Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 30, 1900, Image 1

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    ff Msk rM(wkm
VOL. XL. NO. 12,364.
&m SsSS
10 Years
Baltimore Rye
Agents for Oregon. Washington and Idaho.
Purest Type
HOT AIR Are not what we want this weather,
iI IPWATK BUT this Winter we will sigh and wish
i"UfMliIo for some of the heat we now wish to
escape, and Richardson & Boynton Furnaces will pro
vide it They are sold, "NOT KEPT' by
r. G.
European Plan:
Special rat em made to families ui d sting;! tantiemes The saasaftre
sent will lie plrnmert at all times to ahorr roaaa,Bd civ prices. A taa4a
m TcrUiih bath establishment la the hotel. H. C DOWEH5, Manacetv
We have them In several varieties, both one and two-seat.
We are also showing the smartest effects In Stanhopes, sin
gle and two-seat Traps, Open and Top Surreys, Bike "Wagons,
with wood and wire wheels, solid rubber cushion and pneumatlo
"We have a most complete line of Fine Harness.
Visitors are always welcome.
Carriages, "Wajrons,
Harness, Robes and "Whips.
Will keep Flies, Gnats. Mosquitos and other Insect Pests away. A per
fectly harmless but effective application for man or beast' Indorsed
by the loading stock and dairymen. s
Half pints, 25c; pints, 40c; quarts, 75c; gallons, $2.50.
Manufactured only by
Wholesale and Retail Druggists Fourth and Washington Sts.
Founded 1S70.
J. W. Hill, M. D., Principal.
ChrlstmnM Term Opens Sept. 18, 1000.
A Boardlnr and Day School. Under present
management since 1S7S.
Primary, Preparatory and Academic Depart
ments. College Preparation. Military Discip
line, Manual Training. Boys of all ages, re
calved. For catalogues or Information address the
Principal. J. W. HILL, M. D.. P. O. drawer
IT, Portland, Or.
Library Association pf Portland
24,000 volumes and
S5.00 a year or S150
Two books allowed
HOURS From 90 A. M. to fcOO r
C. W. KNOWLE8. Mgr.
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J. G. Mack & Co.
88 Third St.
Opposite Cbiairr ef Censerce
Just the thing for a spin
on the White House Road.
320-338 E. Morrison St
tehrees Sercttt H0 M
over 200 periodicals
a quarter
on all subscriptions
M. dolly, except Sundays and hotldro.
Anarchist Assassin Bores
His Heart
Had Been Attending
mnastic Exhibition.
He Cynically Avoired His Guilt and
But Narrowly Escaped the
Fury of the Populace.
MONZA, Italy, July 30.-King Humbert
has been assassinated. He was shot hero
last evening at 10:45 by a man named
Angelo Bressl, and died at 11:30.
The King had been attending a distri
bution of prlzeB In connection with a
gymnastic competition about 10 o'clock.
He had just entered his carriage
with his ald-de-camp, amid the
cheers of the crowd, when he
was struck by three revolver shots fired
in quick succession. One pierced the heart
of His Majesty, who fell back and ex
pired in a few minutes.
The assassin was immediately arrested
and was with some difficulty saved from
the fury of the populace. He gave his
name as Angelo Bressl, describing him
self as of Prato, In Tuscany. He cynically
avowed his guilt of tho crime.
Premier Called Cabinet Meeting- and
Started for Monza.
ROME. July 30, 3 A. M. The news of
the terrible event did not arrive here un
til after midnight. Slgnor S. Saracco,
the Premier, Immediately summoned a
meeting of the Cabinet, and the Ministers
will start at the earliest possible moment
for Monza.
The Prince and Princess of Naples are
on board the Tela, yachting In the Le
vant. The city presents a .normal aspect this
mornIngr-tl8fe,-news1'bf -thefmurder not. yet
, being generally Jcnown--SIprparacco4n hla 'recovery "is' dWbtfulTIffs wrf
thev Premier, will leave for Monza at 71 aitlon i8 the result of being thrown from
o'clock thla morning with the Vlce-Pres
ldent of tho Senate, to draw up .the cer
tyicate of death of the King, whose body
will be brqught to Rome.
TJie Prince of Naples Is at Piraeus on
his return voyage.
The Council of Ministers Is In. session.
The Assassin an Anarchist.
LONDON, July 30. Angelo Bressl, the
assassin of King Humbert, according to
a special dispatch -from Home, dated to
day. Is an anarchist.
Too Late for Official Comment.
NEW YORK, July 29.-Owlng to the
lateness of the hour at which the news
of the assassination of King Humbert
was received In this city. It was impos
sible to sec either Consul-General Branchl
or Vice-Consuls Albertl and Burdese.
Baron de Fava, the Italian Ambassador,
was at Seabright, N. Z, He was much
distressed at receiving the news, but said
to the Associated Press that he could
not give out any statement until he had
been officially notified by his government.
Prince of Naples to Succeed.
KANSAS CITY, July 29.-Jerome Fedeli,
Italian Vice-Consul In Kansas City, was
greatly shocked when he learned of the
assassination of King Humbert of Italy.
"King Humbert was greatly beloved by
his people." said Mr. Fedeli, "and I con
not conceive why any one but a crank or
an anarchist should wish to take his life.
He was good and kind and charitable. I
knew him welL He will be succeeded In
all probability by his oldest son, tho
Prince of Naples, who Is a young man,
not yet 30 years old.
"Why He Did Not Kill the Kins.
NEW YORK. July 30. Ten days ago an
Italian In Paterson, N. J., Carbole Spe
ranza, laid down his life and so absolved
himself fronvhis pledge to kill King Hum
bort of Italy. Ho killed Guiseppe Pessana
and then took his own life. It was said
that he held high place In the Mafia. The
two men quarreled and Speranza shot
Pessana and blew out his own brains. A
very strange letter was-found In his pock
et. In the letter which Speranza had pre
pared, he set forth that he was chosen
by his anarchist comrades to kill the
King of Italy, but that, owing to the fact
that he was In this country on the date
set for the attempt at assassination, he
could not fulfill his obligation.
"This Is not of my bidding," wrote Spe
ranza, "but the good and brave society
will sit On February 2. In Italy, It was
my lot and my order to kill the King. My
number came out In America and I could
not do It. They gave me liberty, but
ordered that the will of the society must
be obeyed. They have said that because
I was In America that I could do nothing,
but I will show them that I do not talk
only. Companions, either renounce the
society or in silence obey the oath of
The Dead Klner.
Jean Marie Ferdinand Eugene Humbert
I, King of Italy, was born March 14. lS4t
He attended his father, Victor Emmanuel,
during the War of .Italian Independence
in IKS. In 1S6S. when Italy fought with
Austria, the Prince took the field as com
mander of a division In General Calal
dlnl's army, and was present at the dis
astrous battle of Custozza, June 23, 1SGS.
After Rome was occupied In 1S70 by the
Italian troops, ho took up his residence
there, and upon the death of his father,
January 9, 1S78, succeeded to the throne
of Italy. In November of the same year
an attempt was made to assassinate him,
but It failed. When the would-be assas
sin was condemned to death, Humbert
commuted his sentence to Imprisonment
at hard labor. During the cholera epi
demic at Naples, he exposed himself fre
quently In his endeavors to alleviate the
suffering of the sick and dying. By these
and other acts of kindness the King won
the affection of the Italian people. In
1S6S he married his cousin. Princess Mar
guerite of Savor, and a son was born of
this marriage In 1SC9.
Autonomists of' Cuba Afraid of Inde
pendence Yet Awhile.
HAVANA, July 29. The decree calling
the constitutional convention and provid
ing for the election of delegates meets
with almost universal approval at the
hands of the Cuban press. The element
which has always clamored for Inde
pendence ''sees in the convention the con
summation of the plans of a lifetime.
Tho Autonomists, Cuban capitalists gen
erally and Cuban merchants alike look
v-Ith concern upon the prospective devo
lution of large responsibilities upon Inex
perienced .hands; and the word has gone
around among them to try to elect the
very best" class of delegates possible.
Probably they will rally to the banner
of the Union Democratic party.
From this time on those who share
these apprehenslbns will use their funds
and influence to secure the full registra
tion ol thp better class of voters and to
educato the people up to tne laea tnat it
would bo -advantageous to continue the
American. Intervention several years
Rathbone Hsu No Bondsmen.
HAVANA, July 29. The court before
which- Estes Q. Rathbone, formerly Di
rector of Posts of Cuba, was arraigned
yesterday, after his arrest on charges of
fraud. Issued an order directing that the
prisoner be removed this morning to the
Carcel, but Lieutenant-Colonel Scott, act
ing Governor-General, advised that he be
allowed to remain In the Vlavac until It
was known whether ball would b se
cured. His attorneys are confident of
getting a satisfactory bondsman tomor
row. Many persons called upon Mr.
Rathbone today to express their sympa
thy with him In his predicament Among
them waa General lie.
Attended Church In the Morulas, and
Dined With tfie Days.
CANTON, O., July 23. President Me
Kinley attended services at the First
Methodist Church this morning, where
the poys vested choir of "Wheeling ren
dered special music Rain during tho
afternoon kept the family in tho house
and greatly reduced the" number of call
ers. This evening the President and Mn.
McKInley were dinner guests of Judge
and Mrs.- Day, together with Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Lynch, and Mr. and Mrs.
M. C Barber.
Senator Fairbanks, of Indiana, Is ex
pected In the city Monday. He will con
fer with the President, but will prob
ably be a guest at the home of Judge
Rev. Horace Porter Seriously 111.
NEW YORK, July 2?. Rev. Horace
Porter, first assistant pastor of Ply
jaouihvChurclv Brooklyn, .la, dangerously
his bicycle on Brooklyn bridge about six
weeks ago.
Secretary Lons'a Private Secretary.
WASHINGTON, July 29. News was re
ceived hero tonight of the death of Louis
Harvie Finney, private secretary' to Sec
retary Long, at Warm Springs, Va., to
day. He was a native of Virginia. -Ho
hod been private secretary to Assistant
Secretary Solely and to Secretary Her
bert Death of Captain Little.
WASHINGTON, July 29. The War De
partment Is Informed of the death, at
Governor's Island last night of typhoid
fever, of Captain John Little, of the sub
sistence department. Captain Little w
a native of Tennessee. He married a
niece- of the late General Sherman.
Prominent Banker Dead.
NEW YORK, July 29. Edward E. Poor,
ex-president of the National Park Bank,
died today In Liverpool, aged 63 years.
He was a senior member of the -dry-goods
commission firm of Denny. Poor &
Co., of New York, Boston and Chicago.
Prominent New Yorlc German.
NEW YORK, July 29. William Kramer,
a millionaire real estate owner, founder
of the Atlantic Garden Music Hall, owner
of the Thalia Theater and one of the best
known Germans In New York, died today,
aged G6 years.
An Eminent Machinist Dead.
BELOIT, Wis., July 29. O. E. Merrill.
aged SO, founder of the paper-making
machinery business In Belolt, died today.
Prominent Panama CItlsen.
NEW YORK, July 29. Jose N. Recero,
president of the Chamber of Commerce
of Panama, died here today, aged. 71
Ex-Congressman Meredith.
MANASSAS, Va., July 29. Ex-Congressman
B. E. Meredith died,, at his home
here today.
An "astounding American Intrlcue" is altered
to have been discovered In Shanghai.
Shen? ays. General Tung Guh Sang- threatens
to kill all members of the Legations If
the allies advance uon Pekln.
General situation In China crows darker.
Washington Is looklne for Important news
IGnr Humbert of Italy was assassinated at
Uonza last night
Thirty miners were entombed by a ore In a
Mexican mine.
General Prinsloo, with C300 men. surrendered
unconditionally to the British.
An exciting campaign on the race lrrae Is
closing In Eouth Carolina. The election
- will take claee tomorrow.
The Manila fiesta In celebraUon of amnesty
In the Philippines was. a flat failure.
New Orleans Is culet and nearly all nnlltla-
men are. withdrawn.
Ten persons were Injured, two or more fa
tally, by premature explosion of cannon at
the Illinois encampment
A Kansas stockman is "wanted" for extensive
tracd In disposing of second mortgages.
Pacific Coast.
A railroad bridge burned In Baker County,
Oregon, and caught an excursion train- out
Work of the army worm or cutworm la reported
from various localities.
District Attorney Chamberlain will Investigate
alleged ballot frauds in Schmeer case.
Portland merchants protest against action of
War Department In favoring Seattle as" a
shipping poldt
Perhapst' Through Agencies
Heretofore Set in Motion.
Minister TVu's Faith Still Unshaken
Transporia "With Horses Arrive In
JapanNinth Infantry's Report.
LONDON, July 70. 4:15 A. M. The
Shanghai correspondent of the Dally Tel- i
egraph says he Is still flrmly convinced ;
that the Ministers ore safe, but, with
tho exception of an alleged message from
the Japanese Legation In Pekln, dated
July 19, brought by a runner, saying
that the Legation was still defending it
self, nothing has yet been published giv
ing anything In the nature of proof. On
the other hand, tho dally reports of the
massacre of missionaries and foreigners
leaves only the most slender thread upon
which to hang a hope.
The general situation is steadily; becom
ing darker, and a crisis Is sold to be fast
approaching. It Is rumored In Shanghai
that 10,000 Chinese troops have been ce-
cretly moved Into that vicinity, and that
the commander of "the Klang Yu forts has
been ordered to fire If any further addi
tion is made to 'the number of foreign
ships ascending the river. Rioting has
already occurred at Klu Klang, the mobs
threatening death to, foreigners.
With the arrivals of the second Japa
nese division the allied, forces at Taku
and Tien Tsln will number 70,000.
The river floods n'ear Tien Tsin are dl-
It is reported that Russians .from Har
bin have arrived at a point 150 miles
north of Pekln, after severe fighting.
The Shanghai correspondent of the
Times, wiring yesterday, says:
"I learn that LI Ping Hong and Lu
Chuan Lin. Governor of Klang Su. both
rabidly anti-foreign. are advancing
toward Pekln with large bodies of troops.
Their advent must seriously affect the
situation there. Today the consular body
decided that the situation demands the
presence of a military force In Shanghai,
and the Consuls have notified their gov
ernments accordingly."
Reveals "What Is Called an Astonnd
insr American Intritrne.
LONDON, July 3). Tne Shanghai cor
respondent of the Express, telegraphing
yesterday, says:
'A now imperial edict promulgated this
evening urgently orders all Viceroys and
Provincial Governors to endeavor to ne
gotiate peace with the powers, whose
Ministers are 'held as hostages pending
tho result of the overtures for the aband
onment Of hostilities against China.' The
Viceroys are also commanded to guard
their territories vigilantly against attack
and to prevent by all means in their
power -the advance of the foreign troops,
especially along the Yangtse Klang.
The decree says the officials will answer
with their lives for any failure to exe
cute the orders.
"Commands are also given that not a
single foreigner shall be allowed to es
cape from the Interior, where there are
still fully 20CO Europeans connected witn
missionary work In isolated situations.
- - Isst wk
. . IJlli'
"When the Governor of Shan Tung com- railway authorities are trying hard to
munlcated to the Consuls the Imperial j maintain communication with Pekln (the
decree of July 24 ho omitted the follow- . heads of tho departments being Writ
ing important passages addressed to Li I ish) but the line is daily Interrupted by
Hung Chang: j the burning of bridges and stations, and
" 'It is admittedly Inadvisable to kill j trains are frequently returning, beins:
all the Ministers, but It is equally unwise t unable to get through. The Chinese
to send them to Tien Tsin. It will be
much, wiser to keep the survivors at
Pekln as hostages. You are commanded
to hasten to Pekln., You ore Incurring
Imperial displeasure by delay. You have
been appointed Viceroy of Chi LI because
with your military experience you will
successfully lead the Imperial armies
against the foreigners In Chi LI, which
Yu Lu,. the present Viceroy, Is unable
to do, owing to his Ignorance of military
"LI Hung Chang reped to this edict
asking .to be allowed to retire on account
of his age.
"Sheng now admits that he has had
telegrams since July 19 announcing that
every foreigner In Pno Ting Fu was mur
dered, including 40 British. French and
American missionaries, and announcing
also that two French Jesuits and 1000
converts have been massacred at Kwang
Ping Fu. on the borders of Shan Tung
and Chi LI. A majority of tho Consuls
favor strong measures against Shengs
Local officials assert that the Italian
priests murdered In Hit Nn Wen were
wrapped In cotton which had been sonkod
with kerosene and were slowly roasted
to death.
"It Is believed that all foreigners In Chi
T..I have bv this time been mastered, and
tbe wave of massacre Is npreadlnsr toward
N1nr Po and Hong Chow, from which
points TO English and American mission-
ories ore endeavoring to escape In boats
down the river to Klang Su. Officials
here anticipate a general rising along
the Yangtse Kiang about August 1.
"An astounding American Intrigue has
been revealed to the Consuls here In the
-shape of a skillful attempt to get tho
maritime customs placed In the hands
of an American missionary named Fer
guson, who, although he was an active
ally of Sheng In the tetter's endeavors to
hoodwink the world with regard to events
In Pekln. was suppprted by the American
officials In the claim to the appointment
of Inspector-General."
This Strained Tnon'n Exchequer
Boxer All on t Canton.
LONDON, July 30. The Canton corre
spondent of the Daily Telegraph In a
"The Triads have become numerous and
threatening In Hal Nan. The Taotal and
the local mandarins are terror-stricken
and decline to protect foreigners. All
the missionaries except three have loft
with their wives and families. The na
tives of the Nodea district of the island
wore so frightened that they joined the
ranks of the Triads. Serious disturb
ances are expected between August
31' and August 15, during the festival to
be held to appease the shades of the
. "The Boxers are charging large sum3
to the Chinese for passports from Pckin
to Tien Tsln. Lao Tun Fu, the Black
Flag chief, has refused to march on Pc-
kin unless Viceroy Tak Su will furnish
j him .20,000 soldiers.
"The Chinese authorities have just d!-
closed a Boxer plot devised by Soon
Mun to blow up the mansato temple nn-1
to destroy the Cantonese officials whl'e
performing ceremonies In honor of tho
Empress birthday. If tho plot had suc
ceeded, the Boxers would have attacked
Canton, looting the city and murdprlnc;
foreigners and all persons friendly to
"Chinese newspapers assert that Prince
Tuan offered rewards for all heads of
foreigners brought to his yamun in P
kin. The Boxers, finding It difficult to
get enough of thesp, decapitated all Chi
nese having high poses and deep eyes,
andjn this way they presented so many
pretended foreigners' heads that Prince
Tuan's exchequer suffered a painful
Such Said to Have Been Order of Chi
nese General nt Pao Tliiff Fn.
TOKIO. July 28. It is reported from
Shanghai that the Boxers attacked tho
missionaries and native Christians at
Pao Ting Fu on July 8. A foreign phy
sician and 2000 converts were massaced.
The Chinese General LI Ho Keh h now
marching on Pekln. He has ordered h'"
troops to exterminate all Christians. Al
ready one French priest and 0O to 3000
natives have been slaughtered.
Conditions Early In Jnne.
NEW YORK. July 29. Tho American
Bible Society has received a letter from
Charles F. Gammon, Its agent In TJm
Tsln. dated 'June A. Mr. Gammon, aftrr
detailing the evepts up to the date of
the letter. Including the killing of the
English missionaries Robinson and Nor
man, says:
"The missionaries at Pao Ting Fu have
thus far, and wisely, too, refused to
leave there. "With the railway destroyed
and boat travel certainly fatal, they can
not leave, and with the government so
utterly helpless and the soldiers so thor
oughly In sympathy with the Boxers,
there Is cause to fear for their safety.
, although the Minister has warned the
; officials to elve them protection. The
troops, sent to guard the line, have
failed to accomplish anything and even
If they were not In sympathy with the
present anti-foreign movement and
largely members cf the Boxer society,
thero Is every reason to believe that they
have secret Instructions not to resist or
punish the Boxers. Meanwhile the pow
ers have been landing sailors and marines
and Tien Tsln Is one great military pst,
full of moving soldiers and with guards
stationed at every vulnerable point
Twenty men-of-war are now at the
mouth of the river and more are coming."
Dozen Missionaries Murdered.
LONDON. July 30. A special from
Shanghai, dated yesterday, says that th
English mission, station north of Ning
Po has been destroyed and 12 mission
aries have been murdered.
Nlcarnirua "Will Exhibit.
MANAGUA. Nicaragua, via Galveston,
July 29. The NIcaraguan Government has
reconsidered Its decision not to exhibit at
the Pan-iAmerican exposition, and com
missioners will bo appointed to represent
Hot Spell Broken In Paris.
PARIS, July 29. The storm which began
last night continued today and effectual
ly broke the hot spell, the longest and
most severe that Paris has ever known.
Threw Cigarette into Powder
at Cannon's Mouth.
Caused Premature Discharge ,-ex
Evening: Gnn at Illinois National
Guard Encampment.
SPRINGFIELD, 111., July 29. Ten per
sons were Injured, two fatally, by the
premature discharge of the evening gun
at the National Guard encampment.
Camp Lincoln, this evening. The explo
sion was caused by some one throwing a
lighted cigarette Into powder which had
fallen to the ground. The accident oc
curred In the presence of a large crowd
of visitors to the camp. The Injured are:
Private Jesse Ruppert, Battery A, head,
chest, arms and leg terribly burned; arm
broken and hand partially shot away; will
Corporal Charles Balsley, Battery A,
face, breast and arms badly burned; left
arm broken and chest torn, and entire
body mass of bruises; will die.
Private Edward Smoot, Battery A. face
badly burned.
Private Charles Sharp, signal corpa,
face and hands filled with powder; inju
ries serious.
Harry Kebeler, civilian, face, hands and
body badly burned; may recover.
Chester Hunt, face painfully burned.
Private Albert Stevens, Battery A, face
and hands burned. ,
Private Grltton, Battery A, hands and
face scorched.
Sergeant Schroder, Battery A, face
Several others, whose names were not
learned, were slightly injured.
Corporal Balsley and Jesse Ruppert,
acting Quartermaster, were loading the
evening gun, assisted by several men of
Battery A. A sack of powder was placed
in the mouth of the cannon, and Ruppert
was abouf to drive the charge home. The
powder sack was too long for the gun.
and In forcing it Into the cannon the can
vas was torn, some of the powder falling
to the ground just below the nozzle of
the cannon.. Private Ruppert stood fac
ing the gun. ramrod in hand. Balsley also
faced the gun, while a number of soldiers
and civilians were gathered around, de
spite the commands of the officers in
command to keep back. Suddenly some
one uttered the words:
"Watch them scatter."
There was a flash of powder on the
ground, the flames were communicated to
tho powder which was to be fired in the
cannon and he gun discharged. - The
ramrod was broken and shot from the
cannon and Balsley and Ruppert had their
clothes blown from their bodies, which
were blackened with powder. The others
staggored back, burned and blinded. The
wounded were taken to the hospitals.
Some say It was a man in uniform who
threw the cigarette, but an eye witness
declares It was a small boy.
Streetcar Accident In "Which
Person Were Injured.
TOLEDO. O.. July 29. Ten people were
Injured, one fatally, and two seriously,
in a streetcar accident here tonight The
Injured are:
Mrs. Ott, face and hand terribly hurt,
may be fatal.
Miss Ott, feet, hands, hair and face
burned; very serious.
Miss LIda Hartzell. face burned, neck
and arms bruised: very serious.
Miss Lizzie Kuhlman. badly bruised on
arms from falling from car.
Miss Sophia Kuhlman, chin badly
burned and arms "bruised.
Miss Abble Ruep3. face scratched, arms
slightly burned and limbs bruised.
Miss Mary Guslln. head, face and arms
bruised and burned.
James Myers, burned about face and
The injured were taken into adjacent
drug stores and physicians' offices and
their Injuries cared for until they could
be taken home.
The accident was a peculiar one. It re
sulted from an explosion that happened,
no one seems to know exactly how. It
had just reached Twenty-second street
when a blinding flash of electricity, fol
lowed by a cloud of smoke, and cries of
Injured persons, as they were tumbled
Into the street, attracted the attention of
belated passers-by. The Injuries. were of
such a chnracter that they are in every
Instance extremely painful.
The car was provided with the usual
two-light circuits, but the crew are of
the opinion jvxt during the storm,
lightning struck the short circuit and
cut it out This left but one circuit un
protected with the connecting wires, sub
ject to a cutout or any overcharge of
electricity. Just how the explosion oc-
curred Is not known, but the circuit
fuse blew out with a crash, the car was
instantly filled with- the lurid flashes of
the subtle electric fluid, and cries of
pain and astonishment were uttered by
men and women, falling over each other
out of the car.
Car Smashed In "Which 40 Men "Were
DETROIT, July 29. Section one of the
Buffalo BUI Wild West Show train suf
fered a severe collision near Milwaukee
Junction just before daylight today, re
sulting In the smashing of a show em
ployes' sleeping-car, containing 40 sleep
ing inmates. One of the employes is
dead and nine others are in Detroit hos
pitals suffering from more or less serious
Injuries. The dead man Is Edward Sul
livan. The Injured are: Henry East
man, Rochester, N. Y.; A. J. Burkholder,
Bradford, Pa.; Henry Burton, Westches
ter, Pa,; Joseph McCann, New York;
Noyes Mix, New Haven. Conn.; Thomas
Kelly, Brooklyn; John Cuslck. Plttston.
Pa.; George Hunt. Waterbury, Conn.;
William Gilroy. Oskaloosa, la.
At the time of the collision, the train,
consisting of 20 wagon and stockcars.
four of the show's sleeping-cars and
Grand Trunk caboose, were being trans
ferred from the Michigan Central to the
Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee
tracks. The train was being pushed
backward from the "Y" at the Milwau
kee Junction when it was struck by an
outgoing Grand Trunk freight train. Tne
cabooso was forced on top of one of the
show employes' sleepers, filled with sleep
ing men. When the injured men had re
covered from the shock the wrecked
sleeper was chopped off and the Injured
gradually gotten out
All the victims will recover excepting
the first three named, who are seriously
Serum That Cures Yellow Fever.
MEXICO CITY. July 29. Advices from
Vera Cruz show that Dr. Bellinzahls ex
periments with yellow fever patients show
remarkable results. All new patients
treated with the serum are improving,
and the black vomit has been stopped,