TTT. rVR.NTTO CXftEGONIAN, FRIDAY, &TJGUST 10, 1900. 10 CHEMISTRY IN Copjrlcht. 1900, by Seymour Eaton.) THE OREGONIAN'S HOME: STUDY CIRCLE: DIRECTED BY PROF.SEYMOUR EATON COMPARATIVE STUDIES OF TWO CENTURIES BT PROFESSOR PAUL C. FREER. Tin. At the bosinnlns of the 18th century chemistry had Just been emancipated from the influence of medieval supersti tion and had established Its right to be ) considered an Independent science, -with j the consciousness of a basis for future ( Individual development. Almost from tne j Christian era it was stunted by the Ignis fatuus of alchemy and iatro chemistry, . its sole reason for existence being the j application of the few known facts to the j conversion of the baser metals into gold, ' or to the exploitation of so-called medl- clnal remedies. The knowledge thus far collected was incidental to these purposes, i and the prevalent theories were borrowed , from the ancients or Arabians. All known j substances were suDDOsed to be formed by varying proportions of the essential prln- i clples earth, water, fire, air, mercury, sulphur, and salt. Experimental science, boring- for its object the establishment of fundamental theories, derived by the correlation of observed facts, was un known. Chemistry as an Independent science owes Its origin to Kobert Boyle, who in .the middle of the 17th century was the first to courageously oppose the older doc trines advocated by the peripatetics ana who by a series of masterly writings sought to replace the vague notion or .principles by more definite chemical ele ments, defined by him as substances, which could not by ordinary means be disintegrated into two or more simpler bodies. It is true Boyle frequently erred In his conclusions, as for example, when ia considered glass and water to be chem ical elements, owing to his Inability to decompose them. Although his methods were often weak, his conclusions were sound and his brilliant experimental genius finally succeeded in establishing the science on a firm basis, even render ing the "black art" fashionable at court; Kings and Princes neglected ordinary af fairs of state in order to dabble with the "spring of the air" and kindred top ics. Although Boyle revolutionized methods, St was not until the beginning of the 18th century that the entire scientific world 'abandoned the older views and the way was opened for the establishment of the first chemical theory which undertook to connect a series of obviously related JE&cts. Until this necessary advance was 'made no substantial progress could be Jaoted, for all the efforts of investigation .ended merely in aimless wanderings. Tho flrst scientific step opened the way for -consistent and vigorous advance. The first theory was subsequently discarded because it was founded upon qualitative and not quantitative observation of chem ical phenomena, nevertheless its benefit was incalculable, for it outlined a definite and precise course for future experimen tation. The theory is known as that of phlogiston. Its object was to explain the changes taking place during combustion. Ail matter while burning was believed to separate a principle termed phlogiston, so that the remaining incinerated prod uct was supposed to be of simpler com position than the initial substance. The lault of the theory was that In reality bodies during burning gain In weight, a separation seeming, therefore, less like ly than a union. A further development of SO years was required before workers in the science realized this fact. The phlogiston period was one of great activ ity in the chemical field, and many no table discoveries occurred under Its aus pices. Particularly was this true of the isolation of various gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide (laughing gas), ni tric oxide, ammonia gas, muriatic acid gas, chlorine and lastly oxygen and hy drogen. Black, Priestly, Scheule, Watt Cavendish and many other men added lus ter to the science. Considerable progress was made In chemical industry; the man ufacture of sulphuric acid developed and toward the end of the century when the phlogiston theory was already giving way to our modern views the dry distillation of bituminous coal and the manufacture of illuminating gas. coke and tar began. The phlogiston period was brought to an end about 1780-1790 by the accurate re searches of the Frenchman Lavoisier. This investigator demonstrated combus tion to be a union with one of the con stituents of the atmosphere, a gas which Priestly and Scheule had discovered and which X.avolsler named oxygen. Sub. stances in burning wore shown to have gained weight, and this gain In weight was demonstrated to be commensurate with a loss suffered by the air support ing the process of burning. Chemical ele ments, as they are today, were defined as forms of matter which, when alone, could not be changed into two or more simpler bodies, and the products of com bustion were therefore shown to be com pounds. Ijavoisler's crowning work was tho final proof that water Is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen and the firm es "tabllshment of the law of constancy of matter. A new system of nomenclature, substantially the same as that of today, was Introduced, and the way was opened for tho marvelous advances made In the 19th century. After the death of Lavoisier. In 1792, a host of earnest Investigators carried on Ills work; new elements and compounds were discovered and by 1605 the way was clear for the establishment of tho funda mental law governing the composition or chemical compounds known as the law of constant proportions (Proust). All true chemical compounds were recognized as having their constituent elements com bined in constant and unvarying ratio by weight, and although a bitter opposition to this view was carried on by the emi nent scientist, Berthollet, the facts re pealed by careful analysis established the theory, and from that time all chemical i science was based upon their understand ing. Almost simultaneously with this advance, the present theory of atoms, which has been of immeasurable benefit in the progress of the science, was de veloped In England by John Dalton, and the laws governing the combining vol umes of gases were discovered by Gay lussac in France, thus serving to firmly establish this theory In the chemical world j Chemical industry received a great lm- pctus from the Intense activity In the theoretical field. The isolation of France i during the Revolutionary pariod caused her to make an earnest effort to supply j chemicals previously purchased abroad, ! and as a result the Le Blanc process for j the manufacture of soda originated there. I I'ntll recently it was the sole means of ! producing this Important chemical. Owing ' to the possibility of the commercial pro duction of chlorine, bleaching powder came into use; ammonia was generated in quantity from the gas works, which wer Increasing in number, and the cul tivation of the sugar beets and the means of marketing the product, a dim cut chemical problem, began to gain ground. The period In the history of chemistry immediately following the understanding of the law of definite proportions was until slmiir 1S33 main- 3T-nt fir. ! ing and enlarging the views alreadv es- pot 1:ito bad relatlons with each other, tabllshod. the principal object being to i and the 5pIrlt of antagonism thus en lnvestlgate the subject of ntomjc weights, t gendered caused them to form what which were chemical quantities defined i loked 1Ik battle array, and threaten by Dalton. and about the exact interpre- ' to leave on the fle5d of action both dead tation of which bitter controversy 1 and wounded. Xo one was hurt, and the reigned. The conflict thus precipitated affalr ended without any serious results. stimulated research And served to hasten I ' the discovery of many new elements and Broke- n TIiIrIi Stamp, comnoanrs and to nerfect the methods FOREST GKOVE. Or, Aug. .0. Peter of analysis. The Swedish chemist Be: zeltus, a man of endurance, untiring en ergy and experimental skill far beyond that of any of his contemporaries, was the most notable figure in the chemical world of this period. In addition to his pre-eminent dexterity in the laboratory 1800 AND 1 he was a voluminous writer. The results of his researches were compiled In' a man ual of chemistry, which first appeared in the Swedish language and which was sub sequently translated Into German by his friend Wohler. The general chemical field was reviewed In an annual compilation. By means of his activity and his excep tional facilities for bringing his views be fore his coUeagues Berzelius succeeded during: SO years in completely dominating tho science. The period from 1S05 to 1815 was fruit ful In the discovery and isolation of new elements, over 25 being added to the known list. Mineral analysis almost reached the standard of the present day and the study of crystalline forms and crystallography began to establish itself as an independent science. Almost all of the experimental results obtained were discovered with reference to the possibility of determining the relative weights of the atoms of the elements. Two opposing schools arose, one maintaining that the accurate understanding of these small quantities would be .forever an lmposslbll ity: the other that a Judicious combina tion of laboratory results with theoreti cal reasoning ultimately would lead to definite conclusions. The latter view fi nally triumphed. Until 182S a sharp division existed be tween so-called inorganic chemistry and that portion of the science termed or ganic The substances with which organ ic chemistry had to deal were supposed to be the product of life action only; It was believed that any attempts at labora tory formation of the products of living organisms would fall. In 1823 Wohler with one stroke broke down the barrier. He succeeded In synthesizing urea, which had been considered solely the result of phy siological action. The result opened a new field for chemical activity, and in a few years many men were engaged in Inves tigations which led to the production of a large number of new substances and their derivatives, all containing the ele ments carbon combined with hydrogen, many of them also with oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus and sulphur. The pos sibilities of this new branch of the sci ence, still termed from habit organic chemistry, were practically unlimited, but the old controversy In regard to atomic weights was not settled. Its development was retarded owing to the misunderstand ing of chemical principles. In 1S32 Lleblg and Wohler published a long research of the oil of bitter almonds which did much to clear up existing misconceptions, and a few years later the French chemists, Dumas, Laurent and Gcrhardt. made a further advance by the discovery of chlo rinated acetic acid and allied bodies. The conception of the nature of organic sub stances and of the mission of this branch of chemistry became clearer. In the early '60s Kekule in Bonn and Frautland and Williamson In England finally brought or der out of chaos and placed the science on a theoretical basis which has been fol lowed to the present day. Meanwhile, although much time had been spent in theorotlcal discussion, ex perimental work had grown rapidly, and the result became apparent In a practical way. In 1S25 Farady discovered benzene In the oil obtained from the distillation of coal for gas works. In Itself the dis covery was apparently of no practical Importance, but yet this same substance was 30 years later to become the oil from which was derived aniline and many of the modern coal-tar products.; The waste tar of the gas works, formerly a nuisance. Is now redistilled and refined. It produces all the Innumerable dyes ( which are In use today, as well as antl- pyrlne, antlfebrln, phenacetin and a host of other modern medicinal remedies. No branch of chemical Industry has shown greater advances than that of coal tar and Its derivatives, and none can rival it In the multiplicity and the varied ap plication of Its products. Aniline was first svstematlcally Investigated by Hoff man In 1843. The first aniline dye was placed on the market in 1S55 by Perkln In England. In 1SSS Graebe and Llber mann produced artificial madder which later entirely replaced the natural prod uct and caused the entire revolution of agricultural methods In France. Subse quently Baeyer succeeded In accomplish ing the difficult task of preparing artifi cial indigo. Of recent years one of the greatest advances in organic chemistry has been accomplished by Emll Fischer In his exhaustive work on the group of substances known as sugars. He has at last succeeded in preparing synthetic glu cose from materials obtainable in the la boratory. , The last 15 years has brought forward the development of a practically new field of chemical work, which Is at present termed physical chemistry. This portion of the science concerns itself chiefly with tho Intermediary ground lying between physics and chemistry, and, although the history of Its later development has been brief. It already has many notable achievements to Its credit. Its future work concerning electrical problems close ly allied to chemistry and the elucidation of questions appertaining to solution will inevitably have a wide practical bearing. The Influence of physical chemistry al ready Is being felt In many branches of technical Industry. The strides taken by the chemical In dustries, based upon the exhaustive theo retical knowledge obtained by years of laboratory development, have been mar velous. Within the limits of this brief article it Is not possible to enumerate the smallest proportion of their progress. Apart from the subjects mentioned above, modern chemistry has revolutionized the manufacture of explosives, glass, soap, paper, alloys and cement. Metallurgy Is on an entirely different footing, and the process of electrometallurgy has become one of the most Important Industries In existence. Beet-sugar production has been developed almost Into an exact science. anl the various processes of fermentation and alcohol preparation have kept pace ""JJ'1 r?st- Physiological chemistry recently has ad vanced to a point where accurate results and close reasoning are possible, and the benefits derived from such substances as antitoxin cannot be overestimated. The entire army of chemical Investiga tors is moving forward today as it has been in the past. The future for the chemical Industries Is perhaps beyond our present comprehension, but In order for this result to be accomplished the founda tion of technical advance must be laid broad and deep in the firm ground of scientific research. Ucc&C. University of Michigan. Dlsplny of Covrfooy HoodlnmHm. Pendleton East Oregonlan. At Lehman Springs a few days ago, a company of young men from Heppner made the camp rather lively for a time, and sort of performed the bad-man-wlth-a-gun act, by shooting at the stovepipes and otherwise manifesting a playfulness not compatible with the best breeding. In some manner, a number of young men from Pendleton and some from Heppner Harper. of DUley. an elderly man. who had the lower third of his thigh ampu tated several years ago. fell this morn ing, and broke the bone of the stump. Collier Ashore. CAPE HENRY, Va.. Aug. 9. The Brlt- kj ish steamer Palestro. from Pensaco'a, Fla.. for Llverrool and Newport N w , for ccaL stranded this morning on Dia mond Shoals, and cannot be saved. Tne crew are safe. THE- AMATEUR REFORMER. Meetlns That Resulted in Embar rassment iov One Participant. "Glad to meet you, Mr. Berkenhead," ho said, acknowledging the introduction, "but we have icct belore." "Indeed, Mr. " "Gwilllams." "Mr. Gwiiliams, just at tho moment 1 where did I have the pleasure" "O, tho pleature was entirely on my side. I was In the audience. You tvere tho speaker. I attended the political meeting you addressed at Grassyhurst the other day." "I see. Well, I had the first word, any how. I hope the speech .was to your liking." "Very much. I was particularly im pressed with that portion of it In wnlch you said that the Piesldent, while he might be above the reach of the people, certainly voii! ' not be beyond their cen sures. I -Umlred this because Sir Francis Bacon made a bungling atempt to jay tho same thing In his letter to the Duke of Buckingham In 1616, only instead of President he said King James, you re member" "Ah, yes, that was a er sort of coin cidence" "I was impressed, too, with the forcible manner In which you spoke of the nego tiation for the annexation of Hawaii as having 'begun wltfc a political Jockey named Sonford B. Dole.' for Charles Sumner tried lo use the same expression when he said in the Senate, some time In 1S70, I think, that the negotiation for the annexation of San Domingo, proposed by President Grant, began with a political jockey named Buenaventura Somethlng-or-Other. I have always been fond of that phrase, 'political jockey,' and" "You seem to have been on the watch, Mr. Gwilllams, for plagiarisms, but those are such trifling examples" "Bless you, Mr. Berkenhead, I don t speak of thm as plagiarisms at all. Xou Improved ceiy thing you touched. For example, your remark to the effect that 'it Is the balance of our trade with for eign nations, not altering the standard yf our coin, which Increases or lessens our bullion at home,' was a decided Improve ment on the clumsy utterance of John Locke, author of the 'Essay Concerning the Human Understanding,' who used the word 'countries.' I think 'nations' much better." "It pleases you to be sarcastic, Mr. Gwilllams." "Not at all, Mr. Berkenhead. I was never moro sincere. For example, again, when you said of Roosevelt, 'His hour had come; he promptly grasped the lead ership thus left open. Starting out de liberately for the Presidential nomination, his plan embraced three leading features. His stepping stone was the Governor ship, his shibboleth administrative re form, his method a pretended opposition to Boss Piatt.' It sounded familiar. 1 hunted it up and :ound it all except the Boss Piatt part on page 574 of 'Blaine's Twenty Years of Congress,' second vol ume. The deft manner In which you made a masterly arraignment of Samuel J. Tllden do service In a diatribe against Teddy Roosevelt challenged my highest admiration. So, too, when you ob served that 'It would bo difficult in the whole compass of history to find another Instance In which such various and such powerful agencies concurred to degrade the character and to blast the prosperity of a nation,' and that 'the greater part of them sprang directly from the corrupt and selfish party now In power and from the greed of organized monopoly,' and so forth, you made a little the cleverest use of a quotation from 'Lecky's History of England In the Eighteenth Century' , for a political purpose that ever came under my notice. Such a thing is enough to make the author clap his skeleton hands together and applaud you In nis grave if he happens to be dead. 'Web. Davis himself couldn't have' done It bet ter." "If I had thought there was a man In that audience looking out for a chance lo pick little flaws In my speech I would have saved him the trouble of hunting up ' tho references by giving chapter apd verse for every quotation" "Pardon mo, adaptation." "Excuse me, sir" "No excuses necessary, Mr. Berken head. We all do It. I was a candidate for office once myself, and made several speeches. Judgeship, or Congress, or the Legislature, or something of the kind. I am not entirely certain now what it was, but I remember I didn't get It. Didn't even get the nomination, though the Stock-Yard Sun published my biog raphy In full, with portrait." Mr. Berkenhead stiffened perceptibly. "I am not a candidate for office," he said. "Then yon make political speeches for "That, sir, is a matter which con cerns " "Nobody but yourself, you were about to observe. Quite right. I wasn't going to ask you how much you got for them, anywaj. I was about to suggest the pos sibility that you made political speeches from motives of patriotism." "Pardon me If I say that Is equally none of your" "Business. I know It. I run plump against that proposition every time I try to establish a friendly understanding with anybody. I presume I am the most peaceably disposed man In the world, next to Samuel Gompers, but I am always Impinging awkwardly against something that hits back. Ever In the leather bus- i lness, Mr. Berkenhead?" "Sir?" "Reason I ask is that I once knew a , man of your name who was. I am not sure, however, but he was a cooper. Ever in the coopering business, Mr. Ber kenhead?" "Sir. this is" "Smoke, Mr. Berkenhead?" "No, sir, I do not smoke!" "Ever drink anything, Mr. Berken head?" "No. sir!" "Neither do I. Glad to have met you. Mr. Berkenhead. Good day." The Size of China. New York Press. China proper Is about half the rlre of the United States, leaving out Alaska and the Indian Territory, and has about 5 times the Inhabitants. The Chinese Empire is about as big as the Unite! States including Alaska and adding Mex ico. It contains close to six times as many Inhabitants as the United States. It Is nearly l.COOOOO square miles larger than all Europe, and contains about the same population. Cnnnl Company TJnnnceessfal. MANAGUA. Nicaragua, via Galveston, Aug. 9. The representatives of the Inter Oceanlc Csnal Company have been un successful In their effort to pet an exten sion of the t!me for depositing with the Government of Nicaragua $400,000 gold and beginning the construcllon of a railroad and canal across the country. Daily Treasury Stntement. WASHINGTON, Aug. 9. Today's state ment of the balances In the general fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance ?147,123,4S6 Gold 72,451,403 Troops Itetnraeil From Cnba. NEW YORK. Aug. fl. The United States transport McPherson, from Santi ago, August 2, with nine officers and 412 men of the Fifth Infantry on hoard, has arrived here. Fire In n. Lumber Ynril. MARINETTE, Wis., Aug. 9. Fire in the lumber yard of the Polka Indus trial Company at Crlvltz today caused a loss of J1C0.C00. BUT FEW NEW CHARTERS WHEAT EXPORTERS AXD SHIP OWNER AT A DEADLOCK. Nitrate Freight Near the Highest - - Point on Record The Jetty Im provement. Nearly a month has elapsed since a grain ship has been reported under en gagement for Portland loading, but In spite of this apparent dullness, rates seem to hold as firm as ever, owners refusing to accept less than 45 shillings. The shortage In the California crop caused a slight weakening in San Francisco about a month ago, and one or two ships were taken at 37s 6d. They, were on spot, however, and to take in ballast, pay" towage and pilotage expenses to go to another port would have probably cost them enough additional to make the rate received equal to nearly, if not fully, 45 shilling. Two other ships which were in tho Bay City at the same time refused 37s 6d, and were chartered a few days aso at 3Ss 9d. While considerable will de pend on the course of the market during the' next six months, the statistical po sition of freights has seldom been stronger than It Is at the present time. Never before In the history of the sbip plnglbuslness In this port has 40 shillings and upward failed to start considerable amount of tonnage In this direction "seeking." Rates have been above 40 shillings for over four months, and during that period not to exceed three or four disengaged ships have been headed in this direction, and even these were taken up long be fore they reached here. The big demand for steam tonnage for transport service has, of course, been a great factor in booming freights, but there are other reasons for the advance. The demand for sail tonnage for nitrate loading has never been so great as at the present time, and the- highest rates on record are being paid. The British bark Principality, which has carried at least half a dozen cargoes of Oregon wheat to Europe, has been chartered to load nitrate at a west coast port for the United Kingdom, at 37s 6d. As the nitrate ports are 6000 miles nearer the European markets than Oregon and Washington ports, and the port expenses are lighter than they are anywhere else, owners have always been willing to take 10 shillings less than was demanded from north coast ports. Bajred on nitrate freights, as they are quoted at present, 45-shilling ships are apparently very reasonable, but at the same time, the uncertainties regarding the farmers' disposition to hold are such that exporters will not take hold of ships until they are forced to. SHIPBUILDING IX UNITED KINGDOM. Slight Redaction Compared With Same Period in 1SDS. From the returns compiled by Lloyd's Register of Shipping, it appears that, ex cluding warships, there were 49 vessels of 1,205,313 tons gross under construction In the United Kingdom at the close of tho quarter ended June 30, 1900. Of these, there were 436 steel steamers of 1,213,307 tons, 35 iron steamers of 6C61 tons, and two wood and composite steamers of 870 tons, making a total of steamships 473, having a gross tonnage of L2J0.83S tons. Of sailing vessels there were 26, viz., eight steel ships of 1230 tons, and IS wood and composite craft of 2105 tons. Com pared with the corresponding period of 1899 these figures show a decrease of 69 in tho number of vessels under construc tions and 121,054 tons in the gross tonnage. The return, however, shows an Increase In the tonnage under construction of about 5000 tons, as compared with the figures for last quarter, but a reduction of about 135,000 tons as compared with the unprecedentedly high total which was reached In December, 1S9S. Of the total ships building on June 30, 360 of 949,817 tons gross were built for United Kingdom owners. In looking at the size of the vessels now being built, we find that the most popular ship is that between 3000 and 4000 tons, of which there are no fewer than 91 steamers and two sailing vessels. There are, besides, 50 vessels between 4000 and 5000 tons; 19 between EO00 and 6000 tons; 18 between 6000 and 7000 tons; 7 between 7000 and 8000 tons; 2 be tween 8000 and 9000 tons; 5 between 9000 and 10,000 tons, and 15 of 10,000 tons and above. With regard to the warships under con struction in the United Kingdom, we find that there are for tho British Admiralty 54 fighting craft of 368,550 tons, for the British Navy. There are in addition un der construction for foreign powers, or not stated, six armored vessels of 57,540 tons .displacement, one protected cruiser of 4165 tons. WORK ON THE JETTY. Repairs Xovr Gains Forvrard Rapidly at Fort Stevens. Repair work on the jetty at Fort Stevens, under the direction of Superin tendent Hegardt, is progressing at a rapid rate. Orders have been placed for over 1,000,000 feet of lumber, to be used in reconstructing the trestle, and several carloads of rails have been ordered for use In relaying the track. The work is giving employment to a large number of laborers, and the new town of Hammond, which Is close by the fort. Is receiving dally additions to its population. By the time a further appropriation Is available, the plant and approaches to the Jetty will again be In good order, and ready to handle the work of making permanent Improvements. ' ORIENTAL FLOUR TRADE. Withdrawal of the Argyll Will Not Affect Matters at Present. The war In the far East has had a se rious effect on the flour trade, and for this reason the withdrawal of the Argyll from the regular service is felt less than it would be at any other time. Advices from Hong Kong state that there are 1,000.000 quarter sacks of Oregon and Washington flour on the dock at Hong Kong, and 300,000 quarter sacks of Cali fornia flour at the same port. Ship ments to the interior have almost ceased, and there will be but little Improvement so long as the present conflict Is raging. For the same reason there is a smaller amount of other freight offering. CEASES TO BE FREE PORT. After the ,Tear 1O0O Dnes Will Be Levied on Ships at Manchester. MANCHESTER, Eng., Aug. 9. Chair man Bythell, of the Manchester Ship Canal Company, at a meeting today, in formed the shareholders that Manchester, after the year 1900, would cease to be a free port; that ships' dues would be levied on a moderate scale, and that shipowners would bo obliged to pay for berths for their ships. Glenogle Clears for Jnpan. TACOMA, Aug. 9. The big liner Glen ogle cleared this morning for Japan. There were only a few cabin passengers and about 20 Chtnrse In the steerage, but she carried 99,400 sacks of flour, mostly the product of Washington mills, des tined for Japan and coast cities In China. In addition to the flour she has a great quantity of general store supplies. About 2500 steel rail were taken to Japan to build driveway tracks In the mines. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA Or., Aug. 9. Sailed at 10:40 A M., British ship Harlech Castle, for Queenstown. Condition of the bar at 1 P. M., smooth; wind, north; weather, cloudy. " Hoqulam, Wash., Aug. 7. Sailed Schooner Lizzie Vance, from Aberdeen, for San Francisco; schooner Occidental, Xrom Aberdeen, for San Francisco. Ar rivedSchooner C. B, Wilson, from San Francisco for Aberdeen; schooner La Glronde, from San Pedro, for Hoqulam. San Francisco, Aug. 9. Sailed Schoon ers Chas. E. Falk and Jennie Thelln, for Coos Bay. Hong Kong. Aug. 9. Arrived previous lyNippon Maru, from San Francisco, via Honolulu and Yokohama. Cherbourg, Aug. 9. Arrived Kaiser Friederich, from New York, via Ply mouth, for Hamburg. - Genoa Sailed August 4 Iris, for San Francisco (not previously); Oak Branch, for Tacoma. New York, Aug. 9. Anchorla, from Glasgow. Boston. Aug. -9. Arrived Saxony, from Liverpool. Queenstown Sailed August 8 Germanic (from Liverpool), for New York; Penn land (from Liverpool), for Philadelphia. New York. Aug. 9. Sailed Columbia, for Hamburg, via Plymouth and Cher bourg; La Touralne, for Havre. New York, Aug. 9. Arrived Lahn, from Bremen. Hamburg. Aug. 9. Arrived Palatla, from New York, via Cherbourg. Plymouth, Aug. 9. Arrived Kaiser Friedeerlch. from New York, .for Ham burg, via Cherbourg. Liverpool, Aug. 9. Arrived Majestic, from New York; Rhlneland, from Phila delphia. Glasgow. Aug. 9, Arrived Norwegian, from Boston. Boston, Aug. 9. Arrived. Menominee, from New York. Rotterdam, Aug. 9. Sailed Spaarndam, for New York. Liverpool, Aug. 9. Sailed Dominion, for Montreal. San Francisco, A-g. 9. Arrived Steam-e- Pobert Adamson. from Nanalmo; steamer Portland, frcm St. Michael; schooner Mavflower, from Coquill River. Sallod-Schoener Charles E. Faiv. for Coos Bay; steamer Umatilla, for Ylcto ia; schooner Jennie ThMln. for Cros Bay; ship Occidental, for Seattle. Seattle, Aug: 8. Sailed Steam-r Queen, for Sitka; steamer Humboldt, for Skag way. Cape Nem". In port July 31 Steamer Aloha, brlsantlne Geneva and birkenllne Ruth. Port Town-send. Posted Au ut 8 Ger man ship Athene, from Port Los Angles. Arrived August 9 Geiman bark Admiral Lepetezhcff, from Mcllendo; Norwegian bark Passepartout from Hmg Kong; barkentlne J. L. Evlston, from Cape Nome. 4 "Waterford. Arrived Auust 6 British bark Berehdale, from Portland. Hong Kong. Sailed Augu-t 8 British steamer Empress of China, for Vancou ver. New York. Aug. 9. Arrived L on XIII, from Genoa, Barcelona and Cadiz. STAGING OF SHAKESPEARE. Mr. Beerbohm Tree's Defense of the Pnblic Taste. Fortnightly Review. "Sir," said Dr. Johnson, "I have not even mentioned 'Little Davy' In the pref ace to my Shakespeare." "Why?" ventured Boswell. "Do you not admire that great actor?" "Yes," replied the doctor, "as a poor player who frets and struts his hour upon the stage as a shadow." "But," persisted Boswell, "has he not brought Shakespeare Into notice?" ' At this the Immortal lexicographer fired up. "Sir, to allow that would be to lam poon the age. Many of Shakespeare's plays are the worse for being acted." Then Boswell, Scotchman that he was, once more replied with a question. "What! Is nothing gained by acting and decora tion?" "Sir!" replied Dr. Johnson, breathing hard; "Sir!" he thundered, as he brought dovn his fist with all the energy of his rotund and volcanic personality; "Sir!" and for once there was a silence the only silence that Is recorded In the life of that masterful personality. In this brief conversation is raised the chief question which has divided lovers of Shakespeare for three centuries past. Ought his works to be presented upon the stage at all? Strange as It may seem In an actor, I am bound to say that I can understand this attitude of mind, which was shared by 'many thinkers of past ages. I am not astonished even that such acute and genial critics as Charles Lamb and Wordsworth that such serious lovers of Shakespeare as Hazlltt and Emerson held the opinion that the works of our greatest dramatist should not be seen upon the stage. . . . We are told that under the present sys tem it is no longer possible for Shakes peare's plays to be acted constantly and In their variety, owing to the large sums of money which have to be expended, thus necessitating long runs. Of course, If a large number of Shakespeare's plays could follow each other without Intermis sion, a very desirable state of things would be attained; but my contention Is that no company of ordinary dimensions could possibly achieve this, either worth ily or even satisfactorily. Leaving out of consideration for the moment all such questions as rehearsals of scenery and effects, It Is Impossible for one set of actors properly to prepare one play In the space of a few days, while they are play ing another at night. Those who have had any experience of rehearsing Shakes pearean drama In a serious way will bear me out that a week or a fortnight, or even a month, is insufficient to do the text anything like full Justice. And even when attempts of this kind have bcin made, can It honestly be said that they have left any lasting Impression upon tho mind or the fancy? I contend that great er service for the true knowing of Shakespeare's works Is rendered by the careful production of one of thfise plays than by the indifferent or, as I believe It Is now fashionably called, the "adequate" representation of half a dozen of them. By deeply impress ing an audience and making their hearts throb to the beat of the poet's wand, by enthralling an audience by the magic of the actor who has the compelling power, we are enabled to give Shake speare a wider appeal and a larger fran chisesurely no mean achievement. Thousands witness htm instead of hun dreds; for his works are not only, or pri marily, for the literary student; they are for the world at large. Indeed, there should be more Joy over ninety-nine Phil istines that are gained than over one elect that is preserved. I contend that not only is no service rendered to Shakes peare by an "adequate" representation, but that such performances are a dis service, in so far that a large propor tion of the audience will receive from them an impression of dullness. And In all modesty It may be claimed that It Is better to draw mul titudes by doing Shakespeare in In the way the public prefers than to keep the theater empty by only pre senting him "adequately," as these coun sels of Imperfection would have us do. I tike It that the proper object of put ting Shakespeare upon the stage is not only 'to provide an evening's amusement at the theater, but also to give a stimulus to the further study of our great poet's works. If performances, therefore, make but a fleeting Impression during the mo ments that they are in action, and are forgotten as soon as the playhouse Is quitted, the stimulus for diving deeper Into other plays than those that we have witnessed must inevitably be wanting. For my own part, I admit that the long run has its disadvantages that it tends (unless fought against) to automatic act ing and a lessening of enthusiasm, pas sion and imagination on the part of the actor: but what system is perfect? It is a regrettable fact that In all the affairs of life, whenever we strive for an ab stract condition of things, we are apt to come Into collision with the concrete wall which is built of human limitations as many an Idealist's battered head will testify. In making a choice one can only elect that system which has the smallest number of drawbacks to Its account. The argument that the liabilities involved nowadays in producing a Shakespearean play on the modern system are so heavy that few managers care to face them, and that therefore, unless a change in such system takes place, Shakespeare will be banished from the London stage altogeth-ei-ls in my opinion a fallacious one. Again I apologize for Intruding the re sults of my own experience. tut I feel bound to state if only for the purpose of encouraging others to put Shakespeare on the stage as magnificently as they can afford that no single one of my Shakes pearean productions has been unattended by a substantial pecuniary reward. DHULBEP SINGH'S DAUGHTER Princesses of India Have Been Male-Ing- a Tonr of the World. New York World. The Princess Sophia and Bimba Dhu leep Singh, daughters of the Maharajah Dhulcep Slnsh. the wearer of the est name In, the nobility of England's In dian empire, arrived at the Waldorf -Astoria on Friday night. The Princesses came from Chicago on their way to th:ir home In England, af er miking a tour of the world. They wer accompanl-d by a single attendant, a tall Eng Ish woman, who acts la the capacity of ccmpanlon. The arrival of the princesses attracted so l'fls attention at the hotel that their presence wes hardly noticed. They ar rived lat-, and went dl rctly to a splen did suite of apartments that had' teen re served for them on the second floor front ing Fifth avenue. They did not appea In public un r late In the afternoon, when they went out for a drive, and returned at 6 o'clcck for dlnn:r, which was served in their apartment. When a Worll repo-ter sent up his card to the Princesses lat evening a note was returned pol tely rere t n; that they were on the point of departure and could receive no visitors. A written rerquest for Information re garding the object of their visit was re sponded to bv a card on which was writ ten In a fashionable English hand, ' Just came here to see New Yorx and oa the way back to England." A few minutes later thi Prl-ce'-se"'. ac companlsd by their Engll-h attardant descended frcm their apartments and en tered a coach. In which they were drivn to the Baltimore & Ohio depot to takj & train for Wa.h'nston. Tne Princes-scs are Httl, sl?nder wom en, with dark, aqull n-J featu-e and lus trous black eyes. Eo h were simply Lut tasteful'y clad In dark st-'ped silk tn- el lr.g cos urn's, with striw sal or hats s m ply trimmed with flowers. It was originally their Intent'on to spend some days In New York, but lat n ght they changed their minds and detcrm ne 1 to pay a visit to the National canltal. They expect to return to New York In time to sail for England Wednesday. In the veins of the Prlnc-jrs S phi a Dhuleep Singh and the Prince -s Bamva Dhuleep SIncrh runs the Hoi ol on? of the proudest potsntates of the earth. They have been bom to the most exaltel position In all India, and to limit e s wealth. They are making the tour of tae world chiefly that they may return 3s thorough women of the world, and al'O that Princess Sophia may be benefited li health. The Prlncerses are each less ttai to years old. Dhuleep Singh Is the rcp-een-tatlve of one of the oldest families 1 India, which, prev'ous to the English oc cupation, was reckoned richest among all the Oriental potentite. The family waged relentless warfare against tl.e British newcomers. Prlnci Dhuleep Singh took up the fight and fought on for years. But England at last whlped Dhuleep Singh's armies and cap tured him. He was taken to Englind. The British Government looks after h's estates and mines, turning over the ea:n lngs to him every year. The two Princesses have ben educated in England, and are graduates of the leading schools. Prlnce-s Sophia was born In India. Princess Bamba was born In England. Fnnilne Relief Fnnd. NEW YORK, Aug. 9. The India fam ine relief fund has reached the $200,000 mark. What a luxury Pears' soap is! It is the cheapest and best toilet soap in all the world. AU sorts of people use It, all sorts of stores tell it, especially druggists. IS YOUR PERFECT? fJ& Are you as strong and vigorous every way as you wish to be? If you are, pay no further attention to this adver tisement, as It will not Interest you. But if you are, not, then send for my booklets (free), fully explaining what Galvanic Electricity applied under my guidance can do for you, whether man or woman. Thirty years of experience treating- the weak and nervous with Nature's invlgorator, making- them strong again, enables me to effect cures when all else falls. Write today. DR. A. T. SANDEN Cor.lFourth and Morrison PORTLAND OREGON A DOUBTING THOMAS. Had His Falling: Hair Stopped, and Dandruff Cnred, Without Fnlth. H. B. Fletcher, Butte, Mont., October 20, 1899, says: "Like many other people, I have been troubled for years with dan druff, and within the last few months my hair came out so badly that I was compelled to have what I had left clipped very close. A friend recommended New bro's Herplclde. I confess that I doubted his story; but I gave Herplclde a trial; now my hair Is as thick as ever, and entirely free from dandruff." "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." At druggists, $1 00. Herplclde Is a delightful hair dressing for regular use. TMJlJrN Those tiny Capiulea arc superior to Balsam or LopaiDa, a Cubcbsorlnjectionsand MJt I CURE IN 48 HOURSVXl the same diseases without! inconvenience. Scldbf ell Jrt'txisT. yims&f i m rri THE PALATIAL 1 BUILD Not n. dhrlc office In the building! absolutely fireproof; electric lights and artesian iratcr; perfect aanitn-. tlon and thorough ventilation. Ele vators ran day and night. .UXRT,Tn. PR. GEOROE. Phystelan....COa-00'J AI.DRICII. S. VT.. Onernt Contractor.. ....CM wnnnjnx. GTISTAV. AtTomy-it-Lw-...iJ3 FPrnATST PRKSS: E. I. PowMt. Mrr. .30 APFTEJT. K. C. Manarter for Oreicon and Wahlnetm Banker' Ufa Anrelatton. of I Mclnen. In 502-303 nWKKKS I.IFK ASSOCIATION. OV BK3 MOIVKS. IA.:P. C. Austen. Mnnajrer..n02-o03 n VTKTfN. GEO. B,. Mgr. for Chas. Scrlb- ner's Son ,SI rtHAr.. VTm'APT A.. Forecast Offlctal IT. P TVittr Pn"u ................... ....Oto P.FVJ MTV R W.. DrTtlt 314 nTXCWAN'r.F.R. Tn. O P.. Thru. A 8ur.4t0-41t RROOKH. Tin. T. ?r Phys A Surg TOS-709 iunwx. :krvRA. m. r ru.i-r.t4 RRFERK T)R. O. E-. PhyMrlon 412-413-411 It'PTFEn P.triTRD. Azent Wilson & Mc- Cnlln- Tnbarro Co C02-G03 rT-KTN G E.. District AR?nt Trnvplertf Irurin Co. ...TH r?ottTi,j, pR r h ....309 cni.miniA tet-fptwyt cdmpxnt no4-co3.cofi-fift7-fti3-ni4-r.i3 rnrjXFr.TT'P. C. W.. Phv n Punr-on.. .on COVPR F I-.. r.Th!- FtiUiW- T.lf .. .30 ''OT.T.IER. P. P.. Pnbtlaher: 3. 1 jrcGntre. Sfnnaevr 413-41B V 3 n H. ?'. 31S mvi VAPOI.FOX. Pm!lent Columbia T!Thor. Cn . ..WIT rtrrTc.env. rm. t f.. phr-irinn 7is-7t4 rPT-F pr h R. PhvVinn G12-5I3-RH PTPn. OF F ToMccos 402 FTITorTAT. RCOMP Flrhth rtoor ForrrxpT.F t tv-r r"TT srr pocthtt: It P-miil Mnnnrr F. C Cover. Cmhlfr.aOfl RVFVTVO TTT.FGTtAW 3?5 Alder i?tr FEVTOV. .T. n Ptr.!an nil RurKcon.SfiO-Sln FP-Vrnv. rm ttttcc: p. F.v nml Ear.... 3U rFVTrv. vTTTirwF. rntit oca FTDFT.ITT VTTT. T.trE APSOCIATION: F. r fnrk. Manner 601 GAI.VAKI. W. H.. Emclni-er and DrauKhti- ronn ...Of GAVIX. A.. President Oreson Cnrnern Club. 214-213-2tn-2I? GEART. TiR. EDWARD P.. Physician nnrt Piiririn 212-211 rT-wr. rT.R rn It(J Fne, Art pubJUh- t: ST. C. M"Grevv. Mbt 318 GIK-PT A J. Pbr.ii'lnn nml Purceon. ..700-71U CODDVRD. E. C T.. Fontxroir . Grnitml floor. 12I Plxth trt GOT.TWAV.WIT.I.TXW. Manhnttnr. T,1f Tn."mnnp Cn at Nw York .... 20D-W TOT FRvk- p.. ttornr-at-Inw .. .fll? UAMMMt RATHS. Kin Compton. Pror..""! KAMMflXD. A- R .".: nOLT-TPTEU. DR. O. C. Phy A Pur..B04-3OJ IDT.F.MAX. r M.. Attomey-Rt-T.avr..41fi-17-,. JOJIXPON. W. C 3ir-31B-3 ICADT. MARK T.. Pnr"TV!or ot Acents Mutual Reserve Fund Life Avn.....04-r;M 1.A5JOXT JOHX Vlce-Prnlilent and Gen eral Mnnnrer Columbia Telephone Co. ...fir MTTLF.FIFI.D. H. R-. Phyt and Sunreon. .20 MXmTIM. W. 5.. KeK Oreirnn Camera CTub.214 MACKAT. DR. A E.. Phy. and Punr. .7U-712 MAXWET.U Tin W. E.. Phy ft Surr. 701-2-3 MrftJT mvmv Attornv-at-T.a 713 Mc.FA.DE?: MIPS IDA E.. Stenographer 20 MCGINN'. KENRT E.. Attornev-at-Law.3!I-3t3 MeKELT.. T J.. Manufacturer" Represent a tlve 301 METT. HENRY 21 MILLER. DR. HERBERT C. Dentist and Oral Punreon ftOR-OOj MOPSMAX. DR. E. P.. Dnt!rt 312-313-31 MANHATTAN LIFF INSURANCE- CO.. of New York; W Goldman. Mnnacer. . .200-210 MUTUAL REPER"E FUND LIFE ASS'N: Mark T. Ksdy. Sunervtior of Aent..C04-C"1 MpELROT. DR. J G.. Phy. ft Sur.7(l-702-703 MrFARLAND. E. R.. Secretary Columbia Telephone Co. ..BM MrGUIRE. S. P.. Manager P. F. Collier. Publisher 413-41S MeKTM. MAURICE Attorner-at-Lmr. . 300 MUTUAL LIFE INCURANCE "0.. of New York; Wm. ?. Fond. State Mcr .4OJ-403-408 viriTOH P.. HORACE R. Attomer-ar-Lnw.713 NILEP. M L.. Cannier Manhattan LIX In surance Co.. if New York 2M OPF.GOV INFIRM RT OF OSTEOPATHY: Dr. Ik B Smith Osteopath 40S-4OS ORFGOV r-AMFRA CLUB 214-215-210-21? PATrERPON. PETEtt 1O0 POND. WM P . "filf Manage" Mutual Life Irso. Co. of New York 4(M-t(1.-l08 PORTLAND EVE AN DEAR INFIRMARY. Croiind floor. 13 Sixth street PORTLNT ATINING ft TRUST CO.: J. II. Marshall. Mauaer:. 81 QITIMBY L. P. W.. Game and Foreirtry Warden 7K1-71T ROSENDALE. O. M.. Metallurgist and Min ing Engineer 313-310 REED ft M LCOLM. Opticians. 133 Stxat irtre-t RFf.D. F . Fish Commissioner 407 RTAN. J. R.. Attorney-at-Lnw ..41? FAMUEL. L.. Manncee Equitable Life... 309 SECURITY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO : H. F. Bushonjr. Gen. Agent for Ore. end Wash ..801 SHERWOOD. J. W.. Deputy Supreme Com mander. K. O. T. M 317 SMITH. Dr. I. B.. Osteopath 408-409 .ONP OF THEAMERICAN REVOLUTION.300 STARK. E. C Executive Special. Fidelity Mutual Life Association of Phlln.. Pa... .01 RTUART DELL. Attorney-at-Law 817-019 STOLTE. DR. CHAS E.. Dentist 704-70S SURGFON OF THE S. P. RY. AND N. P. TERMINAL CO 70i STROWBRIDGE. THOS. H.. Executlre Spe cial Airent Mutual Life, of New York 4M SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE 201 TUCKER. DR. GEO F. Dntlst.. 010-1! U. S. WEATHER BUREAU 0o7-8OS-0OO-Ol U. P. LIGHTHOUSE ENGINEER?. 13TH DIST.. Captain W. C Langfltt. Corpa of Engineers. U. S. X B0J U. S jr.'r;jwTT' OFFICE. RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS. Captain W. C. Langfltt. Corpf of Engineers. U. S.' A.. 819 WATERMAN. C. H.. Cashier Mutual LIf of New York 40 retarr Native Daughters ...718-717 WHITE. MISS L. E.. Assistant Secretary Oregon Camera Club 21 WILSON. DR. EDWARD N.. Phys. & Sur.3lH-3 WILSON. DR. GEO. F.. Phys. Surg. .700-T07 WILON. DR. HOLT C. Phyn. ft Sur.g.307-30S WILSON ft McCALLAY TOBACCO CO.; Richard Busteed. Agent flft2-tt3 WOOD. DR. W. L.. Phyilclan 412-413-414 WILLAMETTE VALLET TELEPH. CO. ..011 A fevr more elepnnt office mar be had by applying to Portlnnd Trnut Company of Oregon, 109 Third t.. or to the rent clcrU in the building. men s: sr; THE MODERN APPLIANCE A posltlva way to perfect manhood. Tho VACUUM Ti.i3ATM.ENT CURES you without roeJlcIno of all nervous or diseases ci the generative or gans, such as lost manhood, exhaustive drains, varicocele, impotency. etc. Men are quickly re stored to perfeit health, and strength. Writ for circulars. Correspondence confidential. THE HEALTH APPLIANCE CO.. rooms -4f Safa Deposit building. Seattle. Wash. wlP illli