THg MOUSING OBEGOyiAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 19Q0. MONUMENT TO IlfDIANS. South. Carolinians Honor Red Men "Who Served as Scouts. Baltimore Sun. A monument to Catsirba Indians -who served in the Confederate Army -was ded icated at FortMHJ. S. a, Tuesday. July 3L The monument was erected by Colonel Samuel E. "White and .Mr. John iL Spratt. In the park in. which the monument stands is another to Confederate soldiers, erected by Colonel White and others -of Fort Mill. There is still another to the women of the Confederacy the first of its kind built, and one to the faithful slaves, "the only mentiment of that nature ever erected. They were "built by Colonel White years ago. He -was a larse slave owner, and during the war, like thou sands of others, left his wife and children in the care of his negroes. There were no elaborate exercises at the dedication. About 30 Indians went from the reservation. 10 miles from Fort Mill, and were feasted by Colonel White. Aft erward Benjamin Harris, chief of the tribe and one of the half-dozen full-bloods surviving, made an address. Harris Is the son of a scout who served In the Civil war with Captain E. A. Crawford, of .the Twolfth South Carolina Regiment, com manfled by Cadwallader Jones. There were several of these Catawba scouts, and, John and James Harris and Samuel Campbell wero killed in battle- Their widows are pensioned by the state. The monument Is a handsome marble shaft, bearing the figure of an Indian warrior with drawn bow. On the sides ape Inscriptions telllne of the bravery of the men In battle, their friendship for the whites and the services of a com pany of scouts 4n the Confederate Army. In IS5 the Legislature of South Caro lina set apart a reservation 15 miles square for the Catawba Indians, who had always been friendly to the whites. "In dian Land" was purchased in 1S42 by the state for .$15,000. Three thousand acres were left fori the Catawbas. The "na tion" received an annuity of $S from the state and $250 for Jts school. Forty years ago the nation, was popu lous and healthy. .Not more than io of the tribe remain. DAIL1' METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Atlg. 20. S P. M. Maximum "temperature, "8; minimum temperature, SG; river .reading at II A. M 3.8 reel, change in the lat "24 hour?. 0.2 toot; total precipitation. 8 P, M. to 0 T. ST.. 0 00; total precipitation lnc Sept. 1, 1S08, 40.51 Inches; normal pre cipitation since Sept. 1. 1S9D. 46.5 inches; de ficiency, B.03 Inches; total sunshine Aug. ID, 12:00; possible sunshine Aug. 10. 13:59, Pacific Coaat Weather. K K Wind. 5 B'P2. "S-" l" a ' o s as is r : : '-J t : STATjpNS. Astoria .:........ Baker City Bismarck ........ Boise Eureka .. Helena ............. Kamloops., B. C eah Bay Pocatello Portland Red BluC Rpseburg ........ Sacramento ...... Bait Lake San Francisco ... Spokane .....,.. fce-attle Walla Walla Light. fTrace. .IMI0.00110 W lClear NE Cloudy XE .Cloudy .VW iPt. cloudy N Cloudy NW (Cloudy vV Clear W JPt, cloudy SW tPt cloudy .W i Clear .W Pt. cloudy SE Clear .'W Pt. cloudy W jCloudy S jPt. cloudy W I Xpnoio -J.I W- Clear W Cloudy . BOto.-'0l . 154.10.00 . so T .G20.00 IS2J t 201 0 00 0.00 o.oi 0.00! 0.V01 O.Vtil 0.00 t I00fff.0010 160JO.O0I 8 I78!0 001 0 IH)U,UUJ WEATHER CONDITIONS. There ban been a marked rise In pressure over the Pacific States, and U barometer is now highest off the California coast and low est over Idaho. A thunder storm, with mod erately heavy rain, occurred this afternoon at Baker City, and showers and thunder storms, with light rainfalls, have occurred -In South ern Idaho. The 'changes In temperature have generally been email and unimportant, ercept at Baker City, -where it if much cooler. The Indications are "for continued unsettled weath er In Idaho and the near-by portions of the adjoining states, with showers and thunder e,torms tonight and Tuesday. West of the mountains unsettled weather is Indicated for Tuesday, but it Is not expected that any rain oT consequence will occur. WEATHER FORECASTS. Torecasts made at Portland for the 2S hours ending at midnight Tuesday, August 21: jOregen Partly cloudy and occasionally threatening; cooler west, except near coast, nd warmer east portion, Fouthwest winds. Washington Partly cloudy and threatening west, ehoaerx and thunder storms east portion, cooler, except near coast; southwest winds. Idaho Showers and Thunder storms; cooler in west ronlon, southwest to northwest winds. Portland and vicinity Partly cloudy and oc casionally threatening; cooler, with southwest v. inds, EDWARD A. BEALS. Forecast OfScIal. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS 0b Improved city and farm propertr. R. LIVINGSTONE. 224 Stark st. Kqfghfs Drug Store Opposite Oregonlan building. 12C Sixth Drugs ktid medicines. Prescriptions a specialty. Peaches! Peaches! Peaches! Fine -Crawford peaches, today. 50e per box. P M. & G Co Wholesale Commission. Both 14S) rirst. BRICK FOR SALE An one wishing to buy brick wljl do well to ire Cooke Bros. Ring ui up at Sylvan, at our ixpenee. Mortgage Loans On improved eity and Isrrn property, at low current ratrt Building loans. Installmeat lon. lUrmaster A HlrrWI. 311 Worrtsur ilk. Peaches! Peaches! Peaches! Fine Crawford reaches, todat. 50c per box. ?, & gfet""01"36 mmuslon. Both CANJSERYMEN, ATTENTION! Parties desiring Eod cannery locations in Southeastern Alaska will find it to their ad xantage to communicate with E 3. care Ore gonlan California Oil Pays bigger and quicker than an; thing else. Sto k bought at 'M cents a share toda may be v rrh f 20 In six months Have - ou some money invert Do you care to make a for tune fanf Address Y t2. care Oregonsan. Peaches! Peaches! Peaches! Flae Crawford peaches, today. FOc per box P M G Co., Wholesale Commlbstoa. Both 149 rirst. Butter! Butter! Best creamer butter... Oood creamery butter . . 1'airy butter ........... Country lter 3 ancli ggs, 2 desen... 5V: to 55c 40c to 4bs S5c 30c 35c bupw-our-d IWBlf -12fec All goods rvt&lled at whaiesale nrk-es. LA GRANDE CREAMERT. 2H Yamhill. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND LUMBER-BUYERS Oar jawmlll (formerly known aj the Fermeyer Mill), after exteniivc improve ments, including up-to-date dry kilns nd planing mill, U now running to full ca pacity, and we respect uily solicit the pat ronage of LUMBER-BUYERS and CON. TRACTORS. Let us liurt with you on any Kind of ordrr for lumber. Respect' fuMy. PORTLAND LUMBERING & MAN UFACTURING CO.. foot of Lincoln St Portland, Or., July SS, 1W. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES "Rooms," "Rooms and Board." "ousekei ng Rooma," "Situations Wanted," 15 words or less. 16 cents; 16 to 20 worts. 2Q centa; 21 to 25 words. 22 csoU, etc No discount for uflAltlona: icsertlone. UNDER ALt. OTHER fiEADS except 'Tfew Toiay." 30 cents tor IB words or lessi 10 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 23 words, 60 cents, elc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, cse balf: so further discount under one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), 13 ceata jjer Jlne, -first insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional insertion, ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS; ad dressed care The Oregonlan and left at this of fice, should always be Inclosed In sealed envel opes. -N6 stamp Is required, on such letters. The Oreponlan will not be rtsponslble for er rors In adrertlsenents taken through the telephone. A.MESE3IEXT3. ALIEKrS WINTER GARDEN. ALIBKTS WINTER GARDEN, ALIfiKY'S WINTER GARDEN, THIRD AND MORF.ISON ET3. THIRD AND MORRISON STS. THIRD AND MORRISON STS. VENETIAN IJDT TROUBADOURB. VENETIAN LADT TROUBADOURS. VENETIAN 'LADY TROUBADOURS. EVERY EVENING AND WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEES. DINNER T-ROM f TO a P. M 50 CENTS. AUCTION SALKS TODAY. At Central Auction Rooms, Alder and Park sts., fine furniture. Sale at 10 A M. Geo. Baker & Co., auctioneers. At , salesroom. 411 Washington St.. at 10 o clock. A. M. S. Ij. N. Gllman. auotloneer. MEETING NOTICES. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 11. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this '(Tuesday) evening. No work. All Masons cordially Invited. By or 4er W. Mr RICHARD BREYER, Secretary, 'T3IED. ENGEUCE At her residence, JOth and Elm its., Portland Heights, Aug. IS. Mrs. Pauline Engolke, aged. 63 years. D months. Funeral rervlces at residence Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully Imlted to attend. KECK At her home. Fulton Tark. Atig. 19. Mrs Naret Keck, aged 09 years, 11 months, 10 days. Funeral services will fce at Hol man's chapel. Fourth and Yam,hl!l sts.. Tues daj at" 2:30 o'clo:lc. Friends Invited. EDWARD HOLMATf. Unlertnlcr,4th nad Ynruhlll ats, Renti Stlnaon. lady nnslstant. Hotr phoaea Ho. 1107. Flnley. ICIniball & Co.. Unlertnlcpr.i. Lndy nsalatnnt. arc Third t. Tel. O. F. S. Dunning:, Uinlertalcer. 414 Et Alder. JLady AsslKtant. Both phone. KBW TODAV. FOR RENT LODGING-HOUSE OF 30 rooms, two-story house of 8 rooms, meat market with fixtures, .on desirable corner. North ICth; corner store on Third street; also corner store on 10th street, at low rent to suitable tenants. J. ICraemer, Commer cial block. 12 CANS DEVILED HAM, c: 7 LHS. ARM and Hammer soda, 25o: Schillings' baking powder, 1-lb. can. 35c; -lb. can, 20c: 12-lb. box soda crackers. f5c; 8 bars Babbitt's V.est soap, 25c. McKlnnon Grocery Co.. 173 Third street. WANTED EVPERIENCFD MARKER AND assorter. Apply at Union Laundry Co,, 53 Randolph street FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS; A NICE LIT tle home. By Parrish & Watltlns, 250 Al der st. TQ LEASE AN ELEGANT RESIDENCE. By ParrUh & Watklns. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE PROPERTY OF ALL KINDS and In all parts of the city and suburbs, for sale at lowest prices, ana can make bpttej terms than others, as ue handle propert owned principally ty mortgage companion. Call and Jieo our list, as we have some special bargains on hand, and will drive you out to see the property. Ic will co3t you nothing to look It over. Grlndstaff & Blaln. 240 Stark street. $450 J. W. OGILBEE. ROOM 11, 145V4 FIRST street. Neat, plain 4-room cottage, with large lots, well fenced; 3 blocks routn of Hawthorne car line, at Sunnyslde. Makes a nice little home. FOB SALE iO-ACRE FARM OF FINE LEV el land, all under fence and cultivation; near Portland. Price $1500. by C. F. Pflucer, agent. No 148 Second street. $275O-2GxlC0 AND HOUSE, NO. 104 11TI1 street, near Washington. This Is a special bargain, and must go quick. urlnastan & Blaln, 240 Stark. ?S50 CHOICE HOMESITE, CORNER. IOOx 50; beautifully situated: west slope Mount Tabor. Rlggen Real E3taio Co., 30-S1 Mc Kay building. EXCELLENT COTTAGE. WITH LOT: ALSO acant lots, 18th and Mill, cheap, and easy terms. Rlggen Real Estate Co., S0-31 Mc Kay building $2000 FINE .QUARTER-BLOCK. M'MIL lerTs Addition. oerlooklng river. Rlggen Real Estate Co., 30-31 McKay building. AT MONTAVILLA 7-ROOM HOUSE AND bath, fruit, barn, lot 80x123. near car. Own er. Hurrle. room 000 Dekum. WAITED REAL ESTATE. WANTED LOT IN HOLLADAY'S ADDI tion. one or two lots north of Holladay ave.; gi location and lowest cash prices. Ad drvF Buer. ctrs Oregonlan. FOR SALE FARMS. IMPROVED FARM. 107 ACRES. ONE MILE from railroad, threc-cuarters of a -nlle 'r.'m LwiWlle, Clark County, W&h.: yovd rchoolhouse and church on the far.-n, 0 arrif fine ash timber, near Vaniouver. v, jfh. Par.ientc made to suit purchasers, f'ltar title. Address Mrs. B. F. Dennon. Olym pla, Wath. THE CELEBRATED "HENRY LONG Farm." at Chehallo. considered by many to r the best money-making farm In the state, will be sold by the administrator Sept. I, either In parcels or as u whole, to the high est bidder. Full Information by addressing W. B. Allen, box 317, Chthalls, Wash. RANCH FOR SALE FRUIT VALLEY. VAN couver, Clark Co., Waslu; 20 acres; 15 acres clar. 5 acre with timber, 1300 bearing prune trees, with others; house, barn, drier; 80 minutes' walk from Courthouse: will be sold cheap Inquire on ranch. George Meld lan, or A. Burgun, 2S1 Third St.. Portlnd. STOCK AND FRUIT RANCH OF S70 ACRES for sale, well watered, rood eoll; 30 acres bearing onhard: only two mlls from Oak land. Douglas County. Or.; low price and easy terms. Acply directly to the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company, San Francisco, Cal. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and. Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For full particulars as to various properties, arply to Macmaster & Eirrell, 311 Worcester Block. FOR SALE CHEA.P- P0 ACRES OF TIMBER land, some improvements; srring -nater: one-half mile from saw mill. Call or address C A Mason. 505H Hawthorne ave , city. SMALL FARM FOR SALE OR TRADE. Room 4. 291H Mcrrlsop st. TIMnER LAXDS FOR SALE. FOR SALE DESIRABLE TRACTS OF TIM ber. all of which we are prepared to guar antee. Hartrcaa. Thompson & Powers. 3 Chamber of Commerce. Oregon Mid Wash, timber lands; school lands, logrlng ehanees, claims, scrip, mill sites, etc J L. MRrtln &. Co.. BMJon block. Portland. TO EXCHAXGE. ONE BLOCK. CLOSE IN. WITH BUILD lngs. Incumbrance $1000. for furniture, piano or anything you have to trade. Y 02, care Oregoulan. A NEW LADY'S GOLD WATCH. DIAMOND setting, for good furniture; bargain. Address A J4. rare Dreconlan. BELGIAN HARES FOR SALE. IF INTERESTED IN BELGIAN HARES OR fancy poultry, send 23 cents for a year's sub-' scriptlon to the Oregon Fancier's Monthly. Portland. Or. Los Angeles Babbitry. 604 Oregon st-. Port l&od; loir prices. Prince Yukon, Jr., Ice ?10. & FOR. SALE MIS CELLAM EOC3. FOR SAEE DOUBLE-SEATED SURREY, with shaft and pole. In Al condition. Apply at F. Botefuhr, X. E. corner Third and Ash street. A NUMBER OF ELEGANT SECOND-HAND machines. New Home, Singer and White, $5, J10 and fla. J. S. Crane, 350 Morrison st. Typewriter?, all makes, rented and sold; expert repairing: office supplies and desks. Coast Agency Co.. 2C8& Stark st. Both phones. FOR SALE TEW ROLLER -TOP DESK, chairs, table, typewriter: very cheap. Inquire room 700 Oregonlap building. HORSE FOR SALE; 1300 POUNDS. INQUIRE of J. D. Swank, care of Cone Bros, saw mill, Vancouver. Wash,. FOR BEST FIR, QAS. AND ASH WOOD GO to Pioneer Wood Yard, foot of Morrison st Phone 181 BEST DRY FIR WOOD, HOOVER. 313 Water. Phones Ore. South 051, Columbia &?. $10 FOR A NEW GAS COOKER: $2 CASH, balance J2 per month. Gas Co.. 174 Fifth at. Magic lanterns, new. second-hano, moving pic tures. Bullard & Breck, 131 Post. San Fran. Several new and second-hand wagons, bug glea and surreys., 51 Fourth, pear Pine. SOLID GOLD RINGS. ONLY $1; GUARAN teed. Uncle Myers, 143 Third, near Alder. BEL? WANTED MALE. MACHINE MEN, FURNITURE FACTORY. 2 rip sawyers, sand paperer, $1.75 to $2.50; cabinetmakers, day or piece work, 20 others, same kind work; 100 loggers. $2 to $2-75; woodcutters, SOc to 51; 100 mill and yard men, S1.75 and $2: R. R. laborers. 52: man and wife, laundry, $80 and board;- polercut-! ters. ic ioo;; larm nanas, jso; notei ana res taurant help; 1000 hop-pIeker3, no fee. Call and name your work. Canadian Agency, 221516 Morrison. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN TO REPRESENT manufacturing account In Oregon, on a lib eral commission; give references, nge, and It other accounts mention lines; absolutely none but first-class men need write. Address Rochefort & Pigott Inc. Factory, 12th and Missjqn sts., San Francisco. 530 STENOGRAPHIC COURSE FREE. TO Introduce our system and method of teach ing shorthand by mall, wo will teach tfie first five applicants from each town free. Acme Correspondence School, Detroit. Mich. drive logs and make himself generally usefuy nrounu a saw mill; permanent place to 2to. l man. Addros Morris 4 Whitehead, Bank ers, room 0 Chamber of Commerce, city. 500 MILLYD. LBRS. CITY, $1.75; OTHERS for box fcty. and yd., Gray's H. (tickets); furniture sawyers, farm hands, cooks, wait ers, etc.. Astoria: 101K) hop-pickers: go soon. Call. R. G. Drake, 152 First. WANTED BOOKKEEPER; A THOROUGH bookkeeper in Oregon town; one acquainted wth lumber measurements; state fully sge, experience and referince; must furnish bonds. Adareas T U3, care Oregonlan. SOLICITORS WANTED; $000 YEARLY guaranteed, with commissions; Standard Il lustrated Histories qf the great fraternal, religious and political organizations. The Hazen Co., New York. NOTICE TO HOP-PICKERS ALL PICKERS registered In T. A. Llvesly & Co.'s yards ara hereby notified that the price of picking will be 40c rer box In all of our yards. T. A. Llvesly & Co. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER; MUST BE thoioughly competent to take charge of book3 for lorse business; give references and state salary- Address U S3, care Oregonlan. WANTED CLERK FOR WHOLESALE GRO cery house, familiar with freights and gen eral office work. Apply Y 03, caro Orego nlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED CROCKERY packer; none other need apply; for Seattle houise. M. Seller & Co., Front and Burnslde. I HAVE A VACANCY FOR YOUNG MAN who Is a hustler: no other need apply. Ad dress Van. P. O. box 2104, Station A. WANTED TWO FrRST-CLASS WAITERS, at Keith's Oyster House. Fifth and Alder streets. American Employment Agency SVork for everybody. 20U Stark st. Phones "443. Col. 0U2. WAXTED-MEN FOR COLUMBIA QUARE-Y; wages $2 and $2.25 per day. OS First st. WANTED APPPENTfCE JOB PRINTER. F. Wi Baltes & Co., 22$ Oak ?t. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WAITRESSES. CITY AND -COUNTRY; cooks, hotols and B.-H., city and country; chambermaids, The Bailfs and city; nurse girls, Walla Walla and city; man nnd wife, laundry. $00 and board; housework, E. O. country and city. $12 to $25; 1000 hop-pickers, NO OFFICE FEE. Call and register. Canadian Parlors, 220 Morrison. 50 WOMEN OR GIRLS. $1 DAY; COO HOP plckers, 23c fee; go soon, 30 fop O. K. Chi nese grower, Fairfield, 100 domestics; 2 dish washers, $l0. $15; waitress for Clatsop beach, ?25 (fare): 5 waitresses for hotels, ($13); rests., $0. R. G. Drake, 152 First. Learn the eclehrated Pernin shorthand, hort, blmrle. legible and swift: personal and mall Instruction. Behnke's Pernin Shorthand and Commercial College, 014 Commercial block. WANTED LADY HAIRDRESSER; MUST be first class, capable of mannglng and a good hatrworkcr. Apply at onco to Lucas' Hair Store, Vancouver, B. C. WANTED A GOOD GERMAN GIRL OF about 10. to assist In light housework. Ap ply 770 Overton, between 23d and 24th. WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER: PLAIN woman, age 35 to 40: object, matrimony. Ad dress E. S. Trzelnskl, Kamela, Or. WANTED GIRL FOR COOKING: ALSO ONE for second work and sewing. Apply in morn ing at 332 10th St., cor. Market. WANTED A NICE, REFINED GIRL TO take care Of two children; references re quired. Call 251 10th st. DINING-ROOM GIRL AND CHAMBERMAID; good wages to competent girl. National Ho tel, Front and Yamhill. WANTED-WELL-VERSED. NEAT-APPEAR-Ing woman, over 25, as commercial traveler. V 10. care Oregonlan. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; family of three. Call at 713 Wash ington st., near 22d. GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL housework; best wages. 655 Washington st., cor. Ella. WANTEDt-LADY TO ASSIST IN TAILOR ing; tallorcss preferred. Inquire 272 Alder street. WANTED IRONERS FOR LADIES' clothes, at Union Laundry Co., 53 Randolph street. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; small family. 252 13th st., near Main. WANTED A GOOD, STRONG GIRL TO help in kitchen. 232 Front St.. Hotel Rheln. WANTED WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. In family of two. Apply 10S King st. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; small family. Call 284 14th st. GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF TWO CH1L dren, afternoons. Apply 8 East Seventh st. WANTED TAILORESS ON COAT. ROOM 23, Ru;sel building. Fourth ad Morrison. GOOD GIRL; GENERAL HOUSEWORK; small family, 495 East Davis st. WANTED-GOOn AVD WILLING GIRL, IM medlatejy, at 515 Johnson st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 787 GUsan st. GIRL WANTED IN EMALL FAMILY. 190 Chapman, cor. Taylor. YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. 3S4U Morrison st. WANTED CHAMBERMAID. 2SS THIRD street. SITUATION WVNTKD MALE. WANTED POSITION A3 COLLECTOR, As sistant bookkeeper, Janitor or driving deliv ery wacon: am roerrled, 35 years old; 10 years a resident of Pprtland; refereccts. Ad dress J 00, core Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST - CLASS engineer: IS years' experience; understands all Kinds of engines, pumps and elevators; do my own repairing. Address Engineer, 400 Williams ave. A SOBER YOUNG MAN WISHES TO ASSIST ln cooking, so as to learn; wages no object. 2534 Everett St.. room 5. BY CHINESE COOK. EXPERIENCED IN boarding-house cooking; best references. Ad dress Lee, 1SS Second st. WANTED WORK FOR EVENINGS, BOOK keeplng or stenography; references. Address If ?5, care Oregonlan. '(SITUATION TVA7fTED-3IALE. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION IN ANY ulace. do housework, dishwashing. 10 North Third. BOOKS WBrTTEN UP AT REASONABLE rates. Pendleton, P. O, box G15, city. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. NEAT GIRL WANTS HOME NEAR SCHOOL where she can work for her board. Call Holmes' English .ar.d Business College, 414 Yamhill. A COMPETENT LADY WISHES POSITION as waitress in restaurant. Ca. at Holladaj House, room 15. A CAPABLE BUSINESS WOMAN WISHES position as commercial traveler. R t)6, care Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED-51500 CAN BE MADE during campaign season selling our cam paign ties. Greatest sellers ever intro duced. Territory going. Write Immediately. Full line white andXfancy rubber collars. En close stamp. DEPTXC, M. & M. MFG. CO.. Sirlngfleld, Masi. WANTED-TO RENT. WANTED SEVERAL FURNISHED OR partially furnished housekeeping rooms; gas for range; walking distance of P. O.; no chil dren: references. P 07, care Oregonlan. WANTED ON OR BEFORE SEPT., 1, Q OR 'C-room cottage; state price and location. .Ad dress S 02. care Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BORROW 58000 ON AN UNDl vlded Interest In strictly Inside city business property; very centrally located; the security offered has a market va,(u of $33,000, and brings in rents of 5240 monthly. W 71, care Oregonlan. WANTED STRICTLY FRESH RANCH eggs, at Kruse-'s Ortll-Room, Stark St., oppo site Chamber of Commerce. WANTED 100 TONS ITALIAN AND PETITE undrled prunes.. Apply 374 Hssalo St., cor. Union ave. Cast-off second-hand clothing wanted; -at Si N. 3d. Prices no qbjec:. Oregon Phone Clay filS, FOR RENT. Rooms. THE SPALDING, S. E. COR, PARK AND Alder Ktr., under the management of the owner, Helen F. Spalding The most complete arartment-hou"iP iq the Northwest; cholco rooms, for gentlemen or gentleman and wife; furnished housekeeping suites a specialty. THE I'LIIASANTON, 2fc&9i THIRD ST. FINE furntshd rooms, en suite, single, or house keeping; sunlight In all rooms; hath Included; most reasonable terms; transient solicited. THE NEWCASTLE, S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison stsf Rooms, furnished or Jinfur nUhed; all modern conveniences: references. 384 TAYLOR STREET PLEASANT, COOL rooms: bath, phone; two blocks Portland Ho tel; reasonable; no children. DESIRABLE ROOMS, EN SUITE, wVLCOVE and single; modern conveniences. 304 Alder, cor. 10th. Both phont-s. THE RURSEL, COR. FOURTH AND MORRI son Large rooms; gas and h-at furnished; fine for offices. THE STEVENS, 42T ALDER ST FURN1SH ed rooms; porcelain bathtubs, phone; modern; no children. The Tpmpleton 20",4 1st st.. cor. Taylor Nice ly furnished rooms; also housekeeping rooms. GILMAN HOTEL Brick bldg.. central: fur nished rooms. $1 week and up. 1st and Alder, Lockwood Mrs G. Akl'y prop. 351'4 M"rrIson, furnished rooms: professional people solicited. 1C8 10TH ST.. NEXT DOOR TO MORRISON Nicely furn!shd rooms: modern conveniences. THE OCKLEY 3WH MORRISON ST.. COlt. 10th st., furnished rooms; bath and phone. CLIFF. 2il9Vi WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR Third Furnished rooms; reasonable rates. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS. EN suite or single. 181U Fl'st. cor. Yamhill. 18S)'h Third st., bet, Yamhill and Taylor sta. Well-furnished rqoms; rea-on-ole rates. 05 11TH ST. FURNISHED ROOM. Rooms With Ilourd. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 13TII YEAR; rooms with board; enameled bath tubs; usa of library: Woman's Exchange: Industrial school. Address Mis. E. C. George, uapcrln tendent, 510 Flanders street. ' TWO HANDSOME ROOMS; PLEASANT surroundings, large yard; home cooking: cen tral, reasonable. 475 Washington, cor. 14th. NEW FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD, with all modern conveniences: first-class table. 20 East Sixth, cor. Buinslde. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR without board, for gentlemen only. 120 14th, between Alder and Washington, FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM, WITH board, In private family; pleasant location. Address Q 93, care Oregonlan. SUITE OF ROOMS, ON FIRST FLOOR, with first-class board, also single rooms. At 1C8 11th, DESIRABLE ROOMS. WITH FIRST-CLASS board. The Storling, 533 Couch street, corner 18th. THE COLONIAL, 165 10TH ST ROOMS EN suite or single; table and scrvloo first-class. Brown Hotel. Grand & Hawthorne aves. New ly furnished rooms; elevator; both car lines. Honsckecplng Roomn, FURNISHED FLAT OF 5 ROOMS. IN PRl vato house, with separate entrance: use of laundry and phone. Address E !2, care Ore gonlan. TWO NICELY FURNISHED CONNECTING rooms for housekeeping; modern conveni ences. 354 Oak. THRF.E ROOMS. FURNISHED. FOR UOUSE keeplng, $0 per month: free phone and bath. 247ls Fifth st. 25T SIXTH ST.. COR. MADISON FURNISH cd housekeeping rooms; all conveniences; best location. 353iTYAMHILL ST NICELY FURNISHED rooms; also housekeeping rooms; very cen tral location. 534 MORRISON ST. ROOMS. LARGE AND airy, bay window; suitable for housekeeping. OAK ST., 327, NEAR SIXTH TWO FUR nlshed rooms, for housekeeping. " FURNISHED BASEMENT. FOR HOUSE keeplng. 164 Park st. flonneo. HOUSES FOR RENT BY C. H. KORELL, 235 Stark St. 7 rooms and bath; corner East 14th and Alder; $10. 7 rooms and bath: new and first class; cor ner East Sixth and Main: $24. 0 rooms and bath; modern, first class; 189 East 12th, near Belmont, 525. 10 rooms and bath; modern; choice loca tion: large barn; corner 22d and Hoyt, West Side; $30. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE, with piano, to family of adults. 543 Third street. Inquire 203 Ablnrtox Bldg. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. BATH BASE ment. goo-1 repair. 333 Everett street. Har rington. C9vi First. Snuirocr Renorts. GEARHART PARK WELL-FURNISHED 6 room cottage: September: cheap. Call 620 Marquam building. Telephone Grant 021. 7-ROOM HOUSE: ELEGANT FURNITURE, cheap rent; lady boarders; reasonable. K 94, care Oregonlan. JACOBSON'S GARDEN GROVE HOTEL; one-half mile north of Long Beach; rates, $1 a day. PRIVATE ROOMS. WITH BOARD. HACK ncy cottage, Seavlew, Wash., Lopg Beach. Furnished Honnes. $8 PER MONTH; 3-RQOM FLAT: BATH room, pantry, woodshed, free telephone, free water: nice view. G36 Seventh, near Sheri dan. WELL - FURNISHED HOUSE; NICE grounds; fruit and flowers; good location; references. 401 12th st PERSONAL. 17 women wanted suffering from Irregular, painful periods; leucorrhoea (whites), and all complicated diseases pertaining to changes of life, cured by jld Dr. Kersler, cor. Second and Tamhlll etc. 32!) women called last 'month. Consultation free, and private room? for ladles. If can't call, write. Inclosing 10 2a stamps. Hundreds treated at home by his new system. PERSONALS. OYGENATQR IS A PERFECT BLOOD PURr fler based upon Natura's own methods of purifying the blood, through oxydatlon. When all other things fall. Oxygenator Van bs relied upon as a true curative, AU forms of throat and lung troubles cur4 by It. For tlje kidneys nothing better nas ever been produced, Jn rheumatic affections It la. a sptciSc Used Internally as well as exter nally. Advice free. Oxygenator Co.. room IS Ruasel building. Portland. Or. ELECTRIC PARLORS, 13S FIRST STREET, treats all scalp diseases and guarantee to restore gray hair to natural color, without dye; removes wrlnJSdes and all blemishes frost face; also removes superfluous hair from, the faco without pain; enlarging busts a spe cialty. BLAZIER'S CONCERT HALL BLAZIER'S CONCERT HALL-- . - 248 BURNSIDE STREET 243 BURNSIDE STREET Sole Agent O. P. S. Bourbon. Also handling Three Crown Cyrus Noble- DR. DARRIN. 270H Washington stj, Portland. Or.,- specialist In all chronic and private dis eases of men and women. Painful. Irregular or suppressed menstruation quickly relieved. Varicocele or stricture guaranteed cured in one week. No detention. Consultation free. DRE3S SUITS RENTED. ALL SIZES. WE call for. sponge, press and deliver one suit of your clothing eaii weelt, sew on buttons, sew up rips, for $1 per month. Dyeing, steam cleaning and repairing.- Untqiie Tallorlpe-Co., 347 Washington, both phones. LADIES, HAVE YOUR Fi'R GARMENTS RE modeled for less than half price. First-class work: an excellent tit guaranteed; 20 years' experience; references. G. Konlgsberg, 210 Alisky building. Third-ar.d Morrison. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. IF YOU HAVE ' eczoma. ringworm or any form of Itch, there la Tiothlng that cures It as quickly and as thoroughly as Cylead; 25c. sold at Clemen son's drug store, 227 Yamhill. THE PORTLAND CLUB. INC., A PLACE OF amusement and Tecreatlon for gentlemen. 130 Fifth si. anJ 2S1U Alder. Tho cafe In con nection carries the bst lino of liquors and cigars tl?a world produces. NO BETTER AND NO CHEAPER IN THE world: 'LUtle's Headache Powders. 10 "cents; v sent to any address upon receipt of price. Address H. W. Little. 05, Grand ave.. Port land, Or. MAN.LY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB--erts' Nervo Globules. One" month's treatment $2: 3 months, 5. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents, Woodard & Clarke. Portland. Or. Dr. Mary A- Qulnn. diaphoretic, specialist, late v -of Capital Sanitarium; treatment of insane attended to; other diseases successfully treat ed, 171 Green ave., Wa,sh. and 23d sts., city. A YOUNG LADY, RECENTLY FROM CHI cagp, Is an experienced and scientific mas suer, artistic manicurist and expert chirop odist. 20 Raleigh block. ILLUND'ff PREVENTIVE CONES, AN UN eqnaled antiseptic; no failure; per box$1.50; eample, 10c. Illond Chem. Co.. Portland. P. Q. box 074. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE AC curately and reasonably filled at EysseU's Pharmacy. 227 "Morrison st,, bet. 1st and 2d. WR PR'aNT SO FINE VISITING CARDS. 23c: 50, 35ct 250 business cards, $1; 000. $1.00. Brown Schmae. 220 First t.. Portland. FRITZ CONCERT HALL: largest cafe on Pa clflo Coast; "30 o 240 Burnslde. Welnhard's beer, on drauRht. Clubrcoms upstairs. SUGOFFTIVE THERAPEUTICS AND MAG netlc healing. Consultation freo. W. I. How- a.rJ M. D.f Raleigh building. DRUGS: COUNTRY MAIL ORDERS SOLIC Jted. Albert Bernl Druggist, 235 Wash st. BILLY LEA'S BICYCLE HOSPITAL. 103 4TM. Phone Clay C41. Wheels called for. delivered. LESSONS IN LACE WORK. Room 33 Russel. cor. 4th and Morrlspn Mrs. A. K. Graves. LADIES' PERSONALS INSERTED FREE IN Helping Hand. Lock-box 0C0. Portland. Or. IS CLARENCE MARSH IN TOWN? IF SO, call at Oregonlan office for a letter. 5PECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED BIDS will be received for the reconstruction of the overhead roadway, and dck of west approach of the steel railroad bridge over the Willam ette River in Portland, Or., according to specifications on file In tho office of the County Commlsilouers, up to 2 o'clock P. M. Friday. August 31, 1000. - - - f - Certified check for $500. made payable to the order of the County Commissioners, .will be required of each, blddor. A bond equal to the amount of the bid, conditioned on completing the work accord ing to specification and contract, must be given by the bidder to whom the contract U awarded. Two separate bids will be required. One bid for doing the work with the high way closed to all travel. One bid for doing the work with street-car travel maintained at all time-. BId3 must ba mado on blanks furnished by the CSunty Commissioners. Elds to be marked "Proposals for recon structing roadway and deck of steel railroad bridge." The time for the commencement of the work will bo Sept. 15. 100n, and for the com pletion of the same Oct. 15, 10C0. Tho Commissioners reserve the right to re ject any or all bids. W. B. STEELE, J. G. MACK, WM. SHOWERS, County Commissioners. PBOPOSLS FOR CASKETS DEPOT OUAR tcrmaster's Office. 30 New Montgomery Street, - San Francisco Cal., August 10, 1000. Saled proposals. In triplicate, will be received at this office until 11 o'clock A. M., September IB. 1000. Pacific standard time, and then opened, for furnishing 800 caskets. Prefer ence will be given to articles of domestic production and manufacture, conditions of price and quality being equal (Including In the price of foreign production and manufac ture the duty thereon), and such preference will be given to articles of American pro duction and manufacture produced on the Pacific Coast to tho extent of the consump tion required by the public service there. The United States reserves the right to ac cept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information and blanks for proposals will be furnished on application. Envelope containing proposals will be In dorsed "Proposnln No. C0"-0 for caskets," and addressed to MAJOR OSCAR F. LONG, Quartermaster, U. S. Vols., Depot Quarter master. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMAS ter, Astoria, Or.. August 18, 1000. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here until 2 P. M., September 8, 1000, for con structing, electric wiring, pjumblng and hot water heating of a 24'bed hospital at Fort Stevenj, Or. Information furnished on ap plication. U. S reserves right to reject any or all proposals. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked "Proposals for con struction," and addressed CAPT. DOWNS, Q. M. Stockholders Mcetlnar. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Oregon Railroad & Navi gation Company Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company for the election of directors and for the elec tion of an Independent auditor, or firm of au ditors, to audit the books and accounts of he company at the close, of the fiscal year, will be held at the office of the company. Worcester building, Portland. Or., on Thurs day. September 0, 1000, at 12 .o'clock noon. W. W. Cotton, secretary of the Oregon Rail road & Navigation Company. Portland, Or.. August 8. 1900. ' BUSINESS CHANCES. JENNINGS & CO 309',4 MORRISON ST. We hae a rood list of all kinds of busi ness places, especially rooming-houses and flats. Also plenty of money to loan .on easy terms to help you buy. If jou are looking for a GROCERY, RESTAURANT. CIGAR OR ,CANDY store. BAKERY. DELICATE-ESSEN. ROOMING - HOUSE. BOARDINp HOUSE, or any business opening, call on us. and wo can help you. Even business is .listed at owner's bedrock price. Whether you wUh to buy or cell, we will make an effort to please you and guarantee satisfaction. JENNINGS & CO 30914 MORRISON ST. ?C50 CASH WILL BUY FURNITURE AND fixtures of old-established hotel. In best lo cation; 28 bedrooms, parlor, office, dlnlng- - room, kitchen, complete; always full of reg ular boarders, and paying builncss. For par ticulars address G 09, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE BUSINESS. LONG ESTABLISH ed. good paying; or will self half interest, with prh liege of all In one. two or three months: a great chance for man wtth geft-d. Industrious boys. B-98. care Oregoman. FOR SALE INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTUR Ing business, in good condition: price $2000 .cash: established trade; future business as cured; safe Investment; investigation solic ited. Address A 93, care Oregonlan. 47-ROOM LODGTNG-HOUSE. EXCELLENT location: 46 rooms occupied; ?830; house filled up with good class of tenants: reason able rent. Address C !". care Oregonlan. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE. NEAR at SI ness center; rooms all full; a paying invest ment. Inquire 240"4 Fifth at., cor. Main. A GOOD. WELL-LOCATED GROCERY BUSI nesu for sale. Ames Mercantile Agency,-202-3-5 Ahlngton building. FOR SALE A GOOD-PAYING. WELL - Es tablished, business. Inquire at 420 Washing ton st. -BUSINESS DIRECTORY. . 1, Asayer and. Anflysts. J. H, .EISK. MINERAL ASSATER AND chemist, gold dust bought. SHVi Washtnttnn. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYIST; gold dust bougat. 223 Stark st. Attorneys. EDWARIX T. TAGGART. ATTORNEY-.VT-lt-f. general procitM. BIS Chamber of Com merce. J. W. RAN60M. ATTORNBY-AY-LAW AND efiun-wlor. Bates Bank bldg.. I-srUind, Or. Acricnltnral Implements, aiacaiaerr EDWARD BUOHESr WAOONS. CARRIAUE3 and farm machinery ot all kinds. 190 Front. JOHN POOLE; Newton wagons, buggle, wlnd rnlllA. pumpsv machinery. Foot Morrison C Boole Stores. J. K. GILL & CO.. WHOLESALE AND KE tall booksellers and stationers. 133-33 iX t. Carncntors and Bnlldcra. RHODES & BUCKNER. carpenters, odlce Ut ters, Jobbers. Phone Black al-t. 330biark t- JOHN A MELTON, carpenter, builder: office snd store futures. Ore. teU 747. ''05 Stark. Chinese and Japanese Goods. LADIES' SILK WAISTS AND WRAPPERS, fancy white goods, silk underwear made tu "order. Sing Cftong Co.. 333 Morrison. Chiropodists. W. DEVENY & MAUD DEVBNY. THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors 301 AlUky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. Ore. phone Grant l& L. MITCHELL, the expert chiropodist. Office. 16s) i'ifth .st... opp, postonlce. Tel- Hood 014. M13S Dart, chiropody, manicuring, 50 Union bic. lst-Stark. DA.lI.to5E M. Tel. Front 344. Clairvoyants. Mice. Dr. Herzog, from Berlin, scientific re YesJer; telU entire life, past, present and fu ture; consultation on all affairs; nothing ex cepted; names given; good advice; sura- help; mistake Impossible: imports genulna gypy lovo power Fee, $1; letter. $2. 347 Taylor. Tust arrlvkd-rClalrvoyant palmist and card readers; tells past, present, future, 2tiua lat. Cornices Skrlishts. METAL SKYLIGHTS, GALVANIZED IRON cornice, J. C. Bayer. 265 2d at. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER .OJ? hldes. pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general coram Us ton merchant. Front at., near Main. Portland. Or. Cash advances on conlgnments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIt BROKERS and commission merchants. Eherlcclc bldg.. Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duc merchants. Front-it D sts.. Portland. Or. EY-ERBING It FARRELL. commission, butter eggs, chickens and farm produce. Portland. Coal Dealers. VULCAN COAL CO.. DEALERS IN HOUSE. 6ti-am and blacksmith coals. Also foundry cuke. Front St., near GUsan. Dancing. MISSES MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANC ing, 2GU 14th. Private Itasons by appointment. Dentists. DR. C. B. BROWN. Tel. Ore. Red 2340; real dence. White g. 514-13-16 Dekum bldg. Oyelns and Cleaning;. H. W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER and cleaner. 301 17th. Tel. Red. 131. Electrolysis. A beautiful complexion may be had by treat ment at tho bands of the renowned Mrs. F. Constance Wallace, the expert on facial massage, which treatment will positively re move wrinkles, pimples, freckles, .moth patches, blackheads, tan -and sunburn; hollow cheeka filled out; scalp scientifically treated. Room 70 Latvia bldg., Morrison and Park sts. Electro Platlngr. Gold. Silver, Copper and Nickel Plating, Table ware, bicycle parts, etc., fixtures repl&fsi and oxidised. Electro Plating Works. 302 Wash ington street. Phone Black 2331. Fence and Wire Works. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Wcrk3. A. Carlson. 253 E. Morrison st. Iron Founders, Ulncb'ats. Ship B'lil'r. Wolff - & Zwlcker Iron Works; designers and rofrs. ot ships, steamboats, marine, mining and milling machinery; riveted steel pipe. Hair Drcssine; and Manlcnriucr. ROSENTHAL SISTERS. 100 FIFTH. OPP. P. O. Switches a specialty. Phone Hood 014. Harness .and' Saddles. BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLESALE saddle and harness manufacturers, saddlery hardware, flndlng3 and ehqe store supplies; leathflr of all kinds. 73 Front st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CC WHOLE nale vaddlcrs and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st. Insurance. HAMBURG-BKEMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 102 Ifit nt. Bbyd & Arnold, general agents. Marble and Granite-,. Works. LARGEST, BEST STOCK OF MONUMENTS In city, at cost, to reduce stock before mov ing down town. Weeks, 720 Front st. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS; marble, gran lte"and stone work. Schanen & Neu. 20a 1st. Mlninpr Machinery. Wllflej concentrator. Drake amnl.. Ideal Tamp mill, mining cars. Tatum & Bowen. 22-35 1st. Leather Findings. J. A. REID, mfr. boot and shoe uppers; full stock shoemakers supplies. 207 Washington st. Mftffnetlc and Mental Heallnsr. MRS. C. J. MAPLE. MAGENTIC HEALER (Weltmer method), personl and home treat ment taught 211 2A) near Salmon. Portland. See the German Healer. Treatment $1; Wed nesdays free 307 East Sixth, near Haw thorne. Phone Scott 633. MRS. J. MAY YOUNG, mental science healer; personal and absent treatments. 334 Harrison. Medical. LADIES! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNY royal P1U3 arc the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other Send 4c. stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladies." in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED SPE clallst. has opened up his office at 347 Front, and will sell his medicine as usual. Medi cines for all kinds of chronic diseases. Massacre. A TOUNG LADY. RECENTLY -FROM CHI .cago. is an experienced and scientific mas suer, artistic manicurist and expert chirop odist. 20 Raleigh block. 13H? FOURTH ST.. NEAR ALDER; TUB and vapor baths, massage, electricity, sculp treatments and shampooing. Telephone Red . 421. SELECT MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC LADY from San Francisco. Parlor 20, 263 Stark. Mimical. MRS. ELLA M'INTYRE teacher piano and organ, 303 Goodnough bldg, 5th and Yamhill. EMIL THIELHORN, REMOVED TO 329 SAL mon Lessons on violin, viola, cornet. Mini air Investments, SUMPTER GOLD FIELDS; MINES AND mlnieg ?tock bought and sold. E. A. Clem A Co.. 148 Third Jit.. Portland. Or. RICHARDSON GOLD MINING CO OFFERS shares at 15c share. W. H. Sherrod & Co, Oregon "VJayl Company. Lewis bldg.. Park'and Morrison. Free Health lectures to women Thursday, at- 2:30 P. 11. Scales. OLD RELIABLE STIMTSON COMPUTING scales; office and warerocms No. 50 Third St., between Pine and Ash. R. E, Phillips, gen eral agent for Oregon and Washington. Oiteopathx. Drs, Northrup & Alklrc. Osteopaths, suite 418 Dekum bide;- Investigation respectfully so licited; examination fr. Phone Main 340. Dr. W. A. Rogers & Dr. Rhoda C. Hlcks. 333 Marquanrr diseases and deformities women and children a specialty. Consultation free. DR. I B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH, suite 400 Oregonlan building. Phone Oak 421. BUSINESS DIRECTORtY. 2Mtents. T. J. CE1SLEB. filO-SH CKAMBKR OF COM. RegisteBed attorney U. S. Patent Odea. Ihyxlelnns nnd Surgeonii. Dr. Flora A. Brown, due-ises of women and children a spa-alty. Consultation and dUa nost fre. 517-818 Tht Dekum. PorUaud. Or. DR. JAMES DICKSON SPECIALIST IN Kid ney and skin disease;-. Odd Fellows' Temple. Real Estate I,oa.t sad Rentals. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD & CO.: ESTAD Hhed ISC'. 227 Stark ftreet. Palmistry. MRS. IT. C. WILBUR. PHRKNOLOGIST AND aalmfaK. rooms 1-2, 18SH 1st. cor Morrison MRS. L. BURHANS. selentMo palmist. 31V Grand ave.. room 50. Readings, 50o- and 31- 9a f c. SAFBS. SAFES. HANK WORK. LOCK DEPT, opening lockouts, repairs. J. S. Davis. 66 3d. Stornse. OVERLAND STORAGS WABEHOIISH-. Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty. Insurance rates low: storage tates reo.sona.hl. Carerut attention given to country consign ments. Tel. Or Main 777; Columbia. 070. SAFES, PIANOS. FURNITURE MOVED AND packed for ""hipping. C. M. Olsen. 138 FiTst. Tel. office Main KT: Black 801. SaiT Mill Machinery. Chrletenson-McMaiter Machinery Co.; new and 2d-hand machinery. E. Water and S. Tsyloc 5-tpTes. Raiigen, Honnehold H'd-rrarQ Hardware: solo agt. Universal stoves & rangy-: hdusefUTni"-h!ng-n-ods. J J. Kadderly, Ml fs. Showcase-; and Store Fixtures. DIXON. BOROESON & CO.. FRONT AN3 Washington streets. Storoj;-; and Transfer. "STO-TAGS AT LOW RATES CAN BH HA1 at Fred Btckel's storehouse. 31 North Front; Splrttnallsts. Mrs. B. Reynolds, tho successful test and busi ness medium. Life readings. 41 Labbe bldg". MR.9. STEVENS; advlea on. all affairs of llfo; .. ?Uting dall. 2211 Morrison st.fcroom 22. MRS. J,' A. SMITH, medium and magnetla healer, rooms 3 and 0. 2234. Washington. MRS. a CORNELIUS. MEDIUM. 31 ALISKT building. Third and Morrison streets. Tronic Factories!. WE MANUFACTURE OUR TRUNKS AND sell direct to the retail public: trunks re paired; trunk" and telescopes mads to order. J8 Third street, between Pins and Ash. 'Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN 4- LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or Wholesale Confectioners. B. E. MOTT. WHOLESALE CONFECTION cr. 60 First st.; distributor Honey-Moon Gum. FINANCIAL. LOANS Oil MINING STOCK, FURNTTURB. real estat or other securities. 123 Third St., Thompson's Cut-Rato Ticket Office. State funds loaned 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, stats agt. for Mult. Co.. 400 Cham, of Com. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C. W. Pallett, 313 Com mercial block. Tel. Qrant 830. 1200.000 TO LOAN AT 5, 0. T PER CENT. City and suburban property- for sale and rent. Agent for Westchester Fire Insurance Co. Wm. O. Beck. 321 Morrison st. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates; private. S. W. King, room 43 Washington building. LOANS on chattels, salaries, etc. low rates: see us first. Mann & Co., (J04 Dekum bldg: MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM 35 TO $500, on all classes of security. R. I. Sicker s6n & Co., room 5 Washington building SMALL SUMS TO LOAN ON GOOD COL lateral .security, Aadress O 91, eare Orego nlan. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FTJRNT ture. plana', salaries, etc. Can be paid It Installments, reducing intereit. Rates lower than the lowest. F Wr. Graves. Mgr , 124 6th. near Wash, fground fleort. Tel. Oak 1331 MONET LOANED ON BICYCLES. PIANOS. furniture and other securities. W. A Hatl away, room 10 Wash. bldg. Phone South 73! WRITE ME; I'LL LOAN S100 or less on furni ture. $r0O on real estate. P 83, Oregonlan. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF 8E curlty. Wm. Holl, room 9. Washington bids. MONET TQ LOAN, C per cent, farm or city prope-tv O, M Smith. 814 Ch of Commerce LOST AND FOUND- LOST GOLD LINK BRACELET. ON BA83 Line cycle path, between Portland and Trout dale. Return Oregonlan office. Reward. LOST PURSE. CONTAINING MONET AND receipts!, with owner's name. Return to 601 Taggart st. Reward. LOST SCOTCH COLLIE DOG, GOLDEN SA. ble. white on breast. Return 427 Burnsldow J5 reward. BANKS. SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND TRUST COMPACT OF OREGON. 100 THIRD STREET. Money to loan on mortgage. A general trunt and agency business transacted. BENJ. I. COHEN President II. L. PITTOCK. A. S. NICHOLS... .Vlcg-Pres. E. J. ALTSTOCK. J. O. GOI.TRA... Secretaries FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent ol the United States. , President H. W. CORBETT Vice-President -AJ MILLS Cashier O. E. W1THINGTON Assistant Cashier J. W. NEWKIRiC Second Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORT Letters of credit Issued, available In Europe and ths Eastern states. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chicago, St. Louis, St Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and th principal polnta In the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In minis to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. ChrtHti anla. Stockholm. Sc Petersburg. Moscow, Zu rich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD & TTLTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED 1830. Transact a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favors bf terms. Letters of credit Issued available In Eu rope and the Eastern states. , Sight Exchange and Tolegraphlo Transfers eold on New York, Washington. Chicago, St. Lculs. Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and var tana and British Columbia. Exchange aoiu on inuoo, x-ana, iwruo, Frankfort and Hong Kong. WELLS. FARGO Sc CO. BANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS J0.250 0CO JOHN J. VALENTINE PRESIDENT HOMER S. KING MANAGER (San Francisco.) R M.DOOLY CASHIER JOHN E. MILES ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.7 General Banking Business transacted. Ex change sold, and Letters of Credit Issued, avail able in all parts of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM ... Vice-President R. W. HOYT Pasbler GEO. W. HOYT Asnlstaat Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, available In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK LIMITED. CAPITAL PAID UP ...32.450.CO0 Head Office. 71 Lombard street. London. This bank transacts a jrencral banking ar-I exchange business; makes loan, dlncounts bll's and Issues commercial snd travelers" credit!, available in any city In the werld. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. W A. MACRAE. Manager THE UNITED STATE3 NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts Issued available In all cities of the United States and Europe. President TYLER WOODWARD Vice-President JACOB KAMM Cashier ... F. C MILLKR I BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA t PAID-UP cjlpixajl, .....53.noo.OOU I RESERVE , 0OO.0CO Head Office. 60 Lombard street. London. Com' om'l Mock. 244 Washington St.. Portland. 2. LEA BARNE3, Manager