THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1900. ir COMMERCIAL AND The excessiva ntat yesterday did- not help natters any from & business standpoint, but there was a heavy trade with the Interior, coun try orders being numerous and or literal pro portions. Fruit receipts were again heavy, and sold well, melons cleaning up rapidly. Eggs are a shade higher for best candled stock, the light receipts causing a firmer feeling. Butter is also firm at the recent advance, the warm -weather causing a falling off in receipts. Poultry sold fairly well, considering the tem perature. Bank. Clearing. . . Exchanges. Balances. Portland ... $301,785 S 81.881 Jaconia, 172.477 32.955 gwrtllo 707.804 221.310 Spokano ....., ,... 141.004 U2.118 .PORTXjAXD markets. Grain, Flour, Etc , There la a very dull feeling in tha local wheat market, and there Is not enough offer ing or aajced for to make Quotations of much Value. There has. been some stiff bidding at a few pelrits in. the interior, for the purpose of attracting .shipments to warehouses, but prices paid In such cases can hardly be taken as in dicative of the state of the market. Testerday inost of the exporters were quoting "Walla. "Walla and Valley nominal at K00c, and blue atem SS59c Freights are inactive, but own ers will not make concessions. Wheat Walla Walla, nominal. 65c: Valley, 65c: bluestem, 5SW)c per bushel. Flour Best grades. $2 85 3 20; graham, $2 60 per barrel. Oats White. 34938c: gray, 3233c per bushel. Barley Feed, S1415: brewing. SIC per ton. Mlllstuffs Bran. $12 50 per ton: middlings, $10; shorts. S13; chop. 14. Hay Timothy. $10911; clover. J7CT 80; Ore goa wild hay. $607 per ton. Batter, Ejrsr Poultry, Ktc Butter Fancy creamery, 4045c: store, 239 2TV&C per roll. Eggs 17018c per dozen. Poultry Chickens, mixed. $393 50 per doz 4en; hens, $45; Springs. $2 &04; ducks. $3 Ht geese, $45 per dozen; turkeys, 10917c per pound. Cheese Full cream, twins, l24913c; Toung America, 14o per pound. Vegetables, Fruit, Etc. Vegetables Parsnips, $1; carrots. 75c9$l; turnips. 75c per sack: onions, $1 25 lor red, $1 50 for sllversklns; cabbage. $1 50 per cental; potatoes. 40950c per sack for old, 6000c for aiew; peas, 394c; beans, 04J7c; asparagus, 49 6c; cucumbers, 60975c per box. Fruit Lemons. $3 7594; oranges. $494 25 pr bor for late "Valencia: pineapples. $4 5090 per dozen; bananas. $2 8093 per bunch; Ter elan dates, 78c per pound; peaches, 40975c; apricots, 50 05c; apples, $1 9 1 25 per box: raspberries, 8c; blackberries, 394c per pound; -watermelons, $2 2592 50; cantaloupes, $292 25 per dozen. Dried fruit Apples, evaporated. 798c per pound; sun-dried, sacks or boxes. 4-5c: peers, eun and evaporated. 56c; plums, pities. 4lf 6c: prunes. Italian, 395ic: silver, extra choice. 5 9 6c; fig. Smyrna. 22c; California black. 39Jc: do white. 10c per pound. Groceries, nuts. Etc. Coffee Mocha, 23928c: Java, fancy. 26932c: Java. good. 20924c: Java, ordinary. 18920c: Costa Rica, fancy, 18920c; do good, 10llte: do Ordinary. 1012c per pound; Columbia, roast. $13 03; Arbbokle's, $15 13; Lion, $13 63 per cae. Sugar Cube. $0 30; crushed. $6 30; pow dered. $0 30 J dry granulated, $S 80: extra C, 55 30; golden C. $5 20 net; half barrels, 14c more than barrels; maple sugar. 1516c per pound. Beans Small white, 354c; bayou, 4c; Lima, 6c per pound. Salmon Columbia River. 1-pound tails. $1 3 1 00: 2-pouud tails. $292 CO: fancy, 1-pound .flats. $1 0591 75; -pound fancy flats, 85995c; Alaska, 1-pound tails, $1 201 30; 2-pound tails, $1 002 25. Grain bags-Calcutta, $0 37 per 100 for spot. Nuts Peanuts, 0J497c per pound for raw. &c .for roasted; cocoanuts, 80c per dozen; walnuts, ltt lie per pound; pine nuts. 15c; hickory nuts. 7c; chestnuts. 15c; Brazil, lie; Alberta. 15c; fancy pecana, 12914c; almond. 15917&0 per pound. Coal oil-Cases, 21c per gallon; barrels, 17e; tankr. 15a . Rice Island. 6c; Japan, Cc; New Orleans, 96c; fancy head, $797 80 per sack. Meat anl ProvlMionu. Mutton Cross, best sheep, wethers and "ewes, sheared, $3 5096 75; dressed, 77c per pcund; Spring lambs, 55c per pound gross. Hogs Grose, choice heavy, $5; light, $4 80; dressed. 56c per pound. Veal Large. 77c per pound; small, 890c per pound. Beef Gross, top steers. $494 50; cows, $3 50 94; dressed beef. 07c per pound. Provisions PorUand pack (Shield brand): Hams, smoked, are quoted at 13e per pound; picnic hams, 8c per pound; breukfast bacon, I3c; bacon, 0c; backs. 9&c; dry salt sides. 8c; dried beef, 17'$c per pound; lard. 0-pound palls, 10c; 10 -pound palls, 0c; 50s, 9c; tierces, 0c per pound. Eastern pack (Ham mond's): Hams, large, 12c; medium. 13c; BmalL 13c; picnic hams, 0c; shoulders, 9Jic; breakfast bacon. 12&c; dry salt sides. s O&c; bacon sides. 0U910c; backs, 0ic; butts, 0c; lard, puro leaf, kettle rendered. 5s, lOVtc! 10s, 105ic. Hops. Wool, Hides, Etc Hops 28c per pound. Wool Valley. 12913c for coarse, 15916c for best; Eastern Oregon, 15lGc; mohair, 23o per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings. 15920c; Bhort-wool. 23 &35e; medium-wool, 30950c; long-wool, G0c9$l each. Pelts Bearskins, each, as to size, $5915: cubs, each. $15; badger, each, 50o; wildcat. 2597rc; housecat. 5925c; fox. common gray, ' 40c9$l: do red. $1 753 00; do cross, $2 &09S; lynx, $294 50. mink. 40c9$l 75; marltn, darV Northern. $5910; do pale. pine. $294; musk rat. 8 12c; skunk. OOgSOc; otter (land). $1 8; panther, with head and claws perfect. $193; raccoon. 25S0c; wolf, mountain, with toead perfect. $3 SO 9 5; wolverine. $2 5090; beaver, per skin, large. $097; do medium, per ekln. S4&5. do small, per skin, $12; do kits, per skin $193. Tallow 595Hc. No. 2 and grease SJ64e per pound. Hides- Dry hides. No. 1, 10 pounds and up ward. 14915c: dry kip. No. 1. 8 to 10 pounds, 16c per pound; dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pounds. .-iiie, dr fatted, one-third less than dty flint: salted hides, sound steers. 00 pounds and over. 795c; do 50 to GO pounds, 7c; do un der 80 pounds and cows, 7c; kip, 13 to 30 pounds, 7HJ8c; do veal, 10 to 14 pounds. THc; do calf, under 10 pounds. 7c; green (unsalted). lc per pound less; culls (bulls. Btags. moth eaten, badly cut, scored hair slipped, weather beaten or grubby), one-third U . NEW TORIC STOCK MARKET. Greater Show of Animation and Strength Than for a Long Time. NEW YORK, July 20 The stock market made a greater show of animation and strength than for some time past, and the advance in prices from the low point to the highest was In many cases fairly impressive. During the period of the advance the market looked strong and varied, but a close analysis of the day's trading shows that the strength or animation was apparent rather than real. This Is due to the, fact that the advance began from the vant age ground of an early decline. In sympathy With the depression In London and the ex pectation that there would be announcement -ST1S exports by New York. It was at this stage of the speculation that there came the sudden and unexpected news that United States Minister Conger had "been heard from by the State Department The bears hastily covered their short contracts when this became known. But the publication of the text of the mes sage which quickly followed caused a chill to speculative sentiment, as it did to warmer sentiments of humanity throughout the world. The market did not relapse to the low level again, and was held by tho notable buoyancy In different portions of the industrial Ilat Sugar was the central feature of the market all day. the dealings in tho stock far out numbering those in any other In the list The ground for the advance was the very large business reported in the sugar Industry. This was supplemented by all sorts of rumors circu lated by the bulls of prospective extra divi dend. Their efforts were directed against a pirslsleht and long - standing short interest, which was forced to cover largely at the ad-" ranee The whole market turned downwards 14 tho late dealings, when profit-taking be came evident in Sugar. That stock lost about 2 points, and reactions In some other stocks extended from 1 to 2 points. The closing was Thereby made heavy, and the net changes were FINANCIAL NEWS reduced to fractions, except in a tetr of the specialties mentioned. The movement was almost entirely profes sional throughout, and the late decline was wholly due to profit-taking, with the exception of some selling by foreign arbitrage bouses in anticipation of lower prices In foreign markets tomorrow. The foreign exchange market tras firmer, and moved up lc, but the foreign ex change houses report that Paris Is still the greatest point of attraction for gold, and that tha next shipments will" probably bo made there. Instead of London. If tomorrows steam ers do not touch at French ports, no engage ments for exports were made. The bond market continued Irregular and very .oulet. Total sales, par value, $1,050,000. New 4s, registered, declined per cent In the bid price. BONDS. U. S. 2s. ret. reg. 104 iGen. Electric 6s... 117 do coupon 104 I Atchison adj. 4s.. S3i do 2s. reg 100 (N. Y. Cent. lets.. .103 do 3s, reg lOOVilNorth. Pac 3s.... 6 do coupon HO'ii do 4s 104 do new 4s, r eg.. 132, Oregon Nav. lsts.,107 do coupon 132 do 4s 102 do new 4s. reg .115V, Oregon S. L. 6s... 123 do coupon H5',ti do con. 8a Ill do old 4s. reg...H5y& Rio Gr. West. lsU 074 do coupon llOhl St. Paul consols.. .166b do 5s. reg 1131 St. P. C. & P. lstsllCW do coupon 114bl do Ss ....1184 Dlst. CoL 3-65S...123 (Union Pacific 4s. ..105 C &. N.W. con. 7sl41 iWls. Cent. lets.... 83 do S. F. deb. 6s. 120 (Southern Pacific 4s 70 D. & R. G. lsts.,102 l-West Shore 4s 112 do is 91 When Issued. STOCKS. The total sales of stocks today were BdO.COtf shares. The closing quotations were: Atchison 26UUnlon Pac pref.... 75 do pref . 60Tfcxas & Pacific... 14 ua.ii. & unio 70 iwabash Can. Pacific .. SSVSi do Pref Can. Southern ... 49 Wheel. &. i.. ej do 2d pref.... Ches. & Ohio 27V 22 14k w. or. esiern. ju? Chi., B. & Q 126 Chi., Ind. & L.... 23 do pref 50 Chi. & East. 111. 07 wis. central P. C. C. &. St. L 07 Third Avenue 110 EXPRESS CO.'S. Adams 120 Chicago it N. "VV 150UAmerlcan 153 1061 United States 45 Chi.. R. I. & P C C. C. & St. L. 00 Wells-Fargo 122 Colo. Southern ... 6ft MISCELLANEOUS. do let pref ltiAmer. Cotton Oil.. 34 do 2d pref lCfci do pr-f 88W Del. & Hudson... 112 Amr. Malting .... 34 Del.. Lack. A W..170 I do Dref 20 Denver & Rio Gr. 174jAmer. Smelt. A R. 371 37 8S5 114 Erie 10& do 1st pref S2fei Great North, pref.153 i do pref .. Amor. Spirits 114 do pref 1 Amer. Steel Hoop. 22 do pref ......... 0S!4 Amer. Steel & W.. 34 do pref 74 Amer. Tin Plate... 22 do pref 77 Amer. Tobacco ... 03 do nref 123 Hocking Coal .. I3fc ,. 34 ..110 . 20 . 48 .. 10 Hooking Valley Illinois Central . Iowa Central .... d.o pref Kan. C. P. & G Lake Erlo & W. do pref , Lake Shore .. 27 . 00 I Anaconda Mlh. Co. 42 .210 I Brooklyn u. T. Louis. & Nash.... 73V4.Colo. Fuel & Iron. aiannaiian ai ... jkh uont. Tobacco Met. St. Ry 152, do pref 26 73 Mex. C-tral ..... 12,Federa! Steel 34 Minn. A St. Louis 55Vt do pref 00 do pref ic 1 Gen. Electric 120 .Missouri raclfic .. 00l Glucose Sugar .... 53 Mobile & Ohio.. M.. K. & T do pref 3S I do pref 00 0 Int. Paper 23 .iy,i no jirci New Jeroy Cent..l27 La Clede Gas. 74 fco 20 37 New York Cent...l2DjNat. BlecUlt pref.. Norfolk & West.. 3."i National Lead ... do nref 70U do nref Northern Pacific. 51 do pref 71! Ontario & West... 20 O. R. & N 42 do pref 70 i Pennsylvania" ....12S& Reading 17 National Steel 20 1 do pref S4 N. Y. Air Brake...l05 North American .. 15 Pacific Coast 82 do 1st pref 83 do 2d pref 02 Pacific Mall 32M do 1st pref 00 00 za prer 20 ireopie's Gas na; Rio Gr. Western do pref 89Pressed Steel Car.. 43 00 , do pref 74 St. Louis A S. Fr. 0 do 1st pref 07 do 2d pref 33 St. Loul & S. W. 0 do pref 23 St. Paul 1101 Pullman Pal. Car.181 Stand. Rope & T.. 8 Sugar 127 do pref 117 Tenn. Coal & Iron. 00 U. S. Leather 0 do pref 0S U. S. Rubber 24 do pref 03 Western Union ... 70 Republic Iron & S. 12 do pref 170 Bt. Paul & O lio Southern Pacific. 33 southern Ry . do pref .... Union Pacific 11I r.21 87! do pref 84 Offered. Money, Exchange, Etc. SAN FRANCISCO. July 20. Sterling on Lon don CO days. $4 85; do sight. $4 S3. Mexican dollars 6940c Drafts Sight, 12c; do telegraphic 15c NEW YORK, July 20. Money on call. 19 1 per cent. Prime mercantile paper 494 Pr cent. Sterling exchange Strong, with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at $4 87 for demand and at $4 8394 84 for CO days; posted rates, $4 S44 85 and $4 83; commercial bills, $4 83$4 S3. Silver certificates 92c Mexican dollars 45c JJonds Government, weak; state. Inactive; railroad. Irregular. LONDON. July 20. Consols-07 0-10. Money 23 per cent. Forelfrn Financial Nevrsi. NEW YORK. July 20. The Commercial Ad vertiser's London financial calbregram rays: The markets were still depressed today, but hardened toward the close on the report that Minister Conger had been heard from on July 18. American securities were the chief benefi ciaries of the buoyant feeling engendered by the news. Bills were steady and quieter than yesterday. The bank bought 38,000 In gold bars, and lost 7000 to South America. THE GRAIX 3IARKETS. Prices for Cercalx In European end American- Portn. SAN rRANCISCO. July 20. Wheat and bar ley, inactive, on call and quiet and unchanged in the spot market. Oats, firm. Spot quotations were: Wheat Xo. 1 shipping, $1 03; choice, $1 05; milling. $1 0S91 10. Barley Feed, 7071c; brewing, S09S2c Oats Poor to fair, $1 0791 12; good to choice, $1 1591 23; fancy -feed. $1 279-l 30; gray. $1 071 10; milling, $1 1091 15; red, $1 0391 17. Call board sales: Wheat Inactive; December, $1 13 per cen tal; cash. $1 05. Barley Inactive; December. 75c Corn Large yellow, $1 181 17. Chienco Grnln and Produce. CHICAGO. July 20. The experience of yes terday, a weak opening and a strong finish, was repeated in the Board of Trade today in the wheat market. September opened ?fr9c under yesterday, at 76c scalpers selling on bearish foreign news. Liverpool showed poor appreciation of the advance here yesterday, and" her receipts for three days, 872.000 bush els. t contained only 114,000 bushels from America. Argentine shipments were also large. Following the opening dip, however, reaction set In. The Chronicle, estimating the Califor nia yield, reduced the prospect from 1,000,006 to 650.000 tons, or 18,460,000 bushels, com pared with 33,000,000 bushels a year ago. Tho estimate was rather startling. The talent had been paying more attention to other points. Board of Trade and Stock Exchange Brokers GRAIN PROVISIONS STTOCKSand COTTON BOUGHT ANO SOLO FOR CASH OR CARRIED ON MARGINS 214-215 Chamber of Commerce Portland, Oregon . OJLLIS0N&C0. and the announcement sent shorts to cover. Later In the day very glootnyv report from North Dakota came aa a bull Influence, and helped along the advance. The market during the forenoon climbed to 76c dropped on profltrtaklng to- 779nC and then Tecovered to 78eT8c nd closed strong, at &&c over yesterday, at 775i7Tc A very Urgent shipping -demand, report of damage to Kansas and Nebraska corn that rains could not repair and the wheat strength caused tha corn market to rule strong. Sep tember closed c over yesterday, at 39c Oats were strong. In. sympathy with wheat and cons, but trade was quiet. September closed ftc up, at 23tf23c Provisions were strong, partly on ths grain strength, partly on a good caJh demand and partly on light hog receipts in the West. Pork closed 22c over yesterday, lard closed lOo up, and ribs 18c better. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Opening. Highest. Lowest. Cloje. .$676 $0 76 $0 78 $0 76 July ...... August .. September 78 70 CORN. 8S 33 S8 30 July September SO 30 23fe 1175 1187 OATS. July August ...... September . 23 231. 13 ?! 23 23 23 1157 11C3 23 23 23 23 MESS FORK. July .1187 1173 September- ...1107 1100 LARD. July ... September October .. 6 72 080 0 67 675 SHORT CT7 080 RIBS. C07 070 July .... September 83 085 685 6 75 0 87 0 72 6 72 6 83 0 70 October Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Easy. Wheat No. 3. 74c; No. 2 red. 7070c Corn No 2. 30e: No. 2 yellow. 30c Oats Nb. 2. 2424c; No. 2 white 23 27c; No. 3 White. 2520c. Rye No. 2. 54 C Barley Good feeding. 35U42c; fair to choice malting. 40&4&C Flaxseed-No. lt $1 70; No. 1 N. W $1 75. Timothy seed Prime. $3 25. Mess pork $1QK)CH 80 per bbl. Lard $6 00U TO per cwt. Short ribs Sides, loose, $0 787. Shoulders Dry Failed, boxed, $6 75g7. Short clear Sides Boxed. $0 330 43. Clover Contract grade. $S. Butter Firm; creamery, 183 10c; dairy, 14 17c Cheese Firm, 010c Eggs Finn; fresh, Ullc Receipts. Shlpm'U. Flour, barrels 14.000 6.000 Wheat, bushels ., 03.000 43,000 Corn, bushels , 358.000 418.000 Oats, bushels 180.000 140.000 Rye, bushels 5.000 1.000 Barley, bushels 6,lXX) 0,000 Kerr York Grain, Flour, Etc. NEW YORK. July 20. Flour Receipts. 13. 000 barrels; exports, 0470. Market Very quiet. Wheat Receipts, 2S.675 bushel; exports, none. Spot, firm; No. $ red, 81c f. o. b., 84c elevator. Options opened easy, and turned strong on bearish foreign news, bad North west cro? news and war rumors. Closed firm at c net advance July closed at 2c; Sep tember. 82c: December, S3c Wool Dull. Hops Dull. European Grain Market. LOKDON. July 20. Wheat and fiur In Paris, steady; French country markets, weak. Spot wheat, dull; No. 1 Northern Spring, Us 3d; No. 1 California. Cs 2de0s 3d. Futures, quiet; July, nominal; September, 0s d; De cember, Cs ld. Corn Spot, new, quiet; old, steady; Ameri can mixed. 3s 10d; do old. 3s lid. FutuYM, quiet; September, 3s lid; November, 3s 11 d. SAV FRATVCISCO MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO, July 20. Wool Spring Nevada. 13$15c; Eastern Oregon. 10$13e; Val ley. Oregon. 1AS20C Fall Northern mountain, 10912c; mountain, lambs', S10c; San Joaquin plains, 610c. Humboldt and Mendocino, ISO 14c per pound. Hops 1800 crop, 11013c per pound. Mlllstuffs Middlings. $ltG.0: bran. $12 50$ 13 50 per ton. Hay Wheat, $Sg:i2: wheat and oat. $S 11 00; best barley: $8 50; alfalfa. $0$7 80; vtock, $595 50; compressed -,wheat. $S&12 pe ton: straw, 25g7c per bale. Potatoes River Burbanks, 35 65c; Barly Rose, 3075c per cental. Vegetables Ontone, 85c$$l 00 per cejttal; garlic 23o; green peas, 2ec per pound; string beans, 13c; dried Okra, 32c per pound; asparagus, 75c$2 50 per box; egg, plant, 8910c per pound; cucumbers, 2ttG6uc par box. Citrus fruit Oranges, navels, $2 50; Mexi can limes, (596; common California lomona, $11 75; choice, $22 50 per box. Bananas $1 503-2 50 per bunoh. Butter Fancy creamery. 10e; do pecondi, 18$Tl8c; fancy dairy. 17c; do seconds, 15 16c Cheese American, new, 00c per poand; Young America. 010c; Eastern, 1617c Eggs Store. 14ffl5c; fancy ranch, 20c; Eastern, lOtflOc. Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, OlOc; do hens. 10311c per pound: old rootera, $3 50fH pr dozen; young roosters. $4 506; small broilers, $1 76ff2 3; large do, $3ff3 50; fryers. 43 50 04 80; hens, S4H 50 per dozen; geese. Jlfjl 13 per pair. Receipts Flour, quarter sacks. 14,703; wheat, centals. Si, 800; barley, cental. 8000; cats, cen tals, 3380; corn, cental. 300; potatoes, sacks, 8100; hay. 'tons, 1300; hides. 250. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO. July 20. Cattle Receipts, 1500. Native steers slow, but choice stock steady; natives, best on sale today, one carload at $5 35; good to prime steers, $55 05; poor to medium, $4 40$5; selected feeders, $4 40& 4 75; mixed stockers, $3 23Q3 00; cows, $3$ 4 80; heirers. $3S; canners. $22 85; bulls. $3 4 05; calves. $4 500 25. Texans Receipts, 800; Texas steers, 1020c higher, at $4 lOffS; grass steers, $3 2534 15; bull&j steady, $2 80 03 75. Hogs Receipts. 11,000; estimated tomorrow, 10.000; left over. 4800. Average prices a shade higher; top. $5 27; mixed and butchers. $5 8 25; good to choice hcaVy, $593 23; rough heavy. $4 OOtO; light, $3 050 27; bulk of cales, $5 15fC 20. Sheep Receipts. 00t0. Sheep, steady to strong for best, lambs 25c lower, good to choice weth ers, $44 80; fair to choice mlxd. $38 85; Western. $34 23j Texas heep. $34; native lambs, $45 70; Western lambs, $35 50. The Metal Market. NEW YORK. July 20. Business was quiet In tho metal market today. New York pig-Iron warrants were quoted nominally on the basis of $13. Tin was a little steadier In the local market on account of an advance of 1 In London, closing at $35 for spot. Copper closed dull for Lake at $10 50, while electrolltlc and castings were advanced $16 12 to $18 37. Lead, dull and unchanged at $3 D?$4 02. Spelter, firm at $4 20U-4 25. The brokors price for lead was $3 05, and for copper $16 80. Bar Oliver, 61c BAN FRANCISCO, July 20. Bar silver, Clc LONDON, July 20. Bar silver, 28d. Coffee and Snjrar. NEW YORK, July 20. Coffee Options closed Steady, with prices 1520 points net lower; sales, 83,250 bags. Including July at $8 38; August. $8 40; Septembsr. $3 40J?3 45; October, $8 458 55. Spot. Rio, quiet; No. 7, Invoice, 0c Mild, quiet. Sugar Raw, strong; fair refining, 4c; cen trifugal, 0 test, 4c; refined, firm. London Wool Sale. LONDON, July 20. There was a largo at tendance present at the last day of the series Of the WOOl auction iodnx. Th tinmk,. rtt bales offered were 11,432. There was a" good selection, me home trade buying cross-breds freely. During the sale 78,000 bales of wool were Bold to the hanw tmAt inn fWi ia v, Continent and 2000 to America, One hundred and fifty-eight thousand bales were sold over. A Proof of Expansion. Spokane Spokesman-Review. Tha country -weekly fills a -want com mon to every utate In the Union. It Is one or our American "lngtltUtlOns." How many newspapers, think von. th Rlncrln young: Etato of Washington supports? Just ZZL and a blr camDalen cron In harvest, and all but 15 or 20 of these are weeklies. Oresron has 1S2: Montana. 9 and Idaho, 79. What a story these fig ures tell of the countrrs p-rnoriKlnn nnrl the growth of pppulation since tho'qulet Downing, Hopkins. & Co. Chicago Board of-Trade New York Stock Exchange Room 4, Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce BOTH TELEPHONES CAPE S. S.DESPHTCE Sails on Her Second Trip on or About July 20, 1900 This Is the only exclusive livestock steamer In .the Nome trade. Bookings now being made. Ton HATES A3ID IJtrOKMATIOS APPI.T Tt . ' ' , CALIFORNIA & OREGON COAST S. CO; ... F. P. BAUHQARTNSTR, Agent, 233 Washinatoa 3. - ; W. A. Mitchell Jb Co., General Accnli. Snn Krnuclscn. Pacific Coast FOR THE KEW PAJLATIAIi STEEL, STEAMSHIP "SENATOII" Will sill Utm Syttlt jo4 Tapai to or aioat Aoja'.t 5, and Sulcata S. The "Senator" has a capacity of 2SC0 tons. Her second cabm and steerage accommodations are superior to the flrst-claes accommodations of most of tho steamers advertised for Nome. The Pacific Coast Steamship Company has been running Its steamers to Alas-" ka-Wlnter and Bummer for 25 years, and Is the pioneer Paclflo Coast line. Seat tle freight and passenger rates appiy from Portland. For further Information Inquire of GOODAU. PERKINS A CO., General Acnt?. 10 Market, San Fran cisco, or N. POSTON, Afcnt. 243 Washington St., Portland. Or. colonial days when Ben Franklln'.s ,pru- dent father refused to help hira start a weekly paper, because "there were al- ready two newspapers In America, and a third was not wanted." WOMAN'S VIEW OF NOME. Her ENtlrantc of Social Conditions and Experiences'. WASHINGTON, July IS. The great ulk of the letters from Capo Nome deul almost entirely with the goM region as a source of wealth and of the commer- clal and progressive Conditions of the country, but so far little has bseu said.. -or even thought of. the social side of life In that country. A Soutn Carohna glrl, now in Nome, In to htr friends at home, under date of Juno 12, after relating the usual stories of r the high price of provisions ami other com modities, goes on to tell something of Nome society. Inasmuch as the letter comes from i woman who is a prospector, it is decidedly novel and interesting. In her letter the writer. Miss Ellen Court- ney, says: k i "There are some Half-dozen rich mining districts along -this coast, -and there is no doubt that the next year will see five or elx thriving towns spring up "within a. ; radius of 300 miles. Indications are that Nome will be the metropolis of Behring Sea. Other towns will be built as soon, as cargoes of lumber arrive. Thore is ( "plenty of room for spreading, fortunate ly for late arrivals at Nome. In this, thore is a great advantage over .the Klondike, where everything is concen- ! tra'ted at t)awso'n. " ' "Ophlr Creek. 10 miles- up .Fish River, is declared to be the most marvelous . creek ever heard of, the extent and rich- ness of the' pay streaks being greater than anything previously known In the history' of mining. Much excitement flso exists over new strikes on the beach of j Topkuk, about CO miles down the coast. ' Owing to the frozen ground, but little J work has been done in the sand. The ' Koog Roc district, adjacent to Port Clar- I ence, is another marvolously rich dls- trict. , "We are pleased that the beach still I remains open to the miners, and that the grafters failed to gobble this part of the public domain. No one needs to coracuj here and suffer starvation, or fail to real-, lze enough to take -him back home while -the beach remains open to the public' It has been a godsend to many unfortu nates. There have been some rich striKcs on the tundra also. "Existing conditions here the last Win ter made it impossible for women to stake 1 claims in person, so those owned by women, as well as many owned by men, J have been stnkec by agents. There were no real houses and no real wood, so it was difficult for even the strongest men to brave the awful tempests that were of frequent occurrence. "There has been absolutely no sort of social life or recreation of a refined na ture here all Winter. We attempted whist parties in a small way, but werc so often prevented .from going out by the snow storms that we abandoned this. "We do all kinds of honest work here without shame or sham. It is a sort of badge of honor for a woman to work, though she does not realize the fortune therefor that might be Imagined. The other class is the favored one. These people are given advantageous informa tion as to 'strikes,' and it is they who usually make the fortunes you read about. It is possible, however, for a good woman to succeed here, but she has a pretty hard time of It. and struggles pretty much unaided. There are a few happy exceptions among the men, and in these Instances they thoroughly reer ence and appreciate a good, true woman. Still, conditions are hard, and it is a desolate Bort of existence at best, though a woman is not subjected- to imperti nences from even the worst class of men. "It Is a sad fact that the conditions of this country seem to call forth, or develop all that is bad in both men and women. The avarice, dishonor, utter dis regard of truth and lack of all the 'milk of human kindness,' make one's very heart sick. Tou dare not extend common courtesy to the nowcomers who are with out means, to the extent of allowing them to camp on your premises, for in such cases they claim such ground as they camped upon, for which you have in most instances paid a high price." Miss Courtney says the woman at Nomo with a husband considers herself above her fellow-creatures, and never tires of showing him off at any and all times. "But," sho continues, " husbands," pro vided one is not over-fnstldlous, are much more readily 'struck' than gold, even on this gold coast." Her account of the difficulties with lot Jumpers, prevailing fabulous prices for land and the steps that have been take to suppress riots and outbreaks but con- . wtyiJMVll (lAiiyys' rillBwiTi wca . VT TT.T ji iTj """ ws w wnt aua ib 01a ana rocrjr arwar trea effects cf etf-bU, dliifrttfon. excettes, cr deMttteookScff. OuroB LottManhOOd Im- tLln blllmMadacb,inrttnejtoMarryi.cssof & Semen, VarTcocalo. Wcfe'oo7.diu,&S fikiis PxH f.ssisi8jsffii?i fMMV xna uuir tMi.un. i .?.. .1.. - .k tiur ! uw a-i sapouarni. a. ran u at nana. WJi'iZrH mney tztaaei. d aiboxa. drttOan oe. iCddrew, Bishop Remedy Co., 8an Francisco Cal. Jor ln br AliJrich Pnartaacy. Elxth cna TVjuhlnffton Directs. Portland. Or. BROKERS NO M SteamshiD Go, NOME direct-. firm similar sioHps from Nome that have ' been printed and reprinted time and again, and which are now very familiar to Jill who arc interested in the Alaskan cold fields. THE FIRST PRINTER. Mnrlc Trrain'H Letter to the Gnten bnrs Celebration Committee. Tho Malnzer Zeitung publishes the fol lowing letter received by the committee of the Gutcnburg clebratlon in Maycncc from. Samuel If. Clemens: ""Poar Sir Your request to have me- con-, -tribute my mite to the Gutanburg cele bration is both a pleasure nnrt an honor. The. world at J?rge unhesitatingly admits that Outenburg's lnventiQn is the grand est event In profane history. It helped to create not only a new world, but alo a ne.w hell, both of which for nearly flye centuries it has annually provided with pew experiences, new ideas?, and new wonders. It found Truth errlns about the world and- gave' It wings but Lie was also roaming and managed to appropriate- two sets of wlngjK. It found Science perse cuted and hiding In dark corners,. but It gave It -freedom on land and ifea and In the heavens, and made It the welcome aim of human study. It found but little art and industry, but- It added to them year by year. It made Its Inventor, who was shunned and despised, great, and gave him the mastery of the globe. It transformed TeUglon. which was then the all-powerful ruler. Into a friend and benefac'tress of mankind. War was then comparativelv cheap, bnt of restrictive effect: now It is very expensive, but gives more satisfactory results. It has brought freedom to some peoples- and thrown oth ers into slavery. It is the founder and protector of human liberty and yet It has fostered despotism where formerly It was Impossible. "Whatever the world Is today, good or bad, it has becomo through Gutenberg's Invention, which Is at the bottom of It. And yet we offer htm our homage, for what' he said In his dream to the ansel of wrath-has been fulfilled, and the evil caused by his grand discovery hn? been a thousandfold balanct-d by the good with whlcj It has blessed humanity. Very truly yours. MARK TWAIN." , St. Helen .Society Item. Oregon Mist. Mr. Ah Pon, a former distinguished resident of this city, hut now of Dallas, Polk County, was seen circulating on our streets Monday afternoon. Notwith standing. Pon's nationality, ho is a whole souled cuss, and has many friT.d3 here whp will be pleased to know tha't. he Is prospering. BANKERS i Govemm't, Municipal, (Kailroad, (Jas and Electric Companies Bought and soldi Including total issues. Lcfiers of Credit and Draffs ImwhI on BanV of Scotland, London, Credit Lyonnals, Paris. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS 204 bearborn St., Chicago. 31 Nassau Si., New York. 67 Milk SL, Boston. Balsam Projnotes the growth of tho hair and gives It the lustro and sllMcesj of youth. When tho hair Is gray or faded it BRINGS BACK THE YOUTHFUL COLOR. It prevents Dandruff and hair falling and keeps the scalp clean and healthy. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Orirtnal ud Onlr fiennlaa. SAFE. JUvtTrclUhlf. Ladle. ukDrocrfit tor CJMlUiiillilVS KUUbU ill ItEO ul Gold ottuile boxn. itslad ! with blaariblxB. Take no ether. Ileftaia ;Saaeer Substitution and InlU tion. 3sj of year DriRist. or hi 1 4c. la iuih ftr Prtllar. Testimonial! ta4 "RelleT ftr Ladle." Utur. bt m. torn Hall. lO.O00TtimaUl. Bildbr ail Dnrfllll. OtlkMt. Chrnla.l Cl. JfeoOen till ppr. Hailaoa Secure. miLA-. 1A. "JrlThompson's Ey Watw we ottt jo yean br ta leaders of Ihr Monooa Restores trail!. Badcreloped vzn P.5uK L ft TRAVELERS GUX&E. Union Depot, Sixth aalJ Strcat. THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST 'CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPECIAL." Leaves Tor tho Bast, vl Huntington, at 0:13 A. 1L; arrives, p. M. SPOKANE FLYISU. For Spokane, Eastern Wasblngton. and Grrat Northern points, lcivvea at G K M.; arrive at 1A.M. ATLANTIC EXPIir.SS. Leaves for the East, via Uuntlntton. at 0 P. M.; arrhe at fi:40 A. AL TKHOUOH PULLMAN A'D TOURIST SLEEPERS. Water Uses acheUule. subject to chanse -with out nolle: OCEAN AND IWYKU SCHEOULR. OCEAN Bl Vision &ttan.3hipi sll from AlnrAorth lock at s P. Al. Lvuve i-ortlanil Columbia, Sunday. July 1; Wednesday, July 1.. Saturday, juiy it: Tuesday, July U; Fri day, AUff. 10. State of California. Frklay. Juiy 0. Monday, July 1U; nuraUay. July IM: Sunday. Aug. 5. .From San Francliro Leavlnc Spear-Street Pier No. 24. San Francisco, al 11 A. M.. as follows: State of California. Monday. July :!. Thursday, July 12; Sunday. July 'S2: WVdnefl- aay, Aug. i: Saturday. Aug. n. Joiumi.a, Saturday, July 7; Tuesday. July 17; Friday. July 7; Voaday. Auc. 6. COL17MIIIA UIVEll DIVISION. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Hxsialo icavea x'ortUnil utly. except Sunday, at S.U0 P. it., on buturUay ul 10:0U P. U. Returning, leaves Astoria dally, txttrpt u.. dky. at 7:(aj a. M. Steamer T. J. Potter leaves Portland Tues days and.Thursdavs at 9 A. M.: Saturdays. 1 P. M., for Astoria and Long Reach Lavcs llwaco Tuedas. Thursdays and Sundays from 5 to S P. M , acctirdlnT to tldo. WILLASIETTE ItlVEK DIVISION. PORTLAND AND SALEM. OR. Steamer Ituth. for Salem and way points, leaves Portland Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fri days at COO A. it. Returning. Jeaes Salem Tuesaoys, Thursdays and Saturdays at O.tA. A. M. YAfelillLL RIVEK UOtlTB. PORTLAND AND DAYTON. OH. Steamer Elmore, for Day tun cna way points, leave Porand Tuesday. T.ntrday and Sat urdays at 7 A. M. Returnlcc. leaves Dayton for Portland asd way point Moi.du&. uuesUiji f.riilmi. at a a. M. ' SA'Aicr. uivEit uocti:. RIPAR1A. VASM.. AND LEWISTO.N. IPVH' r detainer Spokane or wltnun ler-a mpana oauy at 3:30 A. M.. arrlvlne at ievru ton itvit P. AL Returning:, the spokana or Lcwistun leaves LuwUton dally at U A. 1L, arrlvtne at Rlparla sarno evening W H HL'Rl.nrTRT. , Oenerat Parwenser Agtai. W A)CTIIELIVP r Thkl Arpnt. Telephone Main 712. SO Third street, cor Oak. NcvStcainsliipLinctotlieOricnt CHINA' AND JAPAN. TROM PORTLAND. la conrctlOL. will. THE OREGON RAILROAD NAVIGATION lit. tH-heduU. JVUO iwubjcet to chrinr): Steamer. Due to Leave Portland. "ft fTIlSIHRE" June 21 "ERAEMAR" July 15 "AIifSrLL" Aug. 5 -r rati. occommotlatlnni. etc. apply t DODWELL A COMPANY. Limited, General Acents. Portland. Or. To principal points In Japan and Chlnn. ' POSSIBLY YOU ARE NOT AWARE OP THE PAST TIME AND SUPERB SERVICE Now offered by the 0"rTovP WE HAVE DAILY PAST TRAINS TO THE EAST 2 2 If you cannot tnkc the morning train travel via the evening train. Uoth are finely equipped. "Our Specialties" Fast Time Through Service PULL.MAX PALACE SLEEPERS. PULL-MAX TOURIST SLEEPER&. PULLMAN DIXERS. LIBRARY (CAFE) CAR AND FREE RECLINING CKAIR CARS. Hour In Time Saved to Omnhn, Chienco, Kcnini City, St. 1-onl.t, New York. Ronton, And Otlifr Eastern Points. Tickets good via Salt Lake City and Denver. It Is to your Interest to use THE OVER LAXD ROUTE. Tickets and sleeping-car berths can be secured from GEO. LANG. City Pajsg. and Ticket Agent. J. II. LOTHROP. General Agent, 135 Third St.. Portland. Or. : 1 AN IDEAL HOLIDAY TRIP Have you thought of the Steamer Trip across the "GREAT LAKES"? It com bines the attractive features and benellts of an ocean trip without tho attendant discomforts. Furthermore. It Is less expensive than traveling by rail. The "Imperial Limited." with first-class sleepers from Vancouver, and Tourist Sleepers from Seattle every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, connects with one of the MAGNIFICENT STEAMERS of the C. P Ry. at Fort TVllllam. If you a"re going East we would be glad to give you some facts and information regarding this trip. H. H. ABBOTT. Agnt. E. J. COTLE. 140 Third st.. Portland. A. Q. P. A Vancouver. B. C. TIcktl Office, 263 Harriioa Strcrt. 'Pfwa: 63) LKAVE. No. 4 6.00 P. M. The 3Tyr. dally to ami frost Be PiaU M!nn spolls, Dulutb. Chloefp nj mII points E:. ARRI"E. No. a. 7:03 A M ThrouBh Palace and Tourist Sl-p, Dlaln and Buffet Smoklnc-Llbrary Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN LiNH STEAMSHIP RIOJUN MARU For Japan. China and all Astatic points win leave Seattle About July 18th. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. FOR ALASKA. THE COJtlPArrs elegant steamers queen. Cottage City City of Topeka and Al - K.I leave TACOMA 11 A. M., SE ATTLE 0 P. it.. July 1, 4. 0. 14. 1G. 10. 24. 20. 31; Aug. 3. S. 13. 13. 18. 23. 2J4; Sept. 2, and every xlfth day there after, lor further Informa tion obtain company s folder. The company reserves tho rlsht to change steamers, sailing dates and hours of sailing, without -previous notice AOEXTS N. POSTOtf. 240 Washington at.. Portland. Or.: F. W. CARLETON. X. P. R. R. Dock. Tacoma; H. H. LLOYD, Puget Sound Sunt.: C W. MILLER, Asst. Puget Sound Sunt.. Ocean Dock. Seattle GGOPAiiL. PERKINS &. CO.. Gen. Agts., S. P. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. aflwCTrSOiSuSuMlSKS&vwaRSP1 nniii'M DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN SERVICE. The Pioneer Dlnlnpr and Observatlos Car Iloatc. Leavo Union Depot, etfiaai JSts Arrlv No. 2 2 P.M. North Coast Limited. For Tacoma, beattlo. North Takima. .Spo no. r- 7A.M. kane. Pullman. Mos cow, Lewlston. Rosj land. B C liuttf. Helena. St. Paul. Mm nearMlla. Chlcatro. HoJ- ton. Ner York and alii points East and South eartt. No. 4 II :3a P. M. Twin City Express, for iTacoma, Seattle, Spo No.3 8 P. 1L kane. Helena, uutte. St. Paul. Chlcaso. Ros- ton. New lork. Omaha, Kansas City. Council" niufts. St Louis, and all points eaot and southeast. Through train service v'a Northern Paclflo and Ruritmrtun line rrom Portland to Omara. , Kansas Citv St. Louis. Quick time and un- equaled accommodations. J Take North Coast LlmttO Train No. 2 for South Bend. Olyir.pla and Grav's liaroor j points ifv tho North Coast Limned. Elegant Up hulsfred TourNt Sleeping Car. Piillmn Standard Sleepers. Dtntnc Car and Obsirva I tlon Car. all electric lighted. Solid veslibuled J trains Tlekota olf to all points in the- UiltM j Stale and Canada, and bagan checked tu I rtetl-.atlcn of tic!ets. For ln'orruattfm, ticket, sleeping-car r3 vatlons. etc . call on or vrrlte A. D. CHARLTOM Aitlttant General Pn.'ncnger A Kent, U53 Morrison St.. Cox-. Tlilrd. Portland. Oregon. EAST SOUT I.enve Dsptt FiflS an! ! Stretts Arrive OVERLAND KX PRES? TRAIN3t for ha Ism. Rose burg. Ashland. Sac rkmentc. O g d e n. San Francisco. Mo Jave. Los Angel" El Paso. New Or leans and the Eaat At Woodbiira (dally ercept Sun (2oj). morning train connects with trata for ML. Angel. 511 v e r t o n, Rrowns vllle. Sprtngfleld And Natron, ani evening train for Jit. Angel and SI.- erton. Albany passenger Corvallta passenger Sheridan passenger S:30 P. M. 3:30 A. M. 7:43 A.M. B:S0 P. iL 4:00 tT:30 t:50 P. M A. VI P. II 10:10AS J3-CO P. II. XSiSZ A. M. Dally. Dally except Sunday. Rebate ticket on sale between Portland. Sac. raxnemo and San Franctuco. Net rates fit flnt class and l necond clat, including steeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu. rope. Also JAPAN. CHINA. HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can ba obtained from J. B. KIR1CLAND. Ticket Agent. 140 Third at. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of JeUeraoa Street. Leave for Oswego daily at 7:20. 0:40 A. M-: 1:30. 1:55. 35. t.40. tt23. b.3u, 11:30 P. ii.; and U.OO A. L .n Sunuys only. rrlv xt Portlatwl daily at 0-33, S:20. X0:C0 A. iL; 1:33. 3.10, 4.o0, .15, 7:40, 10.00 P. 2L. 12.4U A. M. dallj. except ilonaaj", 8:3v and 10:05 A. M. on Sundays only. Leve for Dallas dally, except Sunday, ax 5.05 P. M. Arrlvo at Portland at 0:30 A. M. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlie Mon-daj-o. Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:46 P. iL Returns Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER. C. H. MARKHAM. Manager. Gen. Frt. A Pass. Agt. The Favorite Trans-Pacific Passenger Steamer "TACOMA" WU! Sail From Tacoma on or About JULY 23th, for Rates First class. $7ri; Intermediate, $50. For passenger and frelhnt reservations ap ply to DODWELL & COMPANY. Ltd., Telephone Main DC. 232 Oak st. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. LEAVES iFcr Mayrtra. Rainier. ARRIVES UNION UNlOr aatskaoie. Westport. DEPOT. Clifton. Astcrla. War- . DSBOT. rtnton. FUrel. HaxarIrtt 1CC urau, f orx oicveai. Cearhart Park. Seaside. AttofU and Seashcr Express. Dally. Aitorli Exsrssa. Dally, Senshore Express, Saturday only. 11:10 A. M 0:35 P. M. 2:30 P. M 9:40 P. XL 0:40 P. M. Except Saturday. Ticket office. 238 Morrison st. and Union dtpot. J. C MATO. Gen. Pass. Agt.. Astoria. Or. roRCape Nome And Yukon River Points S. S. "OHIO," 3500 Tons Sails from Seattle on or about Aug. 25 Reservations can now bo made upon applica tion to any railroad or sub-agent of tho Intr natlonal Navigation Company, or to EMPIRE TXLAJi'SrORrATlON CO.. SEATTLE, "WASH. WHITE COLLAR LINE BAILEY OATZEP.T (Aider-street Dock) Leaves Portland daily every morning at 1 o clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves As toria every night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Oregon phono Main 351. Columbia phona 331. PRIMARY, SECONDARY OS TERTIARY BLOOD P0IS0.1 Permanently Cured. You can be treated al homo under same guaranty. If you have lakarj mercury, iodide potash, and atill hae aches and pains. Mucous Patches In Mouth, Sola Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body. Hair or Eyebrowa falling out. write COOK REiViEDY CO. 1530 Masonic Temple. Chicago, I1L, tor proofs of cures. Panllal 4Vi(l ivv TV ..nii. ... Tnoa lht4rmtn mum TV. tifivi ita.4 ... .t . cases in 15 to 35 days. lOO-paee Book Frt4, J I UD ?Hp Jo