THE MORNING 'OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, 'AUGUST 21, 1900. !ARL LI IN BUSINESS Sets Up His Stand as a Peacemaker. APPEALS FOR A COK MISSION .Asks That Consrer Be Appointed, to Begin Xesoilatlonh Xot lately to Be Successful. WASHINGTON", Aug. 20. The American reply to -China's latest appeal for a ces sation of hostilities, received today from X.1 Hung Chans, has not yet been made known, and It is likely that the matter will be. one of tne main subjects of con-, eideration at the Cabinet meeting tomor row. But there is reason to believe that the overtures will in effect be rejected, on the ground that the conditions laid down In the American note of August 12 have not been complied -with, and, unless compiled -with, the Government's course must proceed -without reference to China's appeal for a halt in the proceedings. The dispatch of August 12 said specifically that the "United States was ready to enter into an agreement between the powers and the -Chinese Government for a ces sation of hostilities on condition that the relief forces should be permitted to emer Pekin unmolested" -and escort the Lega tioners therefrom under such circum stances as the commanding General might lay down. But up to the present there lb no evidence that the allied forces are unmolested at Pekin. or have received the sanction of the Imperial Government to convey the Legatloners to Tien Tsin without further trouble and under the conditions laid down by the Commanding General. On the contrary, all of the dis patches indicate that the allies are meet ing with stubborn resistance, and there is an entire lack of compliance with the conditions laid down by the United States in its dispatch of August 12. As stated, however, the Government has given no authoritative statement of its purpose in reply to China's application of today, and thore is still a slight chance that coxnnlete compliance with the demands of August 12 may be announced In the Pekin. dispatches before the final determination on the reply is made. But the disposition Is clearly in the line Indicated. China's last application for peace nego tiations -was received early today at the Chinese legation, and was transmitted by Mr. "Vu to the State Department. Secretaries Hay and Root were out of the .city, but Acting Secretary Adee went nver the subject with the President. Earl Li's request is that the United States shall name Minister Conger or some othor ofiicl&l to act as peace envoy for the cessation of hostilities. Li expressed his willingness to go to such point as the powers may desire, and under the inti mations made it is thought that Pekin or Tien Tsin would be selected for the nego tiations. The Chinese envoy proposed no terms as to the -withdrawal of troops and made no other suggestion as to what was to come before the commission, his sole anxiety being to secure the cessa tion of hostilities. Other Power Appealed To. The application is understood also to have been made to the powers. In the hope that if all would name a commis sioner there would ge a general council ot peace between Li Hung Chang on the one hand and the several representatives of the nations on the other Aside from the fact that the conditions on August 12 have not boon complied with by China, It is probable that this Government would desire to take sufficient time to learn what the other powers intend doing on the same line, as all are acting in unison. Moreover, there are some unexplained features of X.1 Hung Chang's application, one of them being that, while he asks the allies to cease hostilities, he gives no assurance that he has the power to make tho Chinese Army and the rebellious Boxers coase their hostilities. The situation at Pekin was made clearer today from many sources. The latest ad vice appears to be that from Consul Fowler, at Che Foo. repeating a dispatch received from Consul Ragsdale, at Tien Tsin. The latter reports the "Chinese troops surrounded in the palace grounds." The Japanese Legation received a dis patch of the same general tenor, but more In detail, stating that the Chinese troops retreated on the 15th within the Imperial Palace, and that they were surrounded there, with the Japanese military head quarters located in the Japanese lega tion Admiral Remey alp transmitted an authentic report from Pekin on the 15th, saying: "Troops moving on Imperial city." These several dispatches from different sources establish clearly that the Imperial Palace and grounds were under siege, but not one of the dispatches is clear as to how late this condition of affairs ex isted. The Fowler dlspntch is the latest to be received, and is dated the 20th. but probably that is tho dato on which it left Tien Tsin The attitude which the international forces will observe toward tho Emperor nnd Empress Dowager is understood to have received official consideration among tho powers resulting from a request by the southern Viceroys that no personal indignity be shown to China's rulers. In response to this it is quite generally un derstood that there will bo no personal ln dlgnltv to the Emperor and Empress Dowager not because It is felt there is nnv special consideration duo them, but because China would be precipitated Into a chaotic condition if the responsible heads of the Government lost their func tions. In view of the general desire of this Government and the others concerned to keop China intact, tho disposition nmong officials Is toward refraining from any personal indignities to tho Chinese rulers. It develops in this connection that all of the powers recently rejected tho proposition of the Consuls at Tien Tsin to destroy the tombs of the Ming dynasty. Tho proposed destruction was a threat held out to the Chineso In the hope of bringing them to terms. But the powers rejected the proposal, and thus gave significant evidence that nn thing calculated to give personal affront or in dignity to the Chinese was not part of the present campaign. Poo Tinic Fa MnKsncre. The State Department this morning re ceived a dispatch from Consul Fowler, dated Che Foo, August IS It related to the massacre of missionaries and others t Pao Tiiwr Fu. which has been referred to. a number of times in the press dis patches and has generallv been conceded to have occurred on June 30 The first part of the dispatch Is so biyily mangled In tranmision that it Is impossible to make much out of it. The text is as fol lows "Ch Foo (Received Aug. lS-1-Secre-tarv of "State, Washington: Evening of 28th reported all Presbyterian mlsslon wrles at Pao Ting Fu killed June SO; promises burned. Same night. Catholic mission. Rain stopped worlc Julv l, at tacked American (Board?). Pitkin (?) shot dead trying to keep gang out. Mlst Morrril, Gould taken Boxer head quarters killed (BagiialP) killed near (Ttomplt) Cooper Belgians fate uncer tain. Officials had sent all home from "iamun. AH natives connected with for eigners suffered Mke, fate. Authority: Special messenger sent by Tien Tsin mis sionaries FOWLER." PKOTBCTiyG .THE RBTltEAT. Attempt to Divert Allien From Par unit or nmprmi. XEW YORK. Alls. 28 A dispatch to th JrtrmU aad Advertiser rrom Shang hai says: KiLsg Yi, ex-Aselstant Grand Secretary of the Empire, and General Tung Fuh SJang are heading an army that Is ad vancing from Pekin to the southeast, with the object of diverting the allies from pursuit of the Emperor and Empress Dowager. Saturday, August 11, the Im perial household left Pekin. Prince Tuan ried the march with his troops, taking tha Emperor and Empress Dowager and all the Manehu nobles. Their destina tion Is believed to be Slnan Fu, in Shen Si Province. With them left all the elements hostile to foreigners. Prince Ching was left In command at Pekin, and he welcomed the allies In a friendly manner. These reports aro from Chinese sources. The Empress Dowager beheaded 12 of the Imperial clansmen, who refused to leave tho capital, and were suspected of favoring the foreigners. The personal property which the Empress Dowager sent awav filled six carts. The Chinese report heavy losses In tho fighting between Tien Tsin and Pekin. General Li Yung Hang was wounded at Pelt Sang and died the next day. Gen eral Ma was dangerously wounded at Tung Chow, where General Chent-Sellln and General Chang Cheng Fu, com manding "Wung Lu's vanguard, were killed. . . The Chinese are circulating a story that the legations' guard, owing to cartridges giving out, fired silver bullets during the last days of the siege. PRAISE FOR RTJSSIAX TROOPS. Mrs. Denny Writes of Their Courage at Tien Tsin. E3DLAN1APOLIS, Aug. 20.-Th follow ing letter was received last night from Mrs. Charles Denby, Jr., dated Tien Tsln, July 20: "On the night of June 15 enormous fires in the native city were started, and the Boxers began their attack on the settle ment, so we were all aroused at 4 o'clock, and every one who lived In the extra concession went either to friends on the Victoria road or to the town hall. As it happened, Mrs. von Hennekln had asked us to come to her in case of alarm, so we escaped to the town halL There were perhaps lOO-people who remained In their own homes. All the rest were huddled together in Gordon Hall for 10 days. The Chinese troops were everywhere. "Two days before the alarm 1700 Rus sian troops arrived. They saved our lives. Had It not been, for them all of us would havo been 'slaughtered. On that Monday they fought 5000 Chinese foreign-drilled troops for 12- hours. At one time we thought they could not hold them at bay, but In the evening the Rus sians still maintained their positions. How the Russians fought and suffered I cannot describe their courage. For three days they lay in the open, exposed to a terrible fire, without being able to fight back. The Chineso were behind trenches, so the Russians could not afford to waste ammunition. "All these days we were watching and waiting for reinforcements. We could not believe the Admirals would bombard the forts and plunge us into -war and then leave us with only a few hundred troops. Such, however, was the case. No ono knows where the fault lay. There havo been dreadful days of fighting. But when the second additional troops were dispatched from Taku, after the arrival of Jim Watts, the brave Russian rider, they were able, with such a reinforce ment, to work their way through. Thus they all arrived on Sunday morning and wo wero saved." Denial From Mrs. Drew. WASHINGTON. Aug". 2a The diplo mats connected with the Russian Em bassy have been annoyed by constant re ports attributing atrocity to the Russian troops in China. One of the most nota ble instances was an alleged Interview with Mrs. Anna Drew, wife of B. B. Drew, tho chief secretary of Sir Robert Hart. As a refutation of tho sentiments put in her mouth, Mrs. Drew addressed tho following letter from Chicago, under date of August 14, to the Russian Am bassador: "We have been living at Tien Tsln tha past year and I returned from there only last week. Our steamer was besieged with newspaper reporters upon our ar rival at San Francisco, and although I was extremely careful In what I said to them, a great many strange things havo been put into my mouth by some dis agreeable people. The worst of all was an article which attributed to me the most horrible story of the atrocities com mitted by the Russian soldiers. I wish to deny these statements In full, and as the account has been copied into many Eastern papers, it has, perhaps, come to your notice. I feel that I, at least, must tell you how false it all is. In fact, I can from my own experience during those terrible days of the siege of Tien Tsin speak only in the highest terms of praise of tho Russian soldiers, who undoubted ly saved our lives on more than ono oc casion." PURSUIT OF THE EMPRESS. Japanese Cavalry on the Trail of the Flyinu Court. LONDON, Aug. 20, Tho Japanese Cav alry has left Pekln in pursuit of the Dowager Empress and her court, accord ing to telegrams from the north, received at Shanghai by Chinese officials. These dispatches aver that tho Empress and her treasure train, protected by 30,000 troops, have already arrived at Wu Tal San, in Shan SI province. The field tele graph north of Yang Tsun is interrupted and nothing under Pekin date appears to have reached Yang Tsun since August 17. Heavy rains havo been falling in the province of Po Chi Li. The landing of the British troops at Shanghai is not causing excitement among the natives. A detachment of 100 French marines landed there today. A cus toms cruiser is reported to have gone to Tien Tsin to take away the foreigners rescued from Pekin. Many influential . Chineso have inter ested themselves in the fate of a China man sentenced by an English court at Hong Kong to six months1' imprisonment at hard labor because ho was a member of a triad society. Bombardment Continues. BERLIN, Aug. 20. Tho foreign office has received a dispatch from the German Consul at Che Foo, under today's date, saying the Dowager Empress was be lieved to bo inside the palace at Pekin, and that the allies were still bombard ing the fortifications. FARMERS'NATIONALCONGRESS Will Open at Spring's Today. Colorado COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Aug. 20. Colorado Springs is preparing to enter tain the Farmers' National Congress, which assembles in this city tomorrow morning. The day has witnessed the ar rival of a large number of delegates from various sections of the country, but tbo leaders of the organization will not ar rive until the morning trains. The visitors will be welcomed at their meeting tomorrow morning, in the High School auditorium, by Mayor J. R. Robin son, on the part of the city. Tomorrow's speakers Include, besides Mayor Robin son. General B. F. Clayton. Hon. H. J. Redding, of Georgia; F. L. Whltmore, of Sunderland. Mass., and Professor Elwood Mead, of Cheyenne, Wyo. A Fire Insurance Convention. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Aug: 30. Tho fifth i annual convention of the National As sociation of Local Fire Insurance Agents will be held here August 30 to September S. Tho organization is made up of local representatives of flro insurance compa nies throughout the United States, and resembles in some respects the trade union movement It is estimated that between 1000 and 1503 delegates, repre senting more than 40 state associations, will be present This year's convention will be the most important so far held, as legislation affecting the Interests of agents and companies, as well as the general public, is anticipated, . PELL IN. SIEGE OF PEKIN CASSTALTIES AMOXG THE AMERI CAS TROOPS. One Sergeant nnd Six Privates Were Killed and Trro Privates Were Wounded. WASHINGTON. Aug. 20. The Bureau of Navigation thuf morning received the following cablegram from Admiral Remey: . "Taku, Aug. 19. Authentic report from Pekin, 15th, from L zutenant Latimer. Troops moving on Imperial city. Clear ing out Tartar city. ..All Americans who remained in Pekin are well except one child. Captain Myers, recovered from wound, has typhoid; crisis passed and 1h" now convalescing. , Assistant Surgeon Lippett was wounded in upper left leg, bone fractured; leg saved; now recover ing. "The following casualties during the siege of Pekin: t "Killed Sergeant J. F. Fanning, Pri vates C. D. King, J. W. Tucker, J. Ken nedy, R: E. Thomas, A. Turner, H. Fisher. "Wounded Private J. Schroeder, elbow, severe; now dangerously 111 from fever; Seaman J. Mitchell, uper arm; severe; now recovering. All other wounded and sick returned to duty. . . "Casualties in Major Biddies' command, in attack on Tan Pa Ting: First Lieuten ant Butler, chest; Prlvatae Green, .wrist; Private Warrrel, right temple; all slight. "Reported from Chinese sources that the royal family has escaped md are en route to Slan Fu. ' RE11EX." The State Department has received a cablegram from Consul Goodnow, tt Shanghai, announcing the occupation of Pekin by the allied troops, and stating that it is reported that the Dowager Empress and Emperorleft Pekin August 13. I 'SHERMAX DID NOT SAIL. Transport Delayed, by the Non-Arrival of Troops. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 20. The 'trans port Sherman w scheduled to sail to day with troops for China, but owing to a delay in the arrival of a battalion ot the Second Infantry, she will not get away until tomorrow. The Sherman will take about 1650 troops to Nagasaki, in ad dition to a large number of cabin passen gers. According; to the present arrange ments they will bo transferred to an other transport at that point, but as the Sherman has no freight for Manila, she may proceed to Taku. Company A and Company B, First In fantry, commanded by Captain F. E. Lacy and Lieutenant E. C. Carroll, from Fort Riley, Kan., have arrived at the Presldlq, where they will await sailing orders. Today 720 h,orses will be put on board the transport Strathgyle, which will probably sail for the Orient tomor row. The Thyria has been chartered by the Government and will come here di rect from Honolulu. A detail of chronic and Incurable cases has been selected by Lieutenant C. C. Colllnls at the GeneJarHospltal, and will be sent to the Government Hospital at Washington. En Rontc to China. CHICAGO', Aug. 20 Two battalions of United States infantrymen left Chicago today for San Francisco, whence they will be transported August 30 to China. They were the first battalion of the Fifth from Fort Sheridan, and the third bat talion of tho Second from Fort Thomas, Ky. Each detachment consisted of regi mental headquarters, band and four com panles of men. AN INTERVIEW WITH WU. Hopes for a Speedy 'arid Satisfactory, " " "' Termination ot the Tjrdblq., j NEW YORK, Aug. 20.'-A despatch to the Herald, from, Washington says: Wu Ting Fang, Chinese Minister' to the United States, In an 'interview, made the following statements: ' "' "China recognizes the Emperor and Em press Dowager as her ruler. I have no idea that an attempt will be made by the Chinese to overthrow them. An official dispatch, which I received yesterday from LI Hung Chang, announcing the entrance of the allies into Pekln, and the, safety of the legations, also stated that .before tho city was attacked the court had gone to the west . "Naturally, I am deeply grieved," he continued, "that conditions should havo arisen which have brought about a con flict between the Chinese and "the allied forces., but I am hopeful that a full and free discussion, such as will undoubtedly occur between Li Hung Chang and the representatives of the powers, will indi cate where the responsibility lies for what occurred, and will culminate in a settle ment of the questions, and a permanent withdrawal of the foreign troops. "Now that the Ministers and those un der their protection have heen rescued, and the Emperor and Empress Dowager have signified, through LI Hung Chang, their desire to accomplish a complete res toration of friendly relations with the western world, I am confident that in the interest of all the nations and their sub jects, not to mention their commerce, a satisfactory termination of the trouble will be attained. "I have said from the first that China did not want war with the whole western world. She appreciates the Immenso strength which It would bo able to hurl against her. Essentially -. peaceful na tion, she has always endeavored to main-' tain pacific relations with her sister na tions. "In all parts of China, except Taku. and Pekln, there is, aside from a few" local disturbances, order, and the fact that this order has been maintained under most trying conditions, shows tho strength of; the Imperial Government and of its ser vants. In Southern China, particularly, there ha3 been no disturbance of any mo ment, the Viceroys there preserving quiet to the satisfaction of the foreigners as well as to that of the Chinese. I do not anticipate, from tho reports which I have at this moment, any outbreaks In these' provinces, as the Viceroys havo the situ ation well in hand. "I presume from Li Hung Chang's dis patch, saying 'tho court' has sone to the west, both tho Emperor and Empres Dowager are meant. I believe the report of a few days ago, that the Emperor and Empress Dowager had gono to Tsl Nan Fu. Is correct " "The mere fact that the Emperor and Empress Dowager are not now inPekln does not change the governing power of China. Queen Victoria recently -went, to Ireland, but she still remained Queen of Great Britain. So 'with the"Emperor and Empress Dowager. I have told' you that I do not fear an internal revolt against them. I slncersly trust that tho -powers will do nothing to remove the present ruler from the government of China. "I am not Informed as to the-terms which the powers will present, and I am equally uninformed as to the propositions, If any, which LI Hung Chang will sub mit Whatever the wrong for which Chtha may be responsible, she will rectify it, I am sure." INTERNATIONAL PEACE CONGRESS For the Settlement "ot the Chinese 'Question. NEW,' YORK, Aug. '20. A dispatch to "the Herald from Washington says: President McKInley ' is considering the advisability of proposing to the powers the organization of an international con gress which shall sit In China and recom mend to the several governments repre sented a permanent solution of pending questions. The President recognizes tha fact that tho duties that United States Minister Con ger would be called upon to perform would be so exacting and arduous that U would be unfair to ask him to take the additional burden of discussing a method ot settlement of tha matters in controver sy; that Special Commissioner Rockhlli will be too busily employed in obtaining Information and In communication with high Chinese officials to give time to them, and that direct negotiations between the powers is likely to prove unsatisfactory and give rise to complications which might otherwise be avoided. Talks with diplomats hero indicate that their governments would be willing to join in a congress for the settlement of the Chinese question, and. Baron- -von Sternberg, the German Charge d' Affaires in Washington, has beon suggested as tha representative of Germany. G. A. R. ENCAMPMENT. President McKInley 'Will ' Not De vote His Visit to SpeechmaktngT. CHICAGO, Aug. 20. It was stated here today that President McKInley Intends to deliver no set or long speeches while in Chicago attending the G. A. R. en campment While the nominal headquar ters of the Presidential party- will be at the Palmer House, the President and Mrs. McKInley will spend their time at the residence of -La Fayette McWllllams. While here the President and Mrs. Mc KInley will probably make a visit at the home of Controller Dawes, at Bvanston. As .yet Chief of Detectives Colleran has not appointed a bodyguard for Presi dent McKInley during the latter's pres ence here. "I do not expect any attempt on the part of the anarchists or anybody else to molest the President," said he today, "but all the distinguished guests will be amply protected." Although there is much to do within the auditorium of the new Coliseum be fore it will be ready for the listening thousands"who will be there next Sun day for the opening exercises of the en campment, the work was sufficiently ad vanced yesterday to allow Professor Katz enberger to give his chorus the first re hearsal. That chorus will be something for the visiting Grand Army men to re member as long as they live. It will be composed of 607 women, selected, from the best singers of the city, in 'addition to a cumber of soloists of note. The election of -National Commander and other officers will be held at the second business meeting of the encamp ment, or that of Wednesday. There Is but one candidate mentioned seriously for that office,-Major Leo Rausseur, of St Louis. fSome of" the Illinois delegates have talked of General John C. Black for that position, but those who know say the General does not care for the honor. He might have' accepted It by apppoint ment at the death of Colonel Sexton', but he, with many others, believes that Illinois has no right to ask for the office the second time. The President' Plan. WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. The President and Mrs. McKInley will leave Washington Friday afternoon to attend the 'annual encampment of the G. A. R. They will arrive In Chicago Saturday afternoon, and will remain until Wednesday afternoon of next week. Sunday the President will attend union services of the Sunday schools in the morning and of the churches In the afternoon. Monday and Tuesday he will review parades, and Wednesday he will go to Fort Sheridan. He will bo present at a number of banquets during his stay. Late Wednesday tho party will rreturn to Canton, where th President and Mrs. McKInley will remain until Sep tember 11, when they will go to Somerset, Pa., to attend the marriage of their niece, Miss Mabel McKInley, and Dr. Hermann Baer. Tbe marriage will be solemnized September 12, at the house of Abner Mc KInley. GENERAL GORDON'S REPLY. An Ansvrer to the Criticism of a New Orleans Camp. ATLANTA. " Ga., Aug. 20. General Wi B. Gordon, commander-in-clilef of the United Confederate Veterans, has pre" pare'd -"a reply t&'a resolution recently adopted by a.-camp.W Confederate vet-'eranst-'ot-rNew Orleans, condemning the blue and. gray reunion at Atlanta, recom mending that no more, similar reunions be held, and protesting against General Gordon accepting an Invitation to the G. A. R. reunion at Chicago. Tho reply is as follows: "Kirkwood, Ga,, Aug. 20. To tho Con federate Association of the Army of Ten nesseeComrades: A resolution recently adopted by your association, at the In stance of General Chaleron, criticising certain acts or. supposed acts of mine, entirely escaped my .attention at the time of its appearance in the public press, and I have just seen ft for the first time. I understand this action of your associa tion to mean a formal and public notice that you disapprove of my participation in the Blue and Gray meeting, which re cently occurred In Atlanta; and also that it means a formal and public protest by your association against my acceptance of an invitation extended to me by tho G. A. R, and by the executive committee of the citizens of Chicago. The object of this reply to your resolution, whlqh you failed to send mo, Is not to call In question tho right of your association to criticise any official act of mine which does not meet your approval. I do wish, however, to stato frankly and plainly that my own conscience, and my own conception of duty must be my guide in the future, as in the past "As to tho courteous and cordial invi tation of both the G. A. R. and of the executive committee of Chicago citizens. T have to state that I greatly appreciate the compliment paid me by that invita tion and the spirit which prompted it Circumstances, however, rendered it im possible for me to accept, and I so no tified the officers and committees nearly two months ago, when that Invitation first reached me. But In this connection also I wish to say that I must be the judge, now and hereafter, of the propriety ot accepting Invitations from any section of the country or any class of my fellow countrymen. In order that there may be no possible misunderstanding of my po sition on these and all kindred matters, I repeat my solo guide must be my own convictions of .duty to this whole coun try and to the Southern people, whose glorious record in all the past, whose traditions, dignity and honor I have en deavored to defend and uphold at all times In all sections and under all con ditions. ' "In conclusion let it definitely be un derstood that so long as Providence per mits me to speak or labor, I shall con tinue the efforts which I have made for 30 years in the Interest of sectional har mony and unity. Whatever I can do will assuredly be done for the truth of history, for justice to the South and to all sections, for fostering our cherished memories, for the obliteration of all sec tional bitterness, and for the settlement ot all sectlohal controversies on a basis consistent with the honor and the man hood and self-respect of all. I am, as ever, fraternally yours, "J. B. GORDON." Veterans Object to Bryan. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 20. James Mor rison, State Department Commander of the G. A. R., announced today that but three of the 36 posts in this city, with a membership of 7000. will send delegations to the National encampment in. Chicago next week. Commander Morrisoa stated that this act Is the result of the invita tion extended to W. J. Bryan to attend the encampment "It is customary," said Mr. Morrison, "to invite the President, but never a candidate, and the old soldiers express indignation, because they object to poll tics being Injected Into the encampment. The delegation from this city will con sist of about 150 men, the smallest num ber that has attended an encampment during the past 20 years." Crane Company Wins Victory. PARIS, Aug. 20. A gold medal for brass and Iron valves and fittings for all pur poses is awarded to the Crane Company, of Chicago, the largest manufacturers of these goods in the world. 1 HE, FIGHT AT CATUBIG PARTICUIiARS OF THE ASSAULT OX THE S AM AR GARRISON. All the Operations Are Not Against Guerrillas Encasements In Xeyte. MANTIiA, July 15. It has been expect ed that some of the 275 garrisons the United States troops maintain in these Islands would sooner or later be sur rounded by the enemy and attacked with such determination and 'advantage hi point of numbers and ground that the American soldiers .would, be powerless to resist the onslaught This has hap pened at Catublg, on the Island of Samar,' and the detachment of the " Forty-third Volunteer Infantry, the troops In ques tlon, lost 20 of Its 30 .men. No one is surprised at this result, considering tho circumstances: but surprise is manifested that a similar, f ate has not overtaken other small garrisons In isolated towns. The official report of the Catubigincident is as follows: "In the Catublg engagement, in which the Insurgents numbered about COO men wlth2Q0 rifles and one cannon, our men gave an heroic account of themselves by killing more than 200. Our loss was 19 killed and five wounded. The detach ment was at tho time quartered in the convent. At 5 A. JL, April 15, almost simultaneously Are was opened upon if from the hills on both sides, as well as from every available part of the town. Jt continued all day and night, and was vigorously resumed at 5 A. M. tho fol lowing morning. At 8 A. M. the cannon' began flring nails, pieces of chain and Iron scraps. This sort of attack con tinued until the third day, when a large number ot the Insurgents got Into the adjoining church. With 10 volunteers Sergeant George charged on tho churcn, killing a large number of men, but he could not hold it. From tho windows of the same the insurgents threw a quan tity of hemp saturated with kerosene against tho side of the convent and thus set it on Are. As this building soon be came untenable, tho detachment attempt ed to escape to the' river and cross it; and here occurred ita first considerable losses. All of the men of tho detach ment, except Sergeant Hall, Corporal Carson and 15 privates attempted to get into a boat and In so doing they were klllod. Sergeant Hall and his men began Intrenching themselves near the river, and there that little band held out (un der Corporal Carson), two days longer. In tho face of most adverse circum stances, until rescued. Sergeant Hall and two others were killed, and two were wounded , during that period. "Not the least heroic incident of the Catublg engagement was the rescue by -Lieutenant Sweeney and ten men. When tha steamer was about one mil from the town he- found the river blockaded with trees that were lashed" together. These were removed and the ascent con tinued to within a few hundred yards, when he learned for the first time that there was an engagement taking place. The steamer was put at full speed, and in a few moments was in . rain of bullets. Leaving three men on board ho started to embark his detachment on two small boats, but before finishing this a Corporal was shot in the side and a private in tha leg. He finally made a landing, and was then compelled to fight his way across open ground to Corporal Carson's trench, 75 yards distant. In doing this Private Clancy was shot in tho foot Lieutenant Sweeney succeeded in burying those of our dead that could be found, and In rescuing all that were left alive. He says: , " The streets were covered with dead Insurgents. The town was f ortiflea , everywhere, particularly along -the, river. iront, where the insurgents used bags of ,rlce a"nd, dirt; hemp .was also used for breastworks. ' 'Ttfls? detachment lost? 'all,.. its quarterVJ master ana commissary supplies, though it had the 'good 'Judgment to save all its ammunition and practically all its rifles. The men shot getting into the boat had so much ammunition on their persons that they Immediately went to the bottom of the river. "The following Is- a complete list of tho killed and wounded: "Killed Sergeants Dustln L. Georgo and William J. Hall, Corporals Herbert H. Edwards and John F.' J. Hamilton, Cook Burton E. Hess. Musician Burton R. I Wagner, Privates Treffllo Pomelow, Otto a. Loose, Stephano Appertl, Joseph Noeil, John E. Kuhn, Ralph H. Zlm, Edward Braman, Chester A. A. Conklln, Walter E. Collins, Joseph J. Kerins, Henry Du mas, Philip Sallng, and George AT Slack. "Wounded Privates Lester Rushworth, Harry C. Lee, Michael J. Farron, Com pany H; Corporal White, of Company F; Private James H. Clancy; all will prob ably recover, although their wounds are badly Infected owing to lack of medical attention." Fighting- Against Trenches. It is a mistake to suppose all the fight ing going on nowadays in tho Philippines is bushwhacking. The Americans con tinue to go against good trenches con structed on commanding positions, and they even have at times to dislodge tha enemy from stone forts. Take, for ex ample, the work the Forty-third In fantry, has lately been doing .on Leyta Island. An expedition against General Mojlca's stronghold was made by four columns of this regiment during which the Americans carried three distinct lines of lntrenchments, crowning hilltops ap pr6achable only over such steeo ascents that the enemy rolled boulders' down upon tho advancing troops. In another expedition against the town of Hillon gas, in Southern Leyto, In which the Forty-third was assisted by the Navy, tho enemy was In a masonry fortress, whose strong walls successfully resisted tho shells from the gunboats, so Colonel Murray carried the fort by a charge, in which tho Americans lost four men. The enemy's" loss in this fight was 70 "buried," 29 wounded and' 50 captured, besides about To rifles, some stores, am munition, clothing and Ave muzzle-loading brass cannon. Tho resistance to this attack was prolonged and stubborn, arid many of the enemy escaped from the fort by means of .underground tunnels, which the American troops did not dis cover until too lato to prevent their use fulness. The flro off the enemy was good and well controlled, and why moro of tho Americans were not hit is a mys tery. Captain Polk was wounded in this fight Lieutenant John H. Evans, a very capa ble officer of the Forty-third, was killed, with two other men, on Samar Island, while leading a charge against some con cealed trenches. The service can ill af ford to lose such men as Evans. ' Commenting upon their recent work in Samar and Leyte, an officer of the Forty third said: "And this Is what Is called guerrilla warfare? Constantly fighting fortified lines of works against an enemy who has little-fdea of quitting." The Forty-third landed In Samar and Leyte about February 1. During the first four months of their occupation of this territory the regiment lost by disease three men; killed in action, 35 men; miss ing and probably killed, three men, and wounded, 6S men, which gives a total of 110 men. Up to within a few days ago the Forty third was about equally distributed ov?r the two Visayan Islands of Samar and Leyte, and there were not enough troops on either Island successfully to meet the existing military requirements. Now a change has been effected, and those com panies of the Forty-third under Major Allen, formerly in Samar, have been re- lleved by a battalion of the Twenty-ninth under Colonel Harden, and the entire Forty-third Regiment is 'at present in Leyte. An active campaign will imme diately be begun against the insurgent General Mbjlca and his 500 riflemen in Leyte, and to" this end a "flying column" L has been organized under tho command of Major Henry T. Allen, the senior Major ot this regiment The column, will be composed'of the following organizations t. umptuijrv;, unuer comraana, oi uapcain Washington IfGoldsborough, with a base at Dagaml; Johnstbn's Scouts (white), under Lieutenant Gordon. Johnston; Com pany I, under; Captain William B. Pres ton, with a base 'of supplies at Tacloban; Company K, under Captain William C. Dow, with a base of supplies at Barauen; Company M, under Captain George O. Duncan, with a base of supplies at Abuyog; Company L, under Captain Frank C. PresCott, headquarters of tho column, and Gasser's Scouts (natives), withTa basest Dulag, Leyte. The native scouts were formed at Cat balogan. Island of Samar, and have done good work on several occasions, particu larly at Matiginao, Lukhan'a capital, where the Insurgents were 'routed, their capital -burned, and a number killed. From the above it will be-seen that tho column will consist of five companies of the Forty-third Infantry, viz.: The Third Battalion, and one company of the First together with two scout organizations, and with this force it is intended to strike Mojlca and if possible capture or exterminate his forces in Leyte. 3IANILA DEATH LIST. Long Report Forvrarded by General Mac Arthur. WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. General Mac Arthur transmits' the following death ll3t from Manilas t Dysentery August 2, Company C, Twenty-second Infantry, William H. Fullmar; Seventeenth Infantry, George Middleton; Thirty-sYenth Infantry, Oscar Rlblet; August 12, Thirty-sixth Infantry. Walter S. Keith; August 11, Twenty-first Infantry, Quartermaster-Sergeant jsdward Murphy; August-l4, Thirty-ninth Infantry, James E. Curtis; August 17, Third Infantry, Hen ry G. Voght; Forty-flrsflnfantry, Harry Barnhart; Sixteenth Infantry, Fred Gor don. Enterocolitis August 16, Corporal Cole man S. Stacy. Hemplegia, August 15, Seventeenth In fantry, Frank Dixon. Pyemia, Thirty-ninth Infantry, Harvey Collins. - Variola Thirtieth Infantry. Rufus N.. Finney; August 14, Thirtieth Infantry, Jeff Summers. Pneumonia August 11, Captain William Lundy; August 16, Thirty-sixth Infantry, Charles Peterson. Heart disease August 5, Seventh Infan try. Homer E. Ward. ,. Syncope, August 15, Seventeenth Infan try, James Saunders. Tuberculosis August 13, Thirty-seventh Infantry, Corporal Levi C. Woodley. Killed fighting comrade August 4, Thirty-sixth Infantry, Joseph Kelly. Drowned Thirty-eighth Infantry, Boyd M. Young. Pin true In Manlln. WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. The record of the plague In Manila for the two weeks ending July 17, as Just reported to the marine hospital service, Is seven new cases and five deaths. Of the new cases four wero Filipinos and three Chinese. THE NEELY CASE. Judge Wallace Refused to Revoke His Recent Order. NEW YORK, Aug. 20. Judge Wallace, of the United States Circuit Court, this afternoon denied the request of United States Attorney Burnett for a revocation of his recent order in the Neely case, by which Neely was remanded to the custody of the United States Marshal pending an appeal to the United States Supremo Court from tho denial of a writ of ha beas corpus. Judge Wallace said that hawould await further developments In the- extradition proceeding. Judge "Wallace said that if It seemed necessary or expedient, he would permit Neeli's. counsel to, make a further appli cation for a writ of habeas corpus and take such action thcroir as"Was deemed rpro'per; ' Judge Wallace added: , - " other petition in his behalf, which bed sides reciting' the averments of the for mer petition should set up the Marshal's return artd the observations of Judge La combo, the whole controvefsy, In all Its aspects as It really exists, would then be In the record before the Supreme Court In (an appeal of an order denying the application for the writ based upon such petition." Mr. Lindsay then submitted a new pe tition for a writ of habeas corpus "as suggested by Judge Wallace. Judge "Wal lace, the United States District Attorney and Mr. Lindsay began a discussion over the. question as to who is at present the custodian of Neely. It was finally agreed that Neely is in the Marshal's custody. Alnslca Censiis-Tafeers Not Drotvncd. WASHINGTON, Aug.. 20 A report re ceived at-the Census Bureau, today from Special Agent Dunham, in charge of the work in Alaska, shows that Charles M. Robinson and William G. Plnecoffln, spe cial agents for the northern district of Alaska, were not drowned, as was feared, and that the schedules supposed to have been lost with them are safe in tho hands of Mr. Dunham. Relatives of the men had been apprehensive that they had been, drowned in a big storm on the Yu kon. The submission of the schedules completes the enumeration for Alaska, and Special Agent Dunham will arrive here probably next month with all the census portfolios for that territory. GIas-Flattcners Strike. PITTSBURG, Aug. 20. At the instance of tho American Window-Glass Company, the flatteners met the manufacturers to day In a final effort to adjust the wage scale ,for the coming fire. Thi3 was a failure, and the flatteners are now on a strike. There seems to be no hbpe of a settlement and a general shut-down Is probable, although the company's officials claim they will be able to start the fac tories September 1 without the-union men. The employment of 10,000 skilled workmen and several thousands of others depends upon the success of the combine to start Its factories without unkm flatteners. t Trial of the Alabama. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 20 The United States battle-ship Alabama left Cramps' shipyards today fbr her official trial, to take place off the New England Coast early next week. The Alabama will go di rectly to the Brooklyn navy-yard, where she TVill be placed In drydock to have her bottom cleaned and painted. From there she will go to Boston Har bor, where she will anchor for several days while her machinery Is bjelng over hauled. The speed trial will 'take place over a measured course between Cape Ann and Cape Porpoise. A Texas Tragedy. DAVIS, Tex., Aug. 20. A. telephone message from.Bloomlngton Grove states that J. McCann, a fanner, shot and killed H. R. Chlpley, a rich planter, because Chlpley would not consebt that MeCann marry his 14-year-old daughter. McCarm Is In jail. Is caused by necessary toil and cured by natural rest. But very different is "that tired feeling," which takes you to bed tired and wakes you. up tired. That tired feeling originates in Impoverished blood and-needs Hood's Sarsaparilla for Us cure. The tonic effect of this medicine Is felt by the stom ach, kidneys and liver; appetite comes back and that tired feeling is gone. ' , Is America's Greatest Medicine. Price $1., Hood's PiLta cars conjuration. friceTt cents. UWNOWWfi 5Sk -Sffi BORDEN'S EAGLE SEND-O ADlCCABOOKFOf F-OF-i UtUIL? MOTHERS. Borden's Condensed Milk Co.NY. 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Jt reochet the tore potsIt heals tha rmo places ItfxxftotheseQiofrtiscaseIt aeis a a baivty an(t,tonic-lo the. whole. .ijTtem jtf.GO at druggists orient bimail. 1505 ULrcKSLPhila Positively cm'cd by tneso Iiittle Pills. " They also relieve Distress from Bjjpepsfaa Indigestion and Too Hcai'y Eating. A per fect remedy for Dizicess, Nausea, Drofsfc. ess, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue fain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. Tb,? Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Do$s -- 3TEMS ELEGTHIG PAST kills RATS, MICE, COCKROACHES and all other VERMIN, leaving: no odor. At ?a all dealers, 25c. N! a box. Ifeayi Stnnu' rUrtrio ?uu C., CMcf. BU m'w&m$z ip. -i-i nii AN ELEBJSNT TOILET LUXURY. Used "by people of refinement for over 9. ouarter of a ceatnry. BRAND CONDENSED !0 Kgsqowf Few SBbshb m$W MfQw - JftGARTERS' Jwm ii'L.f K fei i ry-aitvaw mi i lIM f SAME SHAPE I'i H PVWO QUALITIESH !, .. ' - ' HI ' PERFECT