X PH3 MORNING OEEGONIAK MOffDAY, JUlfo ' 3lV TftOO. MINES BF Bt) Mineralized Area Containing 225 Square Miles That Resembles Cripple Creek in Formation Free Gold Overlying Vast Bodies, BOHEMIA, Or,. July 28. Bohemia min ing district Is truly the poor, man's uarjz countrj Here in the" Calapooia Moun tains, .134 miles south of Portland By Tall to Cottage Grove, the'nee 38 miles by stage up Row River and Sharp Creels, Is a highly mineralized heit of 226 square miles containing enormous bodies of baso ore, carrying gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, galena, the -whole covered to a depth of between 200 and 400 feet -with a capping of free-milling gold. The judg ment of mining men, particularly those j who have had their schooling in Colorado, pr who hat e Worked in its mines", is" that Bohemia resembles Cripple Creek in formation nd will surpass it in produc tion. Bohemia is many times larger than Cripple Creek. Its extent, that is, the area, which has been prospected with any thoroughness, is IS miles -square. Sur rounding this square on all of its sides is mineral bearing ground. Taking in the Blue River country, which lies 50 miles north and eest, this part of Western Oregon has a mineral belt which is be lieved to be 09 miles north and "south and 23 mile cast and -west, an area Jf 1500 square miles. There is but little difference between. Bohemia and Blue River. The rocks of both are wholly igneous and of comparatively recoat ori gin, like Cripple Creek and other parts of Colorado and a great deal of British Columbia. Although andesites and ba ealts occur in Blue River, the rocks differ frcni those of Bobc?aia Jn being generally more siiioeous -Compared vrjih this extensive belt, Cripple Greek's eight square miles make a comparatively small camp. To use the words of a Colorado miner who has come to Oregon to stay ''Bohemia has the roak. What it nHds Js practical mining men "backed by cap ital to extract the values," It would be misleading to designate Bo. hernia a free-milling country. It is es sentially a base oamp The normal lis sures aro base, oarrjing high values In gold, copper and lead, which are down at least 303 feet below the surface. The coating of iron-stained free-milling ore, so welcome to the eje of the prospector and productive b so simple a process as the hand stamp mill of the values that keep him in funds while he Is open. Ing his ledge, is of decidedly late forma tien. bo recent, indeed, that the gold is all in the rock and pone of it has leached into the streams to form the placers found wherever tbee are mother lodes. The production that will make Bohemia a Cripple Creek will be obtained not from the stamp mill, but by smelting and per haps by chlorination. Both stamping and smelting are cheap, by reason of the abundance of water and fuel. Bohemia, all canvons and peaks, is an exceptionally xavorabje region Ipr deep mining, Lvery where tunneling glvea depthspg irom ISO to 19W feet, m many of the mines it is an easy matter to strike the line of cleavage between the free milling and the base ores and to upraise fpr the one and sink for the other. As no considerable amount of shafting has been, done anywhere, it Is not possible to give an estimate of its cost per foot. Working tunnels cn be driven, hand drilling, for J10 a foot. A 1300-foot tunnel on the Noonday will net a depth of 1000 feet. On the Henry Clay group In Monto Rico a SOOO foot tunnel will give 1500 feet of depth. And so it runs throughout the district. Generally the top rpek Is honey combed quarts, mixed with solid quartz, but in the Champion, the quartz is al most solid. Thje quartz hardens, the veins -widen and the values of the free milling rock increase TIth depth. When the base roak is oponed up It is belie u that its values and the veins earning them will Increase with depth. Bohemia's gold output this year, in cluding the production of the Musick and Helena mines and ore shipments from jropertles under development, will be oe- tween $175,000 and $200,009, about that of Cripple Creek in the early SOs. Thete are CI stamps in the camp, as follows: Musick, If); Helena, S, Noonday, -; Champion, Id; Long, 2. Harland, 2, Stocks, S; Star, 5, Brooks &. Michelson, 2; Hoyt s tremaln, 2. enly ID, those of the Mustek and the Helena, are -dropping continuous ly. Others are running Irregu'ariy and others not at all, because of Utigatien. There is reason to hope that the Noon day will get out of court before long and start up its 20-stamp mill, and taat Mr. Woodruff will rcsumo work in 'the Champion. It would be a great thing for the camp were these mills in opera tion. Wlthip another year there will oe a great deal more equipment In camp. Helena No. 1 is adding five stamps, the Henriptta three and the Vesuvius. Knott, Helena No. 1 and others are likely to have stamp mills soon. The Bohemia country haa been known Blnco August. 1S5S, when it was visited by Dr. W. W. Ogieby, still living at Junction City, and Frank Brass. The discovery ot gold is, however uni versally credited to James ("Bohemia') Johnson, from whom the district takes its name, who. with Georgo Ramsey, reached It in 1850, by wmy of the north fork of the Umpqua River and Steamboat and City Creeka. A tradition of the camp has it that Johnson had tilled an Indian end had fled to these mountain fastnesses to escape his pursuers. He discovered free gold in a email vein near the heal waters of City Creek, hut the pocket pinched out after it had yielded between $400 and JTtXL With the exception of the work on the Knott which was discon tinued in 1S77 and not resumed until im the country was. lost to mocnory until Dr. W. W. Oglesby and O. P. Adams re turned to it in 1ES1. Than followed tbo discovery of the Musick ledge and the erection of a mlH on the proporty, the , building of the Champion and Noonday I wills and the advent of the Jennings fflmnnsnacf of Base Ore. f Bros, and tlreir association with Charles B. Bruneau la the development or the 1 w a X . ... & t-.m . T irreat nwena Tiieriv. wsn r&t Hi- i trlot slept, many claims were held KV relocation. It is related that one claim was relocated IS times In as many years, .and In nil thin timn onlv 8ft ttrt nf tun nel was opened about half the amount I of wosk that chould-be done in tne Hve years Succeeding location. The principal claims of the district are rapidly passing out of the hands of tne .indifferent and inexperienced and into the. control of mining men. J. W. Cook, w-ho became interested in the camp in l$i and who is still a heavy owner in the Musiok, is the pioneer Hi systematic de velopment Then came the Jennings Bros., the Byrnes and others from Brit ish Columbia, and lately Frank J. Hard, George W. Lloyd afed others from Col orado. These men tackle mines in a business-like way. They develop their properties to determine what is in them, ' have shown so great confidence in the ing haying yet ben done. The total ex and having satisfied themselves of the ' future of the camp as the threo Jennings pense of producUop, including the cost value and permanency of the properties, i.fiw,-D t t t -i t t Tha t, of operotins the flve-stamo mill, is from OOA I.V AtCWt. ttSfta OnUM. 1U4MI1 w.- VJ Tn JtSV. nlng. Bros., Cook, Lloyd and Hard that Bohemia interests the better for it. An excellent reaomnondation for these man is that they hayp corns to Oregon to IJve, to interest Oregon capital as far as praatioabla in their undertakings, and to share the profits with Oregon psople. These gentlemen have been instrumental in organizing the Oregon Mining Stock Bxohwge. of Portland, which has bcn an influential factor in directing attention to Oregon mines. The IlKSJE "needs of Bohemia district aro railroad connection and a .smelter at Portland. It U reasorably certain that year, TutTbe smeUelferprise is pass-d up to Portland capital At present all smelting for the camp Is done on Puget the dlstrlot will nave a ranroaa in a Rnnnri Tn Siinr the frelrhters ssk S10 a. ton for takim: ore to Cottage Grove. j and in Winter they ak .as high as $15. j ton. although the miners would not ohject a. raiiroaa couie nuuee money ai n to paying $6. But $10 makes a big hole In the ore values. Besides, there are to I A -STA3IP MILL IX BOHEMH. DISTRICT. u , , u , , ., A 5 be paid freight rates from Cottage Grove to Puget Sound, and smelting charges. J The Calapoola Mountains extend from. 1 tho Cascado Range to the Coast Range, and from the divide between the WHlam- ette and TJmnaua Rivers. From the Cas cade Range they extend almost directly west, but as they approach the Coast Range they turn north and become less j prominent. The rather low cap which separates them from the Coast Range -Is passed through by the Southern Pacific railroad, midway between Drain and Cot- tsgc Grove. This gap was onco occupied by a stream, carrying the waters of the Umpqua northward into tho Willam- ette, before tho Umpqua had found Its way throusrh theVCoafet Raiure directly to hfhe sea, N Bohemia district is situated at an alti tude of between 4000 and 630 feet above tha sea, along the crest of thejCalapoblns and upon both slopes It msj. be reaahed from Cottage Grove by a good road up Row Rivor. The road forks at the mouth of Sharp Qreek, oae fork leading to the KoaMilflT mine wt th nthr laarHni- ltn A Sharp Creek by a sho-ter route to ,Bo- hetala Fostofnce at the Musick mine. Tee region may be approached also from 'the r"d at Oakland, on the southwest, J T VAC A s..f4 A tl . 4 1 m. ..Cava... 1 -. t " i .i ., u. M,c uuwuco somewhat greater than from Cottage Grove. The slopes throughout the region $ind its approaches are steep and generally well wooded. Bohemia, a shaggy dike 38 feet high is the highest point in-tne region. Other .prominent elevations are: raiBvIew, COO; Grouse Mountain. 6CW. Ele phant Mountain, 6300, Grizzlv, 6W0 From early Fall until June the entire country Is covered with snow, bat in the Summer months the mountain sides don a mantle of wild flowers and luxuriant grass. "The prospector looking; (or a ledge has first to clear an opening through the sweet sceted tiger lilies and mountain tulles and rhododendrons. v Holena JTo. 1. , 2-Jo "men who have come to Bohemia MtSICIC 2IINE enough to sell it before silver tumbled, and the brothers located In Bohemia in 16. Their flrnt fciVestiaieni: wa Jrt the Star claim, 'on Martin Creek, which they equipped with a llvt-stamp mill and upon which they nave done 503 or COO feet of development work. The mill is not run ning this year because of lack ef water. It will have to be fitted for uteam pow er to insure continuous operation. The Star is meiA frvft-m!lHjr nraortw The ore 1W colored, honeycombed and porous, Shortly After coming to this camp, tne fWw .r"? UB -"zT' """; ".r"rJ ,; ager. R. X a .superintendent and J. J , as ft reman They hu Ut the ""MMdo tramway and opened the big tunnels, antj Whne they -were in cnarge or tne mine . It was on a paying baste. In 1887 they became interested with Charles B. Bru neau in the Helena Ko. l, wnicn com- i prises seven claims. The Helena lead naa Deen examinea um aim anwi u mining men who thought they Knew a nnlnt n t .,.. nl(, hHk ,t -amained point or two about gold, but It "malned for Mr. Brunoau to stick to the work and uncover tne loage wmen as none more than anything else to make Bohemia the promising eamp it is today. The company owns six claims Holena, Loretta, American Boy. Sally. Mountain Chief Aid Verde, comprising 110 aores. The principal development is on the Hel- ena and Loretta olalms. The Helena ledge Is opened on tha surface from Herschoaven Creek, over Grizzly Mountain j and down on the other side to Champion 1 Creek. The company owns 3000 feet of this ledge, and has driven three tunnels, I 400 feet on the low er. 280 on the second, I and 100 feet on the third. The ledge is 1 THE BOHEMIA MTn?G DISTRICT FROM TOP OF FADiVIEW, TAKIXG BOHEMIA PEAK. also opened by several open euts of vary ing depth. The lower and middle'tunnela are connected by an upraise and another upraise connects the middle -tunnel with the surface. The ledge Is rich oxidized ore, and Is nine feet wide. Seven feet of this is pay ore, and is handled at the mill without sorting. The ledge has been opened on the surface by open cuts and tunnels for a distance of 1100 feet from the present workings, and proves the samo class and grade as .3 "now being taken out. While the entire seven feet gives returns In the mil! of $33 per ton. the high-grade streak. which shows continuously In all the work ings, gives values running, several hun dred dollars to the ton. The ore aver ages, mill run, from $20 to $70 a ton, freo'gold, and a trace of silver. -The vein contains, besides- Umonite and porous quarts, considerable kaolin, with rare crystals of ceruslte. This oxidized ore occasionally Incloses pyrite, with some sphalerite and traces Of galena. The .openings follow the course of the vein. The upper level has afforded some fine specimens of film gold deposited on quartz and pertly burled in quartz. The whole is frequently stained by oxide of Iron. For several months past the mine has bean producing ore valued at frem $12,000 to $15,000 a month, all of which has been extracted In driving the tunnels, no stop- AD rAIB,EW PEAK BOHEMIA be materiaUy increased after October 1, when fiyc additional stamps will be put In operation. This equipment is necessary as the amount of ore in sight Is con- servatively estimated a"t $100,000. Helena No 1 is having lumber cut for a new twp-story bunkhouse, 20x30 feet, a boarding-bouse, an ofJlce and an assay of fice. These will be located op a slope of Grizzy Mountain, adjoining the mill. The company employs 15 men, but when the mill is increased to 10 stamps, there will Helena.Mlnim? Company has a caDl- tailzaSm ot$1 ffiSJ S P. J. Jennlnirs is nresldent. Charles B. Zgg ,B ,J. Jennings Prnt n J "E (... --j K iicienn ao. 2. Grizzly Peak's 6000 feet separates : la No. 1 from its companion group. Hel- ena the Helena No. 2, also owned by Bruneau and the Jennings brothers. Helena Nb. , 1 is on the east side of Grizzly, in Doug I las County, and Helena No. 2 on the west side of It, in Lane County. The vein of the Holona No. 1 opening runs north I west, directly Into Grizzly Mountain, and is exposed on the side of the ridge on i which the Helena No, 2 Is located. Three I tunnels, aggregating 150 feet, have been run on the Holena No 2. The showing is much better than the Helena No 1 made j with the same amount of work, though , the rock In the two groups is identical. At 15 feet, free-milling ore was struck that assayed $105 In gold to the ton. Con tracts have been let for 300 feet of tun 1 nelihg to be done this Summer, and If a good ore body Is opened, a five- or ten stamp mill will be put on the property. The mill site, op Champion Creek, Is ex ceptionally favorable, affording an abun dance of water and wood, and belnir out of the line of .deep snow. The Mnsielc: Tho only mine In the southwest nortlon I of the field that has been operated con tlnuously for a number of years is the MuBlck. It lies' at the bas'e pf'Bohemla Mountain, at the head of City 'Croak, i which flows Into Steamboajt Creek, 'and has about 4000 feet of horizontal "under ground workings, reaching to a depth of nearly COO feet from the surface, although there is a range of over 300 feet between tho lowest and highest points of the mine. The course of the vein at different points carries rom north about 40 degrees to SO degrees west, and its dip lies "lose to the vertical upon either side. In general its course is that of the Calapoola Moun tains. It Is quite irregular in width, rang ing from 4 to 12 feet, and has rather numerous branches. The vein itself, where best exposed, is made up of three parallel volns, xlb shown In the following section, taken from near the top of the main shaft: A is an Irregular mass of quarrz, per meated and colored with Hmonlte, but contains here and there traces of pyrite. B -has a greater width, and generally at this level there 08 more quartz that Is crystallized, filling small drusy cavities. and the whole Is well covered by red and ' ToHow oxide of iron, and contains numer- oua VeCtangular crVstol cavities, from whIch pyritfi haa bgan TQmove& ' In c therQ Js tnG greats araount of soft . Hmonlte, with a small proportion of quartz, and the ore is not rich. Descending to the first level, 40 feet below the surface, the vein- continue! completely oxidized. At the west end of this level is the middle vain (b in the fisure) colored by oxide of Iron. South of it Js a mass of chiefly kaolin-like seri clte. beyond which is the vein marked A. Level No. 2 Js 0 feet beneath the sur face, at the shaft, but somewhat deeper at the west end. About 100 feet below the surfacp, at the west end of level No. 3, tho full vein Is In view, with a width ot about ljfeo't. at this leel? the velnirock is TOUch less rotten and 'discolored' hy oxides of iron. Pyrite and chalcopyrito are common. Galena and traces cf zinc blende appear, and. although they occur at a number of points throughout the mine, are of much less general distribu tion than pyrite and chalcopyrite. At this level there are assooiated with the iron I oxide about the sulphides numerous white aclcular crystals and bunches of lead car bonate, evidently derived from the alter ation of je galena, More or less kaolin is usually associated with the vein, and occasionally it occurs In largo masses, but generally contains no considerable quan tity of the precious metals. Fifty feet bplow level No. 3. nearly 100 feet below the surface. Is level No, 4, which has been opened for $50 feet. In this level, near the west endv the lower portion of vein C Js exposed. It Is es padaliy rich Jn .pyrite. Near v by the middle portion of the vein is very rich in galena. Ore that is rich in galena occurs more abundantly In level JCo. 6, which lies US feet below No, A. Its development Is confined, to the southeastern portion of the mine, which is on ISO feet below the surface. .This level is. only 000 feet in length, and the distribution of ore is very irregular. At the last end the voln rock 4s fllled with small nodules of kaolin-like sericlte, which form, nearly half DISTRICT. the mass. Between the nodules of sericjte Is quartz containing a considerable pro portion of sulphides. At the western end of this level the ore is chiefly galena, with quartz and sulphides. Some small cavities are Jlned with quartz, others with pyrite. On this level galena is one of the most prominent ores. At one point sphalerite f3 especially abundant, and constitutes the greater portion of a con- slderable mass. Concerning the ores of the Musick mine in general, it may he said that oxidation extends to a depth of nearly 100 feet, al- though pyrite is sparingly present above that level. In the quartz and Hmonlte of the oxidized portion, traces of lead, cop- per and zinc ores, of any kind are entirely absent. Below that level, however, the sulphides become locally prominent, and within the limits of this mine the amount of lead and zinc sulphides present ap pears to lncrea&e somewhat with the dopth. JCaolip occurs Irregularly distrib uted throughout the vein at an levels. Near the Musick vein, upon which the Musick roino Is located, to the northedst, Ik th California, which has been nros pected. -for several hundred yards, on a course varvlnsr from south 75 degrees- tq 81 degrees west. It is about five feet in width, and locally contains much black oxide of Iron. Cropplngs. show 20 feet ot width in some places. The vein shows, on the surface for 3C0O feet. Southeast of the California, upon the right bank of City Creek, is the White Ghost, or Old City ledge, In which pros peoting holes were sunk long ago. Thp rpek is peculiar, and quite unlike any .V. found elsewhere In the region. It con sists chiefly of quartz, and tourmaline, so arranged In places as to give the rock a gneissold structure, the strike of which Is north 55 degrees west. The rock Is much fractured, and locally contains con- 1 slderable pyrite and sidtfrite. The ma terial Is associated with ana surrounacu by fragmental volcanic material, which stiggeats tha.t this wa once the center of volcanic activity. The pyritiferous ore ranges from a few dollars to $20 a ton In gold and sliver. Southeast of the Whlto Ghost Is the I Mystery, -which has been mora extenslvajy J opened. Near the center of the claim i discovery shaft, to thd vcst of whfch the. quartz contains particles of sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite and kaolin. At dis covery shaft the porous ore Is greenish within, due to chlorite, and rust on the surface. It contains rainy scales of red h&matlte. Large scales of hematite oc cur In the gray quartz, associated with tho jellowish green epldote. The fine granular quartz, which has been broken un and brocciated. Is full of minute parti- I lu nt nvritA nriI nthfir sailnhtdea. while the fragments are ..rat coatea with a laver of hematite scales and then covered with quartz costals. Musick ore averages about $70 go'd tp . , C -r 2so' q so' ' IJ-1N-. -t,-, " -n , -..' .,. ,,0 Levee -p ,pt, r - v In CSVt- 11-11 '" - t. 8Jg- ' ' UVL S ' b ?0 ' , I , , ttie ton, and 1 per cent copper and 00 per cent lead. The surface ores were treated for sev eral years in a five-stamp battery, with plates, but without concentration One year ago a new 10-starap mill was built firm -f-twrt ftttl.ai"," Wltfl... taMA. v.Awn and two full-sized Wllfley tables wore installed. In the new mill the ore Roes through a- crusher and Is automatically fed into the battery. Amalgamation takes place in the battary, and on the outside silvered plates. The capacity of the mill Is 55 to : tons a day. Concentration is four tons of ore concentrated into one ton. Concentrates are worth $160 per ton or 540 per ton of ore milled Slaca 1S2 the Musick has produced $lS0.OrO gold. Confident of the future, the owners of the Jduslok are undertaking development on an xtensiv e scale, They are planning to cut a big tunnel, through Bohemia Peak, from its western slope, to tap the lead at a depth of 12S0 feet, which will be ISO feet lower than the present lowest level. The- tunnel will be 29 feet long. 8x8 fa?tr will havo two tracks, and will cost, exclusive of machinery, $10 a foot, or a total of $26,-l00. Tor its making machine drills, run by compressed air, will bo used. The tunnel has already been bagun on the Hazel claim, en the west side of Bohemia Peak. Its extension will cut a juuetion of three veins, running through the Yucon. California and Dell- awe claims. The ledge at the junction is believed to be 150 feet wide. The Musick takes Its name from James A- Musick, who located the Defiance claim for himself and the Los Apgeles for A. fi. .Qnvis. of Lps Angeles, In 1S9L I Through Mr. Davis, J. W. Cook, of Los I Angeles, and O. E. Brady, of San Fran i Cisco, beeame Interested. In 1S94 Mr. ! Cook bought out Mr. Davis Interest, and 1 la 1SS5 Mr- Mustek's. A five-stamp mill j vyas put up In 1892, and increased to 10 ! stamps In 1S8S The claims forming the Musick group are the Defiance, California, White Ghost, . Mysterv, Alpharetta, Los Angeles ana Ajas., In Douglas County, and the Butte, f Idaho, June, Hazel, Yucon and Halifax, in Lane County. Big? Development on Elephant Moun tain. The programihe of development which the Consolidated Mines Corporation, Lim ited, has outlined will go far toward in qreaslng the production of Bohemia and spreading its fame as a great mining . camp, This is. a Portland corporation. . viueh has selected Elephant and Adam&J .Mountains, lajung m ine summits oi Doin, us jus ueiu ui uikiuuuu. J.ia uiuteia ami Hon. George W. Holcomb, president. Frank Dooley, vice-president; A. Mather, treasurer, and Reginald W. Thompson, secretary. E. 8 Adams, a mining man of practical experience, Is superintendent. The company has seven claims, five on Elephant Mountain : nd two on Adams Mountain, and mining men pronounce them the making of a great property. J v GENERAL. SECTION OF THE 3ICSICK 3XIJTE. Tho principal development is on the Ele- may be expected of it. The collar of tho phant Mountain claims. Only assess- shaft Is 55C0 feet above sea level. There ment work Is being don on the Daisy, ' Is no doubt that there Is an enormous but the others are being pushed ahead, body of rich ore on the Bohemia. Mr. On ono of tho Adams Mountain locations Gllbertson is confident that a lead can be only assessment work Is bel ir done, but opened up for a width or CO feet the en on the other one the Henrietta a shaft tire 1500 feet of the claim's length. Near . the southern end of the claim, 1300 feet H nli 1 a- 6 c O '3fT Section of the 3InIcU: Vein. has been sunk 20 feet, through honoy- fnmh minrti? TVisnTnhllnJT that Of the Helena. Assays on It range from $14 to $JS to the top. The 'our claims on xJie- nhant Mountain, on which work la being pushed, have been opened a length of ' 575 feet, all told. In detail the amount of tunnllng on each claim Is: Elsie iora. D50 feet -Mountain Lion, 125 feet; Ele phant gOjfeet; Fissure, 50 feejt. The Elsie Dora shows an ore body about five feet wide the entire length of the tun nel. The tunnel was started in ore, and Is still In ore. The rock Is copper and ga- i lena carrying gold, and, taken from tho I .. .. . ... ' entire width of the vein, assays an aver age value pf $5$ per ton, smelter test. Of this amount, $23 Is In gold and silver, $17 In copper, and $14 In galena. No smelter test has been made of Ele phant ore. Assays run as high as $16 pep ton In gold and copper. The vein is eight feet wide. On the Fissure the vein Is four feet wide, and the rock carries free gold. As says average about $10 gold to the ton. The ores In ajl the claims except tha Fissure and the Henrietta are base and suited to smelting. To treat them the company will build a 30-ton smelter, cost ing $S0U), on Elepbant Mountain. It -will not be a custom smelter. For the Henri etta a three-stamp mill has been ordered and Is at Cottage Grove awaiting ship ment. Another improvement contemplat ed by tho company is the building of a road three-quarters of a mile long from Its property to the Cottage Grove wagon road. Superintendent Adams has great confi dence in Bohemia's futpre as a base camp, He savs the normal fissures are all'Dase. carrying copper, sliver, galena, lead and gold In combination. He says from 1 to 9 per cent Is not an overestimate of the amount of copper In the one. The Knott Claim. The Bohemia, known throughout the district as the Knott, was the first claim upon which mining was fully undertaken. In 1873 it was equipped with a five-stamp mill, which was operated for about four years. It Is one of many locations on the slopes of Grouse Mountain, and haa been more extensively worked than any other of that vicinity excepting the Noon day and tho Chamoion. The altered rock penetrated by the two shafts one TSfeet and the other Zi feet, sunk vears ago la brecclated, and consists or quartz, kaolin and oxide of lrpn, and does not contain much of the sulphides. The same sort of material occupies a number of acres on that portion of the Mil. and extends southeast into the Gray Eagle, where its strike is north 51 deg. west, and its dip 70 deg. southwest. The Bohemia Is of old-stvle measure ment lEOOxSOO feet Bird Farrier located the claim In ISfiZ. and sold It to Joseph Knott, of Portland Mr. Kpott Immedi ately built 19 miles ot road, up hill and down hill, without regard to grade, and shipped In a five-stamp mill, consisting of stamps and plates. The rock was crushed by hand and fed to the cattery by hand. Notwithstanding the crudity ot the ma chinery. Mr. Knott is reported to have cleaned up $12j,000 Only the richest ore was worked, and there is rock on the o'd dump today that carries high values in gold. The present owner ot the Bohomla is Mrs. J. P. Finnlcan, a daughter of Joseph Knott, Mrs. Finnlcan was In the. district 29 3 ears ago, w hen her father was work ing the Bohemia. After patenting the daim In 1S91. she discontinued work on it, and the timbers In the shafts rotted, and the buildings put up by her father In the early days disappeared plank, by plank, to take form again In the home of some thrifty prospector. Last May Mrs. Fin nlcan decided to reopen the property, and returned to the district, accompanied by her son, Douglas Ladd, and daughter, Mrs. William C. Meagher. Mrs. Ladd and Mr. Meagher were also of the party. As the pld shafts could not be reopened without retlmberlng, it was decided to sink anew about 10 feet from the west line of the claim, and O. G. Gllbertson, a former Cripple Creek miner, was given the contract for the work. At a depth of 29 feet, a three-Inch vein of sugar-loaf quartz, containing free gold, wag struck. At ?4 feet the ledge had widened to 2 feet. Samples taken from across tho ledge at this depth, sacked apd sent to four different assayers, gave- values of $819. $;. 5129 and $5S go'd to the ton, an average of $327 75 At a depth of 40 feet the ledge had widened to three feet, and was still free-milling, with Indications that It would Increase in width with greater depth Mr. Ladd thinks the free mllllng ore will continue to 700 or 00 feet below tho surface. This Is higher than tne run of estimates of the extent of the free-milling capping of the Bohemia dis tinct, but the region has shown up so wonderfully of late that almost anything V.W. from the new shaft, the creek has washed down to bedrock and exposed a section of the ledge, from which colors can be panned. The exact width of the lead can not be determined until crosscutting be gins. The rich strike on the Knott has at tracted attention throughout Oregon, and no one comes to Bohemia without visit ing the mine. Mr. Ladd has Deen very accommodating, and has permitted rather general inspection of the ore, and has not denied practical mining men the -priv liege of being lowered Into the snaft. While this delays work, Mr. Ladd believes that for the good of the camp thorough public ity should be given to the strike. Next vear Mrs. Finnlcan will build a five-stamp mill on the Bohemia. She is now considering the advisability of organ- lzlng a corporation ana lssums biuu. The Champion. The Champion mine, known also S3 the Hartford, is located on the very crest of the ridge, a little more than a mile di rectly ca3t of Bohemia, between Falrylew and Grouse Mountain. The, ore, when the plant Is In operation, is carried, on a tramway 3400 feet long down the north ern slopo to a 10-stamp mill on Champion Creek, a branch of Frank Brass Creek. The mine having a reached to a depth I of but little over 100 feet, where deepest, j ha3 not passed beyond the zono of oxi dation, and thus far only a small per cent of concentrates has been saved. A sam ple of these concentrates yielded upon ' assay 0 20 ounce of gold, and 3.4 ounces 1 of silver per ton. The mine has been worked almost wholly from one level, 600 feet In length, ranging from 53 to nearly 250 feet beneath the surface At the faco of this level, where the vein had a width of four feet, it consisted chiefly- of rotten quartz permeated by limonite. Occasional masses of kaolin-like sericlte occur in the vein, but they are not conspicuous. In this mine, as far as developed, there arc few points where pyrite occurs, and distinct bodies of the other sulphides have not been found, as in the Musick. Tho oxidation appears to have extended deep er in the Champion than in the Mustek, but this is accounted for by the foot