iiiiupjiwpi iniiimpi JPPPfHIiiyJI P'iiJ'PliJPliJHWJJAMjpjJ iwpwawpwiyyHwiiHyi H-TW0L JjLUJPiUMVpJi WRWRBPW SPl WPWHW THE MOKNING OKEGONIAN, MONDAY, JULY 23, 1900. DECAENC OF THE COWBOY Severe Shock, to- -the Feellnss ot Northeru Moataniaua. Butte Intor-Mountalo, Northern Montana Is DewalUnjr the de cadence of the cowboy. Justly, It would eeem, If there be truth In the report that two border outlaws chased a dozen mem bers of the Diamond R, round-up outflt for 20 miles In terror-stricken search for refuge, to the town of Culbertson. Think of It! Twelve doughty knights of the j plain, blue of lip and wild of eye, spur ring their horses to incontinent flight over sagebrush and tmnchKra-. and .ever fund anon turning their wan faces- back- i wara over prnvenng snomqers ipr a iook. at their relentless pursuers. Picture- in your mind s eye the scudding of a dozen Jackrabblts, close pressed by a pair of raienous wolves! OJrg the horror ot it! The report from jQulbertson says that the cowboys wore unarmed exceitin,one or two guns in the Whole outfit It Is a harsh allegation, and pilblle' judgment should be suspended pending- the receipt of further particulars. If It be proved true ah, well, wo of Montana, must blush for the shame of It! The traditions of the gun arc dear to the Western heart. It has barked defiance to law and order, it has been the chief property of the cow I boy comedy of "shooting up the towa" I and it has furnished rag-time music for many a tenderfodt to dance by. Has the westward course of empire relegated the "shotlng Iron" to the scrap pllei Has It .gone the way of the brown, buffalo and the preserved Indian? Will It no. longer dangle In menace) from the- belt of the bold vaquero? It w.ould seem so, for the report has It that the jTHamond R, outfit was "unarmed. All the world will join In the Northern Montana wall. The iconoclast, Timer has shattered the idol of the wild and woolly "West," The long locks- of the cowboy jhave been shorn'; his goatee is preserved only as a memory on the aging face of Buffalo Bill Cody his buckskin habili ments have given way to overalls and jumpers and his bravery Is bound be tween the yellow covers of a nickel inovel. Twelve cowboys chased by two bandits! They will not believe it in the East, whero the popular Idea of the cowboy Is still Boraewhat awesome and 'Picturesque. Here in' Montana, swallowing our prides we will henceforth look upon him as a herder of cattle and brander of calves our calfboy. Aunt Mehitabel (reading- the police cdurt news) Well, well! there's'one thing I'd never do. If I had 5d children Td never name" one of them Alias. Seems its if" they're sure to go" wrong". Judge. DATI"tf METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. July 22, S P. Mr-Maximum temperature, 85J minimum temperature, 07; river reading' at 11 A M., 8 7 feet; -change la 24. hours, .2; total precipitation. 8 P. M. to 8 P. M., 0; total precipitation since September 1, 1899. 3S 68, normal precipitation, since Sep tember 1, 1809, 46 IS: deficiency, 7.81: total sunshine -July 21, 1000, 15.11; possible sun shine, 15.11. WEATHER. CONDITION'S. The- pressure continues to increase- atone the coast from San Francisco north to- Van couver Island. The barometer Is lowest oer Southern Idaho. . Thunder v showers' occurred this afternoon in Northern Utah and cloudi ness has Increased In Southern Idaho, Neada and Northern California. The temperature continues high in the North Pacific States, and the following maximums were reported: "Walla "Walla, and Boise, 03 deg.; Spokane. 96; Rosoburg. Bfiker City, Kallspeli, 90; Poca tello and Red Bluffs, 8S; Portland, 86- The indications are for much cooler weather throughout the North Pacific States Monday, with thunder storms in Southern Idaho. WEATHER .FORECASTS. Western Orison and Western Washington Fair and much cooler, except near coast; southwest winds. Eastern Oregon Possibly thunder storms; much cooler; southerly winds. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Possibly thunder storms; much cooler; south erly winds. Southern Idaho Thunder storms and much cooler, southerly winds. Portland and i lclnlty Fair and much cooler; southwesterly inds. EDWARD A BEAES, Forecast Official. MEETING NOTICES. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TER. NO. 14 O E. S Regular meeting this (Monday) evening at 8 o'clock. Social. By order ot W. M. M. HOWATSON, Secretary. HARMONY LODGE, NO- 12. A F. 5L A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) eenlng at 7.30 o'clock. Work. By order W. M. A J. MARSHALL, Secretary. DIED; NEWMAN In this city; ulyV 1000. Blanch Newman, aged 28 years. Notice of funeral5 hereafter. FUNERAX NOTICE. . KONRAD The funeral services of the late" Prof. Wm Konrad, who died In this city July 2L 1000, will be held at the family residence: 10S4 10th street, today at 2 P. M Friends invited. Interment at Lone Tir cemetery. EDWARD B!OLMAN, Undertaker, 4 tlf and Yamhill sts. Reus Stinnon, lady a.sistaiit. Bpth phones No, OuT. Flnley, Kimball & Co., TUmlertnlcerx; "Lady assistant. 275 Third ut. TeL O. Floral pieces) cut florrers. Clarke Bro. 280 3Iorrlon. Both? pttbites. NEW TODAT". LACE CURTAIN BARGAINS Three patterns of $3 00 and -$3,50 values for $1.30, today only. I. GEVURTZ & SOHS Tha Homefutnlshers, 173-175 First. HAIR MATTRESSES Special this week, 30-pound, all-hair mat-' irncscs, Huarauieea, iu OU v WMvGADSBY Corner First and Washington Streets. ANTON ZILM, teacher of violin, strinrr quar-f tets for cntrtalnmenti. A. O. U. W. Temple. Wellington Coal. PacWo Coast Company. Telephone. 229. 2 "Washington street. COPP'S MININ6 LAWS Latest edlfI6n just recel'ed. J. K. GILL CO. Mortgage Loans On Improred city and farm property, at lowvst current rates. Building loans. InstaUratat loans. Macmaster i Blrrell. 3T1 Worcester blk. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved ity and farm property. R. LIVINGSTQNE. 32 Stark, st. Mortgage Loans On improved city property, at lowest rates, Title Guarantee & Trust Co, 7 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN DAY We have them by tho hundred fine, fat Snrlngi" and bens, from 20c up. So come early. Eggs, fresh Oregon .20 c Hams, best ...... ....12V-C Hams, picnics , jn c BUTTER. We are receiving- hundreds of rolls- of fine dairy butter, and if yeu Intend to pack an it wiy never be cheaper 25c-to SOc roll. FRUIT. Apples, Gravensteins- - ...76e to 83c Peaches, Crawford' ..60c to 73b Peaches, Oregon ..... 45c "to 55c 1Yt? hare a. full line of all kinds of frnlt st wholesale prices, ajtZ&xpr usVwlth youB, Saturfc aay oraer, ana save iajwraceni. gr pacific mSrkbm& grocery:oi Sotb phones. $ ffSrtajl: ljffc $? CLASSIFIED AD. RATES "Rooms. 'Rooms and Board,"- "HuasekeeD tng. Rooms." 'Situations Wanted." IS words or lex. 16 cents; 10 to 2T words, 20 cents; 21 to 23 words, 25 cents, etc. No discount for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER BEADS except "New Today." 30 "cents' for 15 words of less; 16.toSQ worts, 40 cents; 2t to 25 words, SO- cents, etcv first Insertion. Each additional insertion, one half; act farther discount under one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge .measure agate), l"f cents per ljae, first Insertion: 10 cents per lias foneaoh additional insertion. t ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed cars The Oregonian sad left at this of flee-valjould always be laflcsed in sealed envel opes. No sump, is required on such letters. The Oregonian will not be responsible for er rors la-advertiser-eats takwa through the tele phon; AMOSEHENTS. AdSmrS WINTER WARDEN CAFE, THIRD AND MORRISON There is so abatement of the tremendous jtronagS Fourth of July Is over, and still it continues. Tonight there- will be a -popular Sunday CO-neent dinner, never before equaled in this city. The demand, for re served seats Mas so great tha management had to decide that" first come, first served. The dinner win open promptly at 5 R ML. continue- until 8 P. M Tha orchestra has been augmented tor Sundays, aad a select musical programme will be given untO mid night. The 25 electric "fans are keepi-or things' cool and comfortable; to which next week; on the arrival of "the bte motor and fan. there will- be added- Ventilation through and direct to the roof. Manager Harvey says things must be right and up to date. Port land says we want the-Winter Garden and they must have it. To- please them no ex pense will be spared to perfect eerythlng as fast as- brain and labor eaa sccomplIShMt Tonight prompt, courteous and efficient service will be given by the new corps of walteraj The dinner will be up to the high est expectations, ahd, with the fine- musical programme, no ono caa fall to enjoy theari seives NEW TODAY. LOS ANGELES BELGrAN HARE CO. 20' Fifth street, Portland, the boat-equipped rab bltry In Oregon. Only a- few of the scored hares adtcrtised last Sunday left. IVdfgree and score card furnished with- each hare. W6t have bred does and does with young and' four scored bucks at stud. Call and com para our stock snd priees with the very best you know of hfore buying. Stock ahd ped igrees guaranteed. Belgian hare sundries for sale. FOR SALE EAST tERMS; NICE 6 -ROOM, cottage. VTti pid Also block in Couch, on car line. Parrlsh & Watklns; Knight's Drug Store Opposite Oregonian- building; 12a sErtfav Druca una- medicines. Prescriptions a- specialty. FOR &VLI3 REAL ESTATEr S1300 5 ACRES. HJGHLT CDDTIVATBDJ good orchard and email fruit, small house; this side Woodstock. gIOOO8-room house, full lot, ojt main street. Lower Albloa. small paym&ot down?. fS0O Good business lot. Lower Alblmu A snap. 11700 10-room house, lot 50x125, good lo cation and sightly, near Irrtngton racetrack. $130T One" of finest building-, sites in Upper Alblna; splendid -ilew of city and river, 100x 100; two blocks to car line, WHALLET, room 7 Benson building. SEASIDE PROPERTT WE WILL, FOR the remainder of the season, sell lots- on tbrr beaelr at Pioneer for $35, 55, 575 and 1D0 Mich, on isy Installmemi This beautiful resort has a. frontagg. of two- miles on the beach, adjoining Tioga- on thv north, and is" without exception the most desirable seaside property on thfe N6rtbw--t Coast. For full particulars, call on Lambert A Sargentf at Briscoe's Cottages, or address Lambert AS Sargent, 3SZ East Washington street. Fort land, Or. WE HAVE PltOPtRtTf OF ALL KINDS' and la all parts of the city-atld suburbs, for sale at lowest prices-, and can iaake hetter terms than other, as we handle property owned principally by mortgage epinpanR Call and see our list, as wchave some special bargains on band, and WW drive- you out to see the property. It will cost you nothing to look it oer. Grlndstaff & Blain, 216 StarJc street RAILROAD AND MILLMEN WE HAVE FOR sale the finest location for manufacturing purposes' on the Coast, belnfc two nh tracts at Llnnton. just; outsido city limits': one 1200 feet, dep-watfcr front, and running back to N. P. Railroad: and on"- 120 fet. deep water front, and -running bock to Eta Helen county; road. Will t41 400 or 800 Yteu GrtndstatX -& Blab-, 246 Stark, FOR SALE GOOD 7-ROOM HOU8K 45T Hall street, corner lh street, tth 50-Toot irontage, orr each streetl this property is In a tery desirable neighborhood, and we offec same" for $2000 on fatfera'ble terms: Atkin son. Wakefield A Co , 22T Stark street. FOR SALE-S VERT CHOICE LOT8 IN TA bar Heights, within ona block ot terminus Morrison-Street car line, sire of each lMxt3S and lCOxlBS; win "be drVred't special prlcer for the- next few dayn, Atkinson Wakefield & Co., 227 Stark street. FOR SALIJ-WE OFFER AT A aREATLY reduced: price a Ybry choicer Jot on the west side of Seventh street, befvreeir .Mill and Montgomery streets. Atklason, Wakefield & Co , 227 Stark street. TP YOU WANT ONE OF THE MOST DE slrable quarter blocks on Portland Heights, .call on us- It is going to bes'old. GrTndstaft &s3lain, 240 Stark; $JK BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITJ3 100x2Sfc west slope Mount Taboti t aclngrtwo avenuesi "RIggen Real Estate Co., 30-11 McKay bldff. $S000-CHOICB 0-ACRB FARM, g MILES fronr Portland; high stat ot cultivation. Biggen Real Estate -Go , 30-a McKay bldg. FOR SALE. CHEAP, FOR CASH HOUSE and two lot. Fulton Park; ohe lot la Sell wood. A Lind. 351 First rtreeTr, city. CHEAP; FOUR COTTAGES; CORNER LOTB, East llth-street car line. Inquire 3205 Front, cor. Clay. HOUSES "built and ld on Installment siaa, any part city, Dammeler, 511 Marquam, TO EXCHANGE. TO- EXCHANGES-12CMACRE FARXf IN MA rlon County, Oregon, far desirable cottage at Seaside. Address H 75, care;. Oregonian. BELGIAN HARES FOR SALE. BELMONT RABBITRY. 148 EAST S4TK-ST. Portland Orders booked xhlsweek only for service of our famous imported buck, "Duke of Teok," score 05, at $10, Britain Chief; $3. A few- choice doesr bred, $15 to $23? one fine Lord Nason buck $10. BELGIAN HARES A CUT HATES; LARG est stock, best strains, lowest, prices. Portland Belgian Hare Ajys'n. TSS 4th near YamhJIL TIMBER-LANDS' FOR SALE. WE HAVE FOR SALE A IKOCtt-ACRE TRACT of. spruce and fir on the Umpq-Ja RiVcr W uuy iuiu sch uuwer lanus on. cuinuussiDn. Hartman,. Thoapsan Si Power,-J 'ChaaiiSer of Commerce. FOR SALE MI-SCELLAXEOU3. YOUNG TEAM. 1S00 POUNpS EACH.. AND new wagon; now engaged7 on $0 .day Job. Cal Krebbs "brick yard, near No. 2 reser- vou m. i. atosenina-Lj. rwner. Typewriters, all make, rejsted and eold;, expert repairing; ofaoe suppUea and deeks. ' Coast Agency Co.. 2QGi Stark st, Both phones. TWO CARLOADS RIGS J PART RUBBER tire; old ones In exchange; 300 set harness, 73 second-hand rigs. S Tcmlinscn. 211 Wash? GOOD TEAM HORSES. WEIGHT 1300 LBS. each; wagon and harness; also stcinr "Wood saw. C. E. Bennett, 127 Fourth & THn MODEL STABLES, COR. FIFTH AND "Davis sts., will board 3"our horses for $15 per head The best of care given. FOR BALE-WASHBURN GUITAR, CON Ct?rt slxe; equal to new, a bargain. Addres Guitar, care Oregonian. FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED GOGK2R - Spaniel pups 641 Bast 26th street. Take Woodstock car. FOR' BEST FIR. OA2?. AND ASK WOOP GO to Pioneer Wood Yard, foot of Men-risen at. Phone ISO. $10 FOR At NEW OAS COOKER, $2 CASH. balance $2 per month. Gas Co.. 174 Fifth at. Magic lanterns, new seeond-hana, moving iic tures. Bullard JL Breck. 1S1 Post. San Fran. "HOI?EY-Mp0X GUId ASSORTED, FLA vors. Sold by all leading dealers. Ask tor-iC SOUip GOLD RINGS.' GtTARANTEED: ONLY $1 eachl TJnde M'-crs, 143 3d. near Alder .Goodpasture- for horses or -caul, at 1004 Mll '"grajjkie stg or InguU-e at42S"j"hlrd street. N'ATIOiiATaCASHpREGIS-TER-FOR SALE tfchcap. G-esjr&XdtfflSlxts. FOR SALE FARMS. THE." CELEBRATED "HENRY LONG A Farm.-" at CttshsUs. considered "by -many teT be the best money-making farm In the state. will be sold by the- aamlalztrator Sept. 1, either In parcels or as a whole, to the hlgn est bidder, pnij information by addressing W. JJ. Mien, box1 317, Clibballs, Wash FOR SALEf-CHOICE FARM OF- 3 ACRES on Scholl's Fern road, 6 miles from Port land: -all In cultivation, with good house, barn and outbuildings; wagons, farm Im plements! and stock. Atkinson, Wakefield &f Co., 227 Stark street. FARM AND STOCK. .RANCH IN GILLIAM ! County. 1 mile from railroad. 1030 aeresj good range, 700 acres in cultivation, good water, cheap for cash. Call or"Vfnte Walter F Alien, room COC Commercial blk., 2d and Wash. IMPROVED FA8M& rtJR SALE IN ALL j parts e Orrgtti and Washington; psymests rort to suit purchskers. Fcr full partlCirHfr as to vartooar properties, apply to Macarastrr A BlnIL Sll reester blocfc FOH SALE OR RENT-TWO GOOD FARMS,, good house and barn, orchard and hay crep of -about 50 tons hay -can be eut-on-thesharer thls- year. C. Keltnanv WoodstocJo A SMALL FARM FOR SALE OR TRADE. Inquire room 4, Wlh Morriebo! JJJSLT IVATTTBD MALTS. 100 R. TX. LABORERS. NEW WORK $2. board $3,50. pass, hook-tendsr; $G0P board, one $5 to $S 00, rigging rustler. $2T2ff; rock men, $2:25; hotel baker, $2, board, one at $18 to $22; farm band, E. C $S5; wateh man, $30. board, taller. $2.75j bukeraj $2.0: barkers, 2.25; xaf Uman $2.50:sWamp. era, $L50 beard, woodfehoppers, $1 KJ; team sters, mil! and yard men, 52 : horseahoer, tT, board, farm hands $23"to 30r laborers, city. $2T boat cookr $49: waiters dishwasheTs; other -Aork. CalW Canadian Agency, 22G& Morrison. WANTED FOR UNITED STATES ARMT Able-bodied, unmarried moo, between ages of 21 and 26, citizens of Halted Steles, of good character aad temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Recruits are specially desired tor service In Philip pines. For lnformatloa, appjy to recruiting officer. Third aad Stark streets, Portland. MAN AND WIFE-. WITHOUT CHILDREN on gentleman's -place- near clty; man, as gardener; womam as laundress; jxrmasent position, with good home. Apply Tnesday, between, 11 and L at 251 Seventh street. WANTED-A FEW FIRST-CLASff WEAVERS, and two good hand- lackEpinhers( to work. . nights on Jlne casslmeres and flannels; good wages psa; Apply by lptter to Eagle Woolen Mills Co., Brownsville Linn. County. Or. WANTED-MAN WHO HAS HAD EXPERL ecce in retail crockery, business Address giving experience, age and. references, D 70. care jOregonlan. WANTED ONE OR TWO" GOOD 8TOVE plate tnoldrrs; also- a plater and finisher. Apply to Albion Iron Works Coc, LttL. "Vic toria, b. c: WANTED 1000 MEN TO DRINK WEIN hara'a Columblfc beer; nice' and., each. Free from 7 P. M. to 11-30 PI M, 1B04 Fifth st. EXPERIENCED SALESMEN FOR OREGON and Washington; permanent position for rlght men. 09C Cornmerctdi block-. WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS" MIIXHR FOR roller flour nflTIs, references. Address N. Brown, Bums, Or. WANTED 25 HARNESSMAKTJRS. Lt D. Stone A Co., San Francitccv Cal. Catalogue sent on application. WANTED TOUNG MANi UNDER 30. TOi learn barber traae. Apply 21 North Second street. WANTED-MEN FOR COLUMBIA QUARRY; wages $2 aad $2.23 per day. CS First et. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO ATTEND DRY room. Portland Hotel Laundry. WANTED-A; GIRD f6R: GENERAL HOUSE works 77C Overton street. FOUR COATMAKERS WANTED H DIBR ling, Vancouver, Wash. 2S"LABORERS WANTED AT INMAN, POUL aesr fc Cds mill. NEAT BOY OF 1ft. CARROLL'S 332 WASH ington street BARBER WANTED. Steady Job. 205 MORRISON" STT -ANTED-ADVERTI8ING SOLICITOR. Fourth fit lSd TWO WAITRESSES. COAST. $20; SEVERAL for -city; companion; cond work; cooks, city and country; housework; Boise. $23, fare here; Troutdsie, country and city, $13 to $25. Caaadlari Parlors, 226 Morrtsba. PERNIN SHORTHAND" LTSARNED IN ONE third time of Pltraanie- forms; no- shading: no position Behake'a Pernlir Shorthand and Commercial College. 611 Commercial block. COMPETENT GIRL WANTED FOR GENERA ai bourencck; small, family; good wages. Ap ply forenoons, 144 22d. WANTED GIRL, GENERAL HOUSEWORK; wages satisfactory, privileges of the home. Call 100 First street. WANTEDGIRL OF 1J OR 10 YEARS FOR second work. Apply 770 Overton street, be tween 23d and 24th. WANTED A REFINED MIDDLE-AGED lady, who (s fond of children. Address H 74, care Orcgsnlnn. GTRL FOR HOUSEWOHKrATBEACH. 4ir East 18th. between Tillamook and Hancoc-, West. Irrtngton. GIRL-FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND cooking; In smcir family; no children. 452 Market. A GHIL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work for small family. 485 Seventh and East Pine. WANTEDi-antliB- FOR MA3JGLS. land Hotel Laundry, PORT- SITUATTOKB' WAKTEDaiALE Boolc"keepeo stxtd Clerlia.- AN EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT. COM petent to take charge of office, desires; posi tion as office manager or cashier; satisfactory references furnished. A 74," care-Oregonian. COMPETENT GENTLEMAN STENOGRA phor, accurate and rapid, desires posit I ore No. 1 references Addresa X 77, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED-BT YOUKGT MAN. 1 years of age; odce work -preferred. Address. O 64, care Oregonian. MlBeelTuraeo-oav. SITUATION WANTED BY. Jii WORKING man; will taka anything that will he steady at fair wages;- will work on: famt Address A 7S. cart Oregonian. CARPENTER WANTS WORK O 76, care Oregonian. ADDRESS WANTfiDV-AGElrtCS. PORTRAIT AGENTS; OTHT GRAYONS; try washable ettameimes: no glass; don-'t rtitov Family Portrait Co , jChlcago WATTriCD TO KE?rr. WANTED SMALL COTTAGE AT LONtl Beach, near: fishing- locks; state price. 147 First st- WAXTEP--HISCE-LtAjrEOUS; BUSJ?EKS MAN AND iIFE NO CHIL dren, ample referenoes would like- a home with nice private, family; good board and pli-aeant t-urrouddlDg;-; no boardfng-houstf; willing- to pay a reasonable price for the right place; give full particulars and price. Address J 7r, care Oregonian. WANTED TO BORROW $8000 ON AN UNDI vided Interest in strictly Inside city "business property. tr centrally lotated; the aecurily offered has a market value oT $33,00, una: brings- in renfa of -$240 monthly, w 7L care Oregonian. WANTED-A FEW FIRST-CLASS WEAVERS to work nights on fine casstnferea and fian nelsc good wage paid. Apply by letter tc Eagie Woolen Mill Co., Brownsville. Linn County. Or. WANTED-SMALL FARM OF" ABOUT IS OR 2 acres, suitable for raising chickens and fruit. Address John Handle, 012 Raymond etreet, Elgin, BL WANTED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP, ACT of June 4. 1S97; rili pay cash-; state amount and srJce asked. Address J. A. Rannells, Astoria, Or. WANTED 1006 MEN TO DRINK WElNl hard's Columbia beer: nice and coal. Free froro 7 P. M. to 11.30 P. M, 1MM Fifth, sfc WATNTED - STRICTLy FRESH RANCH eggs at Kruse'r Grill-Rooni, Stark- st.; -opposite Chamber of Commerce. Gas t-off, second-hand dothlngantedjat S7 N. Sd. PrJcetrn--object. Oregon-phoaeClay SIX , H0VSIrTPASTE-O. A FAMILY OF THTtEE ADULTS" WlSHTO ica- large, comfortable and'wetl-located- unfurnished house: -might buy a decided bar gains Write fair particulars and; term tq Cash.t carcsOregsniant . "FOR RTSST.' ttoonis. THE SPALDING, S. E. COR. PARK AND Alder sts . under the management Of the owner. Helen H. Spaldlntf The moat complotsf apartment-house in use .rtortnwesi; cnoice roomst for gentlemen or gentleman- and wife, furnished housekeeping suites a special.) THPfETASANTON. 2SS"4; THIRD ST. FINE. furnished rooms, en suite, single, or house keeping, sunlight in all rooms, bath included; most reasonable terms; transient solicited. THE DREXEI 341V- MORRISON UNDER new management, nicely furnished,, rooms single or en eulter $Lf0 per week up; tran sients accommodated. LARGE FRONT- ROOMr WITK" BOARD; suitable for two; bath and phone; private boarding-house. 514 Columbia street, corner 81xth. THE NEW CASTLE. ,S. E. QR. THmD.AND, HarrlJ6r? stfe RoomsT furnished- or unfurs nlshed; ailrfnodtrn conveaiencesi references- THE, OCCIDENTAL. 213 FIRST AND MOR rlson Rooms-, suites, single housekeepln'jv ery-"coh-Venlence; $t week and (Upwards 364 TATLQR4 STREET PLEASANT, COQL; rooms, bath, phone, two blocks Portland Hotel, reasonable, no children. Sir HTTHf COfcNER- SVOJMON -PCEASANT connecting roorast other -moms; modem; jra sonabie; Wtcben. If .desired. NICELV FURNISHED BOOMST SINGLE' and eh suited First' National Bank building. First and Washington sts. PLEASANT. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM ii, private family. 233 Madlsoa street, op poslte' City Hall. THE STEVENS 423 ALDER FURNISHED rooms; all modern improvements; no chil dren. I- GILMAN HOTBt Brick tidg., central; fui nisaea -rooms, ii wreeK and up. 1st and Alder. 330 FIFTH ST. NEAR CLAY NICEIiT FUR nished rooms; bath, and phone; reasonable. Rootaa With BostrsL PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 12THYJUK: rooms. With hoard; enameled hath tubs; use. of itbrsryr Woman's. Excangt; Industrial school. Address Mr. E- C. OeOrge. supetit--Undent. Sid- Flanders' street: HOTEL VENDOME-COOL, AIRY" ROOMS; porcelain baths; best table hoard; first-class servlp at 10 w prices; very cfentra location Corner 13th ska Aider streets. SUMMER BOARD OUT ON THE ClAGK amas; terms reasonable. Address Mrs. A DedmahV Clackamas, Or. WELC-FURNISHED ROOMSl WITH.BOARD, for gentlemsn. 12 litb, between Aider, and Washington streets. 170 13XH BETWEEN YAMHILL, AND MOR xison Newly furnished rooms; also excellent table board. 215 12THV- FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE oivon.fultej with first-class table-board; Eng lish fan-iiy. FINE BOOMS,' GOOD TABES BOARD.' 1ST llthr street; between Yamhill andTaylor. ROOM AND BOARD; USE PHONE AND bath. 131 10th. near Alder. ROOMS. WTTH BOARD; REFERENCES RE qulred. 348 10th. ROQMS. WITH BOARD. Morrison st. HESPERIAN, 533 Hbu-ie'kteepl'a-g Rooms. FOR RENT-FLAT OF THREE DESntABLE rooms, well furnished; private residence; modern; central. 484 Bun-side, corner 18thr near Washington. 425 TAYLOR DESIRABJaD FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; private family; Inquire after Sunday. No" children; hath. ' 231U 3Iarket Light, cleans airy rooms, fur nished complete for housekeeping; respect able. Phone West 492. 300 ALDER THREE NICELY FURNISHED rooms, for housekeeping; use of phone and bath; electric lights. TWO OR 0HRED WEEL-PURNISHED connected rooms; bath and phone. 210 Parte street, -corner Main, TWO CUBAN-FURNISHED HQUSEKEEFING rooms; pantry and hath; no children. CO North 13th. 104 PARK' ST. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, complete; gas range, hot aad cold water. Honses. FIVE-ROOM. HARD-FINISHED-COTTAGE; alt conveniences. Call Friday, 2 to 4r P.- M., 651 Fourth street. A MODERN JHROOM HOUSE, 12TH AND East Washington sts. Apply- at 107 Grand ate. 283 14TH ST.; 7 ROOMS: GOOD" LOCATION; near school; low rent. Key 290. NICE 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 33P LINCOLN ST. Inquire at 352 Lincoln. Fxxr-alsbed. Hessec. $10 PER MOTH; 6-ROOM COTTAGEi ALL nicely furnished complete for housekeeping. 110 Fenjnoyer sU, near Hood. NEW SIX -ROOM. HOUSE, NICELY FUR nlshed; rent very reasonable. Call edS East Morrison. 4 FOR RENT FURNISHED. 435 ALDER: PAR- rjsn & watxms. Summer Resorts. The Kutzschen House, Seaview, Wash., is one of the best family house's , on, the beaclr; prlcei, reaecnable; reduction made for fam ilies. Addresa Mrs. Kutzschen. Seaview, Wash. FOR RENT" COTTAGE AT GEARHART Park, partly furnished; terms .very reason able. Apply J. Waterhouse, Gearhart;, Or, GEARH&RT PARK well-furnished? -room cottage for August. Address G. Cel lars, Gearhart Park, Or. FOR RENT SPRAGUE COTTAGE; OCEAN Park, completely furnphed. E. J. Sprague, Nahcotta, Wash, PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOMS. MRS. Sarah Chamberiin, Long Beach. Wash. Honses for RetJt Furniture for 5aloi NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE" FOR .RENT; CAR pets, stoves and. kitchen furniture for" sale; Call 340. Fourth sc Stores. 3A4 vASHTNGTON Sri. NEXT TO PARK. Inquire ct SanrL. Bcary, 827 Morrison-at; , FTXAKCIAI. MONEY LOADED ON BICYCLES. PIANOS, furniture and other securities. W. A. Hatb-a-war; room 10-Waah. bldg. Phone South 781, LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel! mortgages, personal1 or salary' se curity, at low rates. C..W. Pallett, 213? Com mercial hlocK. TeL Grant 850. $20O,ppa TOLOAN AT , ,6. J7 PER .CENT. Gity and" suburban property fcr sale Snd rent. Agent for Westchester Fire- Insurance Co. Wm. G. Beck. 321 Morrison St, LOANS' ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other scutiUee; lowest rates; prf-hte 8. W. King, room 48 Washington- building. LOANS ON FURNITURD AND SECURITIES. Thompson, cot-rater ticket office; 128 Third: iANS an chattels, salaries,- etc low rates: 1I-r Mft faitn- IX. Vtt "r- m. .' V.1J.W ' - ! ii - . ,.ir MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM $500. on all classes otaecurltr. R. L son , Co., room 5 Washington building. MONEY TO LOAN IN SMALL SUMS ON chattel security terms reasonable, Wllilam Reld, 25 Ahlngton building. MONET TO LOAN" OU ALL KINDS OF Sif curity. Wnt IIoll. room, 9. Washington hldjv MONEY TO LOAN, 0 per cent, farm or city property. O M. Smith, 814 Ch. of Commerce; LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY; ON FURNI ture. pianos, salaries, etc. Can be. paid In installments, reducing Interest. Rates .lower; than the lowest. F W. Graves. Mgr. 121 Cth. near Wash fground floor) Tel? oafc 1331. LOST -!D FOUND. LOST SUNDAY EVENING. A SUM OF' money, between Perkins- Hotel and the end ot the car line or citv & sunuroan Hallway A suitable reward -alii be paid fbf the return of same to Werthelmer's cigar store: FlftK and Washington; $10 REWARD FOR INFORMATION AS TChi iJcrtnaKODinron s wneroaDouts. jtot partic ulars telephone Union 401 or51CS , - -i. t'f , I "J STECIAE- KOT1CE-U PVoposis nvftefaj PROPOSALS FOR RETAINING WALL Or- flce of the City Water Workn. Portland. Or., . July 17. 1900. Scaled proposals, addressed to Frank T. Dodge, Clerk of the Water Com mUte. aad Indorsed on laVoutsJftft rot etna em elope "Proposals for retaining wall." wl"l h received at this: oolee until 3 P M. Wednesday. July 25. 1000. for furnishing ma terials and libor for- the construction of a retaining wall of timber, brush and stone, at ties Sandy Rivec crossinr st the SuURutH plpo line, a point about 23 mites southeast erly frorowPortiandi Plans anl apeciflcatlan-f may be seen and forms of proposal obtained k at this office. ProposaE,forald work must be accompanied by a certified check for five per cent of the amount-of the proposal, pay able to the order of the Clerk of the Water Commltteeof;Uu Clty-of' Portland. Or., aav liquidated Jlasjages lnvcase that the-'bidder. If avrrdr tHe contract. shaaldafslT or negv lect to executeth"-cotraet and "furnish Uhe requIredh6odS'wjtfcln-nye daya-aftej nWIc ot the award. The right to reject any ot all dius or to can ior neTr proposals, is exprces 1 r" reeTTed- bvthe WetetKroTrrmllteel Bi- or - dof tht Whter Cohrmiueej of theClty ofr roruana, orw D. D. CLARKE, Engineer. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEAIiED PRO poeals, addressed- to- C. C Huntleyr Oregon City, Or., for furnishing ma.e,rlal and build ing: sewers in Oregon City -will be" recerrist' by the commute on streets and- miblbr property untlt 2 o'clock Pi M., qu tbet "JOth,'- aaja ot .August, isoo. i"iana.Jni specincations can be examined t City Recorder's' office. at OreFcn cityTThecmlUeVon sireef and public property reserves the right to reject any ox all bias.. c o. B K a w. HTNTLEYt STORY. EREPRICH Committee.- Oregon, City, Juljr iL 1W). "Department ofthe interior: oFncB" of,the Governor of District of Alaska Sltkaf, Alaska. July 18. 1900 Sealed proposals will be received, at this office until "2 oclock P. M August 13; 1900L from- respocalbl asluc or sanitariums, west of tha rnaln raage-tof' the Rocky,, Mountains, or the care custody snd -treatment therein of persons' legally ad judged insane in the District" of Alaska dm- lng tha -fiscal year ending June 30. 1901 Sat-, lsfactory; bond foe performance of contract when awarded wilt be- rehulrea FbrthcT In formation Will bi sUCpnlled on- arplleatton to- the Govemorj JOHN G. BRADY, Governor- of Aiasxa. PROPOSALS FOR SLABWOOD SEAliED- proposals areTtnTitedtfor' furnishing -shthwoodH to me Portland- Hotel for one year fronv Aujrust 1. 1000 BldS wilt he ooened July 23T at 10 o'clock A M. For specifications apply to Chasi H. Gajiard, Sec WANTED-JQ LET A, C0NTRACTL TO THE itjwesi. oioaer ior aismnx tjr oonnr a- wen. L For. farther information -address H3 T. Pro- set, xrootdale. Or S-toc,kJahIdrs Mee-tlasr NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING The annual meetings ot the stockholder?, of the Coeur d'Alene Development Company, for the election of a Board ot T3Irectors for tha ensuing years and tor the transaction of! such other business aa may regularly come before thm, will be held at tha office of the company, rooms. 501 to 504 Chamber -of Com merce building. Portland, Oregon, on August 's, 1000. at 10 o'clock A Mv GEORGE F. HOLSfAN. Secretary Coeur dAlena- Development Cam pany. Portland. Or.. July IS, 1B0O. STOCKHOLTJEftS' MEETING .TRTT AN nuat meeting of the stockholders of the Title Guarantee -.TrustrCorapany wills be heidcat the offices of the comptury, in the Chambr of Commerce bulidmrr " Portland, Or., on Tnesday, July Hi, 1900. at,8: P. M. . J. THORBURN ROSS. Sec BUSEr&S? CHANCES. FOR 8AUB FURiOTURE. AND BUSINESS ofSO-room hotel In Marshfleld. Or.; only one other hotel lit the cltyj I enjoy larre tron- slent patronage. Alter conducting-, the busi ness successfully jfor 28" ears, rwant to re tire; reason, ill health. Address J.' L. Ferry, prop, Marahfleld, Or. FOR LEASE 3 ACRES WILLAMETTE Rivet front, on S, P R. R,;, central loca tion; long time; manufacturing:, mills, ware houses. Address Ml Bane, 374 East Clay St., Portland;- Or. FOR SALE TOBACCO, qiGAH, ICQ CREAM' and conlectlonery storey owing to slcknesr in family, must close out at a sacrifice; good location. Call afternoon. 312 Williams ave. BUSINESS FOR SALE; NO COMPETITION U. S. patent-ventilating; hygienic hat; cheap, light, nandsom- new. novel; prevents bald nessand catarrh. F 72; care oregonian. A -BARGAIN A OOOD-PAYINGr SATLOON ' for- sale in Portland's business center, en- ac count party leaving city. Tot information call at 2C9H. Yamhill st. FOR SALE GOOD-PAYING MILLINERY buslaesa in one of the best towns in Oregon, at a sacrifice on account of health. Address, W 72. care Oregoniam FOR BALE SMALTS DRUG STORK IN Southern Oregon minlpg town; stock invoices $700- Address G 72. care Oregonian. GOOD HOTEL. 80 ROOMS; GOOD LOCATION., $2200. Rare, chance. No agents wanted. Ad dress F 60, care Oregonlam FIRST-CLASS SALOON ON WASHINGTON st; choice location, reasonable rsnt. C. E. Dennett, 127 Fourth st. GOOD OPENDMG FOR MAN WITH SMALL capital. 188 Fourth at PERSONALS. THE OREGON CHEMICAL CO. HAS RB celved the sole right tor manufacturing La-Ca-P-Ka, the Great Yaquls Blood and Nerve Tonic, and also the Great Snake Oil Lini ment. Tha price, of each Is now 50c a bottle. Can be had at all drug stores. If your drug gist doe not keep it, send to our office. 442: Washington st. Cure guaranteed f or rheuma tism; blood diseases, kidney, liver and stom ach troubles. IT wctaen wanted suffering from Irregular, painful periods: Uucorrhoea. (whites), and alt complicated diseases-pertainiBg- to changes f me. cureo oy oia ur. . .tvMoier, cor. secsaa and Yamhill sts. 323 women; called last month. Consultation tree, and srivate roams fcr ladies. If' can't calL write; inciflsln lcr 2o stamps. Hundreds treated. at home by- als- niTr system. OXrOENATOK IS A TRUEf '"WATER OF Life." If you are sick and really-want to be well. Investigate; it will cost you nothing. Cures are guaranteed or moaer refunded. For particUars address Oxygenator Co., room. is .Hussei Duuaing, .roTtiana, or. DR. DARRIN, 2C5 Morrison St., Iortlnd, Ofr., specialist in. all chronhr and private diseases' of men and women. Painful,. Iruguiar crvfup pressed menstruation auicklv relieved. Vari cocele or stricture guaranteed, cured In one wee, so- detention, consultation free. BLAZIER'S CONCERT HALL BLAZIER'S CONCERT HALL 2iS BURNSIDE STREET 248 BURNSIDE STREET Sole Agent O. P. S Bourbon. Also handlicg4 Three-Crown Cyrus, Noble-. i INDIAN MEDIUM, GIFTEn INDIAN. BORN w"th double veil, tells past, present and fu ture, heals all diseases by the! use or Indian herbs, reading by letter. $U Mrs- Proltssa-? Wheatly Howe. 4lst and, Section Line roadj Tak" Richmond cars, end car lice. DRESS SUITS' RENTED; AXU StZKS. WE call for. sponge, vress-ajid deliver one suit ot your cifltblng. each. week, aew on bu-ns, sex, up- rips, for $f per- month. Dyeing; sttsra cleaning-an-Trtpajrjng. Ualqu'allonpjf Ca, 347 Washington, both 'phone. mMel i?Aitows-'STrrciriN time" the world-renoWned antiseptic capsules; destroys all forms of germs, and prevent 3 and cures diseases of the female organs; price .$2. Ore gon Chera Co , Sale Agents, 442 Washington st:, Portland. Or, LAXINE, LAXINE. LAXINE AS PLEAS ant as soda water; ln--aluahie, for stomach and bowel troubles. Try" It. FOr sale by R TSi Knight, oppesita Oregonian building-, or Model Drug Store, S3 Grand axe. Mm. Harrow's "Magnetic Wonder' Is guaran teed to ctore Irreguliritle and scanty men struation; It's safe, sure and harmless; prlci $3i Oregom Chcm. Co Sola Agcsu, 442: Washington st.r Portland, Or. MANLY VIGOR RKSTORElS 7JY DR, ROB erts' Nerve Globules, one m-mtft- treattnentr $2; 2 months. $5 Sent stturtly. sealtd-. by -malL A cents; AVoodard - Clark, Portland. Or, UNION PRINTERS-GOOD LINOTYPE Op erators receive $5 per day. Advertiser can teach, several educated men. Termsi $150. Addresa Experf. care Oregonian. , ILLOND'S PRE)Vj2NTF?E CONES-, AN- UNJ equaled antiseptic; no failure; per box, $lfio; sample 10c jllond Chem. Co.. Portland P. O. bdc 974. NIGS LUNGHC LEGANT- DRINKS AND cigars: li4 Fltth st. All free front. 7VPM. to 1130 P. M. every evenlrtr. Also first-class amusement. YOUR,- PRESCRIPTION1 ARB MORE AC mntfhr and rSMnallv tUIm! at -Cv-mII Pharmacy. 227 Morrison St.. bet 1st end 2i WE.'PR1NT-30FINE, VIS1TINO CARDS. 23c;. CW35c; 260, Tiuslaesi cards,, $1; 5oO, $1.50, Brown -t'Schm-iie, ttrFlnt, ., Portland."- PERSONALS, 1 xtitSVDrES. IT TOW" WISH G'ENTL'EMEN' COR- fc C?pUtH4wUe w tvV4 UkllMCUIQIIP US lUUUIUWMJ address lockbox 60; Fortiand, or. Uicjea peraonalsf inserted free In HelnlngvHand, FRTT2 CONCERT HALL1! largest cafexja- Pal clfic-COastj 240 c 2i.Bonlde: WelahaM'r beer on draught. Clubropnli -upitalra. CONFlNEMENTT CASES. RECEIVED ANt cared for" at physician's house. Dr. Arthur DevVoe.' Seattla. TOU.T LEA'S BICYCLE H0StrrAL. 105 4TH, Phone Clsy B-tl. Wheela called fer. delivered. Ladl-fte-rFxeev harmlass, monthly regulator )can not fail. Mrs; B Rowan. R17S Mlliraukee M5CS22l-1tf 5SS. JHfel Ffr3S:-treu corner JtUen rooms 38 -and. "fits CLOTHES MENDED FOR LADIES AND gentlemen. Apply at room 43tXabbe bldg. FLUTING' OF ALL KINDS; SILlt UNDER sklrtwerk a specialty 323 Second street. ' ' I li .I.., .1 SOMETHING NEW- Hi GUMr MOTTTS LACTl -ppfin -or nrann. Beauty ana nieaurv UV$JiK&& JJlRjfclCTOHY. AiwayernhaanT Analjrst-ri J. H. FI3K. MINSRALi ASSAYER AND; chemist, g.e,ld dustbougbu 2044. Vaahlgtoa. PAUL.BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYISTr d hisr boughU 226 Starke MONTANA METALLURGICAL.'WORKS-, AS saystestlaiates given. 02 First Attorney. EDWARD T. TAOGART. ATTORNEY-AT-1W- generaLpractice 518 Chamber oL-Com-merce X. Wi RaNEOM, attorney-at-law and counselors Bates-Eaakf &!dg. Ivrtland. Or. LAffTlcaltinral lupleiaeau. Machinery EDWARD HUGHE8 WAGONS, CARRTAGES and fsnn machinery ot all kindK 190- Front. JOHN POOLSt Newton wagonS, burgles, wlnd ralll. pumps; mschlnery. Foot ilorrlsaa st. anthz TURKISH BATHS; also, massage; lady attend ant, lor 4th st., bet. Washington and Stark. Doolc Storeaw 'J. 2U GILL, tt CO,. WHOLESALE AND REs taiL L-ooKseiiera and etatloneie. 133-33" 34 t. Brokers. PORTTlAtfn-MINING & TRUST CO. (LTD.) Handier raises, buy prospects; larga lean; negotiated, low rate Interest., mine examined, reported eru o. M. Rosendale, Consulting Bnginaer, rooms 515-610 Oregonian building. Cable Weatherby Code BedrdrU MoNeaL Consspohdencs- solirttedJ CsirjitfAters and. Bnilders. RHODES &BUCKNER. CARPENTERS. OF fice&tter-c snd Jobbers; satisfaction guaran teed. Phone Black 914.- 330 Stark. JOHN A MELTON, carpenter, builder. o"nce and store fixturss. Ore. teL 747. 303 Starfcr CMroppdlat-f. WM. DEVENY & MAUD DEVENY. TnE only scientific chiropodists.- room 301 Alisky oiog aa ana .Morrison, ore. phone orant 10. Miss Dartchlropody, manicuring 50 Unlon-bk, lst-fitark. 9 A, M. to 5 P. M. Tfcl. Front 544. CJUUcvoyronts-, Mme. Dr. Hsrzog, froct Berlin, scientific- re vealer; tells entire life, pastv present and fu ture; consultation oa all affairs; nptblns. ex cepted; name given; good advice; sure help; mistake- impossible; Imports genuine gypsy love- power. Fee, $1; letter, $SU 347 Taylor. Cod Dealer. VULCAJ COAL CO.. DEALERS E HOUSE. cokev. FronJ st. nsx Gllsan, Cortices-SfcyiiEim. itETAL SKYLB3HTS, GALVANIZED IRON cornices, j. C. Bayer. itO- 2d st. CoinmlBslon Merchants. HERMAN METZGJCr! PURCHASER OF hides pelts, furs wool, mohair, tallowj old rubber and-old metal, and general commission merchant, Front et., near Main, Portland. Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. 8HDf BROKER3 and commission merchants Sherlock bldg-.. Portland, Or. ALLEN - LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duoo merchants.; Front ALD.ata.PortUnd Or, EVERDING &-FARRELL1. commission, butter eggsv chickens and farm produce. Fdrtland, Dentists. DR5 C B. BROWN, dence. White 034. TL Ore. Bed 2818: rest-514-15-26 Dekum bldg. Dyelnff and Cleaning. W; W, TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER and cleaner. 301 17lh. Tel, Red. 131. Electrical Machinery. AKRON DYNAMOS. MOTORS, METERS, etc; Tatum & Bowen. 29 to 33 First street. Fencey nx-jx Wtre- Works. OLD. EAST PORTLAND FENCE- AND WIRE Works. A Carlson, 2S5r E. Morrtsoa st Iron Fo"ndhrs, afnch'stsf Ship ITld'rs. Wolff & Zwicker Iron Works; designers- and mfrs.. of, ships. sUaroboats. marlset mining and milling machinery; riveted steel pipe. Harness .and. Saddles. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO:. HARNEad and -sole leather, saddlery, hardware, findings and shoe-store supplies. 73 Front st. THE GEORGE: LAWRENCE CC.t WHOLE sale saddlera and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st. Tce Cfeans Dealers. Special attention given fimllles and boarding houseat Labbe &. Rebe, 310 Washington st: Insurdnce. HAMBURG-KTEMEg FIRE INS. CO.. 1st at. Boyd, & Arnold, general agents; 102 Iron Foundries and Machinists. Smith & Watson Iron Works; engines and boll era; logging, enginesr a specialty; quartz and saw mills; misc. machinery. Front and Hall. Japanese Goods. DEALERS IN BAMBOO FURNITURE AND Japanese, goods, 311 Morrison, opp 'PastofCce. 3terQle' and Granite "Works. LARGEST. BEST STOCK OF MONUMENTS In dtj at- cost; to reduce stock bafcre- mov ing down, town- Weeks, 720 Front st- PORTLAND MARBLE- WORKS; marble, gran ite and stone, work. Sehanen AsNeu. 268-Ust. Mnssagre. 131 FOURTH BTR NEAR ALDER TUB and-vapor bathe-, massage, electricity, scalp treatments and shampooing. Telephone Red 42E SELECT MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC LADY from, San Francisco. Parlor 28. 2C8rt Stark. LADY GIVES VAPOR BATHS AND- MAS sage, at 313Hr Washington St.. room 33. Sttsmctltr and. Mental Health-?. MRS! C. J. MAPLE. MAGENTTC HEAfcER CWeltmer method), personi and home treat ment taught 211 2a, near Salmha, Portland. MRS, J". MAY YOUNG mental scleiice. Healer, personal and absent treatments-' 354 Harrison, If medicine, fails, try Ojto KlIngbelL.magnotia healer, 307 E: teb. Oregon phone Scott (HO. MlnlnS3 Stncltlirex-jr. Wnflej xricntator, Drake amaL. Ideal, stamp mill, mining cars. Tatum & Bowes. 4is- 1st OresroBr Via-vi Contpnny Lewis bldgr Park ar.d. Morrtson. FreuHealtb lectures te -women Thut-tday. at- 2 so- P. M Haillcal. PAtTL CROMWELL, THE COLORED SPE clallst, has opened: UP his offlberat 233 Hall st., cor Second, and will sen hi medicine as usual. Medicines for an kinds- of ehronio dUeeses; Rheumatism cur-, for any ktnd of rheumatism or gout, lame legs, kidney disease. FulF in-for-maxien free. Call br addreos L. X Lewis, 351. Yamhill St., bet. 7& aad Park?, Portland. NATUR-.L HEALER-X CURE ALL CHitON ie diseases, no matter "how lopr standing. Call or address Joint A. Aunbhi, Blsncb Ho tel. Marshfleld. Of. Dr; Flora A Brown, disease- of wotnen and children a speemhy- Consultation iraf dlax- nosis tree, ouois T6 Dekum. Portland, On Pn tents. 'QCJj-rtfSlSEER. 0-ll CHAMBER OTf COM; eiitJ-edJtattornei Ut-S. Ir-ateatOfficeT . business miaz&rot&r. 'Mr-alsr In-vcatrnents. sandV nvpVTrT nnr.Tt TrtTTLXtSl MINES mining tcck bought and sold. E. A Clem A Co. 146 itilrd st. Porttewir. Or RICHARD-JON; GOLD MINING .CO. OJTBFA. shares at 12c share. W. H. Snerrod'& Co HELENA MINING CO. HAS OPENED OF flces rooms 112-113 Sherlock building. Fliy8l'ln,-asand. Snrgeoas, DR. JAMESVDICKSON. SPECIALIST M&KIgj ney and skin diseases. Odd Fellows' Tample. Slinlns; Engineers. O. M. ROSENDALE. ROOMS 51W16 OREGO- nlsn building invesrygates,rojnjng prPT . advistaJhtTecn. companies organized-; capital. furnished. " It-sale tcL. Lessons S0c: piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin. Vio lin instruments fqr sale. Mrs. Martin. 104 1st- lessons on Violin, viola, cornet- Emll Thielhom. 2C3 Jefferson. TeLW- l0 "Palxaiaxrys- LARSENr the paimlsw sclenUflc- reading pall leadlngevenu in life, 30c, practical, hand reading for sale by author, at 285 First st.- Ptcltle Freaervera WESTACOTr &' KNIOHT HIGH - GRADJJ- pickles, BtJtIrphone.1. 474 East Alder st? OntcopatbTV Drs. Northrup &. Alklre. Osteopaths suite 41 Dekum bldg". Investigation respeettully- so licited; examination free. Phone Mia.3a. Dr. W. A Rogers &. Dr. Rhode, C Hicks, 83a Marquam; diseases and deforrdlttea women: and children a specialty. Consultallonfree. DR. L. B. SMTTH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH suite 403 Oregonian building. Phone. OakyClr Ridlnx Academies. Portland Rtdmg Club, fins UVery. boardlnft: saddle horses specialty. .Park and Jefferson.? RenI, Bstate loans and Rentals. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD r CO.: ESTA llshed 1800. 227 Stark street. Reafnhrants. THE: FINEST 10c HOUSE ON THE COAST. Montana Restaurant. 245 First st. , Storage. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fourth and Davis. Merchandise a specialty Insurance- rates law; storage rates reasonable. Careful attention given to country consign ments. TeL Or. Main 777; Columbia, 7e.- SAFES PIANOS. FURNITURE MOVEPAND packed for shipping. C. M. Olsen, 123 "First. Tel office Main 1087; Black 801. Safes. SAFES. SAFES. BANK WORK. LOCK DEPTT openlng lockouts, repairs. J. E. Davis. GG 3d. 3a.iv Mill Machinery. Christenson-iTcMaster Machinery Co.; new-and 2d-hand machinery. E. Water and E. Taj lori- Scales. OLD RELIABLE STIMPSON COMPUTING scales, office and war-rooms No 60 -Third str. between Pine and Ash. R. E. Phillips, gen eral agent for Oregon and Washington. Showcases anil Store Fixtures. DIXON. BORGESON Washington, streets. & CO.. FRONT AND. SplrltnalTsts. IF YOU ARE IN TROUBLE AND WANT a-lvlce. call on Mrs. Dr Merchant. 303 3d st. Dr. Collins, trance medium: consult hint; read ings dall-,; circle tonight, 350c Washington. MRS STEVENS; adTice on all affairs of life; sittings dally. 22IU Morrison st, room 22. MRS a CORNELIUS. MEDIUM, ALISKY building; Third and Morrison sts. MRS. J. A. SMITH, medium and maxnt-.lo healer, room 2. 234 Morrison. S torn fee and. Transfer. STOP AGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAD at.rred Blckel's storehouse. 31 North Front. Stoves, Itanges, Household H'dware Hardware; sole agt. Universal stoves & ranges; housefurnlsblng goods. J. J. Kadderiy. 141 1st. Tentstnnd Avmtn-rs. Complete camp outfits, hammocks, ramp furni ture, etc. Pacific Tent A Awn. Co . 27 N. 1st. Trunin Factories. WE MANUFACTURE OUR TRUNKS AND sell direct to the retail public trunkB re paired; trunks and teletcore made to ordVr. M Third street, between Pine and Ash. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN A LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS rtv- N Front nnA Davis ntn . Portland. Or BANKS. SAVINGS BANK PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 109 THIRD STREET. Money to loan on mortgage. A general trust and agency business transacted. BKNJ- I. COHEN President H L. PITTOCK. A. S. NICHOLS..,. Vlce-Pres. E. J. ALTSTOCK. J. O. GOLTRA... Secretaries FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated. Depcsltarj" and Financial Agent of tho United States. President H. W. CORBETT Vice-President A L. MILLS Cashier '- G. E. WITH1NUTON Assistant Cashlor J. W. NE-iKIRK Second Alstnnt Caihier W. C. ALVORD Letters of credit issued, available lit "Europe and the Eastern state Sight exchange and telegrajjhle transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chicago. St. Louis, St. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the principal points In tne Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to- suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hong Kong; Yokohama, Copenhagen, Chrlstl anla. Stockholm, St- Petersburg-. Moscow, Zu rich. Honojulu. Collections mode on favorable terms. ,., LADD & TTLTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1859. Transact a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorable tcrma. Letters of credit Issued available in Eu rope and the Eastern states. , Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Washington, Chicago, St. Louis Denver. Omaha, San Francisco aad vari ous points In Oregon, Washington. Ioaho, Mon tana and Brltleh-Columbia. Exchanger sold oa- Loj-tdon, Paris. Berlin. Frankfort and Hong- Kong. WELLS. FARGO A CO. RANK CASH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $6,200,000- JOHN J. VALEXTINB PRESIDENT HOMER ii KING MANAGER (San Francisco.) R M.DQOLY CASHIER JOHN K. MILES ASSISTANT CASHIER (Portland.) General Banking Business transacted. Ex change sold, and Letters of Credit Issued, avail able in all parts of the world. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J.FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM .' Vice-President R. W. HOYT ..., Cashier GEO. W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, Interest pild on time deposits. Drafts and letters of credit ismed. avallahls In ell psrtx of the world. Cotlectlocs a specialty. Gold dust bought. LONDON AND SN FRANCISCO BANK LIMITED. CAPITAL PAID UP , $2;450jOCO Head Office. "71 Lombard street. London. This bank transacts- a. ventral banking and tth-irg- business, makes- loans, discounts bll's and Issues cemmerdal and travelers' credits,, available In Any :lty In the-wcrld. Chamh-'r of Commerce bulldmg. Third and Stark streets. W. A MACRAE. Manager AINSWORtm. NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, cor. Third and Oak ts. J. C. AINSWORTBVPres.; W. W. PHILLIPS; Cashier. Transacts at General Banking Business. Exchange bought and sold on all the principal cities in Europev Also facilities for telegraphic tranefers CoJIectione made on favorable terms on all accessible points. SAFE1 DKP08IT DEPARTMENT Connected with the bank. Safes rented en easy terms. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts ls&ued available In-all elites of the United Slates and Europe. President TYLER WOODWARD Vice-President JACOB TTAA'M I Cashier .....-,.......... E: C MILLER BANK OF BRITISH, COLUMBIA PAID-.UP CAPITAL $3.00,000 RESERVS j... SO0.GCO Bad Office-, ea.Lbmbant street. London. Cbts'I block. 244- Washtnc-tosr st.. Portland, -BLEABARNSo, Mtna-jr,