-FHB KOBKINa-OREGOKIAN, FBWAJ., TOUS? 10, 1900. ST COMMERCIAL AND There is-as not Tey-mnca activity In business yroterday. except among the produce and fruit house. Receipts of peaches -were again large. but the demand teems to hold up sufficiently to xirevont anything like & violent clump In prices. Eecs are Sot rallying from their recent 'weakness, and. ST cents Is the top price Zot any kind of stock, -erlih Eastern offering much lower. Butter Is firm for creamery, with store butter out -of the -market. Bank. Clearance. Exchanges. Balances. Portland $253,081 JJ 45.332 Tacoma .................. 149.71S 37.099 Seattle . 1,.... 591.1C2 1S3.&J7 Spokane ...i...... 167.804 - 38.451 "P.OHTLAXD aiAIIKETS. Grain, Flour, Etc. The -wheat jaarket Is still drifting along In a lifeless kind of aj-manner. Ther .are a, lew small 'lots selUnr at about export values, but the xnajorlty of holders arc not yet ready to do business, many of them expecting better prices later on. -while others have not yet progressed far enough with their harvesting to care .about negotiating for the sale of the -wheat. Nomi nal, export values are 54 and 55 cents for Walla Walla and VAlley. ana about 58 cents for'blue- etem Some buyers in the interior are paying j much bigher prices. Wheat Walla Vala, nominal, 55c; Valley, &4ft55c; bluestem.'feSc per bushel. Flour Best grades. $2 75"?3 10 per barrel; graham, ?2 59. Oats White, 3C37c; gray. 3435c per bushel. Barley Feed. 51415: brewing. $10 per ton. MtflstuCs Bran, $13 per tonj middlings, $20; charts, $14; chop, $15. Hay-Timothy. $10311; ciarer. $737 50; Ore gon, -wild bay, $07 per ton. Bntter, Ekts-b, Ponltrr. Etc. Butter Fancy creamery, 4530c; store, 5J STfccper roll. Eggs 17f per dozen. Poultry Chickens, mired, $3t3 50 per dozen; hens. $466; Springs. $23 50; ducks, $34; geese, $4S per dozen; turkeys. 10517c per pound Cheese Full cream, twins. 12vEpl3c; Toung America, 14c per pound. Vesretablen, Fruit, Etc. Vegetables Parsnips, $1; carrots, 75c$l; turnips, 75c per sack; onions, $1 25 for red, (1 tiO for sUverskins; cabbage. ,$1 25 per cental; potatoes, 40S0c per sack; peas, 364c; beans, -07c per pound; cucumbers, G0Q75c; tomatoes, 50c per box. Fruit Lumens, $4 BOSS; oranges. $3 B04 v box for late "Valenclas; pineapples, $4 SOO per dozen; bananas. $2 5003 per bunch; Ir olan dates. 7Mt8c per pound, peaches. r0C0c: pears, 90c$l per box; apples, 75c$l per box; watermelons. $22 TVO. canta'oupes, ?lCsfl 23 per dozen for California; Oregon nutmegs, $1 50$2 50 per crate. Dried fruit Apples, evaporated, 7Q'c per pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, 45e; pears. mn and evaporated. 50c; plums, pltless, 40 lH4c; prunes. Italian. 3S5V&c; sller, extra choice, 5 Cc, figs. Smyrna, 22i"c- California black. 50c; do -white, 10c per pound. Groceries, IYiits, Etc. Coffee "Mocha, 32Sc; Ja-a, fancy, 2G-J32c: Java, good, 2024c. Java, ordinary, IStf-Oc: Costa Bice, fancy. ISue; do good, 10lbc; do ordinary, l(V12c per j0und; Columbia, roast. j $1S C3, Arbuckl88, $14 03; Lion, $13 C3 per case. Sugar Cube, $6 30, crushed. $0 30; pow dered, $6 80; drj granulated. $5 80; -extra C. $5 30; goldon C. $5 20 net. half barrels, Uc more than barrels; maple sugar, 15&16c per pound. Beans Small white, 3&c; bajou, 4c; Lima. 6c per pound Salmon Columbia Blver, 1-pound tails, $1 2r. C?l 00, 2-pound tails, $2472 50; fancy, 1-pound flats, $1 CSg'l 75; -pound fancy flats, S5g)5c; Alaska, 1-pound tails, $1 201 30; 2-pound tails. $1 002 5. Grain bags Calcutta, fG!"fG 25 per 100 for epot. Nuts Peanuts, CH7o per pound for raw. Oo for roasted, cocoanuts, 0c per dozen; -walnuts. 10 j lie per pound; pine nuts. 15c; hickory nuts, 7c; chestnuts, 15c; Brazil, lie; filberts. 15c; fancy pecans, 1214c; almonds, 15fl7J4o per pounH. Coal oil Cases, 21sc per gal.; barrels, lTJSc; tanks. 154c. . Bice Island, G"4c; Japan. Cc; lw. Orleans, H8V4c. fancy head. $7C7 B0 per sack. Meat and Provision. Mutton GroFiv best sheep, -wethers and ewetj, sljeared. $S 503 75: dresed, 77c per pound. Spring lambs, TfOc per pound gross. Hogs Gross, choice heavy. $5; light, $4 50; droi-sed. SOc pr pound. Veal Large. 7fcffSc per pound; small, 8- 3c BeefGros, top steers, $3 COJH; cows, $3(3 3 50 drewd beef. ftCViC por pound. Pro lslons - Portland pack (Shield brand): Hams, Mnoked. arc quoted at 13c per pound; picnic hams, flc per pound, breakfast bacon. 13c, bacon, c, backs, 0c. drj" salt sides, 8Vc, dried bcf, 17c per pound; lard, .5-pound palls, 10c; 10 -pound palls, Dc; 50s ic; tleroirw, PVfcC per pound Eastern pack (Ham mond's) liams. large. 12c. medium, 13c; email, 18c. picnic hams. nc. shoulders. 0r; breakfast baoen, 12c; drj salt Fides, bVt$ 0c, bnoon sldrs, flli10c; backs, 0c; butts, 0c. lard, pure leaf, kettle rendered, Cs, 30c; 108, 105o. Hops, Wool, Hides. Etc. Hops 38c per pound for 1S90 crop, SQ-lOc for new crop WoolValley, 12$lSc for coarse, lSlGc for best. Eastern -Oregon. 15g"10c;- mohair, 5o per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings 1520c; short- ool, 23 35c, medium-wool, 30f0c; long-wool, OOcfirl each Pelts Beurwklns. each, as to size, $5015; cub, each. $195. badger, each, 50c; wildcat, i!5(!f75c houfieravt. S25c; fox. common graj 40f,-$i do --si. $1 758 50; do cross $2 SOtft.. Ultx. $21 50. mink, 40c$l 76; marten, cark Norlhtrn. $&l. do pale, pine, $2f4. au4 rat, 6 f lOa -yaWaJZ rttW)o: otter (land). $1 b, lianthe-r. with liMien3aid clans perfoct. fliTS, raccoon, 2Sb0c, wolf, mountain, -with head perft. $8 so . wolverine. $2 5agG, beaver, per skin, large. $"; do medium, pr skin $4i5 do snutll. rer skin. $1?2: do kits, per skin $18 Tallow JJfiUc- Jo. 2 and grease 33?4c per pound Hld lr- tiMos. No 1. 16 pounds and up ward, 14l&e; drj" kip. Xo. 1. 5 to 10 pounds. 15c per pond; dry calf. No 1. under 5 pounds, 15i lrtc dr saltrd. one-third less than dry flint, suited hides, sound steers, CO pounds ai.d over 7WSc. do 50 to 0 pounds, 7c; do un dor B0 pounds and cows. 7c, kip, 13 to 30 pounds, 7Hvc do venl. jo to 14 povnds. 7c; do calf, under 1 pounds. 7se. green tunralted). 1c per pound ls, culls tbulls. stars, moth eaten, badly cut. scored hair slipped, weather beaten or grubby), one-third leas. XCW TOR.IC STOCK 3IAUKET. AsrjrreRate Xnniber of Shares Sold tlie Lovest In Several Tear. NEW YORK. Aug 8 Quotations were hard ly more than nominal In th stock market to day Tlwe was not a single feature of strik ing interest In-the day's trading, and the ag gregate nunibw of shares sold fell beow 100,000 fr the first time In icveral joars in a full trading day. "There was a dlFpoeltien to dis regard waknes reflected from London, In cplte of the fact that sates for London account up to bO O00 shares, which' is a' large total com pared -with the recent axerag-. but the de dine which resulted here were hardly more than momentary The variation during the latter part f the day was scarcely appreciable In Biort of the t-tocks traded In, and the aver age level of prices show an insignificant change tode It was notlceabls however, that In any Irdhiaual stock i which a large order was executed, the resulting price movement was wide Thte ts true of either a selling order or a buying Chicago & Northwestern, for which thre was a buying ordor for several thcussnd ffh&res, was a conspicuous example, running up nearly 4 points A number of laid dormant stocks ran off sharply on sell ing orders. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg root 4 paints. o a single transaction. Realiz ing In Rubber con that stock two points The de.-lMon rrported by the syndicate, which un derwrote ttoe American allotment of the sew British eKObaur bonds not to ship gold on Saturday, earned soe urjrise. in view ef the fact that Um Bank of BngUnd based its -ma.ntfnatiee of Its txtetin: tecunt rate on the expocrattoB of ery recrtpts of gold from the Tatted States. The 4Clin in sterling exohanga. which foil back to $4 SS for demand, however, toek away the profit on exports. As to our owa money markat. the paj-ment by the -banke to tlie Sutareasury for the gwld bars ixported hss wiped out ttclr carHrr salas frora I FINANCIAL NEWS that institution and established loss of $2, 355,000. The Interior currency movement, how ever, continued largely In favor of New .York, and -with speculation practically stagnant, money fell today to 1 per cent. There was nothing of importance In the bond market. Total sales, par value, $705,000. United Statss new 4s declined "4 In the bid price. BONDS. U. S. ref. 2s. .103, -103H Gt. Electric 5s. .116 X. Y. Cent. lsts.-lOS1 North. Pacific 3s.. 65& do 4s 104 O. R. & N. lsts.. 103 do coup ... co zs rcg ......loo do 3s.reg .....ICrj do 3s coup.....l03 do new 4 reg..l32 , do 4s ,...102i do coup 132 ;IO. S. L. C3. .125? .112' do old 4s rcg.. ..11451! do con. 5s do coup,.. lUfrlR. G. W. lsts.. SSu do Xs reg ......lUli St. Paul consols ..107 do coup . 112i! Dis. of Col. 3-C36.122 Atchison Adj. 4s.. S3i do a & P. lEts.117 do a & P 5s 118i Union Pacific 4s.. lOS Wis. Central lsts. ', C Sc J. AY. con 7S140 do S. F. deb. 58.122 JSouth. Pacific 4s.. 70 D. & B. G. do 4s lsts.. 102 West Shore 4s lll'i 0SH! STOCKS. The total sales of stocks today -were 00,200 shares. The closing Quotations werer " Atchison 2Gi Union Pacific 59 do pfd , 70ai do pfd ..:.-..... 75 Bait. &. Ohio 74,lWabastu e Can. Pacific 6G do pfd 17at Can. Southern ... 4SW Wheel. & L. E... S-ji Ches. & Ohio 27! do 2ds pfd 23;S C G. W... 101 wis. genual .... 10 XL i . '-""""u' P. C C. . St L v-ni.. xno. u. 0j.... 1 do pfd. ,.-51 ChL,. &.East 111.. 05 Chi. & Jf. W lC0?i C, r: I & Pac.106 C. C. C. & St. L.. 5S?i Colo. Southern ... 0 do lsts. prd 41 do 2ds pfd 18 Del. & Hndton.,112 Del.. L. &. AV 17C EXIitESS COS. Adams ., .-.125 American ........158 United States ....45 Wells-Fargo 123 MISCELLANEOUS. , Am. Cotton OH... 33 do prd SSiS Am. ItfaUlng 4 do pfd 204 Am. Smelt. &R... S0-A do pfd 83 Am. Spirits li do rid 17 n jf. -n n -is . do pfd ...d!!!I 00 J1TIO .............. lU-ji do lsts pfd ... 3?j Am. Steel Jioop.. 1S" Gt. Northern Dfd.I52 do pfd Am. SUjcI & W. do pfd Am. Tin-Plate- . do pfd Am. Tobacco . . CO Hocking Coal ... 13 Hocking Valley... 31H 3314 73i 23 70 Illinois central .. luj Iowa Central ... 19 do pfd .. 43 03 TC C P. & Gulf.. 15b do nfd 12-5 iaKe Erie z w ... xs do pfd 04 Lake Shore ....'..209 Anaconda M. Co..- 43 Brook. R, T 50H Colo. Fuel & Iron 31 Cont. Tobacco ... 25 Louis. S A'aEh.... 71 naniiatran h, .... snjjji do pfd jnet. St. uv lostt Federal Steel ... do pfd Gen. Electric ... Glucose Sugar .. do pfd .......... Intnl. Paper .... do pfd LaC'ede Gas..... National Biscuit , do pfd National Lead ... do pfd National Steel ... do pfd . 33 . 054 .111 . 53k . SV) . 22 Mexican Central.. 11:1 Minn & St. L..... sc do T)fd 83 Mo Pacific . Sl Mobllo & Ohio... 3S Mo.. Kan. & T... 0 do pfd 20 X, J. Central ...123 V T. Central ..1285J Norfolk & West.. 33 do pfd 73 North. Paciuc... 57 35 88 24 do pfd 71 S3 Ont. & Western.. 2n;t N V. Air Brake. 135 O. K. & v 42 do Pfd 70 North. American.. 15 Paclne Coast do lFts pfd .... . 52 . 85 . 02 . 30"A . S . 48 . 71 .180 Pensjlruula 12SH! Reading ic- do Zds pfa Pacific Mall .... Pcoclo's Go .... Pressed Steel Car. do pfd Pull. Pal. Car... do lsts'pfd.... do 2ds pfd ... R. G. W do pfd St. L. & S. F... do lsts pfd do 2ds pfd.... St. L. & S. W... 5S's 2S G3 SK) 0 to Stand R. & T 33! Sugar ..122 iov do pfd .11" do pfd . 2G)Tfnn. Coal & Iron 70 St. Paul lllvl V S Leather .. 10'A do rfd 170 St. P & Omal"a..l0S do pfd V S Rubber .. do pfd restrn Union.. CSV 2Pi 92 10! 15 South. Pacific ... Si! Southern Ry 1U7 do pfd 31HlRrp. I. & S. Texas & Pacific. 14-i do pfd ENGLISH 3IOXEY MARKET. Reserve la Down to Lovrest Klffare Henelied Since Jannnrr, 3S04. NEAV TORK, Aug. -9. The Commercial Ad vertiser's London financial cablegram rajs: The market here today was weak, mainly on account of the lack of business, the provpect of dearer money at the approaching settlement next Monday, and the rather bad news from South Africa. The new exchequer bonds fell to premium on the apprehension wjitch Is quite general, and that successful American bidders for these se curities will unlcad at the first chance for a fair profit American stocks were featureless on an Idle market The bank bought 22,0W gold In bars. It raised the buying prices 1 p-nny to 77s 101 on bars; one-half penny to 70s Cd on eagles, and a half-penny on all other foreign coins. The- bank returns show that the reserve is down to $17,071,000, which Is the lowest figure reached since January. 1S34. The bank, how ever. Is obtaining contrpl of the money market, and -will probably be able to repjenljh its re sources. , Money Exchange, Etc. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 0 Sterling on Lon don, CO dajs, $1 S3; do sight, $4 89. LONDON. Aug. 9. Consols, 97 15-10; silver, 2S 1-lCd. NEW YORK. Aug. 0-.JIoney on call, 131 per cent; prime mercantile paper. 4?f5 jer cent; sterling exchange, easier, with actual business In bankers' bills at ?4 S3 for demand and at $4 64 for CO days, posted rates $1 85 4 b52 and $4 SO; commercial bills, $4 S3 4 84. Silver certlflcates-llS,C2c. Bar silver Clc Mexican'doUnrE 18c. t . " Bonds Government weak; state. Inactive; railroad. Irregular. Stocks In London. .LONDON, Aug. 9 Atchison, 27; Canadian Pacific 8JVi: Union Pacific., 77; Grand Trunk. 0; Anaconda. 8; Rand Mines 30. Ear sil ver st?adj. 23 1-lCd per ounce. Money, 3s per cent. THE GRAIX MAItlCETS. Prices for CerenlsTln European and American !Ports. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug? 9. Wheat, quiet for futures, and firmer for spot. Barley, st ady both on and off call. Oats, quiet and steady. Spot quotations were: Wheat Shipping. No. 1, $1 05; choice, $1 05; milling. $1 OSTig-l 11. Barley Fetd, 757c; brewing. 85?TSCc. Oats Good to choice white. $1 17! 35; gray, good to choice. $1 101 20; red, good to choice. $1 125jil 22. 'Call board sales: Wheat Quiet; December, $1 127i; cash, $1 05. Parlej Steady: December. 79c Corn Largo yellow, $1 17(1 20. 'Clilensro Grain nnd Prodnee. CHICAGO. Aug. 9. Wheat started with a material advance, September at 707CV,c, as compared with yesterday's closing price of TTi'Sc. Liverpool quotations, always an Import ant factor in this market, Fhowed an unex pected advance of cfeiC, and this strength was reflected In the opening here. There wai a moderate buying demand, from local shorts at the start, but the advance did not result in any rronoanced increase in the volume of trading, and after the first few minutes prices dropped a little under realizing and selling by Board of Trade and Stock Exchange Brokers GRAIN PROVISIONS STOCKS ond COTTON BOUGHT AND SOLO FOR CASH OR CARRIED ON MARGINS 214-215 Chamber of Commerce" ' Porllendi Orcaon prominent commission houses. For the most of the forenoon. In -fact, the tendency -was toward iQwer prices, traders apparently scolcg no profit in wheat at 76c and over, and on one or two occasions the September price -was forced down to 75Tc Mcst of thTs sell n; was In the nature of realizing "by traders, -who had boujrht earlier In the -week; but It -was never heavy enough to cause ral weakness. The market, In fact, was for the most part exceptionally dull. Late In the sesrlon a firmer tone was developed when reports shewed that another day's export business was being done, and prlc gradually recovered. At the close September was quoted at-7474c. Corn was very dull, but strong and higher. The continued hot, dry weather West, and the conviction that unless immediate relief came heavy damage would result was the main factor. September cloed c higher, at 3Sc. Oats were quiet, but firm. September closed i5c higher, at'22H22c. . Provisions -were dull almost to the point of stagnation. There was a generally, easier tendency, especially during the morning, heavy receipts of hogs and lower yard prices having a depressing effect. There- was some roroviry from the decline. The cash business continued good. At the close - September pork wa3 2c lower; lard, 3c lower, and ribs unchang d. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Opening. Highest. Lowest. Close. August ... September, October . . ...$0 753 ... 76 . .. 77 $0 75' W& ?o Toy 75 7o 70 CORN. 3S" 33 3S 3S 37 38 August. .. September October . . 38 3S 37 38 38 38 OATS. August . . September October . . . 21 21?i 21 21 . 21 22 21-,i , 22 . 22 22 22 22 MESS PORK. .1170 1175 1167 11 7C .1172 11 0 U?2 -11 SO LARD. 'V .- . 6 8b -0 80 s 6 73 0 77 September October September October 0 82 0 82 0 80 0 82 January ...... fl-07 0 67 015 6 07 SHORT RIBS. September .:. 712 715 710 713 October 710 710 7 05 7 10 January , 0 05 0 10 0 05 0 10 Cash quotations were as follows: Wheat No. 3. 7074c; No. 2 red, 77,78Vic Com No "2 yellow, 40c . Oats No. 2, 2222c; No. 2 white. 2424c; No. 3 white, 2i5424c Barley Good.-ftedlng, 3433c; fair to choice malting, 3C-s5c. riaxseed No. 1, $1 32; No. 1 Northwestern, $1 32. Mess pork Per barrel, $11 7Q11 75. Lard Per cwt., $G 7590 77. Short ribs Sides, loose, $7 05T33. Dry salted shoulders Boxed, (547c. Short clear sides Boxed.' $7 GiVg" 70. ' Butter Firm; creamery, 1520e;M dairy, 1417c Eggs Firm f'fresh, 12c. Cheese Firm, 9illc. Receipts. Shlnm't Flour, barrels . Wheat, bushels . Corn, bushels ., Oats, bushels . ; Rjc. bushels ... Barley, bushels 200,000 13,000 154. 000 227,000 200.0U) 155 00) 3D7.000 1S0.O-0 . 9,050 22,000 Xevr Yorlc Grain and Produce. NEW YORK. Aug. 9. Flsur Receipts, 7440 barrels; exports, 5439 barrels; market firm. Wheat Receipts, 40,950 bushels; exports, 21, 174; No. 2 red, SoVic fob. Options devel oped considerable strength on ai unexpojted advance In English markets, coupled wkh local covering and liberal acceptances of last night's offerings. Speculative dullness In the afternoon brought reactions, but the market nevertheless closed steady at a net advance. March closed at 85c; September, 81c; December 83c. European Grain Mnrlcets. LONDON, Aug. 9. Wheat Cargoes, on pass age( quiet and steady; cargoes No. 1 standard California, 31s 3d; cargoes Walla Walja, 21s ,Cd; carsoes Oregon, 30s 0d. English country markets, firm. Imports of wheat Into United Kingdom, 2S2.000; do flour, 277,000. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 9. Wheat Firm. No. 1 standard California, 0s 3d; wheat and flour In Paris barely steady; French country mar kets, firm. . TACOMA. Aug. 9. WhMtrtouu and un changed. Bluestem, 59f ; club, oOc. sa ftta:?cisco markets. SAN FRANCISCO, AU?. 0. Wool Spring. "Nevada, 13Ji!15c; Eastern Oregon, "10"15c; Val ley, Oregon, 1820c. Fall Northern moun tain, 10Sfl2c; mountain, S10c; plains, 10c; Humboldt and Mcndoclna, 1314c. 'Hops 1S99' crop, 11 13c. Millstults Middlings. $1720; bran, "$l:13 per ton. ? Hay Whent, $812; wheat and oat. -$SS11; best barley. $8 50; alfalfa, $G(7 5.1; compressed wheat, ?S3"12 per ton; straw, 2537c; per bale. - .j -! Potatoes Elver Burbanks. 33C3c; Early Rose, SOg'TDc per cental; sweets, 10c per pound. Vegetables Onions, 7o30u per cental; garlic, -3c; green peas, 2Q"1o per pound; string beans, lS?3c; dried okra, 32c per pound; Legg plant, Sg'lOc per pound, tomatoes, C0g;75c, asparagus, 73c$2 50; cucumbers, lCff25c per box. Green frujt Apples, choice, $1; common, 35s per box. Citrus fruit Oranges, navels, $2 50; Mexican limes, $G7; common California lemons $1 5C 2 75; choice, .$301-1 CO per box Bananas $1 502 SO per bunch. Butter Fancy creamery, 22iJ?24c; do sec onds, 21S23c; fancy dairy, 20&2Ic; do seconds, 17I9c, Cheese American, new, 910c per pound; Young America, 10c; Eastern, 1314c. Eggs Store, 1518c; faiicj ranch, 23c; East ern, 1C1SC. Poultrj Turkeys, gobblers, 010c; do hens, 10 lie per pound; old roosters, $' 504 per dozen; joung roosters, $3 SOS'S; small broilers, $2 25; large do, $2 f,03; frjers. $J(?f3 50; hens, $3 505 per dozen; old ducks, $3g4; geese, $1 121 25. per pair. Receipts Flour. quarter sacks, 10,180; wheat, centals, 003; barley, centals, 3040; corn, centals, 50; potatoes sacks, 3510; bran, sacks, 2f!0; middlings, sacks, 400; hay, tons, 700; hides, 4S0. 1 EASTERN LIVESTOCK. , CHICAGO, Aug 9. Cattle Receipts, 10,000. Steers steady to 10c lower; Western rangers, stendy; butchers' stock, steady to slow; na tives, best on sale today, one carload at $0; good to prime steers, $5 50575; poor to medium, $4 7R(tS 35; selected feeders, $45 75; mixed stockers, $333 75; cow-, $2 90i?4 50; heifers, $2 90CT5; canners, $2 4032 75; bulls $2 00 4 50; calves $30 85; Texans, receipts, 900; be!t on 'ale today, 15 carloads, at $t 20; Texas fed steers, steady, $4 353 20; Texai grass steers, $3 40ff4 35; bulls. $2 503 50. Hogs Receipts today, 20,000; tomorrow, 16, 000; left over, S000; weak to 10c lower; top, $5 47, mixed and butchers', $5 135 45; "good to choice heavy, $5 105 42; rough heavy, $4 90g5 05: light, $5 155 47; bulk of sales, $3 203-3 35. Sheep Receipts, 11,000; steady: lambs, strong to 15c higher; good to choice wethers, $4 30 4 CO; fair to choice mixed, $3 754 25; West em sheep, $4 304 50; Texas sheep, $3 5Q 4 15; native lambs, $4 50(35 CO; Western lambs, 5"4 75$T3 00. Tlie Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Aug. 0. There was little feat ure of Importance to the metal market today. Tin showed Eome steadiness. In view of tho advance of 123 6d abroad, closing steadier In tone for spot at $31 "75031 S3. The rest of the list, however, remained about unchanged from the previous day's closing. Lake copper closed quiet" at $10 50. Pig-Iron warrants, weak and nimlnaliy quoted at $11 50. Lead, dull, at $4 25; and spelter, dull at $4 17 4 22. The brokers' rrlca for lead was $4, and for corper, $10 50. . LONDON, Aug. 9. Bar silver, 23 1-lCd. Coffee and Sniynr. NEW YORK. Aug. 9 Coffee options closed barely steady, 5 to 20 points lower. Sales, 39,250 bags Including, September, $7 05S; October. $7 S3; November. $7 MS 10; spot Rio, dull; No. 7 invoice, 9c; mild, quiet; .Cordova, nominal. Sugar Raw, .firm; fair refining, 4c; cen trifugal, 90 test, 4 13-lCc; refined, firm. Grapegrowers and Bnycrs nt War, FRESNO, Cal., Aug. 9. The grapegrowers and the wise men are at war at present. Tho wine men have called in their buyers, and say they. will buy no more grapes, as the growers are holding them too high. Thcyar2 asking $18 a ton for black grapes and $15 for Mus cats.. , Bryan Paper oa the Race Qnestlon j.a uranae t-nroaicie. I - Wo TrtU ail get together on tk ,raco J question yet. The. Democrats are dls franchlslns the illiterate faegroesof fiie Southern States by Constitutional anteiul- mentfi, requiring an educational test or. voters, and the Republicans don't believe In i.v- i-rantlne- the suffrasre to the Flli-r ! plnos, eyen If they are thoroughly an nexed and "benevolently , assimilated. HERE IS SOMETHING GOOD. The Latest Exploit o Yellow Jour nalism Adgflnately Treated." Brooklyn Eagle. "When E. L. Godkin left the New York Evening jPost, the Eagle was the -only newspaper in Greater New York to pub lish an editorial upon his retirement. He was a persona non grata In Other news paper offices, and the reasons why, real or supposed, were not hard to find. For years he had alluded ttf the owner and editor of 'the New York "World- as Judas rscariot,to"him of therSun'-as Barabbas, to him of the Tribune as Jeames Yellow plush, to the' Times as our Swiss con temporary, to the Herald as the Journal ot f Satan and of Irresponsibility, to the Jour nal as the organ of paganism, and to other shee"ts-with -equal freedom,-fluency and 'fragrance. He had said all sorts of thincs about the Eagle, too, but "this L paper did not retaliate in kind, or sen tence him to "silence in its' columns In consequence. The "Eagle "recognized him to be" a" man bf abllities-and disabilities, and pardoned his acrid references to- It to his disabilities. So his going out was treated to what we think was a hand some and know-was a kindly article, and there is reason to believe that he was grateful to the extent of his capacity for that attribute. The Eagle also., gave to his successors such a fine welcome "that one of them was -pointedly careful to express . his entirely judicial- approval of it. - ' - - Since then, Mr. Godkin has beemstrick en with illness which should not make I- himv the -prey of ghoulish-hunters, but which should-makc him the object of the sympathy of decent men. for his .aUflcr, ingi and of the respect of strong men for his power, courage and, hard work b In the past. Instead of that, he has bean made the victim of false pretenses by the New York Journal, to which he was wont to refer as a pagan sheet, and has -now become the game of ribaldry and monkey Jsm by-the-New-York W'orld, which af ore times he designated as Judas. Isqajiot. His designations should not be regarded as descriptive. When, he ..like"? pereqns or things, they are nice.- When h dis agrees with them, they .-are. diabolical. It Is a way he has. His- epithets are the children of his temperament, and his temperament Is the consequence of his mood, his digestion or his circumstances. But as to how he was made the-, vic tim of false pretenses by the -Now Yo'rk Journal: In his retirement, somewhere In New England, Mr. Godkin received a letter, the other day. Lt purported, to have been written by a young man ap proaching the duties of citizenship and desirous of knowing how he should vote. He said that he had long ti6en a stu dent and admirer of Mr. Godkin and would like to receive, in strict confidence, his advice that he might act'uponIt. The tone being kindly, the request bclnrr com plimentary and the assurance of prfva-cy and of confidence be"lng?xplI6It Mr. God kin dlctaEeda "reply to tne" euect which in part follows: "I have 6. deep-seated prejudice agalrlst William IeKlnle"y,vand the men who surround him and act with him. My opinion, formed Hong ago, Is that they are the most dangerous set of scoundrels by which any civilized country was over bfset.' He further said' that this Impression was based on facts, which he did not have the "evidence at hand 'to 1 verify, but that he could hot rid himself of it. The' next place In which that letter was found, after lt left the Postofilce, was In the editorial columns or the Nw York Journal, as if it had'been written for that paper and as If Mr. Godk'n was a con tributor to its columns. The letter'to him had been a lure. The writer 'of the letter was a liar. The fact of the lure and the character df tho'JIar must have -been equally apparent",' but therfe-'was'-nothing In the theft of Mr. Godklnl? confidence which disturbed the Now Yferk Journal, and there was 'nothing In the -quality of the' action which prevented -that " paper -from proudly taking advantage of 'It. The J Eagle s authority for the characterization of the action Is Mr. Godkfh himself, 'Who' has -described It In a communication "to the -Boston Herald.'4 M -- - -' Since -the publication of that letter? tho Journal has 'had no more to say about It. Its reserve -may be to his credit, and can be let go at that. But, unable to claim the feat for Its own, the New York World' has been-dancing' hi ,the rear of the Journal's achievement, with the let ter In its hand and, !by devices which are characteristic, it has.'used'the'-'e'plstle in a way to draw notice from 'the Journal Itself. It has started a query- In- gram mar as to whether Mr. Godkin' meant that Mr. McKinley Is a scoundrel, as well as those who surround him, or as towhether they only are scoundrels, and he Is not one. On this question of construction lt has sent reporters to various public, seml publlc and would-be -public persons, and it has asked them their views on the grammar of the matter. It Is publishing replies from day to day, and Is thus ag gravating and continuing the abuse of de cency, confidence, privacy and personal rlghts-whlch was involved in the original burglary of a dying man's' 'mind. It is flaunting the proofs of Its success, as if lt were proud of them and of itself; and we are in no doubt that lt is. Whether this Is a method to out-Journalize the Journal or of revenge upon Mr. Godkin for his Invariable designation of the World, In the- days of his-activity, can not be determined. The motive Is unim portant, for it has the quality of' the action, whatever that motive be, and' the action is unmistakable. The Eagle refers to this subjectnot-for the purpose of defending Mr. McKinley, which is unnecessary, or of reforming the Journal and the World, which Is Im possible, or of taking part in the gram matical question, which is an. Insincere triviality, but for two quite other reasons: One Is to show the latest and, up to date, tho meanest degradation of rival yellowlsm, and the other is to remark upon the capacity of yellow ism, under the guise of whatever kind of enterprise maybe assumed,, to outrage the rights, to crucify the feelings an'd to make miserable the lives of the wives and chllaren of those." whom ,it " imports"! into tnis question wnicnj aay Dyaay, it gloatingly ventilates. Wo do not think that Journalism as a whole was evef bet ter In the United States than lt Is today We do not' think that the examples in exception to this statement were ever worse than they are today, but we are absolutely certain that, by the; laws of tneir own being ana business, they will have to be worse, tomorrow and every tomorrow. The necessity is upon them to be so. JOB OFFICES ORGANIZE. employing: Printers ot Portland Get Togretner for Mutual Benet. The Employing Printers Association was organized Wednesday evening, at the office of J. H. Zane.- This organization was perfected after several informal meetings, whltih were held since the lat ter part of May. The object of the asso ciation5 may best be understood btyquot-. ing Its preamble: "That It shall be the aim ana object of'' the members to establish and maintain an-. nisM m& bw s vvj? wj fi- wo. IRsf blaVltalIzer,theprecrIpUono;aCimcia3 French poyalclariiTvUl qnlckly euro yon of all nervous or aii'aapsoi tue ?enemu"e orsaita, encr. as j.-osi Maunuou, lODomnio, J?ain io 'heBack,riftaiirtl KuilMaions. TCecvcn iitibt.ity, J?JrapIc IL'ufllnoa to Jlcrr-r. Thnnitlnir Urnlni Vvfl.'rior!. ntirl C'mialitmtlon. Itstupsall iHSsebydaycriilfh. Prcveht3iiiIe"cneMpf dtiCbatBc tvh'cn If not checked lea-la to SpennttorrhK'i tDfl all thft horrors of imcotency. :oW5KXl' cleanses tho liver. lUe VldnPVJ and thft nrtnsrv nrmmn at All lrrtinr'tliv C"tfr"?'imKfRatrenrti-ns jyvV zs3 and restores email weak organs Tho reason auffererJi are not cared by Doctorst-tbeeatae SO per cent are troubled with. "Proslntlfla. C3TJPXDENE tho only known remedy to cure without nn operation. S000 ttstl-oonlals. A written fsarante riven and money retnrned If C boxes does not, effect a permanent care. 1.00 a box,6 lor J5.00, y zcaU. Send for "ritsj circular and testlmonliis. Address DAVOt nicDIt'lNK Co.. P.O. BoxSTS. Ssn "Prar.clseo. Cal. -. for sale by Aldrlcb. Pharmacy, Sixth and Wwhlcgtoa streeU. Portland, Or. Downing; Hopkins & Co. Chicago Board of Trade . " New York StdckJEjchanae 'Room 4, Ground Floor - BOTH TELEPHONES Sails on'Her Second Trip This is the. only exclusive livestock steamer in the Nome trade, Bookings now being made. FOlt RATES ATID IXFOni-lATIOn APPLY TP atl'FORNI'A', h "OREGON COAST r. P. BAUWGARTNER, Agent, 53 Wcshinaton 31. XV. A. Mitchell it Co.. Ucnernl Aecnt. Sun Kraticlmeo. Pacific Goast Steamship Co, FOR THE NEW PALATIAL STEEL STEAMSHIP "SENATOR" .. ." '"M sail from Seattle ani Tacoaia an or about Augo.i 6, ani Siplsmbsr 5. Thc Senator"' has a capacity of 23C0 tons. Her second cabin and stecrajro accommodations are superior to the iirst-class accommodations of most of t.io steamers advertised for .ome, The Pacific Co;t Steamship Companv has been running its steamers to Alan Ti'i..t. nA a,.mmf irT- )'. voire ! n A 1: t!c nlnnfer P.ipiile Loist line, a aT- ko nu ,,iui.:i uim uuui.i.wt ..f. - j..., tie freight and pis-scngr rate app y irom -ornana. ror iiiryiw '"""'V"" inouire of GOODAL.U PERKINS CO., General Agent?. 10 Market. San iran- Cisco. or N. POSTON. Agent, 249 Washl Amerlcao-Hawaileo Steamship Co0 Regular Steamer Service From Mew York to San Francisco, Portland and Honolulu. F S AMEitfCAN, of over 000 tons carrying capacity, the first vessel to load will sail from New York, September 1. and after discharging her California freight at San Francisco, will proceed direct to Portlnd. ,.--,-.. "'Freight received after August 1 at company s new covered, pier, foot or l-ortj-secor.d street, South Brooklyn. Naw York. . For rates of freight and further particulars, apply to THE CHARLES F. BEEBE COMPANY, Agents. , Portland. Or. FLINT. DEARBORN & CO.. 11 Bioadway, New York, General Agonty. .equitable scale of prlres, and. to protfet ourselves from sudden or unreasonable fluctuations;1 to defend our rights and ad vance our Interests as employing p inters; to build up an organization where mem bzT3 of our association can participate in the aiscussion of problems upon wMch -depend our welfare and prosperity." Ssyeral printing firms havo already .signed the constitution, and it $s expected .-that more will be added in a short time. LThe officers of this organization were dulv.electeJ. and are a- fo ows: Jfres. deit. E, R. Botsford. of Botsford & E1113; jvica-pfesldent, George I. Smith, ,of the "Sedrge.!. Smith Printing Comoany;. secre tary, David N. Mosessohn, of the auses rohn Printing Company, and Treasurer, J. 31. tlogets. ' The starrHng committees were apoo'.nt ed after the election, these b3lng: Execu tive coirimlttee, E B M dden, Frank Lea and George I." Smith; finance 'committee, E. R. Botsford, D. N. 0losesfohn and J. R. Rogers; and arbitration committee, L. E.-' otshaiI, J H. Zane and Frea A. Dun ham. ' The organization l:as on Its list a largo number of the offices of this city, and will, no doubt, prove a success. Similtr I organizations hive already been made in Seattle.Spokane and other cities, anu have proved to be successful. Teleplionc Sciv-ioe ii .Parlaf " " International "Magazine. Of course, they are a benighted set in Paris, but when it comes to telephone conveniences they are a trifle In advance of us. For instance, everyone who is a subscriber there i3 furnished with a ticket which 'entitles him to use any public telephone at any hour of tho.day or night and for as long a time as It suits his pur pose. Every Instrument is attached to a desk, has a metal circuit, and is provided with a most -convenient receiver and transmitter combined, which enables the user to sit in whatever position he pre fers and to be free to write when neces sary. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. SSSaftSOBIi ARE TOU taking a vacation? If so, wo would like to send you some literature about "Banff Hot Sprlns3," "The Great Glacier of the Selklrks," and the magnificent ho tels there, operated by the Canadian Pa cific Railway .r Cheap Excursion Rates mado ,ttrom all Pacific Coast, points. OR IF TOU are coins East take your Tick ets by the "Imperial Limited" and spend i day or two at our mountain resorts. You 1 will benefit by lt and enjoy it.. Apply to any Canadian Pacific Ry. Agent or .to H. H. ABBOTT, Agent. Portland, Or. E. J. COYLE, Asst. Gen. Fass. Agent, Vancouver; B. C ,ape And Yukon River Points 5. S. "OHIO," 3500 Tons Sails from Seattle on or about Aug. 25 Besorvatlons can now be made upon applica tion to any rallroad.or.su.b-agent ot the Intor natiohal Navigation Company, or t6 " EMPIIIE THAXSPOUTA.TION CO., . . ' ' SEATTLE. TV ASH. CUPIDEf-lEr ui,9 h -s.u errs, -r nan m,r. .-4 -rr... $V...v.;J c !&!' y'-viLr" Till urn' 1 "nrj Away fo the mooofaliis Empire Line FRCaDe Non OIUILiJ Chamber of Commerce F i u on or About July 20, 1 900 reel ... .- ---- ;------ ,-- --,-.,-" ,.. ,l ngton st.. Portland. Or. TltAVELISUS' GUIDE. POSSIBLY YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF ' TliE FAST TIME AND SUPERB SERVICE Now offered by tho S aiprnR WE HAVE 9 DAiLY FAST TRASNS 9 L TO THE EAST L If you cannot take the morning train, travel via the evening train. Both are finely equipped. "Our Specialties" Fast Time Through Service PUL-LItfAN PALACE SLEEPERS, PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS, PULLMAN DINERS, LIBRARY (CAFE) CAR AND FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. Hoars In Time Snved to Omrt'1.1, Cliictssro, Kansni City, St. Louis, Xevr Yoric, lloston. And Other Eastern Pointi. Tickets good via Salt Lake City and Denver. It is to your interest to use THE OVER LAND ROUTE. Tickets and sleeping-car berths can be secured from GEO. LANG, City Pass, and Ticket Agent. -J. H. LOTHROP. General Agent, 133 Third St.. Portland. Or. Astoria & CoiurnbiB River Railroad Co. LEAVES UNION DEPOr. For Maycers. ltalnler, Olatikanie, iVaitport. Clifton. .itorla. Vr rnton. Flaie!. Ham mond. Fort Stevenj, Gurhirt 1'irk. .-seaside AitorlA and aaiaor Exprtu. Dally. AitorK n-xpmx. Dally. Seashore Express, Saturday only. AKRIVE3 UNION DEPOT. 11:10 A. II C:0 P. it, 0U0 P. M. 0:G5 P. M 2:30 P. II Except Saturday. Slekot oince. 232 Morrison ft. and Union dtpot. J. C UJLYO. Geo. Pus. Act.. Astoria. Or. -SrectWobthebwI Ticket Olflce, 26S Slorrisoo Slre:l, 'Phaae 63) It-JVTT f Th nyr, dslly to.oB-J T" Urom St. Paul. Minna No. apollf, Duluth. Chiea-.-0.00 P. II. I and all point Kut. o.nmvx. No. a. I 7 00 A. J. Through Palace and Tourlat Sleeviers. Dlnlaj and Buffet Smoklnz-Library Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP IDZUMI MARU For Japan, China and all Aslatla polnu -sria ' leave Seattle About Sept. 12th Pacific Coast Steamghlp .Co. FOR ALASX.A. THE COMPANY'S ele-ani steamers vjueeff. Cottage City, City ot Tor-eka and Ai-Ki leae TACOAIA 11 A. IT.. 3Ii ATTLE 0 P il., Auff. 3. S. 13. ID. 18. 23, 2$; Sept. i. T. 12. 17. .'2. 2Z: Ocu-S. and every fifth dayAheteafter. Kor further information obtain company a toiaer. The company reserves the right- -to chanss eteamera, sallln: dates and hours of sallinjr. -without previous notice. AGENTS N. POSTON, 240 V.'aahlnston St.. Portland. Or.: F. "".V. CARLETON. N. P. R. R. Dock. Tacoma. ticket office CIS First ave.; Seattle. E. tt 3IELSE. tictet agt; II. H. i i !.'. lDft Sound Supt.; C T". MILLER. Asst. Sunt.. Ocean Dock. S-attle. I GOODALL, PERKINS & CO.. Gon. Agts,, S. F. Ml BlE?S"3"?Si 8 sjjSSjjsSil T51A.VELEJKS' CI IDE - rni imi iiiiiuhimii i if. um ii iwim-T -.flMifflw L'aiou De;ot. SIxtl and J Str.ptslA. K THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST "CHICAGO-POnTL.VND SPECIALS , Leaves tor tlia Kaal. via Uuntlaston, at 9il3 A. iL; arrive. 4 P. it. Sl'OKAAK FLVER, For Spfckanev Siatero WtabiBiton. and Orat Northern points, leaves ai i if. it.: arrive as , " ATLANTIC EXPRESS. Leaves tor tho K-wt, vte. Uuatingtoa. at 9 V. II.. arrtvss at 5.4i A. 1L TMllOuUII PULLMAN AXD TOCIUS? SLESVEttS. Water Iters u&uu.', autjct to caassa -w!tl out r.u:ic: OCEAN ANU RIVim SCIiEOPLK. OCBA DlVin,X Steamships sail from. A ins worth Dock ut i P; M. Lave Portland itato ot CahrornSa. Suntlaj, Aus 3. Wedues Jay, Aus. 15. So-wnJay. A. 23. Tuesday sept. 4. Frfcthj, .!. 14. Coumtlo. Friday Au?. IK; Morafctj. Aug. U.t, Thuiaduy, Aug. Ml Sunday. Spt. i. fjom fca "ra3clco Leailne Spear-Streott- Pier No. 24 &.ft Fraaefjeu. at It A. 31. a follows: State ot Cii.io.aM. Wednesday. Aug. 1; Saturday. Am .i -n ...(, auc. 1i Fri i.,sday. Aug. -1; Frt- day. Aug. .:i, Sonutiy. Sent. 10. Columbia, f. sour to. uoiumoia. Uondaj. xf 6; rhwrstl-ij.. auj. 10. Sunday. Auj. S; Wcdnidny opu 5. ct,i.L.iii mt&ii nivmox VOKTLA.VL. AKD ASTOIUA. Ptrnmcr llajoaiu ,tu.. i.ortl..nvt um.y. eseeptT fnraj. ai a.i J . . n s-it.u(uy at 10,00 P M. Ldtunitchr. lak AJtGru ually. iicvpi auiw. JJ. at ;.u A. M. Steamer T. J Patter leaves Portland Tu3-f day an.! Thurrdn.- at a A. II.. Saturdays. 1J P- 31 . or AturtR ar.il Uatix Wi-ach Leave Uwiee Tnl.. riursiHv-? a.l SunJajs froos S to S v M "iep--.!lQ- in tWr- wii.LviiK'rri: n kk mvisiox. POHTLAXD AND SALESI. OR. Stean r ..u.h. tot cittin i.ut wuy points, !eas I wrti.vnd..IJa3, Velne-daja and Krl-J da at li ou a. It. Ketu-r.j.iK. ieaes SaWmi Tuosdsjs. ISursuaj-s una sauturduysi at tf.OO,' YAmilLL RIVi:U KttiTET. I'OiVt 1 . : . A X t UA YTON. OR. , Stamrr nin ore. tor Uayton and way points leave Porl.and JTucMlava TiiursJaya and St- urdajs at T A. it. Heiurslne. lea.vai Daytoa ton Pflnjina an.t nay polniH Moi.Jays. Wcdaiisclajaa) sxakb :tici notrrn. :IPARIA. WAfall . :.U LEWISTON. IDAHO. i'le-iliicr ojHia-.ie oi i-ltsBT i.t-wiaton leave Kiparia iatly at J 33 A. il . arrlvlnx at Lewliw ton at :i P il ..tturnlnjr. ths Spolcana os Ltwiston leavt;. Lowistoa dally at 7 A. 3o.r urrivlCii ut ;:.i-ai:a same romntt. W II lirRLCURT. General ?nenger AnU V. A. KinLLTNa '"it Tlrket AcenU Trteplicno Mala 712. tO Tlilrd street, cor. Oa3c4 NewSteamsIiipUnetotlieOrient ' CIUXA .VX" JVS. FKOit rOHTLAJfl). In consectlo-: win. Trill ORKUOX KAILROAD vV NAVIurK. v'.r. t.oheuul.v 1UCO juoJct t chan"): Stesm-r. Due to Leave Portland. "MOXMOrTIIS'IIKU" Sept. lJRAEiLn" Sept. 3J 1 ui jut.. ircommo.Iatlunj'. etc.. apply to "JODWELL .1 COMPANY. Limited. Ger.erst .-icea:s. Portland. w To principal points In Jur" and China, r apt P3SN LRoi via ferfeA ' leave j CcpSt HUJl alll Stretll Arrl-y OVERLAND EX- , PRESt. riUVINJ for Salem. Rose- S--OPM burs. As.iland. aac- San Francisco. "Ui- S:30A'. M. E. partF Xew. 0r. 8:C0Plt, leans and the Ct At troodhurn (dally except bus day). rr.ornlns train connects with train fox ilt. Angsl. oil verton. Urowne- Mile. Sprincfleld end Natron, ani evening train, foe lit. Asgcl and al Verton. MrfiOP. JI Albany paaseneet loaOA.JL. JT;.!OA. M. CcrvaHIp paaienser 13:30 P. iL t4.r.O P. M Sheridan passens-sr t3:26A. 1L Daily. JUally except fluEday.. Rebate ticket-" on sale between Portland. Sac ramento and aan .-francuiCQ. "set rattu il7 aru class ana fl acor.d ci us. including Kleper. Rates anil llcteta to i'latern point and Eu rcpe. AIo JAPAN. CHINA. HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Cat be obtained ftoia J B. KlRaCIAU. Ticket Agent, lio Tnlrd su TA1IIIILL DIVISION. Passenctr Depot, foot ot Jellerson Btreet, I Leave for Oswcsco daily Jt 720. 0:-iJ A. ILii lZtM, 1.55. 3 25, 4 4l. .JJ. S.aO. U.M P. SX.;' ami 0:iu A. .Vi. -n bundays omy. rriv aSJ J'ortland dally at G.J5. a.iu. l0:i0 A. M.a 1 .25, i. 10, 4.J0, ti 15. 7 40, 10 00 P. il.. 13:4(1 A. it. datl) , except Aionuay. t:2i, and 10:05 A M. en Sunday only. J Leave for Dallas dally, except Sunday, f 5.0S P. JL Arrive at Portland at 0.30 A. M. Passcrgcr train leavps Dallas for Atrlla itonJ (Sajo. Wednesdays and Friday at 2:43 P. Mr Returns Tuesdays. Tnursdaya and Saturdays Except Sunday. R. KOEIILnR C. II MARKHAM. Manaser. Gen. Frt. fe Pasa. As, i DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN SEItVICE. Tlic Pioneer Dlnint; and ObscrvatlosP Car Konte. Union Bcpat,GtbanlJSti No. 2 p. : North Coa3t Limited. j For Tacoma. oeattlo. No. 1 7 A. SI. North laklma, opo- kane. i'uliman. iloj- cov, Lewiston. Rosa- land. B. C. Dutte. Helena. St. Paul. Min neapolis, Chicago. Ron ton. New Xor't and all points East and South east. jT-.lii City Express, for Tacoma. Seattle. Spo No. 11:30 4 P.M. No. 3 8 P. IX. kane. Helena, Et'tte. St. Paul. Chicago. Bos ton. Nev York, omaha. ICansa City. Council Bluffs. St. Louis, and alt points east and southeast. Through train service v'a Northern Paciflo and Burlington line rrom Portland to Omaha, Kansas Citj, St.' Louis. Qu'ck tlmo and ua equalcd accommodation'?. Tike North Coast Limited Train No. 2 Xor South Bend. Olympta. and Gray's IlarDof points. F?e tho North Coast Limited. Elegant Up htlEtercd Tourist Sl-plng Cars. Pullman Standard SleepTS. Dlnlnt; Car and Observa tion Car. all electrl llshted. Solid vesCibulw train!. Ticketn sold Jo all points In ,lha UnltcS States and Canada, anil bacsaso checked ta estlnatlt-n ot tlcliits. For Infor-iiat'on, tickets. Fleeplng-car ej vatlocs. etc.. call on or wrlto A. D. CHARLTOiS AaMistant General Pairengcr Acent) ,, 2C5 3IorrlHon St.. Cor. TUlrd, Pprtla-aiL, Oresoa. . WHITE COLLAR LINE BAILEY GATZEP.T (Alder-street Docl) Leaves Portland Sally every morning at 1 toria every night at 7 o'clock, ox apt Sunday. flrwrnn nhana llaln 2C1 Columbia Ghana UL IStSSSISSsaBwSSSSaan