No. 4
11 JO P. M.
rTacoma. Seattle. Spo
No. 3
8 P.M.
kane, Helena. Suite.
St. Paul. Chicago. Boa-
ton. New lork. Omaha,
Kansas City. Council
Ulurrs. St. -Louis, and
all points eaat and
Through train service via Northern Pacific
and Burlington line rrom Portland to Omaha.
Kansas City. SL Louis. Quick t!m and In
equaled accommodations.
Ttko North Coast Limited Train No. 2 for
South Bend. Olympia and Gray's HarDor
'See the North Coast Limited. Elegant Up
holstered Tourist Sleeping Cars. Pullman
Standard Sleepers, Dining Car and Observa
tion Car. all elcctrlo lighted. Solid vestlbuled
Tlckotn sold to all points In the United
States and Canada, and baggaga checked to
destination of tickets.
For information, tlrV.ets, sleeping-car reser
vations, etc.. call on or write
AsNlntarit General Pnsnenger Accent,
SS5 aiorrlxon St., Cor. Third,
Portland,., Oregon.
BAILEY GATZERT (Alder-street Dock)
Leaves Portland .dally every morning .at 7
o clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves As
toria every night at 7- o'clock excapt Sunday.
Oregon phone Main 331. Columbia, phone &L
Now offered by tha
If you cannot tako the mornlnsr train,
travel via the evening train. Both, aro
finely equipped.
"Our Specialties" . .4
Fast Time Through Service
Hours In TImfc Saved to
Omaha, CIilcnp;o. ICnnan City.
St. Loui.n, New YorJk. IJoiton.
And Other Eastern ' Point.l.
Tickets good via Salt Lake City and
It Is to your Interest to use THE OVER
LAND ROUTE. Tickets and sleeplss-oar
berths can be secured from
City Pass, and Ticket Asent,
J. H. LOTIIROP. General Agent.
135 Third SU Portland. Or.
Ocean to Ocean
Grand Scenery.
Fast Tlmo.
Model Accommodation.
Tourist and First-Class Sleeping Cars.
For full particulars apply to
H. H. ABBOTT. Agent.
140 Third street. Portland. Or,
E. J. COYLE. Asat. Gen. Pa33. Agent,
Vancouver, B. C
Pacific Coast Steamship Co.
steamers Queen. Cottage City.
Olt" of. Topeka and Al - ICl
lot.e TACOMA 11 A. M.. SC
ATTLE 0 P. M.. Sept. 2. 7.
12. 17. 2. 27; Oct. 2, 7. 12.
17. 22. 27; NSv. 1. and every
rtfth day thorenftor. Further
Information urttaln comnanr'a
folder. The compa.iy reserves the rlsht to
change steamer... al! nsr datr-a and hours o
sailing, without previois notlcf1
AGKNXS 1. iOST( J. 21tt Vashlncton st.
Portland. Or.. F. W C VP.LE 'OX. X. P K. R.
Dock. Tnctmia. TICKET OFFICE. 13 First
ave.. Seattle. E W ME7U. Ticket Ajct.;
II. H. LLOYD, I'uget sottwl Supt.. Ocean
Dock. Seattle; C. W. MILLER. Aat. Supt..
Ocean Dock. Seaftie.
GOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. Oen. Asts.. S. F.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
For Mayors. RaInIur.fARRIVK3
ClaWkanlif. Watport.
Clirton. Ajtorln. "War
renion. Flavel. Ham
mond. Fort Staveas,
Oearhart Parle. Seitstd.
Astoria and Seuhox
jutorli Exerts.
8:00 A. XL
0:55 P. M.
11J0 A. M
0:0 P. iL
Ticket office. 2SS Morrison it. and Union depot.
J. C. MAYO. Gua. Pan. Ast.. AJtorl. Or.
Tfcket Office, 263 Morrlsoa Streif, Tbane SM
0:00 P. M.
Th J"l7r, dally to anl
from St. Paul, lllnn
polls. Duluth, Chloajt
and all pntnta Eut
No. a.
7:00 A. M.
TbrouKh Palace and Tourlat Sleepers, Dlnlnfl
and Buffet Smoklne-Llbrury Cora.
For Japan. China and all Aslatlo points wta
leavs Seattle
About Sept. 12th
Permanently Cured. You can be treated At
home under same guaranty. It you havo taken
mercury, iodide potash, and still have aches
and palna. Mucous Patehca In Mouth, So: a
Throat. Pimples, Copper-Colored Spots; Ulcers
on any part of the. body. Hair or Eyebrows
railing out. -wrlta
1C39 Masonic Temple- Chicago. 111., for proofs
of cures. Capital, 5300.000. Wo solicit Uo
most obstinate cases. "We have cured the worst
cases In 15 to 35 days. lOO-page Book Free.
i Governm'i, Municipal,
(Railroad, Gas and
Electric Companies
Bought and sol Jr Including total Issues.
Lett srs of Oreeiii and Drafts
Issned on Bank of Scotland, London, ,
Credit Lyonnnfs, Puritt.
.204 Dearborn St. Chicago
31 Nass2uSl.,M2vYork. 67 IVlilli: S!., Boston.
Orlcllinl and Unlr Ocnulnn.
AFE. Air-!T..W8 I.allevuliDmlit
la ItKI) xwl KoM metnlila boxt. lsI
with blur ribbun. Take no other. Rcfuio
Danccrmt Subntltutfon and Imita
tion. 15 jj of jonr Urnlit. or -ru 1 4a. la
torapii tor Particular. TcatlsionlaU
aua "Keller Tar l.maio. Uttef.hj r.
tnrnJUnll. J n.UHO TMtlaonlM.. Soiitby
ilratlon till paper. Sladrhon aaare. PHXLA.i 1A.
IThompscn's yo Vifalsr
- I all
iH I W I I W ZZM m Ct