Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 07, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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Business wa Quiet yesterday even for Slqa
day. which Is never regarded as a good day
lor trade. There -were fairly good receipts of
fruit and. produce, lint buyers -were scarce
Shippers east of the Cascade Mountains are
sending In large quantities of -canteloupes and
sutmeg melons Just at present, and prices are
lower A carload of bananas came to hand
jesterday afternoon. The fruit was la pretty
fair order, although eome of it -rcas so ripe
that It had to be used- at once. Errs are
weak at the recent reduction, and common
grades of butter are not mo-rtng as freely as
they xnlgnt. The strain markets are .dull.
, Bank: Clearances.
zcfhanges. Balances.
Portland $352.70 $ CT.323
Tacoma ..............- 1D8.G3S 37,IK
Seattle 313,516 347.431
Spokane ......,... 163.4O0 13.3C3
Grain, Flour, Etc.
The Emrllsh markets lave not yet reopened
after their -protracted holiday, and there -was
not very much excitement in the American
markets yesterday. Tie visible supply in
creased nearly 2,000,600 bushels, and there
vere Other factors -which combined to make
matters .dull locally. Exporters ere still
quoting the market nominal at 54 andjtf cents
for either Valley or "Walla "Walla, lth a pref
erence sho-wn the latter. Bluestem was quoted
at SS cents, but there Is so lltt$a of any grade
editor that quotations do not mean as much,
as they will later in the season.
"Wheat Walla "Walla, nominal, 55c; Valley,
MSSc; bluestem. 58 pr bushel.
I"iour Best grades, ?2 75g8 10 per barrel:
crab am. $2 50.
Oats 'White. 3CS37c; gray. S4S5c per bushel.
Barley Teed. $14015; brewing, $10 per ton.
ilir.Ftufts Bran, flS per ton. middlings. $20;
Everts, ?14; chop, $15
Hay Timothy, loeil? clover. $77 50; Ore
gon Tiild hay, $07 per ton.
Uutter.'Essm, Ponltry, "Etc
Buter Pancy creamery. 4050o; store, 25
27c jer roll.
Eggs 17c per dozen
Poultry Chlckt , mired, $33 50 per dozen;
hens, $41. Sprl' :. ?23; ducks. $34; geese.
$45 per dozen, turkeys, 1017c per pound.
Cheese Full cream, twins. 12H13c; Young
America, 14o per pound.
VesretobleB, Fruit, Etc.
Vegetables' Parsnips, $1; carrots, "75c$l;
turnips, 75c per sack; onions, $1 25 for red,
l 50 for ellversklns; cabbage, $1 50 per cental;
potatoes. 4050c per ack for old, 50C0c for
new; peas, 224c; beans, CS7c jer pound; cu
cumbers, 0075c; tomatoes, 75c per box.
Jfrult tmons, $4 50&5; oranges, $3 504 per
box for late "Valenclas; pineapples, $4 SOS'S
per dozen; bananas, $2 5003 per bunch; Per
sian dates, 7!48e per pound; peaches, 40'50c
for Halo'B Early, SOffGOc for California Craw
ford; pears. 00cg?l per box; apricots. 50QG5o:
apples, 75c51 per box; blackberries, 34c per
pound; watermelons, $262 50; cantaloupes,
$il 25 per dozen for California; Oregon nut
megs. $1 502 50 per crate.
Dried fruit Apples, eaporated, 7 8c per
pound; eun-drled, sacks or boxes. 45c; pears,
eun and evaporated. 5S?Cc: plums, pltleas, 40
6c; prunes. Italian. 3Vfc5c" silver, extra
choice. 5 Cc;, Smyrna, 22c; California
black. 5Qc: do white. lOo per pound.
Groceries, Jiuta, Etc. t
Coffee Mocha. 232Sc; Java, fancy, 20332c;
Java, good, 2024c; Java, ordinary, lS20c:
Costa Rica, fancy, 1820c; do good, lC18c; -do
ordinary, 10312c per pound; Columbia, roast,
$13 03; Arbuckle's, $14 C3; Lion, $13 C3 per
Pugar Cube, $0 30; crushed, $0 30; pow
dered, $0 30; dry granulated, $5 SO; extra C,
$5 SO; golden C, $5 20 net; half barrels, ',;c more
than barrels; maple sugar, 1510c per pound.
Beans Small -white, 3$&c; bayou, 4c; Lima,
0c per pound.
Salmon Columbia River. 1-pound tails. $1 23
1 60: 2-pound tails. $22 50; fancy. 1-pound
flats, $1 C51 75; -pound fancy flats, S5y95c:
Alaska, 1-pound tails, $1 20S1 30; 2-pound tails,
$1 0032 25.
Grain bags Calcutta, $0 37 per 100 for spot,
JJuts Peanuts Gt$7c per pound for raw, So
tor roasted, cocoanuts, 00c per -dozen; walnuts.
0 S lie per pound; pine nuts, 15c; hickory
nuts, 7c; chestnuts, 15c; Brazil, lie; Alberts,
JBc; fancy pecans, 12gl14c; almonds, 1517c
per pound.
Coal oil Cases. 21c per gal.; barrels, IVfip;
funks, 15HrC
Rice Island. OVJc; Japan, 5c; Now Orleans,
4abbc; fancy head, $"C7 50 per sack.
Meat and Provisions.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and
ewes, sheared, $3 503 75; dressed, 77c per
pound; Spring lambs, SffSjc per pound gross.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy. $5; light, $4 50;
dressed, MWfcc per pound.
Veal Large. 7V4f(6,Sc per pound; small, S4
Beef Gross, top steers, $3 504; cows, $33!
9 50, dressed beef. Cfltjc per pound
Provision" Portland pack (Shield brand):
Hams, smoked, are quoted at 13c per pound;
picnic hams, flUc per pound, breakfast bacon,
1 He: bacon. He. baclCT. Disc, dry salt sides,
S'sc, dried bpof. 17WK! per pound, lard. 5-pound
pails. 10c; 40 - pound palls, 0"4c; 50s, 0?vc:
tierce-, fl&c per pound Eastern pack (Ham
niond s) Hams, large. 12c; medium, 13c;
pn.a'1, JSte, picnic hams, -flijc; shoulders. 014c;
breakfast bacon. 32c; dry salt sides, S1
DH". bacon ides. 010c; backs, 9ric; butts,
0c. lard, pur leaf, kettle rendered, 5s, 10tc;
10s, 30V
Hops, IVool, Hides, Etc
Tlors 280 per pound Xor 1S9D crop, S10c
for new crop
Wool Valley. ISftlSc for coarse, 1510c for
best, Eastern Oregon. 15610c; mohair, 25c per
Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short-wool. 23
35 . meaium-wol. Jpr)0c; Jong-wool, 60cQ$l
each f ""
Ptlts Bearskins, each, as 16 "size. $."15;
cubs, eacli, $15. badger, each, 50c: wildcat,
S 75e, hourecat, 5s925e fox. common gray,
fVufi do red. $1 7543 30. do cross, $2 000;
lvnx, $234 50. mink. 40e4f$l 73; marten, dark
K -?.; rn $510. do pale, pine, $24. musk
rat,. S " 12c. skunk. 50iS0c: otter (land). 4
4JS panther, with Itead and claws perfect,
$ 1. race-ton, 25S0c. tolt, mountain, with
h-aJ perfect, $S 50 4f 5, woherlne, $2 SOfj;
btaver. per skin, larrr. Jtt(f7. do medium, prr
sk.n. $ij-5, do small, per skin. $12; do kits,
per skin $10rS
Tau(?w 54J:5ic- Xo. 2 and crease SSMo per
Tildes tr lrfdes. No 1. 10 pounds and up
ward. J4.t?lCov drj" kip. Ifo 1. 5 to 16 pounds.
15c per pound: .dry calf. JCo 1. under 5 pounds.
JS'Cc dry salted, one-third less than dry
flirt salted hides, sound steers CO pounds d
ver. 7STSc, do 59 to 6t poundi. Tc; do un
der 50- pounds and oows, 7c. kip, 13 to 30
pourds. 7Sc: do veal. 10 to 11 pounds. 7Hc;
d3 calC under 16 pound. 7jc. green (unsalted).
lc per pound lese. culls ibulls, Ftags, moth
er .--n, badly cut. scared 'tair slipped, -neathcr-beat-n
or grubby), ene-thlrd les.
EkrJjr Strcncth Kollorred by Declines
jxml Sojne Looses.
2fEV" Y6RK. Ag. 6. The early dealings
In tha stock market showed a revival of last
week s strength, but it gave way In the faco
Ct tfc daj s decloments. and the market
yit3ed whatever galni had been established.
The fncl prices. mauree in comparison with
the "Mgh lc'l of the day. yhow some consider
ab e joshes aJd "are the ceneral rule. Tle
etCVl luox-oment "nas ejeclRHy notable in the
ra;."lcv. Krthm rrflc taking the lead oa
the theory that Us price was not commensurate
with "he le-el of tTnlen Pacific and Missouri
Pa'iP'- rniea Pacific also continued firm.
EfCw s firsts iwvferred was taken in quite
larg arnunts In tfe stiope'ltion that the dlvl
Cl "nt wouUL be iRcreased at today's meet-1-g
The stook fM back lt when the decla
ra n el the some rate f dividend as the
last was announced.
S-gsr weakened en the report of the shading
cf seeral rrae of eoft sugar, which was
takrn f Indicate a rewnal ot competition in
the trade The more eheerful feeling regarding
id ron and. steel stocks. Tthicfa. has been in
e Jfrr-e for ?ome time past, lifted prices in
that roup. 'Colorado Puel was consplcusus.
T! preferred jtock was bid tip from 120 to
125 at Which price 1P9 -shares changed hands.
The Md ;"iee ws then further advanced to
lT' without bringing out stock This stock
hi -,,i"..aitye. aad is entitled to 29 per cent In
bak d Jde4s. The movement ts Tuproed to
fo-xr r Jow the paywnt of aa inet&llmant of
lve anarare of dlvldenis The steel group
v ..'"p' later hs the day The circumstan
tial accounts from Pittsburg of extensions, by
the Camtgie Company, looking to campetjtioa
with soma of the new combinations, . affected
ttc group, especially Federal Steel and Steel &
Wire. The more serious phase developed in
the Chinese situation had eome effect upon the
market, although." the London exchange' was
closed and the influence of the news there
.could not well be issued.
Preparations for exports of gold Wednesday
were reported, though no definite announcement
was made of engagements. Sterling exchange
rose an additional fraction, but still falls
short a shade of what has been regarded as
the export point to London.
The bond market continued at a very low
ebb of activity, and the movement of prices
was alight. Total sales, $740,000. .TJnlted
BtaCea old 4sv declined J4 ia the bid price.
u. a. 2s ref. 103
do coupon ."..'..103
do 2s rejr......l00' i
(Gen, Electric 5s.. US
. a. cent, lsts.iosjfc
North. Pac 3s... 65s
do 4s 104ft
O. Nav. lsts ...100
do 3s rog 103Vi
do 3s cottD 103V,
do new 4s reff..il2V
Jo 4s 102
Co 4s coup...... 132.1
o. s. t.. us iza
do old 4s reg.H5 j do con. 6s
R. G. W. lsts ..i 98Vi
do 5s reg 113
do 5s coup 113
Xtts. of Col. 3-65S.123
Atchison adj. 4a. 84
a & N. Wj;on.76.H0
do ST F. deb. 63.122
D. & R. G. lsts.103
do 4s OS
St. Paul consols,. 167
do a & P. lsts. 117'
do C. & "P. 6S...118H
Union Pacific 4s..l05U
Wis. Cent. tea.. BSVi
South. Paclfis 4s. 79
West Shore 4s ...112
The total sales jof stocks today wera 178.300
shares. The closing quotations were:
Atehlson .-..-. 2ffJij Wabash Gfc
T,d0: PW -- 70HTcxas & Pacific. 14M
Half nilv T4i.. . .1 A
Can Pacific S7fyWheel. & L. E... 8i
Ches. & Ohio 27!WIs. Central .
C. B. & Q Il26sJ
ChL. Ind. Tir oq
v VJ. ... 1 l-.IThfrri Rv.nnn
P.. C C. & St. L. 50
do Pfd '50YA
AAnmn 1f!
v-ni. it J-', ill 05 ;
Chi. & N". W 157 '
Chi R. I. & P.. 1015
C. d C. & St. L. 58
Colo. Southern ... GJ5
do lsts pfd.... 42
do 2ds pfd 10
Bel. & Hudson... 112
Del. Lack & W...170
D. & n a id
American 135
United States 45
Wolls-Fargo 123
Am. Cotton Oil... 33H
rtn nfd
Am. Malting ..
do pfd
Am. Smelt' & R
An TifA .
&o pfd ...'. 62U
P'rfa -nit,
Am. Spirits 1
do lKtS Tlffl . WI.1 A-w. Ct.,1 TTvn
UU JJiU .., n
An. tM firt
Hocking Coal I3$a
Am. Steel & Wire. 33&
do pfd 73
Am. Tln-Plate.... 22
do pfd T7i
Am. Tobacco ... D2li
tin tiM 19.ft
ocKjng vaiiey.. 341
Illinois Central . . . H6H
Iowa Central ...llflis
do nfd Ain.
K. C. P. & Gulf 13l
u. &. & west.... 27
do pfd 03
Lake Rhorn . . H
Anaconda M. Co.. 45U
Brook. R. T 51
Potn TTjiol Trhn ML
Louis. &. Nash... 70
Manhattan T. v
Cont. Tobacco .. 24
do pfd
Met. St. Ry 134?il Federal Steel
icAiuuji venirai. 12 1 ao pra
Jttinn. m au li... 0
do pfd 03
Missouri Pacific. 51
Gen. Electric 131
Glucose Sugar .... 53
do pfd 00
-aiooue & Ohio... SS
" TT-. O. rf"" ,,1 . - ttm
do pfd SOrHjLaClede Gas 74l
National Biscuit.. 31
do nfd 85
National Lead ... 10
do pfd 87
National Steel ... 24
do pfd 84
N. T. Central.... 128
Norfolk & West.. 3314
do nfd
North. Pacific... 52H
ao pra 72
Ontario & West.. 21
O. R. & Nav 42
do pfd 70
Pennsylvania . . . 12SU
Reading 10?I
North American... 15
Pacific Coast .... 52
do lsts pfd..,.. SO
An Ac nfA 1ft
do lsts pfd..y.. S9V
Pacific M'all '.'.'.'.'. 30'4
ao zas pfd 28
people's uas ... y?i
Prcssod Steel Car. 40
do pfd 71
Pull. Palace Car. .183
Stand. R. & T.. 5
Sugar 121
do pfd 110
Totiti. Coal A: Iron 704
R. G. W 59
do pfd ......... 00
St. L AS. F 0U
ao jsts pfd 07
do 2ds pfd 33V
St. Louis & S. W. 10H
do pfd 2GU
k. raui ......xxi'
do pfd 171
U. S. Leather 10
do pfd 03Vi
U. S. Rubber ... 26
An nfd 92
Snntits P..1A. QtXl
Southern Ry '. lofc'
Western Union .., 70V5
do pfd 52tf
TTnlnn frtMtr' Rn
Rep. l. &. s to
do pfd ......... 0136
do pfd 7014
Money, Excbangc, Etc.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 6. Sterling on Lon
don. 60 days. $4 85: do ight, $4 8S14.
Mexican dollars 1940c '
Brafts Sight, 10c; telegraphic, 12t5c
NEW TORIC. Ji.iie. C Money on call. 2g2&
per cent; last loans, 1 per cont; prime mer
cantile paper. 4$5 per ceht; sterling exchange,
firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at
$4 SS for demand, and at $4 S4& for CO days;
posted rates, $4 85S?4 85 and $4 SO; commer
cial bills, H S3K4 S3i.
Silver certificates. Ciuc2c
Mexican dollars IStJc
Bonds Go eminent, weak; state, firm;
railroad. Irregular.
Prices or Cerenla In American and
European Porta.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug 6 Wheat Strong
on call and quiet for spot. Barley Quiet; spot,
steady. Oats Quiet. Spot quqotatlons were:
Wheat No 1 shipping, $1 03; choice,
$1 03; milling. $1 07t4$l 10.
Barley Feed. 7354C?7GVic; brewing, S3(3P0c.
Oats Good to choice whlt, $1 17tjl 20;
gray, $1 103 1 20; red $1 12&1 22.
Call hoard sale:
Wheat Strong; December, $1 12; cash,
$1 03?i.
Barley Quiet; December, 7STic
Corn Largo yellow, $1 17HS1 20.
Chi en so Grain and Produce.
CHICAGO. Aug.- 6 Offerings ofwheat at the
opening of the market wero ery light, and the
presence of buying orders In a great number
sufficed to glo the market a fairly firm tone.
Liverpool was closed, and local traders were
sometvhat uncertain as to their course at first.
Initial trading In September was at 7575c,
a shade advance over Saturday's closing, and
a further advance to 75vic took place within a
few minutes Local bears, encouraged by the
heavy receipts at all primary points, then at
tempted to force prices down. In the absence
of any material 'support, and their offerings did
result In a reaction to 75c But at the decline
bulng orders were received from New York
and the Northwest, and as soon as the local
offerings Tvere withdrawn the price immediate
ly reacted again to Tosc After 11 o'clock tho
market for the most part was excessively dull.
The weather was too hot for the traders to
take mueh Interest In tradlnr. and the result
was that prices kept within a narrow range.
September adanced to 735JQ-73c, where it
closed a gain of Siff'ic.
Com enjoyed a brief Interval of prosperity
around the opening, on reports of damage In
the South by hot winds The latter part Of the
season was dull, but the close was strong,
September c Mghcr, at 37c
Oats were very dull during most of tho ses
sion, but the tone was firm. September closed
Sj.e'e higher, at 21G218c
Provisions were dull all day. Lower hog
prices and fears of further yellow" ifcver develop
ments made buyers timid at first, and opening
prices were lower. Offerings were mall. and
later the firmness of corn, had Influence on
Board of Trade and
StGcfoExchariQe Brokers
214-215 "
Chamber of Commerce
Portland, Oregon
trading. At the close September pork was nn-
ehanged, lard -& higher, ana nos ociusuw.
The leading futures Tanged as follows:
Opening. Highest. Lowest. Clpae.
August .......30 7414., 10 74H $j uaS
septemDer ... ti 'orz j, -r.
October 75 70 75 Gtf
August 3SH 3SJS S
September ... 37M. ks t ZX?
October " 36 37J4 86 37
August 2m 214 21U 21
Ssptember ... 2lu 31 ' $. MS
Octobor 2l 21& 21 21
September ...1175 1195 '11 TS 11 S3
October 11 77 11 05 11 77 1187
September ... C77H 6S2 gHVff
October 68 0S5 680 "685
January 0 70 6 70 6 &VA 070
September ... 7C5 71T 705 T15
October 7 02-710 7 02 7 10
January 610 610- 610 6 10
Cash quotations were as follows: .- 1
Flour Quiet.
Wheat No. S, Tl72c; J?o. 2 red. 7GH3
Corn No. 2, 3St4c; No., 2 yellow, 30ic
Oats No. 2, 2122c: Jo. 2 white. 23
23ic; No. 3 white. 2223?ic.
Rye No. 2. 4S43Hc.
Bariej- Good, feeding, 3530c; fair to choice
malting, aOSSc
Flaxseed No. 1, $1 30; No. 1 Northwestern,
$1 30.
Timothy seed Prime, $3 20.
Mess pork Per barrel, $11 S011 85.
Lard Per cwt., $6 803H5 82&
Short ribs Sides, loose. ?7 057 30.
Dry salted shoulders Boxed, C947c.
Short clear sides Boxed. $7 G07 70.
Butter Steady; creamery, 1510c; dairy,
Cheese Dull; 9&10Hc
Eggs Firm; fresh, ll.
Receipts. Shmm't.
Flour, barrels 41.000 120,000
Wheat, bushels .... 90,000 191.000
Corn, bushels 195,000 1,298,000
Oats, bushels 4S8.000 276.000
Rje, bushels 8.000 . 4.000
Barley, bushels 8,000- 3,000
Ifew Yorlc Grain and Eroduee.
NEW TORIC, Aug. -6. Flour Receipts,
17.6C9 barrels; exports, 12.215 barrels. Mar
ket dull. Minnesota patents, $4 10(4 45;
Winter straights, $3 603 76.
Wheat Receipts, 10,082 bushels; exports,
113,637 "bushels.' Spot firm. No. 2 red, 79&c
f. o. b. Options opened steady on foreign
buying and higher cables, eased off in mid
day under Southwest receipts and .tho vis
ible" supply Increase, rallied with corn,
'and on unfavorable weather abroad closed
firm at Sc not advance. September
closed SOVfcc; December, S2ic.
Wool Steady.
Hops Quiet.
Visible Grain Supply.
NEW YORK. Aug. 0 The following la tho
statement of the visible supply of grain In store
and afloat on Saturday, August 4, as complied
by the New York Produce Exchange:
Bushels. Inorease.
Wheat 47,533,000 l.oeo.000
Com 12,320.000 62S.000
Oats 5,580.000 107.000
Barley 607.000 5,000
Rye 405.000 'HSiOOO
At Least ?3O,OOO,00O Needed to Ease
Matters. .
NEW YORK, Vug. 6. The Times' Lon
don financial correspondent cables: The
English, money market Is getting Into an
interesting condition. The Chancellor of
the Exchequer's demand. for another 13,
000,000 to be added to his already exces
sive borrowings-fflQ.OOQ.COO of It now In
threo-year 3 per cent bonds offered at 98
has caused It to become nervous and
And no wonder. Sir Michael Hicks-Beach
let out that he already owes 18,090,000
on treasury bills alone, 3.000,000 of It to
tho Bank of England, which has thus
directly advanced the treasury 8,500,000,
instead of 5,500,000, shown In the weekly
exchequer returns. Add that 5,500,000 to
lS,000,000-odd, and we get- a floating debt
of nearly 24,000,000, exclusive of the new
est 10,000,000, the most unwholesome
amount, which, thanks to the Bank of
England's participation, has thrown on
tho market a mass of diseased credit :by
which discount and money rates have
been kept low
To add to the trouble, It Is estimated
that half of the "khaki" loan is pawned.
A fancy premium was created upon It
before Issue, .which led a thousand people
to rush In with appllpatlons. Even, al
though the allotments were severely cut
down In consequence of the mass of ap
plications, numbers of these premium
scalpers received more thsn they wanted.
Many wanted none at all, only the chance
of pocketing the market premium. Thus,
In spite of the apparent furore, the ldan
has been taken up and the holders of the
scrifr had to pay from 4', to 5 per cent,
generally 4i, last week for money In Sep
tember. The bunks, in order to advance "the dis
count, have stopped tlie outflow of
gold, our market being now the dearest
In Western, and save St. Petersburg, In
Northern Europe dearer even than eBr
lln and Hamburg. Four per cent, how
ever, has not attracted gold in any quan
tity, although It Is said considerable
amounts are on the water from Australia
and even from the far East; therefore, it
Is probable that we shall see a 5 per cent
bank rate established, perhaps before this
month Is out, because at all costs gold
must be attracted. Our stock is 2,000,000
less than it was a year ago, having run
down during the last two. months, and wo
want at least 10,000.000 to make us safe.
This will explain why the credit insti
tutions are perturbed and -disposed to
work with extreme caution when they
-work at all. Also it explains why the
price of all our first-class securities have
steadily dwindled until our best railway
preferred stocks and debentures are from
10 to 25 "per cent lower than they were IS
months ago. The shrinkage must go ta,
paralyzing all disposition to speculate.
SAX FRANCISCO. Aug. 6 Wool, Spring
Nevada, 1315c; Eastern Oregon, 10
15c; Valley Oregon, 1820c. Fall, north
ern mountain lambs, 1012c; mountain
lambs. 810c; San Joaquin plains. SglOc;
Humboldt and Medoelno, 1314c
Hops M crop, ll13c.
Mlllstuffs Middlings, ?1730; bran, $12 50
t?13 50 per ton.
Hay Wheat, $SS12; wheat and oat, JS
iTll; best barley. $S 50; alfalfa, $& 7 50;
stock. 555 50; compressed wheat, JS012
per ton; straw, SoftCTiiC Per bale.
Potatotes River Burbanks, 35gC5c;
Early Rose, SOg'Toc per cental; sweets,
HIc per pound.
VegetablesOnions, 7590c per cental;
garlic, 2&3&c; green peas, 23c per
pound; string beans, l43c; dried okra,
32iAc per pound; egg plant, 810e per
pound; cucumbers, 20030c per box.
Citrus fruit Oranges, navels; $2 50;
Mexican limes, $&f?7; common California
lemons, $1 505J3 75; choice, J33 50 per
Bananas 51 5052 50 per bunch.
Butter Fancy creamery, 2123c; do
seconds, 21ig22c; fancy dairy, lS20c; do
second, 16SISC.
Cheese American, new, 99&c per
pound; Young America, 9&10c; East
ern, 16ti17c
Eggs Store, 15lSc; fancy ranch, 23c;
Eastern, lfrffl7c.
Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, &3?10c: do
hens, lOJJllc per pound; old roosters, ?3 50
(54 per dozen; young roosters, $1 06;
small broilers, II 752 25; large do, ?3
3 50; f rycrs, $3 SGg 50; hens, $44 50 per
dozen; geese, fl(gl 25 per pair.
Receipts Flour, quarter sacks, 6200;
.wheal, centals. GCCO; Oregon ,1000, Wash
ington. 2000:. barley, centals, 74,000; oats,
centals, 23,000; do Oregon, S00: beans.
Backs, 1900; potatoes, sacks, S6O0; bran,
sacks, 050; middlings, saeks. 5S0; hay,
bales, KX); wool, bales, lfiO; hides, 1S9.
CHICAGO, Aug. G. Cattle Receipts, 25,
000, Including 4000 Westerns and 1800 Tex
ans. Choice steers steady, others 10c
lower; active; Western steady; butchers'
Downing, Hopkins
Chicago Board of -Trade
New York Stock Exchange
Room 4, Ground Boor" . Chamber of Commerce
rYlEi 0
Sails on Her Second Trip
This Is the only exclusive
' Nome trade, Bookings now being made. &
P. P. BAUWGARTNER, Agetrt, 233 Washington 3t. $-&
XV. A. ,HI Cck, General, Ajreiit. Snn Franclaco. . i -
nlll Sail HSI'I Jtaiuc auu miuuia cm ui avuui hujuh w, ui.u oiyivmut, r
The "Senator" has a capacity of '25C0 tons. Her secondcabln and steerap
accommodations are 'superior to the first-class accommodations of" most oi tho
steamers advertised for Ndme. . v i
The Pacific Coast Steamship Company has been running Its steamers to-Aias-
ka Winter and Summer for 25 years, -and Is the pioneer Pacific Coast line, brat
tle frelnht and passenger .rates apply irom Portland. For further Information
lnauiro of QOODALL,. PERKINS & CO.. Gdncral Agents. 10 Market. San Fran
cisco, or N". POSTON. Agent. 249 Washington st.. Portland. Or.
American-Hawaiian Steamship Ca
Regular. Steamer Service from Ney York to Son Francisco,
Portland and Honolalu.
S S ABIERICAN, of over 000 tons carrying capacity, the first vessel to load,
will sail from New York, September 1. and after discharging her California freight
at San Francisco, will proceed direct- td Eortjndi v ,,,,.
Freight received after August 1 at company's new covered pier, foot of Forty
second street. South. Brooklyn, .Ncjv Yprk.- -
For rates of freight and further particulars, apply to
, i - - Portland, Or.
FLINT "DEARBORN & CO., 11 Broadway, New York, General Agqnts.
stock steady to 10c lower; natives, good
to prime steers, ?5 4C5 30; poor tcf 'me
dium, H 755 S5; selected-feedcrs, steady,
fi54 65; mixed stocker3,-$3r3 0; cows, ?3
3 50; heifers, $3 15(315; canners, $2 202 76;
bulls $3(34 50; calves, $4 7ft$ 50; Texa-vfed
steers. $4 354 65; grassers, ?3 254 30;
bulls. f2 5033 40. -
.nogs Aecoipis; oi.wu, iuni, .,v,.,,
left over, 3f00?" Mostly-" IQc lower; closing
'stronger; top',,540. Mixed and butchers',
MC56 40; good to" choice heavy, $55 C5;
rough heavy," $4SS54?95; light, $5;o3 40;
bulk of sales, $5 155 30. v ;. .
. Sheep Receipts, 000. Sheep, stronger;
lambs SSS'lOc lower, qood to choice woth
ersr U 40S4 7p fair to chpice, ?3 7S4 25;
Western sheep, 54 25(5:4 ); Texassheop,
$3 25(jj4 25; native lambs, ..H 53 85; West
ern lambs,4 h(oS5 0.
OMAHA, Aug. cl Cattle Receipts,' 2S00
head. Market, Btoady; native beef steers,
$4 S55 5; Western steers, $4 3545;
Texas steers, ?3 7&g;4 40; cows and heifers,
$3 10(4 25; canners. ?23; stockers and
feeders, 13 754 60; calves. $35j0; bulls
and ags, ?2 604 30. ,
Hogs Receipts, 2400 head. Market, o
7iAc lower; heavy, t&S'o 10'; mixed, ?55 05;
light. H 905?5 05; bulk of sales, $5 Q2S 05.
Sheep Receipts, 7SO0. Market weak, 10c
lower; yearlings, $4M 40; wethers, 2 903)
4 30; common stock.?2Q2 75; lamb:, Sl-50
$5 CO.
ICnnsnn City Iilventocfe.
KANSAS CITY, Aug. C Cattle Re
ceipts, 11,000. Market, weak; Texas steers,
f3 1005 65; Texas cows, 52 653 30; native
steers, 54 255 75; native cows a'nd helfors,
51 654 75; stockers and feeders, $2'50HS5;
bulls'. 52 50dM.
Hogs Receipts, 4000. Market, weak;
bulk of sales. 55 175 27; heavy, 55 Kt)
5 30; packers, 55 17f5 27; mixed. 55 155 22;
lights, 555 25; yorkers, 55 205 25; pigs,
54 905 15.
Sheep Receipts, 2C00. Market, strong;
lambs, 52 5035 80; muttons, 534 25.
Gold Gofnff to Enffiand.
NEW YORK, Aug. 6. Gold-will go to
England on Wednesday next. Bankers to
day talked .of considerable shipments, on
account of war loans, remlttancesi and
monetary conditions abroad. From 51,
050,000 to 54,000,030 will probably be en
gaged tomorrow as a result of negotia
tions now lu progress.
Tlie Metal Mnrlceta.
NEW YORK, Aug. 6, Business was
rather dull In metals today, all quota
tions nominal. Pig-iron warrants ruledr
weak and nominal, with no demand atr
512. Lake copper quiet, 516 50: tin very
qulett 53232 25; lead dull, 54 23, and
spelter quiet, 54 20(54 25.
The brokers' price for lead was 54 and
for copper 516 50. i
Par sliver, OQT&c,
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. '. J3ar silver,
Coffey nitd Snuar. ,
.NEW YORK, 'Aug. 6. Coffee .options
closed five points higher to five points
net loss. Sales, 24.2C0 bags, including
September, 57 657.70; October, 57 75; De
cember, 57 5037 95; . January, 57 907 95.
Spot Rio, quiet;. No. 7 Invoice, 9c; mild,
quiet; Cardova, nominal.
Sugar, raw. dull; fair refining. 4Vc;
centrifugal 9C test, 413-lGc; refined, easy,
granulated, JO. 10; cut loaf, 56 50.
Hatred of "Wealth.
PORTLAND, Or., Aug. 6. (To tho Edi
tor.) In the editorial- this morning under
"Enemies Unmasked," facts are made so
plain that if an 'apple had been cut in
two to show the worms inside It could
not have been plainer. As I read It I turn
back, back "to the time of which Milton
wrote In "Paradise Lost."''when,he plp
tures the Ideal- of Jlberty as it can never
exist In reality, and when ho shows the
cause of tho fall of half the population
of that supposed realm to have been lib
erty Itself. I turn to that time not be
cause it Is poetry, "or perhaps mythology,
but because it Is a metephorical picture
that will stand for all time and In all the
universe, as a lesson In the relation be
tween law and liberty. Whatever Milton's
if jL'ifrrtnr -AkllklAAgLAlL&OJllLaJ
Mormon BlShODS'-PlllCfcaTebecnlasssoTeita yeijjby tfre Iexdrfi of the llomai
Chardi a that fcl.jwtn. Tosldteijr
oi seu, Mniirnnn. iicctjd. m
ererr fjf.ctloo. Dam ret Ccspordint. a
Ctrins. SttmcJta the beda nd netre ette-s. 50c x box,
potoneiy toat Power. Hlght-s.ocos, -5permatorrnooa insomnia, Pains
In.liacu, EW1 Poslresi Seminal Ernloslois. t-anfe rfaeve, Wervoua xe
bltlty, KeadncnojUnfltnoen to Marry, kps-tof C?ia 8arnen Varicocolo,
or tcnsOpatlonQtops Qulojcneui- f Clo-"Bif s pnarcai 8tops Nor
a jocmeyreiunaeo. w.ta fMxna. urausn irec Aaarofs, Binop Komeay co., aan J-rancioco, cat.
For sale by Aldrlch Pharmacy. Slstb and "Was hlncton streets. Portland. Or.
on or About July. 20, -1 900
livestock steamer in the'
st s. s; co.
Steamship Go
views on the relation ofclasse3 during his
porlod were, and If .he had any hopes
-finale of any free t government like ours,
I, .wonder what his feelings would be
could he have lived today to look fnto
the present .and future. Antagonism to
eiptfal Ifl found In the church-and put of
the cxhurch, Ir monarchies "he ppor man's
state Is , slavery- In free countries It is
as we seo It at home today. What will
It be In the future? Will It, be revolution
and evolution? I hope It Is not the spirit
of discontent, that goads mankind to prog
ress, andls being carried too far. Per
haps It -Is only as It has been since the
day of the beginning, theories of the dis
contented'. J. A. CLEMENSON.
r t"
Knnsan -Quarantine Stnndn.
T0PEKA, Kan.,, Aug. 6. Ths Kansas
quarantine on cattla tuberculosis will
stand. A conference on the sub'ect was
hold today" at the Governor's ofneo. pir
tlclpated In by tho Governor, the mam
bens ot the livestock sanitary board, rnd
a number of cattl3 men. Certain cattle
mi&i have protested against the quaran
tine as unjust and unnccs-ary. At the
close ot the conference today the boaVd
declared that the rule would be main
tained, and Governor Stanley said he
would not interfere.
Cable Park, Portland Heights, 00 feet
above the city, at terminus of Portland
'Railway, open to the public. Fine view
of the" snow-clad peaks, city and coun
try, pleasant: 'shade, good ' refreshment
S'tand, Comfortable seats and swings,
'with monkeys and young bears Jo amuse
the children. Open cars leave the en
trance every seven and one-half minutes.
, " Tbe Better Part.
The Tagals some day t ill acknowledge the need
Of tho civilization wo spread.
.They'll find It 13 better to follow our lead
Than to try to keep dodging our lead.
Philadelphia Press.
Sept. 6
Oct. 17
Nov. 3
Round the World
.Sept. 6
Kdiy Land
From New York
.....' Sept. 22
Other tonrs to Europe and else
Tviiere. Progrrammca mailed free
on application.
621 Market St. San Francisco
Pacific Coast Steamship Co.
steamers Qneen, Cottage CHy,
City 'of Topeka and Al - lu
leave TACOMA 11 A. H.. SE
ATTLE 0 P. M.. Aug. 3. S.
13. 15. 18, 23. 25: Sept. 2, 7,
12, 17. 22, 27: Oct. 2, and
every fltth day thereafter. For
further .information obtain
, company s loiaer.
"" The company reserves the right to chanso
rtesrraera,' sailing dates and hours of sailing,
iwithout previous notice.
AOKNTS-ls". POSTON'. 249 Tt'ashinrton st,
-Portland. Or.; F. W. CARLETON. N. I. R. r!
Tockr Tacoma. ticket offico G1S First ave.;
Beattle, E. "W. MELSE. ticket agt: H. H.
lL,pX'V Puret Sound Supt.; C W. MILLiER,
Asst. Supt, Ocean Dock. Biattle.
"GOODAXU PERKINS & CO.. Gen. Agts., S. F.
The fast steamship "CITY OF SEATTLE."
Balling from Seattle every 10 days for Juneau
and fakapway. Steamers -"FARAL.LON" and
"RUTH, sailing every seven days from Seat
tle for ay and all other intermediate
Alaskan points.
For freight and passage Inquire of
- OODWEia. & CO. Ltd..
. - .252 Oak st. Telephone Main fld.
eaioiteejrorjt casei In old isd yesajr triilar feoa effsctj
zzuzae - satovss. OUfOS UOSt KlanilOOdt !
can is U hint). cJTi-tl3 Kestons small, irufarekibed
1-ftr Ja.j3 by iniiU Srrenfra AwiiSsa euartntec, to care
FnJm E
E333 k - JmfcjMy Tini liiTAx"T
Dnloa Depot, Slxtb aad J 5treta.
leaves for tho East vl. Huntinrton. ut 3-3
JL M.: arrives. 4 P. M.
ror Spokane, Eastern "Washlceton. end 'Great
Northern points, leaves at 0 P. M.; arrive at
J A. iL
Leaves for tho East, via- Uuntinutoa. at 3
P. il.; arrivos at S:40 A. iL
Water llzea aceilula, subject to cbanjo -wlth-out
oceax akd river screditli:.
OCE.VN DIVISION Steamsalps sail from
Alasworth Dock at S P. JL Lcae Portland
State of 'California. Sunday. Aug. 5; Wednes
day, Aug. 15; Saturday. Aug. 25; Tuesday.
Sept. 4; Friday, Sept. 14. Columbia, Friday.
AUff. 10; "Monday, Au?. 20; Thursday. Aug. 3u;
Sunday, Sept. 9.
rrom Son Francisco Lea in? Spear-Street
Pier "No. 24. San Francisco, at 11 A. M., as
follows: Stato of California. Wednesday. Aus
1; Saturday, Auy. 11; Tuesday. Auff. 31: Fri
day, Aus. 31; Monday. Sept. 10. Columbia,
Monday. Aug. 6; Thursday. Aug. 10; faundai,
Aug. 20; JVcdnesday, Sept. 5.
Steamer Hassalo loaveu Portland daily, except
Eunday, at 3.0U P. M.; en Saturday at 10:W P.
M. Returning, leaves Astoria dally. xcept sua.
day, at 7:00 A. 11.
Steamer" T. J. Potter lcave3 Portland Tues
days and Thursdays at 9 A. JI.: Saturdays. 1
P. JI., .for- Astoxia. and Lonff Beach. Leaves
llwaco Tuesdays, Thursdajs and Sundays from
5 to S P. JI.. acordlnc to tide.
willasiette river division.
portla'nd and saleji. or.
Steamer llnth fnr Salem and war rolnta.
leaies Portland Mondays, Wednesdajs and Fri
das at COO A. M". Keturnlne. leaes Salom
Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at COO
A. M.
Steamer Elmore, for Dayton and way points.
leaves Portland Tuesdays, -Thurudays and Sat-
urdars at 7 JL. IT. EaturnlE. leaves Dayton for
rortland and way polnta Jlbudaj , Wedneadayj
ana Tiania at u a. ai.
SteMner bpokane or uttnuwr Lcwlston learfS
Rlparia dally at 3:33 A. M., arriving at Lewis
ton at. 3 P. M. Returnlne. the Spokane or
Lewiston leaves Lcnlston daily at 7 A. M.,
arrhlnjc at Rlparia same evemnf.
General Pawsenzer Asent.
V. X. CTIILLTNG. City Ticket Axent.
Telephone Main 71Z 0 Third street, cor. Oat
In. connection with THE OREGON RAILROAD
tc NAVIGATION CO. Schcdulf. 1000 (subject to
Steamer. Due to Leave, Portland.
"BRAEMAR" July 15
"ARGYLL" AUff. 3
, For rates, accommodation, etc. apply to
General Acenta. Portland, Or.
To principal points In Japan and China.
D:p3t Fifth anil Streets
for Salem, Rose
burx. Ashln'nd. Sac
rrmentc. Ocden,
Shn Franclscp, Mo
jae, Los Ansel".
El Paso, New Or
learfu and the Zat
At TVoodburn
(daily except Sun
6a). mornlnfr train
connects nlth train
for Mt. Angel, Sll
v e r t on. llrotrn
vllle. Sprlngneld
and Natron, anl
eenlnc train fcr
Mt. Ansel and SU
verton. Albany passonser
CorvaHIs passenger
Sheridan, peuoenser
S:30 P. JI.
8.30 A. M.
7:43 A.M.
0:30 P. M.
4:00 P.M.
t7:30 A. M
J4:30P. M.
1S.25 A. it
Dally. JDally except Sunday.
Rebata tickets on sale between Portland, Sac
ramento and ban FranclccO. Net rated J17 first
class and $11 second class, including sleeper.
Rates and tlcieto to Eastern points and Eu
AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. S
KIRKLAND. Ticket Agent. 140 Third it.
Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson Street.
Leae for Oswego daily ut 7:20. ():40 A. M.;
lS.JO, 1.65. 3.25. 4.40, U.25. b.oO. 11:J0 P. M.;
and 9.0u A. U. utt Sundays only. Arrlva at
Portland dally at 0.35, a.3u. io.C0 A. M.;
1:35. 3:10, 4:30, C.15, 7.40, 100)0 P. II.. 12.-4U
A. M. daily, except Monday, 8:3b and 10.05 A.
M. on Sundays only.
Leave for Dallas dally, except Sunday, at
5:05 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 0.30 A. JL
Passensr train leaves Dallas for Alrlle Mon
days. Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:45 P. M.
Returns Tueeday, Thursdays and Saturday.
'Except Sunday.
Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt.
The Pioneer Dlnlnc and Observation
Car Route.
Leave I Union Depot, 6tri aai J Sll Arrive
No. 3
North Coast Limited.
Tor Tacoma, Seattle,
No. 1
North xaklma. Spo
kane, Pullman. Mos
cow. Lewlston, Row
land. B. C, Butte
Helena. St. Paul. Min
neapolis, Chicago, Bos
ton, New York and all
points East and South
east. No. 4
11:30 P. M.
Tivln City Express, for
Tacoma. Seattle, Spo
No. 3
8 P. JL
kane, Helena, Butte,
St. Paul. Chicago. Ba--ton.
New York. Omaha,
Kansas City. Council
Bluffs. St Louis, and
all points east and
Through train service -via Northern Pacific
and Burlington line rrom Portland to Omaha.
Kansas Cit. St. Louis. Quick time and un
equald accommodations.
Take North Coast Limited Train No. 3 for
South Bend. Olympla aad Gray's Baroof
See tho North Coast Limited. Elegant Up
holstered Tourist Sleeping Cars, Pullman
Standard Steepers, Dlntns Car and Observa
tion Car. all electrl: lighted. Solid iLStlbuied
Ticltetn sold to all points In tho United
States and Canada, and baggago checked to
destination of tickets.
For Information, tickets, sleeping-car reser
vations, etc call on or write
Assistant General Pasaenscr Agent,
2o5 Jlorrlaon St., Cor. Third,
Portland, Oroaron.
BAILEY -GATZERT (Aider-street Docki
Leaves Portland dally ev-ry morning at 1
o clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves- As
toria every night at 7 o'clock. px-ep Sunday.
Oregon phone Main 331. Colombia phono 351.
Now offered by the
fi PlCTOr
If you cannot take the moraine trJn
travel via the evenlnfi train. Bothara
finely equipped.
"Our Specialties" -Fast
Time Through Service
Hours In Time Saved to
Oninlia, Chlcaco. Kansms City.
St. Louis Xevr Vorls. Iloston,
And Other Eastern Points.
Tickets good via Salt Iako City, and
It Is to your Iotere9t,to usu THE" QY.I?R
liAXD ROUTE. Tickets and sfeeplnr-ear
berths can be'secured from
City Pass, and Ticket Agent.
J. H. LOTHROP. General Agent.
i3o Third at.. .Portland, ur.
I Straight
i Not Round About.
That describes the Burllns- o
o ton. route via Billings. 0
It la the straight line to the o
e Souh and Southeast.
Better still it is the only lino
o -which takes you from Portland 0
to Lincoln, St. Joseph, Kansas
e City and St. Louis -without o
changes or delays of any kind.
q Thro sleepers, thro' tourist o
cars, thro' chair-cars. All
o meals served In dining-cars. o
Berths and tickets at
Tlcliet Ofacs,
e . ,.....-
o 1 00 3ra sr., ctr. Marx, roriiana, uregaj. o
City Pasarnctr A tent.
o e o e oo ocoooooosoeeooeeeseo
AKE TOIT taking- a vacation? If s. we would
Ilka to send you some literature about
"Banff Hot Springs," "Tho Great Glacier
of thd Selklrks." and the magnificent ho
tels there, operated by the Canadian Pa
cific Railway. Cheap Excursion Ratea mads
from alt Pacific Coast points,
OR IF TOU are going East tako your Tick
cts by the "Imperial Limited" and spend
a. day or two at our mountain resorts. You
will benefit by It and enjoy it.
Apply to any Canadian Paclflo Ry, Agent
or to
H. H. ABBOTT. Agent.
E. J. COYLE. Portland, Or.
Asst. Gen. Pas3. Agent,
Vancouver. B. C.
TIcfcet Office, 263 Slwrlioa Staff, Tftane 633
Th 3"lyr, dally tu an4 I irbivt
from St. Pant. yLtiu- t".
apolli. Dulutb. Chleaxn I ria. X
and all points Xast. 1 7:00 A. il.
6.oo p. ar. J
Through Palace and TourtatSleepera, Dining
and Buffet Emoklng-Llbrary Can.
For Japan. CUtna. and all Aslatla olaU irlO
leave- Seattle-
About SePVl2th - -
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
LEAVES for Uaygers. Rainier.
UNION Clatskanie. Westport.
DEPOT. Clifton. Astoria, War
ren ton. JTlavel. Ham
mond. Fort Steren,
Gearhart Park. Seaside.
Astoria and Stashor
Astoria Express.
Seashoro Express,
Saturday only.
11:10 A. it
9:10 P. 1L
0:40 P. M.
G:53 P. 31
2:30 P. il
Ercept Saturday.
Ticket office. 233 Morrison at. and TTnloa dtpot.
J. C lATO. Gen. Pass. Agt.. Aitorla. Or.
FCape Nome
And Yukon Rfver Polnb
S. S. "OHIO," 3500 Tons
Sails from Seattle
en or about Aug. 25
Reservatioai can no-v bo made upon applica
tion to any railroad or aub-agent ot the latr
natlonal Xa'.lgatton Company, or to
Siz O 13 X aoa-Doisonoet
reswdy for Gonorrhrea,
Gleet. Sperm at or rhoea
nnttK, nnna curat uu
cfaarsev, or any Inflanim
tloa ot mneous mtzt
EEwdsOHtUiaitO. branes. Son-astrinffeafc.
kC!XCWlTl;0.LJ S y SJajjlsta,
or sent in slain trrarp-r.
v extiref. nreusld. for
$1 ". nr 3 bottIi, ?2 'i.
$' Circular sent oa remsj.
to the
y 3csE3
JV5J et to trlr.
X z.s.1. 7. r