THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, JULY 30, 1900. fc rsgtfmcm Entered at the Postoffice at Portland, Oreron, .si second-class mutter. TELEPHONES. Editorial Rooms.. ..ICG Busmesa ornce....CG7 REVISED SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By Mall (postage prepaid), m Advance Da! 'y, with Sunday, per month $0 83 Dally, Sunday excepted, per year 7 BO Daliy, with Sunday, per year 9 W Sunday, per year -. 2 00 Tne Weekly, per year. 1 50 The "Weekly. 3 months M To City Subscribers Dally, per week, delivered. Sundays exoepted.l5c Dally, per week, delivered. Sundays lncluded-Uc POSTAGE RATES. United States, Canada and Mexico: 30 to lf-page paper 16 to 32 page paper 2c Foreign rates double. News or discussion Intended for publication In The Oregonian should be addressed Invariably "Editor The Oregonian," not to the name cf ony Individual. Letters rclstlne to advertising, subscriptions or to any business matter shoulc be addressed simply "The Orvgonlan." The Oregonian dees not buy poems or stories from lrdtviduals. and cannot undertake to re. turn any manuscripts sent to It without solicita tion. Nd stamps should be inclosed for this purpose. Puget Sound Bureau Captain A. Thompson, office at 1111 Pacific avenue. Tacoma. Box COS, JTacoma postofllce. Eastern Business Office The Tribune build ing, New Tork City; "The Rookery," Chicago; the S. C Beckwith special agency. New Tork. For sale In San Francisco by J. K. Cooper. 7$ Market street, near he Palace hotel, and Goldsmith Bros., 236 Sutter street. Por sale in Chicago by the P. O. News Co.. 217 Dearborn street. TODAY'S WEATHER Fair and continued warm; northerly winds. PORTLAND, MONDAY, JULY 30, lOOO. OREGON'S CRIPPLE CREEK. In another part of this paper will be found an exhaustive statement of re cent development in the Bohemia min ing district, together with an exposition of the geology of the region, by Profes sor Dlller, of the United States Geo logical Survey, and Professor Stone, formerly of Colorado College. Though Bohemia has been known to the mining world since 1863, It is Just beginning to attract capital, which alone can give systematic development. The oxide ores of the district, the presence of a rock believed to be identical with pho lonite, and the .general close resem blance of the geological formation to that of Cripple Creek, have drawn pros pectors, engineers and capitalists from Colorado and British Columbia, and a period of mining on an extensive scale seems about to begin. The district commends Itself also because of the opportunity it offers for cheap mining. Champion, Sharp, Steamboat and Horse beaven Creeks and their tributaries af ford an abundance of water. The tim ber growth is heavy, the stand per acre being 13,000 feet, board measure, In Lane County, and 10,400 feet in Douglas County. The mountain slopes are steep, and in every portion of the dis trict depths ranging from 750 to 1500 feet are possible of attainment with tunnels, costing not to exceed $10 per foot. Nowhere but in Oregon are natu ral conditions so favorable to mining. It seems to be the fate of all Oregon jnining camps to pass through four sue cesslve periods, which may be described as follows: First, discovery; second, oblivion; third, litigation and misman agement; fourth, development Bohe mia saw discovery thirty-seven years ago. Its second stage occupied the fourteen years between the shut-down of the Knott mine in 1877 and the re discovery of the camp in 189L The third epoch still clouds the camp, though the victory of the Helena own ers over the notice men who contested their title, and the renewed interest which the Champion and Noonday man agers are taking in their mines, give .ground for hope that Bohemia has seen the last of its drawbacks and setbacks, -and that Its bright era of capital and work has come. Bohemia is unquestionably a base camp. Underlying the late volcanic covering of free gold, at depths vary ing from 300 to 600 feet, are enormous bodies of base ore, carrying high values in gold, copper, lead, silver and galena -in combination. These ores are suit able for smelting, but they cannot be profitably treated on the ground, as the necessary fluxes are not obtainable ex cept through importation. The place for the smelter is Portland, where re duction can be done at the lowest pos sible cost Bohemia, like most of East ern Oregon, is dependent upon Puget Sound for smelter service. In the past year The Oregonian has said a great deal In favor of the establishment of a smelter at Portland. This need not now be repeated, but the depositors of the millions of dollars now lying idle in the banks of Portland may with pro priety be asked how long they will be content to sue Oregon ores and concen trates shipped to Puget Sound for treatment, and how long they Intend to be blind to openings for profitable Investment. MORE ATROCITIES OF CHRISTEN DOM. The subjoined record, published by the Lancet, and extracted from the archives of old Paris the Paris of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Paris of Louis XI, of Francis I, of Cath erine de Medici and Charles IX; the Paris that was contemporaneous with the London of Edward IV, Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth reveals a capac ity for cruelty on part of the Christian Government of France quite equal to that of heathen China: AN EXECUTIONER'S PRICE LIST. Llvres. To boiling- a malefactor in oil 4S To quartering: him while alive .....30 To affording' a criminal passage from life to death by the sword ...20 To breaking the body on the wheel 10 To fixing his head upon a pole .......10 To cutting- a, man Into four pieces. ........ ,3C To hanging a culprit ............20 To enshrouding the corpse 2 To Impaling a living man.... 24 To flaying a living man 24 To burning a sorcoress alive....... ....28 To drowning a chlld-murdoress In a sack. ...24 ToburylaE a suicide at cross-roads ...20 To applying the torch 4 To applying the thumb-screw 2 To applying the buskins .'.... 4 To administering the Gehenna torture 10 To putting a person Jn the pillory 2 Tonogglng 4 To branding with a hot Iron 10 To cutting off tho nose, the ears or tho tongue 10 As late as 1757, Damlens, after under going horrible tortures with red-hot Irons for weeks, was bound to a post; then a horse was fastened to each limb end the horses lashed until he was dls. xnembered, which, however, was not accomplished until the executioner sev ered the sinews of the victim's legs with his knife. And such tortures were part of the legal code of France until the Revolution of 1789. A man was burned to death for arson Tinder the law in the market-place of Berlin In 1786, by order of Frederick the Great the great ancestor of KalBer William of Germany. It Is clear that Christian Continental Europe Is little more than a century in advance of China, either in Its legal code or in the humanity of its mobs. The faqt is, there is a lurking devil of animal feroc ity In all races, and when the seamy side of our Christian civilization Is ex hibited in mob rule today, it is about as repulsive ab that of heathen Asia. SENSE FROM NEW HAVEN. In admitting President Hadley, of Yale, to Its August pages, the Atlantic Monthly has returned to a course of sense and reason, widely deviated from In recent numtters by the misapplied sentiment of Nelson, Sedgwick and Moody. President Hadley writes about "Political Education" as a practical un dertaking, but the law of his being com pels enunciation of certain principles that are hostile to and exclusive of all the fanciful notions of "antl-lmperial-ism." This Is the first utterance of uni versity men we have seen appreciative of, the fact that self-government is an occupation for which training and slow ly acquired fitness are necessary prelim inaries. President Hadley says: Courage, discipline and loftiness of purpose are the things really necessary for maintaining a free government. If a citlxen possesses these qualities of character, he will acquire the knowledge which is essential to the conduct of the country's Institutions and to the reform of the abuses which may arise. If he does not possess these qualifications, his political learn ing and that of his fellow-men will not save the ctate from destruction. Nothing could be more diametrically opposite to the fundamental idea under lying anti-Imperialism. That idea is that self-government Is a boon to be vouchsafed, a gift to be bestowed, of the same nature as a present found in the stocking of a Christmas morning, or a prize that falls out of a lottery wheel. You can give the Filipino self government or you can withhold it Nothing depends on him, but all on us. His exercise of the function of self government Is a matter of whim on our part, not of fitness or capacity on his. That is anti-Imperialism's conception of self-government; but it is not Presi dent' Hadley's. He knows that certain acquired qualities, among which is dis cipline, are prerequisite to the main tenance of free government and with out which it is impossible to save the state from destruction. A stable self government therefore, among the un schooled and unprepared Is a contradic tion in terms. Government is not a benefaction, but an occupation; not a picnic, but a workshop. You can no more give a man self-government than you can give him character. You can no more give an unprepared people self government than you can give them a history, a literature, a body of high tradition, an inspiration of heroic mem ories. To govern himself, the man must have studied in the hard sohool of dis cipline. To govern itself, a people must have studied in the hard school of dis cipline. Self-government is a compli cated and dangerous tool, to which long training and graded experiments, some disastrous, must have fitted the hand that essays to use it To propose self government to the Filipino is precisely as logical as to ask him for a poem like Lycidas a history like Gibbon's, a structure like the Parthenon, a battle-ship like the Pennsylvania. The Philippines can be brought up to self government under tutelage, or they can ' be left to self-destruction through an archy or to despotism through seizure. Perhaps it is a pertinent question. What have the university men of the country, who know the Nation's his tory, been doing, that they have had no word of rebuke for all this sopho morlc foolery of antl-lmperlallsm? The history of the United States for 400 years Is the story of slow and painful and ofttlmes discouraging struggle up to capacity for self-government Has Mr. McMaster forgotten the story of the Constitution, or Mr. FIske the processes in which the colonies and palatinates were disciplined and edu cated for self-government? It Is in those early struggles and failures that the American will find, If he seeks un derstandlngly, the nature of self-government as an employment of powers slowly acquired and the exercise of Judgment slowly ripened from tiny seeds brought over by the Puritans to New England, the Cavaliers to Virginia, the Burghers to New Amsterdam, the Quakers to Pennsylvania, the Catholics to Maryland, the Huguenots to South Carolina. Even here the process is not yet com plete. Evolution has made a superflu ous relic of the electoral college, which marked a limitation on-self-government approved In the eighteenth century. Perhaps we shall soon choose our Sen ators without intervention of the Leg islature, but it is certain we cannot yet be trusted to elect our Federal Judges. Large numbers of us have to be de prived of self-government in the Inter ests of safety, we make mistakes that sometimes provoke a sigh for a dic tator, and the literature of antl-lmperlallsm teems with citations from our errors with the negro, the Indian and our Boxers in the cities of the East the mining camps of the West and the rural districts of the South. That a race in the middle period of barbarism should be lifted as by a high-power ele vator to the twenty-second floor of self government is a miracle that stamps the antis as the most credulous of mod ern fetich-worshipers. LABOR'S HARVEST TiaiE. This is the harvest time of the year, not more for farmers than for working men, skilled and unskilled. Any able bodied man who desires work and will work can find work to do at more than a living wage. That Is to say, steady, honest labor is now In demand over a wide agricultural area, the harvest needs of which are pressing, at wages that will enable the worker, If at all prudent to save money against the needs of the dull season, which comes with the stress of Winter. It is a common and Just saying that no man has now an excuse or a shadow of an excuse for asking back-door char ity. Equally Just would be the state ment that no man will have, during the coming Winter, unless prolonged sick ness overtake him, an excuse for being out of money and the common comforts of an abldlng-place which money" will purchase for him who Is otherwise homeless. Not only should the demands upon charity, except for the aged and otherwise helpless, cease utterly now, but the proceeds of this harvest time of labor should be more than ample to prevent a recurrence of the "hard times" demand for help in coming months of industrial quiet It has become all too common to sym pathize with men who have to work for a living, on the basis of this whole some necessity. For a time t was the "poor farmer" to whom the unsought pity of the inconsiderate pitiful was tendered, until lo! one bright Autumn day a few years ago the country awoke to the fact that the farming community. well housed and fed all along, though perhaps wearing patched clothes, was exceedingly well to do, and literally had "mortgages to burn." Then the word -was the "poor laboring man," that term covering a vast multitude that claimed public pity and the tears of the lachry mose politician with an ax to grind. But it is evident "with the call for help that comes from thousands of harvest fields and fruit ranches, without meet ing full response, that intelligent pity Is no longer constrained In that direc tion. The plaint of the idler, "No man hath hired us," excites honest indignation rather than weak pity at this Juncture, since no man in the Pacific Northwest need be idle a day for the next two months at least the simple fact being that there is work good, wholesome and well paid for all who can and will work. This Is not to say that to every Idler the choice of light genteel, lucra tive occupation Is offered. It Is to say that the farmers of a wide area, pressed by harvest needs, want help to cut thresh, sack and market their grain, and that for such labor they are willing to pay good wages. It remains to be seen whether labor will rise to meet this opportunity with cheerful alacrity. A TYPICAL POPULIST AGITATOR. C. B. Spahr, one of the editors of the Outlook, has been on a tour of Inquiry and observation through the Middle West and, among many interesting types, nothing is more accurate or de serving of consideration than his pic ture of a Minnesota farmer who was an enthusiastic believer in Populism and a minister of an Episcopal Church. He was president of a Farming Alli ance. He owned a whole section, or 640 acres of land, for one-quarter of which he had paid about $500. Tha other three-quarters he had taken up under the homestead act, the pre-emption act and the tree-planting act The cost of these quarter sections had been about 700, bringing the total cost of the farm to $1200. The land is now worth about $30 an acre, the farm has a value of 510,000, and maintains a herd of 100 cows and calves, the average product of each cow being 350 pounds of butter a year, worth nearly 20 cents a pound. The editor of the Outlook did not find this clerical Populist and his fellow farmers of the same creed possessed of the belief that such an advance in the price of land over what the people of the United States had sold it for was suggestive of an "unearned Increment" On the contrary, these profound polit ical economists believed that the later settlers ought to be taxed for the bene fits which they have received from the earlier ones. As Populists, they were stern In their denunciation of such as have Invested their capital In railroads, through expectation of deriving a profit from the growth of the country, holding that the farmers are not only entitled to the increment in the value of their farms, but to the value of such trans portation facilities as have made the Increment in the value of farming land possible. This Populist philosophy of public equity and economic Justice looks like a case of cock-eyed moral vision to the people at the East who ventured their small savings in the construction of These Western railroads. They plauribly plead that while they do not complain when a farm inct eases in va.ue from $1200 to $19,000, they fall lo see why the Populist proprietors of ag ricultural "unearned Increment" should denounce the railroads and organize a Populist party to rob capital of Its gains which are far less than those of the landowners. This same sanctimonious Minnesota Populist half farmer, half clerical demagogue, had been enriched, not impoverished, not only as to his land, but as to his business, by what he stigmatizes as corporate monopoly, and wished to rob, through extortion ate legislation. He had but one son, and hired but one man, save in the busy seasons. "My wife and girls, until the older girls went away to school, took entire charge of the milking and butter-making." The butter product of 17,500 pounds per annum was not worth less than $3000. The surplus calves ought to pay for all the hired help, and in view of these facts this clerical Popu list and agrarian demagogue of Minne sota could hardly pose without some conscious awkwardness as a conspicu ous victim of that capitalistic oppres sion and grinding tyranny of the money power that is making "the rich richer and the poor poorer." Furthermore, the editor of the Out look found proof of the prosperity of these Populist prophets of coming woe In the dividends paid by the creameries the farmers have set up. When they were not denouncing trusts for raising prices, or cursing railroads for not low ering freights, they were setting up creameries without the Investment of a dollar in cash, and making up the capi tal out of the profits of a single year's business. Fifty per cent Is rather less than more than the usual dividend de clared by these creameries, this milk trust whose stock Is entirely "water," according to the Outlook's observations in Minnesota. The explanation of the racket which these prosperous Populist farmers make in their persistent efforts to rob the railway corporations of their dividends is not difficult to discover. It is due to the passion of human self ishness and greed. Where these farm ers used to sell their butter for 12 cents they now sell it for 20 cents, and yet they are Invariably against the rail roads, even a3 many a small-souled man hates his neighbor to whom he Is Indebted for personal courtesy -or pecu niary favor. The average Populist is the American hog in politics; he not only wants to retain "the unearned Incre ment" of his land, but he wants to de stroy the earning capacity of the rail road whose advent doubledthe price of his land and its products. He is pos sessed by the spirit of the devil of envy, Jealousy and greed. The average Popu list doesn't care what happens to hlB neighbor, so long as it doesn't happen to him. The army worm, or cutworm, that has appeared in such numbers and done some damage west oC the Cascade Mountains, has but a short life, and is an infrequent visitor. But for these facts, the situation would be alarming. Its ephemeral existence is marked by great activity and a voracious appetite, but It runs its course as a destructive pest in about two weeks, and is not likely to appear again for several years. Where deciduous forests abound, less damage is done to crops, but the worm has little use for a coniferous diet In the Eastern States the pest sometimes denudes large forests of maple and beech and oak, the succulent beech leaf being a favorite food, with It These visitations seem to result in no perma nent harm to trees, though plants are sometimes totally consumed. Going into the ground to devour potatoes is an unusual act of the bothersome creat ure. Its appearance and operations, however, are governed somewhat by environment Unusually mild winters favor the caterpillar. It is probable that the damage done by them this year will be found not to be great, when their brief season is past Their pres ence Is more alarming than their work. How the organ of antl-lmperlallsm rises at a rumor of vandalism perpe trated by American troops! Owing to its acute self-knowledge and its intense patriotism, It Immediately concludes the worst possible must be true. Here, for example. Is the Baltimore Sun, raging over outrages depicted by the active and resourceful correspondents of yellow Journalism: The lootlnr of Tien Tiln should bo sternly condemned by European governments, and fur ther excesses ehould be punished by the se verest penalties known to military law. There is no doubt that our own War Department can not afford to countenance such offenses against decency, and that any American soldiers who may be tempted to eelre the property of Chi nese noncombatants will be called to account. . . . . The sacklnj of Tien Tsln will prob ably Infuriate the Chinese and lead them to further excesses. How can Christendom ex pect tho Chinese to protect the property of foreign residents and missionaries when the "civilized" nations apparently place no re straint upon their soldiery, but permit Indis criminate destruction and despoliation? The next day Admiral Remey cabled a denial of the scandal. No man deserved a peaceful death, full of years and honors, with chil dren's faces round his bed, more truly than good old Humbert whom some wanton miscreant's hand has Just re moved from among a loyal and affec tionate people. A gallant soldier for his country's Independence at 15, a division commander at Custozza at 22, a Just and generous Prince and King, this hu mane and herolcpersonage has been one of the few remaining figures of ancient and honorable monarchical rule. It is a pregnant commentary on the Irony of human Ingratitude that this base re turn is his reward for having commuted the sentence of his former would-be as sassin and for his generous and heroic assistance to his people In times of need. No punishment can Justly avenge the deep damnation of his taking off. These perspiring and agonized friends of the downtrodden Filipino are New York and Boston excluslves who would draw their skirts about them through fear of contamination If they met a Filipino on the street The tolling masses for whom they roll eyes and compose panegyrics they wouldn't ad mit to their office or the 'grillroom of their favorite club. The aristocratic dreamer, who loves and prays for the dear people, but wouldn't touch them with a ten-foot pole, Is an old type, rare enough to be harmless, but pompous enough to be traglco-comic. The Fourteenth Unltjed States Infan try, for several years stationed at Van couver Barracks, is now at Tien Tsin with the Ninth United States Infan try. The present commander of the Fourteenth, Colonel Aaron S. Daggett is a man of sincere piety, who is said to have never been known to "drink, smoke, swear or gamble." He went through every battle of the Army of the Potomac, and. led the Twenty-fifth In fantry as Lieutenant-Colonel at the battle of Santiago. Were Bohemia district In Colorado or Washington, or anywhere except In Oregon, it would not suffer long for lack of railroad service. Here we have a mineralized region as rich as Cripple Creek, but many times greater In ex tent, dependent for access to the world upon a long trail from Oakland and a tortuous mountain road from Cottage Grove, neither of which is adequate for large traffic Bryanism has finally agreed as to Just what It will do with the Philippines If it Is given the power. This Is quite re gardless, of course, of the consent of the governed. The poor Filipino will have to take his medicine as prescribed, Just as determined in the Bryanlte coun cils. The president of the National Wool growers' Association Is said to have Portland in mind as a good place for an annual meeting. The man Is on the right track, but how the deuce did he ever hear there was such & place as Portland? Some German voters will support McKlnley, and others will support Bryan. That Is, they will do as they like. No statesman or editor, however important in his own eyes, Is going to lead them, about by the nose. If the Chinese Army is not very ef fective, it is at least the cheapest In the world. The private soldier Is paid $12 a year, against $385 for the Englishman, $240 for the Russian, and $255 for the Italian. THE MANCHU DYNASTY. It Comprises the Bourbons of China "Who Resist All Progress. Baltimore Sun. Mr. J. S. Tucker, of Washington, In an article in the New York Sun, notes the interesting coincidence that the Manchu dynasty in China owes its origin in part to the murder of an Ambassador in the early part of tho 17th century. In 1G18 Noorhachu, Princo of the Manchu tribe of Tartars, declared war against Waulch, of the Ming dynasty, then Emperor of China. In the proclamation Issued by the Tartar Prince setting forth his rea sons for making war on tho Chinese It was stated that the latter had murdered his Ambassador. In the course of this war tho Tartars captured the capital of the Chinese Province of LI Ou Ting. Tho garrison was massacred, and tho Inhabi tants of the town were required to shave their heads in token of submission to their conquerors. In his history of China, Boulger says that this is the first his torical reference to a practice which Is now universal in China and that has be come what may bo called a National characteristic. All that is known of the origin of the pigtail Is that it was first enforced as a badge of' subjugation by the Manchus and was made the one con dition of immunity from massacre. Sinco the conquest of China, nearly 300 years ago. the Manchus and the Chinese havo remained quite distinct The prin cipal cities are garrisoned by Manchu regiments, in which no Chinese are al lowed to serve. On the other hand, the armies composed of Chinese have some Monchus serving with them. According to Lord Beresford. whose recent work on China is quoted by Mr. Tucker, the armies about Pekln are nearly all com manded by Manchu Princes. Prince Tuan, who Is alleged to have usurped authority at Pekln. is a Manchu. Ll Hung Chan?, who has been summoned to the capital, is a pure-blooded Ch'nese. and br some authorities Is regarded ns the ablest statesman in the empire. In Mr. Tucker's opinion, the Manchu Princes are the Bourbons of China. They hnvo ruled so lone: over tho empire that thoy havo become Impatient of any interference from the outside world. Although the Manchus are outlanders, they have raised the issue of "China for the Chinese.' The recent efforts of European nations to secure parts of the territory of China have alarmed them for the security of tho empire, in which they themselves are largely a foreign clement. In order to retain the control which they won with the sword, the Manchus have now adopt ed a policy which would have excluded them from China in the 17th century if the Chinese had been strong enough to enforce the doctrine. A SOUTHERN EXPANSIONIST. He Is a Firm Believer In His Conn try' Great Destiny. Chief Justlco Snodgrass, of Tennessee. The people of trie United States, s well as Tennesseeans, are expansionists at heart They bellevo it the duty of the Government to take advantage of every opportunity which offers for the acquisition of desirable additional terri tory, particularly if that territory will provo beneficial commercially to the Na tion at large. The Democratic party de clared In Its National platform that it was In favor of expansion. It tacitly Indorsed the acquisition of Hawaii, Porto Rico and Guam, but balked at the Phil ippines, for the reason, as set forth, that those islands were inhabited by people who were not fit subjects for citizenship and could never be raised to a sufficiently high level, morally and intellectually, to become so. It seems to me that this was rather a remarkable declaration in tho light of history. Tho. same argument was used in opposition to the acquisition of that vast tract of land known as tho "Territory of Louisiana." It was Insist ed at that time by many citizens of tho United States, among whom were in cluded some able statesmen of those days, that the acquisition of that territory and admission to citizenship of its inhabi tants would endanger tho Republic lt solf. A common argument used was that it was inhabited by Indians and the offscourlng of France, Spain and other European countries; that tho white peo ple included within Its borders were of an adventurous character, whose hablts and traits were foreign to our institutions, and that they could never be made good citizens of tho United States. A cry also went up against tho acquisition of the Territory of Louisiana because, as it was asserted. Its acquisition would compel the admission of at least six states into the Union, which, with their proportionate representation in the House and Senate, would give them the balance of power, which was a dangerous experiment The result was that the Territory of Louisiana was acquired; that the people from the States rushed Into this new land, and that It was quickly settled up, ana today, instead of six states having been carved out of that immensely wealthy territory, there are 15 states and two territories, all of which are Inhabited by citizens the equal of thoso in any of tho other states. The people of the United States today are and have been In past years looking for additional territory. In 1SS0, when the Indians of Oklahoma Territory were removed to a smaller reservation and their former lands thrown open to settle ment no sooner had President Harrison issued his proclamation opening the res ervation than people began to flock there from all directions. On the day of the onenlng there was a magnificent rush for the land, and before the sun set that evening every available ncro had been settled upon, and within three years that territory, which had been theretofore a wilderness inhabited by Indians, wa3 transformed into a garden of agricultural activity. Along about 1S70 the people on the western coast began to turn their atten tion to the Hawaiian Islands, then inhab ited wholly by natives. Within 20 years our people went there In such numbers that tho result was that In 1S92, when Hawaii applied for annexation to the United States, the application came large ly from our own citizens, who were then in the ascendency, commercially, if not in numbers. The same course will prove truo as to the Philippines. The energetic youth of tho United States Is turning toward new fields. If safety is guaranteed to the cit izens in the Philippine Archipelago, our people will flock there, carrying with them the thrift and energy of this Na tion and sufficient means completely to revolutionize and Americanize conditions there. In years to come these islands, notwithstanding their large population today, will bo thoroughly Americanized and Inhabited to a largo extent by citi zens of the United States, who will carry with them civilization. Christianity and intelligence, which will be rapidly dif fused among the natives. This has been the unbroken result of territorial acqui sition by the United States since the for mation of tho Government and it will continue as surely as tho Nation exista. Because of these reasons, largely, I have been and am an expansionist Militarism in Two Nations. St Paul Pioneer-Press. "Germany's government" says the St Louis Republic, "is first of all military, but the German people would not by voluntary selection place themselves un der a rigid military rule. Only the stern law of national self-preservation explains the submission of a race naturally Im bued with the spirit of liberty and local Independence. . . . Without tho best army In Europe, Germany could not today defy the attacks which but for fear of the consequences would quickly be made by jealous and aggressive neighbors. . . . To encourage tho military spirit the monarchs have lifted the army offi cers to the position of a superior caste. . . . The army officer lords It over not only tho wage-earner but the employer of labor. . . . Wherever great armies ex ist and the military spirit prevails the substance of personal liberty disappears. . . . . Army habits necessary no doubt to sound army discipline produce, where ever their Influence extends, the insolence of the higher caste to the lower. . . . Militarism and equal rights are eternal enemies. . . . Colonies cannot be held In subjection without armies. Colonies belong to the domain where the intrigues and contest of great military powers play the game. Vast armies must be held in waiting for the moment when intrigues become war. . . . When the people of the United States enter the competition of colonial land-grabbing they must enter the competition of military strength." Could anything be clearer? The Ger mans would not tolerate militarism If jealous and powerful neighbors with vast armies ready for war at a moment's notice did not compel them In self-preservation to do so. The American peo ple, being under no such necessity of maintaining large armies to defend them selves against powerful and aggressive neighbors like France and Rsla. would nevertheless do so, apparently, because there would bo no sense In It or reason for It Another touching example of Democratic faith In the Intelligence of the American people and their capacity for self-government Practical Western Germans. New York Times. The fear of imperialism does not ap pear to affect the Germans, of the Mis sissippi Valley as the Bryanltes at Kan sas City expected. Dr. Emll Pretorlus, the editor of the Westllche Post an In fluential newspaper of St Louis, per sists in adhering to the financial ques tion as .the most important one of the campaign. "Expansion," says he, "Is comparatively an academic question; free silver is practical." He does not find everything in the Republican plat form that ho looks for. But he finds 1G to 1 in the Democratic platform. "No more dangerous political heresy," he tells the Germans, "has been promul gated In recent years, and the Westllche Post will look upon, it as an Imperative duty to figtit it until Is is squelched." 'Other leading Germans In St Louis' hive been talking of tho reported" disaf fection of the German vote from the Re- publican party. Among them arc Mr. Hugo Muench, a son of a refugee ot 1S43; Dr. H. M. Starkloff. Mr. Charles Nagel, Judge G. A. Finkelburg, and Judge Leo Raisseur. some of them of German birth. All of them dwell upon the threat to financial stability that would be implied In the success of Bryanism. Most of them prefer the stability that Is assured In a continuance of Republican Administra tion. The reported general disaffection of German Republicans appears to those Germans to be like the Blaine Irishman of 1SS4. always somewhere else than whero he was looked for. According to Mr. Charles Nagel, tho Germans "will support the Administration that prom ises and assures prosperity and stabil ity." CANNOT ENDURE BRYANISM. Democratic anil Independent Papers Oppose Financial Dishonesty. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. The following is a list ot Democratic and Independent papers that have an nounced themselves as opposed to 16 to 1 and the Democratic Presidential ticket: Baltimore Sun. Boston Herald. Brooklyn Eagle. Baltimore News. Pittsburg Leader. Richmond Times. New York Times. Nashville Banner. Detroit Free Press. Philadelphia Times. Pittsburg Dispatch. Chattanooga Times. Philadelphia Record. Philadelphia Register. Worcester (Mass.) Post Galveston (Tex.) News. St Paul (Minn.) Globe. Greenville (S. C.) News. Hartford (Conn.) Times. Burlington (la.) Gazette. Raleigh (N. C.) Observer. Charlotte (N. C.) Observer. New Haven (Conn.) Union. Fall River (Mass.) Herald. Manchester (N. H.) Union. New Haven (Conn.) Register. Charleston (S. C.) Evening Post Denver (Colo.) Times Silver Republican; for Bryan In 1S6. Denver (Colo.) Republican Sliver Re publican; for Bryan In 1S2S. MEN AND WOMEN. Pol Plancon. the opera singer, sings a whole opera In admirable German without under standing a word of that language. J. Plerpont Morgan, -while a student at the English High School. In Boston, took the math ematics prize for three years In succession. Miss Gall Laughlln, of New York, has been appointed by the Industrial Commission, at "Washington, to Investigate the sorvant-glrl question. Henrlk Ibsen's health is improving, and ho Intends to pay a visit In September to Orkney and Shetland, where a number ot his rela tives live. Ex-Secretary of the Na-y William a Whit ney Is as expert an autemoblllst as he la a horseman, and delights In running one of his own automobiles. Thomas Bain. Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons, has been contemplating a return to private life, and now he has definite ly decided to retire. Treasurer Kllbourn, of the John Brown As sociation, says that the fund Is sufficient to guarantee the purchase of the old Brown homestend at Torrlngton, Conn., before the centennial celebration. The people of St. Paul and Minneapolis are raising a fund to pay off a mortgage on the home of Mrs. M. C Wilkinson, whose husband. Major Wilkinson, was killed In the Indian out break at Leech Lake. Minn., In October, 180S. One of the first Englishmen to appreciate Stephen Crano's literary work was George Wyndbam, the present Under - Secretary of "War, who wrote an article In praise of "Tho Red Badge of Courage" ppon Its appearance in England. The next generation will see the Gould for tune pretty well cut up, there being s many heirs. The riches of these will bo Klngdon, George Gould's oldest child. His father Is rated at S70.000.000. Klngdon. though & mere child, speaks German jini French, and has picked up a surprising knowledge of yacht ing. Ex-Representative Harvey Horner, of Sum ner County, Kansas, is a snake-tamer, and usually carries around with him In his pocket a live bull snake, with which he makes lot3 of fun. A pickpocket "touched" his hand Into the pocket where the snake was kept. The shock made him scream, and Horner held him unUl the police arrived. A recent rearrangement of the relics In the agricultural museum In the University ot Illi nois brought to light the old ox yoke made by Abraham Lincoln, and presented to the university In the early '70s. By order of President Draper, the yoke was Inclosed In a glass-topped case, made of boards from the old Lincoln home, at Springfield. United States Minister Conger met, wooed and won his wife at Lombard University, Galesburg. III. "It was a college match." says the Chicago Record, "and both bride and bridegroom were attending school together there. The bride was Miss Sarah J. Pike, and the match was a romantic one. They were at tracted to each other by their brightness In classes, and by tho good spirit which pervaded every action and word. Thl3 was in ante bellum days, and the firing on Fort Sumter put a temporary end to their lovemaklng, as cruel war Intervened. Mr. Conger went away to war, serving with gallantry and distinction, rising to tho rank of Major. During his ab sence Miss Pike was true to him, and kept in touch by constant watch and continued cor respondence. The years spent apart only In tensified their affection, and they were mar ried when the war was over, the school days' courtship resulting In 34 years of happy wedded life." Politics In Bowersvllle. Baltimore American. It's on again already Bowersvllle Is full of talk The Democrats declare that they will win out In a walk. Republicans is arguln' worse than they did afore. And things is gettln lively down to Johnson's grocery store. Tho Ink upon the platform wasn't scarcely half-way dry Till Riley Jones and Billy Smith has argued to "You lie I" An now there'll be lots of debates in favor of each BUI. For politics is pi pin' hot down here in Bowers vllle. Ed Rlggs got a diagram that shows how Eng land gets Farm Implements at half our price lncreasln' all our debts. Jim Terry has the same old talk he had in nlnety-slx. An' satisfies himself that we aro In on awful fix. But Rlloy Jones an Billy Smith they talk sixteen-to-ono Till finally ono of them yells, "You Hot on' then they're done. We're all expectln them to fight In fact, we hope they will. For politics Is bollln' hot down hero In Bowers vllle. Squire Logan's tralnln for the stump. He has the same old speech. He twists the British lion's tail, an' lets tho eagle screech. He boilers out: "My hearers, 'neatb. our ban ner's wavln fold. Let us paralyze the cohorts that Is gilded o'er with gold." They've got their old "Coin- Harvey" books, an' read 'em by the hour. An' all the local statesmen cuss the pluto cratic power. "We'll win tho fight." says Riley Jones. "You llet" says Smith, "wo will.' Oh, politics Is bollln hot down hero lnBowers vllle. You can't get In the grocery for to buy a cake o soap The door Is blocked with arguments about the country's hope. The dray Is standln Idle by the town hall In the street. The drayman he's a-arguin McKlnley can't be beat. The statesmen haven't time to work they've got to save the land. And so a dozen Jobs bos got In Idleness to stand. ' "You lie! I'm rightr "You lie! You're wrong'" comes floatln up the hill. An' politics is bollln' hot down here In Bowera- . villa, NOTE AND COMMENT. Bryan continues to say nothing in long winded speeches. The patriotic servant girls continue ta wreak vengeance on China. That Kansas county which has no phy sician evidently benefited by the gold cure. The man who sent out that Shark dis patch Is evidently practising for a job ax Chinese war correspondent. Now Is the time for some phllanthroplo gentleman to come forward with a tract on the "unoffending Chinese." The rich man may not stand any chanca to get into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he can take a Summer vacation once in a while. New England has the record for tha first accident on the golf links. There la bound to be a good deal of hazard about playing, golf. The Gold Democrats thought It took a good deal of nerve to leave the old party, but their exodus looks easy when they think about going back. Missionaries who are thirsting for an opportunity to die on the field of duty need not go to the expense of a voyage to China New Orleans is handler. History furnishes no more striking ex ample of punishment to fit the crime than the case of the bicycle scorcher who was devoured by a Honolulu shark. Chairman Jones opines that there Is vic tory In the air; but Bryan demonstrated last year that there was no victory in the air, even when the air took the form ot wind. Cremation Is undoubtedly gaining fa vor. There are thousands of people in Portland who are anxious to postpone dying till after the establishment of a crematory. A citizen who is out in the mountains fishing writes to" say that he saw a paragraph copied in The Oregonian not long ago attributing superior intelligence to cattle on the Mississippi bottoms, be cause they stand In the smoke of "smudges" to protect themselves from mosquitoes. He says Oregon horses and cattle are just as Intelligent. The farmer with whom he Is staying has a lot of cattle and horses In a "3tump pasture," and he sets lire to some of the stumps and the cattle and horses crowd around on the lee side of these stumps In the smoke with just their heads protruding, and appear to derive much relief from these huge "smudges." A horse and an old mare with a colt fairly monopolized the smoke from one stump, crowding out tho colt, which horseflies tried to eat alive, so the colt stood behind the two old ones and turned first one side and then the other within range of their tails, whereby Its tormentors were slain by thousands and tens of thousands, to its great relief, although it had to wince occasionally when it got a swipe across the face. A man passing along Third street yes terday with a morocco case under his arm was met by an inquisitive friend, who asked him what he' was doing with a caso of mathematical Instruments on Sunday. He replied that It was not a case of Instruments he had, but a Claude Lorraln mirror. This was a poser for the inquisitive friend, who had never heard of suah a mirror, and he asked for an explanation. The case, which was about 8x10 inches, being opened, a black mirror was disclosed, and It being held up a beautiful view of the street for some dis tance was seen therein. It was seen that the mirror was slightly rounded or con vex on the surface, but just why or how it was black was not known. The owner said It was one of several brought from Paris by a friend some time ago, and that he paid $15 for It Owing to the shape of the glass, a landscape appears in it with exaggerated perspective, and It Is named from the supposed likeness of Its reflec tions to the paintings of Claude liorraln, a French artist of the 17th century. Just whether Mr. Lorraln would consider this a compliment or a "reflection" on his style of painting Is not known, nor eve will be, but the mirror Is a pleasing toy, to one who Is Interested in reflections. A Portlander who has Just returned from a visit to his old home away down East tells a story about going fishing. The villagers have a weir or set net sup ported on stakes, which Is a sort of community affair, and as tho tide goes out all hands go down In their boats to gather the fish Inclosed. One day tho visitor went along, and there was a big lot of fish In the net Every one com menced scraping herring into his boat and as the water got lower It was seen that there was a big shovel-nosed shark Inclosed. One old fisherman said he want ed the shark for the liver out of which be could make several gallons of oil for greasing his boots in the Winter. Pres ently a man in the next boat to the old man's gaffed the shark and by a lucky hoist landed him In the old man's boat on top of several bushels of herring. The way that shark bounced around was a caution. He smashed the herring to pulp and filled the air with flying fish and scales. The old man endeavored to hit him over the head with an oar, but missed, and was knocked down among the herring, and the shark climbed all over him and belabored him till he was half killed, when another man hooked a gaff under the fish's chin and yanked him overboard. The old man remarked, as ha rose to the surface of the puddle of fish Jelly in his boat, that he didn't bellevo that he wanted any shark's liver, after alL PLEASANTRIES OF PARAGItAPHERS How She Looked to Him. First Artist Why de you call that a study In still life? Second artist Why, that's the horse I bet on at tha last Suburban." Puck. The Only Ones Who Know. "How does he happen to know so much about China? Ha never was there." "Of course, not; but he's a professional politician." Chicago Evening Post. His Definition. "You never studied oratory?" "No." answered Senator Sorghum. "I never cared to be a speaker." "What Is your Idea of a true orator?" "An orator, sir. Is a man who is out trying to get votes without paying: for them." Washington Star. Diner (to restaurant waiter) What have you got for dinner? Walter Roastbeeffrlcasscedchl ckenstcrtvedlambhasbbakedandfrtedpotatoescotta gepuddlngmllkteaondcoffee. Diner Give me the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighteenth and nineteenth syllables. Tit Bits. Lacking . Credence. "Can you bellevo what he says?" asked tho Journalist o the news paper man. "I am sorry to be compelled to answer that question in the negative." replied the latter. "He Is as untrustworthy as a copyrighted cablegram." Harper's Bazar. The Missing Word. Dimley The books are very helpful to children. In my opinion, Tharpe First steps to composition, so to speak. Dimley Exactly, they leave out Im portant words for the children to supply, thus: "Father says It la hot today." Brooklya Llfa.