Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 02, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XL.20. 12,367.
f 4I!I
233kpIsB mJPnf I r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r I 1 1.
Now !s the time to purchase your
iyear Rubber Company
R. H. PEASE. President and Manager.
KodaXi, Cameras and Photo Supplies at
leading proprietary preparations
fifth and Washington Streets . . PORTLAND, OREGON
Rooms Single 75c to JL50 per day
Fir-CIn. Check Rufanrnnt Booms Double $L00 to J2.O0 per day
Connected With Hotel. Rooms-rFamibr JX50 to $3.00 per day
The Condensed Strength and Nutriment of
Barley and Rye
BiumaOer & fiOCh,
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American end European Plan.
wholesale aad retadcbrs nr
China, Crockery,-Glassware
Hotel, Restaurant and Bar Supplies a specialty.
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"We have them In several varieties, both one and two-seat.
"We are al;o showing the smartest effects In Stanhopes, sin
gle and two-;cat Traps. Open and Top Surreys. Bike "Wagons,
with -wood and -wire wheels, solid rubber cushion and pneumatic
We hae a most complete line of Fine Harness.
Visitors are always welcome.
Carriages, Wnjrons,
Hnrncus, Robes xxnd Whips.
We ship 10-gallon kegs, ".-barrel. 23 gallons, or barrels. 46 gallons.
Best Crystallized Rock and Rye. per case . 4.. $6.90
Kitwrttn Whisky, per case. 12 full quart bottles $7.S0
McBrayer Whisky, per case $6.35
French Colony Brandy, per case. 12 full quarts $12.00
When doelred we pack so that nothing on package Indicates con
tents. Let us quote you prices on all liquors wanted.
F. EPHRAJM & CO., Ajents frtndi Colony Ylnryarf &., 15 Heotgeiatry Street, Sia Frinchee, Ci!.
Exclusively uniform cash price house on the Pacific Coast.
The greatest living pianist, who has accomplished all that Is possible to do
with the Angers en tho piano keyboard. Is now writing music for the Pianola.
"ft h ? Be&ttse the Pianola goes farther and does more than the human Angers
can. This msn, Padorewskl, Is a composer as well as a player, and we may ex
pect some AveiMlerfHl musk: from him. Don't you think the Pianola, which occu
pies so nwok f PadercwskTs attention, would Interest you? Come In and see it;
also the Aeettan and the -norld's finest planos-the Stelnway and the A. B.
M. B. WELLS, Northwest Aent for tht Aeolian Company
353-355 Washington Street, opp. Cordray's
Ask for one of the following brands
Gold Sea! Indian Anvil
Badger Elk Obelisk
Ceaqctrer Pioneer Heptane
wholesale and retail. Distributors for jtll the
for Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
HO Fourth Street
dole uistriDuiers tor uregon
C T. BELCHER. Soc and Treas.
American plan.
European plan.
.ILK. $1.50. $1.75
, 60c. 75c. $1.00
fate Normal School
The students of the Normal School are
prepared to take the State Certificate
immediately on graduation.
Graduates readily secure good posi
Expense of year from $120 to $150
Strong: Academic and Professional
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Manual Training. Well equipped Train
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For catalogue containing full announce
ments, address
P. L. CAMPBELL, President,
Or W. A. WANN, Secretary of Faculty.
Just the thing for a spin
on the White house Road.
320-338 E. Morrison St
Everybody should order direct.
Kingston. Ky., Double Distilled, $1.90 per
McBrayer, 51.S0 per gallon.
Imperial Edicts Condemned
the Christians.
Government Indicted Before
the World for Its Cruelty.
Powers May Decline Further Nego
tiation Witli China and De
clare War.
LONDON, Aug. 2, 4 A. M. At last the
story of Pekln has been told. 'Dr. Morri
son, In today's Times, holds up the Chi
nese Government before the world as
guilty, and to a degree of Infamy as
duplicity that exceeds the surmise of Its
worst detractors. In the same dispatch
he gives a more hopeful view of the pros
pects of the besieged than has been ex
pressed by any of the others who have
been heard from. Simultaneously there
comes from the "Belgian Charge d' Affaires
at Shanghai an official statement that the
allies are expected to reach Pekln in
about a week, they being 18 miles from
Tien Tsln yesterday.
Another letter has been received at Tien
Tsln from the British Minister. Sir Claude
MacDonald, dated July 24. "We are sur
rounded by Imperial troops," he writes,
"who are firing on us continuously. The
enemy Is enterprising, but cowardly. We
have provisions for about a fortnight and
are eating our ponies. The Chinese Gov
ernment. If there be one, has done noth
ing .whatever to help us. If the Chinese
do not press the attack we can hold for,
say 10 days. So no time should be lost If
a terrible massacre Is to be avoided."
Yet a Shanghai special says LI Hung
Chang has received a decree, dated July
28, commanding him to inform the Con
suls that the Ministers were safe on
that date. Evidentlx,SlrClaude MacDon
aid was over-pessimistic, as Dr. Morrison,
under date of July 21, announces the ar
rival of supplies. In view of this It is
quite within reason that the edict ah
nonclng the safety ot the Ministers on the
28th is correct.
Sir Claude MacDonald's latest letter,
while a strong Indictment of the Chi
nese Government, Is not nearly so much
so as Dr. Morrison's dispatch. That cor
respondent, with the Imperial edicts as
authority, declares that as late as July 2,
the Imperial Government ordered the
Boxers to continue "their loyal and pa
triotic services In exterminating the
Christians." He explains that the mar
velous changes In the attitude of the Chi
nese have so puzzled the world that it
appears all the appeals for Intervention
and protestations of friendship have been
due entirely to the victories of the allies
at Tien Tsln. The Ministers at Pekln
owed their -safety up to July 21 not to
Government protection, but to the scare-,
lty of Chinese ammunition and to the
fear which the Tien Tsln victories In
spired. When it Is remembered how great re
'llance Is placed upon Dr. Morrison In
England, the importance of his exposure
of the Chinese Government can scarcely
be over-estimated. It seems to banish all
hopes entertained by Lord Salisbury that
the Chinese Government might yet be
proved not directly responsible for the
outrage, and It may result In an entire
cessation of negotiations with Chinese
diplomats, If not an open declaration of
war on the part of the qowers.
Commenting upon Dr. Morrison's dis
patch, the Times says:
"It Is now beyond doubt that the fre
quent assertions ot the different Chinese
representatives for a month past, that the
legations have been enjoying the protec
tion of the throne are, one and all, unqual
ified falsehoods. The cumulative evidence
is overwhelming that the whole affair
has been throughout under the control and
direction of the Chinese Government It
now rests with the powers to make the
Chinese Government understand that It
will be held fully responsible for what
ever happens In Pekln."
General Sir Alfred Gaselee Is quoted as
saying on July 2S that he was ready to ad
vance, although lacking In artillery.
Dagget, with the Americans at Tien
Tsln, Is also credited with a similar state
ment on the same date, although utterly
without transportation, not even having
a horse for himself. Belnforcements arc
reported to h'ave been sent to the Chi
nese at Tang Tsun, where strong en
trenchments have been thrown up to bar
the advance of the allies.
The Berlin correspondent of the Chroni
cle says that Emperor William's approval
of the employment of non-commlssloned
men on leave is evidently interpreted to
pave the way for a German expedition on
a large scale, and It Is probable when
sufficiently largo this force will act Inde
Imperial Decree Commended tlie
Atrocities of the Boxer.
LONDON, Aug. 2. Dr. George Ernest
Morrison, the Pekln correspondent of the
Times, has been heard from direct. The
Times this morning prints the following
dispatch from him, dated July 21:
"There has been a cessation of hostili
ties here (Pekln) since July 16, but tor
fear of treachery there Sias been no
relaxation of vigilance. Chinese soldiers
continue to strengthen the barricades
around the conceded area and also bat
teries on top of the Imperial city wall,,
but in the meantime they have discon
tinued firing, probably because they are
short of ammunition.
"The main bodies of the Imperial sol
diers have left Pekln in order to meet
the relief forces. Supplies are beginning
to come in, and the condition of the be
sieged is improving. The wounded are
doing well. Our hospital arrangements
are admirable, and 150 cases nave passed
through the hospital.
'The Tsung 11 Tamun forwarded to Sir
Claude MacDonald a copy of a dispatch
telegraphed by the Emperor to Queen
Victoria attributing all deeds of violence
to bandits and. requesting Her Majesty's
assistance to extricate the Chinese Gov
ernment out of the difficulty. The Queen's
reply Is not stated, but the Chinese Min
ister at Washington telegraphs that the
United States (Government would gladly
assist the Chinese authorities. The dis
patch to the Queen was sent to the
Tsung 11 Tamun by the Grand Council on
July 3, yet the day before an Imperial
edict had been Issued calling on the Box
ers to continue to render loyal and pa
triotic services In exterminating the
Christians. The edict also commanded
Viceroys and Governors to expel all mis
sionaries from China and to arrest all
Christians and compel them to renounce
their faith. Other decrees applauding the
Boxers speak approvingly of their burn
ing and slaying of converts. Their lead
ers are stated in a decree to be Princes
and Ministers.
"On July 18 another decree made a.
complete volte-face due to the victories
of the foreign troops at Tien Tsln. In
this decree, for the first time and ono
month after the occurrence, an allusion
was made to the death, of Baron von
Ketteler, the German Minister, "which
was attributed to the action of lawless
brigands, although there Is no doubt that
It was premeditated, and that the assas
sination was committed by an Imperial
officer, as the survivor, Herr Cordes, can
"The force besieging the Legation con
sists of the Imperial troops under Gen
eral Yung Lu and General Lung Tuh
Slang, whose gallantry Is applauded In
imperial decrees, although it has con
sisted In bombarding for one month de.
fenseless women and children cooped up
in the legation compound, using shell,
shrapnel, round shot and expanding bul
lets. The Chinese throughout, with char
acteristic treachery, posted proclama
tions assuring us of protection, and on
the same night they made a general at
tack. In the hope of surprising us.
"There Is still no news of Pel Tang
Cathedral. The wounded number 138, In
cluding the American surgeon Llppett, se
verely wounded, and Captain Myers, who
is doing well. Seven Americans have
been killed.
"All the Ministers and members of the
Legations and their families are In good
health. The general health of the com
munity Is excellent, and we are content
edly awaiting relief."
After enumerating the casualties al
ready reported and giving the "total of
deaths, Including the Americans as 56,.
Mr. Morrison proceeds as follows:
"The Chinese undermined the French
legation, which is -now a ruin, but the
French Minister (M. PInchon) was not
present, having fled for protection to tha
British legation -the first day of the
The dispatch ends as follows:
"The greatest nerll we suffered dtrr!n
thesiege was-fpori Are, -the ChtnesevTns
tueir aeierminauon to aestroytneJritMh
legation, burning the adjoining Han x,In
Yuen Plnetocal College, one of. the most
sacred colleges In China, sacrificing the
unique library.,"
British Minister Declines a Sugges
tion, That He Leave.
LONDON, Aug. 1. It is reported that
another letter from the Brltish Minister
at Pekln, Sir Claude MacDonald, dated
Pekln, Wednosday, July 25, has reached
Taku. The Chinese Government has Te
newed the suggestion that the Minister
leave the capital, but the Minister de
clined. Ministers Will Not Leave Pelcln.
ROME, Aug 2. A telegram from Taku,
via Che Foo, July SO, says:
"The commander of the Italian war
ship Elb states that a letter from the
British Minister in Pekln, dated July 2C,
confirms the information of the Japanese
military attache that the Chlnose Gov
ernment on July 20 again asked the Min
isters to leave Pekln, but they refused."
Edicts of the Chinese Imperial Go eminent Is
sued as late as July 2 ordered the Boxers to
kill the Christians Page 1.
The allied forces are .marching on Pekin, and
are due there in eight days. Page 1.
Chinese Imperial Government Is using diplom
acy to check adance of allies on Pekln
Page 1.
In Germany. 36G0 officers and 20,000 men have
volunteered for Chinese service Page 2.
Japan, if necessary, can send 70,000 men to
China. Pagol.
King Victor Emmanuel III, successor to King
Humbert, has arrived at Monza Page 1.
Sir "William Vernon Harcourt, Liberal leader,
estimates the cost of the Boer war at 400.
000,000 Pace 2.
Senator Foraker says the Democrats have as
much show of wlnnirig Congress as they had
of carrying Oregon last June. Page 2.
New Hampshire Democrats nominated Dr.
Frederick T. Potter for Governor. Page 2:
Kentucky Populists nominated A. H. Cardln
for Governor. Page 2
Iowa Republicans remembered Minister Conger
In their platform. Page 2,
Navy Derailment shares the general distrust
that all was not well on the battle-ship
Oregon when she went ashore. Pago 2.
Government -will Investigate the anarchist ac
ti lty in the vicinity of New York Page 2.
The amount of gross gold In the United States
Treasury yesterday was $431,170,764, the
highest In the history of the Government.
Page 2.
Ex-Governor Roger Wolcott, of Massachusetts,
has accepted the appointment as United
States Minister to Italy. Page 2.
Local. ,
Northern Paclflo refuses to deliver cars to O.
R. & N. at "Wallula. Page 1.
O. J. Laird appointed Harbormaster Page 12.
Mazamas will start for Mount Jefferson Mon
day. Page 7.
Striking truck drivers still are firm.-Page 12.
O. R. &. N. lets contract for improving its
track. Page 8.
Pacific Coast.
It Is strongly intimated that Oregon school
land business is manipulated by officials for
the benefit of a private graft. Page 4.
Another promising placer strike has been roads
In Eastern Oregon. Page 4.
A workman was crushed almost to Jelly In a
Lane County, Oregon, saw mill. Page 4..
Smallpox at Cape Nome ls-well In hand and
decreasing. Page 5.
C-op reports from Yakima, "Wash., and La
Grande, Or, are rosy; grain Is turning out
poor in Yamhill County, Oregon, and farm
ers declare they will abandon It for stock
raising. Page 5.
Statistical position of freights is strong:
Grain chips in port working again. Page &
Allied Forces Dueat'the Capi
taf in- Eight Days.
Chinese Government Resort to
Diplomacy to 'Check the Inter
national Advance.'
BRUSSEL'S,Aiig. L M. de.Favreaux,
Minister of Foreign Affairs, has received
the following dispatch, dated Shanghai,
August 1, from M. de Cartler de March
ienne, secretary of the Belgian Legation,
now acting as Charge d' Affaires of Bel
glum at Shanghai:
"Tho allies are marching on Pekln.
They are 18 miles from Tien Tsin and
should reach Pekln In eight days. All
' 1 I IvtfiltStf'i WT "if TV ' ' d SSjeS . jyl&Zlfc&. .hill
ROME, Aug. L King Emmanuel an,d Queen. Helen arrived this morning, and
proceeded to Monza, whero they yill arrive this evening. The Ministers met their
majesties at the station
MONZA, Aug. 1. The King and Queen of Italy arrived here this evening.
BERLIN, Aug. 1. Emperor William today sent the following telegram to King
Victor Emmanuel, at Rome:
"I am deeply moved by the death of your loyal father, my sincerely beloved and
true friend and' ally. I send you herewith an expression of my deep and sincere
sympathy, my best wishes-for your reign. May the friendship which united our
houses during the reign of your father continue. His memory will ever remain
, written In my heart."
In a similar telegram to Queen Margherlta, on behalf ot himself and the Em
press, Emperor William says: "The chivalrous, kind, brave and faithful Hum
bert fell as a Soldler-on the battle-field, a victim of those devilish machinations
which aim at the destruction of all order, both divine and human. May God con
sole you in your Indescribable grief. May he strengthen your son's arm so that
he may wield the scepter and sword for the good of his people and the glory and
welfare of Italy." . i
the Europeans 'have taken refuge Tin the
Inner lnclosure of the imperial pity."
TIEN TSIN, July 26, -via Che Foo, July
30, and Shanghai, Aug. L The American
commander received orders from Wash
ington today not to delay the advance
on Pekln. He" was also Informed that
heavy reinforcements are en route.
Great activity Is noticeable at the Jap
anese headquarters Transport prepara
tions are being hurried. It Is extremely
unlikely that either the Japanese or Brit
ish intend to be left "behind the Ameri
cans, though the British preparations
are a long way from completeness. The
Japanese organization, on the other hand,
excites the admiration of all.
The total strength of the allies here Is
17,000. Reinforcements are arriving dally.
General Gaselee Tnlces Command.
TTEN TSIN, July 27, via Shanghai, Aug.
.1. General Sir Alfred Gaselee arrived
here today and assumed command of the
British forces.
Americans, British and Japanese
Believed to Be Tnlclns Part.
LONDON, Aug. 1. "The allies' began
the advance from. Tien Tsln this morn
ing," announced an agency bulletin fcattrd
at Shanghai at 11:10 A. M. today.
It is assumed that the Americans, Brit
ish and Japanese are taking part In thl3
forward movement, whether other nation
alities are or not. An advance base will
probably be established 20 or M miles
nearer Pekln, and supplies will be as
sembled preparatory to a direct stroke at
the capital.
Of the 60,000 allies debarked at Pe Chi
Li pdrts, English military observers con
sider that 30,000 are available for an ad
vance beyond Tien Tsln. The Chinese
forces, according to the vague gatherings
of the allies' intelligence officers, up to
July 27 were disposed in a great arc 10
miles long and distant 10 or 15 miles- 'xhe
numbers and exact location of tho sev
eral divisions are utterly unknown. The
Pel Ho River Is blockaded by sunken
stone-laden junks for 20 miles beyond
Tien Tsln and farther up, according to
Chinese spies of the allies, and a dam
lias been constructed for the purpose of
flooding- the low-lying expanso of coun
try. The first engagement of the relief ex
pedition will probably be at Pel 'rang,
where the Viceroy of Tulu personally
Chines" Government Tlslngr Diplo
macy With Powers.
WASHINGTON, Aug. L The Chinese
Imperial Government is putting- forth
powerful efforts to secure through ne
gotiations the abandonment ot the inter
national movement on. Pekin. The cable
grams received at the State Department
today from U Hung Chang all tend to
demonstrate his desire to secure the
succor of the Ministers at Pekin and their
delivery at Tien Tsin if this can be safely
effected, trusting that in return the in
ternational column can be halted, un
questionably a proper assurance of the
safe delivery of the Ministers would haye
some effect upon the temper of tho pow
ers, and it is possible that the United
States Government would give ear to
overtures in thafdlrection, were not the
attempt made by the Chinese to Imposo
conditions upon the delivery thatNare al
together objectionable. Such, for exam
ple, is a stipulation that the Chinese Im
perial authorities shall be absolutely ab
solved from the consequences of the
agreement and lor liability for what has
taken place In. Pekin. The first stipula
tion might be regarded as direct invita
tion to the Boxers to murder the Minis
ters on their way to the coast, and there
fore our Government will leave It to Mr.
Conger himself whether or not he regards
it as safe to leave Pekin when the oppor
tunity is held out.
Meanwhile, there has been no change
relative to the military programme, so
.far as our Government Is advised. The
senior United States naval officer at Taku
already Is under the most positive In
structions to urge a forward movement,
these having been sent by Secretary Long
just after the receipt of the original Con
ger message, and he was advised also of
tha Intention of the Government to add
to his force. These matters are referred
to in the belated dispatches from Tien
Tsln, which touched upon tho military
situation and the prospects of a speedy
forward movement. But no additional
instructions on this point were sent to the
United States Army, officers today, and
the Government is allowing Its officers
on the spot to shape their own campaign.
Secretary Root said today that there
had been no developments in the diplo
matic situation which would delay the
advance upon Pekin. and that General
Chaffee had orders to cover any contin
gency which might arise. A statement
has been made in the dispatches from
Europe to the effect that the United
States Is pushing General Chaffee for first
command. It was said at the War De
partment today that such was not the
case, though it was recognized that the
situation might be such as to make it
necessary for him to accept the com
mand If tendered by other powers.
Tranrrort Meade Leaves San Fran
cisco for Talra.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 1. The trans
port Meade balled for Taku, China, this
afternoon with 1000 soldiers aboard. The
troops sailing were Companies I, K, L
and M, comprising the Third Battalion
of the Fifteenth Infantry; troops B, G, 1
and H, Third Cavalry, and Company E
of the battalion of engineers, from We3t
Point. The band -of the Third Cavalry
accompanied the squadron.
Besides tho soldiers and the equipment,
the Meade carried 51,700,000 in currency
for the payment of war expenses in
Colonel Webb Hayes, detailed as an
aid on General Chaffee's staff, was a
passenger on the Meade. Professor Carl
C. Plehn, of the University of Califor
nia, who is to superintend the census of
Manila, was among the civilian passen
gers. Troops Going; From India.
SIMLA, Aug. 1. Another brigade of
troops will be ordered to China tomorrow.
Justice Smyth Very III.
NEW YORK, Aug. L Reports received
from inltmate friends of Justice Fred
erick Smyth, of the Supreme Court, who
has been ill for some time at Atlantic
City, says that the Justice Is rapidly
sinking. His friends here had slight hope3
of his recovery last evening.
Northern Pacific Diverting Or
egon Wheat to Tacoma.
New Arranaresaent Place This 7or$
at a Disadvantage in Doing: Easi
ness la Her Own Territory.
The Northern Pacific has served notice
upon all interested that on August 15 tha
existing agreement with the O. R. & N.
Co., by which wheat has been turned, over
to the latter road from tha former at
Wallula Junction for shipment to Port
land, will be terminated.
This announcement came somewhat in
the nature of. a surprise to nearly every
one except those who were in close touch
with the grain business as. It is handled
by the Northern Pacific at Tacoma. When
it was reported a few months ago that
the company was building an immense
warehouse at Tacoma, the question nat
urally arose as to where the wheat waa
coming from to fill It. The docks at Ta
coma had proven ample for any business
that was directly tributary to that port,
and for some business also that was taken
out of O. R. & N, territory In Oregon. It
was thus apparent that tha Northern Pa
cific, emboldened by its success la Invad
ing the territory of the O. R. & N., would
probably follow up the lead and divert
more wheat from Its natural route down
the Columbia River.
For many years, Portland exporters op
erating In the territory tapped by tha
branch of the Northern, Pacific known as
the "Hunt road" have Insisted on hav
ing their wheat brought to Portland in
stead of being diverted to Puget Sound.
On rare occasions the Northern Pacific
has hauled this wheat past Wallula and
through Tacoma into Portland on Its own
line. The bulk of the traffic controlled
by the Portland exporters, however, has
been turned over to the O. R. & N. at
Wallula, and that company, by reason of
its level gradea to tidewater, was enabled
to make a rate which was lower than tho
actual cost would have been to the North
ern Pacific. The latter company, In orde&
to reach Portland by its own lines, was
obliged to carry the wheat over the Cas
cade Mountains and haul it nearly twice
the distance that the O. R. & N. carried
it by way of Wallula to Portland.
Reducing the matter to dollars and
cents, the Northern Pacific found It very
profitable to permit the O. R. & N. to
haul the wheat at a rate which just about
covered the bare cost of moving, Thla
however, did not add to the commercial
greatness of the Northern Pacific's pet
town on Puget Sound, and the steady In
crease In the proportion of wheat finding
its way seaward by way of Portland has
finally Tesulted In the change of policy
which becomes effective August 15. Tha
Northern Pacific has made elaborate
plans for securing this business by erecting-
an immense dock at Tacoma and turn
ing it over to Balfour; Guthrla & Co.,
Kerr. Glfford & Co. and G. W. McNear
at a nominal rental. These exporters are
all doing business in Portland and nat
urally prefer to handle all of the wheat
at this port, where their greatest Inter
ests are. At the same time, they are In
business for the money that Is to be made
out of It. and not from patriotic motives.
If the Northern Pacific supplies them with
cheap storage facilities and a better car
service than they have secured from the
company at Portland, they will naturally
take advantage of their opportunity.
Neither the Northern Pacific nor the O.
R. & N. officials are disposed to discuss
the matter very freely. The Northern Pa
cific officials say that the change will not
make any difference In the amount of
wheat brought to Portland. They con
tend that they have been charged the ex
orbitant rate of ?1 0 per ton for switch
ing cars from the west side of the rivetr
to the east side, where the principal grain,
docks are located all of them being on
the O. R. & N. lines, and that this rate
has forced them at times to transfer
freight across the river by trucks and
drays. They announce their willingness
to land wheat at the Portland docks at
the same rate charged for landing It at
Tacoma, 145 miles nearer the wheat fieldsv
Exporters admit that they can get their
wheat to Portland by way of Tacoma;
but for reasons which may be inferred, if
not stated, there is nearly always a car
shortage when wheat lg wanted for Port
land by way of the Sound. As a matter
of fact, the ease with which cars are sup
plied for wheat shipped to Tacoma from
the Hunt road, and the difficulty attend
ant upon securing them fop wheat for
Portland, has always handicapped Port
land exporters In operating on that road.
This car shortage fpr Portland wheat was
so pronounced on one occasion last Fall
that a ship waiting here for a few cars
of wheat ot a special grade from a station
on the Hunt road was finally obliged to
go to sea without It. although no diffi
culty was encountered at that time in se
curing cars to move wheat to Taconta.
The O. R. & N. officials state that they
have hauled the Northern Pacific's wheat
Into Portland at a rate which practically
covered the bare cost ot moving: it, and
at much less than It can be hauled round
by way of Tacoma. The notification ot
the suspension of the arrangement was
sprung on the O. R. & N. so suddenly that
Its offlclals have not yet had time to con
sider It. or decide on a method of retalia
tion. Among the business men most In
terested In the prestige of Portland, It is
the belief that now that the Northern Pa
cific will no longer haul wheat out of that
rich country to the O. R. & N.. the latter
road will be forced to protect Its Interests
by extending Its line up Snake River to
Lewlston and thence Into the Clearwater
country and haul the wheat out over its
own tracks. If It is as energetic as the
Northern Pacific has been. It will also
build enough feeders to make matters
very interesting for its enterprising rival.
The total amount of wheat taken from
the Northern Pacific by the O. R. & N.
Co. at Wallula last year was 23,000 tons.
As the new branches ot the Oregon road
In the Columbia River counties will show
an Increase of three times this amount
this year, the diversion of this traffic,
which rightfully belongs to Portland, will
not make an appreciable showing on the
coming season's shipments. As the nat
ural route of this traffic Is by way of,
Portland, however, some concern Is felt
that the limit of these aggressions has
not been reached.
Crops and Property la Texas De
stroyed hy Floods.
DALLAS, Tex. Aug. L A letter from
Kcrrvllle, In Southwestern Texas, states
that In a large section north of there
crops and nearly all kinds of property
have been destroyed by floods, and scores
of families are homeless and destitute.
An appeal has been sent to Governor
Sayers for public aid.