Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 30, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Little Folks' Summer Headwear
At Half Price
We've many kinds and Qualities of them, such &s
White Lawn Bonnets
"With open work crowns, tucks and em
broidery Insertion trimming. 15c and 38c
Fancy Lawn Bonnets
Plain, red or pink, worth 50o and 60o
Children's Gowns Reduced
Heavy Musln Gowns, with yoke, neck and sleeves trimmed In tucks and embroid
ery. Amply proportioned and daintily made.
Size 2, worth 93c, at 69c each Size 8, worth $1.10, at 78c each
Size 4, worth SLO0, at 72c each Size 10, worth L15, at. Sic each
Size 6, worth $1.05, at 75c each Size 12, worth $1.20, at S4c each
Our Novelty Silk Sale
Presents an array of very attractive plaids, checks, stripes and bro- Q"J iA
cades, light and darK. .Note tne mg
silks to $2.50. only.
Colored Blanket Sale
Best selected fleeced wooL Color, deli
cate fawn with fancy Jacquard borders,
in pink, blue, red or green.
$5.85 pair for 57.00 Blankets.
$6.90 pair for $3.00 Blankets.
Serviceable and pretty for home, beach
or country uses.
New Outing Skirts
In plaid back, homespuns. Browns, blues
and Oxford.-.. Perfectly tailored. THE
At $3.73 each.
Our Shirt Waists
Will meet your highest wish in both
style and prettlness.
Colored Waists now half.
White Waists tTro-thlrds price.
If It Appears That Crime Affalnst
Ballot Has Been Committed, He
"Will Take Action."
A criminal prosecution may be insti
tuted by District Attorney Chamberlain
against the persons suspected of fraud
ulent work in the Ninth Ward eleotion
for Councilman. Yesterday he said that
he had not followed the case closely as
it developed in the civil action for a re
count, m as his attontlon had not been
called to the likelihood of his official ser
vices being roquired in connection there
with, but that from what he had heard
since, he had determined to confer with
Judge Frazer, William Schmeer and
Schmeer's attorney, Henry E. McGinn.
If it appeared, as a result, that there
was sufficient evidence to warrant a con
viction, Mr. Chamberlain said he would
see that proceedings were taken to bring
the guilty parties Into court.
An effort will be made today by Mr.
McGinn to have a careful and scientific
Inspection made of the ballots cast in
Precinct 42 and marked for Councilman
Holbrook. This additional scrutiny will i
bo asked on the ground that It appeared
io tne court during the previous recount
that ballots evidently left blank by the
voter so far as Councilman was con
cerned, had afterwards been marked for
Holbrook with a black lead penclL Three
or four of the ballots considered by Judge
Frazer, at the recount finished last weekv
were of this character, and Impressed
the Judge that fraudulent work had been
done. Mr. McGinn will, therefore, ask
that he be permitted, with the aid of
an expert and microscope, minutely to
examine the ballots cast in No. 42 pre
cinct which were marked for Holbrook
A cross or X, which the law prescribes
for marking ballots, does not afford much
basis for distinguishing icatures. The
angle of the cross, however, and its re
lation to all others on the same ballot,
give some room. The color of all the
.indelible pencils used at the pplls was not
of the same intensity. One pencil might
be a shade darker or lighter than Its
neighbor in another booth. Even one end
of a pencil might vary slightly in hue
from the other. But it Is assumed by
Mr. McGinn that the amount of wear
required for marking a single ballot
should not appreciably change the mark
ing material. Should the voter dampen
the lead the first cross made thereafter
would be heavy and darker, the next a
shade lighter, and so on gradually until
back to normal density again. No mis
takes are apprehended bs' Mr. McGinn
on this account, for the evidences that
will be dwelt upon as suspicious are
only where the one cross In front of
Councilman Holbrook's name varies from
those both above and below. Mr. McGinn
will not ask that the court count over,
but merely that, in view of the fraud
developed, he be permitted. In company
with representatives from the opposing
side of the case, to Inspect the Holbrook
ballots cast in Precinct 42. Preparation
will be made to have the work done
thoroughly and scientifically, and the at
torney is hopeful that Judge Frazer will
grant the permission.
The penalty that has for years been in
the statutes of the state regarding frauds
by judges and clerks at election, Is as
"If any judge or clerk of an election,
or other officer or person or officer on
whom any duty is enjoined by law rela
tive to any election authorized by law.
or to the return or canvassing of votes
given at such election, shall be guilty of
any willful neglect of such duty, or of
any corrupt conduct In the discharge of
the same, said judge, clerk or officer, or
ether person, upon conviction thereof,
Shall be punished by lmprironment in the
Pen'tentlary not less than one year nor
more than three years, or by imprison
ment In the County Jail not less than
three months nor more than one year,
or by a fine of not less than $100 nor
more than $500."
As the same ballots altered and marked
for Councilman also contained the name
of a candidate for Congress. It has been
said that the United States statutes were
violated and the guilty persons were open
to prosecution in the United Stales
Courts. This Impression arose from sec
tion 5515, of the Revised Statutes of the
United States, which was repealed in
1834, when the United States inspectors
and supervisors of election were done
away with. This section provided that
fraud by any election officer involving the
rolls or ballots where a candidate for
Congress was being voted for, was a
Federal offense. Decisions held that this
applied whether the fraud was perpe
trated in the interests solely of a state,
county or municipal officers being voted
for. The whole section was repealed,
with several others relating to Govern
ment interference in state elections, and
at the present time it appears the only
offense is against the state.
Clara MncEvran, the GIrl-Hcrolne.
PORTLAND. July 29. (Tothe Editor.)
The article headed "Two Young Hero
ines," In The Sunday Oregonlan of July
22, Is "well timed, and originated In an Im
pulse that finds an echo in every true
heart, That dear little Clara MacEwan
deserves a substantial token of apprecia
tion from this -whole country, and par
ticularly her own city and state. Her
rare presence of mind and good Judg
ment, as displayed 1a the saving of two
Children's Hats
Combinations of mull and straw, lace
trimmed, 40c, 50c and SOc grades.
Corded Wash Hats
Pink or white SOc values, and BOYS
MULI, TAMS, worth S2c each.
saving Dy Duying now. rancy (jJL 7 II
Women's Summer Union Suits
Priced attractively low for this week's
Union Suits of white cotton, low neck,
sleeveless and knee length, worth 60c, at
44c suit
Same in extra fine grade, with half but
toned fronts, regularly 75c; now
54c suit
White X.lsle Mercerized Suits, high neck,
long sleeves and ankle length. Fine $L25
grade at
94c suit
Of Bath Towels
You can't have too many now. Another
large shipment just received In
Extra size and weight.
lives at Ia Camas Lake, are, indeed,
worthy of more than a passing newspaper
notice. An Idea comes to me as to a
way. Let an account of the thrilling in
cident, well written and prettily illus
trated, be printed in a small pamphlet or
double sheet, with ornamental cover. The
cover punctured for a silk cord or ribbon,
to tie the whole with a fanciful bow. This
put on sale at a reasonable profit, and
the proceeds given to the little girl. Or,
if the sum should prove to be consider
able, why not buy for her a beautiful,
first-class watch, properly engraved, as a
memento? How proud she would be!
And justly so. The little story would
find a ready sale, one feels sure. And an
other good object it would accomplish
would be the stimulus it would give to
heroism. Children would read and ad
mire Clara's spirit and long for a chance
to emulate her example, after the man
ner of children the world over.
Coroner's Jury Investigates Suicide
of Frederick Chonrad.
The Coroner' Jury held an Inquest yes
terday afternoon on the body of Fred
erick Chonrad. of 569 Raleigh street,
who committed suicide Saturday evening,
and a verdict was found of death from
gunshot wounds inflicted by himself.
Chonrad was 50 years old, a native of
Germany, having lived in the United
States eight years, and in Oregon three
months. He had been married 13 years.
Mrs. Chonrad gave the following testi
mony: "He came home Saturday afternoon at
3 o'clock and went to bed. When he got
up he commenced to curse me. He had
been drinking. When he went to lie
down again, I crossed over to a nelglv
bor's house. When I went to bed In
the evening, he commenced cursing roe
again. I told him I would show him,
and then I called a policeman. I told the
policeman to come with me as my hus
band had threatened to shoot me, and
had said the same thing the night be
fore. "After the policeman came, ror hus
band could not be found. Then I went
to the neighboring yard to talk to one
of my friends. As I stood talking to Mrs.
Schefer. with my back to our house,
she said: 'There he comes. Ho came up,
grabbed me by the arm, took his pistol,
and shot at me three times. One ball
grazed my arm, and another my ear.
I ran away, and after that I did not know
what happened."
Mrs. K. Schefer. of 571 Raleigh street,
testified as follows:
"Mr. Chonrad had been quarreling and
growling at his wife for a week. He had
been sick and she took the best of care
of him. She was working hard by the
day and came home at night and took
care of the house, and did the work. He
himself "had not worked for a month.
"Saturday Mrs. Chonrad went to work
as usual, and h'e was growling. He was
jealous of anyone to -whom she might
speak. She same over to my home, and
when she went back he commonced to
growl again. He had a pistol under
his pillow and kept telling her he would
shoot her. I then got up and ran after
a policeman. When he came we could
not find him.
"After the policeman had gono Chon
rad came toward us, walking out in his
stocking feet, carrying a pistol behind
him. Then ho said a few words:
" 'Just as you made it, you shall hare
"Then he fired three or four times at
her. and went back into the house, from
which I heard two more reports."
Police Captain Hoare, Patrolman
Wheeler and R. F. Batty testified to
hearing the reports and finding the man
dead in the kitchen with the pistol near
him. The medical examination showed
that both shots fired took effect. The
first was not necessasrlly fatal, having
been aimed at his heart, entering the
body between his tenth and eleventh
ribs, and lodging In the spine. The sec
ond shot penetrated his right temple, and
produced death Instantly,.
Grant Mays, of The Dalles, is registered
at the Imperial.
Xeon Cohen, of Pendleton, Is registered
at the Portland.
M. P. Randolph, of Seattle, is registered
at the Portland.
W. L. Whltmore. of Chicago, is stop
ping at the Imperial.
S. A. Pierce, of San Francisco, is reg
istered at the Perkins.
J. I. Alberson, of Cornucopia, is regis
tered at the St. Chafes.
Thomas S. Ewlng. of Los Angeles, is
registered at the Portland.
W. B. Runkle, of Walla Walla, Is
registered at the Perkins.
J. P. Merrlfield and wife, of Seaside,
are guests of the St. Charles.
Judge W. R. Ellis, of the Sixth Ju
dicial District, Is registered at the Per
kins, from Heppner.
A. C. Little, of Tacoma, Fish Commis
sioner of the State of Washington, regis
tered at the Imperial yesterday.
Otis -Patterson. Receiver of the United
States Land Office at The Dalles, regis
tered at the Imperial yesterday.
Professor W. H. Heileman, of Pullman,
Wash., and Professor L. F. Kent, of
Corvallls, are registered at the Imperial.
J. F. Adams and wife, and Miss G.
Bremer, of -Stockton, Cal., with Louis
Adams, of Seattle, are registered at the
St. Charles.
Dr. Edwin Dinkelsplel, of San Francisco,
who is on his way to Europe, is visiting
his relatives in Portland, Mrs. Ben Sell
ing and Mrs. Emanuel SIcheL
Our Extra Quality
Alvvsys sold at
15c yard
As s speclsl baraaln today at
White Pique Skirts and Suits
Cut to the quick for quick selling.
Cut prices on alL A few examples:
$ 3.00 White Piques at $2.10
$ 5.00 White Piques at $3.75
$10.50 White Piques at $5.90
$15.75 White Piques at $9.75
The Greatest Shirt-Waist Sale of the Season
From the lowest priced to the highest the entire
stock of Shirt Waists sacrificed.
gaff" 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50
price?E.49c, $ .77, $ .98, $1.18, $1.33, $1.39, $1.55, $1.73
Higher priced Shirt Waists equally reduced.
War Department Seems Inclined to
Sidetrack This Port In Favor of
the Sound
During the past week 13 cars of horses
and mules Intended for Government use
in the Orient were shipped from the East
through Portland to Seattle. lhese ani
mals will be taken to Asia on a trans
port of much less draught than vessels
coming up the Columbia and Willamette
for cargoes. Portland business men are
puzzling themselves to see the economy of
this method of doing business. The
Chamber of Commerce has been gather
ing some figures on the subject, and the
reported shipment of horses from Eastern
Oregon and Washington to Puget Sound.
Alter the horses are here, or if they
are bought In the country immediately
tributary to Portland, It Is Impossible
to reason how the Government saves
money by shipping them to Puget Sound
for embarkation on transports. Alter
they are shipped there and accumulated
In sufficient numbers, and transports are
being prepared for them, naturally the
transports will be sent there for them.
This was the system discovered by the
Chamber of Commerce in the matter of
grain and hay. The Almond Branch and
Belgian King were to be loaded In the
Northwest. Previously a large quantity
of hay and grain for the Government had
been accumulated at Seattle, part of it
being shipped from Oregon. When Port
land justly asked for one of the trans
ports, the Quartermaster's Department
replied that the cargoes of hay and grain
were at Seattle, and could not be had
here. Some of the very cargoes accumu
lated there had been taken from Oregon.
Tet the War Department said It could
not get them here, and that It believed
they could not be had here. It begins to
dawn upon the members of the chamber
that It is a Seattle stamp which the
goods require, more than the price or
quality, for the most astute cannot figure
out the economy of shipping by rail
from Oregon at the rate of ?2 a ton for
loading on transports that could just as
easily be brought to Portland.
Considerable purchasing of horses has
been carried on by the Government In
Eastern Washington and Oregon of late.
From Pendleton, Walla Walla, Baker
City, La Grande and other cities, all the
horses bought are shipped to Puget
Sound Freight owned by private Indi
viduals comes down the Columbia more
cheaply from some of these points. Per
haps the land grant privileges afforded
by the Northern Pacific alter the case
somewhat with reference to the Govern
ment as a shipper from the same points,
but the persistency shown to take from
Portland all the Government business pos
sible In other cases has led the members
of the Chamber of Commerce to think,
even though land-grant privileges did not
tend to send trade toward Puget
Sound, Government freight would go Just
the same.
A batch of correspondence and other
Information on the subject has been
turned over by the chamber to the Oregon
Congressional delegation, with a request
to do whatever is possible. All Portland
ers and Oregonlans are urged to take a
determined stand on this matter. The
palpable injustice done Oregon will work
much-injury if not corrected, and it seems
to the Chamber of Commerce a united
and forceful demand will be necessary.
Controversy Which Must De Settled
by a Lawsuit.
PORTLAND, Or., July 29. (To the Edi
tor.) Will you kindly answer me, through
the columns of The Weekly Oregonian,
the following question:
If two men own a ranch between them,
and one of them goes on the ranch alone,
can the one on the ranch charge the other
one with improvements he makes thereon
without the other man's consent?
Not even the Supreme Court of the
United States could answer this question
without knowing something about what
Improvements were made, and whether
they were timely and proper and for the
benefit of all concerned, ,or not. Partners
in a ranch, or in any kind of business,
usually consult with each other In regard
to making Improvements, etc, but each
to a certain extent represents the other
and exigencies may arise which render
It necessary for one to assume full con
trol of the business for the time being,
and to do certain things -without consult
ing the other. Of course, the man on the
ranch can charge his partner for anything
he likes, but the partner would not have
to pay it If a court decided that the charge
was an Improper one that Is, for some
thing which was unnecessary or was det
rimental to the property or intended for
the sole benefit of the man on the ranch.
The only place to get an answer to such
a question is in the courts, and it will
probably be much cheaper and better for
tho partners to settle It between them
selves. It is an old saying that "partner-
Another shipment of
10c Each 16x24 inches, un
bleached Turkish towels.
12ir Each 18x40 in ches.bleach
2 ed Turkish towers.
15c Each 20x4oinches, bleach
ed Turkish towels.
5C Each Bleached Turkish
wash rags.
(Sew Felt Walking Hats
For coast and mountain.
$1.50 and $2.00 each
Scotch Tarn O'Shanters
75c and $1.00
Straw Sailor Hats at reduced prices.
All Children's Hats at cut prices.
Swiss, Cambric and Nainsook
Embroideries at
First Fall Shipment of
New Portieres and Couch Covers
Just Received.
Kid Gloves
Our S1.2C 2ciasD Scala and
3-cIasp Theodora at, special. . .
Also genuine Mocha gloves at $1.25 pair
ship Is a good ship when you have a good
partner," and when one goes into a part
nership he has to take chances.
They Are Talcing Object Lessons In
the Art of War.
The rising generation of young Ameri
cans is probably the most cosmopolitan
on earth, nearly all nations being rep
resented among them by a trace of blood
If nothing more. The mixture results In
fighting stock, as was seen by the readi
ness with which youths volunteered for
the Spanish War, and further evidence of
this fact Is seen daily wherever a crowd
of smair boys Is collected.
On a sandy beach of the river below
town a gang of these "kids" have con
structed an entrenchment where the game
of. war is played almost dally. The
"gang" Is divided Into two armies, as
equal In number and strength as pos
sible, and a General chosen for each. A
while ago they used to be Boers and Eng
lish, but lately they are Boxers and
Christians or "the powers." One army
takes charge of the sand fortification and
lays in a stock of ammunition in the
form of wet clay sticks, and even stones
aro smuggled in, to be used as dum-dum
bullets. In case of emergency. Then the
other army, also well supplied with am
munition, assaults the fortification, and a
battle royal ensues. The Boers and Brit
ish never made half as much noise as
these two armies whon engaged in fight
ing, but the Chineso may equal them
when mobbing diplomats or missionaries.
The rules of the game are that the
fight goes on until the assailants have
captured the fort or some one is placed
hors de combat. A man who witnessed
one of these games from a distance the
other day says that great bravery was
displayed on both sides, and the noise
was appalling. Two boys succeeded In
scaling the sand bank, only to be taken
prisoners and held down by several of
the defenders sitting on them. Finally
one of the assailants was struckwlth a
ball of clay In which was a small rock,
and was knocked silly. JThe flow of blood
from a cut on his head soon restored him
to consciousness, and his head being
bound up with a soiled handkerchief,
"Richard was himself again."
Then, according to the rules of the
game, the position of the armies was
reversed, and, among the new defenders
of the .fort none exhibited more daring
than the kid With the broken head. The
boys might chose some game like "mum-ble-ty-pcg,"
which would not be so dan
gerous, but It would not be likely to so
well prepare them for the strenuous days
coming, when America Is to take her
place away up the line among the pow
ers of the earth.
Library Subscriber Objects to Early
PORTLAND, July 29. (To the Editor.)
Noticing by .-today's issue that the Gas
Company advertises a considerable reduc
tion in the price of its product, I would
like to ask if there Is any longer a rea
sonIf one ever existed for closing our
Portland Library at 9 P.M. As it is shut
all day Sunday in all Its departments, its
use, except to persons of leisure and
school children, is practically restricted
to tho taking out of books, which i3 not,
after all, its most Important function.
There are numbers of business men and
women whose- time is fully occupied with
life's duties until 6 or 7 o'clock, who would
appreciate some little time In the evening
to consult the many invaluable works of
reference, and also the periodicals, with
out having to keep an eye on the clock
and the other on tho vigilant Janitor, who
Invariably has all lights out at S:5S sharp.
It is true, on thus being evicted from
the institution the member is humbly as
sisting to support, he can go to the de
lightful reading-room of the Unitarian
Church library, where, without money
and without price, the remaining hour can
be spent. But the half-finished article in
the encyclopedia or Spectator must be
held. If possible, suspended in the mind
until a favorable opportunity offers to
finish it.
Do any of your readers know where a
"public library for subscribers only" Is
found that closes at 9 P. M., Summer and
Winter? If there be any such It would
be most fitting that mutual sympathies
should extend between us and the mem
bers of the other untimely benighted ln-
! stltution.
As, doubtless, economy is still a much
needed watchword, could not the matter
be easily met by keeping the library open
until 10,: but 'limiting. If necessary, the
taking out of books to 9 P. M. It would
appear, by thus releasing the librarians
at the same- hour as now, this course
should Hmlt the extra expenses to the
additional gas, and with perhaps some
small added compensation to the Janitor.
T. W. B. L.
Trie United States Conrt
has awarded the Anheuser-Busch Brew
ing Ass'n absolute and exclusive use of
the name BUDWUISKR, and all other
brewers who ' have used that name have
been defeated and compelled to drop It.
W. J. VAN SCHUXVER &. CO., Portland,
wholesale dealers.
A Great Scoop
By Our
Eastern Buyer
1000 Children's
Wash Dresses
Made of percale and gingham. Fancy
checks, stripes, plaids and figures. All
this season's goods. Neatly trimmed. A
nice assortment of styles and colors. Reg
ular 75c to $1.50 values,
Every One Is Sold
52c Each
Newly Arrived
A complete new line of GOLF CAPES
and SHORT SKIRTS. See display In
Fifth-street window.
$2.00 Kid Gloves for $1.1T
23 dozen "Ruthland" 3-clasp
Kid Gloves, novelty shades,
stitched backs, all sizes;
high grade in every re- rf r
spect; regular price, $2.00; I . I 4
a nalr
Ladies' Vests
Plain and Richelieu Ribbed -
Cotton "Vests, fancy yokes, o I C
white only; each w
Note Paper
Crane's Extra Superfine Kid
Finish Note Paper, azure, -
opaline and heliotrope tints, I AZ
a quire w
Envelopes to match above, a 1 3r
package 1JU
Our "End of Season Sale"
Is Still On
Snits, Jackets, Dress Skirts, Silk,
Ribbon, Lace and Cotton Shirt
Waists, all at exceptionally low
prices. Summer Millinery Offer
Onr entire stock of Trimmed and
Untrlmmed Ready-to-Wear and
Sailor Hats at prices that do not
beein to express their value.
Just Received by Express a Shipment of Colored Scotch Dimities
Say Greed of Gain, Not Conversion
of the Heathen, Has Led to tho
Present Uprlslnsr
At Immanuel Baptist Church last even
ing, the pastor, Kev. S. L. Lapnam, who
has seen much service In foreign coun
tries as missionary and otherwise, spoke
on "Reasons for Riot in China." Civilized
nations were severely arraigned, and
the missionaries defended with much
warmth. Mr. Lapham said in part-:
"The present uprising Is not a bolt
out of a clear sky. Fires that have been
smoldering long and pent-up rage accu
mulated In past years Is tinding vent.
It is within the present century that
England forced the opium trade on
heathen China at the cannon's mouth;
that, too, when it was a crime to cul
tlvaje the poppy there. But the opium
of India must have a market. This led
to war, and from 1S39 to 1S42 England
wrought havoc along the coast of China.
This helpless nation surrendered on terms
which England offered, and at Nankin
agreed to give England 521,000,000, swal
low her opium pill and be thankful for
tho murder of her citizens and destruction
of property. In 1S50 England, with
France, In Southern China gained more
rights, and finally the dishonest greed of
these two nations resulted in four years
more of war, and China came out with
less land, ports and money. In 1SS5 a war
with France resulted In the loss of Cochin
China and Tonquin. The defeat of China
by Japan In 1833 was the opportunity
innir Roueht bv Russia. Germany and
Franco to work a little 'hoad3 I win and (
tails you lose game, which resulted in
concessions that make them, with Eng
land, masters of China. The seaport
grab game was played in 1896 when, with
out n sincle excuse, there was perpetrat
ed that piece of National brigandage and
robbery by which Russia. England and
Franco robbed China to the tune of mil
lions again.
"The loss of valuable harbors, rich
mines, fertile Islands, provinces, cities
and rights of way whioh place them at
the mercy of nations whose only Interest
in China is to enrich themselves has nat
urally enough enraged the people. Eu
ropean powera have allotted and ear
marked their districts of proposed dlspoli
ation for the future. Is it strange that
these things should lead to the hatred of
the 'foreign devil' and murder by people
where life Is so cheap?
"Another cause Is one of an Internal
character. The crafty old Empress Dow
ager has virtually ruled In China for 40
years. She held sway through the life
of her husband, son and nephew, and
seems to have effectually suppressed tne ,
latter. Prince Kwang Hsu, because of I
hla attempt to Introduce modern methods j
tn cnverrnimpnt nnrt trade. Hosts of use- !
less ofllclals would bo thrown out of fat
positions and Celestial glory by the pro
posed reforms. These fellows are as anx
ious to succeed themselves in office as the
political exploiters of our own country,
and care as little about the means used
to accomplish their objects, so long as
they get the pie. Foreign encroachment
and pressure, domestic policy against re
form, headed by tho Empress Downgr,
whrt fs dfitermlned to crush all opposi
tion to her will by force, has much to .
do with the trouble.
"Special privileges to the Christian by
treaty In not te caus of trouble. Asido
from the treaties with Franco (which
affect particularly the southern part of
China, where thor Is no trouble), the
rljrhts of tho mlsslonnry are simply right1;
accorded to othor citizens They do not
force rellfdon down tho Chinese, but do
not permit him to kill Christians be
cause they are such.
"RclIHnn of pverv doscrlntlon is tolerat
ed In China. You mav nrofesa them nil
and live ronrfstrnt with non of them
nd be thourh no more or less of. Onlv
in so far as it comes from a foreigner
and stand." for nmsrrr nnd h" rhantr
ne nf citom Is It hated- Rplleion In
it?elf is the lnt thln to be mentioned
as h onus of the riots.
'Fopclflrd oVipree npp'ist th mlcoion
nr1,, a'' co,nannio'r absent. From rer
pnnal nb"rvat'on. T know tt hp enn
nrt nf Thifp inn ftnoir liriclvUzrd nn-r
tlvps is ton pn-nnt to b desTlb-d. HI"?
vices pt" fearpd mor than th darkppt
r.rrt''n nnd 'mrjinc of Trp native.
The vinnhlp. tnfln of bad". calico, trinlc-
rrMskv and f rearm re evdnce" of
the white man's love of tho native. The
Big: Sale-of
Summer Dress Goods
It Is safe to say that In no' previous
sales have goods of this character been
offered at such low prices.
1500 yards of Fancy Pique. In
light and medium colors;
regular price, 15c; special..
1400 yards of Fancy and
Plain Crash and Burlap
Suitings, in check3, plaids,
stripes and polka dots; .
light, medium and -dark J
colors; special
1200 yards Plain and Striped
Denims, 35 Inches wide; r-
regular price, 20c and 25c; I jL
Wash Silk
Fancy Plaid and Striped , Qr
Wash Silk, per yard L7
Fancy Silk Striped,
Per yard
Odds and Ends Sale
Odd pieces and parts of sets, including
plates, cups and saucers, fruit dishes,
pitchers, sugar bowls, butter dishes, cov
ered vegetable dishes, platters, etc. at
Remarkably Low Prices.
See Display in
Crockery Department
Grocery Specials
Postuin Cereal, small size On
package &w
Large size package 20C
Plllsbury's Vltos, 2 packages 25C
Shredded" Whole Wheat Bl"s- 1 f r
cult, per package 11"
Carpet Department
500 Cotton Filled Cushions, i n
covered with fancy ticking I VL
and cretonne; each
Covered with Brussels Car
net, each .
Covered with Axmlnster Car- QCf
pet, each 3
Wc arc agents for the celebrated
"Empire" Window Shading
Which meets every requirement for ar
tistic, high-class shades. Every shade
guaranteed. Estimates furnished on application.
results of trade with savage tribes is
their land shorn of Its wealth and the
native more corrupted and demoralized.
Every advantage Is taken of his Igno
rance or necessity. The native Is looked
upon as an object of disgust or prey by
the average white man.
"The divine right of the dollar to pro
tection is emphasized, while we are told
that the government is becoming a. propo
gator of religion if we protect the mis
sionary. It is not the mission of tho
Government to spend money In the in
terests of any tea or silk merchant or
railroad projector In China. The princi
ple which gives me the right to buy or
sell, gives me the right to live and teach
my convictions of conscience. Both rest
for protection not on what Is undertaken,
but on the rights of citizenship. The
American Government is not a gigantic
commercial machine and does not exist
for the protection of property more than
life or conscience. Life outweighs prold.
and conscience Is larger than a silver
dollar. "Expansion for humflnltv sake
and 'Go ye into all the world pnd shoot
the gosppl of clvlllrntion into all people,'
beginning with the Philippines nnd China,
is not the motto of true Americanism.
"Tho Boxer has proven himself an 'g
norant. Intolerant fanatic, but his white
brother, who walks about our city talk
ing about boiliner the missionary in the
same pot with the Boxer, nnd Christian
missionaries forcing the Chinese .to be
come Christians. Is more Ismorant. Tho
Boxer placards which lay the mosj. fiend
ish rhanres of torturp to the 'forricm
devil and accuse the Christian nIsslon
arv of gouglnsr out the eyes of Chinese
childron to moke mpfl'einp. are on a level
with the stuff pnraded about our streets
ps thp cause of murder and riot In
Initial Sermon by Hev. F. E. Coulter,
First United Brethren Church.
Rev. P. E. Coulter, -the new pastor of
the First United Brethren Church.
East Side, preached his first sermons yes
terday. At the morning hour he preached
on the subject. "The Imminence of
God." His text was from I John
4:7: "He that loveth not, knoweth not
God. for God is love." He said in part:
"It is hard for the sons of men to real
ize the Importance of an adequate con
ception of nearness or the person of the
living God. Tet men live as a general
rule up to their Ideal. 3Ien are what
their conception of God Is largely, and
their conduct toward their fellow men
will be altogether In harmony with what
their vision of the Loved One is.
"A great many hate and fear God be
cause they have accepted hearsay testi
mony about his vengeance and wrath.
If we are told one is a creature of cold
ness, wrath, passion -inspired, vengeancc
seeklnj?. out attitude toward that per
son will partake of these qualities: so it
does with the Lord. "We see this con
stantly in the lives of our friends who
live by the law. The Lord suffers a3
much from false friends who attribute
evil qualities to him. as he does from
open enemies who deny his love and
power. This Is largely the necret of the
world's attitude towards him.
"If we feel constrained or 111 at ease
In his presence; if he Is not to you all
that is loving, companionable, gentle,
kind you have missed him, and har
bored a devil unaware.
"God is a person, not a mist, or an
influence, or a light, but the personality
of love, even the Lord Jesus Christ.
Think of praying to a cloud or addressing
petitions to a light. "When you pray do
not as some do. address God some place,
somewhere, you know not where; that is
Idolatry; but pray to the spirit of love
within you, even the Lord Jesus Christ
in your heart, which is the hope of
giory. If he Is our Father, he Is a per
son. "In the beginning he made us like him
In spirit; In Christ we become like him,
soul and body; Just the veil of the flesh
separates us from the knowledge of
"There Is a trinity In God; not three
gods, but one God. who Is the ruler of
the spirit world, even the Father: who Is
the guiding star of the soul world, even
the Holy Ghost, who is the king of earth;
and Lord of lords, even the Son.
"Look for God in the lives of your
fellow, not In the sky. Yfe speak of the
personality of Lincoln or Brooks; we
mean their influence, which is always
Imminent: so it lp with God, his loving
spirit it always here, and now. Some of
you say all things are possible; let us
on to victory, and I see God within you.
leading. Others say, we can't, and I
see God repressed and in bonds to the
flesh. For God Is love; love knows no
failure, and vaunteth not Itself, but per
severeth. to the victorious end."
Clothing Department
for a
$1250, $1350,
$15.00 or
$1650 .
Summer Suit.
Do Not
Miss This Opportunity
To procure one of these
strictly all-wool stylish, up-to-date
suits at a fraction of
their real value.
Young Men's Suits
Fine All-Wool Cheviot Sin
gle or Double-Breasted g nf
Vests: regular prices, $12.00 V.V J
and 513.50; special '
Fine quality A11-"Wpo1 Vestee
Suits, cheviot and dark fry (?
blue serges: sizes, 3 to S Myj
years; a suit v'"
Good quality Corduroy rin
Pants: sizes, 4 to 13 years; )SL
a pair
An Earl7 Arrival
A full line of Men's Stiff tf?1 (ft
Bosom Shirts, at plJJ
Shoe Department
Men's and Boys' Canvas a s
Outing Shoes, with leather Jil.
soles, a pair ,ww
Same with rubber soles, a 7")r
pair w
Same, low cut, a pair , 6QC
Boys, Youths'. Ladies' and
Misses' Tennis Shoes, high LCr
or low cut, a pair OUV
Special Sales on Baby Bug
gies, Go-Carts, Hammocks., and
Lawn Chairs, all this wck.
Greshain Will Be Dalit
Alfalfa Insllapre.
GRESHAM, Or.. July DO. Greshain
School District No. 4 will have a new
schoolhouse In which to open the next
term of school. The directors have de
cided to have one built without delay, and
are now about ready for bids for Its con
struction. It Is to cost yjCOO, and will be
located on the site of the old one, which
will be moved away. Last Spring the
district voted a special tax of 50 mills for
the express purpose of putting up the new
building, but there were some who threat
ened to enjoin the building of a new
.schoolhouse, and the Directors wisely de
cided to wait until the money had been
collected before beginning operations.
This accounts for the delay, and as a
result the Fall term will not open until
late in October, as it will require until
that time to complete the new building.
The edifice will contain at least three
rooms, and be so built that an addition
can be put on when needed.
Alfnlfa Ennilnge.
Since the matter of silos has been agi
tated In this section, the farmers on Co
lumbia Slough are discussing the advis
ability of raising alfalfa for ensilage and
going into the dairying nnd milk business
on a larger scale than ever. Experiments
have shown that alfalfa can be grown
on the Columbia River bottoms as wejl
as anywhere on the Coast, nnd that It Is
better for cows than clover or corn; also
that more feed can be raised to- the acre
of this- grass than any other kind, and
that it makes an excellent ensilage. The
growing cheese Industry, which will take
all the milk that can be produced In this
section, has determined the farmers to
keep as many cows as possible, and the
feed problem must be met, hene the
trials of alfalfa which so far seem to
be satisfactory. A few more years, will
see pilos all over the eastern part of the
county, and the milk production more
than doubled.
Threshing? Besnn.
Harvesting of grain has begun in ear
nest and several fields of early oats have
already been threshed. ' giving a good
yield. Captain Brown, of Melville farm,
was the first to thresh, and his grain is
all safely hou. cd. and the straw hauled
away from the field. Only one steam
thresher Is at work yet, but there are
rour more in mis district, ana tney wm
all be in operation in a few weeks.
Gardeners Qnlt Business.
Tho worm pest still continues Its rav
ages, although it has disappeared from
several farms. It is now vigorously at
work on potato fields, and there are fears
that the crop will be entirely destroyeti.
Not a green thing escapes their attacks,
and since the clover has been cut, they
are moving to other kinds of pasture.
The greatest sufferers are farmers along
Columbia Slough, many market gardeners
having to quit business for awhile, be
causo the worms left them nothing to
Brief Notes.
The soldiers' reunion at Pleasant Homo
will begin this morning. Already there
are a number of campers on the grounds,
who will remain during the week. The
reunion promises to be a success.
J. F. Roberts has gone to Tacoma to
bring home his two daughters. Mrs. Louis
Dinger and Miss Eflle Roberts, injured in
the street-car accident there. They were
both terribly injured, and have been In
the hospital ever since.
Cone Bros' sawmill, at Troutdale, has
shut down for several months, probably,
owing to the scarcity of logs. Its supply
comes from up the Sandy, and the stage
of water will not permit rafting at pres
ent. More than half the population of the
earth has direct access to the Pacific
USE fay Cycle.
(her 100.000 in use.
For Sole By AM Dealers.
f f Lp2