THE MORNING OBEGOKlAN, MONDAY, JULY 30, 1900. 1U THE LINCOLN-DOUGLAS DEBATES (Copyright. 1800, by Seymour Eaton.) THE OREGONIAN'S tfOMESTUDY CIRCLE: DIRECTED BY PROF. SEYMOUR EATON AMERICAN POLITICALP ARTIES BT HON. JESSE MACT. " XV. The period of the Kansas controversy rare rise to events full of serious portent for the Democratic party and. therefore, lor the Union. One by one the bonds be tween the slave and the free sections had snapped under the Increasing strain. The ties of race and language and kindred, the common Interest In church organi zations and business enterprises, and the common love of country were gone, and political attachments, too, were giving way. There was no longer an American party or a Whig party uniting North and Bouth; the new Republican party was In evitably a structly sectional party, and the South regarded It with pronounced en rnlty. Only the Democratic party re jnalned, and Democrats who loved the Union saw with foreboding threatening real manliness and courage and honesty by boldly opposing the plot The administration wing of the party was enraged at the defection of their ablest leader. All the power of govern ment patronage was enlisted against him, but as time passed it appeared that In spite of all Douglas was gathering to himself the real strength of the party, both North and South. His popular-sovereignty doctrine was truly popular and drew to his side many Republicans even. A stormy Congressional debate lasting for two months Anally resulted In tn passage of the Irecompton measure, but the bill contained provisos which re quired another popular vote In Kansas, and the vote was again overwhelmingly against It. The Llncoln-Donfflaa Debates. It was Illinois politics which determined the course of National politics at this critical juncture. The legislature elected there In 1S58 would choose a United States Senator. The Democratic conven tion the Party. The struggle which followed the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska bill had tended &11 along to strengthen the hold of the signs of disruption there, Effects of tle Dred Scott Decision i tlon ren0minated Douglas, whOBe course upon the Lecompton matter was enthusl astlcally approved and had made him more than ever the idol of his party in his own state. Some of the Republican already at the Nation? s lips. "It presses on the Irrepressible conflict," wrote Greeley. The Resolutions of Jefferson Davis The approaching Presidential election was now the absorbing topic of thought throughout the country. The danger of a dissolution of the Union was seen to be imminent. A feeling of uneasiness per vaded the land. Commercial interests took alarm. The North, and especially the West, had suffered severely in the panic of 1S57, whose effects had "hardly reached the South. If war between the section were to follow, or even the loss of the Southern trade, ruin to vast numbers was inevitable. "Union-saving" meetings were held In many Northern cities, which voiced the general anxiety. The peo plo called upon their leaders, and particularly upon those known to be aspirants for the Presidency, to state their positions. Seward. Lincoln, Douglas and Jefferson Davis responded. The Republican chiefs maintained the lof ty ground of moral principle which they had previously taken, and the people of the North gathered by their side with a growing solemnity and earnestness of pur pose rare in political controversy. But the pregnant, significant fact was that made clear by the utterances of the Dem ocratic leaders. The great party was hopelessly divided; the last strand of nationality was parting; disunion was In evitable. Douglas delivered a speech In the Sen ate January 12, I860, In which he avowed himself determined to yield no Jot of prin ciple or position, to make no concessions for the sake of the nomination which he did not seek, though willing to receive it. Jefferson Davis of Mississippi was the ablest of the pro-slavery leaders, and to him all eyes turned. Would the Southern Democrats take any backward steps? On February 2 Davis brought forward In the Senate a series of resolutions setting forth the claims of that wing of the party which he represented. They were in ef fect the ultimatum of the Southern Dem ocrats to the nominating convention soon to meet. The fourth of these resolutions was a significant one. It averred that no constitutional power belonged to Con gress or to any territorial Legislature to impair the right to hold slaves in the ter ritories, and that the Federal Govern ment was In duty bound to afford to slaves in Federal territories the same protection as was due to other property. Thus the two factions of the Democratic party defied each other. The Davis reso lutions were debated for three months and then passed. Downing, Hopkins & Co. BROKERS Chicago Board of Trade New York Stock Exchange Room ,4, Ground floor Chamber of Commerce DOTH TELEPHONES CAPE NOME v TRAVELERS GUILS. Union Depot. Sixth and J btreeta. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. . S. S. DESPHTCH Sails on Her Second Trip on or About July 20, 1900 Thf4 Is the only exclusive livestock steamer in -the . $i ?Nome trade. Bookings novy; Being.. made? gr . ' r ITOK RATES AHT IWrORMATIOH APPLT TT iJL Jtc. Iowa College. CALIFORNIA & OREGON COAST S. S. CO. r. P. BAUMfiARTNER, Agent, 2SS Washington 11. W. A. Mitchell CtK, General A vents. San Francisco. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. NOME direct FOR AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. Mr and Mrs W A ! .Avery, Los Angeles O Burns. Chicago E Barnes, Chicago J S Wilson. Kan cltr Mr and Mrs A J Cap- ron. Kansas Cltr J M Crawford. Berkely TV u Cameron, n i T J A Tudermann, San Francisco L H Wright. Van- couTer. B C Miss S O Walker. N Tl M E N Walker, do w K Johnson ana wf. St Paul Hazel A Johnson, do H 6 Curtis, Omaha E E Wright. Omaha E J Walker and moth er. Ban- Francisco F W Krlske. San Fro N Cohn and wife. S F Mt And Mrs R Whid- den. Boston Miss E Whldden. do W iSottachalk, Mllwkee Mrs A Q Fry and son. Ban Francisco J B Aahton. ChlcaffO N D Miller, St Paul L Vanderhaelen, Ant werp A J Gentle. X T A Davidson. N T TITR WHW PALATIAL STEEL STEAMSHIP "SENATOR" Win Mil Iran Seattle isd Ticeau ea r stoat Aaguit 6, aad September 6. The "Senator" has a capacity of 3500 tons. Her second cabin and steerage accommodations are superior to the flrst-class accommodations of most of the steamers advertised for Nome. The Pacific Coast Steamship Company has been running Its steamers to Alas kaWinter and Summer for 25 years, and Is the pioneer Pacific Coast line. Seat tle frelcht and passenger rates apply from Portland. For further Information Inquire of GCODALL, PERKINS & CQ.. General Agents. 10 Market. San Fran cisco, or N. POSTON, Agent. 29 "Washington St.. Portland. Or. chances for his recovery are good, re gardless of the fact that he Is 68 years old and has three bullets In his brain, two sent through the ears and the other from the rear of the head. The -wounds are healing, and Overmeyer is taking nourishment regularly. t BERLIN BOURSE DULL. ly, steamer Monmouthshire, Portland, Or., for Yokohama. Mrs A A Selden. andDr E M Dlnkelsplel, iwo cman. i jamesi tan .Francisco PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLN (ultfiMi.tA. .. elniTAir 4tta T aw r 1 1 1 party, and the Dred Scott decision com- ! pleted the triumph of that faction. There had been under Pierce a growing ascend ency of pro-slavery leaders, while Bu shanan's weak will and yielding character were soon entirely dominated by them. The political Importance of the Dred Scott decision lay, as we have seen, In the extra-Judicial announcement of Chief Justice Taney and the majority of the Supreme Court that the Missouri com promise was void, because Congress had no constitutional power to legislate against the Interests of the owners of slaves any more than against those of owners of other forms of property. Slave owners, therefore, had the right to carry their slaves wherever they chose upon Federal territory without Jeopardy to their ownership. Douglas stood loyally by the decision. To other minds the argu ment of the Chief Justice seemed to knock the foundations from under his popular sovereignty doctrine; but he Btrove with skill and plausibility to har monize the opposing views and carried with him the Northern Democrats. These found themselves, like the Democrats of the South, first deprecating the apologiz ing for slavery: then condoning, and fin ally admiring and advocating it as a boon and a blessing to the African race, and the Ideal condition of the negro. So the great party stood committed, temporarily, as a matter of partisan policy to the sup port of slavery; and by the decision of the court the political Issue between the par ties was clearly defined. The Democrats henceforth upheld the view that the terri tories were the common possession of the whole nation, purchased at the cost of Southern as well as Northern sacrifice, end 'that all property rights were equally eaered there. From this vantage ground Southerners were able ere long, as we shall see. to take one short step further it s Rosrer B. Taney leaders also urged that no opposition should be made to his return to' the Sen ate. This was Greeley's view. But Doug las could not command the full confidence of the Republicans; he had been too lately an aggressive enemy. Had Greeley's ad vice been followed, had the Illinois Re publicans rallied heartily to the support of Douglas, he would no doubt have be come President In 1SG0, and It Is an In teresting speculation just how that would have altered the sequence of events. Abraham Lincoln became the Republi can candidate to contest Senatorial hon ors with Douglas, and then occurred the great debate up and down the state which made the campaign forever memorable. Local questions played no part In the discussion. It was the mighty question which was splitting the Nation in two which was debated In all Its aspects by the rival statesmen, while their audience was the whole people. Lincoln placed the Issue before the people upon high moral grounds. He told them that a house di vided against Itself could not stand; that the Nation could not continue to exist half slave and half free. He ex posed the sophistry In the popular-sovereignty theory of Douglas, while he also riddled the argument of the Dred Scott decision. Douglas was the successful candidate, ' but Lincoln, as he said, was "after larger game." What was the election of '58 to that of '00? Lincoln's eye was upon the lartrer field of battle. The debates, while they made Lincoln known to the whole country, greatly strengthened the Republican party and clarified the views of the various elements composing It. They were thus of vast Im portance In party history. The John Brown Raid. John Brown was a religious fanatic who I had solemnly dedicated his life to the de struction of slaveo He had fought In Kansas for free soil, had undertaken by force to free the Missouri slaves, and came In 1S50 with a few followers to Har per's Ferry, "Va., to carry out a long cherished plan for liberating the slaves of Virginia. But the plot failed, the negroes did not rise at his bidding. Brown and six of his associates were tried and exe cuted as criminals. Coming, as this event did, In the midst of the already extreme tension of feeling respecting slavery. It roused a perfect frenzy of Indignation and resentment In tho South, and a most profound regret in the North, coupled with a measure of sympathy for tho misguided haters of slavery and admiration for the heroism with which they met their tragic fate. But the occurrence probably did not alter the course of history. The Repub lican majorities In the Autumn elections were, perhaps, slightly less; but they were still majorities. The bitterness of sectional feeling was for the time Inten sified, but no drop of gall was needed In the cup of the wine of wrath which was Mission. Alaska Miss K Harris. S F Mrs H Jacobs, 8 F I Mrs C A Foster and child. Puyallup MIm A Harris. R F H M Buchanon, ( Oman a. Neb F Clark. Baker E D Borers. Chicago W F Barrett. Chicago Bush Flnnell. S F B D Adamson. S F O L Slebrleht. San Arftonlo. Tex J O Scott, E Liverpool F H Taylor. Pittsburg E 8 Bowler, Los An geles M P Randolph. Seattle Louisa Tupper Denver L Cohen. Pendleton J H McKnlght. N Y A 8 Jackson, Pendleton Columbia River Scenery. Rrsmlator Line steamers, from Oak- atreet dock, daily, except Sundays, Tho Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, and return. Call on. or fone Agent for further Information. .THE PERKINS. Monthly Settlement Under Unusual Conditions Good Crop Reports. BERLIN, July 29. Last week's bourse was extremely Inactive, but values showed a firm tendency. The small vol ume of business is quite without prece dent. The restriction Is chiefly due to the fact that the Cologne banks are taking refuge In the bourse law In order to re fuse to settle marginal losses. The mar ket for coal and Iron shares has some what Improved upon the better American FROM A "SCIENTIST." Is Admission That an Accoucheur Desirable at Childbirth. IiA FAYETTE. Or7. July 28. (To the Editor.) In The Oregonlan- of yesterday, an article under the head of "Christian Science" essays to give a practical ex ample of this teaching's application to obstetrics by reference to a sensational story In the New York Times, the truth of which story your correspondent states he has no means of testing, but that It serves his purpose In illustration In that he asserts it Is "what might reasonably be expected at the hands of a Christian Science healer." "While It Is not surprising that those unacquainted with Christian. Science, save through such statements as may be given THREE TRAIN5 DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST "CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPECIAL." Leaves for the East, via Huntington, at 9:13 A M.; arrives. 4 P.M. SPOrtLANK KLYI2II, For bpokane. Eastern Washington, and Great Northern points, leaves at 0 K M-: arrive at I A. M. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. Leaves for the East, via, Huntingdon, at 9 P. M.. arrives at o.40 A. M. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOUKIsT SLEEPERS. Water lire aoheUulc. subject to chanx wtu out aotlct: OCKAN AND RJV13II SCHEDULE. OCtJ.u Xx ioxO.N sUanislupg all from Alnaworth Dock at h P. M. Ura.e Portland Columbia, Sunday, July 1; eduesday, July a.,,, ,,uis -i. Tuesday. July Jl; Fri day, Aur. 10. State of California, Friday, Juiy 6; Alonuay. Juiy lu; Tnursuay. July 'M: Sunday. Aug. S. From San Franclaeo Leaving Bpear-Street Pier No. 24. San Fianclsco, at 11 A. M., as follows: State ot California. Monday, July 2; Thursday. July 12: Sunday. July Xi; Wednea day. Aug-. 1; Saturday, Aug-. 11. CoiUmbta, Saturday, July 7: Tuesday. July K; Friday. July 27: Monday. Aug-. 0. ' COLUMBIA RIVER DIVISION PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer iiassalo leavot .fontanel dolly, vzeep: Sunday, at tt.OU K il.. vu oiuraay at lu:tA 1. XI, I'.eturnlnr. leaves Astoria lall. accent ju.i dy. at 7:u A. M. Steamer T. J. Potter leaves Portland Tues day and Thursdays at 0 A. M-; Saturdays. 1 P. M for .Astoria and Long Beach. Leaves llwnco Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sundays from 5 to 3 P. M- accordlnj: to tide. "WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND AND SALEM. OR. Stcamer Ruth, for Salem and way points, leaves Portland Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri dajs at tl:00 A. M, Returning-, leaves Salem Tuesdays, Thunlays and Saturdays at 0:00 A.M. YAMHILL RIVER ROUTE. PORTLAND AND DAYTON, OR. Steamer lSlmore, for Dayton and way points, leaves Portland Tuesday. TnursJays and Bat unlay at 7 A. M. Returning, leave Dayton for TortUnd and vray points Mondays. Weoneday ana Friday at 0 A. M. S.S'AKE RIVER ROUTE. RITARIA. WASH., AND LEWISTON. 1DV1I Steamer Spokane ur leainer Lm linuti leavt RlDarla daily at 3:35 A. M.. arriving at Lewis- ton at 3 P. M- Returning, the apokane or Lewlston leaves Lewlston dally at 9 A. M., arriving at Rlparla same evening. W. H. HURLBURT. General Paawnger Agen. V. A. 6CHILL1NO. Cltv Ticket Agent. Telephone Main 712. SO Third street, cor Oak. NewSteamsMpLinetotheOrient CHINA AND JAPAN. FROM PORTLAND, la onncUx wlU. THE OREGON RA1I.ROVD NAVIGATION CO. Schedule. 1UOO iwubject lo change): Steamer. Due to Leave I'onlanC MUNMOCTHSHIRE" June 21 "BRAEMAR" .. July 13 "ARGYLL" Aug. 5 For rates, accommodations, etc. appl t DODWELL & COMPANX, Limited. General Agents. Portland Or. To principal points in Japan and China. POSSIBLY YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF THE FAST TIME AND SUPERB SERVICE Now offered by the VpIctSS WE HAVE DAILY FAST TRAINS TO THE EAST 2 If you cannot take the morning train, travel via the evening train- Both aro finely equipped. "Our Specialties" ' Fast Time Through Service PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS, PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. PULLMAN DINKKS, LIBRARY (CAFE) CAR AND FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. Honr in Time Saved to Omaha, Chi en pro, Kaimai City, St. LouIj Xctv York, Boston, And Other Enatern Points. Tickets good via Salt Lake City and Denver. It Is to your interest to use THE OVER I.AND ROUTE. Tickets and sleeping-car berths can be secured from GEO. LANG. City Pass, and Ticket Agent. J. H. LOTHROP. General Agent. 135 Third St.. Portland. Or. etsooeteiot9tt" 9 P E Harris, Prosaer I A Ezell. Elgin A J Henderson, Seattle F Terrlce, Olympla j John Cradle, do A Q Welborn. Seattle Mrs J Gertrude Hulse, AiDany, or J P Wallls. Albany O B James, Seattle A B Conley, Cove O O Klncald, La Grande. Or S F Chaney. Caldwell M T Nolan, The Dalls A xless. Portland C P Warner, S F and declare slavery established In the territories with the United States as Its cUardian. Against this, position the Republicans maintained that the rights of slavery were and had always been only local and statutory and not to be recognized be yond the limited soverelgntj of the states which created them. fjopfclatt and the Lceorapton Consti tution. In 1837 Kansas renewed her application for statehood, and the pro-slavry legis lature presented the Lecoropton consti tution. This, it will be remembered, was neve adopted by the people of the terri tory. ' The pro-slavery convention which framed the pro-slavery document per mitted the voters to pronounce upon one section only, and not until by a new Legis lature the whole constitution was sub mitted to the people In January, 1856, would the free-state settlers take part In an election upon the question. Then L majority of over 10,000 was given against It, pro-slavery settlers declining to vote. The discussion respecting the Lecomp ton constitution was now transferred to the chambers of Congress, and became a matter of National Interest. The Ad ministration was determined to force the obnoxious Instrument upon the undeni ably large free-state population, but It was soon found that a strong Northern element in the party would resist the nefarious scheme. Douglas proved his CILLISON&CO. A W Wilson, San Frn L G Wilson, do C C Haynes, Forest Grove. Or W R Haynes, do W H Hammell, Nee Perces. Idaho M B Runkle. Walla W yA Watson. Spokane Wm Boots, Monmouth A L Foster. Cleveland S A Pierce, San Fran H C Bell. St Paul C W Cather. Blan- chester. O F N Carnahan and family. Blanchester C L Beekley. Elkton S B Wlllsdon, Chicago Mrs S B Wlllsdon. do F Menefee. The Dalles E It Cowles, do R T Holme. Mattoon Mn R T Holmes, do S E Frost. Omaha B Hemmar. Vlento S B Huston, Hlllsboroj J n Dougherty, Duns mulr. Cal Mrs J B Dougherty, do A J Johnson. Astoria D W Ralston. Sherldnl Astoria THE ST. CHARLES, A O Bailey. Taeoma J Marchele. Dancy R E Phillips, Wausau A Sprindler and fam ily, Wausau. Wis L Flag?. Silverton Mrs Fulltrlp. Chinook E W Conyers, Clats- kanle. Wash X Merrill, do F E Dodge, Tillamook J F Lovelace. do D Martlny, Tillamook J B Teon. Cathlamet W A McKInnon. city E E Yogier. Huntlngtn s A Hamilton, ao C O Tonny. Gold Bech E W Gillam. Bridal Veil R Sanders. Sumpter T Small, Bridal Veil Joel Bean and wife, San -Jose, Cal C Hllben. Wausau E B Helberger. Gold Beach, Or Al Campbell, do R C Guthrtge, Wed- derburn P A Trans, White Salmon F M Clement. Taeoma A Miller. Pendleton W E Pahley. city C Phllleber. Salem F W Price, Independce' G Snyder, Plttshurg- M Snyder. Flttsburg H M Payne, San Fran E V Homerer, Seattle; Mrs E V Homerer. do W C Torman. Pa Ell J P Duckett. Pe Ell a c Ban-anger, Balti more. Md J Klein. Pendleton Mrs J Klein. do T S Evans. Dalles F E Dodge, Delta Mrs F E Dodge. Delta '" Walsh. La Grande 8 a Madge. Olympla JOB Scoby. Olympla E S Mack, San Fran iirs a Maclc, do i-ts4 nmt(A Annrf oltu uwiutaww vw-. , The monthly settlement finished yes- now am aBa.n uoiikd u pr. terday under unusual money conditions, aonld look upon It with disfavor. It Is most values showlny a decline as com- Relieved that neither The Oregonlan nor pared with the June settlement. Chinese its correspondent would Intentionally mls- 5s had lost S points, but gained slightly state its teachings or misrepresent its during tho week. Private discount de- Practice, and therefore the following ex- cllned to 3 per cent yesterday. Never- Planatory statement is submitted regard- tv..i.t. ,. . Ho. in fntrr B the matter. change rates causes a fear that the ease P wrlt PMce with Christian In money will not last. London exchange ScIen?e and ts application leads him to rose sharply, reaching a point where gold Question most seriously the sensational exports were possible, but It decline 1 55ate,e,nt8 made n he Tlmes a5tlcle I7 EAST SOUTH VIA (pJ( SUKSET -n O 0G0EH&SHA5TA-J tf) rag5 yO y Leave Dtptt Fills all I Streets Arrlr Board of Trade and Stock Exchange Brokers GRAIN v PROVISIONS STOCKS and COTTON BOUGHT AND SOLO FOR. CASH OR CARRIED ON MARGINS 214-215 .Chamber of Commerce Portland, Oregon A H Pratt, San Fran T S Moorhead. Evans port Nellie C Childs. Detroit Jos Elwlck. Olympla Mrs Jos Elwlck. do airs 1 jj DeForce, Spo kane, Wash Mrs J Williams, do W O Fouch, city G W Haberly. S F B Bltsinrer. Manila B J Boyntoa. Bt Paul J a Harpet. Astoria A Klljmen. Astoria G R Xlckerzon. Butta W A Williams, do J W straek. The Dalles H Clough. The Dalles J Miss Hlbbard, Salem H H Ingalla and wife. Astoria N Cohen and Trlfe. S F D A Nelson. San Fran 0 H Smith and wife. Van cower Al SherilU Astoria 1 Mrs M J Kyle. Astoria MIks R Krle. Astoria I J H O'Connell and wf, Mrs S Potter, Sumpter & ana w judd. Chicago Alice B Merritteld, Se attle. Wash Mrs E G Helnemane and children. Seattla John Wilson and wife, Maygers, Or Louis Adams and wife, Seattle J F Adams and vrhe, Stockton, Cal Miss G Brener. do P C Green. Hlllsboro N A Emmltt. Falls Cty H T Burr, Ladue L G Rusland, Hubbard S D Laughlln. Cascade M Elliott, cltr Mra H L Watterstad, uasue kocjc E A Reynolds. Holbrok D Savage. Sheridan Miss LenoSson. Astoria x Jones and wife, Or egon City H Dabner, Saa Fran J D Wlatt. Dansrille J Black. Dansvtlle mento. Cal E K Browne, city C r Gadke. city A Bander. Hubbard Mrs E Hlslop and boys. Butte, Mont J L Alberson. Cornu copia pfennig yesterday, The sugar market continued strong, re fined sugar rising 30 pfennig during the week, but being more quiet at the end. The rise was Influenced by the exhaustion of stocks suitable for the United States. Two Hamburg firms failed through short sales of sugar. The July crop reports show a further Improvement upon June In wheat and rye. Dr. Billings, In that no warrant can be found In Its teachings for the total dis regard of common sense and loving com passion, as is portrayed In the article cited. The Christian Science textbook, "Sci ence and Health, with Key to the Scrlp- 1 tures," by Mary B. G. Eddy, from which your correspondent quotes, truly advo cates that In all times of physical or men tal travail the thought of the sufferer be lifted above its material environment to The London Stock Mnrlcet. I ,",e "s"m contemplation 01 uungsspir. LONDON. July 29. The stock exchange ' a ,, Btrantru vnt nr,f was In some respects unsaUsfactory but j h , ,n 0- yet ,t also teaChes on the whole the market closed with a , through precept as well as precedent, by brighter outlook. The renewed advance lta auth that thft mechanlcal necessl of Lord Roberts was regarded as an en- I tlea In auch ., aa the one cltedt snould couraging sign. The anxiety regarding , Tecelve t sklnful attention of a surgeon ? Pi nti a,d,hV)r0T?,0f , r Practical accoucheur, while the Chrls 2Sn aZLI n Lnfv Jhnrt" tlan Science practitioner fulfills his part 2 ? flSSB21r?? hAPi m'J through calming and destroying the at ed the firmest market, but there was lit- j tendant fears and preVentlng distress and """ -7" Lc 'ncF!5f,es protracted confinement. Investigation were St. Paul, Louisville & Nashville, will reveal, In Portland alone, abundant ALPHA WILL SURRENDER. Finds It Impracticable to Avoid Seianre by Americans. SEATTLE, WashT"july 29. It Is re ported here on good authority that the owners of the British steamer Alpha, which defied the order of the Treasury Department and landed cargo and pas sengers from Vancouver, B. C, at Nome, last month, are to surrender her to the Union Pacific, each ; Southern pre- f o th'e effi of christian Science ferred. 4, while Reading preferred fell 1 ' L.,,., , Rh .... and th writer S MonevwLTnoodmanhr wl - furnIsh opportunity for verl . Money was In good demand, and three 1 ..., ,k..i -,.-. ,. ..i,.. months' bills rose from 3H to 4 per cent. ,,M cl,,. ,, , ,. m "sentlmentallsm," nor In times of emer gency does It depend upon an emotional "spiritual exaltation" or blind faith, but acts In accord with a demonstrable divine principle, and under all circumstances j strives to make practical, though spirit ual, understanding of this principle, the promises of the Gospel made to every professing Christian. The thousands of examples of the healing and saving power of Christian Science give proof of Its truth and practicability, and the earnest investigator can verify such proof for himself through unprejudiced Individual application to the conditions of his dally 8:20 P. M. 8:30 A. M. 4:00 P. M. J7:30 A. U. J4:00 P. M. OVERLAND HX PRE5S TRAINS for Salem, Rose burg. Ashland. Sac ramento, O g d e n. fian Franclnco, Mo Jave. L03 Angeles. El Paso, New Or leans and th Ksit At Woodhura (dally except Sun day), morning train connects with train for Mu Angrl. 511 v e r ton. Browne vllle. ttpringfleid and Natron, and evening train tot Mt. Angel and Sil verton. Albany passenger Corrallli" passenger Sheridan pamengtr T: A.M 6:30 P. U. O e e e o o o o e 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 o o o - o o o o o 9 o o 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 aooooooococoooooooooo Prepare to Be Surprised Nine people out of ten who go Eit on the St. Luli Special are AMAZED at the excellence of the service. w Everthins Is of the best. The track l's smooth and solid. Cars aro right up to dite. Tne engines are the fleetest In the West. The dining-car service Is not -urpassed in tnl or any othr country. Bst of all. you need not make a single change of cars from the mo ment vou leave Portland until you are landed, safe, sound and on time, at Liroln. S Joseph, Kan sas City or St. Lculs. Tlcltct oniec. CO 3rd 5!.. or. Stir't, Por'Jin I, Orcisi. R. TT. FOSTXR. Tlckt Agent. GEO. 8. TATJ.OR. City Puaxnavr Azent. 9 9 9 9 O O O e e e o o e 9 o e o o o o e e o I tV" TT?i'1rJL''iirTl:!t ' V"fNflV:?i' Si vJ":l 4M'WCW JsniVU V pmS?)MiMim 10:10A.M. :s jo p. ai. :2. A. M Dally. Dally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland. Sac ramento and San 4ranclsco. Net rate 117 first class and fll second class, including sleeper. Rates aiid ticket to Eastern point and Eu rope. Also JAPAN. CHLN'A. HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained Irom J. B. K1RKLAND. Ticket Agent, HO Third st. TAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot ot Jefferson Street. United States Government, for whatever ftJ&fT"'' !f.SIt and with the understanding of the -.....vw. 'V6''. " " ct,.oict 1 ,,K fi frnlnori Tin n-IlT find fhoroln Is obtained she will enter the coal and lumber trade between this port and San Francisco. At present she Is In the fish ing trade In British Columbia waters, fearing to venture out to sea where she might be seized by United States revenue cutters on the lookout for her. the truest of "good common sense." DAVID B. OGDEN. W Adklns. Troutdalo 1 J H Smith. Woodburn Miss R Wilson. Staytn Miss M Wilson, do Miss Cora Aurel, Cot-; tage Grove J C Doty. do B A Boothby. Mon mouth, Or A N Leisure. Wood land. Wash John Hyerde, St Bonl- race. Minn H Oathmaner. do A J Maery. Chaska B Ranes. Gale's Creek C IT 'Roberts. Tarohill E Pollock. Salem R J Fltxpatrtck, Tucson, Arlx Hotel Urnnowlclr. Seattle European: first class. Rates. T5c and up. block trom oepoi. jtesiaurant next aoor. Taeoma HoteL Tacoraa. American plaa Bates, 53 and up. Donnelly Hotel. Tncoma. European plan. Rates. 50c and up.' On Glrl'n Body Sent Home. NEW YORK. July 29.-The body of Nel lie Blair, or Ogle, the young woman who committed suicide at the Presbyterian Hospital on Friday, was today sent to St. Louis, on the order of the dead girl's mother, Mrs. Ogle, of St. Louis. Liven "With Three Bullet In Brain. MUNCIE. Ind., July 29. The physicians attending Henry Obermeyer, who at tempted suicide Thursday, stated that the Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA, Or., Julr 29. Arrived At 1 P. MI, and left at 2:40 P. M.f steamer ' Columbia, from San Francisco: arrived at 2 P. M., tug Tatoosh, from Seattle; ar rived, July 2S, barkentlne Addenda, from San Francisco, for Knappton. Sailed W. H. Harrison, for Tillamook; 3:40 P. M.. U. S. cruiser Philadelphia. San Francisco, July 29. Arrived Steamer State of California, from Port land; steamer Mackinaw, from Seattle. Sailed, July 28, steamer Coqullle River, from Gray's Harbor. Arri-?ed. July 28, steamer Transit, from Gray's Harbor. New York. July 29. Arrived California, from Marseilles: Maasdam, from Rotter dam and Boulogne. St. Michael, July 29. Passed Ems, New York, for Gibraltar, Naples and Ge noa. Movllle, July 29. Arrived Parisian, from Montreal, for Liverpool. Queenstown. July 29. Arrived Servla, from New York, for Liverpool, and pro ceeded. Movllle, July 29. Sailed Anchorla, from Glasgow, for New York. Hong Kong. July 9. Arrived previous- Sis? CI it a non-Boiionui-j I remedy for Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Sper mat orrh tea, Wbltei, unnatural dlr charges, or any lnnsmmv jrmvau eciutits. tioa of mucous menr JTHlEtWSCHOKaJU.G0. branee. on-sstringent- LeiaCUMTt,0.r-"l Sal fcy DrHlls, or isnt In plsin wrarper, far express, vrevald. foi 31.00. or 3 bottles, $3.75. v WrcsUr seat oa MQUtst. Leave for Oswego daily at 7:20. : A. M.: 12:30, V.iA. 3-35. 4 MO. U, S.30. ll:Jy p. M.; and 8:00 A.. AL -n Sundays amy. Arrive at Portland dally at s:&. 8:3U. lo.-SO A. M.: 1J3. 3:10, 4:20, 0:15. 7:40. 10.00 P. M.. 1Z.4U A. M. dally, except Mcnoay. 8:3(, and 10:05 A. M. on Sundays only. Leave for Dallas daily, except Sunday, at 3:05 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 3:30 A. M. Passenger train leave Dallas for Airlle Mon day o. Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:43 P. M. Returns Tueaday. Thursdaya and Saturdays. Except Sunday. to the mountains ARE YOU taking a acatlont If so. we woul like to n yoj s.m-; literature about "Banff Hot Srlnr . "The Gr-at Glacier of the Selkirk-." and the magnificent ho tels ther-. optratea bv the Canadian Pa cific I.allway. Ciieap l.xcuralon Kates mado from all Pacific ConJt point3. OR. IP YOU are going East take your Tick ets by the "Imperial'ted" and spend x day or two at iur moanta.n reports. Ton will benetit by It and ctjoy it. Apply to any" Canadian Pacific Ry. Agent or to E. J. COYLE. H. II. ABBOTT. Aent. Portland. Or. Asst Gen Pa?s. Agent. Vancouver. B. C. (PSreatNocthernI R. KOSHLER. C. H. MARKHAM. Manager. Oen. yrt- A Pass. Art- DOUBLG DAILY TRAIN SERVICE. liclet Cintt, 263 Horrlsaa Stre:r, '?hnz 5SJ LK : No. 4 0:00 r M. Tht FljT, dally ' ant from a I. Paul. Minn, spoil. Dututn. Chtrn.-. Kit, mi iiint F.t. Aititm. Ko.X 7:u.i A M. The Pioneer Dlniner and Observation Car Ilonte. TRAVELERS GUIDE. Empire Line fo" Cape Nome And Yukon River Poinb S. S. "OHIO," 3500 Tons Soils from Seattle n or about Aug. 25 Reservations can now be made upon applica tion to any railroad or sub-agent of the Inter national Navigation Company, or to EMPIRE TRANSPORTATION CO.. SEATTLE. WASH. bio Vltauxer.theprescripuoaotafAmous French physician, will quickly cure you ofall nervous or du&sr&ot Uie.generaUva organs, such as .Lost itlaubuod, Iaxmsls, Pnlns Is Ihe SaeKrSemlnal Xoalaalnna, Kervoa Debility, JPlraples jjsiataeaa to Mnry, :xnnustlnc: JJrnln. Tarleoeclf mnH Coaatlpntion. It stops all Ineseabydly or night. Prevents qu.clcnea of dUcharge, which If not checked leads to Snermatorrheaa and all tLa hnrrarsof lmnnUncv. CUPIDENKcleanxesthe 1Itt. th tMnv inrl ImnnHilM ltlf TT! VTRntwnrth!! and restores small wrtUc organs- .The reason sufferers are not cured by Doctors Is beeruswi CO per cent are troubled with xrsttlll. CUPIDENE tho only known remrdr to curs wlihout mi operation. 000 le-itininnbus. A written faarantee glvea and money ntumel If 6hoxesdessot effect a permanent core, SLOOaboxfor Ji,00, ymalL Send for ynxKcircuUr and iMllmonlAis. Address DATOtt MUDXCLSEK :. P. O. Dox 207X. San Francisco, OL Tor wl by Aldrlca Pharmacy, Sixth asd "Waa ntngton streets. Portland, Or. WwB No. 2 2 P. iL Ko. 4 110 P.M. t Unloa Depot, 6th m J JSti Korth Coast Limited. For Taeoma, beattle. North Yakima, opo- kane, Pullman. Mos cow. Lewlston. Kosj land. B. C, Butto. Helena. St. Paul. Min neapolis, Chicago. Bos ton. New York and all points East and Southeast. Twin City Express, for Taeoma. Seattle, bpo- kane, Helena. .Butte. St. Paul. Chicago. Bos ton. New York, Omaiia. Kansas City. Council Bluffs. St. Louis, ana all polnta east and southeast. No. : 7A. M. No. 3 8 P.M. Through train service vi Northern Pacific and Burlington lino rrom Portland to Omaha. Kansas City. St. Louis. Quick time and un equaled accommodations.' Take North Coast Limited Train No. 2 for South Bend. Olympla and Gravs HarDor points. See the North Coast Limited. Elegant Up holstered TourUt Sleeping Cars, Pullman Standard Sleepers. Dining Car and Observa tion Car. nil electris lighted. Solid vestlbuied trains. Tickets sold to all points In the United States and Canada, and baggage checked to destination of tickets. Through Paluce snil Tourlit Sleevers. Dlmni snd UuflVt Pmoklnw-L.U'rary Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIr TOSA MARU For Japan. China nntt all Asiatic point wUJ leae Seattle About S-pt. 12th Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. For Maygrrs. Kaln!er.ARIUVE3 ..i Z .--. I T?rm LEAVKS UNION DEPOT. UNION DEPOT. 11:10 A. M 9:40 P. M. For Information, tickets, sleeping-car Tier vatlons. etc.. call on or write A. D. CHARLTON Asfttntnnt General Pasoenger ARent, 255 aiorrlson St.. Cor. Third. Portland, Oregon. WHITE COLLAR LINE BAILEY GATZERT (Alder-street Dock) Leaves Portland dally every morning at 7 o clock, except Sunday Returning, leaves As toria every night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Oresos pbons Slain 231. Columbia phone Ml. t-' .S'itoort- Clifton. Astoria. ' rnton. Klavel. Ham mond. Fort Sten. I'nrk. S.ii.le 8:00 A. XL Astoria and Sanor. Expr. Dally. 0:55 P. M Aitorlt Kxpr.s. usiir. 2:30 P. i- I Seashore Express. Saturday only. Except Saturday. Ticket ofllce. 33d Morrison t and Union dtpot. i C. MAYO. Gn. Paa. Agi.. Astoria. Or. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. FOR ALASKA. THE COMPANY'S elegant .steamers Queen. Cottage City, city ot iopeKa ana Al - Kl leave TACOMA 11 A. M.. SE ATTLE n p. m.. Aur. n, s. 13, 15. IS. 23. 23. SerC 2. 7. 12. 17. 22. 27; Oct. 2. and every fifth day thereafter For further information obtain company's folder. The company reserves the right to change steamers, sailing dates and hours of sailing, without previous notice. AOENTS N. POSTON. 240 Washington st., Portland. Or.: F. W. CARLETON. N. P. R, R. Dock. Taeoma. ticket ofllce 01S First ave.; Seattle. E. W. MELSE. ticket agt: H. IL 1.1,11111. Puget Sound Supt.; C. W. MILLER, Asst. Supt.. Ocean Dok. Seattle. GOODALL. PERKINS & CO.. Gen. Agts.. S. T. I fcv MEN No Cure No Pay THE MODERN APPLIANCE positive way to perfect manhood. The VACUUM TKEATMEIhT CURES you without medicine of all nervous or diseases CZ the generative or gans, such as lost manhood, exhaustive drains, varicocele, lmpotency. etc- Men are quick!) re stored to perfeit health and strength. Write for circulars. Correspondence confidential. THE HEALTH APPLIANCE CO.. rooms 4T-41 Safe Deposit build Inr. .Seattle. IVash.