Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 21, 1900, Image 1

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,E SPIte. t ' "
YOL. XL. 20. 12,383.
Any Sire
Rubber Boots end Shoes, Belting, Packing and Hose.
Largest and most complete assortment o all kinds of Rubber Goods.
Goodyear Rubber Company
Tt H. PEASE, President
T. M. SHEPARD, JR.; Treasurer.
J. A. SHEPAPJ), Becrjetarr.
Kodefcj, Cameras and Photo Supplies at wholesale and ratalL Distributor for all the
leading proprietary preparations for Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
ia ''& j fi'&.'O
Hotel, Restaurant and Bar Supplies a specialty.
Shaw's Pure IVIalt
The Condensed Strength and Nutriment of
Barley and Rye
BlUmaUer & llOCh, HO Fourth Street'
Sole Distributers for Oregon
established 1870
complete line
of ladles'
fur Garments
now ready
for Inspection.
Alaska Sealskins OurSpecialty
Highest price paid for raw furs.
Oregon Tel. Main 491.
126 SECOND ST., near Washington
, Fifth and Washington Streoti . . PORTLAND, OREGON
-vr ,- EOtfOffiW ftAfi -7-" ""
, Rooms Single ,ir 75c to Ji per flay
Flrst-CInas Cheek Restaurant Rooms Double :tL'0O to W.00 per day
Connected. With Hotel. Rooms Family $1.50 to J3.00 per day
St, Charles Hotei
Arrterican and European Plan.
We have them in several varieties, both one and two-seat
We are also showing the smartest effects In Stanhopes, sin
gle and two-seat Traps. Open and Top Surreys, Bike Wagons,
with wood and wire wheels, solid rubber cushion and pneumatic
We have a most complete line -of Fine Harness.
Visitors are always welcome.
Carriages, Wngons,
Harness, Robes and "Whips.
he Oregon Agricultural Co
A public institution maintained by the Unitod States and the State of Oregon.
Tuition free and no charges for incidental expenses. Agricultural, mechanical en
gineering, electric engineering, household science, pharmacy, school of mines, two
years of modern languages, two years of Latin allowed. New buildings, new ma
chinery, military drill for men, physical culture for women, newly equipped gym
nasium for all.
The Next Term Will Begin September 21, 1900
For catalogue address Thomas M, Gatch,.Presldent, or John D. Daly, Secretary
Board of Regents, Corvallls. Oregon.
Remember. It has taken real crackerjack pianists 10 hours a day for a lifetime
to achieve their skill. Tou -can accomplish more In a day if buy a Pianola. Drop
in and see the Pianola and the Aeolian. We also sell the best pianos made the
Stelnway and the A. B. Chase.
M. B. WELLS, Northwest Acnt fcr tht Aeolian Company
353-355 Washinrton StrecL opp. Cordray's, Portland, Or.
CbnitKe in Turkish Ministers.
CONSTANTINOPLE, Aug. 20.-5cheklb
Bey. head of the cipher bureau of the
irelgn office, has been appointed Turkish
Minister to the United States in place
cf All Ferrouh Bey, recalled.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 20 The State De-
yartment has no information as to the ap-
polntment of Shekib Bey to succeed All
terrouh Bey.
Corrierntone of Fiord Monument Laid
SIOUX Crrr. Ia., Aug. 23. The corner
stone of the monument to Sergeant
Charles Floyd, of the Lewis and Clark
expedition, was laid today with impos
ing ceremonies. Ex-Congressman Per
kins made the principal address. Con
gress and the state Legislatures have
both made appropriations for the monument
Any Style
73-75 FIRST ST.
H y a -a iuujti bk
Incorporated 189.
Etons, Capes,
Muffs, Fancy
Alaska Indian Biskcts.
C T. BELCHER. Sec. and Treas.
J1.25. J1.50. n.75
. 60c. 75c. JL09
Just the thing for a spin
on the White House Road.
320-338 E. Morrison St
Raised to Domestic Prelate.
NEW YORK, Aug. 2a The Herald
prints the following:
"His Holiness, Pope Leo, has raised the
Right Rev. D. J..McNamara to the dig
nity of domestic prelate. He has been
pastor of St Joseph's Catholic Church
In this city. He was appointed Viceregal
by Bishop McDonnel shortly after the
latters consecration as head of the dio
cese, and has full charge of affairs In
the Bishop's absence."
In Favor of Sierra Nevada.
VIRGINIA CITY, Nev Aug. 20. In the
suit of the Sierra Nevada Mining Com
pany -vs. the Charles Consolidated Com
pany to acquire title to mining ground
on Cedar Hill, the verdict of the Jury,
after being out 30 minutes, was unani
mously in favor of the Sierra Nevada
Allies In Pekin Ask
Fighting: Continues In the Capital
Whereabouts of, the Emperor
and Empress.
LONDON, Aug -2L 8:65 A. M. Owing
probably to the Pekln wire being cut,
little news- of conditions In the Chinese
capital has come through this morning.
What has reached JLondon indicates that
the allies are in need of reinforcements.
The commander of the Italian cruiser
Fleramosea telegraphs from Taku, ac
cording to the Rome correspondent of
the Daily Mall, that very urgent requests
were coming from Pekin Saturday for the
immediate dispatch .of further troops,
and that in answer to these, 400 Italian
marines were sent off post-haste.
The Japanese Minister In London is said
to have received a telegram last evening
announcing that subsequent to the entry
into Pekln, a Japanese detachment went
to the Imperial palace to afford what
ever protection was necessary. The en
emy was In strength, and fighting was
still proceeding when the message was
sent to Toklo. The main body of the
Japanese was then at the An Ting Men
gate, in the Tartar City, with headquar
ters at the Japanese legation.
Reports of the presence of the Empress
Dowager are still contradictory, but Gen
eral Lung IiU, on the authority of the
Shanghai correspondent of the Standard,
is definitely announced -to be a prisoner,
by order of the Empress, in the imperial
palace. "Thl3 perhaps," says the cor
respondent, "is a good thing, as detention
in the capital will enable him to nego
tiate with the allies commander, which
he would do as Prince Tuan's enemy."
The Chinese Minister in London, Sir
Chi Chen Leh Feng Loh, on being asked
as to the whereabouts of the Empress
Dowager and Emperor, replied: "They
have gone westward to the old capital,
Slnan Fu, and I think they are quite safe
Serious trouble Is now threatened In
the neighborhood of Canton. The Amer
icans at Swatow, according to the Dally
Chronicle's Shanghai correspondent,
ha'e applied for a warship In conse
quence' of the serious rioting, and the
Hong Kong correspondent of the Dally
Mall says that a warship is on the way
there now.
Queen Victoria has sent the following
message to the commandant of the ma
rines at Pekln:
"I thank God that you and those under
your command have been rescued from
your perilous situation. With my people
I have waited 'with the deepest, anxiety
for good news of your safety and the
happy termination of -your herola andj
prolonged defense. I grieve for the losses
and sufferings experienced by the be
., AJapanesejjsrarshjjtihaaefcaplQ
hama for Shanghai, accofcHngSxS'the
Daily Mall, to land troops andwto pro
tect Japanese subjects. The. Daily Mall ,
also announces that Germany will send
a detachment-to Shanghai.
Further -Yokohama advices to the same
paper declare hat Germany and Russia
are objects yof distrust to the Japanese
press, which urges that Japan, having
.borne the chief burden 'of the operations,
must see to it that .the future of China
is not 'determined "merely by the pleasure
of the Western powers. "It is felt"
said the correspondent, "that determined
action on the part, of Great Britain, the
United, States and Japan, will avert any
danger arising from the-ambition of Con
tinental Europe."
The semi-official organs say that if oc
casion arises, Japan can send 50,000 troops
on short notice, and that If the powers
are Inclined to play a selfish game, spe
cial measures will be necessary.
Sir Feng Loh, interviewed by the Dally
Chronicle, is represented" as having said:
"The present disturbances are only a
temporary outbreak. We do not de
spair of peace. Everything depends upon
the conduct of the allies, who are now
In Pekln. Subsequent questions rest
with them for solution. You may be
quite certain that it is not the antago
nism to Western ideals which Is at the
root of the trouble, but rather the diffi
culty of governing a great-and ancient
The Chinese native press, according to
the Shanghai correspondent of the Times,
asserts that Yu Hslen, Governor of the
province of Shan Si. with a force of
Boxers, is marching toward Kangan, or
Chang Kla Khou, to meet the Empress
Dowager and escort her south.
The Times, dealing with the dispatches
from' Washington, says:
"This proposal of LI-Hung Chang, as
It Is reported, does not afford a possible
basis of negotiations of any kind. Until
we have definite information as to the
political situation in Pekln, we cannot be
sure that the first duty of -the powers
may not be to set up a.government with
which they can subsequently treat The
time for negotiations has not yet arrived.
When it does arrive they must be opened
on a different basis from that suggested
In the Washington telegrams, and must
be conducted by a different negotiator
than LI Hung Chang, if they are to have
any good results."
Three Chinese Officials Beheaded.
SHANGHAI, Aug. 20. Official Chinese
advices from Pekln say that Hsu Tung
and Yl Lien Yuan, of the anti-foreign par
ty, and LI Shan, a pro-foreigner, have
been decapitated, and that Yung Lu has
been Imprisoned by Prince Chlng.
It Is added that the Emperor and Dow
ager Empress are 60 miles west of Pekln,
under the constraint of Prince Tuan.
Li Hung Chang will go north imme
diately. (Hsu Tung was a member of the Im
perial Secretariate and president of the
Civil Board. LI Shan was a. member of
the ministry of the 'Imperial household.
The Identity of Yl Lien Yuan cannot be
Empress Goes to Slnan Fa.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. The State
Department today Issued the following
"The Acting Secretary of State makes
public the receipt of a 'telegram today
from Consul-General Goodnow, dated the
20th Inst, reporting a statement of the
Governor of Shan Tung that the Empress
left Pekln on the 13th for Slnan Fu, in the
Province of Shen Si. and that Princes
Chlng and Tuan and Viceroy Kan Yl
are still In Pekln.
"Slnan Fu appears to be another ver
sion of the name of the capital of Shen
Si, where there Is an Imperial palace.
It is otherwise spelled Hsl An, SI An and
SI Ngan, the suffix Fu denoting a city
which Is a seat "of administration.
Moved to Shanghai for Safety.
WASHINGTON Aug. 20. The State De
partment is In receipt of a telegram from
Levi S. Cox, Consul of the "United States
at Hankow, China, dated at Shanghai,
August 18, in which he states that' upon
the advice of the department he" has re
moved to Shanghai, as have the other
Americans who were in Hankow.
Chinese Troops Surrounded.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. The State De
partment totnight made public the follow
ing: "Che Foo, Aug. 30. To the Secretary of
State, Washington: Ragsdale reports Chi
nese troops surrounded in palace grounds.
Ragsdale Is Consul at Tien Tsln.
Russians Capture ak Shi Pass.
ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 20. General
Ortoff, Chief of Staff to the Russian
forces in China, reports to the Russian
War Office the defeat of 700 Chinese after
a hard fight, the capture of Tuk Shi
Pass, and the occupation of Meduchel.
An Imperial ukase has been issued, for
bidding the transportation of arms and.
ammunition to China.
Given an Ovation on His Departure
From Berlin.
BERLIN", Aug. 20. Field Marshal Count
von Waldersee, accompanied by his staff,
left Berlin this morning, en route for
China. Responding to a hurricane of
cheers on starting, Count von Waldersee
said: "We shall try what can be done
there." He had great ovations when pass
ing through Lelpslc, Hatlsbon and Mun
ich. At the Bavarian capital he was wel
comed hy the Prince Regent Count von
Waldersee takes with him a "campaign
house," built of an asbestos preparation,
light, fireproof and weather-proof, with
seven rooms and a bathroom.
The papers criticise Emperor William's
address at Cassel last Saturday when pre
senting Count von Waldersee a Field Mar
shal's baton. They lay special stress
upon .the absence of any allusion to the
capture of Peklri and to The Hague con
ference. The Freyslnlge Zeltung declares
that the Kaiser's explanation that Russia
took the initiative In accepting the ap
pointment of Count von Waldersee as
head of the united troops in China Is at
variance with the Russian official version
of the appointment.
The demand for an extra session of
the 'Reichstag is now almost universal,
FnrMim Offlpp nffin'nls orA pmnlir)ti( In
tho assertion that England's great inter
ests aDunaanuy justuy ner lanaing troops
at Shanghai.
A semi-official account of China's mili
tary resources, Just published, says that
Herr Krupp has furnished to the Chi
nese Government, since 1895, 1694 guns, of
which 776 are nine-centimeter guns, and
that English concerns have furnished 244
medium guns and 305 small ones.
Wants Only Revolutionists Hnt the
Constitutional Convention.
HAVANA, Aug. 20. General Maximo
Gomex publishes a letter in La Lucha, re
garding the election of delegates to the
forthcoming Constitutional convention
whlchhe asks alLjmpers of the Island to
print. It is 'addressed to the soldiers of
the revolutions of 1868, and 1893. General
Gc-mez says in part:
The coriventloii should consist of KenUlrfe
revolutionists, and It wl)lt 6p consist, un
less the'people, flattered b'y-fine words al
low what they have conquered to be taken
away from them. Nobody should be al
lowed to enter the convention who former
ly defamed the revolutions, unless Cubans
want to outrage honor and sacred 'duty.
"The enemy are working hard, but let
Cubans remember that those who opposed
the revolution cannot be accepted at the
last moment Many rich and Intellectual
persons have shown opposition to the re
volution. These should be left out. Pa
triotism has the right to choose the most
worthy not the most wise .until the re
public is established. Altlibugh all parties
may be outwardly harmonious, still old
scores will not be forgotten. Therefore,
let the Spaniards stand aside until all
can enter equal through the gates of the
William M". Johnson Is New Assist
ant Postmaster-General.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. William M.
Johnson, of Hackensack, N. J., president
of the New Jersey State Senate, has been
tendered and has accepted the office of
Assistant Postmaster-General, made va
cant by the resignation of Perry S. Heath.
He 'will take charge on a few, days.
The' appointment of Mr. Johnson was
a complete surprise to most of the,
people who have been figuring on the
names .of likely men for the fofflce. He
was tendered the place a week or 10
days ago, and came to Washington the
latter part of last week and had a con
ference with the President and Postmaster-General
regarding the duties of
the office. Today he announced his ac
ceptance of the post. He has had a
long experience In the practice of law
and has become thoroughly acquainted
with the conduct of business affairs gen
erally. He Is president of a bank, has
other commercial Interests and Is very
wealthy. He has been a State Senator
for four or five years, and is at pres
ent President of that body, and has been,
in virtue of that office, Acting Governor
of the State on a number of occasions.
He la of middle age.
Questions Facing the Administration
In the Chinese Matter.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. The Adminis
tration hap a very serious problem to face
In the settlement of the Chinese question.
It Is already knownythat large Indemni
ties In the way of territory will be de
manded by the foreign powers, and such
persons in the United States as under
stand the importance of commercial In
terests In China have already begun a
quiet campaign In the Interest of the
United States securing its share, or
"sphere of influence," in the settlement of
the late disturbances. The policy of the
Administration has been to Insist that
China shall remain territorially intact,
but the Administration cannot prevail
against the other powers, who are deter
mined upon, territorial aggression. At
present It Is known that the Administra
tion is determined to resist the pressure
In the direction of oDtaining umnese ter
ritory as a result of the recent disturb
ances. A Fatal Shoolr.
SAX DD3GO, Cal., Aug. 20. W. B. Mc
Curty, an engineer of the electric plant
here, was found dead In the -powerhouse.
He ha'd received a shock of about
7500 volts. His Jiat was lying by the
dynamo, and his body was 20 feet away.
A burned spot on his hand, showed where
he had touched the., pole, the shock
throwing him over another machine
standing near. In his flight through the
al rhe apparently disarranged the gear
ing for the engine ran away, and burned
out the dynamo. As a result the city is
without street lights temporarily.
Why Stewarf of Nevada Will
Vote for McKinley.
America's Duty Is to Maintain Law
and Order- in 'the Islands
Bryan's Change of Front.
NEW YORK, Aug. 20. Senator William
M. Stewart, of Nevada, called at Repub
lican headquarters today and said he had
decided to vote for "President McKinley.
Yesterday's dispatches seems to make clear that the Kmperor and the Empress Dowager
have made their escape from Pekln, and that about the only present service of the Imperial
Palace and grounds is as an asylum In which the demoralized Chinese soldiers are making;
a last stand. The Japanese Legation's advices showed that the banners of tho imperial cor
tege were seen leaving Pekln the 12th. Consul-General Goodnow advised the State Department
that he had information from Chinese sources that the Empress Dowager bad left Pekln.
He made the statement in part as follows:
Mr: Bryan Joined the army. The war
tyva.s successful, a treaty of peace was
'entered Into wherehy the United States
agreed to' pay $20,000,000 and accept the
sovereignty and public property of Spain
In tho Philippine Archipelago. There was
opposition to the ratification of the
treaty. Mr. Bryan came to Washington
and persuaded his Democratic friends to
vote for the treaty and It was through
his influence that the treaty was finally
ratified. It then became the duty of
the United States to maintain law and or
der and protect the lives and property
of all, .residents In the Islands, whether J
native or ioreign oorn.
"The United States at the time of the
ratification of the treaty held military
possession Manila and immediately after
such ratification assumed the sovereignty
of the' Islands. The people of the" United
State's, especially of the Pacific Coast,
became entitled to the vast commerce
of the Pacific Ocean, of which the Phil
ippines furnish the key.
"One Agulnaldo had raised a rebellion
In Luzon against Spain before the com
mencement of the Spanish.' war with
the United States. This adventurer had
sold, out or settled his rebellion with
Spain for $400,000 before Dewey set sail
for Manila, and as a part of the bargain
with Spain Agulnaldo agreed to leave the
islands' and never return.
"Dewey took the wily Agulnaldo back
to the Islands, suppos'ng, as a matter of
course, that Agulnaldo would naturally
be an enemy of Spain and a friend of
the United States. In this Admiral
Dewey was mistaken. Agulnaldo, as soon
as he landed, organized a rebellion against
the United States, which "would have
been of little consequence If he had not
been able to obtain comfort and aid In
this" country. An organization was
formed in the United States called the
Antl-Imperlallst League, which has for
the last two years co-operatdd with
Agulnaldo's Tagal juntas, with headquar
ters at Hong Kong, to supply literature
and materials of war for Agulnaldo.
"President McKinley had no authority
to 'buy out Agulnaldo's rebellion against
the United States, but was bound by the
treaty (which was the supreme life ot
the land) to maintain law and order and
protect ,llfe and property In the Islands.
It required a large army and the expen
diture of hundreds of millions of dollars
to put down Agulnaldo's rebellion. The
assistance and the encouragement' he re
ceived .from the Anti-Imperialist League
and the enemies of the United States,
both at home and abroad, made his bar
barous and Irregular war bloody and ex
pensive. Congress, however, made all
necessary appropriations, providing for
the Executive men and money to main
tain the authority of the United States
in the Philippines. The so - called antl
lmperlallsts declared that the policy pur
sued by the Government to put down
the rebellion and maintain "law and or
der In all territories of the United States,
without regard to the time when such
territories were acquired, was 'imperial
ism, and that any use of the Army to
maintain law and order, however neces
sary,-was 'militarism' and that giving aid
'and comfort to rebels In arms against
the United States was 'maintaining the
principles of the Declaration of Inde
pendence.' "Mr. Bryan's unparalled campaign for
the principles of the Chicago platform
and his Insistence upon the adoption ot
that platform at Kansas City Induced the
people to suppose that the campaign ot
1900 would be conducted on the issues of
iSX. In this, It seem3, they were mis
taken." Senator Stewart then quotes Mr. Bry
an's declaration of his Intention, it
elected, to call an extraordinary session
of Congress to give the Philippines free
dom upon the same terms as Cuba. He
also denounces the recent convention t
antl - Imperialists at Indianapolis. Ho
also denounces Mr. Bryan for promising
to attempt to "extend the Monroe Doc
trine to the Orient"
Roosevelt's Western Trip.
NEW YORK. Aug. 20. Governor Roose
velt" Chairman Hanna and Cornelius M
Bliss were In conference at National Re
publican headquarters today. After the
conference It was said no definite conclu
sion had been reached as to Mr. Roose
velt's Western trip, it having been de
cided to leave the arrangements of the
trip to Senator Scott and H. C Payne, of
the Chicago headquarters.
Programme for the Topeka Cere
mony Is Arranged.
TOPEKA. Kan., Aug. 20. All the details
of the Bryan notification meeting have
been arranged. A special committee,
composed of ex-Governors John W. Leedy,
L. D. Llewlyn and John P. St John.
J. G. Allen, .John W. Breldenthal; John
Madden, Senator W. A. Harris, Colonel
E. C Little. O. T. Boaz and Jerry Simp
son, will meet Mr. Bryan in Atchison at
6:30 A. M., August 23, and accompany
him to Topeka. The local reception com
mittee will meet the party at the depov
and, with the Topeka City troop, will es
cort them to the National Hotel, where
Mr,- Bryan will meet the notification com
mittee, the commltteo representing Tu-nekandk-the
oresente offlcers.-Y-All-other
I committees, Including tfie" general state
I committee, will meet Mr. Brvan at the
! Crawford Opera-House.
The committee on programme has de
cided to begin the notification ceremony
at 3 o'clock. The meeting will be called
to order by Chairman RIdgely, of the
Populist state committee, and an address
of welcome will be delivered by David
Overmeyer. Marlon Butler, permanent
chairman of the ceremonies, will then bo
Introduced and take charge of the exer
cises proper. T. M. Patterson, chairman
of the notification committee, will then
deliver1 the notification address, which
will bo followed by the - reply of Mr.
Bryan. A reception will be held at the
speakers' stand after Mr. Bryan's address.
Mr. Bryan will leave on the Union Pacific
at 8 o'clock.
Bryan's Speech Ready.
LINCOLN. Neb., Aug. 20. Mr. Bryan
practically1 completed his Topeka speech
today. He-put in the entire day at the
farm, thus preventing interruptions. The
speech will be only about half the length
of the Indianapolis speech, and It wilt
be a reply both to the Populist nomina
tion and the monetary league Indorse
ment, In case he receives notice of the
latter. Bryan will go to Wahoo tomor
row afternoon to make a speech, and he
will tomorrow night start on hl3 way
to Topeka, making four or five addresses
in Southeastern Nebraska Wednesday.
Tallsed Politics With th President
nt the White Honae.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. Governor
Roosevelt, of New York, is In Washing
ton and Is a guest of' President McKinley
at the White House. The Governor ar
rived here shortly after 6 o'clock tonight
and was met at the station by Secretary
Cortelyou," who escorted him to the Ex
ecutive Mansion. In anticipation of Gov
ernor Roosevelt's visit, the President and
Mrs. McKinley had invited the Cabinet
members and others to meet the Gov
ernor at dinner at the White House, the
party Including Postmaster-General Smith,
Secretary Wilson. Secretary Hitchcock
and Adjutant-General Corbln. Soon after
the dinner the Invited guests withdrew.
Various political and other matters
were discussed by the Presidential and
Vice-Presidential candidates, the confer
ence lasting until midnight No state
ment other than this was made as to
the conference. During the evening, Con
troller Dawes called on business with the
President. Later in the evening the Con
troller left for New York.
The visit of Governor Roosevelt was
entirely unexpected, and his presence In
the city was not generally known. He
expects to remain until tomorrow, when
he will return to New York.
Cnmmlngs Refuses to Indorse Hep
hnrn's Candidacy.
DES MOINES, la., Aug. 20. The ap
pointment of a United States Senator
to fill the vacancv caused bv the death
of Senator Gear, accqrdlng to the latest
statement of Governor Shaw, will be
made tomorrow. Shaw notified friends
of A. P. Cummlngs that he will be will
ing to appoint Congressman Hepburn,
providing he was Indorsed by Cummlngs.
Mr. Cummlngs was telegraphed for at
tho request of. the Governor, and he ar
rived from Pennsylvania this morning.
Cummlngs announces that he will not
Indorse any one, and that he will be a
candidate before the Legislature. This
leaves practically only two in the field.
Congressman Dolllver and Minister Con
ger. Tennessee Prohibitionists.
DYER, Tenn., Aug. 20. Through their
executive committee, the Tennessee Pro
hibitionists today put a ticket in the field
headed by R. S. Cheave3 for Governor.
Candidates for Presidential Electors were
also selected.
Japanese Reports of Sever
Fighting in the City.
Prince Tuan Made His Escape "Wit3&
the Emperor and Emnresa-SinaA
Fa the New Capitol.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 20. The Japanes
Legation today received several Import
ant dispatches giving the fullest and lat
est Information of events In Pekin. XA
telegram dated at Toklo. August 19, says:
"After entry Into Pekln was effected
by the allied troops, the Chinese troops.
August 15, betook themselves to and re
mained in the Imperial palace. A body ot
Japanese troops was told off to guard,
the palace and there met with obstinate
resistance by the Chinese troops. Fight
ing is still going on. The headquarters
ot the Japanese Army 13 In the legation
and the division Is mainly quartered, ia
the, villages outside of An Ting Men."
A telegram dated the 13th Inst, received
from, the Japanese Foreign Office, .gives
this dispatch from the Acting Japanese
Consul-General at Shanghai:
"From Sheng's .statements to me, I am
Inclined to think there Is truth in the
rumor that tthe Empress Dowager, at
least. If not the Emperor, too, has left
for Slnan, in Shen SI Province, via Pao
Ting Fu, for he told me that some of the
Privy Council crossed the Lukon bridge
on the 12th, with banners bearing Inscrip
tions denoting that thejr formed a part of
the imperial escort, and that Lu Chuan,
Lu, Governor of KangSu. sent a. telegram
on the 11th, to the Southern Viceroys and
Governors, directing them to forward all
war funds to Shen SI. But as an Imperial
decree was issued on the 13th,. the depar
ture, if it took place at all. must have
been subsequent to that date.
"I have also learned from another Te
llable source that Princes Chlng. Yunar
Lu and Kang Yl are still In Pekln. though
Prince Tuan ha3 followed the Empress
A telegram dated the 20th, from the
Japanese Foreign Office, says:
"The Japanese Consul at Amoy tele
graphs as follows. August 13: 'It la re
ported from the Interior that at Ting
Chou Fu and Lung Yuen Chou several
Christian chapels were destroyed by
mobs. The antl-Chrlstlan move proves to
be spreading toward the district of Chang
Chow Fu. There does not however,,
seem to be any foreign missionaries in
the Interior. ".
Prince Chlng. referred to as still at
Pekln, 13 an official favorable to for
eigners, while Prince Tuan who la said
to have followed the Empress Dowager;
Is the head of the antl-torelgn element
Yung Lu Is probably In command ot the
Imperial forces.
Chicago's Population.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 20. The -population
of Chicago, according to tho official
count! ofi"thereturn of che12th' census, ia
as follows:
In 1900 .1,893,675
In 1SS0 -1.0S8.8SO"
These figures show for the city as a
whole an increase In population of 598,
725, or 54.44 per cent from 1SS0 to 1900.
The population In 18S0 was 503,185, show
ing an Increase of 506,665, or 118.58 per
cent from 1SS0 to 1890.
The allies In Pekin have the Chines sur
rounded, and ask for reinforcements. Page 1.
Fighting continues in the Imperial City.
Page 1.
A warship is on the way to Swatow to protect
foreigners there. Page 1.
Japanese ar beginning- to distrust tho Conti
nental Europeans. Page 1.
Count von Waldersee starts for China. Psg 1.
The Emperor and Empress Dowager have left
Pekln. Pace 1.
The Chinese Government asks that Conger or
some other American be appointed to open
peace negotiations. Page 2.
Admiral Remey sends the list of casualties la
tho siege of Pekln. Page 2.
Particulars of the fight at Catubig, Samar, are
at hand. Page 2.
Boumanla. and Bulgaria are on the verge ofi
war. Page 3.
Senator Stewart, of Nevada, will support Mo
Klnley. Page 1.
The programme for the Populist notification at
Topeka is arranged. Pago 1.
Itooevelt had a conference with the President
in Washington. Page 1.
A tornado did great damage In several Wis
consin towns. Page 3.
A drunken Kansas doctor killed thr persons.
and was shot dead t7 a Sheriff's son.
"William M. Johnson, of New Jersey, succeeds
Perry Heath as Assistant Postmaster-General.
Page 1.
The Farmers National Congress will meet at
Colorado Springs today. Page 2.
The case of Henry E. Yontsey was called at
Georgetown. Ky. Pago 5.
Chicago's population Is 1.888,073. Pars t-
Pacific Coast.
Willamette Valley hop crop practically out ot
danger. Yield will be heavy,, and prices are
advancing. Page 4.
Astoria street-light contention settled. Council
authorizes one-year contract and receives
acceptance. Page -C
Harry Dougherty killed at Pullman by night
watchman. Officer held for manslaughter.
Page 4.
State Board of Agriculture orders erection ot
150 additional stalls for livestock exhibit at
state fair. Page 4.
Professor Hollo L. Lyman elected to chair ot
English and public speaking in Pacific Uni
versity. Pago 4.
Little change In mechanics' strike on Canadian
Pacific Railway. Pago 4.
Commercial and Marine.
British ship Cedarbank clears for Enrop with
15ffK607 bushels of wheat valued at $96,330.
Page 10.
Estimates of the shortago In the Pacific Coast,
salmon pack vary between 600,000) and
1,000.000 cases. Page 11.
Indiana wheat crop will not exceed 8,000,000
bushels. Page 11.
American gold relieves the monetary tension at
London. Page 11.
Visible supply of wheat Increases 1,543,000
bushels. Page 11.
The fund for young Venvllle's ransom was
completed. Page 8.
It is understood that the O. R. & N. will build
from Ilwaco to Frankfort. Page 12,
City Council at a special meeting Friday is
likely to enlarge the "blanket" Page T.
San Francisco pickpockets and racetrack teuta
make their appearance. Pago 8.
Wholesale houses will close Saturday after
noon, September 8, for commercial travelers'
parade. Paso T.