Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 08, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Preparing to Give Battle to
Americans in Mindanao.
Captain Miller's Command Attacked
in. a. Sorrow Defile and HI Ad
vance Guard Captured.
HA2C3LA, July 13, via San Francisco,
Aug. 7. The Insurgents in the vicinity
of Cagay&n, on the Island of Mindanao,
are becoming so troublesome that it
may become necessary to Increase the
United States force stationed there by a
body of troops from some other station.
The Insurgents, numbering, it is esti
mated, about 3000, are fortifying the
mountain passes and otherwise preparing
to give battle to our soldiers. Only re
cently a detachment under command of
Captain Miller, of the Fortieth Infantry,
liad an exciting and bloody experience
with the natives near Agusan, about 10
miles from Cagayan. In attempting to
take his command through a narrow de
file, Captain Miller encountered such
strong defenses that his entire advance
guard, numbering 14 men, -were left In
the power of the Insurgents. Five of this
number eventually escaped, and reported
that eight of their fellows were killed
and one taken prisoner. Captain Miller
was wounded in the engagement which
preceded the abandonment of the ad
vance, Captain Elliot, leading reinforce
ments, was severely Injured by being
etruck by a native contrivance known
as a spear-shooter. Captain Elliot's men
camo across no less than half a dozen of
these Ingenious weapons. The soldiers
were obliged to retreat to Cagayan. Ac
cording to the latest advices tho insur
gent stronghold is still untahen. '
From many sections of the archipelago
news of the murder of Americans and
others hy Insurgents is received. Three
American ministers. Lorri, Springfield and
Blckets, were murdered at Batan Island.
Two natives were killed at Sa"nta Cruz,
and a report of a ghastly trime in re
venge for Major Maxlmo's capture by the
Americans comes through official chan
nels. After Major Maximo was taken
prisoner by our troops at UnlsaW, a gang
of Tullsane? killed his father-in-law, his
wife, four of his children and his nephew,
butchering and torturing them and rob
bing his family of about $11,00 in money
and Jewelry. A detachment of six men
under Captain C H. Xewbery, of the
Thirtieth Infantry, with Major Maxlno as
their guide, encountered the desperadoes,
killing nine and taking 13 prisoners, be
sides recovering a portion of the Jewelry
and $1203 of the money.
The Paymaster's Department is kept
constantly at w orlc arranging for the pay
ment of the Ei.OOO officers and men of
Uncle Sam's Army now engaged on these
Islands. The disbursement Is made every
two months, and the average sum re
quired ts something over S2GO0.O00, or in
the neighborhood of $32,000,000 a year.
Major Edle. president of the Manila
Board of Health, has completed his re
port of the Army for the fiscal year ended
June 30. Official figures were kept by
the board commencing with October, 1S99.
During the months from October to June,
Inclusive, the total number of deaths re
corded was S5S5. During this period the
total number of deaths, exclusive of Chi
nese, from the different classes of dis
eases was as follows: Tuberculosis, 992;
berl borl, C42; malarial diseases. 33S; di
arrhoeal diseases, 1073; acute lung dis
eases. C31; typhoid fever, 41; smallpox, 7;
bubonic plague. ISO; leprosy, 42; measles,
4, The death percentage during this pe
riod of nine months, estimating Manila's
population to be 410,000, is about l.S per
cent During the months from January
to June, the total number of deaths. In
cluding all classes, from bubonic plague
was CSC
Four Came From Manila in Chargrc
of Tntlier Stemmnnn.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 7. Rev. Father
Stemmans, secretary to Archbishop Cha
pellc, returned on the transport Sherman
from Manila. Father Stemmans has in
his charge four Filipinos, who came here
to be educated. Three of them will go
to the university at Ann Arbor, while the
other will attend the Santa Clara, Cal ,
College. The young men are sons of
wealthy Filipinos. Thpy are Santiago
Artlaga, Juan Tocson. Lorcizo Onrubio
and Vlnconte Qulogne.
Philippine Cawunlty List.
"WASHINGTON. Aug 7 The "War De
partment has received the following from
General MacArthur at Manila:
Dysentery-Thirtieth Infantry, Francis
Xk Tate; Miles Joiner; Hospital Corps,
Geo "Wetzel; Forty-sixth Infantry. John
Ellery; Twenty-seventh Infantry. John B.
"Wright: Thirty-fifth Infantry. Cook,
John C. -McDaniel. Eighteenth Infantry,
"Walter H. Baker; Twenty-first Infantry,
Daniel J. Breslin: Thirty-ninth Infantry,
Joseph Collins; Third Infantry. John Jor
dan. John Cerveny; Fourth Infantry, Sam
M. Daum; Twenty-tlxth Infantry, "Wm.
L. Daly; Thirty-first Infantry, Jams
Cunningham, Charles Festilow, Corporal
John A Henderly. Twenty-seventh In
fantry. Sergeant Frank Lager Thirtieth
Infantry. Corporal Gus Fromberg; Third
Infantry, Rusell ICIapp; Sixth Infantrv,
John Hlnos; Thirtieth Infantry. George J.
Schuster. Forty-first Infantry, Claud
Malarial fever-Thlrty-flfth Infantry.
TTnk E. Annls; -Forty-first Infantry, Mu
sician Abraham Trubakcr: Thirtieth In
fantry. Charles E Barren; Thlrtv-fourth
Infantrj. Otis D. Cole; Thirty-first In,-f-mtry,
Corporal "William E. Hardy
Troop M. Thirty-fourth Cavalrv, John m!
Malakles. Thlrty-se enth Infantry, Jesse
S. Alexander.
Typhoid fever Thirty-sei enth Infantrv.
Xeon D Coolidge; Thlrti-ih Infantry,
Sergeant Joel R Llndle . Forty-second
Infantry. George I Risner; Twentv-sev-eth
Infantry. Andrew Miller.
Variola Fortv-eljfluh Infantrv. "William
II BothweH Thiriath Infantrj". "William
Brown; Twenty-fourth -Infant.y, Clar
ence Byrd. Thirtieth Isif-intrj, Sergeant
George Conley. Charles Poarspn; Forty
eighth Infantrj-. U. G Heath, Moses
Thomas: Thirtj -third Infantrj'. Tilden H.
Diarrhea Thirtieth Infantrv. Jacob
H.ins, Victor E. AVicler; Fourth Cavalrv,
Janus A Green
Drowsed Forty-ninth Infantry. John
Evans; JuU .22. Fort.v-fourth Infantry,
Jese I. Jackson.
Died from wounds received in act'on
Fonj -third Infantrv, Thomas Dixon;
Third Infantry, James Gray.
Heart disease Thirty-eighth Infantrj-.
Asa T. Johns. John Crook.
Shot while resisting arrest, having de
serted Twontv-ninth Volunteer Infantry,
Musician Joe Corria, "Walter J. MicMer. '
Pneumonia Twenty-sixth Infantrv
Fred lttchtor.
Apoplexj- Thirty-ninth Infantry, John
Overdose morphine Fourth Infantrj-,
Percj- Sctaryver.
Pyemia Thirty-fourth Infantry, "Will
iam R. Davis.
Acute mania Seventeenth Infantry,
Charles H. Feber.
Sherman Released From Quarantine.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 7. The trans
port Sherman has been released from
quarantine. Three deaths occurred on the
voyage, as follows: Major Thomas Evans,
Forty-ninth Infantrj; Henrv Grosman.
private. Thirtieth Infantry; Herman San-
land, of the Quartermaster's Department
The Sherman brought back the -bodies of
23 soldiers.
Mayor Harrison Headed the Party
That "Welcomed .Bryan.
CHICAGO, Aug. 7. Hon. William J.
Bryan arrived in Chicago at 5:30 A. M
today. He was accompanied by Mrs.
Bryan, their son, Governor and Mrs.
Thomas, of Colorado, and Colonel John
L. Martin, sergeant-at-arms of the Kan
sas City convention, The party was met
at the Union Depot by a local committee,
several clubs and a largo number of citi
zens, vrho gave them an enthusiastic
greeting. The party was driven immedi
ately to the Sherman House.
Tho first Dubllc appearance of the day
was made by Mr. Bryan at Aurora, at S:20
A. M. He had just finished breakfast
when he was called to the rear platform
by the cries of a. large crowd. 'Hon.
Samuel Alschuler. Democratic nominee
for Governor of Illinois, greeted Mr.
Bryan and was invited into his car. There
were demands for a speech, but none
was made. Instead, Mr. Bryan took his
position on the steps of the rear plat
form and shook hands with the people
collected about. He told them that ne
desired to save his voice for the "Wednes
day ordeal, and must, therefore, decline
to talk.
'I have passed through Aurora many
times," he said, as he pultea Mr. Alschu
ler up the steps, "and I have often won
dered why you did not have a Governor
of your own living here, and I am glad
to see that you are about to remedy the
"And we," responded Mr. Alschuler,
"have been wondering for several years
why we did not occaslonallj- have a Pres
ident from Nebraska passingthrough our
As tho train moved on, the crowd
cheered for "the next President."
The committee of citizens who met tho
Incoming party was headed by Mayor
Carter Harrison, and Committeeman Ca
han, Robert E. Burke and Frank "Winter,
the last-named appearing as a representa
tive of the German-American clubs of tho
The partj- made Its way through tho
throng at the depot with some difficult-,
and Mr. Bryan was frequently compelled,
during the short walk, to stop and shake
hands with an especially insistent ad
mirer. Among the clubs at the depot were
one or two Gorman-American organiza
tions, the Thurman Club, and tho Ne
braska Bryan Club of Chicago.
At the Sherman House Mr. Bryan was
ushered into a parlor on the ground floor,
where he was soon joined by Hon. Adlal
E. Stevenson. The candidates greeted
each other cordially, and standing sldo
by side, they shook hands with a great
number of people. All the visitors were
more or less enthusiastic, and most ot
them vouched for majorities at tho com
ing election. One gentleman threw his
arms around Mr. Bryan's neck and prom
ised him a thousand votes as tho result of
his own individual efforts.
Samuel Alschuler and Mayor Harrison
joined the party at tho hotel shortly after
Its arrival there. The crowds continued
to file past Messrs. Brj-an and Stevenson
until 11:30, when the reception came to
an end and the party prepared to start
to Indianapolis.
A special train carrying the entire party
departed over tho Big Four at 1:30 P. M.
Every inch of available space was occu
pied, and many disappointed Democrats
were left behind because they could not
even find standing-room.
Direct dominations In "Wisconsin.
MILWAUKEE, Aug. 7. The Republican
State Convention will meet here tomorrow
to select a complete state ticket and to
elect a new chairman of the Republican
State Central Committee. A plank will
probablj- be put In the platform advocat
ing the enactment of a law at the next
Legislature favoring nominations of stato
officers bj- a direct vote of th'e people,
thus doing away with state conventions.
Stone In Charge at New Yorlc
NEW YORK. Aug. 7. Ex-Governor W.
J. Stone, of Missouri, it was announced
at Democratic state headquarters here
today, will have charge of the Democratic
campaign in this state for the National
Marie Cazze Met Hint on the Steamer
Goin-j to Enrope.
NEW YORK, Aug. 7. Anent the arrest
in Rome of Marie Cazze in connection
with th plot to kill King Humbert and
an alleged confession from her, it is now
stated that she Is probablj the same girl
who was known in Paterson, N. J., as
Emma Quazzi, and who lived a long time
in Paterson. Her father still lives there
and says that undoubtedly the girl men
tioned in the cablegram is his pretty
daughter, Emma.
This conclusion does not rest alto
gether upon the judgment of Quazzi. He
has evidence In the form of a letter
written bj- the girl on Maj 2S and mailed
at a later date in Italj. In this letter
Emma Quazzi says that she met a very
nice young man on the steamer named
Gaeteno Bressl. She speaks of the fact
that Bressl had worked In Paterson, and
that it was strange that she had not met
him before. According to further state
ments in the letter, the young girl had
been for eight dajs in close companion
ship with Bressl at the date of writing.
The girl sailed on the Gascogne with her
uncle Pianl Frederlco, of Paterson; his
wife, Marianne, and his daughter, Car
mellna. At Havre these relations left
her "and, as stated In the letter, Bressl
volunteered to escort her to the home of a
frlond from Paterson. Lulgl Brlna, now
living In Paris. She remained in Paris
for some days at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Brlna, while Bressl stopped at a
hotel near by. The giri, after this stay
in Paris with Bressl and friends, went
on to Italj- to the house of her mother.
In Mosso, Santa Maria, near Blella.
This is all the father knows of his daugh
ter's1 trip.
It will be seen that Emma Quazzi was
in a position to hear all about the plot
to get at tho whole truth. She must
have known of the meeting of Bressl with
Quintavalle and Ina, and probablj- knew
of conferences with Malatesta, whose
headquarters are now in London, but
who is as mj'sterlous as ever In his com
ings and goings.
Emma Quazzi is described as rather a
tall girl, with dark hair and eyes, and
olive complexion. She Is plump and very
attractive. The girl was but a .humble
sllkweaver, like her father. In Paterson.
She worked In the Paragon mill, on
Straight street, where Ernestlna Cravelle,
who has already acquired considerable
fame In connection with the anarchists,
was employed. The father denies that she
Is a Socialist, and that the only paper
she read was II Marlmento, not an an
archist paper.
She planned for months her trip to Eu
rope, but her father Insists her only pur
pose in going was to see her mother and
brothers In Italy. Quazzi sajs he Is sure
it was a mere coincidence that brought
the girl and Bressl together on the
steamer on the way across the Atlantic.
"Prince Enl Likes California.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 7. Prince Enl
"Wha, second son of the King of Corea,
who is in this city, has decided to re
main here indefinitely. He came to this
country In charge of Sin Ta Moon, second
secretary of the Corcan Legation at
Washington, who was to take the young
Prince to Roanoke, Va., for the comple
tion of his education. The Prince, how
ever has decided to stay In California
and attend one of the American Universi
ties in this state.
Mu-wilar paice and all skin Irritations yield
to the EOOtnSR; properties of Greve's Olnt-n-nt.
Parker's Hair Balsam aids the hair gTvy-vih.
Democratic Candidate "Welcomed to
the Indiana Capital SotiSca-
tlons Today.
INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 7. The special
train bripging Mr. Bryan and. Mr. Ste
venson to this city, where they areHo
morrow to be officially notified of their
nominations by the Democratic party for
the Presidency and the Vice-Presidency,
reached Indianapolis at 7:20 this evening.
The run from Chicago was delayed some
what by the demonstrations of crowds
which gathered along the rou.te.
The train was in charge of the County
Democracj of Chicago, and was com
posed of 12 coaches, all of them filled
General Sir A. Gaselee, Commanding;
British Forces In China.
General Fnlrashlma, Commander of
the Japanese Forces.
Tien Tsln itself is none top high above the water, and the land back of it Is one stretch of morass, with a maze of
lagoons and rivers the Pel Ho. the Hun Mo, and the Chang Ho combining in the marshes. The railroad runs for some
distance east of the main body of the Pel "Ho, but west of th'e branch used for navigation.' Its last water crossing is at
Peltang (meaning east of the Pel Ho). " '
To mako the marshes nearest the town, passable bamboo trees have been brought from Japan, and Formosa, and these
have been driven into the ground and then stone and earth filled In. From one end of the Journey to the other there is not
a stone as large as a man's head which belongs there naturally, and there are no trees or shrubs for shade.
There are two old forts In bends of the river, one of which has be-.n blown up. The other wIH be no serious obstacle.
The Journey b- river is comparatively safe, as there are not many places where tho Boxers can get to the river banks in
anj' numbers, on account of the marshes Near Lofa there is a gocd ford.
Pekln can be approached readily from any side after the allies get out of the marshes. The best side for a military
attack Is tho west, where the fortifications are much older than in the east. There are many fortifications in the west end,
near the International Club and the race-course, which were outworks against ths Tartars, and have not been strengthened
since that time. ,
There are strong fortifications at Tung Chow, where an old fort, with a pagoda over 20C0 years old, has been fitted with
big disappearing rifled cannon, which command the country, the river, the Tung Chow wharves, and, at a range of 10 miles,
the imperial city.
There are rich fields and gardens about the city at thi; time of the year, but the great army of Boxers doubtless has
taken all that was worth having for the support of an invading force.
Thero will be little danger from field-artillery In the advance, for the country is such that the Chinese cannot work
there anj- more than the allies.
The following table gives the names of railway stations and their d'stances from Tien Tsin:
Pelt Sang 8.61 ' Lang Fang 404D Fengtal 74 S8
Yang Tsun 17.S8 An(tlpg W.C4 Pekln ..... 70.CS
Lofa 31.00 Huang Tsun G4.47
with Democratic workers. Messrs. Bryn
and Stevenson, their families, their
friends and chief supporters occupied the
rear coach. Chairman Jones, of the Na
tional Committee, and his wife were' of
the party, as were Governor and Mrs.
Thomas, Secretary Walsh and Sergeant-at-Arms
Martin, of the National com
mittee, and many of the lead n? mem
bers of that organization. Samuel Al
schuler. Democratic candidate for Gov
ernor of Illinois; Maj'or Harrison, of Chi
cago, and Webster Davis, late Assistant
Secretary of the Interior under the pres
ent Acm nlstratlon, were among the dis
tinguished guests.
The afternoon was devoted lorgelj' to
conferences between the leaders cf the
partj, who were brought togo'her for tha
first time since the Kansas City conven
tion. Senator Jones expressed himself as '
especlallj pleased with the outlook in '
New York. Mr. Davis participated freely ;
in the conversation, and announced hl-J
intention to speak during the campaign in
several states. He said he accepted the .
Democratic platform In toto, but that ne
would devote himself especlallj in his ?
speeches to the exploitation of the sub
ject cf Imperialism. He expressed the
opinion that tho Boers would never sur
render so long as any of them were left,
and said he had heard both President
Kruger and President Steyn so out.ino
the determination of the p;oplew
Mr. Brj'an and Mr. Harrison rode on
the engine, at the imitation of the rail
road authorities, between Lafaj-ette and,
Lebanon. Brief stops ware made at sev-
eral points, and there were crowds of peo- i
pie at manj- at which ctops were not J
made. The faces of the waiting people
showed disappointment as tho train
whized bj- them, but thej cheered all the
same. The principal stops were made at
Kankakee. 111., and Lafaj-ette, Ind. At 1
each of these places the candidates were j
given a reception which was a real xe
mlnder of the crowds, as it was also of ,
the enthusiasm, of the campaign of 1S9J.
In both places large concourses of. peo
ple awaited the coming of the train, and
at Kankakee the first speaking of the tour I
was indulged in. The streets In the im- '
mediate vlclnitj of the train at this point '
were Hterallj- filled with people, jstrug
gllng to get a look at the distinguished I
men whom thej- knew to be on board the J
train. The windows in the vicinity were
crowded, and wagons, box cars, telegraph
poles, indeed everj-thing affording ad-
vantage to sight or hearing was' utilized. 1
In one instance a sprinkling cart was '
seized bj- as manj- people as could crowd j
allj-. Major Harrison Introduced Mr.
Bryan, who said:
"I am a very cautious man, and awhile
I have seen it stated in the pnpers that
I was nominated for the Presidency, I
know that j-ou cannot alwaj-s trust what
you see in the papers (laughter), and I am
not going to take It for granted that I
have Deen, until I am officlallj- noti
fied of it down at Indianapolis. I don't
want to make a speech as the Presi
dential candidate until I am uure that I
was nominated (laughter). Mr. Steven
son, the nominee for the Vice-Presidency,
is along, and Governor Thomas, of Colo
rado, who is" to notify him of his nomina
tion, is on tho train, and" I believe has
privately Informed him that he has been
nominated, and therefore he has more
reason Xor making a speech than. I have,
and I take pleasure in presenting to
you your candidate for Vice-President,
who -is, T hope and believe, to. be the
next Vice-President of the United States,
Hon. Adlal E. Stevenson." (Applause.)
Mr. Stevenson excused himself and in
troduced Mr. Alschuler, about whose can
didacy he said there could be no doubt.
Mr. Alschuler made a brief address, ex
pressing his belief in tho success of the
National ticket.
At La Faj-ette, Mr. Brj-an did not speak
except to Introduce Governor Thomas.
The Governor assured his hearers that
Mr. Bryan and Mr. Stevenson would
carry every state In the Rocky-Mountain
region by majorities equal to those by
which he carried them in 1S96. Nothing
on earth remained to do but for Indiana,
Illinois and Wisconsin to do their duty
as they had done before. If they did so,
the party would give them a President
Major-General Adna R. Chaffee, Com-
xnander of the American Forces.
Ttis "'
(Scale about 28 miles to an inch.)
of tho United States who wore no man's
collar and who belonged to the common
people, (Applause.)
At La Faj'ette, Webster Davis also
spoke, exhorting the Democrats of In
diana to make an earnest effort In behalf
of Mr. Bryan and Stevenson. At La
Fajette the train was met bj the recep
tion committee from Indianapolis.
The circumstance that the train was
an hour behind schedule time In reaching
Indianapolis did not seem to dampen the
Interest of the great crowds -n hich waited.
It was with much difficulty that the
party reached their carriages. When Mr.
Bryan's well-known figure was recognized
in the marching column a great shout
was sent up and cheers followed him
constantly until he arrived at the Grand
Hotel. The streets were lined so thlcklj
wlth people that It was with difficulty
that progress could be made, and it was
8 o'clock- before the travolers sat down
to dinner. After dinner, Mr. Brjan and
Mr. Stevenson were given a general re
ception at the Grand Hotel. They shook
hands with a very large number of peo
ple and chatted pleasantly for a few
moments with many of them. Mrs. Brj'an
and Mrs. Stevenson were entertained by a
committee of ladies.
Arrangements Completed by the In
dianapolis Committee--.
INDIANAPOLI3, Ind., Aug. 7. The lo
cal committees that have been arranging
for the notification of William J. Bryan
and Adlal E. Stevenson tomorrow after
noon are now readj- to receive the dis
tinguished guests. The day has been
marked bj- the numerous arrivals of
prominent men from distant states. It
Is estimated the city -vt 111 entertain from
30,000 to 40,000 strangers.
James K. Jones, chairman of the Na
tional Democratic Committee, will pre
side at the notification exercises. James
D. Richardson, of Tennessee, will make
the speech of notification to Mr. Brj'an,
after which Mr. Bryan will deliver his
replj of acceptance.
Governor Thomas, of Colorado, will
make the speech notifj'ing Mr. Steven
son, to be followed bj Mr. Stevenson's
The candidates and their party will
leave the Grand Hotel at 1:S0 and will
Join the parade. The procession will
escort the candidates to Military Park,
where the notification takes place. - A
mass meeting will be held in Tomllnson
Hall in the evening, at which Bryan,
Stevenson and others will speak. Mayor
Carter Harrison, of Chicago, will pre
side. Llojrd Tevis' Estate Distributed.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 7. Superior
Judge Coffey has ordered a final distribu
tion to Mrs. Susan G. Tevis of the es
tate left by her husband, the late Lloj'd
TevisT which is valued at 7,S37,53L The
estate consists of $167,220 in cash, 7500
shares in the Rancho del Paso Land
Company and large tracts of land m
many counties of -California.
-- t ' '' s"
) o-iVu cyy nnen
ssacr ... m
f &Z4& 1 i PJ r-KJ tJ J"
ajE, Trx
Opposes England's Plans, and Ex
pects Aid From the United States
and Other Fovrers.
BERLIN, Aug. 7. Germany's opinion re
garding the steps Great Britain has. taken
in the Yangtso Tegion has- been expressed
through the Cologne Gazette. The opinion
is one of disapproval ot steps taken al
ready, or contemplated, Inasmuch as Ger
many, with a number of the other powers,
is as much Interested as England in keep
ing the Yanglse Valley open for com
merce. The Foreign Office bellaves that
in this particular all the powers except
England are agreed. It does not believe
that England will insist upon carrying-
Captain Lnns, Commander of' the
German Forces.
Sir "Walter Calne Hlllier, Military
Adviser to British Forces in China.
things with a high hand there, now that
she knows she is opposed by all the
other powers. The Foreign Office Is con
fident that the United States and Japan
will side with Germanj- and the other
European powers against England with
reference to her apparent intentions along
the Yangtse Kiang.
The correspondent of the Associated
Press Is Informed that the United States
Embassj In Berlin has Informed the Ger
man Foreign Office that the American
Government desire;, under all conditions,
that the Yangtse Klang be left open for
American trade, and that Washington will
oppose all schemes for the division of
China, no matter from what power they
may proceed. It Is understood that this
attitude Is fully approved by the German
Government, since It coincides with the
wishes of Germanj. The correspondent
further learns that Japan, on this same
question has abandoned England, and has
already sought and found the friendship
of Berlin.
Many Changes in Stations of Am
bassadors and Ministers.
LONDON, Aug. 7. In consequence of
the retirement of Right Hon. Sir Horace
Rumbold from his post as British Am
bassador at Vienna and the retirement,
of Right Hon. Sir Henry Drummond
Wolff, the British Ambassador at Ma
drid, Hon. Sir Franqis Richard Plunk
ett, who has been Britlsn Minister at
Brussels since 1S93, has been appointed
British Ambassador at Vienna, and Sir
Mortimer Durand, Britlsn Minister and
Con3ul-General at Teheran, Persia, has
been appointed British Ambassador at
Madrid. Edmund C. H. Phlpps, the Brit
ish Minister at Rio de Janeiro, Is trans
ferred to Brussels, and Sir Henrj- Nevill
Bering, British Minister to Mexico, has
been transferred to Rio de Janeiro.
General Botha's Command Reduced
From 750 to G3.
NEW YORK. Aug. 7. A dispatch to the
Herald from London, says that a Lou
renco Marques correspondent of the Dally
Mall states that a Frenchman Just re
turned from the Boer frontier confirms
the telegrams which have been received
during the last few days describing the
pitiable character of the Boer position.
General Botha's commando, orlglnallj
750, now consists of only 63, and other
commandos have been reduced in like
proportion, owing to desertions.
The remaining burghers havo divided
into twd parts, one for peace and the
other for war. The peace partj is the
Thereon, "Who Derailed Stowe's
Train, Suffers a Loss.
KROONSTAD, Aug. 7. Commandant
Thereon, who commanded the Boer flying
patrol that derailed and burned last week
near Honing Spruit the train carrying
United States Consul Stowe and flying
the Stars and Stripes; has suffered a loss,
of threu. killed and 10 severely wounded
In a rearguard -action -near Kroonstad
with-, the Malta Mo-jhted Infantry- The
British sustained no losses-
Heavy Fl-sntlni-f at Eland's River.
CAPE TOWNAtig.T. Railway commu
nication with Natal has been re-established
by General MacDonald's capture of
Heavy fighting at Eland's River com
menced on Sunday and continued Mon
day. No details are obtainable, but it la
believed that General Carrington and
General Ian Hamilton relieved the garri
son at Bustenborg, which is retiring' to
See rust.
Boers Said It "Was n Mistake.
PRETORIA. Aug. .7. Additional details
regarding tho attack, on the train bear
ing Mr.' Stowe show that Zi bullets trav
ersed his compartment. Louis Sharp, an
American accompanying "Mr. Stowe, was
shot through tho foot. Thereon, whom
Mr. Stowo hastily sought, expressed sor
row at the act; maintaining its was dua
to a mistake. The Boers put Mr. Stowe's
carriage back on- the line.
President Steyn Seriously XII.
KROONSTAD. Aug. 7. President Steyn.
of the Orange Free State, Is seribusly ill.
Haytl Bill Pendin-j "Which Proposes
to Abandon Paper.
NEW YORK. Aug. 7. A special to the
Herald from Washington sa3: Minister
Powell has sent to the State Department
from Port-au-Prince the text of a law
now before the Chambers, wnlch propose
to paj- the bonds and interest of the sink
ing fund as they fall due In gold instead
of paper, as heretofore.
Tried to Rob a Dyinff Man.
NEW YORK, Aug. 7. A dispatch to the
Herald from Lima, Peru, saj-s: Pedro
Villavlcenslc, a rich houseowner of this
city, died last night, leaving an estate of
8,000,000 soles. On tho eve of his death
soma of his employes tried to get the
Bank of Peru to cash a check of 20,00)
soles, bearing Senor VIUavicencio'3 forged
signature. The fraud was detected by a
clerk and the accused employes were ar
rested. Neiv President of Colombo.
NEW YORK. Aug. 7. A special to tho
Herald from Bogota states that Dr. Mar
loquin. Vice-President, has assumed the
Presidency of the Republic of Columbia,
In the place of Dr. Sm "'o- -
President. General Qulntero Calder la
Minister of War.
Fever-Infected Steamer.
NEW YORK, Aug. 7. A dispatch to the
Herald from Lima, Peru, says: Passen
gers and mails from the fover-Infected
steamer Chile are returning from Valpa
raiso on the steamer Peru and are due at
Callao on August 12.
Fire at Blueftelds.
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 7. A cable dis
patch received todaj from Blueflelds,
Nicaragua, gives details of a fire last
night which did $175,000 damage in the
heart of the town.
Peruvian Cabinet Resign.
LIMA, Peru, Aug. 7. The cabinet of
Dr. Rlvaguero has resigned.
Hns Not Been Henrd From for Three
NEW YORK, Aug. 7. Tho Tribune
says: Hon. James Boothby Burke
Roche, member of Parliament, has ap
parentlj disappeared. For almost three
months his friends in this city have not,
heard from him. and" no word-froni him
has reached his hotel. Mr. Roche has
large interests in this country, and for
some j-ears it has been his annual cus
tom to visit America to look after them.
Whllo in this city, and. in fact, while in
this country, he alwaj-s stays and makes
his headquarters at the Holland House.
This year he arrived In America in
April and took rooms, as usual, at the
Holland House. In the first month or so
after that ho left the city on frequent
trips, always, however, retaining his
rooms. These trips usually lasted from
threo to 10- days. About the middle or
May Mr. Roche casually said to tho clerk
at the desk that he was going out of
town for two or three days, but that hl3
room was not to be disturbed or chang3d.
From the time of Mr. Roche's departure
In Mas' up to the present the hotel peo
plo have received no word, either directly
or Indirectly, from the missing mat.
Thej- are seriou3lj- alarmed over his ab
sence, and fear that he may have met
foul plaj, or that some harm has befallen
Among Mr. Roche's interests in this
country was a charter from the Canadian
Government to erect a telegraph line
from a point on the Canadian Pacific
Railway through to Dawson City or some
other point In the Klondike gold region.
He paid frequent visits to Washington
whllo hero, it was supposed for the pur
pose of seeing Governmental authorities,
to extend his line into Alaska. It is pos
sible, of course, that he may be some
where in the Far Northwest looking af tr
his telegraph project.
Steam Pipes on J. J. Hill's New Yacht
DULUTH, Minn., Aug. 7. A fatal ac
cident occurred on J. J. Hill's new steam
yacht Wacouta, Mondaj' morning, where
bj two firemen lost their lives. The ac
cident was due to the bursting of the
steam pipes while the vessel was in
Washington Harbor, Isle Royal. Samuel
Hill and J J. Hill's two daughters, with
friends, were on the yacht. The firemen
killed were Manuel Cuballo and Harry
W. Christian, of New York.
Ofllcial Report of ilie Monon Wreck.
CHICAGO, Aug. 7. George K. Lovell.
general superintendent of the Chicago, In
dianapolis & Louisville Rallwaj- Com
pany (Monon Route), gives out the fal
lowing official report of the wreck on that
road which occurred at South Raub this
"The touth-bound Monon passenger
train. No. 3, leaving La Faj'ette at 12:45
this (Tuesday) morning, collided with a
light engine at South Raub, 10 miles south
of La Fayette.
"Jame3 Hudlow, fireman of the passen
ger train, was in.stantlj- killed. Henry
Whltslll, engineer of the passenger train,
was scalded, and Freight Brakeman Eu
gene McCool bruised. These were all the
casualties. None of the passengers were
injured, as the cars did not leave the
Gambled Away Thousands.
NEW YORK", Aug. 7. The Herald says:
Steve L'Hommedleu Is in. financial diffi
culties. How deeplj he Is involved no pne
besides himself knows, though L'Homme
dleu would confer a favor upon some of
his friends bj furnishing them with a
statement of his accounts and explaining
how soon he can pay. After having won
and lost fortunes at all manner of gamb
ling, L'Hommedleu wound up his career
in this city in a meteoric manner, losing
thousands of dollars In a few hours.
Cat His "Wife's Throat.
SANTA CRUZ, Cal. Aug. 7. A. H.
Zelgler, formerly a Justice or tne Peace
in Idaho, killed his wife last night by
cutting her throat, and attempted suicide
b hacking his own throat, but inflicted
only a superficial wound. Tne couple re
sided near Soquel, and have had frequent
quarrels. The' murder was premeditated.
Zelgler Is In Jal
As It "W1U Take Place in a Catoolla
Church, Better Relations Detrre-sa
Qulrinal and Vatican Predicted-
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. Baron Fays,
the Italian Ambassador, announces that
a memorial funeral wtlV be held at
Washington on August 19 at 11 o'clock; In
honor of Klnsr Humbert. President Mc
Klnloy has alreadj- signified his purposo
of being present at tho official ceremony
and members of the Cabinet la the city
also will attend. Tho service will be at
St. Matthew's Catholic Church, with Car
dinal Gibbons as the principal dignitary
of tho church ofllclatlng. All of the Em
bassies and Legations in Wasnlngtoa
have received Invitations to be present,
tho foreign representatives being request
ed to attend In uniform.
In diplomatic quarters, the announce
ment of this service In a Catholic church.
occasioned some surprise, in view of the
conditions existing between the Church
and the temporal authorities at Rome,
and the announcement was accepted otr a
most pleasant augury of tho growing
good feeling- between the Vatloan and the
Qulrinal. In this connection. It was re
called that when the assassination of
Kinff Humbert was announced to the
pope, ho decided that a mass be said, fr
tho dead monarch, at which the aged
pontiff himself was the celebrant.
Bressl's Relatives Detained.
ROME, Aug. 7. The brother and brother-in-law
of Bressl. the assassin of Klnff
Humbert of Italy, have been detained by
the police on the charge that they had
foreknowledge of the murderer's Inten
tion. The former says Bressl frequency
practiced with a revolver.
Altogether, 52 suspect anarchists havo
been placed under arrest within the last
43 hours.
Soldiers and Rain Brine It Under
HELENA. Mont., Aug. 7. The big flro
that is raging in Yellowstone National
Pork is being fought bj- everj' soldier In
the park and all the men engaged In .road
construction worlc
The forest Are 13 now under control of
the soldiers. A heavy rain and hailstorm
stayed the progress of the fire, which la
now confined to the Shoshone Lake re
gion. . S. Huntley, superintendent of tho
Park Transportation Company, who- ar
rived here thl3 afternoon from Mam
moth Hot Springs, says that the fire 13
now burning on the Snake River Just
south of Shoshone Lake and near tho
Government forest reserve. It Is. 20 miles
from the line of travel, and is now well
under control.
Fire at Spencer, N. Y.
ELMJRA. N. Y., Aug. 7. Fire at Spen
cer, Tioga County, tonight destroyed the
sawmill, gristmill and the lumber yards
of A. Zeeley, the Grove Hotel, the town
electric light plant, the Lehigh Vallejr
Railroad station, and other property. The
loss was $150,000.
An Exception in Advertising-.
Albany Democrat.
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ered by advertising for it. Advertise for
anything else.
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